Pornacopia BrownChapter 3 free porn video

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"About time you made it down for breakfast," Mrs. Brown told her son as she placed his eggs in front of him. Pornacopia smiled up at her she spun away from the table, sending her open robe swirling just enough to reveal the slight bulge of her pregnant belly. Outside of the house Leroy's mother was still keeping her pregnancy hidden, but inside the house she took great pleasure revealing the fact that she was carrying her son's baby to the rest of the family.

"Now make sure you eat it all Leroy," Mrs. Brown instructed her son, "if things work out you're going to have a busy day and I want you to keep up your strength for the orgy tonight."

"I can understand making sure Leroy has strength for the orgy tonight," Mr. Brown said from behind his paper as his free hand felt blindly for his coffee mug, "but if all three of us are going to be out of the house until this afternoon why does he need his strength now?"

"He and Sally have a case dad," Lynn said spreading jelly on her and taking a bite.

"I see," Mr. Brown said, lowing the corner of his paper and giving his son a knowing wink before he raised it again. "So, do you think today will be the day you finally pop Sally Kimball's cherry?"

"Maybe," Pornacopia said slowly. He could feel his cheeks burning and he heard Lynn giggle as he blushed. "I'm hoping there will be enough time after the case is done for me to seduce her."

"What you mean," Lynn said with a soft chuckle, "is that you hope you don't chicken out again like you have every day for the last three months."

"Now Lynn," Mrs. Brown said as she took her own seat between her son and daughter, giving Leroy a quick pat on the cheek before she reached for her silver wear, "it's not Leroy's fault that he's too shy to fuck the one girl he wants more than both of us. Of course I know that Leroy is too cunt hungry to let this go on much longer, especially since he decided to fuck Sally before he goes after any other pussies."

"Mom," Pornacopia whined, "do you have to remind everyone about that?"

"No," Mrs. Brown said with a grin, "but you look so cute when you're embarrassed I just can't help myself."

"Don't worry son," Chief Brown said, folding his paper and setting it on the table before he raised his coffee mug to his lips and downed the last of it in one gulp, "I'm sure you'll pop Sally's cherry today, you want new pussy too much to let her get away this time."

"Thanks dad," Pornacopia muttered, reaching for another slice of toast from the plate in the center of the table.

"Mom," Lynn said in an obvious attempt to get the conversation away from a sensitive topic, "do you think I'll be able to pick up some maternity outfits today? It is getting a bit hard to hide my belly under bulky clothes."

"I know," Mrs. Brown admitted, "but we need to hide it for a few more weeks if we want everyone to think you got knocked up a month later than you actually did. That is why you've been fucking all thos boys at school, right?"

"That's not the only reason," Lynn said with a mischievous grin, "but that was the plan. But I've been thinking, maybe it would be better if we let everyone think I got knocked up before I moved in with you guys. In fact, we could say that was part of the reason you decided to let me in, because I was so upset about my mother's death and my unexpected pregnancy that you felt sorry for me and decided to take me in."

"Not a bad idea," Chief Brown said thoughtfully. "And you have established yourself as the school slut since you moved here, I'm sure everyone will be willing to accept the idea that you could have been pregnant before you moved in with us. And I'm sure there are at least a dozen boys who will be relieved to realize that they're not the father of your baby."

"Relieved or disappointed," Pornacopia pointed out, "and dad, from the rumors I've been hearing around the junior high it could be more than a dozen boys."

"Not that many more," Lynn said with a shrug, "you know how rumors spread. But I think more of them will be relieved than disappointed."

"Well," Mrs. Brown said as she chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip, "if that's the way we're going to do it, than yes, I think it's time to get you some maternity clothes."

"Gotta run," Chief Brown said, scooting his chair back from the table and grabbing his folded newspaper as he rushed toward the garage door. "I have a phone conference with Mike Eversley from Mapletown Pd in about thirty minutes. Oh, I almost forgot. Leroy, I thought you should know, Bugs Meany gets out of county on Monday."

"Already?" Pornacopia asked in surprise. "How is that possible? He's only been in about six months."

