My Cousin Julia - Part Two free porn video

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My Cousin Julia part 2 by JES Continuation of the story Eric's "MY COUSIN JULIA" (rough draft version and not completed yet) Note, it is absolutely critical that the original be read first. I've included the last bit of the first part (below) before beginning part 2. _______________________________________________________________ I stare up into what had been my face. "How could you do this to me, Julia - We have loved each other all our lives? I trusted you with my life and you stole it." My old faced looked away in guilt. " I love you - I really do - but try and understand as much as I love you - I loved your life more! I hate being me, prey to every sleaze who comes along, I hate being the poor relation at work. I always wanted someone to love me the way Laura does you - now me. You'll be fine - you'll do better with my life than me - you'll find the right kind of man settle down - have the kids I always wanted, but the guys I were involved with were the babies and didn't want the competition." He hugs me gently and whispers. "Lets say my life long envy of you grew greater than my love." "Hey knock it off you two!" Laughed Laura. She looked at her watch." We better hurry - we don't want to miss our plane for our own honeymoon!" She kissed her husband hungrily. As they turned to leave 'he' spoke. "Don't worry, cousin Julia - you can still count on me as a protector." Then they are gone. I can hear their happy laughter floating up the stairs. I walk in dream like slowness to the window and watched them get in the Mercedes and drive away drive into their new life. I guess I have a new life, too. I went into the bed room and look at my cousin Julia in the mirror. I bury my head in my hands and cry. I do not know when I will stop. ____________________________________________ My Cousin Julia, part 2 by JES She stopped. Crying that is. Long enough to wonder about this...thing...that has happened. It is night now, and a full moon is rising, huge, glowing orange and hanging low upon the horizon. The same moon the she had looked at all her life. It is beautiful but deceptive, for in rising as it always does, it claims that the world and the stars above - are the same. But they are not, all has changed. It has been hours since 'Rick' and Laura drove away, and finally her brain is starting to function. Her first thought was to call 'Rick' and beg him to change her back, but this option was out - they are on their honeymoon. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she remembered how much she had longed for that honeymoon with Laura. Memory. What is it? This is really strange: there are some memories of Julia's that come naturally, and she thought upon them, scanned them, tried to draw them up. Those that come up easily are of two kinds, it seems, those that are 'routine' habits that she must have used every day, and then - for want of a better word, traumatic or very enjoyable experiences. Coffee in the morning, sleeping naked, the way she flicked her hair - these are body memories, and the new Julia found find that they came to her easily. The memory of Julia's doll being taken away, of her beatings from several of her...boyfriends... she guessed...of time spent with the old Rick, these too are there, as if the intensity of them burned itself into the brain cells where memories live. But the thousand little things that happen every day, the events that slowly, bit-by-bit, make us what, no, make us who we are, she could notfind more than scraps of these in Julia's memory. But she clearly remembered her own though. It is as if she brought them all with her in a suit case or something. But how is that physically possible? If memories are stored in the cells of our brains, then how did she bring them? She felt as if she have been uploaded and downloaded, like moving the programs of one hard drive of a computer to another, but leaving the operating system in place. Yuck! Is that all we are then? Biological machines that are interchangeable? (Apparently so, because here she was!). Maybe the soul has a memory of its own? She paused at this, because this is drifting into the metaphysical, and she had always felt uneasy about matters spiritual. She looked in the mirror for what must be the millionth time and see a young woman staring back. "This is me?" "I'm a fool!" She thought, "naive, stupid! Magic is real? I can look in the mirror and see the proof! I was like a lamb being led to slaughter! I've never bothered to try to understand anything, anything soul... or beyond, ummm,secular matters, and so I guess I'm not without some blame in this. "Think. Think! She had that awful potion and she performed some sort of ritual. It's not the kind of thing that up pop into a Wal-Mart and ask for a body-swapping spell, because your boyfriend beat you. How long had she been planning this? Where did she learn this? Can it be reversed?" "Because if it could, then I have my life again, be with Laura again." Laura. She missed her with an ache so deep... "She won't even miss me, won't even know I'm gone. Because in her eyes, I'm not." She realized she was crying again. But a small thought did manage to float through the self-pity; a hope,really: "If I've taken most of the memory stuff with me, then Julia in my body won't "be" me. She looks like me and the body acts the way I always did, but with my "soul memory" gone, she can only use her own in its place. And maybe, maybe Laura will know.that, that part of what she fell in love with, is gone?" A small hope, but still a hope. And this lead her to contemplate the only option available to her. She couldn't tell Laura, or anyone what had happened, because she was sure that she would be quickly locked away in an asylum. She would not think about suicide, because it had never been her nature as Rick, and she found that it was not her nature now. She also was beginning to realize that 'Rick' would never agree to change her back,so somehow, she would have to learn how 'he' did this and change back herself. That would take time, she knew, because she'd have got to try to retrace Julia's' steps, and to do that she'd have to stay alive, eat, sleep, work. She would have to be Julia. "How do you learn this...magic? Where do you go? Its not like there is a Spells R Us store at the mall or something. "Okay, 'Julia' let's be detectives here" damn! That voice is so high and feminine sounding. She had always been a bass in the choir, and had wondered what it would be like to sing some of the soprano parts. Maybe she could break a glass or something with a high pitch? "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" she sang as high a note as she could. Pretty, but no shattered glass. Wait! How about this, she'd always wanted to say in a high voice "we represent, the lollipop guild, the lollipop guild." She digressed. "Talk normally, get used to this voice. Testing one two, testing one two..." She sighed, and realized that part of the awkwardness with her new voice was that the, uh, voice in her head still spoke with my old Rick's lower voice. Ah well, maybe this would adjust itself? "Okay let's think. Did she leave any notes, or letters or check stubs or phone messages or." For the rest of that Sunday evening, she rummaged through 'her' apartment, and around midnight, she found a receipt for some sort of 'magik' book from a bookstore called The Starlight Grove. She recognize the address: it was that goofy new age bookstore on 4th street. "Tomorrow during my lunch I would go there." "Lunch hour?" she thought, "I've got to go into work tomorrow, as her? A sick day might be in order. I know I can do her job - with my own engineering degree and several years of experience I can certainly handle the duties of an engineer's assistant, but would I be able to pull off all the other stuff, the small talk and clothes and...dammit, NO! No sick day tomorrow! I'm going to have to do this to to have a chance to get my life back, so I might as well start tomorrow! She washed her face and teeth, took off the blue silk robe she'd been wearing all-day and pulled back the sheets of the bed. This body has no hair on it! She ran her hand up one of her legs. So smooth! She slowly rubbbed her breasts and felt a tingling warmth...she looked at the clock 1:00am. This nude sleeping may be a bit distracting...I may never fall asleep at this rate...hang on! Just because Julia slept naked didn't mean she had to! She popped back out of bed and went to one of her drawers. As Rick she had slept in boxers and a T-shirt; in the drawer she found a white cotton T-shirt and some white brief-like panties. There. She hopped back into bed. And have this thought as she had as she drifted off: "I'm still me, at least as far my as sleeping style!" Monday morning. She allotted extra time to get ready and still it seems that she was way off. Everything is taking so long, even with some of Julia's rote memories to help! The office is casual, and since she worked there too she remembered what Julia used to wear. And although she could not bring herself to wear Julia's standard skirt and high heel thing "(note to self, buy some fashion magazines and learn what these clothing pieces are called!)" she somehow ended up in some slacks, a blue, "(umm blouse?)" low heeled shoes and she even managed to put on makeup in a way that didn't make her look like Bozo the Clown. She just managed to catch the 7:45 bus to the Tech Center. And somehow she was able to come up with exact change. No empty seat, so she grabbed a loop to stand. A man stood up then and offered her his seat. "Well, this is kind of awkward!" she thought. For a moment she was confused about the whole thing, but she had enough sense to finally blurt out "uh.thanks!" and take the seat. It seemed to her that everyone in the bus was staring at her, especially the fellow who just gave her his seat. She felt her cheeks turning red and with a pang she had have a fleeting image in her mind of her old Mustang, now parked at the airport, she guessed. She arrived at the office at 7:58, feeling proud that she'd managed the logistics, when