Rileigh Unchained Ch. 02 free porn video

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On my way out of their apartment, I saw the man that we left in the bar sitting in the living room. It took a moment and then it all came rushing back to me. I would have been embarrassed about everything I had done in the last 12 hours if the rum had not kicking in.

‘Well, at least someone in the apartment got laid’ he said without a smile.

‘fuck off’ I said as I walked out the apartment. I made sure I flipped him off for good measure before I closed the door. I had to use the walls as leverage when I descended the stairs trying not to trip flat on my face.

Wow did that actually just happen? I tried my best not to lose consecration one my feet. ‘Holy shit,’ I said out loud to no one. ‘What was I thinking, starting my day off with half a bottle of rum. This should get interesting.’

I stepped off the last stair and made my way across the lobby. I slowly pushed open the door trying not to hit the kid still passed out in the mud.

‘You okay buddy?’ I spoke softly and tapped him with my foot. ‘You dead?’

His legs twitched and a low gurgle rose from the mud in front of his face. ‘Oh ya,’ I said out loud with relief. ‘You’re gonna be fine… hypothermic, but fine.’

As I tried to walk I soon realized it was going to be a bigger challenge than I was hoping for, I sat on a bench in the quad and pulled out my phone to call a cab. I unlocked my screen, 27 texts, 14 new voice-mails and wouldn’t you know it, 14 missed calls.

‘Holy shit. Leave me alone.’ I knew I shouldn’t say that, they were worried for me. But I am a big girl and should be old enough to make my own decisions, stupid or not. All in all I count myself lucky for having such a family who’s been there for me since… well, everything. I called a cab, then flipped through my texts. I didn’t want to put up with voicemails right now. I felt shitty enough reading their words, I didn’t want to hear their voices.

They were all from my parents and sister. I had five brothers, but they are guys. They knew I would call if I needed help which, I did on occasion. From needing a ‘DD’ to helping me procure certain things while in rehab, they were always there. I thought they were the ones who took me to rehab as well until they denied the accusation of being so kind. I assume I was just picked up by a cop or something. I love them all, I just don’t feel like talking to them.

As I flipped through the texts I found that there was a common theme, ‘Call me, Ashley called, trying to get a hold of you’, ‘I left you a voicemail with Ashley’s info, call me when you get a chance’, ‘remember that nice boy, Xavier, from high school you used to know? I was talking to someone about him the other day. You should look him up, call me,’ and ‘Have you called Ashley yet?’

‘The fat one?’ I thought, ‘oh yeah mom, I’m gonna jump up off my drunk ass and make my way back to sanity, and get him on the phone immediately.’ I rolled my eyes and sighed ‘Good Lord, yeah, I’m gonna take ya up on that. Oh hey, why don’t you just set me up with every fat fuck on the block?’ I thought about what I said and then put my head down. My chin touched my chest and started laughing, ‘Dam, I’m funny when I’m drunk.’ I laughed again, ‘Fat fucks’.

The cab pulled up and I stumbled over to it. I know I use my sexuality more than I should, but damn if these idiots don’t make it too easy.

He pulled up to my house, ‘That’ll be twenty three even.’

‘Oh my God,’ I started to cry. ‘I left my wallet at the strip club.’

He turned to look at me, ‘oh? You out partying it up?’

I arched my back and stuck out my chest, ‘no, I’m a dancer.’

His eye’s opened wide and I knew I had him on the hook. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I threw out my lower lip and pouted, ‘is there any other way I could make good on the cash.’

Making an awful attempt to decline my offer, the man spoke just above a whisper, ‘umm… I can only accept cash or a… umm… credit card.’ Not once taking his eyes off my tits.

Taking that as my cue I slid my panties off, then opened the door and stepped out. Without saying a word I shut the back door and opened the front. Sliding into the passenger seat, I made sure to keep my legs spread, exposing as much of my cunt as I could.

I sat facing him and reached a hand up to tickle the back of his neck. ‘Now, are you sure there’s no other way I can pay for the ride?’

The man didn’t say a word. Thinking about it now, I probably could have walked away right then and there, no questions asked. But like I said, the powers of rum and other such magical liquids make me horny, as well as many other things. He was clearly of Middle Eastern decent and looked like he was fresh off the boat. This was further evidenced by his thick accent and the strange music blasting from the speakers. I just couldn’t help thinking that he may need a lesson or two in American hospitality and I wanted to show him what it was like to get your knob bobbed by a fake stripper while sitting in your cab on a busy street.

