Pornacopia BrownChapter 1 free porn video

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"Leroy Brown, wake up now and get out of that bed young man," Leroy's mother said from the bedroom door.

"But mom, it's Saturday," Leroy said, tunneling into the bed covers in an attempt to get away from the morning. "Just give me another fifteen minutes, please."

"That's what you said every fifteen minutes for the past hour. Now you get out of that bed and get dressed. You told me yourself that you were suppose to meet Sally for a case this morning, and since you decided to sleep in you only have a half-hour before your client shows up."

"That's right," the fourteen year old boy said as he threw the blankets off his naked body and sat up on the edge of the bed so fast it made his head spin. "Thanks for reminding me mom."

"Well hurry up," Mrs. Brown said without even giving her naked son a second glance after a quick appreciative smile for his skinny but well proportioned physic. "I'll have breakfast ready in fifteen minutes so you have just enough time for a quick shower before you get dressed."

"Right," Leroy said as he grabbed some clean underwear from his dresser and headed for the bedroom door.

"And Leroy," Mrs. Brown said as she stepped out of the doorway so her son had room to brush past her and head down the hall to the bathroom, "could you make sure your father and sister are awake? Your father said he has some reports to finish down at the police station, and your sister and I are suppose to get some shopping done while the two of you are out of the house."

"Ok mom I'll let them know you're getting breakfast ready on my way to the shower," Leroy promised. When Leroy reached his half sister's door he hesitated for just a second before he raised his fist for a quick rap on the wood.

"Just a minute," came Chief Brown's muffled reply to Leroy's knock. The door opened and police chief Brown's body filled most of the doorway, though Leroy was still able to see his half-sister when she sat up in bed and let the sheet drop down to expose her naked tits to her younger brother.

"What is it Leroy?" Chief Brown asked, turning his body to block his son's view of the naked girl on what use to be the guest bed.

"Mom said to tell you that she'll have breakfast ready in about fifteen minutes," Leroy told his father as he fought down the erection that threatened to give away his interest in his naked sister. "She said you had some paperwork to take care of at the station, and that she and Lynn are suppose to get some shopping done today."

"Thanks for reminding me," Chief Brown said, letting some of the gruffness in his voice fade as he gave his brown haired son an appreciative smile before he returned to the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Leroy had an appreciative smile on his own lips as he remembered the suggestive wink Lynn had given him over their father's shoulder. As he closed the bathroom door behind him the teenager remembered the first time he'd ever seen his half-sister.

It had all started six months earlier, Leroy was enjoying a much deserved dessert after solving his father's newest puzzling case. As his mother gave him a second helping of dessert and his father spoke to his deputy on the phone the doorbell rang and the thirteen year old jumped up from his chair. "I'll get it," he called as he ran toward the front door.

Leroy heard his father say good-bye on the phone as he reached the front door and opened it. Standing in the glow of the porch light was the second most beautiful girl Leroy had ever seen in his life. The girl had nothing on Sally Kimball, Leroy's best friend as well as his partner in his detective agency, but with her long glossy black hair and oriental features she was certainly a close second.

"May I help you?" Leroy asked the older girl as she chewed her upper lip nervously.

"Is this police chief Brown's home," she asked with a nervous squeak in her voice.

"Yes it is," Leroy said, gesturing for his father as he stepped aside to make room for him. Through the door he could see an empty car out on the street and he realized the girl on the porch must be a little older than he'd originally guessed if she was old enough to drive.

"I'm police chief Brown," Leroy's father said as he reached the door and gave the stranger a considering look. "What can I do for you?"

The girl gave Leroy's father a quick bow but from the fear on her face Leroy thought she was trying to get up the courage to look at the man in front of her instead of showing him some kind of respect. "My name," she started and had to catch her breath and start over again after a quick swallow. "My name is Lynn Gardner. My mother is ... was Ming Gardner, I believe you knew her when you were in college together?"

Leroy almost missed his father's response when his mother dropped a serving dish in the dining room and he turned to see what had happened. For a split second Leroy saw his mother staring open mouthed at the girl in the doorway but then she shook off her shocked paralysis and ran to get the broom and dustpan from the pantry.

