- 4 years ago
- 43
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I woke up with a start, quickly opening my eyes to be able to see where I was, to see if there was any way for me to get away. I was sitting upright, in a car? I was covered by a blanket, with my shoes and purse in my lap. And the car was taking me somewhere? And who was driving me?
A calm, deep voice started talking, telling me that everything was ok, that he was getting me away from Josh. There was something familiar about his voice, and the way he was talking, mixing soothing words and facts about what had happened when I was unconscious.
I started taking deep breaths to try to calm my speeding heart, finding it ironic that I was using a technique taught by Josh to overcome what was supposed to be Josh’s final lesson. Pushing back the hysterical laughter that tickled the back of my throat, I continued breathing, loosening the tight pressure across my chest and preparing myself to confront my… savior?
I turned my face slightly to the left and let my eyes run up a darkly clad arm, pausing as I realized that the person sitting next to me was dressed in a very distinct police uniform. I felt the confusing pieces of that particular puzzle click in place and I wasn’t surprised when I recognized the person sitting next to me, it was the angry police officer.
‘You…?’ I whispered.
‘Yes, me,’ he said ‘and it figures that you would recognize me. I sat here hoping you wouldn’t, so I wouldn’t have to say I’m sorry, because I’m really not that good at it. But here it goes… I’m sorry I let my previous experiences color the way I treated you. I’m sorry I didn’t help you properly then. But I’ve been thinking that perhaps I got this chance for a do-over, so that I’d be able to do it right this second time. And now I’m babbling, and I’m sorry about that too…’
His voice trailed off into silence as he watched the road in front of him and bit his lip, perhaps to keep himself from talking. I studied his face, finding him just as attractive as the last short time I had seen him. He seemed calm, not worried, upset or angry, just perfectly calm, perhaps with just a hint of embarrassment. But he wasn’t smiling, which somehow felt reassuring to me, and I wondered if I would see Josh’s face every time I met someone who greeted me with a smile. I felt a shudder run through my body as I faced that frightening possibility, I sincerely hoped that wouldn’t be the case.
‘Where are you taking me?’ I asked, keeping my voice low.
‘I’m taking you to the hospital’ he answered, still keeping his eyes on the road.
‘Hospital? I can’t go to the hospital!’ I almost squeaked, shaking my head quickly from side to side, making my head hurt just that little bit more.
‘That’s exactly where we’re going, I wouldn’t be able to look my aunt or uncle in the eyes ever again if I didn’t make sure that you were taken care of.’
He stopped the car and I realized we were already there, parked a few rows of cars away from the hospital entrance. He turned towards me and scanned my face, his face still calm, but his eyes both warm and sad.
‘I’m sorry, but this one time I’m going to have to insist that you do as I say. I’ve called ahead and we will be greeted just inside those doors, and I will be there to make sure you’re taken care of, that you’re treated in the best way possible.’
I could tell by the stubborn set of his mouth and jaw that he meant what he was saying, and I realized there was no way to prevent what was going to happen. A trip to the local hospital would almost certainly show up on my husband’s radar, making escape impossible. I felt that sick, dizzy feeling again and had to fight to keep myself from fainting.
‘Hey,’ he said before jumping out of the car ‘don’t go fainting on me again!’
He opened my door, bent down to put my shoes on my feet and then helped me out of the car. He made sure that the blanket was wrapped tightly around my body, perhaps to hide the state of my clothes, before he locked the car, took my arm and started guiding me towards those dreaded hospital doors.
I felt darkness creeping in on me, and my field of vision got smaller and smaller until I saw only a tiny brightly lit square in front of me. I saw the doors opening and the even brighter light from the hospital reception area. I heard a shocked exclamation from someone standing just inside the doors and looked up to find Susan standing there, staring at me with wide eyes in her obviously bruised and battered face. She called out to me, but I just shook my head and let myself be led further into the hospital.
We were met by a young dark-haired woman, who greeted us with a wide smile, then led us further and further into the labyrinth of the hospital until she finally stopped and guided us into a small, empty waiting room. She told us she’d be right back, then left us with quick steps. The police officer guided me to a chair and sat down beside me, an arm still wrapped around my shoulders, probably to make sure I stayed upright.
‘I don’t want to be here…’ I whispered.
