ThesisChapter 22: Extraordinary Rendition free porn video

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From: Jo

To: Corinne

Subject: Fifty "Rendition"

Corinne, I don't know what the hell is going on and I want to put on my file my concerns. Whoever these people are, I can't see that they should be able to do this. I'll accept your assurances that this is all being done legally and that it has nothing to do with the suspicions about Fifty's activities here, but I want it to be very clear that myself, and the rest of the other staff are unhappy with this situation. Jo.


From: Corinne

To: Jo, Charlotte & The Team

Subject: Fifty "Rendition"

Jo, Here's a formal response to your concerns.

Yes, Larry and I are just as concerned as you are. It seems astonishing that the American authorities can act as if the UK was just another part of the United States, but we've had legal advice that this is all allowed under US Law and UK treaties. Larry's people are using their contacts in the Government to reach someone who can tell us just what is going on and hopefully help. I will brief the whole team just as soon as I have anything to report.


Jenny's Recollections (Day 40):

I'm absolutely petrified. What on earth is going on? I'm studying stress, and this is terror.

Last night I was put back in my cell as usual after a tough shibari session with Ylena. She had been as good as her word about the Russian flag. Red, white and blue ropes, white making a sort of harness arrangement around my head; a gag and a blindfold. Blue around my body; an intricate karada. Red around my thighs, my knees and ankles. Ylena is pleased with the effect. I have the same sensations as before. I find myself totally caught up in what Ylena is doing to me, completely absorbed in the feeling that every movements is held back by the pressure of the ropes. Ylena declared herself pleased with her slooga and then I was put back in my cell.

The bars locked closed, the shutters came down, the lights went out. I climbed into bed and pulled my blanket over me. There's no point in not trying to sleep and they keep us so busy that I need the rest anyway. Sometimes, I turn over the day's events in my mind trying to make sense of it all for whatever it is that I'm going to write at the end of this. This night though, I fall asleep pretty much straight away.

I wake up. I've no idea what the time is. All I know is that it's still dark. There's some noise coming from outside the cell, voices arguing. The shutter of my cell starts to go up. Light streams underneath it. As the shutter goes up, I see the cause for the noise. There are five men, all smartly dressed, dark suits, white shirts, dark ties, crew cut hair, dark glasses. All of them are solidly built. They all seem to have one earphone, with a curl cord disappearing beneath their collars. One of them, he looks a bit older than the other - his face lined with experience, is waving a sheet of paper at Charlotte, while Jo is standing with her hand on the switch that opens the door to my cell.

"I'm glad you decided to co-operate Ma'am," the man with the paper says, in an American accent with a tone that is both polite and clipped. Charlotte looks as though she's not happy with whatever is going on. Jo looks annoyed, as well.

One of the other men walks across to the bars of my cell and calls in to me. "We're sorry to disturb you at this time, Ma'am. Could you stand up, please?"

He holds up a chunky mobile phone towards me. He looks at the screen and looks at me and then looks at one of the other men.

One of the other men disappears only to come back a few moments later. "Here is the picture modification from Langley, Sir." He hands the first man another mobile. The first man holds it towards me and then nods to another of the group. "That's a confirmation, Sir" he says.

Another man approaches. He holds up an official looking ID card. I can read the words Agent Elmer Black, Department of Justice. "Jennifer Alison McEwan. You are being detained in the custody of the Authorities of the United States."

The American continues, "We have information that you and your associates are involved in activities prejudicial the interests of the Government of the United States and you are being detained for further investigation and questioning. Legal representation will be arranged for you at an appropriate time. I'm afraid that you have to come with us."

"But why? Where? What's going on?" I'm pretty disturbed by all this. I can feel my pulse racing and it gets no slower when I realise that each of these men has a bulge in their jacket that suggests they are carrying guns.

"I can't explain that here, Miss, I'm afraid. You'll be aware that we are at liberty to detain any foreign national suspected of offences against the US legal code. The Agency simply asked that we arrange with the people here for you to be transferred to our facility. I'm sure that it will all be sorted out there. You will appreciate that in matters of electronic espionage and sabotage, counterterrorism and Homeland Security the Western Governments and ourselves collaborate very closely." Charlotte and Jo are looking on, mouths open in surprise.

I'm confused. "What do you mean, counter terrorism?" I'm thinking 'Agency'? What is this, the CIA, or something?

