SpaceChapter 30 free porn video

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The Doc was a good choice but he was also prone to work with the authorities. A few weeks ago, I managed to get a communicator into his head and that of his wife. A few days later I phoned:

"Hi Wally, how are you doing?"

"Not bad. Are you chasing Irene around?"

"That is none... How did you know?"

"Mr Watson, you told me that you were shooting live rounds. If you are a human male you will want to shoot them where they belong."

"Your right Wally. Now what can I do for you?"

"The illustrious Swami says that we have to take a short vacation, just you and me."

"Where are we going?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not. What do I bring?"

"Bathing suit, mosquito spray, sun tan lotion and some camping clothes. I bring all the rest."

"You're bringing food?"

"I have to eat too Doc."

"Ok, when do you want to go?"

"Saturday morning. We'll come back Sunday around six in the afternoon."

"That is kind of abrupt. I have patients."

"It will be worth your while."

"You don't sound too eager."

"I am hiding it well."

"I'll get my appointments cancelled."

"Thanks Doc. Don't bring any fancy duds."

"Can I tell Irene where I am going?"

"Nope, and your cell phone will not work."

"Ok, but I am trusting you a lot."

"I am trusting you with even more."

"I'll come for sure in that case."

Five days later, the Doc pulled up and I had him park his car in the 'Garage'. He did not see the Curiosity because she was in orbit again. The Beagle was the only other thing in the garage.

I shook hands and said, "Thanks for coming Doc. You might think of your coming as a momentous occasion in later life."

"What is going to happen?"

"Let me have your equipment and I will show and tell."

The luggage went into The Beagle. All but the front two seats had been taken out to give us room. "Will you get in Doc and I will start to explain?"

"This thing is too small for me. I am not as young as you guys."

"Bear with me Doc and try."

The doc got in and I turned on the small interior light now fed from the accumulator. I turned off the garage lights and opened the single door in the garage. "Buckle up Doc. It is Star Fleet regulations."

The man went along with the game. His eyes went to the windshield as the view started to change. The garage door closed behind us and I turned to show him that this was the case.

We were a kilometre away when I started to gain altitude of only thirty metres and headed north.

The Doc was quiet all the time and I knew his mind was going crazy trying to come up with an explanation. "Where are we going Wally?" he said in a quiet voice.

"To any remote area so we can camp and talk."

"What are we going to talk about?"

"About you joining Star Fleet."

"But that's for children."

"That is what I wanted everyone to believe. Events have changed and we have to grow. I need a headshrinker to help me weed out the recruits that will not work."

"Are you human, Wally?"

"Just as much as you are."

"How is this craft flying?"

"How am I controlling it or how the craft moves."

"How about both?"

"I will give the full story. It won't be done until well after we land unless I can speed things up. You will pilot this craft back by the way."


"Once upon a time there was this king. He ruled the world of..."

We went north about 800 kilometres. In some cities along the way I had the power broadcasters installed. I didn't need them but it was good to have them ready. With some tweaking of the system we were making nearly a hundred and fifty klicks and it was in a straight line.

After ten minutes I was talking directly to his communicator. The last hour the Doc was piloting the craft himself.

We both searched for a nice place and he set the shuttle down on her small skis.

"So we really are going to camp for two days?"

"Why not? Its fun, the only distraction is the bugs and I brought you another rod and reel."

"Ok, have it your way. So where is the Curiosity?"

"Call out to acting Captain Erin Pallo and ask."

"But she's a child."

From far away we both heard, "And you're an old goat. You think only adults can think. Most of them will be running around in circles like a mad dog trying to bite the base of their spines. I thought that you may be different and use your mind and not your faulty preconceived ideas. I see that I can be wrong too."

"I am sorry young lady..."

"Call me Erin, or Private Pallo. I do not like your condescending attitude."

"I am sorry again Erin. I had noted before that all of you are exceptionally bright. You have to admit that few eight year-olds could do what you are doing. I just did not know how well you hid this fact from me."

"We try Doc. We have to act a part that adults want us to play."

"I was asked to find out where you currently are?"

"I am sitting in the command chair of the Curiosity."

"Where might the Curiosity be at this moment?"

"We are 745 kilometres and roughly over Nairobi."

"May I enquire into why you are in such a place?"

"We are checking on some nasty people that live in the area. Our findings go on the web and Interpol and other organisations learn some facts from us."

"I have heard of that website that cannot be traced or shutdown. An army of the best people are trying to figure out how it's done."

"Nadac is pretty slippery. He likes to taunt the cops a bit. Not all of them are honest and quite a few politicians and other criminals log onto the site too."

"You are obviously a very bright young... cadet. What do you see wrong with your affiliation with an alien race?"

"We only know of Nadac and King Rontem. They are mean and despicable and therefore very much like humans."

"Why do you say that?"

"You are still talking like a shrink. Ask yourself some of the questions. I might point out that the king could at least bring some order to this planet of ours. I do not mean martial law but make us finally see that we are not alone in the universe. One set of laws would govern us all. The Aristis had people of wealth but there was absolutely nobody that was poor."

Doc said, "The servants did not seem to be appreciated."

"They got the short end of the stick but they have the robots to boss around. Look at what is in the world now. There is so much misery that it would take the Aristis people thousands of years to equal it. They are not perfect by any means but they are a lot better than we are even without their technological advantage."

I set up camp and got the Doc to help as he talked more with Erin. After she finished giving him a piece of her mind, Liza and Patricia started in on him. They sure did not sound like ten year-olds.

