Thesis Topic 23Chapter 7 free porn video

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Sunday morning Lillian woke up in Megan and Karen's apartment. She was still wearing Megan's little yellow dress. It was all creased and bunched around her waist letting her beautiful ass in full display. She had a serious hangover, she didn't drink that much but she wasn't used to alcohol, and the mix of different kind of beverages almost without eating, maximized the effect of the alcohol in her blood and her stomach.

Her headache made it difficult to concentrate. She tried to remember how she got home the previous night, and the scattered memories came little by little to her fogged mind. Mr. Palmer and his pals leaved soon after using her, and a little later Tim, the Dark Horse manager, seeing that she was drunk and smelled of sex, and all in all was in no shape to continue working, dismissed her after paying her $20. He was even kind enough to get her a taxi, after all she was a cute girl and had helped him to keep a very important customer happy, as a matter of fact Mr. Palmer left him a generous tip before leaving. Tim was indeed so satisfied with Lillian's weird performance that he handed the girl a business card and said

"If you need a job, even for a night, don't hesitate to call me"

That memory pulled Lillian from her stupor, and in panic she looked around for the card and after a few desperate seconds she found it over the little table beside the couch. She breathed more at ease. She didn't want Megan to know anything about the Dark Horse or her shameful behavior there. She grabbed the card and returned to lay down on the couch. She closed her eyes tightly while crushing the card in her fist like trying with that gesture to erase the memories; one thing she knew for sure, she didn't want to see John, Sam or Mr. Palmer again in her life, she just couldn't face any of them after her shameful behavior.

The only positive was that after paying the taxi cab to return home, she still had $240 USD.

"I made it", she thought, trying to convince herself of her little victory.

But she was still apprehensive, she will not be at ease until she had in her hands all the money needed to pay her blackmailer. She knew Karen will take care of that, but she will be on the edge until Karen gave her the money for her stuff and paid her the $200 that she promised for keeping her wardrobe definitely.

Another thing about the money kept her nervous and edgy. It was the shameful origin of this money, but she tried to keep that idea out of her mind.

Trying to find something to distract her, she looked around for the shoes that Megan lent her the night before, but they were nowhere to be seen. She tried to remember what had happened to them, but the only fact that she could extract from her ached mind was that she had arrived to the apartment barefoot.

She then listened to Megan, who was talking on the phone in her own room. Lillian blushed ashamed,

"What will Megan think of me when she realizes that I lost the shoes and the underwear that she lent me. It surely will only reinforce her idea that I am slut and a bimbo."

She thought bitterly while trying to fight the thought that she was all that indeed.

She decided to do something to stop thinking, but as she left the couch, she realized with shame that her pussy and ass had leaked semen during the night, and there were now two little, but clearly visible stains adorning the couch.

"oh, no!, Could this get worse?", she thought.

She heard Megan finishing her phone conversation, and she hesitated about what to do, but she was sure of one thing. She didn't want to talk with Megan right then.

She looked around for something to cover the stains on the couch, and out of desperation she took off her dress and put it over the stains.

She wanted desperately to take a shower, maybe if she stopped smelling like a whore she could put all those awful memories aside. She ran to the bathroom; she could feel each of her heartbeats pounding her head like a hammer; she promised herself to never drink again.

A minute later she was finally under the shower. She stood there until she ran out of warm water. She had to scrub herself really hard to get all the crusted semen out of her skin. In fact most of her skin was red by the time she had finished.

She could not believe what she had done. In just one day, she had sucked the cocks of 4 different men, she also let John Wallace fuck her doggy style, and that bastard of Mr. Palmer had fucked her in the ass. But the most shameful of her memories were her own orgasms under those degrading circumstances.

As she closed her eyes under the warm water, Images of her shameful day flashed randomly on her mind. Memories of her failure at the job interview mixed with her humiliating "love-making" with Megan, and then were replaced by Patricia's despiteful smirk as she found her hidden naked behind the couch in Mr. Bruce Taylor office. She shivered and tried to shake that image out of her head, but only to find it replaced by memories of herself knelt naked and sucking Sam's cock.

For a moment she realized that she didn't even know Sam's last name, which lead her to a new memory, this time of her new humiliating photos in the internet; she could not avoid to think that she had the semen of eight different men all over her body the day before. And she didn't even know the names of the four kids that threw their cum filled condoms over her body.

