Storm Riders free porn video

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A bright flash and the boom of thunder that rattled the windows made me sit straight up in bed. The echo was rolling on and there was a tingle in the air. I ran my hands over my face and up over my scalp. My hair was standing on end. I could feel the static electricity.

‘Man, that had to be close!’ I said out loud.

A glance at the clock across the room told me the power was off. No red numbers, no power. I sighed and rolled over to get up. I might as well. I was wide-awake. It was raining like hell and the wind was whining and moaning through the treetops. Just as I stood up, thunder crashed and lightening flashed outside the window next to my bed.

‘Damn, that wasn’t quite as close but close enough,’ I said aloud and then shook my head. I needed to quit talking to myself.

I live alone at the end of a dead-end road. It wasn’t designed that way but the creek washing out the bridge a few hundred yards past my house made it a fact. I kind of liked the idea when it first happened but lately loneliness had slowly crept in. I do Internet research for several companies and work from home. The only reason for me to go to town is groceries and companionship.

I sighed as I went into the kitchen and found my flashlight. I would have laughed at the word companionship, if it hadn’t hurt so much. Besides being a class ‘A’ geek and a nerd, I wasn’t exactly Adonis either. You can add four eyes and beanpole to the other two names. All four I had carried since high school like a flock of albatrosses around my neck.

You would think at thirty, it wouldn’t hurt so much. Wrong! It always hurts. Well, except for when I was role-playing in one of my on-line personas. That’s where the real me could shine, the person I was inside. The person I wouldn’t dare show in real life because laughter was, by far, the worst pain of all.

I checked the clock on the kitchen wall. It showed ten after twelve. That first bolt of lightening must have been at exactly midnight. My body gave a shiver at that thought. I started for the spare bedroom/office and then stopped. I had the phone line and the electricity to my computer unplugged. I was glad I did as another bolt from the pitch black sky flashed through the kitchen window followed a second later by the crash of thunder.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I didn’t need my only link with sanity to go up in smoke. It had happened once before. I had been without a computer and the Internet for six days. Six of the longest, loneliest days of my life. The last two I spent in town waiting on the parts to build a new unit. I had to have some kind of companionship.

There was that word again. I chuckled and shook my head as I headed back to bed. Weird looks, pitying looks, whispers, and shakes of the head. Those don’t make anything but pain, even for someone who has skin as thick and tough as iron on the outside. That was me, a man of iron and steel on the outside but marshmallow cream on the inside.

With a sigh I went past the bed and headed for the bathroom. As I passed my bedroom window, I heard an odd whirring sound. It was like one whirring sound overlaid with another. I opened the blinds and looked toward the road. I couldn’t see anything in the pitch black.

I hurried back to the living room and opened the front door. Rain whipping shrubs, cedars, and blackness were all that I could see, even with the flashlight. My house sits back off the road and is in a natural setting, which means I don’t have any landscape except for the woods. I like it that way. The cedar siding and shake roof blend in beautifully. I have a big white mailbox out by the drive just so the UPS man can find the place.

I opened the glass door, the whirring got louder. I can tell that both sounds are rising and falling in unison. It’s a vaguely familiar sound, one I’ve heard before but can’t place. Then it hit me. It’s the sound of a small engine and tires spinning in mud. Someone must be stuck in the ditch out by the driveway.

I backed away from the door quickly and hurried to the bedroom to find some clothes. Since there’s never anyone around, I stay nude most of the time, weather permitting of course. Unlike most people, I like my tall lanky body. I keep it tanned and in the best shape I can for what I have to work with. Anyway, who needs laundry?


Dressed in shorts and a tee shirt, I paused to wonder where my raincoat was. In the barn was the answer to that. Where was my umbrella? In my car outside, of course. I grabbed an old jacket and put it on as I headed out the front door with my flashlight in hand.

As I stepped off the front porch, I realized that I wasn’t dressed nearly warm enough. The rain was cold, thick, and stinging, even here under the trees. The swirling, gusting wind made it feel even colder. I was about to turn back and find better clothes when I heard someone call for help. The voice was female, which brought out my shining coat of armor. I headed for the road as quickly as I could in the storm.

A small gray car was nose first into the mud and water filled ditch just past my driveway. I noticed my mailbox was missing and from the shattered windshield I could guess where it went. My teeth were chattering as I got to the car.

