Royally Never AfterChapter 8
- 3 years ago
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The Duke's manservant gently rapped on the large chamber door and entered. Lord Cornholis, the Duke of Worstershire groggily sat up in his bed. He turned to his manservant and told him he was hungry and will eat in bed this morning..."have Marie bring it" he said with a sly grin. Today was the 15th of May and it was the 16th birthday of his chambermaid Marie. For her birthday the Duke decided to reward her service and allow her to be deflowered by royalty. She was a beautiful young girl, her long flowing blonde hair and fine figure filled him with longing. He would have taken her earlier but unlike most servant girls, she wore her virginity like a badge of honor as if she were of noble blood. To take her before her 18th birthday without consent would send a bad message through the town and could even start an uprising. However, as by royal decree, a town's lord and protector were granted any female over the age of 18 that was not married. Even then, before a marriage was consummated the town's lord would have first rights on the bride. It was a custom dating back hundreds of years but practiced fewer now in the 18th century, except here in Worstershire. The Duke was the Kings cousin and very few would dare to oppose his authority.
Marie went to the castle's kitchen to pick up the food to bring to the Duke. She purposely pinned her hair back into a large floppy hat and tied the apron around the waist loosely so as not to show off her figure. She suspected the Duke's intentions; he has pressed his desire on her for the last two years. The Duke though had in the past six months treated her like the rest of the staff and mostly ignored her. She assumed he had given up or found some other girl to quench his sexual thirst. Marie enjoyed working in the castle. Her mother had died three years ago and her father and two brothers worked their small farm on the outskirts of town. The farm was not very productive and hardly produced enough food to feed them all, so her father offered his daughter to serve the castle as a chambermaid for a break in his taxes. Here in the castle she was fed and clothed and kept warm in the winter.
Marie kept mostly to her self. She was the youngest servant in the Dukes employ and the only one near her age was the Duke's oldest daughter, Victoria. Since class separated them, they only occasionally found themselves together to talk. She liked Victoria because she didn't treat Marie like a common servant and they talked about the men in the castle and about whom they might marry some day. Here class was quite different, since Marie was able to fall in love and marry whomever she chose. Not so for Victoria, she was to remain a virgin and marry someone of royal blood. A someone that her father or the king will decide. A match made for the good of the Empire.
Victoria did confide to Marie that she masturbated often and her fantasy lover would be Montague the captain of the guards. Marie however, never told Victoria that her father had tried to bed her since it would have been inappropriate.
Marie carried the plates of food to the Dukes bedchamber. The Duke like a spider smiled warmly and coaxed her to the bedside. As she placed the food at the foot of the bed the Duke grabbed her arm and tossed away the hat on her head, freeing her long blonde locks. He turned her facing himself.
"Now my dear Marie, for your 16th birthday I give you the gift of this royal cock"
Marie gasped with horror. She thought about struggling at first but she quickly figured out that he was stronger and he had her wrists firmly clenched in his large hands. Instead she smiled and went to courtesy. The Duke was joyed that he had won her over so easily and released her hands for a proper bow. Suddenly she rose and slapped his face as hard as she could. Her nails scratching some of his cheek and she ran out the door. The Duke reached for the long red cord at the side of his bed. It rang a bell at Captain Montague's room and in an instant he was at the Duke's door.
"That damn chambermaid Marie struck me and ran off... get her"
"I shall capture her myself my lordship and drag her to the dungeon"
"No. Bring her back her to me. I have a fitting punishment for that virgin"
Captain Montague left in pursuit of Marie. He knew what the Duke wanted and thought the servant girl was stupid for attacking him. She would have been made love to and if he enjoyed himself, she would have been offered many comforts, instead she will now have her virginity taken in a brutal fashion.
Marie ran blindly down the halls. She had to leave the castle but there would be no way out now. Ahead she saw Lady Victoria's room and quickly went inside without knocking. Victoria was stunned by the sudden intrusion and was about to chastise Marie for in impudence when she saw fear on her face.
"Marie? How dare you... Marie... what's wrong, what happened?"
"My lady there is something I must speak to you about, I am fearful"
Marie in that instant thought of a plan. She told Victoria that Captain Montague made improper advances toward her. That he was searching for her right now to have sex with her now that she was 18.
"My lady, if only you were I, then you might have the taste of your Captain that you are forbidden of." Marie smiled, her plan was going to work.