"I remember your mother," Leroy's father said slowly as he turned his attention back to the two in the doorway. He saw Lynn take a deep breath and she looked more sure of herself as she straightened her back and stood up straight as she faced the man in front of her. For the first time Leroy noticed that Lynn's shirt was too tight in the chest and when she straightened up her breasts pushed out against the fabric in a way that caught the younger boys attention so that he couldn't look away as they bounced under the taught cloth. "I haven't seen her in over sixteen years, how is she?"

"She died two weeks ago," Lynn said with a slight tremor in her voice, "it was cancer."

"I see," Chief Brown said, "but I still don't know what that has to do with me, or my family."

"I'm getting to that," Lynn said, "after mother died her lawyer gave me two letters that she'd given him when the cancer was first diagnosed. One letter was addressed to me and told me about you and how to find you. The second one is addressed to you."

With a bemused smile Leroy's father reached out to take the sealed envelope from the girl as she held it out for him. "You look so much like your mother," he said as he tore the envelope open without taking his eyes off Lynn.

"She certainly does," Mrs. Brown said as she stood next to her son's shoulder. Her voice was barely loud enough for Leroy to hear her, but he didn't think his father would have noticed if his mother had shouted the comment.

Chief Brown turned his eyes away from Lynn and scanned the two sheets of paper he pulled out of the envelope and Leroy watched as his father's face turned white. "According to this," he said, handing the letter to his wife as he turned back to Lynn, "I'm your father."

"That's what my mother told me in my letter," Lynn said with a nod.

"I think you better come in so we can discuss the matter," Chief Brown said, stepping aside so Lynn could enter the house and close the door behind her.

"Dear," Mrs. Brown said in a voice cold enough to freeze fire as her husband led the way to the living room, "how is this possible?"

Chief Brown took a deep breath and considered his response carefully as all four of them found seats in the living room. He took a quick glance at Leroy as he sat down with the rest of them but in the end he decided that his thirteen year old son was old enough to sit in on the discussion. "Ming Gardner," he started, "was my girlfriend through most of my freshman year and the first half of my sophomore year. Just about the time I was thinking about proposing to her Ming disappeared, no warning, no goodbye. One day she was there, the next day she was gone. You never met Ming, she was gone before we ever meet, but you were the first girl I dated after she left."

"And now we know why she left," Mrs. Brown said with a nod in Lynn's direction.

"I guess we do," Chief Brown said with a sigh. "And now that Ming is gone we have to decide what we're going to do about it."

"You're right," Mrs. Brown said. She took a deep breath of her own and turned to Lynn, "Where are you staying now that your mother's dead?"

"Right now I don't have anyplace," Lynn said. "Mother's cancer treatment took most of our money and there wasn't enough left for me to pay another months rent on our house. Some friends let me put our stuff in storage, but no one really had a place for me to stay so I've been living out of motel rooms for the last week or so."

"Well," Mrs. Brown said, turning to glare at her husband as she spoke, "we certainly can't leave your daughter to live on the streets can we?" She waited until her husband nodded agreement before she turned back to Lynn and continued. "We have a guest room and you're welcome to it until we can make other plans, or we could just make it your room if you want."

"Thank you, Mrs. Brown," Lynn said, giving Leroy's mother a weak smile before she put her head back down.

"Somehow it doesn't sound right to hear you calling me Mrs. Brown since you're my husbands daughter and you're going to be living here," Leroy's mother said.

"What should I call you?" Lynn asked.

"That's a good question," Mrs. Brown said thoughtfully. "Since you're now part of our family I guess you could call me mom or mother, if that's alright with you."

"I don't know," Lynn said with a sigh, "it hasn't been that long since my own mother died, but it does make sense so I guess I can try, mom."

That was how Lynn Gardner became a part of the Brown household and it wasn't long before it was like she'd always been a part of the family. Leroy still remembered the day he came home from school two weeks later to see his new sister stretched out on the couch reading a magazine.

"Hi Lynn," Leroy said as he tossed his backpack on an empty chair. "Did you get out of class early today?"

"Yeah," Lynn said without looking up from her magazine.

"Where's mom?" Leroy asked as he sat down in another chair across from Lynn. He noticed that his half sister was wearing a very short skirt and it was riding up high enough that Leroy could almost see Lynn's panties.

"Leroy," Lynn said, bringing her brother's attention away from her crotch and up to her thin blouse where it stretched across her breasts tight enough to reveal that she wasn't wearing a bra as her erect nipples made two small tents against the taut fabric.

"Yeah," Leroy said, swallowing hard as he tried to hide the bulge in his pants.

