Pornacopia BrownChapter 4 free porn video

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"Are you ok Sally," Pornacopia asked, giving his partner a concerned look. They were out in the garage again waiting for a potential client and he'd noticed the way her face had suddenly gone pale under her blond hair.

"I'm fine," Sally said after a quick swallow, "it's just morning sickness."

"Morning sickness?" Pornacopia asked in surprise, his head snapping around so fast he heard his neck crack.

"That's right Leroy," Sally said with a weak chuckle. "You're three for three now, I missed my period last week and my mom gave me a pregnancy test this morning and the result was positive."

"Are you sure you don't want to lie down?" Pornacopia asked. "You look really pale, and we do have that cot we set up behind the curtained area in the back of the garage."

"I'm fine," Sally insisted. "My stomach's a little queasy but I haven't actually thrown up yet - and I don't really expect to either. Besides, I want to be here when our new client shows up. What do you think Lynn meant when she said that this would be a test of our new talents?"

"I'm not sure," Pornacopia admitted, "but I'm guessing that the case has something to do with sex, that's the only new talent I've developed over the last few months."

"I think you're right," Sally said with a thoughtful grin, "I guess it's a good thing I'm not the jealous type, otherwise I'd think you had ulterior motives for taking on sex cases."

"I still might," Pornacopia said with a chuckle, "you did say I could fuck other girls once I knocked you up."

"No I didn't," Sally snapped.

"No in so many words," Pornacopia said, "but you did say you didn't want me to fuck any other girls until you were pregnant. And now you are, so I guess I can."

"Yes you can," Sally giggled, "and my mom has been looking forward to it."

"Your mom?" Pornacopia asked warily.

"That's right," Sally said with a quick nod. "My mom has this idea that she'd like to have a child and grandchild with the same father, and since I'm going to have her first grandchild, that makes you the candidate for my next brother or sister."

"Are you serious?" Pornacopia asked, just the thought of fucking Sally's mother and knocking her up sounded so kinky that Leroy could feel his cock starting to harden in his pants.

"Oh, I'm serious," Sally said, slipping her hand between Pornacopia's thighs to stroke the stiffness through his pants. "And so are my parents, in fact, they're coming over here tonight to talk to your parents, but I think they plan to do more than talk."

"How much more?" Pornacopia asked with a mixture of excitement and worry.

"Don't worry, Leroy," Sally said with an easy laugh. "I told you my parents are swingers, now that they know about you and the rest of your family they're looking forward to joining you and your family for a real orgy."

"You told your parents about me and Lynn and mom?" Pornacopia asked, the near panic obvious in his voice. "Do you know what would happen if people found out about us?"

"Don't worry," Sally said soothingly, "my parents aren't going to tell anyone about your family. Don't you remember? I told you my parents are cousins, they can certainly understand what things are like for you and your family. All they want is a chance to join the fun once in a while."

"And for your mom to have my baby," Pornacopia finished.

"Somehow I don't think you have a problem with that," Sally said, stroking Pornacopia's erection through his pants.

"Hell no," Pornacopia said with a wide grin, "the idea of knocking your mom up with your sister or brother while you're carrying their niece or nephew. The whole idea is so kinky it makes me horny just thinking about it."

"I can tell," Sally giggled. "So I'll tell my parents tonight is a go then?"

"It sure is," Pornacopia said with a blissful smile.

"Excuse me?" a voice called from the garage door, Sally pulled her hand away from Pornocopia's cock with a guilty jerk. "Is this the Brown detective agency?"

"Yes it is," Sally said as Pornacopia tried to catch his breath.

"Is it true what Lynn said? That you take on special cases now?"

"That depends on how special the case is," Pornacopia said as he caught his breath and slid a little deeper in his chair to hide the mound in his pants under his makeshift desk.

"And is it true that your rate is twenty-five cents plus expenses and a special bonus to go with the special case?"

"Who told you about the special bonus?" Leroy asked.

"Lynn did," the girl said, "when I told her about my problem she said you could help me but there'd be an extra charge on top of the regular expenses."

