Thesis Topic 23Chapter 4 free porn video

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Lillian checked once more the paper sheet with the address that Megan gave her. This was definitely the place. Lillian looked at the elegant glass building in front of her. She felt intimidated. She knew that Megan was an event organizer for a marketing firm, but she didn't know that her office was on the business district and that it would be so upscale. She had expected that Megan worked for a more informal firm, after all she had been a porn model.

Lillian approached the building door for the third time, she felt so inadequately dressed to enter the building that she chickened out the first two times. The cutoffs denim shorts barely covered the curve of her ass, and the t-shirt left her navel uncovered, not to mention that it was tight enough to make obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. And the flip flops completed a completely trashy ensemble.

Contemplating her image on the glass door just feed her insecurity, and hesitation. She bit her lower lip and looked around with apprehension. It was almost her appointment time, so she breathed deeply and reuniting all her courage, she entered the building.

The building lobby was really big, and it was mostly empty space; It was probably designed to impress the visitors; just the reception desk and several groups of sits scattered here and there. Some of them were occupied by neatly dressed young men and women. Almost every man was dressed in elegant suits, and most women were wearing blazers and slacks or modest skirts.

Lillian walked to the reception desk. The loud noise that her cheap flip flops made on the marble floor echoed along the big lobby drawing an unwanted attention to herself. She was blushing and looking at the floor She felt so small, and self conscious; everybody else looked so professional and she looked so trashy, and so slutty. She wasn't even wearing underwear, and it was easily noted, specially because her hard nipples were poking thru her sheer top. She was trying her best to reduce the noise of her steps but only managed to look more insecure and out of place. The security guard was eyeing her from afar, probably waiting for the best time to throw her out of the building.

When she reached the reception desk, she leaned on the desk and stood on her toes trying to get the closer to the receptionist as possible, then she tried to talk but only managed to mumble something, her insecurity overwhelming her. The receptionist didn't understand her so she asked politely,

"How can I help you ma'am?"

Lillian should have fell reassured by the kind and respectful treatment but her mind was blocked, overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions, she pulled down her shorts trying to cover her ass better. The cut-offs were so short that barely covered her ass when she was standing normally but standing on her toes and leaning forward as she was, she felt that an inch or so of her ass was on display, increasing her shame; once again she babbled some incoherent words in an almost inaudible voice, she felt the stares of everybody in the large room. The security guard was slowly approaching her and she knew she must say something or the guard would guide her to the exit.

She was bright red and felt like a shy little girl. Normally she would be delighted to be in a place like that. She had always dreamed to have an office in the business district and often had pictured herself entering confidently in buildings not so different from this one, but now she felt mostly afraid. She wanted to run to Megan's apartment or to Tina or even to her trashy cleaning girl job.

She controlled her urge to run away, but it seemed to take all of her will, and her voice escaped her. She tried to think but couldn't come with anything coherent to say. Fortunately the kind receptionist came to her rescue.

"Oh, you must be Lilly. Megan told me you were coming. Don't worry, it is ok for a young high school girl like you to feel intimidated by this office setting. You will feel more comfortable once you are with Megan. You may sit over there, I will call her now".

Then she made a discrete gesture to the security guard who hadn't yet reached the reception desk, and he retired back to his place near the elevators.

Lillian remained sat, constantly fidgeting like a nervous little girl. She did not dare to take her sight from the floor. She didn't want the idea of crossing sights with anybody in the room. She felt so inferior and so stupid.

"They must think I am some kind of bimbo. I dress like a slut and show the intelligence of a rock". She thought shamefully.

She felt so out of place, and so scared; she realized that she would be more at ease in her crappy job or commuting in the subway or in Megan's apartment. She immediately regretted her thoughts and feelings, but they were very real.

It was just a few minutes after closing time, and to Lillian's embarrassment a lot of people came out of the elevators. Many took a peek at her, most with surprise, but some also with lust or despise. She concentrated her sight on the floor even further, still she could hear some giggles, that she didn't dare to verify if they were because of her. She had read the building directory and she knew that several firms shared the building, one of them sounded quite as a recruiting firm, and she felt scared that some college mate could be an intern there.

"What if somebody see me wearing this? What if somebody recognize me later when I ask for a job?", she thought with anguish.

Still, if some classmates had seen this slutty girl, dressed as a daisy dukes wannabe, with her hair tied in a childish ponytail, they wouldn't easily identify her as the always smartly dressed and carefully made up Lillian.

Lillian felt relieved when she finally saw Megan, exiting one elevator. She had been humbly waiting for maybe 20 minutes.

Megan greeted her warmly and soon they were in the elevator traveling up to the 11th floor.

Lillian managed to calm herself during the elevator ride and was relieved to arrive to an empty office. Megan guided her thru the cubicle maze to a meeting room. There were three neatly folded outfits over the meeting table. Megan handed her a bag with underwear.

"Lilly. Peter is getting the studio ready for the shoot. He will photograph you first for the publicity proof of concept. Please wear the jeans outfit first, not quite your style but I bet you will still look very good. Once you are dressed, knock on the next door, there is Johanna, she will do your makeup and hair.".

Lillian looked at the outfit with satisfaction. There were designer brand black jeans and a blue shirt that looked equally expensive and not so different in quality from the casual clothes that she had confined in the storage facility, she longed to put them on, her eyes shining with hope. She knew she will look casual and a bit juvenile but she will be a lot better dressed than any day in the last few weeks. Her thoughts were interrupted by Megan

"And Lilly ... don't forget to put on the underwear"

Lillian blushed at the comment.

