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Restoration By Bill Hart Ken wasn't entirely certain what he was doing wandering about in this ritzy neighborhood. He was positive he didn't know anyone who might live in this neck of the woods. Schoolteachers, like the one he'd been for the past two decades, simply didn't make enough money to even think about living in an area like this. And yet, here he was. For some strange reason he couldn't begin to understand, he'd left his condo, wandered around aimlessly for over an hour, and finally ended up here. As strange and impossible as it seemed to Ken, something he couldn't hope to resist seemed to be drawing him here. Just then he saw the large multi-storied house looming before him. Ken stared at the house. Even though the huge house seemed somewhat familiar to Ken, he was certain he'd never seen this particular house before. How could he? He'd never been in this neighborhood before. At least, he didn't think he had. But at the same time, he somehow knew this was the very place that was somehow drawing him here. And without really knowing how or why, he knew this place was right where he was supposed to be. Slowly and cautiously, Ken went up to the door. Although he had no idea who - or possibly even what - he should expect to answer, Ken knocked on the door. After several minutes had passed, the door swung slowly open. "Ken Rawlings!" exclaimed a very surprised, not to mention apparently disappointed, Pete Quinlan. "What the hell are you doing in this neck of the woods?" Ken stared at Pete. They'd gone to high school together, but aside from their reunion a few weeks ago, Ken hadn't Pete in years. "To be honest, Pete, I don't really know. I didn't even know you lived in this neighborhood," replied Ken. "I know this will sound strange, but I can't really explain it any other way. For some strange unknown reason, I somehow seemed to be drawn to your house tonight." "You actually think you were drawn here?" "Odd as it sounds, that was just what I just said. Wasn't it?" "Are you sure?" "Why would I ever make something up as stupid-sounding as that?" "I'm sure you wouldn't, Ken. It's just that... you're not quite who I was expecting to come knocking on my door tonight." "What do you mean?" "Why don't you come inside, Ken? I think we need to talk," replied Pete. "I don't really know how or even why it happened, but you apparently came here in answer to the summoning spell I cast." As he entered the house, Ken looked around the room he'd just entered, but what he saw made little sense to him. There were smoking candles sitting at the points of a large pentagram inscribed within a circle. "Summoning spell?" muttered Ken. "Just what the hell are you talking about, Pete?" "It's probably not important now," replied Pete. "It obviously didn't work the way I thought it would." "What didn't work?" asked a very puzzled Ken. "I still haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about." "It's a little complicated. It's also a rather long story." "I seem to have plenty of time to listen," said Ken. "Maybe that's why I'm here." "Perhaps," replied Pete, although his tone of voice clearly implied he didn't believe that explanation. "If you want to listen to my story, that's fine with me. How about I get us something to drink first?" "Sure. Why not?" "What would you like?" "Have you got any root beer?" asked Ken. "I sure could use a good old-fashioned root beer right about now." "Root beer?" Pete stared oddly at Ken for a long moment. "As a matter of fact, I just bought some root beer earlier this afternoon." Pete motioned towards the chair. "Have a seat, Ken. I'll be back in a few minutes." Ken wondered what strange yarn Pete had to spin. For as long as he'd known him, Pete had always made up stories because he thought it made him look important. It was probably that same need that had forced him to buy this large house. As he looked around the room again, Ken wondered what the pentagram actually meant. Maybe this wasn't just another of Pete's tall tales. But if it wasn't, then what strange things could Pete really be up to? After sitting down in the chair, Ken wondered what Pete had meant about casting some kind of occult summoning spell. But why would he use something weird like that to summon him here? They'd never been what Ken considered friends. However, if Pete had actually used his spell to summon him, then why had he been so surprised when he showed up at his door? "I'm sure this must be one long, really weird, tall tale," mumbled Ken. "It might turn out to be one of his best." When Pete finally returned, he was holding two mugs of foaming root beer. "I hope you like this brand." He held out one of the mugs to Ken, who quickly took it. "It's a new brand," smiled Pete. "But I was told by an unimpeachable source that it's an excellent