A Man And A Maid
- 2 years ago
- 22
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It all started when Tom broke his finger. He was helping move some of his elderly Father's furniture when the middle finger of his right hand got caught between the shelf he was carrying and the door frame. A quick trip to the hospital and Tom's middle finger was in a brace.
As injuries go, the finger was pretty minor, but being right- handed Tom quickly found a world of inconveniences. verything took a little longer to do, and some jobs were nearly impossible without at least a little thought.
He was complaining about it to his friend Gayle during an instant messager session.
Tomcat: Busted my finger today - it's making typing a bitch
Gayle Force: Oh no! Are you going to be all right?
TC: Yeah, but I can tell it's going to be a frustrating six weeks - Lots of things I can't do.
GF: Anything I can do to help out.
TC: Well there is one thing - ah never mind.
GF: What?
TC: I could use a hand at one thing, but I doubt you'll agree.
GF: Again, what?
TC: It involves lubricant...
GF: Sure.
TC: I'm joking of course.
TC: Wait, did you just agree?!?!
GF: Yes.
TC: You realize I just asked you for a hand job?
GF: Yes.
TC: God. Now I'm beat red and my heart is pounding.
GF: lol
GF: I win!
After logging off, Tom couldn't get the exchange out of his head. She couldn't be serious could she? It wasn't as if he really needed someone to jerk him off - his left hand was perfectly OK; plus, he has an assortment of toys to get himself off with.
The problem was that Tom and Gayle were "just good friends", which is to say Tom would have dropped everything to have sex with Gayle, but Gayle didn't see him that way. Tom was the archetypical urban nerd and Gayle liked country boys. Tom knew it, so he limited his attraction to surreptitious glances and double entendres. They flirted, and they both knew that a flirt was not a promise.
Or at least, that was what Tom thought until that night online. Now there was a glimmer of hope for something more. Normally this would fuel a week's worth of masturbation fantasies. But this time, Tom went to bed hard and untouched. He drifted off imagining Gayle's hands on his cock.
The next day, work proved to be as difficult as he had thought it would be. Working with a computer all day necessitated that he relearn how to type with one finger out of action. By the end of the day his hand was cramped in addition to the dull ache in his finger. He also had to contend with a general buzz of low-level horniness all day. Every time he thought about his hand, he also thought about Gayle's promise (in his mind it had grown from a throwaway line to a promise). Despite the cramp in his palm, Tom signed on when he got home and immediately noticed that Gayle was online.
GF: So how was your day.
TC: It was OK, my hand was giving me problems, but I'm learning to cope.
GF: Is it throbbing?
TC: Nah, more of a dull ache radiating from the fracture.
GF: I wasn't talking about you hand.
TC: Oh that - well, it's only been two days since my last, uh, session. I'm not desperate yet.
TC: Although I am looking forward to a helping hand.
GF: I bet you are.
TC: I haven't quite decided if you're a tease or a NightinGAYLE.
GF: Oh, definitely a nightingale.
TC: And how can I know that for sure?
GF: I'm a good girl...
GF:... with kinky bits.
TC: Coming to the party tomorrow?
GF: Of course - I'll have some happiness just for you.
Tom signed off and just sat there. Every sentence in their chat session had sent a rush of blood to his groin and now he was rock solid.
"My drop-dead gorgeous friend is going to give me a hand job tomorrow" he thought. He resisted the urge to whack off right there, instead going to bed. It was a long night, the thoughts that raced through his head prevented him from relaxing enough to fall asleep. Eventually, exhaustion set in and he passed out. He dreamed of Gayle's body, her face, her legs, her ass - but mostly he dreamed of her hands.
At the party the next day, Tom thought "Ok, just keep it cool, you're two friends out with a bunch of other friends having a good time. She was probably just kidding, so don't make a pest of yourself."
Gayle had shown up wearing a short skirt and a tank top. A combination that made the most of her long legs, small breasts and spectacular ass. A belly button piercing and multiple bracelets topped off the ensemble. Also along was her young son.
