Perhaps LoveChapter 8 free porn video

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"Ooh, this is so exciting!"

Opening the passenger door, Rachel chuckled at her volunteer chauffeur's enthusiasm. Who knew prim and proper Silvia got such a kick out of being sneaky? Well, being that she and her family were spending the last few days of their vacation with them on Maui, she might very well get to do more of that. With one last wave to the ambulance crew who'd secretly spirited her away from the hospital to this grocery store parking lot, the now not-so-dark-haired Latina with her ankle still in a brace hopped into the minivan and closed the door.

"You look so different with blonde hair," Hailey added with a giggle from the second row.

"I do, don't I?" she remarked, looking back with a grin and wiggling her eyebrows. "Think I should keep it on?"

Both Hailey and her friend Anthony, who was also in the vehicle, shook their heads no.

"Me either," she replied agreeably. In a matter of seconds, she had it and the wig cap off, the bobby pins out, and the wig safely stowed in a plastic bag under the seat. Swishing her hair free, she ran her fingers over her scalp several times. It definitely felt good to finally have that thing off.

Her clandestine driver, meanwhile, managed to get the vehicle back onto the highway and on the way to the airport to pick up Rance's mother. Unfortunately his father, Henry, had to stay behind – something had come up with the café they owned – so she was coming by herself.

"That was so nice of them to let you keep the jacket," Silvia remarked, after a few moments.

"Yeah, it was." Rachel replied, lightly ran her fingers over the embroidered lettering. "They were pretty awesome, helping me out like that. It only cost an autograph, a kiss on the cheek, a few photos of said kiss on the cheek, and a phone call to a brother stationed in Okinawa."

"Do you think they'll tell anyone?"

She glanced over and shook her head. "Not for a while, at least. I asked them not to, and then they got a call just as I was getting out."

"Is it always like this?"

Rachel shrugged. "Yes and no," she answered. "It's been like this, off and on now, for the last couple years but before that – no, hardly at all."

"So, this isn't just the price of fame and fortune?"

Rachel laughed. "No, this is the price of marrying famously and divorcing badly."

"Ah, I get it," Silvia replied with a knowing look. "So what possessed you to marry a guy like David Hildebrand anyway, if you don't mind my asking? I mean, Lord knows he's the poster boy for ballplayers behaving badly." Catching Rachel's look, the temporary chauffeur quickly answered her unasked question. "After we met the other day, I googled you and I've been dying to ask."

Smiling appreciatively, the incognito model shrugged again. "I can't tell you how many times I've asked myself the same question," she responded candidly, thinking over her troubled time with the Yankees' third baseman. "Looking back, I just think it was a matter of geeky Rachel finally getting asked to the prom by David the superstar athlete and all-around big man on campus."

"You, geeky?" Silvia asked incredulously.

Rachel laughed. "You have no idea! Back in high school, I was about as far from the popular crowd as you could get. My older sister had the boobs and the butt, while I was the late bloomer." She glanced back nervously and was relieved to see the two kids firmly engrossed in a game on the built-in television. "Honestly, I spent most of my high school years either at the library or in my room," she admitted matter-of-factly.


"Absolutely." Rachel started to laugh again when Silvia turned toward her with a look of complete disbelief. "What? I'm not kidding!" she retorted.

Her driver, however, remained unconvinced.

"All right, you want to know how popular I was back then? I was the tall, skinny, uncoordinated Mexican girl with braces and glasses who cried when she got an A-," Rachel's voice started hard but softened with the remembrance. "Not only was I on the yearbook and school newspaper staffs all four years of high school, but during my junior and senior years, I was editor for both of them. My best friends were long dead writers I met in books. And unlike my sister Rebecca, the only times I ever got close to the cheerleading squad were when I had a photographer in tow."

"Wow. So how did you go from that to all this?"

