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"The doctor's ready to see you now, sir," the receptionist said, waving him through to the doctor's office. It was like any other doctor's surgery - magazines in the waiting room, a clean, professional doctor's office with an examination table in the centre. The difference being that Dr. Litt only attended to a very specific clientele.

Timothy stood, thanking the receptionist with a quick grin. Timothy was a charming boy - at twenty-two, this was his first pet - a present from his father. He wanted to make sure that he did everything right, that the pet got all his shots and that they set up monthly health checks. He wanted to make sure that he looked after his new pet perfectly, wanted to make his father proud.

Pulling on his leash, Timothy guided his pet into the doctor's office. "Come on, Fido," he said, his voice low and commanding. His father had told him that you had to be firm right from the start, that you had to establish yourself as alpha male or they would try and push boundaries. He knew better than to expect anything less than immediate obedience - if his pet didn't obey, it would be punished severely.

Fido crawled toward the office, trying to keep up as best he could. He was a cute pet, with dark brown eyes and floppy brown hair. The only thing he wore was a tail plug, his tail 'wagging' with every movement he made, his cock dangling soft between his legs, his body pale and completely smooth. He was boyish and cute, and new enough to this that being naked still made him blush. He knew better than to disobey his master - he knew that would only bring pain.

They entered the office together, the doctor looking up from his studies. He was an older man, though still virile. He had wrinkles around his blue eyes and salt and pepper hair. He was quick to smile, looking over his new client professionally.

"My, my," the doctor said, his voice low and friendly. "I take it he's new?" he asked, raising his eyes to Timothy. Dr. Litt was a handsome man - despite his age, he hadn't lost any of his good looks. He was confident, and he loved his job.

"Yeah, I just got him earlier today. I wanted to bring him in for examination and vaccination immediately," Timothy said, reaching down and rubbing a hand through Fido's hair. "He's cute, isn't he?"

"Adorable," Dr. Litt agreed, unable to take his eyes off the new pet. "Why don't you put him up on the table? I'm assuming you want a full examination, including sensitivity. Is he a virgin?"

"Of course," Timothy said, nodding his head. "We were assured that he was trained by the best, and that he was left fully intact and virginal, but I'd like a sensitivity and tightness test all the same, just to be sure. My father wants to make sure that he got his money's worth." Timothy patted the examination table.

Trembling, Fido hopped up onto it obediently. He was nervous - he'd been trained, but he'd never been examined like this before. The tail plug was the biggest thing he'd ever had in his ass, and it wasn't much more than a finger. And he had no idea what a 'sensitivity test' entailed.

"Understandable," the doctor said, watching the pet tremble with a smile. He reached for his gloves, snapping them on slowly, relishing the anticipation. It wasn't often that he got to examine one this pretty, nor this new. He was going to enjoy himself.

Dr. Litt started by checking Fido's eyes, ears and teeth. "Very good, very good," he murmured to himself. "Excellent teeth, though we can have those removed if he proves to be unruly. I had the procedure done just last week to Mr. Lawrence's bitch, Lavender. He says that she's much more pleasant to face fuck now that those pesky teeth aren't in the way." He pulled Fido's mouth open until the pet's jaw ached, inspecting him carefully.

"We'll see," Timothy said. "He seems like a timid creature - well trained, so it may not be necessary." He crossed his arms over his chest, watching the examination with interest.

"Mmm, sometimes, even if they're not a biter, they can't help their teeth grazing you, which isn't pleasant. Of course, you can just use open-mouthed gags to keep his teeth out of the way as a short term solution, but if you're ever looking for something more permanent, we can yank his teeth. I'd offer the same discount to you as your father, of course." Dr. Litt grabbed a speculum, fitting it in behind Fido's teeth and opening it carefully, stretching the pet's jaw open painfully before pushing his fingers inside. He checked the gag reflex, sinking his fingers into Fido's throat.

Fido choked and gagged, his hands twisting in his lap, tears coming to his eyes at the pain of having his jaw stretched open. It was a persistent ache, not helped by the way the doctor roughly finger-fucked his throat. He tried to swallow around the fingers, but he couldn't help choking, his throat tightening as he gagged.

"Nice, tight throat," Dr. Litt said, pulling his fingers out. "You'll enjoy that, no doubt." He left the speculum in, tutting at the pet drooled all over himself. "Dirty creatures. I hope he's not a drooler. I suppose such a perfect specimen has to have a flaw somewhere." He slid his hands down over the pet's chest, twisting and pinching his nipples until they were tight and hard.

Shuddering, Fido whimpered - his nipples were exquisitely sensitive, sending bolts of sensation down his body. His cock twitched eagerly to attention even as his jaw ached fiercely. He flushed with humiliation at the doctor's words, but with the speculum keeping his mouth open, he couldn't stop himself from drooling all over his chin.

"Sensitive nipples," the doctor noted. He grabbed a clamp, snapping it closed on Fido's hard nipple, watching as the pet's back arched and he howled. Dr. Litt nodded to himself and added a second clamp, tightening them both until Fido whimpered, whined and twitched. "Very sensitive nipples." The doctor looked down at the pet's hard, twitching cock. "Look, see how excited it gets him? He'll respond very well to nipple play. Nipple torture will be a good punishment for him, too," Dr. Litt said, pulling at the clamps until Fido let out a hoarse scream of pain.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen one with nipples that sensitive before," Timothy said. He sat down in one of the chairs and reached down, rubbing himself slowly through his pants. "You don't mind, do you, doctor? The thrill of discovery is very... stimulating."