"I know it's not fair son," Chief Brown said, "but it was his first offence as an adult so the judge went easy on him, and when he turned eighteen his juvenile records were sealed so we couldn't use them to show his criminal inclinations."

"At least that means he can't be part of today's case since he's still in prison," Leroy said with a frown.

"Don't be so sure about that," Chief Brown said with his hand on the door knob, "the county lockup isn't exactly maximum security, he's been able to run his gang from inside the prison."

"You mean he's still running the Tigers?" Pornacopia asked, "I thought he was getting a bit old for them."

"He is," Mr. Brown said with a nod, "he's got a new gang, most of the members of the new gang were in the Tigers, but they're still together with a new name and larger plans. So far we haven't been able to catch them at anything, but you might want to keep them in mind if anything comes up. And if it does you let me know young man, since most of the gang members are adults now that means I can charge them and send them off to prison for real."

"Ok dad, I'll keep you informed if I hear anything," Pornacopia promised.

"Isn't it about time for you to get out to the garage young man?" Mrs. Brown asked her son.

"You're right mom, thanks," Leroy said, pushing his chair back from the table and grabbing his dishes.

"We'll take care of those," Mrs. Brown said, "now you get out there and do whatever it takes to get into Sally's panties before the end of the day."

"I will," Pornacopia said as he headed for the empty garage.

"About time you got out here," Sally Kimball said as she finished setting up the table and chairs next to the empty red gas can, "I was beginning to think you forgot all about our client."

"Never," Pornacopia said as he took his chair and turned to watch Sally take hers. For as long as Leroy could remember Sally Kimball was always the prettiest girl in class, not only was she cute and almost as smart as him, she was also the strongest student in school, strong enough to knock out Bugs Meany with a single punch. In the last three years Sally had gone from pretty to beautiful with her curly blond hair and flawless skin, and when her breasts started growing it made her whole image so sexy that it was all Pornacopia could do to keep his hands to himself when they were sitting this close together. "By the way, who is our client? You never did tell me when you called last night."

"Not that it matters now," Sally said, "but we were suppose to meet with Jim Anderson. Yesterday he told me that he wanted our help finding the person who stole his prize yo-yo."

"It sounds like that's changed," Pornacopia said.

"Yeah, I saw Jim on my way here this morning and he told me that his mother found his yo-yo on the kitchen table and put it away in his old toy chest to teach him a lesson. By now he's headed for the yo-yo competition, confident that he's going to win because he has his lucky yo-yo."

"So if we don't have a client," Pornacopia said, "then why are we out here?"

"I thought we'd put up the agency sign and wait around to see what happens," Sally told Leroy, "something usually does."

"Good point," Leroy said, leaning back in his chair and watching Sally as casually as he could without revealing that he was watching her tits rise and fall with her every breath.

After about a half-hour in the heat with no clients walking into the garage Leroy found himself wiping the sweat from his brow. He turned to get another look at Sally and noticed that she was sweating heavily as well, but for her the sweat had pooled under her well shaped breasts and soaked her thin white shirt until it was almost transparent. For the first time Pornacopia realized that the blond girl wasn't wearing a bra and he could see her nipples clearly where the cloth of her shirt clung to her sweaty breasts. He was surprised to realize that her nipples were erect and forming a small tent in the wet fabric of her shirt.

"Is something wrong Encyclopedia?" Sally asked, turning her head to look at him.

Leroy was glad Sally couldn't see his erection through the surface of the desk and tried to keep the husky sound of his arousal out of his voice as he spoke. "Actually I was just thinking that it would be more comfortable if we went inside and cooled off in air-conditioned comfort instead of sweating our butts off waiting for clients out here. We could put a note on the agency sign saying we're in the house."

"That sounds comfortable," Sally said with a smile as she brushed back her sweaty hair.

"The only thing is that no one else is home right now," Pornacopia told his partner. "Dad's at the police department taking care of some paperwork and mom and Lynn are out shopping."

"That's ok," Sally said, "I'm sure we can trust each other. Let's go before we turn into a couple mummies."

Pornacopia led the way into the house, letting out a sigh of pleasure as the cool air his face and dried the sweat from his forehead. "Leroy, is something wrong?" Mrs. Brown asked as she swung around to look at the two of them.

