Restoration free porn video

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‘Fuck it!’

Blackie slammed her pencil down to the floor. She had been sketching for hours and everything was wrong. Her flow was now gone, the paper was a blur and her head was beginning to pound.

She rubbed her throbbing temples as the pain shot through her skull, highly concentrated and precise, like a laser beam penetrating her brain. Fumbling around on her desk she searched for the bottle of aspirin amongst the tubes of paint, empty cigarette packs, pencil stubs, brushes, and soda cans, when she finally found it, the bottle was empty.


She winced in pain as she flung the empty bottle across the room. The constant headaches were starting to worry her and she wondered if she should bow out of the gallery showing. The stress of wanting to create the right painting, compounded with the nearing deadline, not to mention the upcoming holidays, were taking their toll on her physically as well as mentally.

Capturing the pose was essential, she had sketched out in her mind the layout of the painting, the semiotics involved, the colors though sparse would be a focal point and the painting itself was to be a pinnacle, in fact her swansong. This piece was to be a dedication to her brother Daniel.

Blackie glanced over at the sprawled out form of her model. Draped on a chaise, his hard and perfectly cut torso looked delicious under the carefully positioned lights. She wanted to paint in the style of the Pre-Raphaelite artists, in her mind was the painting by Henry Wallis, ‘The Death of Chatterton,’ which depicted the poet’s suicide at the young age of 17. Her use of light and color were to be prodigious as to her normal style of painting, a cross between surrealism and impressionism. As in the painting by Wallis, she too would use symbolism as a means of telling a personal story as well as light and color to set up the mood. The whole pose was affected, a mix of sensuality and sympathy, so subtle, so rarefied, so…ruined by the loud snore that came from the sleeping oaf.

Blackie walked over and kicked the sole of his foot with her boot, the sleeping Adonis woke with a startled snork.

‘What the fuck?’ He looked around to get his bearings.

‘It ain’t happening Marco, get dressed and go home.’ She quickly wrote out a check while he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

‘Sorry Blackie, I didn’t mean to doze off. Portia had me out late last night and the chair was so comfortable…’

Blackie cut him off, ‘Don’t sweat it hon, it’s not your fault.’ She walked over to him to hand him the check. ‘I’ll call you tomorrow and we can try it again.’

‘Sure no problem, I’m not doing anything tomorrow.’ He took the check and gathered his clothes.

‘Of course you’re not doing anything tomorrow. You’re owned,’ She thought to herself as she stared at him while he was pulling his jeans up over one of the most perfect male asses ever created.

Marco was definitely eye candy and that was pretty much the extent of his depth though he was great friend to Blackie, stepping in to take over the role of a brother. He was also Portia D’Ascenzo- Conrad’s delightfully hunky boy toy and the only reason Portia loaned him out to her was because Blackie was the top featured artist that would be showing at her charity event. The event was to be held in Portia’s gallery and it would include an auction to benefit Aids research. Blackie didn’t particularly care for Portia, but the cause was close to her heart. Her brother’s lover died from Aid’s related complications three years ago and it was still fresh in her mind.

Near her desk on a side table she kept a picture of her squeezed between Daniel and Evan taken the year before Evan was diagnosed with HIV. She felt the same emptiness in her that she felt when she got the news about Daniel. The feelings of having your heart shrink in your chest and drop into your stomach, it was a constant reminder that a part of her is gone forever.

Daniel was all Blackie had left as far as a family. Their mother was killed in a car accident when Daniel was 4 and Blackie was 6, their father worked long hours to be able to support his children and make their world a happy one. The fact that Blackie was an artist like her mother pleased him greatly, the fact that Daniel was a writer did not set well at first, add to the fact that his only son was gay made it more difficult. However things changed when their father met Evan, his charm and humor had won dad over and the added perks of Daniel’s father getting to watch his favorite baseball team from a luxury box helped a great deal.

John Malone died the year before Evan did, they never told him what was wrong with Evan, just that he was prone to colds. It was all for the better Blackie thought, until Daniel killed himself after finding out he too was HIV positive. The stress of losing his mother at such a young age, then his father’s death too early in Daniel’s mind, followed by his lover’s was unbearable, he took the last of Evan’s painkillers leaving behind a most eloquent suicide note to Blackie. Seeing the pain her brother endured was evident in his words, though she had seen it in person, she assumed her little brother was the stronger of the two. His death threw Blackie into turmoil she began painting again, almost non-stop to keep from having to face the world, a world less colorful, less exciting, and less beautiful now that Daniel and Evan were gone. Her best and only friend Di, persuaded her to show her works in a gallery, Portia’s gallery to be exact. Blackie had made it finally, but she was alone in a bittersweet twist of fate.

