Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karen s TaleChapter 13
- 3 years ago
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Nolan Hencheck got off the bus, making a face at the surveillance camera on his way out. He had no plans to do anything bad, but he was fifteen years old, and resented surveillance. His mother had switched towns because the school board kept adding one ban after another to the dress code, and she was tired of buying new clothes when his old ones still fit and were in wearable condition. Nolan was glad; he'd heard from his old friends that the school had finally decided it was shorter (and therefore cheaper) to list what was allowed instead of what was banned. His current school was relatively sane--for an institution of a public school system out to turn kids into good little future corporate drones for the private-school kids to boss around. He walked into the building and scuffed his shoes on the tile in the shape of the name "Clint." After a stop in the bathroom to make sure there was no evidence of the prank on his shoes, he headed to the so-called "activity area" (really just a roofed enclosure with a rise in the middle that existed for the sole purpose of giving the students gathered there stairs to sit on before classes started, with a street-facing wall broken by four garage-type doors on one side, the gym and cafeteria on the second side, the office and entrance to the rest of the school on the third side and the band hall on the fourth) and gave a jaunty wave to the actual owner of the name--Clint Smith, a second-year senior who didn't even pause in showing off his biceps to whatever female happened to walk by.
Lorna Fairleigh was setting a box in four chairs on top of the rise. She opened the box and wrote FREE "BOOKS" on each of the leaves. She was sixteen years old, with a cute face, soft, brown hair, a nice butt, wonderful legs, no tits and an eye for women that matched Nolan's. She smiled as he approached. He knew she liked that he didn't hassle her about being a lesbian.
"Those don't look like your type, Lorna." he remarked as he caught a glimpse of the front-cover thumbnail on the spine of one of the books.
"Totally not," she agreed, "that's why I'm giving them away."
"And why you put 'books' in quotes." he said, and they both laughed. He opened his backpack and pulled a book out. It was an unbowdlerized history book she'd lent him, written before the state Board of Education had decided to remove "liberal influences" from the curriculum.
"You finished it already?" Lorna asked.
"My mom broke the internet, and my cousin still has my DS." Nolan responded. "Where'd you get that crap anyway?" He jerked his head in the direction of the box.
"Some obscure umpteenth cousin of mine played chicken with a Hummer in a Pontiac Sunfire, and her parents are distributing her worldly possessions as far away as possible to avoid triggering painful memories every time they run across something of hers. I got the books."
"I'm sorry." Nolan said.
"I never even heard of her before I got the books. Besides, there were some gems hidden under all the dirt. I'll show you some later. You know where and when." She gave him a smile and wink which would have indicated a sexual rendezvous if it had come from any other girl in school.
The first five classes seemed to crawl by. When they were over, Nolan went to his locker just like everyone else, but waited until they were gone to lunch before slipping into office territory. He ducked into the holding room until the principal, a hyper-conservative geezer who looked like Alfred Krupp, had left to patrol the cafeteria. He slipped through while the secretary's back was turned and quickly slipped his key into the lock of the Confiscated Property Room. He and Lorna each had a copy, a legacy from when her older sister had been an office aide, and had "borrowed" the key and had several copies made at a locksmith shop.
"What kept you?" Lorna asked, peering out at him from behind a rack of Playboys.
"Gargamel picked the wrong place to stop and re-tie his shoes." Nolan responded. Principal Gardener looked nothing like an 80s cartoon villain, but he acted like one--or an anti-joy Jihadist. He paused to reclaim a Nintendo DS cartridge that had been taken up since the last time they'd met here. He put it in his wallet behind his lunch card. "So, what else did you get besides the box of bodice-rippers?"
"Check this out..." Lorna said, pulling a wrapped parcel out of her backpack. She untied the cords that bound it, and unfolded the blue-green cloth to reveal a leather-bound tome the size of the large-print edition of the Unabridged Complete Writings of Shakespeare.
"There's a shelf-cracker if I ever saw one." Nolan said. "Not quite the size of the Book of Moriya, though."
