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My life changed completely the day my father died. Of course, that would be traumatic for any 18-year old girl, but in my case it meant I went from being a first year student at university, to being Queen Victoria the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the British Commonwealth of Nations!

The first I knew of it was at 6.15 a.m. one cold, wet Saturday morning, when a black limousine turned up at my college accompanied by two police cars flashing their blue lights. I was still in bed, and I thought my flatmate was winding me up when she shook me awake and said I had visitors — a junior minister from the Home Office and my father’s Private Secretary. Dressed in my Winnie the Pooh pyjamas and Porky Pig slippers, I stumbled into our lounge, and found the two gentlemen, dressed very formally, perched uncomfortably on the edge of our couch.

Daddy’s P.S., Sir William Merchant, had been like a grandfather to me down the years, and if their very presence at that unearthly hour hadn’t told me something dramatic was happening, his demeanour did –he looked as if he was about to burst into tears. Clearing his throat three times, his normal rich booming voice was little more than a croak as he said, ‘Vicki — your Royal Highness — I have the most dreadful news.’

Then he proceeded to tell me that Daddy had taken a tumble the previous day while playing squash. His doctor had checked him out and cleared him, and he’d seemed fine the rest of the day, but he’d gone to bed complaining of a headache, and had been found dead in the early hours of the morning. Apparently it had been caused by a blood clot on his brain which had burst. No announcement had been made to the press yet, and less than a dozen people knew the position. Sir Will finished off, ‘We’re here to take you back to Buckingham Palace with us — Your Majesty.’

To say I was stunned would be rather like saying Einstein was quite bright. My flatmate had made a tactical withdrawal to her bedroom, to give us some space, but now I saw her standing in the doorway staring at me with her mouth hanging open. While the junior minister started to explain to her about the Official Secrets Act, I, in a dreamlike state, tottered back into my room and started to get dressed. I’d got about halfway when I collapsed on my bed in wracking sobs. It wasn’t just that I’d lost my father — obviously that was upsetting, but in truth I’d always been slightly nervous around him, he was quite a stern, forbidding person, very different to his public image. It wasn’t that I was going to miss university either. Obviously that was over, but I hadn’t been overly keen in the first place, not because I doubted my academic ability, but simply because I would rather have stayed at Windsor with my beloved horses.

The reason I felt so desolate, as if it was my life which had just ended, was that I was not remotely ready for that responsibility. My parents had taken a conscious decision to keep me out of the public eye as far as possible until I’d finished my education, and the press had largely respected that. My father had only just turned 50, he was quite proud of his state of fitness, and I had received absolutely no training up to that point for my future role — which I had assumed was decades away — as queen. The most high profile thing I’d ever done was appearing on a kids’ TV show to promote a children’s charity of which it had been agreed I would be the patron! As I wept uncontrollably, I felt arms reach around me and I was pulled to Sir Will’s chest, as he whispered comforts to me. My flatmate hovered at the door, in tears herself, clutching a mug of tea for me.

On the drive from Oxford to London I was still in a daze, not really hearing Sir Will explaining to me all the arrangements which had to be made. As the car glided towards the private entrance to Buck House I glanced across at the crowd of people, many of them tourists, gathering happily at the formal entrance to the building to watch the Changing of the Guard, in front of the statue to Queen Victoria — Victoria the First as she now was — with no idea that, yards from them, the king lay dead. Long live the Queen! My mother met me at the door of the building, and we hugged in silence, both crying softly.

The official announcement was made at ten o’clock that morning, and within an hour or so the profile of the crowd outside Buck House had changed. The brightly dressed tourists were gone, replaced by a small flock of people dressed uniformly in black, standing in the drizzle reading the death notice which had been posted on the front gate. My mind still a blur, I signed various official papers as they were placed in front of me, having no idea what I was doing. Thankfully my mother sat next to me throughout the whole horrid process, asking the occasional sharp question. By seven p.m. I was ready for bed, heavily tranquilised by my doctor.

