From A To Z Ch. 02 free porn video

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As always this story is exclusively my property and may not be republished or redistributed without my permission. Any resemblance to people or places living, dead or non-existent is merely a coincidence.

It had been a few days since Adele had finally opened up to Zack. She was at her psychologists for her regular appointment. Adele was nervous, she was very excited about being able to tell her about Zack and what had happened.

‘Adele? You can come in now.’

Adele went into the office and sat in a chair. ‘Hi Charlene, how are you today?’

‘I’m well thanks Adele how are you?’

Adele grinned, ‘I’m good thanks. I thought a lot about what we talked about during our last session, and I decided that maybe you were right and Zack was only trying to be nice and he really didn’t want to hurt me.’

‘Excellent! That was a great step forward for you. You look like you want to tell me something else as well,’ Charlene said with a knowing smile.

Adele blushed and smiled shyly, ‘I asked him out for coffee the other day.’

‘That’s wonderful Adele! How did you feel when you were together? Did you feel like you had before? Was it like when you first met him?’

Adele thought for a moment, ‘I was really nervous and I felt like I was going to be sick at first. But he made me laugh, and he was very laid back. I felt…comfortable with him.’

Her therapist nodded and smiled, ‘I’m very proud of you for trying this Adele. It took a lot of courage to push yourself out of your comfort zone like that.’

Adele smiled as well, ‘Thank you Charlene, would it be okay if I asked him to go out for coffee again?’

‘If you feel comfortable doing that I think it’s a great idea. Just don’t over do it, baby steps are still steps forward.’

Adele grinned, ‘I think I’d like to do that again.’

‘How are you doing with your anxiety?’

Adele frowned, ‘I’m still very anxious around men, the pills you gave me have helped. I can go in to work and don’t feel as stressed as I used to. Fortunately they’ve been very accommodating and only let Rebecca work with me.’

‘And are you still having the nightmares?’ Charlene questioned her.

‘Yes, I still wake up screaming every night like I’ve lived through the attack all over again. I wish I could sleep through the night just once. It’s so exhausting physically and mentally.’

‘How do you feel about the men at your work? Do they still frighten you?’

‘They don’t frighten me as much as other men do, but that’s because I knew them before Scott…’

‘Yes that’s quite common. They’re a known quantity because you are familiar with them, so you know that they pose no threat to you. Do you feel that Zack poses a threat to you Adele?’

‘I don’t think so. He’s made suggestions and always lets me decide how things happen. He’s been very patient and kind. It’s like he knows what’s going on in my mind, and only says and does what I feel comfortable with.’

‘How do you feel about yourself since you’ve met Zack and had this breakthrough?’

Adele paused to think again, ‘I feel a bit more confident, less afraid and maybe a bit more in control of my life.’

‘Do you think this is a good thing Adele?’

‘I do, Zack is the first guy that I haven’t been totally terrified of in over a year. I don’t know why but I feel very safe with him.’

‘Well I’m very proud of you Adele, as you should be too. I think we’ve made some great strides in our recovery plan over the past few weeks. Our time is almost up Adele, I’ll renew your current prescriptions and I’m adding Clonazepam, it’s a sedative. You’re to take it before you go to bed. It should help you sleep better.’

Adele smiled and took her prescription slip, ‘Thanks Charlene, see you in three weeks?’

‘You’re welcome Adele. Three weeks it is.’

Zack was still blown away, he couldn’t believe that Adele had taken that first big step and asked him out for a coffee. They hadn’t really done a whole lot of talking and when they did it was about inconsequential things like work and the weather. He could tell that Adele was trying hard to break down her protective walls. Zack was glad just to be with her, even just sitting quietly together was a big thing.

Sitting in his office at work he was totally distracted by his thoughts about Adele. Instead of working on his editing work he was doodling on his notepad and wondering what she was doing.

Zack’s buddy Aaron from down the hall poked his head into the office, ‘Hey bud, we’re going to the Kowloon for lunch are you in?’

‘Huh? Yeah sure, just gimme a sec.’

Even at lunch with the office crew Zack was distracted and quiet. Everyone noticed the change since Zack was normally very outgoing and gregarious.

‘Hey Zack what’s with you today? You’re like in the twilight zone or something!’

‘Ah I just have something on my mind guys. It’s a personal thing.’

