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"Excuse me, I believe that's my seat."

Glancing up from his spreadsheet, Greg Lancaster liked what he saw.

Surely no more than eighteen or nineteen, the fresh-faced youngster was, if not the prettiest girl to ever cast a shadow across his retinas, certainly the best-looking in his residual memory.

Drooling was not an option, and in the wake of his marginally over-emphasized "Oh yes, of course," he clutched the lap-top to his chest, intending for her to squeeze past to the window-seat.

"Thanks," she replied, inching her way forward delicately and providing Greg thereby, a momentarily arousing view of her compact rear-end in passing. "Oh God, please let her trip and fall in my lap," he prayed silently, whilst watching that skin-tight little skirt in transit, her rather shapely thighs - a work in progress.

The moment closed out and the fantasies by necessity re-caged. Smiling at her briefly, he returned the notebook to his knee and continued adding data to column "F."

The red-eye from Sydney to Perth is among the world's stranger flights. Officially listed at three hours and ten minutes in duration, with the head-on influence of the 'Fremantle Doctor' - a high altitude wind that blows-inland along the Western Australian coastline, the flight can be protracted to well over five hours. Conversely, the return trip can be undertaken in as little as two hours fifty, courtesy of the same wind-swept conditions. In lieu of the available
meteorological data, check-in had already advised this to be a five-hour flight in all probability.

Column "F" was beginning to fade in interest with the close proximity of Miss teenage distraction and the cruelly appealing scent that seems to cling to scrubbed and desirable young bodies such that she possessed. He wondered if in five hours time he would even know her name?

In his late twenties himself, Greg was engaged to be married and knew his mind was wandering along fully undisciplined paths here. It wasn't paying heed to his instructions quite obviously - probably the sudden exposure to that tight little skirt he reasoned. Out of the corner of his eye he could see she was reading-up on what appeared to be lecture notes - probably for her end of year exams in November he guessed. Hooked-up to her Ipod, she seemed (and probably was) oblivious to all around her.

As the plane taxied down the runway, she inclined her head to glance out the window, Rain was sleeting down now and as the 747 climbed rapidly, banking to the left towards the western corridor, the diffused halo of the city lights could clearly be seen to the east.

Right now though, Greg wasn't dwelling on the aesthetic beauty of Sydney's twinkling lights from a five thousand foot aspect, he was simply gazing at the girl's slim shoulders, pretty blonde hair swept back in the most feminine of neat pony-tails....that spot just beneath her hairline that he would so like to kiss.....

"I don't think so Greg," the image of his young wife-to-be smiled at him sweetly from his conscience.

Column "F" snared his attentions once again, although who really cared how the October sales figures were going to pan out when you could be pondering instead whether that was a conventional bra or a sexy little push-up, whose straps were so engagingly visible beneath the girl's lacy top.

He was still considering those very possibilities a short time later when the girl packed away her books and Ipod.

"Really sorry, but would you excuse me for a moment," she smiled at him, "I have to get to the overhead locker."

This time he was treated to a forward view as she sidled across in front of him. The most perfect of young breasts passed but inches from his face. No more than a 32A he decided, not that any span of thirty two inches anywhere in the modern world could possibly encapsulate a more alluring set of curves. Even that mere hint of cleavage showed that God had been right on his game that night back in 1986 or 1987 - whenever it was the girl's parents had gotten substantially beyond the light-petting stage.

It also gave Greg an opportunity to take in her facial details, not that this did anything but worsen the situation. A slightly softer version of young actress Keira Knightley he decided. High cheek-bones aided by a truly flawless complexion, set with ice-blue eyes and a mouth - if it hadn't been kissed yet - was one that was most definitely needed to be....and soon!.

How many hearts was this beautiful visage going to subsequently break?.....his own already headed the list.

"Student?" he asked as casually as possible as she inched herself back in.

"Yes....unfortunately," she smiled, "Got my finals at Uni in a few weeks."

"You live in Sydney?" he added, desperately wanting to prolong the conversation.

She looked puzzled by the question for a moment. "Oh, no, I live in Perth. I just came to Sydney to stay with friends during the holiday. What about you? do you live in Western Australia?"

Her voice was as pretty as her expression. He was sure he gulped.

"Nope, I'm a NSW boy (he chose the word deliberately)...just going to Perth on business for a Company meeting...budgets and boring stuff like that I'm afraid. I think I'd rather be back studying for my HSC," he grinned...."I'm Greg by the way."