Portia was a pretentious and gorgeous, rich bitch, her ex-husband gave her the gallery in the divorce settlement. If Portia liked you she would spare no expense to promote you, if not you could be sure that you would never show your work in this town. She had plenty of rich friends that were willing to buy from Portia as well as many investments, a yacht, a fabulous penthouse and a young handsome boy on her arm. God she hated her.

‘Hey, you okay?’ Marco had been watching Blackie wince and reach for her forehead.

‘Hmmm? Yea, just hurts.’ She made her way over to the sofa and rested her head against the back.

Marco stooped down near her and placed his hand on her knee. ‘Can I get you anything?’ He said softly, his brow furrowed in concern when she stayed silent. ‘You better get checked out babe, this is the third one this week.’

Without moving or even opening her eyes she managed a weak smile and reached for his hand. ‘I’ll be fine sweets, it’s just the stress from the show coming up so soon and the holidays too. I just need some rest is all.’

He gave her hand a little squeeze and smirked. ‘You’re so full of shit girl, you hate the holidays and you’re making up excuses. Look, call me if you need anything, okay?’

Blackie gave her head a slight nod ‘yes’ and listened to hear Marco walk towards the door, pause momentarily and then she heard the click of the door closing behind him. She reached blindly for the throw that lay across the back of the sofa, pulled it around her as she settled against the armrest and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

She woke up to the sound of the answering machine receiving a message. It was Marco checking up on her. She didn’t pick up but let him leave his message while she slid her feet to the floor to stand up. Confused and a little groggy she realized that she was still fully dressed from the day before. A dull ache still remained lodged in the back of her head, deciding a hot shower was just what she needed to make the residual pain go away. She shuffled toward the bathroom peeling off her shirt and bra and tossed them to the floor. As she let the water run she glanced at herself in the vanity mirror. Her hair was in disarray, dark circles were starting to show under her eyes. She stuck out her tongue not sure what she was looking for and sighed heavily. ‘Who the fuck are you?’ Rubbing t
he back of her neck she answered herself. ‘Oh yes. You’re that washed up, no talent, pathetic, brain damaged artist.’

After stripping off her yoga pants and panties she stuck her hand under the water to test the temperature, finding it to be fine she stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed. The steady stream of hot water felt good, it started to dissipate the pain in her head and would cleanse her of the film of failure she felt was glued to her skin. Grabbing the soap and a washcloth she scrubbed her skin roughly leaving red blotches behind, then washed her hair in the same rough manner. She felt suddenly alone, the memories of last night came back to her without mercy. Slumping down in the tub the stream of hot water began to sting her skin making her realize that she was still alive, alone and unloved. The wracking sobs that shook her body made her draw her legs up to her chest and the tears that ran down her cheeks were indecipherable from the rivulets of hot water that washed over her face. Curling into a fetal position in the bottom of the tub she lay there crying wishing she would dissolve and flow down the drain. She lay there until the water ran cold and finally forced her to turn off the icy spray. Shivering and wet she rose to her knees and pulled a towel down from the rack that hung on the wall outside of the tub. Wrapping the huge body towel around her she rose and gingerly stepped out of the tub onto the mat. Her teeth had begun to chatter and she decided to go to her bed, choosing the warmth of the comforter and blankets over the cold air of the bathroom.

The softness of the flannel sheets and the way the comforter compressed her further into a small safe cocoon made her feel warmer. The thought of having a lover’s arms wrapped around her made her a little warmer but then again reminded her, she was lonely. She was also hungry. It was time to get dressed and get moving the thought of coffee and a bagel made her empty stomach growl. Hopefully the change of scenery, being with other humans may help her to refocus all together.