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur too. It took me ages to truly realise that I was now queen, and not just playing some silly childish game. There was Daddy’s state funeral, arrangements for my own coronation, meeting the Archbishop of Canterbury, heads of state from various countries, ambassadors from all over the world, posing for my official portrait, approving my image for new stamps and banknotes, for God’s sake! And meeting my Prime Minister.

Mark Prentiss was 43 at the time, and had been Prime Minister for four years, and Leader of the Opposition for three years before that. I had known him slightly throughout that time, meeting him at scores of official functions. When I was a little kid, as he filed past the family bowing, on a couple of occasions he shook my hand, gave me a wink and secretly slipped me a sweetie, which naturally made me fond of him. As I reached my mid-teens I could see why the press called him his party’s secret weapon with women voters: he was unquestionably devilishly handsome, six feet tall, with lots of dark hair, twinkling eyes, a ready smile and a trim figure. His face reminded me of an actor who used to play James Bond, Timothy Dalton, only better looking. He was also a brilliant Parliamentary performer, and had a charismatic personality. It was even suggested that the female Leader of the Opposition was in love with him.

Every Tuesday the monarch had a private meeting with the PM. Just the two of them, not even a Private Secretary or whatever present. Not a lot of people know that, as Michael Caine never actually said. In the early days the meetings between us were very formal, and I felt extremely nervous, not sure what to say or how to react as Mark told me the issues to be discussed in Parliament in the coming week, probable developments on the horizon and so on. Gradually, though, I began to relax and actually quite look forward to the meetings. Mark had a soothing, rhythmic voice, and it was an intimate hour or so of tranquillity in a life which had changed beyond recognition, with everyone seemingly wanting a part of me. Whatever public engagements I was lined up for — opening new hospitals in Burnley, meeting children of courage in Cardiff, whatever, I insisted to my diary secretary that I wanted to be in London every Tuesday evening for my meeting with the Prime Minister.

Mark’s party had a majority of only three seats in the House of Commons, and as we got to know each other better he used to spice up his reports with occasional little anecdotes, usually amusing, occasionally risqué, of the tricks his party whips had to get up to in order to maintain his wafer-thin voting advantage. He also told me the odd bit of Westminster gossip, like the Minister who was having a torrid affair with the daughter of another MP. I asked if Mark was going to keep the guy in his cabinet, he told me ‘Bill’s damned good at his job, the unions trust him, and, from what I can gather, his wife’s more than happy to let someone else have the fat sweaty pig grunting on top of them for a change.’ I giggled in a mos
t un-queenly manner, and told Mark I’d bet he didn’t used to talk to my father like that.

One evening when Mark arrived for our meeting, he flourished a pale blue and white box, tied with pink ribbon. It was from Fortnum and Mason, the retailers who supply the royal Christmas food hamper every year. Intrigued, I opened it to find a cream cake with a huge strawberry on top — my absolute favourite naughty treat. Grinning with delight, I asked him how he knew. He tapped the side of his nose and muttered something about government spies. Pretending haughtiness, I drew myself up straight and, in a booming voice, said, ‘Tell me! Your queen commands it.’ After that, it became a sort of little joke between us. On Mark’s next weekly visit, the first time he called me Your Majesty I said, ‘Prime…Mark — call me Vicki, please. Your queen commands it.’

I started to lay in bed at night after each meeting staring at the ceiling thinking about Mark. His handshake — firm, but with soft, dry hands, the delicate aftershave he wore, the little chuckle he gave when I made some comment or joke about something he’d told me…oh God, I’d never thought about any man the way I was thinking about him. One of the newspapers had dubbed me ‘the Virgin Queen’, after Elizabeth the First. That wasn’t quite true — I’d had one quick tumble with an older distant cousin at Windsor one Christmas, when I was 16. There had been lots of press speculation about marrying off the young queen, but there was nothing on the horizon. I knew, though, that I was experiencing thoughts and physical sensations that were entirely new to me, and it scared me slightly.