She took his hand. "I'm Candace, nice to meet you."

'Candace' so suited her he was thinking. He had all but forgotten his fiancee's name at this juncture. Right then the stewardess parked her trolley alongside them in the aisle and enquired as to their preference for a drink. Tempted as he was to ask for a bottle of champagne and two glasses, they settled for a ginger ale each. He was desperately hoping she wouldn't ask how old he was because he would have to have lied. He knew he looked little more than twenty-two or three and that he prayed was her assessment too.

"Pretty late for a young girl to be flying alone isn't it?" he said, changing the subject, "We're not going to be touching down in Perth till almost two in the morning?"

"Come on," she breezed, "I'm eighteen and anyway, my dad will meet me at the arrivals gate to take me home. I'll be fine."

Greg barely had time to acknowledge this fact when the cabin-lights dimmed and the in-flight theater flickered on. As the credits for "3.10 to Yuma” began to roll, Candace muttered "I'm really tired, I don't think I can stay awake for this," as she pushed the tray back into its upright position.

"Would you like me to get a blanket for you?" he asked, bitterly disappointed that he was to be imminently denied her company for the rest of the flight.

"Yes please," she answered sweetly, "It's getting quite cold isn't it?" He hadn't really thought about it, but now that he did - she was right. He retrieved one for himself also from the overhead locker.

Some ten minutes later, the first time he dared glance in her general direction, he was mortified to discover she was still marginally awake. She smiled at him, which not only served to magnify his voyeuristic guilt but caused him to suffer aortic palpitations on account of her tempting closeness. So innocent and pretty did she look, wedged comfortably into that little niche between the seat and fuselage, her head resting against the small pillow, that he could but return her smile before re-aligning his gaze dutifully upon Russell Crowe and the small screen.

"What the Hell am I thinking?" he chastised himself silently. "She's just a kid!"

Another ten minutes and she appeared to be asleep. He was now able to study the facial intricacies of what was undoubtedly one of Nature's finer achievements. Essentially soft-featured, her skin was indeed smooth and blemish-free. Resident in her cheeks the flush of youth, whilst between them, that most delicate and appealing set of lips trembled perceptibly, in sync with her respiratory rate.
How feminine those small locks of hair that now lay across her forehead, almost in defiance of the symmetry of her other features, he thought to himself. Stirring slightly, the blanket slipped and leaning over he pulled it up for her. What he would have given to be able to kiss her just once....even in her sleep!

Barely at the half-way point of the movie and Greg was distracted by some unexpected lateral movement. Restless quite obviously, the girl was now lying against his shoulder, still comfortably wedged into her night pillow. Unwilling to move her, he simply raised the intervening armrest to its upright position and retracted his own seat until gravity caused her to nestle protectively into his upper arm. Her face was now but inches from his, he could even smell her sweet breath. She was an angel, of that he had no doubt, but at that angle - an angel with marginally visible cleavage so tempting, he had to count backwards from ten to restore the status quo.

Most everyone else had turned off their night-lights now and "3.10" was through no fault of its own, obviously playing to a less than enthusiastic audience. He was finding the lightly pressured contact with the young girl most enervating and he longed for her to slip across even more. She looked so vulnerable he almost ached with hope.

Drawing up his own blanket, for a distinct chill was pervading the cabin, he found it impossible to sleep. Not that the girl was disturbing him at all - she had neither moved or stirred in any way. The soft rise and fall of her chest suggested she was deeply asleep and as comfortable as a Polar bear mid-hibernation.

Unseemly thoughts were gathering on the periphery of his consciousness. He tried ignoring them but they would not be silenced.

"She'll never wake up - not if you're really careful Greg."

"You just gonna sit there and let this opportunity pass you by loser?"

It was that final insult, "What are you man? a doer or a dreamer?" that finally spurred him into action. Dammit, those all-tempting curves were now less than a foot away!

Drawing his own blanket up to chest level, so as to hide all trace of his imminent digital exploratory, his hand inched his way beneath the coarse material. Studying her face for the least sign of wakefulness his fingers had encroached to within centimeters of the underside of the girl's breasts.

His own heart-rate was loud enough now to awaken the dead. He stopped short of his quarry. He couldn't do this! This was sexual assault - plain and simple. Besides, how would he ever explain his actions?....to Candace? his fiancee? The Court?...Perhaps just one gentle squeeze and then if she woke, pretend to be asleep himself...only another couple of inches after all?