"It's a spell book." Lorna said, mischief twinkling in her eyes. She opened it to a marked page. "Check this out!" She started to chant in a strange language that didn't sound much like Latin--it seemed to have more of an Irish flavor to it, so he thought maybe Celtic or something. Nolan felt himself getting hard. His cock kept growing beyond its usual six-inch length, until it extended twelve inches down his leg, and then it thickened.
"Oh, shit!" he grunted. His pants were uncomfortable now. His balls were increasing to match his new pecker.
"Isn't it awesome?" Lorna asked.
"You mind turning around so I can try to find a more comfortable position?" Nolan asked. She looked up, noticed his predicament, and turned around.
"Sorry about that, Nolan." she said with the same discomfort as a straight male upon seeing another man's penis. Nolan maneuvered himself until his crotch was no longer in pain, then turned the book around.
Turnabout's fair play. he thought to himself as he turned the page as quietly as he could. He found a similar spell that would work on breasts, and began to chant, glad the things were written phonetically.
"Nolan!" Lorna squeaked, then looked down at her chest as it began to swell. "Whaaaaaa!" Nolan looked up once the spell was finished. His erection had begun to recede, but now it was back with a vengeance. Lorna now sported a pair of porn-star tits that had untucked her shirt as they had expanded. The chill in the room, which had originally been a server room, had stiffened her nipples. She snatched the book back.
"Turnabout's fair play, Lorna." Nolan said--aloud that time.
"Okay, okay, turnabout's fair play." Lorna said. She flipped through the pages, searching headings until she found another spell. "Here's something ... a spell that enables the subject's body to heal and recover almost instantly."
"Are you sure about that?" Nolan asked.
"The headings are in Old English, so it's no harder to figure out than Beowulf." Lorna said. "Wanna be Wolverine without the claws and the nose?"
"I suppose." Nolan said dubiously. Lorna laughed, then sobered herself enough to read the spell.
"Well?" she asked, resettling herself to rest her back. Obviously, her chest was starting to hurt. Her pose looked sexy, taking advantage of her new assets unconsciously.
"I must be insane." he muttered, poking his hand on an edge of metal shelf. He cried out and jerked his hand back with a curse that would make Eminem blush, and what would have been a puncture became a gash.
"Ew! I got your blood in my mouth!" she exclaimed.
"It's not like I have AIDS or anything." Nolan said in a surly tone.
"Oh, look!" Lorna said. Nolan looked at his hand and saw the wound closing.
"I hope the spell protects against tetanus. I might as well jam a button that says 'I'm Retarded' into my forehead."
"I hope you don't mind I swallowed that blood." Lorna said. "Blah!" This last was said in a bad Transylvanian accent, while her fingers mimicked vampire fangs. Nolan laughed.
"Here, let me try the spell on you. Maybe it'll help with your back."
"Good thinking!" Lorna said. Nolan cast the spell, and Lorna sighed with relief. She took the book and cast a spell that would give him "great good fortune," according to the Beowulf-label. She passed it to him so he'd cast the same spell on her, but it fell and closed. Nolan picked it up and opened it at random.
"Oh!" Nolan exclaimed. The spell he saw as the pages fell open had a brief ingredients list--consisting only of a few drops of his own blood.
"Did you find it?"
"I found something." Nolan responded. He chanted the spell softly. Lorna moaned like a horny porn star, and her eyes glowed as he chanted. They faded back to normal as the spell ended. "Lorna? Are you all right?"
"Oh, my darling!" Lorna said huskily, rising to her feet and wrapping her arms around him. This pressed her mammoth mammaries into his chest and resuscitated his erection. "That's not the spell you were supposed to cast ... but I'm so happy right now I can't be angry with you!" Nolan put the book aside and kissed her. She moaned into his mouth, and moaned even louder as he fondled her breasts. "You like them?" she asked. Hormones took over. Nolan pulled her shirt off over her head, with her cooperation. There was a bra under her boobs, but it had slipped down when they'd become too big to be contained. Nolan groped Lorna's breasts and tweaked the nipples. "That feels sooooo good!" she enthused. He sucked her left nipple, and used one of his hands to play with the other one. She gasped and squirmed. He helped her down to the floor and continued what he'd been doing until she covered her mouth to stifle a scream of ecstasy.