"You know we're going out clubbing tonight don't you? I don't think your six year old will get past the bouncer." said Tom.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Something came up and I have to take him to Edmonton. Can I have a rain check for the dancing? I know it was last minute, but I thought I'd at least make an appearance before I left." she said.
"That depends, do I get a rain check too?"
"Of course, I'd never leave you... short handed", she giggled.
Was her smile just a little more impish than usual, Tom thought, or is it just my imagination.
"Do I at least get a good-bye hug?"
She held her arms open and Tom rushed in. They hugged warmly. As they held each other, Tom whispered "I had no idea you could be such a tease".
"Count on it" she whispered back.
They let go of each other and Gayle turned to walk back to her truck, where her son were waiting, oblivious to the exchange taking place.
"I thought you were a nightingale?" Tom said.
"I can be both", she replied.
Monday night, they chatted again on line.
GF: So how was your weekend?
TC: Pretty good, I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a long time, I had some banked hours at work so I took Friday off, and I didn't even have to help my Dad finish moving on account of my finger.
GF: So it was a 100 percent good weekend?
TC: Well, there was one small part of me that was disappointed.
GF: I hope it isn't that small a part. lol.
TC: It's been six days without for me, I'm starting to get pretty frustrated.
GF: *GASP* six days?
GF: You mean you've been waiting for me?
TC: Well, yeah.
TC: I want it to be a good one - I don't get opportunities like this very often.
TC: It's getting hard to wait though.
GF: I bet it's getting hard. Can you wait until next weekend?
TC: Are you serious, I can hardly wait until supper time.
GF: Wait until this weekend, and I guarantee it will be a good one.
She signed off before he could reply.
Another week he thought? The conversation had definitely crossed the line from teasing flirt to verbal foreplay. Tom hoped Gayle and he were on the same wavelength - he'd hate to wait that long just to have her say she wasn't serious. Frustration was one thing, but combining it with an embarrassing faux pas was quite another.
It was a long week and Tom made it even longer by jerking off every night. With a Herculean force of will he managed to stop before coming. He didn't know what was coming over him - it would obviously be less frustrating to leave his anxious cock alone, but he couldn't help himself. Every time he was on the brink of orgasm he would imagine how much better it would feel if it was Gayle's fingers wrapped around his shaft. Her hand slick with lube sliding up and down.
He found himself staring at women's hands a lot more, imagining them slowly masturbating him. In just ten days he had gone from never thinking about hands at all to seriously fetishizing them.
At the same time, the frustration was making him strangely eager to please every woman he talked to. He went out of his way to be extra polite to them all. It attacked a few comments from his coworkers
"You certainly are cheerful today"
"It's almost Friday", said Tom.
"Got big plans for the weekend do you. Going out of town?"
"Nope, I just think It's going to be a great weekend."
Meanwhile, his nightly chats with Gayle had become strangely chaste - she never mentioned their weekend plans, and when Tom surreptitiously tried to bring it up she would feign ignorance or suddenly have to sign off.
After an eternity, Friday came. As soon as Tom was off work, he phone Gayle.
"Hello" she said.
"Hey nightingale - mind if I come over tonight?", asked Tom, trying to sound casual.
"Sure - I sent Dylan to see his cousins for the weekend and I definitely have plans for you. When you come over, dress casual - in clothes you don't mind losing."
"Um, Ok. Seems like an odd request for a first date though."
"Who said anything about a date - I plan on putting you to work painting the kitchen. You can do that one-handed right?".
Tom stood there, mouth open with his phone against his ear.
"Hello? Are you still there?" asked Gayle.
"Yeah, um, painting - I've got some coveralls.
Crestfallen, Tom made his way home to get a change of clothes, and from there went to Gayle's. The whole way there, he felt like a fool for assuming anything could ever happen between the two of them.
Gayle was waiting at the door when he arrived. She was wearing cutoffs and a grubby T-shirt, both had specks of green paint on them. A handkerchief kept paint off her auburn hair.
"Hi, I saw you coming up the street so I came to open the door", she held the door open for him, "You can change in the bathroom. In addition to painting, I have a fine meal of Thai take out prepared."
They exchanged more pleasantries as Tom moved to the bathroom. He changed into his coveralls and came out.