"Mom?" Pornacopia said in surprise, "I thought you and Lynn would be out shopping by now."

"That was the plan," Mrs. Brown admitted, "but something came up at the last minute and we had to put off the trip until now. We would have been gone by now if Lynn wasn't taking so long to get dressed."

For the last sentence Mrs. Brown turned to shout up the stairs and Pornacopia heard a muffled gasp escape from Sally's lips when she saw his mother's profile. For a second Leroy was afraid his partner may have noticed something and he remembered that Sally was almost as good as he was at putting things together, but when he turned to look at her she just shook her head in bemusement.

"I'm coming mom," Lynn called from upstairs, "hold your horses."

"That girl," Mrs. Brown said with a shake of her head, "she'll be late for her own funeral if she keeps this up. Now why are the two of you in the house instead of the garage?"

"It's so hot in the garage we decided to come in and cool off," Pornacopia explained.

"I hope you don't mind Mrs. Brown," Sally said apologetically.

"Now why should I mind?" Pornacopia's mother asked with a smile. I'm sure I can trust the two of you alone in the house, just don't do anything I wouldn't do young lady."

"I won't," Sally promised. Just then Lynn came clattering down the stairs and all eyes turned to look. While Leroy's mother was wearing a skirt and blouse bulky enough to hide her belly bulge Lynn had gone for the other extreme. Her loose black shorts came up to the bottom of her belly while her half blouse managed to cover her breasts with the bottom two buttons opened so that the top of her bulge was clearly visible.

"Is that what you're wearing to go shopping?" Mrs. Brown asked her daughter.

"It's the best I could come up with," Lynn said with a quick wink in Pornacopia's direction. "Everything else is either too small with my belly, or so big and bulky it will hide everything and leave me sweating to death on a hot day like this."

"You're right of course," Mrs. Brown said with a sigh as Lynn took the last few steps and stood in front of her. Leroy was sure there was no way Sally could miss Lynn's pregnancy since was so blatant about it. "We are going shopping for maternity clothes and it's not like we can hide it for much longer. I guess if we're going to announce your pregnancy to the world we may as well do it in style."

"Thanks mom, I knew you'd understand," Lynn said, hugging the older woman so that their pregnant bellies pressed together. Pornacopia was sure that if Sally had dismissed the bulge in his mother's belly before she wouldn't miss it this time.

"Lynn," Sally said in a strangled voice, "you're pregnant."

"Leroy always told me you were observant," Lynn answered with a soft chuckle. "This is part of the reason the Browns agreed to take me in. That first night I showed up I was such an emotional wreck about my mom and my pregnancy that I could barely tell them my story. But in the end they finally understood what I was trying to tell them and decided to take me in. Up until now we've kept the pregnancy under wraps, but I'm getting too big for that so we decided it was time to stop hiding it."

"And what about you Mrs. Brown?" Sally asked, turning to Leroy's mother as she spoke. "I couldn't help noticing that you have a bulge too, it's just not as big as Lynn's yet."

"You are observant," Mrs. Brown said, placing her hand over her slightly swollen stomach. "It's hard to believe but after thirteen years of trying I'm finally going to have another child."

"Congratulations," Sally said, giving both women a bright smile.

"Thank you," Lynn and Mrs. Brown replied at the same time.

"Hurry up Lynn," Mrs. Brown said, urging her daughter toward the front door, "since we have to replace your whole wardrobe we're going to be in the stores for hours. "Leroy, I'll pick something up for dinner on our way home."

"Ok mom," Leroy said, rushing to hold the door open for the two of them, they both gave him a knowing wink as they passed him.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Lynn said, patting her bare midriff when she didn't think Sally could see her do it.

"We won't," Leroy promised, suppressing a groan at his half sister's joke.

"So Encylopedia," Sally Kimball said, turning her blond head to give her partner a cold stare, "who really knocked up Lynn and your mom?"

"What do you mean?" Pornacopia asked with a weak smile as he tried to avoid his partner's glare. "You heard them, Lynn was pregnant when she moved in and is keeping the father of her baby to herself - that is if she knows who the father is - you know the kind of reputation she has around the high school."