"I didn't know girls could cum just from having their nipples sucked." Nolan said.
"Mmm, these boobies you gave me are so sensitive!" Lorna sighed. Nolan took off her soaked pants and panties, then opened his own pants and left them nearby. "Oh!"
"Do you like the cock you gave me, Lorna?" Nolan asked.
"Only because it's yours, Nolan." Lorna responded seriously. "You're the only man I'd ever let ... touch me." Nolan lined himself up with her fuzzy snatch and slid inside. Her hymen was no defense. She rolled her eyes and groped her own breasts, a shuddering moan came out of her drooling mouth.
"This is way better than my boring old hand." Nolan hissed as he began to thrust, going deeper with each repetition. Her boobs bobbled enticingly, and he groped them as he continued to fuck Lorna with his enhanced cock. He could feel his balls queuing up a load of jizz and warned her before he hosed her insides with a growl of triumph, and she matched his orgasm with one of her own.
"That was amazing." she whispered as they lay cuddled together on the floor.
"Way better than I imagined it." Nolan agreed.
"You mean, you wanted me before this?" she asked, astonished. "Before ... these?" She gestured to her new boobs.
"A long time before." he admitted.
"Maybe we shouldn't break the spell, then." Lorna said. "I can't stand the thought of what would happen to you if it broke!"
They cleaned themselves up using a confiscated T-shirt with a Mad Magazine iron-on design on the front. Apparently, the super-luck spell Lorna had cast on him was holding strong, because they encountered no one on their way out. The end-of-lunch bell rang, and they hurried on to class. She didn't protest when he put the spell book in his backpack and told her to come over to his place later. He felt powerful as he sat through the last two boring classes, and not even the math teacher, whose lectures would make the guy from the Clear Eyes commercials sound like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, could ruin the rest of his day.
When Nolan got back home, the first thing he did was raid the fridge. The drek that the school passed off as "food" was about as palatable as fifty-cent TV dinners thrice microwaved in an old shoe at the best of times, so he was always hungry when he got home. Today, however, he was ravenous, and went after what food he could find as if he hadn't eaten in a week. He wasn't sure if it was the sex or the enlarging of his penis, but when his mom got home from work, he was eating like a Crystal Singer getting ready for Ballybran's Passover.
"Did you skip breakfast too?" his mother asked, looking at the wreckage around him. Nolan mumbled nonsense through a mouthful of cold chicken, catching bits of breading before they could land in his lap. She sighed and started cleaning up the already-empty packages and plates. He felt her pull on the back of his pants as she walked behind him.
"Mom!" he exclaimed.
"Just making sure your tail wasn't growing back, Goku." his mother joked. He laughed around his mouthful of food. Eventually, at last, he felt full and was able to clean up the rest of his mess. He had washed and put away the last of the dishes when his mom came back with a hairbrush. "This isn't one of mine. Maybe Shawna left it here, you think?" Shawna was their neighbor's daughter, a twenty-one-year-old blonde bombshell with a love of Daisy Dukes and low-cut, sleeveless tops, and also an incurable tease that got off on making men want her with no intention of satisfying the desire she inspired. She had come over to borrow something, and apparently her brush had fallen out of her purse. "I'm going shopping. Would you make sure she gets this back?"
"Sure." Nolan said, taking the brush. His mother grabbed her keys and took off for the store. Nolan took the brush and his backpack upstairs. He flipped open the spell book and started looking through it. There was a calling spell he could use with anything that belonged to the person being summoned. There was another spell that looked even more promising, requiring a hair from the target. He pulled a hair out of the brush, then went downstairs for the other supplies he needed. Soon, he was ready. Shawna was visible through her open window, in an oversized T-shirt, drying her hair. Nolan drew a circle on a piece of drafting paper, copying the symbols he saw in the book. He laid this on the floor rather than actually draw the circle ON the floor. He started the calling spell, holding the brush in his hand. Shawna rose to her feet, leaving the towel behind, and left her bedroom. It wasn't long before he heard her opening his unlocked front door and ascending the stairs. She looked scared as her body stepped into the circle, and Nolan's chant hadn't stopped.