"At school I've noticed that all the kids call you Encyclopedia," Lynn said, "in fact everyone seems to call you Encyclopedia except mom, dad, and your teachers. Why is that?"

"Well," Leroy said with a smile as Lynn shifted around on the couch and he managed to catch a quick glimpse up her short skirt, enough to realize that she wasn't actually wearing any panties, "I have a reputation for knowing everything. Several years ago someone made a comment about me being a human encyclopedia and the name just sort of stuck."

"Do you really know everything?" Lynn asked, looking so intently at Encyclopedia that he was sure his sister couldn't miss the bulge of his erect penis.

"Not really," Encyclopedia admitted, "there's lots of things I don't know, but I know enough to help dad solve his cases. And enough to have my own detective agency out in the garage."

"I've noticed the sign," Lynn said as she set her magazine down on the side table. "So, if you know so much do you mind if I test your knowledge?"

"Go ahead," Leroy said with a shrug as he finally switched his focus from his sister's breasts to her face. Even so Lynn's exotic features seemed to drag him in closer to her deep brown eyes and glossy black hair.

"Ok, let's see," Lynn said with a mischievous grin that made Encyclopedia's blood run cold at the same time that his cock grew even harder and larger in his pants. "I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'm going straight for the hard questions. What are three slang phrases for a girl's breasts?"

As she finished her question Lynn cupped her breasts in her hands and squeezed them hard enough to make her nipples pop out even harder against the fabric of her blouse. Leroy swallowed hard and tried to concentrate on his sister's question but he couldn't take his eyes off Lynn's nipples as they jiggled around in front of his eyes. Encyclopedia was sure Lynn was trying to rattle him by asking him such a question, but he decided to show off his dirty knowledge to his new sexy sister. "Hooters, boobs, and tits," Leroy said with a smile before he continued, "if that's a hard question I'd hate to get an easy one."

"Hang on little brother," Lynn said with a grin that almost hid her surprise at her brother's quick response, "I didn't really expect you to know that one, but I'm just getting started. For your next question, give me three slang terms for a girl's vagina."

Leroy swallowed hard as Lynn leaned back in the couch and caught the hem of her skirt, lifting it up to give him a clear view of the pink slit surrounded by her thick bush of black hair. "I'm waiting for your answer," Lynn said, reaching down to run her fingertips along her wet slit.

"Right," Encyclopedia said with a weak laugh, he wondered how long he'd stared at Lynn's pussy while she was waiting for him to say something. "Three slang terms for a girl's vagina, right?" Lynn nodded as she continued to stroke her wet cunt. "Slit, pussy, and cunt. That's three common slang terms for a girl's vagina Lynn, when are things going to get hard?"

"I think they already are," Lynn chuckled, Encyclopedia realized that his half sister was looking at his crotch and he glanced down to see that his cock was erect and forming a tent in his pants. "I'm impressed Encyclopedia," Lynn said as the younger boy adjusted his seat in an attempt to hide his erection. "For an experienced slut like me those are easy questions, but I didn't think a virgin like you would get them that easily."

"I have had sex-ed," Leroy pointed out, "and what makes you think I'm a virgin?"

"I've seen the way you and Sally Kimball look at each other when you think no one will notice," Lynn said with a viscous grin, "if you weren't a virgin the two of you would be fucking like bunnies. As far as sex-ed is concerned, if you actually learned those terms from your sex-ed teacher she would have lost her job to an angry mom of parents by now. So, how did you learn them?"

"Well," Leroy said, feeling his cheeks burn as he blushed, "there are some books and magazines that get handed around in school."

"Handed around the boys you mean," Lynn chuckled, "I bet none of the girls in your school have seen those books and magazines."

"No bet," Encyclopedia said with a sigh, "I'm embarrassed to admit that I read the damn things and passed them on just like all the other boys in class, but I did learn a lot of things about sex from them."

"Really?" Lynn asked suggestively as she got up from the couch and slithered across floor to perch her ass on the edge of Encyclopedia's arm chair. "Did your books and magazines tell you how to play with a girl's tits?" she asked as grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up over her head to expose her breasts to her half brother.

Leroy gasped in surprise as Lynn's tits bobbed in front of his eyes. Her erect nipples were are dark pink and stood out a good half inch from the taught skin of her breasts, a light tan from her oriental heritage. "Go ahead Leroy," Lynn said, shaking her shoulders to make her breasts sway enticingly in front of her brother's face as she watched his hands twitch.