She changed into comfortable jeans and a black thermal shirt, dried her hair and brushed her teeth. Slipping into her favorite pair of motorcycle boots and grabbing her long black wool coat she headed towards the door. Something caught her eye as she reached for the doorknob. Tucked into the light switch near the doorframe was a pale blue business card. She pulled it out and found a handwritten message on it. ‘B, call this # tell them I sent you. It will help you, M.’ She almost expected to see a little smiley face drawn underneath his name. Flipping the card over she read, ‘The Restoration’ and a number. ‘Must be one of Portia’s flaky friends.’ She thought as she stuffed the card into her jean pocket and headed out the door.

Outside she was greeted by an overcast day, a few light flurries floated through the air, she pulled her coat around her before taking in a deep breath of the gloom and started down the street to her favorite café.

As she walked in she noticed it was more crowded than usual, Christmas shoppers popped in to warm up with a quick cup of something-a-chino. The tacky Christmas decorations glared out at her as she approached the counter and ordered her usual coffee and bagel, she blocked out the retro Christmas music playing on the portable CD player. Reaching into her pocket for her money she pulled out the pale blue card at the same time, it fell near her feet. She bent down to pick it up, ‘The Restoration’ smiled back at her and she rolled her eyes before slipping it back in her pocket. Gathering up her order she looked for a place to sit amongst the yuletide shoppers and regulars. Spotting a single table in the back corner she pushed past a few people trying to figure out if they should go for the skinny cappucinolatte or carb-free mochalattechino.

Setting down her real coffee and bagel, she then removed her coat and placed it on the back of her chair before she sat down and dove into her bagel with double cream cheese. Food can be a good thing she thought to herself not remembering when she last ate anything. The hot coffee was just what she needed and she began to relax. Nibbling on her bagel she read a discarded newspaper left on the table. Flipping through the pages of Christmas ads, news of the war, reading the art and book reviews she soon found herself looking at the obituaries. Her heart felt like it flipped over in her chest when she saw the name of her best friend in Art school. He was an awesome artist and fashion designer, when they graduated he was snatched up by one of the European fashion houses. They lost contact after a while until Blackie saw him again in the hospital when Evan was in for his last time. It wasn’t listed that he died of Aids, she knew that’s what it was, he had told her when they had rehashed what had been going on since the last time they saw each other. The stigma would be too much for the family, so there would be a memorial service and family viewing only. Just like it was for Evan and Daniel.

A torrent of memories came rushing back to her and it wasn’t until she noticed the dark spots spreading across the newspaper that she realized she was crying. She wiped her eyes with her shirtsleeve and took a sip of her coffee. It was cold. Christ how long was she sitting there weeping? She needed to get out of there right away before some good soul full of holiday spirit tried to console her, being left at the mercy of her emotions was not something Blackie liked to do in private, let alone lose in public. Hurriedly grabbing her cup and bagel remnants she threw them away wrapped her coat over her shoulders and ran out the door.

Once outside the door the cold air stung her teary eyes, she put her head down and pushed her way blindly through the happy multitudes until she reached her front stoop. Her head started to hurt again, she cursed as she fumbled with the keys in the lock, working up a sweat until finally opening the front door. Blackie leaned back against the door trying not to hyperventilate. She took off her coat and hung it near the door before sitting down on the sofa, as she started to sit she felt a stab in her upper thigh. Startled, she stood upright slid her hand into her jean pocket and pulled out the pale blue card.

‘What the hell is with this anyway?’ she yelled as she threw the card onto the coffee table. Her head throbbed more now making her nauseous and she ran to the bathroom to vomit.

Pulling herself up to the sink she washed her face and rinsed out her mouth. After drying her face she leaned against the sink and looked hard at her reflection. Combing her fingers through her short shock of bleached blonde hair she saw an apparition of herself, pale and wane, her blue eyes were dull. What the hell happened to her? When did it all go to shit? A wave of fury swept over her.

‘It should have been you!’ she screamed as she glared at the soulless reflection and stormed out of the bathroom not before throwing a can of hairspray at the mirror sending thousands of shards imprinted with Blackie’s pained expression scattered across the bathroom.

Back in her studio she noticed the light flashing on her answering machine as she searched for a pack of matches. Playing back the messages, two from Marco and one from someone trying to sell her a timeshare, she decided she had better return Marco’s calls before he came over and broke down the door. Picking up the phone she dialed Marco back and reassured him that she was fine, just not in the mood to draw today. He asked if she had found the card and made her promise to call the number. She did so to pacify him so he would chill for a while.

