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My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little about me. I am 46, 5' 10" and about 180. I consider myself in pretty good shape.

I place my bets with a black employee, named Ron, who works in the accounting department. He makes me look small in size. He is 6' 3", about my age, and would weigh in at 240. He looks like all muscle. I have been dreading the day he asks me to pay up. He has been letting my bets slide, and now I'm into him for about 50,000. I don't even like to think about what he will do, when he gets tired of covering my losses. His bosses want their money now, not tomorrow. I cannot figure out why he pays my losses.

The only time, he was ever in my office, was last week. I placed a bet, and last night, my team lost. The debt is now up to 60,000. There was a strange thing happened, when he saw the picture of my wife. I always have her picture on the desk. I know he was going to give me a time limit on what I owe, but when he saw her photo, he seemed to change his mind. He never said anything about her. He just got a funny look in his eyes.

My wife Linda is the area co-ordinater for the anti-abortion league. She mostly arranges demonstrations at abortion clinics, and doctor’s homes. Actually, her group is a pain in the ass. She is 100% against abortion, in any shape, form, or fashion. She is 35, 5' 2" and petite. She was a beauty pageant winner while in college. She still has her good looks and is sexy as hell. She is temporarily out of a job. They closed the last abortion clinic in this area, and she is awaiting them to assign her another place. Even though, she would work away from home, the job allows her to take time off. We have been separated before, and never had a problem. I trust her completely. Believe it, or not, she was a virgin when we got married. I am the only man she has ever been with, though many have tried.

It was after 4pm, on a Friday afternoon. My secretary had left for the day. All of a sudden the door burst open, and there stood Ron. Oh My God, I thought, here it comes! Now what do I do? I don’t have his money, and no way of getting it.

He never said a word, until he had walked over, grabbed me around the neck and jerked me over my desk. My face was about six inches from his nose.

“You got my money, you piece of shit? I’m not waiting one more minute. Either, start counting out my money, or I’m going to break your arms and legs, Then I’ll disappear for six months and come back and break them again. You hear me you worthless bastard?”

He shoved me back into my chair so hard, the chair slammed up against the wall. For a moment, I was groggy. I thought, he’s going to kill me, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. God, what do I do? How do I get out of this?

“There is a way out, if you do exactly what I say” Exactly, what I say!” “Do you understand?”

All I could do was shake my head, yes.

“You are going to write me a check for $60,000.00. You are going to write it on a company check, and it is going to be drawn from your business account.”

“I can’t do that. That’s stealing. They will fire me, maybe prosecute!”

“The books won’t be audited again for another month. I’ll hold the check, and return it to you, if you do exactly as I say. Do you understand?”

“NO, I won’t do it”

He grabbed an arm and started to twist. “I’ll break this one right now, just so you will know I am serious!”

“I’ll do it. I’ll do it”, I screamed. “But why are you holding it for a month? What is it you want me to do?”

“Sit back down and relax. Let me tell you a story. About a year ago, I was married to a beautiful woman. By accident, she got pregnant. Our doctor had told her she could not have a baby. Having a baby would probably kill her. We went to an abortion clinic to terminate the birth. Our appointment for the abortion was right on the borderline of whether she had waited too long, or not. Another couple of days, and they would not abort the fetus. Guess who was picketing the clinic. Guess who prevented us from getting her abortion. The clinic stayed closed for a week. Four months ago, my wife and baby died. Your darling, precious wife killed her, as sure as if she had put a gun to her head, and pulled the trigger. I want satisfaction! I want revenge! And I’m going to have it, if I have to kill you and her, both.”

“How do you want revenge, Are you going to kill her? What are you going to do? How does this check come into everything? Are you going to hurt us?”

“Shut your stupid mouth for a minute, and I will tell you! I am going to live with you for a month. I am going to seduce your wife, and get her pregnant. She is going to deliver my son. I am going to do this, with or without your assistance.”

“NO! No! She would never go along with that! I am the only man she has ever been with. She would never let another man into her bed. Besides, she doesn’t like blacks, She says you are all a****ls. Getting your women pregnant every year, and then wanting abortions.”

“You let me worry about getting into her bed. You just tell her that I am a big client from New York, and your boss wants me to stay at your home, instead of a motel. You know, like a family thing. Make me comfortable and happy. At the end of a month, I tear up the check and you owe me nothing. You still have your job and reputation, and your arms and legs are still in working order. You don’t do this, and you will wish you were a dead man a thousand times over. You Got That?”

“What if she doesn’t let you seduce her? What if she will have nothing to do with you? Are you going to **** her, anyway?”

“No ****, no forcing, no pain. I only want the opportunity to seduce her, and she will give me permission to fuck her. She will beg me to fuck her, not once, but many times. You have no choice in the matter. You can help or hinder. It’s up to you.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her you are our guest for the next month. You are so confident you can fuck her, and I’m just as confident that you can’t. This will be an easy way to get out of debt with you.”

“Tell her tonight. Tell her that I will be over in the morning. You have to work tomorrow, but I don’t. This will give me a chance to talk to her, and see what kind of challenge, she is going to be. No screw ups! You fuck this up, and you’ll never fuck up anything else!”

