Spoils of Victory
- 4 years ago
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This story follows on from the events recounted in my ‘Spoils of Victory’ trilogy, but this one stands on its own, so you don’t need to have read the trilogy for it to make sense. Of course, if you haven’t . . .?
She phoned me Sunday evening, just after I’d got back from my weekend away. I’d thrown my soiled clothes in the wash basket, grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and checked the answering machine. Two business messages. They could wait until Monday. I was just finishing making a note to remind myself when the phone rang again. I let the answering machine kick in as I wrote, and was taken by surprise by my caller.
‘Hi, Bob. Um, it’s Julie, Julie March. Aunt Elly introduced us at Teal Island, remember? You’ll be wondering why I’m phoning. Um, I have the chance to borrow a sailboat next weekend. I don’t know anyone else interested in sailing, and I was wondering, wondering whether maybe you’d like to come with me? Maybe show me the ropes? Oh, that sounds corny, doesn’t it? I’m sorry. You know what I mean, I guess. Obviously, you don’t have to come – ‘
I picked up the handset and pressed the stop button on the recorder. ‘Julie? Hi. I just got in.’
‘Oh. Hi, Bob.’ Her voice was hesitant. ‘I hope you don’t think I’m being pushy, I mean, I know you can sail, and I have this offer of a boat next weekend. I’d love to accept, but apart from the couple who own the boat I don’t know anyone except you that actually knows which rope to pull.’ There was a nervous chuckle. ‘No compulsion, of course. It’s just I have to let my friends know this evening. If I want to borrow the boat, I mean.’
‘Julie, I’d love to go sailing with you. Tell you what, why don’t we have a drink sometime this week and discuss it?’
‘Oh, yes! That would be great! I’m free any evening.’ Any evening? Interesting. What kept a good-looking girl like her indoors all week?
I glanced at my watch. Seven-forty. ‘Would that include tonight?’
There was a pause. ‘Yes, it would.’ There was a note of surprised pleasure in her voice.
‘Where do I collect you?’
‘Drake Building. Tenth and Vine. Apartment seventeen.’
‘Give me twenty minutes. I’ll collect you at eight.’
‘Eight-thirty would be better. A girl needs more time,’ she said, a teasing note in her voice.
‘Eight-thirty it is. See you then.’ I hung up, whistling. Just time for a quick shower.
I was a little early, maybe eight twenty-five, but she answered immediately when I rang her number on the speaker-phone gizmo at the entrance to the apartment block.
‘Hi, it’s Bob.’
‘Stay there, I’ll be right down.’ She was as good as her word and gave me a bright smile as she came out.
I led the way to the car and seated her, rewarded with another flashing smile. Once in my own seat I looked across at her. ‘Where would you like to go? Do you want a meal, or just a drink and a chat?’
‘I’d just eaten when I phoned you, so I’m not hungry, but if you’d like to go somewhere where I can just have a drink, and you a meal if you like, that’s fine.’
‘Any suggestions?’
‘There is a place,’ Julie said, hesitant.
‘The ‘Torch Bar’. There’s live music tonight, and the food’s good.’
‘Torch it is, but you’ll have to direct me, because although I’ve heard of it, I don’t know where it is.’
It was down a side street, well off the main drag, but I managed to get parked within a couple of blocks and we made our way back to the Torch. There was a sign by the doorway, telling us ‘Tonight and Tomorrow – Ellen Demaris.’ I gestured at the sign.
‘Do you know of her? The name’s new to me.’
‘I do. That’s why I wanted to come here. You don’t mind, do you?’
‘Of course not. Come on, let’s go in.’
The bar was only two-thirds full and we got a table near the tiny stage. Piano, drum kit, guitar on a rest. No players. I ordered drinks and a steak sandwich, and Julie and I just chatted for a while. Feeling each other out, I guess. We’d been introduced by Julie’s aunt, Eleanor, at a nudist camp of all places, so there was none of the conventional wondering about what a new date might look like without clothes. I’d seen Julie naked, and I knew that the reality was pretty stunning. What we didn’t know about each other were the conventional social things. Likes, dislikes, job, school, things like that. Although naturally reticent, Julie was open enough that I soon felt as if I’d known her longer than just two days. As we chatted, and I ate my delicious sandwich, the lights dimmed, a drummer and a guitarist slid into their places and a figure at the side of the stage was spotlighted. He raised a microphone to his lips.
