The Escape Chapter 3 Consequences
- 2 years ago
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It was the 45th of the Sixmonth at 20:15 hours when Golden Knight, Princes Manria, and IGN404 reached their assigned orbital position over Ananu. This placed them 3000 km below and 500 km ahead of the Dóchas ships. Once they had settled into position Star said to the Command Staffs, “Alana’s team is now on board IGN404. All passengers are gathering in their respective ballrooms and dining areas.”
Alana said, “Good evening Command Staffs. It sure is nice to be home.”
Aoife responded with, “We can certainly understand that feeling.” Sarah, Siobhan, Melissa, and the others who had traveled to An Clochán added, “Yes, we do.”
“While we are waiting for everyone to get settled, we have a couple of items,” said Alana. “After the passengers are moved some of our staff, along with two Security teams, will remain to assist Zyworki. The other Iridien Spec Ops teams will be assisting as well.”
“That is a lot of man power, is there that much of a threat from the crew?”
“We don’t think so but we are being very cautious. Zyworki’s team is the lead in dealing with the them. Zyworki has sent a courier to his Command Center with a report outlining the issues with IGN404’s crew. When we offered continued assistance, he immediately accepted. We indicated that the offer included assistance from our Security and Intelligence groups.”
“Good thinking and yes,” replied Sally. “Clarence and Muireann have identified a group who can assist them. They probably shouldn’t come over until the passengers are relocated.”
“Good. We’ll let Zyworki know of their availability. As to manpower, we will likely reduce it in a few days.
“We think we can cut back on the number of cruisers near us but thought we ought to talk with you all before releasing them. Four cruisers should be more than sufficient.”
“That is fine. Release those not needed back to their ships,” said Melissa of Siobhan’s Clan. “We’ll probably start rotating cruisers through those slots.”
“Even though we’ve only had time to skim your report, it appears to be very thorough and we are certainly impressed,” said Sarah. “Let’s plan on reviewing it tomorrow or the next day, depending on how the relocation of the passengers progresses. All the Security and Intelligence departments have a copy, so they may contact you about it.”
“Okay. There is one piece missing, which is the Spider data. Since we’ve been in system we received some, so we’ve started rotating them and downloads have begun. We started with those in areas that we thought would have important information.
“It looks like the passengers are all here so we can start when everyone is ready.”
“Good. Unless you need assistance before then, let’s shelve this discussion until we get together.”
Edana said, “We are ready on Princess Manria.”
Vanessa said, “We are ready on Golden Knight.”
Together the Command Staffs then said, “Good evening everyone and welcome to Celia System. We are very pleased that you’ve arrived safely. You are in time for our first Landing Day celebration which will be in 8 days. We had hoped that all of you would’ve had a pleasant voyage. Unfortunately we learnt this morning that those on IGN404 had to put up with some unpleasantness. For that we apologize. Although it was unpleasant, we hope you feel that our Staff and Security teams did everything they could to remedy the situation. Having heard about the conditions on IGN404 we believe all of its passengers should be moved to another location. Doing this creates some issues but they appear to be solvable. As was indicated before, it will be at least 6 months before we have permanent residences at Tara Ardchlár.
“We do have temporary residences there, but there is not enough room for everyone on IGN404. However, there is room on Princess Manria, Golden Knight, and our 7 Dóchas class ships. This gives us more than enough space to accommodate everyone from IGN404.
“Now before we explain how we intend to do this we should tell you a bit about the facilities at Tara. These are under very large dome tents which is divided into living areas. These areas are similar in size to those we have on our ships for sleeping and relaxing. For your other needs, there is a community toilet and shower area a short distance away. There is a covered walkway between the two. A dining area is nearby which is also where those working at Tara eat. Meal service is very similar to what you experienced on the ships, in that it is open around the clock and has four scheduled meal times.
“The first step in the move is for those on IGN404 to tell our Staffing department your preferred choice of where to live. If you are on Princess Manria or Golden Knight and wish to move, please tell the Staffing department. Since we would like to begin moving people off of IGN404 in the morning, please make your preferences known this evening. Some of you are probably thinking ‘what if I don’t like where I have chosen?’; well if that is the case then you need to talk to staffing at that time as it may be possible to move again. You can contact the Staffing department using your communicator or iPad.
“Today is the 45th day of the Sixmonth. We would like have all the moves completed by noon on the 47th. We have a family meeting planned for the evening of the 47th. No doubt some are wondering what we mean by a family meeting. It will be similar to the meetings that you’ve been having during your journey. Here, each ship has a crew meeting nearly every day. Note that we consider everyone living on a Dóchas class ship to be a crew member. A ‘family meeting’ is when the meeting includes all ships as well as those at Tara. We suspect some of you find this concept hard to believe. You are not alone in that as others thought the same until they experienced one. We believe that telepathy plays a significant role in making it possible and effective.
“If you haven’t noticed, we are speaking verbally as well as telepathically. We’ve chosen to speak this way as we are not sure that everyone is comfortable communicating telepathically. Between now and the time we have a family meeting our communication equipment will be set up on Golden Knight and Princess Manria.
“One last item. Once all the moving is complete there will be regular shuttle runs between ships and to Tara Ardchlár. Our learning centers are on the Dóchas class ships, there are also a few at Tara, however these are not set up for instructional use.
“If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask any of us. Again, we are glad you chose to join us on this great adventure. That is all we have for now. Good night.”