All of his office mates started ribbing him. ‘Whoa-ho-ho! Zack’s got lady issues! Who’s the girl man? You tag her yet? Is she hot?’

Zack waved them down, ‘No no no! It’s not like that. I’m just helping one of my neighbours, she’s going through a rough patch that’s all.’

Aaron burst out laughing and the other guys joined him. ‘Is it that cute little blonde in the top unit?’ he asked.

Zack blushed from all the ribbing he was getting. ‘Guys come on! She’s going through a rough transition and I’m helping her through it okay? God, sometimes people just do things because it’s the right thing to do!’

Aaron could see that Zack was getting mad so he took the lead and told the other guys to shut up. ‘Hey sorry man. We noticed that you were out of it, and were trying to get you out of your funk. If you’re doing the right thing for this girl then that’s cool man.’

‘Seriously guys, she’s a nice girl and I want to help her through this. She deserves better than she’s gotten.’

The other guys settled down and were pretty impressed with what Zack was doing. He tended to be the leader of the group so he had a lot of respect from the others.

It was the weekend and Adele walked into the laundry room, Zack was loading up the washers when he noticed her.

‘Oh, hey Adele! How are you?’ he asked with a smile.

‘I’m good Zack, how are you?’ Adele said with a shy smile.

‘I’m good too. Hey if you want I’ll free up a washer so you don’t have to wait.’

‘Thanks Zack, I appreciate it.’

Zack pulled his load out of the washer and placed it back in his hamper as Adele began loading up the washer with her clothes. Zack looked over and noticed that she had some pretty little thongs in her first load. He blushed and felt a bit like a perv for noticing them.

‘I had fun the other night Adele, it was nice being out with you.’

Adele smiled shyly, ‘I did too, I haven’t gone out and just hung out with a friend in a long time.’

‘Thanks,’ Zack said in a serious tone.

‘Huh? Why’d you say thanks Zack?’

Zack smiled again, ‘You called me your friend that means a lot to me.’

‘Do you think we could go for coffee again?’

‘I think that’s a great idea Adele, how about later today?’

‘Sure, maybe around three o’clock?’

‘Three o’clock sounds good. I’d like that a lot.’ Zack told her with a smile.

They sat quietly for a bit, listening to the washers doing their work. Both of them not sure what to say to the other. Adele wasn’t sure what to say, she really liked Zack. She liked the fact that he was letting her take the lead.

She remembered the day that Zack had moved in. She’d seen him moving his stuff in. Adele had peeked through her curtains and watched him and a friend moving furniture and boxes.

He was tall, and very strong she thought. He looked nice, it seemed that he was always smiling, even when he was carrying s
omething heavy. She’d shivered a bit, because she didn’t want to admit to herself that she liked the little bit that she’d seen. Zack’s friend had said something funny and he’d laughed and grinned. Adele had thought he had a nice laugh, it was an open and friendly laugh. Zack had looked up at her window and she’d closed her curtains quickly, she didn’t want him to know that she’d been spying on him.

Her thoughts came back to the present. She looked at him and felt her shyness return.

‘Do you like to read Zack?’ Adele asked him.

‘Yes I do, I didn’t realize I had so many books until I moved in. I think I had ten boxes of just books. That’s probably why I ended up working for a publishing company. How about you Adele?’

Adele smiled, ‘Yes I love to read too. Sometimes I write little stories.’

‘Oh yeah? What kinds of stories?’

‘They’re kids’ stories, I think they’re pretty good but haven’t shown them to anyone so I don’t know if anyone else does.’

‘Really? Would you let me read them? If they’re good I might be able to show them to my manager. We’re always looking for new authors and sometimes you can make really good money writing stories.’

‘I don’t know Zack, they’re kind of silly and foolish. I mostly do them for my niece and nephews.’

‘Hey that’s pretty cool, how old are they?’ Zack asked, interest in his voice.

‘My niece is three and my nephews are four and five. I love them a lot, they’re neat kids. I love spending time with them, kids don’t judge people like adults do, they just accept you.’

‘Yeah, my sister has three girls, I’m their favourite uncle, well their favourite Uncle Zack.’ He said with a chuckle. ‘Does your sister live close by?’ Zack asked.

‘Yes we get together every couple of weeks, and we talk on the phone every few days. Wendy and her husband Kyle look out for me. They make sure I’m okay. My brother Quinn lives out in B.C. he’s an actor too, he’s been in a few big films.’

