Naming ConventionChapter 5 free porn video

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A great personal tragedy, a looming serious threat, a mistake with terrible consequences: these are just a few of the things that can dominate a person's attention despite their best efforts to focus on work or other activities. That was the situation with Matt after returning from the honeymoon.

Try as he might, he could not keep his concern for Jessica and his marriage from engulfing him when he least expected it. It was like a dark cloud that filled his vision every time he looked up from his current task. Sometimes it was more like a coiled snake waiting to strike him when he least expected it.

Simple things like an ad showing a scantily clad woman in a sexy pose could set him off. Just an affectionate couple could bring a twinge of regret. The worst part was that every time he saw or talked to his family, he remembered their gentle but earnest warnings.

On the flight home from the Caribbean, Jessica had been bubbly and clinging, to all appearances the joyous new wife. Matt tried his best to reciprocate, but he could not beat back all of the frustration and the genuine concern for her. As she slept on his shoulder, he vowed to do everything he could to love her through the problems. After all, he was talking about the rest of his life. If it took a while to turn her into the sexual partner her yearned for, it would be worth it. Unfortunately, part of his mind always asked if could really change her. The answer was that he had to: there was no choice.

Back at home, Matt purposely avoided any move toward sex for several days. During that time, they made the rounds of relatives and friends. They also went to a Lexus dealer so she could pick out the coupe she wanted. They ate out three straight nights before she insisted on proving to him that she could cook. She certainly could - she had learned well as part of Marie's preparation.

Matt was a very open person and he was unable to hide his concern from anyone close to him. The family saw him before he went back to the office, and Mel made a point to warn Leslie that she was not to ask Matt what was wrong. She knew Leslie would see it instantly, as had the family. He was not continually distracted or moping or anything so obvious, but to anyone close, there was no mistaking that he was carrying a heavy load. At first, what people read was a grim determination, as if he faced a critical task and was resolutely working to solve it.

After almost a week, Matt did his best to lead Jessica into an ideal evening for making love. She, however, divined his intent, and he could see her becoming more tense as the evening progressed. When they got to bed, she was so bad that he could hardly make himself come. Only having abstained from any relief since the honeymoon made it urgent enough for him to succeed. But he could hardly think of it as success.

When she had fallen asleep, he got up and went to the family room. His departure woke her and she got up and followed him. When she saw him standing at the patio door, looking over the back yard and weeping, it was all she could do to retreat without letting him know of her presence. She remained awake, faking sleep, long after he returned to bed and drifted off.

"Crying? You must be mistaken," Marie told Jessica on the phone the next day. "Men don't have those kinds of feelings."

"Well, he was, and it made me feel terrible."

"He got what he wanted! Why should he cry?" Marie demanded.

"He... he knew how bad it was for me, I guess," Jessica admitted.

"Why? Was he brutal? Or clumsy?"

"Of course not. He's very gentle."

"Didn't you pretend to like it?"

"Pretend? How could I do that? I could barely keep from screaming and pushing him away."

"I don't understand. If he was that gentle, why would you want to run away?"

"It's just so disgusting and repulsive. I could never pretend."

That was Marie's first indication that she may have done something very wrong in Jessica's 'training'. In trying to make sure the girl never became fond of sex, she may have made it impossible for her to even tolerate it.

"Honey, it is disgusting and repulsive, but it shouldn't be so painful you have to run away."

"Oh, it wasn't pain. It was just knowing that I was doing such an awful thing that got to me."

"But, Sweety: it's a woman's duty. You're supposed to make him feel like a great lover. Build his ego."

"I... I just can't. I just feel so guilty and so... so defiled. Isn't that what you taught me?"

Marie saw her predicament very clearly after that statement, and it frightened her. Not that she cared a whit about Matt's pleasure, or her daughter's either, for that matter. The problem was that her whole plan to gain Jessica a lucrative divorce required there to be some kind of marriage beforehand. It was obvious that she had overdone the negative indoctrination about the sex act. Or at least Jessica had taken it far too seriously. From what Jessica was saying, she did not see how the couple could make it six months. That would nearly constitute an annulment, with a very minimal settlement.

Over the next few weeks, Marie spent every possible minute trying to reverse some of the damage she had done, but with almost no success. Her earlier training had been too deeply imprinted, and reinforced by actual experience, it was seared into the young wife's psyche. Nothing Marie could say seemed to break through.

Matt tried twice more, a week apart each time. She allowed him to enter her, but her reactions were the same as before. In all that time, he never once got to see her naked, either.

The morning after the third time, he could not restrain himself any longer, and at breakfast he demanded "Jessica, you've got to tell me what's wrong."

"Wrong, what do you mean?"

Against every promise he had made to himself, Matt lost it. "Don't do that to me! You know very well what I mean. We have only had sex six times since we were married, and every time you make me feel like I am doing something terrible to you."

Shaken by his outburst, Jessica responded in a way she never intended to. "Well, you are. I mean... oh... that's not what I meant to say Matt... I..."

The damage was done and Matt stared at her in disbelief. When he could finally speak again, he asked "Then why did you marry me?"

"Matt! How can you ask that? I love you?"

"If you love me, how could you trick me into a marriage without sex?"

"But we have sex. Just last night..."

"And you hated every minute of it and you let me know it," he accused her, much more angrily than he intended.

She had hung in there for quite a while, but that was all she could take. Once again she fled in tears. This time, he did not let her go, but pursued her to the bedroom. When she threw herself onto the bed, he sat beside her and stroked her hair and her back, trying to undo the effects of his outburst.

"Jessica, will you please get help? Will you see someone?"

Through her sobbing, she was able to say "Why do I need help? There's nothing wrong with me."