she nearly bump into Robert rounding the corner to Julia's cubicle on the 6th floor. "Whoa! Intruder Alert! Call security! We have an imposter on the floor" he yelled after they collided. He busrt into laughter at the panicked look on her face: "Calm down, Jules, its just that I can't remember the last time you were on time, you usually don't come dragging in until 8:45." "I don't?" A look of concern crossed his face "Are you okay? You seem out of it today." I force a smile "It is Monday, and I don't feel much like myself, Robert. "Oh, its Robert now is it? Aren't we being formal!" "Stop it, Rob! Maybe I've turned over a new leaf and am going to be on time from now on.maybe it's the new me!" "Maybe pigs can fly! Anyway, its good to have you here early today, because I need the spreadsheet for the Mantilla project finished by lunch, okay? Both scenarios." Although it was a completely different division she vaguely knew about this project, and felt certain she could manage a simple spreadsheet in a few hours, *if* she could get into Julia's computer. She dumbly nodded as he said "Grab your morning bucket of coffee and hit it, Jules" At lunch she begged off two invitations to eat and headed towards the bookstore on 4th. She looked at her watch to make sure she would only gone 45 minutes - in her old job she could take as long as she wanted because management knew she put in the long hours at night and on the weekends, but she'd always heard Julia complain about her short lunch break, "so I'm back to 45 minutes" she sighed. She made the store in ten minutes of brisk walking and turned the brass knob on the door to the shop. The bell rang as she walked in. Immediately she was hit with the smell of incense and the sound of some environmental music tape, this one on birds, apparently. There are stacks of bookshelves to the left, a glass case full of incense burners, crystals, and other paraphernalia to the right and a cash register and stand in the center. And older grayish bearded man in a corduroy jacket peered up from his book to look at her. Through his bifocal glasses his eyes look enormous. His face brightened with recognition. "Julia!" "No" she thought internally, but "yes" she voiced aloud. She realized that Julia must have been familiar with him, but she had no idea who he was. So, she glossed over the akward moment with an enthusiastic "good book?" He held it up - Its titled "Celtic Wisdom" "What brings you in today, Julia, I didn't expect to see you until Thursday." Thursday? "Yup, well, about Thursday, could you give me a ride?" Here is where I should have said Bob or Ralph or whatever. "Hmmm. I always love to pick up a pretty woman, (She looked away at this) even if it is merely to take them to the Circle. Laura not here to give you a ride?" "Circle? Laura?" she thought. "Uh, no, she's on her honeymoon." "She finally married that fella then cousin then? Good for her! Richard is it?" "Rick." "That's right. Where'd they go." She had no idea! "It's a big secret between them. I don't think they'll be gone long." (Laura was in the middle of a large waste site remediation, and as a consultant could not take more than a few days off, she was sure). " But I'm not sure I can count on her to be back by Thursday." "Sure, Jules, pick you up at 7:00? Where do you live?" She told him the address. She'd practiced saying it mentally on the bus so that it didn't look like she was unsure of where she lived. "Thanks." "Don't mention it. So what can I do for you today." "Oh, I just wanted to browse a bit, maybe pick up a book or two." "Sheesh. After that last special order I did for you, I would have thought that would have kept you busy for several months at least if not for the rest of the year. It took me weeks just to track down that copy, and I know you told me on at least one occasion that you had had to decide between getting a car or buying that Grimore." What kind of a book did Julia buy? What book could possibly cost as much as a car? Inadvertently, she found she was twirling her finger in a strand of blond hair. "Well, its not exactly light reading!" "That its not! That its remember I was the one that cautioned you against getting the book at all. It has a rather dark history, you know." No, she didn't. "So what can you recommend?" He looked surprised. "You're actually asking my advice? Do you have a fever, girl? The only other time I remember you asking me for information was when you asked where the rest rooms were." "Funny. But really, what would you recommend?" "Well, for you, darlin, I would recommend a new used book that just came in, called Songs to the Beloved, by the Sufi poet Rumi." Who is Rumi? "Why do you recommend.(was Rumi a man or woman? she took a guess) him... for me?" "Because, it seems to me that you've thrown yourself into *the work* with a vengeance rather than a passion. Don't get mad at an old man for offering advice, but a beautiful woman like you should experience the passion of life. And you so often seem to be on some sort of.vendetta. If Rumi can't make you see the passion in the work, then nothing can." "What is the work?" she thought. "And what was eating away at Julia that made her.follow down this path? Whatever this path is...And how was Laura involved?" "Okay." she said, finally, "I'll take it, but only if you'll write an inscription in it for me." He seemed genuinely flattered. "Certainly!" And he walked from behind the counter to the stacks. She noticed then that he drug his left foot as if it were useless. He returned to the counter with the book and opened the cover, scribbled something and handed it to her. "Seek the Lover and find the love that is your due" - Batty Time to gamble. "Thanks! That's wonderful! ...I've always found 'Batty' to be so cute." He looked at her curiously "Yes, cute. But its always been Laura that said that to me, not you..." She tried not to look away "But cute or not, I much prefer it to Bartholomew." "How much do I owe you?" "After the last purchase, sweetie, this one is on me!" "Thanks again.Batty. see you on Thursday" and on impulse she leaned over an kissed him on the cheek. Then looking at her watch, she said good bye and left quickly to return to the office. A confused smile spread across his face. "Most unusual," he thought, "she actually seemed as if she cared for...someone other than herself!" ____________________________________________ She looked at him lying asleep, with a smile upon his face, and she smiled too. He had been like a kid in a candy store these past few days. Doting on her, he seemed to be unable to take his eyes off of her. Hopefully this will calm down soon! The sun was rising over the Pacific, and she could see that the beach was deserted. Maybe I should go for a would be the first chance in days to be alone, and while she loved Rick, it was getting to be just a bit smothering. Laura quietly slipped into her suit and out the hotel room door - they had a room right on the beach. She was surprised that they were able to get such a good room on short notice; the wedding had seemed so spur of the moment, and usually you had to book far in advance to get one of these. The ocean breeze fluttered through her deep brown hair as she walked towards a rock that sat above the sand. She climbed up it and stretched her legs out along its long flat top, closed her eyes, and listened, to the wind, the surf, the gulls, and even, if she strained hard enough, the sun itself. The past days were a whirl wind, and she had been swept up in the passion of it. Rick had been insatiable, and completely head over heels now with their marriage. More like the Ideal of marriage... And yet, And yet there were little things that troubled, well, troubled is too harsh...concerned her. Like a little game that the two of them had been playing these past months, where they would make up absurd scenarios and each would take turns embellishing. She remembered the first one time they'd played the game...she had started it with... "Rick, have you ever wondered what it would have been like to have been stranded on a desert island with someone? Just the two of you in this tropical paradise?" Without missing a beat he had said "but we did, dear, don't you remember? Of course! You hit your head and don't, but last month I flew you to Jamaica as a surprise two week dating anniversary, and..." Laughing I continued with "and the plane crashed and everyone was killed but us and." "No, it must be that head injury again, dear, no one was killed, but our life raft drifted away from the others in the storm." "Ah yes, its coming to me.and we washed a shore on a deserted island with nothing but the clothes we were." "No dear, remember, it was an island with a five star hotel, only everyone had been evacuated because of a hurricane that was headed towards it" 'The same one that had knocked our plane down." "Yes." "And only the two of us, on that island with a five star hotel, no clothes and." "Did I mention that it was a French hotel?" "What?" "And that the French maids had all left their uniforms?" "I trust that there were uniforms in all sizes?" "Eh?" "One for you to wear too...surely I wasn't the only one wearing some skimpy outfit?" "WHAT?! You poor dear! You just don't cute you looked carrying the tray of strawberries and whip cream to me." "Oh? I was your own personal serving wench?" " it coming back to you now, dear?" At this point she had hit him. And yet, when we arrived here, and I had asked him if he had brought any maids uniforms along, he had only stared at me blankly. She jumped when something grabbed her arm and turned in fright. "Oh, Rick, its you.don't scare me like that." "Why did you leave me alone in the bedroom?" "You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to disturb you." "Didn't you think I might want to see the sun rise with you?" "Rick, your hurting my arm." "Don't ever leave me alone, Laura" "Rick, let-go-of-my-arm!" He slowly released her arm. "Sorry, it just that I've worked so hard to get us together." She smiled at the sweetness of the thought, and yet, as she thought about it more, there was something slightly odd in the phrasing. "Lets go have breakfast, love, you do