‘I’ve realized that,’ the police officer answered ‘but now when I’ve finally understood who you are, I think it’s for the best that you stay.’
‘What do you mean?’ I whispered, my breaths too shallow, my pulse too high and my tunnel-vision still present.
‘With a little help from the smiling sleazebag who attacked you, I now know your name, and since that’s a name I’ve already heard a couple of times this week…’ he said, annoyingly stopping mid-sentence.
‘Still not helped by what you’re saying!’ I told him, anger rising at the irritating way he was avoiding the main issue, refusing to tell me the whole story as quickly as possible. Anger that evened out my breaths and made my hands stop trembling.
‘I happen to be Edward Connery’s closest living relative, his beloved nephew to be precise. I used to share my name with the not entirely unknown Sean Connery, but I’ve gone by the name of Sean Perez for many, many years now.’
His self-deprecating smile as he said his name was replaced by a serious expression as he continued.
‘Edward, who happens to own a cute little dog named Alfred and who also happens to be your closest neighbor has told me about your situation and I know that you don’t want to be here and why. Elena that met and guided us here will make sure that the doctors and nurses you meet are only her most trusted friends, people that she can guarantee aren’t corrupt or in any way bought by your husband’s family. And your name and medical documentation will be protected in every way possible. It’s time to do something about your situation, right now!’
I was shocked by what he was saying and stared at him for a long time, processing his words and trying to see any likeness to Edward. Perhaps there was something about his eyes and the sound of his voice that was familiar? I was startled out of my contemplations by Sean laughing softly.
‘We don’t look much alike,’ he said ‘but we’re quite definitely related. I can show you a heart shaped birthmark that we both have in common if you want me to?’
Elena, the nurse, came walking back into the room and waved her finger at Sean.
‘If it’s the birthmark on your right butt cheek you’re talking about, Sean, then I’m sure none of us want to see it!’ she said with laughing conviction ‘Now, get out of here and let us girls talk for a while!’
Sean walked down the hall, but stayed close enough for him to see, but not hear, us.
‘Sean said he didn’t think you’d been raped, but it’s not always something that can be easily seen and I wanted to know if I should prepare for that type of medical examination. I’m sorry if I’m being too direct, but I just wanted to be sure…’
‘No he didn’t make it that far.’ I answered and shook my head slightly, thinking that I had indeed been lucky.
‘Did he hurt you in any other way? Do you think you can tell me about your injuries so I can write t
hem down?’ she asked, looking at me calmly, but with a tiny worry-wrinkle between her eyebrows.
‘I…’ I started slowly, actively searching my body for painful spots ‘I hit my head when he threw me down on the floor, I have bruises on my shoulders and arms from where he held me down. And I have other bruises… and cuts… on my upper body, from… from before.’
‘You have other bruises,’ Elena asked, her eyebrows lifting as she looked at me ‘from your husband?’
I hesitated for a short while before I nodded and answered ‘yes, from my husband’ with a whisper.
Elena nodded with a grim look around her mouth, made notes about what I had said and then stood up and waved to Sean to let him know he could get back into the room. When he entered the room, she took a hold of his hands, looked them over, shook her head and walked out of there muttering something in Spanish.
As he walked up to me I looked at his hand and saw a discoloration on the knuckles of his right hand, and when I turned my eyes up to scan his face, I thought I saw a slightly guilty expression on it before it turned back to its usual calmness.
‘Smiley-sleazy back there made a comment that made me more than angry, and sometimes I act before I think. I’m not really sorry about adjusting his nose some, but I don’t want you to think that I walk around hitting people all the time. I’m usually better at keeping my anger at bay…’ he said, his face revealing that he thought he had said too much ‘And god… now you’re going to think I’m dangerous… I’m just going to shut up now.’
Elena came walking back into the room again and probably heard the last part of what he was saying, because she laughed at him before she sat down, took Sean’s hand and starting cleaning it up and putting some sort of lotion on the knuckles.
‘Sean has always had difficulties thinking and talking around beautiful women. And sometimes walking too, to tell the truth…’ she said, full of laughter.
‘And you still haven’t learned that you can’t save the world with your fists, have you?’ she continued, her words both warm and teasing.
When Elena left again, Sean looked at me with a small, embarrassed smile on his face.
‘We were brought up together, and yes, getting teased and told off by someone who is basically your kid sister is always… fun…’ he said.