"Megan must think that I am a total slut. She hadn't seen the real me", she thought to reassure herself, although she wasn't so sure by then who was the real Lillian.

Half an hour later she was entering the photo studio. She felt more confident now. Johanna had done her makeup in a washed face style, just a light pink lipstick and a little bit of black mascara on her eyelashes. The lipstick color wouldn't have been her choice as it made her look like a young tease, but otherwise she felt satisfied, specially with her hair. Johanna had made a great job styling her long red hair. It was a casual look but it looked wavy, almost like a shampoo commercial. All in all she looked great, like a high school dream girl, she looked beautiful, innocent, but in spite of the modest attire she emanated some kind of restrained sexiness.

"Hi", said Peter. "So you are Lilly, let me tell you that you look just great for the ads!"

Lillian blushed at the compliment. Peter was a forty something white man. He wore kaki pants and an informal black t-shirt, they looked informal but expensive. He was a photography artist and looked relaxed and a little bit hipster. He used his hair in a ponytail in spite of his balding forehead, and portrayed a three days beard. He was smiling and was carrying a professional camera.

Lillian felt nervous, he looked really respectable, like an art professor (which indeed he was), and she felt ashamed that in an hour or so, she will be posing nude for him and Megan. She tried to push aside the idea that he most probably had seen the shameful powerpoint presentation that she made the previous day.

Megan had told Lillian that he once worked for the porno industry, but had successfully switched to marketing photography and thanks to him she got the job at the marketing firm in spite of her "artistic" past. Still it was hard to believe, he was far away from the lecherous stereotype of the porno photographer that she had in her mind.

Peter sensed her nervousness and started making small talk, talking about the weather, music, and even sport teams, while softly reassuring Lillian with nice compliments. He was tactful and respectful and little by little Lillian started to relax and feel her self-confidence return. She hadn't feel this good and this level of respect since all this mess started. After all she was for once neatly dressed and was being treated with respect by Peter.

Lillian was then escorted to the first set, it was just some patch of natural grass surrounded by two walls of green screen. Peter would replace the green screen with some landscape later.

"Ok. You may sit on the grass. Imagine that you are on the high school football field, near the bleaches and you are reading this biology textbook because you have a test the next morning."

Seeing Lillian's tension returning, Peter reassured her, "You can do this Lilly, just relax and forget about the camera, you only need to imagine that you are in some park studying for your next biology exam", them he thought

Lillian breathed, she had never imagined herself as a model. She always considered models as stupid girls that couldn't do a real job, and a real drag for the feminism. But now she decided to try her best, partly because she wanted to get this over as soon as possible, and partly because suddenly it seemed too important to her to get Peter's approval and to really satisfy Peter's expectations.

While she was reflexing, Peter was thinking,

"Maybe remembering school could be painful for a dropout",

So he said. "Lilly, just imagine that you are the best student there, everybody looks up to you and you are both admired and envied"

That completed the spell for Lillian. She quickly remembered her very successful high school and her self-confidence seemed to be growing by the minute.

Peter started shooting at random from several angles. At the beginning Lillian constantly turned to see him, but little by little she immersed herself completely in the activity and the make believe. She felt very happy; she even tried to learn something from the book but it seemed that her attention span was really short these days.

Peter captured her concentrated look, alternated with her constant distractions. Her face and gestures were very important for the shooting. The motto of the campaign that he had planned for the makeup for teenagers was "Emotions", he wanted to say that this makeup didn't hide the personality of the young girls behind a heavy mascara, instead it only remarked their natural beauty while letting their vivid emotions shine thru. His plan was to capture Lillian's emotions in real teenagers situations, and then contrast her photos with mannequins wearing heavy makeup and portrayed in the same situations. The mannequins of course will look all the same one from each other and from one situation to another.

Peter was delighted, Lillian could be a dropout but she seemed to be a good actress because in spite of her distractions she seemed genuinely interested in the text book.

"Ok", Peter thought, "Enough of that emotion, let's go for another one", an then he said,

"Very good Lilly, Now I need you to imagine that I am a boy that you have a crush on. Look at me"

Lilly turned to see him, but with his incipient baldness and his slight beer belly, the photographer wasn't really her type. So her sight didn't show much emotion.

That went not unnoticed by Peter that tried to get more expression from Lillian,

"Come on Lilly, use your imagination.",

Then Megan that had been taking photos from other angles, intervened for the first time, "Lilly, Just think about the last guy that you made love with."

Megan was probably thinking of Mr. Palmer, but Lillian's mind traveled to the subway station earlier that day, images of herself shamelessly sucking Tony's cock invaded her mind making her feel both ashamed and aroused. She looked at Peter, blushed slightly and cast her eyes down in a way that Peter camera expertly captured as the shy flirtation of an infatuated girl.

"Perfect", he said.

She then was sent to change into the next outfit. She put the short pleated skirt, the white blouse and the comfort black shoes. The whole outfit was made to remind the classical school girl uniform, but was not so obviously close to the stereotype, so it could pass as something an authentic high school girl could wear to school. For example, she wasn't wearing any socks, the skirt was of a solid dark blue color and wasn't really that short, it got around mid tight, and the shoes were black but were not so dorky and got a couple of inches heals.

Lillian looked at the mirror as Johanna refreshed her makeup. She knew she would have never dressed like this to go to school, still she felt not so uncomfortable in those clothes. There were still a vast improvement from the clothes that she wore at her arrival. She admitted to herself certain satisfaction by finally looking sexy without looking cheap.