"What ... what's going on?" she asked. Nolan stopped chanting. Shawna looked like she wanted to leave, but couldn't. "Nolan? Nolan, this isn't funny!"
"No, it's not." Nolan replied. He flipped to the other spell, lighting a stick of incense and a tea candle. The strand of Shawna's hair was wrapped around the band of a mood ring his father had given him ages ago. Nolan held up the candle where Shawna could see it and began to chant. The ring in Nolan's left hand warmed. Shawna's eyes fixed on the candle. The flickering flame reflected in her eyes, making them seem to glow slightly. The flame's color changed to a sort of minty green. Expression drained from Shawna's face, and her breathing changed to the gentle, shallow pattern of sleep. Nolan continued the chant. He held the ring in front of her eyes. The stone glowed the same minty green as the flame, and Shawna's hair was absorbed into the band. He put the ring on his finger, and the candle returned to normal, the stone stopped glowing, and expression returned to Shawna's face. He blew out the candle and dismissed his spell of summoning by tearing the paper on which Shawna stood, breaking the circle.
"Uh..." she said, wobbling on her feet.
"Kneel, Shawna." Nolan said. She did, sinking immediately to her knees.
"Oh! That feels good." Shawna said. "Uh, I know this sounds weird, but could you ... tell me to do something again?"
"Sure, Shawna. Take off your shirt." She did, revealing herself in nothing but a pair of cute pink panties.
"What's weird, Shawna?" Nolan asked.
"Well, I think I'd be mad if someone else told me to do this, but if it's you, it's okay. That's what's weird."
"You're a slave, now, Shawna. Enslaved to whoever wears the ring. You will obey instantly and without question."
"Oh, is that why? Okay, then. I guess since you're wearing the ring, you're my master now, right?"
"Good girl. Take off your panties."
"Yes, Master." she said, and obeyed. Her snatch was shaved clean, except for a blonde arrow of pubic hair just above it, pointing the way.
"That's sexy." he said.
"Oh. Thanks, Master." Shawna responded.
"Are you horny, Shawna?"
"No, not really." Shawna responded. "Nope, dry as a bone. It'd probably hurt if you tried to stick it in now, Master."
"Probably. Get horny."
"Oh!" Shawna exclaimed, her nipples hardening before Nolan's eyes. "Wow!" She squeezed her thighs together. "Ooh, I've never been this horny! Mmm, being controlled is so hot!"
"Good girl. Now, bend over the bed and keep quiet." She did as she was told, and Nolan drew the blinds so no one could see in. He dropped his pants. Her eyes widened at the size of him, but she kept her mouth shut. He slid inside. She was tight, and it took some time to get all the way in. She gave off little quiet moans and shivers as he slid his cock deep inside her. He pulled out, and thrust back in, out, in, fucking her hard while she did her darnedest to stay quiet. She grabbed the pillow and shoved her face into it to muffle her screams as she came. He came inside her soon afterwards, and pulled out. "Now, Shawna, suck me clean."
"Yes, Master." Shawna replied. She couldn't get much of him in her mouth, but she tried, then resorted to licking their mixed fluids off his cock shaft and sucking the head when she had a chance.
"So, Shawna, you don't mind being my slave-girl? My fuck-toy? My pretty little puppet?" She didn't answer at first, then he remembered to tell her she was allowed to speak again.
"It's weird. I probably should, but I don't." she responded. "Saying I'm your slave just seems as obvious as saying water is wet."
"Don't you forget it." he said, patting her head. "Put your clothes back on and go home. I'm going to call you again tomorrow. Remember, you mustn't tell anyone except the wearer of this ring what you now are."
"Yes, Master." Shawna said. She dressed, such as it was, and left.
Nolan and Lorna arranged a "study date" for the next day. Since Lorna was a lesbian, Nolan's mother felt no qualms about leaving him alone with her. In fact, she called as soon as they got home to let them know that someone on her floor had messed up a program and she couldn't come home until late.