All in all she had made 9 people come that dreading day. 8 men and 1 women.

"I can't believe it", she thought bitterly, "What did I become?"

But then she corrected herself, "I am becoming nothing. It is just a part that I am playing. Like an actress or something. I am just a very determined girl, willing to do anything to get my goals. I am brave, that's all."

She walked back to the living room, looking for something to put on to regain a little bit of normality, and trying with the change of scenery to change her train of thoughts but still she could not avoid to think that having sex with 5 different people of both sexes in just one day was something that no one that she could think of would do, not even the worst sluts that she had met in high school or college, not even probably those girls in the porno sites, at least not the tame ones. Well probably just the whores would do it.

That last thought made her blush deeply, specially as she saw the bills resting in the little table besides the couch. Still naked and hearing Megan in the kitchen, she took the bills with trembling hands and out of instinct she smelled them, like trying to decide if there were the fruit of her tips, or if they were the payment for the sex she had with four men the day before.

She felt a tingle in her pussy, and could not avoid to clench the bills against her nude breasts. She shivered with embarrassment and arousal.

She heard Megan's voice singing in the kitchen and she felt her embarrassment triple, it was as if Megan knew what she was doing, but it was just a feeling, because Megan was busy coking.

Lillian wanted desperately to dress herself. She tried to open the trunk with her clothes but it was locked, then she looked for Megan's yellow dress but it wasn't on the couch anymore.

She blushed with shame and rage; she will have to put on with Megan's stupid rules of nudity once more.

Reluctantly she walked to the kitchen.

"Morning Sleepy head!", said Megan cheerfully.

"Morning ", said Lillian, her low voice sounded like an angry teenager trying unsuccessfully to conceal her rage from her parents.

Megan ignored the tone and said

"Do you have a hangover?"

Lillian merely rolled her eyes.

"I thought so", said Megan who handed her a glass filled with a red substance. It looked like tomato juice but was way more dense.

Lillian looked at the glass doubtfully.

"Just drink it. It will help you. You may trust me, I have a lot of experience in that area"

Lillian started giving little sips to the juice, and it wasn't as hideous as it looked. To her surprise when she was a little more than halfway thru she noticed that her head had stopped pounding and the noises around were way more bearable.

By the time she finished the glass, she was ready to eat the meal that Megan had served her in a plate.

As she felt better she started to feel also more self-conscious to be eating naked in front of the fully dressed Megan. They started to make some small talk as they ate, at some point Megan asked how was her night, but Lillian evaded the question and continued talking about the laundry and other stupid little things.

The ring of the doorbell almost gave Lillian a heart attack; before she could do or say anything Megan marched to the apartment door and let somebody in. Lillian crouched by the kitchen door, trying desperately to hide, and hopping that the guest would leave soon.

She could hear Peter's voice in the living room. Talking and laughing along Megan. Then she felt her heart stop as Megan said.

"Come on join us, we were eating right now"

Lillian tried to make a dash to the bathroom, but she practically crashed with Peter and Megan that were entering the kitchen.

"No need to be shy Lilly. Peter knows about your habit of being nude in the apartment, and he already saw the whole you, don't you remember the photo session"

Lillian blushed, she was trapped as the pair was blocking the Kitchen door. For a moment she just stood there, like trying to decide what to do, but Peter broke the awkward moment.

"Hi Lilly! It's good to see you again"

"Hi ", said Lillian shyly and looking at the floor. She was about to extend her hand, but he approached her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, which felt awkward because she was fully nude and he was of course dressed.

Lillian returned reluctantly to her sit on the table. The worst was that her nipples were pretty hard, and her denuded pussy couldn't hide her arousal.

Megan put a plate in Peter's place and they started eating. Peter and Megan were talking animatedly of some event they were preparing in the office, while Lillian's eyes seemed glued to her own plate. She didn't dare to look any of them in the eye.

"Peter must have the worst image of me. He must think I am a complete slut. If he only could get to know the real me, to know that I am not like this, I am not a slut who wants to be naked in front of people she barely knows...", Lillian thought bitterly.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Megan's voice.

"Ok, Peter it is enough of work talk. It is Sunday and we are boring Lillian to death. As a matter of fact Lilly was starting to tell me about her Saturday night. Don't You?"

"er ... it was nothing ... well ... I just worked ... and get back home ... it was a pretty normal night...", she said looking down, and very insecure of herself.