"I finally bloomed, so to speak – lost the braces, the glasses, and the baggy clothes. Then there was my college roommate, Tasha. She was going to a modeling audition and begged me to go along as moral support. To make her feel better, I filled out the paperwork right along with her. I didn't expect anything but, before I knew it, they were doing stuff with my hair and taking a whole bunch of different shots of me for my portfolio. The rest, as they say, is history."

"How did your roommate do?"

"She didn't get the job but did get the photographer. Married with four great kids and living in New York City. She's still one of my best friends and claims to this day that she only came up with the modeling thing in order to get me out of my shell."

Just then, Rachel's cell phone began to ring. The supermodel groaned, however, when she realized who it was. "The answer's still no, Vivian," she chirped when she put it up to her ear. Refusing to be sweet talked or browbeat, she stood her ground – adamant in her decision to back out of the calendar shoot. "No, you're not listening," she finally shouted back. "It's not that I won't do the shoot. I can't do the shoot. My ankle is purple and black and it's in a walking cast. I've got scrapes and cuts on my hands, and bruises all the way up my left arm. And that's just the worst of it. There's no covering this stuff up, Viv, and that means we'll have to postpone the Maxim shoot in LA, as well."

Her agent, however, was like a pit bull and wouldn't let up. Rolling her eyes at Silvia, she took as much as she could stand before she snapped. "I don't care about the pressure they're giving you. It's not like they're Pirelli. I pay you to fix stuff like this, Viv, not lecture me," she finally shot back and then pushed the end button with a frustrated growl.

No sooner had she ended the call when the phone started ringing again. Thinking it was her agent again, she nearly threw the cell out the window but stopped short when she was who it was.

"Oh wow, it's my sister," she exclaimed, glancing at the caller ID. Tapping the call button, she quickly lifted the phone to her ear. "Hola, Becca! Cómo estás?"

Rachel was thrilled to finally hear from her. She needed her advice on some legal questions for Rance, but so far they'd been playing phone tag. Now with her finally on the phone, Rachel caught her sister up on everything that had happened. Rebecca, in turn, had the names of several reputable law firms in Hawaii, along with a few lawyers in particular, who would be very helpful in advising Rance on any possible legal action he might need to take.

With that out of the way, the two of them chatted for quite a while – catching up mostly – until Rachel saw the sign for the airport entrance.

"You talk to your sister in Spanish?" Silvia asked her, once she'd hung up.

Rachel, however, was immediately stricken by her own insensitivity. "Oh, I'm so sorry, that was thoughtless and rude of me." she blurted out. "It's just we grew up speaking so much Spanish at home that she and I still do it whenever we talk, except when other people are around – but I spaced it."

"Don't worry about it!" The older woman smiled and waved her hand dismissively. "I've picked up just enough Spanish from dealing with patients to know you weren't saying bad things about me," she teased. "But I am curious now why you spoke so much Spanish at home. I thought you grew up in Chicago."

"I did," Rachel admitted, "but my sister and I were actually born in Mexico. Our parents met and got married when dad was in grad school. He was being paid to go to school and once he got his Ph.D. – he's a research chemist with Dow – the company moved him here to the States when we were little. Anyway, neither of them wanted us girls to lose what they saw as our heritage. So, the first language we ever learned, of course, was Spanish, and it was what we always used around the house, unless we had visitors."

Conversation stilled momentarily as Silvia maneuvered her way into a parking spot in the short term lot. Turning off the engine, she turned to Rachel.

"You don't have an accent, though," she observed.

"Months of practice the summer before the 3rd grade," Rachel replied with a rueful smile, as she got out of the van. Taking Hailey's hand, the four of them started walking for the terminal.

"My sister and I watched Disney movies on video over and over again, trying to say the lines just like they did. We probably still have Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella down, word for word," she recalled with a laugh. "Becca always made me be the stepsisters."

"I want to learn Spanish."

"Really?" Rachel asked, surprised by Hailey's statement.

The young girl nodded, looking up at her with those big brown eyes.

