Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 05 free porn video

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Daniel looked around the Rio’s breakfast area and caught the eye of his waitress. As she walked over, he winked at Holly and turned his attention back to Norman Chad.

‘You guys are nicely positioned,’ the TV commentator was telling them. ‘Survive the first day, that’s all you had to do.’

Daniel wriggled in his chair. ‘I hear you, Norm. But for me it was a close thing.’

Chad laughed. ‘Now what have I been telling you this past year about the Ace of Spades? I guess you’ll believe me now?’

‘I’m a believer,’ grinned Daniel, leaning forward and asking the waitress for two refills.

Holly raised her eyebrow. ‘The difference between success and failure can be the turn of a single card,’ she laughed.

‘I wasn’t expecting that card,’ Daniel conceded, pursing his lips. ‘I mean, usually you hope, but right then I thought I was on my way out.’

‘I saw the hand,’ Chad interrupted, sipping from his large glass of orange juice. ‘And I never doubted it. That card was always coming.’

They all laughed. ‘But from what I gather,’ Daniel said, turning to look at Holly, ‘You had a stroll?’

‘My luck came in the first hand,’ she softly said. ‘Not that I sucked out, other than I shouldn’t have been in that pot. But I couldn’t have paid for a flop like that.’

‘Perfect,’ agreed Chad, as the waitress refilled Daniel and Holly’s drinks. She gave him a quizzical look. ‘The coffee is perfect, too,’ he cracked, watching as she beamed and walked away.

‘And that hand also established my table reputation,’ continued Holly, pushing a blonde lock back into place. ‘I’ve had worse days!’

They all laughed again.

‘Any tips for the lady?’ Chad asked Daniel.

He wearily shook his head. ‘I think it should be the other way around. But Holly, there is a long, long way to go,’ he said. ‘It’s a cliché, but it really is one hand at a time…’

She nodded, slightly arching her back. Daniel knew it was a deliberate movement but like Chad, couldn’t help the fact that his eyes were now honing in on her divine breasts.

Holly smiled and said, ‘Steady boys!’

The easy laughter that followed showed how comfortable the three of them were becoming in each other’s company.

‘The one thing I didn’t expect was all the whooping and hollering,’ she said, changing the focus of the conversation. ‘And the trading of insults at the table. I know we’ve seen it to different degrees in other tournies, but in that room it was ridiculous.’

‘Same last year,’ said Daniel. ‘It’s television.’

He looked at Chad, who nodded. ‘Alas, that’s true. The new breed of Internet players have seen the Hellmuth’s and Matusow’s of this world and take it as the norm. In the old days, it would’ve been viewed as disrespecting the game and sorted out in the parking lot.’

‘You must have a good memory of the old days, Norm,’ Daniel cracked. He and Holly laughed again as the television star looked aghast.

‘Who needs enemies with friends like you,’ he replied with his familiar, deadpan look.


It was late morning when Parker walked into the Carousel Club. From her booth, Ming could survey everything going on around her. Her eyes narrowed when she saw her business partner.

He could see her annoyance even at a distance and knew that she was still stewing on his run-in with Desmond. From the way her gaze slipped over his shoulder to Carly, he realised this was not going to be quite as easy as he had first anticipated.

The bar was quite busy, even for this early hour. He decided to take the bull by the horns and pushed his chest out as he made his way across to the booth. This was Ming’s territory, he’d have to be strong. But he needed to get laid and the little brunette beside him was too fucking hot to resist.

He traded glances with Ming, whose eyes narrowed as she turned to look at the girl by his side. He felt Carly squirm uncomfortably as Ming stared her down. Her hand slipped into his.

‘Ming, this is Carly,’ he said coldly, a hint of aggression in his voice.

Ming’s face remained impassive.

‘Hello, Ming,’ Carly said, her voice wavering with the nervousness she felt.

‘Hello, Carly,’ Ming mimicked, and then turned her gaze to Parker.

‘Well, Parker,’ she drawled, ‘You’ll be pleased to know I eventually cleaned up your mess with our mutual friend yesterday. Why is it I have the feeling that another mess is coming my way?’

Parker straightened up, folding his arms across his chest in anger. How could she speak to him like that? Especially in front of the girl?