"If you feel that sex is that awful, there is something wrong," he retorted. "How about if we go together to a marriage counselor."

"Why do we need that?" About to explode, this time is was Matt who just walked away.

"You do not need to see anyone! There is nothing wrong with you!" Marie shouted over the phone the next morning. If anything brought fear to Marie's heart, it was the idea of Jessica seeing a professional. How she had programmed her daughter would certainly be revealed. Who knew what would happen after that.

It was Monday and Marie was at work, but the situation was so serious that she proclaimed illness and spent several hours with Jessica. She walked a fine line between convincing the bride that she had no need for counseling and trying to get her to accept sex enough to keep the marriage alive. Only in the first part was she successful, and she left very fearful that her years of hard work would come to naught due to her own miscalculation.

Matt had been at work only thirty minutes when Mel hauled him into their conference room and locked the door. "I turned off the surveillance. Now tell me what's wrong."

"Mel, nothing's wrong, I..."

"Dammit, Matt! This is me! The woman who's loved you longer and harder than anyone but Mom. Don't give me that bullshit. Something is wrong. Big time wrong! It must be between you and Jessica."

"Mel, I appreciate your concern, but things between me and Jessica a private."

"Then there is something wrong," she pounced.

"I didn't say that," he objected.

"Matt, I want my brother back. Marriage is supposed to make a man happy and complete. You've been totally different since the wedding, and not at all happy. OK, don't talk to your sister. I've made an appointment for you at two o'clock today. Here's the card."

"Mel, I don't want to see anyone. I'll work it out."

"You won't go?"

"No, I'm sorry, Mel."

Mel let out a huge sigh and her eyes became liquid. "Then here's my resignation. I'm going back to New Jersey where I can't watch you fall apart." With that Mel walked unsteadily from the room.

Matt had less than two minutes to recover from that shock when it was compounded by Geri, who silently laid her own memo on top of Mel's. He was starting to get a little angry at their strong-arm tactics when Leslie walked in with a telltale sheet of paper.

"This is the best job I could imagine," Leslie told him, "but it's all because of you. If you're not going to be Matt any more, I'd rather be somewhere else. I'll stay long enough to help you find a replacement."

The anger was quickly quenched, replaced by a sudden depression. Matt almost expected a resignation call from his father as he sat pondering his options. It really did not take long to decide that he had no options. Losing his sisters and Leslie was beyond comprehension. He would have to go and see... he looked quickly at the card... Dr. Julia Waxman. Hmmm. Dr. A full-fledged psychiatrist and a woman. Was she just going to take Jessica's side?

After another fifteen minutes sitting motionless, Matt began to be thankful for the care the women had shown. Once he knew he had to go, he was almost relieved. Keeping everything to himself had really taken a toll. He had never believed in counseling, considering it a crutch for the weak-minded, but at that point, he cynically classified himself as the weakest of mind. Mostly, he desperately needed someone to talk to. Not ready to confide in his family, Dr. Julia Waxman was probably the best solution available.

Getting up wearily from his chair, Matt left the conference room to find all three women hovering around Leslie's desk. He just softly said "I'll go," and the three descended on him with hugs and tears.

Jessica chose that exact moment to pop into the office to tell him about some furniture she wanted to buy. The group hug did not sit well with her at all, given her ever-worsening jealousy. After her first expression of surprise, the anger was apparent on her face. Matt quickly disentangled himself and spirited his wife back outside.

"What was going on there?" she demanded. "Is that what you do at the office all the time?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" he shot back with as much restraint as he could muster. "It was an emotional moment. They all... they took a big risk to get me to go and see someone."

"See someone?"

"A shrink. A psychiatrist."

"But... why would... is this about sex again?" she demanded, still angry.

"It's about what is supposed to be our marriage. I can't cope on my own any more." He knew exactly what would happen when he said it, and she did not disappoint, dashing tearfully to her car and locking herself in.

At dinner that night, he would never have known there had been any problem. She was as vivacious and chatty as could be. He was totally baffled by that behavior and more than a little concerned about his bride's mental condition.

It took a good part of the first session and some skillful humor on Julia's part before Matt started to relax at all. The fact that she was a drop dead gorgeous forty-something redhead with an hourglass figure made it harder for him to relax. She, of course, had faced that hurdle many times before. By the time he left, he had told her the gist of the problem and had managed to get nine more sessions scheduled over the next five weeks.

At the second session, just two days later, Julia went into great detail about Jessica's behavior in different circumstances. Toward the end, she mused out loud "I sure would love to hear a conversation between Jessica and her mother. I think perhaps Marie has a big role in all of this."

Matt actually slapped his forehead before responding. "You won't believe this, but you can hear some conversations. Everything in the main part of the house is monitored and recorded. I just haven't thought about it since..." he went on to explain how the house was used as a test site.

Julia scheduled a rare Saturday morning session for Matt so they could review some of the recordings. The first recorded visit by Jessica's mother was almost enough to make Matt sick, but in a strange way, it made him more sympathetic to his wife. The conversation was unbelievable! His mother-in-law's attitude toward him - toward all men - was downright scary. The best way he could describe it was domination in velvet gloves. Jessica had been trained from puberty to regard a husband as a means to an end.

Matt would never have suspected that of Marie. Though he would not have described himself as fond of his mother-in-law, there had never been any disagreement or tension between them. She was a very striking, polished woman, at her best in social situations. Matt had gone out of his way to be a gentleman to her, and she had responded graciously. As a picture of Jessica's mature beauty, he was very pleased with Marie. Now, she was exposed as a veritable monster.

