Ezekiel's VictoryChapter 7 free porn video

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The thunder roared and the rain poured from the sky as the storm battered in full force against the tiny house. Inside, Samuel erected a temporary screen using a blanket. Using water heated in a tin bucket over the fire, Samuel and his family took turns to retreat behind the screen and wash themselves in a small tub. Even Hope got a bath with Ezekiel and Charity working together to wash the wriggling child. They also fed Hope a small quantity of smooth corn mash they prepared for her.

By the time everyone was clean, the stew was ready. The family stood around the table and gave thanks to God for blessing them with food and shelter. They sat and ate the stew and bread. While they ate, Samuel and Ezekiel described the ford and the likely delay before they could cross it. Prudence and Charity described the visit by Patience and Felicity, though they kept to themselves their feelings about Patience’s nature.

After they had finished eating, Samuel tapped the table with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“There is a question in my mind that has been troubling me,” he said. “I am not sure if I fully understand what is happening with Constance. It was my understanding that Constance would put on the seeming of a man so that none would know that my son had sacrificed himself in place of Constance back at the village. As such, it is necessary for Constance to give the seeming of Ezekiel when we are before others. Yet here we are, alone in this house and unlikely to be disturbed, and still I see Ezekiel sitting before me.”

Ezekiel nodded. “I understand your confusion, Father, for I am also confused. When we began our journey, I felt like Constance disguised as Ezekiel. But as our journey progressed, more and more I have felt like two people. I am now both Constance and Ezekiel. I move between one and the other by the simple act of changing my clothes. It is a strangeness. In this instant, I am Ezekiel, your second son of that name, husband to Charity. In this instant, Constance is like a dream to me, a memory of another time and place. I am still Constance but I am changed, much like I changed when I went from maiden to married woman. I know I once was that Constance but I am no longer her. Tonight, I shall remove these clothes and don a nightgown. At that time, I will be Constance again, widow of my brother Ezekiel and sister-wife of Charity. It will be that second Ezekiel who will then be the memory. I cannot explain it more. God’s path for me is a mystery.”

Samuel grunted. “I must confess, I have enjoyed having a second son with me to work with and to teach. My first son tried hard, but he was never...”

Samuel stopped and sighed. “But then God opened my eyes and I know now that he was always Grace. She was a daughter trying so hard to be the son I never had. Yet nobody could doubt that she was born with the body of a man. God truly works in mysterious ways.”

Samuel was silent for a moment, staring down at the table. But the family could see that he had not finished speaking so they waited quietly for him to continue.

“But with Constance, I never sensed any strangeness. As a child, and as a youngling, and as a married woman, she was always a daughter. At least, she seemed so to me. But then, naturally, I spent less time with Constance. Perhaps Prudence saw something that I did not.”

Samuel looked at Prudence with the question in his eyes. Prudence shook her head.

“I saw no strangeness in Constance. Ezekiel’s strangeness was clear to all, though we knew not the reason for it. I also saw from an early age that Charity’s path would be a difficult one. I must confess to being troubled by some aspects of the path Charity has begun to follow over the last few days, but I am not surprised to see her act so and I am pleased that she has finally begun to find joy in her life.

Prudence smiled warmly at Charity, who returned the smile.

“But Constance reminded me very much of myself as a child, as a youngling, as a maiden, and as a married woman. I saw nothing that would suggest this change in Constance.”

Ezekiel shrugged. “I felt nothing in myself. The best I can explain it is that until three days ago, I had never left the village and I was content where I was. But in the last few days I have seen so much more of the world and I am elated by the breadth of God’s Creation. In the same way, I was content as maiden and then a married woman. But now I have learned that there is more within me. There is a breadth in my nature that I had never before suspected.”

“I confess, I do not understand it, still,” said Samuel. “It seems to go against all that I have known to be proper. But I concede Grace taught me that my knowledge of what is proper was incomplete. So I will not stand in the way of this second Ezekiel.”

