CrosswordsChapter 3 free porn video

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I had to work the next morning at nine. Dad had just finished his breakfast when I came downstairs. He pushed his plate away and pulled his coffee closer before sticking his nose in the morning paper. Mom was already drinking her coffee and reading the arts section. Dad was dressed for work and Mom was wearing her everyday housecoat. As I made my breakfast, I wondered what she was wearing underneath the robe and whether or not she would honor her promise to show me her tits or if she had just said that to work me up, knowing she was doing it for only one time. I figured that if I rushed, I would have at least half an hour home alone with Mom before Dad got there. Maybe she’d show me then.

I watched Mom as I ate my breakfast. As with dinner so many nights ago, I knew Mom was aware of my observation even though she gave no outward indication that she was. Though there was no suggestive gap in her robe I let my eyes linger on her breasts, then let them travel slowly down her torso to her lap and along her thighs. I followed her bare leg from the point where the robe parted just above her knee down to her bare foot which dangled above the slipper that had fallen to the floor under the table. Mom had nice legs and I hoped I would have a chance to touch them again. I could hardly wait until my shift was over and it hadn’t even started yet. I looked at the clock. Maybe if I started a little early, I could get off sooner.

“I better get going,” I said, gobbling an entire half piece of toast.

“Slow down and eat your breakfast properly, Tyson,” Mom admonished me. “I thought you didn’t start until nine today?”

I was surprised that Mom knew my shifts. “That’s right,” I said.

“Well, then, eat properly.” Mom turned to Dad. “Gary, you should get going dear or you’re going to be late.”

“Oh,” Dad said, looking at the clock. “Yes, I’d better get going.”

He got up, drained his coffee and walked to the hall closet. Mom accompanied him and helped him with his coat, then picked his briefcase up and handed it to him, holding her face toward him for a quick peck before he turned and walked out to his car. Mom closed the door and walked back to the kitchen.

“Eat slowly, Tyson. It isn’t healthy to gulp your food.”

I looked at the clock. It was almost eight-thirty. If I ate properly, I wouldn’t be able to get home early. Mom was clearing away her dishes and putting them in the sink. As she returned to get Dad’s dishes, I resigned myself that I would get at most half an hour with Mom after work before Dad got home; not much time to see and sample her wares. I put another piece of toast into my mouth and my jaw stopped.

Mom was picking up Dad’s fork, very slowly. Her robe was undone to the belt cinching it at her waist and the top had fallen open, putting her tits on full display because she wasn’t wearing a bra or a nightie. Mom took the fork, all by itself, to the sink and returned slowly. I watched her all the way, fascinated by the jostling of her breasts as she moved. Mom put one hand on the table and bent over, very slowly, to pick up Dad’s knife, breasts swinging out from her chest. The robe was looser now, allowing more to be seen. Straightening up, she walked leisurely to the sink and returned just as slowly. The belt had loosened substantially and as Mom bent to pick up Dad’s cup, leaving the saucer behind, it came completely loose. Mom deposited the cup in the sink and returned at a snail’s pace to the table. The robe was gapping apart its full length and I could now see that Mom was completely naked. She wasn’t even wearing panties!

Surprisingly, Mom’s pendulous breasts lost my attention. Even those magnificent orbs couldn’t compete with the slash of hair now visible, now gone, then there again as the robe flapped across Mom’s front. She picked up Dad’s glass and very, very slowly held it up to look at it in the kitchen light on the ceiling behind my head, the light that wasn’t even on. The robe fell completely open as Mom stretched her arm up and I was treated to a full-on frontal view of Mom’s breasts, belly, and pussy. Her tits were divine, slinging down and jutting out with nipples just the right size atop nicely rounded swells of flesh. Her belly pouted out around a large, recessed navel poised just an inch or two above a narrow band of hair that dropped like a brown waterfall spilling on either side of the slit so plainly portrayed in front of me. I licked my lips ... actually licked my lips.

Mom looked down and smiled at me. She walked to the sink, deposited the glass, and regarded me with an even larger smile. I looked at Dad’s plate and saucer on the table and then swung back to her, waiting for the leisurely walk to begin. Mom didn’t move. She looked up at the clock.