"Mom thinks I don't know about her boyfriend." Nolan explained as he led Lorna upstairs. "Suits me, of course. As long as she thinks that, she won't bring him here, and as long as she doesn't bring him here, I can look forward to lots of unsupervised nights."
"With me?" Lorna asked, a pleading note in her voice. Nolan kissed her, and she moaned.
"I certainly hope so." he replied when they separated.
"I love you so much." Lorna said. "I know it's not real, that I'm under a spell, but it feels so good when I'm with you that I don't care."
"I love you too, sweets. And I want to make you happy. So, why don't you go ahead and get naked for me?" He watched her as she stripped eagerly. Her clothes might have been covered in acid, so quickly did she cast them off. He laid Lorna on the bed and fished around the corners for the cuffs he'd bought. He secured Lorna in place, spread-eagle on his bed, and she revealed that she couldn't move. He kissed her, then blindfolded her. He told Lorna he was going to get a surprise ready for her, and crept away. He signaled silently for Shawna to come over, and she bounced eagerly to obey. He met her at the front door.
"Master, I've been horny since you told me to get horny yesterday." she admitted.
"Take off your clothes, Shawna."
"Yes, Master." She stripped quickly.
"Now, be quiet and follow." he said. She nodded, and followed him to the kitchen, where he gathered desserts and toppings, and quietly explained his plans for the evening to his bespelled accomplice. He and Shawna ascended the stairs and crept in on Lorna, who was shivering in anticipation. He ran a finger up her cunt and licked her juices off his finger. Then he sprayed whipped cream on her hot and waiting snatch.
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Hiiiii bhabhi aunty and my frends ur Armaan back. Itne din dur isliye tha ki khuch dino se meri life main khuch hua nahi tha or ap jante he ki main sirf apni sachi story batata hu jo mujhe jante nahi he unke liye batata hu ki main Armaan Shing, Jaipur main rehta hu. 25 saal ka hu main ek private company main job kerta hu. Meri height 5. 8 he gora chitha handsome banda hu or mujhe bus sex se pyar he sex meri kamjori he or bhabhi aunty jo apni pyas bhujhana cahti he unki pyass bujhata hu ager...
Amber was a thirty-something mom with a hot little body. She always did like giving Carl his baths, she enjoyed seeing her cute boy wet and naked and the little boner episodes were just adorable. She wondered this time...does he like moms soft touch and wandering caress? All over? Amber kneeled down by the tub and rubbed her hands with soap. Little Carl squirmed his way over to where she was. She lathered her hands. "All the washcloths are dirty so mommy will have to use her hands, k sweety...
Mom, dad and I were on a cruise last week. We were supposed to go to St Marteen, but due to the hurricanes, we were redirected to the Western Carribean. We were docking in Cozumel, which we had visited many times. I decided to stay on the boat while mom and dad went ashore. I was going to spend the day by the pool. I picked out a sexy bikini that covered enough so as not to get in trouble with the cruise line. I headed down to the pool area, found a lounge adjacent to the adult pool, and...
Group SexThe lights blinded her, so she kept her focus on the silver pole in the middle of the stage. Her hands gripped it loosely as she swayed and moved her body in a slow erotic wave to the rhythm of the music. Her small feet were perched atop a pair of sky-high glass heels that blinked psychedelic colors within, and reflected prettily off the glossy black floor of the stage. Rayne let her head fall back, her long black ponytail brushing against her ass. She wore a tiny crystal covered thong that...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWell back in the 1980’s my mum was working at an old peoples home nursing and looking after the residents, I was out of work in the big resession of that time and had nothing much to do so when I was asked if I would like to go and mow the lawns and tidy up the gardens I jumped at the chance as It would give me something to do braking up the bordom of not having a job. The owners of the Home where a couple about the same age as my mum and dad, they had a son Dan a year or two younger than me,...