Ezekiel put his hand on the slight bulge in his belly. “There will soon come a time when I must put Ezekiel aside. The babe within me will grow too large to conceal. When that happens, I must show only Constance to the world for certainly a pregnant man would be a strangeness none could ignore. For that reason, when we are further from our old home, and before we get too close to wherever we are likely to settle, I must put aside Ezekiel so that the people of our new village will only know Constance.”

A look of sadness crossed Charity’s face for she had come to like having this second Ezekiel with her, but she kept her silence on that matter.

Samuel grunted and nodded. “So be it.”

There was quiet for a moment, and then Charity stirred.

“Father, there is another matter I would raise with you,” said Charity.

Samuel grunted and nodded.

Charity started to speak, but then closed her mouth and looked nervously around the table.

Ezekiel, his hand hidden under the table, reached over and clasped Charity’s hand. He smiled at her and nodded encouragement.

“I would have a child of mine own,” said Charity.

Samuel shrugged, unimpressed. “It is the duty of a woman to bear children.”

“Yes, it is!” replied Charity. “And it is the duty of a husband to lie with a woman that she may bear children. And when a husband dies, that duty falls on the man who takes her in.”

Samuel frowned. “I do not follow!”

“I am the widow of Ezekiel. And before God and the creatures of the fields as witnesses, you took me into your house. Now I ask you to fulfill your duty as that man and lie with me that I may bear a child.”

“But you are my daughter!” exclaimed Samuel. “It goes against God for a man to lie with his daughter!”

“Father, I ceased to be your daughter when you gave me to Ezekiel as wife. Now I am merely his widow and your daughter-in-law.”

“Do you ask me to take you as a second-wife?”

“No, Father. I am content with my current state as the widow of one Ezekiel and the wife of another. I merely ask you to do your duty as my father-in-law who has taken me in after the death of your son. Lie with me that I may fulfill my duty as a woman and bear a child.”

Samuel scowled. “These sound like lawyer words. They are not worthy of one who has been taught as you have been taught. In the final judgment, God will not be interested in lawyer words. God is only interested in what is in your heart. Speak your heart to me.”

Charity looked down at the table for a moment to gather her thoughts. Then she lifted her head and looked directly at her father.

“On the night I wed to Ezekiel, I pledged I would bear him children that he may fulfill his duty as a son and give you children unto the next generation. Through my love for Ezekiel, I would honor that pledge.”

Samuel grunted. “And to do so, you ask me to go against God and sleep with my daughter.”

Charity sighed. “I ask you to recall the story of Lot. He escaped with his two daughters when God took retribution against the city of Sodom. His daughters, knowing they were the last of their house, lay with their father and got children from him that their house may continue. In a way, our flight from the village is similar to that of Lot. We are the last of our house and I would get a child so that our house may continue.”

“Our stories are not exactly the same,” put in Ezekiel. “For we are fortunate our mother did not fall into the temptation to look back and so did not get turned into a pillar of salt.”

“Fortunate indeed,” replied Prudence with a smile.

“But the story of Lot tells us that God is not completely opposed to the idea of a man lying with his daughters in particular circumstances,” continued Ezekiel. “And, as you said to Noah, these are particular circumstances. I would lie with her myself if I could consummate our union and give her a child. But I cannot and therefore I beseech you to do so on my behalf.”

Samuel stared at Charity, his face impassive but it was clear that he was thinking deeply behind that mask. Charity held her breath while she waited for a reply.

Samuel stood abruptly.

“It is late. Come, Prudence, it is time we went to bed. I shall leave the two of you to bank the fire and so forth.”

Samuel waited for Prudence to stand and join him, then he picked up a lantern and escorted Prudence into the back room and firmly closed the door behind him.

There was silence in the main room as Ezekiel and Charity absorbed the sudden end to the discussion.

After a moment of thought, Ezekiel shrugged. “He did not say no. You may take some comfort from that.”