have the whip cream and strawberries don't you?" He stared at her blankly again. Not good! Not good at all! ____________________________________________ For three days she had torn Julia's apartment apart to find the book that she had bought. And nothing! Work had been manageable, with only a few slip ups.actually, part of her problem was that she was doing her job too well.although Julia was very intelligent herself, she did not have Rick's training and education, and Rob and others had immediately noticed the improvement in quality. She had also managed the other aspects as well, food, bills clothing, (but she had decided that she may have to break down and wear skirts.or buy more slacks, because she couldn't keep wearing the same two over and over again.) She was worried about the other aspects of her new body---when for instance, would she have a period? And what would she do? A trip to the sex education section of the young adult area of the library had answered a lot of the questions, and she made some of the appropriate purchases at the store (Boy Scout motto---Be Prepared---except I'm certainly no Boy Scout in this body!) but still she was apprehensive. But all in all she was coping in the short term while she struggled to determine how this had happened. Then, she found a key in an absurdly easy hiding place: A safety deposit key in the cookie jar! That was Thursday morning. At lunch she had gone to the bank Julia used and presented the key to open the safety deposit box. When the attendant had handed her the heavy box and left her alone in the booth, she popped open the lid. She saw them immediately - two ancient bound books with note paper stuck in their pages. One was entitled Grimore de Albertus Magus, and the other Atalanta fugiens. She took the books with her back to the office, and could barely contain her desire to open then up and see what she might about soul exchanges or body swaps, or whatever this was that had been done to her. She resisted the urge to pull them from her tote bag on the bus ride home, but once she left the bus at her stop she practically sprinted to the apartment. The door to her apartment was unlocked, but in her haste, she failed to remember that she had locked it when she had left in the morning. Too late she realized that someone was waiting for her. "Hey babe, Did you miss me?" She froze. Joe? She whirled around to find him standing between her and the door. His eye was still black and his nose had swollen to twice its normal size, and his arm was in a cast. "What are you doing here?" she stammered out. "Waiting for some tender lovin care from my girl you can see, I need some bad." "I thought we had broken up after you.hit me." She remembered this image from Julia's memory - it was another one of those that had been burned into her brain. Without warning he grabbed a vase from the entry stand and smashed it to the ground. "I decide when it is over, bitch." Oh shit! She dove for the phone on a nearby coffee table and began dialing 911, but before she could make contact he had grabbed the phone from her, while knocking her to the ground with a forearm to her head with his cast. She lay stunned on the floor. "You put him up to it, didn't you, bitch!" "No, I didn't" she truthfully answered. Then he smiled oddly... "I see *Rick* Julia and I have this all worked out." He let that statement sink in. "And the only loose end you." She froze. "What do you mean Julia.did this?" Her mind struggled with the implications. "But she beat you up.your arm." "Looks are deceiving, you of all people should know that now. My arm is fine, and this thing" his eyes looked at his cast "is not without its uses." He slapped her again with the cast. Her vision blurred with stars of pain and she felt something warm trickling down her face. "But...why? I don't have any real money to speak of? Why all this?" "Oh, there is some money all right, We took out a big fat insurance policy on Julia but in the end, she wanted to be ---you!" He looked at her now, contemplating... "Julia told me to make it fast, but I think that you should have some fun before you go. He reached down and literally ripped her shirt off. "Take em all off!" The horror of what the man intended began to sink in as everything began crashing down on her! She could say nothing, could barely shake her head no. He moved in to hit her again. Rick had never been one to give up, though, and she managed to regain enough presence of mind to dodge this one - she rolled to the left - and kicked as hard as she could at his feet. He howled in pain, and she made another kick toward his groin. She missed though - she was still not used to the smaller size of her new arms and legs - and she felts the wind go out of her lungs from a brutal kick to her stomach. Pain shot through her chest. Then he literally dragged her across the room by her hair towards the bedroom. Helpme!! He was ripping off the rest of her clothes and she still could not breath from his kick. But finally, air came in and she screamed as loudly as she could - Help! Someonehelpme! He forearmed her again and tried to cover her mouth. "Shut up or I'll rip out your tongue, I swear!" But she bit his hand and screamed at the top of her lungs. He continued hitting her again, as hard as he could, trying to beat her into silence. Then she heard a cracking sound, and felt his body collapse on hers. She struggled to get out from under him...and a hand had grabbed his collar and yanked him off of her. A figure was standing over her now, but her vision was too blurred to make out who it was. "Julia, are you okay?" "I don't know.My chest hurts really bad.I'm having trouble breathing." "You face looks like hell too. I'm calling the police and an ambulance now, and then I'll try to help you." She struggled to say thank you, but the darkness overwhelming her now was too much to fight off. ____________________________________________ The woman watched the younger woman as she slept, her brow furrowed in concentration. She would be all right, physically. Her head and face had been badly bruised and cut, she had several broken ribs and she had been nearly raped, but Batty had arrived in time, cracking the rapist's skull with his cane. Rose stared down with her sparkling gray eyes, gasping at what she saw. This mystery gets deeper and deeper.her aura.has changed almost entirely! For weeks now Julia had troubled her. She had brought her into their order against the judgment of many of the other elders, because she had dreamt a vision of Julia and Laura rising to great power together. It had been an unusual vision, even for her - at first, she saw a sun and a moon, circling each other, on a single path through the night sky. The stars brightened until she had to close her eyes, and when she opened them she saw the scene had changed completely: in a forest glen two babes were suckling milk from a wolf, and after what seemed a time the babes magically grew as the wolf faded, grew to become one figure robed in white and the other in black, dissolving finally into the roman numeral II. Julia and Laura were twinned, she thought, and combined they would rise to abilities that far exceeded the sum of their separate identities. The council had acceded to her desires in this because she had been there for many years leader, but there was real concern - stain existed in Julia's aura that had screamed of trouble, a potential sickness that, despite all the older woman's efforts, had spread over the months that the girl (for even though Julia was 25, Rose's own age was so much more than that that she could only think of Julia and Laura as girls). The situation had perplexed her and caused Rose to even doubt her own abilities, for to her all the signs pointed to Julia, her birth date, the vision, and her natural aptitude for their work. But she could no longer ignore the disorder that was overtaking Julia, and, if she was allowed to remain in their community, would endanger them all. Further perplexing was the love that Laura had developed for a man she was seeing - Julia's cousin. She initially was untroubled by the affair, because, she well knew loves came and went, and that it did not necessarily interfere with the work that Laura would be undertaking within the order. But as the affair progressed, it became clear that Laura was deeply in love with this man, and Rose instinctively recognized that it was a love that only came along once in many a lifetime. She began to fear that inevitably it would draw Laura away from their company. When she learned several days ago from Batty that Laura had eloped, it seemed further disproof of her vision and again she began to doubt and question. The vision had been so clear, and yet nothing, it seemed, had work towards its actualization. But she wondered now - looking down upon Julia, the stain, the cancerous hole - was completely gone! Sorrow, confusion, fear were there in massive amount, but otherwise she showed a wholeness and balance that was missing before. And she knew of no treatment that could work such a healing so quickly. The girl stirred, her eyes slowly opening. "Welcome back to the living, Julia!" She was confused and Rose saw the complete confusion in her eyes. "Don't you recognize me, dear?" She managed to shake her head no. "Its me, Rose." The girl could only stare at her with frightened bleak eyes. "Don't worry, Julia, rest for now. You're safe He can't hurt you again, he is in jail." With that Rose leaned forward and hugged her gently. She saw the girl's pain, but she felt much more from her touch. She seems like a completely changed person, newly born.or A fantastic thought entered Rose's mind. It couldn't be! She tried to dismiss it. Batty had mentioned that he had picked up Julia's tote bag from her apartment, with the Grimore all of them had told Julia not to buy, (but had allowed with the hope of using the work of the manuscript to teach responsibility) but also another that Batty insisted Rose look at. The fantastic thought took shape: An alchemical book, a book of transmutations. Had Julia found a way vision might not wrong at all! I've just completely misinterpreted it? Rose soothed the