Betts started then and I expected her to be reasonable. She almost bit off his head and spit out the bones. She wanted him out of his comfortable surroundings so he would have to think outside the box.

Sam turned out to be more diplomatic but I cut the conversation off so that the Doc could think.

We made a meal and as we ate. The Doc said, "Where are you going with this Star Fleet of yours?"

"A lot of social reforms that will take a long time to come to fruition. One world government sounds good to me. Everybody has communicators like we do. Anybody can still lie but it's harder. Computers can be asked questions like, 'How often has the candidate lied to us?' or 'Who have benefited by the way he has voted historically?'"

"That's good but I could see that abused too."

"Possibly but I would have somebody sneaky like Nadac running this. He likes to shaft the bad guy or even the pretentious one. He is not egalitarian but he is not fully behind the establishment."

"What about a king doing what he wants instead of what is right?"

"Humans are not Araistis though we are not that much different either. There are a lot of ways to keep a natural entity honest when he or she is in a computer. King Rontem has some experience in this. They can do some of the nitty gritty planning while the humans find goals that keep the rest of us working."

Doc said, "They could fight? We have done that for as long as there have been people. So far it has been us against nature which is like shooting yourself. Or us against ourselves,"

"We find external threats like the Aristis did. There are a lot of nasty races that would love to fight us just for the fun of it."

"That sounds counter productive."

"All of human history says you are more wrong than right, Doc. In any case we need a planetary defence. That means ships, weapons and people. I want the right people to help and not some wacko. The weapons we will make would make a fully armed submarine with hydrogen warheads a toy by comparison. I will be able to make antimatter by the tonne. Do I have to tell you what a gram will do?"

He didn't answer and asked, "What if you are the unstable one?"

"Then prove that assertion to the rest and get me removed. My real claim to fame is my ability to manipulate certain crystals and a temperamental ability to see a small portion of the future."

We went fishing and it was an hour later that the Doc said, "Are you going to keep Connie as a wife? She's a lot older than you."

"Doc, we can get our bodies worked on and we will have long productive lives. We can change bodies if we want to grow new ones. It may sound unethical but there is nobody hurt. We are not robbing an entity of its body. We are just not giving room to those younger than us to move up. After saying all that the universe, not the galaxy is large. I could be almost immortal and as long as I kept moving I would hurt no human."

"So Connie would go with you?"

"I have no idea. She is not much older than me if I am five hundred and thirteen and she is five hundred and twenty-six."

"When will her mind start to improve?"

"Connie chose me. I'm jail bait to her. This says she is unstable at least about some things. She likes pain and being abused. An officer on a battleship may have to be nuts but want to inflict pain not receive it. I need warriors."

I added, "It was a choice between you and Connie of who among the older group should be informed first. I love Connie though not as much as Betts and Erica. In time this may change one way or another. If we make a ship like the Fonduush or even larger, we would need a shrink onboard. We may need two. Don't forget that telepathy could be developed if we try to find out a way."

"Why do you want me now?"

"Doc, the adults need to be informed. Not because they are normally brighter but because sometime we are going to get caught. I want you to help me find a way to bring Connie into the fold without her going off the deep end."

"That may be difficult. She has had a... troubled life."

"Does that make her unsuitable to join our organisation? Remember she would have a position similar to yours."

"It is possible but I cannot be sure."

"In place of telepathy, I am able to eavesdrop on all of the adults through their communicators. I suppose I could still do this after you have been awakened but I don't. I can give you access."

"That sounds... unethical."

"It appears that way simply because humans could not do this before or not consistently. If and when we develop telepathy, then it will be the same thing. Even our police will need to read minds. The shrinks can use this ability to heal and weed out those from responsible positions or keep them from getting in that position in the first place."

"Telepathy sounds more... natural in a way and less intrusive. Will real telepathy allow a person's deepest thoughts to be read?"

"Talk to Nadac. Nadac I want to introduce Doc. Be nice to him and he will not shrink your head."

I could concentrate more on fishing now.

Later, Doc talked to me about himself the way I had talked to him. Those that were not busy took some of their time to talk to the Doc. That night, while sitting around a small fire, he said, "The young adults are very stable even those that were hurt by Carmen Caputo. They had healed more with you than with anybody else I know. It does not seem to be magic just being around a supporting group that has a strong leader."

"That was what I intended. I think love and sex have a lot to do with it too."

He chuckled and said, "That may be a factor as well. I was concerned with all the sex and found that you have stopped the girls' periods. They gave me a lot of data that they collected to show that this is safe. That could make you a rich man and help keep the population down."

"I know what you mean Doc but I am already rich. I don't really consider the money mine. Nadac and Rontem helped clean up a small portion of our world. The guys helped too. I think of myself as the head of Star Fleet with large reserves of funds to continue the goals of a united earth."

"You sound like a politician but I see no reason for you to lie. I just hope that as you age, you do not see the money as your own."

"The urge to use it for just me is bad. An unknown fraction of the money, I want as my own. I own a share in my home. I more or less help Nadac who manages almost everything. I am supposed to learn business practices and this is a good way. Right now some of the money is going out to get ship components built. We have demonstrated that we can build so now we just assemble."

"How do those shops not see that they are building space ships?"

"They do know." The doc was surprised. "They think we are a making a film and they are constructing portions of an elaborate prop. We could get them to build a complete unit but then it would be hard to transport and if it disappeared off their lot then that would raise a lot of eyebrows."