"You have links with Russia and certain individuals suspected of involvement with electronic sabotage."

"No." I say "No, I don't."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, our information is that you are married to a Joseph McEwan, who was engaged in projects around the Sea of Azov prior to his current activities in Cambodia."

"Well, yes."

"And, you don't think that constitutes 'links with Russia'?"

"Well, no. But well, maybe, I suppose..."

"Don't worry, ma'am. I'm sure we can sort this all out." He turns to Jo. "Open the cell doors, please," he says. Jo shrugs and does as he asks. "Thank you Ma'am." He beckons to me. "If you could walk this way, Ma'am." I look at Jo. She shrugs again. There doesn't seem to be anything else for me to do. "That's very helpful Ma'am," the older man says.

The men all surge in. Two of the silent heavies grab one of my arms each. Someone else passes and fastens wide belt round my waist and my wrists are clipped to each side of the belt. It only takes moments. Someone else again pulls a leather helmet over my head and laces it firmly, the laces at the back. I am blind and dumb and helpless.

I hear Charlotte say, "Is that absolutely necessary?"

"We don't tell you how to run your operation, Ma'am. I'm sure you'll agree we're best able to assess our own security procedures and approach. We carry out a strict risk assessment for every transfer."

They're holding me tightly, but not viciously, although it's perfectly obvious that if I try to make a sudden move there is no chance I'll be allowed to go anywhere. I can just hear the American speaking to Jo, "The Department of Justice is very grateful for your cooperation, Ma'am. I'm sure I do not need to remind you that these events should remain confidential.

The man continues, "and this is, of course, covered by the provisions of your own Government's Official Secrets Act."

I am marched out of my cell, one of the heavies on each side, up to the ground floor and outside. There is the sensation of cold air on my naked flesh as we go outside and I'm lifted into some sort of van. My hands are re-cuffed to one of the seats, doors slam and the car sets off. The whole incident has taken hardly any time at all.

I've no idea how long we drive for. It's hot and stuffy with the hood still over my head. Neither of the men touch me at all, but I'm wedged between them.

Now, we're going quite fast, at a steady speed and on a relatively smooth road. It must be a motorway or a dual carriageway; we don't slow down or turn sharply for quite a while. Then, we're on to stopping, starting, turning and bumping again. And then, we stop.

There's the slamming of car doors. I'm expecting to be pulled out of wherever I am but nothing happens for quite a while. They've forgotten me! Of course it's a ridiculous thought, but then, it's a crazy situation. Then there's a clunk, cold air on my flesh again and my hands are released from the seat, clipped once more to the belt and I am out of the van still with the hood over my head.

"Mind your feet, Ma'am," a voice says. "There's gravel here for few yards till we get to the Facility." The gravel is sharp under my feet, but it's only a few steps until I'm on stone and then through a door inside somewhere and there's wood or some warm surface beneath my feet.

I'm gripped by the arms again and hustled along again for a way, still with the hood over my head. Eventually, two sets of hands take me and I'm put down on the floor. Except, it's not the floor, I'm kneeling on cold metal bars. They push me forward from behind. There's a clang and a click. I try to move. My back and head bang against bars above me. I try to twist around and my shoulder hits against metal as well. My wrists are dragged behind my back and fastened together. My ankles cuffs are fastened too. The hood is unlaced, unstrapped and pulled off my head. I can see that I've been pushed into a tiny cage, not high enough for me to sit up in, not wide enough to let me turn around. There's a heavy padlock on the door. Even if I can get my wrists free from my cuffs, I couldn't get out of the cage. I'm in a dimly lit room. Two of the dark suited men that took me from Inward Bound, (or I suppose two other identically dressed men, how can I tell?) are standing looking down at me. One of them lifts his hand and gives a circling wave. I feel the cage start to move. In no time, it's ten or twelve feet off the ground, spinning slowly on a chain somewhere above my head. As the cage spins, I watch the men leave and I see that there are four other cages hanging from the ceiling of the room. What have I got in to?

I'm in the cage for what seems like a lifetime. The bars are cutting into my knees, I cannot really get my feet into a position where they can help support me. I am cramped and cannot straighten out without banging into the bars. If I do try to move, the cage starts to swing.