‘Our mutual friend can go fuck himself,’ he spat out.

‘No, Parker, he’ll fuck us if you cross him again.’

Parker smiled. ‘From what I gather, he took care of part of one half of that yesterday!’

Fuck! Ming’s face coloured as he realised he knew. She turned her angry gaze across at Carly, who shrank back beside him. ‘I’m assuming you have another surprise for me?’

As Parker glared down at her, the beautiful oriental woman slipped her hands behind her neck. Neither spoke for the moment, a battle of wills.

‘Well,’ Ming continued. ‘What did you promise her, Parker?’

‘She’s a new acquisition to our girls,’ he said, not backing off from the stare.

‘We don’t need a new acquisition, Parker.’

‘Then make room so that we do!’

Ming rubbed her eyes before leaning forward. She placed both hands flat on the table in front of her. Her gaze focused on Parker, completely blocking out Carly’s unwanted presence.

‘As the Manager, I’m telling you I have no vacancies.’ Her voice was cold and determined.

Before he could respond, her eyes flicked beyond him and she cursed. Parker followed her gaze to Desmond. He was glowering at them he entered.

‘Great timing,’ she muttered, starting to get up from her seat.

Parker put his hand on her arm. ‘Either she’s hired or I go and throw the hood out.’

She followed his glance as he looked over at Desmond.

‘Parker,’ she spat. ‘If you knew how close we are to being taken over…’

‘Then she’d hired,’ he said.

Ming made no response other than to continue to glare at him.

‘Good,’ he said, removing his hand from her forearm. ‘Carly and I are popping out for some lunch. She can start this afternoon. I’ll leave you to do whatever it is you get up to with your friend over there.’

Her body tightened with rage at his sneering comment. She’d find a way to get even.


Daniel was suffering at the table. It was the same as his first day. Without cards or luck, it was difficult to repel the aggressive young bucks. One big pot, when he had flopped the nut flush, had been the sole reason he’d maintained his chip stack. But he knew that standing still was not good enough.

At least he was taking it on the chin, he thought. All around him there were a succession of bad tempered moans. And this time it was not only the amateurs. Phil Hellmuth was right in the thick of it. The so called Poker Brat was steaming and had been for some time. The subject of his latest outburst was a youngster to his left.

The kid had gone all-in with Ace-Jack and Hellmuth had naturally called with Ace-King. When the young Scandinavian spiked a Jack on the river, Hellmuth’s explosion of expletives lasted a good five minutes. As he looked around for sympathy, he spotted Daniel despite there being two tables between them.

‘Worst players in the world around here, Daniel,’ he shouted across the tables. ‘Unbelievable!’

Daniel smiled sympathetically whilst Hellmuth went on yet another walkabout. He was determined not to become involved in the Poker Brat’s angst and possibly be diverted from his own game. He was well aware of his own perilous position.

Unfortunately for all within earshot, the very next hand Hellmuth hit
Big Slick again. After a long pause, he chose to lay it down when the youngster went all-in. When Hellmuth eventually folded the kid flipped over pocket threes, resulting in another outburst.

‘Hey, Daniel, this idiot went all-in with pocket threes,’ he screeched. ‘Unbelievable! Pocket threes! These people can’t even spell poker, let alone play it.’

Without waiting for a reply, Hellmuth left the table again. He eventually wandered over to his wife who was watching by the rail. She gave him the same advice as she did just about every tournament.

‘You’ve got to let it go, Phil,’ she told him. ‘Just let it go.’

Daniel wiped it from his mind. He knew that his own tourney was on the line.


Parker pulled into the secluded car park beside his apartment and cut the engine. He smiled across at Carly. He had other things on his mind than lunch.

‘Thank you for that,’ Carly purred, stroking his chest as she leaned into him. ‘I could kiss you!’

She was already closing in on his mouth as she spoke. Parker met her halfway, tilting his head as their lips crashed into one another. It was an urgent, sexual kiss and he felt his cock stirring as her wet tongue slipped inside his mouth. He slid his hand to her right breast and teased the hard nipple. His palm cupped her swell as he gently flicked the swollen tip. The brunette let out a low groan of pleasure.

