AdvExGen A Field Agent of Valentina s Espionage
- 4 years ago
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Chapter VI
“Hey, want to come to mine to do our homework?” asked Jeremy. Practice was letting out for the day and the boys were walking to their bikes.
“Sure. I’ll take a quick shower at mine and then come over. Do you know if your mom is making dinner?”
“Probably. You know she always comes up with one of those health-freak recipes of hers—quinoa something-or-other.”
“Ha. It’s still bomb though. Plus, now my mom is getting all her recipes from your mom. She’s been complaining that my dad’s been putting on weight. She’s putting his ass on a diet.”
“Great. Just great. I loved your mom’s cooking. She makes the best mac-and-cheese this side of the Mississippi.”
“What the hell are you talking about, bro. You never even been east of the Mississippi. How the hell would you know.”
“Damn, man. It’s an expression. Anyway, I’ll race you home.”
Jeremy was already on his bike and pedaling as fast as he could. Ken jumped on his and raced to catch up, but his friend was well ahead and had no intention of giving up his lead. After a few blocks, Ken let up and cruised the rest of the way home. When he walked in through the door, he gave his mom a quick peck on the cheek and jumped upstairs to shower and clean up. Then he walked over to Jeremy’s.
Ken walked right through the front door and bounded up the stairs without announcing himself. He opened the door to Jeremy’s room and walked in.
“Woah, what the fuck?!” screamed Jeremy. He was sitting in front of his desk, in his underwear. A porno played on the computer screen.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” Ken replied. “My bad, bro.”
“Haven’t you heard of knocking? Damn. And close the door. My mom might walk by.”
Ken shut the door quietly. “C’mon man, when do I ever knock? Plus, your ass must have gotten home like twenty minutes ago. How did I manage to take a shower, get dressed, and come to yours, and your ass is still sitting here in his underwear?”
“Yeah, whatever man. I was obviously a little distracted.” Jeremy reached for the mouse to shut off the porno. “I’ll be like ten minutes.”
“Okay, mind if I check my email?”
“Not like you ask anyway.”
“Good point.”
Jeremy stepped away and walked into his bathroom. Ken sat down behind the computer and scrolled to open the Internet browser. He then noticed that Jeremy had only minimized the browser, so when he tried to open a new browser, the porn website was still open. Ken scrolled the mouse over to the video and hit ‘Play.’ The volume was low, but the video picked up where Jeremy had paused it. A cute Latina was on all fours in between two guys as one fucked her from behind and the other aggressively shoved his cock down her throat. The two men were slamming hard into her, but the girl had no trouble taking them, seemingly enjoying the challenge of pleasing two men. She periodically turned around to say something dirty to the man fucking her from behind, goading him to fuck her harder.
Ken was getting turned on. He could feel his cock getting hard underneath his jeans. He reached underneath and readjusted his dick, allowing it more room to grow, further enhancing his arousal. He reached down and gently caressed his balls through the thick fabric, massaging them, warming himself up, just like he did when he would fantasize about Mrs. Thomas.
Ken shot a quick look at the bathroom door and listened for the sound of the running shower. Upon hearing that, he unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them around his ankles, allowing his dick to spring free. Almost reflexively, Ken grabbed it with his left hand and began stroking gently, his gaze glued to the screen.
Suddenly, the bedroom door flung open. Startled, Ken jumped out of the chair and turned toward the noise, dick still in hand.
“OH! Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” said Alley, aghast. She stood frozen in place in the doorway, staring at Ken’s swollen member protruding out from his hand.
“Oh shit! Fuck! I’m so sorry, Mrs. T.! What’re you doing here?” Ken stammered. He scrambled to pull up his underwear, but his dick flopped comically over the waistband, exaggerating the absurdity of the situation. He finally grabbed it and repositioned it inside, only to have half of the shaft and the head poking up from above the waistband like a submarine periscope treading water.
He looked up with dread to gauge Alley’s reaction. His best friend’s mom was horrified; staring in stunned disbelief, one hand resting on the doorknob, the other covering her mouth in shock. Her cheeks were flushed red.
“I’m so, so sorry, Kenny. I should not have barged in like that. That was very inappropriate of me.” Not knowing what else to say, Alley stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her.
