Riding in Cars With Boys
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We all deal with bad news in different ways. The doctor simply released the tension in his knees and slid to the floor. Asim also lowered himself to the ground, but he then leaned forward and began to pray, extending his arms over his head and touching the floor with his forehead. “Allahu’ Akh’bar.” “Would you stop that!” hissed Caroline. “Subhaanaka Allaahumma wabi hamdika wa tabaarakasmuka wa ta’aala jadduka wa laa ilaaha ghayruka.” “I said STOP that,” said Caroline, and actually kicked...
Monday, July 13th. Gatwick Airport. What the hell was wrong with me!? Why had I worked so hard to get here? How did I not realise that pretty much the last thing I ever want is to be away from my family, particularly my little boy? Why the fuck was I going to a country where I’d be practically illiterate, dependant on the good will of the very people I was going to spy on to speak English with me! And how in the world was I going to be a spy when I had a sodding Wikipedia page and an IMDB...
Saturday June 27th, 2015. Dallas Road, Ealing. “Good morning.” “You’re up early?” said Kelly, who I found scooping yoghurt into a bowl of muesli when I sauntered into the kitchen. She’d spent the night at my house, in her own room. “Are you kidding? It’s five minutes past eight! I’ve been staring at the ceiling for half an hour, trying to get back to sleep.” “Well, give it another go. Or give me ten minutes and I’ll come and wear you out.” “Cheeky cow,” I muttered, as I filled the tea...
The last time I was at Hamad I had been escorted off the plane soon after landing. This was much better. For some reason we didn’t use a jetway to get into the terminal building, so I was treated to a blast of the familiar heat of Doha. It felt strangely comforting, for some reason. It’s not quite the same as the heat of Los Angeles, or Las Vegas. Maybe it was because we were so near the sea. For the first few seconds it felt a bit like a warm hug. Isn’t that odd? An airport bus drove us to...
I suppose it’s only normal that you take on the English accent to which you are most often exposed. In my case it started when BBC 1 and 2 were made available on the Dutch cable network. I loved almost every show they put on and that shaped my theretofore rather unremarkable Dutsj Ekssent. Well, Lexy grew up watching shows and films like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Beverly Hills 90210, Clueless, The Twilight Saga and related TV trash. Not every character on those shows speaks Valley Girl, but...
Again, there are some jumps here and there. This is mostly a ‘housekeeping’ chapter, intended to reset and reposition Martin. Also, how are you guys getting on with Red Dead Redemption II? I’m not sure about it. It’s making me brush a horse and forcing me to learn botany. There are also too many squelchy sound effects. Still, it’s the best vacation I can hope for nowadays. Abbeyseeinya! “Did you have fun?” asked Caroline. She’d heard me fumbling with the key card and opened the door to her...
I signed another document and followed Miles into a cavernous space, which was rather dark. Two men in lab coats scurried away. Miles waited until they were gone and then flipped a switch on the wall near the door. Bright lights in the ceiling clacked on and unveiled a turning plateau with a car under a black tarp. I could see the tyres, but not much else. Miles and Hugo shot each other a look and grinned. “Carstairs! Your new vehicle! Feel free to do the honours.” I stepped onto the...
I woke up around eight in the morning, an hour later than I’m used to. I walked to the other side of the house, to Asim’s bedroom, and heard snoring. That was good. I had a quick yet annoying shower and took some time to spruce myself up. I’m not one of those men who are completely hopeless when they’re single, but what with Mel being a professional make-up artist and hairstylist, amongst many other talents, I rarely needed to groom myself nowadays. But now I was spending time shaving around...
It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...
“Not much of a holiday then,” said Kate, as she buttered a warm slice of toast. We were having breakfast and as Kelly had spent the night at our house, my little family was complete. Ideally I’d have my parents there as well, but I saw them three times a week these days and that was more than I had been used to anyway. “Best I’m going to get, I’m afraid, what with Edwin being so young. We were gone for a week, all in all. That’s not too bad.” “We’ll make longer trips when Edwin can walk,”...
This chapter was originally posted with a copy/paste error that caused a section to repeat. This should now be fixed. Thanks for letting me know. You should also feel free to talk to me if it’s not about formatting errors! I love hearing what made you laugh, or if you spot a mistake. By the way, I am now also aware discrete and discreet are spelled differently in English. My proof readers missed it as well, so I always hope to hear about things like that from the SOL-community. – RD. “TWO...
