LA FunChapter 14 free porn video

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Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.

I was really foggy because of lack of sleep this morning. I got up and stretched before using the bathroom and shaving. I went to the bed and leaned down to wake Jules. She really wasn't interested in getting up, but I whispered that I wanted her to come with me today in her ear. She smiled and began coming out of her stupor.

The two of us showered and dressed for work. A pot of coffee was already almost done when we went into the kitchen area to make one. Kelly came out, dressed similarly to Jules, and said, "I'm sure glad I slept in the car on the way here. I didn't get enough sleep last night."

Brindle was dressed in her uniform shirt and pants, ready for the day.

Yori came out and looked like he had missed some sleep, as well. We all had some coffee, and I suggested, "I'll bet this place has a twenty-four hour restaurant where we can get a quick breakfast. The office is less than fifteen minutes away, so let's have something to eat before going in. We found the restaurant and asked for whatever was fast. We were served some ham steak, eggs, and toast in less than five minutes. We all shoveled most of it down and got up to leave at the right time to get to the office.

We pulled up to the office at exactly seven thirty. There was one car in the lot, and it had Missouri license on it. I laughed to myself because I knew the guy was going to do this. I walked to the car and knocked on the window. He sat up and opened the door. I said, "Don, I am Brad Johnson. I thought I told you to take it easy getting here."

The man looked like I caught him with a hand in the cookie jar. He said, "This is just too exciting for me not to get here as fast as possible. I got in last night and was so excited that I could hardly sleep. I thought you weren't coming until Monday."

"I figured that you'd be here this morning, so I wanted to be here too. What time did you get here this morning?"

Don said, "I'm an early bird, and often get to the office between seven and seven thirty, so I thought that some of the people here might do that too. You're obviously like me and are here early. Who all did you bring with you?"

"I have our driver, my secretary, and two assistants in early training. They are to be seen and not heard."

The Missouri man sighed, "Oh yeah, I remember those days."

A car came and parked in one of the nearby spaces. A woman got out and said "Good Morning."

I introduced myself, and then Don Mensal as the new local office Manager. An attractive older woman said, "I'm Anita Kenner, the receptionist. This office doesn't open until 8:30, but most people are here by eight. Let me unlock the door and make some coffee. Follow me, and I'll show you around a little, Don." She turned to the others and said, "Why don't you all come in? It's cooler inside."

Brindle said, "I'll go back to the hotel. Give me a call when you're ready, and I'll come get you."

Yori, Jules, and Kelly followed me inside to look around, and I immediately realized that this layout was almost exactly like ours in LA. I walked down the hallway and found the Manager's office. It wasn't as large as mine, but was very well furnished. I guess no one thought the Tampa office would become a Regional office, or how successful it would be when it was built.

The small break room was followed by an office that had 'Decorator' on the door and then a large room for sales. On the other side of the hallway was the title office, with three obvious closing rooms. Upstairs housed finance, accounting, maybe appraisals, and probably an on-staff architect.

A lady came bustling in and went into a small office next to the Manager's office. I'm sure she was the secretary. She came right back out and looked me in the eye. "You have to be either Don Mensal or Brad Johnson. I'm Marjorie Houser, the Manager's secretary."

I stuck my hand out, and said, "I'm Brad. Anita is giving Don a tour of the office. The others with me are my secretary and two assistants in training."

The woman was quick when she said, "Why do you want Rey Ferguson for another one if you have two assistants in training?"

I had to come up with something quick so I said, "These two aren't for my office. They are with me for training purposes. I need to bring Rey up so he can take care of the LA office while I move around the region."

"Good, I want to see Rey get a management position. He's a good man and very conscientious. He's now worked on a construction crew, clerked in finance, and sold real estate and custom homes with us. He knows the business."

Anita and Don came back, and Anita introduced Marjorie to Don. Don's smile was warm enough that Marjorie responded, "Come look at your new office. It's been cleaned up especially for you. You may want to add or remove some things, but I'm right through that door by the bookcase. You might want to leave the door open so that you can just yell at me instead of using the phone or coming to get me sometimes." I got a smile out of that.

Anita told Don, "The salespeople will all be in by eight thirty, and you can address them then. Let me get you some coffee and you can explore your desk." She looked at me, and said, "I don't know what to do with you, Brad. You and your people are more than we can handle at a time. You all can sit at Don's conference table if you want."

We did just that. We all had coffee and discussed how calm the secretary, and how friendly the receptionist, were. Don came over to sit with us, and said, "The receptionist is just like ours. They know everything that's going on. I'm glad I had the opportunity to gain her confidence and friendship. She'll warn me in advance of any developing problem. I gave her my KC receptionist's number so they can trade gossip with each other. That's the way to find out everything you really need to know."