Pornacopia turned to look at Sally and smiled when she gave him a quick little nod. "Lynn was right, I can help you, and once the case is done there is a special charge, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do."

"I always do," the girl said with a lusty grin as she walked up to the makeshift desk and slapped a bright new quarter down on the old red gas can. "From the puzzled expressions on your faces I'm guessing you don't know who I am."

"That's right," Pornacopia said.

"My name is Jennifer Mussey," the girl said as she sat down in one of the ready chairs. "Ah, I see you recognize my name even if you don't recognize me."

"Jennifer Mussey the high school pussy," Sally said slowly, "who hasn't heard of you? You have an even sluttier reputation than Lynn."

"Not any more," Jen said with a grin, "now that everyone knows Lynn is pregnant she's won our little competition hands down. Besides that, considering what I'm here for I could be losing my reputation any time now."

"Maybe you should start at the beginning and tell us why you want to hire us," Pornacopia said, sitting back in his chair concentrating on what his new client had to say.

"About two weeks ago Sharon Jenkins invited me to a slumber party at her house," Jennifer started, "at least she told her father it was a slumber party before he left on his business meeting."

"Isn't Mr. Jenkins a widower?" Sally interrupted.

"Yes he is," Jen agreed, "but he feels Sharon is old enough and trustworthy enough to be left on her own while he's out of town. Of course if he knew the kind of parties Sharon has when he's out of town he'd change his mind."

"I take it the slumber party turned into a sex party," Pornacopia said with a quick grin.

"That's right," Jen said with a broad smile, "Sharon's parties always turn into wild orgies, at least that's what I've heard so I was really glad to get her invitation to that party."

"And what happened at the party that you want to hire us?" Pornacopia prompted.

"I'm getting there," Jen said with another smile, unaware of how stiff Pornacopia's cock was getting in his pants. "The party started out pretty tame, just six girls sitting around talking. I was a little surprised because all the other girls at the party have a reputation as being virgins and hard to get, at the time I figured they must use Sharon's parties to hide the truth about their sexual activities. It must have been after midnight by the time the boys arrived, a half-dozen of them with masks climbing in through the bedroom window and all the other girls acting like they never expected them. It took a couple minutes for the boys to get things under control because they were laughing so hard, but it was obvious what they had in mind because all six of them were hard enough to fuck all of us right away. Once they figured out what they were doing they started blindfolding all of us starting with Sharon and saving me for last."

As Jen continued with her story her eyes seemed to cloud over as she was transported back to that night. "Oh please, please don't rape me," Jen begged, trying to suppress the giggle that would spoil the game as the boy on top of her held her down and forced her thighs apart with his knees as he laughed coarsely at her mock struggles.

"Damn, your pussy's so wet my cock keeps sliding out of place," Bill Dexter grumbled as he released Jen's arms so he could hold his prick steady as he slipped the head between her cunt lips. Jen had recognized Bill's voice even before she recognized the younger boys cock as it slid into her fuck tunnel. Bill wasn't her favorite lover, but she'd fucked him often enough to recognize his cock once he got it inside her body.

"Well what do you expect Bill?" Jen said as she locked her legs behind the boy's ass and pulled him even further into her belly. "I've been waiting for you guys all night, I was beginning to think I'd have to frig myself to sleep tonight."

"You'll never have to do that, Jen," Bill said as he buried his cock as deep as it's five inches would go in her pussy. "There are guys lining up to fuck your hot little cunt."

"I know that silly," Jen said with a hiss as she ground her crotch against his, "are all six of you going to fuck me tonight?"

"We sure are," Bill groaned as his cock fucked in and out of Jen's body, she could feel him growing larger in pussy and knew that he was going to shoot his load before she came close to her own orgasm. She hoped the other boys would last longer so she'd have a chance to enjoy the orgy before they were too tired to fuck her again. Jen could hear the other girls from the party gasping and moaning in pleasure and she wondered how they were getting off so easily when the boys were so focused on their own pleasure that they weren't even trying to give them a good time.

