Perhaps LoveChapter 11 free porn video

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While she waited, Nina had one end of the kitchen table covered with a vast array of papers and receipts. In the midst of all of it sat her laptop with a number of open windows, one of which being her employer's constantly changing schedule. Next to her sat Elaine Hancock – the business manager and co-owner of the Waiehu Inn where they were staying – with her reservations book open on the table. As usual, their extended stay, while welcome, was interfering with the Inn's previous bookings.

Up to this point, Rachel had directed Nina to simply pay the weekly rate for the entire house and then subsidize the movement of previously booked guests to upgraded accommodations elsewhere. Now that the girls and the Marzanos were gone, not to mention the paparazzi, Nina had another idea.

"How about this, Elaine," she said as she leaned over and pointed to a few entries in the reservation book. "With half our group now gone, we can just limit ourselves to the five rooms upstairs – freeing up the three rooms on the ground floor for your other guests."

"Really?" the woman exclaimed. "That would be great! That means we'll only have to relocate three families instead of six."

"I've found space for the Russells and Bergens over at the Sheraton," Nina explained, leaning back and expanding the appropriate window on her laptop display. "As for the Doerings ... they're the bridal couple, right?"

Elaine nodded her head.

"How about the Royal Pacific Suite over at the Ritz-Carlton?" Nina asked as she clicked on a sample picture of accommodations.

The B & B owner let out a low whistle at the opulence. She then looked over at Nina with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "You sure they can't just stay in our quarters while you book me and Michael over there?" she asked with a chuckle. After a moment, she reached over and patted Nina on the arm. "I'm just kidding. That is gorgeous, though. They'll love it!"

Suddenly, Nina's cell phone chirped. Quickly picking it up off the table, she glanced at who sent the text.

"Anything new on Terrance?" Elaine asked.

With her brow furrowed, Nina didn't respond right away. After a few moments, however, she shook her head. "No, it's actually from Chloe." Tapping the screen several times, she soon had it calling the absent model. "She says she's coming back," she told the other woman, as she set the device on the table with the speakerphone on.

"Hey, Nina," the girl answered, her voice sounding a bit flat. "Is there anything new about Terrance?"

"No," Rachel's assistant replied, looking up at the clock. "He's been in surgery a little over two hours now but there's been no news from the hospital yet." She paused a moment before asking the next question. "So, what's going on, Chloe? Everything okay there in Tokyo?"

There was an audible sigh from the phone. "Yes and no," she replied with a bit of a sniffle. "The two shows yesterday went fine it's just ... I don't want to do this right now."

"Are you okay, Chloe? Did someone try to... ?"

"Nothing more than usual. Oh, there were a couple rich posers at the after-party tonight thinking I'd drop my knickers in gratitude for gracing me with their presence, but you know how that goes." Chloe let out another sigh. "No, I think hanging out with everyone there on Maui – especially Hailey and Terrance – reminded me of what I'm missing. And then when you texted me about his surgery..."

Nina could hear the emotion in her voice as she let that last sentence trail off. "Have you talked to your sister and Hannah?" she asked.

"I have. They're going to stick it out for the week here and probably head on to Sydney. Hannah's understandably keen on seeing her family and I don't blame her," Chloe replied. "But if everything goes pear-shaped for Terrance, then all bets are off. How's Hailey doing, by the way?"

"She's still in bed," Nina answered. "We thought it best to let her sleep in, since today looks to be a long one. So I'm back here waiting for her to wake up."

"The poor tyke, she's really been put through the wringer lately, hasn't she?" Chloe observed, the sympathy clearly evident in her voice. "And dare I ask about Rachel?"

"Not sure," Nina responded. "She took off from here like a bat out of hell right after the call from the hospital and she's not answering her phone. Right now, Marge is the one giving me the updates – not that she's had much to tell me so far."

"I'm coming back," Chloe declared, the sound of keys on a keyboard clicking in the background. "Looks like I should get in there around eight p.m. your time."

"Vivian's going to pitch a fit over this," Nina remarked, referring to her and Rachel's rather mercurial agent. "You know that, right?"

"Like I care what that silly bitch thinks!" Chloe retorted with more than a little heat.

The Bed & Breakfast owner, who'd been sitting quietly the whole time, began to giggle.

"Who's that?" Chloe asked. "Is someone else there with you?"