Still Monday July 7th, 2015. A government building somewhere in London. (smiled.oddly.hosts) I was made to sit alone in a room for about ten minutes, so ordered by a man who clearly had no intention of getting me a cup of tea. And I did ask, twice. He was a bit shorter than me, but also a bit wider. Instead of a suit he wore something that was supposed to give him a military look but made me think of a fisherman: a brown shirt, brown carpenter pants, army boots. He was ginger, but his hair...
“Crank up the A.C, sweetheart. Let me get some water ... Oooaaahhh...” “Sweetheart? Again?” “Yes. I suddenly cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of great drought. And especially for that bag with bottled water. Let’s get a move on. You drive.” “Destination?” “The most expensive hotel in Al Hofuf. Unless you can find one with a charger?” “I cannot execute that search. We will reach Al Hofuf in two hours.” “Okay. Then I’ll do a search and you drive. Stop at the next empty rest...
Today Sinterklaas arrived in The Netherlands! If you have no idea what that means, why not read my short story ‘Best Sinterklaas Ever’, available on this very website? It predates the events in ‘Best Sister Ever’. – RD Having all that security gear installed in my house made me a tiny bit paranoid, I don’t mind telling you. It’s not as if I’m planning to assassinate the Queen or overthrow the government when I’m pottering about in the kitchen, but my private affairs are rather unusual and I...
CHAPTER 1 The sun reflected off the balding head of widower Buddy Dunlop as he arrived from poolside to see who was knocking at the backdoor. ‘Whatdoyerwant?’ he said to the guy dressed in a khaki shirt and shorts and wearing boots, long black socks and a black Stetson and supported a big pack on his back. ‘Hi Uncle Buddy.’ Huh? ‘Is that you Dino?’ ‘Sure is,’ Dino Dunlop said, eying at the lean bronzed nude body of the 55-year old and then focusing on the luxuriant sun-bleached moustache....
Alexa Chapter 22: Cars The summer so far had been great, other than the whole Marilyn situation. Jenny had talked to her a few times via telephone and met up with her for lunch one day while I was at work at the Foundation. It had gone "OK" in Jenny's words. She did tell me that any time she spoke of me to her mother, Marilyn only cringed at the sound of my name and did not make any comments so that was a start. Jenny said she asked her mother if she was still drinking and Marilyn...
THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...
If you’re anything like me (but maybe you got lucky and you’re not) you’ll know this feeling: there will be something on the news that makes you explode with rage. Say, some idiot gets behind the wheel, drunk as a skunk, kills three people who were just standing at a bus shelter minding their own Instagram and then he sues the bus company for placing the shelter near a pub. That sort of thing. Or a Belgian man locks up some girls in his basement and starves a couple of them to death before he...
They waited until her heart stopped pumping blood, which took about twenty seconds or so. Then the pressure got too low, and the trickle stopped. Two men dressed more like medics than soldiers came out of the main building with a stretcher. They wore gloves and aprons. Hurriedly they placed the body on the stretcher. The executioner helpfully placed the bag with the head above the neck, but only after he was done wiping down the blade and carefully sliding it back into its sheath. The Imam...
There were also some messages. One was from Mr. Constable, the MI6 officer at the embassy. He told me they had analysed the recording, but that I’d have to come to the embassy to read the transcript. By appointment. But not on Thursdays. Another message was a transcript of a text message from Asim, which contained an invitation to join him on his next visit to Dubai. It seemed he was in the mood to catch a movie, and Dubai had cinemas. Well, two. The third message consisted of a somewhat...
Sunday, 30/8/2015. Saudi Royal palace. My day started slowly, with breakfast being served without any extra items. I called on Anaïs with an eye on a cheeky kiss or a bit of a fondle, but was told by a rather indignant Malaysian chef who caught me looking around in her kitchen that she had been seconded to another palace for the next few days, to help prepare for yet another banquet. He then demanded to know how I knew her and what my business was with her, but I just told him I was acting...
Kelly was very quiet on the ride home, but fortunately (and I use the word fortunately as in: ‘I have learned to live with this as a project in personal growth’) my driver, Ali, has absolutely no problems filling a gap in any conversation. Even when no actual conversation is presently occurring. Kate texted with Melody about the contents of our fridge, so I could prepare a shopping list. Okay, so I’m now officially a guy who pulls up at a Waitrose in a chauffeur driven car, but then I buy...
Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! Email me through the link below! I love feedback, it’s what keeps my creative blood flowing! I’d love some feedback either by the comment box or e-mail. Either are great! Author: Blackjack Celebrity: Gemma Atkinson Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Mast, Toys, Gemma was horny. She had been working in London for New Years Eve and had to catch the train back up to her home in...