“Well done,” said Kara and Alana.
“How did the passengers react to it?” asked Jill.
“I would say that they are pleased,” responded Alana.
Maeve said, “Hello Kenshin, Mark, Egan, this is Maeve of Sarah’s Clan. How did the passengers react to our announcement?”
“This is Mark. They were somewhere between quite pleased and ecstatic.”
“Did Alana indicate that I was going to assist Zyworki with interviewing the crew?”
“Not explicitly. We don’t have any objections, but you should still let Staffing know where you want to call home. As to our interest, we see this as a way to gain a better understanding of what occurred, its contributors, and what we missed.
“There is also a need to establish the true cost of using the ship. It was obviously less than the contracted amount. What is your interest?”
“I agree with your goals. I’m interested in seeing what occurred here and hearing some of the conversations, I think there is more to this than we suspect. Zyworki seems to agree. While some of the crew’s comments are reasonable some are not. It is quite possible that this involves others, so how, why, and what is their interest?”
Rusty said, “Sounds like old times, and it will be interesting to hear what you learn.”
“Well only in the sense of my involvement in this operation. At least here I feel like I am on the team. That wasn’t always the case before.”
“Understood. Along with what it will cost us for the use of the ship we need an idea of the costs for transporting a passenger in terms of Iridien currency. To go along with that, it would good to know the value of a metric ton of cereal grain and a metric ton of steel in Iridien currency.”
“Good points. Much of that information should be here on the ship.”
“We agree. Keep us up to date.”
“Maeve, this is Kenshin. The passengers on Princess Manria seemed pleased with the announcement. Based on questions they asked afterward, I think quite a few are interested in moving to either Tara Ardchlár or one of our ships.”
“Please remind them that learning centers are only available on our Dóchas Class ships so they will need to go there to use them. Based on what I’ve heard, they will find these terminals to be much more effective than those they were previously using. They will also have more solo time using them. We need to make sure everyone has completed the skills inventory. Many have been surprised by the results, and that is in a good way.”
“Maybe I ought to complete the inventory so that I can speak from experience.”
“It typically doesn’t take very long. Ask one of the Security team members to arrange it for you.”
“I’ll do that. Thanks.”
“Maeve, this is Egan. The reaction of the passengers on Golden Knight was very positive. I’ll pass on the other tidbits I’ve just heard. A quick question. Carine is anxious to see your children again. How can I set that up?”
“In part you already have. I now have a fresh telepathic link to you, so when we see the children later I’ll have them contact you and you can bring Carine into it. There are other ways to do it, but in this case that is the easiest.”
“Mark, Kenshin, Egan, thanks for the feedback,” said the Command Staffs. “If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. This exchange should have refreshed your links with us.”
“Yes,” replied Egan. “They are much clearer now.”
“We agree,” added Mark and Kenshin.
“It’s dinner time, so we will chat with you again soon,” said Maeve.
Several days after the family meeting Sarah’s Clan was leaving the dining area at Tara Ardchlár when they heard, “Sarah’s Clan, do you have a moment?” Since they didn’t recognize who was speaking they paused to look around, and saw several people coming toward them waving.
“We have some time,” they responded as they turned and walked toward the group not noticing that Ge and Lil were following them.
“We’ll be right there.”
“No hurry,” responded Janet.
When the group reached them Rosina said, “Good afternoon,” then introduced herself and the others with her. She then added, “I hope I wasn’t being to forward by reaching out to you telepathically, especially since I hadn’t met you.”
“You weren’t,” replied Joyce. “Our hesitation was because we weren’t sure who called to us.”
“That is understandable since we’ve only been here a few days.”
“So, how do you like it?”
Li Yan said, “It’s great being here and better than I dreamt, much better. The first few days of the trip were great, but then the attitude of the crew seemed to change. Once the Security teams took control it was better but still a little unsettling. Thank you for arranging for us to move. We are on Taiséalai now and really like it.”
“Do you know what was behind the crew’s actions?” queried Rosina.
Sarah’s Clan laughed and then Sally said, “Some of it, and it seems to be a rather complex set of interactions.” With that she gave a short summary of what they knew. “Basically, their scheme didn’t work because the drug they used has no effect on many of us. When our people noticed it many passengers were already partially under its influence. It was at this point that our people took over the kitchen facilities, and then the ship. You are likely familiar with what happened after that.”
“Sort of,” responded Rosina. “To me events are clear, then cloudy, then clear again with no sharp transitions. We are thankful that they were caught. What will happen to them?”
“The Iridien Spec Ops have sent their Command Center the information they’ve gained from the crew. With it they’ve requested guidance on what to do with the crew and ship. So it may be a month or more before it is sorted out, but it could be quicker as it is tying up three of their units.”
“Isn’t it unusual to use Spec Ops like that?” queried Gavin.
“Yes, for some that is true,” said Rusty. “For us and those from Alliance of Worlds, Spec Ops teams have a broad set of skills. They command their ships, and depending on the ship there could be additional crew under that command. Those ships serve as either a tactical weapon in space or transportation to a planet to resolve a tactical situation. For instance, our Badb cruisers are designed for Spec Ops operations although we use them in many other ways. The Badb-2 cruisers are designed to be more of a tactical weapon and typically have a larger crew. With those additional capabilities they provide more defensive support for Dóchas class ships. However, being larger they aren’t as stealthy as the Badb ships. Besides escorting our ships the Badb-2s can serve as escorts for commercial ships. So, a Spec Ops team operating a passenger ship is unusual, but it is within their skill set. Operationally, in open space the two types of ships are very similar, the main difference being their response time to command. This difference is similar to the difference between operating a small boat and a large ship.”