“Perhaps I ask too much of Father,” said Charity. “It does go against everything he has been taught.”

“Perhaps. And perhaps you need only be patient so that he may decide in his own time.”

Charity sighed and shook her head. They were quiet again for a time.

Ezekiel stood. “Here, help me unbind my chest and don a nightgown. We must feed Hope before we go to bed. Would you like to do once more that thing Mother showed us so you may feed Hope from your own breasts?”

Charity smiled. “Indeed! That would please me, greatly.”

Charity held Hope to her breast and watched with large eyes as Hope suckled. She almost shuddered at the love she felt for this child who was becoming a daughter to her. The process of squeezing milk from Constance’s breasts and feeding it to Hope at Charity’s teats took a lot longer than the normal way, but neither woman begrudged the extra time and effort. It was a joy to them both and they shared the time with delight.

They fed Hope, changed her diapers and tucked her into her basket. Then they banked the fire and climbed onto the bed platform.

Charity embraced Constance and kissed her. Then she began tugging at her sister’s nightgown.

“What are you doing?” asked Constance.

“I am taking this off of you, that is what I am doing,” replied Charity.

“But then I would be entirely naked!” exclaimed Constance.

“Indeed! I would have you entirely naked. And when you are so, I shall also remove my nightgown and be entirely naked as well. Then we shall lie together beneath the blankets and embrace, for I would feel your skin against my skin.”

Constance gasped. She blushed and ducked her head. But she did not resist Charity’s efforts to remove her nightgown.

Shortly they nestled together beneath the blankets. They kissed again and then tenderly ran their hands over each other.

Constance gasped again, but this time in delight. “I never dreamed...” she whispered. “It feels so ... Oh! Charity!”

“Now,” whispered Charity. “Are you so certain you cannot consummate our union?”

Constance chuckled. “Quite certain.”

“I am not convinced,” said Charity. “Won’t you at least make the effort? Perhaps God will be kind and grant us a small miracle.”

Constance chuckled again. “Charity, my sweet sister-wife. Have you no end to your outrageousness? Why should God grant such a miracle?”

“Who are we to question God’s Will?” asked Charity. “If we do not make the attempt, we will not know if He has favored us. God expects His people to work. He expects the fisherman to throw their nets before God provides them with fish. He expects farmers to till their fields before God provides them with crops. If they do not work, He does not provide the miracle of food. In the same way, God expects a husband to lie with his wife and a wife to lie with her husband. If they do not, He does not provide the miracle of life. So lie with me, my husband. Lie with me the way a man should lie with his wife and perhaps God will reward us with a miracle.”

Constance sighed. “Until this moment we have kissed and touched to show our tenderness and affection. I do not know what else we can do for despite all lofty words, we are both women.”

“Kissing and touching seems like a good place to begin. Let us do that some more and then explore. Perhaps together we will discover new ways to show our tenderness and affection.”

With that, Charity pulled Constance into her embrace and they kissed soundly. They went on to discover more that could be done when two women lay together. Their experimentation provoked new sensations and revealed both the passion and the deep love between them. They spent the time together in wonder and delight.

God blessed them with strong feelings, but He did not grant any miracles that night and their union did not result in Charity becoming with child. But it was not for want of any effort by either Charity or Constance.

In the meantime, within the back room, Samuel was lying on his back and staring sightlessly into the darkness above him. Prudence lay on her side next to him and waited in silence.

Eventually, Samuel sighed and spoke.

“Well? What do you think I should do?”

“In this, I cannot direct you,” replied Prudence. “I will stand by you and support whatever you decide.”

“I find myself having a crisis of ... something,” said Samuel. “It is not a crisis of faith for God still holds His place in my heart. Perhaps, it is a crisis of learning. So much that I was taught now seems irrelevant. This began with Ezekiel. He showed me that there are other ways to fulfill our duties than the way that I was taught. Now I question everything.”