Ken pulled his jeans up and quickly buttoned up. He repositioned his t-shirt over the protrusion from his pants and took a glimpse of himself in Jeremy’s wall mirror. Aside from the bulge, he looked covered up.
Just then, the bathroom door opened and Jeremy stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“What happened? You look like you saw a ghost?” asked Jeremy.
“Uhh, nothing, nothing. Your mom just came in to ask about dinner, I think.”
“Okay. What’d you tell her?” Jeremy kept his eyes on Ken, who had still not moved from his position in the middle of the room. “Yo, you sure you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m cool. To be honest, I’m actually not that hungry. I think I’ll go home for a bit. Maybe I’ll join you after dinner.”
“Um, sure. Whatev’s dude. You’re acting all sorts of weird.”
“Cool. I’ll hit you up later.” Ken opened the bedroom door, did a quick check of the halls, and bounded down the stairs and back to his own house.
Chapter VIII
Ken rushed upstairs to his room and shut the door. He was mortified by what happened in front of Mrs. Thomas. A sense of utter despair washed over him—how would he ever face her again? She probably thought that he is some sort of sexual deviant; or worse, his dangling appendage had revealed him a freak. He racked his brain in an effort arrive at a solution for how to mend the situation, but the trauma blocked him from thinking clearly. Eventually, he dozed off, still smarting from the humiliation.
He had a fitful night of sleep. His dreams were mired with vivid images of Mrs. Thomas recoiling when her gaze lowered to see him wrestling with his wretched dick as its swollen head pierced through his clenched fist. He had nightmares of her trying to escape while he chased after her, his engorged member drawn to her like a divining rod to water. He woke repeatedly—in cold sweats over the possibility that she may forbid him from even interacting with his closest friend.
The next morning, Ken woke up determined to set things straight. He knew what he had to do—he would stand tall and apologize to Mrs. Thomas. He would accept whatever reproach came his way, and hopefully, they could move past this encounter.
He hoped that by apologizing, he could rid himself of the shame and embarrassment. The pain was all the more acute because Alley was not just anybody to him—she was the woman who occupied the most space in the depths of his thoughts. The woman he had fantasized about for so long, whose every curve he could instantly recall by simply closing his eyes, as if the outline of her sensual figure was imprinted on the backs of his eyelids. This woman, this perfect fantasy, had seen him at his worst. Waves of humiliation flooded through him.
That morning, Ken decided to do something unprecedented. Immediately after the first period bell rang, while other students packed their bags and prepared for the next class, he discreetly shuffled to the parking lot, hopped on his bike, and peddled as fast as he could toward Jeremy’s home. What use was it sitting in class when all he could think about was the impending conversation he had to have? Moreover, he did not want Jeremy lurking around—the last thing he needed was for Jeremy to witness his humiliation. Ken only hoped that Alley would still be home. By his estimation, he could make his apology and be back to school by third period.
He pulled his bike into his own garage, took a moment to catch his breath, and walked over to the Thomas home. For the first time in ages, he rang the doorbell. After a few moments, Alley walked over to the door and opened it.
“Oh, hi Kenny. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in school?”
“Hi Mrs. T. Yeah, I, uh, I kinda wanted to talk to you about yesterday.”
“Oh, I understand, honey. Do you want to come in?”
“Thanks.” Ken made his way inside and the two walked into the living room. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“Thanks for asking, but no. I am teaching a class later this afternoon, but right now I was trying to write a blog post. Not feeling very creative today, so you came at just the right time. Come sit here on the couch next to me.”
Alley hoped that by acting calmly, she could get Ken to relax and make his apology with little fanfare. Although she did not want to admit it, she was almost as uncomfortable as he, and she hoped that the incident would be over quickly.
Ken’s palms felt clammy. He had never felt more nervous. He took a deep breath and launched right into it. “Look, Mrs. T., I really just want to say I’m really sorry about yesterday. I really don’t know what came over me. I just hope that you don’t think I’m some kind of weirdo or, or some freak or something.”
Alley was thrown off by this last comment. “Freak?” Strange that he would view himself through such a negative lens.
“Ken, that’s really sweet. It takes a strong person to make that kind of apology, and I’m very glad you did so. That means a lot to me, honey. But I don’t think you’re weird, and you are not a freak. Why would you think such a thing?”