‘Ladies and gentlemen, the Torch Bar proudly presents, Ellen Demaris!’ There was a spattering of applause as a blond woman in a black sheath dress took her place at the piano and launched into ‘Ain’t Misbehavin’. Ellen Demaris was good. A throaty voice that hit the notes bang on, a sure touch on the piano keys and a couple of accompanists who kept the beat and rhythm going without ever intruding. She did a dozen or so numbers and then announced that it was time for a break.
‘I have to see an old friend, too,’ she said. I’d noticed when she came on, as soon as she was relaxed and had the feel of the audience, she’d looked around, and I was sure she’d recognized someone when she looked in our direction. She didn’t know me from Santa Claus, so it had to be Julie, and sure enough, as she moved away from the piano she came over to our table. Julie stood up and hugged her and turned to me. I stood.
‘Bob,’ said Julie, ‘I’d like you to meet an old college friend of mine, Ellen Demaris. Ellie, this is Bob Archer.’ Ellen held out her hand and I shook it. There was a spare chair at our table and I gestured to it.
‘Sit down, please.’ The waitress was hovering and I touched Ellen’s arm. ‘A drink, perhaps?’
‘Just a mineral water, please.’
‘Got it,’ said the waitress.
‘We were at college together,’ said Julie. ‘We used to sing as a duo, but my voice doesn’t last enough for more than a couple of nights, so these days I just sing in the shower.’
‘A great pity, too, Bob, because Jules has a lovely singing voice, purer than mine. We made a good duo.’ Ellen smiled at her friend, and turned to me. ‘So, Bob, how long have you known this lovely lady?’
I laughed. ‘About thirty-six hours, I think. Her aunt introduced us yesterday.’
‘And here you are, out together to listen to me.’
Julie laughed. ‘Bob had never heard of you, Ellie, it was my idea to come here. I was going to come tomorrow. Now I can come twice.’
Ellen laughed. ‘Yes, you can.’ She flicked a glance at me, before turning back to Julie. ‘Chuck?’
Julie shuddered and her face tightened. Ellen reached out and took her hand. ‘Sorry, Jules, I shouldn’t have said anything.’
Julie shook her head. ‘It’s okay, Ellie, he’s out of my life, serving time for assault and kidnap now.’
‘Good,’ said Ellen. The waitress had returned and she took her glass of mineral water. Julie stood.
‘Excuse me for a moment, please. I must visit the ladies’ room. No, don’t get up. I won’t be a moment.’ She was off in a swirl of skirt, moving easily through the crowd.
Ellen turned to me and we chatted for a while. The usual things, the trivia that strangers use to make conversation, and then she fixed me with a look. ‘She tell you about Chuck?’ she said abruptly.
I shook my head. ‘No, but her aunt told me she’d had a bad time.’
‘He was a charmer, Chuck, but a real poisonous snake. To hear he’s in jail is very reassuring and not a bit surprising.’ Ellen looked at me, head cocked. ‘What about you, Bob?’
‘What about me?’
‘You and Julie. You going to be good to her?’
I looked at her but all I could see was concern for her friend. ‘We only met yesterday,’ I said, and a smile escaped me before
I could stop it. Ellen picked it up straightaway.
Neither of us had noticed Julie’s return and it was Julie who answered as she slipped back into her seat. ‘Teal Island.’
Ellen frowned. ‘Teal Island?’ Her eyebrows went up. ‘Isn’t that the, um -?’
‘Nudist camp?’ said Julie, grinning at her friend. ‘Yes, it is, and, yes, that’s where we met.’
‘I didn’t know you were into the skin thing,’ said Ellen, grinning at us.
‘I have been since early spring. Bob’s still a cotton-tail,’ Julie said with a smile.
Ellen looked puzzled for a moment, then exploded into laughter. ‘Oh, my, yes! I can just see what you mean.’ She chuckled to herself, and then sobered. ‘Maybe one day, but I tend to burn rather than tan.’ She sighed. ‘Back to work. Are you going to stay until I finish?’
‘When’s that?’ said Julie.
Ellen made a face. ‘Midnight.’
Julie looked at me. ‘Bob?’
I nodded. ‘Fine by me. I don’t have to be up early.’
Ellen nodded. ‘Great, we can talk again for a while.’ She got up and went back to the piano, playing a few trills, waiting for the drummer and guitarist. She played a couple of numbers and then she stood, taking the microphone from its stand.
‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ she said. ‘When I first started in this business, I was part of a duo, but my partner quit after a few months because her voice couldn’t take the strain of performing night after night.’ Ellen held out her hand towards Julie. ‘She’s here tonight, and I’d like her to join me for a couple of numbers. A big hand, please, for Julie March!’
Julie looked at me. I nodded, grinning. ‘Go!’ She smiled and made her way over to Ellen. There was a brief heads together discussion and Ellen sat back down at the piano, launching into the introduction to ‘Cry me a river.’ I’d only ever heard the Julie London version of the old classic, but Julie March sang it as if it was her own. Ellen was right, Julie’s voice was true and pure and she wrung every nuance out of the lyrics. The applause from the audience was genuine, and again after a duet with Ellen and another solo number, before she took a bow and made her way over to sit with me again.
Her eyes were sparkling as she slid into her seat. ‘I enjoyed that,’ she said.
I reached across and squeezed her fingers. ‘You were great.’ She smiled and turned her hand to squeeze mine.
We stayed until Ellen finished and chatted with her for a while, but at half-past midnight, although the bar was still open, it was time to go, as Julie had to be up for work in the morning. I work from home most of the time, so it wasn’t so critical for me, but I was tired, too, and didn’t argue. Ellen gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug, and a whispered, ‘look after her.’ She turned to Julie.
‘Coming back tomorrow? Tonight, I should say, I suppose.’
Julie nodded. ‘Yes, I’ll be here.’ She turned to me and I shook my head.
‘I have a meeting with a client at seven-thirty. Get here by cab, and I’ll join you as soon as I can get free, and then I can give you a ride home, if you like?’
Julie smiled with pleasure. ‘Please, Bob. I’d like that.’
When we got back to her apartment block I walked her across to the door. She paused, hesitant.
‘Go,’ I said, ‘it’s late.’
‘You don’t mind?’
I shook my head. ‘Why should I mind? You’re a working girl, you need your sleep. I’ll see you tonight, won’t I? And we need to arrange when we’re going sailing, too.’
A look of horror crossed Julie’s face. ‘I forgot to tell Jack I wanted to borrow the boat!’
‘Don’t worry. If he’s loaned it to someone else I can borrow Charlie’s. He won’t mind.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Of course. Now, get yourself in and get some sleep. I’ll see you in the bar tonight.’
She paused, and I could see the hesitation. I leaned in to her and her lips came up as her eyes closed. The kiss was gentle. A promise, but I could feel tension in her, and found myself angry at whoever had hurt her so much she wasn’t able to enjoy a kiss, but she broke away, smiling. ‘Good night, Bob.’
‘Good night, Julie.’ She opened the door and went in, waving goodbye as she did. I walked back to the car and took myself home. I stripped naked and poured myself a large scotch, sipping it as the shower warmed, draining the glass as I moved under the shower-head, soaping myself, watching almost abstractedly as my erection thickened. I smiled as I grasped it and began to masturbate to the memory of the naked and lovely Julie as I’d seen her on Teal Island. I came hard.
I was busy all of Monday, as I wanted to get ahead. I was prompt for my meeting with the client, the meeting went well, and at nine-forty I was parking the car. When I got into the ‘Torch’ Julie was up on stage again with Ellen. I just enjoyed the music for a while until Julie came off and I made my way towards her. A guy in front of me I think was going to make a move on Julie but she spotted me over his shoulder and smiled. He could tell the smile wasn’t for him, glanced over his shoulder, then shrugged, smiled and moved away. A good loser, I figured.
‘Hi, Bob,’ said Julie, stretching to kiss my cheek. ‘When did you get here?’
‘Part way through ‘Smoke gets in your eyes,’ so I stood at the back and just watched and listened. You were great.’
‘Thanks. It felt good, but I could feel my throat getting tight on that last number.’
‘It didn’t show.’
‘I’m not usually so throaty singing that one,’ she said, with a grin.
‘It sounded good. Have we a table?’
‘We have. Max, he’s the manager, reserved us one.’
‘Great. Have you eaten?’
‘No. You?’
‘Not yet. Want something here?’
‘Yes, please. I liked the look of that steak sandwich you had last night, but I think I’ll get the smaller one, with some salad.’
We ordered, ordered drinks, and watched Ellen for a while. During a lull between numbers, I remembered the boat.
‘Julie, did you ask your friend about the boat?’
She nodded. ‘Yes, this morning. It’s a go. We can have it from noon Friday until ten on Monday morning, if we want.’
