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Chapter 6

Charmaine started the new phase of her life with uncertainty but liked the idea of living as a single woman when the possibility of having sexual liaisons appealed to her. She liked the idea of romance, of finding someone new and the fun of ‘falling in love’ knowing she would never divorce Bill unless he insisted. She didn’t want to be indiscrete or resort to indiscriminate sexual encounters unless she found the circumstances were right. She wanted the men she planned to bed to know she was married ahead of time and that she wasn’t looking for anyone to start a relationship with, though she realized affairs were relationships too.

She was an attractive woman and in the best of shape. Men always took notice of her since she commanded attention with her mere presence. Once she had their attention it was simply a matter of finding out if there was a connection to go on, a connection that could lead to something more. She knew how to drop ‘pieces of candy’ along her path of seduction, never failing to be amused at how so many would pick up piece after piece until she maneuvered them into the inevitable act of intimacy with her.

It was her plan but she discovered most of the attractive men she was interested in were happily married. She didn’t mind if a man was married if he was on the prowl since she thought adultery only added to the thrill and excitement. However, she would never do anything to entice a happily married man, feeling it was beneath her dignity to do so. Still, the emptiness between her legs festered making her feel unfulfilled when she began to consider going to the local lounges once again on the prowl. The sensual music and dancing in her studio only served as a constant reminder of the attraction and allure between the sexes, gnawing at her.

And then one day her friend Joyce Miller invited her to a luncheon at the country club followed by an afternoon of card playing. She liked the game of bridge finding it challenging but found herself fidgeting when a handsome young man walked by. He was one of the waiters tending to wine glasses as they played cards. Though bridge required a lot of attention she was unable to concentrate when one of the ladies at the table saw her distraction and asked her how she was doing,

‘Fine, except I’m not getting enough at home…if you know what I mean.’

Joyce laughed saying, ‘Maybe you could go with Margaret and Kathy to the ‘dude ranch’ they’re going to next week.’

Charmaine looked at their two opponents wondering if they knew what Joyce was talking about. She didn’t want to offend anyone by talking about sex, thinking it could wait until later. After the session was over she pulled Joyce aside asking her what she meant about a ‘dude ranch’. Joyce asked her if she knew Margaret or Kathy. Charmaine said she had met them once or twice but that was all. Joyce said,

‘Margaret married an older man about 12 years her senior and he has no interest in sex anymore, health problems. But she’s still a young woman in her sexual prime, about 43 I think. She doesn’t broadcast she has a sexual addiction but won’t deny it either. Apparently her husband doesn’t know about her trips to the ranch, other than they are for the ladies where they swim, play tennis, golf and go horseback riding. Really I think he is indifferent to what she does and just turns a blind eye to her activities.

On the other hand Kathy has her husband’s permission to have extramarital relations and he even encourages her to do it. He likes hearing about her exploits in detail and it arouses him enough so they have good sex together. Weird huh, but that is how some guys are I guess. Margaret and Kathy are playing together and I think we play against them in the last session. I can introduce you to them then and you can ask about the place if you’d like.’

Charmaine asked Joyce if she ever went when she shamefaced admitted she had. She said,

‘I thought the activities would be fun. My curiosity about the place got the better of me thinking I wouldn’t do anything until I met a young guy I really liked. I have a weak spot for the younger ones I guess. I mean we had a chemistry going on making me question my feelings about things until I talked to someone when they told me it’s just sex, it doesn’t have to turn your world upside down and it doesn’t mean you don’t love your husband. I guess the temptation was too much for me when one night I found myself outside his tent pacing back in forth. He must’ve seen me and when he came out to see if I was alright, I went into his arms and well…if my husband knew, he’d kill me.’

