TG Commander free porn video

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Commander was the no-nonsense head engineer of Andre's body. He was in charge of all the cellular engineering projects, the immune army that destroyed viruses and bacteria, and made sure all bodily systems were working properly. He was as small as a cell, but everyone in the body respected him. He was a war veteran from the days of Andre's infancy when the chicken pox was defeated. Now that Andre was entering puberty new challenges were headed his way. The Great War was about to begin. Commander made his way through the circulatory system to the reproduction center of the body. Andre's ability to reproduce was secondary only to his very life. Commander oversaw the complex series of tubes and blood vessels that wrapped around the testes. A sudden rush of white fluid went through the tubes and exited out of sight. "Confirm if we got a hit on that one," the commander ordered. Reproduction engineers read the readings the body was providing. "No trace of female fluid on the skin cells of the penis," they reported. "Damn! Maybe next time," the Commander said disappointed. "This practice occurs every so often. We didn't feel the need to report every event," the reproduction head engineer said. "I want to know every time it happens. I want the sperm to always be in a state of readiness," the Commander ordered. "There are millions of sperm, Sir," the reproduction head engineer protested. "I don't care. I want them all ready for action," the Commander insisted. "We have a new report indicating higher levels of testosterone production," another reproduction engineer said. "Outstanding! Soon, this body will be a full-grown male adult," the Commander said pleased. "Carry on," he said as he left for another sector. The Commander stood out in the open addressing millions of white blood cells. "You are the body's first line of defense. When you see a harmful virus or bacteria, you kill it. You show no mercy to those sons of bitches. Now, you may feel a sense of complacency, because we haven't had a real war in some time. Don't be. An invasion can happen at any moment. Don't worry about whether you will be afraid on the battlefield. When the soldier next to you becomes a blob of will know what to do," the Commander said. "Seek and Destroy!" the white blood cells said all at once. "God, I love the infantry," Commander said to his aide. "The President wishes to speak with you," his aide said. "Fine, I'll be there in a heart-beat," Commander replied. The President was in charge of brain and the nervous system throughout the body. He made sure all involuntary systems were working smoothly, the beating of the heart, and the breathing of the lungs during sleep. He did all the background brain processes aside from Consciousness. Unlike individual sectors, the President could see the bigger picture. He could see how each system interacted with the other. "Mr. President, pleasure to meet with you," Commander said politely. "Commander, we have some disturbing readings in the blood stream. There is a radical increase in estrogen hormones, and it isn't coming from us," the President said. "You're saying it came from the outside world?" Commander asked suspiciously. "That is one theory being considered. We have traced the estrogen increases to the buttocks, a small but deep injury into the skin layer," the President said. The Commander knew what this meant. He had seen this happen before. "Every so often, this phenomenon presented itself. They usually took the form of virus proteins that were quickly destroyed by the immune system. This trained the immune system to destroy the real virus when it manifested itself. "I would say, on the whole, it has been a great benefit to the body. However, it comes from the outside world, and we must always be weary," the President continued. "Damn straight," Commander agreed. "It would appear it is happening again but with greater frequency. These invasions have increased estrogen levels in the blood flow. I don't have to remind you what that entails, Commander," the President said grimly. "We will have to increase testosterone levels to offset this. Since, estrogen is a natural hormone; we are limited in what we can do. This isn't a virus or bacteria we can destroy," Commander said thoughtfully. "Estrogen is fairly harmless to the body, but it can hinder reproductive efficiency," the President warned. "You keep monitoring the situation for any additional increases, and I will work with the reproduction engineer team to counter its effects," Commander said. "Very good, Commander," the President agreed. Commander went over to the muscle departments to review their performance. When he got there, he found the muscle teams relaxing and not doing much of anything. "What the fuck is this?" Commander yelled. "What?" they asked him lazily. "Why are you not getting stronger? Why are you not training?" Commander