Renaming a Highway
- 3 years ago
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Matt had always disliked the term 'geek', but he had to admit that it fit him. Oh, not the acne and horn-rimmed glasses and pocket protectors of the movie nerds. He had been blessed with better than average looks and enough athletic ability to be a tough competitor at the recreational level. If being a geek meant being totally absorbed in technology to the frequent exclusion of other normal human activity, that was Matt Conroy.
As the youngest of three children in a family that he would argue was the best in the world, his geekiness had every chance to develop. Since both of his older siblings were female and rather doted on him, it was easy for him to become tightly focused. Everything else in his life was taken care of, so there were few distractions.
Most late twentieth-century males are fascinated with electronics to some degree. With Matt, it qualified as a passion. When he was six, his father got him a 'Learn About Electronics' kit designed for ten-year-olds, over his mother's passionate and fearful objections. From that day on, they might as well have cleaned out his toy box of everything else.
All through his public school days, studying, playing sports, and even dating were momentary distractions from his real love. The studying was ridiculously easy, so that was not much of a distraction at all. Like his whole family, he was a gregarious person, so sports was a great way to interact with friends and acquaintances. He was a faithful, enthusiastic team member, and during a game was one of the few times when his gadgets were completely out of his mind.
Unfortunately, the same could not be said of dating. He was unquestionably hetero, and as fascinated with females as the next teen. It was just that he only encountered one that could steal significant amounts of time from his constant projects.
The father of one of his junior high buddies owned an electronics sales and repair business. Long before the legal age of employment, Matt was diagnosing tough problems for his buddy's dad. His contributions were so crucial to the business that the owner arranged with Matt's father to have compensation money put into a trust fund. Matt felt a great deal of loyalty to the man, and worked for him all through school, even though the tasks became rather mundane for him.
What really tripped Matt's trigger was new technology: what it could do and how it could be integrated with what he already knew. His Dad allowed some of the money to be diverted to the purchase of new gadgets. When he reached sixteen, the two of them traveled to the West Coast to attend a major trade show that showcased new components. Every other person there was a scientist or engineer from a major technology firm. Matt made a name for himself with the discussions he had at many of the displays. More than one vendor was shocked by what the boy showed them that their components could do.
A solid stream of jaw-dropping gadgets emerged from the basement area that became Matt's workshop. Many of them had no obvious practical use, but they were almost always new and unique. His interests ranged from all kinds of sensors to sound and particularly to the emerging digital imaging field.
Though unquestionably qualifying as a geek, Matt's family had always made sure he was as well-rounded as possible, given his consuming passion.
Joyce Conroy, Matt's mother, was a stately woman whose earthy side always surprised people until they got to know her. Matt could not remember a time when his parents did not embarrass him with their flirting and sexual horseplay. It was never a secret when they headed to the master bedroom for a passionate session, and the goings-on behind the door were quite obvious as well. His expectations of marriage were shaped by the unrestrained affection and adoration that his parents openly displayed.
Matt's older sister Mel (for Melanie) was six years ahead of him. One thing Matt really appreciated about Mel was that she had stopped thinking of him as a kid very early. If Joyce had known some of the flirting and sexual innuendo that went on between the two, it might have been too much even for her. Mel really did think Matt was sexy. Part of it, though, was that she figured it might be the only education he got on sexual matters. She was well aware of how mono-maniacal he was.
Truth be told, Mel loved the job of educating her brother. By the time Matt entered high school, Mel was working on her degree at a top business school. Too career-oriented for any long-term relationships, she was also unimpressed with the ability of the typical collegiate male to treat a date properly. Gently but constantly, she taught Matt. It helped that their father treated his wife and daughters wonderfully, so Matt had both a good role model and a determined tutor.
Mel looked the part of the rising female executive. Tall and lean, she did her hair in the predictable way and dressed in uniform. To Matt, however, that was all for show. Acknowledging that she was not strikingly beautiful, he still thought she had a very strong sex appeal. Thinking that about his sister bothered him not in the least. No harm would ever come of it. Mel knew what he thought about her and could not have been happier.
Geri (Geraldine) was two years older than Matt. A younger brother that close was generally considered a pest and a nuisance to a girl, and that was true when Geri was in high school. Because Matt always seemed to be driven more by gadgets and less by hormones than most boys, though, the brother/sister friction was pretty mild. By the time she went to college, the two started to become true friends.