“You’d better hurry if you want to touch them. You only have a few minutes.”

I leapt to my feet, almost falling over my chair in my hurry to get to her. Mom’s laughter tinkled through the room. I rushed up to her and then stopped, hands hovering over her tits. Slowly, with respect, I lowered them, looking in her eyes for confirmation that I was indeed allowed. Mom’s eyes sparkled, whether with amusement or excitement I didn’t know, nor did I care. I let my palms and fingers fold around her breasts, cupping their weight and squeezing gently.

“They’re magnificent,” I cried.

“Do you really like them?” Mom asked, arching her back and thrusting her nipples into my palms. “They’ve been around for a long time and they’re not nearly so nice as they used to be.”

“They’re perfect,” I gushed, swirling my hands around her orbs, trying to maximize tactile contact in the short time I had left. “Just perfect,” I repeated.

Mom giggled. “I’m so glad you approve, sir,” she laughed. Her hands curled around my neck and I dipped my head so I could watch her gorgeous tits moving in my hands. I tweaked her nipples, flicked them gently back and forth, circled them in my fingers and pinched and tugged them. I was thrilled when they stiffened and doubled in size and length in response to my manipulations. She may have been doing this for a purpose but I could see with my own eyes that Mom liked what I was doing and I could tell from her breathing that she was excited. When she stopped me, Mom was panting just as much as I was.

“It’s five to, sweetie. You have to go.”

I groaned and gripped her tits harder.

“No, it’s time sweetie. Away you go.”

Mom pushed me away. I straightened up, took one last, long look and turned away.

“Hey,” Mom yelled before I reached the kitchen door. “Aren’t you going to kiss them goodbye.”

She leaned back against the counter and laughed as I frantically made my way back to her. She cupped her left breast and held it up to me, feeding her stiff nipple into my mouth.

“That’s it, baby,” Mom cooed. “Suck it. Yeah, it likes to be sucked. Hard ... suck it long, that’s it. Ohhhhhh.”

I let my hands slip down to encircle Mom’s waist, steering it around in a small circle, or maybe I was just holding on while she churned her pelvis around. She pushed toward me and pulled away, arching her back to thrust herself into my mouth, her hands roving through my hair, guiding my head into the angle she wanted. She let me suck her breasts for all of three minutes. It felt like an eternity and at the same time, just an instant. Finally, she pushed my head away hard, as if convincing herself that it was time to quit.

“Go to work, baby,” she croaked.

Mom’s eyes were wild. With her hair so disheveled, she looked ... well, horny, really horny. My eyes left her tits, soaked with my saliva, and traveled down her belly to her pussy which sported a sheen of its own.

“Don’t,” Mom objected. “There’s nothing for you down there. Now, go to work, you’re late.”

Despite her words, Mom didn’t cover herself. Reluctantly, I turned away, thinking, Then why show it to me?

It was Thursday evening. Lynn would be home on Saturday; two more days. If I was going to get further with Mom, it had to be done before then, although I have to say, I had my doubts that my newly found but limited access to her charms was simply offered to dissuade me from seeking the same from my sister. That may have been the way it started but there were now three incidents in which I suspected the driving force had been illicit sexual titillation based upon the fear of potential discovery: Twice on the couch in front of Dad and once in my room in front of Lynn. The morning’s episode was due to raw, unsubdued lust, despite the lack of a potential audience. I wasn’t sure Mom could contain herself but I didn’t want to risk what I felt could be mine just in case she could. I had the feeling that anything was possible until Saturday, despite her denial, but after that the door could slam shut.

I rushed home and nearly got into an accident when I ran a red light. I didn’t even see it. All I could see was Mom waiting for me in the kitchen with a sexy smile on her face, still dressed in her unbelted robe with her tits and pussy fully exposed, one still sporting my saliva and the other shining from its own intimate dew. It was blind luck that I didn’t T-bone the one car in sight. Only the young mother’s shocked face — there was a baby seat behind her — pulled me out of my reverie. Thankfully, Dad wasn’t home yet. Shaking from my recent close call, and in anticipation of what I would find waiting for me, I hurried to the door.