As Matt listened to the mother/daughter conversation, he alternated between astonishment and anger. First, he was astonished at what Jessica was willing to tell Marie: it was everything! It appeared that his wife was nothing but an extension of her mother. Details of their personal life that should never leave the house were referred to as lightly as dinner choices or cosmetic options.

Even more astonishing was the cold, emotionless way both women talked about him. It appeared that his supposedly loving but troubled wife had less real feeling for him than for her childhood pets. All along, Matt had felt that Jessica genuinely loved him, and it was just her sexual hangups that closed off the intimacy. Could she be that good an actress? Or maybe the question was when was she acting? Was it with him or with her mother?

It really did not matter which was the real Jessica and which was the actress. Either way, Matt was well and truly screwed. He could not suppress an ironic chuckle as the phrase went through his mind. Screwed was the one thing he definitely was not. Confused, angry, and depressed, though, he definitely was. And more than all of those, he felt trapped.

Here he was in a marriage he should never have been lured into; a marriage there was no graceful way out of; a marriage he was gently warned against by his family. Because he had blindly eschewed a pre-nup, she would nail him good in a divorce. He was particularly concerned about his ownership of the company. If it came before a judge in that state, he might almost have to start over, and the ruination of the company would hurt his family.

They ended up reviewing the recordings for most of that Saturday. Julia was free because her husband was on one of his constant business trips for the fashion company he headed. When they had heard them all, Matt pressed her for some opinions, but she said she needed to spend some time marshaling her thoughts.

After that long Saturday session, Matt had never been more grateful for Mel's love and care. The thing that helped Matt more than anything was Julia's willingness to become a buddy, joking at the otherwise stunning things she heard on the recordings, and even making ribald suggestions about possible paybacks Matt could engineer. It was only her buddy status that made Matt accept her analysis of why he had married Jessica.

The painful truth was that Matt was woefully naive about women. The reason was his upbringing: the women in his home had been too good, too perfect. When he emulated his father's treatment of his mother and his sisters, they reciprocated. The entire family was considerate of each other to a fault. Manipulative, conniving bitches were something he had never encountered, and was not prepared to deal with.

In Julia's opinion, Jessica did love Matt, but her concept of love had been skewed by her mother. She felt that the acting Jessica was more the one with Marie. The big problem was that she had been her mother's puppet for so long that there was little chance she could free herself.

"Actually," Julia explained, "I suspect Jessica is schizoid. I don't see any other way she could act so differently in different settings."

Even more painful was Julia's explanation of why Jessica had chosen Matt over Rod. Rod was dominant and pushed her sexual buttons. Because of her mother, she was afraid of the sexual effect Rod had on her, and chose Matt, who put no pressure on her at all.

"Think back, Matt, to the times Jessica said she loved you. Was it ever after you had sex."

The question startled him, and he had to think for a while. "No, I don't think so."

"How about after a petting session?"

"No, not then, either."

"Let me guess," Julia said, "When you were cuddling with no prospect of sex, or when you were treating her especially nicely, that's when she would say it."

"Ohhh, boy," Matt groaned, "you're right.

"So, she loves you because you are safe. When you're not safe, i.e. when sex is a possibility, she doesn't feel the same way."

"Do you think she means it, or is it all just part of a trap?" he asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"Hmmmm. Good question. The extreme jealousy you talked about indicates to me that she very much wants to have you for herself. Love means different things to different people, Matt. I think she loves you in the only way she knows. In fact, I think she feels guilty about her feelings for you."


"I think she is afraid she is doing something wrong by feeling that way, because of what her mother has drummed into her. She fears her love for you is a rebellion of sorts. That is why she is another person when she is with Marie."

"God, how did I get into this mess?" he swore.

"That's simple. You loved her, and you still do. You've never had to worry about nuances of love. Your family just loves, period. Not to be critical, but you were too trusting to even think about anything being wrong. There were probably some things that you thought were strange, but you just let them go, right?" His answer was a low groan.

For another three sessions, they went over and over the situation, trying get the best possible handle on Jessica, what she was thinking, and what she was afraid of.

Julia came up with a theory about the jealousy. She believed Jessica was terrified of losing Matt and the safety he represented. Without Matt, Rod or someone like him would be there. She was traumatized when Matt had sex with her, but he was gentle and did not demand it often. In every other respect he was considerate.

She knew she was not pleasing him in bed and understood that she was the strange one. Any other woman would make him happy, so naturally he would be attracted to some other woman. As the tension between them increased, so did her fear of losing him, and thus her jealousy of any contact he had with an attractive woman. It was jealousy based on fear of what she would face without him.

Julia encouraged Matt to try as hard as he could to reduce Jessica's antipathy toward sex. A romantic buildup had not worked, but he tried it again anyway. He tried getting her drunk, but she refused to drink more once she got a buzz on. Marie had pounded into her that she must never lose control of her senses. In all, Matt tried four times over a two week period, but gave up on two of the tries. The other two were the same as earlier sessions.

After the two weeks, Matt was completely fed up and pled with Julia for some help in resolving the standoff. Unfortunately, Julia's first solution was one Matt could never accept. He would have to become dominant and just take Jessica. Over time, she would respond more and more. She might even get to the point of initiating sex, but in either case, she would stop refusing him. In other words, he would have to become Rod, and that he could never do.

Julia, of course, knew her solution was not something Matt could handle, so she recommended an alternative with an admittedly low probability of success. It involved successive steps toward complete separation. First, he would move to another bedroom. After a while, he would stop being seen anywhere with her. Finally, he would move out of the house. The only chance of success was that the gradual loss of companionship would jar Jessica into changing her ways, or at least to seek help.

