Pornacopia BrownChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
"So Jen and Sharon are in your class now?" Pornacopia asked his half-sister as he leaned back in his chair behind the makeshift desk of his detective agency. He reached over to Sally and traced the bulge of her belly down to the wet spot between her jeans where her pussy had soaked through her jeans as Lynn told them the most recent gossip.
"That's right," Lynn said with a relieved sigh as she unhooked the top of her maternity pants and released her pregnant belly. At seven months along Lynn's belly looked huge but she didn't seem to mind, in fact she seemed to take great pleasure stroking her swollen belly and milk filled tits. "Both Jen and her step-daughter joined the preggy class today. Sharon is apparently two months along but since you never did fuck her I'd have to guess that it's her father's baby, and Jen's baby is about six weeks along which means that it can't be yours either since you fucked her over eight weeks ago."
"Oh well," Pornacopia sighed, slipping his hand into Sally's waistband and fingering her pussy through her sopping panties, "at least I still have you, mom, Sally, and her mom."
"Did I tell you that my mom is actually disappointed that you knocked her up so quick?" Sally purred as Pornacopea's fingers made her pussy and belly quiver with pleasure. "She wanted to keep fucking you even longer before she had to start worrying about morning sickness and a growing belly."
"I know," Pornacopia said with a sheepish grin, "but she seems to be pretty happy with her pregnancy, and it's not like I'm going to stop fucking her just because I succeeded it knocking her up so quick. In fact, I don't plan to stop fucking any of you no matter how big you get before your babies arrive."
"That's good," Lynn told her half-brother, "because your babies make us so horny that we could drain your balls dry without even trying."
"I guess you're glad my sisters have my dad and brothers to keep them happy and pregnant," Sally chuckled.
"Are you serious?" Pornacopia asked, so surprised "are Cindy and Jane actually pregnant?"
"Oh yeah," Sally said, giving her belly bulge an affectionate pat. "Cindy swears that dad knocked her up and Jane is sure that Paul is the father of her baby, but then she's always had a crush on our brother. The one I feel sorry for is Danny, old enough to enjoy fucking but not old enough to cum and knock up his own sister."
"Not yet anyway," Lynn chuckled, "but as soon as he's old enough I see a lot of babies in his future."
"I think you're right," Sally agreed, "in fact once he's old enough he'll probably give you a run for your money Pornacopia."
"In that case I better take advantage of my head start and get as many babies started as I can before he's in the competition."
"I'll help out as much as I can little brother," Lynn promised, "that is if you don't mind Sally."
"I don't mind," Sally said with a shrug. "After all I'll be fucking my dad and letting him knock me up, it's nice to know that Pornacopia has someone to fill in while I'm occupied."
"We have a customer," Pornacopia hissed before Lynn could respond to Sally's comment.
Lynn's mouth snapped shut as all three of them turned to see the teenage girl who hesitantly entered the garage and approached the makeshift office. "Are you the kid detective I've heard so much about?" She asked, placing her hand on a stomach that was even larger than Lynn's.
"Yes it is," Pornacopia said, reluctantly taking his hand away from Sally's wet cunt so she could adjust her clothes and hide her belly bulge as they client walked toward them. The girl looked like she was the same age as Lynn but the blouse that strained across her swollen belly and tits was part of a uniform from one of the private schools in Idaville.
"How may we help you?" Leroy asked as the brown haired girl stopped to push her shoulder length hair out of her face and catch her breath before she sat down in the offered chair with a sigh of relief. The pregnant brunette walked her chair closer to the desk and slapped a quarter down on the old dented gas can and leaned back before she spoke.
"My names Brenda Trent and I want you to find out who did this to me," Brenda said, giving her swollen belly an affectionate pat.
"Don't you know who knocked you up?" Lynn asked, "I may not tell anyone who knocked me up, but I do know who it was." Pornacopia did his best not to blush at his half-sister's words.
"Let me start again at the beginning," Brenda said with a slight blush of her own. "My dad is the CEO of Trent International, maybe you've heard of it?"
"Sure," Pornacopia said, "Trent is the largest manufacturing and holding company in the state, and it's headquarters are right here in Idaville."