Even as his hand very gently encircled the girls left breast, barely making the slightest contact - he could feel the heat and decisive stirrings between his own legs. The intrinsic forbidden nature of his groping made it just that much hotter. His fingers closed around the young girl's curves and imperceptibly squeezed that murderously soft and sexy mound.

Candace stirred but slightly and he was frozen with fear though not daring to relinquish his hold, in case such movement betrayed his encamped position. He thought he detected the onset of a smile but could not be sure. Again she resumed her regular breathing.

He was able to support the full weight now of her small breast yet had he been asked to describe the feeling right at that moment, words would have failed him. Buoyed by his progress to date, Greg squeezed once more, cupping her entire breast now and reveling in the sensations being afforded him. The girl murmured slightly and seemed almost to be nestling in to him closer. Moving his hand across with infinite care, he gently grasped her right breast and was immediately rewarded by an increased stiffening in the nether regions of his lap. How he wished he might check the lie and contours of the land beneath Candace's own skirt. For now though, he was up to his fingernails in lust for the wondrously hot little female that lay so open and vulnerable right beside him, basic schoolgirl or not.

There was nothing for it - he had to do it!

Ensuring that she was covered by the blanket, pretty much to her shoulders, he allowed his hand to drop to the girl's waist. Proving far easier than he had supposed, he managed to slip his hand up beneath her top - the heat from her body cauterizing his logic circuits and over-riding all sense of caution.

At the point he reached the lower edge of her bra, so flimsy an article, one might have supposed it was supporting little more than just a pair of pre-pubescent nipples, he swallowed hard.

Candace, sighing now audibly, wriggled in her seat and made as if to turn away from him. He figured he was but moments from discovery, being unable to extricate his hand. She would wake up and discover the facts of the case. As luck would have it however, she settled back in her original position, snuggling up against her would-be lover with but a soft murmur.

On a hiding to nothing, he slipped his hand up inside that closeted air-space and all but came in his pants as he felt the girl's beautiful soft breast, finally skin to skin. Her nipple responded quickly to the intruder and as he began to manipulate her, Candace's murmurs became more audible. Whilst far from moaning, she was reacting to his touch and a gentle smile was clearly evident on her face now. More than anything he wanted to kiss her and tell her how beautiful she was. That he could never do this was exquisite torture indeed.

Suddenly he felt her right arm in transit beneath the blanket, bringing her hand up to of all places - her other breast. He dared not move, even as she commenced pleasuring herself whilst still deeply asleep. Unable to see, but fully able to detect, Greg watched awe-struck as the girl's hand roamed upwards beneath the blanket, caressing herself albeit, through her top.

The stewardess glanced across at row K in passing, seats 9 and 10 in particular. "How sweet," she thought to herself, that nice young man snuggled up with the young girl there. If only her own boyfriend were so attentive!

Past caring for his own well-being, all Greg could think about was what wondrous prize lay hidden there beneath that tight little skirt. If her murmurs were anything to go by, there certainly would be no need for a can of WD40.

Managing somehow to find an entry-window between her upper thighs and the skirt itself, he propelled his hand almost to her panties without making any contact with skin - smooth and hot enough to seal inarguably, an appointment with the legal profession. Not that it would ever have gotten that far - Candace's father would unquestionably be leaving him a quadriplegic and bleeding profusely on the baggage carousel.

Asleep or not, his first-up contact with the front of her panties produced what could only be interpreted as an embryonic moan from those pretty lips and if she wasn't already wet and primed - even asleep - then he was a bad judge of female arousal.

Her legs parted, at least to the very restricted limit that tight little skirt would allow. It was enough though for him to slip a finger up beneath the leg of her panties whereupon he discovered a Utopia that is most certainly denied the average traveler. The lips of her pussy were completely awash and there was definitely a 'vacancy' sign hanging up there. Not even taking care now to avoid detection, he pushed a finger well inside the girl, passing comfortably beneath her fully intact hymen, not that this would have been any great hindrance given, his lust right then.

Pumping his middle finger well into the promised land, the girl was beginning to moan way too loud for comfort. There was no choice. As he inclined his head and kissed her deeply, he felt her hips beginning now to respond to his invasive digital therapy.