"Oh, that's Elaine. I've got you on speakerphone."

"Hi, Elaine, do you happen to have any spare rooms available?"

The older woman chuckled. "It just so happens that we do. The Lokelani Room is still in need of an occupant. Care to make a reservation?"

"Yes, please!" Chloe replied with a giggle.

Suddenly Nina noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. Glancing over, she saw a still sleepy Hailey standing in the doorway to the kitchen, rubbing her eyes.

Snatching up the phone, she quickly took it off speaker and lifted it to her ear. "Listen, Chloe, I've got to go. Hailey's up," she explained quietly. "Okay ... text me with the info when you get it lined up ... All right ... Yeah, you too. Bye." Nina tapped the screen to end the call and then looked over at the young girl, who looked so cute in her pink pajamas.

"Where is everyone?" the child asked, followed by a big yawn.

"At the hospital." Nina looked over at Elaine, who was pulling out that morning's breakfast casserole, along with the fruit salad and sweet bread. "Would you like some breakfast? Your Opa Henry made it this morning."

Hailey nodded her head and noisily pulled the wooden chair out so she could sit down. She waited patiently for Elaine who, in short order, had a plate and a glass of juice all ready for her. While she ate, Nina tried to break the news to her about her father as gently as she could. The girl took it remarkably well, she thought, and said so later as she helped Hailey get ready to go to the hospital.

The child just shrugged as Nina brushed out her hair. "Daddy told me that if he had to have surgery, it would only make him better – even if they had to ambu ... ampule..."


"Yeah, that," the young girl replied with a solemn nod. "He said he'd miss having a foot but that he'd be okay. He'd just be a bit slower and I'd have to let him catch me once in a while."

Nina snickered at that last comment. "That sounds like your dad." Looking at Hailey's reflection in the mirror, she could see the child smile as well, before her countenance grew serious again.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" the young girl asked, a strong tremor of concern evident in her voice.

"I do," Nina responded with a nod, as she drew Hailey's thick dark hair back into a simple ponytail. "Your daddy's a strong, healthy man and he's got a lot of really good doctors and nurses taking care of him."

The girl's eyes caught hers in the mirror but she didn't say anything. After a bit, Hailey looked down at her hands.

"What's the matter?"

"Daddy asked me to help Rachel," she replied quietly. "He said she's a worrywart and needed someone to distract her but she left me here. Is she okay?"

Nina couldn't help but smile at Terrance's cleverness in dealing with his daughter. "Your daddy sure has her pegged," she mused aloud as ran the brush one last time through the ponytail. "As for how she's doing, I don't know. She's not answering her phone and your grandparents don't know where she is."

"What do you mean?"

"Your Oma Steiger said Rachel wasn't in the waiting room when they got there. They've looked around for her but couldn't find her."

"Did they look in the courtyard by that painted maze thing?" the child asked, turning to look at Nina. "She sometimes likes to sit there on one of the benches under the palm trees."

Nina nodded. "They already looked there but no Rachel. Any other ideas?"

Hailey got a studious expression on her face. Suddenly her eyes widened and she reached for the cell phone her father got her that was sitting on the dresser. In mere seconds, she was tapping out a text message.

"We've already tried that," Nina explained but the girl's thumbs kept moving.

"I'm just telling her I'm wondering where she is," Hailey replied, finishing up and hitting the send button. "She'll respond," she added confidently.

Moments later, her phone chimed, alerting her to the presence of a new text message. Looking down at it, she quickly tilted the screen so Nina could see.

Rachel's assistant chuckled. "What a clever girl you are!" she remarked, pulling out her own phone to pass along the new information to Marge.

Rachel was sitting with her head in her hands, when she sensed movement next to her. The slight groan of the neighboring chair and the audible scrape of its feet against the floor confirmed it. She didn't need to turn and look to know who it was. The hint of lilacs told her it was Hailey's other grandmother, Janis. The woman didn't say anything, though.

"I couldn't stay in there," Rachel finally whispered to break the silence. Even so, it sounded loud in the small room.

She let out a big sigh and then leaned back in her chair.

"People recognized me. All I wanted was to sit and wait quietly but they wouldn't let me. Terrance had just been taken into surgery and they want to talk about fashion or famous people I know. He's probably going to lose his leg and they wanted to take selfies with me on their smart phones."