After one of the weekly meetings, as I was sitting mooning out of a window, one of my ladies-in-waiting, Sophie Foxcroft-Hamilton-St Juste, came and sat opposite me. She was in her mid-thirties and, despite being terribly upper crust, had a reputation as someone who, shall we say, had been around a bit. Since my coronation my mother had been increasingly spending time in her native Switzerland, and Sophie had become my closest friend and confidante. Seeing the dreamy look on my face she reached across the table between us, cupped her hand over mine, and said, ‘Penny for them.’

I sighed, and gathered my thoughts. Then I said, ‘It’s Mark. The Prime Minister. I like him.’

She looked confused. ‘Well, that’s good — isn’t it?’

I shook my head sadly. ‘No, you don’t understand Sophie. I mean I really like him. I think I’m…oh shit, I don’t know.’

I’m not sure what reaction I expected: shock maybe, or embarrassment, or possibly disgust. Instead, a slow smile spread across Sophie’s face. ‘And how does he feel about you?’

It was I who was shocked as I stared back at her. ‘I don’t know! God, what do you think we talk about in our meetings? I mean he’s married, and his daughter’s older than I am.’ Mark had a stroppy 19-year old, who seemed to spend more time in West End clubs and newspaper gossip columns than she did in her art college.

Sophie shrugged, and squeezed my hand. ‘And you’re the queen. You can do what you like. Christ Vic, there hasn’t been a king in history who didn’t have at least one mistress on the go! And the other Queen Victoria was reckoned to be boffing John Brown. If you fancy the PM, and he’s up for it, what’s to stop you? I know I wouldn’t kick him out of bed on a cold night. I have heard that when one of the Opposition MPs called him the biggest prick in Parliament, she didn’t mean it as an insult! You’ve got to find out how he feels.’

I continued to stare at her, my mouth hanging open. ‘Well, he does seem to flirt with me in the meetings. Oh God, no! I can’t believe I’m having this conversation. No, it’s just impossible, ridiculous, absolutely insane. Get lost Sophie — haven’t you got some footman to go and screw or something?’ Sniggering to herself she sashayed away, and I went to my study to read a briefing on a nuclear power station I was opening the following day in some remote corner of England.

I thought about Mark a lot during the week that followed. One evening I was watching the news on TV with a couple of my friends and there was a report of a speech he’d made in Parliament that day. As the camera closed in on his face I felt a warmth rising in my cheeks, and another one between my legs! I glanced across at Sophie and she was grinning at me. Then she lasciviously rolled the tip of her tongue around her lips. A little later, as I left the room, I leaned down to her and whispered, ‘I can still have people’s heads chopped off, you know. I’ve checked.’ The peal of her laughter followed me down the corridor.

When Mark called the following Tuesday I had, well, not a plan exactly, but an idea. I hadn’t felt so nervous with him since our first meeting. After we’d shaken hands he made for his usual gilded armchair, across a low coffee table from me. I held up my hand, and patted the brocaded settee on which I sat. ‘Mark, come and sit here. Please. I hate talking to you across a barrier, let’s just chat face-to-face.’

He looked extremely surprised but, smiling, he replied, ‘As you command, my lady’, then perched himself nervously on the settee, a good six inches from me. He soon relaxed into his usual report, and by the end of our time together, his body was angled towards mine, his arm resting comfortably along the back of the seat, his hand inches from my shoulder length auburn hair. At our next meeting I again had to ask him to sit beside me, but on the third occasion he immediately sat on the settee, much closer to me than previously. As we chatted I could feel the warmth of his body, and his breath on my face when he turned to me.

After each meeting Sophie tried to pump me for information about whether I’d taken things forward with Mark, in fact she was being a bit of a pain about it. After the third meeting, when she asked yet again how things were going I sighed and told her how close he had sat. She looked disappointed, and asked if that was all. ‘Well, he did pat me on the leg at one point.’ Sophie perked up at that — the idea of a commoner touching the monarch without permission is unheard of. She asked where on the leg he had patted me. ‘Well, my thigh. I complained about how awful I looked in the photo the press had published from that university visit last week, and he patted me, and said I’d looked fine to him.’