Walking towards the easel she stared at the blank paper waiting for her touch, then she looked over the sketches scattered across the floor. She pulled out a cigarette, lit it, took a long drag and slowly exhaled. The smoke lingered, wrapping itself around the easel giving it an ethereal frontage back lit by the late morning sun
creating swirling, dancing figures that mesmerized Blackie. As she stared hypnotically at the undulating smoke the image of her brother appeared to her, mouthing her name. Startled she jumped back a step rubbing her eyes and when she looked again, he was gone. Reaching out she touched the sketch paper, it was cool and smooth, there was nothing of Daniel there, it had all been in her mind. She was losing it, her mind was failing her and now she was hallucinating.

‘I’m standing on the threshold of madness.’ She thought. ‘But aren’t all artists mad?’ she asked of no one, pacing the floor and smoking feverishly on her cigarette. ‘Van Gogh cut off his ear, Latrec indulged in absinthe, Chatterton and Plath killed themselves how many other artists, writers, poets and musicians had gone mad or died? Was it the curse of the creative thought process that tormented them, the pursuit of artistic integrity or the deep passionate yearning to show the beauty only they could see? The line from an Eliot poem came to mind…I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas.’

Blackie felt weighed down, angry, hurt, sad and hopeless. All her emotions were confused, as was her mind. She hated being alone in her own head with her own mental demons, it was if they laughed at her failure, constantly reminding her of weaknesses, feeding off her pain. They needled her endlessly invading her sleep with dreams of what she didn’t have, yet desired, whispering deliberate imperfections in her ear, they were like leeches on her soul suckling away what was left of her spirit. She paused and realized she had ended up in the living room. As she bent to stub out her cigarette the pale blue card caught her eye as if beckoning to her. She picked it up, rubbing her thumb across the embossed print, ‘The Restoration’.

~The Mind~

Blackie stood outside of the townhouse checking the address she had written down. It looked normal, nothing unusual about this one made it stand out from the rest and the neighborhood was in a nicer section of town. She took a deep breath and walked up the steps to the oaken wood and glass doorway. Pressing the buzzer she fought back the urge to turn around and go back home.

‘Can I help you?’ the unattached voice asked. It was a woman’s voice, almost sensuous and sort of husky, not what Blackie expected. She had talked to a gentleman when she first called.

‘Um…Blackie Malone, I have an appointment.’

‘Come in please.’ The buzzer sounded to let her inside the small foyer where another door stood, unsure she opened it and stepped inside.

The room was small with a high ceiling, the floor was a glossy hardwood dotted with a few tatami mats and the off white walls were decorated with scrolls that depicted some kind of calligraphy. Clusters of white candles were lit on the floor and on small tables in the sparsely decorated room, the only color was from a huge swath of purple silk that hung from ceiling to floor. A large gold hook suspended it splitting it into two sections that were tied back with gold silk braids secured to the wall serving as a framework for another doorway. Blackie could smell incense burning, it was Sandalwood as far as she could tell. She wondered what she had gotten herself into, she knew nothing about these people or what ‘Restoration’ meant.

The sound of footsteps broke her from her reverie and a woman appeared in the doorway.

‘Hello Blackie, would you come this way please?’ The voice was the one she had heard earlier at the door. ‘I’m Vivienne, welcome.’ She held out her hand to Blackie and smiled. Blackie extended her hand to shake it, but the woman took her hand and pulled the tall blonde close to her, hugging her.

Vivienne released from the embrace and looked into Blackie’s eyes. ‘Such pain.’ It was all she said as she pressed her hand against Blackie’s cheek.

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ColumbiaChapter 2 The House on the Hill

Once the Reaping was done, it took some time for the chaos to die and the reality of their survival to come clear to the majority of the people who remained. Eventually those people selected recognized leaders, and those leaders made the decisions that brought the river-state called Columbia into existence. The people of the new nation, now Earth's only nation, sought some way to show their appreciation to Sam Kendall. For his part, Sam flatly refused statues and memorials, not that some...

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Blog 7

Blog 7: Oops what a palaver!Or perhaps …Oh dear, everything’s gone a bit Pete Tong*!Now it’s not often that I have much of a choice in how to start my blogs but this time I’m truly spoiled because both of the above statements accurately summarise the furore that has occurred since I wrote about Pippa and my adventures with the double ended dildo … and, I really couldn’t decide which I liked the best, so I’ve been greedy and used both.So what is the story?Once I knew that Blog 6 had been...