“And yet, the first thing we are taught is to seek our own truth in the Bible,” said Prudence. “We are not Papists who rely on what they hear from their priests for everything they know. We are Reformists. As children, we listen to our elders and take their words without question for a child knows no better. But we are adults now. You are an elder in your own right! Listen to God and follow the path He sets out for you.”

Samuel grunted. “I ask God for guidance and the only reply I hear is that God is watching me. If I Sin, He will turn his eyes away from me. Surely it is a Sin for a man to lie with his daughter.”

“Yet Charity is no longer your daughter. She is a married woman, the widowed wife of your son. You took her in and gave her your protection. In law, she is now your woman, not your daughter. There would be no Sin in this. The Bible tells us that if a man dies and has no son, then the kinsman shall go unto the wife and do the kinsman’s office to her that the man’s house should continue.”

Samuel grunted and stared upward in silence for a moment.

“In effect, she asks to be my second-wife, in everything but name. How do you feel about this?”

Prudence was quiet for a time. Then she sighed.

“It is a source of great shame for me that I bore you so few children, and of those, only three survived to adulthood. A son and two daughters, and not a one of them following the path we expected for them. With the loss of Ezekiel, your direct line is ended. I have failed in my duty as a wife.”

Samuel shook his head. “Do not speak so. I have not the words to express my pride in Ezekiel. His sacrifice exceeded all expectations for a son to his father and for a brother to his sisters. If my line is to end with him then I am content. Ezekiel has surely won the greatest victory for I am certain he stands now with God in Heaven and no man could ask for more from his son. I will not hear you talk of shame in the same sentence as you speak of Ezekiel.”

“Nevertheless,” replied Prudence. “I still feel great shame for my failure. You asked how I felt, and I answered. Charity offers a way to continue your house into the next generation. A night away from your bed is a small price for me to pay so that my failure may be redeemed.”

Samuel swallowed a chuckle. “You and I both know that it will take more than one night before we can be sure she has taken with child. And I see Charity’s heart very clearly. She will not settle for one child. If I agree to one, she will come back asking for more. And where Charity leads, Constance will follow. It is in both their natures to act thus. They will not be satisfied until we cannot cross the floor of our house without wading hip-deep through younglings.”

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SamChapter 19A

When I woke up in the morning it was very bright in the room, I rolled over to look at the clock and saw that I had slept later than I could remember ever doing. I did the math and found that I had my usual eight hours. It was just delayed a few hours because I had got in so late the night before. "Or the morning of," I corrected myself. Being a night-owl was a new experience for me. I felt that the day was almost half gone because I hadn't gotten up before nine. I slid off the high...

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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 27

Deena’s turn: Deena’s horny. I’m in the car with Haley; this afternoon’s schedule calls for us to make a stop at the beautician for haircuts. Horny? I know myself. Two days before my period, that’s MY peak. Haley’s is a few days AFTER hers. Bill? We keep him pretty much worn down, but he’s at HIS horniest when he walks into the house after being out of town overnight. Oh, wait ... I’m supposed to be thinking about my academic progress and intersocial relationships or music and...

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My Playmate Sam 2

Introduction: I extended this one and tried to work on formatting As she told me to wait for my turn I turned and smiled. She grabbed my belt and slid down my jeans, I was already rock hard and ready to go. She slowly wrapped her delicate hand around my cock, now Im no porn star, but I have a respectable 7 in cock, so I new she would have trouble taking it all. She started stroking me and it felt like pure bliss. She stroked and stroked and then finally kissed my cock and licked the...

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The Mustang

The Mustang By Anon Allsop Driving alone in the desert, Brock sped along listening to the sweet sound of his BMW. He had been on the road for the past two days since leaving St. Louis, headed for what he thought would be a great life in sunny southern California. Humming to himself as he drove down the lonely stretch of highway as the sunlight began to cast yellow, orange and red into the early morning sky. The day promised to be exquisite with the temperature hovering in the...