Victoria and Marie decided to switch places. Victoria had many wigs and she pulled out a blonde wig just like Marie's hair and a dark haired wig just like Victoria's. They would then change clothes. Their figures were very similar and without the white-caked make up and a false beauty mark on her cheek Victoria typically wore, she would not be recognized. Besides, no one really looked closely at a servant girl. Victoria would be Marie and as Marie she would be able to indulge her fantasy and make love to Montague. Victoria had even shaved her pussy, so the Captain would find anything amiss.
Marie dressed like Victoria. With the clothes, wig and make up, no one would know otherwise. Besides, no one other than royalty would ever look into her eyes and see her facial features. Once Victoria left looking for Montague, she would leave the castle in the Dukes farm and return to her family.
Captain Montague was about to put his guards on alert and have every room in the massive stone castle searched but suddenly down the hall he saw the chambermaid. He watched the way she sauntered down the corridor with out a care in the world. Parading like princess, her nose stuck in the air and proud shake of her backside. This enraged Montague even more so, this careless attitude after striking her lord and master.
Victoria had peaked the large muscular captain and turned walking away from him. She expected him to call out or maybe pull her hands from behind. Victoria thought his passion might be out of control and that he would push her into one of the small utility rooms and make love to her then and there.
What Victoria didn't expect was that Montague rushed her from behind quickly covering his large hands over her mouth and wrapping his arm around her mid section. He lifted the slight girl of 5'4" off the floor and grinned.
"Okay bitch... your time for your birthday present"
Victoria was startled at first and lightly kicked her feet. She felt the warmth of his body pressed upon her. As he was taking her down the corridor she felt his left hand firmly on her mouth and his right hand moving up her torso and clutching at her left breast. She also imagined she could feel his erect cock pressed upon her buttocks through his uniform. She wiggled against it and she could feel Montague taking liberties with her breast. Victoria felt the wetness in her pussy and closed her eyes.
Montague smiled as he carried the chambermaid. For an unwilling virgin this girl was making him hard. The pressing of her fine body against his made him aroused and the soft firmness of her breast gave him the idea to rape this wench himself. Alias, she was the Duke's to deflower. Afterward he might order her to the dungeon or to me killed and he would have his way with her then. Montague turned and backed into the Duke's door thrusting it open.
Victoria opened her eyes as Montague hit the door and she was spun around to see her father in his rope in front of his bed. The bed stood on a small platform and had already made his impressive 6'5" frame seem even more than a giant to her.
"Your lordship, as I promised... Marie" He then whispered to her "it was very stupid of you not only refuse him but to strike him... you will suffer now"
"Captain, gag her mouth and bind her wrists to the bedpost and strip her down. As Duke of Worstershire and lord of these lands I invoke royal privilege on Worstershire's newest 18 year old"
Victoria couldn't believe it. Her eyes widened in horror as Montague started carrying out her father's orders. She was gagged before she could utter a word and her struggling became fierce but to no avail against Montague. Her father was going to rape her. There was no way to warn him, if only she hadn't played this game with Marie. Then realization sat in. It was no game, Marie knew this would happen and took advantage of her.
Montague tied her wrists down and stripped of the chambermaid uniform. He gapped at the splendor of her perfect young body. He felt his own lust surfacing but he stepped away from the bed and turned to leave.
The Duke called him "Montague, please stay and witness the coupling, as reward you may take her after me"
"Very gracious my lord, and many thanks" said Montague as he beamed at the young girl. He then began to slowly take off his uniform.
Victoria looked up in disbelief as her father disrobed and grasped her ankles in each hand, spreading her legs before him. His 9inch cock stood erect and Victoria stared at it as he brought it closer to her virginal womanhood. She looked up into his eyes, trying to plead with him, shaking her head and crying. The Duke looked down at the blonde haired chambermaid, for an instant she didn't look like he remembered her but he looked down at his cock resting at the entrance of her shaved love canal and grinned "it could have been different Marie, but you must learn your lesson" he said strongly and he leaned forward thrusting his cock into her cunt, breaking the hymen and continued viciously stabbing his cock into her like a man possessed.
Victoria was in pain and in tears. She was finally having sex, unfortunately the man was her own father, for if it weren't her father she would have found the fucking quite... quite enjoyable. Victoria closed her eyes and felt the goose bumps along her body rise. She was flush and soon the pain dissipated and turned to pleasure. She started moving her body, arching her back and meeting each of his strokes.