The next development gives me no comfort, either. Suddenly, the room is filled with light as lamps set into the ceiling inches above my head come on. It's dazzling; they're hot. At the far end of the room the door opens and in strides the most daunting looking woman. My first sight of her makes me catch my breath. She's dressed as conservatively as the men, dark suit, white blouse, sunglasses. I can see that she's black, darker even than the picture of Diallo Ramatoulaye that Gerry had, or so it seems in the harsh light. She strides down the room getting closer to me all the time. Predatory. In charge.

The woman approaches my cage, takes off her shades and peers up at me. She turns and clicks her fingers. I feel my cage start to lower, going down until she is looking me straight in the eye. She smiles, but I don't sense any warmth. Her teeth are as white as her blouse. She reaches out and prods the cage, watching as I spin in front of her.

"Hmmm. Interesting," she's says, peering at me. "We're going to have a real interesting talk about you and how your friends in Russia are these days and what they are up to."

I have no idea who she is or what she is talking about. "I don't know anything about this," I say, "I've never been to Russia. I've got no Russian friends. Sure, my husband worked out there for a while, but he hasn't got anything to do with the Russians beyond that. He was just part of trying to fix some of their water problems. That's the only thing he has to do with the Russians."

"No, of course. We know that. This isn't about him."

"Oh," I say, "but your people said..."

She shakes her head. "No, it's not about him. It's about you."

I'm about to say something, but she carries straight on. "Now, don't interrupt Connie," she says. It's the closest she gets to introducing herself. She takes a final look at me. "We'll meet again soon. Don't worry, we'll have a long talk," she says. I'm worried. And scared.

Connie turns on her heels and strides back towards the door, her heels tapping their way across the room. The lights go off. This time, it's pitch black.

By the time they come on again, hours have passed and this time the dark suited men come back. My cage is lowered onto a trolley. They disconnect it from the chain that has held me aloft and I'm wheeled off, still in my cage. I'm rolled into a small room, one of the men unfastens the padlock on the door of my cage, the other helps pull me out. I'm so stiff that I sprawl on the floor at their feet.

"You'll get used to it, kid," one of the men says.

"No, she won't," says the other, with a laugh.

I start to get some feeling back in my limbs, but all I can do is to stretch out on the floor. I'm groaning with discomfort, but my distress doesn't seem to disturb them. I'm worried that they think I'm going to be here long enough to actually get used to it and I still don't understand why I'm here.

I get the chance to learn more when Connie comes in. She's wearing black trousers, a white shirt and a tight black waistcoat that fits under her bust. All I can do is stare up at her as she strides into the room. Her whole presence radiates power. She turns to one of the men. "Can she stand?"

He shrugs, reaches down and unfastens my ankle cuffs. He steps back without helping me further. It's pretty obvious I'm going to have to do it on my own. I wriggle round and manage to get onto my knees. My thighs and calves are aching, stiff from being confined in the cage. My knees are grazed from the bars of the cage and my shoulders are bruised and scraped, too. Connie watches as I carry on trying to get up. It's not easy at the best of times with your hands locked behind your back, but I manage it. I'm not too steady on my feet and lurch over against the wall.

Connie seems impressed. "Not bad," she says. She takes a good look at me, turning me this way and that. "All right. She's not in too bad shape. Get her showered, clean up those grazes and scrapes. I want an assessment on my desk by the end of the morning. OK?"

"Sure," says the taller of the two men quietly. Connie is obviously in charge here.

"Any difficulties with the collection?" Connie says.

"No. The people there were perfectly cooperative. They were quite happy with the paper work..."

Connie nods and goes, leaving me with the two men. One of them helps me to straighten up, warning me to keep quiet. I try to ask them why I've been brought here, what is to happen to me. They ignore my questions, telling me to shut up if I don't want my mouth strapped shut again. I take their advice.

They hustle me away to a shower block and then to see a medic who looks me over, dabs my cuts and grazes with antiseptic and then declares me fit. She gives me a sort of orange robe, a bit like a hospital theatre gown. It has a badge saying "Detainee". I put it on feeling strange, it's the first clothing I've worn for a long time. It all feels a bit like when I first arrived at the Inward Bound Centre, but this time it's all more brutal, more matter-of-fact, like I'm on some sort of production line!