brew." "You haven't tried any of this yourself?" "Not yet. As I said earlier, I just bought it this afternoon," replied Pete. "I guess we'll find out together if it's anywhere near as good as advertised." "I suppose so." Cautiously, Ken took a small sip. "Wow!" he exclaimed as a wide grin quickly crossed his face. "I don't know who told you this was an excellent brew." He raised the mug to his lips and quickly guzzled its remaining contents down. "It's far superior to merely excellent." Ken looked down at his now empty mug. "If it's not a problem, I certainly wouldn't mind having a refill." "I'll be damned," muttered Pete. "Probably true - knowing you," replied Ken. "That sure as hell wouldn't surprise me." He looked at his empty mug again. "So do I get that refill now?" he asked expectantly. "Or would you rather tell me your story first?" "We'll see. But first, there's something I need to check out." Pete stared at Ken. "Please set your mug down on the end table." Although he seemed visibly surprised by his action, Ken swiftly set his empty mug down on the table. "This is quite interesting," smiled Pete. "Now I'd like you to stand up." He paused for a moment. "And do five jumping jacks." As quickly as before, Ken rose from the chair. "What the hell am I doing?" he muttered, once he started doing the jumping jacks. And even though he clearly tried stopping, he simply couldn't until after he'd completed the fifth and final one Pete had requested. Then, when he tried sitting down again, Ken found he still couldn't. "Absolutely amazing. It seems to be working after all," muttered Pete. "Go over there and stand inside that pentagram. But please be very careful not to break any of the chalk lines." Ken began walking towards the pentagram. "And once you're inside, stay there until I tell you that you can leave." Although Ken clearly had no idea what Pete was doing or how Pete could be controlling him, he entered the pentagram, making certain not to step on any of the lines. He couldn't break one of the lines; even though that was something he really wanted to do. "What the hell is going on, Pete?" As he tried to leave the pentagram, Ken discovered to his surprise and consternation that his muscles were totally unwilling to do his bidding. "Although I'm not entirely certain I totally believe what's going on, everything has occurred as I was told it would," replied Pete. "I kind of doubt you'll believe any of what I'm about to tell you. In any event, I think the time has come to begin telling you my story. And whatever else you might want to do, please don't interrupt me." Ken struck a match and lit one of the candles sitting on the points of the pentagram. "I'm sure you must know Julie, my wife of the last fifteen years, and I finally called it quits a few weeks ago. It was the talk of the reunion. It was a horrible experience and, as you might well imagine, I was totally devastated by it." Ken struck another match and lit another candle. "This morning I had a really strange experience. I met this peculiar old gypsy woman who knew exactly what had happened between me and Julie. I don't know why she did it, but she gave me this summoning spell and all the requisite instructions for invoking it. She told me if the spell were cast correctly that it would summon into my presence the one I most wanted to see. By now, I'm sure even you can figure out why I was greatly surprised and totally disappointed when you showed up at my door." Ken paused again to strike another match and to light another candle. "But that old gypsy woman must have suspected - gypsies are gifted with second sight, you know - something might wind up being amiss. Otherwise, why would she have given me that potion of obedience? And why would she have told me to serve it in the root beer my summoned guest would request? But I'm not altogether certain that this was quite what she had in mind." The fourth candle was lit, once another match was struck. "However, she also gave me yet another spell that I could use in case I wasn't totally pleased with the object of the summoning spell. And you'd better believe me when I tell you that I was very definitely not pleased it was you who had come calling." He struck another match, then lit the fifth and final candle. "But, as I said before, I'm still not sure that this was what she had in mind. I really don't have any idea how this spell could make you more pleasing to me. To be honest, I was really expecting Julie to show up in answer to the summons, just as that old gypsy woman herself must have been thinking. I was figuring this spell I'm now about to cast on you would do nothing more than simply change her mind about our final breakup." Pete looked up at Ken, as he stood within the circumscribed pentagram. "You look like you might have a question or two. You may ask them if you