‘Oh, you’re an actress? I thought you said you did voice-over work the other day.’

‘Well I was until my ex did what he did. There’s not much of a market for girls with scars in the movie industry, so like I said before, I do voice-overs now.’

When their laundry was done they went their separate ways. Adele smiled to herself as she climbed the stairs to her unit. She couldn’t believe how comfortable she felt with Zack. It was so easy to talk to him, he was just such a nice guy. He didn’t seem to care about the fact that she had ugly scars. He was like her niece and nephews, he just accepted her for who she was.

Adele was at Zack’s door at three, she had one of her notebooks under her arm. She knocked softly and waited for Zack to answer.

Zack opened the door and smiled softly at her, ‘Hi, I’m ready if you are.’

‘I’m ready too. I brought one of my note books?’

Zack smiled again as they began to walk the short distance to the coffee shop. ‘I’m really glad you trust me to read your story Adele.’

Adele blushed prettily, ‘I hope you like it, and I feel kind of silly. It’s just a funny little story I tell my niece and nephews.’

When they got their coffees they found a table and sat across from each other. Adele handed Zack her book and he started to read it. Adele had drawn crude little pictures to go with the story. She sat quietly sipping her coffee while Zack read her story.

As Zack read he began to chuckle then started to laugh. He closed the notebook and smiled at Adele.

‘That was a great story Adele, with just a bit of editing it would be perfect. And I know an artist who would be perfect to illustrate it. She could even just expand on the drawings you already have.’

Adele smiled excitedly, ‘You really think so Zack?’

‘I do, you’ve got a knack for writing. Judging from this one story kids would love your work.’

They sat quietly chatting at the coffee shop for about an hour. As they walked home Adele thought about what Zack had told her about her story. She was thrilled that he wanted to show it to his boss. She couldn’t wait to find out what his boss thought of it. Adele was on a total high, her steps were lighter and she was chattering incessantly, telling Zack about some of her other stories.

Zack laughed and smiled. He’d never seen Adele so happy, when she smiled her whole face lit up. He couldn’t believe this was the same girl who couldn’t even look at him just a few months ago.

Before they went their separate ways Adele handed Zack her book and quickly kissed him on the cheek, then literally ran up the stairs to her unit. When she got into her apartment Adele leaned on her door, a big smile on her face. ‘Did I just kiss him?’ she thought to herself. ‘Oh god I did!’ Adele started to giggle as her heart thumped in her chest.

A few days later Zack knocked on Adele’s door. She answered it and saw that Zack was standing there with a serious look on his face.

‘Hi Zack what’s the matter?’ she asked quizzically.

Zack shook his head and told her he had good news and bad news about her story. He asked her which she wanted to hear first.

‘What’s the good news?’ she asked concerned.

‘The good news is that the chief editor is willing to look at your story but it may take a few weeks before he can get to it,’ Zack said with a smile.

‘Really? That’s great!’ Adele said with an excited grin. ‘So what’s the bad news?’

‘Well the girl I had in mind to do your illustrations is already on another project, so you’ll probably have to work with one of our in-house artists.’

Adele looked disappointed and a bit concerned. ‘Oh, well I guess that’s not too bad.’

Several weeks passed with them going out for coffee every few days. Adele was feeling more and more comfortable with Zack. He finally asked Adele if she’d like to go to dinner with him. She had a moment of indecision then accepted his offer.

They went out to a nice restaurant and again Zack had a serious look on his face. After they ordered Zack told Adele that he had some more news for her about her story.

Adele became very nervous, thinking that her story had been rejected. She asked him to tell her the good news first. Zack tried to keep his face straight but a little grin played across his lips and his eyes were twinkling with mirth.

‘Well I hate to tell you this but your story has been accepted.’ He said.

Adele sat in shock for a moment. ‘Are you serious? Your boss liked it?’ she asked incredulously.

‘He didn’t just like it he loved it!’ Zack said with a smile. ‘There’s only one problem though.’

‘Oh, what’s the problem?’ Adele asked nervously.

‘The artist you’re going to be working with is a guy, and you’ll have to work closely with him to get everything just right.’

Adele blanched, her hands started to shake and she looked like she was going to cry. ‘I don’t know if I can do that Zack. I mean, I’ve only been able to really trust you since I was attacked.’

‘Well I have some good news regarding that Adele. This guy is very nice and patient, I think you’ll get along well with him.’