“That makes sense. Were all the crew members involved?”
“We don’t think so. Some seem to have had suspicions about what was happening but their duties kept them fairly isolated, or at least it appears that way.”
“We didn’t intend to delay you this long,” said Rosina. “When we saw you we saw it as an opportunity to personally offer our thanks for giving us, our friends, and family a path to get here and out of harm’s way.”
“Well we are glad you all remembered its availability when you needed it,” replied Terry. She then added with a smile, “As to being ‘out of harm’s way’, saying that is almost tempting fate.”
“You may not believe this,” responded Li Yan, “but when I went back to Earth for that ‘job of a lifetime’, I almost didn’t take it. However, knowing I had it gave me a warm feeling. It was like a link to the good times I had with you all. A very good friend and I went back to Earth to work for the same company. We were close and spent a lot of time together. With both of us working at the same company we planned to continue our relationship. After a few months the company sent us to different sites. Even so we stayed in almost daily contact with each other. This lasted for several weeks, perhaps a month or so, then her emails suddenly stopped. Those I sent were not answered nor returned. I didn’t have any other way to contact her. It was only a short time after that that we were told to cease all off-site communication. All outside communication had to go through our supervisor. With this change the job slowly became a nightmare for all of us, especially those of us who had had any contact with you all. Then one night I had a dream about when I was working for you. This dream reoccurred several times until the part about a safe harbor made sense. Before I invoked the safe harbor request, and because I didn’t know what would happen after I initiated it, I was especially friendly with a few obnoxious overbearing supervisors in the hopes that they would take the blame for whatever happened.
“After I arrived at An Clochán I learnt that a similar request had been used to rescue my friend and quite a few others. Anyway, I think all of us consider ourselves very lucky to be here. Our intent today was just to express our thanks to you personally.”
“We are glad to have you back with us,” responded Sarah’s Clan both telepathically and verbally.
Aoife followed this with, “Li Yan, have you found your friend here?”
“Yes. I had a chance to speak with her yesterday. We talked for a few minutes and she seemed very different from the person I knew. I am glad she is safe and well. Perhaps we will become close friends again.”
“The activities taking place at some of the sites on Earth were shocking to see, and living with them was likely a real living nightmare,” responded Judy. “It is taking some a lot longer to heal and put those memories behind them. We think all of them will fully recover. As to those running the sites, they are no more.”
To shift the focus Janet asked, “What did you think of our family meeting a few days ago?”
The group laughed and Rosina said, “At the time we thought it was the most amazing thing we had ever seen. After thinking about it, it really reminded me of the meetings we had when I worked at An Clochán. As for those experiencing it for the first, I think all were pleasantly surprised.”
“Did you think it helped with understanding the direction we are taking?”
“Yes,” responded Li Yan, “definitely. I see us becoming a large extended family before spreading out. For me, by taking the approach we are we maintain our security while growing our technical knowledge base as we build a home. I am not sure we could accomplish all of that if we split into small groups spread across the planet.”
“I agree,” added Gavin. “The attack you repulsed several weeks ago sort of highlights the security issue.”
“Oh that reminds me,” said Rosina, “congratulations on being elected to the Council of Celia.”
“Thank you.”
“What do you think of the learning centers?” asked Janet.
Gavin replied, “Now that my telepathy is fully functional, I think they are great. There were some aspects of my skills assessment that surprised me, but after thoughtfully considering the results, I can’t find any fault with them. In fact it is likely that I wouldn’t have noticed some of the points raised. I was surprised by my knowledge weakness in areas that I thought I was pretty strong in. Guess it just means I need to study more.”
Several of Sarah’s Clan chuckled before Sarah said, “We still have those surprises.”
Erin said, “What are you all doing this afternoon?”
“We came down to help prepare for the Landing Day Celebration,” replied Rosina.
“I am glad we arrived before it took place,” added Li Yan.
“We need to find the group we are here to assist,” said Gavin.
Li Yan said, “I’ve enjoyed chatting with you all and again, thanks for assisting us in reaching a safe harbor.” As she spoke the others in the group nodded in agreement.
“We are pleased to have you here with us.”
After they exchanged hugs, the group watched Sarah’s Clan head for their shuttle. They had only gone a short way when Rosina softly said, “May the Gods and Goddesses walk with you as you lead us into the future.”
“What did you say?” asked Gavin.
“I asked the Gods and Goddesses to walk with them as they lead us, although I didn’t say it quite that way.”
“So you think that there are deities here?”
“Yes! This is a beautiful location, as is the whole island. While a God or Goddess probably didn’t get into the details, it is easy for me to believe that they guided its development.”
Before Gavin could say anything more Li Yan said, “We need to find the group we are to help.”
“You know, now that I think of it, the Órarduine have always referred to deities as Gods and Goddesses.”
“Sometimes the Mentors almost seem like Goddesses, but that is based on what I think a Goddess should be like.”
“You’ve raised some interesting questions,” added Li Yan. “So, who are the deities here? Are they the same as Earth’s? If they are different, is there more than one? How will we learn who they are? How do we show thanks? I could go on.”