Dr. Litt released the pet's nipples and looked around at the young owner. "No, no, go ahead, feel free," he said. "I can certainly understand that this could all be a little overwhelming, especially for a first time owner." Leaving Fido's nipples painfully clamped, he slid his hands down over the pet's stomach, checking him over carefully for any imperfections. "He's got a little birthmark in his thigh here, but I'd say it's more endearing than a blemish. Still, I can get it removed by laser, if you desire it. I know that some owners like their pets to be absolutely flawless." He reached for Fido's balls, rolling them carefully between his fingers, watching as the pet's cock twitched and jumped.

"His testicles are intact - we can fix him for you, if you like. If your father has any female pets, there is a risk of impregnation if you don't keep a close enough eye on your animals." The doctor gave a quick squeeze to Fido's balls, eliciting a pained whimper from the pet. "Of course, if you want to stud him, or if you want to keep his balls for personal reasons, that's fine. But we do take care of those kinds of alterations at this surgery. Or any alterations you might require."

"As long as he doesn't prove himself too troublesome, I think I'd like to keep him intact, at least for now," Timothy said, leaning back in his chair, rubbing his palm over the bulge in his slacks. "He's a fine specimen - he could fetch a fair bit as a stud, and I do like it when they can come. So much more entertaining that way."

"Ah, yes, I've got many a client that has the same opinion as you on that," Dr. Litt said, nodding his head in agreement. "Though I'm not sure that your father will agree if Fido starts breeding his bitches. I suppose if he proves unruly and you want him to keep his balls, you'll just have to keep him locked away from the females. They can't help themselves, you know." The doctor lubed up his gloved palm before stroking Fido slowly, feeling the pet's cock jump and twitch in his hand. He pulled the foreskin back, exposing the pink, sensitive head. "Ah, foreskin's intact. That's nice, you don't see that a lot. That means the glans and slit will be nice and sensitive. Of course, if you require it, I can remove the foreskin. But I recommend you leave it, especially if you're into cock torture. They're so much more sensitive that way. See?" He rubbed his fingers lightly over the head, circling the little piss slit slowly, watching as it twitched.

Fido panted and gripped the edge of the table, arching into the touch, his body awash with sensation. His jaw was in agony, his nipples clamped tightly and burning, his cock so hard that it itched and ached. He was expressly forbidden from touching himself and it had been two weeks since his last milking - his trainers had wanted him nice and horny for his new owner. He whined hopefully.

"Yes, yes," Dr. Litt said, slapping the pet's thigh. "Down, boy. I'll milk you when we're done." He paused. "If that's what you wish, of course, Tim." Moving away from the table, he opened a drawer, retrieving a metal box. Opening it, he revealed a selection of slim metal rods, ranging from slimmer than a pencil to as thick as a finger.

"If you would," Timothy said, nodding his head. "I want to make sure of full sexual function before I take him home."

"Understandable," the doctor said, pulling out one of the slimmer rods. "I'm just going to make sure his urethra is clear - no obstructions." He lubed the sound up and pulled Fido's foreskin back, revealing the sensitive head and the twitching piss slit. Pre-cum pooled at the tip. Dr. Litt teased the sound around the slit, dipping it in gently like he might insert it before pulling it out again. He repeated this a few times before guiding the rod slowly into the tiny hole slowly, inch by inch.

Fido had never taken a sound before. He looked down anxiously as it circled his oh-so-sensitive piss slit. He knew that he liked it when someone touched him there, but he'd never had something inside him like that. He panted, his toes curling as the doctor teased him with it. Eventually, the man guided it into him, and Fido groaned gutturally at the feeling. It was so sensitive down there, even more sensitive than the outside of his cock. Having that little hole stuffed felt so good and hurt all at once, burning and itching as it stretched him out, the cool, smooth metal sinking deeper and deeper into his aching dick as his cock ate it greedily. Lube and pre-cum oozed up around the sound as at least eight inches of it disappeared into his throbbing dick. Fido looked at the box desperately - if one of the thinnest sounds felt this intense, he couldn't even imagine what the biggest ones felt like.

"Oh, he likes that," Dr. Litt said, pulling the sound out carefully. It was covered in pre-cum, white streaks clinging to the metal. "I'd recommend urethral play with this one, he seems to enjoy it a great deal. I can't feel any obstructions." He let the metal sink back into Fido's dick, watching as gravity took over. Every time the pet clenched, the sound squirted out a couple of inches before sinking back down again, fucking Fido's cock in sweet, slick slides.

Fido whimpered, his hands clenching desperately so he wasn't tempted to do something stupid like touch himself. It felt so good as the sound squirted in and out of his cock. He looked down at himself, moaning as he saw the metal gleam at the tip before disappearing back inside him. He was so hard that he ached, and he thought maybe he could come from this alone, but his master hadn't given him permission to. His cock twitched and bounced as he shivered from the stimulation, finding the sight of his own dripping, rock hard cock arousing in itself.

"Yeah, he definitely likes that," Timothy said, groaning and rubbing his cock slowly, fingering the head as he watched his pet shudder and whimper. "Is there a way you can keep it in there while you examine him?"