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SRU The Best Possible World

Summary: Kristin was just your average air-headed blonde, who worshipped the ground her boyfriend David walked on. At least she thought she was, until a visit to SRU forced her to confront the painful truth about herself... Notes: The Spells R Us universe, and the SRU wizard, was originated by Bill Hart. Dannie was introduced by another author, DanielSan59 unless I'm mistaken, but has been further developed by authors such as Bashful, Ellie Dauber, and Bill Hart (to name a...

3 years ago
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Vicious Days Insane NightsChapter 2

She looked almost peaceful, lying naked in her restraints. Her face betrayed the reality though; even in repose she wore her fear like a mask. It was time for me to make the mask permanent. I began to tighten her restraints, which woke her of course. I ignored her demands, her pleas, her cries, her begging – they were music to my ears and I enjoyed the song as I worked. Once she was tightly stretched out on the table, though, I deigned to answer one question. "Shhh, shhh," I said,...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Kenna James Kenna James Is A Sex Machine

Svelte blonde Kenna James donates her chassis to Manuel’s masturbatory mechanical masterpiece “Sex Machines #2”. We open with James outdoors and poolside, decked out in magenta lingerie. The sexy starlet teases the camera and spins, displaying her ample cheeks. She wanders indoors and sits on a stool, arching her back as her twat protrudes. The activity brings Manuel to the scene. Our horny Frenchman hops on the sofa and starts strumming Kenna’s pussy. He then gives her...

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Raising RocChapter 6

Sergeant Kelley and Corporal Roc are credited with starting the sexual revolution for the P'OTP. Experts have long disputed the wisdom and responsibility for starting such radical changes in another species social climate. Some experts have argued that the event would have happened anyway; however, as Shakespeare wrote, ""What's done cannot be undone." Contact, itself, with the P'OTP by both the Rics and humanity caused changes in the P'OTP and no one can say that they would have been...

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The Dream

Dear Readers, I hope you enjoy this story which came to my mind shortly after coupling with my wife which somehow made me wish she would have taken me instead of the other way round. Well, and then my fantasy ran a little bit wild. The Dream By Greta Waking up with a sweat, I saw my wife of 10 years lying at my side. Still sleeping. Wow! What a dream I just had. Why couldn't this have been the reality? I mean Andrea knew before we married that I loved to dress up and I asked her...

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The Girls Part 9 of 9 Janes Pain

Jane wore a pair of stretch shorts and a halter top. I noted that none of the halter buttons were done up and that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She carried her sandals and a small beach bag which she put down beside her as she sat beside me. We both stared out at the river silently. I waited for her to say something. I really didn’t know how to start this rendezvous. I mean, how did I begin this? We were meeting so I could take her virginity for gosh sake. We had never even been alone together....

1 year ago
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An employment change Chapter 3

Lisa headed out of the office, corporate credit card burning a hole in her handbag. Taking a taxi to the shopping centre she thought about what was necessary to look sexy and please Barry, her boss. Lots of cleavage? Tick. Lots of leg? Tick. She looked in a few places but the clothes seemed rather mundane. Then she found a small shop tucked away in a corner. The front window looked promising but some of the clothes inside were, well, practically obscene. She looked through the racks and picked...

2 years ago
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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 7

“For the tasks, you guys need to wear a bikini. So, everyone, head to their rooms and put on a bikini,” Aryan says, and all the guys cheer up. They are excited to look at the girls in bikinis. All the girls run towards their rooms and return shortly after putting on a bikini. They all look like . Manisha comes wearing a very tiny bikini of all the girls, which is hardly covering her nipples and labia. Smriti, Alisha, and Saira have put on a thong. Guys are feeling it really hard not to look at...

4 years ago
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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part X)Note: Priscilla’s diary, the principal source of our longer account here, proceeds to the events of her caning almost immediately after this However, a recent interesting discovery has provided another source that coincides directly with her account at this point. The editors have decided to work on that text first, so that it will precede Priscilla’s story in these extracts, as it did in the original course of events. There may therefore be a slight delay...

1 year ago
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Cast AdriftChapter 7

The full-page headline on the front page of the Times on the second day of August, 1814 screamed the paper's demand for a full and complete investigation. Two people had died, scores more had been injured, and considerable private property had been destroyed as a result of the explosion and fire at the pagoda in St. James Park the night before. A smaller headline, much lower on the page, expressed horror at the assassination of Captain Sir Edward Pelham of the Royal Navy, and a sort of...

