Vengeance 1 free porn video

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       Ellie came to quickest, her first instinct being to sit up, which she did, and quickly took notice of her predicament.  Not only were her wrists bound, but her elbows were cinched together too.  She was topless, but sill had on her white cotton panties.  Ellie was about 5’6’’ tall, with a medium to large C-cup bust.  Of Greek decent, she was olive skinned, and has shoulder length curly dark brown hair, and large brown eyes.  Full of shit, I thought.  Her stomach and legs were fat, but not in a bad way, in that way that somehow makes a girl sexier.  I used to enjoy walking behind her in the halls of high school, just watching how her ass filled out skin-tight jeans.  She also had luscious, absolutely incredible full lips, that I remembered staring at many, many times.  The only thing she didn’t have going for her, was that she hadn’t fully shaved her pussy.  She had trimmed down to a medium sized rectangle around her slit, but even a small amount of pubic hair turned me off.

       Ramona was only a few minutes behind Ellie, coming back to consciousness.  She too was topless, though she was wearing a seductive red thong on the bottom.  Her body type was far different than that of Ellie.  She looked like she was German, long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, wide, often malicious smile.  She was tall pretty close to my own height of 5’10.’’  Her breasts had finally reached an A-cup, something she must have been happy about because the guys used to joke that their boobs were bigger than hers.  Her stomach was toned through a lot of working out, a lot of high school sports, and the desire to look better, to be better than anyone around her.  Her biggest asset was her long slender legs, culminating in one of the tightest asses you’ll ever see, and a completely bald, miniscule pussy.

       Ramona looked around and, sitting about ten feet across from her, found Ellie.  Their eyes met, and they studied the others situation, and the others body before looking away embarrassed.  I was sitting in a darkened corner.  They probably could have seen me if they really looked.  We were in the empty garage of Ellie’s house.

       You see, Ellie and Ramona had been friends and part of the same social clique throughout all of high school.  I had been wanting to get into that clique ever since tenth grade, and had finally, the past year given up and accepted my status as a nobody.  You see, I had always had a huge crush on Ellie, and she kind of led me on for a while, before eventually letting me down, snotty bitch that she was.  As for Ramona?  Well, I never liked her.  I was friends with one or two of the guys in that clique, and every so often, she would walk right into the middle of us like it was a game of Red Rover, start talking to my friend, and ignore me completely.  It pissed me off, and quite frankly I was tired of being a nobody.

       It was perfect, Ellie’s parents were out of town for a week, and she had a party, anyone who found out was invited, though not many showed up, after all, Ellie was known to be a pretty big bitch.  However, I did show up.  Her and all her friends had a general disdain for me, though I went unnoticed at the party, after all, I’m a nobody.  Well, Ramona, being Ellie’s best friend decided to spend the night.  They didn’t notice that I never left, and they certainly didn’t wake up before the chloroform took effect.

       The garage was fairly empty, the car being currently used by her parents and as it was around 2am, and the only light came from a single bulb near the door leading to the house, it was creepily dark.

       Ellie and Ramona managed to get to their feet and started to head towards the door when I decided to make myself known.  I wasn’t wearing what I wore to the party, that would have been stupid.  While they had been safely unconscious and bound in the garage, I had removed everything except my red and green plaid boxers.  I was not only wearing a black hockey mask, but I had also painted my face completely black. Even if by some accident the mask came off, who I was wouldn’t be revealed.

       ?You should know that while there’s a decent chance screams will wake your neighbors,? their heads snapped towards me, ?there’s a better chance that I will have shut you up before they do.  In which case I will scrap completely what I have planned and torture you as long as I wish.?  I pulled something out of my pocket and leg it dangle.  ?Nipple clamps, and you know that just about anything can be used as a paddle.  Make any noise, and I’ll use them until someone physically stops me.  Are you willing to gamble on how long that will be??

       They just looked at me for a few seconds, then dejectedly shook their heads and looked at the floor. 

?Now, one of two things can happen.  One: we can have a little contest.  You can try to the best of your ability, and the winner will get to make me and the loser orgasm, while the loser gets tortured.  Then I’ll drug you again and leave you tied how you are.  When you wake up, you will be able to loosen each others bonds and go on with your lives.  Or, you can half-ass it.  In which case, you will make me orgasm anyways, and both of you will get tortured.  Then I will tie you however I want, open the garage door, and see what happens.  Understand??

They both nodded, Ellie looked on the verge of tears, Ramona looked as haughty and bitchy as ever, yet said nothing.