Instead of leaving, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my knee. ‘There ya go,’ I said, still tickling his neck.

A small smile formed on his lips but he just stared at my slit, so I thought I’d help him out. ‘I know my under smile is nice and all, but if you unbutton those pants I can pay you back for the ride.’

He was quick like a bunny and before I could blink he slid his pant down to his knees. It may have been the liquor, but this guy was packing. I took a double take, shaking my head and blinking my eyes to make sure they were not playing tricks on me.

‘Holy shit dude,’ I said in disbelief. I brought my eyes up to look at him then back at his cock.

I leaned forward, bringing both of my legs up onto the seat. I knelt beside him with my head over his lap, slowly taking hold of his cock. It’s been a great while since I’ve seen one this big, so I took my time. I slowly kissed the length of his cock from root to tip and could feel blood rushing through it in response.

I know it started out as some crazy chick trying to get out of paying for a cab ride, but I was actually enjoying myself.

I leaned up just enough to grab his hand with mine, and lead it around my body and placed it on my ass. His eyes opened wide and he tensed up, so nervous that it was like he was on trial for a murder he didn’t commit. I took hold of his shaft once again.

‘Don’t be afraid to let that hand wander.’ I said, hoping it would.

He rubbed my ass, squeezing occasionally. I stroked his length while wrapping my lips around his crown. Together, with his hand on my ass, it sent a chill down up my spine.

I flicked my tongue across the flared rim his cock head then pulled off. ‘Put your fingers in me.’

I put my head back down and slid my mouth over him. He hesitated, but soon his hand was trailing toward my pussy. Making the right decision, he dipped a finger inside me. That was fine for a bit, but soon one finger just wasn’t doing anymore.

I pulled myself up and looked him in the eyes, smiling as to not offend him. ‘I’m all for sucking your hog, but honey, you gotta help a girl out. Use two or three fingers when you’re inside me, and for the love of God don’t forget about my clit.’

I kissed him once more, and then returned to his cock. Up and down, I stroked his shaft with my mouth, fitting as much of him inside me as I could. Like a champ. He ran his fingers across my clit, making me moan. He changed things up and started again by using just one finger to enter me, but quickly tossed in another, followed by a third. I worked his cock with a purpose, aching to get off a second time this morning.

I wasn’t too far away when he pulled his hand out of me and grunted. His cock twitched and before I could know what was happening, he filled my mouth with cum.

‘Fuck’ I yelled in my mind. ‘How selfish is that? Taking your hand away from my pussy as yo
u finish in my mouth.’

I pulled off and spit his product on the floor by the brake pedal. I leaned up and looked and him with a disappointing half smirk and shook my head. He was in the highest level of heaven and didn’t notice when I turned around and scooted over. I opened the door and stepped out. I turned around but he was still in a trance, unable to recognize what was happening. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut.

I walked to my apartment thinking. ‘I need to stop drinking.’ That is really the only time I do things like this. The bad thing is that I spend most of my days drunk.

I stepped through my front door, throwing my keys and wallet on the table. What happened to me? I’ve never been like this sober. I don’t know what it is, though I guess I know now why they call this stuff ‘Liquid Courage’.

I fell asleep, but not for long. Three hours was all my mind could shut up for. I woke in a sweat and panic having had a dream about Grayson. It has been a while since I have dreamt about him. God, it was so clear. His face, his laugh, his touch were so vivid that if I had been a normal human being I would have cried. I hate days like this, and I had a bad feeling about this one. The dreams finally stopped after my therapy sessions with a few different psychologists that someone paid for.

My phone started vibrating, buzzing on the bedside table. ‘Oh God,’ I said out loud, slowly picking it up. It was another text from my mother, ‘Call me when you have a sec, worried about you, love ya.’ She was always so sweet, which made me feel worse about not wanting to talk to her, I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t like being alone but I just couldn’t face anything right now, I think that’s why I liked the bottle so much. It released me from thinking and kept my dark thoughts at bay.

–buzz my phone vibrated again with a text from my sister ,’hey are you going to let us hook you up with that kid from high school? Call me’. Again with this, well, to be fair I guess they can’t know I don’t want to if I don’t actually talk to them.