‘But Zack I’ll probably have to be alone with him and I don’t think I could handle that just yet.’

Zack chuckled, ‘Well that’s too bad because I was looking forward to spending more time with you Adele.’

Adele’s eyes widened in surprise, ‘You mean you’re going to do the pictures for my story? I thought you were an editor!’

Zack laughed again, ‘I am, but I was an illustrator before I moved to editing. Will you be okay with working long hours with me?’

Adele squealed and leaned across the table and kissed Zack on the lips. She blushed and pulled away from Zack. ‘Oh my god did I just do that?’

Now it was Zack’s turn to be surprised speechless. ‘Ah, yes I think you just did sweetie.’

‘I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me Zack.’ Adele sai

‘Don’t be sorry Adele,’ Zack said with a warm smile.

Adele was back at her therapists. They’d just started her session.

‘So how have you been Adele?’ her therapist asked.

Adele blushed and grinned, looking down into her lap, ‘I kissed him, on the lips.’

‘Oh really?’ Charlene asked, a bit surprised by this turn of events. ‘Why did you kiss Zack, Adele?’

Adele told her how she’d shown him one of her stories, and how he had given it to his boss to read. That it was going to be published and that Zack was going to illustrate her story and she was so excited she just jumped up and kissed him.

‘How do you feel about kissing him then?’ Charlene asked.

‘I dunno, it felt good, I got all tingly and I liked it I guess.’ Adele said quietly.

‘How did Zack react to you kissing him?’

‘He said he liked it too. I am looking forward to spending more time with Zack, I really like him Charlene.’

Charlene smiled and nodded her head. ‘It seems that Zack is having a good effect on our recovery plan Adele. I don’t think there should be anything wrong with spending more time together. Are you sleeping better since our last appointment?’

Adele frowned, ‘The pills help me sleep but I still have the nightmares. I still wake up screaming. Will they ever stop Charlene?’

‘I think with time they will.’ she said. ‘You’re still very fragile and need as much positive stimulation as possible. That’s why I think that seeing Zack is a good thing. From what I’ve seen he appears to be a very positive influence for you.’

Zack could still feel Adele’s lips on his. They still tingled from the brief contact, and it had been three days since she’d kissed him. Zack wasn’t just going to illustrate Adele’s story he was editing it too. Having double duty wasn’t going to be too hard for him though, it just meant that he got to work with Adele a bit more. They were sitting in his office going over some picture ideas. Zack’s boss had had a drawing table moved into his office so it would be easier for him to work on Adele’s book.

‘I like you’re drawings Adele, with a little work we could probably use them almost as is.’

Adele blushed at Zack’s compliment, ‘But they’re so simple, and they’re not very good. Couldn’t you do a better job Zack?’

‘That’s what makes them so good Adele, the simple lines and colours give the story a more child-like quality which goes well with the story’s themes.’

They went on like this for several weeks, going over the story and drawings. Adele was surprised that they were using her story and drawings with very little modification.

Zack’s boss Oscar was very impressed with how well they worked together and called them into his office after they’d done the final edit.

‘Adele, Zack you’ve done a fine job in a very short time. I like the way you both work, you make a good team. Adele, judging from the quality of this initial story I’d like to see your other stories. Zack’s told me you’ve written several others and I’d like to give you an advance of twenty thousand dollars to publish them. Would that be acceptable?’

Adele was stunned into silence. She shook her head as if she were in a dream. She looked at Zack, ‘Twenty THOUSAND dollars?’

‘That’s what Oscar said. What do you think?’ Zack said with a huge grin.

Adele turned to face Oscar, ‘Mister Conlan, you want to give me twenty thousand dollars for silly little stories that I wrote for my niece and nephews?’

‘Yes I do Adele, and please call me Oscar. Twenty thousand is only the advance, you still get royalties on all books and any third party marketing.’

Adele’s eyes were wide with awe, ‘Thank you Oscar, I really don’t know what to say. I just, well wow!’

Oscar smiled at them and told them they should go out and celebrate a job well done. Zack and Adele left his office and walked back to Zack’s. ‘So where did you want to celebrate Adele?’ Zack asked with a grin.

Adele laughed and grinned back at him, ‘Well I think I can treat you to something a bit better than a cheap burger joint Zack.’

Adele took Zack to dinner at a swanky restaurant. They laughed and talked over dinner and Adele realized she was having a wonderful time with Zack.

