Dillon RunChapter 4: Aftermath For The Guilty, Leaving The Girls In Good Hands free porn video

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We got back from Cape Cod about ten o’clock on Sunday night. I rode partway back with Jess so I could get to know her better. We’d bonded in many ways, and certainly sexually, over the weekend, but I wanted to get a better gauge on her and her feelings about Paul.

I was relieved by the time we stopped in Dedham for me to get into Mike’s car. Jess was a solid career woman. The last thing she said she wanted was a husband and children. She didn’t want the guilt that would come by neglecting them to focus on her job. The promotion to COO at King Enterprises had caught her off guard, but had been her wildest dream. She was now in a place where she could self-actualize.

She did admit to having physical needs. She said, “I get really horny at work. Part of it is the rush I get doing deals or solving some complex problem, but the other part is that I need a long hard cock driving into me the way Mike and Paul did this weekend – so satisfying. Thank you for sharing. You are a special person to think that way.”

I allowed as how the thought had never really crossed my mind before, and that the whole non-monogamous sex scene was entirely new to me, even in my fantasies. “I grew up brainwashed just like 99.9999% of the population; monogamy is the only way. Well, I’ve learned that’s bullshit. There are other ways that work, and I’m living one of them.”

Jess asked me, “Do you know what polyamory is?”

“I’ve heard the term, and thrown it around, but I don’t really appreciate what it means.”

“Do some research on it. There are study groups, and even an annual conference of polyamorous people, but that’s the tip of the iceberg. I wanted to get into a group a year or so ago, but some of the other people decided to opt for monogamy, so the idea faltered. If you like the idea, let’s talk more. I have a feeling you, Paul, Mike, and Sheila are headed that way. Sure you love the sex, but I also see that you love each other. Maybe there’s room for you to love some others too. Think about it.”

I promised I’d do some homework, and call her in a couple of weeks to talk further about the concept and just to keep our new friendship alive.

As we pulled into Dillon Run, I saw Leslie sitting on my front step. She’d been crying, and I’m not the kind of woman that likes to another person doing that.

As we got out of the car in front of my townhouse, I went over to her. “Leslie, what’s wrong?”

She sobbed, “I’ve fucked up in so many ways in my life. I don’t like myself. If I were suicidal, I’d be dead, but I’m a coward about that.”

I’d handled 9-1-1 calls from suicidal people, so my training and instincts kicked in. “Come on inside, Leslie. Let’s talk. I know you have issues with me, but let’s see if we can clear the air and get you feeling better.”

Paul looked on with a jaundiced eye. He nodded approval for my invitation, but wasn’t about to slaver affection and forgiveness all over his sister.

After I got Leslie seated, I said to her, “Start talking, it’ll do you good.”

Paul puttered around in my kitchen making coffee. Sheila stood a few paces behind me listening to the interaction.

Leslie sobbed, “David’s left me. He called me a shrew and a vindictive and manipulative person who ruined other people’s lives. He said he couldn’t stand another minute in my presence.”

I nodded at that interesting turn in things. “He was helping you, wasn’t he?”

“Only because I threatened to cut him off of all sex if he didn’t. He was always a reluctant player. He said he was going to call you and apologize. I think he’s going to call Liz and Jess too for the same reason.”

“And what brought all this on?”

“You know,” she sobbed. “You emptied our bank accounts. We had ten-thousand dollars worth of checks bounce – car payments, mortgages, grocery store, my doctor, ... everything we did for ten days before the bank telephoned and cut us off. We have hundreds of dollars of bank fees.”

I stuck to the agreed upon script. “I don’t know what you mean?”

Leslie pointed at my ring. “That ring was the back breaker.” I watched her search out Paul’s hand and she saw his ring too. She pointed at it but didn’t say anything.

“Oh, this thing. Cubic zirconia.”

Leslie sobbed, “I’m so sorry. I’ll never be able to make up to you what I did ... what I tried to do. I was terrible.”

I said, “Yes, you were. You can stop now. What you’re doing is not changing our relationship with one another. We each realized that you’ve been undermining us in the other’s eyes.”

“And I did it to Liz and Jess too.”