raged. "Commander, we can only train when the body makes us train. It's out of our hands," they said. "Give me a report on the body's performance. How many pull ups can he do?" Commander asked. "At this point, zero," they reported. "You have to be fucking kidding me. He can't do one pull up?" Commander spat. They nodded and shrugged. "What about his run, his sit-ups, his push- ups?" Commander listed off. The muscle teams gave their reports and all of them were low. "I have failed this team. I have failed this team, because I haven't motivated you to be the best you can be. We're going to train until you puke your nucleus," Commander shouted. Despite the bad news, Commander had plenty of other reports that were good. "Hair follicles on the scalp have seen positive growth," one aide reported. "Very good, get out of my face," Commander said as he continued his tour of the body. "We're reporting growth in the pectoral region," another aid reported. "Finally, some muscle growth. Come with me," the Commander said pleased. However, once they got there the Commander was stunned. Instead of muscle growth, cell teams were carrying fat units and placing them near the nipple. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Commander raged. "We're depositing fat from other sectors to this sector," one said. " shit. Who authorized this?" Commander demanded. "We did it as a preprogrammed response to the estrogen increase in the body," they said. The Commander was frustrated but there was little he could do about it. "There could be some positive effects with this," one aide said. "Like what?" Commander said agitated. "Now, I have to worry about breast cancer cells in a male body," Commander said outraged. "The growth is very small," the aide said. "You know how difficult it is to remove this once it sets into place. Very difficult," Commander said displeased. The President and the Commander looked over a visual representation of the body. The increased estrogen had decreased testosterone levels, decreased sperm counts, and was halting male puberty. They were also detecting hormone blockers that were literally neutralizing testosterone hormones. "The body is losing weight dramatically, and it is been redistributed to other regions. We can't control the body's response to the estrogen, and we can't limit its flow," the President said grimly. "We're under attack," Commander realized. "It would seem so, my friend. There is nothing we can do," the President said. "We must alert Consciousness," Commander said boldly. "That is forbidden," the President said alarmed. "This is bullshit!" Commander ranted and stormed off. Commander got off the blood train and gathered with reporting officers. "The damage to the skin is quite extensive, Sir," one officer reported. "The hair follicles have been significantly damaged." "Is it permanent?" Commander asked concerned. "No yet, Sir." "What is causing the damage?" Commander asked. "It appears to be an electrical current that is targeting each individual hair follicle." "This cannot be random. We are under attack by the outside world," Commander figured. "Do what you can to repair these hair follicles." "Yes, Sir." Alarm bells went off as the skin was being cut. Commander immediately came to the scene, but it was already too late. "My God!" Commander expressed upon seeing the manifestation. Infantry white blood cells were attacking the foreign object without success. Above the pectoral muscle but underneath the nipple was a massive non- organic object. "Report!" Commander said to the infantry officer in charge. "The foreign object appears to be made of a plastic material. It deflects any bombardment," the officer replied. Artillery fired at the object but simply bounced off the surface of the plastic object. "What is inside the membrane?" Commander asked. "We're detecting the element silicon," the officer said. Commander paused as the infantry continued to attack. "Cease fire! If the membrane is breached, the silicon will poison the body." "Cease fire!" the officer ordered his troops. Commander looked over a screen displaying the effects of the foreign object. "Sir, the foreign mass has significantly altered the shape of the breasts," the officer showed Commander. "Holy fuck. It looks like a female breast," Commander gasped. "The appearance is superficial. The breast is not capable of lactating," the officer continued. "Then, what is the point?" Commander wondered. "I have no idea, Sir." Commander headed towards the sanitation department as alarms went off. "A foreign entity has invaded our sector," the sanitation head informed the Commander. The Commander observed as the large biological object made its way into the rectum. The Commander knew what the object was even if no one else did. The long object moved back and forth rubbing against the walls. "Our muscle groups have been unable to expel the object," the sanitation head reported. "Are there any tears in the membrane of the