?Excellent, you can start by removing your panties,? I said sliding my chair into the light, and sitting back down in it.  They both stared for a minutes, Ellie got the idea a bit quicker, and struggled to slide hers down.  Eventually she got them past her hips so she could wiggle out of them.  Ramona still stood there.  I grabbed a notebook and marked down two points for Ellie, after all she did hesitate.  Upon seeing this, Ramona blew her hair out of her face as though nothing should be allowed to bother her which I despised.  Being slimmer and not as figured, she had a far easier time of it than Ellie.  In seconds, her panties were also on the floor.  She looked back up at me, still like a bitch, but her gaze cracked slightly.  She was breaking.

I held out a bunch of different things, ?Ellie, since you were quicker, what should I use on her??  Ramona looked sharply at Ellie, her mouth opening shock before turning back to me.  I walked closer to give Ellie a better look as she mulled it over, clearly trying to choose the least painful device.  ?The red thing she finally said.?

I walked around behind the two of them who were now standing side by side, and before she could do anything about it, a ball gag was in Ramona’s mouth, and fastened tightly at the back of her head.

I walked back to the front of them, and saw tears pouring out of Ramona’s pathetic eyes.  Good, the bitch deserved it.  ?Now, I’m going to use the nipple clamps.  First to tell me they can’t take it anymore loses.  Ramona, since you don’t have the luxury of speaking, you will let me know with three rapid grunts.  Ellie’s nipples were far larger, (about the size of a roll of scotch tape) than Ramona’s (about nickel sized), and probably far less sensitive.  I decided to attach Ramona’s first to make it sufficiently unfair.  She started squealing in pain immediately.  Ellie moaned in pain as I put them on, but didn’t seem as affected, and simply wore a general look of discomfort.  Ramona’s eyes were tearing up and she was grunting like crazy.

?To keep you from unfairly giving in right away just to save the other, you have to last a minimum of five minutes.?  I started the timer on my watch, and grabbed a wound spool of quarter inch thick rope.  Tossing it up, I looped it around one of the beams near the ceiling, and pulled the end down until it was about head height.  The rope ran up, around the beam and back down to the spool that I had placed on the chair. 

I looked at my watch, two minutes passed, then looked at the girls, Ellie was standing there patiently, wincing every so often.  Ramona was crying openly, and starting to shake.  ?You look like you need something to take your mind off the pain,? I said walking up to and around behind Ramona.  I wrapped my hands around her and brought them up to the bottom of her small, perky breasts.  She let out a loud, long squeal.  ?Quiet down,? I whispered, ?I can do much worse.?

I ran my hands down her stomach, stopping for a moment to enjoy her toned abs, then suddenly moved downward, and jabbed a finger in her pussy.  She squealed again, though not entirely of pain this time.  After a few ‘thrusts,’ I started massaging her clit.  She quickly grew wet, whether she was enjoying herself or not, it was very easy to get her horny.  I leaned over my shoulder to get a look at my watch.  Five minutes was thirty seconds passed.  I pulled my hands back and walked around to face them.

?It’s been five minutes, you can give in whenever you want to.?  Immediately I heard a series of grunts from Ramona, and removed her nipple clamps.  She whined immediately through the gag at the far worse, but short lived pain of the blood rushing back.  ?Those don’t hurt?? I asked Ellie.  She shook her head no.  ?I don’t have very sensitive nipples, it’s pretty hard to hurt them,? she said quietly.

I added a second piece of equipment to Ramona, a collar with four d-rings, each 90 degrees apart and walked Ellie over to the rope hanging from the ceiling.  I tied it to the center of the chain that connected the nipple clamps, and grabbed the spool of rope.  I walked over, unrolling the rope as I did to the door leading to the house.  When I had unwound enough length, I cut the rope and tied it to the doorknob.  I tightened it until it forced Ellie to move directly under the beam, and up onto her tiptoes.  Then I walked over and grabbed Ramona by the hair.  ?You got pleasure and your friend didn’t, and she won, let’s even that out.?  I brought her in front of Ellie and forced her to her knees.  ?Lick her pussy,? I commanded, ?and lick it good.?  Ramona looked up at me.  She still had the gag on and I knew it.

?Not even willing to try?? I asked, ?Fine.?  I pulled her to her feet and sat her down in my chair.  It was as simple a chair as you’ll ever see, wooded and low so her arms hung over the back when she sat in it.  The seat was a simple square, and the back was the two vertical posts, and two horizontal rectangles to support the sitter’s back.  The front two and back two legs had a bar connecting them halfway down for stability.  I cut another length of rope and used it to bind her wrists to the bar connecting the rear legs.  Then I grabbed another piece of equipment I had brought, a spreader bar.  I got Ramona’s right leg in without too much trouble, but then she realized what I was doing and started to struggle.  The downside to being that skinny is that you’re usually fairly weak.  Ramona was no exception, I easily managed to grab her ankle and tighten in the other strap.  At its shortest, the bar was three feet long.  I extended it until it was about five feet, well within the tolerances of Ramona’s flexibility.