“I—I dunno. The expression on your face, I guess. You looked scared or something.”
“Well, I was shocked, that’s for sure!” Alley smiled. “I didn’t expect to walk into my son’s room and see," she struggled to find the words, “and see what I did.
“To be honest, Kenny, I owe you an apology too. I shouldn’t have walked in without knocking. You and Jeremy aren’t kids anymore, and I should respect your space. That was a complete invasion of your privacy.
“But honey, don’t call yourself a freak. I’m surprised to hear that you would even think that way about yourself. You’re a spectacular athlete and a charming young man. What would compel you to think that about yourself?”
“I guess I’m just a little shy, that’s all.”
“Sweetie, it’s one thing to be embarrassed. I am as eager as you to put the incident behind us. But I’m concerned that there might be something else going on? Don’t be afraid to tell me. I may be able to help.” Alley looked at him with genuine concern.
“Nothing, honest.”
“Well, okay,” Alley was ready for the conversation to be over. She offered one final platitude. “Honey, I want you to see me as a friend. Think of me like an aunt. You should feel as though you can tell me things that you may not feel comfortable telling your mom. Okay?”
Alley’s words helped Ken relax. At that moment, he felt closer to her than he had to any other woman. “Thanks Mrs. T.” Ken hesitated to go on. “There is one thing.”
Alley paused a beat before she replied.
“What’s that, honey?” She knew that the best way to coax secrets was patience.
Ken did not know how to proceed. Until that moment, he had not thought to share this insecurity with anyone. “The thing is, I kinda started seeing this girl a few weeks ago. We’ve hooked up a few times, but I think she thinks I’m a freak.”
“Kenny, that’s outrageous. Why would anybody think that?”
“Because—" he took a huge breath. “Because when she saw my, my junk, she freaked out. Kinda like you. She says it’s too big for her. Tell me the truth, am I a freak?”
Alley was caught off guard. Ken’s seemed genuinely pained. “Oh my god, Kenny, no!”
“Then what?” he asked.
Alley had to think fast. Any hesitation on her part might lead Ken to think she was being disingenuous. She decided that the best thing to do would be to walk him back from the cliff. “Honey, if you have a bigger than average penis, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Most men would love to be in your shoes.”
“I think it’s too big,” Ken said despondently. “I’ve seen a few pornos. The guys in those movies don’t even look like mine.”
“Kenny, I didn’t really see your penis,” Alley lied, “but I’m sure it’s not as big as a porn star’s.” Her eyes involuntarily darted to his shorts. She could just make out the outline of his penis through the fabric.
“No, it’s bigger! It’s way bigger. I swear. I think I’m a freak!”
“Stop saying that, Ken. A big penis is a good problem to have, but I think you’re exaggerating.”
“I swear, I’m not, do you want me to prove it!” Ken stood up in frustration. He did not enjoy being dismissed, and her refusal to acknowledge him only served to heighten his agitation.
The conversation had taken a turn that neither expected, but Alley could not think of a way to walk it back. She wanted to be there for him, but she was boxed into a corner. If she asked him not to show his penis to her, she could not definitively discharge him of his anxiety, no matter what she told him. At the same time, it would be highly inappropriate for him to strip in front of her. Worse, a subtle, subconscious curiosity nagged at her. She wanted to see it.
“Okay, honey. Show it to me,” she said matter-of-factly. “Let me see it.”
Ken was floored. She called his bluff. “Really?”
“Yes. Unless you show me, I won’t be able to tell you if you’re a freak or not. So show me.”
“Are you sure, Mrs. T. I mean—"
“Drop your shorts, honey. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.”
Ken grabbed at the waistband of his shorts in stunned silence. In one swift move, he pulled both his shorts and boxers to his ankles, exposing his flaccid member.
For the second time in two days, Alley was staring squarely at Ken’s cock. This time, she allowed herself to look straight at it, taking her time to examine it. She attempted to maintain a medical examiner’s aura of indifference, as if performing a routine examination.