Shaking her head in dismay at the memory, she snuck a glance at her neighbor. Janis was sitting there listening but her eyes were taking in the room, rather than looking at her.

Rachel had taken refuge in the hospital's chapel. Though it was rather wasted on her, given her current state of mind, she had to admit the small, oddly-shaped space had an attractive décor. Its walls were covered in one continuous landscape mural with blue skies set above what she assumed were the green hills and mountains of Maui. Also painted on the walls were stone columns with what looked to be religious symbols on each of the blocks. She recognized the cross and the Star of David, but most of the others were a mystery to her.

She supposed it was all intended to evoke feelings of peace and serenity but those emotions were far from her at the moment. Looking down at her hands, Rachel thought of the storm that was churning inside her.

"I feel like I'm going crazy," she admitted softly. "My heart's racing, my mind's going a mile a minute and my stomach's doing somersaults. All I can think about are 'What ifs' and worst case scenarios. It seems the more I try to be calm, the worse it all gets."

Janis nodded but said nothing.

Rachel gestured to her cell on the seat to her left. "It rings but I let it go. I know it's bad of me but I don't want to talk to people right now. What am I going to say? If they're asking about Rance, I don't know anything new." Just the thought of him brought tears to her eyes and her voice began to quiver. "If they're asking about me, I'll probably just start crying."

Frustrated at the loss of control, she shook her head in disgust and angrily wiped the moisture from her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"I hate hospitals."

Janis' words caught her by surprise. Rachel's head turned swiftly to look at her, but the other woman's gaze was still focused on some distant point in front of them.

"I hate hospitals," she repeated. "Over the years, I've watched eight of my family and close friends die in hospitals. Six months ago it was my daughter. A year before that, my sister."

The ensuing silence was deafening.

"I hate the smells, the chatter, the security doors, the stupid visiting hours, the doctors' awful bedside manner, snotty nurses, all of it. I hate hospitals. I just want to scream at the chaplains who mean well but are so bland and full of clichés. I want to throw things at the doctors and punch a nurse or two. But all I do, instead, is put on a shitty 'everything will be fine' smile and pretend that it will be when I know it won't."

"I'm so sorry..." Rachel began but was soon cut off.

"I'm not saying this so you can feel bad for me," the other woman said with a nonchalant shrug. "It is what it is and I neither want nor need your pity."

Not knowing how to respond to that, Rachel opted to say nothing. She watched as Janis turned to face her. The woman's eyes were soft and her expression gentle.

"But it changes how you look at what's going on today, now, doesn't it?"

The question challenged her but as she thought about it, she had to admit it was true. Terrance's surgery was very serious but not essentially life-threatening. Despite all her anxious thoughts and fears, Rachel had to concede his chance of dying was low. So, regardless of the surgery's outcome – whether he kept his lower left leg or lost it – she'd still have him.

It was by no means a cheery thought, though, because behind it all was the enormity of Janis' losses – the last of which, her daughter Melissa, was also Hailey's and Terrance's loss, as well. The knowledge that someone else has had it worse than you never brings comfort but it can give perspective. And it was that new perspective that had Rachel feeling more than a little foolish.

"I am so pathetic," she groaned.

"No, you're not," her companion retorted. "It's only natural for you to worry about Terrance. He's a good man and you love him. There's nothing silly or foolish about that."

Rachel shot her a concerned look but she waved it off.

"Now, I'm not saying I'm all that happy about that. To me it's far too soon, though I suspect that five years from now it will still be too soon. But Hailey's fine with it and Terrance would be an idiot not to be. The real question is are you fine with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"After today, Terrance's left leg will either still be a mess or gone. Can you live with that?"

"I don't understand."

"Can supermodel Rachel Vargas – the magazine cover favorite of the grocery aisle and every red-blooded male's fantasy – love a crippled math teacher from Nowheresville, Illinois? You're a media darling now, looking as sympathetic as can be, but what about in six months or a year? Can you afford to be seen with him then? Can you put your life on hold to support him as he heals or will you just pop in now and then when it's convenient?"