Matt spent another week just mulling over what he had learned. Then, he decided it was time to open up everything to his family. Cutting them out had gotten him into this mess, a mistake he would never repeat. Predictably, his sisters did not even question his request for a get-together.

After a meal where questions hung over everyone, Matt tried to lighten the mood before he dove in. "I almost feel like I should strip naked," he quipped, "I'm about to expose so much of myself." Almost simultaneously, the three women started a rhythmic clapping that brought tears to his eyes. Things quickly got a lot heavier.

Over the next three hours, Matt told his loved ones literally everything, answering questions with complete candor, and playing back the mother/daughter conversations. When he finished telling about the sessions with Julia, he was engulfed by a wave of love and concern. There followed another hour of planning what he could do to get out of the marriage.

Matt's major concern was hiding his assets, particularly the company stock. At his insistence, they each agreed to accept shares such that his portion would be evenly distributed among the five of them. They figured he would have to keep at least an equal share to avoid extra scrutiny by a divorce referee. Of course, the intention was to give it back to him when it was safe. There would be substantial lawyer fees to make sure it was all done legally.

More than the stock, Matt's real asset was the royalties from his patents. It took several days, but a scheme was worked out for transferring the patents rights, including all royalties, to a holding company in which Matt held no interest. Once again, it was with the understanding that ownership would later be transferred back to him.

The asset transfers would take many months to complete legally, and there was great concern that Marie might make a move before Matt was protected. On the other hand, the shorter the duration of the marriage, the less lucrative the settlement was likely to be.

Mel suggested that Matt needed to take extra precautions against attempts to prove him unfaithful. He and Mel very often traveled together. Liking their comforts on the road, they usually got a two bedroom suite together, generally with two baths, but not always. Mel thought they had better stop that practice, though both would miss the companionship.

They all had to assume it was Marie's intention to score a big divorce win for her daughter. It was hard for Matt to believe Jessica was involved in such a plot, but being around PIs had convinced him that his family's cautions should be taken seriously. There was no question that Jessica's insane jealousy could drive her to try and trap him.

The first step in the gradual separation was much harder than Matt thought it would be. When they finished supper one night, he quietly told Jessica he was moving to the guest suite. At first, she just looked at him in stunned silence, then "Is... is there another woman?" That was not at all what he expected, but he was never sure what to expect any more.

"No, there is no other woman. There never has been."

"Th... then, why?"

"I can't take it any more."

"I suppose this is about sex again, isn't it?" Her face showed the first signs of fear.

"Yes, it is. That shouldn't surprise you."

"But I like sleeping beside you. Don't you like it, too?" Now she was pleading.

"Yes I like it, but it's not enough. If I keep on sleeping beside you, you will think it's enough. You need to know that it's not." It had taken days to work up the courage to do this, all the while vowing to keep his voice free of emotion. So far, he had managed.

"How long will you stay in the guest room?" Now, a little panic was creeping into her voice.

"Forever, I guess. At least as long as we are married." He barely avoided wincing when he let that slip out. The possibility of ending the marriage was something he had wanted to avoid mentioning for a while. Watching her reaction, though, he was glad he had said it. She stood motionless for many seconds, her face deathly pale. Then, she gasped, broke into tears, and fled to the bedroom.

Matt waited a very uncomfortable two hours before he rapped on the bedroom door and entered when he found it unlocked. Jessica was lying on her stomach and turned her head to look at him with red-rimmed eyes. He walked to the closet and grabbed as many hangers of his clothes as he could. Before he reached the door, she spoke up. "Matt, please! Don't do this! We're married. We're supposed to sleep together."

"You're right, Jessica. We're married. We're supposed to have sex together. I'm supposed to be able to enjoy looking at my naked wife. I don't get to do any of those things."

"But we have sex."

"How often would you say we have sex?" That stopped her.

"But why does it have to be so often?"

"Because we're both supposed to want to have it more than once every week or two. How long since I've seen you naked?"

"Why is that so important to you? Do you just want to embarrass me, or what?" With that question, Matt felt his anger start to rise. He was determined to keep his cool, so he walked out, hung up his load in the guest room, then waited several minutes before going back for another load. It took another half hour before he had transferred all of his possessions. He pointedly did not speak to Jessica or even look at her as he finished. She cried softy the whole time.

Matt made it a point to listen for Jessica getting ready for bed. When he thought she was in bed, he went in and kissed her goodnight. He did not say the customary 'I love you, ' and she was sniffling by the time he reached the door. Before leaving for work in the morning, he went through the customary goodbye routine. The objective of this phase was to make everything the same except where he slept.

As part of the sound recording, Matt had recently installed a device that recorded both ends of all phone conversations. The day after he moved out of the bedroom, he expected some interesting, if not necessarily pleasant, recordings. He was not disappointed. The garage door was hardly down when Jessica called her mother. In a shaky voice, she told Marie that Matt had moved out of the bedroom, and Marie said she would be right over.

"Why did you let him do that?" Marie demanded as soon as she was in the door.

"Let him? What do you mean? How could I stop him?"

"Jessica, you should have much more control over him by now. What do you think your pussy is for, anyway?"

"But... but if it's so dirty and disgusting... ?"

"Of course it is. But a wife has to use it to control her man. Looks like you're going to have to increase the frequency."

"How will I do that when he's not even in my bed any more?"

"Don't be ridiculous! Do you think he would turn you down if you offered yourself? He never has before, has he?"

"I... I've never..."

"Oh, my! You've carried things too far. You've really never initiated sex?"

"N... no."

"Well, now you're going to have to. Think you can stand to do it a little more often?"

"I think so. It's not so bad, really."

"What are you saying? Not so bad?"

