I Am Alex free porn video

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I am Alex Part 1 I really had to leave school at sixteen and find a job to help my Mum with the household finances. My Father died of a sudden heart attack when I was only nine. He left no life insurance or any other funds for my Mother. She managed to keep things going by working long hours, sometimes two jobs to keep us (I am an only child) with a roof over our head. I helped any way I could and quickly learned how to keep the house clean, do the weekly shopping and look after the household laundry. I worked hard at school and passed all my exams, but it was clear that a university education was beyond our means. I managed to get a job as a junior clerk at a big IT company near our home. The job did not exactly tax my intelligence, but the pay was reasonable and helped to ease any financial problems at home and enabled my Mum to get back to working a normal working week. I adore my Mum and because of the early death of my Father, we are very close and have no secrets. My Mum is very, very attractive and has many admirers, but she has always shunned their attention to make sure I received the best upbringing. I really do not have any close friends as my Mum is the only friend I need and I think she feels the same, we really love one another's company. I often sit in her bedroom when she is getting dressed and admire the style of her clothing and I love the transformation that applying her makeup makes to her appearance. So much so that one day I ask, "Can I see whether your lipstick would improve my appearance?" "Are you serious?" She asks "Boys do not normally wear lipstick". "Surely Mum that is their choice. There is nothing on the label that says 'Men Only' and I think it would make me look prettier than I am". "It is usually girls who want to look pretty, Boys normally want to look handsome" Says Mum. "Well Mum, I want to look pretty, as you are pretty. Can I see how I look?" "OK - I will help you see how you look". Mum explains how I have to purse my lips and then applies the gentle red colour she is currently using. She then dabs my lips with a tissue and invites me to look in the mirror. "Mum, don't you agree that I look much prettier with my lips brightened up in this way?" "Alex, you really do look lovely, but do you think this is the way a boy should look?" "Why ever not?" I ask "I don't see why I the use of lipstick is exclusive to girls, besides I really love the way I now look. Please let me use it, I don't care what other people think, but I hope it does not upset you." "You must do what you feels is correct and if that is the case I will be very happy for you and certainly will not stop you" This is how I started to wear makeup. Mum gave me this lipstick and I wore it all weekend and was delighted at my improved appearance. I went to work on the Monday with my lipstick adorning my lips. This caused quite a stir at the office, which I did not understand. Everyone asked me why I was wearing lipstick and I simply told them that it improved my appearance. My best friend at the office, Fiona, asked if I was worried that people would think I was a Sissy. "Fiona" I said "They can think what they like, I am not a Sissy, I just love the improvement to my appearance that lipstick makes" Within a week, no one seemed to notice and I was treated like anyone else in the office. The next thing I wanted to improve in my appearance was my hair. It is a rich brown colour, like my Mum's but hers is always full and glossy and waves around being about shoulder length. I decided I wanted my hair to have this appearance. I simply let it grow, shampooed it regularly and added mousse and started to blow dry it give it more volume. I started to use a ladies hair salon and explained to the stylist what I wanted. She was superb and trimmed and developed my hair as it grew. After several months, I had achieved the volume and flowing lines I had craved for. Mum told me that this gave me a very feminine look and was this what I wanted to achieve. In fact she directly asked me if I was gay. "Mum, I am a boy, I do not fancy other boys and there are several girls I would love to date. I just adore looking pretty. Is that a crime?" "You are different from other people" Mum said "That is certain, but if you can live with the inevitable comments you will receive about your appearance, I have nothing but admiration for your determination to do what you want." I got the sort of remarks that Mum had suggested at the office. I simply told everyone that I saw no reason to be so conventional and that I could express my appearance any way that I wanted. Fiona came up to see me and suggested we meet up after work, to which I agreed. We went to a coffee shop near the office after work and Fiona said "You really do draw attention to yourself by the way you do your hair and wearing lipstick. I have to ask you, Alex, are you gay?" "Absolutely not, I see why people may think this of me, but I just really enjoy the way I look, which may be unconventional for a man, but all these comments are not going to stop me expressing myself the way I want". "Actually" Fiona said "I admire your self determination and I do find you an extremely charming and interesting young man. I will also confess to you that you really do look very pretty". I blushed and told her "That is the nicest thing anyone has said to me. You see I want to look pretty and in future want to be even prettier". Part 2 Very soon people at work and elsewhere came to accept the way I looked. I really got used to setting my hair and added highlights that made it more alive and attractive. I have very light facial hair and only need to shave a couple of times a week, but as I like my skin soft and smooth, I shave daily and rub in moisturising cream to keep it soft. I do not like body hair and so see that my legs, arms and armpits are always free from hair. One weekend, whilst shopping for a new lipstick at a big department store in our town, I selected the colour I wanted and gave it to the girl at the counter, who was superbly made up and looked absolutely stunning. "You really do look fantastic; the way you have applied your makeup" I told her "I wish I could look as pretty as you". "Would you like to know how it is done?" She asked with a smile. "If so, I can give you a demonstration this afternoon when my assistant will be here. If you then buy our range, there is no charge". I immediately fixed up an appointment. I arrived back in the afternoon and the girl sat me down in a quiet corner of the cosmetics department and spent the next hour working her magic on my face. She applied foundation followed by a light blusher to my cheeks, contouring it up my cheekbones, then black eyeliner sweeping it past the corner of my eyes, before applying several blue shades of eye shadow, black mascara to my eyelashes and after plucking a few stray hairs from my eyebrows she emphasised them with a dark colouring. Finally she applied a bright red gloss lipstick. All the while she was talking to me explaining what she was doing and how I could do it myself. She explained the selection was based on my skin colour and designed to compliment my hair. She said that it was the first time she had ever done this for a man and that she was surprised how uninhibited I was at having treatment which was really only used by women. I told her that I just loved to look pretty and facial makeup helped me achieve this. When she had finished she showed me the result in a big mirror. I could not believe how gorgeous I looked and my appearance sent a shiver down my spine. I knew at once, that this was going to be the way I would look from now on and purchased the full range that had been used. When I got home and greeted my Mother, she was clearly shocked. She was even more taken aback when I informed her that from now on, I always intended to wear full make up. "You realise that you now look more feminine than most women and people will almost certainly make rude remarks and ridicule you". "If I do look very feminine" I told her "So be it. I know that this look is so intoxicating that I simply cannot resist continuing to look this way. I am also sure that as this does not embarrass me in the least, people will soon get used to the way I look." "I have to confess" said Mum. "You are easily the prettiest person I have seen in years and you are clearly so comfortable with your appearance and you look so happy that I will support you at all times" I gave Mum a big hum and went to my bedroom to arrange my makeup on my dressing table. I touched up my makeup and reapplied the lip gloss and looked in the mirror for ages loving the reflection in front of me. I cleaned off my makeup when I went to bed and the following morning took a long bath before dressing. I then sat in front of the mirror and applied my own makeup for the first time. There were a few mistakes, but the girl from the cosmetic department