like. But please try to remain calm." "What will this do to me?" Ken asked nervously. "To be perfectly honest, I don't have the slightest idea. That old hag didn't really tell me what it might do to whoever was standing within the pentagram when the spell was cast," replied Pete. "But I really think finding out should be very interesting. I just hope it doesn't make you fall madly in love with me, since you're really not my type," he grinned. "I have my reputation with the ladies to protect. How could I ever hope to explain having some scrawny guy like you following around after me with those lost puppy dog eyes?" "Then why are you doing this?" "Why shouldn't I?" replied Pete. "I'm very curious about what might happen to you. It should make another great story that no one will ever believe." Pete smiled briefly. "Besides, this is really all your own fault, Ken. You got in the way. You were never intended to be the one I summoned here tonight." With that, Pete invoked the spell. But nothing seemed to happen... at first. Ken's eyes slowly glazed over. As Pete continued watching, Ken appeared to be shrinking. In a very short span of time, instead of the two of them standing eye to eye as they had for several years, Pete now looked down a good half-foot at the shorter Ken. "That was pretty much a waste of a spell," Pete muttered. "He wasn't very pleasing before so why would losing six or seven inches of height make him any more pleasing. The damn wuss wasn't much of a man before and now he's even less of one." Suddenly, as if he were having trouble breathing, Ken began taking increasingly deeper and deeper breaths. His scrawny frame soon began filling out in ways Pete had never imagined possible. With each new gasp of breath he took, Ken's chest seemingly expanded more than the time before. What Pete found particularly interesting was the fact that with each complementary exhalation Ken's chest never returned to the same size it had been before. His shirt, although clearly losing the battle to adequately cover his expanding chest, also seemed to be continually reforming with each new breath Ken took. His waist thinned noticeably. His ass billowed. His entire body became more rounded, while becoming increasingly curvier. A mass of jet-black hair suddenly spurted from his scalp and flowed out onto to his shoulders. "This certainly wasn't something I ever expected to happen," mumbled Pete, as he stared in growing awe at the shapely raven-haired beauty Ken had become. And yet, very clearly this spell he'd cast wasn't quite finished with Ken. As impossible as it all seemed to Pete, Ken now appeared to be getting younger. What little remained of his former shirt that now just barely contained his bountiful new assets swiftly shifted into a form far more capable of restraining his large new breasts. And yet, the altered shirt still managed to display plenty of his newly gained and quite enticing cleavage. The legs of his pants fused seamlessly together, then split upwards to his knees along their former outer seam to reveal long and slender, slinky legs. Suddenly, Ken seemed to grow a few inches taller. But his spurt of apparent growth was only because his shoes, in reforming to a shape more appropriate to their wearer, had grown three-inch heels. The flames burning from each candle suddenly surged. But after only a moment of brilliance, the flames just as quickly dispersed. As the last of the radiance finally faded, Pete noted that the pentagram, the circle in which it had been inscribed, and the five spent candles had all vanished. With his awareness slowly returning, Ken just stood there shaking his head, while his raven colored hair swished wildly about his head. "What the hell just happened to me," he mumbled, in a soft voice clearly no longer one of a male. Slowly lifting his hand to his face, Ken stared at it in disbelief. "This isn't possible," he muttered. But despite all his protestations, his hand was clearly smaller than he remembered it being. Not only that, but his fingers had become long and slender. And his fingernails had also grown longer and were painted with clear nail polish. Ken turned angrily towards Pete. "What the hell have you done to me?" "Isn't it obvious?" grinned Pete. Without thinking about what he was doing, Ken slapped Pete's face... rather hard. "What the hell did you do that for?" asked a very surprised Pete, as he rubbed his aching jaw. "You could have broken my jaw hitting me as hard as you did. All I meant was, isn't it obvious you're female now?" Ken stared angrily at Pete. "I slapped your face because if I'd made a fist and slugged you, as I'd wanted to do, I would have probably broken one of my nails." As he realized just what he'd said, Ken, feeling suddenly confused, shook his head. "Just what the hell was that crack about me being obviously female? Whatever