Megan laughed out loud, much to Lillian's embarrassment. She was blushing red.

When Megan finally calmed down enough to talk, she said to Peter

"Lilly needed some money yesterday, so I asked Bruce a favor to employ her at the Ambassador, unfortunately there were other candidates and she didn't make the cut, so Bruce recommended her with Tim of the Dark Horse, so the last I knew was that she went to work there.

Now, our little Lilly, must be proud of herself, she not only made the money that she wanted, but she surely had a lot of fun during or after work.

She arrived home at 3:00AM; she was pretty drunk and smelling of spunk a mile away. Somehow, as a good slut, she managed to lose the underwear and shoes that I borrowed her, and she even must have had pretty wild sex because both of her holes were dripping semen and her tits were also pretty smeared".

Lillian was blushing bright red, she could not even talk. A few days ago, during the first stage of the photo session, she had earned Peter's respect. He even proposed her a serious modeling career. She knew she had destroyed her reputation for him since the rest of the photo session, but today it was even worse.

"Now he knows I am even sluttier outside the studio.", she thought bitterly.

"Cat got your tongue?", said Megan amused, "at least answer our questions, but remember, I could get to know the true, I have friends in both places, so you better be sincere or I would know and it could have consequences"

In spite of the threat Megan's attitude was mostly playful, however Lillian could not avoid to feel certain fear for what Megan could do. If she used the release form to sell her porn session photos, that could haunt her for the rest of her life. She tried not to think much in the photos that she had posted on her amateur site, even some that showed her face.

"It is a low traffic site compared with professional ones, I could make a discrete legal action to have my photos pulled from the site still, and even if that wasn't possible I could still deny that it is me if someone finds out", she still shivered remembering that her little post had more than 4000 hits, if she knew that her photos were already widespread in a bunch of sites, and that it would be impossible to pull them from the internet at this point, she could possible feel more desperate and hornier.

Megan was oblivious to Lillian's thoughts, and she continued the interrogatory.

"Did you have sex at the Dark Horse?"

Lillian nodded

"With customers that you were serving?"

Lillian nodded again, it seemed that her face couldn't turn redder or her nipples harder.

"With how many men did you have sex at the dark horse?"

"Three", came the almost inaudible answer.

"That's my slut. With more than one at once?", said Megan.


"Ok. And they tipped you before they have sex with you or after"

Lillian didn't like the path that question will lead, but she answered anyway.


"So they practically paid you for sex", said Megan with a bright smile.

"No! I waited their table", she said with less conviction than she intended.

"Well. Did you know them before tonight?"

"A couple of them"

"Did you have sex with Bruce?"

"Can we change the conversation please?", said Lillian looking at Peter and then back at Megan. All the revelations were making her relive the events of the day before, and she felt quite embarrassed and even more aroused, specially as Peter was listening all her shameful answers.

"Don't worry. Peter already knows that you are a slut. There is nothing to be ashamed of", Megan said, then turning to see Peter she added

"Lilly is a cute little slut, but she is still ashamed of it, so she tries to keep her real self a secret from everybody else. That is why we have not sold her studio photos yet."

"I am not...", said Lillian more out of social reflex than real convincement, but Megan interrupted her, saying to Peter.

"See what I said? Listen Lilly, the sooner that you admit to yourself that you are a big slut, the sooner you can start your porno career. What would you call a girl that have sex with 4 different men in a night, two of whom she had never seen before?"

"a slut", she said reluctantly.

"Did you came last night?"

"yes", she said looking at the floor.

"more than once?"

She simply nodded, she was about to explode.

"So you are a slut and you enjoyed it, but still don't want people to know"

Her answer came from the bottom of her heart.

"It is shameful to be a slut, nobody likes a slut"

"There is nothing shameful if that is what you want, otherwise it means a lack of character, and that is shameful, but if you want to be a slut and you are, well you are simply accomplishing your goals, and that is not shameful. And certainly most men like a slut, you had four yesterday, don't you? And I bet that Peter is dying to have sex with you."

Lillian felt more and more trapped by Megan's logic, it was maybe due to her receding hangover, or because her horniness, or her own confusing feelings, but she was having a hard time contradicting Megan. She wanted that conversation to end, but have no arguments, until she thought of something desperate.

"But Karen ... I don't want to be a disappointment to her ... you know", she felt completely ashamed of saying that, but it was somewhat true, and it was the only idea that she had to stop that craziness.