When Margaret and Kathy joined them at their table Charmaine made a point to pay closer attention to them than in the past. Joyce told them I might be interested in joining them on their trip to the ranch. They both looked at Charmaine with surprise when Margaret said,

‘There’s always room for one more. It’s just for a week and we usually have 4 or 5 with us. Some love it and go every 3 months with me, while others just want to try it, to see what it’s like opting not to repeat the experience like Joyce. I used to go once a year at first, then it became twice a year. Now it’s 4 times a year and is a part of my lifestyle now. It’s really quite therapeutic and a great way to keep in shape, if you know what I mean? I’ll answer any of your questions after we’re done, if you want.’

They played the hands to get them out of the way quickly when Charmaine noted her palms beginning to sweat since her imagination was running wild with what went on, knowing it was about having sex with some ‘dude’, whatever that meant. She smiled as she practiced saying, ‘Hey dude,’ in her mind as they played cards fearing she’d gone mad.

After playing their session Joyce took their results to the front desk so they could be tabulated when Charmaine took the opportunity to ask about the place. Margaret said,

‘It’s a place for relaxation and recreation mostly but with a twist for open-minded women of course. If you just want to get away for a week and are forewarned of the unique purpose of the place, it can be very rewarding. There are about 36-40 men, ‘dudes’ if you prefer ranging in the ages of 18-50. They’re the outdoor type for the most part. When they’re not called upon to perform their ‘manly duties’, they tend to the grounds in whatever way needed. Usually there are around 12-14 women from various backgrounds in life. One thing which is very important is that they screen the men for STDs when the only concern is pregnancy. The women concerned about it use contraception of one sort or another. Surprisingly enough there are a few that come hoping to be inseminated being unable to do so in their current relationships for various reasons. Some are unmarried wanting a child, they want motherhood and a family and the thought of artificial insemination or adoption doesn’t carry the same incentive as the old tried and true method. The men are beautiful, they look like ‘chip-n-dale’ dancers possessing great genetic material no doubt. It’s expensive but in my opinion worth it.’

Margaret wrote down her phone number handing it to Charmaine telling her to think about it and to get back to her in the next few days since they would be leaving in a week. Margaret excused herself saying she had to leave when Kathy explained,

‘The week starts with a dance on Saturday night when the women ask the men to dance. After talking and dancing with them you usually have a good idea who you’d like to get to know more, maybe even intimately during the week. It’s kinda like ‘speed-dating’ I guess. Some women are shy and are happy to meet a nice guy to hookup with the entire week, as though they were a married couple. I think that’s weird but to each their own I guess. You’ll have a good time with all the activities and fresh air. The food is great and there is a cookout every night, or you can use the restaurant for seafood and other cuisine. No one will judge you and all
options are on the table, if you know what I mean. Just don’t be at all surprised when it happens. The guys are all nice and they aren’t at all pushy. I’ve seen the most adamant and stalwart of women succumb when they felt the need to conceal their activities presumably to protect their reputations from others. Once the opportunity of having inconsequential sex with a handsome fun-loving man arises, they usually give into temptation. Anyway, that’s a big reason why we go to the dude-ranch in the first place.’

Charmaine couldn’t help but notice the broad grin on Kathy’s face knowing what they had in common. She wanted to know more about Kathy wondering if they will have the chance to talk more. She wondered how and why she had chosen to engage in what most would consider being questionable behavior. She wondered if her husband knew and what kind of relationship they had that would prompt her to engage in sex with other men, even considering if her husband might be like her own.

On her way home her excitement grew as she pretty much knew she wanted to go. She didn’t know if it was her curiosity or the tingling between her legs as she considered the idea of the place. The whole idea of the ranch and meeting ‘dudes’ with the idea of having sex was way overdue in her mind. ‘Besides, women like sex too. Just as much as men do and for some women probably more then men,’ she consoled herself.

After asking Kevin if he could do without her for a week and discovering he actually welcomed the chance to be alone, with sweaty palms she called Margaret. She told her she wanted ‘to see what it was like,’ when neither of them felt convinced it was the truth. Like most women, they feel a sense of embarrassment in allowing other women to know they have sexual desires. But with Margaret it was different and she felt certain she would’ve laughed at her for daring to feign innocence.