She returned to the studio. This time the green panels and the grass matt had been removed and in the place was arranged to simulate a classroom. There were a few student desks, a teacher desk and even a blackboard.

The room really reminded Lillian of her own classrooms back in high school.

"OK. Lillian, you look great again. Now stand next to the blackboard and copy this math problem from the text book."

Lillian complied and Peter captured her confident look, successful look. She was feeling quite good, and she even left the book aside and started solving the problem, she wanted to impress Peter and change his opinion on her, that she was as Megan had told him a stupid dropout. But before she could finish, Peter interrupted her and said, "Very good Lillian, I have enough of that scene, now go to the teacher's desk and grab the paper on top, imagine that it is your last biology exam, go for it and then return to your desk. Imagine the rest of the desks are full with your classmates. Imagine yourself anxious to know how you did".

Lillian marched to the teacher's desk, she returned her mind to her high school days and imagined her march to the teacher's desk to pick her exam. She knew she had done well, she only needed to know if she was perfect or not. Still she felt apprehension just by that. She picked the exam and saw with satisfaction that it was an A+, with a handwritten note "Excelent!" on top. She felt a wave of pride as she was living it all again. She flashed a proud smile and looked around, as letting the others know how well she went. She carried her "exam" carelessly as she did so many times in high school, trying that somebody noticed the grade and the teacher's note without showing it openly. She put the exam on her desk and reviewed it for a while, mostly to let her neighboring students see it, before storing it under the desk.

When she finished her little act, Peter exclaimed excited, "Wow, what a great performance! We are almost done".

Then Peter directed Lillian to portray the scene in the blackboard and the picking of the exam, this time thinking it was a failure. Unfortunately this time she couldn't get motivation from her own experiences and the acting was becoming fake. Peter was giving constant advice, but he was getting desperate. The photo shooting had been so smooth until then, and he needed the contrasts for this publicity sample to work.

Before things could get out of hand, Megan said, "You are doing great Lilly, we are almost over, wait for us here. Peter and I need to discuss something for a minute".

A puzzled Peter followed Megan to the next room, he didn't know what she had in mind but any help would be welcomed.

A few minutes later Megan and Peter returned. Megan walked to the blackboard and erased the solution to the problem that Lillian had started to write in the blackboard. She also replaced the fake exam with a "C" grade that Lillian was failing to act on.

Then she said, "OK Lilly, hand me your skirt and your panties!".

The phrase left Lillian speechless. She didn't expect it so soon. She wasn't ready for the porno photo session yet, specially not after dressing and behaving like her old... "real" self for the last hour or so. She had indeed put the idea of the nude photos out of her mind during the entire session, negating the reality that she was there for them and not really for this decent modeling job. She started babbling something, then she reunited her composure and said, "Are we already over with the publicity test session?"

Megan didn't answer, she simply extended her hand, "I am waiting slut",

Lillian blushed, ashamed that Megan called her that way in front of Peter. For a moment she tried to stand against Megan and regain some self-respect but she knew she needed the studio photos. Blushing she lowered the zipper of the skirt and then took it off along with her panties. Megan tossed the clothes aside and then said.

"OK. Lilly, You have three minutes to solve the problem on the blackboard, otherwise the photo session is over".

"But why?", said Lillian that was all confused by this and still felt very ashamed to be half naked in front of the respectable Peter.

"Your time is ticking", was Megan's only response. She was intently looking at her watch.

Lillian walked the blackboard, she felt very nervous and self-conscious of her bare ass and bald pussy on display. She tried to solve the problem, a few minutes ago she had thought it was an easy one, just basic algebra, but now her mind was blocked by the adrenalin. Images of herself being in a real classroom dressed as she was flooded her mind. She was becoming aroused, and her nervousness increased as she realized that she was loosing precious time immersing herself in stupid sexual fantasies.

She started writing, but then she erased her attempt of solution and restarted again, blushing at her own incompetence. She didn't know what to do, her mouth was partially opened, cutely reflecting her feelings of perplexity, and then Megan added to her nervousness saying, "1 minute left".

Lilly was in panic mode, she needed to solve the problem otherwise, she probably won't get the photo session. She bit her lower lip, and started dividing and multiplying numbers at random trying to find the answer by proof and error, all the while fantasies of herself half naked in a real classroom, and being mocked by her classmates for her state of undress and her clumsiness invaded her mind, breaking her concentration, arousing her and further clouding her math abilities.

Then Megan voice interrupted her, "OK. Time is over".

Lillian's face of shock and fear was priceless, and Peter captured it with his camera as he had with all her vain attempt to solve the problem.

Megan approached the board and said, "You didn't have a clue, and you even have half of the simple arithmetic operations you attempted wrong".

She looked down ashamed, she wanted to show Peter that she wasn't a dumb slut, but now he was looking at her with an amused smile.

"Don't worry Lilly, we will do the shoot anyway. I didn't really expected for you to solve the problem, I know you can't, I just wanted for you to really try", said Megan.

Lilly was red with shame, but before she could recover Megan said, "Now go to the teacher's desk and get your biology test result"

Lillian marched to the fake teacher desk again, this time however her gait was lacking self-confidence, she was exposing herself for that pair and they looked more amused than anything. Peter was still shooting his camera constantly and that added to her nervousness, but she tried to assure herself that he won't use these photos for his client. She picked the "exam" and turned to see it facing the back of the "classroom".