Mom was on her cell, fully dressed in a conservative white blouse and medium-length black skirt with low heeled shoes. She was talking to Dad. She smiled at me and turned away, stopping when her profile offered the best view of the breasts pushing out her blouse. She was wearing a bra.

“No, I don’t need anything, dear. Just come straight home.”

Mom pulled the phone away from her ear, pushed a button to end the call and let the phone slide from her hand onto the table.

“You’re home early, sweetie. I thought you might have to work a little later to make up for this morning.”

Why was she reminding me about this morning if she wasn’t going to let me do anything else? That was just plain mean.

“But that’s perfect. I’d like to get dinner over early tonight so I can go out with the girls. Help me set the table.”

That was shoving in the knife and giving it a little twist. Not only did I not get to do anything this afternoon, but tonight was off limits too, and to serve it all up, I was reminded of the morning’s teasing by handling knives and forks, glasses and plates. Just swell!

Dinner was over quickly just as Mom wanted. She suggested I clean up by myself. Helen was picking her up, she explained, and she had just enough time to get ready. When Mom came downstairs, she had changed into a mostly black and dark brown blouse with swirls of orange and darts of yellow that highlighted her bosom which seemed much more evident and available ensconced within the silkier material. The new blouse dipped between her breasts far enough to provide a glimpse of the half-bra containing her not-so-motherly-looking assets. Mom pulled a lipstick from her purse and applied it in exaggerated fashion to her pouting lips in the entranceway mirror. When she was done, she grabbed a coat from the closet and walked into the kitchen where I was standing near the doorway. It seemed to me that Mom held her upper arms close to her sides which pushed her breasts forward but that may have been an illusion on my part.

“Wish me a good evening, Ty” she whispered for no apparent reason, holding her face up to one side for a kiss on her cheek. “It’s ladies’ night.”

I leaned down to kiss her cheek but she turned at the last moment and my mouth landed on her moist, pouting lips. Mom kept her lips closed but let the kiss linger for several long seconds.

“Muuahh,” she said, pulling away with a smack.

Mom handed me her coat and turned around. I dutifully helped her get it on and she walked into the living room to say goodnight to Dad. I followed and leaned against the jamb in the kitchen doorway. I heard a car pull into our driveway.

“Helen’s here,” I announced.

Mom stepped to the door. “Don’t wait up, Gary. I’ll probably be a little late.”

“Ok, dear. Have fun and say hi to Helen.”

Mom opened the closet, kicked off her low-heeled pumps and slipped a pair of high-heels on, holding onto the closet door to steady herself while she lifted each foot in turn. She smiled at me and winked as if including me in her conspiracy. She opened the door and looked back at me before closing it, her lips moving silently.

“See you later.”

I played video games all night and tried without total success to keep my hand off my cock. Visions of Mom, however, would not allow total abstinence. About ten, I sauntered downstairs and put the kettle on to make tea. I didn’t know what Mom meant by getting home ‘late’ because she didn’t go out very often without Dad. I just knew I wanted to be there when she got home with a pot of hot tea ready and waiting for her.

Dad was alternating between watching the news, reading a book, and nodding off. He was dozing when the tea was ready so I didn’t bother asking him if he wanted any. I sat down with a tall, narrow mug — the kind I favoured because I liked my tea plain and piping hot — and tried to finish some of Mom’s partially completed crosswords. I didn’t have much success. Like I said, I wasn’t very good at these and Mom did the hard ones. What I did manage to accomplish was a full size boner while reviewing the comments written into the puzzles that had started everything rolling between us. I played each incident that happened in the past two weeks over and over in my mind. I was stunned that so much had happened in two short weeks, weeks that had changed my life.

Dad was snoring. I wondered whether it would be better to have him sitting there snoring when Mom came home or upstairs out of the way. If he was there, would she sit down or wake him and go upstairs with him? She seemed to get off on the danger of his or Lynn’s presence so if he wasn’t there, would she just go up to bed? After all, she hadn’t been dressed in an encouraging way when I got home. Then again, the way she had mouthed her departing words at me after ‘secretly’ slipping into high-heels was definitely seductively played. I decided to take my chances with Mom alone. I didn’t want to furtively feel her up, I wanted another sexual experience like she had granted in my bedroom and the kitchen. In fact, I wanted even more. I’d get rid of Dad and make sure she knew I had hot tea ready for her — and biscuits, those European ones she loved. Where the hell were they?