Fighting my instinct to be antisocial, I sent a short vague text to my sister. ‘I’ll let you know. sorry I’ve been a bum, Ttyl.’ And another to my mom, ‘sorry, can’t really talk now, love you too.’ They both replied almost immediately, ‘k, love you call if you need anything’.

The only thing I need now is my son’s memory out of my head, I hate being crazy. I know I am fucked up, I just can’t figure out why. His face keeps showing itself to me and it’s all I can do to survive.

I quite literally drank myself into the ground for the next three days. I barely slept, visiting the bars and fucking every guy I could. Which wasn’t hard given the location in which I was looking. All in attempt to rid myself of a memory. Silly I know, but I drank like never before. It had been months, years even since I can remember that I lost my memory from drinking.

On day four, my mom came to visit. It was awkward at best. She didn’t drink herself, but at least she understood what I was going through. We spent the first twenty minutes engaged in awkward small talk until I broke the ice.

I turned my body toward her on the couch to face her, ‘Look mom, I know you guys are upset that I’m such a shitty daughter, but it’s all I can do to not try to off myself again.’

Appalled, she gasped, ‘Honey no, I’m not here because we think you’re a bad daughter.’ She placed a hand on my knee, ‘Rileigh, we just care about you. I came today to make sure you had everything you need, I don’t care what you do to cope with the pain. Just as long as you’re able to. I can’t possibly know how it feels to go through all you have, and still be around to bless the lives of those around you.’

On the brink of tears, I looked straight at her. ‘What are you talking about?’

‘You may not see your family every day, but let me tell you this,’ she grabbed my hand, ‘you still touch every one of our lives every day. I love you sweetie, we all do.’ I started to cry and leaned over to place my head on her shoulder while she continued, ‘you take your time with whatever you need, and we’ll always be here for you.’

‘Mom, I really do love you. Thanks for not hating me.’

‘Oh honey, you have nothing to apologize for.’ She placed her hand on my head.

It felt like something had clicked inside me, all of a sudden I felt like something needed to change in my life. Why or where this thought came from, I do not know. It may have been the guilt for avoiding my family and wanting them to stop calling me. But at the base of all this I felt that this talk with my mom was exactly what I needed

‘Mom.’ I sniffled, ‘do you still have that number?’

Forgetting what she texted me a thousand times before she asked ‘Honey?’ but then it suddenly clicked, or so I thought, ‘Oh… Xavier’s number?’ She said excitedly.

I giggled and lightly slapped her shoulder, ‘UGH. No, I meant Ashley’s,’ I sniffled. ‘What other number have you been trying to get to me for the last week?’

She giggled, ‘Oh, I’m so forgetful.’ She reached into her purse to grab her phone, she scrolled through her old texts. ‘Ah, here it is. I’ll wright it down for you.’

I gave her a weird look, ‘What? No, just text it to me.’

She giggled again, ‘Oh yeah, I forgot about that… Technology.’

We spent the next two hours talking and catching up. She told me of my nieces and nephews birthdays that had I missed over the last four months, as well as everything else I’ve missed for that matter. It was good to talk to her again, it has been a while.

As I walked her to the door, she reiterated that fat that I could call for anything. Then she hugged me and I kissed her on the cheek. I don’t like it when people do anything for me, it makes me feel weak. Like I can’t do something for myself, but I appreciate her offering. I shut the door after she left and went searching for my last bottle.

‘Shit,’ I grunted in anger having just realized that I drank it last night. Out of booze, Houston we have a problem. I got dressed and gathered my things. I headed out the door for the nearest store with my favorite brand… ‘anything.’

I slid my card, punched in my PIN and smiled at the cashier as I walked away with my beautiful new bottle. I stepped outside and pulled the top of the bottle out of the brown bag and using my fingernails, I tore through the foil covering the top. I put the opening up to my lips, but I just couldn’t take a drink. The smell of the smooth liquor hit me and everything my mom and I talked about came rushing back.

‘Fuck,’ I yelled out loud. Causing the few people entering and exiting the store to turn their head. ‘Dammit mom,’ I thought, I was perfectly happy drinking my life away.