"The logical solution is to get adults to build a ship someplace in secret."

I said, "I think you are saying adult so that children have a chance to go to school. Have you considered what the academy can and does do to educate a cadet? We are specialised but I think Nadac can find a way of teaching us everything we need to know or even wish to know."

"You're right. School is also for social interaction and an academy has that too. Is that why you are still in school?"

"Partially. Nadac can upload everything they would teach me in a hundred years and I would have the knowledge of how to use it. Instead I plod along with the rest and watch my crop grow."

"Wally, I just had an idea. You own land and have lots of money. Start an academy in the open. There will be teachers and lots of students. Behind the walls there will be spaceships instead of books."

"Doc, that's a fantastic idea. Will you help me staff it?"


"The head of the school can be a headshrinker and people will look favourably upon that. I want you to help me and that means that more and more of your time has to go to our goals. What better way to be the headmaster of a school."

"I'll have to think on this."

"Doc, have you decided to help or not?"

"I would not miss this for the world."

"Do you think you can keep your practice and still help?"

"I was hoping to slowly taper off."

"Is a year suitable to do this?"

"Yes, though some people will have ongoing problems."

"That processor in your head will allow you to think better and help more as you and it mesh. Take the headmaster job and get the school built. We will all help and we can load up Nadac a bit more. I'm sure that King Rontem will not mind since it will be partially modelled after Aristis schools. While the building is constructed, you have a chance to slowly disengage."

"I was hoping to retire before I learned of my cancer."

"Doc, don't you realise you will live productively up to two hundred or more. Medicine will ensure that you are able to move around easily and the processor will store many of your new memories in ram."

"What about Irene?"

"The benefits extend to her but I want to get her involved too."

"What doing?"

"What does she do?"

"She is a lawyer and served on the bench for ten years before she had her own problems and stepped down. She is mostly into family law now."

"Usually I check out people a lot more and your wife slipped through the cracks. I had no idea she was a judge. In my position I am usually more watchful about what I say around them. If you do not mind my question, why did she step down? She's still young."



"Some of it was from people like Caputo. Some was from politicians and some of those were from the same people but doing the work of the criminals."

"Would your wife fit into our plans? You would not have to hide anything from her then."

"There are lots of places she would fit in. One could be the headmaster of the school."

"You are trying to weasel out of the job, Doc. How about the two of you just take over the job and fight it out?"

"How much do we get for a budget?"

"How much do you want?"

The Doc was onboard. We fished on Sunday while he did some thinking. The med unit came out of my pack again and it worked on him to make his life better. He was going to be sick again but he was happy to purge the fat cells and build up his joints and the discs in his back. The best thing would be that he would not have to wear glasses anymore.

My knee had never been repaired though the rest of me had so I started the repair work and would have to remember to fake it later.

We flew home early only so the Doc could get some flying time in. I could see no difference between him and Erin when they first flew. The Doc resented this and told Erin. She said that she was far too young to act that foolishly.

The Doc stayed for a visit and talked to Connie and the rest to get a feeling about how they thought in relation to Star Fleet. He was anxiously waiting for the Curiosity to arrive. Erin came in and hugged the Doc like a grandfather. The adults smiled at this. A little later the munchkins alone took Doc for a private lesson. What he thought about an eight and two ten year-old girls piloting a space ship with him in it could only be guessed at.

The Doc asked his wife if she would pay a visit but come to the garage at Gail's house first. The Doc was back just before she arrived. By this time the entire cadet population was back but in civilian clothes.

Irene inspected The Beagle and said, "You guys did very well in building this. I don't know much about welding but it looks neat and strong."

Paul was coached and said, "We made a larger one out of aluminium. You can walk into it as easy as walking into the garage. Would you like to see it?"

"Sure, where is it?"

"Outside the door there," he said as he pointed.

The unsuspecting woman followed the cadets as they walked into the now visible shuttle. Irene stopped to admire the ship and saw the words Star Fleet and our logo, not that one seen in the movies.

"Now this is nice. It must have cost a fortune. Did you guys build this too?"

Paul said, "We sure did but some of the portions were contracted out. The inside is neat."

We all got in and sat down. Since Irene was the only one standing she too sat.

Doc said, "You want to go for a spin?"

"Don't tell me you are starting to act like the children too?"

"A little I guess. You didn't answer the question?"

"Ok, have it your way. Take me into orbit. I want to dock with the Enterprise."

"The Enterprise has not been made yet and the Fonduush is not here, but we can go into orbit. Please look at the screen. I'm the one controlling this vessel at the moment."

The shuttle left the shelter and tipped back and the back of our seats now took our weight. We rose nearly vertically and Irene screamed, "What's happening?"

Paul in a reassuring voice said, "Nothing much. We are going into orbit. It's a lot of fun."

"But, this is impossible."

"No it's not. Doc's been taking lessons from Erin."

"But, this... toy can't fly."

"You see the screen of the sky. The view is changing. You are pulled back into your seat just a bit more than what gravity would. Sounds to me like we must be doing something and flying straight up sounds the most reasonable."

"Ro... od, what are you doing?"

"I am flying into orbit like you asked."

"I don't want to go into orbit now. Put me back on the ground."

"We have to complete the trip before we come back down," he lied smoothly.

"I don't want to be flying."

"It's too late. Erin. Will you take over Honey. I need to talk to Irene and somebody has to fly this."