?For that I should reattach the clamps,? I said as she squealed and shook her head.  I stood spread legged over the helpless girl in the chair.  Wondering for a second what I could do, I grabbed her chin with my left hand and held her head steady.  Then with my right, I pulled my 6’’ hard cock out through the slit in my boxers and began rubbing it all over her face.  She struggled, but it was a futile attempt, I held her tight, and was thoroughly enjoying the look of helplessness and displeasure in her eyes.  I rubbed the tip, near her mouth, getting some pre-cum on the red ball and on her upper lip.  Satisfied, I pulled it back and put it away.  Ramona immediately started shaking her head when I let go, trying to rid herself of my juice.

I walked back over to Ellie who was whimpering.  Her calves had grown tired, and every few seconds, she was dropping flat footed to ease the tension.  Unfortunately for her, this increased the pressure on her boobs, and pulled them almost straight up.  ?I’m sorry baby,? I said walking around behind her, ?let’s see If I can’t do something about that.  Reaching down, I pulled outward at her thighs, and she complied by parting her legs slightly.  I untied the rope, but left the clamps on, ?Spread them more for me.?  She did so as wide as she could while still keeping her balance.  I sat in between her legs.  Ellie was the type of girl where no guy would meet her standards, so I was fairly sure she’d never let one near her before.

To her shock I suddenly thrust two fingers in and began slowly moving them up and down.  ?Never been pleasured before??  She bit her lower lip and shook her head, no.  I continued slowly thrusting in and out until I felt her start to get wet.  I then stood up, and removed the clamps.  Before she could wince in pain, I grabbed her boobs and started circling her nipple with my tongue.  She gasped, and I knew she didn’t know what to feel, pain or pleasure.  I moved on to the second one, and she let out a soft, ?oh.?  Her mouth was frozen open and here eyes were shut, it was now clearly pleasure.

While alternating between sucking both her nipples, I again entered her with two fingers.  This time, I pressed them in as far as I could get and allowed my thumb to rest on her clit.  Leaving my fingers inside her I began to massage her clit, while still working her breasts.  My thumb did clockwise circles over her spot, pressing harder each time it reached the top.  Each time it did, she let out a soft gasp and I sucked slightly harder on whatever nipple I was on.  She grew wetter and wetter, but showed no signs of nearing climax, so I slowly wound her down and then stopped.  She let out a half disappointed, half content sigh as I turned my attention back to Ramona who by now was trying to kill me with her eyes.

I put my hands around her back, and slid her forwards until her ass was at the very edge of the chair.  I started playing with her lips with my middle finger, and her eyes instantly went from resentful to pleading.  ?You get horny very easily, don’t you??  She nodded.  ?Do you also orgasm easily??  Another nod.  ?I’ll tell you what,? I motioned Ellie over, ?Ellie here is going to lick your nipples, and I’m going to be down lower.  You’re not going to cum.  If you do, I’m going to put one set of clamps on your nipples and the other on your lips.  Then I’m going to tie them together, and tie that rope to the garage door.  When the door goes up, it will pull them off, and it will hurt like hell, but all be over very quickly.  Instead I’ll leave the door halfway, and let them slowly slip off.  No orgasm until I say so, got it??  She nodded gravely. 

Off to one side, Ellie bent over and began licking Ramona’s nipples.  She was sloppy, and inexperienced, but it was still getting to the chair bound blonde.  I knelt in front of her and immediately probed her vagina with two fingers.  Ramona jumped and moaned softly.  With every thrust I made, her moans grew louder into grunts.  After a few seconds of going as fast as I could, I stopped, spread her lips and attacked her clit with my tongue.  The grunts had turned into all out screams through the gag and I knew it was taking all she had to keep her from going over the top.

That was enough I decided, so I stopped and pulled Ellie back.  Ramona let out a grateful sigh as she started to cool down.  Before she could get too far, I brought Ellie around and forced her to her knees.  ?She likes it when you suck on her clit while brushing it with your tongue.?  I knelt behind her, wanting another chance to toy with her beautiful breasts.  Ellie hesitated, ?the sooner you start, the sooner she’ll climax, she’s pretty close as it is.?  Ellie went down searching for Ramona’s clit with her tongue, and I heard Ramona begin to moan and cry.  How it must feel to be pleasured by your best friend.  I harshly groped all over Ellie’s chest, making good use of her soft boobs.  In no time, I could hear Ramona getting close again.  I pinched Ellie’s nipples.  Hard.  Shocked, she inhaled sharply, sucking her friend’s clit extra hard and pushing her over the edge.  Ramona screamed and screamed and screamed.  If the orgasm was anything like the noise she was trying to put out, it was huge, lucky girl.  I pulled Ellie to her feet, and began untying a panting Ramona from the chair.  After the spreader bar came off, I picked up her limp form and laid her off to the side.