‘Is anyone hurt?’ I asked in a loud voice.

The driver’s side window came down an inch or so. ‘No one is hurt but we’re stuck,’ the female voice I had heard earlier said.

‘Your front wheels are in mud and water and aren’t going to get any traction. The car is bottomed out on the side of the ditch so there’s no weight on them.’

‘Can you pull us out or push us out or something?’ a second female voice asked.

‘I could if my tractor was working but it’s broken at the moment. I don’t think my car will pull you as it’s not much bigger than yours.’

‘Could you try?’ the second voice asked. ‘We have a very important appointment and we can’t be late.’

I tilted my head and replied, ‘Where would you have an appointment down this road? There’s nothing past my place except a washed out bridge.’

‘Don’t mind her,’ the first voice said. ‘She gets flustered at the littlest thing and this isn’t that little, if you know what I mean.’

‘You’re both welcome to come inside. The electricity is off but it’s warm and dry.’

‘We can’t do that!’ the second voice said.

The window came down half way and I was looking at the face of an angel. Her long blonde hair framed a heart-shaped face with large dark oval eyes and a small nose.

‘Do you live alone out here?’ She asked with a shy smile.

‘Yes, I do but you’ll be safe, I swear,’ I replied hastily.

There was a deep husky chuckle from the back seat and a deep female voice said, ‘Safety is not one of our concerns, believe me.’ Then she gave a deep sigh and added, ‘Our luck driving tonight sucks, which means we don’t, so we might as well accept the man’s offer.’

I thought the comment was odd but laughter from the other two soothed my feelings. My first thought was three girls out clubbing and lost on the back roads. The two in the front sounded giddy and possibly high or drunk. That would explain them being in the ditch.

My thoughts were interrupted by the girl in the back saying, ‘Come on. Let’s get out of the car and someplace dry. There’s more rain coming in through that windshield than I care for.’

‘You won’t melt, Maggie. You might float but you won’t melt,’ the driver said with a grin.

‘If I wanted any shit out of you, young lady, I’d squeeze it out,’ Maggie replied in her low rumbling voice. It sounded menacing, to say the least, but the blonde just kept grinning as she tried the door.

‘It’s stuck on this side. How about on your side, Mandy?’ the blonde asked.

‘This one won’t open, either,’ Mandy replied.

‘The car is sunk into the side of the ditch far enough to block the door,’ I told them, shining my light along the bo
ttom of the door. ‘You’ll have to climb out the window.’

‘Oh goodie! That should be fun in a tight skirt,’ Mandy said to no one in particular.

‘Hey! I like looking at your legs, among other things,’ Maggie said with a laugh.

‘Kiss my ass!’ Mandy shot back at her.

‘I’d love to, dear, but you wouldn’t like the teeth marks.’

‘I said ‘kiss’, not bite.’

‘Same difference in some cases,’ Maggie whispered.

The blonde shook her head, looked up at me, and said, ‘Don’t mind those two, they were sisters once so they’re all the time barbing each other.’

‘Ok. Uh. Do you need a hand getting out?’ I asked to cover my confusion. How were people once sisters?

‘Yes, please,’ she replied, rolling the window all the way down.

My eyes locked onto the front of her white blouse. The dark circle and hard nipple that capped each of her breasts was plainly visible through the wet translucent material. My hands shook and the light wobbled wildly as she tried to come out the window facing me. I had to use my hands on her shoulders to help her back in before she fell head first to the muddy ground.

‘Well, that isn’t going to work. The steering wheel is in my way,’ she said with a giggle.

‘You usually hit your head on the steering wheel, don’t you?’ Maggie asked from the back in a catty voice.

‘I’ve been known to.’

‘Marla, don’t let her talk to you that way. I have to put up with it but you don’t,’ Mandy said.

‘I’m not worried about her. Anyway, I thought it was funny in a smart ass sort of way,’ Marla replied as she turned in the seat, her back to the door.

‘Don’t let me fall,’ she said to me as she wiggled up and out to sit in the window opening.

‘Turn to face the front of the car, hold onto me, and bring your left leg up and out,’ I told her.

‘Ok, I’ll give it a try.’

Holding onto my neck, she got her left leg out. It was encased in dark nylon hosiery that came up almost to the pure white panties she had on under her short skirt. As her foot found the muddy ground, it slipped and she sat down hard, straddling the door. She gave a yelp of pain and scrambled to get a foothold on the wet earth, a look of pain on her pretty face.