The King’s secretary, Madam Fierro, was at the portal. The orchestra joined the organ as all people in the church stood. Trumpets played a fanfare and Anna started across the back to the center aisle and made her walk down the aisle to the altar. When she arrived, the trumpets played another though different fanfare and I was started on my way. When I arrived and took my place, there was long seconds of music followed by still another fanfare by the trumpets. I heard a collective “wow” from...
In the morning, I woke, showered, and dressed for the morning. I was wearing a similar outfit to what I wore last night. I thought this would be a somber day and more formal clothing would be appropriate. Jam knocked as he came in the open door from the hall. He was wearing a different shirt but was also dressed more formally like he was yesterday. Holding hands, we went to breakfast. I was carrying the pad and pencil from last night. We worked on my statement to make it from both of us and...
It’s Saturday and I’m marrying a Duke! Most importantly, I’m marrying the brave, handsome man I love and who loves me. I left my bed to shower and then dress. I had packed my case for my honeymoon and put it in the trunk with my dress and another smaller case in the back seat. I got in my car and drove to meet the others at a restaurant where reservations had been made. We would be Angela, Anna, Mo, Missus Madison, and me. I talked with Berthold this morning and he knew of no creditable...
In the kitchen, we grabbed food from the refrigerator and set all of it on the counter. We started to prepare a meat loaf with salad and a baked potato. It was a simple but a good meal. “Jar, what do you want to talk about?” “Us, of course. Jam, we don’t much about each other in some ways. We need to tell each other more so we can understand each other better.” “Jar, I knew quite a bit about you from Mason. He’s a fan of yours though it’s not romantic for him. He respects your business...
I left at five and freshened up a bit. I didn’t change clothes. I was ready when Jam drove up. I went out and got in his SUV. I leaned toward him and we kissed. He drove to his parents’ home. When we arrived and went inside, Jam’s mother welcomed me happily. We hugged and kissed. Mister Madison gave me a hug. “Jar, it’s good to see you. I understand the two of you have been busy.” “Yes, Sir. More than we would have preferred in some instances.” He nodded. We all sat down on facing love...
Things were quiet at my office. I did have a visit from Roger. He was there to talk about Angela and to advise me that dates for both his wedding and his sister’s wedding had been set. He and Ange would be married in two weeks. As soon as she was finished with her school and apartment, they would leave for Landers. He wanted the six of us to get together over the weekend. I told him that I thought that would work but would need to talk to Jam tonight. Mason and Anna had also set their date...
The flight was long. It’s only redeeming feature was the reclining chairs that allowed Jam and I to lie together. With my boss, Mo, and Anna and Mason all in the same area, nothing was going to happen. I still liked to snuggle with Jam! We landed and took the short flight to the Landers field. Upon our arrival, we were conveyed to the castle. Jam and I were given my old bedroom. Mo was given Angela’s room in the suite while Mason was in his prior room. Jam and I pulled our cases in and set...
We went over positions for everyone and the order of our entrances. It was somewhat like Angela’s and Roger’s wedding with much “pomp and circumstance.” It would be a pretty wedding. I noticed a good contingent of the Royal Guard covering the entrance. King Marcus would escort his daughter down the aisle. He and I were standing together for a moment. “Jar, it’s a little more elaborate than yours but not by much. I hope it will go off as well.” He looked at the bulge at my back. “I see that...
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The King came forward. “Not only is this a good place for honeymoons, it’s a good place for engagements. May I come to your wedding?” I grinned. “Yes, Sire. There is one condition though.” He looked at me curiously. “My parents are deceased. You will have to give away the bride.” He blinked and then nodded smiling. “My dear Jar, it will be my pleasure and privilege.” I reached over and hugged the King who hugged me back. We kissed each other’s cheeks. I returned to Jam. He embraced me and...
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The King came up to me. “My son?” “At the front door with Angela. They’re unarmed and should have some backup quickly.” The King pointed to two of his men. “You heard her. Go. Make sure the Prince is safe.” I asked, “Where are Anna and Mason?” Anna said, “We’re right here. The guards forced us out with my father.” “That’s good. We found no one left alive but bad guys and Jam and I shot them.” I pulled my pistol from my waist of my pants, safed it, and said, “Would someone take charge of...