A man entering the building took notice after I screamed profanities. Apparently, standing in public in your black leggings, holding a bottle of booze and cussing out loud is a turn on for guys… idiots. Okay, I don’t hate men, I’m just angry about everything. The truth is I love men, well at least some of them. A few ladies walking by scoffed in disgust. I started back at the woman who pissed me off the most. I looked her right in the eye and yelled, ‘Fuck off bitch.’ She grunted and walked in the store, what a whore.

I tried to take another drink, but I failed at that attempt as well. ‘Shit,’ I yelled out loud this time just to screw with people, ‘Ya bunch a prudes.’

My son’s image popped into my head again, but it was different this time. I didn’t feel like I needed to purge my mind of it right away so I let my body hit the wall behind me and crumble to the ground until I was in fetal position. It was still difficult seeing his image in my head like that, so I finally muscled down a gulp between the tears and then quickly twisted the cap back on.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I headed to the bars to see if being around people would help, giving me a chance to ge
t some alcohol in me.

To my dismay, after three shots while grinding on some guy, I lost my interest. I pushed him off me and headed for the door. Once outside and out of range of the loud music, I pulled out my phone and flipped through my contacts until I came to the one I was looking for. ‘Ashley’, reluctantly I pressed call, not knowing what to say after almost three years.

‘CGI Global, this is Ashley.’ She answered so formal, I was not use to that.

‘Hey Ash it’s…’ recognizing my voice, she cut me off.

Almost yelling as she said ‘What the fuck dude? Where the hell you been all my life?’ As though nothing had changed, that the three years we haven’t spoken was just my imagination.

It was nice though, I stopped worrying once I heard her speak. ‘Hey bitch, how you been?’

She started laughing ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m actually talking to you. I’ve missed the living shit out of you.’ She paused to catch her breath, ‘I’m good, that’s why I wanted to talk to you. But I’ll tell ya bout that in a minute. What you been up to?’

Knowing that she’d be pissed if I ever lied to her, I didn’t hold back. ‘Just drinking and fucking every guy I can find.’

For a moment I forgot who I was talking to and thought I was going to get a response as though I was talking to my parents or bishop. But she surprised me, ‘Oh fuck yeah, man I haven’t got my butter churned in a long fucking time.’ She took a moment and then continued. ‘So how you doing with all that, shit you’ve been dealing with?’

It was actually refreshing to talk with her, she just didn’t give a shit about anything. ‘I’m keeping it in check.’

‘And your drinking?’

‘Functional.’ That was only a half lie.

‘Well then bitch get your ass on the next plane to DC, cause I got a present for ya.’

I remained quiet for a moment, forcing her to ask, ‘What’s up? I thought you’d be ecstatic.’

I finally asked rhetorically, ‘Ash you… you know what’s been going on with me the last three years right?’


‘Do you really think I’d be a… a good fit, for this job?’

‘Girl, listen to me. I’ve known you my whole life, and If I wasn’t sure then I never would have recommended you. Remember, if you fuck up it’s my ass on the line too.’

I sighed, ‘You sure?’

‘Bitch, please. As long as you’re able to function and hold off drinking long enough to complete your assignment, then I don’t fucking care.’

‘So what you think?’ I didn’t say anything, giving her a chance to speak again, to gauge her reaction.

I stayed quiet, mulling it over. Then suddenly it hit me, I quite literally don’t have anything better going on in my life right now. ‘Alright, yeah, I’ll be on the first flight tomorrow.’

She screamed over the phone. ‘Fuck yeah you are. I’m getting on my laptop right now, I’ll get your ticket and text ya the time. Just show up an hour early with your passport and slide it through one of the kiosks, and it’ll print your ticket.’

‘Well, I guess I’ll see ya tomorrow then.’ I spoke softly with almost no tone.

‘What? If that’s what you sound like when you’re happy, I don’t know if I wanna hear what you’re like when you’re sad or angry.’

I smiled but said nothing. It did not matter though, she knew me so well that she didn’t care. ‘K, be on that flight and I’ll be there to pick you up when you land.’

She hung up and left me confused. For the first time in years I wanted to have a conversation with someone that lasted more than the time it took to find out if they wanted to fuck me. I put my phone in my pocket and walked toward my apartment. Something just didn’t feel right and when I reached my parking lot, I hopped in my car and drove to my sister’s house. I didn’t want to though, I knew all she would want to talk about was that tubby little fucker she wanted me to date. I wouldn’t categorize myself as ‘shallow’ but I do have standards, ‘And I don’t care if he’s rich.’ I caught myself thinking out loud again.