“I think that is enough for now. With respect to Earth, some read more into the commandments than is stated. Ah ... there is the group we are to help.”
“We thought you all would be here earlier,” said Eyna.
“We saw Sarah’s Clan and stopped to give them thanks.”
“Yea,” replied Li Yan, “we thanked them for getting us out of the craphole we willingly fell in to.”
When the laughter died down Rosina said, “An accurate description for an episode in our lives that hopefully will not have reenactments, or even reruns.”
“Not sure what you mean but we’ve a lot to do during the next few days.”
It was approaching 05:00 hours on the 3rd day of the Sevmonth in orbit over Ananu when Alison muttered, “Wow.”
“What?” asked a startled Alena.
“Well, we went to bed a little on the late side, shared our love, had a good night’s rest, and we are still up early.”
“It wasn’t all that late when we went to sleep, and I did sleep very well even though I dreamt about us.”
“The same for me,” said Joyce.
Alena said after a moment’s pause, “Do you realize that our dreams were almost identical? Well they were identical apart from the fact that I think each of us had a different perspective.”
“I agree,” added Janet after a moment. “This is the first time I can remember each of us having essentially the same dream.”
“We’ve had similar ones before,” mentioned Claudette.
“Yes, but I don’t remember them being nearly identical except for perspective.”
“We should wait and see if it happens again,” said Aoife, “before we draw any conclusions or try to determine if there is a reason behind them.”
“Agreed,” replied everyone.
“I’m going to exercise,” said Sarah as she moved toward that area along with Rusty and Alison. “We need to be in the hangar at 06:00 hours as dawn is at 06:50.”
“We’re coming,” replied several spouses.
They had just finished putting on their formal ceremonial robes when Aine arrived. “Good morning, Aine,” said Sarah’s Clan.
“Good morning. You all look great.”
“So do you,” said Alena.
Aine was wearing a silvery white robe that was identical to the rich purple coloured robes Sarah’s Clan was wearing. As she moved the material of her robe shimmered. It was very similar to the way the Órarduine’s robes shimmered when they moved.
“Thanks. It is really comfortable although it does feel strange to have something constantly touching my body. Our stay with you this time has been much longer than previous visits so I suspect I’ve adapted to being essentially naked most of the time. In spite of that all of us really like the way this fabric feels and looks. It is so comfortable that we may wear it on some of our trips.”
“We agree with you, it feels strange to be wearing a covering and not working. The soft way it slides over our legs when we walk is a bit arousing. I think once the ceremony is over we will likely opt for our normal appearance.
“So, your sisters are wearing robes as well?”
“Yes. I suspect we will put them away right after the ceremony.”
“We plan on doing the same.
“That robe really gives you a regal appearance, so much so that some may think you are a goddess.”
“The same is true for you all. For some groups we meet being thought of in that way would be a concern, so we will likely continue wearing our traditional costumes. I like the way you’ve placed the Órarduine mark on the back of your robes.”
“We considered putting just one large mark on the back, but with the opening for our mane it didn’t look right.”
“It looks great. The way it is shaded the 3D aspect of the symbols embedded in the octahedron really stand out.”
“Are we ready?”
“Are the children going with us?”
“They told us that they would meet us there,” replied Sarah.
“Sarah, I think they actually said that they would meet us later on Ananu,” added Alena. “In any case, they either left before we woke up or they didn’t come back last night.”
“They are up to something,” said Joyce. When she noticed Aine’s expression change slightly, she added, “I’ll bet Aine knows something.”
“Well, not really.”
“Okay then, you have a suspicion.”
“That may be closer. If it is what I suspect then you will like it. It is time, let’s go.”
They met Amy’s Clan and Morrigan at the entrance to the hanger bay.
After greeting each other Rusty looked around and said, “It’s been a long time since the hangar was this empty. Now, it looks strange and also a bit unsettling.”
“Yes, it does,” replied Jim of Amy’s Clan.
“See you on the island,” said Jill of Sarah’s Clan as the two clans moved toward their shuttles.
“Yes,” replied Amy’s Clan.
One after the other the shuttles carrying the Command Staff Clans slowly moved away from their parent ships. Each then turned toward Ananu’s North Pole as they moved into a chevron formation before beginning their descent toward the planet. The shuttle carrying Sarah’s Clan led the formation, with subsequent positions being in order of acceptance of the Command Staff role. Once they were well north of Gaillimh Island they made a sweeping turn to the west as their descent continued. Their turn continued until they were heading east toward Gaillimh Island. This approach would bring them to a special landing area just short of the eastern knoll.
A large number of Órarduine were already assembled around the new pavilion on the eastern knoll with more arriving. They were gathered in a circle around the knoll’s crest with an opening between the landing area and the pavilion. The open air pavilion was centered on the knoll’s crest. The pavilion consisted of 4 levels of octagons with each centered on the one below. The sides of the top octagon were 4 meters in length. Descending from the top, the radius of each level increased by 3 meters. At the corners of the lowest level stood 4 meter tall round columns with a beam at the top connecting them to adjacent columns. Centered on the top level stood a large Órarduine mark, with one apex of the octahedron resting on a pedestal.
When the Command Staffs’ shuttles were on final approach they shifted to single file. Sarah’s Clan landed first and once they disembarked they formed four columns and began walking toward the octagon. As they took their first step the musicians began playing the Órarduine March.