“Alright, I’ll go along with everything. Something you missed, if by some wild chance, however unlikely, you fuck her, and she gets pregnant, what happens to the c***d? I’m not raising a black bastard.”

“I don’t want no whitey raising my son. I’ll take him, and neither you or her will ever see either of us again.”

“I’ll tell her tonight, and tell her you will be by about 10 in the morning. Is that okay?”

“That’s good. See you tomorrow night, when you get home from work. I’ll be on your sofa watching your TV. Oh, I almost forgot a little condition; you might want to know about. When she is primed to be fucked, I want you to watch how a real man handles a woman.” You won’t have to be in the room, but I want you someplace, where you can see and hear her beg for my cock. We wouldn’t want to have any misunderstandings, would we?”

“You win. I can’t argue anymore. You know you have me exactly where you want me. You know there is nothing I can do.”

“WHAT! WHAT! You want a black man to live in this house for the next month? Are you crazy? Have you lost what little brains you had? NO Way, Jose! You can forget it. Get him a motel. Let someone else take care of him. I’m not having an a****l living in my house! Why? Why did you agree to this?

“If you will settle down, I will tell you. He is a very important client, and will mean millions for the firm. By doing this, I will get a hefty bonus. You know we can use the money. Since you have been out of work, we are just barely making ends meet. We need the money! It is only for one month. He will be gone most of each day, and I will be home in the evening. You will seldom be alone with him.”

“When is he going to be here?”

“Tomorrow morning, about 10.”

“TOMORROW? YOU ALREADY AGREED, WITHOUT ASKING ME? Okay, let me calm down. If he’s coming tomorrow, you meet him, and I will go shopping for the day.”

“I won’t be here. I have to work all day tomorrow.”

“OH NO YOU DON’T! You just told me, I wouldn’t be spending time alone with him and on the very first day, I will be alone with him all day? I hate you! You know that? I hate you. Why did you put me in this position?”

“I’m sorry darling. I love you, and would not do this, if we weren’t is such bad need of money.”

“Oh shut up! You don’t know what love is.”

Promptly at 10 am, the doorbell rang. Linda answered the door and there stood a tall, muscular black man. He wasn’t bad looking, considering he was black. He was dressed in a tee shirt and spandex shorts, and was carrying a suitcase. He held out his big hand, and said, hello, I’m Ron. Linda felt foolish not wanting to shake his hand. His big hand engulfed her small dainty fingers. It was then that she looked down and saw the outline of what looked like a roll of sausage, between his legs. Her mouth dropped open in amazement. That couldn’t be his dick! But, what was it? Why would he put something in his shorts? Could it possibly be real? Maybe, they really are a****ls! Horses! She looked back up at his face, but he seemed to be looking over her shoulder at the house. Thank God, he hadn’t seen her looking at that monster!

She got him settled into the guest room, and the next couple of hours were spent in small talk. He was actually very easy to talk to, if you ignored his color. He was still wearing those shorts, and whenever he wasn’t looking, she kept glancing at the lump in them. She had never had any desire to see another man besides her husband, but now, she was curious to see if he was real. She wanted to know if any man could be that big, and she would never believe it, unless she actually saw it with her own eyes. After a couple of glasses of wine, she was beginning to enjoy their discussion. When he said, he wanted to take a shower, she showed him the bath, and told him where to find whatever he needed. In about 10 minutes, he was yelling, Linda, I can’t find the towels.

“Oh, Oh, the towels are still in the dryer from yesterday. Richard and I used the last two clean ones this morning. “I’ll bring them right up.” I yelled. I was carrying the towels upstairs, and as I got to the top of the stairs, I was looking directly into the bathroom. The door was open! Where was he? As I stepped inside the bathroom door, he stepped out of the shower. Stark naked! I couldn’t keep my eyes from looking between his legs. It was real!! I have never even imagined anything that big. How in God’s name could a woman take that inside her? Maybe, black women were larger than white women. I looked up and he was smiling at me.

“I’ve seen you looking at this all day. Would you like to touch him for a moment? You could watch him grow to his full size.”

My hand made a move toward him, but I jerked it back. “No, I don’t want to touch you, and you should cover yourself.” I closed the door behind me and ran down the stairs. I could hear him laughing. I was so embarrassed! He knew I wanted to touch and feel him. He knew I was fascinated with the size of his monster dick. I have always felt that blacks were below my station. I have seldom even spoken to one. What has happened to me in one day? For one thing, I had never imagined the size of their manhood. I hadn’t thought about it at all, and now I have been trying to glimpse one all day, then after seeing it, almost put my fingers around it.

My husband has a respectable six inches, and has always been able to satisfy me. Now, I keep thinking of a twelve inch dick, that is more than twice as big around than his. Would it fit into me? What’s wrong with me? Was it the wine? I’m not like this.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Ron took a nap and then watched TV. I puttered around outside, trying to stay away from him. Richard came home a little after six. He came into the kitchen and asked how my day had been. I said okay. What was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to tell him I had been dreaming of a big, black dick all afternoon? I joined the men, after doing the dishes. They were laying back on the sofa, with their legs on the coffee table. Richard was still wearing long pants, but Ron had on a pair of boxers. When Ron crossed his legs, the head of his dick was visible from the bottom of his shorts. I was sitting across from them, and couldn’t help, but look. Richard caught me once, and looked to see what I was looking at. He knew I kept glancing at Ron’s crotch. Richard just looked at me, but never said a word. I don’t think he cared! What is going on here?