She found out when their group would be meeting at the airport Saturday and as it turned out she was sitting with Kathy when she asked the questions she was most interested in.

Kathy’s story…

Once they were seated and began to taxi the runway Charmaine turned to Kathy asking,

‘Does your husband know about the nature of this place or do you tell him it’s just a week getaway with other women?’

Kathy looked at Charmaine as though she was prying at first and then her expression changed to one of acquiescence, as though it was no big deal and what better way to use the time together as she felt the straps against her chest. They reminded her of the confinement she once felt in her marriage and didn’t like it at all, not anymore.

‘Well yes, he knows. He wasn’t the only man I’ve been with. There were two others in college. The second was very well endowed and I found sex with him fabulous. In fact after we broke-up, he came around a few weeks later gently knocking on the door. When I opened it and saw him standing there with a smirk on his face, he asked if making a ‘booty-call’ was out of the question. I laughed at his impeccable timing since what he proposed was what I was in the mood for. I took him by the arm leading him into the bedroom explaining,

‘As long as it’s sex and there’s no hidden agenda, I guess it’ll be alright. No talk of love, you’re the cock and I’m the cunt, got it.’ We watched each other undress quickly. I couldn’t help looking at his cock as it hardened in anticipation. He probably hadn’t been with anyone in the last month like me. Thankfully the bed was right there as I slid into it before my weakening knees gave way as I knew how wonderful it felt as he pounded it into me.’

At this point Charmaine asked her what she considered to be small when Kathy said,

‘Small is like my husband Dave, about 5′ long and 1′ in circumference. Anything 8′ and bigger with at least 2′ in circumference is big enough to rock my world.’

As she said this Charmaine felt the powerful thrust of the engines pinning her into her seat as she saw Kathy was also clutching the armrests causing her to laugh. Nothing more was said until they were airborne and Charmaine felt a sensation of momentary weightlessness causing the usual butterflies as it played havoc with her bladder. They looked at one another smiling as they undid their seatbelts, sitting back for a moment of relief before Kathy continued,

‘Anyway, I married a wonderful guy except for, you know, but never said a word until he brought it up. The first time I ignored him but when he pried and wanted to know more about my feelings on the subject, I told him but not without regret for doing so. He didn’t seem hurt at all and took it in stride saying he knew what I meant. Still, I felt like a heel for admitting the truth.

‘Nothing was said by either of us for awhile and then he brought home some adult tapes and CDs when the subject came up again. Then one day he surprised me, asking if I’d like to take a shower with him and his ‘new friend’. It was a very lifelike large dildo and having him moving it in and out of me as we hugged brought on a powerful climax for me. The sensation was very satisfying for me and I think my pleasure showed. A few weeks later he asked me if I had the chance to be with someone bigger, would I like to. I looked at him wondering if he knew what he was proposing, wanting to know if he still loved me for suggesting such a thing. He assured me he did and simply said, ‘What’s love got to do with it,’ like the song.

‘Secretly his suggestion got to me since it was an issue I’d let slide and maybe even was in denial about. Doing it with him was like going through the motions and half the time I’d never climax. His bringing up size made me long for the sensation I experienced when I was younger.

‘There was ongoing intermittent discussion about it, rather than one long discussion. I think our minds digest things at it’s own pace. Eventually I asked him if I were to do it, would he throw it in my face when we were having an argument about something entirely different in the future. I wanted to know if he’d think less of me and if he’d use it to attack me I guess, he promised it would remain locked in our ‘hidden vault’. Once I had reassurance from him my feelings about it changed, especially when he convinced me he’d like for me to do it as much as I found myself becoming tempted.

‘A few weeks later I asked if he was one of those guys who liked to watch their wives with another man when he said he wasn’t. He said it would be nice knowing I was being fulfilled and would like to know about it if and when it ever happened since the idea captivated him.