Lillian blushed, the "exam" was a blank page. It had a big handwritten "F-" in red, and a big printing of a photo of herself tied in the couch blindfolded with her legs spread wide, and her hands tied behind her back. Her pussy was obviously wet and her mouth was partly open. A text in big letters completed the ensemble, "You are not college material, just a dropout slut".

Lillian contemplated the page for a few seconds, her face reflecting defeat as a million thoughts filled her mind. Then she felt suddenly conscious that the sheet contain could be seen by Peter or captured by his camera and instinctively she clenched the paper against her chest and marched to her desk, her red face showing shame and anguish while looking at the floor.

"OK. Wonderful", said Peter to Megan. He was pretty satisfied with the range of emotions that he had achieved to capture from Lilly. If she wasn't trying to enter the porno industry, he would have recommended his client to use these very same photos for the campaign. He would have trouble getting that range of emotions from a model or even an actress.

He was so excited about his work that he had to try.

"Lillian, you were great. I think you can really model, I can get you some shoots, I could even pay you for this one if my client accept the publicity idea, but that won't be possible if you pose for nude photos. If you are doing it for the money, believe me, only a few porno models make good money. If this campaign is aired, I could pay you 5 thousand dollar, maybe even more. And it surely will get you more jobs. So please tell me that you don't want to continue with the shoot?"

Lillian was speechless. On one hand she was emotionally drained, and she wanted to end the session right then, and on the other, she knew she really needed those studio photos. She had made so many sacrifices for them that it would be stupid to give up now that she was so close.

Megan was angry with Peter for stabbing her like that. She really wanted to have Lilly photographed, she wanted her anxious to enter the porno industry. That is where her power over the little sexy thing came from, and she didn't like the idea of Peter helping her get all decent. She liked better the slutty and easily manageable Lilly. She was about to say something when Lilly surprised her by saying.

"I ... I want the shoot ... we are already here you know ... and I almost dressed for the event...", she said blushing at the last phrase, "we can take a few photos for my ... my portfolio and I promise to think about your offer latter"

Peter was surprised, almost every girl that he knew in the porno industry, including Megan, did it for the money, and as soon as they saw a door out they take it. Still he realized the nude session was too risky for his plans. Once she had high quality photos of herself, she could easily sell them in the net. Maybe she was too desperate for the money and couldn't wait, maybe she didn't fully trust him in this.

"Why don't we compromise a little? You give me two weeks, I will try to get you an offer for this shooting, I will try to get at least 10,000 USD for it, and if I fail or if you still prefer the pornography portfolio, well ... then we shoot it".

Lillian's mind spun for a moment, "$10,000! That's a lot of money, I could maybe make more modeling than working in my professional field!", but then she tried to remain focused, "but that is uncertain, and modeling is not my planned life, and if I don't bring those photos to Ms. Barbara, I will fail my thesis and I could be accused of academic fraud and...", for the first time she realized the potential financial consequences of an academic fraud accusation. She will stop receiving money from her trust fund, and she will have to start paying for her scholarship, but without the possibility of a professional job and without the help of her trust fund it would be very hard.

"No, it won't happen. I will save my thesis and show everybody that I am a successful girl and...", Lillian continued mussing, she was confused and tried to find a way to go along with the shoot while saving some face and keeping the modeling opportunity open. The idea of having that kind of income was pretty attractive, even if it was just once, it would help her regain her independence from Karen and Megan.

Megan was also thinking. She felt disappointed and divided. She really wanted to photograph Lillian, and keep controlling her. The last few days had been a real rush for her, but she also have a debt with Peter, he was her friend, her mentor and she owed him her job. She must support Peter, but she decided to have some fun in the process, she will impress her mentor, and she still have some little hope.

Before Lillian could come with an answer, Megan said. "OK Lilly, this modeling career could be a chance for you. Maybe you should take Peter's offer, but you must decide right now. If we proceed with the porno portfolio, Peter could not risk to use you in any publicity, because a nude photo of you could pop up at anytime in the future damaging the image of Peter's clients."

Peter smiled discretely at this. He knew that Megan was a bisexual, and he sensed that she had something going on with that girl, still she was being loyal to him. He decided to return the favor.

"Listen Lilly, maybe we can take some nude photos of yours, but I will keep them for three weeks, you won't have a copy during that time. That way there is no risk that the photos end in the wrong hands before I am able to make you a proposal. How does it sound to you?"

Lillian felt the floor opening below her feet.

"I need the photos tomorrow, or they will be useless, and I deserve to have them, I deserve to save my career after all the sacrifices I had made", she thought and before she could plan something smart to say she blurted out:

"I can't wait for three weeks". She blushed at her own eagerness.

Megan hid a smile, she had hoped something like this. She suspected that Lillian had promised the photos to a boyfriend, or to her lecherous boss. Or maybe her boss or somebody else was blackmailing her someway. She really didn't care too much, as long as she got this power over Lilly.

Megan then realized that her fun could end with the photo session as Lillian was going to get what she wanted, she decided to go for the killing, as she really didn't have much to lose.

"OK Lilly, I see that you really want to have these photos in your hands now, but this could be a life turning decision for you. If we proceed with the session and I give you the photos as we said before, it will close the doors for any serious modeling job to you, so you will be completely committed to make a career in the porno industry"

Peter realized the manipulation by closing Lillian's options to these two, but he considered that Megan was making another attempt to support him.

Megan continued, "Karen and I could not support you forever, so if you decide to go to the porno, you must agree that I have half the rights of your portfolio and a release form signed, just in case I want to promote you."

Lillian was getting ditzy at all this talk, but oddly she was also getting horny.