It was mesmerizing: dangling heavily over his large balls, a full eight inches and nearly as thick as her wrist. It was even toned, smooth and dark along the long shaft. At the point of circumcision the coloration lightened a shade to a deep plum purple, the same color as the bulbous head. She took Ken’s hand and guided him in front of where she sat on the couch, allowing her to be eye level with his pelvic region.
“I’ve seen bigger,” she lied again.
“It’s not even hard yet. How can you tell?” retorted Ken.
“Good point,” she muttered. “Then let’s see it hard,” She reached over and rubbed her thumb against the purplish head. She felt the blood rush through the shaft, compelling it upward, like a snake responding to the melody of a charmer’s flute. As she watched it respond to her touch, Alley felt a powerful sense of déjà vu, as if this scene felt familiar.
She first observed its head, gently rubbing her thumb atop it. She then moved it to one side so that she could get a better view its length. An eyeball measurement told her that he was at least ten inches long, likely more. She palmed its underside, sensing its weight: Heavy. Imposing. She wrapped her hand around the shaft to get a sense of its thickness, taking notice that her fingers barely wrapped around its girth. Finally, she lifted it up, examining its underside. With her other hand she cupped his balls, weighing them.
When her examination was over, she did not let go. Instead, she started stroking him, ever so softly.
With her hand still wrapped around his cock, she looked up at Ken from her seated position and made eye contact with him. “Honey, you have a beautiful cock,” she said reverently. “Wow,” she uttered breathlessly, “you’re going to make a lot of women happy.”
On impulse, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head. It reacted instantaneously to the warmth of her mouth. Alley pulled back and admired it. The knobby head glistening with saliva. She continued to caress his balls, gently rolling them in her palm. She shifted position, grabbing the shaft with both hands. Even with both hands wrapped around it, three or four inches of black dick protruded out, tempting her. She wrapped her lips around the remaining part and feverishly sucked on it while stroking the rest with both hands.
Alley’s mind flashed to an image of the porno from the night before. She suddenly realized why Ken’s cock felt familiar—his tool was nearly identical to the one she had fantasized about. It dawned on her that she was acting out her own fantasy, she was the starlet sucking on Lexington Steele’s ebony rod. Her pussy, already moist with nervous excitement, flooded her satin underwear. She blocked out the destructive thoughts that threatened to creep into her mind and willed herself to stay in the moment, to embrace this fantasy that she had secretly nurtured for so long.
Ken was equal parts excited and shocked. He looked down to see Alley’s beautiful hands wrapped tightly around his engorged member, the ebony black contrasting sharply against her pale skin. Her exquisite pink lips wrapped tightly around the head, giving him the most intense pleasure he had ever experienced. Even in his wildest dreams he had not imagined such a fantasy coming true.
“Oh shit, I’m gonna cum! I can feel it, oh shit!”
Alley grabbed a tissue from the side table and wrapped it around the head just as it spurted. The first spasm ripped through the tissue, but only managed to dribble down the base of his cock, and onto her fingers, coating them with the thick white goo. Alley continued to stroke the base of his shaft with one hand until the spasming receded. She then grabbed a few more tissues and cleaned him up. Before she let go, she planted a gentle kiss atop the head.
Alley stood up to face him. “You’re not a freak, Kenny. You have a beautiful black cock,” she said in a tranquil voice. “But you’re right that it’s bigger than average. A lot bigger. And I see why your girlfriend would be frightened.”
Ken was speechless. Had he entered another dimension? How could she act so calmly after what had just transpired between them? “Okay,” he muttered.
“I have to head out to teach my class soon, but I have an idea. A proposition, actually. I promised to help you, and I’m going to honor that promise. I’m going to be your coach,” she paused. “If you want that, of course.”
“Coach?” Ken was confused. “Coach for what?”
“Your sex coach, honey. The truth is, I think you’re right—your dick is too big for most girls—especially girls your age—to handle. I think some will be scared away. But if you learn the art of seduction, and if you know how to use that big pecker hanging between your legs, I know you will become an incredible lover. You will be a modern-day Don Juan,” she paused to gather her thoughts. “But to get to that stage, you will need tutoring. If you want it, I will teach you what you need to know—both about your body, and about mine.”
“But how about Mr. Thomas? Isn’t this wrong?”
“It probably is, Kenny. And if he ever found out, I don’t think my marriage would survive. Or, for that matter, your friendship with Jeremy. So I can understand your reticence. If you don’t think it’s a good idea, I understand.”