girl with an energy that, had it been visible, would have confounded the scientific methods of the hospital staff. As soon as the girl had fallen back into a gentle sleep again Rose quietly left the room to find Batty and the tote bag. Rick and Laura arrived at the airport at Friday morning, looking tanned, and, to all outward accounts, the ideal picture of newlyweds. Tanned and glowing, they arrived at his apartment at around 10:30am and began to sort through mail and check phone messages. "We'll need to go to my place sometime soon so I can pick up some clean clothes and other things, Rick." "Clothes? Why do you need clothes dear?" She laughed, because it was expected, but what was really annoying, was he seemed to only have one thing on his now.and she needed a break! Enough already! Not once on the honeymoon had they had the kind of talks that she had cherished during the months before. Rick's machine played oldest to newest messages, and there were many, starting with a message from Julia: "Please call me - I'm home. Is everything all right?" Laura instantly felt the fear in Julia's voice. "Rick? Is something wrong with Julia?" Rick laughed lightly "No, I'm sure she's fine. That was before we left, remember?" Yes, that was right, she had seen Julia after the date of this message, but.why had Rick's eyes been so evasive? There were many other messages from well wishers who had gotten wind of the wedding, and finally another, from Robert Farns, from Rick's office. "Rick, sorry to have to tell you this way, but we didn't know how else to reach you. Julia's in the hospital. Some bastard tried to rape her last night.ummm.its Friday morning now. The creep is in jail now, but Julia was beaten pretty badly. She's in room 504 at Porter. Call me when you get in. Umm.sorry again it had to be by a telephone message.bye" "Rick! Let's go see her now!" This was a bad spot - that idiot Joe somehow botched this.still.the truth would be so unbelievable that he was too concerned about what 'Julia' might be saying.and if he could get rid of this.other loose end now.then he could deal with her in the anger. "I'll kill him! I'll kill him! You go see her now, Laura - I've got to pay a visit to Joe." And he stormed out the door looking very much as if he had murder on his mind. Her mind was in turmoil and she tried to calm herself while she waited for the cab she had called to pick her up- that he was angry was natural, she knew how much he loved Julia, but to race out to try to deal with the rapist (however stupid she found that male reaction) before he saw that Julia was okay, troubled Laura deeply. And how had he known it was Joe? "How was your honeymoon, dear?" "Oh, Rose, I'm so glad you are here! How is she?" Laura had found Rose reading some notes in the waiting room of Porter Hospital. She sat down next to the older woman. "She is resting now, dear. She's been through an attempted rape and a horrible beating, but she should be okay, eventually" She's been through a whole lot more, if what I think may have happened did. Laura was visibly relieved. She shook her head. "You know, I sensed something was wrong with her when I heard her voice on Rick's answering machine, but Rick shrugged it off." Rose noted the concern, "So how was the honeymoon?" "It was fine." Rose heard the hesitancy: "except?" "Except it seemed as if." Laura tried to verbalize the little doubts that had been bothering her for the last few days. Rose interjected "As if Rick weren't himself?" "Yes.I guess so." Laura was not troubled about discussing this with Rose, because Rose was her mentor, and even her surrogate mother. "Yes, in several ways.several important ways.he didn't seem himself at all. He was a fault almost.but he acted differently. Why? How did you guess that?" It was a guess, but from the notes that she had found in Julia's books, it was clear that she was attempting some kind of transformational act that - literally, and this was incredible that anyone would play with these kinds of forces, but that literally would separate soul from body. Rose surmised that Julia had cobbled two kinds of acts, one magical and one alchemical, into one ritual. One was a kind of astral bonding in which the minds of two adepts were linked. It involved the use of a charge ritual knife called an athame and the exchange of blood. The ritual worked best in adepts that were close in age or in blood. Their order practiced something similar and while Julia had not been instructed in such a higher act of magik, she would have known some of the basics involved. The second part, as near as Rose could figure, involved an alchemical process called *Rebis*, which as in theory an hermaphrodite principle, and as best she could decipher, transmuted silver into gold and also would transformed one's essence. Rose had guessed that if two people, having consumed a Rebis solution, were then to ritually link, their essence would reverse polarity, and each would be drawn through the link to the body that most fit their new polarity. It was so astonishing that she could only shake her head at the wonder and folly of it. "Are Rick and Julia close, Laura?" "Very. The are cousins from sisters who were identical twins, they are the same age, and were born on the same day." "Does Rick know anything about our group?" "No. As much as we share our feelings for each other, that is the one part of my life that Rick know nothing about. He is a complete skeptic as far as magik.he hates it when I spell the word with a "k".and so I have chosen not to tell him about my participation in The Circle." "Hmmm. Is it your experience that he would do anything for Julia?" "Oh yes! He's a complete lug there...he's always rushing off to try to protect her at the first sign that she is in trouble. He'd do just about anything for almost makes me jealous! That's why I was surprised when he did not come with me to see if Julia was all right. He just huffed off doing some macho act, and drove, I guess, to the jail to do whatever thing he is going to do to Joe, which will be very little, since the police would intervene quickly if he attacked the rapist. Why do you ask, Rose?" "I'll show you in a minute. Can you think of one thing that occurred on your honeymoon that surprised you - by that I said he didn't act himself.was there something specifically that you noticed that he had.forgotten?" Laura blushed. "Well.yes.there was this. one fantasy.about strawberries.and." Rose rolled her eyes, "well, he doesn't get high marks for originality, but...never mind...but he didn't ask for this on your honeymoon?" "Well, no, that was just it, he arranged this wonderful trip to Hawaii right down to the last detail, but when I mentioned this he just stared blankly at me." "Would he have talked to Julia about any of this?" "Absolutely not! That was one thing he was very sheepish about.I had to get him completely sloshed just to get that little tidbit. And he treated Julia as if she could do no wrong.the very last thing that would talk with her about was sex! But what has this got to do with anything, especially Julia's attack?" "Bear with me.let's go inside Julia's room and try a little experiment.and if I am right Julia's going to need both of our complete support for a long time." Laura had no idea what Rose was referring to, but she knew the woman well enough to accept and respect what she said. As they entered the room Laura was shocked at of badly Julia's face looked - bruised and stitched, she looked as if she had been used as a boxer's punching bag. Laura had to look away, but Rose touched her gently on the arm - "its okay, love, she looks bad, but these are for the most part superficial. She'll recover with no permanent physical damage." Rose and Laura sat beside the bed and Rose touched the sleeping girl lightly on the hand. After a moment she stirred and then opened her eyes. She looked again unrecognizingly at Rose, but her face lit up when she saw Laura. Laura gently hugged the girl. After a moment Rose gently pulled Laura away: "You don't know me, Julia, but my name is Rose and I am a friend of Laura's. Please be at peace, child, I am here to help you" This statement perplexed Laura, for Julia knew Rose as well as she, they had both studied the arts under this wise woman for the past six months. She was even more perplexed when Julia simply nodded her head. Rose continued, "Your name is Julia?" The girl slowly nodded her head yes after a moment. A look of agitation crossed Laura's face: This is bordering on absurd! Where is Rose going with this? "But its not, is it? You are not Julia. Tell me who you really are." The girl looked uncertain as if debating something; Laura began to become angry "Are you crazy, Rose? This is not funny!" Rose motioned for Laura to be silent. Softly, the girl whispered: "I.I don't know who I am. now." She's obviously suffering from injury, Rose, please leave." "Silence, please, Laura. You need to hear what she has to say even more than I." Rose turned back to the girl. "Please tell me who you were, then." After a silence that seemed to go on for hours, the girl whispered again. "Rick Walters" she whispered. "This is crazy, Rose! This is." Again Rose silenced Laura. "Please be patient," she said sternly, but not unkindly. Something horrific has happened to this person. We need to understand and .help if we can." "You don't actually believe that this.could be true, do you?" "Test her. We've just discussed how." Laura was incensed at what Rose was suggesting, and only out of her utmost regard for her teacher did she continue with this charade. "Okay, Rick, tell me what fantasy you had for our honeymoon." The girl looked pleading to Rose: must I? Rose tried to contain a laugh. "After all you have been through you are embarrassed by this?" The girl sighed, and, in obvious discomfort motioned for Laura to come close. She whispered something in her ear. Laura sat back down stunned, dizzy. "Strawberries?" Rose asked. Laura slowly nodded yes, and then, "But." she looked at Rose. "but. I was just with Rick on our honeymoon! If that wasn't Rick, then.?" "Julia" Rose and the girl said simultaneously. Laura felt sick. (to be concluded later)