"And let me tell you something, I don't want to disappoint you but there is not much demand for glamour photos, the real money is in the kinky stuff. So if you are serious about a porno career, we better make a more advanced portfolio, I think some bondage sex will do the trick"

Lillian was speechless and blushing red. Megan was pretty confident of her strategy, but she sensed that Lillian felt ashamed having this conversation in front of Peter and she could still back off because of it. So she said

"Don't say anything, you need to give this a serious thought. She approached one of the student desks of the studio and put Lillian's skirt and panties over it, then pulled a few things of her handbag and put them in another desk. There was a pair of handcuffs with their keys, a neck chain, a pen and a generic release form, she filled the blanks with her name, and a rough description of the pornographic nature of the shooting.

Megan continued, "Peter and I will go to the meeting room over there. We will wait 10 minutes for you to take your decision. If you want to be a nice and decent publicity model, you will put on your skirt and panties and destroy the release form. If you decide so, you may keep the outfits that you wore for Peter's session, so you start building a decent wardrobe; otherwise, if you feel the need to be slutty and pursue a porno career, you will take off the rest of your clothes, you will fill your complete name in the release form and sign it, and then you will hang both cuffs keys in the neck chain and put it on, then you will cuff your ankles together, your hands behind your back and wait for us on your knees."

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Course 8 / Day 1: Course Progress Meeting Josephine: All the team are briefed for today's activities for the new Course 8 intake. There are five this time and they will arrive at the Centre around 19:00. Jenny's Recollections Joe's been gone for a couple of week. I've been working hard to prepare myself but now I'm sitting on the edge of the couch in the lounge at home staring at the papers I have just printed. I'm biting my lip and twisting a strand of hair between my fingers....

2 years ago
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ThesisChapter 7 Admissions Procedure

Course 8 / Day 1 Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Josephine: Fifty was somewhat surprised by her session with Celia after her admission, but took her initial challenge without protest. There is every sign is that she will quickly adapt to the Inward Bound regime. Jenny's Recollections We are taken into a rather well-appointed dining room. Our group of five is shown towards a separate table just for us. There are place cards at each seat with our names on. Mine has the...

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ThesisChapter 9 Bad Hair Day

Course 8 / Day 2: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Fifty will be a stretched by her encounters today. Everyone, please be aware of this, if you have any contact with her after her sessions this morning or afternoon, please refer to Gerry or Celia in order to check on how her sessions went. Jenny's Recollections I've got over the exercise session and I've finished breakfast. Jo appears. I'm handcuffed and taken out of my room. As I am led through the building I see...

3 years ago
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ThesisChapter 10 Piercing Questions

Course 8 / Day 2: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: When Gerry has finished with Fifty, she has a session booked with Celia. This is likely to challenge Fifty more than anything else so far. Jenny's Recollections It is not long after my visit to Gerry. After my coffee, they handcuffed my hands behind me and put me back in my cell. Now an escort comes. He links my wrist cuffs together and I am taken to a new room. It smells antiseptic and very clean. The floor is...

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ThesisChapter 11 Why Weight

Course 8 / Day 3: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: She coped well with her initial work programme yesterday. No concerns so far, but of course little has been done to stretch her beyond her treatment on arrival and her shaving / piercing sessions, which she managed to get through without more than expected levels of distress. The exercise training regime continues today to increase her level of fitness. Jenny's Recollections At the start of today, I'm feeling...

2 years ago
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ThesisChapter 12 Ylena Zhukova

Course 8 / Day 4: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Fifty expects corporal punishment to form part of her experience and Ylena has proposed an introductory session today. We will also let her have the first of her e-mail sessions. Jenny's Recollections I am in my room. My cell. An escort comes for me. When I stand, she smiles and places a broad leather belt around my waist. My hands are cuffed to the belt behind my back and then I'm plunged into a sweet musky darkness...

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ThesisChapter 13 Is There Life After Housework

Course 8 / Day 5: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Fifty is showing reasonable progress with her work and slave training sessions and seems to be reconciled to being naked, pierced and shaved. Gerry, Ylena and Celia all report her responses are satisfactory and she seems to have settled into accommodation without difficulty. Introductory sessions have established her discipline programme, so we intend to continue with planned training / experience regime. Jenny's...

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ThesisChapter 14 How To Be A Gardener

Course 8 / Day 6: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Time for Fifty to start getting involved in some outdoor activities and help with preparations for the garden party. Jenny's Recollections I am waking up early and feeling refreshed these days. I guess the (very) regular hours with nothing in the way of normal household or occupational responsibilities must be good for me, and but today it's rather before the usual time (as far as I can tell) when the shutter goes...

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ThesisChapter 15 The Garden Party

Course 8 / Day 6: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: No reason why Fifty should not be involved in today's "open day". Her basic skills are sufficient for any of the service tasks envisaged for supporting the day, rather than any of the tasks for which we will use the more experienced, second-course trainees. Everyone is set up to let the people from Clegg Enterprises to see what we're doing with their investment. Jenny's Recollections Actually, now that I come to...

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ThesisChapter 16 Getting What She Came For

FCE Internal Memo: Confidential: Elly to Larry Freddie and I have just discussed the team's views after the Inward Bound event. We are all very impressed with what has been achieved. The infrastructure and investment are both very much in order, but the crucial issue is the quality and (in this case) the originality of the staff and that's excellent. All in all, our visit confirms the feelings expressed at the Board Meeting: this is a very important initiative and we are happy to do what...