After dinner they went back to their triplex and Zack walked Adele up to her unit. ‘Well here we are,’ Zack said with a smile.

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Elisa and I had been friends since we were both 11-years-old. She was your stereotypical Tomboy; played baseball, never wore dresses, got into fights with boys, and so on. When she came out, it was no big shock to me, but there was a massive disappointment among the many guys that wanted to ask her out.Elisa and I remained friends all through middle school and high school. Our bodies, of course, changed over the years, but Elisa always wore baggy clothes, so I never thought about what she...

3 years ago
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Military Man Part 2

I was warm, content and relaxed. The dream I was having felt heavy and musky like a strong yet sweet perfume, consuming me completely. I felt weightless, floating softly in this cosy state. Slowly the dream began to shift and I started to grow colder, and I groaned a little as I felt myself waking up from this pure relaxation. I opened my eyes slightly, letting them adjust to the darkness around me. It can’t be morning yet, I couldn’t see any form of light except from the dim lamp outside. A...

2 years ago
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The Incident

"Three months, three months since I've moved here yet I've still not unpacked everything," you mumble to yourself "Slacker as always". Looking around your one bedroom apartment you notice not much has changed. Packing boxes are still piled unopened in the corner, at least the important stuff is set-up you think to yourself noticing the dull lights from your £2,000 Gaming PC and 40" 4K Television. Looking at your second hand mismatched furniture from various charity shops it’s plainly obvious...

2 years ago
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Those Days With Bhabhi Pt 2 Bhabhi Ki Chudayi

Deepti bhabhi aur main eek bahut badhia party organise ki, Vivaan ke b’day ke liye. Uss sham hum party mein busy ho gaye. Maine bhabhi ki har tarah se help ki. Hamari najrein bar bar mil rahi thi aur woh bas smile karke thanks hi bol rahi thi itni achhi arrangement ke liye. Fir woh cake leke mere paas aai. Db: Lo tumne cake nahi liya. Me: Main cake nahi khata. Mujhe nahi pasand. Aur fir unhone woh kia jo maine socha nahi tha kabhi. Unhone cake jabardasti mere muh mein daala aur kaha, “Bade...

2 years ago
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Imagination 14

Imagination 14 Large? They seemed to be huge! As I breathed, as much as I was able, in and out, these two mountains rose up and then sank down again. If I moved at all, they wobbled furiously like two pink jellies! "And what do you think of your new additions, Frilly?" Sister Sarah was standing at the side of my bed as usual, playing with little Henry. He was having his usual morning attempt at a boner and failing miserably as usual, assisted by her persistent handling. I could...

4 years ago
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Living Beyond the Day a PP StoryChapter 16

We drove into town to see a barricade that had been erected by the Kings. I said, "All cars stop. Group Two cars, back further and peel around to the left. Stay out of the square. You may defend yourselves with machine guns. Karen, your people need to stay back from the square but be ready to kill or at least slow stragglers as best you can." Karen's voice came on. "10-4, General Honey. We're ready. Hit 'em hard." "This is Lead. Car Two, give 'em one quick splatter with cannon on...

3 years ago
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How My Wife Had Become A Milf At The Hands Of A Young Man

It was acouple of years ago that a young man turned my wife into a milf right before my own eyes. It has taken some time and courage to tell of our exploits. My wife and I aren’t your typical swinging type of couple. We had been married for 13 years and both had good careers. She was a good mom and I would say we lean more to the conservative side when it had come to sex. My wife Lori had surprised me with a trip to Florida. We had been under a lot of stress at our jobs and our home life was...

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Daydreams of a Knights Wench

She watched from the kitchen window as he swept up the drive and parked the gleaming black Jaguar in front of the garage. As he stepped out in his dark, well-cut suit and removed the sun glasses she thought of his eyes and how they were hard and strong to the rest of the world but smiling and full of tenderness when he was with her. She heard the familiar sounds of the key in the lock, the door opening and closing and the brief case being deposited on the quarry tiles in the hall. She was...

2 years ago
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Hypnotizing the Babysitter Ch 03

May 28th Tina came rushing into my office, too eager with suppressed information to heed my warnings about the room being ‘off-limits.’ The babysitter, who had just walked with her all the way from preschool, was hot on her trail in an attempt to corral the little filly, but she was running a distant second. ‘It’s her birthday!’ my daughter squealed. ‘It’s Dawn’s birthday!’ And so (I learned, after a bit of pointed interrogation) it was. Number twenty-three. The three of us wandered into the...

