DanicaPart 20A free porn video

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Meckataur's demonic servants openly watched Zoraster this time as he crossed the weed-choked broken flagstones in the courtyard of Nightmare Castle. The task Zoraster came to offer the demon was something any number of his servants could have performed, but would serve to slake the hellspawn's thirst for elven blood. More important was the opportunity to see the fruit of Meckataur's loins, demons that would serve as nearly unstoppable generals in the devil's building horde. Barely free of their mother's wombs, now was the only opportunity Zoraster would have to probe their minds, discovering how best to use them and subvert them to his cause. Meckataur was too powerful, his mind too well formed, for Zoraster to control him — yet — but his foul offspring were another matter entirely.

The theatrics that had greeted the Archmage on his previous visit were absent this time, which only confirmed Zoraster's evaluation of the devil. The hands of the dead opened the doors, rather than magic, and the demons lurking within the walls perched openly — drooling and snarling — throughout the dilapidated castle.

Reaching the dais in the throne room, where Meckataur and his human dupes awaited, Zoraster bowed with a flourish, "Greetings, Meckataur."

"What do you want, Zoraster," Meckataur rumbled.

"I find myself with a bit of a problem, one which I believe you would find solving to be quite satisfying."

The devil's muzzle broke into a toothy grin, "Go on, Zoraster."

"Allow me to show you," Zoraster suggested, and then cast a spell of scrying. A shimmering disk of light appeared, which then shifted and focused to reveal three elves, obviously rangers by their garb and weapons.

"Fey," Meckataur snarled.

"These three are proving quite troublesome, hunting men I have in the area who are performing vital reconnaissance and strikes. They are young — as elves count such things — and likely do not have the discipline to turn their minds inward, or release their souls to the Fey deities. I thought perhaps you might enjoy peeling the flesh from their bones — slowly."

The demon concentrated for a moment, reaching out one great, clawed hand toward Zoraster's scrying portal. Sensing the location to which the portal was attuned, Meckataur growled out the words of a spell — words in the demon tongue that never would have fit in the mouth of a man. Fire engulfed the demon, and when the flames faded, he was gone.

In the scrying portal, flames crackled as Meckataur appeared amongst the elves — driving his clawed hand completely through the chest of the nearest, and slinging the body like a weapon at the other two. One of the elves dived aside — rolling across the forest floor — but the other fell when the demon's strike hit true. The roaring devil was upon him almost before he hit the ground.

Zoraster appeared to be watching the scene unfold, but in truth, he utilized a prepared magic to probe the minds of the infant demons. Already the size of toddlers, though only weeks old, they nursed at the breasts of their wan, slack-faced mothers.

The creatures numbered five males and one female. The female was the most intriguing, the seeds of seductive power already beginning to take root within her. No doubt, she would be alluring beyond compare when she reached maturity, a powerful weapon against any that could know desire for a human female. Four of the males possessed elemental powers, each keyed to their own specific element. The fifth male, smaller than the rest, would have the touch of death when it matured, and an affinity for the Art burned in its blood as well. All had their sire's ability to absorb the power of other demons as their own.

Waiting until the right moment, when Meckataur eviscerated the final elf with the razor sharp edges of his scaly wings, and thus had the full attention of his two human servants, Zoraster concentrated upon a ring on his finger.

Darts of faint light emerged from the ring, streaking with impossible speed toward the demonic infants. Arleen jerked her head around to look, obviously having seen the flash in her peripheral vision, but saw nothing unusual. She narrowed her eyes and stared hard at Zoraster, but saw nothing amiss in his posture or expression as the Archmage watched Meckataur roar in triumph through the scrying portal.

A few moments later, the devil reappeared in a burst of flame before them, the three mangled corpses held in his enormous arms. Zoraster banished his scrying portal as Meckataur hurled the corpses to the ground before the cleric Mopario.

The demon's servant did not need to be instructed what to do. He knelt over the bodies, praying to his dark god. At the same time, Meckataur worked his foul magic over the bodies. In a few moments, the corpses started to lurch violently on the floor, steadily becoming more coordinated in their movement with each passing second.

Meckataur loosed a terrible laugh. "They have not escaped me! Their souls are mine to torment!"

Indeed, the spirits of the elves were visible, tied to the bodies and desperately trying to flee from the pain and suffering of life. The spells of the dark cleric and the demon held them chained to their mortal forms — the faces of the spirits filled with utter anguish.

"It seems we both benefit from this endeavor, Meckataur."

The demon roared yet again in triumph, trailing off into that horrific laugh before he spoke, "Bring me more, Zoraster. Deliver the Fey unto my grasp, and I will continue to aid you in your mad schemes."

His true task here accomplished, Zoraster bowed and said, "I shall certainly seek elves to entertain you then, Demon Lord," before turning to leave.

Danica and Celes sat discussing possible ways to examine the stone again, talking in circles and finding no possible solutions. A knock on the door startled and silenced them, and Danica rose to answer it.

Tam stood smiling outside. "I'm quite sure you will want to examine the stone again without prying eyes nearby, and perhaps experiment with a few bits of magic. Do feel free, the doors will open for you and allow you entrance."

"I'm not for..." Celes paused and then continued without her exaggerated accent, "I suppose that is a waste of time. I don't understand the game you're playing."

The guardian's smile widened. "No game, Celes. You will find no way to take the stone without snuffing out my life, so there is no harm in allowing you to do as you will. I must apologize for Vellana, she does not understand — or approve of — my actions either. She trusts you not, and will, no doubt, treat you with some disdain. One day she will understand, and then she shall be ready to take my place here."

Danica watched the man as he spoke, wondering why she had such complete trust in a stranger. An aura of peace and serenity seemed to surround him, and Danica felt as if it were wrapping about her as well.