had been a good tutor and I finally achieved the look I was after. I stayed that way all day and even went for a walk with Mum in the nearby park. Several people stared at me, but I just smiled at them. The fact that I am not the least embarrassed at my appearance meant that nobody showed any offence. I got up very early on Monday and dressed in a dark grey suit with white shirt and striped tie. I had applied my foundation before dressing and then completed my makeup, spent ages on my hair before leaving for the office. I just slipped my lipstick and gloss in my pocket. The office went silent as I walked in and everyone starred at me. I just spoke to a few people as I made my way to my desk and told them that from now on this is how I would look. I sat at my desk and got on with my work and soon the word had been past round the whole office. About mid morning Fiona came over to see me and told me what was being said. Fundamentally, they were used to my earlier more subtle use of makeup and that they accepted my new look and showed no offence. Within a couple of weeks, I don't believe anyone even noticed that I looked different. Part 3 As the weeks went by, I continued to look pretty with my hair and makeup, I got my ears pierced and after wearing gold studs for a time, I started to wear more interesting earrings, hoops and drop earrings in colours to match my clothing. I also realised that I wanted to look elegant as well as pretty. I am only five foot six tall and came to the conclusion that I would be more elegant if I were taller. To me the solution was simple I needed high heel shoes. So I went to a ladies shoe shop and bought a pair of black leather court shoes with a three inch heel. These were no good with socks so I wore them with black tights (pantyhose). I found tights felt wonderful on my legs. I then found fine denier tights were even more comfortable. I made sure that my trouser hems covered most of my shoe. The first pair of shoes had a fairly stubby heel, but as time went by I got used to and enjoyed wearing very fine stiletto heels and up to five inches high. They made my feet sore at first, but now I can stay in them all day without thinking about them. My new height really does improve my elegance and forces me to a much more refined posture. I love it when I sit down and you can see all of my shoe and a couple of inches of my fine denier tights. I soon stopped wearing black tights and now usually wear a flesh colour as it is simply more elegant. I have also been looking after my hands, carefully grooming my nails which are about quarter of an inch long and beautifully rounded with an emery board. I started to apply plain nail varnish but soon wanted something more elegant. Now my nails always match my lipstick, from pale frosty pink, through bright red, to deep burgundy. At first all these changes produced comment at the office, but this is no longer the case. I am just greeted and treated like everyone else I work with. Mum now enjoys the way I look and gets very excited with every addition I make to my appearance. She has also become more conscious of her own appearance and really does look stunning these days. One Saturday morning, after a long soaking bath, I towelled myself down and started to dress, underpants, fine denier pale tights, a white shirt, I then decided to get a cup of coffee, so I slipped on a pair of four inch heels to avoid laddering my tights before going to the kitchen to make my coffee. Mum was already up and sitting at the kitchen table sipping a coffee, so I joined her and we sat chatting about nothing in particular, when Mum suddenly said "You really have the most beautiful legs, it seems a shame to always cover them in trousers". "Whatever do you mean Mum, I can hardly go wandering around in tights, heels and a shirt" "Well, you could wear shorts at the weekend and have you ever considered wearing a skirt?" Mum asked. I laughed "You are being ridiculous" and left to finish dressing. But when I got to my bedroom, I could not help but look at my legs and realised that they are lovely. Later I drove into town (I now have a car) to do some shopping. I need a new suit and some bits and bobs of makeup. I could not get out of my mind what Mum had said about my legs. After buying my cosmetics, I was wandering through the store to leave and was passing through the ladies clothing department, my eye caught the most beautiful dress. It was simple with a lovely multi coloured print with red dominating. The dress was made of silk and had three-quarter length sleeves and a matching red leather belt. My Mum's words ringing in my ears, I simply had to try it on. I asked one of the assistants and she looked at me a bit strangely before asking what size I was. Of course, I had no idea, so she checked my measurements and suggested a UK size 8. I took the dress into a changing room, slipped off my trousers and shirt and put on the dress; the hem fell to about four inches above the knee. I somehow manage to pull up the back zip. I slipped on my heels and out of the changing room inspected myself in a full length mirror. The sales assistant was really excited, her hand shot to her mouth as she said "You look simply stunning, that dress was made for you". I looked at myself in the mirror and had to agree with her. "I'll take it" I said. I changed back and the assistant packed the dress and accepted my payment. "Please come again, we really have some lovely clothes that would suit you so well" She said. I thanked her and left the store. As I drove home, I realised that this was certainly another turning point in my life. I looked so pretty and elegant in this dress, surely this must be the way forward for me. I modelled the dress for Mum when I got home. She insisted we went out to dinner together to show me off, as she put it. We left in the early evening after Mum had lent me one of her handbags (purse). This made me think about all the accessories I would need if I started to regularly wear dresses and skirts. As we strolled down the driveway to get into the car, I experienced several new and wonderful sensations. The gentle breeze blowing up my skirt and freedom of movement as the skirt caressed about my legs. We had many admiring glances at the restaurant, not just me but Mum, dressed in a wide skirted plain navy dress, was also appreciated. I soon got the hang of walking in a dress and enjoyed the opportunity to fine tune my poise and hand movements. I spent the whole weekend in this dress and was rather sad to return to a suit on Monday morning. Over the next couple of weeks, I built up a comprehensive wardrobe of dresses, skirts, tops, blouses, a couple of coats and accessories, thanks to the help of the lovely shop assistant who had sold me my first dress. At her suggestion, I also visited the lingerie department and purchased loads of really pretty panties. This experience opened up to me the fantastic opportunities available to use clothes to express a mood or a way to present myself that is totally lacking in the limited range of men's clothing. I realised I had found a way of totally expressing my feelings. One weekend when I was satisfied that my new style wardrobe was adequate, I bundled all my menswear clothes into the attic and on Monday morning got up really early and bathed before dressing in as pretty pair of pink frilly panties, white fine denier tights, a cotton navy blue printed dress with full skirt that falls just to the knee, a wide navy blue leather belt and matching navy leather shoes with four inch stiletto heels and ankle straps. I carefully combed my hair which now falls over my shoulders and spent forever applying my makeup. I had painted my nails a vivid red the night before and finished my makeup off with a matching red lipstick. I have never felt more comfortable in my life I then went for a light breakfast with Mum who told me I had never looked so pretty, which delighted me. I picked up a matching navy handbag (purse) and dropped in some makeup, my wallet and a spare pair of tights before leaving for work. Everything feels good about what I am now wearing. I have never in my life felt so relaxed and confident. My appearance at the office clearly surprised everyone, but I simply told them that they had better get used to it, because this was my new image. I really do not care what other people think of me (except my Mum, of course) and my only interest is how I feel and I know that this style of dress is so satisfying to me. Part 4 Gradually over the next year or so, I learned more and more how to combine clothes, accessories, jewellery and makeup to the degree that I am the envy of all the girls in the office. My new confidence also shows in my work, as I have been regularly promoted and I am now section manager with my own office. I have absolutely no desire to become a woman, but I love being completely feminine. I work hard on my poise, gestures, the way I walk and my posture to enable me to be