Except for height, Geri had more of everything than Mel. Not quite qualifying as voluptuous, and like Mel not truly beautiful, she had some parts that always made male eyes snap.
While Joyce, Mel, and Geri typically used 'soft' ways to teach and influence their young prodigy, Emmett went man to man with his son from his earliest years. If he thought Matt's life was unbalanced, he would present very logical explanations of why that was bad. Then, he would join Matt in some sporting or recreational activity. He even learned to play video and computer games.
It was Mel who had the greatest influence on Matt's sexual development. In some ways, she was like a second mother, but early on she established that she was the one with whom he could talk about things he would never reveal to either parent.
Manners were always enforced around the house, but Mel took a much stronger approach starting when she was still in high school and Matt was in elementary school. On numerous occasions she took Matt out to eat, or rather had him pretend to take her out. That was at an age when he still could not see why he would ever want to take a girl on a date, but Mel was undeterred. On all the little niceties like opening doors, holding chairs, giving an arm, following through narrow places, and even ordering, she insisted that he do it right.
Hard as it was on an eleven or twelve year old, Matt had seen the social graces demonstrated at home his whole life, so it was not like training a savage. He adored his big sister and was not inclined to rebel.
The summer after graduating from high school, Mel made a major project of Matt's sex education, considering twelve the latest age for such an introduction. Their family's standards, and her own, forbad hands-on teaching, although she had to admit she would have enjoyed it. There was still plenty she could do to help her kid brother become a well-adjusted man.
One of her main objectives was to prevent Matt from learning everything from his contemporaries. What he would get from them would be of questionable accuracy and would be completely lacking in consideration of the female point of view. From her own dating, she knew how much difference a little sensitivity made in the quality of her dates.
On a walk around the neighborhood, something they did quite often, she dove right in. "So, Matt, do you jerk off every day, now?"
Predictably, he was so stunned that he forgot how to walk. "God, Mel! I can't talk to you about that!"
"Oh? Who do you talk to about it? Dad? Mom?"
"Surrre! I give Mom a blow-by-blow every morning at breakfast." Sarcasm was so much a part of their normal interaction that even his shock did not keep him from it.
"OK, then who?"
"That's private stuff. I don't talk about it."
"Not even to your buddies?"
"Well... maybe a little."
"Look, how much do those guys know about girls?" she asked him.
"Not a whole lot. No more than I do... probably less. At least I know... I mean I've seen... Are you just trying to embarrass me?"
"No. What I'm trying to do is keep you from being embarrassed someday with a girl." Taking his hand, she went on "I love you, Little Brother, and I'd like to think we can talk about anything. Wouldn't you like someone you could talk to about girls and sex and stuff?"
"Yeah, but you're a girl, and..."
"And who knows more about how girls think and feel?"
Now she was appealing to his logical side, something that seldom failed with him. He knew she had a point, it was just the natural shyness of a barely pubescent male that held him back.
"Back to my question," Mel broke in. "I do it pretty much every day, do you?"
"You what? How do... you don't..."
"I can see your sex ed class was lacking a lot," she mused. "Of course I don't have a penis and I don't squirt sperm, but girls very definitely have orgasms."
That intrigued him, and for the next several minutes, they compared and contrasted male and female orgasms, to his open astonishment. "Hey," she said suddenly, "I just assumed you've got some hair and you can shoot and everything. Was I wrong?"
"N... no. I can. Yeah, I do it at least once a day."
"Good. Oh, I see you're going to have to do it when we get home, huh?"
"If I'm going to be your real buddy, you're going to have to get used to me seeing it sticking out. For a few years, it's going to be a huge problem for you - lots of embarrassment. I want you to promise me right now that you're not going go get all upset when you get hard in front of me. We're going to talk about a lot of stuff that will make you hard. Is it a deal?"
He could only make a gurgling sound in reply. She stopped walking, took him by the shoulders, and turned him to face her. Then, she pointedly stared right at his protrusion. "Deal?" she asked again.
"I... I'll try."
"Good. It will get easier with time, I promise. Hey, how long is it now?"
"What??" He was sure she was purposely trying to shock him.
"Don't try to tell me you haven't measured it." That produced another strangled moan. She never let up the pressure for their whole walk.