‘Sounds good. What kind is it?’
Julie screwed her face up, remembering. ‘Jack said it was a Bermuda cutter, thirty feet, and it has bunks and a galley if we want to sleep on board.’ Julie flushed, but her smile was genuine. ‘Does that sound about right?’
‘Sounds good. Do you? Want to sleep on board, I mean?’
She shrugged. Nervous, I think. ‘I dunno. What about you?’
‘It would mean we could anchor anywhere that looked and felt good, but it’s your call. I have a couple of sleeping bags we can use, if you wanted to sleep on a beach or something.’
Julie smiled. ‘That sounds good. I’ll get some food together for Friday.’
‘Only if you let me pay at least half,’ I said.
She nodded. ‘Dutch it is. Have you any dislikes in food?’
‘Can’t think of any. You?’
She shook her head. ‘As long as it isn’t still alive, I’m fine.’ She glanced across at the stage, where Ellen was just starting another number and by unspoken consent, we kept our silence and gave Ellen’s performance the respect it deserved. Ellen announced a break after the number and, like the evening before, came to join us.
‘Hi, Bob,’ she said. ‘Did you catch any of Julie’s set?’
‘Last three numbers,’ I said. ‘It was great.’
‘But the voice was going, wasn’t it, hon?’ she said to Julie.
‘Yeah,’ said Julie, making a face.
‘Never mind, hon. You were a hit anyway.’
‘It was fun, but I know I’ll never be more than a party singer. I’m used to the idea now.’
‘At least you get to sleep in your own bed at nights,’ said Ellen with a laugh and a sideways glance at me. ‘I don’t get home again for another three weeks.’
‘You enjoy being on the road, admit it!’ said Julie.
Ellen grinned. ‘Yeah, most of the time.’ We chatte
d for a while, nothing serious, just friendly gossip, until Ellen drained her mineral water and stood. ‘Some of us have work to do,’ she said, kissed Julie’s cheek, and made her way back to the stage. We stayed until she finished, chatted with her for another half-hour or so and then left, again well after midnight. Julie was fighting yawns as I drove her home.
‘Straight to bed for you, miss,’ I said.
‘Sorry, Bob. I guess two late nights are catching up with me. Will I see you tonight?’
‘Sorry, but no. I have to leave town for a day or so, so I won’t see you tomorrow either, but Thursday, I’d like to take you to dinner.’
‘I’d like that, very much. Any thoughts on where?’
‘What do you like?’
‘All sorts.’ She paused. ‘I like cooking, too, so how about instead of taking me out, I fix us dinner at my apartment? We can discuss what we’d like to do over the weekend, too.’
‘Sounds like a plan. What time?’
‘How about seven? That gives us plenty of time to chat afterwards.’
‘I’ll come by cab, then we can have a bottle of wine and I don’t need to risk a DUI.’
‘Sensible. Okay, Bob, dinner here, on Thursday. Anything special you’d like?’
I shrugged. ‘Whatever suits you. Something with fish might be nice.’
She laughed. ‘My specialty! Fish I do best, so bring white wine, Bob.’
‘I will.’ We’d reached her apartment block now, and again I walked her over to the door. There was no hesitation this time. She came straight into my arms for a kiss, and there was a definite promise in hers. Eventually she broke away, a smile in her eyes.
‘Good night, Bob, and thank you. See you Thursday.’
‘Thursday. Goodnight, Julie.’ There had definitely been less tension in her when I kissed her goodnight this time, but I could still feel it.
I masturbated in the shower again.
Tuesday and Wednesday were boring. Okay, I met up with my client and we agreed a deal that would bring me a lot of money, but the hotel room was lonely and I realized I was really missing being with Julie. I took a mental step back, almost surprised. I liked her, yes, I liked her very much. Was there more? Maybe I was falling in love. I didn’t know, I’d never been in love before, not to the extent of wanting to spend the rest of my life with a particular woman. I’d always backed away before, or the women I’d known had been like me, happy to enjoy good sex, but with no ties. Here I was, thinking serious thoughts about a woman I’d only known for three days. I laughed at myself. If it happened, it happened.
Thursday evening was fine, a warm summer evening, and I got the cab to stop at a little mom-and-pop mini-mart I knew, where I knew the wine was both good and reasonably priced, and at five to seven I was ringing the bell at Julie’s apartment.
‘Hello? Bob? Is that you?’