I parked curb side about two houses down and just watched. Through the window, I could see her and her family laughing and playing. God, I wanted to smash something. Their being happy made me so angry. I calmed myself and then rolled up to their house.

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I was in my early twenties and had started to work at a company in Bangalore. When I first came to Bangalore from Kerala for my studies, I had stayed near Ramiah College. After a few years, I shifted to RT Nagar to be closer to some of my friends and reduce travel time to work. After about a week of shifting, I was looking for a good place for a haircut. I decided to walk around and explore the area. It was just 7-7:30 by the time I found a salon and I noticed there were no customers...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Motel Mama Another Story MomSon Aggressive Fu

I woke up at 3. It was the third time when my dream, lucid yet disturbing made me sweat and palpitate till I opened my eyes to stare at the white ceiling of my dark motel room.I was at a motel 6. I had my dinner at 10 and my sex at 11. The dinner was with the hotel manager. The sex was with a fat hooker he had sent to my room. He knew I liked fat women. I told him that during our dinner. "Fat, with lot of ass flesh, rolls of fat around their bellies, large tits and juicy lips.""What about their...

3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 27

“Well hello, Josey. I’m glad you could stop by. I hope you’re not in any hurry. We have some snacks and some high powered cocktail mixers on hand,” Denorah told me as she placed her armload of grocery bags on the bed. “I was hoping I’d get to stay long enough to be friends with all of you, at least. I told my granny that I may be spending the night with a friend, just in case I stayed late.” “Josey, we had a great meeting yesterday and this morning with the county planning commission. Your...

3 years ago
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First Time Using THC Edibles

By now my wife was a getting bit mellow as the chocolate kicked in. Wearing nothing but her stockings and spike heels, she slid seductively onto the bed and leaned back against the headboard with her knees up and legs spread. Her eyes were slightly unfocused as she enjoyed the new sensation of being high. I decided to just lick her sweet pussy and tease her clit to see how she would react. I got out of my clothes and settled down between her thighs. I knew it was going to be a great night when...

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There she was, wild, he could see from her that she had been broken at one point. But his fists ached with a desire to clench at the thought of the brute who must have once owned her. She had no brand, but the marks were there for any trainer to see and he moved slowly, slowly. Yet, she was beautiful. Flowing mane matted and dirty, coat unkempt and matted, there on her side he could see a sore spot she had been rubbing herself at in an attempt to ease the pain of a skin infection. Her hooves...

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Hello Neighbors

The first time I saw a guy's cock was a more than few years back. We had just relocated to a new city and we really didn't know anyone. One day we went to a neighbor's barbecue to get acquainted with everyone. Well a couple of hours had passed and everyone was in the big backyard and pool area drinking and making friends. I went into the house to find a bathroom.The house was very large with a basement, attic, multiple bathrooms, bedrooms and a variety of miscellaneous rooms. As I wandered...

4 years ago
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How I Came To Be Me Part 4 New Beginnings

The return to our Paris hotel was uneventful. We had a good time aboard the ship visiting all the marvelous places along the Seine, but it wasn't as fun with Tam in mom's stateroom. Tam and I didn't have any more intimate encounters, obviously because mom was pretty much back to normal health-wise, which was nice.We did tour Paris this time around taking in the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre Museum, along with the Arc de Triumphe. Tam was impressed with those and French cuisine. All of us were...

Straight Sex
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Changing Channels The House Sitter

Changing Channels- The House Sitter By Zouscha I saw the notice posted on the bulletin board in the university center, and I pulled it off before anyone could beat me to the punch. The note said 'Housesitting- will pay $250 for one week' and it gave a number. Well, I was pretty cash-poor this semester, so I jumped at the chance. I got back to my dorm room and called right away. An airheaded voice came on the phone, and said yes, they were leaving tomorrow. They'd leave the keys under...

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Sarah craves the hot tight body of her exlover Mike

It was a temperate fall afternoon when she finally arrived at the edge of the sand. The small, suburban park used to be a soothing place to relax after a night of drinking. She removed her heels and sunk her toes into the sand, enjoying the feel. Sarah spotted a bench that was fairly secluded, surrounded by various willow trees by the end of the beach. The scenery was beautiful, with a rainbow of leaf colours and the reflection of the sun off the small lake. It was fairly quiet, as most of the...