‘Oh, that hurt!’ Maggie said softly and then added louder, ‘Somebody will have to kiss it and make it all better. Pick me! Pick me!’ Then she laughed.

Marla finally got her footing and stood up. As she got her other leg out of the car, she said to Maggie, ‘I’d love to sit on your face and let you do it but you’d enjoy it way too much.’

‘You’ve got that right, baby girl,’ Maggie cackled.

Marla was hanging onto me tightly as I moved back up onto the blacktop. Her breasts were warm and firm as they pressed to my cold, soaking wet tee shirt. I had an arm around her waist and the flashlight in the other hand. At the rear of the car, I stopped. Much to my surprise, she kissed me on the cheek.

She leaned back against the car and shivered. I took off my coat and handed it to her. ‘Thank you. You’re a life saver.’

Before I could reply, a wild head of dark hair appeared over the roof on the passenger’s side of the car. Mandy turned around to face the car and I took a deep breath. Her cute pixie face was magical. I hurried around to give her a hand getting out.

The ditch wasn’t quite as steep on this side. Her dark blouse didn’t give me much of a show but when she brought her right leg out, I gulped and tried not to stare. She didn’t have anything on under that tight short skirt. It rode up to her waist and bared all her charms to me as she got her footing and then leaned back to get her left leg free.

She was smoothly shaven except for a V of dark curly hair on her milky white mound. Her sex was short, round, and had dark lips. Or, rather, the edges of the fold were dark brown. Even with all the porn I had seen on the Internet, I had never seen anything like it.

When I got her to the back of the car, Marla hugged her and tried to wrap the coat around both of them. Mandy mumbled a shivering thank you. If I’d had a second flashlight, I would have sent them on to the house. As it was, I went to get Maggie out of the car.

She was struggling to get into the front seat when I looked in the passenger side window. She saw me looking and said, ‘I hate having to wear cars, don’t you?’

‘Very few have head room enough,’ I said dumbly.

‘There’s always room for head,’ she laughed as she got into the passenger seat.

As she turned and eased back to the window, she said, ‘Sorry but you ain’t getting no show this time. I’m wearing a bra and panties but feel free to try any handholds you might find interesting.’

She came up and out to sit on the edge of the window. Reaching up to get a hold of my neck, she whispered, ‘Damn, you are a long drink of water, aren’t you?’

‘Yes’m, I am,’ I replied as I took her weight and got ready for her to get out. To my surprise, she wasn’t tall enough to touch the ground with her right leg. I lifted and put an arm around her as she came up out of the car and into my arms.

‘All right! This I like,’ she said in her deep voice, a big grin on her pretty face as I carried her around to where the other two were.

When I sat her down I got a bigger surprise. She wasn’t much over four feet tall. Her eyes were about level with the waistband on my shorts. Her hands shot out and she got a two handed grip on my semi-hard dick through my shorts.

With a cackling laugh she said, ‘I like this also.’

‘Maggie, behave,’ Mandy said, shaking her head.

‘We can’t take her anywhere,’ Marla said, also shaking her head.

‘Hey, I can’t help it if all the good stuff is at eyelevel,’ Maggie whispered as she continued to feel my swelling member.

‘Let’s, uh, get out of the cold and wet,’ I stammered as I slowly backed away from Maggie. I could feel a hot blush as she followed along, still holding my dick.

‘Not so fast, big boy,’ she whispered.

‘Maggie, I’m freezing,’ Marla said.

‘Ok, ok!’ Maggie said as she let go of me. ‘But you guys don’t realize how big that damned thing is.’

‘A cocktail sausage is big to you, little woman,’ Mandy told her.

‘I’ll cocktail sausage your ass,’ Maggie snapped back.

‘If it’s going in my ass, it had better be bigger than a cocktail sausage, believe me.’

‘Yeah, and have a two by four strapped across their ass, too.’

‘You little….’ Mandy started to say.

‘Ok, you two, that’s enough,’ Marla said sternly. ‘I’m heading for the house. You two can stand out here in the rain and barb each other all you want, but the light goes with us.’

‘Spoil sport,’ Maggie whispered.

‘Yeah!’ Mandy added.