Bill shot his load in her pussy and rolled off her to make room for the next boy. As soon as the new boy shoved his cock into her pussy without even bothering to get her ready. This time she recognized Jim Seaten's cock as it slid into her and his hot stinky breath hit her face as he tried to kiss her. Jim didn't even last as long as Bill before he shot three wads of cum into her fuck hole and rolled off with a groan to make room for the next boy. One after another all six boys slammed their cocks into Jen's body and shot their loads well she tried to get as much pleasure as she could out of the sex as they did but she didn't even manage a single orgasm of her own by the time they were done.

Jen's sigh of disappointment was so loud as Greg Rogger's pulled his softening cock out of her overflowing pussy that she almost missed the commotion as the rest of the girls talked in rapid hushed voices. She heard a gasp from all six of the boys in the gangbang and then and then she heard several bare feet rushing out of the room. Before she could even ask what was happening she felt the bed move under her naked body as someone crawled between her naked thighs.

Here we go again, Jen thought as she listened to the be springs creak under the weight of the extra body. But she was caught by surprise when the new boy stopped half way up her body and he stuck his head between her spread legs.

Jen let out a gasp of pleasure and surprise as he new lover kissed her slit and then started licking with obvious pleasure. This wasn't the first time Jen had had her pussy eaten, but it was the first time she'd had it done by someone who knew what he was doing. First he ran the tip of his tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top where he pressed his lips against the fold hiding her clit and teased it out of hiding with his tongue until he was licking the erect nubbin with great enthusiasm. Jen's body shivered with pleasure and she shifted her naked body around on the bed to give her lover even greater access to her pussy.

Jen was looking at the blindfold over her eyes so hard she thought she'd actually bore two holes right through the fabric so she could see her new lover as he inched his hands lovingly up her thighs, hips, and belly until they reached her breasts as he continued to eat her pussy. Bracing herself against the grab for her tits Jen was caught by surprise when her lover brushed the sides of her breasts with his finger tips and then worked his way across her sensitive flesh to her nipples as they popped erect from the sexual pleasure created by her lover's gentle and experienced tit play.

It was only after Jen's body jerked and shivered through her first orgasm of the night that her lover shifted his body along hers until the tip of his cock came in contact with her drooling pussy lips and his mouth sucked on her left nipple as he slid the head of his cock up and down Jen's pussy to coat it with her juices as they dripped out of her aroused cunt.

Once again Jen braced herself for her lover's initial thrust and was caught by surprise when her lover slid his oversize cock into her pussy with slow erotic strokes. A moan of pleasure escaped from Jen's lips as her lover sucked hungrily on first one nipple then the other, sliding his shaft slowly into her pussy until his heavy balls bounced against her ass.

When her lover's cock bottomed out in her pussy he paused for a few seconds before he started stroking in and out of her slit and Jen squeezed the shaft with her cunt muscles. Jen couldn't believe it, the cock in her hole was new to her, she'd never had it in her pussy before but she was sure it was the largest prick she'd ever fucked, and she'd fucked every boy she could get her hands on as well as a few of the male teachers at the high school, but this was the first time she'd ever been fucked by someone who actually cared more about her than just getting their rocks off.

As soon as her lover started moving his cock in her pussy Jen felt the sexual energy start to build up in her belly and she knew she was going to explode in no time. Even as her lover fucked his cock slowly and gently into her cunt he continued to suck her nipples like he expected to get milk from them, and Jen almost wished she could give him some. As the pleasure continued to build through her whole body Jen lost track of everything except the sexual pleasure her lover was giving her with every stroke of his cock and suck of his mouth. After that Jen lost track of how many orgasms she had before the really big one when her lover shot his load deep in her body and the last thing she remembered was screaming in pleasure as her whole body spasmed and she lost consciousness from sheer pleasure.

"I didn't wake up until the next morning," Jen finished, watching Pornacopia's face so closely that she didn't realize that Sally was playing with his hard cock under their makeshift desk. "When I asked Sharon who the seventh guy was the next morning she refused to tell me, she even tried to tell me that the seventh guy actually had broken in after the boys left the door open when they joined the party, but I never believed it because I knew that someone like that never would have let the boys get away, or left the other girls alone. But right now I'm no closer to finding out who he was than I was that first night while I was wearing that blindfold."