Monday morning, Richard went off early to work. Ron said he had a meeting at noon, and was just going to lay around and relax until then. He was wearing silk pajama bottoms, and no top. Naturally, he never wore underwear. I don’t believe he had any! Whenever he walked, his massive dick could be seen swinging back and forth. He set down on the sofa next to me, and casually took my hand into his. He brought my hand over his crotch and lowered it onto his dick. I was paralyzed! I didn’t know what to do. I could feel him through his pajamas. It was moving! Getting bigger! Oh My God! It was sticking straight up out of his pj’s. It must have been 12 or 14 inches long. It looked like a big charcoaled log! He removed his hand, but I couldn’t remove mine. I was moving my fingers around, and over it. My fingers wouldn’t even go half-way around it.

“Move your fingers up and down the shaft”, he whispered.

It’s like my fingers had a mind of their own. They were separated from the rest of my body. I stroked up and down as best as I could. It was too big for him to get much feeling from only my small hand.

“Use your other hand, too” he said.

I reached over with my other hand and stroking him was much easier. I was mesmerized by the feel and size of him.

He reached over and put his hand on the back of my head. He was pushing my head toward his black dick! My lips were touching the head!

“Open your mouth and kiss it,” he urged.

I couldn’t! I couldn’t take that thing into my mouth! I didn’t even like doing that for Richard. He had my mouth pressed against the head, and struggling was useless. He was too strong! I opened my mouth, just to lick it for a minute. It was smooth and not bad at all. I slowly tried to get the head into my mouth. My mouth was stretched wide, as the head went inside. I just held it there, and licked the head. My hands were still stroking the shaft. He must have been really excited, for I felt his dick stiffen, and get bigger, if that is possible. All of a sudden, his hand was on the back of my head and pushing me forward. Then, his dick started to spurt gobs of cum into my mouth and down my throat. He was drowning me! I was drowning in cum and couldn’t get away! I had to swallow, and swallow, still, I couldn’t swallow fast enough! It ran out of my mouth and down onto my hands. I thought he would never stop! It never tasted bad, as I imagined it would. Actually, I kind of enjoyed making a dick that size cum. It was a feeling of power! I licked all the cum from my lips, and brought my fingers into my mouth. I cleaned them too. I was in a daze. Sort of detached from reality.

“Was that the first time you ever drank a black man’s cum?” he asked.

“What? What did you say?”

“I said, was that the first time you ever swallowed a black man’s cum?”

“Oh God, Oh My God!!” I jumped up and ran for the bathroom. I grabbed the mouthwash and washed out my mouth. I could still taste him! I hurriedly brushed my teeth, including my tongue, and all around inside my mouth. I could still taste him! The taste was in the back of my throat and in my nose! Oh God, I actually let a black a****l cum inside my mouth. What was I going to do? Act like it never happened? Pretend I couldn’t help myself? Tell myself, that he forced me? Well, it was over, and would never happen again! A little voice inside my head, seemed to deny that. I was so upset, I took a valium and went to my room to lie down for awhile. Maybe he will leave, go somewhere. Anywhere! As long as I don’t have to face him!

In the bedroom, I could tell my panties were soaking wet. I was wearing a strapless sundress, with a flared bottom. I removed my panties, but didn’t seem to have the energy to put on another pair. What did it matter? After all, I was in my bedroom, in my bed. I needed to sleep awhile and maybe it would clear my mind. Put my thoughts in on order, so to speak. I was emotionally exhausted. The last thing I remember before drifting off into a sound sleep, was the memory of how soft the head of his dick had been.

Ron waited for half an hour before going upstairs. He wanted to taste that white pussy, and had no intention of waiting another day! Going to her room, he gently pushed open the door. Linda was lying on her back, sound asleep. He tiptoed next to the bed and slowly raised the hem of her dress. She wasn’t wearing panties! Her neatly trimmed pubic mound was just asking for his attention. From the foot of the bed, he inched his head and shoulders between her legs. He gently raised her hips, and put his arms under them. His mouth was only inches from her dripping wet pussy. He could smell her excitement. He touched her clitoris with his tongue, and slowly rotated it around and around. Then, he looked at her face to see if she had awakened. She had a smile on her face, but was still sound asleep. I wonder if she’s dreaming about me and my long tongue, he thought. It didn’t seem she was going to awaken, and this was the perfect opportunity to do some serious pussy eating. He stuck his long, thick tongue inside her wet pussy and licked up all the juices, he could reach. She was starting to moan in her sleep. After fucking her with his tongue, he went back to her love bud. Now, she was moaning constantly, and was becoming louder. He looked again, but she still had that smile on her face, and was evidently asleep. He gave his full attention to her pussy, licking, sucking, and fucking her with his tongue.