He sensed her orgasm marshalling itself even before she did. His own underwear he knew were sticky as all Hell but nothing could detract from his intent to bring her to Heaven at thirty-five thousand feet. At the crucial moment, her eyes flickered open. In a blind panic, he withdrew his hand.

"Don't stop, " she whimpered in desperation, "Please, not now”


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Covid Curing Quarantine Ch 2 Pt1 Of 2

Following a fairly blissful nap, I spent a few more hours lounging in my room - mostly in bed - contemplating the absurdity of what took place with my mother that morning over the phone. Did she really recommend I “shove my big cock down her throat” or something near to exactly that?“Shove it up my cunt” but “I gotta taste it first” so “Show me what you want from me… push my head down on you… grab my hair and fuck my mouth… I want your salty cum, all over Mama’s big pretty TITS!!”That’s...

2 years ago
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My Not So Happy Ever After Chapter 3

My Not So Happy Ever After - Chapter 3 The next two weeks were a whirlwind of activity. When wasn't taking romantic walks with Philip, I spent most of my days with my bridesmaids and my mother looking at dresses that had been presented to me by the local seamstresses. Luckily, the wedding ceremony was going to take place at the palace and the King and Queen were making all of the arrangements there. All I had to decide was what my bridesmaids and I would be wearing. My bridesmaids...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Domination Part II

Next morning, I woke up with a sense of excitement. I also woke up highly aroused. I could hear my Master breathing next to me and I felt his arm holding me close. No one else seemed to be awake in the house. If I had been alone, I certainly would have masturbated, but lying so close to my Master, I was afraid I would disturb his sleep and start the day off in trouble. The weight of my Master’s arm on my waist, his groin pressed into my ass, it all made me want to touch myself. I didn’t know if...

2 years ago
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Crowded Chennai Bus

Hi Readers, I’m Rajesh(25), currently working as a lecturer in chennai. As a lecturer of an engineering college and as an unmarried person, many girl students used to give signals for sex and some girls for love too. But as our college is very strict i used to avoid dealing with my students because it may harm my job too….My only enjoyement is reading sex stories and watching porn movies. But this is a true incident happened to me in a bus from T.Nagar to Velachery. My bike got some problem and...

3 years ago
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Sanjana In Pune

Dear all, this is again KK. Hope everyone remembers me for my previous two stories of the sex with Anamika. Today I would like to narrate another incident when I was working in pune. This was my first exprienc with a girl when I was working in Pune. Her name was sanjana. I was working in my work place and sanjana joined there as a college trainee. Let me describe her. She was fair, very beautiful, sharp feautures, but I was not aware of the structure at that time, but when recollecting now, I...

3 years ago
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Pehli Chudai ka Riwaaz 8211 Part 1

Hello doston, aaj main aapko batane jaa rahi hun mere goan main chalti aa rahi pehli chudaai ka riwaaz. Mere baare main, mera naam Shruti hai, aur mera figure 36-32- 38 hai. Mere bade-bade boobs, aur pink nipples kisi ko bhi bechain kar sakte hai. Meri chut itni chikni, aur tight hai ki do ungliya andar jaate hee tight hojati hai. Main ab 23 saal ki shadishuda aurat hoon jise sex bahut pasand hai. Main har roz apne pati se chut, aur gand marwati hun. Yeh kahani meri pehli chudaai ki hai jo tab...

1 year ago
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Videobd.net is a Treasure Trove of Fap-Worthy Amateur Indian Porn Videos! We’re all going a little stir crazy with everything going on the last couple of years. Fuck, trust me, I want to get out there and plow pussy all around this goddamn globe. Some nerds go and backpack Europe. Fuck that. I go up there, rent a car, and make my way from country to country, getting blown and pounding babes. And I love making my way up to India, where those beautiful babes will just bend right over and let you...

Indian Porn Sites
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Kay Brings A Friend Home

My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job,...

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My Cum and Pain Loving Sluts Story

This is a story written by my slave for me. I thought I should share it with everyone.I want you to tie my wrists to the bed. leaving my ankles untied so you can move them easily to where you want them. putting my pussy juice soaked panties into my mouth with duct tape over my mouth as well. having you walk up to me and put your hand firmly on my neck and give me a kiss on my forehead. you strip down and pull your belt off your pants and tell me to spread my legs as far as i can, i do as you...