I gave him a small smile and closed my eyes. It must be nice to have a sister or a brother to tease like that. I used to think that the relationship I had to my friends was almost as close as being sisters. But perhaps being sisters meant telling each other everything, or at least being a bit more open than I had been. I thought about Susan, wondering what had happened to her, hoping her bruised face wasn’t something that I had caused.
I sat up with a start, realizing that Susan had seen me walking into the hospital. And if Susan had seen me, then that probably meant that Sarah and Mary would soon be informed. And if they talked about it and started asking questions, then there was still a chance that my husband would hear about it.
I rose and started walking back and forth in the small room, six steps one way and six steps back. Perhaps if I called them and told them not to worry? But no, that wouldn’t work, Mary would still try to find out everything that had happened.
A hand on my shoulder made me jump slightly, and twitch to try to get away from it. The warm hand didn’t move, but stayed where it was, heavy but gentle and after a few moments more soothing than frightening. I took a deep breath and turned towards Sean, once again looking up at him, to read his emotions. He didn’t have either an exclusively cold and angry face or an entirely happy and smiling face, but a more complicated one holding a combination of different emotions. He had warm, brown eyes, that seemed to be twinkling with laughter most of the time, a forehead that was covered with wrinkles, as if he was used to worrying about things, and a mouth and chin that seemed to reveal whatever he was thinking at any particular moment. Right then, his mouth was no longer smiling, but his lips were tight and tilted slightly downwards. He looked worried and decided in equal amounts.
‘Please sit down,’ he asked me softly ‘if you feel uncomfortable with me in the room, I can go wait further down the hall. But please sit, because I don’t want you to get hurt again!’
I shook my head and walked back to the chairs we had abandoned.
‘I’m not afraid of you nor uncomfortable with you in the room,’ I told him ‘so please stay.’
‘You were worrying about something,’ he said ‘is there anything I can do to make you worry a little less?’
‘The woman we met in the entrance,’ I answered quickly, before I could change my mind about telling him ‘she’s one of my best friends. I’m afraid that she will call my other friends and that my hospital visit won’t be that much of a secret anymore.’
‘And these friends, are they real friends or just acquaintances? Are they just concerned about your safety or gossipy busy bodies?’ he calmly asked.
‘They’re real, concerned friends. But at least one of them is very good at finding out things about everyone, and I’m afraid she’ll go digging to get to the truth about why I’m here…’ I answered, thinking about Mary’s almost magical way of seeing and knowing everything.
‘… and you’re afraid that your husband will find out?’ he finished my sentence.
I nodded and looked down at my hands, still not sure about the best way to stop my friends from worrying, and to stop Mary from taking matters into her own hands. Perhaps there was nothing that could be done? And perhaps there was no use worrying about things that I couldn’t possibly control?
‘Don’t worry,’ Sean said softly ‘I’m here to make sure that nothing bad happens to you!’
I felt him tensing beside me and looked up to see Elena walking in with a darkly clad, very familiar shape. I stood up and couldn’t really believe what I was seeing.
‘Rose,’ Mary said as she walked up to me ‘what’s happened to you?’
Sean was also standing up, with a confused expression on his face.
‘Mary,’ he said ‘do you know Rose? Elena, what is Mary doing here?’
Mary pulled me down into my chair again, sat down beside me and waved for Sean to do the same.
‘I called everyone I knew at the hospital to find out about Rose, and read between the lines when I talked to Elena here. She’s not very good at lying, you know…’ Mary said with a teasing smile.
‘Mary is the friend I told you about, you know the one that’s good at digging out secrets…’ I told Sean, with a small smile as I looked at Mary.
‘We both know that Mary is one of the good guys,’ Elena said, looking a bit shame-faced ‘and she had to talk for a good long while before I let her in here… and she promised she would go if she wasn’t wanted or needed. Rose, I haven’t told Mary anything, and you’re free to decide if she’s to go or if she can stay. Think about it, and I’ll be back shortly to see if I’ll have the privilege to escort her out!’
She walked away, once again muttering, this time in a mix of English and Spanish, and I thought I heard something about ‘stubborn’ and ‘pain in the ass’.