Same as My Cousin Julia - Part Two Videos

4 years ago
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Julia Goes Black Part 1

Julia Prezi floated down the aisle, she didn’t walk, she didn’t strut or prance, she floated. That’s what her model instructor had taught her in Milan, where she used to live with her parents. She had joined the model agency at the age of five and had done many jobs over the years, mostly on catwalks but also magazines. She would never become a top model that was clear by the time she was fourteen.She grew to be just under six feet, but the rest of her body grew too, at that age she had a...

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QVC Julia The Affair Part 6 Revenge of the Mrs

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Julia submits to a new reality Part 2

Five days later and it was still practically the only thing Julia could think about whenever she was unoccupied. Even her co-workers had noticed her daydreams and were wondering if she had perhaps gotten sick. In the middle of the daily morning meeting her phone vibrated in her suit pocket. She opened the ‘WhatsApp’ message she’d just received from an unknown number. “How is the little slut doing?” Attached was a picture of her, practically undressed and watching. The fornicating couple in the...

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Chapter 1 Julia Lures Young Felicity To Her Apartment

I was walking along the wide path behind the glorious sandy beach on the north coast of the largest of the Greek islands. The early afternoon sun was warm on my face and the atmosphere was convivial as groups of mostly young people sunbathed, played games, chatted, and laughed on the beach. Others congregated outside the numerous stylish cafes, posing, preening, and flirting.I’d rented the same apartment here for the last seven summers as I always enjoyed watching the bright young things,...

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Julia Goes Black Part 3 The Anal Trials

Leroy sat in his new leather chair he had bought the previous day. In his left hand, he held a Cuban cigar that was one out of a box of fifty a friend of his had smuggled in. In his right hand, he held a glass of Château Margaux. At $1,200 a bottle, he had bought a case. On the table in front of him sat a tray with cheeses and crackers and across from him in the white leather sofa laid Jenny and Julia. Jenny was on top and her pussy hovered just above Julia’s mouth. He watched as Julia licked...

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QVC Julia The Affair Part 3 The Threesome

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Julia Goes Black Part 2

Julia rested her head on Leroy’s muscular chest. Her hand was lazily playing with his semi-hard cock. She would pick it up and then drop it on his flat tummy. “If you continue to do that I will become hard again,” he said. “Mm, I know. That’s what I am aiming for,” she said and giggled. While she watched, his dick grew harder in her hand until the head popped out of the foreskin. “Look what you have done,” he said and moaned. “Oh goody, you are ready for another round.” She got on top of...

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QVC Julia Roberts The Affair Part 1

This one-hour jewellery show was getting too much for me. Sitting so close to Julia Roberts, looking and dressed how she was; it was too much. I must have been the envy to all her male fans young and old. Getting to work with her and present with her, especially whilst she was looking like this. But the truth was; it was too much, I wanted her so badly. As the show was coming to the end, I just couldn’t stop looking at Julia’s cleavage. I had worked with her for years and been on shows with...