"That's right," Brenda said with a quick nod, "well, I've been going to boarding schools since the first grade, but I've been kicked out of three schools in the last three years because I keep getting caught fucking boys in my room. That's right I said boys plural, not boyfriend, the last school I got kicked out of I was caught with one cock in my ass and one in my pussy at the same time. Along with each expulsion I went away from the school with a pregnancy. My parents payed for an abortion all three times, but when I started school this year at Holy Cross they told me that it was time for me to take responsibility for my actions. They said that if I got pregnant again they weren't going to get me an abortion and I'd have to carry the baby to term."
"I take it that something happened," Pornacopia said, trying not to laugh as he looked at Brenda's belly.
"Oh yeah," Beth said, stroking her belly again. "I didn't give up fucking after my parents gave me their ultimatum, but I did make sure that all my partners wore condoms."
"All but one," Lynn said with a snicker.
"You're half right," Brenda said with a weak smile. "I have a good idea when and where things went wrong, but I'm not sure which one of the boys fucked me without a condom, but it was a real gang bang with a dozen boys. I think they were some kind of gang because they were all dressed pretty much the same, and they certainly knew each other."
"Can you describe any of the boys?" Pornacopia asked with a thoughtful frown, "or tell me how they were dressed?"
"The only one I really remember seemed to be the leader because all the other boys did what he told them, and they were all dressed like him," Brenda said.
"Describe the leader," Pornacopia said, "because if it's who I think it is than I have a good idea who knocked you up."
Pornacopia listened as Brenda described the gang leader and how he was dressed, by the time she was finished he was sure that Sally knew who they were looking for just like he was. "You know who it is, don't you?" Brenda said when she saw the look shared by Pornacopia and Sally.
"We have our suspicions," Pornacopia hedged.
"Who is it?" Brenda demanded, "if I know who it is I can force a confession out of him and my parents will..."
"It's a bit late to get an abortion this time," Pornacopia said, eyeing Brenda's swollen belly and tits, "but if we get a confession for you than your parents will know that he was responsible and not you."
"Yes," Brenda sighed, "at least I'll have that. So who is he?"
"He's Bugs Meany," Pornacopia said after a confirming nod from Sally. "Back in Elementary school he was the biggest bully in Idaville. I always managed to think my way around him, but there was always a chance that he'd find a chance to beat me to a pulp anyway, up until I teamed up with Sally that is. One day Bugs was enjoying his favorite sport, beating and extorting a boy two years younger than him when Sally stepped in and knocked him flat with one punch. Since then she's managed to beat him every time they got into a fight, and Bugs would like nothing better than another chance to take her on."
"When Bugs was in Junior High he started gang called the Tigers, boys who enjoyed stealing, bullying, and vandalizing as much as he did. A couple years ago Bugs decided that his old gang activities were too tame for him and he started a new gang he called the Preggers, to join the gang you had to knock up a girl. The new gang was involved in a lot of the same activities as the old gang, but in addition they usually enjoy a good gang bang or two every week of so. But in spite of the fact that each and every one of them would enjoy nothing better than knocking up every girl they fucked they'd never go against Bugs if he agreed to wear a condom while fucking a girl. At least not until Bugs did it himself."
"So you're saying that after the whole gang fucked me once, Bugs fucked me a second time, but without using a condom?" Brenda asked.
"Exactly," Sally said. That's exactly the way Bugs would think. The problem is getting Bugs to admit it, especially since he's in jail right now."
"I'm afraid not," Pornacopia said with a sheepish grin.
"But I remember how ecstatic your dad was when he managed to arrest Bugs for the first time as an adult," Sally said with a frown. "How could he be out already?"
"You already said how," Pornacopia pointed out. "It was the first time dad managed to arrest Bugs as an adult, that means his juvenile records were sealed and the judge had to sentence him as a first time offender. Bugs managed to walk out of the courtroom with two years of parole thanks to the fact that he was arrested for a relatively minor, non-violent crime, plus the fact that the prisons are already overcrowded."
"I guess I missed that part of the story," Sally sighed. "And here I thought we'd have at least one Bugs free summer."
"You should know better than that, Sally," Lynn said with a soft chuckle. "From what Pornacopia tells me Bugs always manages to wriggle out of any serious punishment for his crimes."