"Well, we look like quit the pair don't we - I'm the bald guy from the American Gothic painting, and you're Daisy Duke", said Tom.
"We're painting - we don't have to look like fashion models", replied Gayle.
"Common, follow me", she said, gesturing as she turned towards the kitchen, "Watch your step."
Tom followed her closely, keeping an eye out for misplaced boxes and furniture - but also keeping half an eye on her rear end. Suddenly, in mid stride, Gayle stopped and took a step backwards. Without enough time to stop, Tom bumped into her. Gayle continued backwards, pushing her ass into his crotch.
Smiling back at Tom, she said, "Oops, sorry about that - thought I was going to trip."
Once again, conflicting thoughts flooded into Tom's mind. Was that deliberate? Was there going to be anything other than painting and Thai food on the menu tonight? Was he imagining things? Tom's cock had no such worries - it was now standing at attention, ready for Gayle to move backwards again.
Throughout the evening, Gayle was very forward. She smiled, touching him often and seemed to be bending over an awful lot more than was strictly necessary. Bending away, she would give her backside a little wiggle, bending towards him she would jut her chest out, her nipples revealing that she was bra-less. It was all subtle enough that Tom wasn't sure what was going on. But it did make the evening go fast.
Afterwards, the mixed messages continued.
"It's awfully late - maybe you should spend the night?"
"Sure, I'd like that", answered Tom.
"Ok, I'll get you some sheets for the couch."
"Maybe I should go home after all."
"No, don't do that - I'll cook crepes tomorrow as a thank you for all the help", she said as she slid a hand up his arm.
"Well, Ok."
Later, in the wee hours, Tom finally fell asleep on the couch. The previous hours being equally spent on frustration and self-doubt.
Gayle woke him up the next morning.
"Wake up sleepy head", she said leaning over him, "We've got a busy day ahead of us - I promised my brother I'd rescue him Dylan at three o'clock.
Gayle was wearing a plush bathrobe and her hair was wrapped in a towel.
"What time is it?" asked Tom.
"Time for you to have a shower - that would be nine o'clock for you geeks." she said, "The downstairs shower isn't working, you'll have to use mine upstairs."
Tom got up and wrapped the sheet around him.
"So we're having pancakes?" he said, still a little bleary.
"Oh, I've changed my mind about the crepes, I have a better breakfast in mind - go have you're shower."
Tom went about his morning ritual, he freshened up and had a hot shower The heat (and Gayle's shower massage) removed all the kinks his shoulders had developed sleeping on the couch. The water running down his front also reminded his cock that it had had no attention in quite a while. He gave it a few soapy strokes before resuming.
Drying off afterwards, he wrapped himself in a towel and walked out into the bedroom.
"Gayle, have you seen my overnight bag, I thought I'd left...", he came up short by what he saw.
Gayle was kneeling on the bed, acing him. She was wearing panties, a red corset and black elbow length gloves. The panties shone like silk and were thin enough that they couldn't possibly be practical - only decorative. The corset accentuated her already fantastic figure and pushed her breasts up and out. A thin gold chain connected both of her erect nipples.
"Are you ready for your hand job now?" she asked, one eyebrow crooked.
Tom stared speechless at the vision in front of him. His heart raced and he could feel himself blush from his face to his chest.
Gayle stepped off the bed and sauntered towards him. "What's the matter - cat got your tongue?"
She walked around behind him and took his hands off the towel that was wrapped around him.
"I don't think we need this do you? It's certainly not doing anything to hide you hard cock."
"What is this?" Tom finally managed to stammer out.
"Silly, It's the prelude to the best hand job you've ever had of course."
"You've been such a good friend, and ever so patient with me", she said as she guided him to the bed, "Imagine, almost a whole two weeks without getting off. I can barely go two days without myself, I can't imagine how frustrated you must feel. Lie down now."
Tom lay down on the bed. Gayle leaning over him she grabbed a leather restraint.
"Do you trust me?" she asked, holding the restraint up.
"What's that for?" asked Tom, now a little nervous for reasons other than his sexy friend.