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Julia shocked by her new reality part 3

“You may only cum today at your boyfriend’s place of work!” The message was formed clearly on her screen below a most humiliating picture of her and all Julia could think about was how she could get to her boyfriend’s office as soon as possible. She put her phone away and washed her mouth with water. Faking an upset stomach she explained to her colleagues she was going home, maybe passing her boyfriend on the way to pick some things up. ~~~ Somewhat surprised Michael watched Julia walk out...

Office Sex
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My Cousin8217s Hot Wife Julia 8211 Part 1

So I have got this cousin who is doing pretty well in life. He eloped with his wife and got married pretty young. He is always busy and his wife is home most of the time. She does part-time jobs from time to time, but she is mostly a homemaker. Not your typical homemaker though, because she works out, she stays lean, and her body looks very tasty, even on her worst day. Her name is Julia, and this is the literotica story of how I spent some quality time with her. While applying for post-grad, I...

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QVC Julia The Arrival of a Sex Goddess Part 2

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Julia of Ancient Rome

JULIA of ANCIENT ROME.I.The feast had been vast and stretched way into the night. It was now 6 o’clock and the serving slaves of the evening were thankfully joined by the early rising cleaning drudges. The majority of clearing up had been accomplished but some of these wretches had been constantly on the go for twenty hours. A banquet of this magnitude took much preparation; then there were the serving duties once the guests arrived. It had been 3 in the morning by the time the last guests had...

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Julia Tourist to Slave her descent

Title: Julia, tourist to slave whore, her descent Introduction: Julia gets mugged and loses everything Genre: Fiction Themes: BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Males / Female, Prostitution, Rape, Reluctance, Young, Your story: On the coast in Italy July 2013 Julia was bored, a typical American tourist wearing a floral print skirt and a tight red blouse which emphasised her ample D cup breasts she strolled along in the sunshine. One of the...

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Adventures of James Julia Ch 3

On this unseasonably mild December day, as they made their way to work together, Julia was looking out the window as she and James approached downtown. As the office tower that holds James’s office came into view, Julia was reminded of the erotic tour she had of James’s new office and the fantasy she fulfilled as she seduced him in the chair in front of his desk. It had been a wonderful evening with dinner and the Messiah at the NAC, followed by the seduction. The seduction actually started...

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Julia Goes on a Cruise

Julia and her husband decided to take a small vacation on a cruise from California to Hawaii and fly back, just because it had been so long since they had been on one. The k**s were out of the house and they wanted to make the most out of their free time. The cruise though would take longer if they didn't fly back and being on others in the past they understood that staying in a cabin can get a bit boring, no matter how luxurious it was. Julia's husband James was pretty successful in life so...

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Julia Her descent from Tourist to slave whore

Julia was bored, a typical American tourist wearing a floral print skirt and a tight red blouse which emphasised her ample D cup breasts she strolled along in the sunshine. One of the horde of foreign tourists thronging this ancient metropolis she had really wanted to spend the summer in California but her mother insisted they took a tour of the Mediterranean instead, Seven cites in two weeks with the long days filled with short flights and long bus rides and now inn the late afternoon...

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Amelia and Julia Wedding

It was a bright and sunny day in May when I went out to get the mail. Bill, ad for oil change, another ad and a letter from Sweden. Sweden!! I only know of one person in the whole world from Sweden. JULIA! Ran back into the house and with shaking hands, opened the letter. Inside I found a note and an invitation. I read the note first. Dear Drew, I hope all is well with you. It is I, Julia. The lesbian that you have lusted after since we met in Amelia’s room. I, errr, we, (Amelia and...

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QVC Julia The Dong Part 2 The Dong

From the view of Julia.The room was like the one he abused my body in with a gimp mask.I put my costume on ready and waited for the knock on the door. I contemplated lube, as after having him in me the other week, I was quite sore. Plus, he left me there with that vibrator on. Maybe he thought I could get out, but it was a little embarrassing, especially for that young boy who rescued me. I didn’t think he knew what was going on. It’s a pity he wasn’t older. Maybe I would have, well, maybe not,...

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John And Julia The Beginning Pt II

Julia stared at the phone in her hand. She couldn't understand why this was so hard. She put it down and stared out the window. It must have been the tenth time she'd done it. Damn it! She thought. Why can't I just do it!? In a fit of frustration, she picked the phone back up and hit send. She heard the ringing start and tried to maintain that determination. Her efforts were futile, though."Hello, this is John Fesse's phone. how can I help you?" The soft feminine voice caught her completely...

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About Julia

A story of temptation and opportunityIf Stevie Nolan had been born a hundred and fifty years ago, he'd have been one of those lone drifters roaming aimlessly across the wide open spaces. While it would now be impossible, he still managed to live a relatively similar lifestyle. As a representative for a large global company specialising in electronic process control systems, he spent three weeks out of four on the road. Stevie started career his as an engineer and drifted into sales, he however...

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Julia StraightUp Fuck Story

Sure enough, here comes her old Girlfriend Samantha, "why are you here?" Julia asked, hoping her next words would be "to rape you." "I'm here for one reason," Sam says, "and that's to take your virginity that is rightfully mine." Immediately, Julia dropped her shorts and jumped on Sam, "what are you doing?" Sam protested, "I'm supposed to rape you! Not you rape me!" Julia reached for Sam's zipper; she pulled it down and revealed her she-male cock. "It's bigger than I...

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JuliaI lived in a small three-bedroom house with a two-story deep basement on six hundred and forty acres out near Hebbronville. The place was over then miles from town and the closest house was well over two miles away. To say I had my privacy is a huge understatement. I had a one hundred by one hundred steel-framed shop as well as a large steel-framed barn for working on my vehicles. It held up to six cars as well as a couple of tractors. I leased out the bulk of the land and lived on five...

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my cousin julia

For years she has been tormenting me, whenever they came to visit during my younger teenage years she would tease me with her looks, her words and her actions.??I am 26 and Julia is 27 now, nothing had changed, my Aunt and Uncle have come to visit and Julia has come with them, unfortunately. Since we were much younger I can always remember Julia being "advanced" for her age. My mom had described her as an "early developer" but I was sure she only knew the half of it. Julia was well developed...

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How Julia came to stay

Introduction: I comfortes a work mate, and was rewarded On Friday nights, since there was no one waiting at home for me, I used to stay late at work, catching up, or even getting ahead with my chores. This Friday night, when I was about to leave, I noticed a light coming from Julias office. Julia was a very attractive woman, about my age, who dressed smartly, who always had a smile for me when we crossed in the corridor or came together in a business meeting. I believed her to be happily...

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How Julia came to stay

I knocked, then opened the door, and poked my head into her office. I was surprised and distressed to find her, with her head in her arms, slumped over her desk, crying her eyes out. “Julia. What is wrong?” “Go away! I just want to die!” I put my hands on her shoulders, wanting to comfort her. “It can't be that bad! Would you like to tell me about it? Maybe I can help?” She gave a big sob, then said, “I'm afraid to go home.” “OK. So why don't you let me take you to my...