After a few minutes of urgent kissing, she gently pulled back. ‘I only said a kiss…’

His mouth dropped in frustration. The feel of her soft hand squeezing the growing bulge in his pants clued him in. A jerk of excitement ran through his tense groin. Carly smiled as she felt him grow under her stroking.

‘I got you the job,’ he groaned. It was as if he was seeking confirmation that she would keep her side of the bargain.

She grinned and nodded. As she gently unbuttoned her top, she slid down in the seat, leaning back against the door. Her pretty face gleamed with arousal. She pulled her top away, her fingers trembling. His breath caught at the site of the pointed peaks of her jutting breasts. Her erect long nipples were dark on her tanned skin. He watched transfixed as she edged her legs apart in an unspoken invitation.

With a dexterity that amazed Parker, the brunette slipped a leg across the back of the seat, just over his shoulder. He could smell the heady leather of her heels. Her almond-coloured gaze held his as she manoeuvred her right leg on the dashboard. Those eyes shined with promise as her fingers crawled along her naked torso to the little skirt that hid her treasure.

Carly tantalisingly pulled her skirt to her waist. She wore no underwear. Parker felt his cock grow to its full extent as his eyes took in the dark curls between her legs. She lifted her bottom of the seat, offering herself.

‘Come and get it,’ she whispered, tonguing the top row of her pearly white teeth.

As uncomfortable as it was, Parker eased his bottom back into the door and ducked his head forward. He reached beneath her, grabbing a taut buttock with each hand. She had a nice round ass, he thought, as he squeezed the soft, peach-like skin. She let out a soft groan at his rough touch. He raised her hips towards his mouth. It was all she could do to hold on, slipping her fingers into his dark, crinkly hair. Unlike his hands, her lips were soft as they teased her inner thigh, his tongue feather light as it glided across her silky flesh.

‘So good, Parker, so good’ she murmured. Her hands stroked his hair in encouragement.

Carly hooked the foot that was over his shoulder around his neck, drawing his head harder between her legs. As her left leg pulled, the other pushed against the windscreen, opening herself wider. The brunette frantically pumped her hips forward into him as his mouth found her vulva. This girl was hot!

His flicking tongue traced along the smooth folds of her heated furrow. His rock hard erection pushed uncomfortably inside the confines of his slacks. Her foot tightened around his neck, her need all consuming. Ignoring the cramped conditions, he took her slippery clitoris in his mouth. His sucking noises filled the car, mixing in with her cries. She dug her fingers into his scalp.

‘Gonna cum, baby,’ she huffed. Parker whipped his tongue across her slick folds. Her hips jerked up as she ground in his face, spurting across his cheeks.

The brunette’s gripping fingers didn’t release him as she climaxed. Her writhing thighs threatened to squash his head. She humped against him again and again. Parker fought for breath.

At last, she began to come down from her peak. She eased herself back into a sitting position and leant over to lick her juices from his face. He felt his cock pulsate.

‘Baby,’ she growled into his mouth. ‘That was so good!’

‘Let’s go inside my apartment,’ he suggested. His heart was beating loudly.

She shook her head. ‘Uh-uh… I’m gonna fuck Parker in his car!’

‘Someone might come…’ he began.

Carly laughed out loud. ‘Someone just has! And now it’s Parker’s turn.’

Within a few seconds she was naked. Her fingers unfastened his belt and he groaned at the metallic unzipping sound. Her probing hand slithered inside his boxers to secure her prize.

‘Nice and ready for action,’ she hoarsely whispered.

Her long tongue flicked around his mouth as she gripped the hardened shaft. Her stroking elicited a series of short moans. She was not disappointed.

Parker gasped as she crawled over him, draping a leg across his lap. Facing the windscreen, she steadied herself on his thighs, her soft buttocks resenting comfortably on his lap. Her naked breasts pressed into the cold steering wheel.

‘Move the seat back,’ she whispered over her shoulder, wriggling her ass against him.

Parker’s hand found the lever at the foot of the seat. It shot backwards, allowing a little more space. The brunette laughed as the settled back. She reached between them and guided his throbbing erection closer to her hot core.