"It's to keep you from ruining a truly spectacular morning. You know I like a little bit of bondage - this is your opportunity to find out why."
"I'm not so sure about this."
"Don't worry - if there is anything, and I mean ANYTHING that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can just say your safe word and I'll let you out." She whispered into his ear. Giving the earlobe a little lick, she continued, "what is your safe word anyway? Pick something that doesn't normally come up in conversation."
It just popped into his mind, unbidden. "Rutabaga" he said.
"Rutabaga it is then." Gayle secured first one wrist, then the other to the headboard with her restraints. "Let me know if that restraint is bothering your hand and I'll adjust it."
"It's fine. To be honest, it's not my hand that has my attention right now."
She smiled at him. "I bet there are other parts of you that are just aching." She moved to the footboard and attached restraints to his ankles.
"Here's the thing about safe words - Saying 'rutabaga' means I'll stop and release you, no questions asked. It also means the session is over. I promise you, this will be a day to remember, but only if you don't chicken out."
"Ok", Tom heard himself say.
Gayle smiled at him. "I knew you'd say that."
Placing her gloved hands on his chest, she threw a leg over his waist and straddled him. Leaning back, she grabbed his erection and held it as if she were going to lower herself on him. Instead, his cock met resistance on her panties as she settled her weight down on him, pinning his cock between them.
My god, Tom thought, I've been here less than a minute and I already want to come just by having her dry hump me. He could feel the heat of her pussy through the thin silk, the underside of his cock resting in the groove of her labia.
Gayle leaned forward until they were nose to nose, looking into each other's eyes. She smiled at Tom and he swallowed hard. Then she tilted her head sideways, closed her eyes and kissed him.
For the first few minutes that all she did, kissing him lightly, her tongue darting forward occasionally. Whenever he tried to deepen the kiss she would pull away. Their crotches stayed locked together during all this.
Finally, almost involuntarily, Tom began to thrust against her. Gayle pulled her head back slightly and looked at him with half- lidded eyes. Her mouth partially open she began to grind back as she watched him. Finally, she reached under his shoulders and hugged him deeply. Their mouths met again and this time their tongues dueled wildly. Both Gayle and Tom made little moaning noises into each other's mouth as their combined friction dampened Gayle's panties.
She pulled away with a gasp. Tom was straining against the restraints and his cock was poking her cunt through the panties.
"That was a pretty good warm up" she said as she rolled off of him. "God this is getting me all hot and bothered."
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That Saturday Victor looked excited, since it was a very important day: his favorite soccer team would face some kind of finals and my beloved hubby had arranged going to a local bar, to watch there the game with some of his friends…Once we get there, I noticed the bar was really overcrowded.I had dressed to impress Victor’s friends, as usual. I was wearing a very short mini black dress and high heels, showing my long legs and my deep cleavage. I looked myself in the mirror before going out and...
“Are these all mine?” he stared critically at the walk-in closet, without daring to put one foot in front of the other. There must have been one thousand clothing items, without counting the shoes. Carter was the kind to have three-four changes of clothes, each one for a particular purpose. But this Alex dude was just over the top. He remained there, staring, and wondering how on earth he was going to go through this and escape unscathed. He flinched when Aron moved next to him. Apparently,...
The giant three hundred foot tall white marble statue of Paladin Fierabras stood looking out from its plinth across the curved sandy bay with an Easterly breeze blowing gently across the land as the little girl sat on the green grass enjoying the warmth of the sun as she continued on with her studies. Her small hands danced through the air as she played with the translucent screens that floated around her as she opened and closed them with a snap of her fingers. She smiled and laughed for she...
Roger sat in his room, watching the sports channel, and sipping on his second gin and tonic. The fight he was watching was a one sided affair. He was amazed the referee let it continue. The tall slender black man round after round pounded unmercifully on his shorter opponent. By round eight it was obvious the shorter man would need a knock out to win and since he had not landed one solid punch the entire fight Roger doubted that would happen. As the eighth round ended, he heard a car...