Once we were in the house, I rounded up some candles and lit a fire in the fireplace. I hunted up three blankets and passed them out. Shortly after that, wet clothing started to appear from under all three blankets. I headed for the bathroom for three towels and made a stop in the bedroom for three of my tee shirts.

The towels went under the blankets and there was some interesting squirming going on under there. Then the tee shirts disappeared into each blanket, to be followed shortly by sighs and smiling faces. I watched this all from the kitchen as I got a pot of coffee started in the old percolator on the gas stove.

Mandy looked around and then said, ‘We left our purses in the car.’

‘Like someone’s going to steal them in this storm,’ Maggie replied sarcastically.

‘I need my hair brush,’ Mandy said in a whiny voice.

‘I have one in the bathroom or I can go get your purses,’ I said from the kitchen. I had already changed into dry shorts and tee shirt.

‘The one in the bathroom will be fine,’ Marla told me. ‘We’ve been enough trouble already.’

‘You’re no trouble. I needed the company. I don’t get very much out this way
,’ I said, as Marla wandered off into my bedroom with the flashlight.

‘If you can use that big dick of yours and eat pussy, I’ll marry you,’ Maggie said as she tossed the blanket aside. My tee shirt was almost an ankle length dress on her.

‘You’d marry anything breathing,’ Mandy said offhandedly.

‘Only if it was human, which is more than I can say for you, sister,’ Maggie purred in her deep voice.

‘Anyone could have made that mistake,’ Mandy mumbled and then laughed.

I gave her a questioning look and she grinned back at me. ‘Don’t ask!’

Marla came out of the bedroom and tossed the brush to Mandy. ‘Since you asked, you get to use it next.’ Her wet blonde hair was brushed back neatly.

Maggie came padding into the kitchen on bare feet and took a deep sniff. ‘Damn! He makes good coffee. Now I know I’m in love.’

‘Lust, you mean,’ Mandy said.

‘Love. Lust. They’re close to the same thing. You can’t really have one without the other,’ Maggie said philosophically.

‘You can, but neither is right or fun without the other,’ Marla replied with a sad note in her voice.

‘You can’t have everything,’ Mandy told her.

‘Why not?’ Maggie asked. ‘But right now I’ll settle for hot black coffee.’

I poured a mug and handed it to her. She sniffed at it and then took a sip. With a big grin she asked, ‘Where are we going on the honeymoon?’

‘Someplace with ladders, I hope,’ Mandy said and then giggled.

‘I can give a damned good blowjob and not bend a knee. Anything else, he can pick me up and put me where he wants me. You guys have got to remember. I’ve been in his arms, and he ain’t no wimp.’

‘Braggart,’ Mandy said as she came into the kitchen. ‘Is there anymore of that delicious smelling coffee?’

I poured her a mug and handed it to her. ‘Creamer and sugar are on the counter.’

‘Sugar! I’d kill for some sugar,’ Mandy muttered under her breath as she grabbed a spoon and put three heaping ones of sugar in her coffee. She stirred it in and then took a sip. She shivered and then murmured happily, ‘Damn, that’s so good.’

Marla poured her own coffee and added a little cream and sugar. Sitting down at the breakfast bar, she sipped it using both hands on the mug. With her feet up on the middle rung of the stool, I was treated to a nice view of the bottoms of her thighs and the swell of her ass cheeks. I felt my manhood swelling at the vision of beauty under that tee shirt.

Maggie caught the direction of my gaze and grinned at me as she licked her lips. I looked away quickly, blushing fiercely. ‘So, you’re a shy one,’ Maggie said with a grin. ‘If you tell me you’re a virgin, I’m going to faint dead away.’

Mandy looked at Maggie and chuckled. ‘That would be a first.’

Marla shifted on the stool, lowered one foot to the bottom rung, and shifted her other knee outward. She seemed unaware of the even better view of her ass cheeks and now her sex that Maggie and I were being treated to. Maggie sighed and licked her lips. I just stared.

After a moment, I licked my lips and Maggie laughed. I looked down to see her looking at the tent in the front of my shorts. She raised her hand and wrapped her fingers around my dick under the cloth.

‘I’d say you like our young Marla,’ she said in a soft gruff voice.

At the sound of her name, Marla looked at Maggie and then over to her hand. Maggie grinned and told her. ‘You have a real fan here.’

Mandy whispered, ‘Fan, hell, that looks more like a club to me.’

