Lisa free porn video

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She was on the prowl, not for a relationship. Scanning the crowd at the night club, she looked for the perfect one. Once every few months, she got these urges that could not be satisfied with her vibrators. Lisa sipped her drink. The loud music and flashing lights were getting on her nerves, but in order to get what she wanted she had to put up with the noise.

Her keen gaze landed on a man leaning against the bar. His black leather pants hung low on his hips, emphasizing his package. A tight black T shirt covered an obvious six pack and thickly muscled chest, but it was the collar around his neck that caught her attention.

Looking around, she searched for the other half of the pair and found him. Lisa got up from her chair and made her way through the crowded dance floor. She weaved her way to him, studying him as she approached.

The other man was average height. It was difficult to see what color his hair and eyes were in the near darkness of the club. He was wearing a simple T shirt and a pair of jeans. Nothing to give away that he was the other man's master.

Regular sex was the last thing on her mind. She wanted and needed kinky, and this pair of men would do nicely. Gathering her nerve, she tapped his shoulder. “Excuse me? I have a proposition for you, if your interested,” Lisa said.

Dane looked at the woman in front of him. She was dressed in a power suit, not entirely appropriate for this club. Short, but shapely, she intrigued him. “Ma'am, what could you possible have that I would be interested in?” Dane asked.

Lisa, a lover of deep voices, felt a shiver go down her spine. The coldness of his voice bristled her temper, but she bit the retort from coming out of her mouth. Fixing her ice blue gaze on him, she stood her ground. Lisa was used to getting what she wanted. If she couldn't buy it, she took it. “Fine. Here is what I am seeking. If you're interested, find me,” she countered, using her CEO voice, “I'm looking for sex, not regular run of the mill sex, but kinky in your face sex. I'm well aware that you are a Dom, and where there is a Dom, there is a sub. Your sub is right over there.”

Lisa pointed to the tall muscle bound man at the bar. Dane looked at his friend, lover, and sub, Kev. A slow grin filled his face. This little filly was tired of responsibility. She needed the control taken from her. “Brilliant deduction, lady. By the way, what did you say your name was? As you can see, my mate is male. As you are obviously not male, what can you offer?” he grinned down at her.

Unable to give him an answer, she went back to her table. Lisa gathered her stuff and prepared to leave. No conquest for her tonight.

Dane whispered to Kev, who nodded his head, then turned and left the club through the side door. Intercepting Lisa at the front, he gently tapped her shoulder to gain her attention. Kev handed her a note and disappeared without a word.

Confused, Lisa opened the note. Only thing written was an address and the word “now”. When her taxi arrived, she got in.

“Where to, lady?” the driver asked.

About to give him her home address, she made a snap decision and gave him the address on the noted. Sitting back against seat, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Usually she was in control, but that was not the case tonight. The taxi went down the street and turned at the next left, stopping at a house directly behind the club.

“Lady, you could have saved $15 if you would have just walked,” the driver commented, as she paid him.

Lisa walked up to the door, her hands shaking, and knocked loudly. Kev answered the door. Surprised, Lisa followed him inside to the parlor of an elegantly decorated Victorian home.

“No wonder if he was unimpressed with me. He's obviously filthy rich,” Lisa thought.

“Have a seat, ma'am,” Kev said, his voice soft.

She sat down in a red velvet arm chair and waited.

“My dear, I'm glad you came,” Dane said, as he entered the room.

“Why did you send for me? You made it clear that I am not male, so what do you need me for?” Lisa asked.

“Good question. I may be with a man right now, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the fine, soft lines of a woman's body,” Dane told her, “What is your name, love?”

“Lisa,” she answered.

“Well Lisa, welcome to my domain. If you're brave enough, put this on and enter my playground. If not, well...nice to have met you. The ball is now in your court,” he said, then left through a door to his left.

Lisa looked at the garment in her hands. The black leather straps that made up the bodice left nothing to the imagination. She stripped off her suit and stepped into the garment. Strapping around her neck, it formed a collar that extended down and wrapped around her full breasts. Crisscrossing over her belly, it connected to a strap that ran between ass cheek and over her pussy.