Irene screamed, "She's a child Rod!"

"She may be but she taught me how to fly. Not much too it once you have mastered the basics."

Irene complained and threatened until we reached orbit. We increased thrust to get into position sooner but it still took nearly an hour. Erin levelled out and said, "Do you want the ship back now or are you going to talk?"

The Doc said, "Maybe we have a minute or two to talk." He undid his seatbelt and floated over to Irene. He simply held her hands lightly so he could remain stationary. "We have a lot to talk about. The first is that the Star Fleet wants to set up a school. Outwardly it would look normal but within the walls it would teach the children how to fly, manufacture ships and to protect this planet."

"Are you crazy Rod? We can't do this."

The Doc said, "She's too upset. Can you calm her down?" The med unit came from behind Irene and in a few seconds the cords in her neck began to relax.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"A little. What did you do?"

"Just a bit of sedation. I want to mention that all the children with us have a communicator inside them. Part of it is a small computer. Over time the computer models itself after the brain it is near. The result is that the person gets to be more intelligent. I have one now and so do you."

"I am not more intelligent now only more upset."

"That is because your computer has not been allowed to assist. We can turn it on and I can think my words to my communicator and it talks to your communicator. Your computer tells you what was said."

"I think you are out of your mind Rod."

"No, I'm not and I can prove it."

"How, by talking to me?"

"Yes, that is the simplest way. It works much faster than speech and there is less confusion."

"That's impossible."

"You are still upset. You need to relax."

"You didn't move your lips."

"I haven't for a while now."

"But that's... I guess it is possible. How do you do it?"

"I told you already. Just like using the internet to talk."

"Talk with your mouth. This silent talk is driving me crazy."

"Ok. We came up here to show you a fraction of the possibilities. You are a very pragmatic woman and need to see with your own eyes. First are we in free-fall?"

"Since you are floating around, I guess we are."

"Second, did I use my radio link to talk to your mind without my mouth working?"

"You know you did. Why do you ask?"

"I want to make sure you recognise the facts later. Now keep your lips closed and talk to this young man beside you."


"So you will learn. You're not too old yet, are you?"

"I am angry at you for saying such a thing."

"Then talk to him. He is the same young man that we knew before and so are the rest of these young people."

Irene would not talk so Paul said, "Do you hate me now? I just tried to be a friend."

"I don't hate you. I am just angry and confused."

"We were luckier. Wally got us to believe all this in small steps. Adults are usually smarter but also set in their ways. We wanted you to help us."

"Help you do what?"

"Well, I want to learn. I have a communicator too and I'm a lot smarter than I was before. School is so boring. All of us have to do other work and still pretend to listen to the teacher. That's hard."

"What can I do. I'm not your teacher."

"We want to start a real school. The Doc thought of the idea. The teachers will be like you and know what is going on. That way we learn a lot more and a lot faster. To start a school we need legal help."

"I don't know much about starting a school."

"But you know more than us. We can't do it alone. The Doc said you could be the headmaster..."

"He did!"

"Yes. We need both of you badly. Not all of us were thinking straight but now we are a lot better. There are a lot of others that need help and we can help them. Do you remember what I used to be like?"

"Yes, you were a sweet boy that was hurt and abused."

"Well, I am a lot better now but there are a lot of others that need help too. Talk to Erica. She can tell you what it was like and how we are coping now."

Erica immediately said, "Hi Mrs Doc. This is Erica. We really need your help."

"To set up a school?"

"That and a lot more. The school need to be run properly. We need concerned adults. Some could be teachers and some could be administrators. We have to set up the Star Fleet Regulations that all of us have to follow. Who better than a lawyer to do this. If the regulations are adopted by the rest of the planet then your wording is very important."

"Why would your regulations be adopted by other humans?"

"We have spaceships now. We are going to manufacture antimatter to provide cheap power for humanity. That same power makes an atom bomb look like a firecracker. We need controls on its use. We can design ships that go many times faster than light. Humanity will spread across the galaxy. We need a common set of laws to regulate how we get along with each other."

"That would take decades. I don't have that much time."

"You are mistaken. We have great medicine. The Doc is going to lose his glasses as his eyesight improves. The worn parts of his body are getting slowly repaired. He can have children now. We want the same thing for you. You would be young again. The Doc will end up making you pregnant so you better watch it. You will not need glasses either soon. And best of all is that you will be a lot more intelligent than you are now."

"I'll have to think about this."

"Why are you afraid?"

"I am not afraid."

"You're lying. Are you afraid of me? I'm the same person you met months ago."

"I am not afraid of you."

"Are you afraid of Erin? She is the youngest member."

"I am not afraid of Erin either."

"Are you afraid of Wally? He killed some bad people that would have killed or hurt us. He would never hurt you."

"I'm not afraid of anybody here."

"But you are afraid."

"I'm not."

Erin swam over to Irene and held her chair. "You are afraid. You are just starting out and you cannot hide your feelings well. You are petrified of us. I would never hurt you or allow anybody else to hurt you either."

"I'm not really afraid of you it is just so new to me. What you people can do frightens me though."

"Mrs Suffolk, that is why we asked you to help. We have our own fears. We need more people that understand us. They have to help us make the rules all of us will live by. You are the one that has to help us. You will not be afraid and neither will anybody else if we all follow the same sort of rules."

"I am not competent to draft those rules."

"Do you think I can do a better job?"

"No, at least not now."

"You are our best hope. We are not asking you to do this alone. All of us will help."