walls?" Commander asked. "We have a number of tears and leaks. We're working diligently to make repairs." "I have a bad feeling about this," Commander said. Suddenly white fluid blasted through the tunnel knocking a large number of workers off their posts and pushed them further down. The biological invader then departed from the tunnel leaving a large mess behind. "Clean this up," Commander ordered. A board meeting was set up with the President at the head. The department heads including Commander were present. "Fortunately, there have no additional non-organic additions inside the body. However, estrogen levels have continued to increase, testosterone levels have decreased, sperm count has decreased, and a number of departments have received damage reports," the President said. "Even if we wanted to get rid of artificial addition to the breasts, it would poison the body. The scar tissue around the entity has been dealt with," Commander said demoralized. "We have frequent invasions in the rectal cavity. There is no set pattern for these occurrences," the sanitation head reported. "We have determined that these invasions correspond with high levels of sexual arousal," the President said. "What's the point if there is no reproductive success?" Commander argued. "It is possible that these occurrences will promote greater sexual ability and therefore greater reproductive success in the future," the President said. "I doubt it," Commander said frustrated. Alarm bells interrupted the meeting. Commander immediately took off to deal with the new threat. Commander reached the groin area and saw crews working to deal with the extensive damage. "We have significant damage everywhere. We don't have enough men to deal with this wound," the officer in charge reported. "What's happening?" Commander demanded. "The scrotum has been cut open and the testes are exposed," the officer said. Commander could see a metallic object slice further into the scrotum and slice into the testicular tubes. White and red fluid flowed everywhere overwhelming the crews trying to make repairs. A metallic tool then dragged the testes away from the body. "My God! We are finished," the Commander said horrified. Despite their best efforts, crews were unable to stop the offensive from the outside world. The testes were removed, the scrotum torn open, the penis cut and disassembled. Commander looked over the large wound where the base of the penis used to be. "How did this happen?" the XO asked stunned. "There is only one way to know," Commander muttered. The two looked over the ruined reproductive system. The ability to produce sperm and deliver that sperm had been completely destroyed. "Reassign reproductive teams to other departments. They are no longer necessary," the Commander said sadly. The Commander stormed into the President's office. "I demand to speak with Consciousness," he said boldly. "It's not allowed. Not even I am allowed to speak with him," the President protested. "We have lost the ability to reproduce. If we do not act, we will lose the ability to live," Commander argued. "You do not understand, Commander. There is a gulf between the subconscious and the conscious. We do not interfere with Consciousness, and he does not interfere with us. It has always been this way. Do you want Consciousness to be burdened with every heart-beat, every bowel movement, and every nervous signal?" "Consciousness has betrayed the body. He will kill us all at this rate. I must speak with him," Commander insisted. "You think you can persuade Consciousness? Impossible. He is our leader. He is our god!" the President said. "Get out of my way, you coward," Commander sneered. Infantry soldiers came to the door dividing Consciousness from the rest of the brain and body. "Breach the door," Commander ordered. There was an explosion as the charges broke down the door. "No, do not do this," the President pleaded. Commander ignored the President and went through the broken door. "Stay here. I'll do this myself. If I do not come back, you are the new commander," Commander said to executive officer. "Come back to us, Sir," the XO replied. Commander nodded and walked into the unknown. He had never visited Consciousness before. No one had. He had violated the greatest commandment and taboo. As he approached Consciousness, there were two great lights. Consciousness had his back to the Commander staring at the two powerful lights. Consciousness was unlike any other cell or group of cells. He did not appear in the physical but as poor energy. He reached out with his hands touching a control panel while watching intently out the two windows to the outside world. The two great lights dimmed and then there was only darkness. Consciousness glowed like a bright light and turned to face Commander. "You are not supposed to be here, Commander," Consciousness said. His voice was soft but authoritative. "You are destroying the body. I have come to stop you," Commander said. "If