I could see the big picture dawning on Kelly, as this is what I had been asking her to do.

Don said, "I'm going to be in good shape here very fast. I'll talk to the Sales Manager and have some conversations with finance, accounting, appraisals, and the architect. They probably only have one decorator, but I'll see as the day goes on. I'll get with all the department managers and get them on my enthusiasm level for promoting the company. I'm a real optimist, and believe there's always a sale just waiting for me."

People had been streaming past his door, curiously looking in at the new people in the Manager's office. Don made the comment, "You're more like our regional Manager who goes around to the offices at least every two months unless there's a problem, and then he becomes 'Johnny on the spot'. Everyone come with me. I think all the salespeople are in, and it's time for some introductions."

Don stopped in his secretary's office to ask her if she wanted to be with him when he introduced himself. She was undecided, but finally joined us as we went to sales first.

Don looked in the Sales Manager's office and went in to introduce himself. He asked him if all his people were here, and if he could address them all at once. They both came out, and the Sales Manager hollered, "Listen up, Folks. Our new Manager has arrived from Kansas City, Missouri. His name is Don Mensal, and everything I've heard about the man is good. Talk to your salespeople, Don."

Don moved in front of the group and said, "I'm going to try and have a chat with each of you over the next few days. I've learned a few things about how to stimulate sales and how to encourage customers to want to buy. My former office beat home office projections every year because we found more ways to get our name in front of customers. I'm going to work hard at that. Please jot your ideas down, and we'll discuss each one. I know you have all been shaken up by the events of this past week, but let me help smooth the transition."

He turned and waved at me with the others. "My arrival is accompanied by Brad Johnson, the new California Regional Manager. I understand that he wants to steal a good salesman from us, so we'll need to hunt for someone to fill that spot. I'll let Brad address you and remember that I am available to listen any time."

"Good morning. I'm sort of a country Bubba, and coming to Las Vegas is still exciting to me. I probably won't be in many casinos or hot spots while I'm here, but I want to look at your office and get a feel for it so that I can respond to Don as he works to increase business. I have a theory that everything in our business begins with a sale. This office wouldn't exist without sales, of course. Everything after the sale can be made into a profit center, as well. I'll try to guide Don in helping all of you be successful. I want to have a chat with Rey Ferryman later this morning, so if you have any appointments, Rey, let me know so that I can work around them. Good hunting to all of you."

As everyone went back to their desks, I asked the Sales Manager, "I only count nine salespeople and no saleswomen. An office this size should have twelve to fifteen. Are you having trouble recruiting salespeople?"

Kelly followed the secretary back to her office while I was talking to the Sales Manager.

The man acted like he didn't want to answer. He finally let go with, "The former Manager was doing some strange things with personnel. He wasn't hiring when a position became vacant. He seemed to be letting the branch become weaker and weaker. Our advertising has almost completely stopped, and he's cut hours on some of the staff in accounting and finance. They don't have as much work any longer, of course and he didn't allow them to work with other realtors to sell loans to them. I don't know what the guy's plan was, but I do know that he spent far too much time with the former LA Office Manager. I haven't heard the details, but I do know the man was becoming involved in drug trafficking. If I didn't know better, I would almost think our Manager was doing that too."

Warning bells were clanging all over the place. I told the man, "Don will direct and help you build up your sales force. Let's get your place running again."

I told Don when we stepped out of the room, "Visit with the title office and ask the same questions. See if they are selling their services. You know how to evaluate a profit center. I think I see something that we may be in time to fix and avoid a meltdown like LA almost had. I need to go talk to accounting."

Upstairs in the accounting office, I found a single woman with stacks of papers. She looked at me and was sullen when she asked, "Are you the new Manager? How many hours are you going to cut this time?"

"Hi, I'm Brad Johnson, the Regional Manager out of LA, and you are?"

"Rhonda Feinstein, former CPA in good standing, and now a lowly bookkeeper. What can I do for you?"

"I'm used to talking straight with accounting, Rhonda, so I'm going to ask you some very pointed questions. Regardless of your past relationship with your deceased Manager, what kind of shenanigans was he up to lately? I saw your last two P&Ls that showed a steady decline in revenue from all the profit centers. The one thing that really disturbed me was the steady increase in costs. Enlighten me as to how that can happen."