‘Large as life and twice as ugly.’
She giggled, and the door lock buzzed open. I grabbed it before it could lock again and made my way to apartment seventeen, on the third floor. Julie was waiting at the door for me, stood aside to let me in and suddenly was in my arms as the door closed. The kiss was an invitation, an invitation I’m not sure she intended, at least, not that early, as she broke away, flushing and looking a little flustered. I pretended not to notice and held out the bag.
‘Two bottles of white wine. Best get it in the refrigerator. It’s chilled, but it’s a warm night.’
‘Thanks, Bob. Take a seat in the living room. I just have to finish the sauce, then we can relax for twenty minutes until it’s ready.’
I looked around her living room with curiosity. A room can give a clue to a person, and I wanted to know the real Julie. A comfortable couch, a little battered, faced a modestly sized TV, an armchair to the side. Coffee table, magazine rack, a small entertainment center, and a big rack of CDs and DVDs. Curious, I looked closer. A very eclectic mix!
‘Pick one you like,’ said Julie, coming up behind me, silent on slippered feet.
I glanced at her, amused. ‘Testing my taste?’
She grinned. ‘Of course.’
I took a CD out and handed it to her. ‘This one.’
She looked at the CD and nodded. ‘I like this one, too.’ She slid the CD into the player and Madeleine Peyroux began to sing ‘Dance me to the end of love.’ Julie gestured to the couch and I sat, while she perched herself on the armchair. ‘Dinner in fifteen minutes.’
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Jennifer and I have been working together for the past four months. I am an attorney and she is my very eager paralegal. Jen had long straight black hair, bright blue eyes and was about 5’5; I would guess she was about 130 pounds. I always thought she was a pretty girl but she dressed quite conservatively making it difficult to assess what her body was like. The jury returned the verdict, which was a victory for me and my small firm, on a Friday afternoon. I took Jennifer and a few of the...
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The thunder roared and the rain poured from the sky as the storm battered in full force against the tiny house. Inside, Samuel erected a temporary screen using a blanket. Using water heated in a tin bucket over the fire, Samuel and his family took turns to retreat behind the screen and wash themselves in a small tub. Even Hope got a bath with Ezekiel and Charity working together to wash the wriggling child. They also fed Hope a small quantity of smooth corn mash they prepared for her. By the...
In the meantime, back in the village: Samuel’s old house was left abandoned and gradually deteriorated into ruins. The only visitor was Abigail who came, regardless of season, to kneel by the grave and pray for forgiveness. Abigail knew herself guilty of causing the death of Constance. She knelt in the dirt and prayed to God that He would accept her back into His arms. But day after day, year after year, He did not reply. Abigail’s life became more and more austere as she abandoned nearly...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
I spend the better part of a day winding my way across the broken land. The white, icy belly of the glacier lies behind me, rays of sun scorching my watery eyes as she reflects the light towards her abandoner. The rugged, contoured and grey body of the mountain, her never-ending lover, seems to dislike my presence. Perhaps my bond with his love is too demanding. He places fast flowing creeks and steep crevasses in my way, forcing me to retrace my steps time and time again. This is unknown...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSnowflakes melt on my face as I numbly trudge through the ever deeper cover of cottonlike snow. I give a silent prayer to the Gods for the cold. Else I would never have gotten this far.I reach a patch of windswept land and up my pace. A backwards glance tells me my pursuers are lagging behind. This is my territory. My terrain. I know how to make friends with the spirits of ice and rock.Not far now. The glacier sits just on the far side of these craggy spires. Her body a vast mass of white,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis story is designed to be experienced in game mode and makes use of branches and variables. You awaken to the din of armoured boots on hard soil outside your tent, as troops move around the encampment, likely preparing to muster and began packing up. You seem to have slept through the initial call to wakeup judging by the small shafts of light breaking through the entrance of your tent and into your eyes. You rub the sleep from your eyes and heave yourself up. Grumbling slightly you find...
FantasyThe small village of Landen-Span slept placidly. The first snowflakes just beginning to fall weightlessly upon the uncultivated fields surrounding the village. It was a peaceful scene, but the eye was always drawn upwards, up the cliff and to the dark outline of the castle and the scene was all the more powerful with the full November moon rising among the thick clouds, casting the impressive silhouette of the castle on the tiled roofs of the humble houses below. From afar, in the neighbouring...