‘It feels like an iron bar,’ Maggie replied as her fingers gave me a squeeze.

Trying to change the subject and get out from under everyone’s gaze, I asked, ‘Anyone else besides me want any breakfast?’

Mandy and Maggie broke up with laughter and Marla looked at me funny. A moment later, Mandy said, ‘Yeah, he wants Pussy Ala Marla but, then again, who don’t?’

I felt myself blush hotly as I stammered to deny it. Maggie shook her head and walked toward Marla with me literally in tow. She stopped pulling when I was directly in front of her.

‘Kneel!’ Maggie said sharply and I went to my knees before I could think. She followed right along and never lost her grip on my dick.

Marla looked down at me with her mouth open in a shocked expression. My eyes were locked on the secret treasures peeking at me from under that tee shirt. The tuft of blonde hair on her mound was thin and fluffy looking. The rest of her sex was cleanly shaven. I couldn’t help myself. I licked my lips.

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Storm of the Century

I had read of things like this but never dreamed it would happen to me. I knew before I stepped through the bedroom door, the sight only confirmed it. My Gerry, giving off the uncontrolled sounds so familiar to me as her hips thrust back at Mike, my so-called best friend in the world. Naked in our bed. Naked, the smell of their sex filled the room tearing at my heart. Eight long years of marriage, down the tubes. I had thought we were happy, living the American dream. We had a nice home, a...

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Storms Rock Prologue and Chapter One

Prologue She was running down the street, fleeing for her life, the whistling man was behind her somewhere following her in the dark. She was running down an alley in the dark, she was completely lost and all she could see were a number of English style buildings on both sides of her. She came out of the alley and turned onto a sidewalk near a park, there was fog rolling in on the street ahead of her and a fence made of metal and rope lined the park to her side. The trees on the...

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Belly Riders

Editor’s Note: This story was originally posted by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus in Kristen’s Archives. You may PM me to get the web address if desired. Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1923 When Alicia was a teenager her mother had thought her religious devotion to be only a phase. The girl had started rising before sunrise to attend early mass. This was very unusual for her family was composed of hard-nosed merchants in the city of Sao Paolo and rarely had they the time for esoteric leanings. At...

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Paulas Bus Riders

Bus RideI backed away from the dining room table, my cock shriving as it glistened with our mixed cum. My wife was breathing hard from her climax and did not move for a few minutes.“That was the hottest sex we have had in years,” I said as I patted her bare ass, her skirt still pushed up around her waist.“Oh, you got that right. I just don’t know what got into me.” Paula commented, her tits wobbling on her chest as she continued to breathe heavily still laying on her back, legs up, and feet on...

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I was walking home along Route 39 out by the chicken farms and I was pissed. Steve and I had been at the lake necking and I was more than good with a little kissy-face. What I wasn't good with was him suddenly whipping his thing out and pushing my head down on it. A quick punch to his balls ended his romantic evening plans. Furious, I grabbed my purse and stormed out of his car. And Steve had the nerve to call me a bitch as he drove off, leaving me in the woods. Well, I felt pretty good about...

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The Refugees and the Rodeo Riders

"Well I do think I should", the woman said as she hung up the tea-towel. "Should do what?" her husband said. "We were asked if we would billet, if we had room, individuals who are coming to the seminar I will be attending", his wife replied. "Oh! I forgot about that", her husband replied. "You did mention it. Something to do with refugees isn't it, but putting up individuals can be a bit of a nuisance. How long would the accommodation last?" "Only a week", she replied. Her...

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It’s been hovering in the 90s all week and while there has been some sunbathing, we have both stuck to the somewhat coolness and shade of indoors. Today the heat broke a bit and looking out over the ocean we could see dark storm clouds. We clapped our hands and looked forward to seeing the storm wash across our little bit of beach. Now, as the sun sets behind us, the clouds roll closer and closer. I pull you up from the chair you have been curled in, reading. I take your book and set it down,...

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Storm Warning Fun

Jack got home at the usual time that day, unsurprised to find Lauren sprawled out on the futon wearing nothing but a robe and her panties. She had called him when she got off work, telling him she was getting the rest of the day off because the storm warning. When Jack shut the door Lauren glanced over the arm of the futon and waved at him. “So why exactly does a storm warning give you a free day off?” Jack asked, setting his things down and pouring a glass of pop. “Some of my co-workers live...