There was a long pause until Irene said, "I can help as long as I get the needed assistance." Erin moved in quickly and hugged the woman and Irene had to let go of her husband to hold the child.

It was Erin that talked Irene into changing chairs so the two were side by side. She then talked to the woman as she made her decent. Everything she was doing was mentioned just as or before it happened.

Same as Space
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Board Room

I have written a number of stories for an erotic Palringo group, thought I would post a fewComments welcome.Board Room part 1:After the meeting Amanda had noticed Marty looking at her, in particular her legs and her new shoes, after the board room cleared out after a long day only he sat in there scribbling away. He could hear the high heels clicking on the tile floors as someone approached. there was Amanda starring in. What are you doing she said leaning against the door? everyone is going...

2 years ago
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Swimsuit SinnersChapter 10

By 1939 Billy Rose and the New York World's Fair were ready for each other. America's greatest city wanted a fabulous exposition. Rose wanted to nail down, once and for all, his reputation as a great showman. His 1935 Jumbo, his 1936 Ft. Worth Centennial Casa Manana, and his 1937 Cleveland Aquacade had lifted his star to the heights. Now he wished to put it in permanent orbit. Yet he was not chosen at first to have a part in the New York Fair. When he learned there was to be a 10,000 seat...

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You Could Go Home Again

=== You Could Go Home Again === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is set in my "Valentine Divergence" setting. The earlier stories in the setting are: 1. Butterflies are the Gentlest 2. A House Divided 3. Nora and the Nomads All the stories are supposed to be stand-alone, but if you find this one confusing, try reading "Butterflies are the Gentlest" first. Thanks to Unicornzvi, epain, and Scott Jamison for their comments on the first draft. This story is released under...

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Pams Cumming Out Chapter 1

Pam and her husband John were your average couple. Enjoying midlife with still a healthy sex life. They enjoyed experimenting with different things. When women learned what John did for a living, they had fantasies of their own. John was a firefighter and chief of his department. His job required him to stay in good physical condition. Standing at 6 feet, with dark hair he often got the sly comments about playing with his hose or his pole. Pam loved to wear sexy little outfits for John....

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a game

It started with just me and my wife having a little fun well really turns me on when other guys want her so we used to go to the bar and we can go in separate and I would sit there watch all them horny guys hit on her and she would flirt back she's a little want to be s*** even though she pretends not to be and of course I get a little jealous but I like that as the years went by watching guys touching on my wife it kind of got boring to me little did she know I wouldn't mind sharing her so as...

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BBC Creampie Cuckold

I am a 40 year old average white guy married to my loving 30 year old wife Katie. Katie is a hot Irish girl with pale skin. She has very dark hair with bright blue eyes. Katie is a workout nut. She works out during the week and does yoga regularly. We do have a good sex life and I get it as much as I want to. The problem is that I have a bad back. I've had surgery, but it still isn't right yet. This keeps me physically and mentally not in the mood sometimes. Along with Katie's energy, this...

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A Needed Visit to the doctor

My name is Ralph. I am a light skin Black man. I am 34 years old. I am 6-4 in height and weigh 205 pounds. I have dual bachelor degrees and a master’s degree in psychology. I started off using my computer skills. But I always wanted to practice psychology so at 32 I filled in as a psychologist for a two year period. I tried that but got too emotional with the work that I was doing so I stopped working in the psychology field. It was this particular patient’s case that was the tipping point....

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Beth and Sam 3

  Beth Sam and Steve    3                       Continuation of family relationships   Sam had already spoken to Steve about masturbation and tried to convey positive feelings about it. We watched for signs that Steve had experimented, but it was another year or so before I started to notice telltale stains on the sheets and unusually long periods in the bathroom. Then I started picking up cum-stained towels in his bedroom regularly, so we knew that the little...

4 years ago
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A friend in need is a THREESOME

Once he began to fuck her it became all to real and the jealousy she thought she may have never manifested. This scene before her actually made her hot and wet. She kneeled beside them having a clear view of her husbands cock moving in and out of her friends pussy, her only friend. Moving up to her husbands side she placed one hand on his lower back and the other on his arm. She felt the tightened muscles in his arm, which was tight because of the grip he had on her friends hip. His buttock...

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Animus AnimusChapter 4 Khaley lay very still, listening to the sound of her own breathing.? She?d woken hours earlier from yet another nightmare.? Sleep was not the escape from this deathly quiet prison that she wished it would be.? When awake, she mostly lay in silence, her arms and legs long since used to being bound and unable to stretch or bend much.? When sleeping, she seemed to be endlessly tormented by her past and the blurred association between that hell and this one.? There...

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And Baby Makes 3 Part 3

This is a story about adult situations and adult sexuality. Please go elsewhere if you are u******e in the community you dwell. This is a fantasy and the names have been changed to protect the horny and guilty. Enjoy!And Baby Makes 3 - Part 3I awoke to the sounds of sex emanating from the bathroom. I got up off the floor and opened the bathroom door. There were my wife and her sister making love in the shower. My beloved wife, Diane, was down on her knees sucking on Samantha's milk filled...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic Adventures of BeautyChapter 2 The Beast

Okay, so here's what really upsets me. If a guy refers to some other guy as naïve, or innocent, or gullible; well, that's derogatory, right? There's no way any of that would be viewed in a good light personally. But if he's saying it about a girl ... well, that's a whole different ballgame. Those traits in a woman ... especially a pretty woman ... turn men on; make them hard; make them aggressive; appeal to them. I've had that problem my whole life. I'm too trusting, too quick to...