Later that evening, she waited until she heard Matt's shower turn off, then walked in on him as he was drying off. "Gotta pee!" she exclaimed, then lifted her sleeping Tee and pushed her panties down, giving him a good view before she sat down. Naturally, his eyes bugged out and his penis sprang upright. Face as red as could be, he held the towel in front of his erection.
"OK, bro', drop the towel and let me see it."
"But it's... it's..."
"It's hard. God, I should hope so. Look, we're not going to go around flashing each other or anything, but I really want to see what kind of a man you're turning into. Please! You saw mine, now show me yours."
"But you're not hard!"
"The hell I'm not!" With that, she whipped off her Tee, her nipples verifying her claim of arousal. He had no choice but to drop his towel and display his raging erection. "Hey, Bro', that looks great. A few years and you're going to have the girls all over you."
That little show and tell interlude was repeated only once, at the end of the summer. Otherwise, the siblings were quite proper in each other's presence. Proper, that is, except for the openness of their conversation and the frequent hardons that she seemed to enjoy producing.
Mel's teaching was not constant. Most of their time together was spent as friendly brother and sister. The teaching times, though, were snuck in whenever something happened that raised a question.
Just before Mel left for college, Joyce had a little talk with her. "You haven't done anything inappropriate with Matt, have you?"
"I thought you must have known what was going on, Mom. No, I haven't. We have not touched each other at all. Well, unless you count his hardon sticking me while we hugged. Or my nips drilling into him."
"MEL!!" Then they fell laughing into a hug. "OK, how about seeing?"
"Just a few times. I though it was important."
"Oh, I trust you. I just had to know. He's so lucky to have a big sister that cares as much as you do. You know, I really couldn't do that stuff."
"No, you probably couldn't. You, uh, could be a lot less secretive about your goodies, though."
"Huh?" Joyce was not expecting that.
"Look, Matt is going to be a really sweet man, just like Dad. Why not get him feeling comfortable with some braless tits, occasional underwear peeks, a towel wrap once in a while, or a see-through nightie with no robe. And why don't you get a thong bikini for that nice ass of yours, at least in our own pool?"
Joyce gulped, but thought about what her daughter had said. "Is... is skinny-dipping the next step?"
"Wouldn't bother me," Mel assured her, "as long as it includes Dad. Do you have any idea how frustrated I have been for all these years?" That brought another round of laughter.
Geri figured out what Mel was doing with Matt, and it created a bit of a rift between the sisters. Joyce spent several long conversations with her younger daughter before things smoothed out. Geri was definitely not inclined to participate in Matt's education, however.
Mel's project for Matt her first summer home from college was dancing. First, though, she needed a growth check, and she was more straightforward that time. Waiting for a chance when she and Matt were the only ones home, she walked in naked and waited for him to leave the shower.
Dancing was very low on Matt's list of preferred activities, but Mel shrugged off his objections. She did spend a lot of time explaining how girls felt about dancing. It was a common tactic for her, stressing the female point of view. He had already heard it a hundred times: "Now, don't worry about understanding it. Just know that it's how we feel."
To his frequent objections that something did not make sense, she repeatedly told him: "Of course it doesn't make sense - to a geek. A girl doesn't worry about making sense. It's how she feels that counts." The 'geek' term was used freely between them, just because she knew it was something he would have to live with from his classmates. Having her use it lovingly should take away a lot of the sting.
"The thing is," she once explained, "both you and the girls your age are big bags of hormones. I'm really no different myself. If one of you doesn't use a little brain power once in a while, think of the mess that could happen. Don't depend on the girl for the thinking, OK?" This from a super-intelligent, highly motivated young woman. Definitely not prevailing feminist doctrine, but she was concerned about her brother, not about political correctness.
By Independence Day, Matt was becoming very fond of dancing. The fact that his sister did not shun the slow dances helped a lot. Also the fact that she taught him every kind of hold, including rhythmic dry-humping. It took a while for him to believe that poking her in the belly was OK. He was totally surprised and greatly relieved when the frequency of his hardons while dancing went down. For her part, she tried mightily to find new ways to make him stiffen, and was proud of him for the control he was showing.
The high school was four years, so Matt was preparing to enter as a freshman when Mel came home for her second summer. She was determined that her brother was not going to be a wallflower. Because of his brains and his electronics passion, the geek label could not be avoided. If he could be in demand as a dance partner, it would help his social standing a great deal. Since most of the boys his age hung steadfastly to the wall at school dances, he would have an open field.