As Sarah’s Clan began moving their shuttle lifted off to let the shuttle carrying Amy’s Clan land. Amy’s Clan exited to also form four columns and begin walking toward the pavilion. Amy’s Clan was followed by Siobhan’s, Maureen’s, Keriann’s, Kathryn’s, Molly’s and then Jackie’s Clans. The timing was such that each Clan reached their position around the pavilion at the same moment. Sarah’s Clan was at the eastern-most side flanked by Amy’s and Siobhan’s Clans.
As each Clan reached their position, they paused and then turned to face the pavilion. At each point of the octagon’s second level stood a mentor. Aine was at the point between Sarah’s Clan and Siobhan’s Clan. Morrigan was at the point between them and Amy’s Clan.
With everyone in position, the Órarduine mark began to slowly rotate on each axis in a random pattern. This gave everyone an opportunity to see each face. At this point the Command Staffs stepped onto the platform. After a few moments the images on the octahedron’s faces began to alternate between the image of a Command Staff and the Órarduine mark. This continued until the music stopped.
The Mentors then said as one, “We are gathered here this morning to hear these eight clans accept the challenge you’ve asked of them. By their actions today they commit to being the first members of The Council of Celia. Each clan, in the order that they were chosen for the position of Command Staff in the Órarduine World, will in turn say the oath.”
Just as the sun broke the horizon the Mentors said, “Sarah’s Clan.” As they spoke a golden glow began to slowly illuminate the pavilion and its immediate area. Its appearance and the resulting glow prompted a collective gasp from the audience. Those who took a moment to look around were puzzled as there didn’t appear to be a source for the light.
As one Sarah’s Clan said, “In the presence of the Gods, Goddesses, and our family we, Sarah’s Clan, as one and as individuals, do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that we will maintain the Constitution of Celia World and uphold its laws, that we will fulfill our duties faithfully and conscientiously in accordance with our Constitution and laws, and that we will dedicate our abilities to the service and welfare of the people of Celia World. May the Gods and Goddesses continue to direct and sustain us.”
“Amy’s Clan,” said the Mentors.
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I had been having a pretty good day up until the point when my car blew up. Lets back up though because my car didn't just decided to blow up, it was blown up, by a witch, who I was hunting, well tracking down, she had unpaid traffic fines. Listen adventuring isn't what it used to be. Let me explain a bit though, my name is Alex, I am an independent contract adventure working for the local DMV in this case. I was supposed to deliver these tickets to a witch who lived out in the forest, pretty...
FantasyHi again, boys and girls! It's wonderful to see you. I thought we could catch up on what our friends are doing. They're all grown up now, and are going new places and learning new things! See Dick and Jane. They aren't at home any more. Where are they? Well, it's a place called college. What's college? It's a place a lot like high school, except there are no rent-a-cops yelling for you to stop running in the halls. Dick and Jane had to leave home to go to college, but don't feel...
An older story of mine, with a probably predictable outcome, but I don’t think that diminishes it any. — Nearly twenty years had passed since they moved in next door. For most of that time, Melissa and I had been friends. As children, we had played and as we got older, we became each other’s confidante, talking over the fence or in each other’s garden or house. It wasn’t as if we were alike. She grew into a beautiful ‘girlie’ girl whereas I, I have to admit, became a bit of a geek, but she...
The stories are better understood if you have read the previous chapters, but each chapter stands more or less on its own. In Chapter twelve, Evelyn tells the eighth of ten tales to show her superiority as a true Mistress. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or...
Martin shook Dave’s hand as he left the house. He reminded Dave to relax and enjoy the day and what it brought. Dave noted the wink he gave his wife as she heard his departing words. Dave and Sasha sat and talked over several cups of coffee about the friends she remembered from the Circle. They’d been there many times about ten years ago, and then Martin’s job in Ohio got more intense, and he also had started The Ring patterned on the Circle and what he’d learned. Dave’s brother Aaron had...
I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my life for the first time. Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue this drop dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. "Wow, man... Who is she?" Brad said to me. "Gloria Harr, Junior, just moved here from California," I said as I scanned. "So far she hates it here, and she only digs guys who skateboard." "Shit. I knew I should have kept...
It’s Charity time! As you know I had finally found a fulfilling summertime job which would end up being a part-time job through my last year of school. I was the Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store with my ¾ lesbian new friend Patti. But mostly important, that’s where I met George. Ah George. The first white guy I had ever met that could satisfy all my needs. He was tall, muscular, athletic, handsome, rich and hung like a fucking horse. Dominant, masterful, able to melt...
We got back from Cape Cod about ten o’clock on Sunday night. I rode partway back with Jess so I could get to know her better. We’d bonded in many ways, and certainly sexually, over the weekend, but I wanted to get a better gauge on her and her feelings about Paul. I was relieved by the time we stopped in Dedham for me to get into Mike’s car. Jess was a solid career woman. The last thing she said she wanted was a husband and children. She didn’t want the guilt that would come by neglecting...
It always started the same way.They would ring my number and ask if I ‘wasn’t too busy over the next few day’s’?,I asked them when would it suit them to come by,this time of year is always quiet,so fitting them in for some role play and ‘repentence’ was not a problem,in fact I was beginning to miss my usual errant boys and girls,so their phone call both pleased and excited me.Amy and Paul have being seeing each other for over a year now,and completely by chance one evening during the summer I...