Sophie stared at me for a few seconds, as if trying to calculate exactly how thick I was. ‘Jesus Christ, girl, and you say you can’t tell if he’s interested? God, if he’d done that to me I’d have shagged the arse off him by now — your majesty.’ Despite Sophie’s comments, I still wasn’t sure how I could take things forward, or if I should, even assuming Mark was in the slightest bit interested. I mean, the only time we were ever alone together was at our weekly meeting, and it was in a sitting room, not a bedroom. Just before our next meeting, however, fate played a hand.

Sir Will Merchant, my father’s old private secretary, had a terrible stroke that Tuesday morning, leaving him partially paralysed and at death’s door. He had retired shortly after I had succeeded my father, but I still spoke to him at least once a week, and he was a dear friend. I cancelled all my appointments that day to visit him, and although I was brave when I sat beside his bed, I was tearful for the rest of the day. When Mark arrived for our weekly briefing my eyes were red and puffy from crying. Naturally he asked me what was wrong. I explained Sir Will’s condition, and as I did I felt big sloppy tears starting to roll down my face again. Mark reached out and brushed a tear away from my cheek, and my skin tingled.

Then, to my surprise, he reached out and pulled me to his chest, as Sir Will had done in my university digs all those months before, and murmured, ‘Come on, let it out, have a good cry.’ As he held my face against his chest, my tears staining his designer shirt, he gently stroked my hair. I looked up at his face and he smiled kindly down at me. ‘Th
ere Vicki, feeling a bit better now?’ Impulsively I strained my neck up and kissed him on the lips. If I’d taken time to think about it I’d never have done it. Mark looked shocked, and stuttered, ‘Vicki, your majesty, I’m not sure…’

I knew I was risking making a fool of myself, but I was committed by then, I had to know for sure whether it was going anywhere. I struggled into an upright position, my chest pressing against Mark. His arm was still loosely around my shoulders. I half-whispered, ‘I am. Sure, I mean. Your queen com…’

I didn’t get any further. Mark tightened his arm around me, pulling me to him, and crushed his lips to mine, his tongue thrusting into my mouth. I sucked on it, marvelling at the sudden heat which was racing through my body — especially my belly and points south. I wrapped my arms around Mark’s neck and hugged him as we kissed for a full minute or more. Then he broke the kiss and mumbled, ‘Oh God, we can’t do this, it’s so wrong.’ He still held me as tightly as ever though.

Resting my forehead against his, my eyes closed, dreading his answer, I asked, ‘Don’t you want to?’

He sighed. ‘Of course I want to. You’re lovely, truly lovely, but…’

Again I interrupted him. ‘Well then, Prime Minister, shut up and kiss me again.’

With a smile he murmured ‘Yes, your majesty’, and we resumed our kiss. I don’t know how long it went on for before I allowed one of my arms to slip into his lap. I had never actually touched a cock with my hand before, but he felt enormous through his trousers. I found the top of his zip and began tugging at it. Mark muttered, ‘Jesus Vicki, no’, but he kept kissing me and holding me, and adjusted his position slightly as I reached my hand inside his fly. To my admittedly inexperienced hand his cock felt absolutely huge, and burned my skin as my fingers wrapped around it. I just did what felt natural, and started slowly sliding my fingers up and down his shaft, moving his foreskin with them.

Mark moaned into my mouth, and I felt his hand scrabbling at the front of my blouse. A moment later his fingers brushed against the bare skin of my chest. I eased my body back, to give him room, then sighed as his hand slipped inside my bra and cupped my breast. His breath had become slower and deeper, and I could feel his prick twitching in my hand. Suddenly he gave a little gasp, and I felt a splatter of hot liquid land on my fingers, as the pressure of his lips on mine became more intense. My nipple, under the palm of his hand, felt painfully stiff, and I could feel moisture beginning to gather between my own legs. Finally pulling my face away from Mark’s, I rested it against his neck and gasped deeply as a wonderful warmth spread out through my body.