She looked into the mirror on the wall. Lisa stared at herself. She looked so sexy, almost slutty. Reaching up, she took her hair down and let the black curls fall down around her shoulders and down her back. “It's now or never,” she said to herself, as she reached for the door knob.

On the other side of the door was a different world. The walls were scarlet red, with black trim. Various machines were located in different parts of the room. Chairs with the seat out, metal frames, and chains dotted the room. Apprehension filled her belly, as she wondered what she had gotten herself into.

Lisa jumped, as Dane stepped of the shadows. She was so busy looking at the machines that she never noticed the man watching her. Dressed in leather pants, he was the epitome of sexiness. Bare feet and a bare chest only added to the picture.

Radiating power, he stepped up to Lisa and gazed at her appearance, as if she was a horse for sale. Coming up behind her, he dropped to his knees and adjusted the strap running between her ass cheeks.

“Too loose...much too loose,” he murmured, then tightened it to where it almost disappeared up her ass.

Walking around to the front, he checked to make sure the leather was tight enough in the front. Her puffy pussy lips were separated nicely, and the piece of leather was snug over her clit.

“By stepping through that door, you gave me permission to use your body in the manner I see fit,” Dane said, idly, as he led her to the wall with the chains and cuffs.

Placing her left hand in one cuff, he snapped it shut and repeated the process with the other wrist. Lisa's arms were spread wide, making it impossible to move from the wall. Dane gently grapped her right ankle and lifted it ninety degrees, making it parallel to the floor and opening her slit widely. He cuffed the ankle to another shackle.

Lisa felt the air circulate around her. She had never been so aroused in her life. The strap, tight against her clit, made her aware of the fact that it was swelling. She could feel her pulse pounding in her clit, which was amplified by the restraint.

Dane walked to the shelf and grabbed a thin cane. Returning to the bound woman, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, lightly. He ran his hand down her torso, stopping at her pussy. Lisa held her breath, as he rained sharp smacked to her open cunt.

The sharp sting of his hand brought tears to her eyes and made her already wet pussy wetter. He kept slapping her pussy, sometimes landing on her lips, and other times concentrating on the leather strap encasing her clit. Lisa cried out, tears flowing freely.

“I'm going to push you past your limits, love,” Dane said.

He stopped spanking her pussy. Catching her breath, she was well aware of the burning ache in her cunt. The pulsing was strong, and her whole pussy was hot and swollen. She could feel all her blood rushing to that area.

Thinking he was done, she was not prepared for the strikes to her nipples. Dane used the cane to stimulate her nipples. With random hits to the left and right breasts, he only stopped when her nipples were bright red and rock hard. The white skin of her globes contrasted the red streaks from the cane.

Dane was satisfied with his work. Surveying the sexy, bound woman, he left the room. Lisa looked at her reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall. A totally different woman stared back at her. This was a woman trying to keep control. Disheveled hair and sweaty skin, this woman painted an erotic picture.

Dane returned to the room. Stopping in front of her, he showed her the clamps in the palm of his hand. Applying one to her left nipple, then right, he stepped back and looked at her expression. Lisa's face was tight, eye brows furrowed.

“Sting?” he asked.

When she failed to answer him quick enough, he yanked on the chain connecting the clamps, pulling on her nipples harder. Lisa yelped, and quickly nodded her head. Dane placed a ball gag in her mouth and buckled it tightly behind her head.

He released her hands and ankle from their cuffs and led her to a metal frame. Pushing her to her knees, he strapped her thighs to the each of the metal bars on the side of the frame, in effect opening her cunt wide. Dane pushed her backward to where she was resting back against the frame, then strapped her upper arms to the frame. Cuffing her wrists together, he made it impossible for her to move at all.

“Scared, love? Oh...Don't be. You are going to cum and cum and cum, and when you think you can't cum anymore, you will explode with more orgasms,” he crooned.

Dane pushed an interesting machine over to her. It looked like a giant piston with a huge dildo attached to it. Working the machine under her ass, he rubbed the tip of the dildo over her leather clad clit. He produced a pair of scissors from his pocket and clipped the leather strap.

Her clit, formerly tightly constrained, bounced outward and filled with blood. The relief from the pressure caused contractions to start. Lisa's eyes rolled back in her head, as she clenched her ass cheeks trying to make herself cum.