"Now I see your point Lilly. Fortunately I can help you"

"Thanks Megan", said Lillian finally relieved, but to her surprise Megan said

"The point is that you and Karen had very different paths ahead, trying to be what she wants you to be, will only lead you to failure. Listen, Karen didn't have the guts to enter the porno industry, at my begging she only did a little very conservative nude studio that she kept mostly for her. When the money got tighter I pressured her to go for an audition but somehow she blew it, I think she maybe chickened out. Now she is happy pursuing a business career, it looks like her real call. But you don't have to be as prude as her just to make her happy. I bet I can make her understand, but you have to stop looking at her as a role model because you are not her. You are not a career woman, you are a very slutty little girl with a great future in porn."

Lillian felt ditzy, these people thought that Karen was an unreachable role model for her.

"Listen Lilly, I bet you had sex with more people just yesterday than Karen in all her life. I am a lot less prudish than Karen, You know I even worked for the porno industry for a while, but I never enjoyed a photo session as much as you enjoyed yours, and I never have sex with more than a couple of persons in a day."

Lillian was feeling worse by the minute, "Am I such a slut?", she thought bitterly.

"The only way for you to be happy is to break apart from that role model. You have to be yourself, and not a Karen wannabe. You are different, she is a nice prudish, businesslike person, and you are a nice slutty, sexy person", then after a couple of seconds pause she thought,

"I have an Idea, follow me to Karen's bedroom"

Peter and Lillian followed her, mostly out of curiosity than of anything else.

"We will model your new wardrobe after your role model's one. Find me Karen's littlest panties, her shortest short, and her sexier shirt.

Lillian didn't like the idea but started looking thru Karen's clothes and to her surprise she didn't have tongs, most of her underwear was just a bit sexier than grandma's panties, she finally found a bikini panty. She continued and found some denim shorts, which legs were not more than a couple of inches long, nothing that a college girl wouldn't wear. Lillian started having hope, maybe her argument of bringing Karen to the conversation will finally result in a good thing, maybe Megan would let her tone down her slutty attires. She completed the outfit with a crop top. It wasn't that bad, she normally didn't like to show her navel, and she also used to hate blouses with thin straps because they made hard to hide bra straps, but as she won't be wearing any bras, it wouldn't be that bad.

Megan made Lillian try each of the garments one by one. She brought a measure tape and started making annotations in a little notebook, saying out loud what she was writing.

"OK. Panties let a little bit more than 2 inches of your buttocks on display, and on the waist, they end around 2 inches bellow your belly button."

"The shorts end up around 1.5 inches bellow your crotch, and a little bit higher than the panties waist, maybe 1 inch bellow your navel"

"The shirt straps are 0.5 inch width..."

"OK, she said, we are going to shop now. We will completely replace your current wardrobe with new clothes that will make a statement that you are pretty different than Karen, even if they are inspired in Karen's clothes. That way you will be somehow following her, but marching your own path at the same time. But first you need to reaffirm your own identity by doing something that you'll love but Karen would never do"

"What?", said Lillian insecurely.

"It is pretty obvious that you need sex right now, and so do we. So I propose that you take turns sucking Peter's cock and licking my pussy while you rub your clit until the three of us come. Doesn't it sound exciting?"

Pictures of she doing just that filled her mind contributing to her arousal. Two partners at a time, Serving a man and a woman at the same time, it all was like those hot porn videos that she had seen so frequently in the last few weeks. She pictured herself doing those degrading acts and she shivered with shame and arousal; Still she tried to focus and somehow she managed to stop the nonsense by saying.

"No thanks, I don't need sex right now", she sounded less convincing than she intended.

"Look at your pussy, it can't be more swollen or wetter, not to mention your nipples, they look like bullets. Are you sure you don't need sex?"

"Yes ... I ... I am sure", her little conviction quickly flying away.

"Well, I don't believe you. I think you want to do it but you stop because you know Karen wouldn't do it. So I dare you. If you really don't want to come, then I will put you in a chastity belt just like yesterday, and you wouldn't be able to come until tomorrow"

Lillian blushed bright red just remembering her Saturday's adventures. She didn't want to admit that she needed sex right then, but she remembered how desperate she become the day before, and how she ended up accepting a more degrading treatment just to be able to come. She hesitated for a few seconds, so Megan said.

"So, What is going to be?"