Parker gasped loudly as she rotated the bulbous head along her wickedly smooth slit. Her hips gently undulated against his needy cock as she stroked him along her wet sex. She indulged herself with several soft passes before guiding him to her slick opening. His loud moan told them both how much he wanted this.

The brunette moved in slow, circular motions, fucking him gently. Her hands reached behind her to rest on his thighs. He attempted to coordinate his upward thrusts with her sensational gyrations. Just as he found the rhythm, she teasingly increased the pace.

The brunette was determined to dominate.

Parker slid his hands onto her sides, stomach and then up to cup her frantically bouncing breasts. He was used to being the aggressor and wanted to regain control. His head slumped against her back as he rotated her diamond hard peaks between thumb and forefinger.

Her gasps pleased him. But rather than slow her, his fingers and hands on her breasts simply increased her bucking hips.

Her circular motions changed to savage up and down thrusts. He grabbed her hair and forced her to face him. Their tongues met and fucked each other’s mouths. His free hand ruthlessly and kneaded her full breast.

The panted and moaned. The windows of the car steamed up. Carly was in full flow. As she bounced up and down, Parker pulled her back against him in an effort to stay with her. Their frantic fucking was matched by their moans. The intensity of the brunette’s pounding was becoming too much. Parker knew he was unable to hold back.

But even as his body tensed, he felt Carly’s fingernails painfully dig into his thighs. She erupted in uncontrollable spasms. She threw her body against him. She shuddered as she arched back as if experiencing an earthquake. Her orgasm triggered his and with a final upward thrust he exploded, too.

He grunted like an animal
as he began to ejaculate inside her. One shot after another fired into her still jerking body. She arched back further, shoving her tits into his hand as he filled her with his hot cream.

They held onto each other for some time whilst they recovered. With a sigh, Carly turned her head again for one final kiss.

‘Told you I’d be grateful,’ she gasped into his mouth.


Holly was relieved that the afternoon’s play was concluding. Despite the long day, her mind had not yet switched onto the cards. The blonde was thankful she had got herself into such a good position on the first day. She was alert, but focused on her next hit. Despite the longer, dinner-break she would need to come up with an excuse for her time away from the table.

She had used poker as cover for twelve months. This was the first occasion that the two specialities had so directly bumped into each other. She was finding it difficult to cope.

Her frustrations were compounded as twice she had to move tables as others were knocked out. A mid-tournament move was always unsettling, but for Holly it was more so. She had just sussed out her opponents game each time she had been moved. Starting again, whilst planning her hit, had been both annoying and frustrating.

Being relatively card dead had not helped either. She couldn’t complain after yesterday but today she was impotent. Particularly as one of the tournament chip leaders was seated to her immediate left. The tall Texan had been determined to bully the table and had been pretty effective at it, too. With big pre flop raises and subsequent ‘betting on the come,’ he had stolen pots with irritating regularity.

Holly glanced at her watch after folding yet another to a raise from the Texan.

‘How long to the break?’ she asked the dealer. She already knew the answer.

‘About a quarter of an hour, ma’am,’ came the polite reply.

‘Thanks,’ she responded. ‘Guys,’ she said to the table, ‘I’m not feeling too good. I’m going to take my break as soon as the big blind has passed me and see if I can get some sleep. I’ll be back in time for the start of the next session.’


When Rosie had heard that Tommy ‘needed’ time with one of Ming’s girls, she volunteered. All of the girl’s knew that Big Eddie’s men had free use of them whenever they wanted. The good bonus Ming paid made sure that they had no objections.

‘Why?’ asked Ming with a frown.

Tommy wasn’t known for his pleasant demeanour. Ming had planned to pair him with Carly. That would serve the bitch right. And as the men could be a little rough, she had always tried to protect Rosie from that side.

‘I need the extra money,’ Rosie shrugged. The redhead knew she couldn’t tell Ming she wanted to extract some information for Daniel.

‘But Tommy?’ Ming repeated. ‘There’ll be others.’

Rosie smiled. She wasn’t very good at lying. ‘Please, Ming…’

Ming gave a sigh of resignation. ‘Okay, babe. Take him to room 5.’