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My Sexy Stepmom Priyanka

Hello friends. I’m Amit Kapoor, currently doing B.Tech from a Private college in Delhi. My age is 23 and I’m the most handsome boy of my college as well as most fair in complexion too. I’m 6 feet tall, with a great muscular body, as I work out daily. I’m basically from a small town in Uttarakhand. This incident took place in my life, when I completed my schooling, and shifted to Delhi, with my step mom and dad. Actually, my real mom divorced my dad, and left me with dad only. My step mom’s name...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 37

It took them two days to come back with a counter offer. Admit that the arrest was a mistake and throw Morris to the Wolves. A trusted agent with a long time vendetta. The press tip off was solely so that there would be coverage of the false arrest and damage to the Sheriff's reputation. The SBI agent at the center of the controversy has been fired. "That's all they will give us. That and fifteen million dollars," Rita said. "It's more money than we would ever get from a jury. Let's...

1 year ago
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Private Gabi Gold More Than A Personal Shopper

In Private Gold, Fitting Room Flings Gabi Gold returns as sexy as ever with her tight body and newly shaved head and today she’s offering her fashion expertise and a little extra to client Marc Rose. After trying on some outfits at the store these two soon find themselves back at the apartment where things heat up fast as Gabi offers up her tight wet pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a nice sloppy blowjob. Then watch in another display of private.com at its best as Gabi fucks,...

1 year ago
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Is She Innocent Or Wild

Hello everyone! I am the 21-year-old guy from Hyderabad my name is Charan. This sex story happened almost a year ago and I want to share with you all. Please give feedback at This is a real incident that happened in my life.Read along to know. The lady of the sex story is Keerthana (name changed). She is a friend of mine who stays near my house. Her age is 19, she is 5’2 stats are 32b, 28, 36 not very big but can make men very horny. We are just casual friends, we barely text. One day, she...

1 year ago
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Australian StoryChapter 22 Dancing and Spinning

Friday 15-June 2007 Tonight was the big night, the Year-Eleven dance. It was hardly worth trying to do any schoolwork; it seemed that no one could focus. It kind of struck Chris as funny; somehow he seemed to be a little out of touch with all the excitement. Yes, he was looking forward to it, but no, it wasn't the end of the world. He listened to them all talking about it: the boys discussing who might get laid or who might take booze or drugs along, the girls talking about who was going to...

1 year ago
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Memoirs of a Bull Part I

It was by pure chance that I went into that Hairdresser’s salon that evening. Normally I prefer to go to the Gents Hairdressers. Call me old fashioned, but I think men are better at cutting men’s hair than women. That evening, however, my regular barber was on holiday and I was in desperate need of a trim. I had a meeting with some investors the next day and I wanted to look my best. A few yards down the high street I caught the sign that said, ‘Ladies and Gent’s Hairdresser’ and I put...

4 years ago
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Captive Family

Introduction: Story by John 2, Posted because I felt like many people havent seen it before Captured Family The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. Theyd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rocks...

3 years ago
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MageChapter 55

After the informal meeting I returned home where my wives were fully engaged in using their powers to do some housecleaning, despite the Brownies we used to keep the place in sparkling condition. No, I didn’t fully comprehend why, but was wise enough to simply get out of the way before they involved me. I took Mark as well as the infant Maria to the pool area. I also noted our family of Brownies cowering in the scrub trying to keep calm and unnoticed by my wives and offered them a glass each...

1 year ago
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Cam Baddies! Do you like being social? I sure do, especially when it’s with a lovely lass (or two, or three, or more!). Even if you are shy, a true introvert, or an incel, you too can talk to attractive people through the webcams on Cam Baddies. Or you might want to join this site as a model. Trust me, after you finish reading this review, I will have convinced you to get an account, log in, and start enjoying one of the finest stream services in cyberspace.I Will Begin With How The Porno Pages...

Live Sex Cam Sites
2 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 37

At five he tapped Terry’s e-mail address on Skype into the PC in the study, after a few minutes Terry appeared wearing pyjamas. At the sight of his face, her lip trembled and a tear started to run down her face. “Bobby ... I didn’t think you would ever want to talk to me again.” “Well it took me a while to think things through, but bottom line, I want to hear from you if we are over.” “Over,” her face crumbled, “I never want it to be over between you and me; I love you, I always...