"So, you want us to find out it was?" Pornacopia asked as he leaned forward to get a closer look at Jen. He hoped his client didn't realize that he had his free hand under Sally's skirt to play with her pussy through her wet panties.

"That's right," Jen said with a dreamy grin, "whoever it was, he was the best lover I ever had and I'll never be satisfied until I have him again, and again, and again."

"Is that going to be a problem with our extra charge for special cases?" Pornacopia asked.

"No," Jen said with a shake of her head, "I may want my mystery lover more than anyone else, but I still love all kinds of cock, so no, it won't be a problem. When do you want to take the extra payment?"

"After the case is completed," Pornacopia said, "and you'll only have to pay if we solve the case, ok?"

"I don't know," Jen said with a mischievous smile, "maybe I'll pay even if you don't solve the case. How does that sound?"

"Like fun," Pornacopia said, catching his breath as Sally squeezed his balls through his pants, "but I'd have to refuse anyway if I fail to solve your case."

"Well, your loss," Jen said with a shrug that made her tits bounce under her blouse. "So, are you going to take my case or not?"

"We'll take it," Pornacopia said before Sally had a chance to say anything.

"Good," Jen said with a toothy smile. "So, how long do you think it will take you to find him?"

"I don't know," Pornacopia said evasively, "but give me your cell number and I'll give you a call as soon as I know."

"Let's go Sally," Pornacopia said as soon as he added Jen's number to his own cell.

"Where are we going?" Sally asked as she mounted her bike at the same time that Leroy mounted his.

"We're going to Sharon's house," Pornacopia said as if it was an obvious answer.

"But I already told you that Sharon wouldn't tell me who it was," Jen said with a frown.

"I know, but I have a few questions to ask her anyway," Pornacopia said. Leroy leaned close to Sally and whispered, "will you be alright riding in your condition."

"I'll be fine," Sally whispered back, "and so will the baby. In fact riding a bike is great exercise this early in my pregnancy."

"Ok then, let's go," Pornacopia said kicking off to ride down the driveway and into the street with Sally right behind him.

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Britney "The Transformation" By Britney Kandey [email protected] I had gone to see a sick friend of mine Jess, who at one stage for a brief moment had been my girlfriend. She was excited as her boyfriend was moving up to the city to be with her in just 4 weeks. However the time seemed to be ticking very slowly since she had spent the whole week home from work sick, and it was now Friday night. Friday night was normally a night that I would be out and about partying...

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A Whore on a Bet

"You really don't mind if I use a recorder? I want this in your own words, about your life." The interviewer said. Not waiting for anything else the old woman started when she saw the red light go on. "I have been a whore now for over fifty years, just because of a bet" she told the young woman interviewing her. The interviewer could not have been more than twenty-five, but to someone as old as the whore, she was very young. "Yes, this is a side of you, well it surprises me." The...

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The Great River Part Two

Alya pulled Talan onto the grassy bank of the secluded creek and lay down on her belly, “Come on then. Massage time,” she said, not bothering to look at him, “I don’t want you to miss an inch.” The sun was still high and the warmth shone down on both of them, drying them off from their swim in the creek. Talan knelt beside her, glad that from this position she wouldn’t be able to see his erect member. Gingerly he laid his hands on her shoulders and rub softly. Alya made an annoyed sound, “Come...

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We are, by my standards, a pretty average couple. We are in our late forties, both very attractive and successful, and have both been career driven throughout our lives. We have raised three beautiful c***dren, the youngest of which left home three years ago. My husband is a wonderful, kind man that I met shortly after I graduated and started my career. I was attracted to him because of his stunning good looks and his quick wit, which both still shine from him brightly. He has been the most...

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Jessica 4

Jessica woke dazed and sore, and sticky from the layers of dried cumthat had coated her body. She shivered in pain. Nightmares had tormented hersleep. She dreamt that she was drowning, but the blue-green sea was replacedby oceans of white sperm. Every time she raised her head, a wave of milkysemen would crash over it. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms, but tono avail. Over and over the white storm buffeted her about. Her every muscleached and cried out in agony. Choking and...