Mel started as soon as she got home. The summer before, he had learned the mechanics, now she would try to get him to let go and show some flair. He was really pretty good, especially for his age. But letting loose with a girl would be a real challenge.
First, she enlisted Joyce, just so he would have a different partner. It was a long, tough discussion, but she got her mother to agree to slow dance close, and if he got hard to reassure him that it was OK and stick with it. Joyce was not at all sure if that was proper, but had to acknowledge how much good Mel had done for the boy. The funny thing was that after her first session with Matt, Joyce hauled Emmett off to dancing lessons.
Geri was the next likely test partner, but that was a very hard sell. Mel did not even bother talking about Matt's possible hardon. When Geri discovered that he danced at least as well any partner she had had, she actually let herself have some fun. However, she sternly instructed him not to try to dance with her at any school event.
Throughout the summer, whenever one of Mel's or Geri's friends would stop in, she would draft them to dance with Matt. Geri was mystified at why her friends did not seem at all reluctant. Mel's friends all jumped at the chance. She had drilled him endlessly on how to ask for a dance, how to lead the girl to the floor, and what to do when the dance was over.
As in most school districts, there was an honors track starting in the seventh grade. One of the others in that group was Chelsea, who lived about a mile from the Conroys. She was a brilliant, vivacious teen with a gorgeous face who had never lost her baby fat. A little beyond voluptuous, depending on which century's artists were making the judgment, she was overweight enough that even her impressive mammaries did not get the guys drooling over her.
Chelsea and Matt had been classmates and competitors for class standing. They had also become very good friends. Her quick wit, quick and biting tongue, and sunny attitude was much like his sisters', and he was very comfortable with her. He was the only boy who never teased her about her size, and that made her comfortable with him. They frequently studied together, spending much time bantering about who would score highest on the next test.
She knew of his passion for electronics and was not demanding of his time, since her own passion was music, just as time-consuming. On the first day of high school, Chelsea and Matt found themselves in honors classes together once again. When the speaker system announced the welcome mixer dance, Matt asked Chelsea if she was going. For the first time showing some self-consciousness, she told him no.
"I wish you would go. I'd like to dance with you," he told her, having no real clue to the impact of that statement. She came to the dance, and he asked her for the very first one. Several dances and several partners later, he did not think she had danced with anyone else, and he asked her again. In all, he danced with her five or six times. As musical as she was, she was a natural. Unfortunately, none of the other boys were impressed by that - more like intimidated.
Their friendship did not seem to change much after that dance. They still studied together a lot and they were both consumed with their own interests. The school held a lot of dances, though, and soon they developed a bit of a reputation as a dance couple. On his own, Matt also developed a reputation. Most girls long to dance with a good partner, and by the third event, he was even asking some of the older girls. He was never refused.
As he held each of his different partners in varying degrees of closeness, Matt was continually grateful for his sister's loving tutelage. He felt surprisingly confident, and was able to talk with the girls in a relaxed manner.
At the third dance, he was doing his second straight slow song with Chelsea and holding her close when he hardened. Amazingly, it was the first time it had happened to him, again, thanks to Mel. He quickly pulled his hips back, but she had already noticed.
"Is... is... is that?..."
"Yeah, sorry." Dealing with his problem openly with Mel so many times prevented him from the shame and panic he might have felt.
"But... but why?" As she asked, she lowered her hand and pulled him back close, embedding his rod in the softness of her belly.
"Chelsea, holding a beautiful girl close has that effect on guy."
"Beautiful? But we're... I mean, you're like a friend."
"And I sometimes get hard dancing with my sister, too," he explained, more than a little distracted by his hardness moving back and forth against her as they swayed. "Guys can't help it."
She stared at him, mouth half open for a moment, then laid her head on his chest for the first time. Even with all of Mel's preparation, that surprised him.
After that song ended, they went to sit down. "Chelsea, you don't seem to dance with anyone else," he commented.
"That's cause you're the only one who asks," she retorted.
"So, why don't you ask some guys?"
Looking down at the table, she made he first ever reference to her weight, at least that he could remember. "Why would they want to dance with a fat girl?"
"Because she really is beautiful, she dances like a pro, and she feels wonderful to hold."
"But all the neat guys have girlfriends already.