"Yes I do," Sally said, "but she's not big enough to be five months along yet, I'd say she looks just over four months and that would be almost a month after she moved in."

"Maybe the baby is smaller than you're use to," Leroy said weakly, "and you heard my mom, she said that she and dad finally lucked out after thirteen years of trying for another baby."

"Actually she avoided mentioning your dad in connection with her pregnancy," Sally pointed out. "I think she was trying to hide something, like the fact that you're the father of both babies."

"That would be something wouldn't it," Pornacopia said with a weak chuckle. "Say, would you like a cold soda?"

"Sure," Sally said with a shrug, "but I'm still waiting for a straight answer. Did you knock up your half sister and mother?"

Pornacopia pretended he didn't hear his partner's answer as he stuck his head in the refrigerator and grabbed two sodas but he couldn't get away from Sally's cold glare as she opened her bottle and took a refreshing sip. "Yes," he said, finally admitting to himself that Sally was too good a detective to be fooled by any kind of lie.

"Let's go in the living room and I'll tell you the whole story while we cool off," Pornacopia offered.

"I'd rather go to your room and get heated up while you tell me the story," Sally said. "And now that I know the truth I know we won't be doing anything your mom and sister wouldn't do with you, right?"

"Right," Pornacopia said with a weak grin as he led the way to what use to be his bedroom.

"How long has it been since you slept in here?" Sally asked, brushing the dust off the top of Leroy's alarm clock and sniffing at the stale odor of disuse.

"About three months," Leroy sighed, "if I'd known you were going to be in here I would have done a better job of covering that up."

"But you didn't know," Sally said with a grin, "so you left a few clues around like the smell and the dust on your alarm, not to mention that the time hasn't been reset for daylight savings time. So, tell me, how did you manage to knock up both your sister and your mother?"

As Pornacopia tell how Lynn had managed to seduce him and then how both of his parents had ended up joining the fun. He could see that the story was turning Sally on, and she wasn't even trying to hide her arousal, first sliding her hands under her shirt to play with her tits, then removing the shirt and playing with her breasts in the open as he continued to talk. Finally, just before the end of the story Sally stood up from the bed to unzip her pants and let them drop to the floor to join the puddle with her shirt socks and shoes before she slid her naked body back across the comforter.

"And I haven't really used this room since then," Pornacopia finished, licking his lips as he watched Sally play with her own tits and cunt. "I only use this room for my clothes - and just in case we have an overnight visitor - the rest of the time dad and I take turns with who we fuck and where we spend the night."

"Well," Sally said with obvious reluctance, "now that I know the truth I guess I can forgive you. It's obvious Lynn knew what she was doing when she seduced you. Did you really buy into her story about teaching you to fuck so you'd know how to fuck me?"

"I wasn't exactly thinking straight at the time," Leroy pointed out as he watched a big drop of Sally's pussy juice slide down her inner thigh to join the wet spot in his bedding.

"I can see that," Sally said with a chuckle, "I don't think any guy could think straight with his hand on Lynn's tits and her hand stroking his cock. And I can see how you and your mom got carried away too so I guess I can forgive you for both of them, and even for knocking both of them up."

"But," Leroy urged, sensing there was more to what Sally intended to say.

"But I won't forgive you if you fuck someone else before you fuck me," Sally said, giving Pornacopia her cold stare again.

"Are you serious?" Leroy asked in shock.

"Of course I'm serious," Sally said with a groan as she stuck two finger tips between her pussy lips and swirled them around. "I've been trying to find a way to seduce you for months, but you were always so skittish you'd scamper off before I even got started."

"I've wanted to fuck you since before Lynn seduced me," Pornacopia said, "but I was afraid I'd scare you off if I said or did anything."

"You really don't know my family," Sally giggled, "now get over here and show me a few of the lessons Lynn taught you while I tell you my story."

Leroy was happy to obey and pushed Sally's hands aside as he pushed his face between her thighs and stopped to get a good look at her pussy before he started eating it. "My family is probably one of the oldest family of swingers in the whole state," Sally started as Pornacopia examined her cunt close up. Sally's blond pussy hair was so sparse and fine it was more like a thin covering of down than the thick fur that covered Lynn's pussy, but once he got a good look at the girl's pink cunt lips he didn't care what it looked like, he had to get his mouth on it.