Dane chuckled, as he eased the thick toy in her pussy and turned it on low. It pumped in and out of her cunt, slowly. The tingles in her clit were heightened by the invasion of the fake cock in her hole.

Lisa moaned softly. She had no choice but to relax and enjoy. She couldn't move, so it made no sense to try and struggle. Her eyes snapped open wide, when he turned it all the way up. The dildo rammed in and out of her cunt, like the best fucking she had ever gotten.

She felt her pussy ballooning, then clamping down tightly. Bucking her hips, she tried to gasp, but was unable with the gag in her mouth. Muffled screams escaped her, as her pussy contracted around the shaft.

Dane wanted to add to her pleasure and added a vibrating wand to her clit. Turning it on high, he held it tightly to her nub and kept it there. No matter which way she tried to wiggle, it remain on her clit. Screaming and gasping, she felt her self coming apart at the seams. Drool escaped from around the ball gag, as she convulsed in the biggest orgasm she had ever had. Darkness dimmed her vision, as the orgasm went on and on.

“Like that, love? I know there is another in you,” he said.

Turning off the vibrator, he produced a new toy from his never ending arsenal. Lisa tried to watch what he was doing, but was unable to focus, as the dildo in her pussy kept ramming nonstop. He lubed up the slim plug. Reaching under her body, he slipped the thin butt plug up her ass. The flared bottom kept it from disappearing in her ass. Wanting to add to her pleasure pain, he flipped the switch, and the butt plug flared to life.

Lisa screamed. She had just came, but the constant stimulation was keeping her tense and primed. With the addition of the vibrations from the but plug, Lisa's pussy gushed, and she hollered in another orgasm, just as strong as the first one.

Dane gathered her sweaty hair in his hand. Wrapping a strap around it, he secured the pony tail to a chain from the ceiling. This made her unable to lay her head back and forced her to watch what was in front of her.

She made out the muscled form of Kev. Attached to another frame, he was bent at the waist with his wrists cuffed to the bars of the frame opposite of him. His legs were secured at the ankles to the floor and a leather strap held him close to the table his upper body was resting on.

Lisa admired his naked form. His ass was tight, and muscles in his legs strained from the position he was in. Dane ran his hand up and over Kev's ass cheek, watching as Lisa's gaze followed his movement. This woman had a special kink. She knew that he had a male playmate and still wanted to play.

She like to watch. More importantly, she liked to watch two men. Dane was a keen reader of people, and her reaction to his caress gave her away. He has seen her eyes widened and heard her soft groan when he did that.

He made a big show of lubing up his thick finger with a generous dollop of Vaseline. He stood to the side so she would have a clear view of what he was able to do. Dane had made sure it was alright with Kev before he allowed another to watch their play. Both men liked women as well as men.

Dane pushed his finger inside Kev's ass slowly. Kev's toes curled, as the finger brushed past his prostate. Dane wiggled his finger, tapping the walnut shaped organ, eliciting a long low groan from his mate.

Pushing another finger inside, he scissored his fingers, as he reached around and fisted Kev's rock hard shaft. Slowly jacking his cock, Dane milked Kev's prostate. He knew how quick Kev would cum. Every time he did this, his friend would shoot ropes of white cum all over in no time flat.

Lisa, unable to tear her gaze from Dane's hands, watched intently. Her pussy was sore from the dildo, and her ass hole was burning. She didn't think that she would be able to cum again, but the familiar contractions were beginning again.

“How did he know that I get off on watching two hot men fucking?” she thought, as her breathing got heavier and a sweat broke out all over her body.

Amazed, she didn't think she would be able to cum a third time, but when Kev yelled out his orgasm, she started bucking against the dildo again. When he shot three huge, white jets of cum all over the floor, she knew she would cum again. It wasn't until Dane pulled his fingers out of Kev's ass hole, and it remained open that Lisa screamed out. Her pussy shot out pearly whitish fluid, spraying the dildo and piston.

Lisa went limp, hanging by her hair. Her breathing was ragged, and she was so tired that it was so hard to keep her eyes open. Dane walked over to Lisa and turned off the piston. The dildo in her pussy ceased movement. He eased it out of her and watched as her juices ran out of hole. Dane, then, eased the vibrating butt plug out of her ass. It slipped out with a pop.