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xmoviesforyouIt was about 4 PM on a Tuesday afternoon in early November. I was sitting at my desk in the office of the engineering firm where I worked, completing some work on my current project. I was fully expecting that I would be working until at least 6PM. Some might have called it over achieving but as the youngest engineer in the office, I had just graduated school 5 months earlier, I felt I needed to put in the hours to show my dedication.Just then, the principle engineer in the office walked...
Terry couldn’t draw. Every time he tried to the blank page stared back at him, virgin white, and all he could think about was whether Mika would call him. When he had met her, he had experienced a huge spurt of creative energy, and now that she was gone the well was dry. Terry guessed that maybe all that shit about muses was right after all. He drifted through the next day, pacing around his room like he was going somewhere, continuing his diet of instant noodles, deflecting Naomichi’s...
I was travelling from London to Sheffield late one night by train, which left Kings Cross at 10.15 pm. I hurried to the station where I took my seat and was a little disappointed to see it was some old rolling stock. Instead of the ultra modern 125 locomotive it was a box standard diesel train with the corridor type coaches. Thinking about it though, it wasn't too bad for it meant that once the train started, you could close the section door and snuggle down to some sleep whilst the train...
I go to fuck one guy and end up taking on 8 BBCs. The Dorm Room GamgbangHello my name id Jordan and I go to college in Cali. I'm 5'9 Double D boobs, thick, with a big ass. I've tried 3 ways with girls and guys. Had sex with a few black boys and a few white. My fav porn is multiple guys on one girl aka gangbang. I'm not the type of girl to mess around but I'm a freak in the sheets. I'm here to tell you on how I went from fucking one guy to eight. It started off by thsi one guy asking me for my...
GroupLaura got a call at work from Brenda. Just the sound of her voice, though it was a little querulous and cross at the moment, summoned memories so acutely pleasurable that Laura had to squeeze her thighs together under her desk just to bear their piquant erotic fire. Brenda, who had taught her own sister Mavis at a very tender (and illegal) age how to fistfuck, had been overcome by guilt after a few years and refused to do it with her any more, fearing that she had corrupted her own flesh and...
John peeked through the hole he had made in the closet wall connecting his room to his sister's. He could see his sister in her room beginning to undress for bed. As he became more excited watching her undress, John dropped his pants and pulled his cock out, holding it in his hand. Even though Jenny was only 15, John knew that she was already mature physically, with big full tits and a pussy that could clearly be seen through the sparse red hair growing there. John was only a year younger...
(BATH) I look out clean knickers/ bra/ socks/ t-shirt and jeans/ take them through to the bathroom/ fold them neatly on the chair and turn the radiator to three. There is a spider crawling slowly across the bottom of the bath. I turn on the hot tap. As the water hits it it curls up into a tiny ball. *Sorry* I say as I watch it disappear down the plug-hole. Unrolling the white rubber mat I stick it to the bottom of the bath and put the plug in so the tub begins to fill with hot water. Into...
My story take,s place in the summer 1996 I was 21 it was a hot Friday night, I am a average size man about 185 then , But anyway, Like I said was hot miserble hot , Me and some friends were supposed to swimming ,but our plans got canceled. Well I decided to walk to the near by store and get something to cold to drink, I walked in and bought a 12 pack of Busch light, and a soda for the walk home,. Any way the store was a truck stop there tucks comming and going all hours of the night or they...
I went to an adult movie house yesterday and I got more than a movie to watch. I had to ring a bell to enter and I heard someone throw a dead bolt for my entry. I was face to face with this nice looking guy who was chatting with the guy who ran the movies. I nodded hello and payed and entered the theater. It was really dark and I found a seat as I felt my way to one on the aisle in the back. I started watching the current straight porn and relaxed into it. After about 10 minutes I heard the...
GayI had a crush on Chris for years. We had grown up together, played together, were bathed together. We were like siblings. I could tell Chris could never feel the way I do about...
BDSMNichols raised his hands above his head as he walked slowly toward the gate. No more than fifteen feet away, the nearest guard swung his rifle to the ready position. Still, Nichols walked on. As he neared the gate, the guard mentally keyed one of his helmet's functions and Alerted while raising the rifle to his shoulder. As his finger slipped inside the trigger guard, the odd looking weapon centered on Nichols' chest even as the guard's amplified voice boomed out, "Halt!" When the guard...