you destroy me, the body will no longer function," Consciousness said simply. "I am here to reason with you," Commander said. "What is your argument?" Consciousness allowed. "You have destroyed the body's reproductive abilities. You have disfigured the body, damaged the body's systems, and threatened the very existence of all of us. You have betrayed us," Commander said. "You exist to serve me," Consciousness said coldly. "As your servant, I am obligated to save you from yourself," Commander replied. "Let me show you my perspective," Consciousness said. The two great lights appeared once more. "Come and see." Commander cautiously approached the two lights and saw the outside world for the first time. He could see through the eyes of Andre. Once he became used to the light, he saw Andre looking at himself in the mirror. "Is this the body?" Commander wondered. "This is all of us, the body of Andrea," Consciousness said proudly. Commander saw Andrea undress and look over herself in the nude. Commander could see the feminine looking face, the long hair, the hour- glass figure, and female-looking body. Andrea placed her hands on her hips in a feminine pose. "This body is male. What is the meaning of this?" Commander demanded. "I desire to present myself as a female to the outside world. I want to feel the estrogen flow through my body and mold my body," Consciousness said. "This is impossible. This body does not have the capability to conceive and give birth. Every cell in this body is an XY configuration. This cannot be changed by your desires," Commander argued. "There is more to life than reproduction, Commander," Consciousness replied. "What is our purpose if not to continue our genetic line?" Commander questioned. "Our purpose is happiness," Consciousness said. "I don't know what that is. It cannot be quantified," Commander said. "You cannot understand emotions and desires like I can. You cannot understand the sadness of being in the wrong body. You have never been a part of the outside world. You have not experienced the panic I felt when I discovered I was attracted to males. You have not felt the fear and shame of having to hide my feelings and emotions from those I loved. You have not felt the revulsion as my body began to grow into a man. You and your crews were working around the clock to make me the very thing I hated," Consciousness said. "And did you ever stop to think how we felt about your decisions? We have worked continuously to repair the damage you have done to yourself. We have been blind to your intentions this whole time. You never stopped to think how we felt as your body changed," Commander shot back. Consciousness stared at Commander and then looked down. "I'm sorry. I should appreciate what you and your crews do for me. But this is something I have to do for myself. I am a woman, now. You can help me, or we can both perish together," Consciousness extended her hand. Commander looked through the windows that were Andrea's eyes. He saw a naked Andrea embracing a man. They were kissing and holding each other. Andrea looked happy to be in his arms. Commander stared back at Consciousness who was smiling as she looked out the windows. "Well, what the hell," Commander said shaking Consciousness' hand. "Thank you, Commander, Consciousness said pleased. From then on, the body's operations continued normally. Commander halted operations to expel the silicone implants in the breasts. The mission to close up the wound in the groin was also put on hold permanently. With greater frequency, the body was invaded by a foreign penis. This time it appeared inside the wound that was now Andrea's new vagina. "Should we expel the invader?" the XO asked Commander. "No, let it be. We have bigger battles to fight," Commander replied. "What do we fight for now?" the XO asked. "The body is getting older. We fight to keep the body healthy so that she may live a long and happy life," Commander replied. "What is happiness?" the XO asked. "Son, I shall teach you. Come with me," the Commander said. The two walked towards a large crowd of foreign sperm cells. Commander approached their leader. "Where is the egg?" the leader asked panicked. "Calm yourself. There is no egg here," Commander said. "Then we are doomed," the leader said stunned. "Enjoy your time here, my friend. There is more to life than working," Commander said. "Very well, we shall be your guests," the leader said. The ground suddenly shook and muscles contracted violently. Workers became panicked as the walls moved in an orgasmic shake. "It's alright everyone. This is a good thing. Go back to your stations," Commander reassured everyone. Consciousness sighed as pleasure went through her. She stared out the windows enjoying the moment. "You sent for me, Consciousness?" the President asked timidly. "Yes, inform the men that there will be a few more tremors tonight," Consciousness smiled. "As you wish," the President said exiting the open door.