“We all know that, although it’s too late for them. I wish someone had stopped you years ago.”

“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed again. She wallowed around in that pit, describing some of the dastardly deeds she’d done to try to get her way.

“Why did you do all those things?”

“I wanted Paul to marry my friend Alice or Stephanie. They’re nearly broke, and he’s such a good provider. They need him. Then I met Mike, and I realized he could take one of them and Paul the other; so, I went after him too.”

“So they were in on this little destructive game you were playing too.”

“I told them what to do and what to say. They’re desperate, so they did it.”

“Who did the website about me?”

“I did. I know PhotoShop and used it for work. At first, I just did a couple of pictures because I hated you and that you were diverting my brother’s attention, but then I saw a website that David had been looking at and it gave me the idea. I’m sorry.”

“Leslie, will you go and get counseling?”

“Huh? What kind?”

“The kind that will make you less angry, less manipulative, and more of a family member instead of someone who can’t accept not getting her own way.”

Leslie thought for a while, and said, “Yes. That’s a good idea. Thank you. Why are you being so nice to me? You should be hating me.”

“You may become my sister-in-law, and I want to belong to a strong family. From what I’ve been led to belief, I think your parents might do well with some counseling too.”

Leslie cried some more, but nodded in understanding.

Over the course of the next two hours there were some more revelations by her about the misdeeds she’d done to control the situation, including more details about how she wanted Mike to be in the Alice-Stephanie relationship situation. Her friends would be set for life.

Paul had remained mute the entire time, sitting in one of my tall kitchen counter chairs looking at the scene in the living room. He often shook his head in disbelief as Leslie confessed some vile deed or started some untrue rumor to hurt or discredit one of us. She went back in history to when Paul and Jess had been serious, and then later, after that success, to break Paul and Liz apart.

The pile of Kleenex on the coffee table got deeper and broader as the evening went on. Leslie finally seemed cried out, and just sat there staring at the floor.

Sheila brought me a blanket, and I knew instantly what her thinking was. We’d destroyed the enemy. The dragon had been slain. It was time for amends.

I rolled Leslie onto her side with her head in my lap. I lay back and closed my eyes. Sheila covered Leslie with the blanket, and soon I had my large shawl wrapped around me by Sheila. She kissed, hesitated and then kissed Leslie’s cheek before she went upstairs.

Paul and Mike faded away, and I slept.

Leslie was devoid of emotion when we awoke in the morning. I’d eventually tucked her in, and slept on the other part of my sectional sofa. She was depressed, and I had to assess whether she was life threatening or not. I decided she was marginal.

I called Paul, and he came down and collected her. He took her off to a psychiatrist that he knew of, and had arranged an ad hoc appointment with. I talked to him later, and after she’d spent an hour with the shrink, he’d taken her home and left her.

He’d also talked to David, and gotten him to agree to at least go through some couple’s counseling with his wife before taking further action in a separation. He’d also talked to his parents, explaining the situation and chastising them for being party to some of the cabal that Leslie had created. They too agreed to join in the counseling with Leslie. Paul told them he would attend some of the sessions, but he didn’t think he was instrumental in any family cure since he’d been the target of their aggression and manipulation.

Monday night the four of us gathered up Leslie and took her out to dinner. She had remained morose over how she’d behaved, not just in a couple of incidents, but for the past ten years. She kept apologizing until we told her to stop, at least for our outing.

Sheila, Mike, Paul, and I were considerable happier, and tried to hold the high ground in talking with her. We didn’t blame or castigate her. We accepted what Leslie said, but went on with our own conversations about other things – Sheila’s students taking up a good part of the conversation as she told us humorous stories of their antics.

Back at Dillon Run, we went to drop Leslie off, but she started to sob wildly again. She choked out, “Thank you all so much for tonight. I’m such a loser, but still you accepted and loved me. Again, I’m so sorry for all that I’ve done.”

Leslie trudged into her unit, and the rest of us went down to Paul’s townhouse for a nightcap and more chat. We sat around on the sectional and briefly talked about Leslie’s future. Paul contributed, and showed some compassion for his sister. As he said, “I forgive, but I won’t forget. For a while, I’ll need to be sure she’s stopped her attempts at sabotage.”