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Punjabi wife become a slut

Hi readers, i am thankful again to all the readers who had responded top my earlier incidents and i back with a true incident happened just last weekend. Those who are reading me for the first time i am 28yr old single guy from delhi, well educated and good looking. This incident will surely gonna make you realize that live is for fun and you will never get another chance to enjoy it fully so just chill and enjoy with it each and every moment.i am introducing my friend vicky and her wife richa,...

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The Office Whore Part 22

Reina woke up a little groggy in a strange bed. Where, the hell, was she? And why did she feel so sore? She closed her eyes and opened them again, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She looked around the room and was taken aback. She remembered now. She was at Chad’s cabin in the woods inside his secret dungeon. She’d been spanked and whipped, poked and prodded, and thoroughly fucked and used by Chad yesterday. She remembered Chad teasing her, before they began, that she might feel like she’d...

Office Sex
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Vestas Hearth 13 and 14

Vesta's Hearth Chapters 13 and 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Doctor Amy discovers the retro bug is highly infectious and takes Helen on a shopping trip to the retro shop but Helen is identified as being transgendered Later Dr. Amy drops a bombshell that involves Adam. Helen discovers the problems with m...

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Unholy MasterChapter 5

Janet didn't know what it was, what mental affliction had suddenly warped her mind into instantaneous loathing at the mere sight of Paul's naked body, but she well knew that the ailment had seized hold of her- neurotic or otherwise. Paul had said nothing... unbelievably nothing... not once complaining to her during the entire voyage... even after she would lead him on, begging him to make love to her, wanting him so badly that she ached maddeningly with her desire; and then, he would expose...

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Toxic Pull

The rhythmic, pounding bass and the horns of the Imperial March made her sit up, frantically searching for the phone in the dark. Her hand brushed against something cold, and then she heard the crashing sound of the water glass falling to the floor. “Shit,” she mumbled, as she finally wrapped her shaking hand around the phone. She was panicking that she was going to miss him. Only one person on her phone had that ringtone, Michael, Mickey for short; the love of her life. “Hello?” Her voice...

Love Stories
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The Goon House

*Knock Knock Knock* Sounded on the quiet suburban street as the young man shifted his heavy bags from his shoulder and onto the front balcony. Walking up the few steps to the pristine, white house in the richer neighbourhood had been a bit of a task for the knocker as despite playing football (soccer to you disgraceful americans) making him toned and fit, it didn’t exactly lend itself to heavy lifting. As he waited, he looked around to the nearby homes as the afternoon sun shone down on their...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 66

According to my memory of that summer working at the frozen vegetable factory forty years ago, the very worst thing about July 1974 was that the number one hit single in the UK was the fifty-year-old Charles Aznavour crooning 'She' – for four weeks in succession. I'd got fairly fed up with its syrupy stickiness before we'd finished at Cardiff, and the ageing French lothario was still on Radio One several times a day. I admit that it was pleasant to have the radio on in the background...

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Anna Der Fluch

Mein Name ist Anna. Vor einiger Zeit habe ich etwas schlimmes getan. Es war ein Unfall und ich war gerade Fahranfängerin, aber ich habe die Frau wirklich nicht gesehen. Als ich sie sah war es zu spät. Sie war bereits auf die Straße getreten und ich konnte nicht mehr bremsen. Ich war völlig überfordert. Als ich den Wagen verließ stand bereits eine Gruppe um die am Boden liegende Frau. Ein Mann war dabei und an seinem Verhalten erkannte ich, dass er ein Angehöriger war. Er gestikulierte wild mit...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 446

I looked at the plane; it was shiny, sleek and big. It was bigger than the C130-30 and twice as big as the Bombardier 200s we owned. I could stand in the air inlet to the engine. I was impressed. When I looked away from the engine there was a group coming towards me; six of our pilots and six of the flight attendants - including Paula, Andrea and Lea - were walking towards me. I guessed that everyone that was off wanted a ride on Lorrie’s new toy while there was still a new smell. “Howdy...