The woman looked me in the eye, and said, "I was told that I was being paid to forward bills to the home office for payment and to keep payroll up to date. This is Monday, and that's what I'm working on now. As far as what the guy was up to, I can tell you that it wasn't for the company's good. He has been trying to do some stuff with construction, but Ronnie Hartly, our supervisor is as straight as an arrow. He and the Manager almost came to blows and I know the Manager was trying to replace him. Ronnie has a good crew and he has had to lay off a lot of men because of lack of sales. What I don't like is that we replaced our cleaning service with a company that doesn't show up except about once a month. He replaced our advertising agency with a company that doesn't even get small ads in the newspaper on weekends. I'm getting invoices for stuff that I know we didn't order, and I know was never delivered. I have a record of all this. Want to see it?"

"Not right now, but do you know of a good accounting group that can perform a forensic audit?"

"Oh yeah, we used to be audited annually, but not for the last three years. Our regular auditing firm is one of Las Vegas' best. Should I call them?"

"Let me get permission from the home office and I want to ask you if you want to work full time? I'd like for you to do that and hire a couple of temps to catch up, and then keep the best of the two for the long haul?"

"Are you kidding? You're really going to do that? Darn right I'll work full time, and I sure as hell want to get this trash heap back in order. You get permission and I'll get an audit. "I'll be on the horn for some temps as soon as I get payroll done."

"One last thing, Rhonda, are there people on our payroll who haven't been in for a while, or that you don't know who they are?"

The woman sorted through her time cards and separated three. She said, "This guy hasn't been in for at least three months, these two were hired as salesmen, and I've never seen either one to date."

"Okay, don't pay any of them, and Don will handle it, or you'll forward the call to me and I'll handle it, when they call to bitch. The other thing is don't forward any questionable invoices. None, and have anyone who calls about payment talk to Don or me. Now finish payroll and let's get this place rolling."

Bennington had corrupted this guy and taught him his tricks. The place hadn't reached bottom yet, but it was heading that way.

I went down to the receptionist and asked her, "Can you contact the former office cleaning people and have them begin cleaning here again? You do some of the Office Manager's responsibilities, right?"

Anita smiled and told me, "Thank you; all of us have been spending an evening a week cleaning the place. The salespeople do the cleaning at the models."

"Have the cleaning service do the models too."

I found Don standing in front of the secretary's desk with hands on his hips. He was saying, "What do you mean that you were receiving two checks each week? Why would I continue to give you two checks a week when I don't know whether you deserve one? What were you doing for that other check?"

I stood next to Don and softly said to her; "I know what you and Gary were doing. Accounting has all the fake invoices and now everyone knows of the blind employee payroll. Who is the other person receiving the blind payment?"

She didn't want to say, but finally admitted it had been the office Manager. She had been responsible for generating many of the fake invoices. I asked Don, "You may not want to have to work through this, but I'm ordering a forensic audit that will disclose the craziness that has infected the place. You'll have the auditors here by next Tuesday or Wednesday, and probably a couple of guys from legal. Your accounting had been cut back to part time and I told her to go back to full time and to bring a couple of temps in to get caught up. She'll need to help with the audit too."

I looked at the secretary and she was looking like she was going to put up a fight. "What do you want to do, Don? I have enough evidence to have her arrested, but I don't see that it will do the company any good. Let's get her out of here. Let me get Yori and he'll make sure she leaves."

Marjorie said, "I can't leave yet," when I was leaving the office. "I'm supposed to be here for a delivery. I have the money for it, and have to do this or they might get mad and hurt me."

"Who is 'they', Marjorie?"

"The delivery persons. There are usually two of them and I don't think they are nice people."

"When are they supposed to be here?"

"They always come right at noon."

"Disconnect her phone, take her cell phone, and remove the power cord from her PC, Don. I need to do a few things."

I went into Don's office and looked at my group. "Okay, Guys, we have run into more of what happened in the LA office, almost exactly the same, but with some new twists. It's still early in their game, so the place isn't badly hurt yet. I'm going to need all of you to help. Are you protected, Yori?"

He opened his sport coat to show me the handle of his weapon. "Good, go into the secretary's office and relieve Don. The woman is not allowed to leave or to have contact with anyone. There is supposed to be some kind of major drug transaction about noon. Kelly, call the cops and ask that they send at least two and probably four undercover guys out here. Explain that it was discovered an employee was making a buy for the dead Manager, and has the money for it. Who knows what she was going to do with the drugs?"

"You have good eyes and are good with numbers, Jules. Go upstairs to accounting and offer her your help for a while today. I want you and Kelly away from down here."

I squeezed my eyes shut and couldn't believe there was more shit like this. I now wondered if the company was infected like this anywhere else. I called our Legal Councel. "Sir, I've discovered the same problem in Las Vegas as there was in LA. I need your two legal guys to look at what's gone on here and I need you to authorize an audit. The new man who I just introduced will need some help in getting things back together, but I think the branch is in a position to quickly rebound."