I walked over and stood in front of Ellie.  ?I want to be naked.?  She turned around and reached towards my boxers.  ?No, not with your hands.?  She dropped to her knees, and tugged at the waist with her teeth.  Surprisingly deftly, she managed to get the boxers around my engorged cock and down to my ankles.  I sat down a few feet off to the side in the chair and started slowly stroking myself.  Getting the idea, she walked over and sat down just in front of me on her knees.  ?First, take me as deep as you can.?

She leaned towards my cock and opened her mouth wide.  ?No, don’t let those luscious lips go to waste, I want to see you wrap them tight.  And if you don’t enjoy yourself now, just think how you’re going to feel later after I’ve received a shitty blowjob.?  She paused when her mouth was over my head and wrapped her lips around my shaft.  The feeling of them touching alone, the softness sent shivers through my body.  Her sexy eyes locked with mine as she slowly started moving down.  Halfway down she showed no signs of gagging so I stopped her.  ?Let’s see what that tongue has to offer.?  What had been simply lying on my shaft suddenly came to life, and somehow seemed to be stroking my dick by itself while in her mouth.  Repeatedly she ran my tongue up my shaft and down again, up and down again, it felt unbelievable.  I let loose a throaty moan of my own as I felt myself getting closer.  Not yet, I told myself, coming to my senses and ordering to move farther down.  Another inch, and I felt my dick at the back of her throat, no gagging.  Another inch and her lips were still wrapped tight, I was in heaven.  Finally her nose hit my stomach.  Shocked I looked down to see?she had managed to deepthroat me completely.  No virgin should have that skill, hell most sluts don’t even have that skill.  I grabbed her hair and pulled her off me.  The girl kept her lips wrapped tight, and even sucked the whole way, causing another shudder to run through my body.  Holding her head, I looked at her puzzled.  She was breathing heavily, it hadn’t been completely effortless, though it had certainly looked it.  The girl was doing a fantastic job, but?  I looked over at Ramona, her chest still heaving from the orgasm as she lay on the floor.  I wanted to force her to eat my cum, to torture her like the bitch she was, but Ellie?I couldn’t resist.

?You’re lucky,? I said to Ramona.  I felt a pull on my arm and looked back at Ellie.  Was she eager to continue, or was it a trick of gravity?  I let go of her hair and let her continue.  I shut my eyes and yelled out loud, the girl was amazing, there was no other word for it.  She had taken both my balls into her mouth and was bathing them with her tongue.  The sight of those lips wrapped around me along with those gorgeous eyes was almost too much.  ?Ohhh, ohhh, ohh my god,? I breathed, she had taken the head of my dick back into her mouth and dancing on it with her tongue.  ?OhhhhhhhaaAAHHHH, she was moving as fast as she could up and down all six inches of my dick, pulling off all but the very tip.  I could feel my dick stiffen even more as it does when I have a very powerful orgasm.  On one of her down strokes, I grabbed her hair and moved her up and down rapidly over the bottom inch of my dick, pleasuring my spot on some part of her throat.  My dick hardened even more and stream after stream after stream of cum shot down her throat.  With each shot, I pulled her nose into my stomach thrusting hard into her.  Finally my orgasm died down, and I slowly pulled out of her.  She knelt there, as I sat slouched, both of us breathing rapidly. Exhausted, I pointed towards Ramona.  Ellie, getting the idea laid down next to her.  Their wrists still behind their backs forced them off to opposite sides, each others wrists about four inches apart.

I tied Ramona’s right leg to Ellie’s left, then bound their other legs to opposite sides of the garage.  Then after returning all my equipment to the bag I brought, I pulled out something I was going to let them keep.  Twin grooved vibrators, with an attachment that could be adjusted to rest on the user’s clit.  I inserted both the vibrators, and adjusted the attachments, Ellie’s clit being slightly higher than her friends.

?Now, with some effort you can untie each others wrists.  That is, as soon as you want to,? I said turning both the vibrators on high.  I moved over to Ellie and kissed her forehead.  I hadn’t gotten revenge, I now longed for the girl like never before.  I walked over to Ramona, ?you can get more out of people if you stop being such an arrogant bitch.?  I turned her vibrator down low.  It would be a slow torture.