completely feminine. I love shopping for clothes and shoes. I find that pretty panties make me feel pretty and the range of styles is so much more interesting than men's underwear. I have also discovered stockings and I find wearing stockings with a suspender belt (garter belt) and matching panties under a beautiful dress is the ultimate in femininity, so much so that I never wear tights any more. I have also undergone electrolysis which has completely eliminated the hair from my beard, legs and arms. I find that clothes can be used to influence my work situation, which I find fascinating. Today I arrive in a bottle green straight jersey dress a narrow black belt, matching shoes with a modest three inch heel. My makeup is subtle but complete, but my nails and lipstick are my (almost) signature bright red. My jewellery is minimum, just a pair of gold earrings and a gold strapped watch. I have a meeting with some of my sales team and I want them to feel I am more a colleague than their boss as this will get the best out of them. The meeting goes well and I am sure they leave determined to impress me with results. In the afternoon, I have to do a presentation to the board of directors regarding a new project that I believe will really improve our business, it is risky but cutting edge technology and if successful will make us the leaders in our field. I have a cloakroom attached to my office and at lunchtime I change into a charcoal grey pin striped suit. The skirt is straight and falls just above the knee, the jacket is long sleeved with a narrow lapel that fits closely at the neck with four buttons down the front. I match the outfit with a pair of black leather court shoes with four inch heels and black seamed stockings with a narrow Cuban heel. I add a little more makeup, particularly my black eyeliner and mascara. I check my folder and pick up my memory stick for my Power Point presentation and then go to the board room for the meeting. I am deliberately five minutes late and open the door wide, before standing for a few seconds before entering the room. Yes all eyes are turned in my direction and although the three Executive Directors know me, this is the first time I have met the Chairman and three Non-executive Directors. The CEO introduces me to these four Directors and I am then invited to give my presentation. It takes about an hour including the Power Point presentation. I then invite questions; nearly all of them are both enthusiastic and supportive. However, one of the Executive Directors (who has never liked me) tries very hard to belittle me and destroy the project. I parry all his questions with ease. Eventually the other board members are putting him down. Finally, I am asked to leave the meeting to enable the Directors to discuss and vote on the project and its funding, which is considerable. About an hour later, I am summoned back to the board room to be informed that the Board has given the go ahead for the project and that I am to put together a team immediately to develop the project. I send out a memo to my selected candidates for project team. This invites them to a meeting the following day to inform them of the project and inviting each of them to join the team. The following day I wear a pink dress with white polka dots, it has a very full skirt and I add a stiff petticoat to slightly lift out the skirt. I have a very feminine frilly pair of pink panties and matching suspender belt, white stockings and strappy fuchsia coloured three inch heeled sandals and matching thin leather belt. My makeup is a pale base with pink blusher, slightly exaggerated; my eyeliner and black mascara are very subdued. I painted my finger and toe nails the night before in a fuchsia shade that matches my shoes and I now apply matching lipstick. I put on my white summer coat and pick up my pink leather clutch bag before looking at this very pretty image in the hall mirror, I love the look that is very feminine but almost school girlish, which is my intention. I want to appear vulnerable at my team meeting today, as I hope it will make my proposed team really want to assist this apparently naive young person with the challenging project. I leave the house with a broad smile on my face. At the meeting, I appear slightly nervous and make sure all my gestures and mannerisms are completely female, as my selected team are all men. All readily agree to sign-up for the project and assure me that they will give their all to make a success of this development. I am sure it was my appearance that assisted greatly in achieving a first class, dedicated team. It is so much easier to achieve your object wearing female clothing. About a week later I was asked to see the CEO and he informed me that my main adversary at the board presentation was no longer with the Company and this meant there was a vacancy on the Board and that I had been invited to fill that vacancy. He gave me full details of salary, bonus, share entitlement and documented responsibilities as a Director. I thanked him and said that I would give him my answer as soon as I had time to digest the information he had supplied. I am convinced that my skills in dressing and deportment have assisted in this invitation for someone as young as myself. Mum is absolutely thrilled at my news and I take her out to dinner to celebrate. Sitting opposite to Mum at dinner, I was again marvel how beautiful she is and how smart she always looks these days. I comment as such to her and she tells me that it is thanks to me. "I have to keep up with you and this encourages me to make that extra effort, besides I have come to enjoy turning people's heads!" That night I read the whole of the proposal to become a Director. I change my nail colour to a deep burgundy, two coats and then a transparent sealer. I rise early the following morning to take a long scented bath, before applying body oil to my smooth soft skin. I pick out the most elegant dress in my wardrobe. It is black in colour with flecks of grey to lift the sombreness of the colour, made in fine gabardine wool, with a straight skirt to the knee. There is a high neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. I wear gold accessories, a thin chain necklace, small disc earrings, a gold chain strapped watch and a couple of ornate gold finger rings. A narrow black leather belt accentuates my hips. I have a boys cut black pair of panties trimmed in black lace and matching suspender belt which supports my ivory coloured stockings and I slip my feet into a pair of four inch leather stiletto shoes. I apply soft foundation and accentuate my cheek bones with subtle rouge blusher and then apply graduated grey shades of eye shadow, black eyeliner and mascara and a dark eyebrow colour to my carefully plucked and combed eyebrows. I finish off with lipstick to match my nail colour I pick up a black leather handbag, pop in my wallet, makeup, spare pair of stockings and a handkerchief. I check myself in the hall mirror and see the reflection of an extremely elegant, attractive business lady. I am utterly confident in my appearance and realise this reflects in the way I conduct myself. I drive to work, slip my care into its parking bay and stroll through the office nodding to everyone I pass, but not looking out to anyone. Today I want it to be clear that this is someone who gives instructions not someone to take orders. I settle myself in my office. Go to my cloakroom to touch up my lipstick apply this powerful but elegant perfume before walking down to the CEO's office. I check with his secretary that he is not engaged and then tap on his door and walk straight in. He gets up from his desk with an enquiring look on his face. "I would be delighted to accept a position on the Board in the terms you supplied to me yesterday." He comes forward and shakes me by the hand and expresses his delight at my decision. I sign the necessary documents and return to my office. I call in several members of my development team for progress reports and in a couple of instances make it clear that greater effort is required if we are to succeed on schedule. My attitude and appearance leave them in no doubt of the consequences should they fail to achieve my laid out objectives. Within a fortnight my team have come up with a first class schedule of development and I give the go ahead to put the project together. I know many of them have burnt the midnight oil to achieve this position. Once again I have been able to use the power of dressing and appearance to achieve my own objectives. Away from work, I can sometimes be totally frivolous in the way I dress. Sometimes even outrageous because I just want to see what effect it has on people as I pass by them. Today I am going shopping. I have on a red and white striped T-shirt, white hot pants, red fine denier tights and red patent leather four inch thick heeled shoes with ankle straps. I have a red feathered fascinator set at an angle on my head. I have bright