"Certainly," Dr. Litt said, pulling out a cock plug. He fitted it carefully into place, sliding the tip inside of Fido's sensitive urethra before fitting the ring into place, keeping the sound plugged deep inside of the pet's cock. Hidden away, it still moved every time Fido clenched and relaxed, fucking his cock on the inside, stimulating him even though they couldn't see it.

Having the sound plugged inside his cock made Fido pant. He was so aroused that he didn't quite know what to do with himself, his skin tingling and his cock pulsing. He could feel the sound sliding, rubbing against the inside of his cock, the slick metal pulling sensation after sensation from him until he was a shivering, moaning mess. Through training, he'd never been this aroused and it showed - his skin was flushed, his chest heaving, his clamped nipples hurting every time he moved.

The doctor squeezed the pet's rock hard dick and let out a low chuckle. "I think I'd better slip a cock ring on, or he'll come before I'm even done with the examination," he said, shaking his head. "He looks like he's ready to explode just from the sound." Reaching for a cock ring, he snapped it into place, separating Fido's balls from his body, adding in a ball spreader so that each of the pet's balls were separated and defined, the skin pulled tight. He added a couple of weights to really pull Fido's balls down away from his body, making sure that he wouldn't come until they wanted him to.

Fido whined - having his balls confined made them ache sharply. He looked down at himself, twitching at the way his rock hard cock pointed for his navel. His balls were smooth and separated out, pulled tight. With that on, there was no way he would be coming, and he ached to release a hot load.

"Right, time for your shots," Dr. Litt said, turning away. "Little scratch." The first few shots were just immunisations, and the doctor got those out of the way quickly. "I'm going to administer something special," the doctor said. "Just something to make him more sensitive. I don't believe in animal cruelty, and this shot will make sure that his pleasure far outweighs his pain. The effects last a few hours, so he'll be extra fun when you get him home. Of course, I have vials for sale on the stand by reception, if you feel like buying. Lots of clients think it's worth the money, but I'll leave that for you to decide." He gave Fido the last shot.

Within minutes, Fido felt it. He moaned quietly, his eyes glazing over, his chest heaving. What had been almost bearable before suddenly seemed impossible. His whole body was on fire, his nipples shooting pleasure and pain down to his dripping dick. His cock twitched and throbbed to the beat of his heart, the sound trapped away inside him making his breath come in sharp pants. He arched his hips, helplessly reaching for his aching dick. Even the leather wrapped around his bound balls was stimulating.

"Ah, don't think it's bad training." Dr. Litt caught the pet's hands, keeping Fido from touching his straining dick. "He's over-stimulated. It drives them crazy. No amount of training would keep him from trying to touch himself. It's very potent. The poor boy must be losing his mind with that sound in his dick. Just look at him. He's ready to explode. Of course, he won't be doing that until I've checked his prostate thoroughly."

Timothy let out a low groan. "Fuck," he gasped out, spurting inside his slacks, messing his underwear, his hips arching. "Damn it." He'd meant to save himself, but seeing his new pet squirm was so stimulating that he couldn't help himself. "Well, feel free to tie his hands so he doesn't touch himself."

"Of course," Dr. Litt said. He tied Fido's hands carefully behind his back before helping the pet to kneel on the table. The doctor arranged Fido so that he was using his shoulders as a brace, his ass up in the air, his legs spread, his balls dangling and stretched down thanks to the weights, his cock so hard it was up against his stomach.

"Right, I'm doing to examine how tight he is, first." The doctor parted Fido's buttocks with his thumbs, exposing the pet's entrance to the air. He eased the tail plug out of the Fido?s ass, feeling the pet shudder involuntarily beneath him. Dr. Litt set the plug aside and patted the pet?s hip soothingly as he examined his hole. It was nice and tight - small and pink. Lubing up a finger, he teased it around the tiny hole, watching as it clenched and twitched. Carefully, he inserted the finger all the way up to the knuckle, feeling the way it clenched around him tightly.

"Yes, beautifully tight," Dr. Litt said, ignoring how the pet panted and twitched under him, fighting against his restraints helplessly as he desperately tried to touch his aching cock. "I'm just going to check his prostate." He carefully slid a second finger inside, stretching Fido out slightly.

Fido was in a world of hellish lust. He moaned gutturally as he felt the doctor insert a second finger into his ass. His hole clenched greedily around the two slick, latex-covered fingers. The stretch of it burned slightly - he'd never had more than one finger and that tail plug up there before. But with the aphrodisiac in his system, the pain of being opened up by those two fingers just felt good, his cock jerking underneath him. He groaned and whimpered, jumping as he felt the doctor touch a special place inside him that made him want to come on the spot. Only the snug leather and the weights on his balls were stopping him. The doctor touched it again, and then started to massage it slowly, making Fido tense and cry out. His hips started to jerk as he tried to fuck the air helplessly, his cock throbbing so hard that he thought it would burst, the sound sliding slickly inside his urethra as the doctor manipulated his body mercilessly.

"Nearly there, boy," Dr. Litt said, slipping his fingers from Fido's ass. "He's very responsive to prostate stimulation. Everything looks fine. I'm just going to open him up and take a quick look."

Reaching for a second speculum, Dr. Litt opened up the pet's buttocks and slid the instrument carefully inside. He started to open Fido up, stretching the pet's ass out painfully, working him open with the cold, unforgiving metal.