Tag 0 (Samstag) Mein Name ist Frank Heinrichs und ich bin reich. Ich bin nicht reich geboren, sondern habe mir alles hart erarbeitet. Erst als Investmentbanker bei Goldman & Sachs und anschlie?end selbstst?ndig. Au?erdem hatte ich Gl?ck, das muss ich ganz klar sagen. Aber ich habe auch K?pfchen und den Mut meine Pl?ne umzusetzen. Nun bin ich 38 Jahre alt und habe 150 Mio. Euro auf der Bank. Ich gehe nicht mehr arbeiten, sondern genie?e das Leben. Frauen sind meine gro?e Leidenschaft. Das Ge...
Hello, horny bunnies! I hope you enjoyed reading the previous chapters in this series. I owe you, folks, an apology for the long hiatus. I am uploading multiple parts this time so that you have enough fapping material until my next upload. Getting down to business, a quick recap. In my previous chapter, I had narrated how I finally took a leap of faith and kissed Salma. This led to an intense make-out session. It culminated in me shooting a huge load down her throat. In this chapter, I shall...
Karen’s address was in a gated community with a security booth. The officer at the gate eyed me wearily when I pulled up. “What’s your business here, son?†“I am here to work on Ms. Smith’s computer.†“Oh? She did not leave word. I will have to call.†I waited and could not help laughing when I heard her yell at him over the speaker phone. “Well! Let him in!†“Good luck fella,†He said, rolling his eyes when he opened the gate. I found her address. Whoa, what a big ass house. Not a mansion by...
MILFThe sight that met Alyssia in the bedroom was incredible. On the round bed, on a love-bench and on the floor, eight people were fucking, sucking, touching or reaching for, each other. On the floor was Clarence, with Rosalind squatting over his head, obviously enjoying his tongue. Nobody seemed to take care of his cock, which was standing proudly upright. Alyssia went straight for it. With one hand she supported herself on Rosalinds shoulder, while she lowered herself towards the hard cock....
“You never got to feel my breasts Michael. Do you want to now? She asked. “Gosh…that would be great!” I answered and started to reach out to her chest. She held up her hand, I stopped and she shed her halter top exposing her breasts which were at this point wrapped up in a quite utilitarian bra. At years old, sexy bras were not the norm in the sixties. Functional seemed to be the thing. Still, to me, I found her sexy as hell, and so did my dick, which was rising to the occasion. “Ok” she...
I had returned before the crowd from the Point wasted myself from way too many Tequila shots. At 19, I was getting to be quite the shot champion. Lying in my bed wondering when my odd roommate would get back, I heard someone loud walking down the hallway. When I looked out, I noticed Dave obviously wasted being walked up and down the end of the hallway by his roommate, Ken. Ken had Dave’s arm over his shoulder as if he were rescuing someone from a burning building. They were an odd sort,...
Mabel Krump was the homeliest, no ugliest, girl in our high school. She had a small upturned nose that almost looked like a pig's snout, crooked teeth, and flat drab dishwater blonde hair. She was short, flat-chested, no hips, and had a stooped posture. There was also something asymmetrical about her head. It was like there was a slight bulge on the right side of her pallid acne-scarred face. Her stomach had a small pot belly. She was the ultimate wallflower. She blended into the background,...
My niece has grown up and reach the age of 22 when I had a chance to be with her side to side on the bed. My wife was in the shower when she gazed at me and gave me that same look when she was young and was still peaking on her curiosity attitude.Uncle: how are you with Aron? Aron was her first and current BFM: We are ok. We don't see each other much. His busy.U: And you how are you?M gave a mild pretty smile back at me and then,...M: I am happy to see you again for so long and got to be with...
Die Angels sind für ihren neuen Videodreh nach Spanien geflogen, und Tom war ihnen natürlich nachgeflogen. Nicht weil er ein großer Fan war, sondern weil er dämonische Pläne mit den Angels hatte. Er besass ein ziemlich großes Anwesen in Spanien, dessen Keller in einen riesigen Folterkeller umgebaut worden war. Er wollte gleich alle Angels kidnappen, und sie dann ausgiebig foltern. Das ganze würde er auf Video aufnehmen und dann ein unglaubliches Vermögen damit machen! Die Mädchen zu kidnappen...