2 years ago
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The Thrustmaster

Many men have strived to achieve the title of Thrustmaster. You are one of those men. You arrive on stage and see a beautiful woman laying naked on a table in front of you. You have worked your whole life to get here. Do you have the stamina? Do you have what it takes? Press "Start Game," on the right and find out.

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Teen Transvestite in Public Loos 1970s TRUE STOR

A small northern town, on the outskirts of Manchester, this small smokey place was quite unassuming. It’s people went about their daily lives in the normal busy body way. The town had about 50 shops, and the High Street was always quite busy and not like it is today. The small town even boasted a tiny Woolworths store, something that would just not happen these days, but mid 70’s it was commonplace. On the back of the High Street was a very small and very dated public ‘swimming baths’, and next...

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Finding a Roommate

The year after I finished college, I took a job as a junior management trainee in a stock market firm. I hated everything about the job, but it paid my share of the rent while I got my screwed up brain together. One Saturday, a female showed at our door, asking if we would consider a girl for the roommate opening we had posted. She looked presentable, and I invited her in to meet Sean, my one remaining roommate. The lease was in my name, and it wasn't a good time of the year for finding...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 7 Camptime

Mark and Carly were having dinner out with us. They are about twenty years younger but we have a good time together. We've swapped with them but only on vacation. See the "Caravanning" story for some background. Mark made an announcement, "Three weeks from this weekend we are going to a friend's hunting camp for the opening of deer season. I'll let you know what to pack." Courtney and Carly and I looked at him with question marks on our faces. Courtney spoke up, "What do you mean...

1 year ago
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My Wife becomes a slut ch1

Me and Sasha have always been into watching porn together when we would be laying in bed about to fuck. It was about four years ago that we decided to try out the cuckold thing we had watched a lot of pron about wife sharing and swinging and Sasha had brought her friend Lisa into the bedroom a few times so it was only fair I let her bring in a guy this time around. So ne and Sasha put an ad online and we had a heap of interest but only a handful were what we were looking for. Sasha is a very...

4 years ago
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Mary The Surprise Slut

I was walking to my car after class when I noticed the car next to mine had its hood up. Looking closer, I saw the owner of the car was a girl from my acting class named Mary. Mary was around 5ft 10, short reddish-blond hair, skinny, pale skin and wearing khaki pants and a red polo shirt. She didn’t have the bombshell look that most guys find unbelievably attractive; she was a cute, simple, innocent girl-next-door looking type. I walked over to her and asked what the problem was. “Oh it’s this...

2 years ago
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Mom New Affair In Mumbai

Hi, friends, I’m back again with my new sex story. Those who have missed my previous stories please do read them. This sex story is about my mom. As I have told earlier, my mom, dad use to stay in Gujarat and I stay in Mumbai. But my mom sometimes uses to come to my place and here she uses to fulfill all her wishes. But now my mom and dad also shifted to Mumbai with me. Now it became difficult for my mom to enjoy her life as dad was always around. So, one day, I saw her she was upset so I asked...

3 years ago
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Master PC Reality Check

Copyright© 2005. All rights reserved. Brad sat at the desk in his study with his face in his hands, trying to hold back the tears. There was a heavy weight on his chest. He could feel his heart laboring and he found it difficult to swallow around the knot in his throat. Brad almost wished that his heart would stop; the pain was too much to bear. He knew that committing suicide was the coward's way out. His cherished son, Carl, might have understood, but would surely have much preferred he...

2 years ago
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It Didnt Work Out Ch 07

This is the seventh of twelve chapters. This one picks up immediately after the sixth chapter. It would be difficult to follow if you haven’t read the previous chapters. Once again, I want to thank my editor Terry for his valuable help! I hope you enjoy the story. The activities during the night before Christmas wore out both Sian and Bridget enough that they were still sound asleep when Don came in carrying two cups of coffee. He opened up the curtains to let the morning sun in after putting...

3 years ago
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Shower Time

I laid there quietly as I heard mom’s car start up and leave the driveway. I don’t know why but it was just weird hearing that sound so early, but then again her new job required her to leave earlier than usual. I rolled over to look at my clock, seeing it was already six thirty. I knew there would be no point trying to sneak another thirty minutes sleep, so I just laid there. I began to hear the birds singing and whistling outside my window. I smiled to myself as I sat up and listened to...