you think your damn spell did to me, I don't feel any different than I did before." Pete looked surprised by Ken's last comment. With a body like he now possessed, how could Ken not feel different than before? "I think it would be better if I showed you." Pete casually slid his arm around Ken's now slimmer waist. "Remove that damn arm from my waist immediately!" demanded Ken coldly. "Or would you rather I break it off at the shoulder?" As if bitten by a snake, Pete quickly gave in to Ken's demand. "Just go look in that mirror over there." Pete watched as Ken swayed sexily over to the mirror as if he'd always walked that same way, as well as on the three-inch heels, for several years. As soon as Ken saw his reflection, he gasped in stunned surprise. "What the hell are these things doing here?" he queried, even as he gently hefted one of his new large breasts. "Isn't it obvious?" asked Pete warily, not really wanting to be slapped again. "They're female breasts," he replied once he'd joined Ken in front of the mirror. "Or, if you'd rather, you can take your pick from among boobs, tits, knockers, gazongas, or any one of several other terms I can think of that mean the same thing." "But they're so damn big," remarked Ken. "At the very least, I'll bet they're a good 48EE." He shook his head. "Just what the hell are these big boobs doing hanging from my chest as if they belong there?" "As I told you before, they do belong there now," smiled Pete. "Apparently that spell the old gypsy witch gave me turned you into a girl for some strange reason." Ken stared at Pete and then at his reflection. "But I don't want to be a girl." "Why not? You're one very pretty young girl," said Pete with an admiring smile. "Based on your former scrawny male self that was the same age as me, I would have never believed it remotely possible that you had the makings of such an attractive young girl inside you." "Very funny. Ha, Ha," snapped Ken. However, another quick look at his image in the mirror only served as more confirmation for what Pete had just told him. He was pretty... very pretty. And the way his jet-black hair framed his young angelic face only seemed to highlight his new feminine beauty. "Even though that might be true, I still don't want to be a girl." "I really don't see why not," smiled Pete. "It's just that you're so young and very beautiful now." Pete slipped his arm around Ken's shoulder. "If you don't take that damn arm of yours off my shoulder right this instant, I'm going to yank it right out of its socket and toss it to the ground." "I'm sure you don't really mean that," replied Pete. However, with discretion being the better part of valor and not being entirely certain that Ken might have actually meant it, he removed his arm from Ken's soft shoulder. "I love you, Ken," he suddenly proclaimed. "You love me?" snarled Ken. "I think you're one really sick puppy, Pete." Ken slowly shook his head. "Just in case you've forgotten - although I don't know how you possibly could - I'm really another guy despite my current physical appearance." With a casual stroke of his hand, Ken easily brushed his hair away from his face. "And besides, what about you and your wife Julie? Didn't you do this for her?" "What about me and Julie?" snapped Pete. "After fifteen years of marriage, she up and left me for that asshole down the street Dirk Andrews. But that's all right with me. Now that I've found you, I've decided it's time for me to move on to greener pastures. Even you must know that as you are now you're absolutely perfect for me." Pete continued leering. "I think that old gypsy woman really knows her shit. Don't you agree, Ken?" Ken, visibly angry, glared at Pete. "If that old gypsy battle-axe of yours knows her shit as well as you say she does, then she probably knows a counter-spell that will turn me back into me. Wouldn't you think so, Pete?" "It's highly likely," agreed Pete with a smile. "However, with all the other things taken into consideration, just what does that have to do with anything else?" "I want you to take me to see her," demanded Ken. "Why would I want to do something like that?" "Even to you, isn't what I have in mind obvious?" Pete's smile rapidly faded. "You can't possibly mean that." "Of course I can. How many times must I tell you I don't want to be a girl?" "That's tough," replied Pete. "I'm not taking you anywhere near her." "If you don't do what I want, then I might just have to hurt you." "You wouldn't dare," smiled Pete. "But then, unless you were to try smothering me in your boobs - what a marvelous way to go - I doubt you could purposely hurt a fly." "Wanna bet on it, asshole?" replied Ken with a menacing grin. Pete swallowed nervously. "Okay then, you win. Why don't you grab your purse? And then, we'll go see if we can find her." "What the hell do you mean 'grab my