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I was back from college with half the day still available and my parents were predictably out so I had the place to myself. great. I could sneak guys back here and fuck on the sofa even! Or wank myself in the kitchen - that type of adventure, and roam the house naked when I wanted to. I had assumed little brother worked a normal shift but I was to find out about his midweek day off. So what the fuck was all that noise cum-ing from the living room? sounded like an orgy in there! His...

3 years ago
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Vacation doesnt count part 3

Chapter Three The Driver We stepped off the plane in Jamaica and the company rep was waiting with our car. Because of work and social obligations with the large company staff in Jamaica, Sondra and I had little time to misbehave. Finally, we were finished, and at our host's suggestion, we asked the chauffeur, Samuel, to come up to our room to arrange an island tour the next day (our last full day on the island). ...

4 years ago
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Finally after 13 years of being friends got to ha

a friend of mine who I met in class 13 years ago at georgebrown,,,,,in short talk online facebook, see her once every 2-3 years,,,,,but we talk 1 time a week online or short,, I put on her facebook she posted sexy picture of her nothing revealing just pretty,,,she is 37 5'3 150 little thick thighs, but not a lard, meat in right spots,,,when I first met her I could tell she would get bigger but she isn't a butterball she awas about 120 when we met,, 1st day we met in class, after 1...

2 years ago
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KineticChapter 12

Time: Sunday morning, 7:39 AM, January 4, 2004 I pulled up a chair behind me as I stood by Melanie's bed. I wanted so much to lie down and hold her, but I sensed her stunned body and felt her tight neck arteries relaxing. I thought she would recover in just a moment, and if she were still thinking of me as a monster, well, being in my arms would not be exactly where she'd like to wake up... I sat in the chair and watched her breathe. "Oh Melanie," I thought and prayed. "I'm so glad I...

4 years ago
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Marital Adventures Pt 1

I would love for you to meet me in the freezer, at the restaurant where I work, wearing nothing but a trench coat and a smile. We would begin with a passionate hug and a deep kiss, as you struggled with the zipper of my pants. While wrapping my arms around you, I’d realize that you were naked and start to finger fuck your pussy. You would also notice the bulge in my pants created by my raging hard 8″ cock. At that point, you’d drop to your knees and finally get my pants off. As you set my...

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My sons birthday

After my son's birthdayMy son is 17 years old. For his birthday he organized near Warsaw on the Zegrze reservoir. We rented lagoon villas for the whole weekend and the k**s had fun alone all night. The next day, the son returned home very sad. I saw that he had some stress and something bothers him. I asked several times what happened, but he would dispose of me and answer some nonsense. The next day was school and work day. That day, my husband went to Brussels for a few days, and I had an...

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A Vacation of Firsts The Conclusion

Eric watched with unblinking eyes as the tiny panties revealed a small but erect cock hidden underneath, and that was another first for him. The stunning woman before him had just pulled her panties down and revealed a cock and he was not repulsed. Tonya's head was bowed in shame with this act. To her, it was like showing off a birth defect. Eric responded by placing his fist under her chin and gently raised it up and looked her in the eyes. He gave her a warm smile and then removed his boxer...

3 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 09

Chapter 09: Chance A Word of Warning!!!! This chapter has no sex in it, implied or otherwise. As always my stories are about people. I will not force an erotic interlude into my story just to be including it. I hope you enjoy my story of star crossed lovers. There will be one final chapter, and an expected epilogue. Enjoy! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – After a good morning hug lasting too long to be casual the two friends took turns in the shower. Duncan hesitated when dressing....

2 years ago
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Enjoy this evening II

*Snick* the lock made a satisfying sounds as my wife pushed it shut. The locks small loop was threaded through my new metal chastity cage. The cage was short and made of steel rods and made to keep my penis in a very tight space. As soon as the cage was lock I felt my cock trying to stiffen only to be stopped but the containment. I groaned in frustration and my wife chuckled “perfect” she sighed while fondling my balls and contained penis. “Ok get dressed, you going out” my wife commanded....