‘Weeks had passed and one night we were lying in bed and I knew bringing up the subject excited him. I used it to spice up our lovemaking since it seemed to get him in the mood. Once I made a joke about it saying, ‘How would we ever find someone to fit the bill and who goes around asking guys if they have big cocks anyway?’

‘He said Paul, one of his co-workers was big. He’d seen him in the shower a few times. It wasn’t that he was looking for such things but it was hard not to notice. Paul is also married and used to kid around about ‘getting some strange pussy’ but lacked the willingness to do anything about it.

‘One day after showering Dave sat in front of his locker when the idea of snapping a picture of Paul as he was coming out of the shower occurred to him. He held his cell-phone out in front of him fiddling with the buttons as though he was doing something and took the shot. Though it was of poor quality and askew, it was clear enough to me. When he showed it to me I said, ‘Indeed he’s big’. He studied my face until I couldn’t conceal the smile any longer. He jokingly asked if I thought he was big enough. I told him he was more than big enough mischievously asking,

‘How would you ever set something up with him when it was possible we might meet sometime when he might tell everyone you know at work ruining both our reputations? He said that was the $64 question an
d hadn’t a clue until about a week later. We were lying in bed and I had dozed off when I heard him say, ‘I think I got it!’

‘Huh, got what,’ I asked. He explained, ‘I’ll tell him you are out of town visiting relatives for a week and I have the place to myself. I’ll suggest calling a ‘call-girl’, which will be you in disguise. You’ll have to change your appearance and the way you talk, to keep him off guard in case you ever do meet him someday. I’ll invite him to dinner saying you’ll be arriving around 8 pm. The setting and the intent is already established so the rest is more or less up to you. If you want to ask to use the bed upstairs, that’s up to you as you improvise and conduct things as you see fit.

‘You have to admit the idea was ingenious and I felt confident I could pull it off since I majored in theatrics in school. I also knew how and what to do to alter my appearance sufficiently. I once played the role of a hooker in a play, which was fun too but this was way more exciting and real somehow. Do you want the short version, or the long version, the PG version or the down and dirty X-Rated one,’ she asked Charmaine who had been listening with interest as she occasionally looked out the window seeing the clouds going by with ever increasing speed as they gained altitude. The monotone droning coming from the engines soothed her into thinking she was dreaming instead of actually hearing Kathy’s fascinating story.

The stewardess walked by serving them drinks. When Charmaine handed a glass to Kathy she said, ‘Well we have time and you seem to have so much to tell, I’d like to hear what happened and if it’s X-rated, I can deal with it. They toasted and shared smiles as they felt their friendship growing. Kathy relaxed awhile as if to replay the events in her mind before she felt she was ready to continue. She said,

‘I dyed my hair red and got some extensions. I wore it up on top of my head which is a completely different look for me. I wore black-framed glasses like the ones secretaries wear. I still have the outfit, it’s a white plastic miniskirt with a small matching corset that ties up the front exposing much of my stomach and cleavage. I had large white hoop earrings on and white thigh-high fishnet stockings along with the white patent leather ankle boots with a medium sized heel. I guess I looked like the stereotypical hooker, which was what I was going for.

‘I’ll never forget the look on Dave’s face when he answered the door around 8:15. I swear he didn’t recognize me and I almost began to laugh until I saw Paul in the background. I asked him if I got the right address and I was looking for a guy by the name of Dave. He looked stunned inviting me in as I sensed his approval. I took his hand and introduced myself as Peggy and then did the same with Paul.’

When the stewardess came to collect their glasses Charmaine asked if they had a small headset so that she and Kathy could sit back and relax without the need for turning their heads as they talked. They were pleased when they said they did and after they had them set up and working, they tilted their seats back, laughing as they became acclimated to talking with the headsets. Kathy related the following as though it was a script in a play,

Peggy is played by Kathy and the scene begins inside their doorway after she had been received:

Peggy: So, do you guys live together?