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Spiritual UnionChapter 13

I'd like to dream that what happened next was an instant orgy with all three girls cuddling into bed with me. I'd like to, but it sadly wasn't what happened. The fear that Courtney had exhibited managed to put us all completely out of the mood. When sleep came to me finally, it was only in fits and starts, and I found myself feeling the edge of a dream only to have it snatched away by a nervous breath. "I didn't want to hurt her..." The voice was stronger now than it had ever been...

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Joe The Driving Instructor

While I was nurse training and only 17, I decided to learn to drive, this is when I met Joe, my instructor. He was in his 30's and very charming with the gift of the gab. It wasn't long before he'd arranged my lessons at the end of the day after which he'd suggest we go for a drink. After our drink he drove to a secluded spot, we were kissing in next to no time. His hands were soon removing my upper clothing and expertly exploring my body, which I enjoyed. "We'd be more comfy in the...

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Altered Fates Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny

As always excessive praise is always welcome No copyright infringement intended. The rights belong to CBS and Childhood Sweethearts. CJ and I are just having fun not meaning any harm. Altered Fates: Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny By Eric and Caleb Jones Fran Fine's annoyingly nasal voice hammered at Maxwell's ears like a sledgehammer. She was sexy and lovable but oh, that voice of hers. Perhaps he should insist she go to a voice training class, but every time he hinted at...

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Angel Chapter 7

The rest of the week seemed to go by in a blur. Johanna and I spent our time shopping, catching up with some of my old friends and more often than not, I spent as much time with Josh as possible and Jo spent time with Brian. This was often difficult for her because his girlfriend Lacey made an appearance at the house several times during the week. Brian played it cool and Johanna stayed out of the way. She knew that Lacey wasn’t as good in bed as she was and Brian had told her so on many of...

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Was That Wrong Of Me Baby

It was my idea, just to spice things up a bit. I thought it might turn me on, and it did. My girlfriend and I have been together for a about a year now, which is way longer than any other relationship I’ve had. I guess I love her, but I have no intention of marrying her. I’m way too young for that. We get on great, and the sex has been fantastic, so I’m just enjoying myself. Debbie’s not the sort of girl I usually go for. She’s classy. The truth is, I’m punching way above my weight and I...

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The Flower

The Flower Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to [email protected] Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. Some people are born smart. They know the answer to everything. Some people are born dumb, and they have troubles all their life. I don't know why I was born dumb. I really didn't think that I was dumb. I just thought about simple things and not big things. Like I wondered why does all...

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Mit demder besten Freundin im Urlaub

Zu meiner Person Mein Name ist Tom, ich bin 26 Jahre alt, spiele Fußball und gehe oft laufen und fahre Rennrad. Also würde ich sagen, dass ich ein sportlicher Charakter bin. Mit meinem 1,84 m groß und mit meinen blauen Augen und kürzeren gestylten Haaren sicherlich recht hübsch abzusehen. Es ist Sommer und der Urlaub mit meinen besten Freunden steht an, auf dem ich mich riesig freue! Endlich aus dem Großstadtjungel ausbrechen und die Natur und Sonne in der Toskana genießen. Mit von der Partie...

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Cuckolded by the Black Power Movement

A progressive couple make the ultimate sacrifice and meet social justice warriors' price for their trust from a black supremacy organization.This is a story about Miles and Amanda Deacon, a progressive, white married couple who wanted to make a difference in race relations. After numerous visits to "Harmony" meetings hosted by the local chapter of the Black Power Movement, the Deacon's were urged to "take the next step" in advancing social change and helping the black race. Hesitating at first,...

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Bound For Her Pleasure

Tricia pulled up a stool and sat down next to the solid oak coffee table that stood in the centre of a sparsely furnished spare bedroom. She was dressed in a black lacy bustier, black fishnet stockings and a pair of lacy black panties. In her hand was a black leather riding crop. She looked endearingly at the naked man lying on the table and ran her hand over his forehead. “Feeling comfortable my darling husband?” She asked softly. His eyes opened wide and he motioned with a nod of his head. He...