Celes continued to push the old man in irritation, "What if she's right? You keep telling us the only way to get the stone is to kill you. What makes you think we won't do that? Since you seem to know everything else, I guess you know the price of failure we will bear if we return without that damn rock."

Tam replied, "It is always a possibility, although I doubt you could find it in your heart to slay me. I am not without my defenses, were you to try."

Celes was obviously about to launch into another tirade, but Danica interrupted her, "Let's just go look at the stone, Celes. We have permission, and this is getting us no closer to a solution than we were earlier."

Celes pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes for a moment, and then her shoulders fell and she sighed, "You're right. I suppose I just don't like the choice we have to make."

"Examine the stone carefully, discern its nature. Perhaps you may find the answers you seek," Tam said, and then nodded before hobbling off down the hallway.

Danica could feel Celes' emotions rolling out from her. Irritation caused by the need to choose between murder and torment dominated Celes' thoughts, but mixed in with it was the need to talk — and the fear of doing so. It was all Danica could do to keep her mouth shut, feeling that this was not the right time for them to air their feelings.

Walking up to her friend, Danica hugged Celes and said, "We may as well go get started."

Celes nodded, sighing again, and followed Danica down the hall toward the room where the stone was enshrined.

The hours ticked by as Danica and Celes turned all their knowledge — and magic — toward finding out any information about the stone and its protections. Their magic slid off it like water droplets, and continuing study of the stone revealed nothing new to Danica, who concentrated on just looking at the stone while Celes worked her magic.

"This is useless. That thing is like nothing I've ever seen," Celes declared in exasperated tones.

Danica didn't even hear Celes speak, her eyes locked on the stone and her expression curious. There was something about the stone; it put off a feeling much like the aura surrounding the old guardian — and something else.

She almost felt as though the stone were trying to speak to her. The sensation was very similar to when she unwittingly felt the emotions or heard the thoughts of others. Upon considering that similarity, the feeling grew stronger. Danica concentrated, thinking she was on the verge of some sort of breakthrough. The sensations from the stone grew more coherent, although they continued to tease her, still just beyond her ability to comprehend. Then, in a rush, she felt a wave crash over her from the stone, saturating her with the peaceful serenity that surrounded the object. Danica twitched, a roar of white noise deafening her for a moment.


Danica shook her head and looked at Celes, startled by the woman screaming her name. "I'm sorry, what?"

Celes closed one eye to a slit and tilted her head slightly, looking at Danica with a combination of worry and confusion. "I've been talking to you now for a minute or more, and you obviously haven't heard a word I said."

"I'm sorry, I was just feeling — something."

Celes' eyes brightened. "Anything that can help us get the damn thing out of here without killing the guardian?"

Danica shook her head, confusing wisps of thought drifting around like butterflies flittering about just within her peripheral vision. Putting a hand on her forehead, Danica shook her head. "No, it just has this aura. I thought I was getting somewhere, but I guess not."

"Are you okay?" The concern in Celes' voice was unmasked, because the look on Danica's face had her very worried.

Danica raised her head and smiled. "I'm fine. I just hoped I might have found something. We're going to have to accept our punishment for failure."

Celes nodded. "Aye, I was just blustering with the old man. I will not commit murder for Zoraster to save myself from pain."

Danica asked, "So, should we just go back then? Get it over with?"

"I hoped you might stay the night," Tam's voice said from behind them.

They turned and saw the old man smiling at them from the doorway. "I would enjoy the company, and perhaps you may find time to prepare for what you must do — here where your Master cannot spy upon you."

Celes surprised Danica by answering, "We'll stay."

Danica had thought to persuade Celes to stay, planning to share her feelings with her friend, finally ending the rift that was between them. Celes accepting without any argument left Danica perplexed.

Celes shrugged. "Ever since we got here, we've ended up doing everything he's suggested anyway. May as well save the time of fighting it."

Danica laughed, and then both women followed the old guardian when he gestured for them to do so.

Zoraster stared at the entrance of the grotto, a slight note of irritation on his face. After a moment, he banished the magic of the mirror. The women were resourceful, but it might take some time for them to form a course of action. Unable to follow their progress, he would simply have to wait. Zoraster cursed the anger that had prompted him to send them hastily, without instructions to exit the grotto and report regularly.

Glancing at the shelves lining one wall of the scrying room, he singled out the soul stones linked to Danica and Celes. They were dark, and thus the women still lived. Nothing could prevent those stones from revealing if the spirits of the two women had crossed over in death.

Activating several other mirrors, he observed the progress of his eventual conquest. Ferrartene's army grew daily, as did that of Draxnog. The wild men of Norshelt constructed their warships at a furious rate, and already the more savage captains struck fear into the hearts of sailors and coastal villages.

When the time for mundane war came, those whom he manipulated would be ready to set the world aflame.

The more important, and subtle, preparations moved at a swifter pace toward completion. His Arians replaced whores in houses of ill repute across the world. His agents infiltrated governments and businesses, steadily subverting them to his cause or neutralizing their threat. His elite strike forces prepared in their hidden headquarters. These would erode resistance from within, preparing the way for war.

All were, of course, nothing more than cover to distract his enemies, and the gods, from his true goal. Only in a world embroiled in chaos could he hope to succeed.

Dimming all the mirrors, Zoraster gripped the amulet around his neck, sensing a twin amulet only recently bestowed. Closing his eyes, the Archmage looked through the eyes of the man wearing the other amulet.

Large breasts bounced below a beautiful face tightened in ecstasy. The woman's blue eyes popped open wide as a final jolt shook her body, pushing her back into the headboard of the bed. Zoraster savored the release of his servant through the link, the man's seed coating the woman's depths. His first experience with something previously known only through memories not his own, Zoraster's servant found the reality far more satisfying than the memory.

A few moments later, Zoraster smiled as his servant acted upon another memory, eager to determine if it would be as gratifying as the last. Muscled arms shot down toward the woman, large, long-fingered hands wrapping around her throat.