August 1982, Talladega, Alabama Stephie knocked on the door of my room at 4:00am. I decided I had enough time to take my run, so I did that, then showered and ate breakfast. I finished just as Red knocked on the door. We said goodbye to Stephie’s mom and dad and went out to the car. We took the T-tops off, put the beer cooler in the back and Stephie got in the back seat and Red in the front and we drove to Emily’s place. She was waiting on her porch and ran out to the car. Red got out, let...
My father had promised me a trip when I finished college. He said it was a good idea to get away from it all to give yourself a chance to reset your mind. I knew my father had traveled in his youth, so I was pretty geared up for where he was going to send me, at his expense. I had visions of hitting all the sunspots, VISA and booze in hand, and girls waiting to take their place. Ahhh, but not so fast, Roger. The Promised Land doesn't always meet your expectations. As it turns out, my...
Cleaning The Cars One Saturday during July Mom and Dad went on a bus trip to Atlantic City to gamble, take in a show, and walk the boardwalk. While they were gone I decided to clean their cars. I was sixteen years old and Dad gave me his old clunker when he got a new one. Mom said that Dad went through a mid-life crisis and that he bought a chick-mobile. I had nothing better to do that Saturday so I decided to wash and wax both of their cars. After that I decided to clean them out....
Rebecca walked slowly over the snow-covered grass, her mind still on the research she'd completed in the college library. What she had found that night seemed to contradict everything she'd believed to be the definitive knowledge base of her chosen subject. It was that dichotomy that drew her concentration away from her journey, and only when she realized that the landmarks she normally used to navigate weren't there did she return her attention to her surroundings. Now understanding that...
Katie walked along the street, trailing her fingers along the sides of car after car. She marked them off in her mind in a business-like fashion as she walked, keeping her ears pricked up for the sound of police sirens. The only ones she heard were distant, which didn’t surprise her. The cops didn’t come to this area. Nobody cared about anyone here, especially not some little black girl like her. Going to a bad neighborhood meant pickings were a little slim, but she could usually find something...
Chapter Three Michelle began riding on Sunday morning early even though she was still so sore from Friday nights ordeal. She rode very gingerly and took all the jumps as smooth as she could but she still smacked down now and then. This time when she hit it sent little shock waves up insde her. She worried that she was hurt internally. As she rode more it was apparent only her pussy was really sore. Her ass was not as bad as she expected. She still got that funny ache way down deep...
I was met by Kelly in the hallway. “Hi,” she said, leaning in for a kiss. A chaste one, on the cheek. More than enough for me, thanks. Although admittedly I’d have been disappointed with less than that. “Hello, gorgeous. I think you might have come at an awkward...” “Oh, I know. I was summoned. Caroline has been here all afternoon. She even had a lie down, because of a headache. Mel and Kate know everything.” It was ominously quiet on the other side of the door that led to the living...
Caroline summoned me to my office on Friday. My ticket for travelling the next Monday had just been arranged. I was actually discussing something with Daphne, which always takes a while, but Alice, her secretary, was quite clear: I was to report to the fourth flour at once. “Sorry about that, but I think you got the gist of it. Winston will certainly be able to flesh out the code. It will give you a chance to hang out together.” “I still want to know why you’re leaving,” said Daphne, trying...
As meetings go, I’ve had worse. I had no particular reason to doubt John Stein, but you never know what Americans are really up to. The Saudi government is only one of many undemocratic regimes they support to the hilt. They’re also not particularly interested in bringing people to justice. Generally all they need is a set of coordinates, a license plate number or the exact time their target will be driving past a hospital or day care centre. I was fairly sure a couple of terrorist attacks in...
I woke up at nine, which was fine except a bit too late to attend the buffet in the main building. Never mind: I called the kitchen again and ordered breakfast. It would take a while to reach me, but as long as I didn’t order any hot items that was fine. Yoghurt, a bun and some jam would do me. I selected a suit and showed up just in time for my daily session with Alexandra. Technically this was the start of a new week, although neither I nor Alexandra got any days off. It was crunch time...
I went over the call with Kate in my head, slightly upset at the fact I had broken off our conversation just to get out of the heat. Maybe it hadn’t been the heat so much as the fact I didn’t want to be reminded of how much I missed her. That girl isn’t just catnip to me: she’s oxygen. And every time we were apart, there was nothing for it but for me to practice holding my breath. I also worried about the fact people had started to miss me, all over sodding Doctor Who! It’s the shittiest...