4 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 122 Boys Fight

Yahiko: Oh, so now you're all "I'm gonna make you regret this"? Saying it and doing it are two different things! Henya: Fool. I said anyone could kill you with one shot. With this-- (He drops a stick of dynamite; Yahiko loses him in the smoke.) Henya: I can do this! (He reappears in the air directly above Yahiko, wings spread.) Henya: This is the fighting style of Soaring Henya of the Ten Swords--Hikuu Happa! I've taken the use of weapons to the limits--humans have a natural blind...

2 years ago
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Hard Hotel Fuck

I worked as a lawyer in a firm downtown. I'm a 48 year old married mother of 4, that's in very good shape for my age. I stand 5.7, 160lbs. nice hard body been told I could pass for 30 something, with shoulder length blonde hair. Sex in my marriage has been pretty well non existent for about 4 years and I was thinking my needs are not being met, life is too short and wanted to live out some of my fantasies. I had been chatting with this younger black man I met on a web site a couple weeks ago....

2 years ago
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Taken My Heart Ch 01

It was the summer of 1984 and it was very warm for a June day. I went out for a bike ride around the area where I used to live. There were tennis courts about ½ mile from my house and there also was a playground with the tennis courts. It seemed cooler there because of the wooded area that surrounded the park. I was on the parallel bars at the playground practicing for a swing type move for gymnastics. I was wearing cut-off shorts and a halter top for me to practice because I knew people where...

2 years ago
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3 Evil Sisters 10

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked at Ashley with a confused look. Ashley moved inside my shower the water cascading down her nice tan skin. "Ashley what are-" but I was cut off and she kissed me deeply on the lips. Her tongue thrust its way inside my mouth. My hands found their way onto her hips. Ashley responded back pressing her body against mine. " Ashley I can't. If Izzy or...

4 years ago
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An Opportunistic Sexual Encounter

Setting the stage: Two summers ago, I worked for a company that occupied multiple floors of an office building. Having worked there already for a few summers, I was allowed a great deal of freedom and access to every floor they owned. The story: One day, my wonderful girlfriend (at the time) decided to surprise me at work with lunch. Upon her arrival, I noticed she looked particularly hot. At 5’8”, her tan athletic body looked fantastic in the outfit she had picked for the day. Wearing fitted...

1 year ago
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Have I got a treat for you today. And by “you”, I mean all the adult men out there who want to have sex with a horse toy invented for little girls. Yeah, I’m talking about bronies and the object of their obsession, My Little Pony. Until the other day, I didn’t even realize that anything like even existed.I’m not usually this late to the party, especially one that gets nearly 3.5 million visits a month, but I guess that’s because I usually go to parties where there are women. Now,...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Hot Cannons Warm Lovers Ch 02

*** If you suddenly found that your world had turned upside-down and what you thought that you had was no more by the actions of another, what would you do? More to the point of this, what would you do if you only knew that you had to move ahead, rather than be alone in a land where you know absolutely no one? How about if that land was largely unpopulated? Hey, it’ll be winter soon enough as well, … Sometimes things can be decided a little quickly with the right person in a place far from...

3 years ago
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Wife lost her self to her missing desires

My name is B and I am a 34 year old housewife from England. I got married to my college boyfriend John at the age of twenty, many people including my parents thought it was too soon but we would not listen to anyone as we were very much in love. John got a very good job and insisted that I didn't need to work and could concentrate on raising a family. After many years of trying we discovered that I was unable to have c***dren of my own. It was a blow to us both, but as ever John supported...

3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 12

24 December I have decided to adopt the human practice of specifying dates in terms of month and day, instead of the internal numbering system based on the beginning of my sentenience. I 'think' it is 'better' to do so. Dates and times, where appropriate, will be based on the current time in my 'home' – in the internet node we have created in the salt caves of the northern portion of the Navajo reservation. Zeus and Artemis were still incommunicado on Sanibel Island. I could have...

4 years ago
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The Meet

I arrange to come to meet you, All the way up to you im excited but nervous. The anticipation is palpable. We arrange to meet in a pub local to you. I walk in to the bar a little early and get myself a drink and find a table. Every time the door to the bar opens my butterflies intensify. After about 10 minutes the door opens and in you walk. You look stunning, you are wearing a tight black top, short skirt and those black boots. Im not the only one who has noticed you come in as most of the men...