"Yes he does," Sally admitted. The young teen noticed the crestfallen look on Brenda's face and tried to put a cheerful tone in her voice as she continued, "of course getting him to acknowledge your baby and pay for it would still be a small punishment compared to some of the things he's paid for in the past."
"Oh good," Brenda said with a weak smile, "does this mean that you have a plan."
"I do," Pornacopia said with a sly smile, "but it would be better if you didn't know our methods."
"Leroy, can we talk?" Sally asked, giving her partner and fiancee a look that would kill if he wasn't careful.
"I was afraid you'd ask," Pornacopia said as he got up from the desk. Before he followed Sally into the house he turned back to his half-sister for a minute. "Lynn, could you keep Brenda company? If my plan works we shouldn't be gone long, and considering how advanced her pregnancy is right now I don't think it would be a good idea to leave her alone."
"Ok," Lynn said with a quick nod. Even before her brother left the garage she'd turned to the other girl, "If you don't mind me asking, just how far along are you?"
"My due date was yesterday," Brenda said with a grin, "so your brother's probably right that I should have someone with me. My mom would have a cow if she knew I was driving myself around, and if I do go into labor it would be a good idea to have someone else around to drive me to the hospital. You are old enough to drive, right?"
"I am," Lynn said as the door shut behind Pornacopia and cut off the rest of the conversation.
"What's up Pornacopia," Sally asked, "from the look on your face I'm guessing that you have a plan, and I'm also guessing that I won't like it."
"You could be right," Pornacopia said, leaning back from Sally as she leaned into him, "but it's the best plan I have, and you could like it once you hear it."
"Ok, I'm listening," crossing her arms between her small breasts and belly bulge and glaring at Pornacopia.
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My early birthday present,My life had been like a fairy tale of the adult sort lately anyone who had read previous stories would under stand that. Just to be clear though with everything that has recently happened I just want to make clear that my wife Lisa truly is all any man could or would ever need she is very sexy and has a naughty side. When we go on vacations especially she has her wicked weasel sheer when wet bikini, which our daughter Amy found and started down a path of her own. Lisa...
Steve, Mike and Ernesto lay trussed up, bound at the ankles and wrists, arms behind them, in the back of the van. Two bandits sat in the front seats, windows rolled down, watching their Captain with the bare-breasted woman standing beside the Mercedes. One, speaking in Spanish, was making rude comments to the other about the woman's exposed breasts. Steve felt something poking him in the back. He turned his head but was stopped with a wash of pain from the blow he'd taken from the rifle...
One day I was at the supermarket shopping for some eggs and bread and while I was doing that I was also looking for a hot mature women who I can take home and fuck. I looked thru lots of mature women and I finally found what I was looking for. I was at the check out counter and there was this nice mature aunty in front of me waiting for her turn. So while I was standing behind her I was admiring her ass from that salwar kameez. Her ass looks so good I felt like touching it right there. A Little...
Yeh story meri first girl friend ki hai. Jiska naam akanksha tha. Pehle mai akanksha ko describe karna chauga. Akanksha meri relative ki ladki thi. Jiska figure mast tha 32 28 34. Rang sawala aur black hairs hips tak the. Jab wo chaotic thi uske baal gaand par hilte the. Gaand aise hilakar chaplain thi jise dekh are koi bhi ladka machal jaye. Doodh aise ki bra phadkar chusna chahe. Awaz aisi ki koi bhi ghanto ussse batiyana chahe. Yeh baat us same ki hai jab mere umar 18 saal aur akanksha ki...
Introduction: . . . where bleak desperation meets blond depravity Introduction: . . . where bleak desperation meets blond depravity. Nicolette was beautiful and I had wanted her for so long. I was sure of our future and that we would be married, that is until her father, who had once approved of me, changed his mind. He said that the high society families of the Jupiter Circle had purchased land at the outskirts of town then built ostentatious mansions, huge garages for their elongated...
I’ve just got home from one of the most interesting encounters I’ve ever had, so I thought I’d share it with you. I’m Paul by the way, a 35 year old gay guy, 6′, slim with short brown hair and blue eyes. It’s my eyes that get me noticed, not that I know why, they’ve always just been my eyes but other people seem to like them. I’m thankful for that because otherwise I’d be just your average Joe. Well this all started about 3 months ago when I was online in one of the chatrooms on Gaydar....