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Freedom Flight

Brooke sipped her complimentary wine and settled back into her seat. She was on board a plane destined for Los Angeles, on her way to meet her cyber-lover. As she sat relaxing images of Steve and the fantasies she had had about him darted into her mind. She visualised their eyes locking, them kissing, his hand gently stroking her face, her breasts, her…her…. Often when she thought of Steve, she lost all track of time. Her breathing quickened and she often felt faint. Often when she was alone...

2 years ago
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The Evening Awaits

Tim sat reclined in a chair, one of many in a long row at the airportreading a magazine waiting for Ted's flight to arrive. "Excuse me?Would you have the time?" Asked an older lady as she arrived at the rowof seats and spoke juggling a suitcase as a large purse and another bagdangled over her right shoulder. "Sure." Tim said as he pulled up theleft sleeve of his leather coat and brushed aside the cuff of the flannelshirt and looked at his wristwatch, a gift from Ted, and replied:...

2 years ago
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Bar Girls

Bar Girls - a true but exaggerated story from a couple of years ago. By Dave Gorman When I was 20 I was working for a local bistro / bar called the Spinnifix. I had a number of duties there depending on the day, which would range from doing washing up in the daytime on weekends, running the whole show on weekdays and working behind the bar and some waiting on duties on weekend evenings. I was at university so the summer holidays were mainly about working as much as possible so...

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My secret obsession part one

She lived quite far away so i didnt see her often. But as i started to reach my teens i started to fantasis about her alot more. And all year long before i visited i used to dream and wonder if she felt the same way about me. It was whan i was 15, when my hormones were in overdrive that i finally couldn´'t hold in my feelings anymore. This is my story.... It was sunday afternoon my nan had picked us up from the airport and we were just arriving at her house. The whole way there i was...

1 year ago
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A Lesbian Love Storyof Sorts Chapter 1

A Lesbian Love Story…Of Sorts PROLOGUE: WHAT IS LOVE? L-o-v-e. Just four tiny letters. Love. Just one simple word. Love. No two people would create the same definition. Love. So many different kinds, so many different emotions. I love my mother, I love my decaf mochas, I love my teddy bear from when I was three, I love the Big Bang Theory, I love to read, I love teaching, I love wearing stockings, I love sex. Yet had I ever felt true love? I don’t know. I definitely thought I was in love on a...

3 years ago
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You Have To Know About The Boy

I know you want all the details honey but I have to be quick, okay? I've got a lot to get done before Monday but I know how much you enjoy hearing about my antics and I love telling you about them- No, shush I am not skipping to the good bits when you need to know everything in the correct order. Patience baby, you'll hear it all eventually even if it's not all tonight! So, you remember that young cute guy who I met at a party some weeks ago? Yes, him- six foot one, green eyes, dark hair and an...

Quickie Sex
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BeatenChapter 4

Limping into the Copper Kettle for the start of my shift I hung up my coat. As I was putting on my apron ready to begin serving customers I heard Kelly sighing behind me. “Again Karen, you really need to sort this out.” she said and watched me turn awkwardly to face her. “I’m OK Kelly,” I said seeing the look on her face as she watched me. “Honest I am.” “You are not OK girl, and you can’t face people like that. Take the day off.” “I’d rather not if you don’t mind, I can’t afford another...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend The Hot Aunty

It was 2007. September had started, and with September, winter was around the corner. I was busy studying as it was my second year in college. My neighborhood aunty was going to the USA to visit her son over there. So she had told my mom to let me sleep in their home, fearing any theft. So for a week, I used to stay over there as it gave me a good place to study. I generally used to study on the terrace taking strolls. It was a two-storied house, and the next home to it also had the same...

1 year ago
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The Students Party 8211 Part 2

In the room, Ani was being fucked by both Riju and Deep in her pussy and ass. After around 20 minutes Riju had reached his limits! Ani was enjoying the fucking and kept begging for more. Finally, Riju told that he was about to cum. He pulled out of her and inserted his dick in her mouth and filled her with his nectar. She just drank the milk which was drawn out with the help of her body. Ani: Good work on your first time. But, Deep is impressive still fucking me. Deep: Can I do it in your...