As I left, I hugged Paul. “You are a gem. If I had a brother, I’d want one just like you. I care about Leslie too, so involve me if you can. In any case, know that I love you ... with all my heart.” I pulled Paul’s face to mine and tenderly kissed him. He was smiling when we pulled apart, obviously happy with my words to him.

Sheila, Mike, and I walked back in the direction of our units, and as I broke off, they stood at the end of our driveway making out. I went inside.

I was straightening the living room and sorting mail when Sheila came in a couple of minutes later. She had a smile and special glow.

“What’s up?”

“Mike told me he loved me. He used the ‘L’ word about me several time.” She laid her coat over the back of a chair.

“Hasn’t he said that before?”

“Yes, but not in the same way. This was really special – deeper. It wasn’t the casual type of love that we use when we say something like ‘we love sex’ or ‘we love ice cream.’ It was more the kind of love you wrote in your romance novels, when the man and woman finally find each other and their hearts beat together and they’re of one mind, well that’s what just happened. Oh, God, I’m so in love I can’t stand it. I may spontaneously combust at any second.”

“What about Paul?”

“I love him too ... and you, but just not the same way or with the same intensity. I hope that’s all right with you. I’m not trying to...”

“Come here, baby,” I interrupted. Sheila came to me and I hugged her to me, and then I kissed her, and then I told her I loved her too, and we went and made love – just the two of us in my big bed.

I realized especially that night how special our sapphic love was. Women love in a different way than men. Our feelings are deeper and more long lasting. We are more sensitive to the nuances of behavior, touches, kisses, and words than men, and in that sensitivity, our love for each other is more profound. We commit and surrender in different ways than men too. We understand romance and the role sex has in it, instead of the other way around.

Thus, when Sheila and I made love, it was exceptionally special for both of us. We became a timeless linkage of two feminine energy forces. I told Sheila I loved her too.

In the morning, I told Sheila if she wanted to move in with Mike that was OK with me. She nodded her understanding, but had tears in her eyes about our eventual separation.

Paul and I were spending more time together, and so were Mike and Sheila. Both men were changing their work patterns to be with us more, and I found myself wanting to spend every waking moment with either of them.

Paul had completed the promotion process for Jess to COO of King Enterprises. More than once, he commented to me that she was in a late meeting or flying off to Asia to attend to some project or keep things on track in some deal. Initially, it made him squeamish not to be in control of the situation, but as Jess developed a steady record of success in everything she did, Paul relaxed more and trusted her actions.

Jess, for her part, remained sensitive to Paul’s desire to know everything she was doing, so she kept a steady stream of emails or texts to him that kept him plugged in. She told me that about six months into the new job she planned to wean him at least a little on his micromanagement tendencies.

Mike had hired four other people for his small venture capital company, finally listening to our advice that he was killing himself with over work. Instead of personally attending to all the research he used to do, he had the MBAs leaping around their computers, the country, and overseas. He was on the phone more, even in the evenings, but Sheila told us it was far better than having him a thousand or more miles away, coming home as a weary road warrior too tired to do anything except sleep.

The four of us got together often, and not always for sex. Inevitably, our foursome would start on a Friday evening, and wouldn’t end until Monday morning. On the one weekend a month I had to work at the 9-1-1 center, Sheila tried to pick up the slack in my absence. She loved getting serviced by two men at the same time. One week I had to fill in at the center for a colleague on the four p.m. to midnight shift plus my regular shift; Sheila could barely walk by the end of the week she’d been fucked so thoroughly by Paul and Mike.

The following month when I had a week of night shift work, I arranged for Jess to come by after work and help occupy Paul and Mike, so Sheila didn’t have to do double duty. Jess loved the interaction with the men, but so stimulated them that they had more sex than our usual two rounds. Thus, Sheila had just as much, and maybe more sex because Jess loved to have sex and also eat out Sheila.