I was having such an erotic dream. Richard was eating me, but as never before. His tongue was bigger, and now much more exciting. He was reaching places and doing things, he had never done before. Why had he waited, to let me know how well he could eat pussy? Oh God, it felt so good! I was going to cum! He had never made me cum this way before. I had never really liked him doing this, but from now on, he was going to do it every night! Oh…, Oh…, I’m cumming! So good.

When she started cumming, I almost cum myself. Another couple of minutes, and I eased her legs back down, slid off the foot of the bed, and put her dress back in place. I closed the door, as I left the room. I wonder what she is going to think when she wakes up. Will she remember, or believe it was just a dream. The next item on the agenda, is to get my cock into that tight hole. I’ll work on that tomorrow. After all, I still have 27 days!

When I woke up, it was almost time for Richard to come home. I rushed downstairs to start supper. Ron had gone outside, somewhere. I was glad of that. I didn’t know what to say to him. I felt so refreshed, relaxed, almost as if I had climaxed. The dream!!! I climaxed in my sleep! I haven’t done that since I was in college. Strange though, I was dreaming of Richard, but it never felt like him. He doesn’t have that kind of experience. Looking out the window, I saw Ron coming toward the back door. He was licking on an ice cream cone. His tongue! That’s the tongue that was licking me! It was no dream, or was it? Did I only imagine it was Richard, but with Ron’s tongue? Did he really eat me, while I was sleeping? Do I want to know?

Ron came in the back door, and asked if I wanted a bite of his ice cream. He acted like nothing had ever happened between them. Good! I’ll act the same way, and forget the whole thing. It’s never going to happen again, anyway.

After dinner, I went to bed early, saying I had a headache. Richard came up a few minutes later, and wanted to know what was wrong. I told him, “having a black man in our house for another 27 days is what was wrong!” Then he had the nerve to want to make love! “I’ll let you in on a little secret, you are not going to touch me, as long as that a****l is in our house! When he goes, you get your wife back.”

“Has something happened? Has Ron gotten out of line? What has he done to make you hate him so?”

“He’s black, and that is what’s wrong! No, he hasn’t done anything else wrong. He has been a perfect gentleman, if an a****l can be called a gentleman.”

“Okay, I’m going back downstairs and sip a few beers with him. He’s really a nice guy, you know. Your prejudice is clouding your judgment.“

The next morning, Ron and Richard left at the same time. I cleaned the house, and must have picked up a dozen beer bottles. About noon, I took a long relaxing bath, and was lounging around in my bathrobe, when Ron came in the door. He took one look at me, and came over to the sofa, sitting down next to me. His thigh was brushing against mine. I could feel the heat from his leg. He put his arm around my shoulder, and pulled me against his chest. I had no will to resist! What was happening to me? Why do I let this black man touch me at his whim? I hate blacks! Still, he was so strong and masculine, so sure of himself, not like Richard at all.

“Today, Linda, I think you should prove something to yourself. I know you are curious, and will never be satisfied until you know the answer.”

“The answer to what?”

“Whether my black cock will fit into that small pussy of yours.”

Sitting upright, I said, “You’re crazy, if you think I’m curious about that. I don’t care if that monster will fit or not. I do know that it would stretch me so big, that Richard would never want me again. You go find yourself another woman! You will never fuck me with that thing!” I was curious. I was dying to know how it would feel to have a 12 inch dick inside me! He only ignored me, and stood up, dropping his pants. Naturally, he had on no underwear! He was already about half hard. He sat back down next to me, and put my hand on the shaft. Immediately, it started to grow. He reached over, and took the tape measure out of my sewing kit. By now, he was completely hard. Handing me the tape, he said measure, and see exactly what you are going to get.

“I’ll measure it, but I’m not going to get anything.” It measured almost 13 inches, and was 6-1/2 inches around. Even looking at him, and seeing the proof with my own eyes, I still couldn’t believe it!

“Now, here is what we are going to do. We are going to try an experiment. When you are ready, I want to try and put the head inside you. That’s not fucking. That’s just an experiment to see if a white woman can take me. Do you agree that it’s not fucking? I’m not going all the way inside. I’m not going to cum, so how can it be called fucking?”

“Well, honestly, I am curious. Do you promise that only the head is going inside? You’re just going to see if it would, as if we were really going to make love?”

“That’s all I’m going to do, but I have to get you ready. All you have to do is relax and enjoy the sensations. First, this sofa is not high enough. Stand up, and let me put another cushion under you. I did as he asked, and when I sat back down, my feet didn’t touch the floor. What was I getting myself into? Why was I doing this, with a man I detested? His magnetism? The unknown and forbidden? Whatever the reason, I was about to find out the answer.