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ThesisChapter 17 The Tattooing Incident

Course 8 / Day 15: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: At yesterday's review we agreed that Fifty was ready for her next experience. Charlotte has agreed to mentor her through this with Jonathan providing the technical input. We have scheduled Fifty's tattooing for today, assuming she consents as we anticipate. It worked well for those on the last course, and like them, we expect this will help Fifty to confront issues of trust and the need to surrender to her new slave...

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ThesisChapter 19 Sex And The Single Girl

Course 8 / Day 26: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: The shibari demonstration that Ylena provided gave us the chance to explore Fifty's response to bondage. In common with her other reactions she was quick to sink herself in the experience and further shibari sessions could be beneficial. Overnight surveillance has also shown Jenny helps herself off to sleep by masturbation. It is probably time to start helping her to explore her sexual boundaries and the idea of being...

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ThesisChapter 20 The Problem With Research

Course 8 / Day 27: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: I conducted an informal progress review with Fifty this pm. I'm pleased overall with her progress. After worries early on as to how well she would respond to obedience training (given her initial presentation when she started the course), I consider that those issues need no longer give concern. Fifty appears comfortable (or at least acquiesces) with the regime and her expectations from the course seem to be being met....

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ThesisChapter 22 Extraordinary Rendition

Memorandum From: Jo To: Corinne Subject: Fifty "Rendition" Corinne, I don't know what the hell is going on and I want to put on my file my concerns. Whoever these people are, I can't see that they should be able to do this. I'll accept your assurances that this is all being done legally and that it has nothing to do with the suspicions about Fifty's activities here, but I want it to be very clear that myself, and the rest of the other staff are unhappy with this situation....

4 years ago
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ThesisChapter 23 An Uncertain Future

Inward Bound Files Memo From: Jo & Charlotte To: Corinne Jo and I are writing this because of our continuing concerns over the recent incident with Jenny McEwan. While you may have received reassurances from the US authorities or whoever it is that this is all being done legally, we are both concerned that this organisation owes a duty of care to McEwan. We should be actively trying to either gain her release or be confident that these people have acted completely within the...

3 years ago
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ThesisChapter 25 Helping Others

Course 8 / Day 46: Corinne's mobile rings: "Corinne? It's Larry. I've got some good news at last. It seems the Americans have 'eliminated McEwan from their enquiries' and she's on her way back to you. Can you tell the others?" "Larry, that's a relief," Corinne responds "Yes, I'll tell the others right now — and thank your contacts for all their help. Are we ever going to get something approaching an apology for all this turmoil?" "Er, well I wouldn't hold your breath....

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ThesisChapter 26 Ive Got You Under My Skin

MEMO (Confidential) From: Jo and Charlotte To: Corinne Charlotte and I agree: we have to talk through this business. The good news is that Fifty seems to be coming round, so to speak, with no sign of damaging after effects. One thing bothering us is that no one can have failed to notice the whip marks on her back, bum and legs. This does not look like some ham fisted interrogation beating. It looks exactly as though it has been done with erotic intent. Ylena would have been proud of it. If...

1 year ago
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ThesisChapter 27 Seeking Perfection

Course 8 / Day 48: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: My aim with Fifty was that on her return she should be reintegrated into the course as quickly as possible. There are still eight days before she completes the course and the time needs to be used effectively to minimise any detrimental impact of the "rendition" fiasco as far as possible. Anyway it is time for her to try to put what she has learned into practice in a more integrated way. Jenny's Recollections It's...

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ThesisChapter 28 A New Beginning

Course 8 / Day 56: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Fifty will complete her first course with us today. We can expect that she will need some level of ongoing support following her return to normality especially after her experiences with the rendition. Please direct any support request calls from Fifty personally to me or Charlotte for at least the coming 8 weeks. Jenny's Recollections: It's the end of final day of the course. There are sorrowful goodbyes at the...

1 year ago
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ThesisChapter 2

The proposal was approved. Professor Adam was quite happy with it. It involved spending August and January in Queensland. I'd devote summer 1995 to something and then autumn back in Sydney. I invested several hundred dollars in getting the 4x4 a complete overhaul and new tyres. The first week in July I drove to Mitchell via a circuitous inland route. Sydney to Dubbo to Bourke to Charleville to home. I stayed two nights in Dubbo, spending a cool, damp day at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo. In...

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ThesisChapter 3

I fell into a sort of routine. After the first few days, I'd stay up late in order to collect crepuscular and nocturnal samples. Then I spent a few days getting up at or just before dawn – which yielded nothing new. Dusk and dawn were the same to the ants. I looked near the creek, where it was damp. Carpenters favor rotting trees, tree stumps, disintegrating tree roots, or any moist areas previously excavated by other insects, such as termites. After 10 days, I relocated a few klicks west,...

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Tim And Abbie 42 Three conversations One topic

After all six celebrating Tim’s promotion, they all gather together again a couple of days later.  It is the first Thursday suppers at Tim and Abbie’s home.  Dinner fixed by Tim is delicious, and they were having a wonderful time enjoying the food and conversation.During dinner, Tim turns to Abbie and says, “Honey, Microga is having a reception and then dinner tomorrow night to formally acknowledge my new position.  We will have time to come home and change before it.”Abbie says nothing in...

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Reddit IfYouHadToPickOne, r/IfYouHadToPickOne! When you look at pictures of gorgeous women, do you often like to pick your favorites? Like a chick, you’d most likely take for a ride or whatever the fuck? Well, I think that that nicely explains what r/Ifyouhadtopickone/ subreddit is all about. However, there is obviously a lot more to this subreddit than just that one sentence, and I shall explain it all.First of all, Reddit is a free site. Other than r/Ifyouhadtopickone/ subreddit, there are...