purse'?" asked Ken. "I don't own a purse; I've never owned a purse." "You must," replied Pete. "Although if it's not yours, then I'm not sure from where it came. It's still sitting there on the end table near the chair where you were sitting. It's unmistakably a woman's purse. And that simply means it's just as unmistakably not mine. Since you're the only other person in the room, I must therefore conclude - given your current female condition - the purse must be yours." "But it can't be mine," objected Ken. "I've never owned..." His voice trailed away as he curiously opened the purse and found the ladies' wallet inside. No sooner had he opened the wallet, then Ken gasped at the ID he found inside. "What's wrong now?" "It's this driver's license." He quickly flashed the ID at Pete. "I don't understand. It has a picture of me... that is, it has a picture of this girl me I am now." Even though he didn't want to believe any of this weird shit going on, did he have another choice? "But it's made out in the name Kara Roberts. It also says I'm twenty years old, which is not quite half the age I was before you cast your stupid spell." "Kara? That's a pretty name. And it certainly fits you a lot better than Ken." Pete began smiling. "Maybe you were simply meant to be her all along. I've read stories about this, you know. I'll bet everyone you ever knew, other than me of course, thinks of you as Kara Roberts. It's also a safe bet they never heard of anyone named Ken Rawlings." "But that can't be true," argued Ken. "I know I'm not this Kara Roberts, because I know I'm really Ken Rawlings. I know I'm not female for the simple reason I know I'm male." "You're just a little confused," grinned Pete. "But perhaps I can help you out after all." "Are you going to take me to see your old gypsy woman?" "I'm afraid that's no longer real high on my list of priorities, my dear." Pete reached into his pocket. "I don't know why I didn't remember it until just now, but the old gypsy gave me this odd little bauble to use in case I still had trouble with you after casting that last spell." Very slowly, Pete took a large red crystal from his pocket. As he held out the crystal for Ken to see, Pete smiled. "The gypsy woman told me I'd only know how to use this gem if and when the time came." His smile widened. "I guess that time must have come because I know exactly what to do with this now." Ken couldn't take his eyes aware from the crystal in Pete's hand. He kept looking increasingly deeper into the heart of the bauble. "It's so very pretty and sparkly." But as he continued staring at the gem, his thoughts dulled and his eyes slowly glazed over. Pete couldn't keep from smiling as he looked at the entranced young girl. Although he knew what he was doing must be done, he still wasn't entirely certain he understood why it must be done. All he knew was how important it was that Kara be as she was meant to be. "You will completely forget about being someone named Ken Rawlings. You are not male now. You have never been male. And you have never wanted to be male in your entire life." The crimson crystal began glowing. "You are female now. You have always been female. And you have never wanted to be other than female. You will only remember being Kara Roberts, my hot sexy young girlfriend." Satisfied with his commands, Pete slipped the crystal back into his pocket. As he did, the girl, no longer entranced by the gem, moaned softly, then shook her head slowly. "How are you feeling now, Kara?" asked Pete as he once again slid his arm around the girl's slim waist. A mischievous smile quickly spread across the girl's face. "I'm sure you know I'm feeling really hot and horny, you handsome hot stud." She wriggled about in his grasp in order to face Pete, slid her own slender arms around his neck, rubbed her body against his, and kissed him as if she were auditioning for the lead role in 'The Life and Times of a Hoover Vacuum Cleaner'. "Wow!" exclaimed Pete, even as his knees buckled slightly. "I would have never guessed you had that locked up inside you." Kara looked Pete over from head to toe. "I know something else I want inside me, my manly hulky hunk," she grinned mischievously. "What do you say we go straight to your room? I'm sure we can be a lot more comfortable there." *** As the sun shone in through the bedroom window, Kara kept smiling while she watched Pete continue to sleep. "Isn't he just so cute," she whispered softly, not wanting to disturb him. "I think it's a real shame I wore him out last night." But then, Kara knew boys always wore out so quickly. She'd long ago discovered that boys had nowhere near the sexual staying power of girls. "I certainly wouldn't have minded the two of us going at it hot and heavy for another lively couple of rounds this morning." Of course, Kara also knew it was probably her fault she'd