(She looked back and forth at them until they began to laugh.)

Paul: No, we’re both married and since Dave’s wife is out of town we thought it would be fun to step out of our normally drab and boring lives for some ‘guy-fun’ with someone like you.

Peggy: So this is new for the two of you and you’ve only been with your wife until now?

(She waited for them to respond seeing both of them shake their head in the affirmative.)

Peggy: I’m not trying to pry, I just want to be certain that we don’t have any health risks to worry about. As for me, I have checkups monthly and I’m very selective as to who I’m with. If I’m suspicious, I ask the guys to wear protection but with you guys, I guess we don’t have to worry, right?

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Both my twin sister and I were in heat for our stud brother. Johnny was only a few years older than us but was well over six feet tall and had muscles everywhere. Beth and I wanted his hung swollen cock deep inside our tight virgin cunts badly. When our parents decided to go on a weekend trip away we acted fast. Friday morning after they left we convinced Johnny to skip school. "Why should I stay home today?" he asked. "Well, because, we both want you to make us your cum dump sister...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Angel Wicky Sofia Lee Voluptuous Vixens Orgy Surprise

This Valentine’s Day, curvy Czech goddess Sofia Lee and Erik Everhard spice things up by inviting their favorite swinging couple, voluptuous glamour model Angel Wicky and her man Yanick Shaft over to join them for an orgasmic night in. The voluptuous bombshells blow our minds with their titty fucking technique, swallowing the shafts of these lucky men between their big tits and deep into their throats. The boys can hardly handle the hotness of their women and they’re eager to...

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Life Of A Pervert 8211 Part 4 Watching Chachi And Didi In The Bathroom

Hello ISS readers, I am back with the story about my pervert life I am Naveed, living in Bangalore, working as a manager in an IT firm. I am 5.9 inches tall, well built, and happily married. I am married to a very beautiful girl, Ayesha. This story is mine, a pervert guy who is tall, handsome, well built with thick and long dick (lund). Hereafter I will use the word lund instead of dick and chut instead of pussy which I feel is more erotic and expressible. Back to the story: So I was being...

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Spring Break Part 2

__________ 3:19 AM My eyes fluttered slowly open, still heavy with sleep, as two rough hands toyed with my breasts. For a moment, I was disoriented - after all, I was naked, in Eric’s bed, in the dark, and I was being groped shamefully. And then the memories of the night before filled in the holes in my waking mind and I let the tension ease from my body. Yes. Somewhere during our all night fuck-a-thon, Eric and I had moved from Finn’s bed to the floor, to the dresser, and then to...

4 years ago
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Eating my friend after drinks

October has always been a rough month for me. Summer is over, and winter is on the way, and the cute girls start to cover up. This particular October evening, a friend texted to say that she was going to a new bar in my neighborhood, and wondered if I would join. She was a hottie, and while I am not so bad myself, not everyone is looking for the slightly chubby type with glasses and dimples. This made it hard for me to find a good hookup when I was with her, prowling the night scene, so I was...

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Danielle Harris the shape stalks

Danielle Harris was enjoying the annual convention for Fangoria, it was a group of horror fans not unlike herself that loved showing their appreciation of all things horror. She tried to make it to one every chance she could get. She was flattered at the girls that would dress like her character of Jamie Lloyd from Halloween 4 & 5, and a little creeped out by the guys that would dress like Michael Myers/The Shape. She was signing autographs and talking to the fans in the Halloween area of...

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Always hard the beginning Chapter 16

December 1958 Lesbian Loving in Mind It’s not that Vic needed blackmail to fuck any of the women he’d already been fucking. Each and every one of them was more than willing to do anything he wanted. Well, almost anything. He once read in a book about women having sex with other women and it excited him big time. Marion O’Rourke, on the other hand, didn’t feel nearly the same as Vic, saying in no uncertain terms, she’d have no part of it. And if he dared to bring another woman into her...