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A personal rant on 2 hot topics

man i hate it when guys who want it (bi sex) but are very loud against it. i always break them down once they trust me hahai have so many irl closet bi's i made comfortable enough to share the truth with me. their storys are so hot, maybe hotter than the ones who are OUT. the closets are so tabooo about it. ha. so cute. so sexy.i almost did get this one guy to not only let me do him, , but he said he would arrange for a guy to join us and suck his cock though i KNOW he wanted the guy to fuck...

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USAmericana Hot Topics

What I'd not expected was a curvaceous, corseted, gorgeous goth to be bouncing up and down on my cock while moaning in delight. Perhaps I should explain. There'd been a number of changes at the mall, most of which involved invoking the various 'unmasked gods' that had taken charge of 'USAmerican' culture over the last few years (there'd been a 'Paradigm Shift' or something like that, so they'd apparently decided it was time to come out into the world). Wealth, god of wealth and...

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Faulty Handcuffs Part II

A week passed before Megan heard from Alan again. It had seemed like a long time but she used the memories of that afternoon to help her get through those seven long days. The memories had also helped her through her periods of guilt. She loved Denny, he was a good husband, a ‘diamond’ she often called him, but he could never compete with Alan sexually, never give her the experience that he had given her. It was not just the physical sex, it was also the feeling of enforced submission, the...

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A low buzz filled the restaurant, accompanied by the clink of silverware against bone china plates. Todd stood by at the end of the bar to survey the tables, but, more importantly, to watch the hostess and the doorway beyond. The hostess was a sight to behold with black slacks that outlined her hips and ass tight enough to show a gap between her thighs. Her loose blouse billowed around her body. He smirked when she turned to guide a guest. A long, V-shaped cut in the center of her...

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I know what she wanted. I had ideas, but no proof. Clearly I wasn't giving her what she needed as a big, beautiful woman and I'd witnessed first hand the size of the dildos she can fit in her pussy. She confessed as I was sticking my four inches hard into her pussy, making her beautiful, white arse bounce and glisten in the candle light. 'What's the biggest you've had?' I'd asked, turned on by the idea of her being fucked by a big fat cock. Hell, if mine was causing her some stimulation;...

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Surprise your mother was a slut

She missed her, it had been two years, 256 days and after looking at her watch 2 hours and 26 minutes since Gabby had said her good byes in the hospital - Gabby was too young to lose a parent and resented it. Deep down she was annoyed when Mother’s Day came along and would walk into her local supermarket and see an entire aisle of flowers, plants, cards and other paraphernalia which made her shout expletives in her head ‘WHAT ABOUT ME, I DON’T HAVE A FUCKING MOTHER’, it was unfair and at 20...

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My sister catches me and then wants to join in

Back in those good ol' days of Rock 'n' Roll I swear that we played our music louder -- even louder, than we do now. Perhaps that was just because I in particular couldn't afford decent earphones but whatever the reason, we'd turn the sound up high enough to rattle the roofs and windows -- and then wonder why it was that we all had troubles with our hearing years later!But in those days of the 1970s and onwards we were happy doing 'our thing' whenever we had freedom to do so. I had my...

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Angels Initiation ch1

By: S. Stevenson I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. ***** Scott was reading by the fireplace as Angel finished with the chores in the kitchen. Angel was deep in thought, again. She liked to think things out. She is also a bit of a "worry wart" when she lets her insecurities get the better of her. Angel also likes to be prepared for whatever may be asked of her. It...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 4

"Oh, my!" exclaimed Penny in wonder. "Yes," Muriel affirmed, "So she then called the Security guards, and ordered them to deport Bert for attacking Colony personnel. Bert's boss had seen the whole confrontation, and confirmed that Bert did the attacking. He was gone by the next day, and our marriage was automatically annulled for that reason. "Gloria had to go to the Admin Department to sort out our housing situation, as the house was in Bert's name, and there she met John. It was...

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My Sweet Sister Part 1

My sweet virgin sister, Jackie. The light brown curls that draped down to her back smelled like strawberry conditioner. Her eyes were just like green emeralds that blinded you when she starred at you. Jackie's full pink lips made you think "How would those lips taste?" Her small juicy breasts were a tasty B cup. She had beautiful legs and I loved it when she wore shorts. I, somehow, knew that my gorgeous sister was untouched. She was a shy girl, though she was stunning she has avoided...

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Apartment with three The Apartment series chapter 3

Soft kisses wake me from my slumber, tingles instantly rushing over my skin as his soft lips make their way along my shoulders before travelling down my back at a deliciously slow pace, I can’t help but moan at the sensation. “Mmmm, good morning,” I whisper softly. I hear his soft laughter and my heart instantly melts God, I am in way too deep with this man. “Morning sleeping beauty, did I wake you from a naughty dream perhaps?” he asks and I laugh delicately, turning round to face him. Tim...

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On Bloodhounds and Not Falling in LoveChapter 4

Jack woke to a giggle fit and a tremor of the tent wall. He opened his eyes and saw his daughter and granddaughter next to him, both of course buck naked. Katy seemed wedged upside down in her mother’s mostly unzipped sleeping bag, her long lithe legs waving over Keryl’s face. Keryl looked pained, then whimpered, then adjusted her body in the bag. She sighed, then took a few licks and nibbled at the smooth, creamy thigh suspended near her face. Then she noticed her father looking on with a...