worn poor Pete out last night. After all, she'd been wearing out boys like him in a similar fashion ever since she'd first discovered just how much fun they could be in her bed. She just loved having sex; there was nothing else like it. Besides, she was a lot younger than Pete. She was only twenty and Pete was clearly in his late thirties or possibly his early forties. How could such an old man like Pete possibly hope to keep up with her and her youthful exuberance? And it had been so very long since she'd last had sex with a man. Kara knew she'd been horny enough last night to easily exhaust a whole garrison of French Legionnaires, who hadn't seen any women in years. It was certainly no wonder Pete was so completely worn out. After all, he was only one man - it was very likely he'd just sleep for the next several weeks - and she was a supercharged sexual dynamo. Too bad, thought Kara, who was already pondering who might replace Pete as her lover until he awakened again. Even though Pete might disagree with her, Kara also knew it wasn't really his fault she was feeling so horny. The poor wonderful fool had unknowingly opened that backdoor to the spell that slimy wizard bastard she'd once dated had cast to imprison her in male flesh and prevent her from regaining her true gender with each new incarnation. That had been so many lifetimes ago that she couldn't exactly remember when she'd last lain with a man. But she knew it had been a very, very long time. Once she'd become female in mind as well as in body again, her need for a sexual outlet last night had simply become overwhelming. And fortunately for her, a very eager and overly willing Pete Quinlan had been there to satisfy her every long unsatisfied itch. There was just no way in hell she'd ever allow herself to be trapped in male flesh again. Having been male for several lifetimes - not that she could have done anything about changing it - had been a horrible experience and so demeaning. And that last one - that wussy wimp Ken Rawlings - had certainly been one of the worst men she'd ever been. As Kara turned, she saw her naked self reflected back at her from the mirror. "Damn, I'm one really hot babe!" she smiled. "I just love this long hair." She shook her head slowly sending her raven tresses swirling. A hand cupped one of her large breasts. "However, I think these could have definitely been a little smaller." She turned her attention towards the still slumbering Pete. "Nothing has really changed in all these years I've been locked away in male flesh. You silly boys and your superbusty girl fantasies are still all the same." As she returned her attention to the mirror, Kara grinned. "And yet, the boys have always been attracted to me. I'll bet with all this new bait I've got now, I'll be able to hook and land any boy I want whenever I want him." She looked over at Pete again and wished once again he would awaken. There was just something about him - she didn't exactly know what it might be - that she just found utterly fascinating. Kara went over to the spot where her and Pete's clothes were intermixed in a heap on the floor. She rummaged through the pockets of Pete's pants until she found the item she was looking for. "You won't be needing this ever again," she told the sleeping Pete, as she held up the large red crystal. "Since you probably won't remember, I'll have to see about returning this to your old gypsy woman. I'll also have to thank her for her part in springing me from my former prison of male flesh. I doubt she meant you to keep something as powerful as this little bauble." Kara popped the gem into her purse. And after sliding casually back into her clothes, she took another look in the mirror. "I think I need to go shopping for some new clothes," she mumbled. The doorbell unexpectedly rang. "I wonder who that might be? Was it possible that Pete was expecting someone else to arrive this morning? What will they do when a young hot babe like me answers his door instead of him?" But when Kara slowly opened the door, she was surprised to find an old woman standing at the threshold. Suddenly, it dawned on Kara who this old woman must be. "You're Pete's old gypsy woman? Aren't you?" she asked with a welcoming smile. "I want to thank you for freeing me from my curse. What can I possibly do for you in exchange?" "You can ask me inside, dearie," replied the old woman. "It's awfully damn cold out here." "Please come inside." Kara stepped back from the open door. "I'm sure Pete won't mind that you're here." "I'm sure he won't mind at all," grinned the old gypsy, as if she knew somehow that Pete was still sleeping. "You've certainly got a nice set of boobs, Kara. But don't you think they're just a shade overstated?" "I didn't really have any choice in the matter," replied Kara. "I'm sure you must know how it is with boys and