He got on his knees in front of me, and opened my robe. He was surprised when he saw there was nothing underneath. He never tried to kiss me. I think he knew I wouldn’t. He went straight to my breasts, and started sucking like a hungry baby. First one breast, then the other. I was getting wet, already. He kissed his way down my stomach, till I could feel his breath on my love bud. He took it into his mouth and began sucking on it, just as he had sucked my breasts. I was so hot and feeling so good, that I almost had an orgasm right then. When he stuck that long, thick tongue inside, I couldn’t control myself any longer. I had the biggest orgasm of my life! All I could say was, Oh God, Oh God, I’m cumming…I’m cumming. The Dream! It wasn’t a dream! That is the tongue that made me cum. No wonder it was so vivid! Usually, a dream fades when you wake up, but mine was still sharply etched in my mind. No wonder! It really happened, and now it was going to happen again. I came back to my senses, and he was up on his knees with his monster pointed at the opening of my pussy.

I looked at him, and said, “remember, only the head, and you will take it out whenever I say.”

“Okay, I will. Now take your fingers and spread your pussy lips. Sit up straighter, so you can see every inch as it disappears inside you.”

I spread my lips, and he was rubbing his dick up and down my slit. It was almost like he was masturbating me with his big dick. Then, he stopped and placed the head at my tiny opening. He was putting pressure against my pussy, but there was no way that thing was going to go inside.

“No more! No more! It is starting to hurt. Stop pushing.” But he didn’t stop! He kept up the pressure, more and more! “Ah NO..NO..Not anymore!!! It won’t go! You’re killing me! You said you would stop!” I spread my legs as wide as they would go, to help ease the pain. I was pushing on his shoulders and chest, but it didn’t even bother him. He just kept up the relentless pressure. MY God, He’s going to split me into! God help me!” I was moaning and crying.

Suddenly there was a pop and the pressure was gone, but I felt as if there was a log inside the lips of my pussy. I looked down and saw that the head was inside, along with an inch of his massive shaft!

“Don’t move, please don’t move. It will kill me if you do. I feel as if my pussy is ripping apart. You said you would only put in the head. Now, I know I can take it, but it hurts too much. I could never be fucked with something that big.”

“Let me hold it here until you relax, and your pussy adjusts to having a real man inside you. Since we have gone this far, why not push it in a little farther when the pain stops? What do you say? It’s not like we are fucking.”

“I don’t believe the pain will go away, but if it does, maybe, you can put in a little more. Wait a few minutes. I hate to have come this far, and never really know if I could take something that big. Are you sure you aren’t going to try and fuck me? I trust you to keep your word. It’s not hurting so bad, anymore. Try pushing again. I’m more relaxed now.”

I was watching, as he pushed, and another couple of inches went inside. I could feel the walls of my vagina stretching, trying to accommodate his size. He stopped again, and it actually felt good. There was a fullness that I had never felt before. He pushed again, and was at the deepest point any dick had ever been.

“NO one has ever been deeper than that. I think you should stop now. I’ll never have anyone, but my husband, and his doesn’t go as far as you have it now.” My mouth was speaking those words, but my body wanted more. I wanted him to go as deep as he could. I wanted to take all of him!

He pushed again, and it looked as if there was still four inches to go! I was adjusting now. More relaxed. It hurt a little and filled me completely, but I knew now that I could handle a monster cock! Once, I had taken the entire length, he would remove it, and that would be the end of the whole thing. My curiosity would be satisfied.

“Try and slowly push the rest into me. Please stop, if I scream. I can feel it pushing my insides ahead of it. I don’t know how much farther, they will push.” While I’m talking, I am watching at the same time. Slowly it all disappears, and finally our pubic mounds are against each other. I have taken a 13 inch monster cock!

“OKAY, I have taken all of you. Now take it out and lets call the experiment a success.” As I said this, he twitched his dick, then again, and again. My Lord, I never felt anything so good. It was like he was fucking me, without moving his body! My juices were coating his dick with a slick film of lubrication. I was so hot, I could cum by just having him inside me.

“It’s time to stop! You said you would stop anytime I said!”

He very gently flicked his hips, and there was a slight in and out movement. That felt so good, so wonderful. I hope he does it again, before he completely removes himself. Then he pulled out about 4 inches, and pushed it back in. He did this a few times, and I started to moan. I couldn’t help myself. I had never had anything in my life feel so wonderful, so glorious. Oh MY God, he is fucking me! He promised! But, I can’t help myself. I want him to! Now, he is using longer strokes, as I adjust to him. There’s no pain, just feelings and what feelings!! I’m CUMMING…….I’m Cumming… with a 13 inch dick in my pussy. I never want it to end! I want to fuck this big black cock forever. I’ll never hate blacks again. Only a black dick could give me this pleasure. “Oh fuck me, fuck me! I’m yours! Do whatever you want with me, just give me your big cock for my pussy! I’m Cumming again!!! I can’t stop Cumming! You have to stop! Not anymore, No more! I’ll die! My body can’t take that many climaxes.” Then she felt his body tense, and all of a sudden it felt like a water hose had been inserted into her pussy! Squirt after squirt of cum flooded her insides. It seemed to be coming out of her mouth. Nobody could cum that much. This triggered another climax, and she screamed with pleasure. Cum Inside Me? Cum? NO! NO! NO! You can’t cum inside me! I’ll get pregnant! You put your seed all the way in the mouth of my cervix. Why? Why? You said you wouldn’t even fuck me. Now, look what has happened!