Holly watched Ming’s exchange with the girl from her seat in the dark, back corner of the room. She wore low sneakers to disguise her height. She would usually have dyed her hair for such a public appearance but that was impossible. She would soon return to the poker tournament. Instead, her black baseball cap was pulled tightly down on her short, black wig.

Her contact lenses gave her the appearance of having bright blue eyes and her ill fitting jacket gave no clues as to her weight of figure. Without closer inspection, it was difficult to ascertain whether she was male or female.

The disguise had worked so far. Ming had not recognised her from her brief morning visit to the Club. The oriental woman had tried to engage her in conversation, but Holly had shrugged her off, explaining that she was waiting for her boyfriend. She complained of her blinding migraine and told the attractive oriental she no idea why her boyfriend had chosen that place to meet anyway.

That reconnoitre was worth its weight in gold. The blonde had established what was going on in the Club and the location of the doors to the bedrooms. Her seat now was the closest possible to that site. And the darkened space provided a little anonymity.

She watched Tommy saunter to the door behind the curvy redhead as if he owned the place. Holly’s problem now was how to follow them without being seen. She had checked around the outside of the building for a good fifteen minutes on her arrival. There was no way inside from there. With Ming’s eyes dancing across pretty much everything that happened on the floor, her options were limited.

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 23 Surprised Visitor

Her next experience was more surprising than pleasant for her. She was again dressed in a simple housewife's frock, buttoned right down the front, over the sensible brassière and knickers when her visitor came in. He was much younger than her previous visitors, only two or three years older than herself, and she could understand a she surveyed his solid figure that he would have had temptation from every young woman, and some not so young, in his parish. "Oh," he said, surprise and shock...

4 years ago
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The Long Ride Home

With a sigh of relief, you struggle through the crowd and to the subway doors, eager to be on the train and well on your way home. You jostle and push, as is the way in this place, jockeying for a seat somewhere...any seat would do. The day has been tiring and you wish for nothing more than to rest your legs for a bit. However, that is not to be. No amount of wiggling and struggling through the packed cars reveal any free seats. Or, rather, the free seats you do spot are taken almost instantly...

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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 31

Roxie stood in the parking space that Bubba’s truck had just vacated. She stared down the road at his taillights until she couldn’t see them anymore. She knew it was pointless to do it but couldn’t help herself. A small breeze came up and she could feel Bubba’s money flapping like a flag as she held the bills in her fingers. She stuffed the money in her jeans pocket, picked up her bag with her belongings and turned back toward the restaurant in the distance. Well, there was only one thing...

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Spoilt brat gets poor child

It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy. Well a spoilt young brat to be more specific. Billy Broome was residing in his master bedroom after a hard day at school. Well hard for Billy as he has always been given all the attention and needs by his father. They lived in a very elegant mansion, surrounded by the cities wealthiest neighbours. His Father Tony was a prosperous man; he started out life as a poor child,...

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Curiosity captured the cheerleader

Curiosity captured the cheerleader Curiosity Captured the CheerleaderBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was sitting in her apartment, surfing the web and reading a book.? She wasn?t looking for much, just a friendly story site or picture trading club where she could sit and admire the strange new world of bondage she had discovered.? She had crafted herself a new screen name on yahoo which she thought was clever, sarahpony2005.? As she sat there surfing, a new PM popped up, from another...

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The sleeper

"I'm sorry, Miss Ross," the conductor explained, "I know you have a reservation for a private berth, but due to over booking all we have left is a compartment for two. Your berth mate is a very attractive young woman , so we hope you can see your way clear to accept these alternate accommodations at no cost to you of course!" The train was about to leave the station and Melanie Ross was just finding out that her reservation on the Overland Chief from Chicago to Seattle was not being honored...

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Day 1 Afternoon Checking into the Artemis Club

Elaine sat at the breakfast table, her Auntie Jess smiling at her across the table. Auntie Jess had always been her go-to relative after she hit puberty. She always encouraged Elaine to spread her wings, as well as her legs, and to enjoy life while she could."Happy birthday Elaine, I got you a little present." Jess beamed at Elaine and held out a faux vellum envelope with a wax seal of a topless female figure drawing back a bow.Elaine grinned and wondered what this could be. Her knife slid...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 8

Thursday Aug 11. The Rents woke me up this morning and not wanting to get on their bad side and have our plans disrupted I hurried to get ready and go down stairs for breakfast. I still can't believe that they're letting my friends sleep over Friday. I'm so excited! Emily and Tim wish they could too but they're parents have plans. They're hoping they can visit next weekend though. I hope they can. As we ate breakfast Grandpa pulled up in Henry. We went out to greet him and I gave him...