"Shit, I hope this is as far as Bennington's influence has spread. You have a blank check, Brad. Do everything you think is necessary. I'll get the same two guys and have them out there later today or tomorrow. Get rooms and a car for them as you did before. I told the man who was like a partner, "I'm staying at the Hard Rock, would it be okay to let them stay there?"

"Sure, one place is about the same as another out there. It's better to stay where they have food and services. Keep me posted and good luck."

I didn't want to tell him about the drug thing, as he would go ballistic, but I had to make sure that the rest of the people in the branch were protected. I checked my watch and saw that it was already nine forty-five. Don was wrestling with Marjorie over her cell phone when I walked back into her office. I smacked her on the nose instead of wrestling with her. She reacted by grabbing her nose, letting the cell phone go. I motioned for Yori to step into the hall.

I told him, "I have Jules upstairs helping the accounting lady, and should probably send Kelly up there too, but I want your opinion. There are going to be a couple of dealers coming to swap a package for cash around noon. I think I can get most of the people out of here, but should I send Jules back to the hotel?"

Yori thought for a second and said, "Probably, but she's not going to want to leave if she realizes why you're sending her away. I can have Brindle bring Michi if you think we might need him."

"Kelly called the cops, and they'll hopefully have undercover people here and the rest of us can hide under desks. I hate this stuff, but I know it happens. I think this is the end of the problem, but the bad part is the former Manager's relationship with heavy dealers. The Manager is dead, but the dealer is either forcing the sale, or the secretary wants to continue buying and selling drugs."

Yori said, "If you can keep Jules upstairs, do it that way. I won't call Michi, but I'd feel better if you were armed. I want to get you the same type of credentials I have. We'll get you a PI license for California and Nevada, and security company carry permit. They aren't that hard to get if you know the right people."

"We'll talk about that later. I have a few things to do right now. Watch her and don't let her do anything. Tell her to pee in her chair if she has to go to bathroom."

I went straight to Anita and told her there would be some people from the police department coming, and that she should page me right away. I went to sales from there, and sat down at Rey Ferryman's desk. "I like your attitude and your desire to succeed, Rey. I want you to come to LA and be my assistant. It won't be an easy job, and it will be busy. You'll be paid a very nice salary, and you will also share in the office's commission structure. Do you have a good car?"

"Yes, I have a two year old Chevrolet in perfect condition."

"You're going to want to go to LA and look at apartments. Don't panic when you see the prices because your income level will be increased to more than take care of it. Find our office in Hollywood and start out from there. A lot of places are going to be within walking distance. Make sure you have a place for your car. The company will pick up the tab for moving you, and I can have money advanced for apartment looking and security for you. I want you to start work in LA next week, probably toward the end of the week, or as soon as you've found a place to live and are moved. Are you going to need some cash?"

"I shouldn't. I know the area well and have a lot of friends there. I'll begin calling them first to see if I can share a place with them while I take my time and find a deal for my own place."

I stood and offered my hand that he shook. "Get anything personal you have here and leave. You are officially my assistant as of right now, and are being directed to get moved. Your new office is in the process of being built. Tell Kelly I hired you if you can find her, and that you will be working with her next week."

I ran upstairs and told the two ladies in the accounting office, "I want you two to stay up here. I'm probably going to send Kelly up here too. I'll explain later."

I went across the hall to the title office and found a single soul in there. The lady said she was happy to see me, and would welcome having business again. I asked her if she was alone in the office. "My assistant is down to three days a week. I hope she can come back to full time soon."

"Bring her back full time, and I want you two to be selling the benefits of our title company. I want you to be making your monthly bonus money."

"Yeah, that's what I want to hear. Now go tell that to finance. I'll have my girl in tomorrow morning."

I went into finance and it was a duplicate of what LA was. I introduced myself, and the manager asked, "Are you going to do for us what you did for Jimmy in LA? He's into bonus money so big that he'll want to retire the way you have sales going there."

"Well, I don't know whether or not that's true, but I want to tell you to be prepared for activity. Temps are cheap, so use them to evaluate who you might want to keep. Mooney didn't see the decline here, but we are fixing it right now. Your new Manager is a go-getter and will be helping all the departments succeed. Now go sell some loans to other realtors. You're no longer restricted to only Mooney sales.

I checked in the decorator's office and found a lady making a drawing for a homeowner interview. I asked how she was, and she replied that she was better than others because she can sell Mooney decorator services to anyone, and does. She told me, "I have to have work to make a living, so I make sure I'm out selling as much as decorating."

I told her, "You're my type of decorator. I think we're going to get you some work very soon. Why don't you take a long lunch from about eleven until say two today? I'm going to be very disruptive for a while later."