Knowing what she was asking, Rachel smiled back as they walked together and squeezed her hand affectionately. "We'll ask your father, mija," was all she said.

"Cool," was Hailey's happy reply.

They arrived in plenty of time – too much, actually, given that the flight they were waiting for was delayed by thirty minutes. Rather than stand around – which Silvia pointed out would not be good for Rachel's braced ankle – they opted to take refuge at a Starbucks on the main concourse. They got the kids each Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccinos, while Silvia settled for a Chai Tea Latte and Rachel ordered her typical iced, sugar-free caramel, nonfat, light ice, Starbucks double shot on ice. When questioned on her choice by her companions, she just smiled and said it was high in syllables but low in carbs.

Time passed quickly for them, as they chatted quietly over their drinks. Their solitude, however, was broken when a few customers somehow recognized the supermodel in their midst. Rachel had hoped having her hair pulled back in a ponytail, with a baseball cap and her glasses on – along with the ankle brace – would be enough, but unfortunately they weren't. Before too long, she was besieged by well-meaning fans seeking her autograph or a picture with her. She hurried through the requests as rapidly as she could, and then the foursome made a break for the arrival area. Fortunately, the hubbub at the coffee shop didn't follow them down the concourse.

In short order, they made it to their destination. Rachel thought it funny that despite the larger number of people milling about, her identity had not been discovered there like it had back at the coffee shop. She thought she knew why, of course. Everyone's eyes were on the passengers coming off the planes, not on those waiting for them.

Suddenly Rachel felt Hailey squeeze her hand tightly, as the child began to bounce up and down excitedly. "There she is! There she is!" she cried, pointing to an attractive older lady in jeans and a teal green blouse that was looking around as insistently as Hailey was jumping. The child's boisterous calling, however, quickly caught the woman's attention and a tearful smile quickly splashed across her face.

Tugging free, Hailey ran to her grandmother, exuberantly calling out, "Oma! Oma!"

Margarete Steiger had never travelled first class before, but even fourteen hours and two stops of it was too much. She shuddered to think what it would have been like in coach. Still, she was here. Grabbing her carry on from the overhead bin, she slipped the strap over her shoulder and stepped into the aisle to leave. She'd wanted to bring more, but Rachel had insisted – since she had two stops – that she travel light.

The flight attendant warmly greeted her with a hug at the door. "I sure hope your son recovers, Marge," she offered with a genuine smile. "I'll keep him in my prayers."

Similar sentiments were murmured her way by other fellow passengers waiting behind her – including Kathy, the young lady that sat next to her, who gently rubbed her back. Affected by the unexpected support, it was all the older woman could do to smile gratefully and nod her head.

Walking up the jetway, she eventually found herself on the second level of the Overseas Terminal and after a brief stop at a visitor information booth, received directions to where Hailey and Rachel were waiting for her.

With a bizarre combination of anxiety, exhaustion and excitement, Marge made her way down the escalator and over towards the baggage claim. Like music to her ears, the chant of "Oma! Oma!" by little Hailey caught her attention immediately. Her eyes turned in the direction of the call, only to see the child making a beeline straight for her. Sweeping up her granddaughter up in a fierce embrace, she clung to the child like a life preserver as tears began to flow. She had to laugh, though, as Hailey began to pat her on the back.

"It's okay, Oma. It's okay," the child consoled. "Daddy's okay."

"I know, sweetie," she told her grandchild as she gave her another squeeze. "I'm just so happy to finally be here."

Finally setting her down, Marge wiped away the moisture from her cheeks and picked up her bag that had, not surprisingly, fallen off her shoulder.

"Oma, this is my friend Anthony, and his mother, Doctor Marzano," came Hailey's introduction, after dragging her grandmother by the hand through the crowd. The slender, dark-haired boy, just a little taller than Hailey, smiled shyly up at her as he stood next to his mother, who was also smiling.

"Silvia, please," was the request from her as the two women warmly greeted each other.