The meal was just as good as the one provided when they first entered this odd island cavern, though Danica and Celes were a bit too lost in thought to enjoy it. Despite his stated intention of wanting company, Tam made no attempt to draw them into conversation. When Danica or Celes spoke, he responded, but otherwise he did not prod them to speak.

Somehow, Danica sensed he was getting the company he had requested. He often nodded or smiled in response to Danica's inner thoughts.

Tawny-haired Vellana said nothing, only speaking volumes of distrust with her eyes as she ate. Danica thought the woman was beautiful — lean, but curvy in just the right places to spark interesting thoughts in Danica's mind — but the severity of her expression detracted from it significantly. Even speaking directly to the woman had not broken her silence.

"I am sure you feel the need for rest, and have many things to discuss, so I shall thank you for joining us," Tam said with a nod to Danica and Celes.

When the guardian had mentioned a discussion, a wave of fear and need from Celes bombarded Danica. In truth, Danica was just as anxious and afraid as her friend was. They both needed to get their thoughts and feelings out into the open, soon.

When the women rose to go to the room set aside for them, they could feel Vellana's eyes boring into their backs. When Danica glanced back for a second, just before the table was out of her range of vision, the feeling was confirmed.

Shaking her head, Danica followed Celes to their room, where she was determined they were going to talk this out before it drove them both as mad as Zoraster.

"Master, they are a danger to you, and the stone that is your charge. They were sent here to take it by one consumed by the dark."

Tam smiled, "True, but I think it is not the command of Zoraster that brought them here, but rather destiny."

"I do not understand," Vellana sighed, shaking her head in obvious irritation.

Rising to place his hand on the young woman's shoulder, Tam said, "Come, commune with the stone. Perhaps you will hear her full song this night. Then you will understand."

Vellana's expression softened, the wave of serenity surrounding the old man having just as much power over her as any other. It would have surprised Danica and Celes to see the guardian walk unaided by his staff — and with no hint of weakness in his steps — but Vellana was accustomed to the strength residing in her Master.

Celes sat down on the bed when they entered their room, sighing heavily. Danica closed the door and then turned back to the other woman, her breath catching in her throat as she looked at Celes.

Celes' expression, masked in the illusion Danica could see after practicing to do so for so long, was sad and longing. Her firm breasts rose and fell in time with quick, shallow breaths, which were barely strong enough to fill the woman's lungs with air. Danica's blood stirred, warmth spreading through her, and she felt the tingle of wetness gathering quickly between her legs.

"Celes..." Danica paused for a moment, mastering her emotions because her tone was far huskier than intended, before continuing, "We need to talk."

A dam appeared to break within Celes, and her eyes misted with tears. Her lip quivered and she sobbed out, "Oh, Danica, I can't stop thinking about you, wanting to be with you. It's driving me out of my mind."

Danica crossed the room to sit next to her friend, "I know. I've felt it. Your thoughts have been hammering into me for a while now, and Andrea told me you'd talked to her after Brandon blurted out what I had refused to see. You know I want you too, but I don't want to hurt you. It's making me a little crazy too."

"I don't know if it's love or lust, Danica." Celes took a deep breath and shuddered. "Gods, Danica, I can taste the scent of you in the air. I changed the toy you made me so that it is you it summons when I activate the magic. I need you there so badly that I had to do something."

Danica's passions were rising to a fever pitch now, sitting close to Celes and seeing the need in the woman's eyes. "What is stopping us?" Danica breathed huskily.

Again, Celes' lip quivered. "Danica, beneath the illusion you see, I'm still old. The moment you touch me, you're going to feel reality, not the illusion. I couldn't bear it if you winced away from me. That would surely send me over the edge into madness and despair."

Danica slid her hand behind Celes' head, stroking the woman's dark tresses and looking into her eyes. In a sudden moment of passion, she leaned down and kissed Celes.

Celes stiffened at first, and then she melted into the kiss. Danica could feel nothing except the raw emotion pouring out of Celes, joy and wonder at a kiss she never thought to feel.

Their lips parted, although Danica remained close. The illusion was not broken, Danica still saw Celes as young, vibrant, and filled with need. Her hand moved to the material of Celes' robe, bunching it up with quick movements of her fingers.

Celes trembled, whispering, "Danica... We... I... Please don't tease me. We can't do this."

Danica kissed her again, more passionately this time. She pulled at Celes' robes with renewed vigor as well. When they broke from the kiss, Danica said, "I still see you as you should be."

Her robes now bunched up above her knees, Celes gasped as Danica tugged the cloth higher. "It will be different if you... Danica, the illusion won't hold. I can't bear it."

Danica pulled the cloth up above Celes' panties, and then quickly cupped the woman's sex in her hand. She could feel the heat radiating through the cloth, and Celes' back arched toward her from the touch.

The illusion — reinforced by the image of her true self in Celes' mind — held.

Looking up into Celes' eyes, she slid two fingers beneath the cotton cloth and pulled it away, pushing Celes gently down to the bed at the same time. Looking down, she saw the woman's perfect folds, and Danica's arousal spiked to levels that she could no longer ignore.

"Please, Danica," Celes sobbed, the tone of her voice betraying that she could not decide whether her own statement was meant to ask Danica to stop, or to hurry, as her back came to rest on the bed below.

Danica hooked her thumb under the cloth of Celes' panties, and slipped two fingers between the woman's nether lips.

Celes loudly moaned, her back arching completely up off the bed. Danica's senses reeled in the face of Celes' scent of arousal, and the moist warmth squeezing tight around her fingers. Danica stroked the digits, drawing a sharp gasp from Celes. The illusion Danica saw did not even waver. The sense of peace she had sensed around Tam flooded through her, but it felt as though it were coming from within instead of without this time. The serenity mingled with her arousal and love, strengthening it.