Afterwards Mark sat with his head in his hands, and moaned, ‘Oh God, I’m sorry Vicki. This is crazy. It can’t possibly happen again.’

I felt an immense sense of power, like nothing I’d ever felt before. Kneeling on the settee I gently massaged his shoulders, and whispered, ‘Yes it can. I’m your sovereign, and I say it will. Now, I’ll see you on Friday at the Privy Council dinner. You and Mrs Prentiss, of course.’

After Mark left, I walked out of the door which leads to my private apartments, straight into Sophie Foxcroft-Hamilton-St Juste. She took one look at me, a broad grin spread across her face, and she chirruped, ‘On ya go girl!’ I felt my face burning, and dashed into the nearest bathroom, terrified that others may somehow read in my face what had just happened. Sophie followed me in and, smirking the whole while, helped me to fix my make-up. She started to ask me what had happened, then caught the glowering look I gave her and sensibly shut up. Later, in bed, I lay trailing my fingers through my pubic hair as I decided that in one week’s time, I, the Queen of England, was going to make my Prime Minister my lover.

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My Masters Command

Jessica was excited to go to The Hellfire Club tonight. She knew she must look perfect to please Sir her Master. He liked it when she was completely soft and smooth.After her shower, she ran her hands over her body to make sure her Brazilian wax session hadn't left any stray stubble. She then rubbed on his favorite lavender scented lotion spreading it across her body, over her belly to her breasts making sure she cared for each one before moving up to her neck. She felt the arousal as she...

2 years ago
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A Change in Command

A fan Fiction with the usual homage to Paramount. Change in Command By Eric B'Elanna burned with a fury that was a formidable combination of Klingon and human. The Klingon part wanted to rip that bitch Janeway's throat out now, but the human part cautioned patience ? then slow torture. The sanctimonious bitch had demoted her lover Tom to Ensign. His 'crime' - saving an entire race from annihilation "Captain, I think you are being too harsh," she said as calmly as she could. "I...

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Explorations By My Command

Author Note: This story is purely a work of fiction, and any resemblances to actual persons or situations are purely unintentional. Remember, folks, always keep it safe, sane, and consensual. As someone who’s long been fascinated by psychology, I suppose it was pretty obvious that erotic hypnosis, when I discovered it was a thing, would easily make it onto my list of kinks. Haven’t tried writing a story using the premise before, though, so I’m interested in feedback, either positive or...

1 year ago
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The Commander

Police Constable Lena Harper sat behind the steering wheel of the car, waiting. It was a civilian car, but she was in uniform. She had taken off her regulative helmet and put it neatly on the passenger's seat. She straightens out her spotless uniform jacket and checked her prim cravat with her hand. She looked perfect; she knew that.It was Commander Ratched's so-called "discreet car", a larger, dark vehicle, almost like a limousine. Ratched called it "discreet" for security reasons so that she...

3 years ago
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Royal deviancy

King Adrian sighed, his head hanging shamefully as he sat at the foot of his bed. The had just set, it was nearly time for his nightly routine to begin. For the last 12 years of his marriage the king had hidden his filthy affair until his impetuous queen barged in on him in the late hours of the night. He couldn’t let the spoiled wench expose him so he had her burned at the stake for witchcraft. Now he was left a widowed father wallowing in remorse. He jolted upright as the...

2 years ago
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Royal sex with beauty

Hello everybody, I am regular reader of this site. After thinking a lot I thought I will post my story also. I am Abhi and living in Bangalore, I am working in Software Company and had made good for myself. As I am from north India, I did not have any friends so I was looking for time pass. I am young so I was looking for making some girl friend. But as you guys might know if you are outsider it’s so difficult. Since I am horny I started looking for girl to fuck. Through one site I meet one...