"I mean, he's nice and gentle, and he does things to get me ready. It... it actually feels pretty nice."

"JESSICA! Pretty nice!? How can you say that? I did not bring you up that way. A woman who enjoys sex is a slut!" Jessica just sat looking at the floor, too cowed to say anything. "Now, do you think there's another woman?"

"He says not, and I don't really think there is. He always offers to take me along on his trips, so I doubt he is setting up any liaisons. I hope not."

"Hope note? Whyever would you say that? If we can catch him, you can divorce him for adultery and clean him out."

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Dale was so surprised to see the flyer posted through her door looking for new members of a local spanking club. She had suffered being spanked and caned several times now, all her own fault, and knew that she hated it each time. On the other hand, she also knew that, afterwards, without understanding why, she was always aroused as she felt her hot sore and stinging bottom and always gave herself a massive orgasm. So, wondering whether she might get some experience of giving someone else a...

2 years ago
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My Innocent mom

Hii guys its me sanjay…. As i’m here now to narrate a cool fantasy incident happened to me that introduce me to a new world of pleasure , that is a pure fantasy and no reality in it. This is about how i fucked my innocent mom very innocently. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 18 and had me soon after. My father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my grandmother”s gone and my mom”s a successful lawyer, having educated...

3 years ago
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3 Evil SistersPart 40

In the middle of the night I decided to get up and walk out of the house after I discovered that both of my sisters were using me for sex. Technically I already knew that Ashley was using me for sex but she lied to me again in order to get more sex out of me. I just couldn’t figure out what compelled those heartless bitches to not only want me, but to treat there own brother like a piece of meat. Of course I didn’t have much time to think about my family because as if Karma was paying me back...

4 years ago
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Hot Affair With A Beautiful Mature Lady

I have been here reading your experiences for some time now and I felt I should share some of my experience too. I am Raj from Bangalore. I am a well groomed, well-read gentleman of 38. I am well experienced in the art of love making and pleasing a woman. I am 6ft tall, well built handsome guy & I don’t want to brag here that my dick is foot long and half feet thick! I respect women for who they are and I am very confidential in all my affairs and can keep secrets very well. Ladies can reach me...

3 years ago
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TammyChapter 6

The next day we made it to LA. Her house was in a typical LA suburb. Swimming pools, palm trees and smog. It was Tuesday and both her parents worked so the house was empty. I helped her unload her gear. We were standing in her bedroom and I knew it was time. "I've got to be going." "Oh Mike," she threw her arms around me. "I'm so scared I won't ever see you again." "If you want to see me you will. Remember your promises and I'll keep mine. I don't want any high school...

2 years ago
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Old friends at a wedding party

Anita was excited that day when I came home from my office. Her girlfriend Laura was getting married again and my wife was very happy for her. Two weeks later the wedding date finally arrived and my sweet wife was that evening even hornier than usual. She brushed her fingers over my cock every chance she got and told me this would be a night I would never forget. She added, that she might be got knocked up that night…Ana had shaved her pussy for the occasion; she looked better than ever.The...

3 years ago
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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st9

A buddy asked, if Irene’s ‘striptease’ for the boys was done with all bells and whistles like a pro. No, it wasn’t. I just used ‘striptease’ jokingly, as it was like one for the boys who hadn’t ever before seen a female taking off her clothes for them. Irene was simply undressing and while that the boys groped her tits and cunt and enjoyed the nice view.I had specifically asked Irene about that, and it was just undressing. And she would have told if there had been anything intended by her...

4 years ago
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meri kahani

mera naam nita desai hai. main aaj meri doo biwiyon ke saath rehta hoon aur khush hoon par 3 saal pehle aisa nahi tha.main us samay degree kar ke puna mein rehta tha. aur pariwar jisme meri maa papa,chacha,chachi,tau taiji aur mera cousin apni biwi ke saath rehta tha.Wo sare Log 3 saal pehle kahmie ghoomne gaye aur wahan se vaapas aate samay ek bomb blast mein sabki maut ho gayi siway chachi, cousin bhabhi aur maa ki. meri maa ki halat bahut kharab thi aur 20 din baad wo bhi mujhe akala chchod...

4 years ago
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sexy milf

One of my best friend’s mothers is about 42 or 43 years old and is absolutely gorgeous. She is about 5′ 7″, with long, smooth legs, and perfect breasts that are not too big not too small. They are natural looking, so they look perfect. She is the typical blonde stacked soccer mom who everyone wants to fuck in the neighborhood. She is a gardener and takes extra care of her bushes in front of her house and her gardens in the backyard.What was odd was she was such a knockout people never...

3 years ago
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Beti Ne Utara Baap Ka Karj

Hello guys and I am Nitika Verma 20years old living in Delhi. I am huge fan of sex stories mostly I read group stories but I never expect one day, I would have also a story. Well, first tell me about my stuff, I have 36d boobs with round ass. I gave so much attention in boys pant while I wore skirt and tight top with sleeveless. I also like so much on boys gave comment on me in my family I have one little sister whose age is 18 years she is so cute and my father and mother. Now come on story my...

4 years ago
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Subservience of the Mind Body and SoulChapter 8

With slow, seductive movements, the master tilts her head and presses her warm lips against Kamari’s. Their lips mesh together, making the young women to forget what is happening. Kamari doesn’t know where they are going or what is going to happen, but once again she feels nothing but love coming from the master. Their tongues begin to touch and twist about. She feels vulnerable, but the desire to give herself to the master makes everything feel so special. She had trusted the book, she had...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Teacher

By : David.Dombe mera name david hai. jo story ap ko btne ja rha hun meri teacher ke story ha jo 2 sall pehale ke tb ke baat ha jb mn MBA rha tha.. hmri 1 teacher jo economis parhati the hm ko young , khobsort aur bahot pyari the…us ke dakh kr hm sb pagl se ho gae.. puri uni mn wo ate he poular ho gae…mn class ka average student tha par …par class ka CR tha ..notes copy krna asignment sb mere oper tha…meri teacher se normaly roz baat hoti the….isi lye un ke ziada kareeb ho gya…teacher...