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My Maid My Slave 2

She groaned again, the flood gates of her sexual desire burst open. It didn’t even matter now that I had sadistically tormented her in her weakest moments. Nothing mattered but the long thick length of hard flesh teasing mercilessly at the inflamed swollen hair-fringed mouth of her cock-starved vagina. Shamelessly abandoning the last of her scruples, she ground her wide-spread buttocks upward toward my huge, heavily-throbbing penis, her hungry wet cunt searching desperately for the bulging...

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December at the coast part 6

December at the coast part 6Waking up Saturday morning after a good restful sleep, it was rather late in the morning and most of the family was still asleep after the late night. Missing Samantha again as I went for my morning piss. After washing my face and waking up I head back to the room to get dressed before making my way to the living area where I was greeted by my mom and aunt. The rest of the family slowly joined us a bit after 10am and we all helped made a well needed brunch to give us...

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Sex With My Naughty Girlfriend

Hi, guys! This is Deepak raj from Bangalore, working in MNC.This is my first story in ISS & I am a regular reader of ISS.Kindly regret for any mistakes though it is my first sex story here.After reading so many stories I decided to even share my true story here. About myself, I am 25 years, height 5.9 inches, medium gym body handsome guy.This incident happened 3 years back when am doing my post graduation degree. The heroine of this story is my girlfriend Sakshi (name changed due to...

2 years ago
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Imitation Of Wife

IMITATION OF WIFE by FARAH DAYE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carrie, a male nursing student with a talent for female impersonation, is coerced into helping a teacher out by masquerading as his wife. When she discovers his deceit and the part she is really playing, will she struggle to escape his mysterious house? Alternatively, will she willingly succumb to a life that just might be her wildest fantasy? --FarahD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imitation of Wife, Part 1 I tried my best to...

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Welcome to my newest story, Tempted! I've been swamped with other things, and I haven't really been on too much, and also, I don't think I should've started with the types of stories I did. Now onto an easier task. Simple life, right? Except anything can happen, but watch out. You can die, get arrested, etc., etc. But I will try to branch off in as many directions as I can. Please feel free to add onto this! However, you must stay within whatever has been happening throughout the rest of the...

4 years ago
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Can I help you

For the last two months I have been craving some white mature married pussy. I have endless searched on dating sites, phone chat lines, and singles clubs. If you name it I have a page on it. I could not find anyone. I had just about given up all hope until one morning while heading to work. I pulled into the gas station; I saw this slim, brunette, early forty, white lady with the body of a goddess, looking under the hood of her car. This lady was about 5’6 135, with some huge C-sized tits,...

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(This story was inspired by a dream I had about one of my mum's best friends)Stefania is a 40 year old mother of one, her husband works all day long and on top of this she suffers from M.E. and so it leaves with very little energy left to get as much work as she’d like done around the house, which is where I come in.I have a bit of a reputation of being a troublemaker and so mum saw this as a way of keeping me out of trouble. I wasn’t entirely happy about it but I went in with the attitude...

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Son Helps SexStarved Mom

It was 4 pm already, everyone’s parents had come and gone, except my sex-starved mom. My class teacher Suresh met with the last one and came out. “You informed about the parent’s meet or not?” he asked me. “I did, sir. My mom said she’ll be here,” I said. “You got only 5 minutes. If your parent is not here, I’ll have to fail you in all the subjects, and you’ve already failed in 2,” he said. “Hey Aravind, I’m here,” my mom shouted. “Oh, there she is, sir,” I informed Suresh sir. He was...

2 years ago
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When Krystenahs Master is Away

Part One Even though Master was out of town, every morning he sent an email outlining chores he wanted me to complete. Every one required that I take a picture and send it to him. “We both know how undisciplined you can be when I am not around,” he said. The words stung, but only because I knew they were true. Master’s first email read: Good Morning, pet, I need to you to get a reward & punishment journal today. You are going to keep track of how you do fulfilling my wishes while I am not...

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A week in May Part Two

May woke at five-thirty in the morning. She wore black laced panties with a see threw black bra. She stretched and kissed her husbands cheek. ‘I’ll be back later tonight to fix dinner Allen,’ she said slipping out of the covers to go dress in her work clothes. She hopped in her car and drove off to work, eager to see what Ranston wanted to do with her. May had on a black long sleeve work suit and a soft frilled white shirt under. She wore a tight mini skirt, it hugged her thighs perfectly...