“Dad.” I shook his shoulder. “Dad.” Several more shakes. “You’ve been sleeping for almost an hour. You should go to bed.”

“Is your mother home?”

“Not yet.”

Dad closed his eyes and slumped further into his chair. I roused him again.

“Dad. Mom said not to wait up for her. She’ll be mad if you sleep in tomorrow.”

Dad’s eyes opened. “Right,” he said, struggling to get up. I held out my hand and he pulled himself up. “Are you waiting up for her?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Good boy,” he said and shuffled up the stairs.

I rushed into the kitchen in a mad search for those biscuits. Mom could be here any minute. I returned to the living room and sat in Mom’s spot. I ignored the crossword book and watched TV instead.

I made three more pots of tea though I only drank the one mug. Each one got cold and the last one had also become decidedly warm when lights flashed on the windows from a car pulling into our driveway. A door shut and I heard Mom and Helen exchanging goodbyes. It was after midnight, almost twelve-thirty. I got up to meet Mom at the door but it opened before I could get there and she slipped inside, closing the door and leaning back against it.

“Whew,” she exclaimed. “That was fun. Is your father still up?”

I shook my head. Mom held her purse out to me which I took and held while she unbuttoned her coat. She shrugged it off her shoulders and handed it to me to hold as well. With one hand on the closet door, Mom leaned over to slip a high-heel off her raised foot. It appeared to be even more of a struggle than it had been to put it on. One would have thought the opposite would be the case. Half bent over toward me the way she was, I noticed that her blouse had slipped a button or two since she had left. Immediately, my cock began to tingle and swell.

“We danced and danced. We had so much fun,” Mom gushed.

She looked up at me and I blushed because she caught me looking straight down her blouse at her loosely hanging breasts. She was almost spilling out of the little black half-bra she was wearing. Mom smiled and switched feet, holding her hand out for me to steady so she could use the other one to remove her remaining shoe. Her tits jiggled and the blouse seemed to become even more revealing.

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I am 35, my wife is 26. We'd been married for about 3 years. It was my second marriage and my wife was a very horny girl.After we were married about a year, Rena told me all of her fantasies. Her biggest one was to be tied to the bed, blindfolded, ear plugs a hood over her head, total sensory deprivation. She didn't want to see, hear, or be able to move. And she wanted me to do this early in the morning and come in every hour or two and do anything I wanted to with her.She also said that she...

3 years ago
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My new persona Becoming a girl

I had just moved into my first apartment and needed to work out how to do the laundry. One of my neighbors had said there was a shared laundry room at the end of the corridor so I grabbed a bag of dirty clothes and threw on some shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops before heading down there.I walked into the room and started looking for a spare machine when I noticed a basket of ladies underwear just sitting on the side. I think it was just innocent curiosity that made me lift out the silk bra and...

2 years ago
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Love Vs Lust The 8216Riya8217 Diaries 8211 Part 1

Love and Lust both go hand in hand. A guy sees a girl and the first thing that comes to his mind is what it will be like to take her to bed. When the Lust develops from both the sides and it reached the bed, then the act is called ‘Making Love’. You can see how much they are correlated. It is generally seen that guys are more desperate for it as compared to the girls. Well it is true and false, both. True in the sense that since being a patriarchal society, men have always considered the fairer...

1 year ago
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Initiation Night

Fallon and I both broke into laughter. All jokes aside, I needed to have some questions answered. And I only hoped I didn’t turn up dead, or unable to be located somewhere. “So, I certainly don’t want to question a good thing. But, what’s with this stuff Dawn mentioned about being bound, being my servant, and me as her master?”  Fallon’s eyes narrowed. “Remember our discussion of power?” “Yeah, I remember.” “Come with me,” she said. “You’re a hard worker and you have begun to prove yourself. So...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Present

What a great day this is. Joe here, I'm 28, about 5'10" and, guess I need to include this, have about almost eight inches of dick. Oh, and I stay in pretty good shape.Today is my wedding day and I've finally caught the woman I want to spend my life with. Jill is around 5'5", nice B cup tits, a wonderfully shaped ass and very nice, strong legs.She was a wild one in her younger days but after we met things changed as things became more serious. Guess it was time for both of us to grow up.I'm...