Danica's other hand moved to Celes' thigh, and Celes snapped her legs wide apart the moment she felt the touch. The woman was still sobbing, but she was committed now, she could not have forced Danica away to save her very life at this moment. Even though she still felt this would only come to disaster, it was too late to stop the inevitable. She needed Danica — desperately — and she couldn't bear to wait another moment.

Danica leaned down, drowning in the scent of Celes' arousal, enraptured by the sight of the woman's wetness clinging to her fingers. Fueled by the magic of the Awakening and the need flowing out from Celes and echoing in her mind, Danica barely noticed the illusion wavering slightly before her as she drew nearer to Celes' sex. Her tongue snaked out, and the moment it made contact with Celes' flesh, a violent jolt of energy shot through her, hurling her off the bed and into the floor below.

Scrambling back to her feet, Danica stared in horror at Celes. The illusion had shattered, revealing the truth of her old body, age spots and wrinkles dominating what had been smooth thighs a moment before. The woman was hovering a foot above the bed, her back arched so that her hair draped over the mattress and her toes grazed it as well. Celes' mouth was open in a silent scream, and her entire body trembled as if shaken by a violent earthquake from within. An angry red glow surrounded her, and her flesh rippled in nauseating waves over her bones.

Danica reached out and moved forward, but some force hurled her violently backward again before her hand could touch the obviously pain-wracked woman before her.

Rolling back up to her knees, Danica stood and sobbed out Celes' name, again walking toward the bed. She was determined that she was either going to do something, or die trying.

A jolt passed through Zoraster, knocking him back in his chair and sending the glass of wine in his hand tumbling to the stones below.

Reaching out with his mind, he discovered nothing amiss. His eyes narrowing and his teeth clenched tight, he began gesturing to the mirrors arrayed before him. Zoraster shifted the focus of the devices to hundreds of people and places he watched, attempting to discern the nature of the disturbance that had just assaulted him.

Rogan Illiciat's hand twitched, rendering the spell scroll he was scribing useless, although he paid the ruined document absolutely no attention.

Reaching out with his mind, much as Zoraster was doing hundreds of miles away, Illiciat smiled and chuckled, finding what he sought where the other found only frustration.

Opening his eyes, he whispered, "Well, well — it appears perhaps things are moving more quickly than I thought," and rose from his chair.

The stone suddenly sang out with a note of exaltation in Vellana's mind. She opened her eyes and gasped, seeing the stone's glow was now a rosy pink, the light pulsing as if in tune with a fast heartbeat. "Master, what is it?"

A wide smile on his face, and tears gathering in his eyes, Tam replied, "Hope."

Danica turned her head to the side, the glow surrounding Celes growing brighter by the moment. She quickly spoke the words of a spell, her hands moving through the gestures in a rapid dance before her. The magic came into being, and then almost immediately dissolved.

Danica risked a glance back at Celes, and found that she couldn't even see the woman through the nimbus of light now. Indeed, she couldn't even look directly at her, because the light was so bright it stabbed into Danica's brain.

She started to cast the spell again, but had to stop and back away when a wave of heat erupted from the burning light in front of her as well. Danica stumbled back, her arms held like a shield in front of her face, screaming Celes' name in choking sobs.

Just when she felt her robes were going to burst into flames, the heat blasting against Danica started to ebb. Through her closed eyelids, she could see the light in the room dimming as well.

Letting her eyes flutter open to just slits for fractions of a second, Danica opened them fully when they could bear the still diminishing light. The heat was gone now, and Danica let her arms fall. On the bed, the light was still too bright to look directly into, but in the edges of her vision, she could see a faint outline of Celes now, still hovering above the bed and trembling.

The light faded, and Danica stared in wide-eyed wonder at her friend on the bed. Celes' eyes were closed, and she appeared unconscious, but the rise and fall of her chest revealed that she was still alive.

Running to the bed, tears of joy filling her eyes, Danica cradled Celes' head in her hands and called out her name. Celes stirred slightly, moaning and tightening her closed eyes. When one of Danica's tears fell on her cheek, Celes' eyes fluttered, and then slowly opened.

"Danica?" Celes asked wearily, a look of disorientation and weakness evident in her face.

Danica let out a little chuckle, broken by a sob of joy, and cried, "Oh, Celes!"

"What happened?" Celes asked as Danica helped her sit up on the bed. Her head was clearing now, and the weakness she had felt upon waking was fading rapidly as well. The wide smile on Danica's face was still confusing, as was the joy and wonder reflected in her eyes.

Then it hit her.

Celes looked down at her hands. Smooth and unlined, the age spots that had plagued them were missing. Pulling over a lock of her hair that was tickling her ear, Celes saw it was raven-dark, rather than iron-grey. Her eyes opening wide, Celes reached up to squeeze her breasts, finding them riding high and firm once more. She looked at Danica, tears now streaming down her face as well.

Danica gathered up Celes in her arms, sobbing laughter wracking both their bodies, and she gasped, "Zoraster's curse is broken! You're young again!"

Zoraster darkened all the mirrors with a thought and a harsh slash of his hand. He stood and stomped out of the room, irritated by the sensation he could not pin down. It had felt much as if a powerful spell of his casting was broken, something he had not experienced in years, but there was no evidence anywhere of this having happened. The sensation felt muted compared to that which he remembered as well, and rather than the weakness that normally followed, it left a strange void within him.

When he stepped out into the hall, a sight greeted him that drained away his irritation. Appearing in a flash of light was his newest servant, returned from experiencing the world for the first time.

Zoraster examined the man, pleased with his creation. Standing some six inches taller than most men, he was powerfully muscled. His dirty-blonde hair hung just to his shoulders, and his long fingered, strong hands rhythmically clenched at his side. A wide smile decorated his handsome face, a face dominated by piercing blue eyes, flecked with gold. Zoraster had searched the world over until he found the perfect specimen for his experiment.