1 year ago
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how it sarted 3

After our chat things got back to normal, no better than normal we seemed to be even closer together than before, we fucked talking about Tim fucking me many times over the next few weeks. We had seen Tim a few times nothing much had happened until one Saturday dinner time Tim came round asked if we were going to the pub for a drink Mark was doing some overtime at work and not back so I left him a massage telling him where I was going and to come and join us. Mark joined us about an hour...

3 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 56

Day 236: John and Adam brought up the rear of their little procession as they began the second day of their trek into the Endless Sands, the morning after leaving Southern Oasis. Vorigan and Dulgan were in the lead, with the Vamp interrogating the Dwimar about his newfound enchanting abilities, as well as the subject generally. On John’s advice, the day before when purchasing supplies for the trek, they’d gotten several serviceable daggers for each person, which Dulgan agreed to enchant...

2 years ago
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Spontaneous And Romantic 8211 Part 2 Trip to Goa

Hello people. It is Rakesh again. This is the continuation of ‘Spontaneous And Romantic’. But before starting I just want to clarify my readers that please don’t email me to ask me to give a contact of other women or of my female readers. I don’t want to be rude but it makes me feel like a pimp. Please don’t do it. Another thing I want to tell you is that I am perfectly straight. Now coming back to the story. Now You probably do not know I am 23-year-old cute lad, average body and a horny guy....

1 year ago
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A new encounter with Jamal

Jamal was now my last and brand new black stud; but he had become also my new Black Master…He was young, very well hung and he was always ready to own me.He had arranged a meeting at a filthy motel in the middle of the highway. He told me he was on his way to the airport that same night, since he would catch a flight to a far city from us.Jamal talked also with my loving husband, saying that Victor could be present in the motel room as he fucked me.Victor drove me to the motel and we arrived a...

1 year ago
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Part 65 Country Western FUN in Vegas Monday n

Once we walked out of the barn with Angel she was given a pint jar of cum to drink as she walked into the back yard of Joes.Joe did have 1 roommate that lived with him & he was busy barbequing our dinner on a big built-in grill, ribs, sausages, corn on the cob, & baked potatoes. This was just finishing as we got to the tables & benches there.Now came another surprise for Billy. Joe took 2 barbequed ribs & 2 sausages over & had Angel bend over the table so he could shove all...

3 years ago
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The Irresistable

The next morning Wes jolted awake, the alarm clock read in big box red numbers 8:30. He climbed out of bed and shuffled his way to his bedroom door. He made his way to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He turned on the light and the shower water in one long movement. After he got out of the shower and back into his sweat pants he wobbled out of the steamy bathroom into the kitchen where he smelled something delicious. He was still running a towel that was hanging on his shoulders...

1 year ago
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Michelles Losing Bet

100% fiction! My date and are sitting in the finest restaurant in the city, it’s French, it’s expensive and the food is delectable. We’ve just finished our meal and are sharing a plate of petit fours and a bottle of Sauterne for desert. And the challenge is about to begin. My date, let me tell you about her. She’s 19 years old while I’m thirty-nine; some might call me a cradle robber but not so, I didn’t pursue her, she went after me, two years ago when she was only 18 and she got me. I love...

3 years ago
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Swamped FoxChapter 2

Woke up. I like my bed. I stretched out on clean sheets, hyperextending my feet, then turned sideways to stand up. Remembered that I had a house guest, so my normal morning routine of shuffling through the place while wearing my drawers and T-shirt is not going to happen. Shorts. I drag on a pair of work pants. Yeah, I know – regular fashion icon, that’s me. And I’m in the kitchen to make myself some coffee. That’s my morning routine. It involves grinding some beans for the French...

3 years ago
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Sex and Lies but no videotape

If you haven’t already read the other stories previous to this one, but I hope you have, here is a quick re-cap, so far, on the surreal and sexual events of a weekend stop-over at the parental home of Jade, my girlfriend at the time.Deep breath, here we go...I had practically m*****ed Jade on the dining table, when she arrived home from work, dressed in her office clothes.We had both listened-in on her 17 year old sibling, Marcus, having sex in his bedroom with Keira, his 16 year old...