*        *        *

The next day, I ran into the both of them at a mutual friend’s graduation party.  They didn’t recognize, nor did they even notice me.  Like I said, I’m nobody.  I overheard them talking.

?I can’t believe you actually liked it!? Ramona whispered as angrily as she could manage.

?You have to admit, he knew just how to push both our buttons.  You’ve probably never orgasmed like that before, and I use that vibrator every night.  It’s the only thing that’s ever pleasured me, though he would have done far more if he’d kept at it.?

?You’re just saying that because you’ve never been with a guy.  Try to find one that doesn’t basically rape you.? Ramona whisper-screamed, then stormed off.

?I felt a connection?? Ellie whispered to no one in particular, looking at the ground.

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It was a long weekend because of a holiday so I figured the park might be good so I got dressed and put on a pair of pants and shirt over my garter belt nylons and open cup bra and headed out to the park close to my house. I always went to this park or another one not far from this one and could always find someone to fuck my sissy ass deep and hard or let me suck their cocks. It was most night not real busy with maybe 5 or so cars driving around looking for someone. Most evenings I would sit o...

2 years ago
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A cock in the hands worth two in the bush

One day whilst working (I'm a Gardener)I was feeling really hot and sweaty due to the summer heatwave. After 3 hours of solid rubble removing and digging trenches for a new decking to be laid, I was ready for a rest. As the owners of the house were out I decided to take off my top and lie down on the grass for a while. As I lay there trying to cool down I got one of those untimely and unexpected erections. As I was lay down and hot and sure I was alone I decided to take my shorts off to let my...

3 years ago
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Yvettes Story

Chris is not an assertive man, a fact that is illuminated by his supervisor bullying him into taking an extended break from his job. A break he did not want to take, but he could not say no to. His wife Christine is an assertive and self made woman, and she wants Chris to stand up for himself and fight back. To do this, Christine challenges her husband Chris to a wrestling match. The loser would be a servant to the winner during their extended vacation. Chris did not want to...

1 year ago
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The Bar Part 4

After a few minutes they stopped kissing and we heard them whispering to each other. We couldn’t hear what was being said but both women smiled as they stood up and walked past us to the pool table.Upon reaching the pool table, Carol and Sarah looked back at John and I with big grins on their faces and quietly said, ‘Just watch.’So, we continued to watch them, wondering what they were going to get up to next.Sarah sat on the edge of the pool table while Carol parted Sarah’s legs and moved...

Group Sex
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Moriturae te salutant

A burst of general laughter greets the entry of a young lion, a stray latecomer who was still sleeping a few minutes before Moriturae te salutantChapter I First day. Year 64 A.D. - Rome in flamesNeroRome is in flames. Since the beginning of the evening. The mob was impotent, the processions of water carriers became exhausted trying in vain to isolate the suburba wooden huts. Then the brick houses blazed up, the stables released cohorts of panicked horses. The old eucalypti lining the...

4 years ago
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The High School RevengeChapter 8

One year later... "Nedia! Come on we are going to be late." Noah said. "Okay Noah I'm coming." She said, as she walked into the living room. She looked around her, happy of what she had accomplished so far in his apartment, their apartment! Noah was sitting on the couch with a book in his hands and on his lap was Nick half asleep and half trying to keep up with the rest of the story Noah was reading him. Seeing the two of them together like that made her sure of what she was going to...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo London River Hime Marie Mother Dearest

Gabbie (Hime Marie) struggles with the fact that she’s a lesbian. It’s already difficult for her to live with her love for women, but when that love is for older women it makes it more challenging. To add more change to her desire to girls, she realizes that she’s attracted to her stepmom Nancy (London River). One day, her stepmom catches her masturbating in her room, a little embarrassed, she decided to confess her love to her. Nancy is a shocked at first, but slowly the young teen gets under...

4 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 2 As the Waning Moon SetsChapter 10

I did not have any nightmares, or dreams of any kind. It was a small mercy, given my dreams lately. As I became more awake, I noticed the sensation of bodies pressed against me on either side. My arms gave no such sensation, as I doubt the ladies on either arm moved much. What made matters worse was, I had the usual morning erection and urge to pee, and both women were still asleep. I tried to shift them off, but they would only snuggle in tighter. It was to the point I was shaking the wagon,...

2 years ago
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Pat admits to an early and minor discretion

Pat and I were in bed. She was sitting on my dick which had begun to deflate after filling her tight pussy with my cream. For a fifty-six-year-old, Pat has exceptional control over her vaginal muscles. It's incredible how she can pull the last few drops of cum from my balls with them.Instead of dismounting, Pat remained on my dick. She had a disconcerted look on her face, so I asked if she hadn't enjoyed our romp."Of course I did. I always do. It's just that there is something I have been...