"I trust you find the world a pleasurable place, Ebonar?"

The smile on the man's face grew even wider, and more wicked. "Indeed, I do, Master. Memories fade. In their making, they are experienced in their full glory."

"Excellent. You will soon be ready to assume your place in my great game. Go now and take your rest. We shall test your command of the Art on the morrow."

Ebonar dipped his head in a shallow bow, and walked down the hall to the room set aside for him here within Zoraster's inner sanctum. He had never been here, yet he moved unerringly through the halls, acting upon memories given to him over the course of a year's nurturing.

Zoraster watched the clone with deep satisfaction. Housed within that perfect body were his mind and his memories, carefully altered to keep Ebonar tractable. The one being he could trust implicitly, Ebonar would hold the reins of power here whenever Zoraster had matters more important to attend to elsewhere. Zoraster was now free to move forward with the more intricate portions of his grand design.

Same as Danica
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Early Evening They had almost finished clearing away after tea when Sam emerged from the sleep-trainer. He grabbed a sandwich and with a quick, "Thanks. Back soon," rushed off to change into his Pathfinders uniform -- a green jacket representing the Marines and black trousers for the Navy. The Pathfinders were for dependants aged eleven and over who were likely to become sponsors when they tested at fourteen. Sam was a shoo-in with his estimated CAP score of 6.5 to 6.8. He had been...

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A Piece of EdenChapter 3

I’ve gotta take a little time A little time to think things over I better read between the lines In case I need it when I’m older Foreigner – “I Want to Know What Love Is” Moran woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. Her eyes opened wide and excitement washed over her. After two nightmarish months, the day she dreamed of was finally here. The scars Ayala left on her soul still hurt her, but they seemed like such distant dreams that they started to hurt less. Sharon and Ofer also helped,...

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Landladys DogChapter 5

Sunshine brightened her bedroom. Carol opened her eyes to it, looking vacantly around until she saw Sultan's big, stretched-out form on the floor beside her. As always, his presence gave her a warm, protected feeling, but then as she lay there open-eyed for a short moment, an unpleasantness began to spread through her. Her head throbbed. She remembered it was Saturday... and then, she began to recall much more. Abruptly, the blonde-haired girl sat nakedly upright in her bed and glanced over...

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A New World Part 7

Riley and Jenn cleaned the cum from my face and chest while I recovered my strength. After all of their teasing, my orgasm had been supremely powerful and draining. Their tongues worked over my flesh as I struggled to accept that I had just had my ass fucked, with a rather large dildo, and had, not only, enjoyed it, but had come so hard with no direct contact on my penis. I had to ask myself, what did it mean? Was I gay? Would I enjoy taking another man’s cock in my ass? Considering how I felt...

Group Sex
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The taking of both Mom and Daughter repost

It was a warm summer day in early spring when a 16 year old named Dani came off from school. She skipped out early because she wanted to lie out in the sun before anyone got home. She was felling a little Horney but did not want to miss a day of lying out in that sun. She thought about it and decided she could act on both lying in the sun and masturbate in the back yard. She felt that since their house had a privacy fence she could lay out and not get caught. What she would find out...

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The taboo trader

"Is Rapemeat crying again?" you ask. "Yes, master." Alice answers. "What do you suggest then?" you say, grabbing one of her tits. You sit in your garden, naked in your comfortable chair next to a table, right in front of your mansion. You are the only person out there. Right next to you is Alice, a blonde gorgeous 19 y.o female of 1,75 height and a big c-cup cleavage. Like all other objects in your mansion, she does not wear clothes inside your property. Unlike most of the other slaves, she is...

1 year ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 15 Compacts and Understandings

Myka woke up long before dawn after a restless night. It had taken all the efforts Prince Kyftassa and she could muster to get Alyssa to go to bed instead of fleeing back to Meikar in devastation. Myka had then been rudely hauled into the room the prince was to use to be interrogated as to what was going on. By the time the handsome man deigned to let her leave, Myka was exhausted from the long ride and the explosion of emotion which she had to face that wearying day. The young Ce'al rose...

3 years ago
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Fast Fucking Session With My Busty Sister

Hello Everyone. I am Raghu. I am back. Thanks for all the replies and comments and support for my previous two stories. Special thanks to some of the ladies who trusted in me. I will continue to be the same in future. This has encouraged me to narrate my one more experience. In my first story I introduced my sister who works in a top MNC company. She is aged 38. She works in a top MNC company as an HR manager and has thus maintained a very good physique. She is married and has 2 children and in...

1 year ago
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The experience

100% fiction! At a young age I was subjected to porno. My dad used to keep old porn flicks in the house and me being a curious kid I always searched out these things. I guess I was about eight years old the first time I actually watched a real penetration flick. Of course I didn't understand what I was watching, but I did know that there were feelings in places there were never feelings before. I proceeded to watch these movies when I was home by myself. I was what you call a "latch key" kid,...

2 years ago
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Goddess By Robyn "All praise be to the goddess, now and forever..." "Amen..." It was the normal mid-day ritual at the monastery of Zurcam. As monks, we practiced an acute form of asceticism to the high goddess of love and virtue. The function of the mid-day ritual was to calm our hearts and prepare our minds for meditation on her holiness. For many of us, the ritual did not serve its function today. Today was a special day in the monastery. Today was the Feast of Eros!...

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Daniel And Eric Part One

I hadn't been a vampire for long, two or three years maybe, and my thirst or lust was not yet under complete control, nor were my impulsive actions, which could often lead to disputes among the older ones. As a result of my lack of control I had been placed here by the Elders Council, a group of vampires who were almost classed a royalty. It was the Elders who had thrown me in here, a nightclub run by vampires, and I was to stay here until I had gained control. To some it was a place to come...