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Jason and Julia Ch 2

Jason drove home that night, but he didnt go inside he decided to go for a walk. He thought about what had happened between him and Julia. He has always wondered what it would be like to be with Julia, and now it had. Him and Julia had taken that first step, and it was amazing! He relished in the though of what had happened today. It wasnt enough though. His feelings ran deep, and his wants did as well. He wanted to take Julia, and he knew she wanted to be taken. He couldnt wait any longer, so...

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Silvia y Julia Vaya madres

No esperaba encontrarla a esa hora , pero la mama de Jaime mi mejor amigo estaba ahí en la sala, el me había abierto la puerta , pero tenia una llamada en su cuarto así que me dejo por algunos instantes disculpándose. Silvia que así se llamaba estaba sentada en el sillón amplio de la sala, llevaba una falda corta muy muy corta, que dejaba a la vista la mitad de sus increíbles muslos, llevaba medias negras con elásticos hasta la mitad de estos, llevaba puesto un jersey blanco ajustado que...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 24 Julia stiles

One of the celebrities I'm most proud of at the agency is Julia Stiles. Not only was she a fairly esteemed actress for her generation but I had taken a special liking to her. You see, when her career began to take off was right around the time I took over my father's firm. I felt like a proud parent when she had risen to become a pretty well known actress. When her breakout hit "Save The Last Dance" had burst onto the scene, I knew that she had finally made it, that even though she...

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Adventures of James Julia Ch 2

A few weeks later on a Saturday evening, James and Julia prepared to join Diane and Megan for the evening. They had decided to take taxis each way so that they could enjoy the wine that James had selected from their cellar. The hostesses had suggested that they dress comfortably, so James wore silk boxers, Dockers and a long-sleeved Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt. Julia wore a sweater and black pants, with dark green lingerie underneath. Shortly after arriving at the townhouse and ringing the bell,...

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For Julia

Julia was new to the school and the neighbourhood. She had moved to a street down by the other side of town which was a ten minutes drive from the school building. Her father was being posted in this town as he had been offered a position in a leading law firm. She did not have a choice. But there was not much that she could do. Julia missed her friends, especially the boy down the street who she occasionally hooked up with. Little did she know that this new town was going change her life. She...

2 years ago
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For Julia

Julia was new to the school and the neighbourhood. She had moved to a street down by the other side of town which was a ten minutes drive from the school building. Her father was being posted in this town as he had been offered a position in a leading law firm. She did not have a choice. But there was not much that she could do. Julia missed her friends, especially the boy down the street who she occasionally hooked up with. Little did she know that this new town was going change her life. She...

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The Steps Lisa and Julia

The gorgeous brunette sat by the pool, stretched out on the lounger. Her magnificent body covered in the skimpiest of bikinis, the color matching her dark tresses. She opened her haunting eyes, lifting up her sunglasses to gaze at the two young boys swimming in the blue water. Their athletic, muscled bodies were glistening as droplets of water beaded on their tan skin. Decadent thoughts filled the beauty's head. Impulsively, she picked up her phone and dialed her neighbor's number. It rang a...

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Julia Cropped

The very night Jasmine left I was cleaning away my tea things when I heard a knock on my kitchen door. Julia was wearing her full riding gear: tight riding breeches, white top demurely buttoned to the chin, red hair tied back in a severe ponytail (did I mention her hair? Glossy, a beautiful auburn red. I knew now, from experience, that it was her natural colour.) ‘Just had the most exhilarating ride on Bullet,’ she said. ‘And now I feel the need for another form of exercise. Please tell me to...

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The Continuing Adventures of Julia

Twelve years into her career, Julia was still focusing on advancement. She was determined to make partner by the age of 35. She’d been working hard to learn everything there was to know about international law and that final step to partner was very close. She had been so focused on her career, her love life had been lacking. Sure there was the occasional fling… like the yacht… mmm that was fun, or her induction into the mile high club, but she was finally ready for more. The difficult part was...

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Lisa and Julia

Note : This story is complete fictional. Never try to do it in real live! Thinking back, I feel now, that I was married way to young. At 19, I married my highschool girlfriend. She was beautiful. At 16, every guy lusted after her. She had black hair down to her waist, and vibrant green eyes. Her smile was to die for. Her breasts fit perfectly into the palm of my hand. They were about a 36C. Her waist was tiny, I think that it was only 24 inches around, and her hips had a slight flare to them....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 20 I Treat Julia as a Sex Object

Monday, April 4, 2005 When I awoke Monday morning, I think the first conscious thought any of us had was, It's such a nice way to wake up, knowing you've got full-on sex to look forward to later the same day. I was the first one to the breakfast table this morning, after Mom of course, so I oh so casually told Mom, "I'll probably go to Julia's after school today." Probably indeed! Wild horses couldn't keep me away. Mom...

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QVC Julia The Dong Part 1 ndash Introducing Big D

From the view of Julia.A massive, thick, delicious cock. That was on the menu tonight. I couldn’t wait to feast on every ounce of it. I had waited around 3 years to be sat in this position. As excited as I was, there were nerves there too. I wanted it too badly. I had come so close, must have been over a year ago. Early 2008. I had him. He was at a party. Fern was long gone. He was drooling over my boobs. I was completely going to see it again. Then some bitch. I can’t remember her name,...

1 year ago
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Julia my darling Chapter 3

Preface: In the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, I described how John enjoyed sex with Julia and her sister Pamela. I hope readers have enjoyed the first part of my story. In this chapter, I am describing John’s threesome sexual enjoyment with both Julia and Pamela. ____________________________ It was Saturday afternoon. I was casually watching a porn magazine. There was lot of pictures of naked men and women doing sex at different postures. Suddenly my mobile phone started ringing. From the mobile...

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Julia gets hammered by the joiner

Introduction: In this story Julia is 27 and has been married for five years. She lives with her well-to-do but dull and jealous husband Henry in a villa in Innbury. Like most other men in the village Willis the joiner fancied Julia and knew from Hank the builder, who had shagged her reguarly when he lived opposite the Calders, what a hot little fuck she was. From the way she teased and flirted with him when they met she seemed willing enough to let him stick his cock in her and all he needed...

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Our Babysitter Julia

“So what time does she get here?” I asked, my wife then checked her watch and then looked up at the clock. “In about an hour.” she replied. “Why check your watch and then the clock?” I asked her, “Didn't know that was the time.” she answered. I continued tapping keys at my laptop while she got dressed. She was a beautiful woman, with short curly black hair and a size 8 figure. Her breasts were natural, which some people didn't believe because they were so pert. Sitting like two half...

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FLIGHT 19 Julia takes the Beep Test

Julia really thought about ignoring Peter and just lay there still recovering from her orgasm. A second round of knocking and the sound of Peter calling her name, dragged Julia out of bed via the chair, so she could pick up her robe, and slide to the door.She was still uncertain but when she looked through the little peephole and saw Peter, she decided that she needed a cock and it was going to be his. She opened the door and in he came. He looked immaculate in his suit with his dark hair swept...

