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How do you tell your best friend that you're in love with her?

For a week now, I've been thinking constantly about that question. About a week ago, Lisa called me to tell me the good news. We hadn't talked for about six weeks, and for us, that wasn't atypical. We had that special, intense kind of relationship where time and distance stopped mattering almost from the outset. We could go weeks without talking, and then pick a conversation up where we'd left off, as if we'd only been apart minutes. Once, Lisa called me at work, and when I picked up the phone, I heard, ", as I was saying..." and I knew right where she was. That was the kind of relationship we had. We were the best of friends, soulmates.

And now, it seemed like that's all we would ever be.

And for a long time, that's all I ever wanted. Wasn't it? Pushing back from my desk, I walk to the window in my den that overlooks the back yard. I can see some ducks playing in the pond, the mother gently calling to her ducklings to follow her. My thoughts are confused and whirling around inside my head. A thousand memories shared with Lisa flash across the movie screen inside my head, and I fight to regain control. Shaking my head, I walk back to the desk and sit down.

I stare at the phone.

It sits there, silently mocking me. Call her, it seems to say to me, pick up the phone and make a complete fool out of yourself. You've had more chances than anyone has a right to expect, and you've turned away from all of them. Go ahead. Call her.

I push the phone away in disgust and slide my chair back, tiliting it so I can put my legs up on the desk. As I settle back, my hands clasped behind my head, my gaze takes in the lucite picture frame perched on one corner of the desk. It's a photo of Lisa and me, at the beach, taken about three years ago. She's wearing a terrycloth wrap, but it's open slightly, and the bananna- yellow bikini she's wearing can be barely glimpsed. Her face is tan, and her smile is wide and eager. It's obvious that we'd had a fun day at the beach, the two of us, and her arm is casually slung around my waist. I'm wearing jams in the picture, and I've got a towel draped around my neck. You can see the top of my hand on Lisa's shoulder, and I'm looking at the camera. Lisa's looking at me, with this stupid dreamy expression on her face.

That single picture sums up our entire relationship. She was always looking at me, and I was always looking elsewhere. She'd gotten tired, apparantly, looked elsewhere, and seen someone else looking back. And now they were looking at each other, and I was stuck staring at a goddamned picture on my desk.

I look at the phone again, then back at the picture. How long, I wonder. How long have I been in love with my best friend? When did it start? My sudden, intense reaction to the news that she is getting married tells me that the feelings have been there for a long, long time.

I try to remember. We've known each other for so long. So many years between us. I know that I've always had affection for her, always thought that she was an incredible person...and incredible woman. An incredible friend.

When did it become more than that? And why am I so afraid to tell her that I love her?

I can always take the cop-out that I'm scared that anything romantic, anything intimate between us might turn to shit and ruin our friendship. Even as that thought flits across my mind I dismiss it. It's bullshit and it's a rationalization. I know enough about myself and enough about Lisa to know that if we had gotten involved, and it had turned to shit, we'd still be friends. Maybe not as close as before, not with the pain of a supposed breakup that hadn't even happened yet, not with the walls that were sure to go up between us, but still friends.

So what was I worried about?

I know what it is. I just don't want to admit it. It's several things, actually. Fear, mostly. Fear of loving someone too much. I know how totally insane that sounds, but remember: I'm a man. I'm genetically insane.

The liquor cabinet called to me. I could hear Mr. John Daniels calling to me. You might know him as Jack, but when you've been involved with the man as long as I have, he prefers the more formal John. Ah, sweet dark liquid of life. He has the cure for my ills.

No, he doesn't. All he will make me do is get maudilin and depressed. I'll rage against the storm, scream at the walls and have huge conversations with people that aren't even in the room. It's interesting, don't you think, that when you're having a fight with someone that's not there, imagining their responses to your always win those fights.

I shake my head and try to refocus my attention on something I'm unfamiler with. My feelings.

What, exactly, are my feelings? I love her. I know that. I love her very...much. I know that, too. Another thing I know is that I am completely terrified of making love with Lisa.

Ah. The crux.

You see, in order to have a fully functioning adult relationship, you have to have sex. I mean, it's not a requirement or anything, but it does help. And it wasn't that I was a horrible lover or that I had a tiny dick that I was ashamed was just the gnawing certaintity that I wouldn't be able to satisfy Lisa in bed.

Getting up from behind my desk, I walk to the couch and lay down and put my feet over the edge. I'm relaxed now, or, a little more relaxed than I was a moment ago. I can now look at this dispassionately and dissect it with all the calm coldness of a scientist examining a specimen under a microscope. No problem.