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SweetheartVideo Aidra Fox Ivy Lebelle Vacation Sex

Horny vacationing buddies, Aidra Fox and Ivy Lebelle, discover they have time on their hands after their boyfriends are delayed due to a flat tire. Feeling frisky and in need of release all natural beauty Aidra and curvy, brunette stunner Ivy being to make out. Their desires soon spill over as Aidra pushes Ivy back onto the chaise lounge taking in her wet panties and swollen pussy, Aidra feasts on her pussy. Ivy has her turn eating Aidra out until the sexy babe cums. Milking more orgasms out of...

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TransAtlantic part 1 Departure from Rome

TRANS-ATLANTIC part 1 DEPARTURE FROM ROME Jack Masterson arrived at the cruise terminal in the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome, Italy. He was a travel writer who owned and operated a travel website that reviews luxury resorts, hotels, cruise ships and destinations. He'd been in Europe for a month; traveling and posting articles on his site about his adventures. Tonight he began his trip home to the United States, but he wasn't flying. A Trans-Atlantic cruise on the Holland...

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Twist In The Tale With Preethi

Hello dear readers. To understand this story you need to read my previous stories. Please follow these link: I will continue the story from here on. Preethi is the friend of Divya (Divya is a probable bridegroom whom my parents suggested me to meet and come to a conclusion). As it turned out when i met Divya, she was more of a sex addict than a normal girl should be. I liked her weird ways of having sex. She was just too demanding. I hope I am talking on behalf of every guy that it is very...

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TransSensual My First Time With A Ladyboy

I lay naked on the freshly washed bed sheet and tried to get comfortable. There was the faintest aroma of lavender still prevalent in the air. Outside the open bedroom window, crickets chattered relentlessly in the trees and bushes. The air was deliciously cool. Unable to get back to sleep, I sat up in the bed and reached for the remote control. Whilst channel surfing, I happened upon a channel that offered live horoscope readings by day, and soft-core pornography after midnight. Accompanying...

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Seduced Romanced Enjoyed And Fucked Colleague

Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is Rajesh again after huge response of my earlier story. I would like to share another real incident happened with me 2 years back. I am 25 year old guy, I was working with a pvt company in Bangalore as a financial executive. I found Chaya aged around 38 years working as a admin. We are all used to sit in the same room. She is fatty with size of 34-32-38 figure, but she was fair & looking very good. She is married and had a two kids, her daughter was studying...

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James Bondage QuickiesMuscle Futa Fuck Slave

Connor watched in awe as the parade of bulging, plump, curvaceous flesh jiggled, flexed and strutted down the runway. There were big, beautiful women in glimmering dresses, shiny leather, body hugging latex and softest satin. Their glamorous outfits showed off their dummy thicc bodies to all in attendance. Many were BBWs with extra pounds in all the right places. Some were exceptionally tall women who were rail thin, like most models. Then there were the bodybuilder types. Those were the...

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Crazy Family Wedding 8211 Part 3 Satisfied At Last

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. A small recap for you. In the previous part, I watched Selena and Sam have sex in their bedroom. I got caught by uncle Sam and ended up giving him a blowjob in the kitchen. We almost got caught by Shanaya, and I ended up without sex again! After Uncle Sam left, I was standing there in the kitchen, frustrated. I wanted someone to fuck me good, and I was desperate now. In this frustration, I went into my room and went right to sleep. The...

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Neighbours Chapter 2

Emma was furious as she glared at Madge. How dare she play her? Well she was going to pay the penalty for doing that. A bare bottom spanking was definitely called for. Madge was still blushing as she stood up and went to exactly where Emma pointed. She was forty-five-years-old but had been caught out so easily by her much younger neighbour and now the sensual spanking she wanted was more likely to be a discipline spanking that would really hurt. Twenty-two-year-old Emma demanded, “Get...