4 years ago
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Virgin Rock

“Stay off the cliff, now,” Mrs. Campbell warned me as I left her inn. “Try to climb that cliff and you’ll wind up on Virgin Rock.” Well, I hadn’t come to Scotland for the rock climbing. That was a peculiarly British fad. I took myself to the pub. A young man served my beer. “Not busy,” I noted. I was his only customer. “They’ll come in at dinner time. ‘Lunchtime’ for a Yank. My parents couldn’t afford to pay someone to tend bar for the solitary visitor, but our universities are off now,...

5 years ago
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I’m already smiling as I knock on your door. "I wonder how you will react to what I have planned for you," I had said teasingly during the phone call earlier in the week, wanting your imagination to work overtime. "You should know me well by now, it's always a surprise, a good surprise." You open the door and stand there smiling, a questioning look on your face. I show you the bottle of champagne, condensation covering the cold green glass in blisters of water. You follow me into the kitchen, I...

Straight Sex
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Daughter bares all for Dad

He crafts beauty. With light and shadow, a rainbow of color, and an eye for composition, he produces art. He is a master of photography; and he’s my father.My mother died when I was twelve. I took it really hard. My twin brother, Dusty, kept a lot in. My father grieved for a long time. My mother had been his muse, his true love. Loneliness emptied his heart. But Dusty and I felt safe with him, even when life was cruel. Dad prepared us to discover ourselves like a sculptor finds a shape in...

3 years ago
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Janice wants to be Touched

The names are changed, to protect the guilty, but otherwise, this is a true story. It happened to me, in 2014, while I was renovating a house. I wasn't living in the house, but I had owned it for a few years, and I knew the neighbours. In the house next to mine, was Janice, a single mom, now that she had kicked out her cheating husband. She was about 10 years younger than me, petite, and I had always had a small crush on her, although I had never thought to do anything about it.While I was...

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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part One

  I thought today would be like any other day.   I thought wrong.   Master told me not to listen to Mistress.   Unfortunately for me he never told her: I didn't want to get in trouble with either of them.   My sister was upstairs cleaning her room while Master had me clean the rest of the house.   You see, Mistress Julia owns my sister Taliya.   I, Ceres, belong to Master John. It’s hard pleasing them both, trying not to disappoint them.   Master left for work; Mistress Julia wasn't too far...

3 years ago
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Tight pussy experience of my life 20

Tight pussy - experience of my life She held my cock and began to kiss it the way a mother frantically kisses her long-lost baby. Then she ran her tongue all over its length wiping it madly. Next, in one quick jerk she took it inside her mouth as if to send it down her throat. She moved her tongue over my cock for a long time and smeared it with her saliva. Later she took my cock in and out of her mouth repeatedly in quick succession. I was getting pleasure indeed....

2 years ago
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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 17

Dawn broke, warm with clouds in the sky. I sat on the patio sipping coffee while Rufus did his business, meandering through the flowerbeds, around bushes, and inspecting tree trunks. The daily L.A. Times lay on the table unopened. A very unusual event was forecast; rain. I’d believe it when I see it. Early August was far too hot for precipitation. I thought back to the conversation Amelia and I had had two morning ago. I’d woken up to find Amelia awake and naked in my arms, a wholly...

4 years ago
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Official Pussy Inspector

Official Pussy Inspector I have always been in love with pussy. My wife and every girlfriend that I have ever had knew that. Even my sister and my mother know that too. Hell I have a diploma hanging in my den that was made up special, certifying me as the “Official Pussy Inspector.” I have a T-shirt and a baseball cap that have FBI on it, which stands for “Female Body Inspector.” As much as I like the female body I really like pussy. Like they say, “You spend nine months getting out of...

2 years ago
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Fucking Virgin Girlfriend in the Ass

Hi my dear readers, Karan here with yet another experience of mine. This happened during my graduation days. i.e. first half of the 3 years of my graduation. Ashi , one of the cutest girls I had in my life. The most interesting thing in this story is that Ashi was the best friend of my previous girlfriend Anshika. The mere thought of having had both the friends for myself excites me even now as I write the story. Ashi was a babe, same as Anshika. The saying “birds of a feather, flock...

3 years ago
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Turnabout Is Fair Play

Sarah’s nipple was so responsive within his mouth that he had to struggle to keep his suction gentle. Her center was so slick under his hands that he could add his second finger to his index. Her grip on them was tight, but he could tell that she was nearly ready for him. As he was entirely ready for her, his phallus swollen to the point of pain, feeling somehow tight. Chad’s lips on her breast were so luscious that she could almost feel her nipples stretch towards his mouth. His fingers on...

5 years ago
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Julias Audit

It’s tax season of course and as usual, Julia McIntyre is late in finishing hers seeing as today is the very last day she can send it in. She hadn’t, as usual, filed an extension. Normally, she didn’t have to, but this past year seeing as she had come into her inheritance all her finances and income and whatnot had changed. “Ohhh gosh,” she cried out. “I just don’t understand this.” Her friend, who has had her taxes done by one of the larger tax preparation outfits in the area, suggested she...