It is the year 1296 and King Edward I of England, commonly called “Longshanks”, has invaded Scotland due to John Balliol's, the Scottish King's treachery. Not only did John Balliol refused to support the English military action in France, he even signed a treaty with King Philippe IV which promised mutual help against any English invasions. Edward I, a military genius of its day, recognized the need to deal with the Scots swiftly before they became a nuisance. He seized Berwick-upon-Tweed,...
Just a week ago, Irina could have never imagined her present situation Just a week ago, Irina could have never imagined her present situation.? She had woken up on an otherwise-pleasant winter morning to hear the news that a sizeable enemy force had crossed the border -- a mere twenty-five miles from the small industrial city where she lived.? Within another two days, the main exits to her city had been blockaded and regular incursions into the town were made.? The battle for the city was...
The sun has set upon the sands of the American Wastes as we finish setting up camp, the concrete sand warm on our feet. After a long day of nothing but walking and the occasional skirmish with the wildlife, the whole squad is happy to hunker down between the wind-bitten ruins of whatever city this used to be. If only they weren't too degraded, we'd find an old luxury hotel and camp there. Maybe see if there were any canned peaches or whatever in the kitchen. Instead, we'll just be passing a...
The hotel ballroom was filled with screams as naked women were dragged to the mattresses laid out on the floor for their rape. The six had been chosen by the soldiers from among the wives and daughters of their defeated enemy following a coup in the South American country. Senior officers and NCOs had the first pick. General Alvarez Sanchez stood watching with his arms around Carina Lau Lopez and her daughter Kelly, kneading the smooth bodies. He was squeezing Carina's firm buttocks with one...
Group SexNew Beginnings: A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book is dedicated to all of the...
SATURDAY I woke up to Speckles licking my face. I opened my eyes and pet her. The sun was streaming through the window. I slept pretty good. I got up to let Speckles out. But first, I changed into one of my old t- shirts, and grabbed a pair of Kathy's shorts. Passing my height mark on the door jamb I noticed I didn't shrink. Cupping my breasts told me those have not grown either. I grabbed the back of my hair. It seems to have stopped growing right at the middle of my...
We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerMax to Maxie Chapter 1 - New Beginnings As I lay on the gurney, with my wife Sandi sitting next to me, Dr. Madison came in. "Good morning Maxie, good morning Sandi", as she was shaking our hands. "Maxie, I know we already went over what we are going to do today but, I want to make sure that you understand what is going to happen. I'll be doing 3 procedures on you today. Up to now, the changes that have been made are reversible. But, after today they will be irreversible. I am going...
Diane, A new beginning Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Somehow the dress just felt right. I had dreamed of this moment for a long time, yet I had always been too scared to even try it! That was the first time I have ever worn women's clothing, and now I know for sure that it was exactly what was missing in my life. I don't know why I had dreamed about it, but quite often over the years, in my dreams, I drew a mental picture of myself as a girl, one that I was sure I...
Diane, A new beginning Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Somehow the dress just felt right. I had dreamed of this moment for a long time, yet I had always been too scared to even try it! That was the first time I have ever worn women's clothing, and now I know for sure that it was exactly what was missing in my life. I don't know why I had dreamed about it, but quite often over the years, in my dreams, I drew a mental picture of myself as a girl, one that I was sure I could...
OUR NEW LIFE By Charli Part 1 - The beginning Prologue A while back I posted a contribution here entitled "Our New Life". Its submission was premature. It was disjointed and far too long. I should have submitted chapters or segments of the story. It was also full of omissions that I thought at the time were too personal or extreme. A fair amount of fantasy had also crept in, replacing some of the things I felt too personal to write about. The other 2 members of our...
Kicked Around: Chapter 1: A New BeginningI never dream.My dreams are nightmares.When I dream, I’m always fighting.I’m always dying.Not anymore,Not today.I am winning.No more nightmares.Goodbye darkness, my old friend. "Today is going to be the start of a new beginning."It was very early in the morning on a Sunday and emotions were mixed. Erik had just awoken from a short night’s sleep, and now he was filled with excitement for his new power."I’m awake because of you." 4:05 AM. Press return....
HumorNew Beginnings (I'd really love an illustrator for this story. If you're interested, please let me know.) I know dad and mom hated each other, and dad had left a year ago and moved to Europe with another woman. But I never thought of him as mean, you know? When they argued, it always seemed as though mom was screaming louder than dad, and was more abusive. But mom kept telling me that he was "out to destroy our family," and wanted custody of me and wanted to take me away from her. Mom...