red nails and matching gloss lipstick. My eyes are exaggerated with progressive shades of blue eye shadow; my black eyeliner is swept up at the corners enabling me to extend the area for the eye shadow. I have black colouring to my carefully combed and plucked eyebrows; I have attached false eyelashes and applied a rich coating of black mascara. I have a matching red patent leather shoulder bag and have drenched myself in a young intoxicating perfume. I drive into town in my BMW sports car with the roof down and park in the shopping centre. Yes, everyone does a double take when they see me; I think it is so much fun. I pop into the store where I purchased my first dress and that same assistant, Janet rushes up to me and tells me laughingly how outrageous I look. "Only you could get away with an outfit like that" She says "And that is because you are totally un phased by what people think of you and I now know you simply wear whatever clothes you like and you are never influenced by etiquette or normality". "You and my Mum are the only people I have ever met who truly understand me and I stand in awe of your perception." Part 5 Gradually I develop a style which suits me and become less erratic in my dressing. I now only want to appear feminine and sophisticated. I get such a buzz in preparing myself each day that I get up at about 5am every morning as it takes so long to prepare myself. Today is typical, the alarm goes off at 5am and I run a bubble bath filled with beautiful scented oils and soak for ages before towelling myself down. Thanks to electrolysis, I no longer have any facial hair or hair on my arms and legs. I examine my face and pluck a few stray hairs from my gently curved eyebrows, slip on a blue diaphanous dressing gown and return to my bedroom. My clothing for the day is already prepared and I slip on a pair of the most lacy cream nylon panties, as always the sensuous feeling of the fabric sends a shiver down my spine, next a matching suspender belt. I always wear stockings now as I believe they are more feminine than tights and I no longer wear very short skirts. The best feeling of the day is always putting on stockings, I open a new packet of champagne coloured seamed stockings and gently roll them up my legs and clip them to my suspenders, making sure the seams are perfectly straight. I slip on a pair of coffee coloured shoes with the tiniest four inch heel. This pair has peep toes giving a glimpse of my red toenails. I next put on a cream silk blouse with long sleeves; I love the feel of silk against my skin, I then put on a very wide coffee coloured skirt that matches my shoes, it falls to just above mid calf and rustles and moves with every step I take. I then sit at the dressing table and brush out my hair with care, my honey coloured hair comes to just above my shoulders and is a simple cut but full. Now to put on my makeup, this can easily take an hour. Foundation followed by blusher to accentuate my cheekbones, dark brown eyeliner and then four shades of brown eye shadow, very light more to accentuate my eyes than exaggerate them. I apply a dark brown pencil to my eyebrows and then comb them to shape, a metallic bronze lipstick co-ordinates with my eyes and finally a light dusting of powder blends it all together. I always paint my nails the night before and I am wearing a bronze colour that matches my lips and co-ordinates with my clothes. Now I put on a pair of gold drop earrings, a gold chain belt, a gold metal strapped watch and a gold chain bracelet on my other wrist, just one gold ring with an enormous diamond solitaire. I spray myself with a very heavy scented perfume that will linger in my wake. Finally I get up and walk to my array of full length mirrors that form part of my wardrobe area, everywhere I see the ultra feminine being, dressed to perfection. I check that my stocking seams are straight, marvelling at the beautiful shape of my legs in these smart shoes, loving the feel of my skirt touching my calves. It is so exciting and gives me total confidence not to say excitement. I probably parade for fifteen minutes in front of my mirrors making sure my walk, posture and hand movement are total femininity I walk downstairs loving the pull of my suspenders on my stockings, feeling the stretching of my calves from my heels and noting the click of my shoes on the Italian tiled kitchen floor. I make myself an espresso coffee and a slice of toast, drinking an orange juice whilst I wait. I then glance at the paper whilst sipping my coffee. When I am ready, I walk to the hall, put on this small round hat set at an angle. I know hats are not fashionable for everyday wear, but I nearly always wear one to and from work, as I think they are so feminine. I pick up my matching clutch bag and leave for my car and the drive to work. A different outfit every day but almost always the same routine which I love and have never got over the excitement of it. Part 6 I am finding that I crave more and more for something else. I love to look feminine but now I want to feel feminine. I am drawn more and more to the desire of wanting breasts and no longer wanting this bulge at the top of my thighs that can sometimes spoil the appearance of a skirt. This desire gradually overtakes my mind; I cannot get away from it. When I start losing weight and my work does not appear to be one hundred percent, I finally visit my doctor and explain to him my desires. He refers me to a psychiatrist, who after a couple a sessions recommends hormone treatment. Over the next year I regularly take my hormone tablets and slowly but surely I develop breasts, my hips widen and my rear becomes rounder. I do become more emotional, but not something I am unable to control. My voice changes, assisted by speech training and I now have a beautiful sophisticated very feminine voice. Finally, the operation, which was very painful, but I have now recovered and I am completely comfortable. This has now given me everything I want, I not only look feminine, I feel feminine. I love my pert breasts, which are very sensitive I am thrilled to say. I prefer not wearing a bra, but can only do this when I am alone at home. As for down below, I can now wear the tightest skirt that lies flat over my stomach and for underwear I have a much bigger choice including thongs. I can now dress with even more pleasure, but only if I plan to be alone at home as I do today. It is the weekend and I have all the time in the world. The bubble bath, then I rub over body cream to improve my so soft skin, on with a pair of very sexy, skimpy, frilly black briefs that just covers my shaven, so adorable pussy. A black lacy suspender belt, then black very sheer seamed stockings with a point heel and very long, they reach the top of my thighs. The feeling of the nylon against my legs is already causing some dampness at the top of my thighs. Black five inch patent leather shoes with steel heels and the tiny tips, a voluminous bright red silk skirt that falls to just below the knee, a black transparent nylon blouse, that caresses my braless breasts causing the nipples to go rock hard, sending a shiver over my body and increasing the dampness on my panties. I add a back patent leather belt before sitting at my dressing table to firstly do my hair and then apply my makeup. This time the blusher is very obvious, the eyebrow colour is black, and the eye liner is black and swept upward in the corner to enable me to apply a palette of blue and grey eye shadow. I glue on my false eyelashes before applying a thick coat of black mascara and I then paint on a vivid red lipstick that matches my nails and my skirt. I put on a pair of large bright red thin hoop earrings to complete my outfit. Well not quite, I don a bright red small round hat with a veil that comes to just below my eyes. I then go and parade in front of my wardrobe mirrors. I look so feminine and so sexy, I check that my stocking seams are arrow straight and look again at this vision that is me, I ache with pleasure and spend the next fifteen minutes parading in front of my mirrors, I portray total femininity and I spend as long as I can enjoying this sight, desperately resisting what I know will happen next. Finally I cannot resist any longer, I slowly move my elegant fingers with their bright red nails to my breasts and touch my rock hard nipples; it is like a bolt of lightning striking me. I shudder all over and fall onto the chaise longue that I have in my wardrobe area, writhing in the ecstasy of my orgasm, which goes on and on. It is so intense that I nearly pass out. Finally, I move my hands from my pert breasts and let these erotic feelings ebb away. I get up tidy myself and touch up my hair and lipstick and change my wringing wet panties for a fresh pair. I just hope I have enough pairs to last the day as I know this is only the start. I smile at this beautiful, feminine vision in front of the mirror and tell how much I love her and everything she does.