Mary laughed her usual loud but warm laughter, took my hand in hers and looked at my face with those big green eyes of hers. She didn’t move her eyes up and down, scanning me for injuries, as everyone else had recently started doing, but she usually seemed to need only one look to take in everything around her, and I suspected she had already seen the way I was dressed, the way I sat, that my hands were trembling slightly and a whole lot of other things I hadn’t even noticed myself.
‘Someone’s hurt you,’ Mary said, her voice low ‘who?’
‘Most recently,’ Sean said, his voice annoyed, as if he didn’t like that Mary was there ‘a sleazy meditation teacher by the name of Josh Walden.’
turned her eyes on Sean, and I wondered what she saw and could read about him. Probably that he had his stubborn face on, because that mouth still revealed what he was thinking and feeling.
‘Calm down Sean,’ Mary said with a low voice and a teasing smile ‘I’m not here to tell you how to do your job… not this time…’
It seemed they had a history together and I wondered what secrets Mary kept behind her smart mouth and full laughter. Mary turned her eyes on me again, biting her lip in a distinctly un-Mary-like fashion. Anxious behavior somehow didn’t fit with the general impression I had of my friend.
‘If I read between the lines, which wasn’t very hard this time, Mr. Obvious, someone else has been hurting you before?’ Mary said slowly ‘who?’
I shook my head, and looked down at my hands. I heard Mary stand up and walk back and forth in the room, as I had just recently done, I heard her heavy steps and calmly noted that the room was still just six steps long. She didn’t walk for very long, and when she sat down beside me again, I heard her exhale heavily.
‘Rose… I think you are more aware of my little, shall we call it ‘condition’, than any of the rest of our friends. You know that I see, hear and feel things a little bit sharper than other people. You don’t walk around thinking ‘however did she know that?’, you know that it’s all about perception, don’t you?’ Mary asked with a strangely sad voice.
I nodded, but kept staring at my hands.
‘And you probably know I’ve been noticing things connected to you these past two months?’ she kept going, her voice still sad ‘Things that haven’t really made sense, which has made me worry about you.’
I nodded once more. She probably had seen more than I would have wanted her to, but perhaps not as much as she might think, after all, I had made sure to keep away from her whenever I was in pain.
‘And, even though you probably don’t want me to know what’s wrong,’ she continued ‘Sean sitting here looking all tense and angry, Elena not wanting to let me in to see you, and finally you sitting here looking pale and shaken, not wanting to talk about it, has already told me everything.’
I looked up at her anguished face, read the truth on her face and nodded. She put a shaking hand over her mouth as if to try to stop all of her emotions, and I saw a tear fall down her cheek.
‘How long?’ she whispered ‘How long has your husband been hurting you?’
‘Since day one…’ I whispered back.
‘Thirteen years,’ she cried ‘oh Rose, why didn’t you tell me? And why didn’t I see it?’
‘He told me that the day you found out, he’d make sure you were all destroyed,’ I answered, my heart filled both with relief and regret ‘and I didn’t want that to happen.’
Mary pulled me into her arms and held me close as she cried silent tears against my shoulder. And I sat there holding her, my eyes surprisingly dry. It was a strange feeling, comforting my always smiling friend, and the fact that she now knew about my life made things feel absolutely surreal, like a weird dream.
Elena walked into the room again, quietly taking in the scene. She pointed at Mary and then pointed towards the exit and I shook my head slightly. I needed to talk to Mary, to get her to see she had to talk to Susan and Sarah, to make sure they all went far away.
‘Today was the day I decided I couldn’t stay any longer,’ I whispered ‘because I knew that it was just a matter of time before he killed me.’
Mary heard me and sat up straight to be able to see my face as I spoke.
‘And I went to a friend for help, but it turned out he only wanted to help me if it would help him, and I ended up having to run from him too.’ I continued whispering ‘And I finally ran straight into Sean’s arms, and here we all are…’
‘But they’re exceptional arms, so I quite understand your choice,’ Mary whispered with a wicked smile ‘but all joking aside, what made you decide that today was the day?’
‘He started showing violent films with blonde women who were all killed in the end, and he was in those movies, he did those things to those poor girls, and he told me all about it, so I would know just what he would do to me…’ I whispered, my words going from quick to quicker until I ended my speech with something between a scream and a sob.
Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...
Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...
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Warning: This file contains depictions of adult sexual situations, including sex, and bondage. If it is illegal for you to view this subject matter, or if you are under the age of 18 please do not view this file. If you find these situations unpleasant or offensive please do not view this file. The author takes no responsibility for any illegalities arising from the viewing of this file. The author retains all rights to this story and it is transmitted here by an authorized...