The lady said, "I have to leave for an appointment in about ten minutes, and will probably be there most of the day. Will that work?"

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Friday morning When I woke up it was only five thirty, but I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go back to sleep. My mind was buzzing about wasting more than a day going up to Montreal to make a deal, only to have it evaporate on us. I couldn’t believe that someone who sounded so desperate could be so conniving. I showered quickly and went out to the patio. As I left the bedroom, Kate and Juanita raised their heads to watch me leave. They both smiled. I thought they went back to sleep. No...

3 years ago
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How Did This Happen The Best Job In The World

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. I spent a lot of time in my studies, but finally got my Masters degree and now I was among the job searchers. My husband, John, was thrilled at my accomplishment and we spent the night out at a fancy restaurant with steak and champagne, then to a club to dance to my celebration. With a little bit too much to drink, John said, “Sally, the...

2 years ago
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First LoveChapter 47

"Jen!" exclaimed Karen. "Hi, how are you?" she asked, surprised to see her. Jen smiled, leaning over to give Ryan's mother a hug as she sat in the chair. "Fine," she told her. "Wish I could say the same, but... " Karen told her with a sad smile. "He'll be okay," Jen said positively. "We're praying," Karen told her. "Where's Robby?" she asked Ryan. "He's at home. He'll be okay," he answered. "Where's Dad?" "He's getting coffee for us." "Oh." Ryan sat down...

1 year ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 21

When Megan and DD returned from the kitchen, Mina asked, "Meggie? What did you learn?" "I learned a great way to eat Polish Foot Longs." Mina laughed, then she got ... pensive. "DD, did you feed Megs tomorrows lunch?" she asked. "Uh huh," said DD ... and they all looked at Bill. "What?" Bill started backing up ... the ten inch beginning to sag and droop. The chase was on. It was long and tiring. They finally cornered Bill in the hot tub. "Cooked Polish Foot Long," they...

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Alan Ch 17

Captured for a Time The plates were long cleared from the table, and the men sat around the living room, a football game shining off the screen of the television, volume turned low so as not to disturb the baby resting in his cousin Jack’s arms. Jack was married to his cousin Nina, and Shara was their first baby, though number two was a work in progress, more than seven months along inside Nina’s belly. Nina sat down next to Alan on the couch, across from her husband and Alan’s dad. She...

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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 7 Jaz

Cindy sat across the table from Dr. Lomac with fire in her eyes. "Okay, Okay, slow down let me put this on tape." Syd told her, and fumbled sleepily through the desk until he retrieved the small tape recorder. "I need to tell you all this in case I forget it again." Cindy said urgently, frustrated that he was taking so long. Finally Syd found the recorder and a new tape, "Okay start from the beginning." Cindy began to recount every detail of how Neil had taken advantage of her. Syd...

1 year ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 11

My cousin Sandy and I had a date with a couple of cops she knew and had “dated” before. She was big into fireman, cops, and military men. I told Sandy about some of the things I was getting into, including some rough sex and name calling. She told me that these two guys were really wild, that the sex would be very intense and they would give me what I was looking for.Sandy warned me that cops were different than the firemen we had fucked a few weeks earlier. She said cops had a sense of power...

Group Sex
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A Romantic Evening

“I’m pullin’ up,” Nate Jackson said into his smartphone. “You ready?”“Yes, sir,” replied his roommate.“Alright then. I’m bout to request the Uber. Just come on out.”“Okie dokie. See you in a minute.”Nate parked his 2010 metallic dark blue GMC Sierra 1500 extended cab pick-up in an empty space in front of building 17. He shut off the vehicle and opened the car service app on his phone. After completing the request, he stepped out into the chilly evening air. He grabbed his black faux-leather...

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My stepbrothers Part 2

When I asked Teddy about a week later why in the hell did they have to make a DVD of me being gang-banged he yelled for his brother,"Tommy, can you come here a minute"? Tommy was asking "wassup"? and Teddy started to tell him about my asking why they had to make a DVD. "I was forced to suck your cocks and never had I been raped let alone gang-banged! You were even making me say the encouraging things"! "No way", said Teddy. "It sure looked to me as if you were enjoying the...

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Earths CoreChapter 11 Down Ocean

Seeing Zax drastically accelerating and getting away, Archbishop Silternja’s assured expression turned ghastly as he racked his brain for explanation. ‘This technique is why he negotiated, it probably cost him dearly’. He quickly realized the cause for the odd phenomenon, yet his countenance remained abysmal despite guessing that this speed could not be sustained indefinitely. ‘He made an oath to a God and, because of his understanding of the dark attribute, it actually reverberated through...