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MAU The SlayerAshes to Ashes Dust to Dust

MAU: The Slayer-Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer James Stevens uses a Morphic Adaptation Unit to turn himself into Faith the rouge Vampire Slayer from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ends up getting stuck in that form. He reluctantly joins with the 'Men in Black' to track down another device. Meanwhile, two high school misfits, John and Matt, find another MAU and John uses it to change himself into his high school crush Linda...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Mermaid Isle Part 2

The weak light of dawn streamed in from a small opening in the thatched roof and danced golden streaks across the soft, dried grasses that padded the floor of a small beach side hut. The warm rays danced their heated caress over the sailor’s spent body. The man emitted muffled cries and tossed upon the floor, the sound and movement rousing him from sleep.The sailor rubbed his eyes as the twisted reality of the past days came upon him, striking him as hard as the waves had crashed upon his...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Deciding MomentChapter 28

Jessica got out of bed the next morning feeling better. Not great, but definitely better. She'd had a pretty good night's sleep and better than that, a dream. One she remembered as she was taking a shower. In the kitchen, as Jessica got her breakfast cereal, she asked Jeanie a question. "Do you remember when Grandma was still around and we had those big dinners on Sunday?" A warm smile lit on Jeanie's face. "I sure do. Those were a lot of fun." "Do you remember the corn thing she...

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Love Making

Hi friends, Mera Naam Akshay Hai, meri age 22hai, main delhi ka rehene vala hu, this is my first ever story jo main ISS per submit ker reha hu, hope aap sab ko pesend aae meri love story. Main ek normal looking guy hu, not very heavy built, but have a good athletic body, with a descent face, and good sense of hummer, main bohat zada open nahi hu, logo k sath khulne may mujha thoda time legta hai. Meri ek girlfrnd hai, pichle 2and half yr se hum ekdusre ko date ker rahe hai, we are in love, or...

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Heaven On EarthChapter 3

Before I start the 3rd part, here are the last few lines of the 2nd part: While I was packing my three 'beauties' started crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked. "What will become of us," Radha wailed. "Silly girl, I'm going for a week. I'll be back," I said kissing her. "I know you'll never come back," Dolma said. "No, Dolma, I'll be back," I said hugging her, "See, I'm taking only one bag with me. Rest of my belongings I am leaving here." "He is right," Shanti...

2 years ago
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My Secret Pleasure Part 2 An Unexpected Encounter

Introduction: Jenna discovers a little more about what she likes =) It was Staces turn to be pleasured now. Jennas red and white cherry scarf covered her eyes as she sat on the table behind her, not knowing what to expect. Jenna leaned in for a kiss as she grabbed Staces breast over her white tee. Stace moaned from her touch easily, wrapping her legs around Jennas waist. Jenna reached under her shirt feeling her soft, warm skin against her hand. She lifted Staces shirt over her head as she...

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Othersideofthetracks Boy

David Westhaven lashed the rope of his small fishing boat to the piling on the Roanoke River dock at the back of his new house—the biggest in Mountainvista, Virginia—handed the fishing rods to Danny Foster, and, when he joined young Danny on the river bank, pulled his T-shirt back onto his muscular torso and took back the fishing rods while Danny pulled his own T-shirt on. Handsome, buzz cut Westhaven was still magnificently fit, at thirty-nine, in keeping with having been a U.S. Marine...

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my first time was with my cousin

My name is Mary I’m an 18 year-old girl, I’m 5’8”, I have brown wavy hair and a 38d chest. My stories are based on actual events. All names have been changed to protect people’s identities.This story takes place when I was either an early teen. All I am doing is retelling what happened to me. In no way am I condoning u******e sex, or any of the acts that happen in this or any other of my stories.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“John! John where are you?”...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 480 Accountability And Clear Air

We caravanned back to where Amelia’s group had staged to try to locate me. Amelia rode with me back to Chrissy’s mom’s house in the minivan. “I don’t know if you consider us friends or just fuck buddies when you have enough time for me to scratch your itch, Thirty-Six,” I told her. “You are following your orders, and it must be a lot to process, learning that I am more than even Chrissy’s mom could comprehend. Those kids spent nearly fifty years in that hell, not knowing where they were...

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Human Resources Associate

"How do you put up with all of this?" Cynthia Forester asked. She and Sandy were standing at the copy machine just around the corner from Sandy's desk at Hubbard & Associates. "Don't you get tired of the constant nudity and sex, the men groping you and wanting to, you know, all of the time?" Sandy looked at her friend in surprise. Cynthia was relatively new, hired in to replace one of the Admins when that woman had quit after maternity leave. She and Cynthia had been friends since...

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Abby Davis Having His First Fun with Abby

The Chronicles of Abby: Davis Having His First Fun with Abby(Abby’s Perspective).Synopsis: This is a direct sequel to PART 4 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath After a week, the results for the test were finally out. Abby was sitting at the second front row desk, eager to know her result, hoping that she’ll make it to the top 5 top scorers so that she’ll be able to get the prize, a new gaming device that she really wanted to get her hands on it. Davis, her teacher announced...