2 years ago
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Taking pictures0

"I think I want you to get in touch with Lamont," I said and went back to my cottage cheese. "What? You want me to fuck him again?" she asked with a funny look on her face. She'd dated him, briefly, in college as her lone conquest at black dick. "No, I want to watch you fuck him," I told her. "I want to take pictures of his big cock in your ass." "I wouldn't let him do that," she said and browsed her lettuce with ranch and bacon bits. "Well, we'll see," I...

4 years ago
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Lake Loop

When I was 36 I took a temporary assignment (8-12 weeks) outside of Midwest city to open a new business development office. The firm put me in an extended stay hotel / condo. It was late July. After the first couple of days, my routine became fairly boring – work, go exercise room and order fast food or go out for fast meal, sleep. Weekends were more boring since I was not into the bar scene. Did some tourist things but I was generally bored. Three weeks into the assignment, I am going crazy...

2 years ago
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I posted a craigslist ad

8 years ago I began crossdressing again and playing with toys. After playing one day while watching videos online I decided I wanted to take the next step and be with a man again. My holes craved it but the butterflies in my stomach had stopped me before. Afraid they would do it again this time I got dressed as slutty as possible and put up an ad on craigslist with a photo of me dressed and spitroasting myself with toys. Pic required I put in the posting. I was amazed at the responses and...

3 years ago
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To Trap a Different BeaverChapter 1

For Jacques "Jack" Delacroix, his divorce from Sabrina had taken a strange turn. Her recent affair with a punk named Omar, who convinced her that he would be a sponsor, had followed the typical path of the "hot wife, wimp" lifestyle. Her problem was that Jack wouldn't wear a cuckold's horns, and in fact filed for divorce. He refused to let her sway him with the prospect of being part of Omar's harem. He was a proud man of French-Canadian and Huron stock, and he wouldn't submit to such...

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Adopted Affair pt2

It's Monday morning and we woke up early, I had to go to school and Janice had to work at the school. We are breakfast and got ready, as we drove to school, we didn't talk to each other, we knew what we had to do, go day by day pretending nothing was happening. We made everybody believe that my behavior was and would be better from now on. “Before we go in… remember there's nothing going on between us… we talked over the weekend and you have accepted us as your new family OK” she...

4 years ago
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How Daddy Became a Bitch 2

After that afternoon’s amazing action (How Daddy Became a Bitch (1)), which came out of nowhere, I was happy to sleep inside a while, make something to eat and read, and back to bed again. I hadn’t had that much sex in years. And I needed to reflect on what had happened. First, I had sex – great sex – with someone I barely knew, a few decades younger than I. And Gary basically dominated me, even when I was fucking him. That was a bit scary, becoming someone’s bitch, and so quickly and...

2 years ago
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Mindy Proves Shes Not A Prude

Mindy Green had just gotten out of a serious relationship.  Her boyfriend told her she was too “vanilla” for his taste.  He wanted her to be more adventurous in the bedroom.When he broke up with her, instead of crying and being upset, Mindy decided to go wild.  She wanted to have sex with a woman and have a threesome with two men.  She would send her proof to her ex.  She wanted him to see what he was missing.  She would make him jealous and beg for her to take him back.It was Friday night and...

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The story that I am about to relate happened to me in last summer. I am a small Eurasian teacher in my mid twenties, not married but I do own my own home which sits on 4 acres of land completely fenced in by an eight foot chain link fence on all four sides. The property has thick bushes and trees all around the inside against the fence so it is completely isolated from view from anywhere except the sky. The rest of the four acres is covered in grass, shade trees, bushes and a small garden and...

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Kacey Gets Hosed

Creek, grunt, thud, creek, grunt, thud. What a way to pay your rent. Creek, grunt, thud, creek, grunt, thud. Creek, a moment of emptiness. Grunt, filled to the hilt again. Thud, the bed again hits the wall. Still, the pace is increasing, and the grunts are getting more breathless and the thuds are starting to chip the plaster, it won’t be long now, he’ll be in to ‘Yes’ mode shortly and we’ll be into the last 30 seconds. Creek, grunt, thud, creek… ‘Oh, yessss’

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Evelyn Claire Maya Woulfe My Ex Has A New Girlfriend

Evelyn Claire and Will Pounder used to date. Although they’ve broken up and Will has a new girlfriend in Maya Woulfe, Evelyn still carries a torch for her ex. Lately they’ve been video chatting a lot and Evelyn has used that opportunity to get increasingly sexual at Will, new girlfriend be damned. Tonight Evelyn is sporting some sheer lingerie that lets Will see all the hot curves he used to be able to enjoy. As Evelyn talks dirty to Will, she lets her hand slide down until...