4 years ago
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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 5 The College Experience

During my senior year, my folks let me know that my college fund should cover my tuition, books, and living expenses for at least the first two years of college. The specific college and my course of study would determine how far my funds would stretch. Cathy's parents would pay for her education since her family was very well off financially. Neither Cathy nor I found out until later that Frank and Mary had plans to assist me financially, if it became necessary. Cathy and I discussed our...

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Second ChanceChapter 14

Sylvester hammered away at my reluctance to even discuss his brainstorm for over an hour. It was into the second hour before I realized that my MI6 driver and guards had left me last night and never reappeared to drive me home. That bit of information told me that maybe Chief Younger was hoping I would be more accepting of this insanity and caused me to think about replacing my new security contractor. The fly in that ointment was the secretive nature of the defense work Chasen Wellington’s...

2 years ago
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My Reader My Bitch Part 3

Hello folks, hope you people are doing marvellous in and out of the bed. I am sorry for the delay for this part. Do pardon me. As I have told before, I will be continuing with the thrilling and horny Naughty Stories Season 1 as soon as I complete the story which happened with a reader who read my story. For the true reading experience, it is advised that you go through the previous parts to enjoy the fullest. Okay, now I am going to give a brief of what happened in last two parts. I am writing...

2 years ago
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Very Loving Family

by Jen L. Lee © 2012 The thick cock was moving in and out of Brooke’s pussy at a steady pace. Her nipples tingle and she felt flush, but it was all so GOOD! Losing her cherry had hurt a little, but it hadn’t really been a long hurt. Now it was feeling so wonderful. Brooke Taylor was thrilled. At last she was one of them. At long last she could fuck with her loving family. Brooke’s long blonde hair covered her coral-pink nipples and it tickled a bit. She knew that she was a bit...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 10

Jake stepped forward from the image that Daphne had created to transport him, Geoffrey and Sibilius to Frank and Tanya's quarters. He stared around at the charred remnants of the dwelling where his friends had been staying. "Looks like there's been a fire," Jeff muttered as the little group gradually became worried that Frank and Tanya might not be okay. "No shit, Sherlock," Jake growled, stepping forward and hoping he didn't find any unrecognizable, or rather, recognizable as once...

1 year ago
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Tied up

I don't remember much about that Saturday night, just that I was at a bar and went to the toilet. I don't remember leaving, only being in some ones arm and having my pants removed. Something uncomfortable and a flash of very bright light brought me into semi consciousness. I tried to reach back behind me and remove what was causing me pain, some one mumbled '...no you don't...' and my hand was brought back in front of me. I came too again as I was coughing to see a huge black penis squirting...

3 years ago
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Butt Buddies Probing Deeper

“What do we do now?” I ask smiling.We are still bent over the bed, with our new toys in our respective asses.“Well, we leave them in a while and then take them out. So, why don't we go watch some of the new Netflix series to pass the time,” he says, pulling me off the bed by the hand.I grab my favorite soft blanket and follow his fine newly-stuffed ass to the couch. Our butt plugs are snug as a bug in a rug in their new homes. Hottie husband makes a mad grab for the remote (as usual) and finds...

2 years ago
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The Beltane Code Part 1 Fire

To: (Withheld)From: Byron LordSubject: Your client’s commission As you requested, I examined the material you provided and have succeeded in deciphering it. The cipher used to encrypt the body of the text is a Ceasar cipher using a displacement of 5 letters. Given the plaintext, it seems likely that the number 5 was chosen for symbolic reasons. Transcribing the material from the photocopies provided took 66 minutes. The cryptanalysis took another 6 and the report a further 30 minutes making a...

Group Sex
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Valentines Day paid up fuck fest

Samantha was a slut, not just your average slut, but a whore like no other, known around town as "the bus" because anyone could get on and take a ride, this was a special kind of slut. Jake liked that about her, in fact, it was what he liked best about her. When Jake and Sam started to see each other they made a deal, she could fuck other people, and lots of them, but only when Jake told her to, she was his, his slave and his fuck whore.Jake would make her pick up girls in clubs, take her to...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4Cherri discovers the men using Yolanda for a sex toy, using her for a movie. The older woman finds out more about the girl and decides to have Yolanda live with her to teach the immature girl more about sex and life after making the gullible youngster cum. Cherri tells Jim about a Thai movie on Xhamster with a girl she knows.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-1-701970Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt...

4 years ago
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Sali ke sath pahali bar

Mary pyare readers (Choot balio aur land baloo) I am Mahesh age about 22 years working job in a MNC company. Sabsay pahlay sabko mera namaskar, Aj mai ap logo ko apni ak real story suna raha huu. Mary sadi may may hui thi meri wife bahut he sundar hi aur ussay bhi sunder aur sexy meri choti sali hai uskey dooth itnay mast dikhai deta the ki jab mainay pahali bar sadi me usko dekha tha tabhi se man me than liya tha ki isko jarur chodu ga chaha kuch bi ho jai doodh ke sath sath uski gand bhi...

1 year ago
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GayChapter 10

Walking to school with my nerd friends the next morning helped to ease my conscience at having neglected them. “More cross-country?” asked Dennis, indicating my kit bag. “Yes. There’s a race on Sunday. Coach Budd has already picked the team so tonight’s for venue details and tactics.” “Cool,” said Dennis. “I hope you win for once.” “Fat chance,” I replied. Everyone laughed. “How’s the Kevin Randell index of weirdness today?” asked Michael. I raised an arm above my head and waved it...

2 years ago
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Meri education chachiyo ke sath

Mein tab 18 saal ka tha aur ninth class mein aaya tha. Mere ma baap gaon mein rahte the, aur we chahte the ki mein age ki parhai mein shahar ja kar karu. Mere do chacha shahar mein rahte the, pitaji ne mujhe unke yaha padhai ke liye bhej dia. Mere bade chacha ke sath me rahne laga. Unke ghar mein chacha rahte the jo teacher the aur gaon me posting thi, chacha gaon me hi rahte the aur shanivar ki raat hi ghar aate the aur somwar ki subah wapas chale jate the. Chacha 35 saal ke the aur chachi 27...