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Black CaptainChapter 3

Prudence Harper, disheveled and uncertain on her feet, stumbled her way across the elegant foyer in the harsh grasp of one of Captain Happy's men. There were deep red marks where his strong fingers had gripped her fragile white arm, and Douglas jumped to his feet when he saw her. He had been unable to figure out why the head of this operation had wanted to talk so long to Prudence, but he had never for a moment doubted her safety. Prudence's things had been left with him so he did not think...

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the work closet experience

Ok another story about my job, but this one is a fictional one, a story that could have been and still might happen. One of the things I do at my job is putting away stock, and organizing the stock closets. Recently due to overcrowding of supplies, we gained another closet. It was closed for sometime due to water damage and the repairs. So one day, my boss lady and I went in to start cleaning up the dust and move the stock around. The room once was a security room, and so it had one key, the...

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Auntie made a man of me

I had had very little contact with Aunt Mari as a child, principally because my mother was a twisted vindictive bitch. When my uncle came home from the army intending to marry Mari, his childhood sweetheart, he was concerned about the stories he had heard of women playing around especially with the American troops who had been stationed nearby. So Uncle had asked the Old Bitch if she had heard any rumours about Mari. As Mother later said to me “It wasn’t my business to tell him what she’d been...

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My Skinny White Buddy And My Black BBW Girlfriend

I had been seeing Tee (a married woman in a loveless, sexless marriage) for almost four years. Tee is a gorgeous, black BBW about 5’ 9” and plus size with 38 HH breasts and a big bubble thick ass. One day after having sex we were lying in bed talking and I asked her what were some of her sexual fantasies. She replied by telling me something romantic like a trip up the coast and staying in a hotel that included great sex. She asked me about mine and I told her I had fantasized about having...

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How I Became a Cum SlutChapter 13

From chapter 12: (I remember that was the third time a guy had jerked off for me. That was the third time I had an orgasm while watching them do it without even touching my pussy. And, that was the third time I knew I wanted to see more and more men jerk off for me. I wanted to see as many cocks cumming as I could in my life. And, I have found that the internet and e-mails have given me the chance to meet men and trade photos with them and see them cumming for me. It’s exciting and sexy and...

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Continued 1

"Put it in your mouth."There was a war going on inside me in that moment. I mean, I wanted to, so badly. I was fighting the desire to start fingering myself right there between his legs, but I'd also never done anything, well, in front of people before. I glanced over at Tim and Michael, and they had that look, I mean, we all know that look. So much desire, but almost frozen by it. I looked up at Andre, that gentle, encouraging smile, those beautiful abs, and that glorious fucking cock right in...

4 years ago
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This story began one evening when my sister Louise and I were with daddy. He was lying on his back with Lou sitting on his face as he licked her out and me squatting on his cock as I slowly ground myself onto it. We had been fucking each other for about an hour and both Lou and I had cum several times. Lou and I were kissing and our tongues explored each others mouths as we enjoyed daddy pleasuring us.“I think it’s time for you to cum now daddy,” I murmured as I broke away from Lou’s kiss, “I’m...

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Every Woman Has a Price3 Hard Sell

“Jesus, Elizabeth, you look like haven’t slept in a week.” Darlene was normally relieved when a second waitress showed up to take on the suppertime load. Elizabeth didn’t look like she was going to be able to handle it. “I slept fine.” Elizabeth muttered. “Hi Carlos. Hi Davy.” “Lizzie!” The cook cheered. Davy just nodded. Shedding her winter coat, she cut through to the break room. Darlene plastered on her smile and took out a tray of burgers to their waiting customers. It was during the...

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Sexy MotherInLaw Becomes Slutty

Hi, my name is Namita, 30 years old Gujarati female from Mumbai. I am a bit bubbly but still a curvy female. My stats are 36-32-36 with a nice round bouncy ass. And I am proud of it. It was not the case before I met my husband and sexy mother-in-law. I was a plump girl with flab on my tummy and a fat ass. But after my boyfriend left me for some other girl 2 years ago, it has been a changeover and a life turnover for me. I am a businesswoman and have my interiors business. I stay with my dad,...