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I’ve been with my girlfriend for over two years now and she is a lovely woman. We get on well and she has a great personality but if I’m honest, her body doesn’t drive me mad with lust. She’s cool and we have okay sex but she’s overweight and it is more comfortable affectionate sex rather than dick stiffening, lust crazed sex. I enjoy the physical intimacy but it doesn’t excite me, if you know what I mean.I guess if I look at it truthfully, this seems to have been something that I’ve had with...

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First Creampie and Snowball PT2

“Are you sure you want to do this?”, Bob asked as Sue finished rinsing the breakfast dishes. “You bet,” Sue said, “it isn’t often that a woman gets a chance like this.” “Okay,” Bob said, “I’ll be home about 5:00 and we’ll see what happens.” He came over to her and kissed her on the lips, feeling their warmth and softness, aching with love for her. Bob looked into her eyes, and admired the beauty of her face. “I love you more than you can imagine,” he said, “not many women would tolerate my...

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Marions Story Chapter Three

Credit here to my friend and fellow author EM Kay (Marina Kelly) who helped with the story and kept me on the straight and narrow and of course did all the editing so thanks Marina.... A few days later I picked up my new guitar and it was perfect. Walking home you couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I locked myself in my room and spend the rest of the night playing... I loved it, it felt and played fantastic even without an amp, and that was going to be the other side of this...

2 years ago
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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 18

Without a word being said they adopted their now normal position on the sofa. "Has there been any improvement in your father recently?" "Slight. His speech has improved but his right arm is still next to useless. Mum says he tries but there's really very little he can manage on his own." "It must be so frustrating for him." "Yes. Mum says she hears him growling and scolding at himself." "Poor chap. You said 'Mum says'. When did you last see him?" "Christmas. I haven't...

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The AcademyChapter 88

Keith: We transported down fairly early and the kids and I went to examine our new home while Annie and Bernice went off to examine the men's dorm. Gonzalo Whatshisname (I'm going to have to learn it, because he took Bernice's sister as his concubine) and a Civil Service woman named Vera came by before we transported and spoke to the three of us about the 'job' Annie and Bernice had volunteered for. "You are not obligated to provide sex to uncommitted males, either of you," Gonzalo...

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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Six

Sunday MorningMy Sunday morning began abruptly, with me snarling “Ow!” as I was awakened by a stinging slap to my naked butt. Rolling over and looking up, I saw Sue standing next to the bed, naked as the day she was born and grinning like a Cheshire Cat.“Rise and shine, lover,” she greeted me. “The rest of the fornication crew is arriving at ten and they will be expecting breakfast. Guess who's the chef? So let's get moving!”“Ugh. What time is it?”“Nine.”I levered myself to my feet, coming face...

Group Sex
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En casa tenía en un lugar muy escondido mi ropita que desde la época del colegio poco a poco me fui comprando. Siempre escogía lo más sexy y caliente que encontraba en las tiendas. Ya tenía lindas botas rojas a la rodilla, mucha lencería, mi vicio son las minifaldas muy chiquitas y sobre todo blancas trasparentes para que se note el hilo dental negro en mis nalgas. Ya por asuntos hormonales tenía algo de senos, mi cuerpo era bastante bien formado, usaba cabello rubio largo y de vez en cuando me...

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Sarah Carerra 337 A Very Carerra Christmas

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 37 - A Very Carerra Christmas The stage was dark. The only noise to be heard was the dull roar of the crowd as they waited. I stood calmly between Jenna and Michelle on the second row of the riser that...

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Miss Kelly Johnson

“I can’t believe you.You’re such whore. My mom and my dad? Really? I can’t believe you’d fuck them, they’re my parents. You’re meant to be my best friend.” I was reckless, I sneaked a kiss from Sara and Kelly walked in on us. She saw us kissing, she saw my hand up her mum’s skirt. She could see what was going on and was not happy. After all, I had lost my lesbian virginity to her. We were sitting on her bed in her bedroom. She looked close to tears. It’s not as if we were exclusive lovers, we...

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Crossing the Horizon Part 5

  Rachel woke up quite late. She had been far more tired than she thought between all the travelling and yesterday's fun. It was already 11am and she was still in bed, almost stuck to her sheets because of all of the doggy semen on her body. She didn't mind though, there was something so primal and erotic about it. But needs must so she went and had a long, luxurious shower in her ensuite, making sure to untangle and wash her hair thoroughly. Drying herself, she was curious as to what today...