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Storm Rages

The rain is coming down hard and has been for quite a while. A shiver runs up and down his spine as the cold rain finally makes it through his weather resistant cloak and soaks into his clothing underneath. He stops his trudging through forest to look around him. He knows that if this storm continues and he does not find shelter he will likely not survive the cold night. A soft orange glow catches his eye in the distance off to his right. Suddenly a bolt of lightning lights up the area brighter...

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Storm Warning Fun

Jack got home at the usual time that day, unsurprised to find Lauren sprawled out on the futon wearing nothing but a robe and her panties. She had called him when she got off work, telling him she was getting the rest of the day off because the storm warning. When Jack shut the door Lauren glanced over the arm of the futon and waved at him. “So why exactly does a storm warning give you a free day off?” Jack asked, setting his things down and pouring a glass of pop. “Some of my co-workers live...

Straight Sex
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Storm Of Passion 1

My father asked me to go and stay with in his elder brothers house as his brother is going out on a business work for a month. Here I have to mention about my aunt her name is Sheela. she has been married for just over Twenty-two years and now a proud mother of a daughter, now married and settled in her life, and two sons, who are studying abroad. There is a difference in their ages her husband is more than fifteen years older than her Her face is a little chubby, breasts full with a nice...

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Firestorm Part 2

They were magnificent, she thought. Marie watched the two ponygirls literally rolling around in the grass. Luxuriating in the softness of it against their skin. She was a little surprised that they were still in their restraints, however."Do you ever let them out of those harnesses?" she asked Ray."Of course. They have to be cleaned, you know. The leather starts to smell if it isn't clean regularly and so will the ponies. I'll show you later."She couldn't take her eyes off them. They were so...

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Rachel and I have always been close. Even though she is seven years my senior, we have always shared a mystical bond that defies words, a deep spiritual, mental and yes physical bond that transcends any one that ordinary people can comprehend.This bond had its beginnings in my c***dhood. Growing up, Rachel was more like a big sister to me rather than an aunt. When I was two, she would begin looking after me when mom and dad were away and as a result, I formed a tighter relationship with her...

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Storms Never Last Ch 01

Author’s Note: This is my seventh semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The most recent invitational included songs written or performed by Willie Nelson. The current effort consists of stories based on song titles that have a weather term in them, such as ‘Stormy Weather, ‘Foggy Mountain Top,’ ‘Dusty Skies’, ‘Heat Wave’, ‘Summertime Blues,’ and ‘Ballad of Thunder Road.’ For this story I’ve chosen, ‘Storms Never Last.’ This...

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Storms of Passion

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story has been submitted as part of the RAINY DAY STORY CHALLENGE set on the Author Hangout Discussion Forum. All criteria and build up can be viewed through this link: RAINY DAY STORY CHALLENGE THREAD * * * * * The lightning cracked across the darkening sky as the maelstrom approached. The smell of rain filled the evening air and drifted across our senses. Sitting on the hood of the car, Kim and I watched the storm get closer. With each boom, Kim’s brown eyes widened....

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Storm 3

The two burly security guards nodded to the tall man in the hat and coat as he approached the entrance to “The Tea Parlour” with his arm around the narrow waist of a beautiful blonde who was blindfolded and secured at her wrists. They gawped at the glimpses of her wonderful breasts, belly and thighs she unwillingly flashed from the open lapels of her coat as she was led along. The guards did not look surprised at the sight. This was just another Saturday night at “The Tea Parlour”, a fetish...

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Storm Of Passion 2

“Oh Shailu! I didn’t push my hands inside her shilwar but I kept playing on the outside. My hand wandered between her thighs and I felt her legs open involuntarily. I slipped my hand inside her shilwar and caressed her naked cunt, my finger searching out the hole between her legs. she gasped as the tip of my finger found her slickly moist nether lips, And when I slowly inserted my finger into her pussy she involuntarily pushed up to meet it. she opened her legs wide, giving me the freedom to...

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The storm started about twenty minutes after I'd left my sister in the cabin, the bloody phones were non existent, I deliberately hadn't brought my mobile and the engine had frigging well seized up on the truck. It had been meant as a quiet winter break for just the two of us to lick our wounds after my wife had fucked off with her husband. Our parents had left us a cabin up in the wilds after their death and this was going to be only the second time we'd ever used it, neither of us were...