"And this is my Rachel," Hailey explained simply, as she let go of her grandmother's hand and took hold of her friend's.

Even with the baseball cap, glasses, and non-descript clothing, Marge would have recognized the Latin beauty right away. As her husband Henry would likely have said, the woman could make a burlap sack look like silk. For herself, the grandmother from rural Illinois would have been more than a little intimidated had she not spent the last few days talking to her on the phone. The woman was an absolute sweetheart!

"Mrs. Steiger, it's so good to finally meet you in person," Rachel offered cheerfully, extending her still free right hand, "though I wish it was under better circumstances. How was your flight?"

Stepping inside her extended arm, she wrapped her granddaughter's "Rachel" in an affectionate hug. "It's Marge and you know it, girl," she growled as she reached up and kissed her on the cheek. "The flight was fine and thank you so much for everything, Rachel," she continued, her voice now barely a whisper.

Stepping back, Marge cleared her throat a few times and wiped the tears from her eyes. Looking over the four of them, she smiled bravely. "Now, let's go see my boy."

Rance didn't know what to think. While he liked being out of the ICU and in a private room, the people he'd dealt with or thought about over the last few hours had him so turned around he didn't know which way was up. He was beginning to wonder whether the decision to steadily decrease his pain meds was such a good one after all.

First, there was the gal from hospital administration wanting his permission to give much more in depth updates of his medical status to the press. When she saw how baffled he was to the need, she picked up the TV remote to turn the station from ESPN over to one of the cable news channels.

That's when Hannah – who'd been sitting with him – broke down, blubbering about his accident being her fault, and then dashed out of the room. And if that wasn't strange enough, he was brought back from the distraction of Hannah's departure by the mention of his name coming from the TV.

Looking up at the set suspended from the ceiling, he could see pictures of both him and Rachel plastered on the screen, to the left of a pretty blonde on Fox News. The camera quickly changed to a panoramic shot of the anchor seated at her news desk with three other women. And by the time they made it to the commercial break, Rance was more confused than ever.

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Dev ne priya ko apni baaho me utha liya. Aurr priya k bedroom me chala aaya. Uss ne priya ko bed pe halke se patak diya. Priya boli “Tum ye kya kar rahe ho?” dev bola ” pyaar…Bss pyaar” dev priya ke hotho ko chumne aage badha toh priya ne use dhakel diya. Kaha k please aisa mt kro. Dev ne kaha k thik hai.. Mera haq nahi he tum pe .. Mai chala jaata hu. Firr nahi aaunga. Priya ne uss ka haath pakad k rok liya kaha k. Tumhare liye toh meri jaan bhi haajir hai. Dev ne priya ko baaaho me kass liya...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Piper June My Butch Stepbitch

Piper June is a bit of a tomboy, and she always has been. She likes to wear comfortable clothes like jeans and flannels, but her stepbro is convinced that means shes a lesbian. One day, he was looking all over the house for his baseball cap. His stepdad, Glen, told him to check in his sisters room. Sure enough, there it was. Just then, she walked in wearing yet another one of his hats! Enough is enough, he decides and then confronts her and accuses her of being a lesbian. Piper is eager to...

2 years ago
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Niece on a BoatChapter 19 Birthday Party

June examined the faces as Tony and Lara came in from the garage. They were tense, but Tony wasn’t as enraged and desperate as before. It was different, but hard to read. Lara really did not think they’d done anything wrong, perhaps that was getting through. Still, June was glad she’d told Mark to go and play Xbox, or sleep, in his room. “Would you like some something to eat?” she didn’t try to kiss him. “I’ll sort something,” he peered into the fridge, making a point. Lara had drifted...

4 years ago
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my first porn movie

on friday night my husband took me to my first porn movie we paid at the door and went in and we sat up front of the theatre…when the lights went out and the movie started my husband started playing with my boobs and on no time he had my buttons undone…there were about 20 people in there for the movie but it just seemed like us there and i was feeling great…after a while i felt another two hands on my boobs and it was the man behind us playing with my boobs the man next to me must have seen...