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Glory Hole Girl

Glory Hole Girl By Linda Laving [email protected] I was sitting across the table from my friend Jenny at lunch one Friday afternoon, and she looked great as usual. Jenny was model material, late twenties, 5'6, maybe 110 pounds with full breasts and a skinny waist, long legs, and topped with long golden blonde hair and blue eyes. The subject of work inevitably came up, and she asked me how I was doing, so I told her I was unemployed ... for obvious reasons. Obvious...

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HorrorUrlaub im Sdjemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

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My TS Girlfriend From The Canary Islands Part One

I was sixteen and in the Canary Islands. She was thirty-one and worked as an accountant. I had never had a girlfriend before and had only kissed one person. I was quite muscular, attractive, and hairy. She was beautiful and had blondish-brown curly hair. We met up and kissed a few times discreetly, then I went back to her place one evening.We kissed on her bed, began cuddling, and after some time, we started touching each other's dicks through our shorts. It was the first time that I had been...

First Time
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Unbelievable Amdavadis

Hi this is Ishaan again with a recent incident happened with me just a month ago. Let me describe myself first, I m 21now,fair complexion with 5”8 height and the best look on this planet alive. I stay in Ahmedabad city and enjoy the place as a mega city, with the mixture of traditional waves. I reside in a nice bungalow and hunt my next-door aunty ‘Moni’ several times. I had written about it already how I fucked Moni and now my new story, which is also real, is a bit different. Now the story...

4 years ago
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Ferien bei Tante Jessica Teil 1

FERIEN BEI TANTE JESSICA - TEIL 1 Die Hauptfiguren dieser Geschichte: Ich, das hei?t der elfj?hrige Nicki. F?r sein Alter sehr klein und von m?dchenhafter Statur mit langen kastanienfarbenen Haar Meine Mom Tante Jessica, auch Jessie genannt und die Zwillingsschwester von Mom Nicole, oder auch liebevoll Nici genannt, und die immer noch sehr vermisse Sebastian, ein zw?lfj?hriger Junge der in der Geschichte auch zu meinem besten Freund wird Vorwort Diese Geschichte hat n...

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My Sisters and MeChapter 8

Danny an' I were on our usual Wednesday early mornin' huntin' trip when we came upon a large camp at the edge of the woods jus' off the main trail toward Mobile. Not bein' the naive soul that I used ta be, I asked Danny ta keep the dogs with him an' ta guard my back while I went ta see what wuz the story at the unexpected camp. "Howdy, Gentlemen. My name's Joe McSwain, an' this is my usual huntin' territory. Ifen y'all don't mind my askin', I wonder how much longer y'all will...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 12 Skipping forward

We now skip forward about two weeks. I was comfortable at SU. I especially liked never having to get dressed. And best of all, I never lacked for sexual partners. I was always picked early in the pre-lunch selection process. Most of the single male guests were considerate of my sexual desires. It was my second Thursday at SU. I had a day off from selection but I still had the responsibility to provide sexual service to almost any guest. Ah, Franklin is sitting in the shade with the cool...

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MomsTeachSex Lexi Luna Snack On This

Lexi Luna has been feeling really neglected lately. Her hubby hasn’t been giving her the attention she deserves, and it’s been forever since she had some time to herself. The bigtit milf finally has a day all to herself, with no stepkids or husband to worry about, and her intention is to day drink and masturbate all day long. After she packs her stepson, Tyler Nixon, off to school, she gets down to the business of making herself cum. She sets out her collection of sex toys and...

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My First Encounter With My Girlfriend

I have been following indian sex stories for a while. It has got some great stories and so I wanted to share my own experience as well as looking forward to more experiences. I’m 22 years old from Noida and am looking forward to sexual encounters in Noida as well as Delhi. I’m 6’1 in height, well built with a wheatish complexion. Pragya (name changed) and I lived in the same building, while our apartments were in different blocks. How we got together is a long story, the crux part is we both...

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First time watching Mum being used

This is the 3rd chapter about Mum being used as a slut that follows on from the previous story where I had bought some sexy nylons and underwear as a surprise for Mum.So after we had finished dinner on Saturday Mum said 'so show me son what you have bought today.'  I fetched the carrier bag from the hallway and passed it to Mum.  'There you go' I said 'I've bought you some presents'.  'Oh son, that's very kind of you, that's lovely' before she had looked in the bag. The expression on her face...

1 year ago
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Raped TeacherChapter 6

"Okay," Rebus said as he got up to get dressed. "Now it's time to go to work." "Work?" questioned Erica. "Sure. That's part of the treatment. Don't look so worried. A little work never killed nobody." Erica found out that it was more than just a little work. Rebus had Betty put her to work around the house, and though Betty might have been kind-hearted toward Erica, she was a hard master. Erica cooked, cleaned, sewed, and managed a hundred other things that day that she'd never...

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Horny Bhabi 8211 Part II

Hi guess who’s back, Razmeet here I am doing mech. eng. and 20 year old … I’m from Chandigarh .Usually i go to my village (auntie’s home) during my semester holidays. Like that last may I went there. My uncle is in Gulf. During that may month my cousin also went to Gulf with him. He is a small boy at the age of 9.So this may my aunty alone in home. I went to stay there for 5days. My aunty is a very sexy lady. Her age is around 32/33.She is having nice structure. I love her very much. But I...

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My First Dorm Experience

(I did Not Write this)My name is Holly, I'm 28 now, but this story happened when I was eighteen. It was my first year of college. That was when it all happened. For three semesters I really let it unravel me. In the end I took two years off of school and then finished my degree at another university. I'm only telling the story now because sometimes late at night, when my husband is asleep I think back to those days and I feel myself getting moist, and I can't help but tell someone because I...