He gently released her restraints and gently picked her up. Carrying her upstairs, he laid her on a bed and covered her with blankets. Brushing her hair from her face, he turned around, switched off the light, and chuckled. She was hooked.

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Born to Ride

Born to RideI don't consider myself a bad girl, but I will let you judge for yourself. After reading my story, you might come to a different conclusion. My name is Babette, but my friends just call me Babe. I am 25 years old and very aware of my sexy body. I sometimes wonder how many men have secretly jerked off with my picture in mind. I like to play and consider myself an expert at teasing. But I am not a slut, not at all. The truth is that I only had 2 (two!) real lovers in my life so far,...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahEpilogue

They waited for sunrise before beginning the ceremony. Wind whipped through the gathering, sending the white wedding gown built by her mother high enough to reveal Melissa's red and black silk garters on her white stocking covered thighs. Even Zelda's heavy, low cut, black velvet dress adorned with silver moons, one for each phase except the new moon, rose from ankle length to her knees. Her black lace scarf fluttered, but glistening five pointed silver and gold star pins in her hair kept...

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Exam paper discovered in yacht sailor stole EXAM PAPER MILK MAID DEGREE SPERM FARM ADMINISTRATION Niceday 14 Sagittarius 563 4 Lady Hours YOU MAY CHOOSE 3 QUESTIONS OUT OF 5 Feminae super omnes TOP SECRET TERRITORAL ARCHIVES NOT TO BE PUBLISHED UNTIL 3350 1 The farm manager has asked you to prepare the servicing centre for next months Stud service . There will be 40 clients attending The Farm has amongst male stock the following categories 40 (3 cums a day ) 80(2 cad ) 500(1 cad) Explain...

2 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 19 Things can only get better

07:30, 20 August The choice of the honeymoon suite as their 'home' was obviously appropriate, as brother and sister were as close and attentive as newly weds the next day. Laura was clearly in pain from her defloration and the number of times they had made love, but it was like a badge of honour to her, a sweet pain, a well-earned ache. She had her man and she wouldn't change anything about her first time with him. Every twinge she felt as she walked around reminded her of how he had felt...

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Learning Experience

An education is a wonderful thing. Higher education is even better. But those who choose to give back and teach others who are learning, that is the most wonderful. Meg had graduated as salutatorian in high school. She was all about books and school functions when in high school. Oh sure she dated, but her dates were more on the order of an escort to a function, nothing serious at all. When she entered college she was not a virgin, but the only reason she was not was her need to know about...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Michelle Anderson Lost The Rent Money

It’s the third time Tony Rubino’s roommate, Michelle Anderson, is late with the rent, and he’s fed up. He tells Michelle to pack her stuff and get out, but the cute yet irresponsible babe has a counter-offer: she pulls up her top and puts his hand on her tits! Michelle sucks Tony’s cock and then shakes her big ass for him, convincing him to let her stay in exchange for some nookie. He fucks her nice and deep in missionary, then lies back to enjoy watching her booty...

1 year ago
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Who would have thought it a lesbian 3some

Hi im J a very fit tanned 40 something fitness instructor, see previous posts for more info, In my role as a fitness instructor i have met many fabulous people,some very fit some not soA couple of weeks ago i started training a new client, Harriet , Harriet is 29 and from appearances very wealthy, expensive clothes stunning Mercedes car but she was quiet in our first couple of sessionsAfter 3 sessions i asked was she happy in our training routines, she said she was so i mentioned she was very...

3 years ago
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Kates Enlightenment

Hi my name is Kate and I have a story to tell you about my lifestyle change and how it changed my life. I had been married to Steve for 20 years when the first incident took place and it set in motion a chain of events I could neither have foreseen nor seemed to have any real control over once it started. Whilst living in the suburbs of London, I had a group of friends who were a mixture of single, engaged and married women, varying in ages from late 20s to 40’s like me. We often met as a...

1 year ago
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Seductive Daughter

"Oh, daddy," Jessica whispered. "Fuck me, honey! That's right, lover, fuck that big fat cock right up your daughter's cunt..." But Albert wasn't with her in the bedroom. Jessica was alone. It was still only a fantasy. Sprawled naked on her bed, the redheaded teen's thighs trembled as she finger-fucked her gooey pussy as fast as she could. Her encounter with Tim Anderson had happened only a few hours ago, in the school bathroom, and it had made her cunt unbearably wet and horny. The...