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Hookers Diary 2 My First Time

It's a beautiful Saturday morning but we need to go to school for our military class. I'm a little bit tired about my job last night working as a cashier in a night club wasn't easy but I don't care imagining the things that might happened to us this evening gives me enough energy to finished the class. Good thing that the teacher is hot. Watching his cock under his pants while he was walking in front of the class made my eyes open for the whole class. My boyfriend is waiting for me and then we...

1 year ago
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1994Chapter 5 Cynthia Submits

Tom Pierce and I compared notes about our trip home. Mine was only a little over a half mile after he dropped me off at the gated community, but I made it sound more grueling than his fifteen miles. I told him about the snowdrifts, how I'd had to knock on three doors before Margaret let me in, and that I'd not ventured out of the house again until that morning when I drove Cynthia to work. What I didn't tell him was how it felt to have Cynthia sleep on top of me, how sensitive her breasts...

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40th Reunion

This story is 100% fantasy, none of the names or places is real and none of the events have occurred in real life to my knowledge. Any similarity between this story and any actual event(s) or person(s) is purely coincidental. Often in life little bits of a conversation or a phrase used by another leads my mind to run wild in an erotic fantasy. And so it is with this story. It is based entirely on one phrase written to me via a text message by member of To protect this...

3 years ago
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Milking My Friend8217s Ex Girlfriend

Hi there, my name is Sunny from Bangalore, age 22. I’m a fitness freak with six pack abs and a strong 6 ft body. I have my tool long enough (6.5inches-4inch fat) to make a woman go crazy. Coming to the story. It happened around 1 year back when I accidentally met one of my friend’s ex-girlfriend. I was traveling to Mahalakshmi to Jayanagar metro. There was too much crowd in the metro. Suddenly I saw a familiar face in the crowd. She came near me and stood in front of me Her back was facing me....

1 year ago
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Mafia Troubles

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have always known that my parents were different than other peoples, I just didn’t realize how different for long time. That’s when my step-dad and my mom told me they knew, and were part of, the mafia. You see, my dad was part of the import/export business and needed high up friends for some of his shadier deals. He needed connections to buy from him and to help him. My step-dad, Jake, is a handsome man, tall and built from all that hard work he has...

2 years ago
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Family Issues

CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Jason really wasn't sure what to expect when his mother told them that his aunt Rachel would be coming to stay with them for awhile. The only thing he knew about his Aunt was that she seemed to be the family screw-up, and he only vaguely remembered meeting her once when he was little. She had been seventeen at the time, ten years older than he was, and quite frankly, he thought she was weird. In his defense, he had only been seven years...

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Stage Fright

Stage Fright Jim taught Drama at the local Junior College. Every semester he would identify one aspiring actress for special attention. It was never difficult to identify the likely candidate, usually there were several to choose from. You know the type: Shy, plain wallflowers wearing comfortable shoes,unremarkable skirts and blouses covered by a dull cardigan sweater. She always carries her books clutched close to her chest and is always insanely interested in what is happening at her...

2 years ago
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My University Male Relationship Part 2

Well then, let’s try and put in words my first fuck; anally with a guy I mean. It happened when I was at university and whilst having a ‘relationship’ with a guy called Mike. For a few weeks we had been playing around, wanking, licking, sucking; just general fun. We had even progressed to fingering each other’s ass sometimes, but not too often. Then one morning as we were playing with each other’s cock, and I was fingering Mike’s asshole, he said, totally unexpectedly, that he wanted my cock in...

First Time
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Sandy and Frank Ch 17

‘Honey, there is no way I can describe my feelings about that whole exchange! It was such an intimate situation that I was sharing with everyone and I was basking in their approval of my reaction. Everyone hugged me and, of course, my bare tits were against each of them. I was surprised by how nice it was to feel my tits against the tits of each of the girls – very nice! ‘So, totally unexpectedly, Frank and my considering myself to be his mistress went from a private, loving description of our...