Tuesday, August 25th, 2015. My garage. Total.hilltop.digital. It was about one a.m. when the door to the garage opened and K-T rolled in. I had called ahead, to let Anaïs know that I was fine and on my way. “How are you doing?” “I am drinking water and eating uh ... Maltezers. Very poor chocolate.” “Yes, it’s English chocolate. Could be worse, though.” “Hershey...” she shuddered. “Exactly. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Can you hang on?” “I can go nowhere else, Anglais. It is...
Friday, August 28th, 2015. Royal palace, guest annex. The next morning I called Asim and offered to cook for him, so I’d be able to intercept any packages that might be delivered to his house. He was glad to have me and I took delivery of five boxes while he was out. I made us roast duck (honey roasted, with creamed cauliflower) and an old-fashioned trifle and then I stole one of his outfits: guthra, igal, thobe and sandals. Two thobes, actually, just to be sure. He only had fourteen left, I...
Darkness had come and gone. Musa and I had worked all through the night. When I had answers to all the questions I could think of, and had copied the contents of the SD-cards to my laptop to make space on one of them, I had written a script for him to read. It was based on what he had told me, but we still went through it line by line. By that time he was struggling to stay conscious. The wounds on his wrists in particular hurt terribly, so much in fact that I had to cut him loose and bandage...
I’ve never been one to make much of a fuss over cars. I mean, I enjoy comfy seats and power steering as much as anyone and it has been said I’m a tiny bit obsessive over vehicular cleanliness, but by and large I am not very interested in the roar of an engine or how many horse power it has. So it was odd I found myself so completely enthralled by this Aston Martin Vanquish. Not just the paint job, which was a deep, dark, shiny, sparkly, magnificent blue, but the stitching on the seats, the...
Please read the previous chapters before continuing. I welcome and appreciate any constructive comments, critiques, and/or emails you might care to send my way. ******************** Chapter Six ‘You boys are driving Astor Manor cattle and I don’t think you bought them,’ he yelled. ‘Throw down your guns, then tell the other two to do likewise and we won’t have any trouble. If you don’t you’ll die in your saddle.’ The two men exchanged glances. ‘I’ll see you in Hell first,’ the older one...
"You boys are driving Astor Manor cattle and I don't think you bought them," he yelled. "Throw down your guns, then tell the other two to do likewise and we won't have any trouble. If you don't you'll die in your saddle." The two men exchanged glances. "I'll see you in Hell first," the older one said and drew his pistol. Zach brought his rifle to his shoulder and shot twice in quick succession. He heard Paco's big Sharps buffalo rifle firing behind him and turned. One of the two...
Riding Bitch By Cissykay It was my favorite day of the year. September 1st. I worked my ass off for ten months counting the days, hours and minutes until my yearly pilgrimage to Sturgess. At twenty seven years of age, it is my first year as the president of the local motorcycle club. All twenty two men in the club rode Harleys. I had been riding since I was old enough to shift a small mountain bike. I graduated to the big "hog" as soon as I earned enough money to buy one. As the owner...
The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...
I had sneaked the few beers I had with me onto the beach along Lake Michigan when she rode up on her Harley. It was a smaller model, but the fact she was piloting her own machine impressed me. I couldn't see her well behind the sunglasses and the helmet, but she was dressed in a form fitting tee shirt and jeans that showed off her slightly thick but shapely figure. When she took off her helmet and shook out her dark shoulder length hair, I was immediately interested. I kept an eye on her as I...
Oral SexPlease note: this story depicts oral and anal sex between minors. If this offends you or is illegal to publish in your jurisdiction, or you are under the age of 18, read no further. The characters, locations and incidents in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. As an author, I welcome feedback on my writing. Please send any comments about this story, positive or negative, to [email protected]....
The cook for the house was a woman of about 50, Amanda Kraft, who had once ran a boarding house in Prescott. The owner sold the place and Mrs. Kraft was out of work. Sir Gerald hired her as a cook and housekeeper for Astor Manor. He also hired her husband, Joseph Kraft, who was approaching 60 and was getting a little long in the tooth to continue busting broncs and herding cattle. Mr. Kraft became sort of a house manager making sure everything in and around the house was kept in good repair;...
Badmobile’s grill area, activated by the little button under the center console, pressed by the finger of the man Who designed it all. Electronic gadgets have always fascinated the stranger, and how things worked were a constant source of inspiration to a guy with an analytical mind. Since childhood, the stranger was amazed by the intricate way that mechanical, electrical, hydraulics, pneumatics, and vacuum related things were engineered. When he was only ten yrs old, he took apart his...