Further, when I did get home from work about one a.m., the four of them were often so worked up that they jumped me. I had thought that I just wanted to curl up in bed and go to sleep, but they quickly dispelled me of that notion. By two a.m. most of those nights, I was panting after my tenth orgasm, and then they’d let me go to sleep. Paul would cuddle me all night and I usually purred.

Paul and I were just finishing our weekend morning exercise run one warm morning, when we had a most interesting discussion. He started it with the following question, “Have you ever felt you wanted to be with another guy other than Mike and me?”

I wasn’t sure whether there was a ‘safe’ answer to that question. If I said ‘no’ I might be shutting off an interesting option, and if I said ‘yes’ I might be pissing off my steady boyfriend.

“Why are you asking me that question?” I safely posed.

“Well, Mike and I are about to set up a joint venture in China. He’d provide the ‘going in’ research and a pot load of money, and I’d provide some of the engineering know how, and help set up the plant. We’d both handle some of the initial hiring, too, and be the marketing end of things back here in the states. We’d both be away for a month or more, probably in the August-September timeframe. We were worried about your sex life, and ... well, I thought I might introduce you to some nice guys that could watch after you.”

I laughed, “Are you pimping me out?”

He chuckled, “No, more the other way around. I’m pimping out Brad and Rob, only they don’t know it ... and if you’re not interested, I gave you an option about your sexual satisfaction.” He had that ‘I told you so’ tone of voice.

Same as Dillon Run
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It was about ten in the morning and I had just woken. I was lying in bed trying to let my eyes focus after waking from a deep sleep. I noticed there is a crack of sunlight sneaking through the blackout curtains. It was refracting against the cut glass ceiling fixture making the light burst into a thousand colors. I could hear Ann breathing rhythmically beside me. She doesn't snore, she purrs, unlike me. I can wake the dead when I cut loose. Thinking to myself, as I gently pulled down the covers...

Group Sex
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 6 of 7 The Wedding Night

Author's Note: This story is hard to categorize. Loving wife, group, threesome with a touch of bi. There's not a lot of bisexuality, but there is some, so if this offends you please don't read. On the other hand, if you'd like to see the illustrated version, drop me a line at _____________"How exactly did you end up in bed with Jeff on our wedding night?""Not just Jeff..." She flashed a mischievous smile in response to the incredulous look on my face.The idea of Carol sleeping with my college...

Group Sex
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The CircleChapter 40 Crash Aftermath Jims Interview and Philosophy

Chapter 40: Crash aftermath. Jim’s interview and philosophy Tracy was released from the hospital three weeks later with a list of ‘can’t dos’ as long as her broken arm. Dr. Rama wanted to err on the cautious side, and only after extensive ultrasounds, MRIs, and x-rays did he relent and let her go. He did not want her to fly, so Jim rented a car and drove home seven hours with her as the most eager passenger to get away from St. Louis. Dr. Rama had arranged for local care at a hospital near...

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The Day Tucker Became His Sister Aftermath

The Day Tucker Became His Sister - Aftermath By Wolverine Six months after Peter and Dash defeated the Entity, life around Tucker's house had finally come as close to normal as it would ever be. Nothing would ever be the same as before, but no one could expect that. Tucker finally accepted the death of his father, who had died at his hands. Fear still possessed much of him though. Tucker knew that somewhere within him were a mindless slut and an agent of darkness. Whitney, or...

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Sunday Morning the Aftermath

Sunday - the aftermath I woke up Monday morning after a long night of dreams. The front of my underwear wet and sticky. Wet dreams, like a teenager. At least I was lucky in my dreams. Reality was a frustrating bitch. My dreams starting coming back to me. I could see Mrs. Richards under me. I remember taking pleasure watching my dick push those big lips apart and then slide all the way in. She was tight and moaning. I doubt the dream was a long one. In any case, now I needed a shower and fresh...

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The Starbucks Aftermath

"Okay everyone, listen up." Sergeant Budzinski's voice echoed in the large room as he stepped off of the transporter pad. "I need all of the sponsors to collect their concubine's ID cards, make a list of dependents under fourteen that are to be picked up, and detail everyone's medical needs." Private Williams approached Budzinski juggling an armful of the ship's PDA units. "If each of you sponsors will use one of these handheld pads then processing the lists will be easier and faster....