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It Happened one sunny afternoon Part 3

One morning at the breakfast table Jackie and Tom were discussing their sex life. Well said Tom, Still no sign of my extra lady? No we still have not hooked up on the same shifts said Jackie. Been waiting a while now said Tom. Yes I know replied Jackie. But I have been having some thoughts about it, and as I am anxious for a return bout with George I have an Idea. Go on said Tom. Well you know Mary next door? Yes said Tom a little anxious. Well I know you fancy her I see the way you look at her...

Erotic Fiction
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My biography part 3

Part 3, ventures into swinging.Writing this’s biography has been a fascinating experience. Many of these events, all which took place about forty years ago, lay dormant in my mind. Until I met Master Chuck, no one had ever thought to ask me about my past and how I came to be what I am today. I plan on explaining why I chose to share my story another time. It has dredged up all sorts of feelings- good, and bad. I will tell you, dear reader, that explaining this has also caused me to be very...

2 years ago
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Two Broken RoadsChapter 4

Sunday was typical of the previous several. We went to Sunday school first so Laura and the girls could start to form some relationships with other members, then to the worship service. We had lunch with Sarah and Bobby, then back to our place for a few hours. Late afternoon was typical of any family spending time together. It felt so normal. I was more content than I can ever remember. But I had plans to make, and little conspiracies to form. I was able to pull Sarah aside to get her on...

3 years ago
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Coward Little Housewife 8211 Part 3 Anal Sex

This is a fiction story, so enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fit body, slender legs, especially curved thighs especially thicker than normal. Firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. When Puru was finished he pulled his dick out, kissed me full mouth and said, “What’s a problem in releasing inside, you’ll get pregnant? What’s bad in that? You’ll get pregnant by me and my kid will definitely be having a dick like...

3 years ago
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Simpson Shower

Homer turned on the water then waited a moment for the water to warm up. Then he stepped into the shower sighing as it flowed down his back. There was nothing like a nice hot shower after a long days work at the power plant to help him relax. Especially since he had to go to his wifes sisters house that night.Not that he had anything against his wife’s older sisters Selma and Patty yeah not much it’s just that he hated the way the two of them treated him and he could think of a lot of things...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 253

A teacher asks her class, 'If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?' She calls on little Louie. He replies, 'None, they will all fly away with the first gunshot.' The teacher replies, 'The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking.' Then little Louie says, 'I have a question for YOU.' There are 3 women sitting on a bench having ice cream: One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is...

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Relaxing Ride Chapter 1

Relaxing Ride Ch. 1 F/f       by Dudetodude ©       Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Please do not copy or distribute this story without my permission. This is a story involving sex between a middle aged and a 21 year old woman. This is a subject near and dear to me. If anyone has any lesbian stories involving age differences, I would appreciate reading them.       * * * * * I was invited to spend a few days at my older brother’s condo in Florida with his wife and my niece and...

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Saali 8211 Aadhi Gharwali

Hi to all . Mannu fron Gorakhpur .You all had read my stories and I got lot of mails from readers . Out of those few were willing to go for a wild & hard sex , but they don’t have confidence on themself to move ahead with there feelings or even get wild on net . I fail to understand , why they write mails , if they don’t want to enjoy their feelings . Anyway , this is again a new story Plz do share true feelings on As in my views AGE , STATUS and CAST doesn’t matter in LOVE , FRIENDSHIP AND IN...

1 year ago
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Twin Sisters Lori Sue

When you're poor, white and live among the Mexican Americans in LA, you're already at the bottom. Mom says dad is dead, but we all know he ran off when I was born 16 years ago and the twins are two years older than me. Public Housing in Los Angelus is a good place to live, but your inside the Gang Zone. The LAPD sends two squad cars many times and each car has two cops, safety in numbers. Mom worked at MacDonald's we were moving nowhere fast. There would be no College, no future for us. I...

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Flowers for Alison

Flowers for Alison Dear Diary, I cant believe I got picked! I'm so excited, I could just .... but I guess I need to back up a bit, since these entries will be read by the docs, I better start at the beginning, and introduce myself. I'm Alison Charles, and I'm getting too close to fifty years old. Oh yeh, I'm also transgendered. Girl brain stuck in male body, and brother, it sucks, big time. Especially since I would never pass well enough to transition. Which is why I...

3 years ago
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Planning Revenge

This is a continuation of the story Pleasure and Pain, to fully understand this story it is recommended that you read the previous story. The morning after their sordid little affair. The girls awaken entwined in each others arms and legs naked and still covered in cum from the prior nights fantastic escapades. Meg opens her eyes and finds herself still in the arms of Alana. 24 hours ago she was seriously thinking about killing or at least severely hurting this woman for ignoring 20 years of...

2 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 23

With the baby's arrival we were quite pleased that we had our own rooms at the back of the house and furthest from the nursery. She was a good baby, smiley and seldom crying, but she still needed feeding during the night. This meant she woke up about two or three in the morning and made sure she was heard. As the room converted to the nursery was at the other end of the upstairs corridor and since like most teenagers we slept soundly, she hardly ever disturbed us. Since Isa was breast...

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Chastity To Slutness 8211 Part 3

I sat on bed and then my eyes moved on my mother turned wife. She was nude like me. There was no use of covering her now. Waiter has watched her nudity while I was in bathroom. He might have touched her also. ” sir, you have a very nice cock and very lovely and beautiful wife. ” He said clearly and aloud. But my mother was in deep sleep. I felt happy and proud of having such a lovely lady with me. While drinking tea I moved my hand on her breast and squeezed softly. ” thanks, yes she is very...


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