The simple truth is, life isn't fair. People who treat others poorly can end up being rich, successful, even happy, all while hurting the good people (or at least the ones minding their own business) in their wake. Beautiful women seem to be especially good at this, as it's easier to forgive someone for their bad behavior when they have a smile that can melt hearts, or curves that can make any guy stare so long they forget why they were mad. It's enough to make anyone absolutely livid. But you...
FantasyJill was with her three c***dren in the family room watching TV when her oldest son John grabbed her hand and said "It is time mom." She went with him to his bedroom and he then closed the door and locked it. He said to his mom "Time to show off those big milk filled tits that I love to nurse." Jill had always had DD tits but after her husband left her oldest son found a place in Latin America where they sold injections to make the body fill the tits with milk. His mom was now a FF as her tits...
Time passed, winter arrived. It was cold and windy outside, but in our house there was allways warmth and love. Tim and John was doing good at school, and they had really looked forward to their Christmas Vacation. I was very happy myself. Whenever my son's weren't at home and I didn't have any chores, I would go into town and meet with some old friends in a cafe. I felt like I was again alive, after so many years, thanks to my lovly sons. Of course, word got by that I was pregnant. But I...
This is Samy from Bangalore and it is the first time that I write a story on any site. I am a 23yr old male whose looks are slim and quite attractive. This is about a true incident which happened while I was doing my Bachelor’s. I used to visit her place frequently after college as I do not like to be alone at my home. My parents used to come at night after work so I used to spend time at her home. She is fair, slim around 5’6″ in height having pointed boobs and sexy hip. She was also studying...
The first thing Angela was aware of when she awoke the next morning was her wet, throbbing, juicing pussy. Smiling, the naked mother rolled onto her back beneath the sheets and savored the sensations of her stacked body. She was very sore. Her jaw was sore from sucking her son's cock so hard and her pussy lips were slightly raw from his furious fucking. Even her ass cheeks ached from bouncing so furiously during the throes of fucking. But the feeling of contentment and lust she felt was...
Gina Valentina’s curiosity gets her into a lot of trouble when her client, Ryan Driller catches her masturbating with his wife’s vibrator in their bedroom. Mortified, Gina feels that her only option is to quit…that is until Ryan turns up with a brand new vibrator for her as a sexy peace offering. He values Gina’s skills as a babysitter, and to be honest – what’s hotter than watching a his young, beautiful babysitter masturbate? Gina invites Ryan into her...
xmoviesforyouCommand Bands is a free to write story following a very simple premise. Everyone in the world is born with a metal bracelet around their wrist, which can come in one of seven colours. These bracelets are known as the Command Bands and they have a hierarchy based on the colour. Gold is the highest, followed by silver, then red, blue, green, grey and finally black. Nobody knows where these bands came from or what decides the colour, but what people do know is that your band colour is the most...
Mind ControlAs told to me by a friend : Karen walked into her upscale home beat from a long day on her computer. For over a week she and her husband, Henry, have been toiling in their respective offices practicing social distances while keeping office staff at home to work there due to the Corona virus. Henry had to keep his trash trucks rolling thru the local towns making his company vital support and imperative. Karen owns a Physical Therapy company which is small but not vital. She kept her 6 PT's in...
Ellie Templeton was feeling frustrated. It had been twelve weeks since Mark had left and finally the sadness was subsiding, but in its wake, a new emotion was taking hold. She was horny. The last week had been full of celebrity fantasies as she furiously rubbed her clit, in the shower, the car and her office, but the effects of these hurried orgasms did nothing to quell her ever increasing needs. In the last ten years, the longest Ellie had gone without a cock was 11 days. She'd had three...
Straight SexCopyright© 2004 Suddenly, I felt the cool night air; my blanket was being pulled off me. I sleepily reached for it, but it escaped my grasp. It wasn't at all like my wife to tease me this way. I looked down to the foot of the bed. Well no wonder. It wasn't my wife, not even close. She, the woman who was definitely not my wife, just stood there. Right there at the foot of my bed. She was wearing jeans and a long white tank top. She had the most beguiling smile on her face. This was...
by Sanity's Plight 1. Quick Beginnings "Some days I feel like work follows me home." She smiles, "You don't seem to mind that much." "Hey, that's not fair." She cocks an eyebrow at him. "If I couldn't work, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I am very good at this, and it's what I do." "I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy you like your work." He's not usually this touchy. He's agitated. Maybe he's getting it from her. "Sorry..." A satyric smile, "Come...
The day of our next adventure finally arrived, I took off work early as did Eileen, I met her at her house around 2 in the afternoon. She met me wearing her short silky robe and nothing else, As soon as the door closed she was in my arms french kissing me and rubbing her hot body against mine, after a few moment we parted and I saw she was somewhat flushed, her cheeks were rosy pink and she a big smile and a gleam in her eyes. We opened a bottle of bourbon and poured a couple of drinks, I asked...
What a great start to the evening watching you get fucked in a club full of people and you just standing there enjoying it, I was really looking forward to moving things on to the next bit of fun. Susan took Mark off to the changing room to clean his well-used cock off from all your sexy juice, while you and I went to get changed for a nice steam room/sauna.As we walked with our drinks to the changing area I slipped my hand in to the back of your dress sliding it up to your wet pussy and...