“No! I want to! I need the tutoring. Honest! Tell me what to do. Anything, Mrs. T. I will do anything.”
“Good. Because what I say, goes. We play by my rules or we don’t play at all. Deal?”
“Deal. Deal.”
“Then, Rule Number 1: This is our secret. You don’t even tell the cat. If anyone ever finds out about this, well, let’s not even think about that. I don’t think I’d ever be able to explain it.”
“Absolutely, Mrs. T. I would never jeopardize this opportunity. I swear on my life,” he said earnestly.
Alley realized that if she was going to teach this kid a thing or two about the art of sex, she could probably motivate him to do a whole lot more. “Rule Number 2: As long you are taking instruction from me, you will be a perfect student. You do your homework. You get straight A’s and you make sure you’re the best damn basketball player in the country. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Finally, honey, I know this will be tricky, but I want you to remember that I am still Jeremy’s mom, and that we are not lovers. When we are together alone, let’s try to keep a student-teacher relationship.” Even as she said it, Alley knew it would be impossible for the teenager to keep his emotions in check. “And this won’t last forever. You understand? When you’ve figured things out, we’ll need to put a stop to this.”
“Good. Then I’ll see you tonight. Get back to school.” She walked him to the door and closed it behind him.
When he had left, Alley mulled over the events of the last hour in her head. She had acted impulsively, and probably incredibly foolishly, but she did not regret it. The truth was, she was excited about the prospect of teaching Ken, young, sweet, adorable (and sexy!) Ken, the art of lovemaking. She was living out a lifelong fantasy, and though she knew it could cause great pain, she would do all in her power to avoid hurting anyone.
Author's Note: This is short section of a novella that I have been working on, off and on, for a long time. It is available on Amazon under the title An Education: A Coming of Age Story, but I want to share a portion here, as I am a big fan of this website and would love to hear feedback from the community. Kenneth, my main character, is an eighteen-year-old senior at the local high-school. Alley, his love interest, is his best friend’s mother (and neighbor).
As a first-time author, I look forward to comments and feedback. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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01.AugustLiebes Tagebuch,Mein Name ist Sabine. Ich sitze am Flughafen und warte auf meinen Flieger nach Mallorca. Nach einem Jahr mit sehr viel Arbeit und einer beendeten Beziehung habe ich mir mal eine längere Auszeit in der Sonne verdient. Ich beginne ein neues Tagebuch, weil es in meinem Leben Veränderungen gegeben hat und noch geben soll, die ich nicht einfach so Freunden oder Kollegen erzählen kann. Ich denke, dass ich bis jetzt zu brav war und das Leben nicht so ausgekostet habe, wie man...
Beth took his hand and followed him out of the bath. She saw a small clock on the hallway table and noted that an hour and a half had already passed. She knew that they had only spoken for about a half hour, so the bath that Brian had given her had been far longer than the ten minutes Mel had said it would be. Brian led her into room that had what looked to be a king sized mattress on the floor. Muted colored sheets, pillows and wedge shaped objects covered it from top to bottom. Beth...
First TimeNew Collage Wrestling Rage A new underground rush has been spreading through the collage campus’s all over the country. It’s rumored that it started within the Ivy league set, at Harvard no less. I’m a sophomore here at Harvard and I went to my first “wrestling match” about a year ago. No one is sure who came up with the idea, the male or female student body. But it’s not so unusual when you see the dude’s on skateboards grinding a steel handrail to some stair’s only to have the board slip out...
I was never cut out to be a tutor in the traditional sense. Standing up in front of a class of students, attempting to keep them engaged isn’t how I roll. I know my subject inside out and back to front. English grammar, literature and style is my thing and I enjoy imparting my knowledge. But writing on a blackboard – that wasn’t me. So, after 20 years in engineering, I decided to switch careers and turn my hobby into a job. I did the course in teacher training – I already had my BSc and set...
SeductionThis story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...
IDA: The Manager's Secret by Roy Del Frink It's me again, the fellow who manages the IDA agency. I've been in business for nearly three weeks, and by now I've seen everything. Well, almost everything. Just yesterday, I had my first female customer. Let me tell you about it. She walked up to the front desk, a raven-haired beauty in a red dress. Her shoes were matching flats. She strutted towards the front counter in a most sensual style. I felt aroused by her. Every single movement...