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Beths ArmChapter 12

Beall stopped for a meal on his way out of Georgetown and still got home before dark. In bed that night, he told his wife of his visit to Gil, the miser in his dark cave, and of his talk with the constable afterwards. "He promised to leave Gil alone unless there was a trial." "Will he keep his word?" Beall's wife asked, inching down to get nearer the warmed, wool covered bricks at the foot of their big bed. "I think so. Hope so. Remind me to get down to M'Gregor's tomorrow. That's...

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Lucky Santa

In the end you could tell my Company Chief was an ex-sales guy. Dammit! At least that's 'my' excuse for why 'I' ended up in the Santa Suit half way through the Christmas dinner celebrations. Don't get any wise ideas! I'm not that fat - at least I don't think so, well upholstered yes - but not fat! So my hair and beard are pretty white these days - I told him straight that that was working for him - the bastard! So he had me hooked. OK, so greed came into it - bribery! In the back of...

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My first experience Accidental Flashing

When I was 18, I was riding my motorcycle around on the trails and stopped for a smoke. I pulled out a cigarette, lit it and puffed away. I was leaning against my bike, and it was nice outside, I was in the middle of a small clearing in the woods, all alone. So I whipped out my 8" cock and dropped my pants completely, stepping out of them (no underwear, of course). I strolled around slowly, looking around to make sure nobody was around, listening to the sounds of cars passing by the road, about...

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The Fate of Ankneela 2

...All day Ankneela stayed inside, her mind once again whirling with unpleasant possibilities...They came for her after dark. The food-girl led the way towards the central clearing, while the guards walked behind her, silent and stoic as always. The sky was lit by an ominous red glow. Nearing the clearing, she saw that it was filled with people. They moved aside to let her and her escort pass.As they moved through the front ranks of people, Ankneela saw that there was a large fire burning to...

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VengeanceChapter 4

The next day Crystal is in her office doing interviews to hire new girls off the street. On the books, it was our spokeswoman that did the hiring and firing of the entertainers. In reality, it hadn’t happened that way for years. I think a couple clubs sent her their new hires out of respect, expecting a rubber stamp. Truthfully I expected her to give a rubber stamp too. That afternoon we had a board meeting. I intended to have Crystal sit pretty beside me. I planned to make introductions,...

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Making love with a friend

It was a winter afternoon in Arizona when I lost my virginity to a girl named Emma. At the time, we were merely k**s. I was 14 and she was 13. At the time, we had known eachother since I got into middle school. We even dated for a while until she moved to Maine. During that time we never made love. Now every once in a while she would let me touch her, but no sex of any kind and she had the most amazing body in the whole school. And since we were in the eighth grade she had the most amazing body...

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Meagans Life Lessons

by BrettJ © 2009 16-year old Meagan Rivers was home from Boarding School and assumed she’d be on her own for the summer. There was no way in hell her parents were going to allow this because A) she was much too young and B) the little blonde was hell on wheels, which is why she’d been set to school in Europe in the first place. They’d sent their daughter to the Private, supposedly-strict school because she was “incorrigible” and a “Raving Nymphomaniac” one counselor had told them. Since...

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My wife takes charge

From the time I met my wife Andrea I had always made the decisions when it came to sex. I know that sounds bad but Andrea has always been submissive and when it came to sex she did what ever I wanted. It started out with me having her dress to impress. At five foot three and one hundred pounds even she had the body to show off. Short dresses and tight shorts were all she wore in the warm months and always without panties. On several occasions my friends would catch a glimpse of her smoothly...

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An American War HeroChapter 20

By the time David and Josh reached the cabin, the destroyer had made several violent manoeuvres. Liz and Julia were decked out in floatation vests and metal helmets. They were peering out the porthole trying to make sense of the battle going on around them. "I feel like the best man in the honeymoon suite" grumbled Josh. David laughed. "First you tell me you hate ships and subs and now you want to get out there and go hand to hand with a submariner!" The ship lurched again and depth...