Hello ISS member Ami abar esechi apnader kache Lisa kakima – 3 niye. Amar age lisa kakima 1 & 2 apnader khub bhalo legeche jene khub anando pelam, oneke mail pathiyeche tader comments janiye, aro comments pele khushi hobo. Lisa kakimar sathe amra majhe modhei chodon karjo chalatam, lisa kakimar tar katha rekhechilo, majhe modhei amader deke pathato amake bolto raja aai khub kasto hoche sona ese tor lisa auntyr sarirer jala mitiye diye ja. Ei rakam ekdin bhalo kore amar lisar gud marar pore...
Hello, friends, it’s ANIKET again with another sex story. I am 28 years, 5’8″ tall, smart looking person with athletic built. I am working as a software engineer in an MNC.I stay alone in a small rented flat in Andheri(Mumbai). Daily I commute to my office via train and then via share auto rickshaw( It is the best way to travel in Mumbai). One day when I was about to board the rickshaw, I saw a beautiful married lady about 5’4″ tall, slightly over sized came running to the rickshaw. She was...
Lexi woke to the bright morning sunshine streaming through the open French doors and a naked Nadia tickling the bottom of her feet with her tongue. As soon as Nadia realized Lexi was awake she climbed onto her stomach and bent over to kiss her. After breaking the kiss, Nadia picked up a collar and leash from the bed and secured it to Lexi's neck. Lexi wasn't at all sure what was coming next, only that resistance would be futile even if she really wanted to resist. Lexi climbed out of bed as...
The Writing on the Wall By Morpheus Part 1 Poe Cottage, Friday morning, Sept 9th, 2016 There are few sounds in the world as unwelcome and annoying as that of an alarm clock going off in the morning. However, this morning, I was actually thankful for the interruption of my less than restful sleep. I sat up in bed, rubbed my eyes, and tried to shake the cobwebs from my thoughts. I couldn't remember my dreams, nor could I escape the feeling that they'd been bad. Of course, that...
Me and an old friend reconnected one day over Facebook. We were really good friends back in high school, but had crushes on each other we never acknowledged until we reconnected. The bad thing was she had a man and I had a woman, but the difference was she lived with him and I didn’t live with my girl, but we were both having trouble in our relationships when we finally admitted we had a crush on each other in high school. Several days later me and my girlfriend got into an argument and I never...
Jasmine becomes a slave part 1 Chapter 1 The betRacheal was going to the B&D party at Shelia’s that Monday night and was picking out her outfit. She selected the black leather cat suit that hugged her body and while it covered her, it allowed everyone to know she had a hot body. Shelia was a fellow Domme and was the area’s leading supplier of fetish gear, from clothes to dungeon items and all of her parties were events not to be missed as she loved to demonstrate new items on her slaves. As...
"Good morning, Supervisory Agent Batista," the 3rd floor receptionist said, her eyes smiling welcome. "I'm really looking forward to working with you." Osvaldo returned the greeting. Though his office had a window, and carpeting, and some really nice maple ply furniture, it was still in an office park with tall buildings that blocked a view from any direction but to the north. His third-floor office overlooked the roof tops of a housing development, and into the hillside beyond. It...
Chastity's Corner By Chas The draught is a little chilly on my thighs. I think that's what gets me -- that cool breeze that gets up my skirt, letting me know exactly how exposed I am. When I'm standing on my corner (or occasionally sitting, when it's time for a smoke break), there's always something to remind me of my vulnerability. A lot of things can happen on the street. I do what I can to protect myself. Part of that is letting prospective customers know that I'm not quite...
Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 5 Amanda thought about the previous days events as she sat in the waiting room at the therapist's office. Nicholas' appearance at the ballet school caught quite a few people off guard. Madame Ruth mistook him for a girl. Some of the girls in class were really surprised, but the parents were even more shocked. Most actually were more understanding. He wore girls clothes until he could get boys' dancewear. Most of the girls were very nice to...