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Hanna episode 3 Ultimate Lapdance

I open my eyes with her arms wrapped around me, and her body as close to mine as the blanket covering us. We are fully clothed but still, I just can't seem to get used to this. I didn't expect it the first time, and here it is again... I lay there and I begin to wonder... Why the hell did she want it so badly? Why did she know what to do, and everything? How does she even know about Deep Throating? I swear, if my sister's boyfriend has been raping her I will kick his ass so hard...

1 year ago
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Flashing Myself For Free Coffee

On 16 November, 2017, after several days of travel from Zagreb, Croatia, my boyfriend and I arrived at a small town along the Oregon coast. Now, almost two weeks later, we're leaving for our walk up to Canada. This Oregon town is okay but what I'll remember most about it is how I flashed myself so I could get free coffee.The boyfriend and me have been staying at this little mom & pop motel in the center of town. I'm an early riser and the first thing I need in the morning after doing my...

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Morning at the Beach

It is early morning, and you are the only one on the already-warm sand of the beach. Low surf rolls in from the horizon, and seabirds wheel in the sky overhead. Shaking out your towel and stretching it out on the ground, you quickly peel off your shorts and T-shirt, to reveal the sexy yellow bikini beneath. Its tiny swatches of fabric do little to conceal your full, thrusting breasts, or the firm shapely mounds of your buttocks. You run your fingers lightly over your taut skin for a moment,...

4 years ago
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The SparkChapter 46

Standing in the terminal waiting for Sven to find a jet and a pilot to take me to Antonia, I stared at my own reflection in the glass. I wondered how long Sven was going to take, I was trying to stay calm, letting Sven do his job as my own jet was out of service being repaired. I knew I had not been standing there long but I felt the need to move so I walked across the mostly empty lounge, only stopping when I made it to the other side to look out that window at the rain that was falling...

2 years ago
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Sardi Mei Garam Bhabhi Ko Thanda Kiya

Hello!! Indian sex stories readers mera naam ricky hai mai iss ka regular reader hu bhot saare logo ki stories padh kr maine socha ki mai bhi apni story likhu toh yeh meri pehli story hai agar koi galti hot toh maaf karna. Mai agra ka rehne wala hu or mai 6ft lamba or athletic body hai, toh aap logo ko zyada bore na krte huye mai aap ko apni story btata hu. Yeh baat december 2015 ki hai jub meri winter vacation shuru hui thi, mere mon-dad ko 1 week ke liye delhi jana tha per mai jana nai...

3 years ago
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Stefan Damon Part I 0

Mystic Falls, 2011 Chapter I: Awakening “Get up! Get up! Get up!” I wake up, with the image of Damon screaming. “We have lots to do today, come on, sleepy heads!” “Damon!” I almost forgot about my girlfriend, Elena, rapped in my arms. She began to wake up, too. “Oh my God, Damon!” she screamed at him. He rolled his eyes and continued his speech as if nothing happened. “We have lots of research to do, come on get dressed!” “Get out of here, Damon, and we’ll get dressed,” Elena...

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We arent done yet

"We aren't done," I panted. "Oh no. We definitely aren't done yet," Maggie said as she finished wiping my cum off her face with her veil. I had just unloaded and epic amount of cum, and I couldn't get my mind around how I was supposed to make it all happen again? My legs were shaking, adrenaline was high, my breathing wouldn't settle down. In the meantime, Maggie has disappeared back to the bathroom. She returned with a warm washcloth and had gently gone about dabbing my balls with warmth. So...

Wife Lovers
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Me And My Girlfriend In Manipal

Hi, I am Abhi. This is a story of my friend which is narrated by me to you people. Sadly I did not have sex till now (I am virgin)any girls who wants to have fun with virgin dick message me to Now coming to the story everyone be ready to masturbate this incident happened when my friend entered to a one of the prestigious college in udupi. He had athletic body and was very decent guy we were best friend from many years.Then there was a entry of a girl called ramya(name changed).She was not so...