4 years ago
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Hard Fucking Day For Chandani

Hello ISS readers and my name is Chandani. I am here to share my experience to all readers which happened with me two years ago. Let me describe about myself, my figure is 32 28 36 and a quite sexy figure. One day in the school I was having a doubt in science. I went to science sir and got a very clear solution about that. Then sir offered me to join his tuition. I agreed and joined the tuition with one of my friend Pooja. We went daily to sir’s home for tuition. Daily session was of 2...

3 years ago
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Wife Trains Me Bi PT2

It had been seven days since I had invited Danny to the house and had been initiated into the world of bisexual sex (see 'Wife Trains Me Bi'). Kat had returned home two days after his visit and since then she had become insatiable. Previously she had loved ass play, but now she seemed obsessed with it. I rarely got to actually fuck her, it was as if our roles had been reversed and it was now me that found myself getting called upstairs, to find Kat waiting for me, her strap-on protruding from...

3 years ago
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Opposites Attract Part 7

For the next few weeks, Craig and Joe spent a lot of time in the bedroom with constant sex that was always exciting, as well as enjoying each other’s company in general. However, Joe was getting increasingly concerned about the situation with John but didn't bring it up; he figured Craig would let him know when the relationship status changed. One evening Joe worked late and discovered Craig beat him to his apartment, had the place lit up with candles and the table set with beautiful...

Gay Male
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 52

One day, late in the evening but before bedtime, Derwen received word her express rider station north of our freehold had to be abandoned. The raiders had split up and one of their sub-groups had taken to the road, seeking more plunder. I was sure my nightly dreams would confirm this movement but if this party was mounted they could enter the freehold anytime. We sent word to Hajin about the southwestern movement of the raiding party and asked him to confer with us at the manor immediately....

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The Office Receptionist Heena

Hello pals! I am Jason and I would like to post another incident of mine here. I am originally from Canada, however, I have been in India for the past 2 months to live with a childhood friend of mine. The friend of mine – Kartik had some competitive exams coming up so he called me up and asked if I can come to stay with him as he has no family. I agreed. The incident is narrated in detail so it is going to be long but surely pleasurable. :) I arrived in Mumbai. Now, I knew I have to stay here...

4 years ago
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Bus Travel With Chennai Priya Aunty

Dear readers. I am Ajay (). I work for software MNC in Chennai. Kindly forgive my narration I am new to iss. This is true incident happened recently. I moved to a new neighborhood near Adyar (which is south of Chennai). I used to go for yoga classes regularly and I am health conscious with clean habit. I had yoga classes early morning around 6am to 7am. While going to yoga classes I saw an aunty. She looks like actress Anushka, her name is Priya (i came to know after my meeting with her) but...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Cousin Riya At Her House

So let’s come to the story now. This story is about me and my sister Riya (name changed). Riya is my bhua’s daughter. Let me tell you about my sister she is 9 years elder to me and she is very beautiful and fair in color. She had a very sexy figure jise dekh kar har koi pagal ho jao aur bas uske baare main dream karna shuru kar de. This story is some 10 years ago but now I am telling this to all of you as I never knew before that we could share incest stories with others. It was summer holidays...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 403

One from sbrooks : A king was going of to the Crusades, and had his queen fitted with a special chastity belt, with a built-in guillotine. When he returned, he lined his knights up and had them all drop their drawers. All of the knights showed the signs of their indiscretion, except for one. The king went up to the knight and said, “Noble knight, you of all my knights has been loyal to me in my absence. Name your reward, and it is yours.” The knight said, “Rrrr, rrr, rrr.”