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Her Mothers LoverChapter 5

Charisse was bored in school during the next several days. After the fantastic excitement of that night in bed with Debby, everything else that had happened in Greystone was pale by comparison. She kept wondering when she and Debby would get together again. She was hoping when Debby approached her that she was going to make some suggestions for them to spend time with each other that weekend. But Debby rather surprised her with an entirely different kind of proposal. "What are your plans...

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The Demise of a Dour ManChapter 4

David and Moira sat their Finals. For both they went well and each was hopeful for an Honours pass. David rang his admissions contact at Blakely Engineering and told him, asking whether it was worth his while looking for accommodation in the Basingstoke area. He was given an unqualified 'yes'. Both went home to David's parents and used that as a base for house hunting. They were not looking for much more than a roof over their heads. A long term house could wait until they were both...

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On Reflection

Jealousy can make people do terrible things and the cost can be very high. This is one such case. Edited with comments by LadyCibelle I looked at myself in the mirror, rubbed a little blush into my cheeks and took a brush to my hair for one last touch. I sighed, backed away and put on the short black dress I bought this week. It was perfect, not too short and not too long. I still had good legs and I loved to show them off. Bill always made comments about them and I guess he convinced me how...

2 years ago
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Big Adventure

Holly’s Big AdventureIt’s saturday evening. My wife Holly is out of town at a tech seminar for her job. She has to learn how to use some new video conferencing system. I’ve been putzing around the garage all day and now I’m watching college football. The phone rings. It’s Holly. She tells me that the class is over and she’s all excited about what she has learned and what it will mean to the office. After detailing her travel plans and telling me what time I can expect her tomorrow, she gives me...

1 year ago
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My Old School Uniform

About six months after moving in with my boyfriend Brad, my mum sent dad round to our apartment with two huge boxes full of clothes and things I had left behind. It took a few weeks and a particular gloomy day off after a tiring week at work before I finally got around to sorting through them and it was like some kind of time capsule. Firstly I piled up the neatly pressed but useless bits of my old school uniform along with other things to go to the dump when I began to wonder if I could still...

4 years ago
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Poor Boy Becomes A Rich Man

I’m Riyaz 24 yrs old Muslim Boy From Andhra Pradesh. I’m big fan of Iss. Actually This was my friend’s real story. To my curiosity to share with u people I’m Posting with original names. My family consists of Father Hussain 38yrs ,Mother Mumtaz 36 yrs Like Indian Muslim Mother But Her sizes made me horny Like 42-38-44,me 24yrs ,younger sister Reshma 19yrs with 36-28-38 sizes. Actually we grown in a poor circumstances that we stay in a single room with all inside. We don’t have proper clothes to...

1 year ago
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Upside Down Again

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Gotcha again.” Trisha said with a smile. Trisha sprung up off the bed and the sisters wrapped each other in a loose embrace. After a series of soft kisses, the two girls smiled warmly as they stared into each other’s eyes. “Oh my God … this is so fucking weird!” Rachel said with a nervous laugh. “What is?” her sister asked coyly. “Oh, come on! This whole crazy thing, you and me, this is nuts!” the blonde responded incredulously. Trisha’s smile slowly...

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Doomed By Margaret Jeanette Edna and Jerry Hoeft were on their way to work. They had a realty office and were starting to really grow. Jerry was president of the company and Edna was shown to be executive vice president. They had five agents working for them. Edna said, "With the two sales yesterday I know this will be our biggest month yet! We are going to have to look for more help soon." Jerry agreed. "Yes, I know. The least we can get by with is someone to do the filing so...

1 year ago
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Fill Me

Alicia saw the flash of metal, as her high heels clicked briskly across the subway platform from the train toward the stairs. Though she was in a hurry to get to work, she HAD to pause and stoop down to pick it up. Crouched near the ground, she could now tell it was a quarter -- and already her pussy was throbbing with the thought of what she was going to do with it. But just as Alicia's fingers were about to close on the coin, another hand snatched it away from her. A hand in a tattered knit...

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Kim Possible Dreams Can Come True Chapter 3

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 3 - After hoursRon Stoppable was Kim's best friend and sidekick in their fight against crime.Ron was the exact opposite of Kim. He was the guy that you'll never pay any attention at. He was clumsy and a real time loser, until a few weeks back. He was also in love with his best friend, Kim, but he couldn't tell her. He never had any idea as to how she would react if he told her the truth.Growing up, Ron thought that he would be what a woman wants....

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The Wedding Dress

'So I was to be the best man. Great.' George Mason was still confused about all of that. Sure he had known the groom, Brett, for years; they sat next to each other in school. But since those days they hadn't been in contact. Darn, school was a lifetime ago. George had run into Brett by chance two days ago; they had some drinks at a bar, and George ended up agreeing to act as Brett's best man at his wedding. Brett had explained that his original best man was sick or something. Two days...