3 years ago
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Breaking the Commandments

My name is Evans, for the past 5 years I have had the greatest youth minister at my church, I just graduated and I’ve ruined my friendship with him forever.When Tom, our Youth minister, first arrived at our church he brought along his beautiful wife, Susan. I must admit I had an instant crush on her. She’s so genuine, kind, and loving, everything a man could want in a personality. She is about 5’7” tall, long black hair, hazel eyes and a gorgeous body. Since then she has had two k**s but...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 24

The next day was our last full day in Landers. We were in another television broadcast. This time, American news people were present though they were not allowed cameras. Madame Fierro, the King’s personal secretary, told me that many cameras were distracting. Televised interviews were not frequent and the press in Landers had to be truthful plus was not allowed to engage in speculation. Three more or less American news services had correspondents present, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. The King went...

2 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 8

Roger said, “You drink beer?” “That’s right. I like the taste and it’s a better deal financially. At one time, that was more important than it is now. When I played in college, we would have a beer after most games.” “Jar, I’m surprised you don’t have a steady guy or are married.” “That hasn’t and isn’t my interest. I like my independence and haven’t found a guy who can stay with me.” “What qualities does this super guy have?” “He was to be smart, a gentleman, physically able, have a...

1 year ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 42 Divided Command

Captain Prescott was wearing the form fitting ship suit that the AI provided whenever someone asked for a uniform. However, I noticed almost immediately that he or someone in his command had modified the look. The shirt had red shoulder pads. There was a visible bar or what appeared to be gold thread across the shoulder pads. On his head was a rather elaborate hat that would have looked perfect in a movie about Horatio Nelson. He looked commanding while at the same time I had to fight not to...

1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 20 Roving Commander

I shifted the carrier with my infant son on my chest and glanced at Amanda as she pushed the stroller with our daughter. She smiled and ignored my look, “You are a commander and can carry your son.” I snorted, “Just because the empress has me roving for the next year does not mean you and...” She lifted an eyebrow, “We are not staying here and playing house.” I growled, “I knew I should have staked you out on the beach with Samantha, Domino and Simon.” She grinned, “Now I might have...

3 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 31

The King’s secretary, Madam Fierro, was at the portal. The orchestra joined the organ as all people in the church stood. Trumpets played a fanfare and Anna started across the back to the center aisle and made her walk down the aisle to the altar. When she arrived, the trumpets played another though different fanfare and I was started on my way. When I arrived and took my place, there was long seconds of music followed by still another fanfare by the trumpets. I heard a collective “wow” from...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 33 First Command

The banquet was about to start. Sif and I were the guests of honor of course. Egill came out of the round house and smiled. “Well it isn’t perfect but it turned out better than expected.” Sif turned to look at him. “It is a bit frightening to be at the center of such a historic event that will most likely change our planets history.” “That is a very astute observation, young lady.” She made a gesture towards the banquet preparations. “At least they celebrate and don’t prepare for our...

4 years ago
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Royally Screwed

The Duke's manservant gently rapped on the large chamber door and entered. Lord Cornholis, the Duke of Worstershire groggily sat up in his bed. He turned to his manservant and told him he was hungry and will eat in bed this morning..."have Marie bring it" he said with a sly grin. Today was the 15th of May and it was the 16th birthday of his chambermaid Marie. For her birthday the Duke decided to reward her service and allow her to be deflowered by royalty. She was a beautiful young girl, her...

2 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 20

In the morning, I woke, showered, and dressed for the morning. I was wearing a similar outfit to what I wore last night. I thought this would be a somber day and more formal clothing would be appropriate. Jam knocked as he came in the open door from the hall. He was wearing a different shirt but was also dressed more formally like he was yesterday. Holding hands, we went to breakfast. I was carrying the pad and pencil from last night. We worked on my statement to make it from both of us and...

2 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 33

It’s Saturday and I’m marrying a Duke! Most importantly, I’m marrying the brave, handsome man I love and who loves me. I left my bed to shower and then dress. I had packed my case for my honeymoon and put it in the trunk with my dress and another smaller case in the back seat. I got in my car and drove to meet the others at a restaurant where reservations had been made. We would be Angela, Anna, Mo, Missus Madison, and me. I talked with Berthold this morning and he knew of no creditable...