Hi ISS readers!!! Though i have been reading stories on this site for close to a decade, this is the first time trying to post my own experience. Bear with me and request to provide me with feedback to improve so that i can keep sharing my experiences in an interesting manner!!.. Little brief about me, For the purpose of reference – call me Sathish !!!.. I am 32 yrs old and work in an IT MNC domiciled in Chennai. I Love Sex and hardly i remember a day where i have spent with watching something...
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Jacosta’s daughter, Vanessa reveals she is aware of her mother’s affair with Pete. Bill finds his wife and Pete in bed together. All participants are over the age of 18. I look forward to your views and comments. Blackmail, cross dress, lingerie ,bisexual, multiple partners, cuckold, submission, lesbian, lactation. Demons. Teen female/older male/ female and more Chapter 13 Pete arrived back a little earlier than he had planned, hot, sweaty and sexy. He took off his shirt as he joined me...
Chloe Cherry is outside in her underwear. She looks super hot and is dancing around naked in the desert, so Tommy Pistol has sex with her. They primarily have anal sex and she says a bunch of dirty shit about being a fuck pig and a whore. It appears that Chloe Cherry enjoys the humiliation and degradation. The idea of being used like a cum dumpster outside where anyone can see turns her on. Being degraded in public with no shame makes Chloe happy and her pussy drip. After a while Chloe begs to...
xmoviesforyouIn a not so distant future, race relations in the United States have taken a drastic turn for the worse. Repeated, unceasing race riots plagued all the major cities. Looters roamed the streets for years straight. Government employees were continually assaulted or even killed, businesses ceased to function, the complete collapse of society was imminent. In desperation, and as a response to growing racially prejudiced sentiment in this new America, an emergency Constitutional Amendment was passed...
InterracialCelli tore herself away from her art with reluctance. She had ignored the ringing phone several times before it began to drive her mad and she finally gave in to its shrill demands. “What?” she barked at whichever poor soul had decided to interrupt her latest Manga comic. “Hey Celli, it’s Peter. Have I called at a bad time?” “No not at all Peter, sorry. What can I do for you?” “Actually, it’s what I can do for you! I’m having a little get together at mine tonight - some beers, a few games, just...
Group SexNext Friday! Zoe planned for me to come next Friday. That was a long time to wait. The wait was killing me, but it was also a chance to sort things out mentally and to plan and prepare. I started by doing some basic research online. Eh, that’s a coded way of saying I searched porn sites for girls that looked like the new-look Zoe. From my investigation, I think Zoe’s new look was what they call ‘emo’, but even after googling that I can’t quite work out what that involves exactly. It...
Hi. Reading all of these true stories makes me want to share the story of my hottest and passionate experience, a true story of adultery. My name is Andy. My story begins with a trip I made into the foothills of the Himalayas a few years ago with my best friend Sushant and his new bride, Sonal. No, I didn’t have any experiences with Sonal, but her best friend is another story. We were staying in a small town (I won’t mention name) where Sonal’s best friend, Priti lived. Priti was a gorgeous,...
I figured the trip home would be relaxing and quiet after the rush to get to the apartment and pack it in a hurry. Lindie would drive my car, following me and my "Shotgun" rider, home in the van. I figured Michelle would be tired and fall fast asleep about five to ten minutes into the drive from Stewart City to Rock Creek. Every time we had all ridden together, that's the way Michelle had reacted. Of course, the trip from the Stewart City U-Haul to my apartment after picking up the van...
Chapter 3 Jenny on the Jet A long and bumpy flight for Jake turns out well. Sunday August 31 Jake stowed his carry-on in the overhead bin, and settled heavily into his seat 31B. Although it was still too warm, it was nothing like the sauna-like conditions of the jetway, which mirrored the sweltering August heat wave that continued to baste NYC. He was on the aisle in the very last row before the lavatories with just a single seat next to him. He never been on a plane configured like this...
Hi my name is Amar and today I have decide to pen down the story of my life. This amazing part of my life really is on back of my head all the time. I always wanted to have that life again and again. coming to the tale, I would like to first describe how it all actually started and will definitely keep posting all the episodes in my further stories. I am from Hyderabad and I speak fluent hindi, telugu and english obviously. I messed up my intermediate life (11th and 12th class ) and now to...