Lilly blushed, she was still fighting against her desires. She was thinking how to negotiate, how to stop all that craziness, but it was becoming harder and harder for her to think, to negotiate, to convince others of her point of view, it was maybe her confused state, or probably her horniness and her odd tendency to get off on humiliation; all in all her personality was becoming more submissive by the day.

"Ok", she said meekly.

"That's the spirit girl. But just to be sure the next time you won't hesitate, we will scale the things a notch up. Don't worry, It will be more exciting for you. Follow me to my room"

She went to her room and then Megan said absentmindedly while she rummaged thru her drawers.

"Lilly. Cross your arms behind your back"

Lillian guessed her intentions and said, "But how ... you promised ... I need to ... you know ... touch myself..."

"Don't worry, you will have your orgasm, but you have to trust me"

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ThesisChapter 17 The Tattooing Incident

Course 8 / Day 15: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: At yesterday's review we agreed that Fifty was ready for her next experience. Charlotte has agreed to mentor her through this with Jonathan providing the technical input. We have scheduled Fifty's tattooing for today, assuming she consents as we anticipate. It worked well for those on the last course, and like them, we expect this will help Fifty to confront issues of trust and the need to surrender to her new slave...

2 years ago
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ThesisChapter 19 Sex And The Single Girl

Course 8 / Day 26: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: The shibari demonstration that Ylena provided gave us the chance to explore Fifty's response to bondage. In common with her other reactions she was quick to sink herself in the experience and further shibari sessions could be beneficial. Overnight surveillance has also shown Jenny helps herself off to sleep by masturbation. It is probably time to start helping her to explore her sexual boundaries and the idea of being...

2 years ago
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ThesisChapter 20 The Problem With Research

Course 8 / Day 27: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: I conducted an informal progress review with Fifty this pm. I'm pleased overall with her progress. After worries early on as to how well she would respond to obedience training (given her initial presentation when she started the course), I consider that those issues need no longer give concern. Fifty appears comfortable (or at least acquiesces) with the regime and her expectations from the course seem to be being met....

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ThesisChapter 22 Extraordinary Rendition

Memorandum From: Jo To: Corinne Subject: Fifty "Rendition" Corinne, I don't know what the hell is going on and I want to put on my file my concerns. Whoever these people are, I can't see that they should be able to do this. I'll accept your assurances that this is all being done legally and that it has nothing to do with the suspicions about Fifty's activities here, but I want it to be very clear that myself, and the rest of the other staff are unhappy with this situation....

4 years ago
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ThesisChapter 23 An Uncertain Future

Inward Bound Files Memo From: Jo & Charlotte To: Corinne Jo and I are writing this because of our continuing concerns over the recent incident with Jenny McEwan. While you may have received reassurances from the US authorities or whoever it is that this is all being done legally, we are both concerned that this organisation owes a duty of care to McEwan. We should be actively trying to either gain her release or be confident that these people have acted completely within the...

3 years ago
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ThesisChapter 25 Helping Others

Course 8 / Day 46: Corinne's mobile rings: "Corinne? It's Larry. I've got some good news at last. It seems the Americans have 'eliminated McEwan from their enquiries' and she's on her way back to you. Can you tell the others?" "Larry, that's a relief," Corinne responds "Yes, I'll tell the others right now — and thank your contacts for all their help. Are we ever going to get something approaching an apology for all this turmoil?" "Er, well I wouldn't hold your breath....

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ThesisChapter 26 Ive Got You Under My Skin

MEMO (Confidential) From: Jo and Charlotte To: Corinne Charlotte and I agree: we have to talk through this business. The good news is that Fifty seems to be coming round, so to speak, with no sign of damaging after effects. One thing bothering us is that no one can have failed to notice the whip marks on her back, bum and legs. This does not look like some ham fisted interrogation beating. It looks exactly as though it has been done with erotic intent. Ylena would have been proud of it. If...

2 years ago
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ThesisChapter 27 Seeking Perfection

Course 8 / Day 48: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: My aim with Fifty was that on her return she should be reintegrated into the course as quickly as possible. There are still eight days before she completes the course and the time needs to be used effectively to minimise any detrimental impact of the "rendition" fiasco as far as possible. Anyway it is time for her to try to put what she has learned into practice in a more integrated way. Jenny's Recollections It's...