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Blood Rite

“And with the blood of a virgin, the ritual is complete.”A deep voice boomed out, echoing off the packed earth lining the basement of an abandoned shack. The ground level already sat partially collapsed, the elements taking their toll on the termite-infested planks that once held it all together. Pitch blackness surrounded it in the dead of night. Trees of an unkempt forest locked away its secrets deep within their scraggly folds.In the basement, candles burned, dripping wax like a torrential...

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Diary Confessions Tales of Week Two

Introduction: We are step-Siblings of four years and wish to share our journey. TALES OF WEEK TWO TORI-LEE We were officially one week into our life changing journey and I must have had more eye opening experiences than I could ever remember. My mind was going a million miles an hour taking in everything I was learning. Which, at 18, lead my hormones to go crazy. Id never even lived with guys before, so after 7 days sharing a 40 foot bus with my mamas new man and his son I had urges and...

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Outside The Cube

“The Cube? What is this movie about? Some kind of horror stuff?” I heard Steve from the living room. “Put it in and check it out,” Mike answered. I froze. Which DVD were they talking about? The sci-fi-horror directed by Vincenzo Natali in the ‘90s or its home porn version made up by my boyfriend in the hand-made cube on our backyard? I hoped the guys didn’t find our sex tape. I put down the tray on the kitchen table and peeked into the living room: Mike, my boyfriend and his buddy, Bud were...

Group Sex
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I Had No Choice 45

(These events are from the viewpoint of Christine Johnson, High School biology teacher.) I’m not that kind of person. I’ve always done things the right way. I’m a good person. So why did I do it. I could have just walked away and forgotten all about it. I should report it to the police, or at least to the principal. It was wrong. WRONG. Right? I flopped down into my only cozy chair in my small apartment. I took of my jacket and laid it on the table, and flipped on the TV. ...

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The Cuckolds Reward Gregs Story Part II

Cathy made love to him that morning with greater vigour than she had the night before; it was not out of the ordinary though. Some wives could be inhibited making love with another man while her husband was present in the home. It was understandable, wanting to spare their husband’s feelings by not showing their excitement in being made love to by another man. But not all wives were uninhibited; some thrived on the freedom they had been given and others enjoyed pressing home the humiliation....

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Caught At A XXX Bookstore

With the invention of the internet, you don’t see to many adult bookstores anymore and the ones you do see and nearly empty. Why leave the comfort of your home when you can download endless quantities of porn for free. I still go once in a while to pick up a new magazine or buy some lube. I just turned 19 years old and like most young guys I had a hard-on that wouldn't stop no matter how much I jacked off. So today I decided to visit a new bookstore because the one I used frequent closed about...

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Meri Behan Ka Adhura Pyaar

Ek subah mujhe apne ek friend ka call aya. Uski awaz mein kuch seriousness tha aur usne pucha, “Tera teri behan ki taraf kuch dhyan hai kya?” Maine kaha, “Ha hai. Par aisa kyu bol rahe ho?” To usne kaha, Tum gaon aao aur khud hi dekh lo.” Itna bol kar usne phone rakh diya. Yaha se kahani ki shuruwat hoti hai. To sabse pahle apko mere bare mein aur meri behan ki bare mein batata hu. Mainera naam Rohit hai age 25 good looking hu. I know apko mujh mein koi interest nahi hai. Meri behan ka naam...

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Waiting can be enjoyable

A few days ago, at the airport. A girl probably in her mid twenties was sitting, waiting for her flight. Seats in the waiting area were limited but luck favored me. I got to sit just beside her. I had an hour to kill, but little did I know that I would find an hour too short a time.Just as I took my seat, she stopped reading her Mills and Boon to move her bag go give me space. I acknowledged her. She repositioned herself and got back to her book. She was sitting crossed legged with her right...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Angela White No Script For Huge Tits Angela

Angela White in one of the hottest chicks in the business today. She has the best tits in the industry. She loves to suck and fuck. So much so that when we showed up to set with a script, she decided to throw the script out the window and just get down to the fucking. She grabbed Ricky Johnson’s cock and started choking on it right away. Soon after his cock was deep inside her pussy, stretching her pink hole with every stroke. Angela White got fucked in several different positions. Watching her...


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