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Our first night

Good lord Michael! This week is amazing so far. I want it to last. I was hoping that I could get you in bed while you were but that first night was just how I remember you from as far back as I can remember. When I heard the doorbell, I threw the door open because I could not wait to see you. I am sorry I jumped at you like that, but the closer the time for you to be here got, the more I wanted to just take you in my arms and when you finally got here, I simply could not contain it any...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 30 The JG Party

The night after graduation Kari came by to drive me to the party. When we arrived at Sandy's house, I heard the music playing in her back room, and lots of giggling. We walked through to where the party was, and as we entered the room, I realized that I was the only guy there. Sandy noticed me and yelled, "It's our guest of honor!" Another look around and I realized that all the girls present were official JGs. In fact, every single one of the JGs were there. "Welcome to the first...

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The Arrangement

My father’s former business partner sat behind his large desk as if he was still a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force. His graying hair made him look very distinguished, and at 49 he was still quite an attractive man. In fact, he looked even handsomer than I remembered him when I was younger. I hadn’t seen him in nearly a year, but when my boyfriend left me and I became desperate to see a familiar man. I just had to go and see this man. ‘Well, Valerie, how are you doing?’ he asked me. ‘You...

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Getting the GEDChapter 4

As Bob Tucker slumped over the steering wheel, Rosa reached across and unlocked the door for Jana. Jana unhooked his seat belt and started to push him over to the passenger seat, as Rosa exited the car and hopped into the back seat. Once Jana restarted the car and pulled it safely off the two lane road, she got out, retrieved her messenger bag and started to move her motorcycle into the bushes to retrieve it later. Just as she was remounting her bike, another car approached from the rear and...

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Storm of the Century

1Storm of the Century By The TechnicianFantasy, BDSM, Transgender?, Flogging, Female-Female, Forced Orgasm, Wiccan Magic = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Strange things happen when the storm of the century approaches the Irish coast. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons...

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rob and azmat 1

The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...

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My Saturday night

I went out with my girlfriends on saturday. I love to wear sexy outfits when i go out, so we decided to go as anime girls. I put on my short skirt with black stockings and i small with top that i could button all the way up, with my red bra showing. We got to the club and sat down and had a drink. I am the most aggresive of my firends If i tell them to lick my pussy in front of everyone they would do it. I noticed several woman looking at us, but one was starting at me so longingly. She came up...

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a nice ass for a exwife

Introduction: fucked my ex-wife an her friend in theass while they where drunk This is a true story. It happended about 3 years ago. At the time I was already divorced from my wife and I was a broke bum simple as that. My ex-wife had called me to babysit my daughter so she could go to a work Christmas party so I came over for free food free cble and beer.Everything was normal my ex-wife like normal acted like a nooty bitch along with her best friend they put me down and laughed at me like...

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post divorce meeting

It had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...

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Two Blousy Landladies in the Sixties

My second job, after leaving school with one 'A' level, was working as a Work Study practitioner in Croydon for a Pension company. During the Miner's Strike they saw fit to send me to Leeds, which in those days was the very out of fashion. There were three of us trying to write notes about the method of operation by torchlight, as half the fluorescent tubes had been removed by order of Edward Heath. I went out with the 'boys' from the office one night to a club and the highlight at...

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Bloodline Chapter One Last of His Kind

~Chapter One~ The Last of His Kind ———————————— A gentle breeze swept through the ancient stone threshold and into the courtyard of a large and foreboding castle. Moonlight illuminated the neatly trimmed and imported hedges. The many flowers spread throughout, yet all huddled in their own groups, waved and weaved in a chaotic unison as the wind brushed passed their various petals. It was a gorgeous scene to behold, in fact. True beauty had been hidden behind these castle walls. All of...

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Writers Block

It's 9 in the afternoon and you are sitting at your desk, blankly staring at the monitor in front of you. It's been almost 12 hours since you woke up, and ever since you had breakfast, you've been trying to get something creative going. As a writer, nothing is worse than having writer's block. Despite your publisher assuring that you can, you feel that you really cannot write bestsellers on command. Your first published book, "Satanic Sheets of Satin", was a bestseller and is even now, a year...