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Ryans SummerChapter 19

Jigs caught Ryan as soon as he walked into the kitchen. "Ryan, can you get us another case of wine from the wine cellar?" he asked. "Sure. What kind?" "Everyone seems to like the Chateau Rothchild. I think there's another case down there, or at least a few bottles." "Sure Jigs. By the way, where's the wine cellar." Jigs smiled indulgently and said, "Make a left at the lobby and two doors down on the right." "Okay," Ryan said and hurried off, his head still spinning. He made...

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The Agency Girl Part III

Bill could feel the sticky wetness from the secretions of his cock on his stomach as he lay bound across the table with the riding crop resting on his bottom. He was nervous and worrying about his vulnerability as she left him for a few moments. ‘Where was she?’ ‘What was she doing?’ he wondered. Sal though was soon back with him. He turned his head to the side and saw her handbag placed inches from his face. “Have you got a vegetable peeler?” she asked him. “Y...yes, Miss,” he told her....

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An Executives Story

We met on the first day of our freshman year at college We met on the first day of our freshman year at college.? Amid all the hustle and bustle of kids carrying bags and boxes, wandering lost around the quad and seeking out their room assignments we ended up in the same room.? I won?t say that we were instantly friends, but it really didn?t take too long either.? In a lot of ways we were as different as night and day.? There I was, 5?6, slender (a pole with tits and ass as my...

1 year ago
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My Thoughts Last Night While I Was

I place my pillows by the headboard of my bed, climb in, and sit up with my back against the softness of the pillows. I am wearing my light blue cotton nightgown with cap sleeves and a low neck line. I slip my left hand through the top opening of my nightgown and begin caressing my right breast. I slowly run my fingers over my nipple until it stands erect. Now I move my hand to my left breast and continue with the same gentle maneuvers. I open my legs as wide as I can. I reach for my hand held...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 56 Friday Night Orgy

After a long, slow and fun walk to Robin and Sarah's place the first song we heard playing as an unexpectedly fully clothed Robin let us in was Tracy Chapman's 'Talkin' Bout A Revolution'. Without saying a word Robin took Vikki, Maddy, Gerry and Maria into wherever the party was happening while telling me to stay where I was. I heard introductions being made, heard the noise of what seemed to be an extra large gathering of people and what I thought was the passionate swapping of kisses...

3 years ago
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Alicias First Gangbang0

master Alicia stood by her bedroom window and watched as another couple of cars pulled up and parked along the street near her house. The heavy bass from the rap music playing made the window vibrate slightly. It was a common sound around this inner city neighborhood. The guys stepping out of the cars and coming up to the front door were friends of her brother Marco. They were well dressed up with their dark sunglasses, gaudy jewelry, baggy pants and baseball caps. They...

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Kinky Reversal

I slid deep into my wife's core and she pulled the ring that penetrates my nipple with her teeth. I bucked out and back in, my movements pulling the small bit of sensitive flesh even harder. My orgasm was augmented by the pinching pain that telegraphed to my balls and I exploded inside her. She felt the throbbing and groaned with her responding climax. As we wound down from our pleasure Molly laid her head on my chest. Her hand smoothed its way over the nipple she had so recently tortured....

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The Little Things In Life

‘But some are definitely too big,’ Sara added, seemingly trying to reassure me. ‘My previous boyfriend was huge. It was way too much for me. It actually hurt sometimes with him.’Ape to Angel oozed in the background with a melodic, hypnotic hum. I was stoned, which was impairing my attempts to trace back to when and why we’d begun talking about cock size. I definitely hadn’t brought it up. In truth I’d never thought about it until Sara had started off on one. Was she wasted? Should I even be...

4 years ago
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A Day To Savor For Sheetal

Sheetal is 24year old young housewife living in Surat , her husband was a Diamond merchant , she lived in spacious ancestral house , her only problem is she was bored with life , her husband does not have any time to spend with his beautiful wife , neither he has time to look at sculptured body or indulge in sex every day , he is totally into making money & his sex indulgence is limited to 2 minute quickie & then off that may be once in 15Days , since they are leaving far away neither she had...

2 years ago
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My secret gay life first contact true story

True story of my first gay encounter in1999. I lived on a Caribbean island in my early thirties and had been chatting with a guy from NY for a while on the old free chat platforms. We talked about hooking up but as I am married it was next to impossible. Then the stars aligned, my wife went to visit her parents in the states, so I told him, and he said he worked for an airline and could get down for free and get a hotel room.It was put up or shut up time! He arrived two days later around 11am...

First Time
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br Mother In Law

b*****r & Mother In Law Summer was right around the corner. I arrive to my girlfriends house to hang out with her f****y. The only thing different this time is that she will not be there. She is on work duties which requires her to travel. The same time I get there her b*****r and mother get back from swimming at their pool located in the middle of their apartment complex. We all step inside and it wasn’t the hottest point of the year yet but good enough. I noticed their moms nipples...

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Thanksgiving Memories

I originally posted this as a blog.If you read my first blog, I mentioned that I got a blowjob on an AMTRAK train on my way to Jesup, GA. While the bj was nice, it was the great sex I had that weekend with her that stands out. It started when I boarded the train in Charleston, SC. The train was crowded with people heading to and fro for the Thanksgiving weekend. I was married at the time and on my way to see my estranged wife. When the train stopped at Beaufort, SC, Cassie boarded the train and...

3 years ago
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FrenzyChapter 2

It took Amanda over an hour to finish the story to Brent's satisfaction. He forced her to tell in detail how she drank so much, how far her dress opened without the button, how she was held and fondled and in front of who, humiliating her with "you let him do what?," "you didn't leave?" and "and then you left with him?" He reduced Amanda to a puddle of tears and snot. "You weren't raped. You let yourself get stripped in public and then gave yourself to a gang bang. It got a little...

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