3 years ago
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Holidays with Auntie Joan Part 3

The next year I was able to drive up to M. I was now the proud owner of a cheap second-hand Toyota, that managed to last the entire trip. I had been in a lovely relationship with a pretty, foreign fellow student, who was returning to her home country for the Uni vacation.On arrival at Joan's shack, we warmly covered each of our major experiences since my last visit. Joan had invested some of her art income into some improvements to the shack - an electric hot water system, a new computer,...

4 years ago
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Taken Not StirredChapter 2 Live and Let Lie

Every week Roger got a letter. It was politely written asking about his health, etc. It also had a still picture of him being taken by Miss Penelope with a strap-on. It was her way of reminding him that she had not forgotten him or her hold over him. People in Roger's life noticed that he had changed since the charity dinner two months ago. He was distant; less self-assured and jumped when the phone rang. Several of his girlfriends had left him and even his manservant knew something was...

3 years ago
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Dani At The Gym

“What a day!” Dani muttered to herself as she walked down the busy road. She had finished work just ten minutes ago, and although she could think of a hundred things she would rather be doing instead, she was now on her way to the gym for a workout. Since she had started her new job two months prior, she had resolved to make the gym at least three times a week, and so far she had kept to her word, and each night when she looked at her naked body in the mirror, she knew it was all...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledPrologue

Mike Faber, that's me. Aged to a prime of 61 years. Look like I'm 40. Tall, lanky, cantankerous, full of myself, hard hitting cowboy. Don't drink, don't smoke. Really unusual. Not quite what you'd expect. Nevertheless (learned, too) what you see is what you get. Leading an idyllic life on the "prairie" of West Texas, my spread covers 108,961 acres, to you city folks, that's 140 square miles. It's on the El Paso side on Monahans, past the sand dunes a bit. I acquired it in a game of...

2 years ago
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BabymakerChapter 14

"That was pretty weird," Molly decided, giggling as we sat together at the back of the bus. We hadn't really talked about the twins, Angie and Stacy, and how I'd made them pregnant. I'd expected them to be a little more angry with me for breaking up with them like I had, but on the whole, they'd seemed pretty cool about it. Except for calling me a butthead and a jerk, which I was, the twins had been their usual silly selves. Sexy too, and I have to admit that seeing them again had...

3 years ago
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By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 2

By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 2 Richard went digging for Don Ford's contact information, as well as the last number he had for Mitch Woodward. By the time Anne had finished making breakfast, he was on the phone with Don Ford, and discovered that Don and his wife Linda had both had the same dream as well, and all of them felt the urge ... the need ... To go back to the desert. Soon the four of them made plans to meet up, and then go to the last known address of Mitch...

3 years ago
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Surrendering to Lust

A hotel hallway You take my hand and pull me into our room. ‘‘I had fun tonight.“ I say, as soon as you shut the door. You turn and push me until my back is pressed against the door, you peel my skirt up. Taking my panties off me. You start teasing my clit with your fingers as you skim through the slippery folds. I gasp into your mouth as you seal our lips together. The velvet softness of your tongue mates with mine and I sigh, melting into your chest. I want you and I need a moment to realize...

Quickie Sex
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Strangers in the NightChapter 13

Strangers in the Night: 13. Things were just fine for four races on the WRC ... until I caught a rival manager messing with the rebuild set up. Every race the girls and I replaced shocks and shock housings, bushings, seals and gaskets, any dented or damaged body parts and all the glass and mirrors. Every stage of every race, the brake rotors and pads get changed out. Constant velocity housings, driveshaft universal joints and the shafts themselves get banged and dented and all that gets...

2 years ago
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A Little HelpChapter 12

It was in the first week of January and Ilse was three months pregnant when we had our first sonogram of the baby made. Although it was too early to tell, we had the feeling that it would be a girl. We had agreed to keep the result of the sonogram to ourselves, until we knew for sure what the gender of the baby would be. Ever since Ilse and our kids lived in my house, or rather, our house now, Ilse had been much more relaxed. It felt as if moving in with me had lifted a weight off her...