“Don’t worry about getting pregnant. I had a vasectomy 4 years ago. I could never make you pregnant.” Like hell, I can’t, I was thinking.

“Oh, Thank God. You wouldn’t lie to me again, would you?”

“I would never lie about something like that. Trust me. If you have recovered, lets go upstairs to the bed. I want to show you something.”

They went upstairs, and he lay down on his back. His enormous dick was still sticking straight up. “Come here and straddle me. Squat down over my dick, and put the tip inside yourself.” She did as he instructed. “Now lower yourself, until about 4 inches are inside you.”

“I don’t know if I can take you again”

“Yes, you can. You still have my cum dripping out of you, so my cock should enter you easily. Go slow, and let yourself get used to me again.”

This time, the entry was without pain. She was still tight and filled like never before, but all the juices had her prepared. She stopped when about 4 or 5 inches were inside her.

“Now, I am going to pump up and you pump down. If there is pain, you can control the penetration. Is that okay?” He began pumping up into her and she was controlling the depth. She was taking more and more of him, until their pubic bones were smashing against each other. She was screaming out one long glorious climax! After only a few minutes, he cum so hard, she thought he was going to blow her off him. She fell exhausted and completely satisfied at his side. She dozed for a few minutes, but awoke when he started talking.

“I will be here for another 24 to 26 days, and I want this to happen every day, until I leave. Another thing, don’t let that wimp husband touch you this month. Do you agree with me?”

“Oh God Yes!! I want you more than once a day. I want you day and night! If you say so, I’ll never let Richard touch me again. That little dick of his could never make me cum again, anyway! Could you stay until my period starts?” That will be at the end of the month.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her, it would be at the end of nine months!

Same as Blackmale...d Videos

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Fraudsters Punished 1832

May 27th 1832. Percy and Dilly married in Pennydelset church.Chapter27. Sheila a*****ed and abused"What have you been up to Jeremy?" Margaret called, "The police have arrived." They’d been together for two years and the west end of the old workhouse was converted into three spacious flats, two occupied by middle aged couples and one by a single lady of about Margaret’s age. Margaret and Jeremy decided to keep the entire east end of the house in as near original condition as possible in keeping...

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"Come on Tonya",Mickie shouted from outside her apartment door,"we have to get a move on". Tonya grabbed her large overnight duffle bag and headed down the stairs and out the door where Mickie was waiting in her black Pathfinder. As she put in her bag she could see the tent and coolers set up in the back of the truck. They were going to the annual Womyn's festival being held about 600 miles away from where they lived. "Hi Mickie",said Tonya as she climbed into the truck. "Hey girl,what's...

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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 24

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Niece on a BoatChapter 17 Breakfast

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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 8

When I took them home, Eva invited me in. "Wait," she said, and then took Timothy to his room to put him to bed. I decided not to make myself too comfortable. She was sending mixed signals. So I looked around instead. In most houses there are pictures scattered around, and knickknacks ... little personal items that describe where the members of the family have been on their life walk thus far. All I saw in the living room was one picture of Eva and Timothy. It looked like it was a year...

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Fucking A Sexy Receptionist

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My Lady and How She Treats Me Part Three

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Daddys Friend Part 1

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The family Road Trip BBBBTS

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From an amateur DJ to a Whore 8211 Part 1

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Trading Places at Boarding SchoolChapter 3

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Porn Star Babe Part One

As a hot, 20 year-old girly boy, I was invited by another girly boy to star in a porn movie with her. It sounded fun and I was adventurous sexually, anyway. So, becoming an actress getting lots of big loads of cum from her handsome co-stars was very exciting to me.The movie was shot in a private house where I drove to with my girlfriend, Chrissie Licks, a pretty, 21 year-old, aspiring porn star. Chris was a cute blonde when dressed as a boy. He was also a call boy who was popular with older gay...

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Labor Day Weekend 1981

Marcia said they were tied up for a bit but would meet us out there. Bob knew the nude beach was out there, but Marcia didn’t and Bob wasn’t going to tell her. When they arrive at the beach, Laney and I had already set up our spot and Laney had taken her top off to get some sun. Bob acted surprised to see Laney topless and Marcia was real flustered and didn’t know what to say. Laney just acted like everything was normal and went about her business helping them set their stuff up. We...

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Mama Teaches Me

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Girl Next Door

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My mumbai trip

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Gay Sex With Friend And His Father

Hi, I am Parth, sweet and cute. I like boys as much as girls so I’m bi-sexual. I have good physics 6” height 75kg wight and 5.5′ dick I was 18 when something remarkable event happened with me. Before this I never had any sex not with girl or boy in fact I never been in relation with anyone. It was summer vacation. I used to go to my friend Ravi’s house for almost every afternoons. We usually play games watch movies and hangout just two of us. Ravi is very charming he has nice body good looks...

Gay Male
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You Win Some You Lose Some

You Win Some, You Lose Some By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy the story please leave a review! I love reading them and seeing what my fans have to say. It keeps me energized and going, and brightens up my day. Everytime I see a new review my heart leaps and my day gets a little brighter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= AUTHOR'S NOTE This story is G-rated, but...