My latest bit of “whoring” was so hot, that he asked me to write a story about it. Bear with me, as this is my first attempt at literature. Trust me; I suck cock much better than I write. This past weekend my two girlfriends and I decided that a “girl’s weekend” was in order. We planned a road-trip to go see a professional bull rider’s rodeo in the next state over from ours. I wish I could say that I wasn’t thinking about finding myself some hot stud of a cowboy to fuck and suck, but...
Introduction: A more recent detailed account of Anne Marie being the slutwife that she is. This time, she wrote the story. My husband and I have been together for 17 years now and believe me, I consider myself to be the luckiest wife in the world. You see, we have what you might call an arrangement. He allows me to fuck pretty much whoever I want, whenever I want. I, in turn have to promise to tell him all the sordid details of my slutty encounters. My latest bit of whoring was so hot, that...
Riding the Devil’s Horse by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Cindy’s eyes narrowed when she saw Trevor looking at the sign over the dark doorway. ?You don’t want to go in there,? she said flatly. ?It might be interesting, don’t you think?? He sounded hopeful. ?I think it might be disgusting. That’s what I think,? she replied. ?Oh, come on. How often do we come to Amsterdam, anyway? I bet you’re curious. You’re curious about everything. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.? He grinned at her. ?Come...
I felt like a million bucks walking down the tiny winding road towards the village. It's early morning, dressed in shorts, a polo shirt, sunglasses and a pair of beach sandals. Tired from the drive, but full of energy. The road is only wide enough for one car, surrounded by wild-grown bushes and old trees that form a canopy overhead. Lush green and dark. Almost like a tunnel of vegetation. I arrived a few hours earlier, at five in the morning. Sixteen hours of driving, motorways, cities, rush...
SeductionRiding Lessons----------It was almost unbearably quiet all day, virtually too hot for most to venture to the farm and ride horses. Even the boarders who always visited to care for their horses had called out, making the workload heavier. By noon, I had pulled my bra off and tied off the bottom of my blouse with only one button remaining. The sweat poured down my chest causing the blouse to cling tightly leaving little to the imagination.I stood under the huge fans in the barn praying the air...
any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...
One day, the sun tickled Red’s nose, waking her when it was just getting light. Even though she was already a grown woman, she was still living with her parents, mainly because she couldn’t afford a place of her own and, since they lived somewhat secluded, she also had not met a suitable husband who would take an interest in her. So, she did what she did every morning: Reach over to her nightstand, grab the candle from its holder, run it between her legs and gently, but firmly, insert it...
Chapter Two Michelle woke and found she was sore from the prior nights activity with James Talbot the sucessful rich bastard she knew as Jimmy. She tried to pull herself from the funk of what had transpired. How could she be so dumb. It was Saturday morning so she dressed and headed for the stables grabbing a breakfast on the way. The only place she felt safe and all together was on Ziggy in the show arena. She saddled up in the usual routine and round to the arena. All the gates and jumps...
All characters are 16 or older and all sex is consensual. Also don’t steal my story that wouldn’t be cool. Riding the Pipeline I think I’m going to scream, if he says over the next hill one more time! I’m Katherine Holman. My son Brad wanted to take a long ATV ride and camp out overnight, so we are riding the pipeline in southeast Missouri to a remote campground near Van Buren MO. We ride the gas & power lines which are great trails. We have to connect to some county roads once in a while....
IncestWhen I hit my teens, my hormones were raging but completely unsatisfied. Having discovered the unspeakable pleasures of masturbation when I was around ten (I certainly didn't know anyone I could speak to them about!), I'd have done anything to get laid by a real feminine female. But for all I did, no matter how hard I tried (and gawd knows I always tried too hard) it only rewarded me with unending embarrassment. I made a total fool out of myself with any girl I was around. I was awkward,...
I bought myself a brand new riding lawnmower. My old one finally bit the dust. This one has everything. It can cut the grass of course but it can bag the clipping to be composted, till the soil for my garden, collect the fall leaves, and snow blow my driveway too. It does it all. I was in love with my ‘Mean Machine.’ I showed my wife and two daughters how it worked, that was my mistake! After that the grass stopped growing and I never got a chance to ride it. However I still had to...
I met Lisa online one evening, we chatted and decided to meet for lunch. Lisa was a pretty lady. She stook 6 feet tall, with long curly brown hair and hazel eyes. She had a nice figure to match her smile. She wasn't skinny, but had nice curves, wide hips and just the right attitude. Needless to say, lunch turned in to dinner and dinner turned into breakfast. It was the start of a wonderfully sexual relationship. One of my more memorable outings came over our first Summer together. Lisa...