2 years ago
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A New Lease on LifeChapter 5 Love and Relationships

It’s February now, which means Valentine’s day. From what Danny and I can figure out it’s the same as on our Earths. Yes Earths, turns out Danny comes from another Earth different from my own. Since Valentine’s day lands on a Sunday, the school decided to have two weeks of Valentine’s themed activities. The 8th graders get to have a ‘dinner and dance’ on Valentine’s day. Guess ‘rank’ has its privileges. During the week prior to Valentine’s day it was all I could do to keep from giggling like...

4 years ago
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Jessicas Number Part 4 of 4

Introduction: After ariveing at the mothly state barbeque Jessica, makes her choices, mouths the Jessica 3000 and has the ride of the end of her life. Jessicas Number Story: #6 Copyright 2004 Written: December 16 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 4 of 4 – BBQ Time After Jessicas request, she grabed her fathers hand and they went straight to...

2 years ago
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Real Love

Once upon a time there was a man who was lost within himself. He tried to hide it by always talking to everyone around about everything except his real feelings. He had been hurt by love in the past, and now he’s to afraid of getting involved and getting hurt again… but he hasn’t learned the fact that if he was going to ever find love again, he will have to open up and get involved to experience real love…but to get there he will have to risk getting hurt a few times before the right one comes...

4 years ago
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Futa Life

Greg gets out of bed, Grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head. He leaves his room and smells some food. He walks to the kitchen seeing his roommate Beverly in a white t-shirt and pink panties. The panties are holding on to a thread trying to keep her 9 inch member from falling out. Beverly was making pancakes. Greg looks at the thermostat. 70 degrees is too hot he says dropping it to 63. He takes a seat at the island. Beverly walks over and asks if he wants any pancakes. "Ill have some" Greg...

1 year ago
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Spa Day

You found an envelope on your desk at work, nothing written on it but the words “enjoy yourself”. You open the envelope and see an invitation to a New Spa in town. After a little research you decide why not I deserve it. On their website they have a synopsis of what each package consists of, your package is the Total Relaxation option which includes a hot oil massage after a steam bath. You make a reservation and log off, forgetting about it as you finish up for the day. The day is here, your...

3 years ago
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The StallionChapter 2

Over the next few days Emily Elizabeth tries to keep a straight head about the new farm hand, Rick. The thought of him being here, looking so much like how she imagined him to and sounding the same, makes her head spin. He has to be who the writer described, but of course his name wouldn’t be Jake. She completes her chores as quickly as she can, making sure that they are done correctly. Any mishap will bring her father’s belt and draw suspicion. And when she finishes she takes whatever...

1 year ago
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As A Song Forever Together Chapter 2

Dad became satisfied that he had successfully found his new family. Dad was happy with them in spite of the fact that they had met on the Internet. The two women were friendly with my sister and me, when we met at my Dad’s house. It was very interesting, but my sister and I did not notice Kate's curious oddity at that time, but Kate and Natalia began to speak without any Russian accent, when we were in family gatherings after only six months or so. But they spoke with a Russian accent when...

2 years ago
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The Ring of ControlChapter 7

Mom sat in my desk chair, and I sat on the bed. "Okay, Mom, what is this project all about?" "It seems that they have this new program over in Texas, and it's starting in Oklahoma, too. They are trying to hire military veterans, especially handicapped ones. Jessica wants me to come up with a program to do that here, and to head it up, too. With El Dorado being the largest city in the six county area, we would be tasked to do the pilot program for the state." "But ... Mom, why you...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VII

Suma’s story (continued) ……….. “Vikas…” I entered the hall and stopped in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa were Vinay and ……wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and very short shorts, exposing his loads of thick hair was Vikas…….. Both of them stood ,clapped and sang ” Happy birth day to you….” And Vinay said beaming ” Here is your birthday gift …” gesturing to Vikas………………… I was shocked and paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Before I could recover and run back to room, Vinay grabbed me ,lifted me...

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