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My first TS Part 1

I know most of these stories are often full of cliches and often I debate how true they actually are. So now that I have experienced one for myself, I thought I would give this a shot.So, after spending the last few months planning and searching for ways to put my ultimate fantasy to the test: to meet and f*** a TS/ crossdresser, last week the dream finally became a reality. The person in question was a tall, pale TS called Chantelle and whilst she lived down in London, it was a trip I had to...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 14

Chapter Fourteen – A Really Bad Day The next several weeks would be some of the happiest in Tammy Orson’s life. Not only did she have her Channel to begin her training, but she also enrolled in the Masonic School of Science, Mathematics, and Sorcery. The Masons had several branches across the country, but Tammy was particularly excited to be attending the Atlanta school, located underneath Stone Mountain. This meant she got to spend much of her free time with Dave and Maddie, the latter of...

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Funtime Summer

Finally, your second year of college is done and you are glad to be home. After finally unpacking you are so relieved to be back in your house. Finally after your turned 21, you first-hand experienced the freedom of buying alcohol and now the possibilities for hang-outs and parties were endless. Your Dad and step-mom also just left for a week long vacation meaning that you have the house to yourself and your step-sister. Since college had started your look has really changed. You grew out a...

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Snow day of fun

We had just gotten back inside from sleding and Paige and I had been friends since elementary school. We were both 18 now and we were in her apartment alone and had decided to play Truth or Dare. We started out with simple stuff like " Who do you like" and other simple questions like that. But then the game excaladed very quickley and soon after questions like, " I dare you to take off your clothes"and numerous other questions we were both naked and were dareing each other more questions. After...

2 years ago
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Beside the Brook of SorrowsChapter 3

It took three days for Two Bears hands to heal enough for him to be comfortable holding a digging stick again. He used the time well though, gathering up saplings for making arrow shafts. He went to Stick's lodge and emptied out both of the quivers that he'd made to carry the flint stones. He wound up packing one in his supply pack, and strapping the other to his back. His plan was to hunt for saplings while he walked over to the area where he and Stick had stored the rest of their supply...

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Night Passions

The first thing Alicia felt when she walked out into her backyard was the cool night air on her skin. It felt so much nicer than it did in that stuffy house. She had put in a long hard day, and then went and worked out afterward thinking that would help her sleep. Unfortunately not matter how hard she tired, sleep was not forthcoming. It was well past midnight when Alicia decided to go out into the back and get in the jacuzzi; it should still be fairly hot so maybe if she took a nice relaxing...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 2 Cuckolded by the Orc

Xerathalasia – Uchmehn Oasis, Halani Desert “What is this trick?” Asma asked, the petite, ebony-skinned girl frowned as she stared at me stretched out naked in the new tent. Her head cocked to the side, then she glanced at Minx who had a mischievous grin. At a glance, Minx looked like a child next to Asma, the halfling’s head coming up to Asma’s flat stomach. The halfling held Asma’s hand, metallic-bronze wrapped in dark ebony. But nothing about Minx’s body, clad in tight britches and a...

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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 19 WolfVille

Baby Huey was the artificial intelligence controlling Messenger of the Gods, our station's shuttle. Drones helped pick the spot and a transporter pad provided our entry point—a few yards away was the den. My contact team was myself, three other humans, a wolf, a German Shepard dog, and a baboon. We had a floater with approximately a ton of cargo, too. When we emerged from the transporter pad I separated from the others and began bellowing the ballad called "The Minstrel Boy." I got to...

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Summer Sex

This Is A True Story: all my stories are true events for me. So this happened last week (last Thursday, July 9th.. funny enough my fuckbuddy makes an appearance in another story, but we didnt have sex in this certain event). I recently met this cute blonde girl at a local gas station, for protection, lets call her... Anna. Anna was roughly 5"2', with a good pair of tits for a 27 year old (I'm 23, so yeah). But we hit it off and she led me outside to her car so she could grab her phone and we...