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The Aftermath Of The Public Bus Journey 8211 Part 2

Hey, As you people might have read my previous two experiences I’d get on with the story instead of boring you off. I started getting dressed after granting permission for a bit more fun. As i was pulling my panty up he stopped me and told me “I have a surprise for you”. He took out a rectangular object that looked like a pen drive but i was pretty sure that it wasn’t one. I asked him about. He told me “i took this from my brother’s grandson’s remote toy”. I still had no idea. He came close to...

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The CircleChapter 16 Party Aftermath Expansion of The Circle

A week later, everyone in The Circle sat in the living room enjoying a cocktail before we had a dinner based on some of the leftovers from the prior week's Graduation Party that had been frozen to preserve them. Bob said, "So what was the fallout from the party? Anyone want to start?" Tracy said, "I got so loved, I could barely stand up for two days. I did my first train – about a dozen guys. It was fabulous, and I think I'll do it again, but no time soon." Ellie laughed, "I was the...

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Women and Children First II The Aftermath of Disaster

Women and Children First II: The Aftermath of Disaster AUTHOR'S NOTE: Many people have asked me to write a followup to my story "Women and Children First". I hope this satisfies their request. One has to first read the original story in order to figure out what has happened so far. -------------------------- The lifeboat containing Mrs. Wilkerson and her three daughters, Elizabeth, Anne, and Margaret, was picked up by the Carpathia and they were safely rescued and returned...

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Jock TalesThe Aftermath

Jock Tales---The AftermathI head back to the showers after Parker leaves, and suds up pretty quick. I was hungry—and not just for food. I announce that the official party will be down at the diner, and mom said they would have extra help for the expected crowd. By the time I finish up, most of the b o y 's had left, and I went wandering back to the field to get my lil bro. He and his three mgr buddies, along with some other volunteers were busy in the stands picking up the trash left behind. I...

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Why I Became A Man The Aftermath

Why I Became a Man: The Aftermath By Heather St. Claire TO: Robin Bryson, CEO FROM: Dr. Emilio Sanchez, Medical Director DATE: February 23, 2090 RE: Resignation Robin, please consider this memo to be my resignation from the Body Exchange Institute, effective two weeks from today. I can no longer be part of an organization I cannot ethically support. In all of our promotional materials, we claim to be dedicated to the highest standards of client care. That claim seems especially...

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The Aftermath

A Brief History of the Events Leading up to and Following What Is Now Referred to As The Sssification of the White Man In late 2012, the world changed thanks to a great man. Evil, yes. Misguided, probably. Dr. Omar Bell is not a good man, but he is a great one. He is so great, in fact, that he completely altered the course of history. No other man, villain or hero, can claim to have changed the world as much. As everyone knows by this point, Dr. Bell (a...

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I Dream of Demie 23 The Aftermath

--- I Dream of Demie 23 - The Aftermath (MF, magic, mc, nc) by Krosis of the Collective --- I floated in darkness, disembodied, bereft of myself. Demie and I had been forced to kiss by the mind control power of her brother, Eros, who had somehow been trapped in a Playstation 4 as the video game Eroji. Someone was screaming. I couldn't hear it so much as feel it. Anger...no, anguish. If I still had my heart, it would hurt to hear this sound. It was Demie! I had never heard her like that...

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The Neighbourhood 02 20220615 Aftermath

Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. If you're interested in editing, I have another 45000 words so far, and could use some pre-post feedback. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest,...

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The Aftermath Of The Public Bus Journey

Hey, Thanks for the wonderful and well so be it, the weird responses to my previous story. So I think there’s no point in scrabbling about my body now as most of you reading this would have read my previous experience. So i’ll get straight into it. I got off the bus and hired an auto to my house. I still had that pleasurable pain in between my legs. I noticed that my knees were a bit reddish from the rubbing. I took out that piece of paper and wondered what I would do. I could easily betray...