Louis felt good. Moreso than usual considering he was asleep. He felt himself tingling from his stomach all the way up to his head. He squirmed as he felt wonderful sensations around his throbbing 6 inch long nearly 1 3/4 inch thick cock. Louis' tanned 14 year old face was flushed red as he felt himself being aroused to new heights, as he panted and moaned as he slowly became more aware of his actions and surroundings. His blonde hair was matted with sweat flat onto his crown and head...
I received a few notes in the mail from Ellie over the next six months. She and Bob were in the middle of the divorce, it was nasty and she was paranoid that Bob was having her watched. She did not want me to call her, nor did she call me, concerned that such calls might leave some sort of “trail” that could be used against her in the divorce. Some of her notes were about our evening together and what she liked; but for the most part the messages were just to let me know where things were with...
Straight Sex*Authors Note: Everyone involved in this story is at least 18 years of age. This story will involve many different kinks- some that might not be to everyone’s taste are marked by an authors note at the start of the chapter, so you can skip ones you’re not into! If you have ideas, suggestions or comments, feel free to message me or leave a comment. Most chapters will be written by me, Jessica, but my boyfriend Will, who’s idea this was, will also be helping out. Enjoy!* Abby woke groggily to the...
hi thereThis really happened to me 2 years ago i was 29 at the time.Sorry this is so long, but it was impossible for me to leave out any details."Stop with the attitude, you have a serious issue," Dakota said as we sat in the lunch room at break time."Maybe my issues are MY business, thank you," I huffed."Maybe this is your problem," he took my hand and placed, face up, in my palm, a Durex condom."What the fuck would you have a condom at work for?" I asked. I felt my face getting hotter and I...
Fictional fantasy........ The wife and I could never have c***dren something to do with something with the wife's pussy but enough about that, we had always had a real healthy sex life and when I mean healthy 2 or 3 times a night every night but all of a sudden it went to 2 or 3 times every 2 or 3 months and the rest I had to really jack off, we decided to try couple swapping to spice things up but it did for me and some of the women were so dam horny real nymph's but the wife just went with it...
2020Sitting there stirring her soy-milk latte, brunette-bob cut, and the 'librarian' glasses. A black dress, up to the collarbone - nothing to tease. Beyond the lenses though, her soft green eyes are on me. Moving down a little, the nose piercings, another just above and below her mouth, Those soft lips, natural filler-free, and the corners up-turned into a warm smile. It had been a few years since we'd last caught up at her wedding, but even longer since we'd spent any time alone...
TrueI’ve since learned not to date co-workers, but back in the day I didn’t care. I was just out of a big-time relationship and had started fooling around with a police woman. We’d known each other since the academy. She was hot and athletic and we had an understanding, this was about sex. We were both rebounding and didn’t want anything but some unattached fun. Okay, works for me, particularly in light of how hot this chick was and still is for that matter. She was medium height, muscular, with...
When we where 18 years old, me and a my friends where often partying at my best friends house. This particular day we were supposed to go clubbing. My friends mother was also home, but the party was upstairs and she was staying downstairs, so she wasn't bothered by us being noisy. At one point of the evening I accidentally spilled my beer all over my trousers and became soaking wet. I walked downstairs to ask my friends mom, Carina to help me with some cleaning gear so I could clean up the mess...
My new wife, Anika, is stunningly beautiful and absolutely fabulous in bed. I say "in bed", but that includes on the balcony, in the shower, in the garden, over her office desk, in hotel lifts, on the beach... anywhere really. When we were having our affair, she was totally insatiable. There was hardly a moment when she didn't have my cock in her hand, her mouth or her pussy. Now, having seduced me away from my wife and fucked and sucked me into marrying her, she seems to have gone somewhat...
The doors to the Hokage's office burst open. In came Naruto Uzumaki, the number-one, hyperactive, knuckle-headed ninja. "Hey, Tsunade-baachan" he greeted, a stupid grin on his face. Looking up from a stack of paperwork, Tsunade sighed. She wasn't ready to deal with Naruto yet, she still had work. "Naruto. What is it?" Tsunade grumbled. "You promised me a date today! Remember" Naruto shouted. Tsunade racked her brain, she didn't recall such an event. Oh wait, ...yes she did. She told Naruto she...