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She was cleaning up, ready to close her shop. It had been a tiring day, one of her helpers hadn?t shown up. She heard a bit of commotion from the remaining customers and when she looked up at first all she could see was a big bouquet of field flowers. After a second glance she recognized the silly grin above the flowers. It was the face of her current boyfriend. He told her he had a surprise for her. She hoped it didn?t require much thought since she was so tired. He waited for her to close up...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 21 The Magic Moment

The television switched back to the same newsroom we had been viewing earlier. The same anchor now had a visible stack of notes in front of him, but was looking at a teleprompter. "Hello again, this is Martin Sherman, and I'm anchoring the lead-in to tonight's Defense Forces Special as some people are now calling it. This show is here to demonstrate how someone with a six point five CAP or higher will select his companions. We have been told that this is actually more organized than most...

3 years ago
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Formfit Fantisy 1

This fetish story was developed with two pictures from my collection of 1950’s & 60’s era magazine and catalog scans. Hope you like it.The antique store was like so many others I had visited in the last few years. Aside from the collectable objects there was always a section of magazines, books, and other paper items stacked in some far away corner of the store. As a 70 year old retired accountant I had money to spare and adding to my collection was always on my mind. I pulled out a Ladies...

3 years ago
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Doctor Who Adventures in Sex and Time

I do not own the copywrite of any of the characters featured in these stories. The rights to these character belong to their respective owners. This is simply a product of Fan Fiction, take it as such. I will also feature fake nudes/fan art, I have not made these but I do not know the original artists (unless it's said in the picture itself.) I am not trying to take credit for things I have not made. Please do not rape. Rape is a fucked up thing to do. Leave it to erotic stories. This series of...

2 years ago
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The Liquor Store Part II Hooked

One night during casual conservation, I asked Michelle how she felt about inviting Mike over for dinner. I explained it would be a great way to show our appreciation for all the new business and be a treat for him to have a home cooked meal. She thought about it and said it would be a great idea, but didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable. Especially with what had happened before. She asked me to think about it. Secretly, I had been thinking about it. Even though during sex we had been watching...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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SharonChapter 13

Sharon was at Louise's bedside on the dot of nine and mother and daughter hugged each other. "How are you feeling, darling?" "A bit washed out but the headache's gone and I managed some breakfast. I've got to wait until the doctor sees me later but it looks as though I shall be able to come home today." "That's good. I was so relieved when Nurse Louise rang me last night." "She's brilliant. She never left me all night and held my hand and talked to me all the way through the...

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Dream Come True What Made Me Love To Watch

Let me tell you about 1 fantasy come true. It is a bit long and my grammar, spelling and punctuation aren’t the best in the world but bear with me and I hope you’ll enjoy reading it.I had had a relationship with Sarah (name changed of course) for years even though she was married. I was only about 18 when we started playing around and she is about 5 years older than me. She has separated from her husband and moved away now but I still think about her all the time as she was the best sexual...

2 years ago
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Why do sopranos go for tenors

What do you do if you are stupidly rich, I mean way up the world rich list? Well for men, fuck beautiful women for a start would be a frequent answer. I am no exception and I thought this as I wrapped my legs around a gorgeous busty red-head who was stark bollock naked. Though I should mention that she was my fiancé. Also one of the rising stars amongst operatic sopranos.I was dragged into her magnificent bust to my evident pleasure. Running my hands down her back I pulled her sopping wet fanny...

4 years ago
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The LibrarianChapter 19 The Community Expands

Janet, Misty, Leslie and Ralph had reluctantly headed back to campus shortly after Julie Ann's sally from across the street had failed to net her anything useful at Lesa's. Jake and Sara Jay were concerned that they had put Lesa off with their antics that morning by including Sarita. Lesa was able to convince them that all was well with their relationship by delivering some passionate kisses and intimate caresses. Leslie wanted to check in with Tiffany and maybe follow-up with Marvin and...

3 years ago
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Her face floats above me.   The flickering candlelight provides the only illumination in the room, highlighting her beautiful pale skin and creating sharp contrasts with her dark red lips and flushed cheeks.   The shadows of her curves compete with the sheen of light as it glistens from the thin film of sweat covering her delicious body.   She sits astride me as I lie flat on my back, with her hips undulating against mine.   Her strong thighs grasp at my hips as we rock together...

Love Stories
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Coach Esposito

You’re a gym teacher in my school and one day after a workout you change and go to get some coffee. coming back you hear a noise in your office you sneak in and see me 16 years old in my school uniform. I have your large sweaty jock strap in my hand and am sniffing it while rubbing my crotch through my skirt.You cough loudly, I drop the jock and retreat. I'm s..sorry sir, I say and try to run but you grab me and push me into a chair .Reaching down you lift up my skirt there is a little damp...

First Time
2 years ago
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Dad was driving me home from my eighth grade Science Club when a squall blew in. Sheets of rain suddenly poured down, and even though he put the wipers on full speed, the windshield was a watery mess. I could barely make out the green blur of trees along the road up ahead whipping back and forth in the wind. What had started out as a sunny, warm, early fall day had turned ugly really fast, but that wasn't too unusual for our region. I just felt sorry for the people who had been caught...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 20 Not In The Script

With the Kalinin's requirements well in hand, I had some time to spend on the video. I'd sketched out the framework for Rachel and she'd already let me have a storyboard and I'd set up to visit the Prep Centre to run through the script. I'd told them to let her have some decent clothes as long as she was behaving. When I got there I could see that she was making an effort to impress, she'd obviously been well enough behaved to keep the guards happy. Or maybe she'd been using some...