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Mr Irish

The day was busy as always as Shannon stood behind the reception of the Movie Heights Grand Hotel. It was getting late in the afternoon as a taxi pulled up in front of the reception and a man climbed out of it. Nothing special but the receptionist found herself unable to look away for long. He had red hair and a red beard and when he stepped into the hotel foyer, she noticed him wearing a perfectly tailored deep-green suit. “How can I help you, Sir?” she asked and smiled as he stepped up to the...

Mind Control
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The Baby Carriage TalesChapter 2

When Tyrone said, "Let's do her next" as Helen walked down the street he caught me by surprise. I figured that what we had done with Sandy was a one time thing. "Wait here" Tyrone said, "I'll be right back" He came back a moment later and handed me a bottle with an eyedropper in it. "You need to dose their coffee as soon as you get them in the backyard and then call me on my cell and I'll take it from there." I spent all that day waiting for a cop car to pull up in front of my...

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Amy and Darleen rewritten

Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 It started a couple of years after my divorce. At first, I was not interested in dating as the divorce got nasty fairly quick. We were high school sweethearts who ended up getting married rather young. I grew up in a religious family and my wife didn’t. However, since I was working close to 80 hours a week for nearly 2 years, it led to the demise of our marriage. My grandparents were married over 60 years. Getting divorced really broke my heart and took its...

1 year ago
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How lucky can one Girl Get Blacken

Dee was a supervisor in a call center. She hated the long days and the long hours that her job entailed. She just wanted something or someone to come along, and make life a little more worth her while. She would look at the all the young guys that she worked with and would think to herself, "jailbait."Dee was 32, single and hating it. Most of her friends were married and her single friends had boyfriends and the last boyfriend was a dud in bed thank god for vibrators. One morning, she was asked...

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P I And MagicChapter 15

The date with Officer Shelton (Darla) had been going fine, until her supervisor called. Apparently one of her cases had been moved up, and she had ten minutes to get to 'night court'. She started to beg off, but I said I would be glad to go with her. Her smile seemed to light the room. We got to the court and managed to get into the courtroom prior to her being called as the arresting officer. Even before she got to the stand, the judge asked her why she was not appropriately dressed in...

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 09

“He asked me for ID!” Alexis said as she came back carrying two drinks. “I’m flattered he thinks I look under 18. I gave him another couple of inches as thanks. He’s got a surprise coming when he next gets hard.” Alexis handed Lumiosa her drink, and she began sipping it. “What is this?” She asked. “Vodka and Coke,” Alexis replied, before picking up the £10 note she’d gotten as change. “This money’s so weird. And everything’s so expensive nowadays. Back when I lived around here it was all...

1 year ago
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Including the Friend part Three

((This is a continuation of lovely_lady's story))She turned around and smiled. “That was the most amazing experience, I can’t wait for what we do next time.” And with that, Ethan and Henry share a wicked smile between them. She has no idea what they're smiling about, but she's just enjoying the afterglow. However, that all stops when both take her a place her on her back and then proceed to tie her up. It all happened so quickly, she didn't even really know what was going on until it was too...

Group Sex
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Broken AngelChapter 12 A Step Into Tomorrow

Desperate to make political hay from the situation, the governor regained control of the press conference. "Please," he asked as he mugged for the cameras, would everyone put their weapons away?" He waited through the obligatory laughter and continued, "These two young people were forced to make public certain video tapes that should have been turned over to the proper authorities to be investigated and dealt with in a court of law." "And be hidden from everybody, especially the press...

1 year ago
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Survival Instincts Chapter 1

We ran and ran and ran, uphill, downhill, through tall trees and thickets, over boulders and scree; one foot forward, three slides back. Our breath rasping and our throats dry. We kept running, but not really looking as to where we were going. I had taken a side path from the main forestry road and Sarah blindly followed me; tall pines surrounded us and the floor was covered in brown tinder; it was full of material waiting to catch fire with the intense heat. We hit a clearing and then, in...

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Office AffairsChapter 4

As mentioned before, Lucian road-tested Chantal's sister Denise LaSalle later that week, after they had finished the last stage of moving into Violet's place. It would take several phases, given the complexity of the whole thing. There was so much that had to be done, but for now, he relaxed and enjoyed Denise's sweet pussy, which felt hot, slick, and sticky from his previous load. Yes, he had given her his seed and continued fucking her afterward for a little bit. He just couldn't get...