In the morning, I woke, showered, and dressed. I came out to the sitting room wearing slacks with a buttoned blouse tucked in. I liked the look of my blouse tucked in partially because I had a smallish waist and a tucked-in blouse showed that nicely. On my feet were sandals with low heels. I had looked in my room and the bathroom and found no coffee maker or makings. In the sitting room, I found nothing either and was quietly looking in drawers and cabinets. I found nothing for my desire....
It was late and we all departed for our beds. Jam said, “Jar, come knock on my door when you get up. My bedroom is on the right.” I smiled. “Mine is on the left, dear.” Everyone kissed good night. I went to bed feeling warm and happy. In the morning, I woke, showered, and dressed. I was headed to Jam’s door and we met in the hall. Instead of knocking on a door, we kissed each other. With our arms around each other’s waist, we headed to the middle area to find coffee and breakfast. We found...
We arrived back and went to our room, well the sitting area in my suite. It had become a popular meeting point. A moment later, Angela and Roger waked in from the hall. He said, “Jar, excitement seems to follow you wherever you go.” He chuckled. Angela smiled. “A couple of those idiots were injured when you thought they had guns instead of cameras.” I grinned. “It was a simple mistake since they had mounted their cameras on gun-stocks. Since they were charging us, we took reasonable...
After a fine dessert, we left for our suite. Once there, we sat down. Anna was there with Mason. She said, “We should check the news to find out what’s being said.” I looked at her. She said, “Jar, you and Jam were recorded today by our state television. We always make our recordings available to the stations’ news teams in France and Belgium. It’s a part of getting along with their governments.” My mind wasn’t more at ease but I nodded. She turned on the television saying that she would...
When I came out, everyone else was entering looking fresh. We went into the dining hall for breakfast. People were there. It looked like it had been a long night. Jam and I went into the kitchen and helped. At first, a tired young woman objected but Jam talked to her quietly. I took a coffee pot and went out. Once there, I handed it off to Mason. Angela and Anna were setting the table and placing cups. I went back inside the kitchen to help cook. Angela followed me. “Jar, what can I do?” I...
Jam and I walked in the garden. At first, we walked quickly while I got over my anger or frustration or whatever you might want to call my feeling. I slowed and Jam said, “Okay. I’m glad you’ve calmed. I was afraid we would be running just any moment.” I chuckled. “Okay, my love. I’m calm. I was never mad really. It’s just that something happened and I didn’t know the ramifications. I try to know what I’m getting into and make a rational decision.” “Jar, we’ll just have to keep Roger and...
We walked in the double doors to a standing ovation. Jam and I started to hang back thinking that this ovation was for Roger. He stepped to one side with Angela. Both were smiling. My fiance and I walked forward to the King who had motioned us to his side. We reached the middle of the room and he embraced each of us. He said, “Your Graces, Landers thanks you for your service. I am looking forward to your wedding. The two of you make a beautiful couple.” He smiled at us and waved us to seats...
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We walked to our places at the head table to the left of King Marcus. I noticed that Angela was to the King’s right with Roger beside her. Serving began immediately. Jam and I held hands while he quickly blessed meal. Then, we ate. It was, as always, great food. There was light conversation during the meal. At one point, King Marcus leaned toward me. “You know that as Maid of Honor, you will be expected to toast your friend after the meal?” “Yes, Sire. It’s a duty in my country also. It...
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Greetings . This is Rajesh from Coimbatore Tamil Nadu . I am not a good narrator. But this incident was a real one and I don’t want to make fool anyone . The purpose of sharing my incident here to have some ideas to my fellow people in their life also . Coimbatore was one of the busiest city in Tamil Nadu i am staying in heart of the city. I am now pursue my under graduation in commerce in a reputed college. I am staying in my rented flat so I feel lonely In evening so i used to walk more in...
By: Preetikul Hello! again I’m banging a story of my sexperience after watching the hot session of Sultan Ali and mom after returning from Pune in our house. I dropped the idea to wear the tight t-shirt and went in my bedroom and wore the lower size front opening low-cut pink tight hosiery wear which was showing my bulging boobs from it and a ¾ skirt with coffee color innerwear. I stuffed a pink Punjabi dress, plain chiffon light red saree, same color peticoat and blouse and peach And dark...