I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to the north of Europe, my original destination three months earlier. I had signed on as a galley boy in Brooklyn with twenty bucks to my name and planned to sign off in Lisbon. Unfortunately, two days out at sea Lisbon was cancelled and the first port would be Beirut,...
I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to the north of Europe, my original destination three months earlier. I had signed on as a galley boy in Brooklyn with twenty bucks to my name and planned to sign off in Lisbon. Unfortunately, two days out at sea Lisbon was cancelled and the first port would be Beirut,...
Straight SexFirst, some background information:We are a happily married couple (Wife & husband) who live a 24/7/365 chastity, cuckold, and FLR lifestyle. Sexually, we're both very submissive, though I (Wife) am my husband's Keyholder and Mistress. We also have a shared Mistress who we all consider my girlfriend as well. While I have collared Hubby, Mistress has collared us together as a couple. Except for time I spend alone with our Mistress, Hubby and I always play together when we are with any of our...
Chapter IV“Okay, that’s it for today, boys. Let’s call it. Blues win by a hundred,” joked Coach Hamlin. “Hey Kenny, why not leave a little in the tank for a real game, huh?”“Just feelin’ good today coach. Don’t know what’s got into me.”The boys changed quickly and headed to their bikes.“You dominated today, son. Been eating those Wheaties or what?” joked Jeremy.“Thanks, bro. Felt good to have my game on today.”“Yeah, no shit. But you shouldn’t have done Allen like that. Dude is kinda pissed...
InterracialMy name if John and i'm 30 years old and this is my story. In 1998 i started working in a Department store, i had a female manager who's name is Karen. Through the years i got to know my manageress very well. She was a married woman and had 2 teenage kids. She told me many times that her Husband was the only man she had slept with and after twenty odd years of marriage had often wondered what having sex with someone else was like. We both shared many a dark secret to each other about all sorts...
Group Sex“I don't get it.” my mum said as we sat around the lunch table on Saturday, finishing the last of our wine. “What don't you get, Cynthia?” “Well, you've invited my son to become a member of your menage a quatre. In my opinion, after what I've seen of him with you three last night and today, he'd be mad if he didn't accept. The four of you seem great together. But doesn't 'menage a quatre' imply some sort of exclusivity? I've been having the best sex of my life with the four of...
We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...
BDSMA Blonde in CopenhagenI arrived in Copenhagen one cold December morning with the equivalent of a dollar to my name. After working on a Norwegian freighter for several months, I signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way north stopping here and there along the way, spent a week or so in Paris living in a small room on the Left Bank where many of my favorite expatriate writers lived, walked the streets, sat in cafes then made my way to Denmark where I somehow managed to live for several...
Love StoriesNathan was wondering what was going on. He continued to work his way around the room but now he could clearly hear the men faintly screaming who were in the hallway. As he shifted into passive detection he could see that magic aura that the men gave off, were first running one way then another. It was obvious they were either chasing or being chased. Then quickly one by one he saw their aura's go out! He even saw the occasional spell go off, but the caster's aura still went out. They...
"Who are you two?" asked Rory quietly as he stared at them. "Rory we're still your friends, but we're also different people than who you know. I promise I'll answer all your questions later. I'll meet you back here in about an hour or so. "Watch over Terrance. I don't believe he'll die, but if I'm wrong come get me. But for now I need to hurry and get Ariel to our room. I'll explain why I need to do this as fast as humanly possible when I return," said Nathan quickly. Moving...
Sarah’s honour wagered and lost.Sunlight filtered through the green canopy of overhanging branches dappled the coach and four as it swept down the long straight drive from the gatehouse to the arched porte cochere on the east frontage of our house.I stood there with my parents waiting to greet our arriving guests and my heart sank as I watched Lord Marchington's matched team of greys swing up the ramp to halt more or less opposite the doorway.Father sighed, mother kicked his ankle and put on...