Same as I am Alex Videos

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I had not seen or spoken to Alex for weeks and on impulse I sent him a text to say I was not far away of he fancied a coffee and a catch up. As i drove towards his house i glanced at my phone every few seconds to see if he would reply..I really wanted to see him I was feeling incredibly horny and could already feel my pussy getting wet at the thought of him. "Sure" the text came back...ten minutes later I pulled up on his drive, he was standing at his door waiting for me.."hey baby" he put...

3 years ago
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There are people we know with whom we have immediate chemistry that should never be explored. This is a palpable thing that moves between the two of you, like an electrical field. But for whatever reason - the structure of relationships, propriety, simple good manners - you never cross into discussing it.Alex and I crossed into it one drunken night. We were two beers and several shots into the night, and while walking her home, I slurred out that it was too bad she was a lesbian.She stood in...

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Jack is a soccer goalie for his school's team. Jack plays on the junior varsity team since varsity has a pretty good goalie. Jack is 6'3" with blonde hair and a well built body. Jack is proud of his body since he spent all summer getting into better shape in order to play better. Jack's new body also made more girls like him. This became clear when more good looking girls began to talk to him and at the last dance when he danced with more girls then he did during all the dances last year. One...

Erotic Fiction
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The Present Day Mira Destovsky and Ivanova were dead and gone. Mira’s younger sister, Alexandra, had assumed command of Mira’s business empire. My name is Jelena Miskoba. I was trained by the former KGB as an assassin. I only graduated when the Soviet Union was in total disarray after its collapse. I had learned the arts of cold-blooded murder and excelled in them. I was not like some of my peers who orgasmed when they killed. It was not a sexual thrill for me, it was a job. I was also highly...

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I was too drunk and I mouth off the wrong girl until one of them smash a bottle over my head I was knocked out unconscious stripper POV we’ll look at that ass it’s so big on him I bet the boss will love this.

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"Jacqueline Melissa Roberts!" my mom yelled. "You have about 5 seconds to get your ass to this table, or you're in BIG trouble!"I slithered through the labyrinth of chairs, presents, boxes, and miscellaneous debris in the living room and made my way to the table. "I'm in college now, Mom," I told her. "If you want me to keep visiting you on holidays, maybe you shouldn't yell at me."I was of course k**ding. Mom was just upset that no one else had shown up for Thanksgiving and taking it out on...

4 years ago
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This story is a bit experimental; I decided to write my previous story ‘Extreme measures' from Alexa's point of view. You don't have to have read the previous story to grasp this one, but it would be more fun if you read both regardless of which one you start with. So here we go. I looked at her as she danced to the music. Her body seemed balanced as she rocked her hips. She danced amongst a group of girls but I only seemed to notice her. I wanted to approach her but I don't want...

3 years ago
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One "BRAT!" "TOAD!" Well, don't all 8-year-old boys think all six-year old girls are brats? And don't 6-year-old girls think 8-year-old boys are toads? Well, most of them, anyway. That's my experience. And those were our respective ages when Alexandra's family moved in next door to mine. I was 8, she was 6. However, I don't remember ever calling her a brat. And I don't remember her calling me a toad. That was her twin sister Cheryl, who still is a brat and probably still...

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The secret sissy in question claimed to be a young, successful man,heading his own department at work and living the good life. But heyearned for his teen years, where he would passably dress up and meet menoff the internet. He wanted to be completely broken and feminized to thepoint of no return.Here is what I had to say, and after writing the little scenario at theend I thought it might be a good enough start for my first posting tothis site.Without further ado:Hey there- this is a long...

2 years ago
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This is my first story. It is also completely true. The names everyone involved, knowingly or not, have been changed to protect their anonymity, as well as keep us from getting caught. I hope you enjoy it, please feel free to leave any feedback, but be gentle ;-)So before we delve into the good part of the story, I think you need a little background on the relationship between Alexis and I. Over the past 2 years, her and I have been getting increasingly close and becoming very good friends, but...

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Alexandria I set out late afternoon for my weekend hot free uninhibited sex. Before I left, my darling husband and I went into the bedroom for a quickie. I began with a long deep French kiss. I rubbed his cock until it was straining against his underwear. I knelt before him and slowly pulled his zipper down and pulled his trousers and underwear down to his ankles, his cock spring up and hit me on the chin. I took it in my hand and pressed it against his belly licking his big balls before...

2 years ago
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The Present Day Mira Destovsky and Ivanova were dead and gone. Mira’s younger sister, Alexandra, had assumed command of Mira’s business empire. My name is Jelena Miskoba. I was trained by the former KGB as an assassin. I only graduated when the Soviet Union was in total disarray after its collapse. I had learned the arts of cold-blooded murder and excelled in them. I was not like some of my peers who orgasmed when they killed. It was not a sexual thrill for me, it was a job. I was also...