Two things contribute to this feeling. The first is the fact that Lisa has the rather annoying habit of discussing her sex life with me. I knew she wasn't a virgin, or a nun, but I had no idea that women talked about sex as hungrily, as nastily as men did. Lisa had dumped more than one boyfriend because she'd found him lacking between the sheets. More than more than once Lisa has given me a blow-by-blow, you will pardon the expression, description of her sexual encounters. About how one boyfriend actually asked permission to come in her mouth. And how she had turned him down, turned off that he was so wimpy as to even ask. She likes her men strong and in- control. She likes a challenge. She wants someone to tame, someone to bend to her formidable will.

And one more thing. It had happened once already. Well, almost. Two yeears ago. We went away for the Fourth of July weekend. Neither of us were seeing anyone, so we decided to spend it together. We got very, very drunk, and ended up on the couch together. I was aware that Lisa was on the make, that she was hot and horny and she wanted to fuck me. We started kissing and necking and having fun, and these fears surfaced in me again. I started to pull away, to get distracted. Lisa looked at me strangely, got up and walked into her bedroom. The next day we didn't speak about it. At all. It had never come up again.

I assume that she feels that I don't find her attractive, or that I am not interested in a romantic relationship with her. How ironic that there is nothing further from the truth. How idiotic that when I can finally face my feelings, can finally begin to do something about them, Lisa is beyond my reach.

Or is she? Perhaps this is one last attempt on her part to force my hand. Perhaps this is what I have been waiting for, a galvenizing event to make me realize what is right under my nose, what has been directly in front of me for all these years.

Do I dare? What is it that someone once said? A coward dies a thousand deaths, but the valiant die but once. Time to make a stand. Time to get up and do something about my life.

I stand from the couch and grab my car keys. It's about two hours to Lisa's house from where I live. Two long hours in the car, looking at the road passing under my tires, listening to the radio. Every song is about us. Every song is a love song, every twisted, painful emotion reaching out to me from the speakers, reaching inside my soul. I hear the words, and I feel the music and I know the emotions. Love. Never-ending, undying love. She will be mine. I can feel it. I will make her mine.

I arrive at Lisa's house just after dusk. I can see that she is home, and that she is alone. Or, so I hope. There is no strange car parked in the driveway, just Lisa's Jeep Cherokee, black and sleek in the soft light.

I park my car and lock it, starting the long walk up to her house. The front light comes on; Lisa heard my door slam. The front door opens and she's standing there, barefoot, wearing old jeans and a T-shirt of mine that I gave her one day on the beach. I can tell that she's not wearing a bra, and the thought that her naked, full breasts are pressing against a piece of clothing that I've worn is strangely exciting. I wonder if she would sleep in just my pajama tops, me in the bottoms. A picture fills my head, a perfect mental snapshot of Lisa standing in her breakfast nook wearing my light-blue pajama top, the morning paper, folded over, in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other, reading by the early morning sunlight. In slow motion, she turns, in my head, and looks at me, her eyes finding mine. She's wearing her glasses, the ones that make her look shy and sexy and bookish and devilish all at the same time.

She takes them off and tosses them casually on the table to join the coffee cup and paper, and she walkes towards me, smiling, reaching out with her arms, taking me inside them, lifiting and turning her head for a good- morning kis-

"Jeff!" She squeals my name and runs down the stairs at me, into my arms for real this time. I feel my arms going around her body, enveloping her, feeling her warmth against me, loving it, inhaling her scent, knowing that it's the most beautiful smell in the world, wanting to smell that smell every morning as I wake up to greet the bright, rational sunlight of a new day.

"Why-? When-?" She's full of questions, this one, but her smile tells me everything I need to know.

"Are you alone?"

Her face clouds for a second. "No, Alex is here." Ah, the dreaded enemy. Alex. Such a name. Reminds me of that damn dog in the beer commercials years ago. He's probably well trained.

"I need to talk to you." I say, and then add, "Alone."

Her face changes expression again, and then she nods once, a decision made, a line crossed. She takes my hand and walks with me back to the house, ascending the stairs slowly. There is a heaviness to her now, a resignation that she knows what is coming and either eagerly anticipates it or dreads it. I cannot tell, and to be truthful, I do not care. The time has come to say what must be said, to face the reality of the situation.

"Alex," she is saying, bringing me into the foyer, "I want you to meet someone. This is...Jeff, friend." The words struggle out of her mouth as if something unseen is pulling them with a tow rope. I can hear the machinery struggling. I hear and sense movement to my side and turn to face this man, this obstacle in my path, this nemeisis.

He is handsome. I see that immediately. I can say that. He is good looking. He has a strong chin and deep eyes the color of the ocean. They will be beautiful children, I think.

"Glad to meet you," he says, and I can hear the strong timbre of his voice. It is a radio announcer's voice, a voice a woman longs to hear call her name in the throes of passion during the wolf hours of the night. It is a voice that I immediately hate.