Straight Sex
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Julia my darling

Julia my darling Julia is a beautiful young woman. She possesses beautiful eyes, long blond hair, round full grown up breasts, appealing lips, attractive hips and above all a heart throbbing sexy figure. I like her very much and truly speaking, I love her. In dream, I enjoy her naked body… In dream, I fuck her in her pussy… In dream, I suck her breasts… In dream, I feel the excitement of her leaking and sucking my penis… I spend many passionate nights in my dreams. In my dreams, I see Julia's...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 127 The Best Laid Plans of Mice Mark and Julia

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued) Prof, Vanessa and I were waiting where Julia had left us, in Prof and Vanessa's study. We did a LOT of catching up while waiting so long for Julia to return. Our first topic was of particular interest to me: the roulette scheme, including how they were intending to do their research. Their plan - actually it was Vanessa's plan, Prof happily giving her the credit for being more imaginative than him - was: To research the industry enough so they could...

2 years ago
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Julia gets hammered by the joiner

Willis finally got his opportunity when Julia phoned him one day to ask him to fit safety catches on the windows. She wanted him to come first thing in the morning, and he knew she wanted fucked when she said slyly and sweetly "You won't have to bring the boy for this, will you, Willis?" She knew he normally came with his apprentice, a slow-witted boy of 17 or so whom Julia had often thought of wanking off for fun, but this time she clearly wanted to be alone with him. "I don't reckon...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e5 Julia Green 56

We fade in on high street – plenty of people around, obviously not during the Coronavirus lockdown. The camera swings around to face a bank, then moves in through the doors – past a member of staff on the front desk who waves at whoever is holding the camera (clearly knowing them) ... The camera moves past a line of customers and up to one of the cash windows ... The clerk behind the window looks up... She’s middle-aged, with a tired, almost ‘loose’ looking face – one of those big mouths...

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Julia Ch 01

I. ‘Yes, he’s still asleep,’ Julia told her guest, her new neighbor, Ellen, ‘But should be up soon. He doesn’t wake usually much before now.’ The two ladies sat in the living room of Ms North’s two storey house, enjoying a cappuccino. The room was sunlit, it being a bright and warm morning in July. ‘Just like my Benji,’ Mrs. Cartwright said, with obvious pride, ‘A herd of elephants couldn’t wake him much before now.’ The two ladies laughed. ‘He doesn’t mind you being away?’ Julia asked. ...

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Julia Bran

Selena, an attractive brunette with a slim figure, dressed in a tight black outfit, stands on the roof of a skyscraper, looking far ahead at another building just below it. Looking away from the building asked are you ready, Julia? Selena, no, I won't, it's too dangerous. This task must be completed, do n't you understand? But why then am I doing this part of the job? Because you are good with balance, and you can easily fly to a nearby skyscraper and disable the security system on the roof,...

2 years ago
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Morning Fuck with Julia

One morning after we returned from all our trips to see the family, Ben and I woke up in the mood for some hot raunchy sex. It'd been too stressful in the last few weeks! As we lay in bed, our doorbell rang so Ben went to answer it, to find our neighbor Julia, an exotic dancer by night (I prefer the term stripper :D) at our door. "It's Julia!" Ben said, "She came to eat you!!" Julia bounced into our bedroom where I still was, sat next to me and we proceeded to catch up on the events in our...

1 year ago
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Julia First Day on the Job

Julia had just started her new career working for Chris as the company whore. I went with to her new office. Julia was given a beautiful office with that included a spare room that had been converted into a nice suite with a large bed. Chris told Julia that he got her a big bed, because she was going to be using quite often. Let me show you what I mean and with that he swung her onto the bed and quickly raised her skirt and Julia revealed her sheer white panties. Chris did not bother removing...

1 year ago
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Julia the company whore

Some might recall our part I and II stories of how I turned my conservative wife into a whore! This is just our life after those stories. It had been a week since Julia had been trained to fuck any guy I wanted her to fuck at will and I loved it. My boss, Chris invited me to backyard BBQ at his house. Julia dressed up in the tightest and shortest pair of white short shorts and a pair of netted stockings with a pair of high heels and a black almost sheer low cut blouse. My wife is a beautiful...

1 year ago
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John and David made sex with Julia Chapter 1

Julia is one of John’s favorite girl friend. They are really good friends. They regularly meet at different places and enjoy sex with each other. They had a wonderful relationship and could understand each other very well. It was Saturday evening. Julia came to John’s apartment. He was delighted to see her and led her by hand to his bed room. He kissed on her lips and asked her if she want a threesome sex. Julia agreed and John invited his friend David over phone to his apartment. Hearing that...

2 years ago
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Julia de Valdois

‘Honestly Lucien – he’s like a puppy!’ said Julia with a grin. ‘He bounds about from girl to girl, a dab of lip-gloss here, a touch more eye-liner there, always eager to be useful. If one of us waggles our fingers at him for a light, or an aspirin, or a tampon or whatever, he leaps into action like the entire House of Dior will collapse unless he gets it done.’ ‘Ah! He sounds sweet! How old is he?’ asked Lucien, pouring her another glass of white. The moules mariniere and bread had just...

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Making Julia fuck her boss The first time I brought it up, Julia was set against the idea of fucking her boss. Her biggest argument was that by doing it, it could make thingsincredibly awkward for her at work. But he was much older than him, and she wasn’t attracted to him at all. I dropped the idea for a few weeks,but decided to ask her again. Persistence paid off. I guess she could see what this was something I really wanted, so she reluctantly agreed.We decided to do it after her next staff...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 60 Dave and Julia

August, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Monday, Mario Gage arrived for his first day of work and sat in on our staff meeting. Julia reminded everyone that she and Dave would be gone for their wedding and honeymoon from the 8th until the 22nd, and that in the interim that I would be running things. I got some good natured ribbing about not letting the company go down the tubes, but we had our laughs and carried on. When that meeting ended, Dave pulled Dany, Penny, and me into a short development...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 13 Back at School with Julia

Monday, March 28 to Thursday, March 31, 2005 Julia walked me into school, firmly attached to my good arm. I felt no pain whatsoever. We were early, but the school was filling quickly. Virtually everyone knew who we were. I was aware by now that the press were ALL OVER this story. It'd been front-page news day after day because prurience sells big time. The press had been bothering us repeatedly at home, annoying Mom and Dad several times. Julia's role in the Annette incident was very...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 220 Julia Thinks About My Image I Think About My Proximity Range

Monday, May 16, 2005 (Continued) I drove home puzzling about why Sensei's range limit worked so unlike mine. I had absolutely no doubt that mine was a three-foot radius sphere centered on my belly; that'd been proved countless times. For example, when the bell rang at the end of a class and everyone tried to get out the door at the same time, I'd be in a throng of jostling people. Between their leg, arm and head movements, there was enough ki flowing around me to 'paint' what was very...

3 years ago
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Chapter 02 Felicity Julia Get To Know Each Other

I must have drifted off to sleep because it was starting to get light when I heard a faint noise, the sound of someone in my room. In the half-darkness, I partly opened one eye and could just make out the outline of a person standing in my doorway. They were wearing a long baggy white tee-shirt, pulled up at the front.Keeping perfectly still and quiet, I listened and heard the unmistakable, delicious sound of fingers working a well-lubricated vulva. I could hear breathing and a quiet,...


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