Royal Duties Act 1: New Life Peter Arrend gasped when he saw the old tome. He had always been an enthusiast for older things - he was a historian, after all - and so visiting garage sales was a frequent weekend hobby of his. He had been told he even projected the air of someone who went to garage sales, and he sort of knew what people meant by that. He had quite the professorly look about him, despite only being in his early forties, likely due to his slightly peppered hair and...
You may think that your broke ass doesn’t belong at a place like Royal Vegas Casino. I don’t know if I should disagree with that. If this was a physical casino that looks as lustrous as it sounds, I would probably be correct.But this isn’t a physical casino. Royal Vegas Casino is an online casino that brings a taste of the high life of the Vegas strip to your neck of the woods. And the online casino differs wildly from the typical Vegas attractions, anyway. Skip the endless ocean of STDs,...
Betting SitesRoyal Gambit By: Malissa Madison Lars Grendel sat watching the Royal Court, but he wasn't anywhere close to it. That would be foolish in his line of work. Still he was unsure as to whether he wanted to do this job. The contractor was having trouble delivering the down payment, and you never completed a job before you were sure of the full payment Thirty Million Galactic credits was a lot for a politician that no one liked to begin with. But he'd done his...
Chapter 1 - Kidnapped I am now an old woman. It's about time that I write my story down. How I became the Queen of this lovely country. How I became who I am now. I know when finish this story; it will be put in the kingdoms archives, never to see the light of day. When people do read this story, they will think it's a fairy tale. I cannot help this; my job is to tell the truth. To let everyone know what happened and who I really am. The fact is that I was not always a Queen. Now I...
AUTHORS NOTE: Every now and then I’ll see a picture that brings a scene to mind. I finally had an opportunity to sit down and write it. The picture which inspired this story can be found here: 1?Yeah, I scored four goals in just the last six minutes of the match.? The young women standing around the tan, beautiful young male of almost 21 years giggled as he bragged about his polo skills after the match. The shirtless rider enjoyed the...
The Imperium has conquered more than half of the world. The Empress is their leader, their matriarchal society is the most advanced of the world, with tamed dragons as pets and weapons they govern all the free world. With the Royals at the top of society and slaves at the bottom, several intermediate chastes do their best to survive. But that doesn't mean that The Goddesses have abandoned them, on the contrary their very much present in the daily lives of the people of this world, they take...
FantasyThe one thing more potent than her zesty juices that rained over my face to soak my dirty blonde locks, was the way she cussed.There was something about the manner in which Minty swore that turned me on. When driven by desire alone, there was no pretence. No aristocratic role to fulfil. Nobody to impress except me, grinding her perfectly smooth, wet sex against my mouth as if pleasure was the only thing in the world that mattered.Disturbed dust particles from the floor of the hayloft danced in...
Lesbian1. The Queen’s Boudoir The King of Verdanland sat quietly chewing viciously on an unlit cigar. Thoughts of recent setbacks in the war with Sardinia plagued his peace. The frontline retreated with each encounter as the enemy army slowly approached pressing toward his capitol. His armaments and soldiers were vastly superior to that of Sardinia, but their numbers were unmanageable. Even his introduction of a new weapon, the gun, only delayed the approaching swarm. His blacksmiths, working day and...
Author's note: There is a lot of identity jumping that happens in this older story of mine and back then when I was still writing for myself, I came up with the convention of using the first syllable of the wearer's name as a prefix to the victim's name as a way of keeping track of who was who. For example, the main character, "Warren" wearing a skin of the character "Fialla" would, after donning the skin would be referred to in narrative as "WaFialla:" that is, Warren inside...
Today I offer you a story about a rich young man who will taste all the pleasures of life! In these times of illness, I wish you and your loved ones good health! Do not hesitate to write down my story and criticize it in the comments area so that I can improve myself. Thank you ! Good reading ! ThePrince59 _______________________________________________________________ It all started when during the summer of my sixteenth birthday, while I was outside my phone rang and when I picked...
Frame story and character Introduction You are the Prince of the Ancient Kingdom of Karlova, Karlova is a small kingdom that lies somewhere between Rome and Greece and surrounded by similar small kingdoms. you live in the Royal Palace which is in the Capital city called Lechberga, along with other family members. Characters: You - CASSIUS: The prince of Karlova, Charming and not so muscular but strong. Brought up with good Education as you are the legal heir of the Kingdom, tried your hands in...