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wife gives me an early birthday present

My wife has never been very internet savvy. Or that's what she wants me to think. I say this because one of the ladies in her office is always her about web sites to check out when she gets home but then I have to find them for her. Some times its craft or cooking sites. But last month it was something a lot different. That time my wife came home carrying a web site written down that she wanted me to find for her. She told me to look for it while she went to the rest room. I picked up my laptop...

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Claimed by Hiroshi

When Hiroshi entered the club room, only Ranma was inside. Red haired girl was still wearing her one piece costume. She wore it not so long ago, trying to atract more people to join the martial arts club. Hiroshi smiled, looking at Ranma's body. She spent a day on the sun, a drops of sweat shone on her bare skin. He could feel her smell. Controlling himself, remembering that he has to work according his plan, he placed the small incense next to the door. He waited a minute, listening...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 77

“So, this is the famous Cameron, is it? What was your problem, dude? Couldn’t you handle how close Lucy, Ashley, Erica, and Heather were? You’re a real dumbass, you know? Couldn’t you tell that if you shared Lucy, she would share you right back? What kind of girl did you think that she was?” I taunted Cameron just before I lubed up his ass with some olive oil and eased into him from behind. “Ah ... God ... no ... oh, fuck, yeah ... oh ... God, why does this feel so great?” Cameron cried out...

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Wedding Day Body Swap

-You are James Hart, a 27 year old . Today is your wedding day - you are marrying Nina Farley, a beautiful woman you've dated since two years ago. Due to an accident with a mysterious wedding gift, Nina switches bodies with another member of the wedding party shortly before the wedding. The three of you decide to find a way to reverse the transformation It's the day of your wedding and you spend the morning getting things ready. You feel excitement mixed with nervous as you go to the home yard...

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All Good Things

I looked in the mirror as I dressed. My new outfit was perfect, just the right combination of sexy and innocent. It excited me knowing that he was finally going to see me like this. The chats had been fun but this was going to be a whole new naughty experience.He's going to love it. The little pleated skirt allowed just a little peak of the cheeks of my curvy bottom. The long black socks complemented the red skirt and the thin blouse hung beautifully over my shape, nipples protruding slightly...

Straight Sex
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I first met Sylvia in a coffee shop. She was part owner with her daughter in. law. . A good looker, but a few years older and wiser. We had a rip snorter of a session the first time we met, Hot, Torrid and Impulsive. I had left her my number just in case she wanted more. Although she is 15 years older than me..It didn’t mean that she had to live without sex, I had given her that missing part of life last time, and wanted more of it... the Fone rang almost a week later, she told me that what we...

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The Secret Life of Rosalie Wren

“What..” famed race car driver Rosalie Wren began, but whatever she was going to say was cut off by a savage mouth. Rumbles reverberating through the pits drowned her protest. Even if logic hadn’t told her who it was, that kiss would have. There was no taste to it, only wetness and strength, and a hungry, agile tongue that slid around hers like a snake. It was Juan Pablo, whom she had twice thrashed already and would defeat again today unless, of course, she allowed herself to be distracted...

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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 18

Hoot walked out of the bathroom naked and into his room, right in the middle of three buck-ass naked teenage girls ... and his Mom. He hadn’t heard them come in while he was in the shower. Joli, Arli and Nat were in the process of stepping out of their sexy panties that were low cut in front and back and hip-huggers on the sides. Alice McCoy was sitting on Hoot’s bed laughing at them, and with them, as they were all having a great time trying clothes on that they had just bought. She had...

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How To Please A Fine Granny

About four years ago I got divorced at 49. I dated a bunch of women in their late forties and all I heard about was there ex’s or their screwed up k**s. Then one day I was in an upscale bar in Tucson and noticed a group of about twenty-five well dressed and obviously wealthy older men and women talking and having a great time. I went over and discovered they all belonged to a singles-over-sixties group and I was shocked!!! These women looked great and I would fuck any one of them.This began my...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Seventeen

Chapter 17: Let Me Take You For A Ride! It hadn’t been many minutes now since Julia had taken my virginity, as I laid upon the bed at her side, and soon accompanied by Amanda who had watched me fucking her best friend for the first time while she masturbated across the room in a chair. The three of us, laying upon the large comfortable mattress as the experience of what had taken place had taken it’s toll upon me a little and I had fallen into a soft slumber. I began to stir after a couple of...

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