3 years ago
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Dressed To Kill Ch 06

Damien was towing the line after their terse words, He was now home at night and nutritious meals seemed to be happening. The week dawdled along with work and a couple sessions with her personal trainer, with whom she had a love/hate relationship. Noella often found his approach and the work he set pretty tough, but she felt great and looked fantastic and so she accepted that the effort and discomfort was worth it. Friday brought lunch with Jodie and Suzie. They tried a new place in Malvern...

3 years ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 18

I pumped in and out of Britney, Marlena, and Neha for the sixth stroke each when Britney came yet again. She felt so intensely ecstatic that I would never have guessed that she was at one point Miss Preachy Christian Virgin. She squeezed my cock like a vise and did her level best to drain my balls through my prick yet again. It was glorious and I definitely enjoyed the sight of her tight ass cheeks as I shot a few spurts inside her delectable twat. I pulled out of Britney then and spilled a...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Step Sisters Visit

“Hey, Mr. Cee,” Rochelle answered her phone.“How you doin’, Ro,” her mother’s husband inquired.“I’m doing pretty good. And you?”“Can’t complain.”“What’s up? I know you don’t usually talk on the phone too much.”“Yeah. That’s the thing. You know I speak with my daughter about my financial planning, right?”“I’m with you so far.”“Well, we were talkin’ this mornin’ and she said that her and Kerene are going to Persopolis to watch the Mountain Lions play. They’re takin’ their new exchange student to...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 64 Five Wings Of the Light hawk

"MAYUKA!" A voice suddenly called. Ryo-oki came running into the room at almost a dead run. Before Washu and Ayeka's startled gaze, Ryo-chan slid to a halt then fell to her knees throwing her arms about the child. It was obvious to anyone Ohki had been crying her eyes out. "Hi dad ya hondar of lik dat?" She sobbed, squeezing the child tightly. "I sorry!" Mayuka sniffed. Petting Ryochan's fur. "Wanted see what wrong wit Papa yuki!" Ryo-ohki looked up. Glanced at where Nobuyuki now...

3 years ago
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You Bet Your Ass Gay

There's nothing worse than two divorced guys sitting around watching television on a Saturday night. Lamar lost everything when his wife took everything he owned. All he had left after he got home from work that day was the car and the clothes he had on his back. I wasn't much better off. The only difference seemed to be in the bills that were left behind. In this department, I was the ultimate loser. Still I managed to get a tiny apartment behind an old house on the outskirts of town. When I...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 11

The phone was ringing as I unlocked the door and stepped into my apartment. Automatically,.I glanced at my wrist, wanting to check the time. My wrist was bare. My watch was still in the bathroom, coated with mud. It wasn't much past noon, however. "Hello." "The same to you, sleepy head." Honey oozed honey right over the phone. "You sure sleep soundly." "I've been up for hours. I've been out in the rain, and I just got back.' "Then you're probably ready for lunch. How about...

2 years ago
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The boss and her pantyhose

After our last session in pantyhose it was a while before another chance arose. I saw Jo regularly around the office but there was always someone around and the best I could do was get a look at her legs and dream about what was waiting for me. I used up the pantyhose she had given me by locking my office door and wanking into them. The first time I wanked into one pair while smelling her pussy from the other pair. There came a time though when I eventually had to throw them away as they...

1 year ago
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Humiliating Ways to Make Your Slave Masturbate

1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand and licking the hand clean is the simplest method, but squirting into a shot glass, drink, or cup of coffee can also be fun. 2. When the slave has not come for...

1 year ago
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Polly and Speedy Lycra Cycling Shorts Lust

I always knew ever since I tried on my first pair of tights and leotard that I wanted to wear this outfit for another man, that I wanted to be with a man who wore tights and skintight Lycra and leotards. Whenever I saw a girl in tights, pantyhose, leggings, spandex and leotards all I could think was how good I would look and feel in them and how much I wanted to dress this way for another man, how much I wanted to see another man dressed like this for me, not caring if they were fat or slim,...

3 years ago
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Milky Tits Indian Part 2

He hugged me but this time he groped my ass more freely. I went to get changed. When I came out of the bathroom I paid close attention to his reaction. His eyes were so intense on my legs and thong which was clearly visible.He remarked, "You look so hot. I do not know how I will concentrate."I smiled and giggled like a teenage girl.We started yoga as normal and he was well behaved to my disappointment. We were working out for 30 minutes when I offered, "Do you want to try the downward dog or do...

1 year ago
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Charlotte and Alice Part I

I met Charlotte when I had just turned twenty and she was in her early fifties. I had started dating her daughter, Alice, but I'd be lying if I said Charlotte didn't have my full attention from the jump. Charlotte was a heavy-set woman, red hair that flowed down to her shoulders, with round DD breasts that hung down over her belly, thick thighs, wide hips, and a fat ass. Despite being a redhead, her skin was a light tan complexion from her Italian heritage. Her face was nicely aged, light...

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Hes Got to Wear a Condom or No Deal Blacken

My husband Rick had been bugging me to fuck a black man since his buddy had got a black guy from an escort service to screw his wife."No, I'm not going to let some guy I don't even know fuck me!" I insisted.In the early years of our marriage we had done some swinging with two other couples that were friends of ours. It had been fun but as we started families we gradually drifted apart.For the past several years it had just been Rick and I had been just screwing each other except for that one...

3 years ago
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Confessions Of A Spurned Housewife Chapter 2

Hello Cindy, As promised, I am writing you with instructions for our meeting tomorrow. Because we are just starting on our journey together, I thought it wise that we meet in a neutral area so I have gotten a hotel room for our first session. We will be meeting at 11:00 am at the Hotel Marriot. You will come to the hotel and wait in the hotel lobby. I will pick you up there and take you to our room. You will come dressed in something that is sexy and shows off your body, but that is not slutty...

3 years ago
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Tasted The Real Flavor Of Virginity

Hi! Hello everyone; I am a regular reader of iss, but this is my first story in this pls bare with my spelling mistakes and words if any. Coming to the story my heroine I met her in an exam center and her name is Anu (name changed) very fair in color, coming to her statistics they are 32 28 and 38 my god I have fallen for her ass omg! It’s a wish for every man in this world to fuck that ass. I don’t have any bad intentions for her but seeing her ass used to masturbate daily imagining fucking...