3 years ago
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Submissive Incest Mind ControlChapter 4 Daughterrsquos Wicked Command

Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! My thoughts whirled as I squirmed atop my cousin—my sister!—bound to her body. Her eyes danced wildly from the revelation that she was my father’s daughter. She moaned about the dildo gag. Our flesh rubbed together. Daddy’s cum ran out of my pussy and dribbled to hers, my clit caressing hers, my nipples kissing hers. The ropes held us tight together, our bodies squeezed tight. We slowly twisted, suspended from the ceiling in the middle of my...

3 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 27

In the kitchen, we grabbed food from the refrigerator and set all of it on the counter. We started to prepare a meat loaf with salad and a baked potato. It was a simple but a good meal. “Jar, what do you want to talk about?” “Us, of course. Jam, we don’t much about each other in some ways. We need to tell each other more so we can understand each other better.” “Jar, I knew quite a bit about you from Mason. He’s a fan of yours though it’s not romantic for him. He respects your business...

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Royal Affairs

While under the rule of Duke Gabrius III, Aethasia has become a prosperous country. Homelessness is nearly nonexistent, and there hasn't been a famine in decades. The duke is a very well respected man, so the talk of his declining health has been kept to a mere whisper amongst the people. None of them care to admit it, but in his old age, they know he won't be fit to rule for much longer. Luckily for him, his heir to the throne had already taken command of the military, and would be ready to do...

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Royal Solitude

Before we begin, we need to settle one important factor: Do we follow a prince or a princess? (Note: This story is moderated and open to other writers. Additions welcomed happily.) (Note: Fair warning-- sometimes my edits will literally be one word or a missing punctuation. I get a little OCD over editing things...) (Cover image: Empty Throne (3D) by Alex Rennie. Credit where it's due.)

3 years ago
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Royal enjoiment with widow

I am a regular reader of ISS stories.I enjoyed them lot. But the story i am going to share with you is different. I am 58 years old widower. I was knowing a couple staying in our coloney for last one year. Suddenly one day the husband died due to heart day after two months of the death i met that lady name Lolita in the market. I asked her how are the things going on?How is her married batchlers life? she replied fine enjoing as I am enjoing my batchler life and ferther asked me...

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Royal Legacy

WARNING! This story will feature non-con, forced impregnation, misogyny and some other dark elements. If you are not a fan, then you should turn back right now. Please remember this is just a fantasy, I don't condone rape. For the Lady of Montano, looking good was simply expected of you by your subjects and the other lords and ladies. You are a young woman called Tylin of House Ruthven, the new Lady of Montano. You have a tall, lean figure with fair skin, beautiful, regal face and golden...

2 years ago
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Royal Reception

“You look beautiful, princess,” Harper said, standing in the mirror behind Amelia. Her shoulder-length hair hooked behind her left ear, but the majority swooped over in a voluminous cascade to the right. A simple, subdued red dress hung off her small frame. Bunches of excess fabric clumped up where she didn’t quite fill the article.Amelia tore her eyes off Harper and gave herself another once-over. The plunging neckline of the forest green dress drooped, tailored for someone with a more than...

1 year ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 2

I went to the back and loaded up with groceries. I walked to the kitchen door with her following me. She wasn’t carrying anything. Once inside, I put my load on the counter and went out for more. She sat at the table and shivered in her wet clothes. It took a total of three trips. I went to my coffee maker and started it. I wasn’t as wet as her but had gotten damp during all this in addition to a slight chill. It was the middle of spring and could be cool with the clouds and rain. I pulled...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 3

Once back at the house, I pulled a beer from the refrigerator and looked at her. “I’m going to watch baseball. I’m having a beer. Do you want one?” “Yes.” Her tone of voice had an imperious sound to it. “It’s proper to say, please.” I waited. “Please.” I pulled another beer out and handed it to her. I went into my den where the TV was located and flipped it on. The Braves game was about to come on and I liked that team. As it came on, I sat straight for the anthem before going back to my...