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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 18

I was woken during the night by the windows in my room rattling. My old brain knew that this was caused by Russian Migs breaking the sound barrier over west Berlin – just part of the continuous intimidation against this western enclave in the Soviet empire. I drifted off to sleep wondering what it must be like to live every day with the fear of Soviet forces appearing in your city. That unease must have worked on my brain as I woke up in a fright. What had I been thinking, bringing...

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Im a CockSucker Now Gay

Ever since I had found copies of Penthouse Letters in my older brother's room I had been curious. There were stories of men with other men there and while at first I was a bit shocked that a publication like this would have letters about gay or bi men, soon I began to realize that on one level or another they were more interesting. Perhaps it was the fact that society seemed so down on men being with men, but whatever it was I searched out those stories. I even found myself thinking of being...

2 years ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 22

"Dying in prison would be better than living with that," Wolfgang said with a nod of his head as if agreeing with himself. He was looking down and none of us said anything for a minute. "Even so," he looked back up and shrugged, "we were able to escape." "You just walked out?" Sofia asked him. "It was not so hard. I was able to get Eva on her feet again," he explained. "The drugs were wearing off, at least enough so she could walk, and nobody stopped us." We were in my cabana...

4 years ago
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Cafe LAmour

My name is Trast, and I’m 17 years old and I’m single (obviously, I work at a fucking coffee shop. No one wants to date someone that constantly smells like cappuccino.) I'm not particularly ripped, but I go to the gym about twice a week, enough to keep me toned. I have dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, and none of you really care about this, do you? You want the sex. Well, I’m getting to it. Anyway, working at a coffee shop isn't too bad. If I hear one more person ask me for a latte...

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Im A ConWoman Its What I Do

//// "Look who's having a drink." Santana draws in her Spanish accent as she approaches the familiar older blonde sitting at the bar. Kathleen looks to her right as she sees Santana sit down and set her scotch on the bar. Santana still works for the Benefactor, as does she but she doesn't have any contact with him, only his people. Kathleen hides her feeling of surprise under a smirk. "I could say the same, darling." Kathleen drinks from the wine glass in front of her....

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Im A Panty Pee Girl

I love to pee and to be peed. As my husband loves too it's easy for me to get peed when and where i want. last time he peed on me it was last weekend. We were visiting my parents. We eat, talk and have the usual chat about normal stuff.It was my idea to pee play and i grab my hubby and said to him: "i need u to pee on me. i need to feel ur hot gold on my nylons and my bra!". So we went to my old room (a room that i use to alone on myself in my c***dhood) in my parents house and we have a quick...

3 years ago
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I Fuck a Family

Every year I take a trip up the coast in early summer. I use this time for rest, recreation, and renewal by the sea. If I am in a relationship I will bring my partner, sometimes I am accompanied by a buddy or fuck-buddy. This year the drive up was uneventful. I stopped at a couple of small wineries along the way, made some purchases and had them shipped home. For lunch I stopped at a gas station/deli/general store. By nightfall I had arrived at my destination and settled in. After a...

4 years ago
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Fucking while Trucking

Introduction: Based on a real life story a friend told me. Sitting in this dark space, I still cant believe youre making me wait. At least this bunk is comfortable I reason to myself as I sit in the sleeper compartment of this semi-truck, waiting for you to join me. I start to get relaxed as I sit in near pitch-blackness, up against the soft upholstered walls. I watch the curtains sway a little when a hard bump comes along from time to time. When it does move, I can see a little bit of light in...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 43

Those of you who don't remember England in the first three-quarters of the Twentieth Century won't have any idea just how quiet it could be early on a Sunday morning. Only in certain God-fearing areas of North Wales and the Western Isles of Scotland will you experience anything similar today. Some corner shops would open for a few hours to sell milk, bread, sweets and newspapers, but anything else was almost impossible to find - even petrol stations were closed unless they were on a main...

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Brians Story

Truth or dare Stephanie asked Allie. Dare Allie replied. Stephanie took another sip of Jack and said "I want you to take Brian's virginity and I get to watch." Allie swallowed her glass of whisky and grabbed both Brian and Steph by the hand and lead them to the bathroom. Brian was a big boy, sixteen years old and six foot six inches tall and about two hundred twenty five pounds and not very smart nor good looking. He was the center on the football team and nobody could get past him. But he was...

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Claires Necklace Chapter 1

"Finally Friday," I mumbled to myself as I turned into my driveway. My job wasn't physically challenging, but it could certainly be stressful. As the owner of the largest law firm in Tennessee, I'd often work late into the evening and sometimes from home as well. Weeknights were generally consumed by paperwork. But completing my work during the week allows me to have free time during weekends. I am 40 years old and in rather good shape. Working behind a desk doesn't help much, but I...

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