4 years ago
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Daddy Fucks me at the Bar

The next night, I met Brian at the bar after I got off work. I put the cute neon green neglige on and a black micro mini skirt. I like this neglige, it has snaps in the crotch for easy access, to get fucked in. I had bought a new pair of black stilloette's with 6" spikes.I look totally hot and can't wait to show off to every guy in the bar.When I was out in the parking lot, I called Brian and told him to meet me in the parking lot. When he came out, I was bent over the hood of my car,...

2 years ago
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First Affair 3

In the weeks following our first affair together, Tina and I couldn’t get enough of each other. We texted and chatted every chance we got. I would sneak down to the bathroom at work and we would masturbate over the phone together. I was amazed at her sexual appetite – she seemed horny all of the time. I had not experienced someone quite like Tina before, at least not someone who was willing to share that appetite with me. I knew as soon as we left the hotel that it wouldn’t be long before we...

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MetamorphoseChapter 7

Suddenly a pair of arms snake around Casey and two hands squeeze his breasts. Casey’s hard nipples send a wave of pleasure through his body as the hands do their work. Casey moans and then feels lips against his neck and something soft yet hard press against his ass. Casey hears Darrius’ voice in her ear. “I see you’ve finally woken up.” Casey nods. His mind trails back to the evening’s festivities. They had dinner at a very fancy restaurant. Darrius was reserved about his life and work, but...

3 years ago
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Prof Peter Presents SexStudents on Cam1


3 years ago
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Forced Entry

Danny sat at the bar of the Holiday Inn nursing his fourth double scotch, espousing to the man beside him the reasons why his company was the best designer and distributor of accounting software in the world. Danny was a large man in his forties and was running to fat. He was dressed in a travel-weary navy-blue business suit, a crumpled white shirt now open at the neck, and a ratty tie. He was attending a convention for accounting software distributors at the hotel, and he mistakenly believed...

3 years ago
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The Cure

Author’s Note: An early Halloween story, though Halloween doesn't play a huge role in it. I think this is the last one in this series. I'm thinking of writing a bodysuit story with a more serious theme next. No promises as to when as usual. Until then, ciao. The Cure by Hazel M Rob pushed his tremendous breasts together until they stood out proudly on the front of the clean white uniform blouse. He smoothed down the front of the tight, short, white skirt and stepped back....

2 years ago
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The Woman Next Door 8211 Part 1

Coming to the story. Me and my parents live in chennai, Velachery. We were one of the new occupants in the newly constructed apartments here. My next door neighbor just moved in. I introduced myself to the person there . He seemed friendly. He then introduced me to his wife, who looked quite lovely and gorgeous. She had a appearance of a morning glow people would love to wake up next day, she was wearing a white saree and they were all sweaty due to the shifting. I invited them that evening for...

4 years ago
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Zs Sophies Revenge

I was different now. After the physical pain and mental panic and the feeling of helplessness wore off, I began to feel a confidence I had never before known. I don't know where it came from, but from some deep, resilient core within my soul I radiated assuredness. And so I started to plot my revenge. At first, I contemplated telling my father, who would confront Mr. Smythe. But I had to be realistic, my father was a normal-sized man, middle-aged. He was strong from years of farm work...

1 year ago
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Sorority Pledge Part 2

My daughter, Calista, and her newfound best friend, Mindy, had become inseparable over the last week.  When they weren't at school, they were either here at my place or at Mindy's Mom's house. When they were here, they spent most of their time in Cali's room, doing homework, or as far as I could tell exploring each other.As ashamed of it as I was, I couldn't help but eavesdrop. listening to them play through the cold air return that Cali's room and my home office shared. I recalled the...

1 year ago
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Friend Encourages Ravi To Feel Mother Anjali8217s Ass

Hello guys and girls, This story is of me, my friend Ravi, and Sam (names changed). There lived a middle-class family in Surat. Anjali was aged 39, with E-cup tits and a huge ass. Then there was her innocent son, Ravi who was aged 19. They had planned a trip to Lakshadweep and the beaches there, on the celebration of Ravi’s completion of his inter. They were leaving his father behind as he was busy with his office work. One day in the early morning, they started their journey. During the bus...

2 years ago
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Long Awaited Pleasure Part 1

When we first started, about a month or so in we would role play over the internet... things would get pretty heated and naughty, and we both enjoyed it highly. The feeling was almost so real for me, since I love him so much. Eventually this grew to our sexual phone conversations... we would masturbate and talk dirty to each other over the phone, which was something I had never really done with someone. It was exciting, and I wanted more. This continued for about a year and a half. The...