"Not too much, Doctor," Timothy said. "I want to feel it when I fuck him later. No point buying a virgin if his hole is ruined by you first." He leaned back in his seat, sighing happily like a man that had enjoyed a satisfying orgasm.

"Don't worry," Dr. Litt said. "He'll be plenty tight when I'm through." He opened the Fido up a little more, stretching him more than two fingers, but not enough to impede Timothy's later pleasure.

Fido whined and panted against the table. The feel of having his ass stretched out was uncomfortably erotic. It hurt enough that his ass ached and burned, but his cock throbbed and drooled like it welcomed the pain. Maybe some part of him did. Between his aching Jaw, his clamped nipples and the speculum stretching out his ass, he was in plenty of pain. Despite that, he was still rock hard and so turned on that he couldn't help flexing his hips forward a few times, searching for something to rub his dick against.

The doctor tutted and slapped the pet's thigh. "Keep still," he said. "I can't take a look with you squirming around." He aimed a small flash light up Fido's ass, watching as the pet clenched around the speculum, futilely trying to close his asshole. The metal held him open - there was no give in it. It kept Fido spread open and helpless whilst Dr. Litt examined him.

After a few moments, the doctor nodded. "Everything looks fine," he said. "He seems to react to the aphrodisiac well, I'd definitely recommend that you take some home with you." He pulled the speculum out of Fido's ass carefully before setting it aside to be sterilised. The pet's hole clenched immediately into that tight, tiny pink pucker again. The doctor smiled, imagining the fun that Timothy was going to have fucking that tight little ass. Especially with Fido in such a horny, eager state. Normally, a pet might be a little nervous about its first fucking, but with the aphrodisiac in his system, Fido would offer up his ass like a bitch in heat.

"Well, I suppose I'd better finish up. I'm sure nothing's wrong with his sexual function, but it doesn't hurt to be thorough," Dr. Litt said, releasing Fido's balls from their leather confines. They immediately tightened up close to the pet's body, ready to release their load. The doctor then pulled the plug from Fido's urethra, setting that aside to be sterilised along with the speculum.

Just the act of having his bound balls released and the plug drawn from his twitching piss hole was nearly enough to make Fido come. He panted against the table, moaning deliriously as he waited eagerly to be milked. His whole body tingled with anticipation. He could feel his balls drawing close up to his body, his cock dripping pre-cum onto the steel table he was kneeling on. The sound was still inside, shifting and sliding around inside his sensitive urethra, making him whimper and twitch. He was so close that a single touch would send him over the edge, and he fought to give himself that, straining against the padded cuffs around his wrists.

"You're leaving the sound in?" Timothy asked, sounding surprised. He watched as the doctor lubed up his fingers again.

"Oh, yes. It won't hurt him any to come with it in - he'll just squirt it onto the table, and I think Fido here enjoys having it fucking his cock," the doctor said, patting the pet's ass fondly. "I do classes on safe urethral play every Wednesday morning, if you're interested. I'm starting a new course next week. You get a complimentary kit of medical sounds at the end of it. Well worth the expense, in my opinion. And I think your pet will enjoy your new expertise greatly. Sounding is one of those things that can be wonderful if you know what you're doing, but I've had too many pets in here with bad infections or obstructions. If you're going to do it, you have to do it right." Dr. Litt glanced over at Timothy. "And it would be a shame not to do it with this one. It's been a while since I've seen a pet so responsive to having his cock violated. Now, boy, settle down and stop struggling or I'll have to give you a sedative."

When Fido stopped struggling against his restraints, the doctor slid two lubricated, gloved fingers back into the pet. He was still deliciously tight. Dr. Litt lingered for a moment, his cock twitching in his slacks. Luckily, his white doctor's coat hid his hard cock from Timothy's view. After a few seconds, the doctor slid his fingers in deeper and crooked them, expertly finding Fido's prostate. He massaged firmly, in much the same manner he had when he was doing the prostate exam.

Fido panted and quivered on the table as he felt the doctor's fingers violating his ass again. This time, he knew what to expect, and he craved it. Even the ache of having his tight hole stretched open felt good to him. He tensed and moaned with anticipation, giving a full body shudder when the doctor's fingers finally found that spot inside him. The feeling overwhelmed him, his clamped nipples throbbing in tandem with his cock, his ass clenching greedily around those fingers as the doctor rubbed him, sending intense pleasure through his body. It only took seconds before Fido gave a high pitched whine, his body tensing up and his toes curling. The sound hit the table with a clatter, metal hitting metal. Come burned through his cock, stinging his irritated urethra as he spurted across the table. The sting of it just made him come harder, his ass rippling and squeezing around the doctor's fingers like he was trying to milk them. He moaned, whimpered and gasped, shuddering and twitching his way through the best orgasm of his young life. Finally, the orgasm tapered off, his cock oozing its last few drips of come as Fido relaxed, the chrome table covered in pearly droplets.

The doctor slid his fingers from the pet's tight ass with a chuckle. ?Definitely nothing wrong with his sexual function,? he said. He slipped the tail plug back into Fido?s hole, watching it wag as the pet clenched around it, shuddering with ecstasy as aftershocks ripped through his body. Dr. Litt unclipped the nipple clamps carefully, Fido whimpering at the pain of blood flowing back into his sensitive nipples. Finally, the doctor removed the drool-covered speculum from Fido's mouth and wiped his chin and neck. When he was done, he stripped off his gloves, dropping them in the trash. He unlocked the cuffs from the pet's wrist and lowered Fido from the table onto the floor. "Everything looks fine, Tim," he said, looking down at the shuddering, panting pet at his feet.