Helen had found Frank to be wearing his usual 'at home' attire, his robe. He had decided at the last moment to put a pair of underpants on but of course Helen was not to know that. At this moment they were sitting on Frank's sofa, toasting one another with Champagne. Frank slipped his right arm around her. She did not resist, if anything she leaned a little closer. "I hope that this Champagne doesn't make me squiffy," she giggled, already feeling the effects. She was feeling no pain...
Maddie stood inside the entrance to Hegarty’s, scanning the cool interior as the door closed behind her. At this late hour there were a few dozen people filling the tables scattered around the room, with several more sitting on stools at the bar. The raucous conversation taking place between four young guys in the corner competed with the rock music flowing from the chrome and glass jukebox. A drunken woman stumbled alone to the beat, her high heels clacking across the wood floor. Maddie...
Straight SexCopyright© 2004 Hungry Guy Advantages Healthy: Using a toilet slave is no riskier than receiving oral sex from someone. If he's your permanent toilet slave, YOU are the ONLY one he has contact with. There is ZERO risk to you! You are safer than being in a relationship with someone who could cheat on you without you knowing. Clean: Your toilet slave is self-emptying and self-cleaning. Never again get on your hands and knees to clean that nasty toilet bowl. Convenient: Unlike...
The Cell Phone and the Pager…and why I switched to a panty girdle rather than panties…When I was on the road, doing troubleshooting for a large company, there was a lot of driving involved. Getting there then, driving around to company reps. in the area I was working. Other than the nights, it could be pretty boring. I carried a company pager then, because cell phone coverage wasn’t anything like it is today. Since I have a pretty perverted mind I was thinking about things one day and started...
I walked Shelly from her cabin down to the courtyard and found the rest of my pets already stripped out of their outfits. Not that nudity was an issue when they were just lying on the beach or frolicking in the warm ocean water. I only expected them to wear their outfits in the public areas. The outfits didn’t make any real effort to cover their bodies, but it identified them to anyone who may be visiting the island as the pets in my menagerie. It was an important distinction as we only had...
Hi, fellow ISS readers who’re the constant source of my inspiration to write more stories. This is an independent story with no follow-ups because that’s how it happened. My name is Kishan and I’m living in Bengaluru. This is a story which happened a few years ago in college when we went on an education trip to few historical places. Basically, we’re not art students so we were supposed to visit a nuclear power plant and see the engineering marvels in it but we decided to visit few more places...
As Ariel kept working her way to Keith's house the dizziness was slowly giving way to an intensely pounding headache. But the pull towards Nathan was leading her here to this place. Ariel vision was slowly fading in and out and still going blurry from time to time, and it was more often than she would have liked it to. But the pounding was not enough for her not to know where she was going or prevent her from getting to Nathan, but it was starting to really bother her. She must be...
If you have never been to Copenhagen, I swear you must go. It is a truly wonderful city by the sea. The inhabitants are hospitable, fun loving and to an overwhelming degree, exceptionally good looking. The story goes that centuries ago Vikings kid-napped the most beautiful women during conquering visits to Europe and deposited them in Scandinavia, resulting in the tendency toward tall, blonde, healthy and attractive generations to follow. It is not hard to believe the legend when you spend time...
Group SexMy plane had just landed in Copenhagen. It was a little overcast, but warm. I got off the plane and headed over to baggage claim to get my stuff. Oh, I should probably tell you who I am. My name is Stefan. I'm from a little suburb outside of Philadelphia. I'm 23 years old. I just graduated college. Wesleyan, to be exact, with a major in European history. My dad, who is a business man and has lots of connections in Europe, found me a job in Copenhagen doing historical research with a professor...
Erotic(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. She has successfully seduced a teenager and seducing a middle-aged man will be child’s play for her, but she is waiting for a deserving man. Though her fantasy is not yet materialized, she asked me to write the story anyway. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) I am amazed at men who are very brilliant, sharp and intelligent in office matters but are totally blind, deaf and ignorant...
Incest"Close your eyes, concentrate on the rose. Look at each individual petal, how they curl out to form the flower, how they overlap each other. Think of how the stem attaches to the rose, the leaves angle out from the stem and the thorns attach. Now with that picture firmly in place sprinkle a few rose petals in front of you and push with your mind. Push the picture from your mind into the hand that held the petals." "Now open your eyes and look at your rose." said Master Clarisse. As she...