As soon as we were clear of town I picked up our pace. Unfortunately Orlanth was not the best rider, even with instruction. On top of that, Juniper was fast; I had to make sure that we didn't end up miles ahead of the kids without even trying. Orlanth's book was wrapped up and packed on an extra horse that the stable master provided me. The new horse seemed to be more of a plow horse than a riding horse. She did occasionally want to move slower than a brisk walk; otherwise she did not have...
======================================================================== It was in the third week of our 'relationship,' when we realised it just was not working out. We had spent our first week together fixing up the cellar, installing the equipment and then the finishing touches like the mood lighting in red green and blue as well as yellow and clear neon, all controlled remotely from a digital handset that controlled the CCTV and door locks and also operated various vibrators...
What gender are you.
Mark and Ronda stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to take them to the ground floor. They had just come from their lawyer's office and were now headed for home. As the elevator door started to close a woman came rushing down the hall crying, "Please! Please! Please, hold the door, please!" Mark grabbed the door just in time and held it as the woman slipped into the elevator. As the door closed and they all stood waiting, Mark couldn't help but examine the woman shifting...
Oh my gosh! Did that really just happen? I look over and smile seeing your face. Yup! It did. I smile to myself and drift off to sleep replaying the events.It's Memorial Day weekend. Our parents have decided to leave us home alone while they go off on a second honeymoon. I'm not complaining. You are smoking hot! Standing at about 5' 10", 180 lbs. of toned muscle, military cut brown hair, and soft brown eyes, I just can't help but make you the source of my night time fantasies. I'm 5'3", 140lbs....
IncestI was woken up by the rumbling of a big semi-truck, it was 6:15 am. I took a peek out my bedroom window and saw my new neighbors, Mr. G and Mrs. G were hugging and kissing in front of Mr. G’s big red semi-truck. Mrs. G was wearing a really short pink silk robe, showing her curvy tone legs that seem to go on forever. When Mr. G picked her up for one final kiss, the robe rose above her ass. I could see she was wearing sexy white lace panties, I had a perfect view of that amazing devine ass. Mrs....
"What do you think the team would do if they knew about this?"I stared down at Joe, completely confused as to why he chose this moment to ask the question. My hands were currently wrapped tightly around my throbbing shaft. His own saliva was sliding between my fingers as I massaged my length, preparing to push deep into his depths."I don't know Joe. I honestly don't. We have so many different kinds of teammates. Some would be disgusted, some wouldn't care, and then there's some freaks who would...
Gay MaleAlex checked the address on the slip of crumbled paper. Taking a deep breath, Alex walked up the chipped stone steps and knocked on the door. About five minutes later, a woman peeped through the tiny slit in the blinds. ‘Can I help you?’ she asked in an quiet, unsure voice. ‘Um, I here about the room.’ Alex called back. ‘Oh, one sec.’ Alex heard the deadbolt opening, the door creaked open. ‘Hi, I’m Amanda, Mandy for short.’ she said, extending her hand. ‘Hi, I’m Alex.’ ‘Well, come on in...
Hey readers. After receiving good feedback on my previous story, I am back here to entertain you with another amazing incident of my life. This happened last year, just before Navratri. I had gone to Ahmadabad for a business visit. I was staying in a decent hotel, and the meeting was supposed to happen just a day before Navratri. As all Gujratis are pretty excited about the festival, the meeting was over quickly and I was back at my hotel by 5 pm in the evening. The exciting part begins...
Inspired the anonymous commenter, you know who you are, this one's for you! Piggy By Apple We'd first met a few months ago now, and why we were together still didn't really make much sense. We weren't a couple that anyone would have expected, and I was as shocked as anyone when the shy young man had come over to me in the club and made his nervous advances. I admit, at first I thought someone had put him up to it, but he seemed genuine, and things just carried on from there. Let me...
Hi this is lucky and I’m going to tell you my friend jacks story. Jake should have been able to get along great with girls. After all he grew up around a houseful of women, being the youngest of five siblings. He was the only boy and his four sisters almost constantly antagonized him. Despite all the women in the house, and all the experience he had talking to girls, he had nearly zero luck with the opposite sex. Which was actually more like absolutely zero? He was a eighteen year old virgin...