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Sammies Ordeal

Note : This story is completely fictional! Right before I entered my teens, my mother passed. Ever since, I have lived with my two older brothers and my father. My mother did not have a happy life; my father was always drunk and made a hobby out of beating and raping my mother. My brothers always tried to spend as much time as they could away from home. I guess they could not handle what was happening. However, being the youngest sibling, I had no choice. I was trapped. This story is not meant...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 239 Exam Weeks Monday

Monday, June 13, 2005 I woke up two and a half hours later and got out of bed, missing the inconvenience of having to climb over a girl. I wouldn't be sleeping with Carol until our parents gave their consent, and Ava would presumably be sleeping at her home during exam week. It was going to feel unpleasantly strange sleeping with either Julia or no one, especially the latter option. When I wake up between two girls, I now have a way of getting out of bed that doesn't involve any...

1 year ago
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Dreams of Love Ch 06

Topain woke the next morning, sunlight making him close his eyes again. He turned, burying his face in the pillow. His hand brushed over Trina’s bare skin. Jerking fully awake, he pulled away. She stirred and then sleepily opened her eyes. When she saw him, she smiled warmly. ‘Milord,’ she murmured. He tried to return her smile, but failed. He stood up and dressed hurriedly. ‘I have to go,’ he said, his voice strained. She nodded, understandingly. But he was already gone out the door. He felt...

3 years ago
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El PasoChapter 42

Posted: September 04, 2007 - 02:02:37 pm When we returned to the Double E Ranch (Earl Eustis’ brand was back to back capital letter Es), Ray hired Otis Griggs as his first ranch hand for the Texas Ranch. With Otis on the payroll, I wouldn’t have to drive the second wagon to El Paso. That was a development that didn’t bother Melosa or me a whit. That evening I pigeonholed Otis and Ray about the best place to hunt us up some turkeys. They gave me some excellent directions, and Otis even loaned...

3 years ago
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A Hook Up With A Brat

On his bed, she climbed on top of him, straddling his thighs, hugging them with hers. His hands held her ass as she kissed him along his jaw, to his neck, and on his shoulder. Looking down, he saw her cleavage hanging in front of him. She noticed his attention on her chest, so she leaned forward and pressed against his face. “You can take it off if you want,” she offered.He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it over her head. He moved his legs quickly to make her breasts bounce in front...

Straight Sex
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Experience My Nigerian BBC

My name is Rasika (name changed). I was working as an Asst Manager (Marketing) for a Bank in Kolkata. I was married which was unsuccessful. I was 28 years, very fair, with stunning looks and a perfect figure of 35-24-38. I possessed one of the best well rounded buttocks. Every man who would pass by me was bound to give me a back stare admiring my buttocks. Even at 35 years I had maintained my proportions through regular jogging and yoga exercises.It so happened that a huge export order was in...

2 years ago
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Thirumanam Nichayitha Pennai Sex Seithen

Kalluri padithu mudithu ithu varai entha pennaiyum kaamam seiyaamal irunthathal eppozhuthum kaama very pidithu alaigiren. Entha pen eppozhuthu kidaipaargal endru aripu athigamaaga eduthu alaigiren. En nanban oru naal avan kathaliyai santhika sendran, appozhuthu avanathu sexyaana kathiyudan thozhiyum irunthaal. Naan avaluku arimugam aanen en peyar suresh vayathu 24, naan santhitha pen peryar santhiya. Iruvarum paartha udane thee patriyathu, iruvarum pugai padam eduthu kondom. Pinbu angu irunthu...

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How My Wife Found Out I Was A Slut

I was fucked by many men before my teens, but that is a whole story unto its self. When I was about sixteen my mother took ill and I was sent to abode with my grandparents. I had many dates with the hickory stick and soon learned to act like a man and suppress my desires to be with men.After high school the government required my services in the military— I did look dashing in a sailor suit. It was during this time that I meant and married my wife— still suppressing my female desires. ...

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Wifes talk about CuckoldingPT2

On Sunday Jan called me and wanted to know if we were still having brunch. She sounded tired but very happy. I had to ask! Well did you do it?”She laughed and said I would have to wait until we were at brunch. My husband wanted to know whom I was talking to and what did she do?I told him it was my sister Jan and she was trying some new sex thing with her husband John. Bud just laughed and said to my surprise, “John have a boyfriend?”He laughed and I realized he was joking. How little he knew...

2 years ago
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Fucking my Spanish teacher fantasy

Some things to know before starting. She was a stupid blond bimbo. She had some very big and real tits and a nice round fat ass. She was around her late 30s. Now that you have an image of her in your head. Let's begin. I was in school and I had been showing up late to class and missing assignments which was very uncharacteristic of me. After a few weeks of noticing it happening too frequently she decided to see what was the cause of it. We finished class and as everyone was getting ready to...