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Storms Of Passion

The lightning cracked across the darkening sky as the maelstrom approached. The smell of rain filled the evening air and drifted across our senses. Sitting on the hood of the car, Kim and I watched the storm get closer. With each boom, Kim's brown eyes widened. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Turning to look back at the storm, I watched the rolling clouds as they fought for position. Like lovers in bed, the clouds tossed and tumbled over each other. Sheets thrown across the room, bodies...

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Storms Never Last Ch 02

Copyright© 2009 by Jake Rivers Author’s Note: This is my seventh semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The most recent invitational included songs written or performed by Willie Nelson. The current effort consists of stories based on song titles that have a weather term in them, such as ‘Stormy Weather, ‘Foggy Mountain Top,’ ‘Dusty Skies’, ‘Heat Wave’, ‘Summertime Blues,’ and ‘Ballad of Thunder Road.’ Song of Wyoming was...

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Storms Never LastChapter 7

Terry Author's Note: Be sure to read Part 1 first. I have reprised two characters from an earlier story, "View From the Top," and one from an in process story titled, "Sophie," a sequel to "Crystal Chandeliers." Thanks to Raoul Tirant for his editing assistance. I lay there in the dark, in the unfamiliar room. Sleep was both desired and not. To sleep was to still the mind of turmoil, of pain. Yet sleep would call forth unwanted dreams, dreams of happier times, times now gone. I had...

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Storms Never LastPrologue

I didn't mean to surprise her like I did. I was somewhat irritated with Annie, but not really mad. I've always been a very direct person. By that I mean when something bothers me, I don't sit around and stew about it ... I react at once and say what I feel. Sometimes that's good. I have some buddies I talk to, and when a bump in the road comes along, they worry and worry at it—like a dog gnawing at a bone, making themselves upset over something that usually turns out to be trivial. I...

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A young rich Brazilian woman is introduced to the century8217s old tradition of the bellyriders

Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1923: When Alicia was a teenager her mother had thought her religious devotion to be only a phase. The girl had started rising before sunrise to attend early mass. This was very unusual for her family was composed of hard- nosed merchants in the city of Sao Paolo and rarely had they the time for esoteric leanings. At first Alicia’s mother suspected a boy. She was probably meeting some young rake at mass, or worst, a priest. This turned out not to be the case. Her mother...

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The Four Fs of Driders

Something was terribly wrong with my legs. More concerning was there was something terribly wrong with the number of legs I had. I was born with two, which I have never complained about. They had served me well, from getting up in the morning, to running away from bullies, to my morning jogs to keep me in shape. I was pretty happy with my legs, they were probably one of my only good features, second only to the long curly black hair I got from my mom. I had eight of them now. Normal girls...

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Danny climbed up into the cab of his rig at dusk. He had been in the truck stop for a few hours, a little longer than he'd initially planned. That chatty waitress seemed to go on forever about this and that, and he was now behind schedule. He wouldn't be able to sleep as long once he stopped for rest on his way to Los Angeles. "Oh well," he thought out loud. "I'll just slap in some loud music to keep me awake longer, no problem." He did the routine maintenance check of his truck while...

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Thunderstorms always gave Edward Adams the frights. Even now, at the ripe old age of twelve, he became frightened at the claps of thunder and the sudden bright flashes of light from the lightning. In the dark of his bedroom they seemed to take on a more frightening quality. He was ashamed to admit it, but he wanted the closeness of his mother. She would comfort him with soothing words and hold him until he went to sleep or the storms would pass as they always did.Tonight was no different...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 01

STORMONT COTTAGE New Hampshire 1971. Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll! Coming of age in the Age of Aquarius could be really cool, and sometimes really dangerous. Authors Note: In this story I tried to combine the elements of a mystery/thriller with of graphic, but not gratuitous sex. The sex is integral to the story. I had some fun with the Southern accents of Bobbie Lee and Julliette, it is a bit of a burlesque and no offence is intended. Hey, I love Southern girls, especially ones like...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 03 Super Cool

Christina kinda floated along, everything was dreamy and soft, yet all her perceptions were sharp and distinct without being threatening. She could feel the gentle lake breeze drying the sweat on her skin and tightening her nipples, she could hear each individual bird’s song in the woods and the multi-layered rustling of the bushes, her nose was still full of the fragrant hash, and her mouth tasted of rum. She couldn’t keep from smiling as she stared with half lidded eyes at Tommy, his hair was...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 05