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Amanda 2 FFM

Introduction: Amanda introduces Toby to her friend Katie Amanda Adventures 2 : Amanda introduces Toby to Katie. Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she...

3 years ago
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Mommys BoyChapter 6

Willy stripped naked while standing in front of his mother, his hard cock standing straight out from his sparse pubic hairs. Betty motioned for the teen to sit back against the headboard of the large bed. “Now Mommy’s Boy, tell me all about your date.” She said as she admired her son’s large erect penis, which was standing at attention like a little soldier, helmet and all. Betty still sitting on the bed slightly turned to face her son who had his legs slightly spread enough for Betty to...

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Party Crasher Part 2

Twenty-six minutes later Well here I am on all fours on the same mattress but in a different location: a big ass barn! Fortunately it looks like no animals have ever lived in here. It's also well lit and the only strong odor is from the bales of hay that are everywhere in the place. Another plus is that I convinced my 'hosts' to let me clean myself out (because I expect some ass to mouth and the last thing on the menu for me is my own crap)...a hose connected to a spigot just...

4 years ago
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Bully Revenge Pt95 CONCLUSION

Sandy was moaning loudly, her face alternately frowning and furrowing, REALLY enjoying what was happening. She was panting and when she saw me step forward she knew. “Ahh-ooh – Jordynn baby, you are – oooh – doing fine. Now it’s time for something else.” Sandy said. As she did so, she looked at me and nodded. It’s not like this was unexpected, and as I stepped close to Jordynn I touched her ass, making her grunt and move. She tried to look back, but Sandy was having none of...

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Daddys Femboi

LK says - Good girl, you're learning. FBS says - that made my head feel all fuzzy...why is that? LK says - Because all good girls like being praised by their Daddies. It's just how you are, sweetie. FBS says - thank you daddy *giggles, your boi wearing a tight white tube top, super tight white booty shorts, big pink plastic hoops, and 7 inch white platform heels* LK says - Of course you are, baby. Daddy picked it out for you, after all. And you wear it so beautifully, too....

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The Girl Who Passed Me A Note Part One

It was early Tuesday morning and all I could think about was how badly I wanted it to be 10:30. The anticipation was building, Every single second seemed to take hours to go by and the hands on the clock didn’t even seem to move at all. I was anxious, and a little nervous, too, but I guess that’s normal. She told me I would feel this way. Scared. I didn’t fully understand why until about 10:26, when I looked at the clock nervously and almost wanted to say nevermind and forget about the whole...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 01

Megan Richards was in the middle of a dream… at least she thought it was a dream. She was soaring through clouds like a bird, only she couldn’t feel the wind nor see the ground… nothing but clouds and blue, blue sky. Then a haunting guitar melody that she vaguely recognized began to play and she saw scenes from her life being reflected in the clouds. And as they flashed past her, she heard a male voice begin singing with the melody… I close my eyes… only for a moment and the moment’s gone. All...

2 years ago
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Katie Gets Fisted

I left school early that day, faking a dentist appointment and signing out at lunch time. I’ve been signing my own forms for years and so the forged note from my ‘parents’ didn’t raise any eyebrows. Where I was headed actually wasn’t far from school at all, in keeping with my mistress’ ’25 minute’ rule, but I decided to drive to my ‘real’ appointment straight from school anyway, without bothering to go home and shower or change. The...

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Ana in search for some gay men

My sexy insistent wife had been asking me for some days about bringing home one of my coworkers, who she had met at a party. I told her the man was openly gay because I had confirmed the news at my office; but she insisted telling me that guy was very handsome and he would be well hung for sure. Ana added we could make a nice threesome with him.Then I asked my sweet wife how would be that threesome and she laughed telling me that I would have not to worry about it…The guy would fuck her and I...