1 year ago
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Better Day

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Better Day -*- Copyright 1998 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not...

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TeamSkeetXJamesDeen Katrina Jade Oiled Down And Fucked

Katrina Jade and Ramon Nomar are teasing each other near the fireplace with a black table in between them. The brunette beauty is just in her black lacy underwear but Ramon is still fully dressed in a blue T-shirt and jeans. Ramon abruptly kisses Katrina on the lips as he slowly strips her off of her sexy lingerie and stilettos. She now lies on the table, patiently waiting as Ramon takes his clothes off and grabs a bottle of baby oil. He pours some on his hands and spreads the oil on her body...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Abigail Mac Kenna James Wastelands Episode 3

April O’Neil and VX-13 (Kenna James), find a moment’s respite — a much-needed change from the usual harsh treks through the Wastelands. As they enjoy the warm day together, April introduces VX-13 to the various plants she harvests to make medicine for people. She’s confused when VX-13 asks her why she kills the plants, which she’s never thought about before. April explains that she does so because she wants to help people since she’s a doctor — or at...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 39

We definitely got more than a few stares and dropped jaw reactions when we entered the truck stop diner. When Mike permitted us to wear clothes, it was always very trashy and revealing. He wanted to make it evident that we were obviously total whores. He didn’t want us feeling empowered and sexy. He wanted us feeling trashy and sexy. He also wanted other women to ridicule us and look at us like we were pigs. I had gone a week without clothes as a donkey in a leather harness and I think I...

3 years ago
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Leprechaun Trickery part 3 of 3

LEPRECHAUN TRICKERY by JENNIFER SUE Part 3 of 3 (For the reader's convenience, there is a directory at the end of part 3) As Grace, Allie, and Jamie left the toy store a mother and son were entering. The boy of about twelve pointed at them and began to laugh uproariously. "Look at the sissies," he guffawed, never suspecting that Heather's wish had just doomed him to girlhood. In the otherwise still air, a tiny whirlpool formed at the side of the building. Leaves and...

2 years ago
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DixieChapter 2 Dixie in Hawaii

I was a young Marine who had been overseas for over a year and now, finally, I was onboard ship headed for home. We had been aboard ship for ten days and I was really getting horny. We were going to stop over in Hawaii for two days and I was hoping I would be able to contact my good friend and his wife who were transferred there from Twenty-Nine Palms just before I left the States. I had met Bob and Dixie at Twenty-Nine Palms and we had become good friends, especially Dixie and I. I knew...

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Road TripChapter 31

I never went to Dr. Davis’ office. I knew where I’d find him. Bingo! “Hi Amy. “Hi Karen. Good summer?” “Pretty much. Made a lot of money from my stretch of the creek.” “What?” Amy said. “I thought everybody knew. I’ve been dredging Wolf Creek from the bridge at my house ... I own the land to Keystone road. I do not have sole use of the water, though. Circle K has water rights from the source to the confluence with the Tongue. “Remember the fuss during the dry spell two years ago? No?...

4 years ago
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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 3

Chapter 3As Jennifer’s tongue circled and slithered around the head of her son’s cock, she kept eye contact with him, connecting with her offspring in a place forbidden, a place where the minds of mother and son meet, not in the form of mother-son love, but in the form of pure, depraved, i****tuous lust. A place where the boundaries of family vaporize, where the walls of taboo are broken down by a mother who wants nothing more than to fuck her own son and a son who wants to fuck his own mother....

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Audrey and Her Beloved Dog

//14 year old Audrey experiences new feelings when home alone with her dog Benji// //This is my first story please leave me feedback on how it was and what I could do better. Also let me know what kind of stories you would like to hear. I’m into about everything so leave a suggestion// Audrey was a lovely young teen. She had been 14 for nearly 3 months already. Her hair was long and flowing naturally straight. Her eyes were crystal blue and she wore black square frame glasses making her...

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Harem 3

Mona's eyes snapped open and her body stiffened atop her king. She had been grinding Levan's cock inside her lower body, gyrating her hips with him completely swallowed by her pussy, stimulating her clit against his pubic flesh, an orgasm brewing inside her pregnant body. When he spoke the words aloud, she heard a trio of gasps from around her, and her eyes sought out Levan's serious brown eyes below her, searching them for humor or lies, and finding none. The concept thrilled her, the...

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