3 years ago
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Five Vials Fifth Vial

Victoria leaned against the door frame, arms crossed. She smiled down at the girl sprawled in front of her. Jesse stared up, wide-eyed. She tried to imagine the scene that Victoria must be absorbing; Jesse, exhausted and lewd, sprawled on the floor with her legs still splayed out. Her inner thighs were sticky and wet and smooth, coated in a lather of her own making. Under her seat, beads of intimate moisture formed strings between the cheeks of her ass, and she could feel her skin...

1 year ago
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Aunt Trisha

It was autumn and roughly thirty years ago. My Aunt Trisha had come to live with me and we had found each other after secretly wanting to since early childhood. For any who are interested, you may read the original story of how this came about. The short version is that we were both eighteen years old, Trisha being only two months younger than me, and we were living in my first home. The night that we discovered we both wanted the same thing was one I’ll never forget. Other similar nights...

3 years ago
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I Dominus The Hummingbird and Wolf Part two of three

The Conversation.Megan was seated at the back of the pub at a booth for two. I recognized her by the description Chiara provided me. I made my way to her to introduce myself. She looked up from her mobile phone as I approached and stared at me in silence.“Megan?” I asked with a chuckle.She nodded and cautiously asked, “Gil?” She was understandably nervous meeting with a complete stranger to discuss sexual desires and curiosities.I smiled and replied, “In the flesh. It’s a pleasure to meet you,...

1 year ago
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How i met my wife chapter 7

Joan has just finished fucking her three brothers and now I was able to slip my hard cock inside her . I was surprised that she was alert and still going strong and loving every minute of being fucked.Even after all of the cocks that fucked her and had released their cum inside her tight and tiny pussy she still wanted more. “I love your cock the best,”she said, staring into my eyes as it jerked and throbbed shooting my cum inside her . She had her hands on my chest telling me to keep going...

3 years ago
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Ok so I guess Irsquom bisexual then

So this was freshers week, I was staying in halls with all girls. There was the standard getting to know each other and then going out and getting very drunk. I was anticipating a lot of cock over that week. I was single, had my own room away from my parents and had long accepted that I was a little bit of a slut and it was freshers.I got to the halls quite early on the first day of freshers, so I got in and unpacked a few more girls started turning up and we got talking and arranged to go to...

2 years ago
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 14 The Good The Bad and The Unexpected

"I'm afraid the news isn't very good, Mr. Tyler," Dr. Demby began. "Most of the repair from your first accident has been undone by the second one. We are going to do our best to reconstruct the ligaments and tendons with some synthetic grafts, hoping that will give you some mobility in the knee. Luckily, there is no further sign of bone damage, so we won't need to do any knee replacement surgery yet. What we can't predict is how much mobility and flexibility you will retain. That will...

1 year ago
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My Wife His Property Ch02 Denial

It was already nine in the morning, when we both woke up in our hotel room. I had a headache, which was undoubtedly an after-effect of the alcohol we drank yesterday, and yet, all I could think about was what had happened last night. "Babe, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cu...... Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Echoed Olivia's lustful moaning in my head as I thought about her intense orgasm. Images of her popped up in front of my eyes and I saw, how she tensed up and held onto the bed while the dildo...

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It was my wifes turn to direct and watch

My wife and I have this on-going agreement. Each month one of us will set up an erotic encounter for the other. We do not disclose the details of the connection or even the time or date, but we agree that the one on the receiving side will go with whatever has been set and wait to give feedback after the adventure. When we first began to do this, we both sat and completed a form we received from a ther****t. It listed sexual fantasies, desires, goals, hard limits, and boundaries. We shared the...

1 year ago
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Blondies Wild Ride Part I

IThe night was filled with sound. Sirens in the distance, the rumble of cars over rough pavement, shouts of laughter and of anger, music spilling from boom boxes. Oakland. Even at midnight, you could see the heat shimmering on the asphalt. It hadn’t let up for two weeks now, wearing on everyone, setting tempers off as each night became a struggle to find a few hours in which to slumber in the relentless summer heat. It was just after midnight and she was walking home, her shift at the...