1 year ago
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 21 Reality

Winter was over and spring was attempting to make itself felt, when Dr. Jim proposed to Tara and of course she accepted. Percy's worst fear was being realized. Don Vito and he were going to be in-laws. Percy's daughter wanted him to travel to Philly and meet all of Jim's family in July. Jim's family was having a 4th of July party and "we" were invited. It took Percy almost a month to make the necessary arrangements for all of them to be away from the lodge for a week. That's right, a...

4 years ago
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Britney The Blackmail k

Britney just stood there stunned. she couldnt believe it. this young k** filmed her fucking his grandfather. she didnt even know anyone else was there. and now he was blackmailing her. and there was nothing she could do about it. she thought about it and figured it couldnt be too bad, the k** probaly just wanted a handjob and an autograph. the boy stepped into her house and told Britney she made the smart decision. he told her to strip and she did. the boy couldnt believe it, Britney Spears was...

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For Blood or MoneyChapter 6 Riley to the Rescue

AFTER MY HEART ATTACK in Las Vegas last March, I woke up in a hospital bed. Riley was sitting in a chair beside the bed playing on my computer. That’s no small task. “How’d you get into my computer,” I asked. She looked up at me. “I turned it on and dragged your finger across the biometric scanner and I was in,” she answered brightly. “How did you know which finger?” I asked. It is only set to read one fingerprint. “I had to try them one at a time until I got the right one,” she answered,...

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Nandu Anubhavalu Part 8211 1

Hi na peru nandini…Andaru nandu ani pilustaru..Nakkuda alage pilipinchukovadam istam..   Idi konchem lengthy story but na jeevitam lo jarigina nijamaina sangatanulu. Na age 23.Ma intlo 5 members. Amma,nanna, tammudu, chelli and nenu. Amma house wife, nanna gold business. Tammudu, chelli studying still.   Ha height 5.5, na size 34-25-35.Nenu present bangalore lo oka mnc lo panichestunnanu. Nenu putti perigindi antha madanpalle, tirupati.   Nenu 2014 lo b.Tech tirupati lo complete chesanu, naku...

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The Lawyer and the Killer Ch 07

An Introductory Note: A special thanks and note of appreciation goes out to Miss.elf1 for her tireless editing of the last several chapters of this story. Thank you so much. * Susan Slattery, prominent lawyer, a successful divorce specialist, had been twice abducted. First she’d been grabbed by Shawn McClellan, a man hired to murder and dispose of her body. Instead he raped, humiliated, and terrorized her. Then he baffled her when he ransomed her life so he could allow her to go free. ...

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Berry Picking

I always enjoyed picking raspberries, blueberries and other wild fruit to make jams and jellies and such. We live near the outer boundaries of the city where there are open fields and wooded areas a frequent and this give me a chance to harvest wild berries and such for our enjoyment. One beautiful day I got my berry picking pail and headed for an area that I knew there was an abundance of wild raspberries. Being only about a half mile from the house it was an easy walk.I began picking plump...

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Vivian And Miranda

“Wow, we really lucked out with this place,” said Vivian Hannity. She was talking about the apartment they had just rented on Sedgwick Avenue.Her new roommate, Miranda Grossman – or just Mandy – replied, “I’ll say, I especially like this view looking out at the reservoir. How about we celebrate by smoking a doobie?”“It’s a bit early in the day for that, isn’t it?”“Naw, you’re just fooled because of the time of the year and how light it still is out there. If it was February you wouldn’t have a...

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Night and The City II

Late night walking, boots with comfortable souls gave my stylish look a quirky detail, my black suede heels in a dept store bag with twine handles, with my Dior bag, I stopped where the gate always gave entrance behind the local shops, dark, a slim entryway, barefoot now, sliding into heels, boots stowed and placed in the utility area out of sight I took off my black sweater, revealing thin shoulder straps and hemline above the knee, the heels were sophisticated, I felt how the heels,...