Little Linda Lonnigan or better known in local Gentlemen’s Club’s circles as Destiny, the college girl with “Double-D” God-given boobs of glory. She worked the midnight shift every weekend making more “tax-free” cash in a single weekend than most girls her age made in a month typing, or dishing up hash at the local excuse for a restaurant with take-outs on the side. Linda was smart enough to understand she was in what could loosely be termed a “sex-worker’s” industry and that her product was...
Frank watched her from his window every day. Herapartment was a floor above and across the alleyway, sohe was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen.She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimesjust panties. He dreamed of tying her up with rope. Shewould be so helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. Hecould do whatever he wanted to her.One night he looked up and she was getting spankedright there in her kitchen as she washed dishes. A largeman yanked her light pink panties up...
"A living Doll" I walked out of the racetrack towards my car in a cold sweat. Another afternoon betting on the horses was gone, along with 30 grand! I usually managed to break even, but even when I lost big I somehow always managed to make it back. But not today. I found my car and started driving back to my one room apartment then began thinking of how I got myself into this colossal jam! My cold sweat migrated into a knot in my stomach, "How could I have been so stupid?" I thought...
The Rabbit Hole Chapter 6: Pain By Trixie Adara Edited by Abby H. **** Warning: These chapter has disturbing and cruel images in it. If you want something purely erotic, read the beginning and the end. Skip everything in italics. For Penny's sake, this story must be told, but the parts in italics are not meant to arouse you. **** Penny Present Day "Would you like your messages?" asked Harold as Penny stormed past him. He didn't know where she went. She wouldn't tell...
Loren stepped into the bedroom. Abrielle was lying on her belly on the bed. He sat near her. "Dinner is ready," he said. "Are you coming down?" "I don't know." He began caressing her shoulders. "That feels nice." "Did you nap?" "How could I? This is torture, Loren. Absolute torture. God -- the thoughts that keep washing through my mind." He continued stroking her back above the band of her bikini top. "Can you love me if I'm disfigured? Bald from chemo?" "I love you...
Ginger and I both awoke on the early side. I think adrenalin still raced through both our bodies from the sex we’d had with our neighbors the night before. Ginger took my face in both of her hands and kissed me. “I love you. I will always love you. Last night was fabulous, but being married to you and your attitude about what happened was and is spectacular. Thank you.” I grinned, “I wasn’t exactly a passive spectator, you know. And I love you, too. I think we both had fun, and even got a...
In the morning my cousin and I were having breakfast when Mom came downstairs from her bedroom. As she came into the kitchen we got quiet with apprehension. But, she didn't seem to be any different to us than normal. She said, "Wow, I must have had too much to drink last night. I don't even remember leaving the party last night, much less coming home and getting into bed. Don't tell you dad about my drinking. He doesn't like it and I don't handle it well at all. OK?" I just said...
I had done more with other boys in the neighborhood when I was around Craig's age, but that seemed to stop just before, or shortly after puberty. Some of them began to realize that it was sort gay to do things like comparing the size of our boners, or play games of truth-or-dare that always lead to the removal of clothing. We should have just called the game "dare" because I don't recall any of my little playmates selecting "truth." It was always somthing along the lines of: "I dare...
I was having a rough start to my day. The snow was coming down hard and fast but I finally made it to my second job at the hotel. Dee was meeting me after he got out of work and we were bunkering down in a hotel room. I couldn't wait to see him. To have his hands on me, and his strong arms wrapped around my body. God he has a presence about him that just makes me melt and soaks my panties before he's even in the room. Dee and I have been dating for a few months and he found out almost...
"I wish I could come with you," I said, still lying in CJ's bed, watching him pack a suitcase."I do too," CJ sighed. "But the truth is, I normally wouldn't even be going on this trip. My dad plans on turning over some things to me in Vancouver though, and I think he's wanting to spend our time one on one - away from what he would consider 'my distractions'.""I get it. I'm sure my dad will appreciate having me to himself too." "You're welcome to stay here while I'm gone," CJ said,...