Oral Sex
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A Dream Come True2

A Dream Come True – 2 By celeb fan© Dear friends, I am continuing where I left off the previous part of this series. If you want to read the precursor to this, read the story with the same title but, part 1, I hope you like it. After she passed out, I kept kissing her tenderly along her neck, her boobs and licking her pussy. She awakened after quite a long time and her first reaction was to look at her chest, where I was licking her boobs. She caught my face between the palms of her hands...

4 years ago
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First time Pony Girl

I was a nineteen year old virgin with money in the bank. I don’t think I’m shy, I can talk to anyone, but I never seemed to have much joy with men. If I threw myself at them it seemed to scare them away, if I played hard to get I didn’t get got. This man was different. He seemed happy to simply chat; he was a lot older than me and I guess I treated him more like an uncle. It was at least a month before we discussed sex at all and then what with one thing and another I started to tell him how...

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The Goblin Horde

Ertun the old wizard cackled, his frail arm moving manically as he threw himself into his work. He had an epiphany while he was sleeping last night. When he woke he knew that what ever this was would be glorious. The door creaked open but Ertun was unconcerned, there was only one type of creature near his tower. What's more only one of the them would be allowed up here. He turned his head looking at the goblin. Ertun smiled remembering his young days. When he was young he had a run of bad luck...

3 years ago
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Sapphic Love Ch 01

This story is a work of fiction, though it has some sense of base off of personal experiences. Oh she was such a gorgeous girl. Her face was pale, as the rest of her body was. She had a very light shower of freckles across her nose that had faded with age. Her nose wasn’t small, but instead rounded to match her gleaming large green eyes. Though, to most people having glasses hide to beauty of ones eyes, or crowded the face, but not her. Oh no, they brought out the round pattern of her body and...

4 years ago
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Erin and Mike again

Erin , the 18 year old student of Mike her Tutor, was only slightly happy with the spanking he had given her when she had been dressed in her NetBall kit, he had brought her off with his hands and Erin felt she had got off too lightly!She sent Mike a message by E-mail to the effect that she did not feel she had been punished severely enough for her spelling, Mike read this with interest and thought for a day as to how to sort her out, also Erin had said that whatever happened she would like to...

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The Wedding Present

At 10 am that Monday, I was still in my robe when the doorbell ding-donged. I pushed the photos under a magazine and answered the door. If it’s the UPS guy, I thought, maybe I’ll let my robe fall open just for a second. But it wasn’t the UPS guy. “Gina!” I exclaimed. “What are you . . ?” She wrapped her arms around me in a big hug. Her hands slid down to my butt. I led her inside before we traumatized the neighbors. She sat on the sofa and spoke loudly so I could hear her from the kitchen....

2 years ago
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Rainy Nights

The rain was pouring outside. Thunder cracked and lightning danced in through the trees. Shards of light coming through cracks between the window blinds. Shifting light and patterns on the walls and the floor. My heart was still beating quickly even though he was snoring next to me. He'd been that way at least an hour ... or maybe only 20 minutes. When you can't sleep each minute seems endless. I just laid there watching his chest and stomach rise and fall with each breath. His snoring was...

2 years ago
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Need A Hand

The ticking of the clock was clear and distinct in the café, like the torturous dripping of a tap. The sound of rattling dishes being clumsily loaded into the dishwasher was but a murmur on the wind compared to the brutal tick that indicated each passing second. Cal’s heart beat to the rhythm, only twice as fast, with his eyes fixed firmly on the door. The coffee before him grew cold as he continually stirred it with a slow, unfaltering pace. She was late. Not very late, but late. Every passing...

3 years ago
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Taking Care of Business Chapter 3

Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...

2 years ago
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A Game Where Everyone Wins

"And how do we play this game of yours?" I asked."It's pretty simple." Sasha replied, "It's kind of like the basketball game 'HORSE' except it's different moves on your partner. So, when one couple does a move, the other couple has to mimic it to the best of their ability, and then it's their turn to make a new move." "Sounds like a plan babe. So it's us verse them?" Said Corey."HA! HA! Sorry, but there is a slight twist in this game. It's going to be chicks verse dicks." "Woah, this is...

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Rileigh Unchained Ch 02

On my way out of their apartment, I saw the man that we left in the bar sitting in the living room. It took a moment and then it all came rushing back to me. I would have been embarrassed about everything I had done in the last 12 hours if the rum had not kicking in. ‘Well, at least someone in the apartment got laid’ he said without a smile. ‘fuck off’ I said as I walked out the apartment. I made sure I flipped him off for good measure before I closed the door. I had to use the walls as...

3 years ago
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Daughter Shares Mom8217s Studs

HI THIS HUMA WITH HOTTEST SEX INVOLVING MOM DAUGHTER AND MOM’S STUDS I am Shilpa, daughter of my mother Sharmila, my single mom, aged 40, widow, living in her huge house on the outskirts of Kaithal, Haryana, India,. My mom, I used to think is a highly religious lady. Just before the death of my father, mom had brought three pundit priests to pray in our family temple. they were Mahant Premdass, the head priest, aged 45, Badri and Satya, two young priests in their early twenties. Mom would...

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Sex With A Married Colleague

Hello everyone! It’s Mayank again with my third sex story! Which is about my sexperiencess before my marriage. I was working with an MNC in Gurgaon. Being in a civil engineering company no. Of female employees were limited only to small it or hr dept. I was already engaged to get married, everybody at the office knew that so I thought even a small chance of a relationship at the office isn’t possible. Then came the heroin of this story!! She was a very small height girl who recently came back...