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ContinuedMy first gay sex

It gave me an amazing sensation, I guess I've never had before as Mark kept pressing on my hard cock. I could feel my hands shivering on his back. I had never thought he would let me...even at my first attempt to seduce him. Encouraged by his response, I started pushing my cock against his back. Our bodies were in direct contact now. I began to caress his neck slowly and lowered my head to his. I guess he could sense the warmth of my breath. I bent and gently touched his neck with my hot and...

3 years ago
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Patrick strikes again

Patrick strikes againThe morning after been fucked wildly by Patrick, I woke up next to Victor. He smiled and said he was having a terrible headache; he was sure it was due to the excess of red wine during dinner.Victor told me he would stay at bed. Then I told him I would go to the beach to enjoy the sun, but I would come back to him in less than two hours.I put on a sexy green lime thong that barely covered my shaved mound; my sexy heeled sandals and a long pareo skirt completed my outfit....

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My first frat guy

I do apologise for the length of this one, but I felt that I had to include the dynamics of the situation for the whole story to really shine through! Enjoy!I was invited to my first ever 'frat' party on a weekend not long after my first story happened. (I say 'frat' because it isn't an official one, but everyone calls it a frat anyway!) I had no idea just how wild those things get! (College is really opening my eyes to a lot of things!) I was invited because the guy from my last story —...

Straight Sex
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Blacked Megan Rain Mr M Part 1

Megan’s friend has told her about a sugar daddy site that allows you to meet older guys who will pay good money for your company and she has met with the assistant of a wealthy businessman for her first appointment. She is a little nervous at first but really excited about the concept. She explains exactly how he likes things and after receiving her first instalment Megan finds herself being seduced by his assistant before she moves to the bedroom. He gets to work straight away, checking out...

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Pauline The Slut Part 10 No Escape

As soon as I heard him leave for work the next morning I jumped out of bed. This was my chance to escape. He would expect me to go to my parents or sister so I wouldn't. I'd drive south to some town he would never think I'd go to, pick up a job as a waitress or something and then move on after a few months. I would take out as much money as I could from ATMs before I left town and then dump the cards. I packed two cases and brought them to the garage. I almost collapsed when I went into the...

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Nina Was Her NameChapter 11

Uh-oh, this time, the other guys had shotguns, too. Those shotguns were of the conventional style with the longer barrels. That gave them more killing range, but made them more difficult to handle because of the added weight at the muzzle. We stayed down behind our barriers until we came close. That should give the advantage back to us. Meanwhile, the pirates were shooting at our helmsman and captain because of their exposed positions. I laid my shotgun on the deck and drew my Schloss...

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A Step in the Right Dirction 3

A "Step" in the Right Dirction 3================================================================================Jane picked me up at work on Friday and we drove to a really nice restaurant where we ate oysters for an appetizer and steak and lobster for dinner! Before the main course came, she excused herself and walked to the restroom. She looked VERY nice and there were more eyes than just mine watching her as she walked by in the black dress with the deep plunging front and back that made...

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Delhi me housewife ki uske

Hello ISS ke dosto, I am sameer kapoor. Aaj main apni ek story sunane ja raha hoon. Yeh ek saal pehle ki baat hai, main mere ek dost ki shadi mein gaya tha. Shadi Hayat hotel me thi which is in delhi. Hum dance ker rahe the tabhi ek lady wahaan aaker dance karne lagi. She was so much sexy. She was in Saari. She was 40 years old, 5’5” height thi. Dance karte hue hum don one ek doosre ko dekha or nazdeek aaker dance karne lage. Tabhi light chali gai and dance band ho gaya. Jab light aai to wo...

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The Queening

If someone had asked me four years ago, when I was a very active Chess Candidate Master, what Queening meant, I would have automatically said that it was when a pawn (lowest ranking chess piece) reached the eight rank of the board and is promoted to another chess piece, usually a Queen (highest ranking chess piece). It is a rare achievement in chess tournaments.Ask me that question now and I would have a completely different answer to give – depending on who you were and your age, I would say...


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