TeenThe rain came down in a torrent, lightning filled the sky and thunder rumbled the old cottage. Helen couldn't sleep, she couldn't relax. As thoughts of being fucked by someone drifted through her mind, faces morphed into a series of men she'd had sex with. Gasping, her eyes flew open when the last had been Mark. "Mark was Helen's f******n year old" A delicious tingle between her legs and her suddenly hard nipples gave her an idea and she jumped out of bed before doubt could creep into her mind....
Deranged psychologist Blair Williams has some unorthodox methods for handling patients. When young Alex Jett describes his fear of heights and enclosed spaces, the dominant, leggy brunette challenges him. Blair locks him in a room, playing with her pussy as Alex expresses his fears. Alex comes to with Blair’s badass booty smothering him! The audacious babe then gives him a sloppy blowjob, choking as she spits over his stiff prick. Blair whimpers as Alex fucks her pussy, shoving her...
xmoviesforyouMay 24, 1974 Tim and Benny had been cleaning the two office buildings for five months less eleven days. They had been paid $2,400 so far with another $600 coming in a few days. They had over $800 of that money sitting in the war fund. They had spent some money on paying for insurance, gasoline, cleaning supplies, and a second vacuum cleaner. They had used $600 of that money to buy a 1962 F-150 pickup truck and to completely rebuild it. For most days, the truck remained parked in front of...
Lauren threw herself into the role of insatiable slut, and went to Gruthsorik for a tentacle fuck every day, sometimes even twice in one day. It wasn't long at all before she was taking two tentacles each in both her ass and her now-bare pussy, and loving every moment of it. She took an extreme liking to the monster's cum, using her hands to scoop it off her body and into her mouth, even sometimes licking it off the floor. At night Lauren slept snuggled close to the demon, often in a tight...
It was late August and the weather forecast was for very hot and humid weather. There was a director's meeting at the bank so Jan put on what she referred to as her banker's suit. In the last few weeks she had not seen much of Cindy except at night and on weekends. She was now fully occupied with her banking activities. In spite of it, though, she was taking care of the house and garden, as well as doing all of the cooking. She had agreed to have lunch with Jen and Mary Thomas again. When...
Read parts 1 & 2 to get caught up. By now we had 4 straight unsuccessful months, which started with masturbating into a cup, led to masturbating over her friend, and finally last month ended with a full on threesome. This is what happened the following month. My wife met me in our bed one morning after getting the call from her friend about another unsuccessful pregnancy attempt. She acted disappointed for her friend, but I could see the twinkle in her eye at the thought of continuing to...
Chapter 7 part 1 Hermione began to shake Harry as she tried to wake him from his exhaustion. ‘What? No it can’t be Ron,’ said Hermione hysterically as she shook Harry’s arm vigorously. ‘It was Ron,’ replied Harry as with a groan he sat up on the beach and felt sand-grains fall from his hair. ‘You must have been mistaken Harry,’ said Hermione shakily, her eyes wide in a manic shock. ‘It was Ron,’ repeated Harry weakly. ‘But..,’ ‘Hermione,’ said Harry more forcefully, cutting Hermione...
Amber and Sinndy Make it HurtThe air was crisp and chilly enough to perk the largest fattest nipples. Amber and Sinndy smiled devilishly to each other as Amber pulled away in the 1993 Suburban. The back seats had been ripped from their lodges in the floor to make room for Eric, the luscious blonde grungy beauty they'd seen at the TSOL punk show. He had been smiling at them as they sparked the joint out on the lawn right before TSOL came onstage. He approached them, and left smiling, high, and...
Hi send your feedbacks or any ladies aunties for any relation contact I was sitting at my room with my lap. She came with wet hair and closed door. She looks sexy in that outfit. Get a hard on seeing her. I put my lap on table. She was searching something in shelf. I just hugged her from behind. W: Hey what you doing. Just sit ya Me: Darling it’s a romantic day Heavy rain outside cool breeze coming inside room and good climate for a perfect nite I just hugged her tightly. Dress in her...