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DevilsFilm Nia Nacci Hold Me

Nia Nacci has just got in a fight with her cheating boyfriend and seeks comfort at her best friend’s house. Even though her friend is not home today, her husband Rion King is. Rion is a very nice white man Nia had used to date once upon a time. There is no doubt that a connection still exists between the two because as soon as Nia is alone with Rion a spark reignites and she throws herself at him. Maybe it’s just the moment or her temporary sense of loss with her latest relationship...

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Girl Unveiled

When people see her, they see a strong, successful, persevering young adult that has done well in the shadow of a rocky past. Sometimes, she likes to think that’s what she is, other times, she feels as if she has let down the image that everyone so strongly believes in. It is the fear that she struggles with each and every day. She is a small town girl. She grew up in the heart of the Midwest in a small, white house on Second Street. She was raised by her mother and grandma (who she calls...

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Maid Joannas New Nipple Rings

Maid Joanna's New Nipple Rings By Joanna Maguire My Mistress had attached nipple rings to my breasts routinely as part of my daily punishment many times over the years I have served as maid Joanna. After my last punishment, where I had received only 30 lashes. I was told I must leave the nipple clamps on until I was told to take them off. Three days later I was still wearing the clamps. It had been indeed painful wearing the nipple clamps for that first day. That night I...

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Mage quest

Welcome to mage quest. In this world, before a mage can fully graduate a leave the mage tower that they've spent the last 10 years in (imagine if high school to masters were all one building) to face the final trial, the hall of near infinite dungeons. If they pass the trial, they will receive their degree and be able to journey the world. Your name is Taylor. And you are eager to get out. And all magic requires you to have your magical tool. Though occasionally magic will happen wildly around...

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Kris Juliet After The Wedding

The wedding was finally here. I sat across from Juliet who was in a beautiful knee-length and long sleeve golden dress. This was different from her usual black but nonetheless, she looked absolutely stunning. As she strutted along in her strappy gold heels, hair partially away from her face, her full figure was turning heads and giving me chills.Kissing her hello in front of everyone was always an experience. Our act of not being together although people knew we were sleeping together was...

3 years ago
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Sex With Bio Teacher

Hello all ISS readers, I am a frequent reader of this site and have enjoyed the stories. Now I am publishing my own personal experience which I had with my bio teacher. Her name is Sohini, she is a very sweet and sexy teacher. I was a good student and concentrated well in every class. All teachers were happy with me. In bio I used to have some difficulties and my teacher always helped me out. This happened in class 10. My teacher was a very hot and had perfect shaped boobs. They were round and...

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Fucking My Friend8217s Mom 8211 Episode 1

Hi, I’m Mathan after a long time writing this story. About me am Mathan, 23, working for an IT Company in Chennai, Tamilnadu. This incident happened some 2 years back when I started my job. My friend Varun and me studied together and got a job in MNC company in Chennai, I was basically from Thanjavur. During my studies, we stayed in a hostel, it hardly took 1-2 hours travel to my hometown from my college, but it was a long way for Varun to reach his home, so sometimes when we have two or three...

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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 20

It was a warm, late spring morning, and Helen decided to pick up her mail early and have breakfast at a café near the pool beside the Port Nature Collines, the tall row of terrace houses that line the center of the Heliopolis site. She sat in the sunshine with her coffee and croissants, watching the naked children play in the pool. Soon, brushing the crumbs aside, she began to go through the mail. There was a large envelope from her lawyers in Stuttgart, but this no longer gave her shivers,...

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Fuck Me Then Kill Me

Fuck me then kill meFuck me then kill me. It's all I want. I want you to fuck my pussy, fuck my ass, fuck my mouth, do it in front of family, friends, neighbors, do it on TV, make me beg for cock, beg to be fucked. ?Group fuck me, gang-bang me, I want to be used mercilessly, I want to be punished, spank me, cane me, punch me, slap me, pull on my tits, hang weights from them, stretch them, cane them, hit them with slippers, stick needles in them, make me drink piss as you pierce...

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BlacksOnBlondes Jaye Summers 03142017

“Are you nervous?” Mandingo asks, sizing up the latest notch in his belt — Jaye Summers. Of course Jaye is nervous. She’s never experienced 13 inches of black meat, and she’s not sure her tight little cunt is going to be able to take it all. Oh sure, she’s a black cock slut and all…but Mandingo is in another category altogether. Watch our submissive little slut crawl over to Dingo’s enormous cock, then try to stuff the first 1/4 of it in her...

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College Ma8217am In Bhopal

Hey my name is Dhruv. I am doing Engineering from Bhopal. I am 21 by age. I am not from bhopal so I live at the hostel. To describe myself I am not a body builder I am slim and my height is 5’9 not tall but decent. My major points are really great looks, handsome very fair skin, long hair. And people say I look really good clean shaven. You can give your feedbacks at I was very academics especially in maths. So I was scolded alot. Our teacher Sheetal maam always pointed me out in...

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Six Times A DayPart 32 When Will I Be Loved

After a remarkable Tuesday, Alan figured he needed to take it easy for a while. As he awoke, visions of the previous day flooded his thoughts. Between the memories of fucking Heather and getting repeatedly blown by his mother, his penis was hard in seconds. He recalled his mother's "cock hungry alarm clock" treatment, and looked around his room, half-expecting to see her there. But he found himself alone. He remained in his bed and waited until his penis had calmed down before leaving...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 42

FIELD MARSHAL SHORDIAN I was groggy the next morning. Battle always took its toll the night afterward, when adrenaline and terror had eased from my body, and pain took up residence in their wake. I stepped from the citadel, and out onto the ruins of Mid Fort. Usually, I would have to take a few downward steps before crossing the threshold to the courtyard. Not today. The bodies were piled five-feet-high, and even higher along the walls. Thousands were dead in this small spot, no larger than...