4 years ago
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Fantasies Came Real With Kanan Bhabhi Part VI

Welcome all my readers to the 6th part of my story with my Kanan bhabhi, as all of you know last episode I managed to have a partial fuck with my kanan bhabhi when I slipped her some sleeping pill and had great fun. So coming back from that incident, few days went away and we didn’t get any chance to get close and personal. I was dying to get close with her, I knew that she was also but the situation never allowed us to do so. I wanted to repeat the fuck with her again but someone or other was...

3 years ago
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Jackie Surprise

It's hot out and the air conditioning in my car isn't working. The thruway is loud with the windows down, the radio is blasting and I'm feeling windburned. When I pull in your driveway and turn off the ignition it's silent. I take a couple slow deep cleansing breaths and calm washes over me allowing the anticipation of what is to come to come forward in my mind. A small smile spreads as I open the car door and step out into the heat reflecting off the driveway. I do a few stretches...

3 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 38

There's a tray in my room with soup and a bread roll on it.. I'm starving, so I eat it first, standing up of course to give my arse a break. Then I take of my stockings, aware of the little ladders in them.. and throw them in the bin, another little expense. I... I stroke my crotch once through Mistress Thorne's panties... she's let me wear her panties! I pull them off and looking around to check no one is there, even though I'm in my private room, bring them to my nose and sniff,...

2 years ago
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The sex club

They'd been married just a couple of years, and at that age, were right into porn. (Margie was just 22)One day while browsing through one of the sex sites, they came upon a write up about a sex club on the Continent. They discussed it and thought of the incredible things that must go on in such a place, but at that stage they imagined that there must be very few of such places, and all situated in exotic locations.It was a couple of months later, and by sheer accident, that Rob found out that...

3 years ago
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The Nerd Goes to UniversityChapter 7 Laura Midders

"Perfect ... perfect ... hold that pose" demanded Laura as she snapped photo after photo of Sonia Ngomo and myself in her backyard photographic studio. She moved in to get closeups ... I'm sure that the only things in her view finder were Sonia's bald black pussy and my long fat rigid white cock. We'd started off the session with some relatively tame nude shots of us individually and then together, but the atmosphere had turned hot and electric in the last 15 minutes when my cock woke...

4 years ago
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 2 Number One

Number one is the only house in the street, which was never inhabited by fishermen. It housed the production and administration of a long forgotten local brewery, and in its present day restored state it contained, until two years ago, the offices and the living quarters of the town's most successful lawyer. A highly respected man he was, and he had to be, or he would not attract business. At the age of 42 he really looked what he was, a successful provincial lawyer. Always well dressed,...

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Sunny TooChapter 21

I decided to bite the bullet and trenched my power ... the power provider ran natural gas in the same trench. Oooh ... Sparks and flammables in close proximity. How exciting. The cost was right at eighty thousand ... it was worth it. I no longer have to shit in a bag and pack it out. It only takes one time to have a bag of fermenting shit burst to make paying for power a good deal. We eventually contacted a kit manufacturer and were offered the best of good deals. Deposit paid ... unit...

4 years ago
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After Hours

Susan Ann Walsh sat quietly in her six year old Ford Escort in the parking lot of Krazy Kate's Video Store. For the third time in the last half-hour, the forty-six year old high school history Teacher checked her watch. Then the short haired redhead looked out the window to the small sign on the store's door that listed the hours of operation. The store closed at eight o'clock, her watch had read seven fifty. The short woman, only five three, got out of her dark blue coupe and quickly...

2 years ago
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Cuckolding my boyfriend pt2

Just by saying those words, Tim's cock twitched and other pearl of fluid oozed from its hole. From the side, I slathered it around his cock and even smeared some on his balls before stroking his hard-on. My fist was moving up and down when I stopped and took off my jean shorts before sitting on his chest, facing his cock. Some of Jay's cum was still squishing around in my rectum and starting to ooze on Tim. Straddling his chest, I slid back until my ass was touching Tim's mouth but leaning...

2 years ago
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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 01 Food whore

The zombie apocalypse was one of the best things that happened to Troy. Before this, he was a manager at a trucking company. He hated the job, but it paid really well. By a terrible coincidence, his wife was killed in a freak accident on the road with a truck from the same company he worked for. She was a sweet woman, but they had grown apart. So, he didn’t really miss her. But the company packaged him out and he was able to get a large settlement. He was then loaded with cash, but nothing to...

3 years ago
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Scandinavian Rampage

The time had come. Punchline and I had waited a year since our summer trips of ’09 to get back on an airplane, ditch the uncharacteristically cloudy California summer, and fly to the land of green landscape, midnight sun, no religion, expensive beers, and beautiful women: Scandinavia. Denmark We arrived in Copenhagen on a Wednesday afternoon, tired and grimy from fourteen hours of flying. We’d each slept no more than two hours on the plane, so after checking into our hotel, we crashed with the...

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The LibrarianChapter 30 A Strange New World

Shortly after returning to Zephyrus Sgt. Budzinski asked the AI, "How many did we get?" The AI responded, "There are 265 volunteers and 1467 concubines aboard the three ships bound for Azahar. Ninety-five pods on Zephyrus, ninety-two pods on Aurora, and ninety pods on Chronos have been allocated to sponsors. There are an unusually large number of children per concubine, and twelve very large families that need double pods for adequate space. One pod on each ship is being reserved for a...

2 years ago
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Eerie Saloon Seasons of Change Winter part 7 of 13

Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, February 11, 1872 Reverend Yingling stepped over to the altar. "Before we conclude, Horace Styron, the president of the board of elders, has asked to make an announcement." He turned and gestured towards Horace, who was sitting to the right of the altar, with Willie Gotefriend and Jubal Cates. Horace stood up and walked over to stand next to Yingling. "At last Wednesday's board meeting, a motion...

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