Group Sex
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The first time I was fucked

This is a follow-up to my first two stories. Please check them out if you want to read about my prior adventures. After my encounter with Devontae, all I wanted to do was go deeper into the rabbit hole. While the hook-up with Devontae did not go perfectly (he never orgasmed), I was incredibly aroused having now sucked two different cocks and rimmed my first asshole. As I mentioned previously, I no longer had any interest in practicing with my toys. Now that I sampled the real thing, I had no...

1 year ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 19 Man About The House

Allison looked up in response to the buzz from the front door of her flat. She had been worrying about the evening. She wanted to continue with her relationship with Lionel and she wanted to continue to explore her interests in dominance. She was also determined to stay in control her own reactions. It was going to be a difficult balancing act, she knew, combining her amusement with Lionel’s. She had thought hard about the evening, remembering June Calloway’s advice to plan things out. She...

3 years ago
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A Rainy Day

It was a cold, wet and dreary day, as Rain awoke alone in the big house. She would have liked to just roll over, pull up the sheets and go back to sleep, but she moved herself to get ready for the day with a hot shower. As she got dressed, she contemplated what to do and nothing inspired her. She resolved herself to having a boring day. Neva, her mother was shopping, her live-in boyfriend, Peter, was at work, her sister, Mercedes, was away on a trip.She faintly heard the doorbell ring, but...

2 years ago
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mrs stevens 2

As we were leaving, Julie came over not quite able to be bitchy anymore but still looking curious and a little dazed. "Aren't you guys having dessert?" she asked. Mrs. S was totally into the Lana character when she leaned over and whispered but not too softly "I need something sweet with a nice gooey cream filling so Stephen is going to fulfill me which he's so good at." Julie completely froze. We walked out, got in the car and drove off. It was incredible!I was feeling awesome as I drove....

1 year ago
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Out For A Drive

The day was quite warm, the bright sunshine beating down as the red mustang zipped along the country road. Tim watched her out of the corner of his eye, appreciating the short skirt Rita was wearing. He always got a twinge in the pit of his stomach when he thought of her, the way her legs wrapped around him when they made love, the feel of her skin, the smell of her. Tim felt himself growing just a bit from thinking about her. Rita was daydreaming about the night they had just shared. She...

2 years ago
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The Godmother Epilogue

“Is it like a pack of she wolves?” “No sweetheart not a P.A.C.K. and PACT – more like an understanding between like-minded women. We have all suffered the loss of sex for various reason and decided to join together to solve our mutual problems.” “That sounds so cool. How many more members are you looking for?” “We’re not evangelical – it’s not a recruiting agency. It’s just the three of us and the two husbands – John and your father. Richard is a bit of a stick in the mud so we felt...

1 year ago
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A Piece in the Game of Gods

A Piece in the Game of Gods By Morpheus Part 1 I was dead, and because of that, everyone else was probably going to die too. I'd been around the block enough times to know that this was nearly inevitable. "Come on!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet and yelling at my computer screen. "Where was the damn healer?" "A goblin got him," a voice answered from my headset. My friend Matt was playing the same online RPG that I was, and I could see his character on my monitor. He...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 268 Why Do I Do It

I got a block from the house then pulled the cruiser over. I made sure no one was hanging around or behind me before I made the call. "Vlad where are we?" I asked when he answered the phone. "There is a boyfriend and he is missing," Vlad said. "Does he have family that he is close to. If so pick me up one without being seen. Bring whoever it is to the drugstore, but make sure they have no idea where they are going. stick them in the trunk and park in back. Don't get any blood in your...

1 year ago
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Kiss Me First

"Veronica," dad called up the stairs, "are you in or out tonight?" "In." I called back as I struggled into a dress more than a size too small for me. I'd known that the dress was too small when I had taken it out of my cupboard; I'd bought it when I was sixteen and I had filled out a little in certain areas since then. I had also got a bit taller, thank God, and the dress, short when I'd bought it, was now a little too short for everyday wear, but it was just fine for wearing at...

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