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ThesisChapter 28 A New Beginning

Course 8 / Day 56: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Fifty will complete her first course with us today. We can expect that she will need some level of ongoing support following her return to normality especially after her experiences with the rendition. Please direct any support request calls from Fifty personally to me or Charlotte for at least the coming 8 weeks. Jenny's Recollections: It's the end of final day of the course. There are sorrowful goodbyes at the...

1 year ago
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ThesisChapter 2

The proposal was approved. Professor Adam was quite happy with it. It involved spending August and January in Queensland. I'd devote summer 1995 to something and then autumn back in Sydney. I invested several hundred dollars in getting the 4x4 a complete overhaul and new tyres. The first week in July I drove to Mitchell via a circuitous inland route. Sydney to Dubbo to Bourke to Charleville to home. I stayed two nights in Dubbo, spending a cool, damp day at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo. In...

3 years ago
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ThesisChapter 3

I fell into a sort of routine. After the first few days, I'd stay up late in order to collect crepuscular and nocturnal samples. Then I spent a few days getting up at or just before dawn – which yielded nothing new. Dusk and dawn were the same to the ants. I looked near the creek, where it was damp. Carpenters favor rotting trees, tree stumps, disintegrating tree roots, or any moist areas previously excavated by other insects, such as termites. After 10 days, I relocated a few klicks west,...

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Tim And Abbie 42 Three conversations One topic

After all six celebrating Tim’s promotion, they all gather together again a couple of days later.  It is the first Thursday suppers at Tim and Abbie’s home.  Dinner fixed by Tim is delicious, and they were having a wonderful time enjoying the food and conversation.During dinner, Tim turns to Abbie and says, “Honey, Microga is having a reception and then dinner tomorrow night to formally acknowledge my new position.  We will have time to come home and change before it.”Abbie says nothing in...

1 year ago
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Reddit IfYouHadToPickOne, r/IfYouHadToPickOne! When you look at pictures of gorgeous women, do you often like to pick your favorites? Like a chick, you’d most likely take for a ride or whatever the fuck? Well, I think that that nicely explains what r/Ifyouhadtopickone/ subreddit is all about. However, there is obviously a lot more to this subreddit than just that one sentence, and I shall explain it all.First of all, Reddit is a free site. Other than r/Ifyouhadtopickone/ subreddit, there are...

Reddit NSFW List
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A personal rant on 2 hot topics

man i hate it when guys who want it (bi sex) but are very loud against it. i always break them down once they trust me hahai have so many irl closet bi's i made comfortable enough to share the truth with me. their storys are so hot, maybe hotter than the ones who are OUT. the closets are so tabooo about it. ha. so cute. so sexy.i almost did get this one guy to not only let me do him, , but he said he would arrange for a guy to join us and suck his cock though i KNOW he wanted the guy to fuck...

4 years ago
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USAmericana Hot Topics

What I'd not expected was a curvaceous, corseted, gorgeous goth to be bouncing up and down on my cock while moaning in delight. Perhaps I should explain. There'd been a number of changes at the mall, most of which involved invoking the various 'unmasked gods' that had taken charge of 'USAmerican' culture over the last few years (there'd been a 'Paradigm Shift' or something like that, so they'd apparently decided it was time to come out into the world). Wealth, god of wealth and...

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Panties Peril of the Dark DamselChapter 4

When Batgirl woke she was assailed by a splitting headache. She could barely see and repeated blinking only made her vision slightly better. Her shoulders ached and when she tried to move her wrists received a jolt of pain. Looking up Batgirl had to blink some more until she could see that her wrists were cuffed – with her own Bat-Cuffs! She was hanging from the ceiling, hanging from the hook that she’d first noticed when outside. Instinctively her booted feet stretched out to find ......

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Tickets please

Standing by the window, I watched as the countryside flashed by. My train had been delayed due to a dodgy signal just outside the station, but judging by the speed the driver was maintaining there shouldn't be much of a delay, thank goodness. Even though I hated my job and boss I needed the money desperately.  With a sigh, I turned away from the dreary grey outside and tried to make myself comfortable on the little fold down seat. The train wasn't busy, but I needed to be on my own, at least...

2 years ago
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The largest tits I8217d ever seen in real life

OK, so, I smoke, all right? I needed some cigarettes in the middle of the night, and I threw on some clothes and drove down to the local convenience market. There was only one other car in the parking lot at that time of night, around three am. I went up to the counter, and just as I did, the other customer in the store suddenly appeared from a side aisle. One glance, and my quick glance turned into a drooling stare. The woman had the largest tits I’d ever seen in real life. And, she...