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April Growing Up 2

After the confession.Oh Amy I am so sorry I wasn't there for you. How can I make this up to you? Amy looked at me hugged me and then grinned. So how come you are sitting like a basketball team fucked you? Oh my gosh no more rules. I went to a club in Dallas that caters to open lifestyle adults. I found a man in there who looked like a promising date. We talked and he told me he was looking for a woman who wouldn't mind attending a party with a couple of his friends. I almost came when...

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A model shows her tits and pussy to two guys

This story is about a British glamour model who is featured on my channel in pictures and videos. I won’t use her full modelling name since she is now married and I don’t want to cause any problems. This is a true story sent to me about a photo-shoot with Susanna that someone called George did, along with Jake, a friend of his. He sent this to me and it’s a lovely, sexy story.“I’d found an advert for Susanna and her studio in the back of a photography magazine, Practical Photography, I think....

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My Property

My propertySince I have to take some time off to write on my non-bdsm-related stuff I decided to post some of the mails I received from one of my online slaves. Unfortunately my original mails containing the tasks are missing; however its responses should give a fairly good idea of the tasks I set. Sadly it stopped reporting some time ago, so any woman thinking about a similar training is encouraged to answer.Your stories indeed struck a cord.? What cord exactly, can't be for sure, as so many...

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Enjoyed Sex With My Friend8217s Sister

Hi friends this is Sandeep (real name) age 28 year height 6 feet from Hyderabad back with another experience. This was happened in recently 2014. Previously I have submitted 2 experiences in 2012 year. 1. Success on seducing neighbour aunty part 1 2. Bangalore cyber cafe aunty Please go through these stories in ISS I am a big fan of ISS from 2008. Previously I have given an email but I have lost password to this email so I am not able to get that email so I have created this new email please...

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As Story

She had felt "the need" so strongly today. She had felt it deeply and heavily and in every part of her: body, heart, and mind. She hoped he did too as she unlocked the door and entered.There, on the table next to the door was her answer: the handcuffs and a note with just a time written on it. She smiled and grabbed the cuffs. She checked her watch, saw that she had over an hour to get ready, and took her time getting ready. She was in position and perfectly prepared at the appointed time.He...

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A Girl Named Jessica

WARNING: This story is strictly for adults! If you are a minor or offended by BDSM, torture, talking about or inflicting serious pain, don’t read any further. Please keep in mind that this story is a pure work of FICTION. Nothing more.This is Kapitel Drei, A Girl Named Jessica, of Somalia, One Way Only: Was bisher geschah?Kapitel Eins / Somalia, One Way Only: Zwei / A Girl Deluxe:...

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The Doom of Immortality

For many long centuries, a group of arcane and powerful sorcerers watched their fellow Humans kill each other in blood feud after blood feud, war after war, and were heartily sickened of it all. Slowly, they began distancing themselves from their fellow Humans, retreating into an isolation so intense that when the chieftains of the Humans finally realized they were gone, none could find them. None but a sole monk of the Flame Lord, Father of the Gods and Creator of All, that is. This monk,...

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My first gay blowjob was from a guy I had been messaging back and forth. I wasn't sure if it would happen but I was horny and I hadn't fucked my gf for a week or two. It's also harder to meet girls online so I figured i'd settle with a guy. I got lucky as I found one who was anxious to taste my cock. I was hard just thinking about it as I texted him back and forth. After only a day we decided we would meet up so he could get his hands on my cock. He texted me his address and told me when he...

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Unsatisfied Neha Or Uski Best Friend Simran

Hey dosto, me aapka virat firse haazir hu apni ek or sex story lekar,meri pichli sex story “Meri sexxxy padhosan simran” ko aaplogo ne bohot pasand kiya ye dekhkar me apni ek or sex story aapke saamne pesh kar raha hu, jaisa ki mene bataya tha ki me 21 saal ka hu, sawla rang but smart look hai, body bhi gym jaane ki wajah se achi khasi hai, lund ka size 7.5inch hai..Ab zada bore na karte hue story par aata hu… Ye kuch hi months pehle ki baat hai jab me apni padhosan simran k ghar breakfast k...

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