"Thanks for everything, Doctor," Tim said, getting up and shaking the man's hand. "And I think I will take you up on those Wednesday classes."

"Wise choice, boy, wise choice," Dr. Litt said, smiling and giving Timothy's hand a firm squeeze. "Bring him back in a month for a check-up. You can settle up with Hilary in reception, where there's a range of products you can buy to enhance your experience with your new pet. Judging by his responsiveness, you're going to have a lot of fun when you get home." The doctor winked and grinned, showing Timothy and Fido out of his office and into the waiting room.

"Thanks again, Doctor," Timothy said, leashing his pet and walking him carefully out of the waiting room back to reception. Poor Fido was still dazed from his milking, shuddering now and again as the tail plug stimulated him. His cock was still hard, slapping his stomach as he hurried to keep up with his new owner.

"No problem, Tim. Julia, come get this mess cleaned up before my next patient arrives, will you?" His next patient had been registered at his practice for a year, and Dr. Litt looked forward to seeing how wide he could stretch Jakey?s asshole this visit.

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Cheating Wife

It was Saturday night and Charles was away on business and would be until Monday. And the kids were visiting their grandparents on their farm. This was her second day all to herself so Barbara figured, what the hell, she was going out for a night on the town. She had been eating healthy and exercising regularly and was feeling particularly confident. She knew Charles wouldn’t have an issue with her having a little fun. There was a new club called Sweet Water to check out.She took extra care...

3 years ago
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A Planned Infidelity A true story

I played a lot with her body, until the moment for pussy stroking, where I poked my tongue.  This made her to shake like if fucking me… but I had begun a tongue fucking instead. She moaned, a pussy getting more drenched each time.  I moved to her clit and began to lick it, pressed between my lips, I began to suck  bringing this married mature woman to moan louder; she had my head clutched against her clit so I didn’t quit. This account is fully real. I live in Mexico City, 30 yo.,  and engaged ...

1 year ago
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Masters Golden Shower

Master and I love taking showers together. We love just standing under the hot water holding and kissing each other. We are both about the same height and our bodies fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces.After we make-out under the constant stream of water, I reach up to grab the shampoo to wash Master's hair. He looks so fucking hot with his salt and pepper hair slicked back exposing his widow's peak and sexy bedroom eyes. Sometimes I can't believe how much just looking into his eyes makes...

4 years ago
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First time as a fuck toy

This is my first story so I'm sorry if it sucks. I've always been somewhat submissive as I love rough sex but this was my first time truly being one a few days ago. I've been a dom before.I was nervous as hell. I must've looked it cause he asked me if I was okay about twice. I took off my jacket and stood before him fully clothed. I felt my heart race as he stood close and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. "I'm going to have lots of fun making you my little slut." He told me to take my boots off and...

2 years ago
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Paroson ko chouda

Dosto mera nam jojo (optional) hai main jo kahani aap ko sona nay jaraha hoon yah aaj say kareeban 8 mahenay pahlay ki bat hai mera shumar muhalay kay achay larkoon main sab say pahlay no per aata tha. Us kiwaja yah thi main kisi ko inkar nahi kar sakta tha mujhay bahar kisi nay dekh liya to foran usay koi na koi kam yaad aajata issi wajha say mera sub kay ghar ana jana rahta tha humaray muhalay ghar kay samnay. Tahira baji ki femly rahnay aye jin ka figer 38 36 38 tha lekin mainay us waqt koi...

2 years ago
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FuTa Ninja

This is a fanmade smut featuring Soul Calibur characters Taki, Mitsurugi, Setsuka, and Sophitia Alexandra. I do not own Soul Calibur or its characters. There are 3 paths to choose from, and each path is from the perspective of a different character. In every path, regardless of who you choose, the character will encounter and eventually have lewd time with the Fu-Ma ninja Taki. The thing is, she's a hung futa. That doesn't mean she's entirely dominant of course. Depending on who she's with, she...

3 years ago
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Caroline Ch 1302

Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! This chapter (and the next) is a rather longer non-erotic chapter but very necessary for the development of characters and plot so, if sex is the only reason for reading Caroline, you will have to wait until a bit later. Here Caroline manipulates Mike and Gianna into renewing...

3 years ago
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The House at Number Seventeen

Theodore F Walker was back in Vienna. Passers-by would have seen a slim man in his early fifties strolling in the early spring evening, apparently with no fixed objective. In that they would have been mistaken. Theo was early for his appointment by design: it gave him time to make a small detour. At the narrow entrance to Auergasse he paused briefly. The door to Number Seventeen was hidden from view beyond a shallow bend. Ten years ago, when his tour of duty ended, it had been painted dark...