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Victoria Justice photoshoot

It was just another day for me, on the set of a new photo shoot, we were never really given much detail as to who would be here, just that she was important and we needed to the best of jobs, I was told by my "superior" aka the person who takes the pictures, via a text from the mystery woman's agent earlier in the day just when they would be arriving.I was getting the camera ready, making sure the set was in immaculate condition for our soon to be center star of the shoot, we were told to keep...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Daughters Perspective Part 3

Daddy and Daughter’s Perspectives Part 3 A 16 year old and her father slowly move towards incest Author’s introduction. This is the second episode of an unusual account of a taboo topic; incest between a father and daughter. What makes it unusual is that both my dad and I have written this from our perspective on what happened and why. Kelly is 18, Bill her father is 45. Kelly That night November 28 and the next few days. If it had been difficult sleeping before I went downstairs it was...

1 year ago
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Dirty feet domination

It was my second year in college and my foot fetish got stronger. Now I wanted to worship dirty feet and be dominated by them. My chemistry teacher who we will call ms Roberts was one of the hottest teachers at the college. Most importantly she had the nicest feet I've ever seen. She always wore open toed shoes to show off her pedicures. But she had a bitchy side and wasn't too find of me. I always fantasized about her dominating me and making me her foot slave but what were the chances of...

2 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 19 The Value of a Woman

“Hey, you finally got interesting. I didn’t know you had such a cute side. Maybe I have plans for you.” Hearing Lucas’s arrogant manner of speaking, Violette gritted her teeth in anger. The anger, however, was overcome by the feeling of strangeness. What attitude change was that? It was very sudden. He penetrated her pussy, started to laugh, and then it seemed to change his attitude. ‘He noticed my orgasm. He was definitely laughing because I came with just one stick. But what does this...

3 years ago
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traffic stop

It was late. I was tired. All I could think of was getting back home, getting out of the clothes I was in and into something more comfortable, cracking a beer and relaxing on my own couch. I guess I was thinking about it a bit too much because the next thing I noticed was the red and blue lights behind me. I looked down and uttered a choice word as I noticed I was going well over the speed limit. Pulling over to the side of the road I was wondering what this was going to be like. I was...

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my drunken fun

My drunken fun.......It was at a party when i really got drunk and met 2 really hot american guys who introduced themselves as Alex and Peter. They were really hot and on top of that i was drunk and really horny. While dancing i could feel Alex running his warm hands up my thighs and i could feel an enormous bulge in his jeans. I knew then that i was going to end up having sex with him. but what i did not realise was that i was so horny and drunk that when alex and peter took me to a room in...

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Georgia on My Mind

Leigh stepped out of her robe and climbed into the bathtub slowly, letting her body adjust to the hot water. She submerged herself almost completely for a moment, letting just her face float above the surface, and took a slow lazy breath as her long blonde hair streamed out behind her like a mermaid. Her breasts bobbed up and down as she floated in the tub, and she took a moment to run her hands over them in a lazy caress before she finally pulled her head above the surface. It was that kind of...

1 year ago
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Shorts 19 Short Stories

Alex's heart was racing as she sat the quarters down on one of the washing machines. The laundromat was empty, and she prayed it stayed that way. She took a deep breath and opened the lid. The laundromat was in the basement of her apartment building. It was pretty busy during the day, but at night there was rarely anyone there. Alex hesitated a moment longer, looking toward the door, then pulled her shirt up over her head. She hesitated once more, knowing that the sooner she got it over...

3 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 27

Chapter 27: SHE LAUGHED AND said, "Come on you two," as she grabbed us both in her arms and said, "remind me to change you after dinner Stacy, you'll be leaking otherwise!" "Yes Mommy," I said as she was descending the staircase. In the kitchen a second highchair had been assembled for Bella. It looked different than mine for some reason. "Is her highchair different?" I looked up at Amanda who grimaced. "I asked my parents to pick up another highchair and they didn't think to go...

2 years ago
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Bad Luck

Bad luck? Janet Stickney [email protected] I was a lad of seventeen when this all started. How it started is an odd bit of joke, circumstance, bad luck, a pushy mother, a dotty father, and my own growing realization all rolled into one. My name is Fredrick Garrison Grant, at least I keep telling myself that, as my husband kisses, and caresses me. I'm trying very hard to remember it, really, I am. It was our turn to host the annual party, and mother was going out of her way...

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Voyeurs HD partially gives away their age in the title. They’re obviously not a vintage porn site, since HD hasn’t been around forever. They’re not brand new either, since the sites hyping their video resolution today are tacking 4K onto their brand name. Truth be told, VoyeursHD has been around for 8 years, a nice ripe old age for a fetish site. Good voyeur porn is difficult to fake well, but that near-decade of experience should give them an upper hand, not to mention a big head start...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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Educating the Capo Ch 03

Educating the Capo Ch. 3 A lot of people have asked me to continue this novel so here is the next chapter. I apologise for the long break in the story but I made the mistake of starting another story, The Real Estate Connection, and falling in love with the characters and plot of that story. I felt I owed it to you folks and myself to continue this work too… so here it is. Hope you enjoy it folks. Kiwiwolf * Carol rolled over and slid off the bed. ‘I’m heading into town today baby. Maria...

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Samhain Night The Lovers Celebration

Samhain Night The night air chills. Northern leaves glow golden and fall with the sun. Our nipples stiffen and touch sensually before our lips join. Our fire-dance is nigh, my sister. The scent of damp and decaying leaves fill the air, as the nights shorten and darkness comes ever earlier. Bodies are fevered with expectation, nipples swollen and lips moist as the greatest night of the Pagan year, draws ever closer, my dearest sister. The fire burns hot in the sylvan glade, warming our naked...

1 year ago
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Help Wanted

Help Wanted Apothecary Stables After two days of just driving as far away from where he had his home life, his angry parents in their late eightieth years old, they having been told about their son, when he was much younger as seen, and caught fondling a pony mare. Thirty-five years hence during his life and Dave did something unthinkable, he felt such a renewed sense of disgrace he wanted to leave home. Luckily, Dave had remained single these many years, stayed at home to help manage the daily...

4 years ago
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My American Lady friend on Vacation in the UK

I was working in the tourist trade on the Island that I live on just off the south coast of the UK mainland and I was working hard this day in the Hotel Bar when I met these two American Ladies and the husband of one of them, well these where the first Americans I had met and they where so nice and easy to get on with, they where so friendly and I got to know them very well over the next week. Bill the man wanted to buy my tartan hat from me one night when he saw me getting ready to go home,...

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Finding Love on the Run Ch 02

The usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction, characters are mainly a part of my overactive imagination, and any relation to people or places is purely coincidental. This story contains forced sex, violence, prostitution and heterosexual relations. If any of these are illegal in your place of residence then please do not read. Contains graphic material not suitable for those under the age of 18. This is my first story, so feel free to comment and tell me what I need to change or...