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The Magic of my first Black Cock

Wow ! This was my first real experience with Black Cock. it was right after my divorce. I was in my late twenties. I ran my ads as a crossdresser on a few dating sites and on Craigslist. I recieved a message on my AFF site from a member whos profile mame was BBCRicky. My interest was immediately peaked. His profile discribed him as a dominant black male 6'4" with a 10 inch thick cock. He was older in his late 40s, Interested in meeting petite submissive white sissys which fit me...

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My Aunt And I

After walking in on my mother taking a bubble bath and seeing her sexy tits and nipples with bubbles on them, I began to see my mother in a different light.  I always thought that she was hot but, she was my mom and if anything, I saw her in her bra and panties until now.It was not long after seeing her in the tub, my Aunt Julie came to live with us, and she moved into my room.  I began to sleep on the sofa bed in what was our third bedroom.  My aunt had a great body also and to an...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 22 Keeping Them Happy All Night Long

Carol had not known how to react when Max had sprayed Niki’s tail. Barely used to her daughter running around naked, much less with a tail inserted in her rectum, the casual way he had mentioned how even more eager the dogs would be made her cunt twinge in nervous excitement. Just knowing what her daughter was doing, even if she could not see it at the moment, was enough to keep her mind far from her normal thoughts, constantly thinking about what was going on outside, if Niki was enjoying...

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Denniss Train Ride

When I sat down in my usual seat on the train, I was surprised not to see Mr. Sprig sitting opposite me reading his morning paper, which he had done for the last two years. The commuter train took me from my suburban life into the city where I worked in a bank. I had been using the same train that left the station at eight in the morning and arrived promptly at nine, which gave me half an hour to walk to where I worked. Mr. Sprig, I had learned, was an accountant one year shy of retirement. We...

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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 10

When they met with the dour Ban-Den for breakfast that morning, the short man seemed to vibrate with excitement, though he held himself until they recounted their conversation with Huídào the night before. "I mark nine for the arrest today," he told them. "Two for smuggling, seven for dereliction of duty or bribery, and all for fraud and conspiracy to defraud the child-Empress of custom and duty." "Is that all of them?" Sable asked. Ban-Den nodded, with an odd smile for her. "All the...

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Path To GloryChapter 47

The fallout from my comments caused a ripple effect. The Cardinals ownership was appalled and threatened to release me outright. Conservative talk radio was all over my case. Some fans were incensed. The media wouldn't let it die and finally I had enough. Lisa Neil didn't even try to stop me — although I'm certain she saw the look of disgust on my face. "To those I've offended with my comments, I just want to say: Too damned bad," I said heatedly. "If you took offense at my words, I...

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Dont Judge A Book Chapter 18

Monday 18th December 2017“So, honey, where next?”Five small words, issued in a misleadingly calm voice by my husband that Monday night. Chris finally departed, Dave and me now alone. My travels complete, but five weeks of evolution and revolution to discuss and consider.I looked across at Dave and suddenly felt too tired to discuss the topic. It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have when I was feeling so tired. Tired and exhausted after Chris and I had made love three times, I smiled weakly at...

Wife Lovers
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Stripper In Mom8217s Party

I am Jay, 20 years old; usually mama’s boy from childhood. My mom, Vijaya is very pretty and a very decent lady. Her bra and panty sizes are 36D and 40 respectively. She is very energetic in nature; used to do kitty party with the neighborhood aunties every week end, they are her friends. The aunties were all from educated cultured families. Soma, Kajal, Binita, Priyanka, Chandana was from nearby apartments. All are having age level 40-45 years like my mom; only Chandana is around 55 year old....

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One summer morning:One summer as I wake the sun is shining in the bedroom window,stretching tossing back the covers, a thought crosses my mind smiling yes I will call my lover invite him to a picnic.Jumping out of bed slipping on a bathrobe walking into the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee.Grabbing the phone coffee in hand step out onto the deck soaking in the sun as I dial my Lovers number.The phone comes to life with his deep sexy voice as he says hello, smiling to my self because every time...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 36 Woolgathering

January 1, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “It’s open, Mindy!” I called out. The door opened and she came into the room. “You were expecting me?” “I’d have been seriously disappointed in my ability to predict your behavior if you hadn’t shown up!” “A little too obvious?” “You might say that! May I give you a tip?” “I’d rather have the whole thing!” Mindy smirked. I laughed so hard I had to sit down on the bed so I wouldn’t fall over. It took me a full minute to recover enough to be able to...