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My History Teacher 70

//// "What do you want?" Kelly hisses into my ear and rubs her hands over my skin. I shiver and whimper. That's all I could do. I was gagged with her panties in my mouth. Kelly presses a kiss to my neck. "Nod your head if you're still okay with this. Shake if you're not." Kelly checks one last time. See, we decided to test the waters of my sudden interest in bondage and domination/submission. Kelly had tied my hands together and put me on my hands and knees. Now she was...

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Summer holiday at my mother in law house

On summer always we went to visit her mother she was an attractive woman in her early 50, she lived at the island of Samos she was a widow her hupand pass 6 years ago One summer night I was making love to my wife, the bedrooms were in the upper floor and had adjoining balcony, it was a hot night and we left the balcony door wide open, as we were making love I notice a shadow at the balcony door it was my mother in law watching us, I was on my back and my wife was sucking my cock, I did not say...

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Living The Dream Chapter 3

After the first week, Katie installed cameras in every room in her house. That way I could fuck Molly, even if Katie wasn't there, and then Katie could watch it later. It was a dream for me. And it only got better with each passing day. As I said, we had been going out about two weeks at this point. I was at Katie's house waiting for Molly to get home from school. When she walked in the door, I got a pleasant surprise. Her friend, Emma, was with her. Emma was a pretty little thing, with...

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In The Hands Of The Gods

The Welsh mountains are steeped in myths and legends and have captured the hearts of many locals and travellers and remain central to the myth of King Arthur. Surrounding lakes claim to hold the sword of Excalibur and the legendary Avalon, an island off the Llyn peninsular which is supposed to be the final resting place of King Arthur and Merlin. Yet, some myths and legends go back much, much further. Back to the darker times of mankind, and there remains a handful of people that still remember...

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First and Ten Part 6

First and Ten; Part 6 Webster defines paranoia as an irrational distrust of others. Since the events of the past few weeks had provided me with more than my fair share of well grounded reasons to be distrustful of others, I could claim with a high degree of confidence that I wasn't paranoid. Still, that didn't keep me from acting like someone who was. Even Emma wasn't free of suspicion as she behaved the following day as if there were nothing more exciting going on in my life than...

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Bhabi Ke Saath Woh Erotic Chudai Ke Pal

Hi main Deepak, Chandigarh se, age 28, and an average looking guy. Ab main story pe aata hun jo ki bilkul real hai. Main basically Punjab se hun. Due toh my job yahan aklea rehata hun. Yeh baat kuch month pahele shuru hui. Main ek kiraye ke makan main akela rehata tha. Sham ke time mein balcony mein ghoomta rehata tha. Wahan sath ke makan mein ek Punjabi family rahti thi. Bhai aur bhabhi. Bhabhi ka name Simran tha (name changed). Unki age 30 thi. Woh bhi balcony mein aa jati thi kabhi kabhi toh...

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The OAP Palmers and friends have needs

Part 1 Mr and Mrs Palmer have been neighbours of mine for at least three years. She dressed conservatively was pleasant and must be in her mid seventies and her husband, Stan, late seventies, I would guess.They were both still active and they were always friendly and often I used to do odd jobs around their bungalow. The only thing strange about them was that about once a month an old guy used to visit, stay overnight and then leave.However, I had not seen him for the past three months. Now,...

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First Deep Sex Experience With My Colleague

One monday I reached my office late at 10.30 am in our company every Monday we will have new joining’s. I entered inside the office I saw one girls sitting in reception and she was superb and hot with a smile I entered inside. Next one hour my manager came with same girl whom I saw in the morning and introduced to our team. She is my new team mate I was surprised and happy inside and by the by her name is swetha(name changed) 30 year old her size 34,29,34 she has sexy figure and curves. Next...

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