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The Punishment

Well, Lady. You have been somewhat moody with me lately and that is really not what I would expect from my favourite slave! As it is a nice, warm, evening I am going to wait until it gets dark and take you outside for your punishment. Into the woods, I think. I know just the place where we will not be disturbed and no-one will hear you, so come on, Lady, hurry up or I will smack that cute bum of yours so hard it will make your eyes water. I am glad to see that you are wearing the thin, loose,...

4 years ago
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At Your Service MaAmChapter 4

Our al fresco meal mostly over, I carried the basket and blanket back to the car. Barbara had put her shoes back on but had left her legs bare. We then walked to a conveniently nearby public lavatory, where Chip came in with me while his mother visited the Ladies. That taken care of, we walked the short distance to the boat hirer’s kiosk, where I paid for the use of a rowing boat for up to an hour. A punt might have been a more interesting experience for the Americans, but a conventional...

2 years ago
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Hot Love

Oh, she was so beautiful. She had long hair as soft as silk. Her eyes as blue as the clearest sky, warm hands and lips. Breasts as soft as pillows. Her cunt as hot as a winter’s stove. She came to me, the evening was young and we had not seen each other in a week. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me gently. I returned the favor touching my lips to hers and gently caressing her neck. I pull her shirt off and her mine. She arches her back as I kiss her neck and down her chest to...

1 year ago
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19 October 2008Chapter 3

Early afternoon, they packed up the comforters and returned to the van. Dan laid a towel on the seat so that any leaking doggy cum from Lisa’s pussy wouldn’t stain the seat fabric. “How was your walk in the park? Were Sarg and Major a good fuck for you?” Karen asked revealing she knew the reason for their visit to the park. “I may have to get us a family dog with a nice big cock or come here for them to fuck me,” she smiled. “Lisa, you’re always welcomed to enjoy Sarg and Major and always...

1 year ago
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I just want to watch

Introduction: I wanted to watch, only to watch the wonderful fucking I just want to watch . ……………………………………… I sat just inches away from the couple fucking on the bed. I studied her face as she was being fucked from behind. Her eyes half closed and at times rolled back in total enjoyment. From time to time our eyes would meet and we would hold each others stare, until she would break off as result of the pounding her pussy was getting. Shed bite her lower lip in ecstasy. Even though my...

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HunterChapter 32

Mike settled into the Adirondack chair thinking that it had to be the most uncomfortable chair ever invented. He had thought that his first day there at the lodge by the lake. A week of sitting in that particular chair had convinced him that his initial assessment had been perfect. He expected that at the end of his second week of sitting in that chair that his opinion wouldn’t have changed. Yawning, he tried to wake up. He looked across the calm waters of the lake and listened to the...

2 years ago
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A Girl Who Desires Part 2

Part 1 of this story is called "A Girl Who Knows" it can be found here on my profile page inferis.A Girl Who DesiresBefore her was a lush green field speckled with the deep purples and pinks of wildflowers. Beyond the field stood a tall tree line of dark boding evergreens. Despite the size and grandeur of these trees the mountain loomed over all. The mountain looked like something Julie could only expect to see in a movie or some far off land. None the less there it stood before her with its...

2 years ago
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Paid to DRINK CUMFirst of all, my name is Mike and I'm in high school, or at least at the time I was...LOL! I had a crappy after school job at a hamburger joint, was making lousy grades in school and generally, had a bad attitude about everything. One night after the burger placed closed, I got in my car and headed to a buddy's house, his name was David and he and I were a little more than friends and ever since 7th grade, we would butt fuck each other and suck each others cocks a lot and I...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 35 The Female Future

These two seductions caused me much concern. I had intended neither of them, but had been unable to avoid them even though I was well aware of what was happening. I knew that sooner or later, if this sort of thing went on, someone was bound to notice, and what then? I had nightmare visions of being emblazoned across the tabloid press; and I feared, too, that the civil authorities might take some action against me, although I hardly dared think what this might be. Indeed, I thought, already...

4 years ago
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My almost first fuck

I remember one of the few times I let someone fuck me. He was Russian, we met in a bog and he invited me home to his place. I was hoping for a good oral session and, believe me, he was VERY good but he had an ulterior motive. His cock was the largest I have ever seen outside of a porn film It was thick and it was long and it fascinated me. He asked me to let him try to excite me enough to let him put the head into my almost virgin bum.There was something about this guy, he was just turning me...