3 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 5

“Well, Alice, your car has been found. The local sheriff’s office was there with three carloads of bodyguards. Their chief was unhappy. He wanted to come up here to search my house. I did my outraged citizen thing and threatened to have him arrested. The local deputies are not on his side. “I would suggest that you stay inside in case one of your people trespasses and comes to look. I’ll address that if it happens. I do have sensors deployed around.” Alice said, “That’s not very...

1 year ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 6

She came padding into the kitchen. I said, “Okay. First lesson is to wear shoes or at least socks. Nasty things can find feet and be very painful.” She blushed. “If your shoes are still too wet, let’s get you in a pair of socks.” She smiled. “Follow me.” We went into my bedroom and I pulled an older pair of athletic socks from a drawer and handed them to her. She sat on a chair in the room and pulled them on. They were “tube” socks so worked though she had smaller feet than I did. “Sam,...

1 year ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 7

She was alive but seriously wounded from a bullet from one of her bodyguards. I went back out and said, “One of the bad guys shot her when they were shooting into my house. She’s alive but needs expert attention immediately.” The first ambulance took her away. The second ambulance took Duke Albert and the one I had winged. The rest were bundled into the back of two cars and hauled off in handcuffs. Captain Avery asked, “Sam, will you prefer charges?” “Yes. I was going to be driving her to...

3 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 8

“Are you okay? I heard a shot.” “I’m fine. I winged one thinking he was going for a gun. He was going to show me his credentials. They’re worthless on private property.” “As long as you’re okay. There are people to care about. Free-lance photographers and paparazzi aren’t on that list.” I said, “I’m hungry. Would you like some lunch?” “Please. Breakfast was a while ago and hospital food isn’t that good. You’re a great cook.” She smiled. “I’m going to cheat. I have a store-bought,...

4 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 9

When we got to the gate, Alice ducked down and even pulled a jacket of mine over her. I got out of the truck with my pistol on my hip and was watched from a distance. I pulled up and one of my watchers started running toward the truck. I pulled my pistol and said loudly, “Stop or I’ll shoot.” The man stopped. “You are trespassing on private property. The edge of the highway right-of-way is clearly marked and you are beyond it. Raise your hands and back up or I will shoot to protect my body...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 10

Once inside, I said, “Alice, I think they’re losing interest. Between not getting any pictures and being pushed by the deputies and me, life just isn’t working out for them here.” Alice smiled. She said, “I have noticed that you and the people around this area do take a direct approach. Those folks are used to being tolerated. Here, they are challenged and get more trouble than they ever do elsewhere except for Cardena. Taking pictures of me the way they do gets them put in jail for years...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 11

I knew it wasn’t over neither of us spoke of it. We passed the evening quietly watching some TV. We went to our separate rooms and slept. In the morning, I rose and went into the kitchen to start coffee. Alice was there and poured me a fresh cup. “Good morning, Sam.” “Thank you, Alice, and good morning to you.” I smiled and left for my bathroom with my coffee. As I went in there, I thought to myself that this is different from our first meeting. I also realized that I needed to examine my...

4 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 12

We were met in the terminal by a group of men who were obviously bodyguards and Duke Albert. As I expected, he was barely cordial to me. He obviously adored Alice though. He seemed troubled. The only reason that I was still close to her was that she had grabbed and held on tightly to my hand as the bodyguards tried to separate us. She shouted, “Arreter!” Everyone stopped moving. She then harangued all of them in French. Even Duke Albert looked abashed. She continued to speak angrily. Then...

2 years ago
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A powerful Commander

*The Commander wakes up in his office* "Hhhmm I guess I fell asleep at my desk well might as well get on with the day". *The Commander gets up to make some coffee and notices that he's out of coffee* "Damn I wish I had a cup of coffee" *Suddenly a cup of coffee appears in front of him* "Whoa where did that come from?" * The Commander picks the cup of coffee and tries it* "Not bad, I wonder if wish for something again will it come true" " I wish I had a 16in dick" Sure enough the Commanders dick...

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