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Gingerpatch Ella Hughes Strawberries And Cream

Romeo Price could not believe his eyes while he was driving home. In the distance, he saw a gorgeous redhead with a thick ass squeezed into a slutty pair of short shorts. Enter Ella Hughes, our favorite British invasion. He offers her a ride home, and she is happy to accept. They end up at his place and Ella puts on a hell of a show, grinding that big ass against him and turning him on. He pours oil on her perky nipples to help get her in the mood, then strips her out of her clothes. He feeds...

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ShesNew Jeni Juice An All Dick Diet

When a cute redhead like Jeni Juice walks through the door and gives you that special seductive look, it is safe to assume she likes to suck dick. In fact, Jeni would be the first one to tell you that there is nothing likea hard cock down her throat. That explains why she looks so happy slobbering and stroking our studs cock. She gets so horny that she has to climb on top and go for a sensual cock ride. Her ass looks super sexy as she bounces up and down on our studs prick, letting her pussy...

4 years ago
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How I got started dressing

I was a sophomore in high school and like any teenage boy I was extremely horny. I masturbated atleast once a day usually 2 or even 3 times because I had so much time on my hands. I started off watching plain straight porn but I watched so much of it daily that I started to get bored of it. I just used sites like google or yahoo to find videos by typing in whatever I was into that day. It started out with just words like "blonde getting fucked" or "girlfriend giving blowjob." Once I started to...

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Amandas Story The Date

The first part of this was written for a contest. Since I do not know where this contest is going I decided to finish the story by 10 November for my fans. I have become disinterested in the characters and telling of this story and lost my creative mojo so I am sure this is not my best work. As you can tell by the ending I did have one more chapter in mind but for now it is not being written. Maybe someone else would like to finish this or I will be inspired later. Either way I feel the...

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Fourteen Day Program Ch 06

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is Chapter 6 of the saga of Tom and Liz Raines. Most of it will not make sense unless you have read at least the first chapter. It feels like Chapter 7 will be the end. This story started out as a simple idea that could be used as an excuse to write hot sex scenes, but early on the situation turned into something deeper and more complex. So where the first chapters were largely sexual adventures with some mental and emotional anguish, these later ones have become the...

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A Dream I Had

"A Dream I Had" By MackcedarWood "Just had a dream last night that felt like the most wonderful feeling I have ever felt. Have you ever dreamed & wished that you would never want to wake up? I did. I didn't want to wake up at all. The dream was about myself of course & a person, which I will not name at this...

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FAPCeo! Do you like hentai? Do you like games? Do you like microtransactions? Well, on, you’ll find hentai games with microtransactions galore. Today we’re taking a look at Fap CEO, a clicker game that is reminiscent of the Clicker Hero craze but with an adult-themed roster. It’s like the creators of this game played Clicker Hero and saw that hot cat monster on stage 3, and then decided to make a game that’s all about tits and spending money. But hey, I like tits, I like spending...

Best Porn Games
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 74 The Calm Before the Storm

October, 1985, Chicago, Illinois That evening, we heard the news that a hostage had been killed by the Palestinians who had hijacked the Achille Lauro. A wheelchair-bound man, Leon Klinghoffer, had been shot and thrown over the side of the ship, along with his wheelchair. That was, in my opinion, about as low as you could get, and I hoped that Reagan sent in the Special Forces to end the hijacking. The next afternoon, I got a call from Mr. Blane. The jury had deliberated for about an hour...

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Marine GamesChapter 8 Bret Goes to School

One day, Bret was sitting in the living room of Bob's and Diane's house. Sitting around him were Bob, Diane, Heather, Ann, Amber, Stacy and the always present Andy. Bret mentioned that the Training Commander had called him into his office that day and asked if Bret was considering furthering his education. Major Weis said that the Marines were always interested in helping their men and women advance. He stated that although all Bret had was a GED. The base had an agreement with San Diego...

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Car trouble

Marie was on her way to L.A.! She just couldn't wait to get out of the small Oklahoma town she was born and raised in, with nothing to do there but count the chickens and tumble weeds! Twenty years old and not a care in the world! Everyone said that Marie was pretty enough to be in the movies so she figured, "Why not?" It took two years of working in the diner to save enough money to make her move, and now the day had finally come and she was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning! One of the...