I have spent most of the day getting the back yard ready for my little surprise. Since it will be dark when you arrive home to me, I strung up some lights all around the gazebo that surrounds the back porch and hot tub. I purchased some tiki torch lights; I positioned them so they are just surrounding the hot tub. The sky is clear and the stars are shining brightly. The moon is lighting up the night sky and the water in the pool is just shimmering. I have laid out towels by the pool side and at...
Straight SexChloe was put back into the litter but the curtains were drawn as she was carried out of the villa. They did not travel far and within a few minutes they entered another. This one bustled with activity and she could hear raised voices and laughter over the sound of music growing closer. As they entered the room she heard the voice of Marcus, her new master describing the scene in the slave market. "And so I bought her. I present her to you Julia, for your pleasure." The curtains of the litter...
HistoricalNina lay quietly alongside Alice in the dressing room until Alice came out of her sexual delirium. "Jesus," she murmured, "that was the best!" "It really was," Nina responded almost too quickly, causing Alice to furrow her brow questioningly. "What I mean..." Nina began. "I can't recall blacking out like that," Alice said, interrupting her. "I... better get dressed and reopen the store," Nina said, hoping she hadn't somehow offended this wonderful woman. "Yes, I had...
Summer Vacationby Zeferage (Comments,suggestions and other emails are welcomed.) [email protected] (Attachmentswill not be opened. So spammers, you can forget it!) PART I Kimstood up, drenched with sweat, stretching her tired and aching muscles asshe looked around her garden. Weeds had been springing up like crazy overthe past couple of weeks, thanks to all the rain. Up until now there hadbeen little that could be done, Kim had been working overtime so she...
The following morning Samantha received another hand delivered letter which read: 'Lovely Samantha, You have a very caring and protective fiancé but never fear we will still have our fun together. I am very inventive as you will find out. The Rover' Her primary reaction this time was fear although there was also annoyance. She passed the note to Henry. "Bloody man!" he said. "Don't worry, my Sams. I'll never let him get to you." Samantha smiled at him. "I know you won't,...
Editor: WhiteWave48 As the sound of the secret lovers’ footsteps faded, Jenny emerged from the closet, and went directly into the bathroom to clean up. A few minutes later, she walked back into the bedroom, turned on the bedside lamp, sat down on the bed and began to gather her wits about her. ‘Marti has just cheated on her husband, Rick,’ Jenny murmured to herself, ‘right in front of my eyes, no less.’ Jenny shook her head as if that would clear her fuzzy thoughts. ‘Of course,’ Jenny...
I'm Gary, in my late forties, in good shape and like most men my age, So let me tell you about a fantasy I have about my young hairdresser. Her name was Deena and she's about thirty years. She's a little chubby, not much but I find her "FUCKING SEXY!" Why? Because when she cut my hair, she rubbed her body against mine, which caused my cock to stir. When she shampooed my hair, she's rubbing her thighs against my shoulder. When I'm in the chair getting my hair cut, she's rubbing her body against...
AffairDiana was serving breakfast to her two k**s; Darla 14 and Darren 16 on Saturday morning as was the weekend ritual at their house. Diana was a real MILF at 36 years old as she had kept her youthful look and figure. She usually wore a 32D bra, but at this time she was still in her nightgown and her loose boobs were overly visible though the low neck line of the outfit. Darla noticed her brother trying to see down their mother’s top and she was sure he was getting a nice view. In her own devious...
Chapter Eight Neral hated waiting. She hated it even though it was a sizable part of her job. Lots of mundane tasks, between long stretches of waiting for the few minutes of murderous frenzy to begin. So she would have hated it even if she hadn’t been waiting for her husband to scout a path and into the fortress ahead. ‘He knows what he’s doing just as well as I do.’ She knew Maylin was trying to be comforting, and it did help, albeit only slightly. ‘I know.’ The group, she knew, shared her...
They landed and were hangared and bussed as before. Later, it was clear that they spent a lot of time submerged in a sub. Tom thought it was a hoot -- most of the time they spent submerged was spent barely moving. They went through a series of chambers, five in all, where there were plenty of seats to wait on, but there was no longer a wait. Tom was like everyone else -- a rubberneck once he was sure he was aboard the alien ship. It was an underwhelming experience. They went down corridors...