3 years ago
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the best feeling

“Yes sir, thank you so much,” I replied to my boss shaking his hand. “You do a good job Mr. Petrelli and I expect to have a weekly report from you,” my boss replied. “I won’t let you down sir.” Finally after ten years of working my ass off for this company I got the promotion I was going after. I had been promoted to regional director of sales for a national company and was now in charge of about six different southern states. I knew my job wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew I...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Colleague Suguna

I wanted to have sex with Suguna. It was no brainer that since the day I saw her in the office, I wanted to fuck her. Every day, I used to watch her walk around the office, talk to people, do her work at the desk and joke around in the office. I used to simply observe my colleague from a distance. Suguna is beautiful. She has fair flawless skin, long black hair, cute long face with a big nose. I love the way her nose moves whenever she talks in a mischievous mood. She has a fit body with firm...

1 year ago
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Seeblings love

Note : This story is completely fictional! In texas lived a 18 years old girl Amanda,she was very attractive, for a 18 years old she had amazing breast, a cup double D, she was hot with a great ass, she had like 20 boyfriends in only one year. However, she lusted for her brother, and besides knowing that her 22 years old brother would never give in to an incest relationship, he was gay, but she was the only one who knew that since 4 years, she found out when she came home early and so him...

2 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 24

The incompetence of the politically connected has to be experienced to be believed. “My daddy has my back.” The existence of a legislature passing laws that they are immune to is one of the reasons for the Princessapality. Junior was expected ... no ... required ... to obey the the laws she decreed. The child Junior carried, Wendolyn Wanzor Austin IV, couldn’t/wouldn’t believe she was no better than her subjects. Mary stayed with me as I derigged (we call it struck ... as in take it down...

1 year ago
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SlutInspection Luna Rival Slutty StepSister gets her Hairy Pussy Fucked by a BWC

Dan has been waiting for someone to play foosball with. So when his step-sister Luna gets home he comes up with just the wager to make it interesting. It almost seems like Luna wanted to lose so she could have his cock in her mouth. Once she gives a little bit of head she’s wants more though. So she had him follow her to her bedroom so they can play a whole different game. Luna has Dan fill her pretty pussy with his cock in every way she can think of until she needs his cum. So she drops on her...

3 years ago
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Shopping Trip

His mind wandered as he walked through the mall. He had several things to buy today, in preparation for her birthday, and he wanted to make sure that he got everything on the list. His first stop was the Art of Shaving store. He was out of his favorite shaving cream and soap, and needed to pick them up. She loved the way his face felt, and it was definitely worth the extra couple of dollars to buy quality items. Occasionally, he'd thought about picking up one of their razors, but he couldn't...

1 year ago
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Car wash hookup

In my 48 years of life on this planet I have been fortunate to bed hundreds of women. Some might scold and look down upon me but yet others envy it. I have average looks but have always stayed in shape by eating healthy and going to the gym. The past few years I have been approached by more married or attached women than single ones. I have learned that women cheat probably just as much as men or more however they seem to hide it better. I was divorced at 32 and have been single ever since. I...

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 27

It was a kiss that should have taken her breath away, but it didn't. In fact, it underscored the fact that she had made the right decision with regard to Ben and Barclay. So why, then, did she feel so blasted confused? She poked at her scrambled eggs which had grown cold during her little discussion with Barclay. The more she thought about it, the more insight she gained into her mixed emotions. Barc was a great guy in many respects, but he was a bit too much of a player for Ally's taste....

3 years ago
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My Gigolo Ways

Copyright© 1992-2003 A wide-bottomed girl named Trasket Had a hole as big as a basket. A spot, as a bride, In it now, you could hide, And include with your luggage your mascot. Well, its a job. At first it was just the thrill of earning money while I had sex with some very attractive woman. Now the sex has turned to work and the money seems to disappear in only days. Yup, you guessed it, I was a male hooker, gigolo, whatever you wish to call me. I don't walk the streets waiting...

1 year ago
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GUILTLESS Sleazy Blonde, 2021 My phone rang. I looked at the number. It was him. I drew a breath and then another and another. Anticipation. Expectation. Muscles, powerful muscles. And confidence, that oozing of tough, rugged masculinity all through his body. I grew wet. I hurried in the bedroom. I was running late. 30 minutes. I looked in the mirror: pumps, hose, mini, tight blouse, earrings, watch, bangles, blush, lipstick, eyes, hair. Perfect. A quick touchup. Seducing but...

2 years ago
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A Leto Tag Team

I awoke slumped over and exhausted. I opened my eyes and wiped the sleep from them. Am I in a fucking closet? I thought to myself. Jesus Christ what happened last night? The last thing I could remember was being railed by Jared in possibly the biggest softest bed in the world. For a second I could have sworn he was actually going to fuck me right into the mattress. I start to attempt to stand up. Ouch. I say to myself as I reach my hand to touch the raw skin on the side of my thigh. The rug...

4 years ago
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Slut Submits to Son

I sighed and tousled my son's long hair as he slept, curled against me. Our lovemaking had been typically intense; he had quite the fetish for me in my present state, grown so round with his child. I was due within the week, and we were doing all we could to make the most of our time together. It would be more than a month until I recovered, and even then we would have to fit sex in around work, feeding, and trying to catch sleep between our newborn's noisy awakenings. He'd had me straddle...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 42 Stranger Things Have Happened

July, 1983, Milford, Ohio I walked out the door of the house to my car, leaned against it, and put my head on my arms. I took several deep breaths trying to regain my composure. I wasn’t sure, but it seemed like five minutes or so and then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. “Not now, Bethany. I’m still trying to control my emotions,” I said without looking up. “Steve, it’s Connie. What’s going on?” “Sorry. I figured it was Bethany,” I said. “She’s inside with Joyce. They went into my...