After about ten minutes, I heard footsteps on the stairs as the women made their way to the bedroom. They made their way along the landing and walked into the room, standing and looking at my already red and bruised bottom which was facing them as I lay face down on the bed. Elaine placed my clothes on the chair in the far corner of the large room.“That’s a well spanked bottom, Auntie Pauline.” Kirsty laughed.I then felt Pauline’s cool hands rubbing my bottom gently. I pushed my hips down...
SpankingI'd been slowly easing my wife Lisa into my fantasies for awhile now. We're in our early 40's and have been married almost 20 years, so we had to find ways to mix things up a bit. It started with her wearing leather and pvc clothing for me, allowing me to shoot photos of her and fucking. She's so fucking hot, even though she's in her 40's, she has the body of a 21 year old, 5' 7", 145 lbs, great legs, great ass (she works hard on them at the gym) and nice tits and a pretty face. Then I...
Of course, when I rang him, he said I was sitting on a fortune. I knew what he meant. He had said that before several times. The meaning was obvious. I thanked him but said no thanks. Then the electricity bill arrived. It was high because it was winter and the flat wasn’t very well insulated. We were at our wits end. My husband and I started to think out of the square. “Maybe if you play up to the boss” my husband said “I could get money out of him”. I was shocked. My husband was suggesting I...
It was a hot spring day, a day of my life I would never forget. I was currently dating this guy named Eddie. I am a well portion woman, I have the long pretty hair, full lips on both ends. I can make a dress pucker up a little in the back, my hips are pushed out like a coke cola bottle. Breast are little more than a mouth full, along with my pecan color skin. I am the total package for most men.Eddie on the other hand, is a very slim thug type guy. He has these long dreadlocks that falls...
The Magic Cave (part I) by Cleo Kraft A blinding flash of light and thumping pain shot through my head and I stood there dazed for awhile before realizing what had happened. I rubbed my head with my hand, then looked at my palm for any signs of blood. Luckily I'd just suffered a bump on the head. I glanced up at the thick tree branch accusingly but it wasn't the tree's fault, it was my own for taking a nap out in the backyard under an apple tree and then standing up without looking out for...
After boarding school was prep school, and after that was college. Of course it had to be Harvard. I really didn't care as it was all the same to me. During the week as classes and tutors, and on the weekends it was parties and fun. One weekend was skiing in aspen, and the next it was carnival in Rio. I stayed exclusively within my privileged set. I had nothing in common with the others and the only deviation of that rule was the women. They were just gold-diggers, and after the first one I...
We have about 65 employees and beautiful reception and a sexy telephone operator cum receptionist to match. She is 28 years old married 3 years and dusky looking 5’5” slim and trim fairly good legs beautiful light brown eyes hair short and black big breast and a tight ass to match it.Being a receptionist she would come in a sexy see through saree and a low cut blouse which show a big cleavage and could almost have a breast coming out that’s when I would try to make some conversation with her...
I hailed a cab at the Seattle airport, told the cabbie the name of my hotel, and then slumped into the back seat. It had been a long trip from Boston and I was tired. Tomorrow I would start a three week familiarization program on the intricacies of the new Boeing 767 in order to flesh out the section on modern aircraft design for the book I was writing. Tufts University, my new employer, was caught up in the “publish or perish” syndrome and expected me to contribute profusely to...
Valentines day was around the corner and all of my friends would be spending it with their girlfriends. I was going to spend it at home alone again. They decided to set me up on a blind date. I knew that resistance to this idea was futile so I agreed to go on this date. They and their girlfriends knew someone in my exact position and felt she needed a date also. I told them to have her meet me at Bertinelli's at seven. I also told them that I'd be wearing a black tuxedo. I got to the restaurant...
“ETA in four minutes, ma’am!” Captain Dimmek shouts over the roar of the engine. Samantha nods her head in acknowledgement. She is a little nervous at having to parachute out of the plane and potentially into the ocean. She was given the basic on how to parachute, given that there wasn’t much time to learn much more than a crash course. She had parachuted once when she was a child. Her father had jumped from an airplane once in his life and decided it was an experience that everyone should...
DeShawn, the alpha male teen student in Miss Becca Corazon’s sex education class, just interrupted her as the Filipina teacher spoke about contraception and the high rate of unplanned pregnancies among high schoolers.“Miss C,” he bellowed. “How can you talk to us ‘bout sex when we ain’t even ever seen any pussy or titties?”The rest of the all-male class laughed. A few of them whistled, while a couple muttered out, “All right now!”Miss Becca blushed at the language and wasn’t sure how to...
It came for me in the night again, during the theta states; those moments I'm neither asleep nor lucid. That alone begged all manner of questions; primarily that it couldn't be a dream.Dreaming only occurs in much later sleep stages, during the REM cycle. Every medical journal agreed. Yet this was the third such experience in as many weeks, each more thrilling and unsettling than the last. So either the medical world was wrong or this was something else entirely.I tried to slow my breathing,...
Monster SexWhat follows is an accurate and true account of my first same sex experience. I have changed the name of the friend involved but every other aspect of the story is 100% accurate.Whilst I had lots of friends growing up my favourite memories are filled by my best friend, Ian. I think I always liked him more than just as a friend and was proven correct one hot and steamy night. My favourite story is when we were both 19 years of age and is one that I will remember forever.Ian and I went everywhere...