4 years ago
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Getting Grandpa Up Ch 01

Holly and her parents were worried about her grandfather. He came to live with them a year and a half ago, after the death of his wife. As expected, he was saddened over his loss but about a year later he adjusted to this new phase in his life and was generally upbeat. This new pessimistic mood saddened Holly as he had always been so kind to her and they had a special, close relationship. Lately, however, he was crabby and depressed, affecting the whole family. No one knew what was going on...

3 years ago
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Activist Teacher in AfricaChapter 1

Clementine Francher stood with her back against the blackboard, wondering for the first time if she shouldn't have accepted the Foreign Teacher Corp's invite to the Sudan. "You misunderstand, Pavbi, I don't want to take my clothes off. I want you to put yours back on." "But Miss says Pavbi take clothes. I take yours now." "That was an example of grammar. You shouldn't have left your desk." The dark black boy tilted his head, clearly confused, and clearly engrossed in his...

1 year ago
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Same vali bhabhi ne chodi

Hi I am Sameer from Rajkot aa mari sathe baneli ghatna varnavu chu, hu 23 varshno chu ane average body no chu, mara gharni same ek bahuj saras bhabhi rahe che tenu figure 34 30 36 che te bahu j sexy dekhai che ane mane teo ghani vkhat line aapta, temno husnband marketing ma hovathi te ghani vakhat city ni bahar hoy che koi koi vakhat to 15 divas sudhi gharni bahar hoy che, have varta ni saruat karu, ek divas temna husband marketing mate bahar gaya hata ane te aetle ke swati tenu naam aeklij...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Texas Patti MILF Voluptuous Landlord Trade My Rent For Cum

Alex Jett just realized that is time to pay the rent, but he is just a broken DJ, he has no money. His landlord is the sexy voluptuous MILF Texas Patti and he decided to go talk to her. She is sitting on the sofa bed waiting for her money and Alex explains to her the situation. She is upset with him, sadly he has nothing to give and is lost in words. Texas takes control and advantage to satisfice her sexuals needing with a young male like Alex. After making him eats her pussy, Alex drops his...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 11 Naughty KittyCat

Zanyia “You’re so good for helping out Master and Mistress,” I purred, parting Josephine’s plump butt-cheeks. She lay on her belly on Kora’s bed in her room in the inn. It was a small room, a narrow bed, mattress stuffed with straw, shoved beneath the eaves. My tail brushed the rafters as it flicked back and forth, excited. “Every brother should know the joy of making love to his sister,” Josephine giggled as I stared down at her butt-cheeks, Master’s cum leaking out of her well-fucked...

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Please Dont Fix the Shower Part 2

"Mom, Dad it is okay please just let me be will you?" Joe pleaded with his parents to just let him deal with it all on his own as his mother squeezed him tightly."Oh baby I think I know what you need to do, to get over this." Lana said in a sultry tone as her husband looked on with an approving nod. She slowly moved her hand from Joe's shoulder to his crotch."Ah mom? Please stop what you're doing.""Shh baby just relax, Momma knows what she is doing. This poor teenage cock is all hard and...

3 years ago
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When Mommy Had Enough Chapters 3 and 4

WHEN MOMMY HAD ENOUGH Chapters 3 and 4 Copyright 2003 Stacilynn Brown [email protected] =3= After cleaning Thomas, Rachel sat him down with the twins and fed them lunch. "After you guys finish up why don't you change into your bathing suits and hang out with the rest of us around the pool?" The twins perked up at the thought, hanging out with the older girls sounded like fun. Thomas just sat there, playing with his food. The thought of sitting around with all...

1 year ago
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Father and Daughter Reunited

Every man loves his daughter - the apple of his eye!And daughters usually love their Daddies.But sometimes their love has more depth than you might have expected.0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0My wife and I migrated to Australia back in 1967 and we initially settled in Brisbane. We'd only been married for a week before we caught the boat to Australia, so although we already often enjoyed one another sexually; socially, we hardly knew each other; a true recipe for disaster, as it happened.My sweet little...