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ExxxtraSmall Emma Starletto Kicked Out

Things have been rough for blonde Emma Starletto as of late. When her family kicks her out of the house, she has to walk for miles in the sweltering heat to find a place to sleep. Luckily, our stud lets her in the house so she can crash for a few days. But when his wife wants her gone, Emma isn’t going to give up that easily. The nineteen-year-old gets butt naked and seduces the old man with her tight body. She takes his thick cock inside her extra small pussy. And after some serious pounding,...

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Anushree Chudi Sheikh Jiju Se

Main Anushree..mere Sheikh jiju ne mujhe kaise choda ..unhi ki prerna pa kar main apni aapbiti sunne ke liye utawali ho rahi hoon. Ise aap jaise chahen len, pyar muhabbat se. Apana pyar de kar mujhe nihal karden jisase main aap ko har bar naye-naye tarah se deti rahoo. Meri bahan ki shadi abhi haal hi me hui hai. Sheikh jiju multi-national ek achchhi post par hai. Sajeele sunder nawjawan jiski chahat koi bhee laraki kar sakati hai. Meri bahan badi seedhi hai aura pane duniya mein hi magan...

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The Cable Guy

I lean over and brush her hair away from blocking my view. I can see her “pretend” cock slowly moving in and out of here mouth. Her tongue is tight against it and her cheeks are sunken in from sucking so hard. She is moaning with desire and she has another orgasm from all of the stimulation. I am not sure if it is my cock pounding her, like a piston in a race car, slapping her ass with my thighs and hips. Maybe it's the vibrator that she is holding on her clit pressing harder and harder....

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lesbian the kinkiest story youll read tonite

This is a story of a lost and recovered engagement ring that led to an intense development in my lesbian relationship. I had gone to Las Vegas with Norico my partner of many years. I had decided to commit to her by offering her an engagement ring. Now being a romantic I dropped the ring into a glass of champagne without her knowing and she would find it there when she finished the drink. Great plan very romantic I thought. I sat across from her and gazed at the person who had made me so happy...

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University Life Part 1 The Kitty Litter

It was my first day at the university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building. I followed the other girls out of the bus to be greeted by an elderly lady, smartly dressed. She introduced herself as Mrs Dowding and proceeded to shepherd us inside where a group of smiling girls were waiting for us.Mrs Dowding then went out to read out a register, calling out our names, at which stage a girl...

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An Angel Intriged by Darkness Chapter 2

It is late and Serene is in her dorm.She sits by her window and tries to study, but her mind is pre-occupied with other things. She sits by the window and hears the rain and can't help but feel trapped even tho she is allowed to go at any time.She always wanted to go to an actual college but her parents wanted her to go to this all girl christian academy to study languages. They were always very protective of her and knew other colleges could corrupt their otherwise sweet angel. It saddens her...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 9

"I need to go talk to Robbie," I told Tami after we'd done a lap around the park. Dinner was over and our nightly walk helped it settle. "You just want to get into her pants," Tami accused. "It must be nice having a part-time girlfriend with an understanding father." Tami glanced at her trailer, where her mother waited inside. "It comes in handy," I admitted. "So what do you think your mom would do if she heard us making mad passionate love in your room?" "Do the words...

1 year ago
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Late night fantasy

Your sitting on your bed, watching tv with nothing on but a pair of pants. I walk in, wearing one of your t-shirts and come sit next to you, putting my head on your chest and cuddling into you. I slowly drift in and out of sleep as you watch tv, forming against your body as I cuddle with you. As I slowly wake up again, you kiss the top of my head lovingly as I tuck my head underneath your chin. I look up at you and kiss you deeply, my body pushing against yours making you hard. You slip your...

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ManuelFerrara Canela Skin Canela Skin And Her Literal Top Shelf Ass

Columbian Canela Skin brings her colossal ass cheeks to Europe and meets up with Manuel. No wonder he was willing to go all the way to Paris, to go all the way with Canela! When Miss Skin gets naked in the hotel room the first thing you notice is her shelf like ass cheeks. Manuel is quick to put the “meat dunes” in motion. He’s able to wedge his dick between those tight round cheeks and start a fuck storm. This causes Canela to regularly hang and wag her tongue in an...


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