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Marilyns Advice

Growing up in the late 70s-early 80s things were quite a bit different back then…. We didn’t have internet or any real outside connection to the world, and my only opportunity to get away from home and venture out a bit was the occasional trip into town with a neighbor of mine.Marcus and I had become friends at an early age. Our parents were lifelong friends and he and I always hung out together and had basically grown up together as we lived close to each other. He was two years older than me...

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Blackmailed NeighborsChapter 4

Pam Hollister knelt down and dug her hands into the soft loamy soil around the rosebush, delighting in its rich, earthy feel. It was a beautiful day. Wearing her white shorts and halter, she was out in the front yard, working in the garden. This is what 1 wanted a house of my own for, she thought happily. Pam had a natural green thumb and thrived in the out-of- doors, planting, tending, and harvesting plants. Roses were her chief delight, and that was one of the reasons she had fallen so...

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Create A Wrestler Lucha Edition

Welcome to the LSF or the Lucha Sex Federation. It's a brand new sex wrestling promotion based in a large warehouse in Mexico City or as people like call it now The Temple! Theme Song- Pop Evil "Deal With The Devil"- It is owned and managed by Isabella Luv She is the daughter of legendary Tulip Luv and the half sister of Karen and Becky Luv. And from the Luv name she's got her backing to start this new venture to create a league where wrestlers can...

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Dost Ne Kiya Chamatkar

Hello, friends, hope you all read ‘Sanjana a married whore’. It was my first story.Here is another one. It is all about my friend Soham. We were in an engineering college at that time. He was one of my best friends. He was very much careful about his studies as well as about his physical fitness. He used to go for morning walk outside the campus. One day morning I got a phone call from the local police station and I got the news that my friend was arrested. I was completely shocked. I went to...

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Big Fucker International

"Hello and welcome to the new series of Big Fucker International. I'm your host John Doe." "And I'm Jane." "What kind of a show have we got lined up for the viewers at home, Jane?" "Well, John, over the next week and a half the viewers will have the opportunity to nominate a contestant to enter the Big Fucker house, each day, until there are a maximum of 10 people in the house." "And after that?" "After that, John, the audience will continue to add contestants to the house on a daily basis, but...

4 years ago
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Minute by Minute

Note: Enable Game mode or it will not work as well. Act 1: In which we meet our protagonist. With a groan, the bronze and steel machine came to a halt. The screech of brakes and the hiss of steam filled the air, pulling Walter from his reading. A brief glance around revealed that the train had pulled into a station, the sign posts declaring it to be Southern Salvil. The young man pulled an almanac from the pocket of his black jacket and flipped through the pages. After a minute or so, he found...

2 years ago
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Nailed by a Nephew

Wilma wasn’t thrilled about the favor her husband’s brother asked for. He needed someplace for his 14-year-old son to stay for a month while he went overseas. Her husband, Ralph, owed his brother some favors so couldn’t really refuse. It wasn’t the boy himself that was of concern. It was their living accommodations. They had just moved into a tiny home next to a lake and there was only one bed with little space for another. Billy would have to sleep in their bed. Ralph seemed glad to have...

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Temp Job Youll like itits the best

NOTE: This story originally posted right after ‘Lost Tribe’ and ‘Mistaken Identity’…June, 2009…hence the references at the beginning… I have a confession to make. They say confession is good for the soul, so here I am. Now that I am this hot sex fantasy writer on this sex fantasy website, people have been expecting me to keep coming up with hot stories. But the truth of the matter is, my sex life has not really been all that exciting. If I had to write the Kama Sutra it would only be one page....

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Perfect Saturday afternoon with a big boob gilf

I’m your average joe kind of chap however my taste in women seemed different,while my mates were eyeing up the women of our own age group I was always looking for their mothers ,even buying top shelf magazines I was instantly drawn to 40 plus and 50 plus - I’ve definitely always loved older last few meetings have been with a sexy 67 year old widow from a dating site called penny , now some women won’t hear of talking or going any further with guys younger but penny wasn’t fussed ,I’d...

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