IncestAfter eating and cleaning up, the girls decided to hook up and play with the new game machine. Their laughing and giggling filled the boat all evening. At one point Tammy joined in, and added her voice to the cacophony. I never liked video games, in either body, so I enjoyed their play time from my recliner. When they finally played the last of the new games, Tammy got them a snack, and sent them on their way for showers and bed. When the salon was empty except for the two of us, Tammy...
First of all, thank you all for your all of your supportive comments. Secondly, since I have created a little sub-universe within NMF, let me be the first to cast the first stone with this new entry. As always, i enjoy your opinions. A word of warning. On the last one a lot of things happened off stage in response to the recent TG Cliche thing that went around. This one will be much more graphic once it gets going full throttle. Tales of Djinnar: NEPENTHE By Raven ne-pen'the ...
Laura and I woke the next day alone in the bed, to some of the most wonderful scents imaginable. Naltort had brought us breakfast in bed, and told us to feel free to spend the day there if we wanted. "I enjoyed last night immensely, but you should have private time as well," he told us. I asked a blushing Laura if she was too abused for a rematch, and she said, "Well, maybe not. I don't think my butt is up for another visit yet, but I think everything else still works." She turned out...
Hii friends this is Rajeev from Delhi. I am going to narrate my first sexual relation with my own married sister used to call her didi. I am 24 now and my didi is 35. I was just 16 years old when my didi got married. I was in my village with mumy and papa, didi was studying in local city. She was residing in the hostel. At the age of 16 I had no knowledge or feelings abut sex. My didi got married and after few days jijiji left for banglore. He was there in a job and thought to take didi there...
Incest"So how long have you worked for Mr. Karlsson?" Sara recognized Lisa's words as an awkward attempt to downplay the embarrassment of the situation. Apparently she was a little uncomfortable being naked in front someone else - girl or not. "Oh, just a few months," said Sara, who herself felt how a familiar feeling began to build within her. It always started as a slight tickle between the thighs, almost as if someone had pulled a feather along the soft slit. Shortly after, she began to get...
"I tell you, nothing happened up on that stage yesterday. Nothing happened. Nothing! Nada. Zero. Zilch!" I was in the infectious isolation ward, namely my bedroom. Missy was reporting in to me after having debriefed her minions at school. She was wearing a surgical mask, courtesy of Dr. Elaine Smathers's pantry of prophylactics. And if you're thinking "prophylactics" means "condoms" get your mind out of your groin and look the word up in the dictionary. "I'm a sick woman. Don't...
I woke up sluggishly with a thumping head and didn't need a doctor to tell me I was intensely hung-over. As my eyes half opened, I was immediately conscious that my arm was draped over somebody else and judging by the curly blond hair and the soft feel to her skin I could tell it was another female, a naked one at that. I lifted the duvet to look at my body and confirmed what I suspected, that I was also totally bare. I feverishly tried to remember the events that had led to my being in bed...
Eighteen year-old Meaghan Delaney was now Head Girl at St. Searle's, but before joining the school she used to be Frank Murphy, a bearded, balding, and overweight fifty year-old safe-cracker. Or did she? ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: GRADUATION - part 2 by BobH (c) 2017 - 2 - In plan, St. Searle's main building was essentially a large 'E' shape with the middle leg longer than those on the two wings. Descending the central staircase to the basement...
The Art of Good Fishing, © Spitman October 2000 It was a fine sunny afternoon in May, and the beach was pretty crowded fora day so early in the season, but it was rather warm for the time of year,with very little wind and a cloudless sky. Donna lay on her beach towel with her bikini top unfastened, enjoying thefeel of the sun on her back. Others more adventurous, dispensed with theirskimpy bikini tops, offering an impressive display of breasts proudly bared,to the warm rays of the sun, not to...
Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Ek bar Mumbai me hamare pados me naye kiraye dar rahane aaye....
Miss Rosie Balfour prowled round her bedroom, she was feeling so terribly frustrated. At 35 she had never married, yet she was a beautiful slim pretty young woman that looked ten years younger. She had never married basically because she had never met a man that could satisfy her properly. Also she basically abhorred the thought if submitting herself to a man in marriage who would want to dominate her and probably rule her life and that did not appeal to her one little bit. The best sexual...
Erotic FictionHi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...