2 years ago
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Nanny Ne Ki Shaadi 8211 Part 1

Kaise hai aap log? Chaliye mujhe app log Sapna keh lijiye. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. Main ek bahut chubby ladki hu. Meri breast bhi 36C hai, and meri bahut sari fantasies hai. Ye unhi mein se ek hai. Umeed karti hu, ki isko padhne ke baad aapko apna lund hilana aur apni chut sehlani pad jaye. Ye kahani hai Rashmi ki, jo ki ek college student thi, and meri hi tarah kaafi hari-bhari thi. 20 saal ki naazuk umar mein uska jism kisi bhi shadi-shuda aurat se kam nahi tha. Waise to wo dikhne mein...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Adria Rae Sofi Ryan We Need Our Own Place

Sofi Ryan and Adria Rae are making out in Adria’s bedroom. When Sofi asks Adria if she’s sure her parents aren’t home, she assures her they won’t be interrupted. When her dad suddenly pops into her room to ask if she needs anything from the store, the girls are jolted right out of their make-out session. As he leaves, the girls realize that they’ve had enough with the interruptions: they need their own place! Sofi gets excited at the prospect of living with her...

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Summer of 1992Chapter 8 Taking Charge

"It's when they open their legs that you're in real trouble. Just when you think you're in, you discover they've closed their minds." Doug 1 July 1992 July 1, 1992 After a great night's sleep, I rose early, thinking I would catch Mr. Oldham at breakfast. Alas, he was already gone. I ate quickly, reminding Suzanne on my way out the door that I wouldn't be home for dinner that evening. Everything from the traffic to the elevator was slow that morning, resulting in making me late to...

1 year ago
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Lesbian that craves Dick

Brandi was a very attractive 19-year-old college student. 5’7”, 125 lbs, A firm 34-C, 24,34 figure and pretty face. She had long, light brown hair, which had been everything from blond to red throughout high school. She was a real looker who turned the heads of the guys on campus. The only problem for the guys is that Brandi was a lesbian and had no use for men whatsoever. She had discovered her preference early on in Junior High school and never experimented with boys to make sure of her...

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If Yourre 18 Lovea Father

Life can be utterly confusing, especially if you are an 18 year old hottie, in love with a man of the clothe. Read on!!! Rachel volunteered for a priest – a man of God. His name was Father David and he was a magnificent man, whose gigantic compassion for others was only equaled by the size of his cock. He was her mentor, and she was his Mary Magdeleine. Many months before when Rachel was only 18, she had met the Father late one night, while he was preparing for his Easter speech. She stayed...

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Making a Sissy 3

Making a Sissy By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Three "Well good morning, sleepy head," said Lynne, seeing his eyes pop open. "Did I wake you changing you?" "I was hoping I was dreaming?" replied Justin, looking down, seeing the edge of the dress and feeling her hands snap a waistband underneath it. "But obviously I'm not." "Well that depends on your perspective, little girl," said Lynne, tapping his thigh. "Let's get you up now, honey." "Oh gawwd, my voice is...

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Ashleys TailChapter 9

Next Thanksgiving “So, we’ve purchased more of the necessary property. We will own the massive estate closest to the mansion, giving us much more privacy and more space to build a proper temple and other necessary accommodations. This must ultimately Include vastly expanded living quarters, a massive nursery, our own clinic, our own school, a gift shop in time. Even a resort or hotel in time. A full community, though to complete it, we have more land to acquire. “Long term, we want to build...

1 year ago
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Fun At Coimbatore With My Cousin Sister

Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is my first story. I have been reading stories in ISS for past 1 and half years…. Now I feel like its my turn to share my experience too.. Well I’m Naresh(name changed) 21 years old, I live in Coimbatore. This story is to narrate about the encounter I had with my cousin sister. Her name is Nancy(name changed), she has quite a lot of hotness within her. Her figure is 32-28-34. SEX BOMB right? I know her for past 8 years. She is gem of a character. But things...