Jim’s demeanor was noticeably different. In the weeks following watching Stephen fuck me, as Jim hid in our closet, my husband was more ‘energized’, almost slightly ‘hyper’.Before actually watching these events, Jim enjoyed my verbal retelling of my daily activities with my teenage lover; however, it seemed that his vicarious enjoyment had been somewhat ‘indistinct’, or perhaps ‘surreal’. These verbal descriptions, and the fantasies that they induced, were more dreamlike than real.But now,...
Wife LoversChapter 4 – W1 Monday nightMike and Vern walked into Dorm 2 and noticed that most of the guys were in the rec. room. If anyone was aware that they came in together, nothing was mentioned. Most of the men were used to seeing the kitchen crew come in a little later anyway. They went to their lockers, got towels, soap, and clean boxers, and headed to the shower. Since most of the guys had showered before dinner, the shower stall was empty.Dropping their dirty clothes on the floor, they entered...
Gay MaleOur girls will soon go to college, but they want to arrange crazy fun at the end of the holidays, before the hard work that awaits them during their studies. Of course, they had to invite the boys to this game. One day Daria and Julka met. They will study in the same city, but at two different universities. Therefore, even before the start of the new academic year, they decided to arrange another crazy sex party. This time Daria visited Julka in her apartment, which she rented to study at the...
Deborah did a lot of thinking although, as she would later admit to herself, it was not entirely reasoned. She was still furious. She was also scared. Tig was still within reach of that vile man. Anger was the dominant emotion though. Richard had acted on his own and made decisions regarding her daughter's safety without involving her. He had acted on things her sister had said. Things which Liz had no right to say. She had stressed to Richard that they discuss matters that worried them and...
Who can understand a mature, sexy, MILF better than another MILF? That is exactly why it does not take long for Mercedes Carrera and Silvia Paige to become enamored of each other. After a short and sweet conversation the two babes find themselves wrapped up in each others arms with their pussies dripping wet in anticipation of what is to come. Mercedes sticks her fingers inside Silvias moist cunt, pleasuring her with the skill and precision that only a MILF can possess. She goes down on her...
xmoviesforyouSo, women and girls who so ever is in need of satisfaction can contact me at any time, specially people from Hyderabad and Delhi at and and will be waiting for your feedback and suggestions and contact me girls if you need any help in sex life. Hello everyone this is Vikram back again, with a new sex story. First of all thank u guys for your wonderful support and immense response, specially from ladies, I should really thank u more and hope my help continues for you. Coming to the sex story,...
Walking back into their master bedroom from the bathroom, he looked over to see Helen lying on the bed with her back up against the headboard.“You really shocked me last night when you sucked Larry’s cock!” Helen started.“I imagine so. But, are we good?”Turning her head to the side, Helen watched Dave for a bit before responding. “I think we will be.”Dave’s face took on a very relieved expression as he opened his mouth to speak when Helen put a finger to his lips.“But, wait until I’ve said my...
BisexualI woke up beside Lucy. She looked so beautiful. Her long, silky brown hair surrounding her pretty face. She lay on her front, still sleeping, and I lay just watching her sleep, as I often did if I woke before her. It was just gone 7am, which would normally be time to get up, but not today, today was Sunday. I loved waking up early on a Sunday, and knowing I didn’t have to get up to go to work. As I lay watching Lucy sleep, I started to feel a little horny. I thought about waking her,...
I am married to a wonderful man and we have had a poor sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month.Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears...
It was 00:01 AM on day eight found Eddie fast asleep all warm and toasty in his newly insulated share cropper's house. He was dreaming of the day when his house was complete, and he could sit on the deck in the back yard and watch his goats graze. Eddie hadn't been joking when he said he planned to raise goats. First he had to finish his house then find the money for a fence over the whole property. Five acres of Chain link fence wouldn't be cheap even if he did it himself. He knew that...
The following story has been edited by Curtis. Thank you, Curtis. Mistress Nicole Knows The bar, much like any other. Dimly lit and smoky. Nothingodd there, yet through haze he could clearly see that this one was different.He knew it as soon as he entered. His first instinct told him he should leave- immediately - however his curious nature begged him to stay. He looked around; there were no women customers. That wasn't anything unusual,since many bars around this part of town catered to 'men...
I was alone walking through the empty school showers until I came upon them. Two young girls moaning into the tiled wall while their black lovers had their way with them. I froze and just stared. Their moans and yelps were echoing through the large room as the two young men pounded into their bodies. One of the girls turned to look right at me, her piercing blue eyes caught mine, it was Leah.I shuddered and stepped back as if the sight hurt too much to bear. The second girl also turned to me,...
Jessica sat on her bed in a light blue pajama set, her top held together across her modest breasts with only one button, and the bottoms more of a bikini style pants than shorts or longer pants. She displayed considerable skin – chest, stomach, and good-looking legs that seemed to go on forever. She'd tied her hair back in a ponytail. In front of her on her bed was her laptop computer; she'd been writing up notes from a couple of the interviews she'd done that day: Jim and Monica. When...
"I don't care if it rains. I don't care if it's clear. I don't mind staying in There's another ghost here She sits down in your chair and she shines with your light And she lays down her heard on your pillow at night I m just a Ghost in this house I'm just a shadow upon these walls I'm living proof the damage heart break does." Allison Krauss I walked across the frozen ground in the predawn cold, my breath steaming as I headed to the barn. Yesterday's brief warm spell had...