3 years ago
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Beckys Doctor

Copyright© 2006 to Bliss For my regular readers, this story will be quite a departure from my usual stuff. I hope you enjoy it. This story describes action that the author in no way recommends or approves. This story is meant for fantasy only. * ‘Becky,’ said June swatting her on the arm, ‘Pay attention!’ Becky snapped out her day dream and focused on the professor again. God she had to pay more attention. She’d been having trouble concentrating ever since she broke up with her boyfriend...

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toga party

      Toga Party Fun   Well-sounded like a bit of fun a roman style toga party, could be interesting she thought as she went to work that morning. Now standing in front of the mirror wearing nothing more that what equated to a bed sheet, with a belt attached she was not so sure. But she had promised to go so she would have to. My big mouth strikes again never mind. The setting was pretty luxurious mind you a top hotel, that catered for all kind of theme party’s.   She got out of the lift...

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Jane Takes Charge

This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...

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Game TimeChapter 2

Early one morning, I was at my cubicle in the building in which I worked in Crystal City--the morning when my world began to fray at the edges--when my workstation 'pinged.' I saw the small translucent message shadow in the tray area of my workstation's desktop that showed me that I had a new email arriving in my Outlook client In-Box. Pulling up Outlook, I examined the new email in the reading pane and saw that there was no text there. The header showed a series of about six attached...

3 years ago
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Self Maid Man

It's just the sort of fantasy you hear about online. Well, it was Jerry's fantasy, anyway - two girls in maid uniforms who couldn't help themselves from doing whatever he wanted. And anything, or so the story went, meant anything. Jerry's work buddy, Paul, had turned him on to the Craigslist ad. "Might be your thing, man," he said. "I messaged them and then it just got weird. Too weird for me, anyway." "Weird is where I live, brother. Sign me up." So Jerry fired off a quick...

1 year ago
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Dream Come True

Kyle went high in the mountain and took a path overgrown with weeds. Before long he found what he wanted – a deserted meadow. When he made sure that there wasn't anyone nearby, he knelt and started communicating with the supreme force he believed in. There were no other options for him because he wasn't religious man and don't had the habit to go to church. "Please help me! Do something! I can't bear it anymore. My life is an absolute nightmare since I fell in love with her. Her name is...

1 year ago
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The Nurse

Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Categories Bondage Femdom Castration Forced Transgendering Synopsis Janet and John were happily married until the day she discovered.... This is a nasty story, don't read it if you are sensitive or if you are under 18. The Nurse By Janet Baker I am a surgical nurse. I don't cut mens' testes off but I know how. I do sew up scrota after the surgeon has done his or her work and my stitching is very elegant. Of course...

3 years ago
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Whoa Granny

I was in college and had to do a research paper on sex, about sex in the early days. Before birth control. I was really sweating this as we had to get some info from other sources than Google. My girlfriend at the time suggested I talk to her granny, Ellie, about this. My girlfriend took me over to meet Ellie. Ellie was old, either side of eighty. She was petite. But she seemed in really good shape for her age, I mean she looked younger and her mind was sharp as a tack. My girlfriend left...

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The Life of RyanChapter 4 The History of Ryan Part III A Little More Sex in Europe

Ryan gave his gorgeous and well-christened boat as a wedding present to two of his friends on the island who were getting married, with the agreement that if he visited the island in the future, he could always have use of it. He surprised each of several other friends with cash gifts equivalent to approximately two month’s earnings for a middle class Greek worker. None had really known how wealthy he actually was. And, he informed Spiros and Alexis that they would also be accompanying him on...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 8 Outposts

The next two and a half days weren't as bad as they would have been if Noia had left Baytown riding like they did on the way to Outpost. A moon and a half on the road had toughened Noia to the point where it was simply unpleasant, not impossible. Great Galzar! Did Brigadier Markos and his soldiers move fast! They topped a ridge and looked down at the lake with Outpost on an island at one end. Brigadier Markos was sitting his horse not far from Noia and grinned at her. "When the Grand...

4 years ago
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Massage session with milkman

Hi Guys & Gals, this is Chaitanya again. With the first story and the feedback that you have given to me I was very much surprised. I am very thankful for all of you for liking my narration and your emails have encouraged me to write an other one. This one is not mine, but one of the ladies who have told me about the incident happened in her life and requested me to narrate it for all of you as she cannot write it properly. Well cutting all this straight into the story. I am a milkman usually...

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gemma and i

ok , so it should’t have happened . Gemma was my best friend & although we had flirted with each other on occasion I had never imagined a situation which we found ourselves in last night . It had been a traumatic day . My boyfriend of 14 months had accidenly received a text message from me which had been intended for another guy I had met whilst on a girlie night out a few days earlier . Let me point out that nothing had happened between me & this guy , but the situation had been made much...

1 year ago
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My FatherInLaws Big Cock Part 1

My name is Michele, and my husband Ed and I were twenty-five years old at the time of this story. We met at Penn State where Ed got a degree in Business Administration and I majored in Biology. His plan from the start was to get a business degree so he could help his father manage and expand the family lumber and building supplies business in a small town not too far from Philadelphia. I planned to work in veterinary medicine and had a good job as a vet technician until the birth of our...

4 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 2 The Importance of Variety

"I apologise if I shock you," Julian went on. "But in some ways my mission is a shocking one. My Office exists in order to promote genetic variety in our royal line while maintaining the strengths of an inherited monarchy. It is, we believe, the most reliable way of providing our country with its head of state. Your republican views will at least allow for the fact that the system has worked for some time?" I was intrigued by the fact that he knew of my opinions regarding such...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 73 Seven

After surviving the Joining, it took a half hour or so for the three mages to begin to stir. They rose slowly, headaches and the remains of their nightmares disorienting them. We all sat down together in the library and answered questions about the Grey Wardens and the Blight. Being able to give them fifty years instead of thirty seemed to make things much easier, as did the improved fertility; Tomas told them he was hopeful that Wardens in the future could make it work with families. Tomas...

4 years ago
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The Bestiality Sisters Part 1 Barbie Fucks a Puppy

Getting old is never fun, especially when you’re a woman. Men get more distinguished. Women just get old. At least most women do. I am one of the lucky few that fall into the MILF category. When I first heard the term I was outraged. Now I relish being referred to as such. It’s all I have left. A mere four years ago I had it all. A beautiful home; a loving husband; and four lovely children. But then Nikki—our oldest child—went off to college. Lexxi followed the year after. Then it was Candy’s...

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