3 years ago
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Daniella Epilogue Daniella Adored

Darkness reigned once more over Daniella’s senses. The sun that blessed her naked ass was that of an Indian summer, July’s sweltering heat now long past. He’d bound her wrists to the wrought-iron bedrail with consummate care. “Grip it first. Take a tight hold – get comfortable.” The silk of his tie was smooth against her skin, however tightly the garment was secured.Eric’s touch upon her was light—his hands gliding from her hips up the curve of her waist to cup her breasts, fingers tantalizing...

4 years ago
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Arlene Ch 2

This story illustrates a risk of sex under hypnosis. It could be called rape. This story builds on ‘Arlene Gets Hypnotized,’ my previous story. * * * * * I was sitting in my office at the University when Arlene walked into my open office. ‘Professor, are you busy?’ I probably was, but Arlene was a delight to look at and to have around. Especially to a 58 year old psychology professor who was pretty much reduced to dreaming about what had been and might have been. ‘Well, I was deep in...

3 years ago
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In the Waiting RoomChapter 2

Ronald: I saw Hanna waving as I strode past the waiting room, but I ignored her. I hope she doesn't try to follow me, I need some time alone. It's a bit of a walk but I bet she won't find me at the south clinic cafeteria. I can get a cup of coffee there and try to figure out what is going on. I'd forgotten how far it is to the south clinics. I enjoyed the travel though, going inside and outside through curious little walkways. I remembered a little electric train that used to travel...

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Pickup LinesChapter 6

The mess was rather interesting for everyone, especially once a report came in of a recent Earth First terrorist cell being captured during a raid on a house, which just happened to belong to Lyle’s ex-wife, Madeline. The former Mrs. Lyle McFadden was not only the hostess, but the lover of the ringleader, a man named Samir al-Jaber, who was apparently a Kuwaiti national and very much anti-Confederacy because of their exclusion of the Middle East from extractions. Lyle was more stunned to...

3 years ago
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EdenChapter 21

Almost instantly the communicator in Igwanda's ear exploded. "Carlos, you must let me come out immediately!" rang Meiersdottir's voice. "They're trying to greet us this time. Do you know what he's trying to say? 'We—" "—come in peace, '" finished Igwanda flatly. "Yes! It will be impossible if we don't meet them on equal terms! You aren't trained—" "Come then," he said in abrupt decision. "Only you." The native had moved a few paces into the clearing and then stopped....

1 year ago
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Faceoff Book 2Chapter 6

We had time that evening for a dip in the ocean. Both Anslee and Sinola wanted to sample the ocean, but they were bodyguards, so there was some consultation before they went into the water. They discussed it with me, and I discussed it with the chief of the bodyguard detail. We agreed that my wives could go into the water one at a time as long as the other stayed close to the queen. Dammit, the situation got complicated when the queen decided that she wanted to go into the ocean. The problem...

4 years ago
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Cassies first time 1

Well my name is Cassie and this is about my first time, it’s been a long time since then but I still remember it vividly and quite fondly as well too! My mother and dad had divorced, dad was gone and we lost the house, well apartment really. Mom had moved in with her brother Uncle Mark. I guess now in retrospect I should have seen the things that were wrong back then but at the age that I was and the sheltered upbringing that I had, well I guess I just hadn’t figured things out...

1 year ago
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The Cake Part 18

Jane had finished work early, she'd managed to get off at 2 o'clock and she had decided to go home to change, rather than seedily changing in the toilets at work. She arrived home by half past two, knowing that she had booked her visit to George with the prison for four PM. It would give her time to have a cup of tea and a quick chat with Bobbie, before changing and driving the half an hour trip to get there. She called out as she went through the front door, but all was quiet, the house...

1 year ago
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Annies Surprise

I woke up on the last morning of my stay at the secluded mountain cabin, with the sun shining in through the windows. I looked over at the mechanical clock next to my bed, and saw that it was still early. Today, I would have to gather up my gear and continue my extended wilderness hike through the mountains of Colorado, but I wanted to experience the warmth of the bed for a few minutes more. I also wanted to explore another form of comfort. When this happened, I was 20 years old, a bright and...

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SweetheartVideo Cherie Deville Brittany Light Deep Penetrating Education

Professor Cherie DeVille confronts sorority pledge Britney Light after finding out that Britney and her sorority sisters were behind a vicious prank at the school. Blonde, all natural Britney knows she’s in deep trouble and is eager to make amends any way she can, especially with the hottest professor on campus. Britney begins making out with Cherie on a desk before Britney dips down to devour Cherie’s slick pussy. Britney works Cherie’s clit to orgasm. Cherie quickly takes...


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