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The UpgradeChapter 6a Janey Julie and Sir ndash The discussion and the aftermath

Janey, Julie, and Sir – The discussion and the aftermath – From The Upgrade [Reader beware: Intense sexual action.] After Natasha and Eddie left for home, Julie explains her love of Eddies bottom, with Janey’s assistance. Stroke, FFM, Incest, sisters, water sports, anal I was in the shower, relishing in the warm water, when I was joined by the sisters. I decided then to ask Julie about her infatuation with Eddie’s, and before that, Kitten’s, ass parts. I told her what I noticed when she was...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 1 of 7 The Prelude

This is a follow up to a previously published story called The Unexpected Threesome. Please be forewarned, while there is no bisexuality in this chapter, there are references to the bisexual (MFM) threesome which took place in the previous story. If the mere mention of bisexuality between men offends you, please don’t read. Also, if you’d be interested in seeing an illustrated version, just drop me a line at ____________________________ Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 1 – The Prelude I woke...

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Sunday Morning the Aftermath

Sunday – the aftermath I woke up Monday morning after a long night of dreams. The front of my underwear wet and sticky. Wet dreams, like a teenager. At least I was lucky in my dreams. Reality was a frustrating bitch. My dreams starting coming back to me. I could see Mrs. Richards under me. I remember taking pleasure watching my dick push those big lips apart and then slide all the way in. She was tight and moaning. I doubt the dream was a long one. In any case, now I needed a shower and fresh...

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Piercings Part III Infidelity and Aftermath

I took a walk after breakfast. There was still no word from Liz despite a couple of texts from me. Apart from some fresh air I also needed to clear my head. The last twenty-four hours seemed to have been one long fuck-fest, not that I was complaining. Amy had been insatiable. I had never met anyone like her before.After her spanking I had fucked her over the table; still using the hairbrush on her thigh as I tugged on her hair. She screamed all the way through it. Then she took me to her room...

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Aftermath by Nicole Larson My head was pounding–absolutely pounding–when I woke up. A spear of sunlight had shot through an errant slat in my vertical blinds and lanced right into my eye, waking me up. The pain was close to unbearable, but I didn’t have the strength to stand, or even move, other than to drape a hand over my eyes. I told myself to go back to sleep. Too early to deal with a hangover, especially one of the epic proportions this one seemed to be taking on. It was as I was falling...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 2 of 7 Jeff and Allie

Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 2 of 7- Jeff and Allie Author’s note: It was hard picking a category for this one. It’s a wife loving, voyeur, masturbation straight sex story about a man telling his wife about his past experiences with another couple. Send me an email at if you would be interested in an illustrated version. ____________________________________________________________________________ “You tell me yours and I tell you mine. Nothing held back.” She squeezed my cock into her...

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Julie out on her own ndash Bowling Aftermath ndash CDTVT

Julie out on her own – Bowling Aftermath – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about how my roommate Mike hooked up with flirty Vicky at the bowling alley, how I knew about it, how Mike knew I knew, and how Vicky knew I knew, but how Vicky didn’t know that Mike knew I knew. Confused? Read last entry!Anyway, when Mike and I got home that night, we thought it was hilarious how Vicky’s horny lusts had gotten the better of her, how she’d blown Mike in the bowling alley men’s room while I watched over...

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Sometimes we do things that have no rhyme or reason. We just do it without thinking. My name is Jillian Springston and I and my family live in a small town in Southern Indiana. If there were such a magazine called the "All American family", the four of us could well be on the cover. By the four of us, I refer to myself and my husband of nineteen years Jake; my daughter Lisa and my son Brian,who just graduated from high school this past June. I of course am on the high end of thirty something,...

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Impossible Virgins Chapter 16 Aftermath

Chapter 16: Aftermath Toppsy and Lulu awoke in their quarters. They had both been dressed in light pink panties, and a matching negligee, which covered most of their prodigious breasts. As both of the blonde dancers arose from the beds and stretched their limbs, they looked at each other somewhat quizzically. "What's the matter, Lulu?" asked Toppsy. "I don't know. You look...different...somehow today." "I was just thinking the same thing about you, but I can't put my finger on it."...