3 years ago
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A midsummer night dream

A midsummer night dream. Hi I’m Jai from Bangalore. I’m pretty new to ISS. I crash landed here when surfing the net and followed a link. I work in a MNC; I’m fairly good looking, tall with an athletic build. I’d like share one of my recent experiences with my second cousin. I’m telling this in two parts. This is part One. This incident happened roughly a month ago. I had a tiring day at office, and to add to the misery it was very hot. I reached home and searched for my keys, but I’d forgotten...

4 years ago
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The HoneymoonChapter 4

She awoke to soft light and the tweeting of birds. Their hotel room was facing the wrong way to see the dawn, but she could see flickers of motion outside: birds hopping around, some people down on the beach in the blue pre-dawn, and even the roll and drag of the waves outside. Their bedroom had a balcony, and she realized they had never used it. Gently she disengaged herself from her husband's arms (noting in passing his erection nestled between her legs—why was he erect now, while...

3 years ago
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My Mom8217s Friend

Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed the last story of mine. Due to the response I got I’m going to narrate something which happened recently. For feedbacks and comments feel free to contact me at Coming to the incident which happened between me and my mom’s friend, she is one sexy bitch. She is around 36 years old but her looks will make you think otherwise. She maintains herself really well and has one hell of a structure to die for 36-29-34. I think you could imagine what I was talking about. I...

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In His Hands Part Three Final

Working for Andrew was far more challenging than fucking him. When I got to his office it was worse than a mess. There was nothing in the way of a filing system for his contacts. His office was a series of disorganized piles of papers with his computer lost in the midst of it all. Nobody had been keeping a calendar for him, so all of his appointments were recorded on little pieces of paper that he stuck to the receptionist's desk which, until now, no one had worked at. It took me the better...

2 years ago
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A Business Trip The Husbands POV

Hi, Everybody! I wrote this as an exercise, to try things from a different point of view. It was recommended by a friend that I try it this way, as my writing has been in sort of a rut. In this case, I tried a man's POV. I find writing in this view very hard for me, as I am constantly wishing I am the bad girl in this scenario... but oh the fantasies! I'll let the reader discover the plot and perhaps you will leave me comments on it? Oh, and please don't forget the usual copyright blah,...

1 year ago
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And the best is yet to come

I was facing a full weekend home alone and it was disgusting me.Worse of all, my beloved Victor was feeling tired and stressed every evening after work; so I had not enjoyed his nice thick cock for a long while. So, I was upset at home, bored and horny…But on Saturday evening, my nice hairdresser Paul called me.He said he knew I was alone at home, so he invited me to join him for dancing at a nightclub.I accepted gladly the invitation, knowing my nice friend Paul was gay; but I felt that I...

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The New World

3rd Jexeter 60, New Earth calendar 24th August 3274, Earth calendar My name is Francis Milner. Francis, not Frances, and anyone who tries to say otherwise is liable to get a bunch of fives right on the jaw. The problem is, my hand and arm wouldn't be able to deliver the blow with anything like the force my brain expected them to. The blame for that lies firmly with the reason people are inclined to misspell my name. I really don't expect that a single living soul would be interested...

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Memoirs of Kitty Siam

As I sit in my quarters on the battle cruiser Shinawatra looking at the contents of the small metal box that contains the sum of my pre Kitty possessions, my fingers hold and run over a soft cloth patch with the words, "Aviation Apprentice". My dark eyes scan the contents of the box and settle on my old ID disk. The number encoded into the metal finish, "9223931", which is also imprinted in bar-code form on the back of my neck. These items are all that remains of my life before becoming Kitty...

1 year ago
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BangBus Alex More From Jail to a Dirt Road Biggest Mistake She Ever Done

In this random sunny day we ended up finding this chick in front of the jail house. After a quick glance i noticed that she got out of that place so i decided to talk to her. We found out her name is Alex More and that she got into some trouble so after some cash offerings she hopped into the bus. We asked a couple of sexual questions and she stepped out of the van and i quickly offered a couple of hundred more just to get her back in and quickly i just decided to offer a thousand to have sex....

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Diaper Drabbles

The planting ground for your own ABDL (Adult Baby / Diaper Lover) and Infantilism scenarios. There are no set rules to this interactive story (aside from the website's rules about bestiality, underaged sex, extreme violence, etc.), so go nuts. To get things started, you best begin with what kind of story you intend to do.

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The Golf Outing

This story will describe the events that occurred at a golf outing that I attended when I was forty years old.   I was a mid-level production manager at a small manufacturing company in the Atlanta area, and three of my co-workers and I arranged for a week-long golf outing in Hilton Head.   I had worked with te guys for four years, and although we had a good working relationship, we had not socialized very much.   But, we all loved the game, and took advantage of our one-week production...

Oral Sex

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