1 year ago
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More Young Love

More Young Love By Karen Hansen "The lawn looks wonderful, Walter." Melissa said stepping out of her car to the man standing outside of his truck. "Yes it does, Melissa. I wish I could tell you I had done it." was his reply. "Excuse me?" "Really... I don't mind you finding someone else to do the work, like your nephew. I just like a little notice before hand so I don't have to waste the trip." "Huh? What are you..." Melissa started to say when she saw the front door open...

2 years ago
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Virgin Village Girl Sex

Hi, friends. Thanks for reading this. Mail me if you love this story. I will give you the same pleasure. I am here not to share only bed relationship with you,but also to share your feelings and wipe your tears and make you comfortable.You can contact me to share your feelings,sex related queries,sex chat,sensual massage,short term relationship,long term relationship,no strings attached,hard core and soft core fucking. I will take you to the another world of heavenly sex,in which you have not...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jennifer Mendez Dirty DP Business

Business execs Darrell Deeps and Kai Taylor are ecstatic about their new colleague, Jennifer Mendez. As they’re talking about her, the busty, tattooed beauty enters the room wearing a skintight top that perfectly accentuates her massive mammaries. Jennifer quickly acquaints herself with Darrell, kissing him as he gropes her jugs. She whips out his big Black cock to give a nasty blowjob, choking and slobbering through intense fellatio. Darrel bends her over the chair and sodomizes her,...

2 years ago
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Contagion Yeah, i was there at the start of it, but I didn't know what was going on until it was too late. Fine, Let me start at the beginning. First thing I noticed was that some of the girls coming to school all super dressed up Dresses, heels the whole thing. I just figured some class was doing something. Giving ballroom dancing lessons or something like that. But the number of girls coming to school all super girly kept getting bigger. Nah, I thought maybe some...

1 year ago
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College cutie

I'm in my mid 50's. Last summer I had knee surgery and was laid up most of the summer. A young lady who went to school at the college where I worked offered to help me in return for a place to live for the summer. Julie moved in right before my surgery. After my surgery my wife returned to work. During the day I would go downstairs where Julie stayed so she could help if I need anything. One morning Julie gets up and asks if I need anything before she takes her shower. I say no and she goes...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Inheritance

PrologueThe man replaced his pen in the holder and turned from the aged mahogany desk with a satisfied expression on his face.  Leaning back in the leather chair he slid it smoothly from under the desk and watched as the naked young man with him fetched a neat scotch from the decanter on a side table.  As he’d done before too many times to count, the aging man couldn’t help admiring the youth’s beautiful body as he moved gracefully to the table.  It was hard to imagine he was much older than...

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A Right Time For Everything

There are some people you know you are supposed to be with. You have a connection that can’t be put into words and yet fate seems to be determined to keep you apart. Either you’re single and she’s not or you’re seeing someone and she isn’t. That’s how it was with me and Nadia when we first met. As I would learn it’s all a question of timing. I first met Nadia at college. I was twenty at the time and she was twenty seven which effectively made her a mature student. She wasn’t one of those women...

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Always Caught

BY PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 You’ve probably met my best friend, Alan Davis. Alan always seemed to have a dark cloud hanging over his head. Don’t believe me? When Alan was 13, he discovered masturbating, but of course the very first time he tried it he got caught by his Mother. She walked into the bathroom, where he sat appendage in hand looking at his Father’s Playboy magazine. Mom screamed, Alan dropped the magazine and that was the end of that for a while. About a year or a year and a...

4 years ago
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Elder Sister Kavya Di Was Ready For Gangbang

Hello guys, this is not a fictional story. It is a very real incident that changed my life. I am sharing this story with you guys to help you guys enjoy it. Talking about our family, we have five members. Firstly, my dad. My dad is a dean in a medical college in Bangalore. Then, there is my mom who is a housewife. I am Vinay, and then there is my twin sister Kiran, and our elder sister Kavya. This story is about what happened five years ago when my elder sister Kavya di got her NEET exam...

2 years ago
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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 8

Paul let me know that the Blackfeet Nation were looking for a wolf pack to patrol their border with Canada and help prevent drug smuggling, cattle rustling, and horse thieving on their three-thousand square mile reservation. For spring break, we drove north west, instead of south, and visited the Tribal Council. They showed us where they would help us build a homestead to serve as our base of operations. The elders pledged to help me learn to catch and train wild horses to use for our...

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