Hi Friends ..Main Sharda phir se nai kahani ke saath haazir hun. Aaj main aapko kuchh din pehle ki story batane ja rahi hun. Main aur meri sasural wale hum meri dewrani se bahut dukhi hain. Usne mere dewar ko humse bilkul alag kar diya hai. Main to uske liye waise hi bahut tadpati hun, kyun ke us jaisa mard maine aaj tak nahi bhoga. Hum sab ek tantrik ke paas gaye taake wo daayan mere dewar ka peechha chhor de. Par pata nahi sali kitni pakki hai, itna kuchh hone par bhi hat ti nahi. Main apne...
From across the room Brian sees her and she smiles. April is thinking about how much she wants and needs his kiss and his touch. Patiently, she waits as he works his way across the room towards her. With her back against the wall and the apple martini in hand, she is forever aware of his passionate heated stare. Her body quivers with the anticipation of his touch. As he approaches, her legs weaken and standing becomes a chore. He picks up her right hand and kisses it ever so gently. “Good...
[Saturday, June 28th, 1986] Kim and I made it to the kitchen just a few minutes before Amanda and Rob joined us. If the smile on Amanda’s face was any indication, we weren’t the only ones in the house who had a little fun this morning. Kim had just started the Coffee going, and I was looking in the fridge for breakfast ideas. I noticed a pound of breakfast sausage and a nearly full carton of milk in the fridge, so I offered to make biscuits and gravy. Everyone liked that idea, so I got to...
Only one month into the new school year and she was already fed up with it. Not a single interesting person in the entire school and not even anyone interested in her. She wasn’t ugly, by any means. In fact she was very attractive. Dark, curly hair that was cut short and framed her face, light skin, but not pale. Thin, toned, but not muscular, body that would drive most men wild, and deep blue eyes that resembled the ocean. But, they were all the same. Just like the last...
Hey there, I am back again after a while. I am a 23 year old guy from Bangalore. You can reach me out at Well to begin with I would like tell guys to control your hormones. It’s good to read stories now and then and cheap to stare and comment on each and every girl you see and even more disgusting to force a person for sex! These days’ maniacs don’t spare kids also. So guys take your dick out when necessary, if you are that out of control go to a prostitute, if you can’t afford then jerk off...
Hymen Repair Vaginal Rejuvenation Designer Vagina Liposuction Vaginal Wart Kegel Exercise Hysterectomy Prolapse The average size of vagina Many women don?t know the size of their vagina, as they normal won?t measure it for any reason. You might have an estimate of the size during encounter. However, vagina wall is very elastic so one might not know the exact size of their vagina this way. Some women believe a tighter vagina will bring more pleasure for both party. It is somehow true since a...
Elegant and busty MILF Texas Patti waits patiently for Josh the repairman to visit her swanky hotel room. She shows off lithe legs in silky black lingerie, sucking the unwitting handyman into her seductive game. He licks her sweet cunt, and she spreads her legs so he can fuck-pound her hungry pussy. Josh slides his dick inside slowly, and he squeezes her round tits. When Patti bends over, Josh slides his meaty rod inside her tight sphincter. She gasps in ecstasy as he reams her butthole. Patti...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: A story of a girl with a special gift. She is able create spectacular works of art with ease. Her parents die in an accident on their way to her art exhibit, and she blames herself. Through self loathing and sadness she attracts a ****spoiler****. She teams up with some unlikely new friends to try and learn just what is going on. All 166pgs of Book 1. Ive got early chapters posted here but they were posted in rough draft and this is the final draft expect changes and manyxmany...
Chapter 06: Convergence Pol Jorgensen sat in his office in the Foreign Ministry and looked at the latest round of political cartoons spread out across his desk. They mocked Islam, again — or so it had been alleged in newspapers across the Middle East — and now decades of work building Danish credibility throughout the Middle East was literally going up in smoke. ‘Danish Press Freedoms to Blame for Continued Carnage in Beirut!’ bleated one leftist tabloid from London. ‘Oil Prices Surge — Blame...
Jim came home that night, wondering where Gloria had gone. She was always on the porch, waiting for her father to come home so that she could jump into his arms. Julie always thought that Jim might have had a thing for his daughter. In fact, there were times when she hoped that he did. Then she could justify her own feelings toward Byron by pointing out that he had similar ones toward Gloria. But now all she could think of was the girl's sudden departure. Where was she? What was she going...