2 years ago
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Sapana in train

Hello everybody this is Prakash. I am a working guy from Pondicherry. Basically, I am from North India but I am working in a south Indian company, so placed here only. I am 27 yrs, 5ft 7 inches male with a good look, & a very strong sex drive & I have a nice hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. My job requires lot of traveling in south Indian cities. So during a short period of time, I came to know about many cities of South India. But I never had any experience before this...

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Margaret at the wedding

We had gone to a friends daughters wedding, Margaret looked stunning in her heels and seamed stockings. Almost as soon as we were at the reception, which was held right next door to where we lived, 3 young guys early 20's came up for a chat. One of them told me I had a hot sexy wife and that is was great to that she wore stockings and they hoped they would get to see more as the evening wore on. They asked me if she dressed for sex, and if she would be likely to give them a better look. I told...

1 year ago
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This is not about Jill and myself, but its food for thought. Have any of you experienced this reaction?The Following Is A Testimonial From A Man Who Willingly Watched His Wife Have Sex With A Stranger And Regretted It:"Like most people who consent to watching strange men have sex with their wives, I consider myself to be a sophisticated, impotent, and very wealthy man. I am rich enough to have most of the world's amusements at my disposal, and yet I often find myself quite bored.My wife and I...

3 years ago
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Family Vacation Chapter 10

Hi my name is Alex and I am 16 years old. I have dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes that can stare into your soul. I weigh around 60kg and I am 1.8 meters tall. This is the story of me and my family at their beach house and how one of cousins and I “connected”. I woke up at 5 am the morning to my alarm. I reached over and fumbled to put it off. It was still dark out on this early day. I climbed groggily out of bed and put on my clothes I set out; a pair of black baggie jeans and a green...

3 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart IX 5 The Drug Deal

"Hi, is Tracy home?" I asked an unshaven, beer-bellied man who had answered the door. "Yeah, she's here," he said in a husky, almost sleepy sounding voice. "TRACY! DOOR!" he bellowed. "She'll be right out," he said and promptly shut the door in my face. I was tempted to have him ask me in, but I didn't see what the point would be. After all, it took him ten minutes just to tear himself away from the football game to answer the door the first time. "HHHmmmm," I sighed, tapping...

4 years ago
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Box Office Bang P13

It must have been a real shock for Gemma; suddenly my cock was rammed all the way inside her hole, my bulbous knob rammed against her cervix! Besides me, Redhead laughed, "My, my Gemma! You really are a little whore, aren't you"? Gemma wasn't listening. instead her initial scream tapered of to a gasp and breathlessly, she gasped, " said you...wouldn't hurt me...fuckin' Jesus, is...on fire now"! Her face was flushed red and little beads of sweat had popped out...

1 year ago
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Lizzie and the After School Club

Sunday School The boys and girls were in two lines facing each other across The Den, a big, dark space in the heart of a massive wild rhododendron bush in the scrubby wasteland behind the estate, and we were about to have our first Sexual Education lesson. Lizzie was standing with her head down, shoulders hunched forward, staring in fear at the empty space between the two lines. She was doing her best not to be noticed; she always tried not to be noticed. And it always worked: nobody ever...

2 years ago
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Those Lips Started It All

Copyright© 2001-2003 A charmer from old Amarillo, Sick of finding strange heads on her pillow, Decided one day That to keep men away She would stuff up her crevice with Brillo. You have to understand that it was how I grew up that tempered what I now am. I mean, I don't remember when or how it started, only that when I desired it, all I had to do was ask. What was it that started all this, what was it that brought me to this life I now live? Life in jail is no picnic, loss of...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Cousin Sister

I am Raju 27 years old from Chennai 6 ft tall and fit guy, again with a beautiful true sex story about a relationship between myself and my cousin sister. Her name is Harini and she is 6 years elder to me. This happened in my native village near Chennai.Before going into it Girls, ladies of any age can contact me to have chat, sex chat, sex which will be secure.Please share your views with feedback To say about her she is typical south Indian girl with medium sized boobs any guy will love to...