CHAPTER FIVE – Far Fucking Out! ‘I feel like we’ve done this already,’ Tommy laughed as he peeled off his tight T-shirt. Julliette giggled and kept her eyes on him, eager to see what he was wearing under his silly army surplus pants. They were all in the cottage stripping down to their bathing suits before taking a plunge in the lake, but she hadn’t started yet, she wanted to have Tommy’s full attention, and she wanted to see what the other girls had on. She was so horny she could hardly...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 04

Chapter Four — Like Mother Like Daughter ‘Well I guess we know who the dyke is in that couple,’ Ellen Weaver said after the girls had climbed out of the back of Bobbie Lee’s baby-blue Cadillac, and dashed off down the hill towards the cottage. She appraised her daughter, Christina, with an uncharitable eye. It wasn’t her looks, the kid was cute enough, with a round face, big brown eyes, cute little nose, and big boobs that compensated for her chubbiness. Her dark brown hair that she wore off...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 10

Baby Boy Barbara looked up at him from beneath her wild, tangled hair, ‘You get…’ She started to say but then broke down into a fit of coughing. ‘Son…of…a…bitch!’ she managed growl between hacks. She sat up in the bed letting the sheet fall from her around naked shoulders and big, full tits. Tommy handed her a glass of water, she took it and gulped about half of it down, stopped to cough again, and then downed the rest of it shaking her full mane of dark hair. ‘Son of a bitch!’ she exclaimed...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 02

Chapter Two — Everybody knows the rules Juliette took a half step back and stopped twirling her hair, ‘Oh, oh,’ she thought, ‘busted.’ ‘We all didn’t see nothin’,’ she blurted feeling herself go red. Jamie laughed at her, and Christina was babbling something, ‘We didn’t know you were there, there’s never anyone around, never, we didn’t mean to intrude,’ she said. ‘So you trespass here all the time?’ Tommy asked. ‘You must have seen the signs, you had to climb over the fence to get here.’ ‘I...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 0809

CHAPTER EIGHT Stay Hard Ellen knew she was stoned, but she was having trouble deciding just how wrecked she was, that Californian shit Barbara was handing out was really good stuff. One thing for sure, these people knew how to throw a party. To someone who didn’t know her, it would be impossible to tell if she was enjoying herself or not, a sardonic, thin lipped smirk seemed permanently fixed on her face these days, no matter how she felt. She knew it, she knew herself well enough, had...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 1112

CHAPTER ELEVEN BLACK MAGIC WOMAN ‘And we’re off!’ Ellen exclaimed in disgust, and flopped down on the couch sloshing a bit of her drink down her cleavage. Bobbie Lee had seen her own reflection in the darkened living room window and had gotten spooked. Now she was freaking out all over the place, closing drapes and checking locks. She came flying out of the kitchen: ‘where are all the big knives, I know we have big knives, I saw them, where are they Ellen?’ The was just really getting the...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 06

Far Fucking Out Christina was a good swimmer too, but she was falling behind the others because she was laughing so hard at them, the girls were really scared, and even Tommy was moving pretty fast. She had been scared of those things too when she came here from Boston four years ago, but she had done a lot of swimming in the lake since then, and she had never even come close to a snake, and the snapping turtles never came around this part of the lake. She was having a great time, it was so...

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Stormont Cottage Ch 07

Meanies It had been a simple meal, hamburgers and franks and some salads on paper plates, so there wasn’t much to clean up. It had been mostly about drinking anyway, the women were pretty pissed and didn’t eat much, and the girls were so filled with excitement they weren’t very hungry either. Christina had brought a flask of rum stolen from her mother and they had all had some in their cokes, so everybody was feeling good by the time Tommy lit the big bonfire. He had chucked in all the...

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Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family; not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone bewildering her slightly after spending so long away from home, the longest she had been in her short life. Yet she soon found the one face she was looking for, the one that was already smiling back at her, and Melissa's heart started beating so fast that it was as if...

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Introduction: A bittersweet reunion and coming of age for sisters….and lovers. (Warning: graphic scat/body fluids.) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fantasy: attempting performing the sex acts detailed here could seriously damage your health. Do it anyway ^~^ Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family, not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone...

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