1 year ago
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What I think about when I Masturbate Part 2 Splashdown

I began to develop this fantasy after a few months of masturbating. It’s silly and very improbable, and I know it would never happen for real like this, but I find it helps me to feel aroused when I masturbate. Again, I am about sixteen or seventeen. It’s a Sunday morning and I have gone to Splashdown, which is a Water Park in Poole, Dorset. It’s about half an hour from where I live. I’ve gone there on my own. I would never go on my own for real, but in my fantasy I have travelled there on...

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Delhi Tales Liberation 8211 Pt 2 Unsatisfied Indian Wife

So this is part two of the story. For those who don’t know me, please read the first part for the introduction. I am a 22-year-old bisexual guy basically from Haryana who lives in Delhi now. In the previous story, I told you about the time I had with a person whom I met on PR. After separating, he messaged me on my phone and thanked me again for the time we had together. After a week, we met again and while having our fun time together, he told me that I have a nice pretty dick. It was a...

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Hot Naked CousinChapter 2

Brad and Lani sat by the creek, resting for a while, talking softly every now and then. There was an unspoken agreement between them that they would fuck each other again as soon as they rested. After a few minutes, they heard voices nearby, and Brad signaled Lani to be quiet. They peered through the bushes that lined the other side of the creek, and they both gasped in shock and excitement when they saw who was there. It was Dina and Dave, their twin cousins! They lived with Brad's and...

2 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 24 Bugger

We checked out the three islands we had earmarked, but they were doing fine. The local population of plants and animals that were suitable had established themselves, so we left well enough alone. Two of the largest ones that were close together were heavily forested, so we didn’t stay on them long. We were heading back to the city when something that had been bugging finally came back to my mind. It was something one of the refugee’s had said. “Toby someone mentioned that you were promised...

4 years ago
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Encounter in Chicago

It started off in a restaurant where I had gone for a drink after a long business meeting in Chicago. I had noticed her when I first walked in the door, but hadn't thought much about her until my friends had left and I was left sitting at the bar alone. I caught a glimpse of her in the mirror, and I thought that she was watching me. I turned to get a better look at her and much to my amazement, instead of cloyingly looking away, she made and held eye contact, inviting me over to her table. I...

3 years ago
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Char Doost Calgary 8211 Canada Mein

Mujhey Laddoo kehte hain….mein apni family ke saath Alberta Canada ke aik city Calgary mein rehta hoon….Meray dad railway mein guard ki nokri karte hain.idher mein 12th grade mein aik school mein parhta hoon…..yaani meri age isswaqt 15 saal ka bara sexy and cute larka hoon…school se aane ke baad mein apne mahelley ke dooston ke saath park mein Basket Ball khailta hoon…. Mere Dad ziada tar gher se bahir railway duty par rehtay hain aur ghar sirf aik month ke baad aatey hain….sirf two or three...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Fertile Hairy Pussy Fucking

I don't know why it is but my thinking is that the hairier a pussy is and the plumper her lips are the more fertile she may be and that makes me rock hard. My kink is fucking a woman bare or having her take the condom off while we are fucking hard and heavy. Almost every woman I've been with has told me, when asked, that they aren't on birth control, whether that was true or not I don't know but when sliding my cock deep inside just the idea that their pussy was open and vulnerable made for...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Mis Monroy Colombian Coffee And Cunt

When Mis Monroy shows up in Colombia, she has plenty of adoring fans ready to worship her incredibly juicy ass. She makes it out to a beautiful ranch and peels off her tights to expose her greatest asset, shaking her thick butt it in a revealing bathing suit. Then she makes her way inside to meet the fat cock that will be pleasuring her. She is impressed with its girth, and she lays back on the couch to get her pussy eaten. When it is wet and ready, she twerks her ass on our studs big cock,...

1 year ago
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The FreshmanChapter 16 A Change of Plans

Cecilia's the Halloween party Burnside treated Cecilia in a completely normal manner, as though the entire test incident had never happened. It was as though she had purged the entire affair from her mind, as though she had forgotten it entirely. Cecilia knew that Burnside never forgot anything, but she realized that the professor was capable of disconnecting an offense such as the test incident from a relationship once the offender had submitted to punishment. Burnside's thoughts were not...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 10

A little girl stood alone in the darkness. Her small body shivered from the chill. She was standing, cold and lonely, in the middle of nowhere. Her eyes tried to penetrate the darkness, yet they failed. She was trapped here, and she could do nothing. She was helpless. The lonely girl began to wander around, trying to find her way through the dark. She couldn't tell which way she was going, or what she was going to see. Her mind was blank. Her heart was in deep panic. Her soul was...