Raven haired beauty Andreina Deluxe really wants a set of big titties, but no matter what she does, her perky cute ones will not seem to grow. Little does she know, her loving stepbrother thinks that her tits are absolutely perfect the way they are. Andreina wants a little reassurance, so she shows her stepbro her boobs to find out if they have grown at all. He caresses them, and her pussy gets soaking wet. That gets her going, and she climbs on top of her stepbro and lets her thicc assfat...
xmoviesforyou“Please Mommy! Can’t we go see Santa?” cried the twin girls. Victoria Kramer was wishing she was anywhere but the mall right this moment, but here she was, and of all days, she was there on Christmas Eve. She was here because her mother called her in a panic asking – no begging – her to pick up those special cheese nut balls that only Hickory Farms sold in the mall during Christmas. Victoria had agreed before she realized two things: first, it was Christmas Eve, and second, the twins would want...
AnalI don’t know when it started. Maybe it was something I was born with. Maybe, the race is evolving. In my case, by the time I was thirteen I knew two things about it for sure: First, I liked taking those steamy group showers when PE class was over because I got to be naked somewhere with other people – even if it was all other guys. Second, I realized I had to keep that fact a secret, because ‘everybody knew’ queers were less than human. At the same time, I enjoyed as much as any of my friends...
To: TouchOfGray From: A.M. Subject: Lushstories Feedback Dear Touch, I’m sure you thought there was only a slight chance that you would hear from me again someday. “Slight” is sometimes enough. I have to believe, however, that you never expected to hear from me via this venue, an erotic story Web site, nor that I would somehow stumble across this little trio of stories about us: “Tell Me A Story,” “Talk to Me,” and “Listen.” I do hope, however, that on the wildly remote chance I did stumble...
Rocky Emerson is a tattooed six-foot-tall, skinny slut with a beautiful face who loves to suck cock. This brunette hottie dressed in red lingerie is ready to drop to her knees and take your hard cock down her throat. She teases with her ass, breasts and talks dirty. She strokes the dick while licking your balls and your ass and she enjoys every second of it. Sit back, relax, and let this stunning woman do all the work. Rocky is so eager to swallow your dick, she takes one an more times your...
xmoviesforyouGenie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...
My husband and I decided to visit Amsterdam again for the third time. After walking the streets and admiring all the girls in the windows, we stopped to have a drink in a bar. We then decided to visit one of the sex bars.There were a lot of couples and single people inside all looking sexy, some getting turned on from what they had seen so far I guess. A topless waitress approached us wearing the smallest thong you had ever seen, and asked my husband if we wanted a drink. She took our order and...
VoyeurI remember that day clearly. The century, killer storm of March, 1993. The storm was later found to be predicted as much as 2 weeks in advance, the legacy of new weather prediction computers. Nobody believed the computers, then, and the storm came as a surprise, a practically unprecedented meeting of three conflicting pressure zones. The meeting caused an explosion of unheard of weather, dumping 3 feet of snow practically overnight, from a storm that seemed to come out of nowhere. It inundated...
The next day Time: Thursday, January 24, 2019 10:20 AM Segundo was feeling very pleased with himself as he marched relentlessly down the black spiral line towards home. Fuck those bitches! The two muchachos were going to make it! He and Geraldo were going to make it home! He felt totally vindicated now in their decision to leave Ernesto behind. In the situation they were in, Ernesto’s hand wound was fatal, and they all would have died if they had stayed together. Segundo thought he made...
Debuting for you today is the hot blonde MILF Sophie Logan and she has to come to with her big tits and tattooed body ready to let loose in the summer sun. Watch this horny cougar as she is keen to fuck on her vacation and soon she gets her wish as Don Diego devours those awesome tits and tight pussy out by the pool. Then enjoy the busty Sophie in action as she returns the favour with a sloppy blowjob before a hard outdoor fuck as she takes a good pounding all the way to a...
xmoviesforyouIt had been a long hard winter in Cornwall but finally the first hints of spring were appearing. The sun was breaking through the clouds for a few hours each day and there were no longer icicles hanging from trees past midday. A few brave green shoots were appearing and even the odd bud was beginning to open. Instead of rabbit tracks in the snow there was the sounds of birds singing again. Indeed, the season had turned. As dusk began to fall one evening, an old tramp came trudging down a...