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Making The Pefect Husband

Mark agrees to participate in a research project a few weeks before his wedding. At the same time, his relationship with his fiancé takes a strange twist. Is it all just coincidence? Not Written by me. It's a work of Joe Burante. CHAPTER 1: THE RESEARCH PROJECT Mark Jones was savoring the rich taste of his coffee early in the morning when his phone rang. He glanced at the caller-id and did not recognize the number. ‘Probably a sales call,’ he thought. He decided...

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Blackmailing The QueenChapter 4 Afternoon delight

I arrived at the garage apartment at 4:00, expecting to find her there. I checked to make sure I was not seen, then entered through the side door and up the plain wood staircase to the rooms above. The same key that had opened the side door opened the door to the main room, and the musty smell of the place told me how long it had been unused. But it was basically clean. Ann was not there. At lunch I had told her to be there by 3:45 and to wait for me. She had seemed totally cowed and I was...

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The Tales of Priya the Lesbian Witch Slut

Part 1: Awakening the Slut Within This is a story of an 18-year-old half-Warshari, half-Witch, who starts waking up to her life. Her name is Priya. She is 5’7” 135 pounds, 34C-28-34. She is fit and works out every day. Her urges have always been towards girls even though she tried dating a guy, but she felt awkward, and it didn’t work out. Her best friend of two years is Bell, who has secretly wanted to have sex with her since they met. Arabella or Bell as she is known is a Scinlase Witch. We...

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Sisterly LoveChapter 4

Before Reggie could respond, a light flipped on illuminating a room in the house next to hers. “Fuck!” the supposedly well satisfied female next to me swore. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “It’s that bitch of a slut, Sydnie-Ann Jablonski! Oh, Howie, please don’t let that whore, Sydnie-Ann see it!” “I don’t understand.” “She’ll do something to take you away from me. She’s very hateful.” I had no intention of abandoning those magnificent tits or that chestnut covered cunt for that matter, but...

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What Are They Doing

Chapter 1 I have a sister who's three years older than I am and when this all began, I was fourteen, just. She was seventeen and a junior in high school. So, when she came in my room one afternoon after school and asked me, "Do you know Bryan Deering? He's in your eighth grade class, right?" I told her that, sure, I knew Bryan and asked why she wanted to know. "Oh, I just wondered. If I wanted him to come over after school sometime, would you ask him?" Was this weird? I...

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Stud 7 Fucks slave daughter infront of her parent

(This takes place in the future when sex slavery is legal. Everyone is over the age of 18.) I cannot believe my luck. That sexy brunette whom I have seen at my auction and my public whipping is before me and I am combing her hair. There have been a number of times when I could not get it up. I would just think of her in her mini skirt and big boobs pushing through her this blouse. Now she is sitting naked in front of me naked and I am combing her hair. Up close and naked, she looks more...

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Susans Submission Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 Peter ate his lunch in silence. In his mind, he was happy with the way that his punishment ofSusan had progressed. His goal for that morning was to have marked Susan, and he’d obviously succeeded. Her resentment, or perhaps defiance, was something he’d expected, in fact, he’d anticipated it sooner than it had come. He reviewed in his mind, what he had planned for that afternoon. His intention was to remove any notion of privacy that Susan had left. He would open and freely explore...

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MagnifChapter 6

The most populous races on Magnif, beyond the Earthers, came from a home world that was mostly an arid desert. They were called the Reds mainly because of their reddish skin color. The Reds took no offense to the moniker. The actual name of their race was unpronounceable to Earthers but the first part sounded like "red" so it became their name. Beyond their red skin, they had dark thin hair and dark eyes with a secondary eye lid to block out sun glare. Now after generations of interbreeding...

1 year ago
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BraceFaced Vanna Bardot Oral Orthodontics

Some girls just look like they love to have cock in their hands, in their mouths, and in their pussies. Vanna Bardot is one of those girls, braces and all. She wants her mom to know that she is taking proper care of her teeth. She is putting her rubber bands on and does everything her orthodontist says. She even goes one step further. She decides to stretch out her rubber bands to the proper length by taking our studs big dick in her mouth by the pool. She swallows the shaft and goes balls deep...


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