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An Adventure the WildernessChapter 3

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Young Love at Prom Repost

Before I go on, I guess I should describe her a little bit. She had beautiful light blonde hair that went just passed her shoulders. She stood a little higher than five feet and had a small frame. I always thought she had a “cute” complex to her, but she was always very pretty in my mind. Maybe I was just biased because she was my friend. Her breasts were a good handful, I think about a B cup, but I could never tell exactly from looking. She had a great ass as well. I especially loved it...

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My Sex Story 8211 Part I

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45 Blood

1:13 P.M., Monday, May 15, 2017 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Sometimes, Ted Michaels was glad that his wards were in show business. Today was such a day. Being in the midst of a tour, they weren’t attending school but instead were being instructed at home and on the road. This meant that when Paula Akron hit a certain milestone of growing up, she was at home instead of at school. At least, the man thought, it hadn’t happened on stage. “It was like in Psycho!” the ten year old girl...

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Pool HustledChapter 13

David I walked up on the pool deck, where Joyce's dad and brother were sitting watching the kids swim. "Well son, now just what did you get yourself into?" Joseph asked me laughing. I told him and Ron, the highlights of our weekend and how I asked Joyce to marry me. I told them I won 15 grand at the craps table. They both congratulate me our engagement. Just then Joyce's two kids climbed out of the pool and race over to me and gave a wet hug. Joyce We all went into the house and got...

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A Ghostly Decision

I swear I could feel it, the soft touch of her hand against my tear-dampened cheek. I knew it could not be so, death had come between us, had terminated our earthly relationship. I would never feel the human touch of her fingers again. What I could feel was the pain of death, and even more the ripping of my soul that the rift of passing had caused. Our life together had been much too brief but the bond of our love had been so strong. It was hard to believe death had come so soon. Could a...

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Miss Shaila Adventure Of A Sensual Massage

Hello Friends. I am Aarav, a 24-year-old handsome guy from Pune. So this is the first real-life experience that I have penned down and I hope you enjoy it. It was the first week of January. I had one of my Entrance exams in Mumbai and so was returning to Pune. I had already booked my Shivneri bus tickets and was waiting for my bus. As usual, the bus never arrived on time, and I was just glancing through the other passengers. My eyes caught a glimpse of a lady, maybe in her early 30’s, wearing...

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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 37

I'd set off for my run later than usual, because Em had been laid low with morning sickness again, and I'd stayed with her until she'd got a piece of toast down, and kept it there for half an hour. The sun was shining, but the night's heavy rain had softened the front path, which was why I noticed footprints heading towards the front door that hadn't been there when I left. Who would come calling at this time of day? Not the postman because he drove up to inner gate, and this trail...

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Those little girls Just when you didnt think life could get any worse

A young boy is feeling the blues and thinks that life can't get any worse. Until he meets the little bully girls. Kelly-Kellie: me 10 year old boy Sally: My older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl Those little girls: Just when you didn't think life could get any worse. By Princess Panty boy Some people believe everything happens for a reason, if that's true, I am just plain and simply...

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Family Heritage

(Before you read, I hope you enjoy this, and feel free to create some chapters for me to look over, and you'll be doing me a favor in expanding this story.) You wake up and get out of bed wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and plain grey briefs. You look over to the side and see your sister Katherine's beautiful form lying in her own bed on the other side of the bedroom. You walk over and sit down by her as she sleeps. You watch as her breasts slowly move up and down with each breath. You...

Mind Control
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Grandpa Catches Me Naked Part 1

100% fiction! My name is Michelle and I live in South Alabama, near the coast. I am a light skinned (yellow) black girl who is 5ft tall and curvacious. I have a big firm ass, tiny waist and perky B-cup breasts. My aereolas are large, brown and puffy with nipples made for sucking. I have a flat tummy that leads down to a shaved pussy. One day I was home alone when a dress I had ordered online was delivered by UPS. I was super excited and I ran upstairs to try it on. It was a blistering hot day...

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Pounding The Professor

Hello people, this Rohan(name changed), back again with another wild, rough, hardcore sex story to make your cocks rock hard and pussies dripping wet. For those of you who don’t know, I’m an engineering student here in Bhopal and enjoy fucking the brains out of the girls that come my way. This is a real incident from my days in the second year. It was early days in my second year in college. From my first days in college, I’d set my sights on a professor in college and often said to myself,...

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E102 More from Emmas mothers diary

Between playing their different games, Emma now broadcasting on one of the adult sites they found on a regular basis, and just life in general, the fall does seem to fly by.  Before they know it, it is Thanksgiving.  Their first together.  This year has been filled with so many firsts and then repeats.  It is hard to imagine that it is only eight months since Emma attended the lecture Donald gave.  And six months since this all began with them.Neither had really done much for Thanksgiving for...

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Afternoon Trip To The Library

I’m in need of going to get books from the library downtown. I beg you to come to the library with me, and after much debate, you agree to come. You’re still grumbling about it as we pull up to the library. As I walk in, I stop and look up where the books are I'll need to study with and tell you that they're upstairs. We walk up and I begin to go through the rows. The last book I need is way in the very back of the old library, in a corner. I reach up and start to look through them, running my...