3 years ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 33

Jamal’s mother needed to get a job because that racist President Trump cut off her food stamps and she needed Jamal to look after his younger brother Lemond after school. Lemond was only 11 years old and hadn’t had his growth spurt yet so he was shorter than many of the sluts in Tyrone’s stable. Since he was spending so much time at his Uncle’s complex, Jamal had to bring Lemond along with him. The white sluts loved him. They could see that he was in awe of their tits and ass and pussies....

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The Cleaners

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Story....I just lost my job, 2 month ago. My friends were little help in finding me another one. It had been close to 4 years since I had to fill out a resume and go on interviews. First I was living week to week. Now I'm living day to day. Eating noodles and bumming day old pizza from my friends. I even had to use the bathroom at a local gas station, because my water got shut off in my small apartment. I was dreading having to see my landlord at the end of the week. I...

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Rebecca Edwards was forty-six years old, though you'd be forgiven for thinking her ten years the junior of that age. After growing up in Southampton in the UK, Rebecca's family moved to Houston, Texas as her father took a new job. Rebecca grew into a very beautiful young woman. She had shoulder-length, light brown hair. Her green eyes were sharp and were naturally framed by voluminous eyelashes. She had a cute, but highly structured face. She grew to five-foot-nine-inches tall, with a lean and...

Straight Sex
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HouseguestPart 5

I passed the time over the weekend Dara was at the resort by working and doing chores around the house. Monday morning, I awoke about 5:30 with a raging erection which didn't seem to repond to my wish that it would subside. I laid in bed listening to the sound of the shower in the main bathroom, and knew Dara had come home sometime in the night, and was up early. The thought of her naked body in the shower only made my erection harder. Finally, I decided to go get a cup of coffee, and threw on...

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Mere Dost Nay Khola Meri Mom Ka Blunda Darwaza

By : Jaipal Hi readers this is Jai pal hair again with new really story of my mom. Thanks a lot for your good response for my old story, this is new and real story of my mom. Mom ka size dubara bata deta hoon Mummay: 40 Kamar: 36 Gaand: 40 Hamara aur bhupi ka ek common dost hai Deepu. Uska ghar double story hai neechay wala complete hai jahan pe who rehta hai aur upar wala abhi under construction hai furnish nahi hua hai par chat pada hua hai. Deepu ne apnay birthday pe close frds bulaye...

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Haruno Sakura

All stories have it so that sakura is 18+. stories dont have to be in the naruto verse, but need to start there. and all must have some sexy side to them. Each story will have its own intro so look at this as more of a billboard to select your story of choice. So what story do you want to read?

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A Tale Of Sex With My Married Friend

Hi readers, I am sharing my experience after a long time. Hope you will enjoy it. Sorry for the delay and thank you for your previous sex stories feedback and comments. So moving into the story, she was my college friend and she got married a few months ago. We were great friends and very close and I never had any sexual intention towards her until that special day. She has medium skin tone and has average structure but after marriage, she had gained some weight and was looking hot. She got...

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Gotcha! By Donna Stevens "Nice outfit, Steve!" I froze as I heard the voice behind me. Natasha, my wife, who should have been out for the day, had returned after only half an hour. I could feel her eyes burning into me, but I didn't dare to turn around. My biggest fear, my secret, was out. My wife had just discovered that she was married to a cross-dresser and things would never be the same. "Wouldn't it be polite to look at me when I'm talking to you?"...

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NubileFilms Nelya Jorden Enough For Two

Nelya Jorden is an insatiable hottie who can’t get enough of cumming. She starts her afternoon reading a journal that’s filled with sex tips. Of course, any talk of sex gets this hot number’s motor running. It’s not long before her hands trail across her breasts, fondling her nipples. When she realizes that she’s past the point of no return, she sets the magazine down to concentrate on her own pleasure. Instead of relying on her fingers, Nelya turns immediately to...

4 years ago
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Crash for a Night Part 1

Here is a little about myself: I am a 30+ year old closeted bisexual. I have had a few encounters with other men (all of them are documented in other stories). But in reality 99% of my sexual encounters have been with women. I live alone in an apt with 1 bed room in NYC. The story starts online...on Facebook. A friend from undergrad reached out to me saying that he had an interview for a job in the city and that he wanted a place to crash. Initially I really didn't want to because I am kind of...

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