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Sex With Chat Friend 8211 Part 2

HI Friends! Hope everyone enjoying the life. My name is Shan, age 33 years from Bangalore, this story is continuation of my previous story which was published on Dec 2012 later was not able write due to busy work schedule. Please forgive me for any grammar mistake as I am not good in writing and I will just put in front of you my true experience which happened to me when I was in Singapore. You can read first part of the story in the link on top. Please send your suggestion and emails to or ....

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The Aroma Of Sex Part II

I hope you guys have been doing well. Thank you for all the responses. Those who are new to this story, I suggest you read my first part “The aroma of sex”. Now let’s get on with it. I moved my hand inside her pant and as she didn’t resist, I went straight to her pussy inside her panty and it was soaking wet. I inserted my middle finger inside her pussy and she bit my finger in her mouth sharply, out of pleasure and trying to hold her scream. My mouth moved from her armpits to her mouth and...

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For The Best

Amber was initially concerned being the only lodger with Mrs H when she attended university. However, by the third year, she was actually very happy even though still the only lodger. Amber was now twenty-years-old, outgoing, with long dark brown hair with a fringe, and, as she regularly went to the gym, had well-toned arms and legs, and a flat tummy.Mrs H was thirty-seven-years-old, didn’t go to the gym, and was therefore slightly on the fleshy side but still enjoyed dressing in relatively...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 12

Admiral Roger Cantrell, Commander for the US Military’s Joint Special Operations Command, had flown into Langley for a formal briefing about the tasking that was coming down to him and his operators. He sat quietly and listened to Hank talk to him about the mission to get Svetlana, but hank stopped short of telling him who the team was hiding. “The asset we have in custody has a vast knowledge of the inner workings of Russian money laundering and how they get agents into the country. She’s...

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Another bus wank with a difference

I am a girl who is a sucker for a hard cock, perhaps I am wired slightly different from most women, but like my male counterparts, I see sex in every situation, the weirder, the more appealing it is, and the more excited I become, I invite men to grope and feel me, reveling in their hands exploring my scantily clad body, letting them almost **** me in public, and having quiet and powerful orgasms, standing or sitting, on packed commuter buses and trains.Today was different though, I turned the...

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The Horny Teacher

Your name is Joe and you've got a month left until you graduate High school. Miss Smith is your favorite teacher and now you are her helper. She has blonde hair and a Yankee accent. She also has a fat ass and big tits. You've wanted to fuck her for sooo long. You turned 18 not too long ago so she knows your legal. You walk into her classroom and see her. She's wearing tight jeans and a hoodie. She's bent over messing with a computer wire. Her ass is just sticking out and your cock starts to get...

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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 8

Colorado Territory, June, 1872 Cletus asked the chiefs' council to call everybody together for a pep talk. "By now you all know that the Utes are very near. Tomorrow, we will have to begin moving into the fort. You have been calling it 'Fort Cletus, ' but I would like to call it 'Fort Defiance, ' because it is proof that nobody can push us around! Will you join me in changing the name?" After the cheering had died down, Cletus went on, "We are greatly outnumbered, but we can win if...

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Ordinary Day

Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...

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Sisters HusbandChapter 6

It was very uncomfortable sleeping on the sofa in the library, but Kay couldn't back down now. She had made a big issue of it, and for the past week and a half Jim had the bedroom to himself. Each day was more difficult than the last, and Kay hardly knew whether to cook dinner or not to cook dinner, for Jim's hours were so irregular. Sometimes she would decide not to make anything at all, and she would go to a movie; that would be the night her husband came straight home from the bank,...

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Thank You

The tale of a man dominated, control, feminized and sissified by his mistress. She thinks she is making a broken wimp who will be totally under her control. He, of course, has other plans... Thank you By Fran Avatar [email protected] Hmmm... where to start? What should I say here? I don't want to be cruel in what I have to tell you. Not cruel like you have been to me. In fact, I am actually grateful for all that you have done for me. Had you not been as cruel as you have been...

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My brother Perving on My Wife

For some of you, this is very tame. For me, it was exciting. My wife and bother are very close and both very conservative...My wife, Karen, is 33 and in very good shape. My brother, who is two years older than us, has always thought my wife was hot. At our pool we hang out together. She looks great in a one-piece. It's amusing when I catch him looking at my wife's boobs. They're not overly huge, but nicely shaped (34d). When we are alone he's made comments about her, but not in an obnoxious...

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ManEater of Myanmar

It was an early morning on the Irrawaddy, and the sun had not yet crossed the eastern horizon. U Tha slowly paddled his old aluminum canoe down the river. It was difficult work to make a living as a fishermen on the Irrawaddy these days, or anywhere else in Burma for that matter, but somehow U Tha managed, just as his father before him had. The trick, he always told his neighbors, was to get up early, so that you could check your fishing lines before the oppressive tropical heat became too...

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Redstar Hotel

About 6 months ago you were spending the night trawling the Internet for something to do when you stumbled upon site that was running a competition. "MAKE ALL YOUR FANTASIES COME TRUE!" The bold header caught your attention and digging deeper you discovered that they were offering you "THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME" and all you had to do was send in a detailed description of your number one fantasy. You found yourself wondering what kind of loser would do that, send in their darkest secrets to...

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