3 years ago
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My best friends mother is a MILF

My name is Eric, I'm 19 years old. My best friend Dan is 19 years old too. We have been best friends since we were four years old. My mother and Dan's mother, Cheryl, are very good friends too. Cheryl is an attractive 40 year old women, she has blond hair and a great slim body. Dan and his mother always have had a real good connection, so sometimes she hangs out with us. Dan and I always have sleep overs. We had one last month at Dan's house. When I stayed there it was a hot summer day. It's...

4 years ago
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The morning after

The First NightAmy awoke in her bed with a throbbing headache. She winced as she looked at her nightstand, hoping to find some water. She had clearly overdone it on the alcohol the night before – her friend Suzy always managed to push her well past the limits of prudent drinking. Amy tried to avoid going out with Suzy for precisely that reason, but she seemed to run across her at the clubs at least once a week.The last thing Amy remembered from the night before was running into Suzy at a club....

2 years ago
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The Sentence Chapter 26

Chapter #26 A mean joke, a surprise trip, then practice, practice, practice. I followed her upstairs and over to the kitchen. That's when I heard Sarah talking to mom. She was telling her that I had another accident and was soaked. I headed right into the kitchen to defend myself. Mom was already yelling Jilly, did you wet your panties again. I tried to say something, but with the pacifier in my mouth it all came out baby talk. Boy mom was mad as she said. I don't know what...

2 years ago
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My Gal Alison

I was a junior in high school when I met Alison. That's not quite right. I met her as a freshman but it was as a junior when I really noticed her. We went to Francis Drake High. It was a magnet school; students came from all over, and it was for high achieving students. That's different than genius students. Smart doesn't always equate to high performance. I lived up in Noe Valley and had to ride the bus downtown to the campus. It was a pretty normal high school except for the homework and...

3 years ago
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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 23

Chapter 23 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Awakening Lyden Snow spared a quick glance over to where Sonia spoke to Shelly. He didn’t know what was wrong with either of his children, though one of Sheldon’s girlfriends— Shlee? Mandy?— attempted to tell him what they’d endured. Shelly was acting like a sex-crazed maniac while looking like she couldn’t care less about everything else going on. And Sheldon…. His oldest son lay comatose in his arms. His breathing was even, though his...

1 year ago
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BrutalSessions Ryan Keely Big Titted Goddess Ryan Keely Fucked Disciplined in Rope Bondage

Curvy, all-natural goddess Ryan Keely is a strong woman who’s used to being in charge. Power is the essence of her life and it fuels every decision that she makes. When she saunters into the dungeon of a cruel male dom, she craves to be put into her place and to be controlled and coerced into inescapable rope bondage and brutal corporal punishment. With an impatient and demanding woman like Ryan no time can be wasted with foreplay or warm-ups. She is quickly and severely restrained on her...

2 years ago
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The Master DecidesChapter 12

I met Cindy and Madison in the entryway, before they could see anything else in the suite. “Cindy, welcome. I’ll lead you in as soon as we’ve gone over some ground rules. Do you agree?” Cindy looked both flustered and anxious, but she settled down and said, “I agree.” “Tilly is here of her own free will, as are you. You are her friend and watching out for her, so I’m going to put you in a seat near the door. The other ladies and I have a special trusting relationship and I will have them...

3 years ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 7 A Matter of Trust

Being alone in the house was not to my liking. Sleeping alone, eating alone and waiting for the phone to ring were my only reasons for being there. The rest of the time I found other places to go. While alone, I had too much time to think. While walking or driving around I could concentrate on seeing new things and not have to think about what I had gotten myself into. How well did we really know one another? I had picked Laura out of a line up. She was my number one. In a way, Laura had...

3 years ago
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Older Man Great Time Ch 3

I had had a few liaisons with other men since Steve and I first hooked up. But I had met a new guy since who was a little more adventurous than the rest. His name was Jerry. He was about 6', I'm guessing around 200 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes. He was 41. Older, just the way I like them. He liked younger guys so my being in my 20's worked out perfectly. The body on this guy was something you see in a magazine. He was very well built and his personality matched his physique perfectly. He loved to...

1 year ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 40 Mark and KC in Europe Revelations at Work

Mark The girls were constantly on the verge of tears when I got home the next day. Elsa had called and told me about the ‘present’ from our supposed stalker. The police and our security team agreed that the box delivered at the club was a message: we believed I was the dead rat, and the five dead white mice were Elsa, Cindy, Melanie, Sheila, and KC. Beyond that, everything else was speculation. The police thoroughly interrogated the waiter who had brought me the box. He was innocent, and...

3 years ago
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Twins Tegan and Megan

I've just spent the night with Ann - a very sexy married mother in her early forties. I was a virgin until yesterday - until Ann greeted me at the door naked. She led me to her bedroom where I enjoyed my very first fuck - a fuck that blew my mind and one that caused Ann to pass out. Whilst Ann was out to it, her 24 yr old daughter Megan took over and furthered my sex education for the next couple of hours. Ann did wake up not long after Megan and I started to fuck - she left us alone, but not...