4 years ago
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JessiKa and Serana Part 1

JessiKa and Serana Part 1 By Ricky. I was bored and had nothing to do. I haven't seen Shiana, the first woman to fuck me in the ass for a while. I was alone in my apartment. I started watching porn on my phone and was in the mood for strippers/pole dancers/exotic dancers, so that's what I was looking at. I just watched them. I didn't even masturbate. Eventually, I decided that I should go to a real strip club. There was a strip club that I've always wanted to check out. A strip club...

1 year ago
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Lust in Space S1E4 Derivium Found

********************** "Wow, Don. This is so hard." Judy pumped her hands along his shaft before popping the head in her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. "Fuck, Judy. You are just the absolute best mouth on this or any other planet." Don closed his eyes and sat back, enjoying the magic of the young lips, tongue, and throat that were inflicting pleasure on his cock. Judy was momentarily distracted as she felt a prodding of her exposed anus. She popped the cock from her mouth to...

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Bhoomi Ka Bhumipoojan

Hi, I am romil back in action romil from ahmedabad with average physics good height isme jo ladki h bhumi she is hot slim n sexy ekdum gori red lips pink choot ekdum tight last story trupti ka asli ehsas ko achha responce mila kafi hot bhabhis and girls k mail aye jisme kuchh meetings b fix hui h thanks for that you can reach me at Ye story ekdum soft love wale sex ki h ab story pe ata hu ye incident mere sath job karne wali ladki bhumi ki aur meri h jo kafi beautiful h ekdum gori slim and...

2 years ago
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Veoment Voyeur

At first, this didn't seem to bother my ex-husband much, but as I was wondering on the options of adoption, his penis was wandering into the holes of other women. After the divorce, I got a huge house cradled way too close to my neighbor, and he got a young blonde with a fertile womb. We've been split for about a year now and I just can't seem to bring myself to go dating again. Lately, though I have found an outlet for my boredom. My house is tucked so close to the others on my street,...

4 years ago
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My Fiance a Sex Surrogate

My fiancé, Randy, had been a sex surrogate to his stepmother for his father who was away on work most of the time. He wanted to continue his sexual relationship with her after we married. He contended that their physical relationship was central to both his and his stepmother’s identities. This made me pause in accepting his marriage proposal but I did. This story is about our meeting to sort this out. Our solution may help others if they find themselves in a similar predicament. I, Kimberly,...

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Why not

I have always liked guys. I remember having a crush on my 6th grade teacher. When I was in the 8th grade, my curiosity got the best of me and I seduced my friend one night when he was sleeping over. We were laying down watching TV and I put my hand under his shorts and grabbed his dick. He pulled away at first but I was persistent. I got to suck my 1st dick that night. I started wearing my sisters panties and bras shortly after that. First around the house, then in public, even at school. I...

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First Time Gay History 6

Fun on a business trip This is a true story. First HARD anal sex!!I have to go to Myrtle Beach for three nights for a business conference, also hoping for fun and a hook up. As soon as I get in I fire up squirt and change my location, and let people know that I’m there for three nights and that I can host. I deal with a bunch of fakers for the first couple hours and then I find a nice guy who is very willing to come and is also a top. He says he can fuck all night and hard!! Unfortunately it is...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 42 Something Im Missing

February 19, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Why does the dumb plane have to be late?” Jesse complained for the third time in forty minutes. “They ran into headwinds. They should be landing any time now. But then they have to go through passport control.” “Mom One got me a new passport for Russia!” “Yes, because the old one expired.” “I wish we didn’t have to wait five months! I want to see my soldier friends!” “And Larisa?” Jesse grinned, “Yes! But Marta is here today! «Hon är jätte sött!»”...

2 years ago
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The third phaseTen days had passed, by now Dora and Terry, had been sleeping together each night in the marital bed, though till then, during the daylight hours they were just mum and son. A policeman had called that afternoon, saying that “someone”, he didn’t say who, had been in his words “Taken up for maliciously spreading diesel fuel on the road for a bet! he had been charged with manslaughter, and he gave a crime number, so she could contact the insurance folk. That she did and a few days...

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