"Yeah," I say lamely. "Me, too." He shakes my hand, and there is a moment were we both consider attempting to establish superiority by the tried-and-true method of Handshake Olympics. The moment passes, and we drop hands like sulking schoolboys faced to shake on the schoolyard after a fight.

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Alix Lynx is unhappy that her stepson Kyle Mason has interrupted her during her yoga workout. As punishment for his bad behavior, Alix orders him to stay for the remainder of her workout. She soon discovers that Kyle is totally turned on by her, so she demands that he lick her pussy. Once he proves that he can make magic with his mouth, it’s not long before Kyle finds himself buried balls deep in his stepmom as they fuck standing up. He can only hold out for so long before pulling out to...

2 years ago
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Family PortraitChapter 9

Karen had asked me to take Melanie to see a movie at the local Drive-In with her and Danny, and while I did agree I wasn't looking forward to our little double-date at all. Of course we still had to get permission to go in the first place. "No!" "Ah, come on Christine!" "I said no!" "But Mom and Dad would say yes." "I seriously doubt that Karen, and besides they're not here. They left me in charge for the night, in case you weren't sure." "Well, I'll tell you something...

4 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 29 Its time for a final confrontation with the Drakkar raiders

John looked up in surprise as Dana and Calara walked into the bedroom. They both wore slightly confused expressions on their beautiful faces, which soon evaporated when they took in the scene on the bed. Jade was lying on her back, her rounded belly sticking up proudly where she was stuffed full of John’s cum. She was panting excitedly, having just been licked to a very satisfying orgasm by Alyssa, who was lying between the Nymphs spread thighs. The ravishing blonde looked back over her...

1 year ago
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Famous First Times College Credit

In college I needed extra credit to pass a class. Luckily, my sociology professor offered a after class project for points. I signed up and showed up to his house as shown in the flyer. Basically he explained that I was to masturbate while he video taped me as part of his research for young males sex habits. As we began to get started. He asks if I was comfortable and I said yes. I began to take off my clothes to begin the self pleasure. He noticed my cock was not up to the task. He offered to...

3 years ago
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Planning Her Debasement

After my wife Sherrie’s last fuck session with her young lover Bobby, she announced that from now on her pussy would be “for real men only”, and that she would no longer open her legs for me. Thus, we were continuing our cuckold/humiliation role-play which we have learned to enjoy. It’s very powerful, as my description of our last session will reveal.“You will still watch us when he comes over,” she announced, “I won’t deprive you of that pleasure. I know how much you enjoy seeing me turn into...

2 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 15

Carla explained that they'd just finished rehearsing a pivotal scene in which both she and her leading man ended up nude and heated up onstage, making love. "Actually, it's more like fucking than making love, I think, but Charles - he's the director of the play - well, he may disagree. Anyway, I'm dripping, see?" And I could see the shine of perspiration still on her body, vibrant in the trio of red, blue and purple spotlights shooting down from the rafters. But I also noticed that...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Chloe Cherry Dredd8217s Giant BBC Goes Up Chloe Cherry8217s Tiny Asshole

Chloe Cherry attempts to take Dredd’s MONSTER cock in her tiny asshole! Nubile blonde Chloe is looking sexy as ever in baby blue lace lingerie with a pink choker and matching high heels as she shows off her body for the camera. She’s on her knees in the kitchen as Dredd arrives and takes a leash and attaches it to her collar then walks her like a dog into the living room. Chloe can’t contain her excitement as she unbuckles Dredd’s belt to reveal his massive BBC then she wraps her pretty lips...

2 years ago
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Bus Strangers

`Hey` was all he said when he sat down next to me on that night bus. I had been sitting there, pissed off and horny as hell, taking a long ride home after I had been stood up yet again by my boyfriend Rohan. At the last minute he’d cancelled to go to a dinner party with his wife. It was the third no show in a week and I was getting fed up. To top it off we hadn’t fucked for ages as our dates kept on being cut short by work and family commitments. I had been looking forward to that empty hotel...

2 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 4

Jim smiled when he saw Jenny walk into his office the following morning. She brought him another folder she said that she had missed yesterday. He was a lot more relaxed then he had been yesterday. He knew that he had been silly, acting like kid that had never been on a date before. Still when he asked her to sit down and got her a cup of coffee, he became nervous all over again. He could smell her perfume and almost feel an electrical charge in the room. He watched her cross her sexy legs...

2 years ago
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Educating Bobby and Debbie part 2

Part 2 Debbie and Diane Introduction: My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. I had given them a good education on the real sex between two people that schools won't teach and all teens should learn, as they gave their virginity to each other. Last week my brother Larry invited my son Bobby to go to a Nascar racing weekend at the Texas motor speedway. They left on Thursday morning, and wouldn't be back until late...