3 years ago
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Submisive girlfriend

I love the idea of you telling me what you want to do and how you want me to do it. I would love being really submissive for you and pleasing you in whatever way you want me to. I can dress up for you in my white lace basque and lace topped stockings with white high stiletto platform heels and a tiny lacy thong. You would be sitting on the bed watching tv and thinking I was in the other room, wouldn't expect me all dressed up for you. You would turn to look at me and just stare at me, not being...

4 years ago
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Mera Pahla Pyar Aur Sapna Sakar Huwa 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends, Myself abhishek soni frm sultanpur. . Uttar pradesh.. .ye meri pahli story h koi galti ho to maf kijiyega. Mai ek fair handsome aur average personality ka ladka hu. Meri age 19 ki h. . .mai sultanpur me padhta hu. . . .mai apne pariwar ka eklauta ladka hu to papa aur mummy hme jyada mante h. . . Bat us samay ki hai jb mai class 12th me tha board change krne ki wajah se mai 3 class piche kiya gaya hu mai cbse board se padhta hu. Jab mai  school me admision liya tb mai ek ldki ko...

1 year ago
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Reddit BDSM, aka /r/BDSM! I am pretty sure that everyone has heard about before, and if you have not, I think it is about time that you do. This is a site that pretty much has it all, and I am sure that you will love their content, as long as you are not an utter choosey idiot. Then again, I tend to be very choosey, to begin with, so if I like you will like it as well.However, I am not here to talk about the overall state of or any of that shit, I am here to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Dessert Laid out on the table

“It’s time for lunch! Strip off, lie on the table and spread your legs.” “Are you serious?” “I'm gonna have lunch and YOU are the main course!” “Are you serious?” “Strip and lie on the table!” I command. “I'm going to the kitchen to get some things.” “What are you going to get from the kitchen?” “Lie on your back on the table… You’ll see.” In a few moments I return from the kitchen with a pressurized can of whipped cream, chocolate sauce, strawberries and a banana. You are lying on the...

Straight Sex
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King University New Slut Part 3

King University’s New SlutChapter 3: Quinn After the intense kissing session that I had with Jamal I realized that I had shot a load in my pants. I went up to my room to take a shower... a cold one at that. While I washed up, I thought about how good I handled that situation... with Jamal and with Quinn. Jamal could have just taken me back to my room and fucked me all over the place but I didn't let it go that far. I really didn't want him to change his perception about me because I am not that...

3 years ago
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She liked to call me daddy. I guess it was the 40-year difference in age. We met on an erotic story site and started a correspondence. At first very suggestive, but soon became very erotic. Cybersex quickly followed. A year later she traveled from the mid-west to visit. I picked her up at the airport. Our first passionate kiss told me she was ready for everything. We went to the hotel across the street from the amusement park. There were plenty of place to eat close by so I knew I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Principal Price Chapter 2

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...

1 year ago
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Watersports with my Girlfriend

This story is written for, and dedicated to, my very special darling Vikka I’m waiting full of anticipation when you get off the train, and my heart leaps when I see you standing at the end of the platform, your bag in your hand. I resist the temptation to run down the platform and leap into your arms, because maybe that wouldn’t be very dignified, even though that’s what I want to do. It’s lovely that you have been able to get away to visit me for a few days, and I have been planning for ages...

2 years ago
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I will pioneer a new way explore unknown powers

I’m a young man who has just woken from a long slumber. Upon waking I discovered a thirst that could only be quenched by another man. Thus far I've remain unsated. I see the one who will sate my thirst. In the depth of my dreams he arises, a tall, strong and lean man, his muscles firm but not chiseled, his frame big but not huge. I see him from behind. His bottom large and muscular, he turns at his waist to reveal developed pecs and a strong jaw, glaring at me because he knows what I want...

1 year ago
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Hi to every body who read my story, and aim very happy that that my made most the guys horny.But please iam sorry ,before reading the story please see the authors name at top left corner of the page its clearly mentioned that iam srinivas(male) this story i have written in the words of sandya its a from sex magazine.Ok let starts our story.My gardener started saying when I asked abt where he thought these techniques,yis mein kya beti aur bahut tareke ke massage hote hey.who kya hey babpu,wo tho...

3 years ago
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Celebration sex part 1

My girlfriend, Sarah, and I have been together for a few yers, having started dating during school. We were one of those couples where everyone knew we liked each other before either of us realised, so there was no surprise when we got together. We were each others first, and have continued to enjoy every aspect of our relationship, in particular the adventures in the bedroom.For our three year anniversary, we went for a meal in the local city, and booked a nice hotel room to spend the night....

Straight Sex
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bi friend

Tom started to undress and of course he had no underwear on, normally that wouldn't be a problem but tonight we were sleeping in the same bed. He was walking around with his cock flopping all over the place, Tom has no modesty and I could resist taking a few glances when he was looking. I noticed that Tom had a nice cut cock with a large mushroom head probably about 7 inches. His cock wasn't real thick as opposed to mine which is also 7 inches but extremely thick and uncut. Well I started...

2 years ago
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Online Complete Excitement edited

I was not very happy with my insurance writing career, when I received a phone call from my sister, who encouraged me to pack it up and move back to my home town. She said they had a one room studio apartment adjoining their house, and that I was welcome to move in there, until I settled down. Two days later I handed in my resignation. I packed up all my possessions in my car, arranged to have the rest sent down to me, and headed towards my old home town. It was a long trip but not very...

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