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The Forest Part 3 ldquoBeginningsrdquo

The Forest - Part 3 “Beginnings”Tanya regularly walked her dog in her local woods, as everyday more or less the same route rarely seeing anyone, sometimes it was quite lonely. The past few weeks she had noticed a pretty women walking her dog, they had passed the casual “Hello Morning” but nothing more than that. Tanya threw a stick for her dog and out of nowhere another dog ran towards it, Tanya’s dog went for it also and they both started growling at each other, the other dogs owner appeared,...

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Jamaican Holiday Ch 07

Sunday – Ist Day as BBC slut wife We managed to get up and shower for a late breakfast, and my wife surprised me by not wearing her ever-present bra and panties to the dining room - only a T-shirt and shorts. The waiter, Andre, did his usual flirting, "Missy, ja look especially good this mahning! (his eyes on her chest) Didja have a fine night?" She blushed, and I thought her nipples pushed harder against their slight covering. "Yeah, I did!" she answered. "A fine Jamaican night, Missy?" he...

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Torrys Summer VacationChapter 3

In the shower, Torry was in control. Her body was overpowering for her Uncle. Her touch melted resistance. Her lips curled his toes. It had been the same in bed in the wee hours of the morning. Torry's hands, lips and her entire body blocked out most rational thought for her Uncle. When things had toned down, they washed and rinsed each other off. Although, her Uncle quickly had another raging hard on under her soapy ministrations of his sex. She had laughed. "Henry does have a mind of...

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Genius FloridusChapter 4

It was Sunday morning, and I was in the kitchen reading the Sunday paper when mom came down in her blue chenille bathrobe, still looking dejected. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down with a heavy sigh. I put the paper down and asked her what she wanted for breakfast. “Just some toast, dear.” I got up, popped a slice of the marbled rye she liked into the toaster, and took out the butter and jam. As I was setting the butter and jam on the table, I asked, “Still feeling bad about...

2 years ago
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ComrieChapter 2

At breakfast on Dóchas Shannon approached the Command Staff to say, "Could we get together this morning?" "Sure, what's up?" responded Joyce. "Simply put, we think Madeline's and Ursula's groups are at risk." "What?" was the response from several of the Command Staff. "Perhaps it would better to say, we are fairly certain the companies they work for are responsible for people disappearing from enough institutional records to make them invisible." "They've all submitted...

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Lesbian RapistPart 2 Police Woman Betrayed

The room was completely silent as John Pressman finished speaking. He had just confessed to the brutal rape of over 15 young, attractive lesbian women on national television. He had laughed at the police, the DA's office and the judicial system. He bragged about how it felt to shove his 8 inch dick down an unwilling lesbian's throat, to look her in the eye while he fucked her face and she choked on his cock. The soft heavy feel as he fondled her jiggling tits. He loved the mixed smell of...

1 year ago
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A families Tale 1

What I loved was that my current husband knew that from the very very beginning, and he loved and respected that from the very very beginning. It was to the point that our second date and many others after that, I got to bring Haylee on our dates! It was so amazing to finally find a guy who accepted me and the fact that I had a kid! A guy that worked our dates out so that they worked perfectly with a single mom, he was so fucking amazing about the fact that I had a daughter. There’s so much I...

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JeanChapter 4

As soon as I got off the phone with Kim, I put on my pink and black bra with matching thong panties, then, I decided to wear a dress, but, alas, my closet was empty, so I decided to call Pam, but, no answer from her store, then, I decided to call Kristy-Lynn: “Hello.” Kristy-Lynn answered. “Hi, it’s Jean, I have a problem, is Pam there?” “Yes, I’m in the middle of fucking her and Kyra, you mind?” “Oh, shit, Kyra is at your place.” “Yes, and Kim is waiting for you at her house, as per...

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Angels Journey Chapter 27

We go down to the lobby, which feels weird at this time of night, and there's a couple of glasses out. I'm not surprised when I'm handed a glass of pink champagne, again and encouraged to drink it quickly. Mistress Divine looks me up and down as we wait. "Your figure is coming along well boi, you barely need the corset," she smiles at me, "I think you'll be passable as a girl for me tomorrow... won't that be sweet?" "Yes, thank you Mistress Divine." I curtsy in response.. hell I've...

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