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Dish Served Cold

Dish Served Cold Don Abdul Mrs. Rebeca Robinson was 45 years old when the proverbial fickle finger of fate beckoned, and led her into the exciting world of cougars. She was the head teacher at a ‘special high school’. She was still very fit and shapely, probably more so than most women her age. Her ample breasts were just about starting show signs of sagging. Her thick thighs and heart shaped ass were still at the dawn of a losing battle with age and cellulite. Her regular jogging helped her...

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Chapter 1Trees flitted through Shawn's window, their droning a soothe for his mind as the train cut though their wake. New York City was a few hours in his past, and all his knotted up tension and the grind of the kitchen still echoed in his muscle memory. He couldn't shake away the anticipating mental rote of planning his station's 'mise en place' list. Today's list, even though he was sitting here, on the first day of a much-needed vacation. Cooking was like that, it took time to detox from...

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Lucindas New Life Part 1 Dissatisfaction

Monday 7th JulyIt was Monday afternoon and as the long, dark, chauffeur-driven car sped through the London traffic away from her office in the City, Lucinda, or to use her full name, Lady Lucinda Estelle Spencer, was once again convinced that she had made a mistake in her marriage.After spending another strained weekend with her husband, for her, the start of the working week had been a relief.Five years into what was supposed to have been wedded bliss, she now realised that marrying a man...

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mistaken for my son

A chance overnight stay in my son's flat leads to me being mistaken for himby his drunk boyfriend***************It had been a great Festive period. Though my son Ricky hadn't made it forChristmas due to some wild party with friends, he had come home for NewYear and, as always it was good to see him. Ricky was at university in Yorkand with us living just outside London he had moved up there and with ourhelp. Susie and I had bought a little flat for him which would hopefully bea good investment...

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Uncle Devon Takes Advantage

When Kristina was only twelve, my sister teased, "It seems as though your little niece has a crush on her handsome Uncle Dev." From then forward, whenever I was around the youngster and no one was paying attention, I purposely encouraged that 'puppy love' she held for me. She tried not to be obvious in her flirting, but it was pretty obvious how much she liked me, although I must say that my niece did manage not to show her feelings when others were around. Of course her mom knew, but...

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Miss Andi

MISS ANDIPetronella Courcheval, manager of the PainCafe’s Gift Shop, looked enthusiastically at F.X. Copeland’s newest creation. ?It’s an android?? she said. ?God, it looks just like me.?And it was—black hair in a Cleopatra cut, full lips like purple berries, intense hazel eyes, cantaloupe breasts encased in a purple halter?and long, fishnet legs. It was Petti to a tee.?Yes’m.? Cope grinned. ?I had to have a model, a muse, like?you’re so cute, y’know.?Petti smiled. Cope was so guileless. He...

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Devlins StoryChapter 5A

Devlin peeled one eye open and looked across the pillow at her window. She could hear her mother downstairs. Through the partially opened window she could hear kids playing outside. She sighed. She knew it was Saturday, and right now she wanted no part of it. She felt tired, bone weary tired, the kind of tired where you sprawl back in bed and don't move for several hours. And she'd promised to go shopping with her mother. She reached for the covers and discovered she had pushed them off...

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Uncle And I

Hey lovable readers I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I will publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person. Have fun reading it and do reply me on stiefler_007_for_lovely_girls We live in a rural area of the state where everyone lives a t a leisurely pace. No rushing as we do our daily living. I am home from college for the summer and an enjoying time off from my studies. Aunt Jo and Uncle John have come to visit...

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College Fuck Buddy Akanksha

Hello, dicks and pussies! Here’s my first story though I’m very old to ISS. I have a wonderful sex life with over 7 partners till date with no strings attached. I’m Akash (name changed) from Hyderabad living in Bangalore working in an MNC. I’m not in a perfect relationship right now. I’m a workaholic and can’t give enough time (texting/talking every hour/day) to it. Let’s meet, have fun/romance/ sex is my concept. But again it is not like treating like a whore. It should be romantic sex. Let me...

1 year ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 3 Gabby and Stefan

As Julie entered the tea-room at Biological Sciences, it seemed like a ghost town. Nearly all of the staff were overseas at Johns Hopkins, or over at Lennox Hospital. Only Gabby was here, seated at the big table, reading one of the newspapers which were always scattered across it. She looked up and smiled as Julie walked in. Julie had always felt quite sorry for Gabby. She was pale, in a delicate kind of a way, and the skin on her face was still spotty, like that of a teenager's. She was...

2 years ago
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My 18th BirthdayHi everyone

I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only 10-11 were...

3 years ago
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I slid my key into the lock, turning it and quickly entering the room, breathless still from the sprint I took on my way from my car to the familiar meeting place. He was by the window, staring out onto the street below. ‘You’re late,’ He said and nothing more, He never even turned to look at me. I struggled out of my jacket telling Him, ‘I’m sorry Sir, traffic was a nightmare.’ Hanging my jacket neatly on the empty hanger, I opened the closet and put it next to His familiar leather coat,...

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