The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...
This is a continuation of Bus Ride – Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 5 – New Beginnings When Gaby finally opened her eyes she blinked as she looked around the small private hospital room before her gaze reached Colin, her newest Master who was sitting in the corner patiently waiting for her to wake up. He walked over to where she was...
We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...
This story is a sequel to one of my first stories here on Fictionmania, Angel was a sad medallion story about the misuse of the Medallion of Zulo. In the earlier story, Angel was changed into an infant, forcing her husband Ray to move on with his life raising Angel as his daughter. While it isn't 100% necessary to read Angel, it is short enough to get you into the characters and provide you with a background for this story. While the first one was somewhat rushed, I feel this story...
Kitten Theater, I-5, Jojo's New Beginning By: Malissa Madison Jojo stood in the middle of the theater stage, sweat soaking into her leotard as she bowed to the empty audience seats. As the stage lighting dimmed out and the house lights came back up she was startled to hear the clapping and lifted her eyes to see a throng of people watching her. At the front were not Karla and Myrrh, but Miss Gwendolyn, Miss Malissa and her friend Erika Tyler. Fanned out behind them were a group of...
(This is the second part of the story Kylie and Chrissy. I would like to start the New Year by relaunching this story, so please send me your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]) PART 2 - NEW BEGINNINGS "So is that it now, are you gay?" The silence and tension in the room was interrupted, as the bass from the party below continued to pulse through the walls of the house. "I don't see how it's any of your fucking business - we haven't spoken for...
A New Beginning By Eve Smith Here was I, Nick Beaumont skulking around like some common thief, but needs must I thought. I crept through the undergrowth at the side of the house. I had hurt my ankle when I had jumped down from the wall that surrounded it and was limping slightly. At least no one had seen me and for that I had to be grateful. Should the mob that I was trying to avoid get hold of me I was a dead man and they would not make my demise pleasant. My stomach churned at the...
CHAPTER 15 Kerfan was very careful as he slowly began to tease her to a point where sheno longer cared what happened next. He knew how touchy she was. And he alsoknew how she would probably react to him deciding for her to bind his soulto hers without asking her first. But he also knew that if he had waited anddiscussed it with her that the chance for it to accrue, would never happen.So he would let it happen, and let the fates fly, as they would. Lauren felt the safest she had ever felt....
My high school sweetheart, Trish, was such a slut. At the tender age of 16, she had already fucked around with several guys before me, a couple of them much older than her and had even done some amateur porn. She was desired by many, and I enjoyed hearing about her past sexual escapades. I also enjoyed her wild libido and impressively high stamina. As bored, horny teenagers, it was not uncommon for us to fuck for hours at a time. ...
Hey guys, this is my first time submitting my work. I wrote a lot but i normally lose interest and stop midway. So, in order to overcome my ‘short-term interests’ disorder (lol), I decided to submit my works here. Do forgive my English if I made any mistakes since English is my second language. I would definitely appreciate your constructive comments so I can fix and write better for you or myself. Thanks a lot and enjoy this prologue. I hope I don’t stop midway again this time. Xoxo *** ...
Indy had been her father’s daughter since birth. Being the youngest of four daughters her dad had his fingers crossed she would be a son but instead they were blessed by another baby girl. Her dad admitted defeat and chose the name Indy for the infant. Being the car fanatic he was he thought it fitting to name the child after the car race that visited the city annually that him and his father went to every year. For the first 14 years of her life, Indy was the tomboy type. Her father pushed...
The icy cold wind blew fiercely across the houses. Frost was already starting to appear on the windows. She stood in the kitchen looking out as she lazily put away the dishes she’d spent most of the afternoon washing. ‘Brrrrr, it’s freezing’ a voice said snapping her out of her thoughts. Gabriella turned around to see her brother wearing what looked liked his entire wardrobe. He looked comical and she couldn’t help but burst out laughing and nearly dropping a glass in the process. ‘Have you...
‘Hey, Raven, are you coming out with us tonight?’ I looked up from my locker where I was putting away my things to see my teammate who is also my roomate, Shea, wrapped in a towel. Shea was a bouncy brunette with a carefree attitude. She was a really nice girl with almost an elfish look to her with her creamy skin and big doe brown eyes and a small splash of freckles across her button nose. Like now she always had a smile across her face. ‘Naw I think I’ll stay in tonight. That game was killer,...