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B7 Chapter 11 Aftermath

Chapter 11: Aftermath After being spun completely around on Rhiannon's massive cock, Barocca had finally had enough. Her tortured body could take no more, and she was nearly u*********s. By now, Rhiannon's pillar of flesh was fully supporting Barocca, and was the only thing keeping her upright. Rhiannon stood up, and now Barocca was supported on Rhiannon's cock in a horizontal position, like some obscene shisk-a-bob. Across the room, Calista's communicator made a series of beeping noises. ...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 5 of 7 Trick or Treat

Author's Note: As I said before, these stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, a threesome, with some light bi-play and a hot wife. If male bisexuality offends you, please don't read the story. If you'd like to see an illustrated version, send me an email at ************ Chapter 5 - Trick and TreatCarol looked wonderful walking ahead of me into our bedroom, her cute little ass peeking below her swaying shirt tail. The top of her firm legs and inner thighs were visibly wet...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 4 of 7 One Step Closer

Author's Note: These stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasie-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. lol.  Send me an email at if you would like to see the illustrated versions of the stories.-----------------"For God's sake, tell me you got to fuck that girl." Words I never dreamed I'd hear coming out from my wife. Now it was my turn to play coy. "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out."Reliving my time with Jeff and Allie had us both horny...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 3 of 7 Opening Allie

Author's Note: These stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasi-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. If you're interested in an illustrated version of the stories, send me an email at ----------------------------------Smiling up from between my legs, she ran her tongue sensuously along my shaft, licking her own juices from my cock. "Now, give yourself a minute to calm down, and then tell me how you got 'poor, sweet, innocent' Allie to spread her...

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SRU Aftermath

I wrote this one, thinking about what the future of one of the Old Man's "customers" might be, after he was done with them. SRU: Aftermath By Morpheus I remember it starting with that store. I had been going through the mall, when a store caught my eye. The name written out clearly above in a sign said Spells R Us. Shrugging, I went inside, thinking that with a name like that, they ought to be selling something like D&D stuff or magic tricks. Either way, I...

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Date Rape Aftermath

This story is part of the continuing adventures of Katie and Jeanette, two college-age witches. They are now members of the Mu Phi sorority, and use their powers to help the girls. To fully understand the story, you should read "The Consequences of Date Rape", archived at fictionmania. I've tried to make this story stand-alone, but as a sequel, it really helps if you read its predecessor. The story of Katie, Jeanette, and the Mu Phi sorority is open, should someone wish to...

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WereWench Aftermath

Were-Wench: Aftermath By Ellie Dauber Copyright, 1999 Authors note: Some people were nice enough to ask what happened to Marya and Mike after "Were-Wench". I guess after playing with the story for some 10 years, I wasn't quite ready to give them up. ****************** It was about four in the afternoon when the phone rang. "Ryan here," I said. The voice on the other end was very familiar, and very, very sexy. "Mike," she said in a half-whispered growl. "This is Marya. Are you...

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Witch Chronicles 13 Aftermath

WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...

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Journeys West Chapter 18 Aftermath

Chapter 18 - Aftermath By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Leslie watched the elder Kaylock be loaded into the ambulance with mixed emotions. The paramedics could not tell her much about his chances though, she would have to speak with the doctors at the hospital. The man's entitled attitude had made him unlikeable, but seeing anyone injured always bothered her. It was one of the reasons she had pursued law enforcement as a career. Ron found himself handcuffed...

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Aftermath By Ellie Dauber © 2015 This story is based on a Lorna Samuels caption. Thanks, Lorna, for this one and for all your great work. This story first appeared (and can still be found) in the "Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes Mixed Tape." I'm posting it separately, with Jenny North's permission. There was no mention of the story in any of the reviews of that Mixed Tape, and I'd like to see what people thought of it. I thank Jenny for the opportunity to be part of her Mixed Tape and...

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Aftermathby Nicole LarsonMy head was pounding--absolutely pounding--when I woke up. A spear of sunlight had shot through an errant slat in my vertical blinds and lanced right into my eye, waking me up. The pain was close to unbearable, but I didn't have the strength to stand, or even move, other than to drape a hand over my eyes. I told myself to go back to sleep. Too early to deal with a hangover, especially one of the epic proportions this one seemed to be taking on. It was as I was falling...


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