Aric was sitting the table mentally going over preparations for dinner. It was his week to cook. While Brianna was coming along with her cooking, he was still far better he thought with a smile. But she was getting better, and she was better at cleaning and laundry so he had no complaints. He was glad they took turns switching on and off each week. Even though he tried to stop it, his mind kept drifting back over the last few seasons. After Brianna and Aric were settled in they traveled a...
Dusty slowly opens his eyes and looks around and sees he's in a very nice room and Suzan is sleeping with her head down on the bed in a chair she's pulled up to the bed. It looks like she's been watching over him. As he groggily reaches out he softly touches her head, where he then starts to slowly stroke her hair. It seemed amazingly soft to him as he did. He always wondered how women always managed to keep their hair soft like that. "So she loves me huh? I guess that's why I'm more...
"And that all happened just a little over ten seasons ago?" asked Nathan slowly. The way this young man was acting he thought it was all recently at least in the last couple of seasons. Not something decades ago. "I left the city and I've not returned. Not even to see my family," said Elliot nodding yes. "But what happened to Kathryn after you left or the man she was with? Did you ever find out? Did you even want to know?" asked Nathan. As he thought about it, he realized that he...
Before lunch had been served Dusty had already spoken with the King. Even though he tried hard to keep the crystal phones they created a secret from the public, the King while bragging about them, had shown his off to a few of the nobles and visiting dignitaries. That was enough to spark a huge interest in them. Suddenly it was seen as a favor to the crown to have a few people outfitted with them, and a few others tried to curry huge favors with him to get one. Dusty and his friends kept...
Rising early Kat was up and noticed that Seth was seated at the table with his back slightly to the rest of the room. She slowly approached but she could hear him softly talking to himself. She tried to wait but eventually she got curious. "I know Marie, but we're almost done here ... you don't think you'll go early do you? Oh, not really ... Dusty met his first ghoul yesterday ... he'll be ok, but he was out cold again ... I better run everyone will be up soon. I love you," said...
While Kat had waited that morning for the three of them to arrive quite a few men had tried to "chat her up" as they passed by her going either into the city or as they left. Even in her generally loose fitting travel garb they saw the gem that she was. Somehow she managed not only to talk to them in a friendly manner, but she also managed to get some useful information while not offending anyone or giving the impression that she was willing to go to bed with any of them. Even though she...
Riding into the small town, it was aptly named "Dresden's Last Chance" There wasn't much to see but a few homes and a few businesses, maybe twenty to thirty buildings in total. Of course there was also the tavern that might have a spare room or two, but it was obvious that the Inn was more there for getting a drink than anything else. The companions reached the town about mid day. Kat only wanted to stop overnight since they were so close and give the horses a break then push on. She...
The four women entered the large city and quickly blended in with the rest of the inhabitants. Suzan was just a little unhappy Dusty wasn't with her though it had only been a little over a week since she left Dusty and headed out for the mission. Although she missed her husband, she was also really charged up to be here and was well ready to take on a new mission like this. It took them several days of travel by ship and a few more days of hard riding and just barely stopping for anything...
"Everyone, you are here for a reason and it is something that has an effect on your lives both in the past and the future," began Brianna as they were all seated around the living room. As the last to arrive, once Matt and Rayne showed up it was time to get started. As they looked around at their children and their spouses, they both couldn't believe how much the boys took after their father, even down to having the same silver forelock now in their hair as well But knowing this would be...
Champa Rali is a woman who was cast out of her village for engaging in adultery. Her own parents and her sister refused to take her side. “You deserve this, Iravati.” They were the last words of Jayah, her sister, to Champa before she was forced out of the village. Back then, her name was Iravati. This happened many decades ago. Moving to the city, Champa had experienced a lot in her life. Champa was hired by a local politician as a maid. She soon realized that her job requirement was more than...
Trapped in Magenta: It all started one Friday night. I had gone to a bar on the edge of town with my girlfriend Janet and one of my friends called John and his girlfriend. I was a struggling writer. My friend was an accountant. My girlfriend was a student I picked up one day when I was running a creative writing class at a local College. My friend and I had grown up together. I had been at the bar when "she" arrived. I got to the table just to hear John say, "It takes a lot of...