4 years ago
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Me and Miss COur Hot Night

One afternoon me and Miss C were talking about getting together for the night and i was telling her about this song that i liked and it really moved me the song was Smooth by Santana and little did i know it would play a big part way in our lives.Well she stopped pass my job and we walked down to our bus stop looking at each other and feeling the heat on our way Miss C grabbed me and pushed me into this garage area and gave me one hell of a kiss that seems to last forever she did not tell me...

4 years ago
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Anything For You Mam

Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also, do send Feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. This is a story of how I fucked my teacher who used to teach me math’s when I was in the eighth standard. It happened during the time when I finished engineering. I had got placed from the campus itself and had a three months gap before joining there. I was alone at home as all my schoolmates were either busy with their jobs or their studies. Anyway, none...

3 years ago
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Summary: John Vega is hot on the trail of a valuable stolen doll but now neither the good guys or bad guys have it. Who will get to it first? Main Cast: J.J. Caprodore (main character)... Gail Apples (the girlfriend) Thomas Potts (badguy #1) Jeff Masters (badguy #2) John Vega (private investigator) Sergio Ropelli (the collector) Jelico (the hairdresser) Heather Greddings (badguy/girl #3) Captain Holland (badguy #4) Rated X (deepthroat type stuff) Warning: If you're not an...

3 years ago
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Ch 6 Tom And Claire and Brenna

Tom looked at his screen. It was a Monday morning, like most Mondays. But was it? Yes, he was sitting at his desk working and checking Lush to see who might be online. But he had just experienced the most amazing encounter with Roxanne and her young protege. He had fucked them both. He had taken Claire's virginity. The experience had been otherworldly. He had gone from cybering with young women via typing to voice chatting to real-life fucking.These thoughts bounced around his brain, making...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My first night

Hello, all ISS reader’s. Myself Apurva. I discovered this site recently after enjoying few stories i got the courage to post an incident that happened with me .please don’t ask me for my phone nos n all…. let me tell you about myself first. I am 19 years old,fair,5.2, stats r 32_28_34..i am studying in Bangalore. This incident happened when i was travelling to my home city Delhi. I had a ticket in rajdhani express,2ac,seat no 24 as side upper,side lower was given to a man arround 50s.i...

3 years ago
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Choral Evenings Pt 02

Chapter 13 Now obviously that throat-reverberation induced climax was not the end of the glorious Sunday Bethany and I had before her boys returned from their camping excursion – in fact, very far from it! And although the climax she had gifted to me was undoubtedly the most strange, and perhaps even the most gut-wrenchingly powerful one I had experienced until then – making me feel that my body had been forced to draw on whatever reserves of energy it happened to have stored in any and every...

2 years ago
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A Helpful Change Part 2

'A Helpful Change' Part 2 By Peachy CHAPTER 6 Ten minutes later at around Eleven o' clock we arrived at Mrs. Storey's house. I had felt very self conscious in the car and had tried to sink down in my seat as we drove around, even though I didn't know anyone in this neighbourhood. Natalie had been giving me tips on how to act like a girl, such as smoothing my skirt underneath my legs when I sat and keeping my legs together. I had been trying to lighten my voice a little but Natalie...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 22

Chapter XXII     The guys returned around 7 PM to find the four women sitting around a small table laughing and talking about things women love talking about, cloths, money and sex. When the guys approached Janice was the first to speak up.   “Well look who decided to return,” she said getting up and walking over toward the three men, her 36D breasts bouncing as she walked. “We thought you guys forgot all about us.”   “Now how could we do that?” Ed replied to his wife as she now...

1 year ago
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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 19

That next morning I woke and all the ladies were gone. I started to shower and get ready for another day with the hopes of possibly leaving the hotel when came a knock on my door. I threw on my robe and answered the door and there stood my Lady Friend looking a little tired and frazzled from her journey back. After she told me of her trip I suggested that she take a nice shower and relax. She asked if I would come with her so I stood up, opened my robe and stuck my hard cock right into her very...

2 years ago
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Young Dumb And Full Of Cum 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, my name is Karthik, working guy and 23 years old. This incident happened when I was 21 or so. I had just finished college and started working in Chennai. It was not my hometown and so I got myself a room near my office, I had 2 roommates. I had night shifts so I had the house to myself all day. Just like any other guy that started living on his own, I was alone and horny, all the time. I knew I was bisexual. No one in this town knows me. I had no fear of having a casual encounter, guy...

Gay Male
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After Hours

You realise instantly the seemingly demure Ms Georgia is a perverted hidden slut. We just don’t know do we; unless we make the move. Yet if we ask politely, we are usually rejected as timid. We initiate filthy touch and… You know you want to be anywhere but here. You know you still have too much cleaning to do before you can leave. You are resentful towards your boss for rushing off and giving you the responsibility of locking up. You notice young Georgia, who only got the job at Marty’s...


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