A dedicated voyeur Sam had developed a taste for wandering long before discovering a box of magic condoms. Sometimes his wandering brought him across strange situations. None had ever proved to be as strange as this one. Mixed amid a fair sized crowd of men and women were dozens of college age girls in their undergarments. Some of the scantly dress women played with hula hoops, while other jogged around the grassy clearing that marked the edge of Southgate University. Sam even spied a group...
Welcome to the familyI recently married my beautiful wife, Charlotte. The whole day was fabulous and any worries I had just disappeared. The reason why I am sharing this with everyone is because of what happened between my wife’s sister, Victoria and I.I had always teased Charlotte about her sister, in a gentle way and when she appeared at our wedding, she turned everyone’s heads. The day was hot and sunny and Victoria did nothing to cool the temperature down in her thigh length sky blue...
2 Your tongue sweeps outward into the air, time after time and then finally you look at me with a pathetic little pout. You want it. I want to see you get it…. so why are you restrained baby? What’s stopping me from giving this to you. You look back at that little slut and her eyes are closed, lips open and she’s just fucking cooing like a little slut in anticipation. The pressure at your neck is constant and even, reminding you that you just can’t have it until I release you into...
My name is suneeth and I am a 15 year old guy studying in the final year of school in hyderabad, India. During the summer season it is sweltering hot and sweaty inside the house as we don’t have air conditioning. Hence I go up to the terrace to study under the light next to the stairwell. We live in a 4 storied apartment building and the terrace is shared by 36 other apartments. We have about 24 such apartments in our area. There are lots of young students in college and schools in our area and...
Title: There's No Place Like Home Part 1 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Note: Reading the author's previous work "Where Angels Fear to Tread" will provide background information and is recommended. This story is told in...
I've fantasised about being a sexy raunchy stripper and I even wrote a little story about a stripper, but now here I was getting the opportunity to be an actual stripper. My old fuck buddy, Taxi boy, approached me recently with a little request. The rugby club he frequented were having a gentleman’s evening and needed a stripper. Most of the strippers they had seen recently were all a bit skanky and they wanted a stripper with proper curves who looked and moved sexy. Taxi boy said I was...
You are a furry who had just gotten back from summer camp. Such activities kept you busy throughout the entire 4 weeks you were there, you didn't even have time to get a single act of masturbation in, such a same since your fellow campers where such cuties! But now you're home, and have the rest of summer to fuck around town, as well as "fuck around" town. You made a lot of new friends at summer camp, but you're glad to be back in your home town, with family and friends.
FetishIn the continuation of the last day of rule by Mistress Marina we are all one lovers in a threesomeWe wake up in each others arms, take turns to please each other as best as we can all day and nightWe become an ideal triple: two tasty great girls of only twenty - both very dearly submissive to meIn fact we stop to care whose role it is to be Master or Mistress and Servant or Slave in our play!Pure love rules the last few days of our love holiday of trying SM relations and sex in Spain/b]With...
When Jane woke up the next morning her first thought was that Peter must have stuffed a pair of her panties into her mouth after she’d fallen asleep. At the very least she felt as if her tongue was wearing a sock and her head was throbbing dully. She opened her eyes and sat up. This added nausea to her other complaints and she immediately lay down again. At this point she noticed that she was naked—she usually wore at least a shirt or a nightgown— except for her earrings and–oh!–her...
I'd always considered myself totally straight. But one night, when I was sixteen, my best friend had brought over a Playboy magazine. My mother wasn't home so we were alone. After looking at the magazine in my bed we decided to turn off the light. We always slept in our underwear when we spent the night with one another. And I was about to get the shock of my life when my friend without a word reached over under the covers and began to rub my already hard cock.I just froze as my buddy pulled...
Gay MaleIt's been a hard week at work, but its Saturday now so you decide to give yourself a treat by going shopping. It's up to you where you go and what you buy (and what might happen along the way), so let's go! But first of all...
“Do you want a glass of wine babe?” We were having a nice night in. Fire lit, Chinese food, D.V.D. and a wee drink. It was a busy week and we didn’t see much of each other so we decided to have some quality time. He walked in and handed me my glass of wine, Blossom Hill Róse... hmmm, it tasted so good. Hitting play, we cuddled up together and began to watch our film. I can’t mind the name of the film, was a bit shit. Half way through the film and a bottle of wine later, I was starting to feel...