4 years ago
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Tangled Web Part 3

The Tangled Web Part Three ? by- Steve R When she woke it was to the sound of hammering on the front door, and with a start realised she had fallen asleep fully clothed. Trying to sit up produced an ice pick between her eyes and her stomach threatened to turn itself inside out if she so much as breathed. Her tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth, and she was sure someone had rubbed sand in her eyes and tried to rip her head from her neck. The hammering continued, and she...

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The motherdaughter tease

Make sure to get your homework done before cheer practice sweetie.” I said to my daughter Alissa before I tossed my bag full of school supplies on the living room couch. It had been a long stressful day, though as an elementary school teacher just about everyday is stressful. It is all worth it though to hear my young students tell me the one phrase that lifts my heart every time, “I love you Ms. Kelli”. I preferred them to call by my first name in that way, it made the connection feel deeper,...

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Sex on the Train

His meeting overran and so he is now on the last train back to Leeds in Yorkshire that is just leaving the station 9.30pm. There are not many passengers getting on the train so he chooses a group of 4 seats with a table, sits in the aisle seat with his back to the direction of travel, puts his bag on the window seat next to him and hopes nobody decides to join him. After a long day and with a two and half hour journey ahead, he decides to have a snooze. He leaves his tickets on the table in...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Brandi Bae Actress Learns Submission

Busty blonde wannabe actress Brandi Bae thinks she has what it takes to make it big in Hollywood. When her acting coach gives her some harsh but constructive criticism she fires hiim. Later, when she’s alone she gets an unsettling call from some creep boasting his fucking skills her so she dares him to try to get past her security system and come fuck her. Surprise slut! The creep is already inside and it’s your acting coach! Now it’s time learn about sexual submission. He...

3 years ago
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How I Became The CulDeSac Cock Sucker

Knoxville is a great city to raise a family, with conservative, religious values, and I was fortunate to have lived there all my life. My name is Jason, and my life was typical I suppose, having met Emily, the girl who would become my wife, when we were juniors in high school. We dated for the rest of high school and then through college at the University of Tennessee.We got married right after graduation, and both worked, living in an apartment for four years while we saved for a down payment...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 8

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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Catteni HeatChapter 4

Days turned into weeks, as we waited for some sign that we could leave. Nevin never made a move at me unless I invited it. Then one day an alarm sounded in the room. Nevin was just about to go to the storage rooms across the hall. We both moved to stand near the door so that we could hear. Then I heard HIM yelling at the top of his lungs. I heard Quillan too, but I couldn't make out what they were saying, until they got closer. Nevin had lowered the lights and retrieved a stunner from a...

4 years ago
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She cried with tears in her eyes

Hi ISS readers! I am big fan of ISS and read all the stories. The stories of interest to me are incest, Group and lesbian. Anything which needs un natural sex then it interests me most. After reading all the stories many times again and again and masturbating or doing sex with my partners same way mentioned in stories I thought of wiring my real life story Here it is It’s an incest story. Sex with my niece who is my sister’s daughter. The best part of incest sex is that the partners agree do...

2 years ago
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A fantasy becoming reality 1

"what movie" "it doesn't matter well decided on the way" "ok" I got ready and called a cab and went to go pick her up. I got to her house and there she was waiting. "hey jake" she said. "hey Alice" I said. We started to head twords the theater when she said "I'm glad you weren't doing anything I didn't want to go alone". "but I thought it you had a boyfriend why didn't you ask him to go" I asked "I mean n you told me that's why you wouldn't go out with me". "he's...

3 years ago
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A Means to an End

“I don’t know, Bobby ... are you sure I’ll like this?” “Come on, Jaime. Don’t leave me hangin’ girl...” “But, I’m not sure what to do?” “It’s easy, babe. Just pretend it’s a big lollipop.” “Okay...” Ever so slowly, Jaime began to stroke the massive cock in front of her. Her grasp was tentative and her hands trembled. She had never done anything like this before. As she began to lick the tip, a million questions and worries entered her mind. What if she wasn’t any good? What if...

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