their superbusty girl fantasies." Kara paused - something didn't seem right. "Wait just a minute!" she suddenly exclaimed. "How do you know my name, old woman? Are you a witch as well as a gypsy?" The old gypsy woman simply smiled back at Kara. "I've been called worse things in my life than a witch. And who am I to deny the truth when it's spoken. As far as knowing your name, why shouldn't I know it, Kara dear? After all, I was the one who gave it to you." Kara, feeling very confused, stared at the old gypsy. "Just what are you saying?" "Damnation!" exclaimed the gypsy witch. "I was afraid there might be some impairment of your memory after all the time that has passed. I can only hope it's all reversible given enough time in a female body." The old woman then smiled. "Perhaps this will help you remember a few more things." The air about the old gypsy began shimmering, quickly concealing her from Kara's sight. And once the strange effect finally ceased, the old gypsy woman had vanished. In her place stood a much younger, very attractive woman perhaps only a few years older than Pete. Instead of the shoulder length snowy white hair of the old gypsy, this new woman had black hair streaked with a few strands of gray. For several moments, Kara stared blankly at the woman. And yet, she somehow seemed familiar. "I know you!" she suddenly exclaimed. "Your name is Magda. Magda Roberts." The woman smiled. "Very good, my dear," she replied simply. "But think a little harder, Kara. What else do you remember about me?" Once again Kara carefully looked the woman over from head to toe. "Why do you and I have the same last name?" she finally asked. Still feeling a little confused, Kara shook her head. Her eyes suddenly widened. "Mother!" she abruptly exclaimed. "You're my mother! I should have known you would never stop looking for me." Kara and her mother hugged one another. It had been such a long time since they'd seen one another. "Although it took far longer than I expected, I finally located the male vessel into which your soul was ensnared this lifetime just last week, Kara. I've come so close to rescuing you a couple of other times in the past, but your former male selves always found a way to die before I could restore you. I'm sure you must remember how that perverse little bastard who had originally cursed your soul to live in male flesh forever had also enjoined me from ever restoring your true womanhood directly. As a result, I've always had to find other means to achieve my goal of restoring you. I finally got lucky this time." "You used Pete as a means to restore me," stated Kara. "Of course I used him. It seemed perfectly fair to use one of them who was so ripe for the plucking," replied Kara's mother. "After all, Pete's nothing but another simple male." "I don't want you hurting him, mother." "What?" After staring in disbelief at her daughter for a moment, Magda closed her eyes and concentrated. "How typically male of him," she sighed. "I don't know how he managed it, but that conniving male of yours somehow altered the texts of the restoration spells I gave him. I had been wondering about those overly large boobs of yours, not to mention the air of raw sex you seem to exude." "Those things are not really Pete's fault, mother," snapped Kara. "They were your spells that turned my former male body into someone he found pleasing." "He was supposed to find you very pleasing, Kara. You should know that sex with him, or any other male, was a necessary requirement for stabilizing your present female form. But your falling in love with him was never a part of any spell I gave him. He somehow added that, even though he shouldn't have been capable of doing it." Kara's mother shook her head. "However, I suppose what's done is done. We must now think about leaving this place." "Leaving here? What do you mean we must think about leaving here?" asked Kara. "I'm not planning on going anywhere without my Pete." "Your Pete? I should have guessed as much," replied Magda. "However, I would have thought that you'd want to assist me in finding your missing sisters." "Sisters? I have sisters? They're missing?" Kara slowly shook her head. "My sisters, Lara and Mara? How could I have possibly forgotten about them?" "It's not your fault your memory remains a little splotchy, Kara," replied her mother. "However, quite fortunately for all of us, it seems with the proper stimulation your current memory impairment will be only temporary." "Do you know where they are, mother?" "Not exactly," replied the witch. "Although I could never find even the smallest trace of either of them before, now that you, the oldest of my missing triplets, has been found and restored I suddenly sense Lara's presence. She is not too far away from here. But as I said before, we need to be on our way." "And as I told you before, mother, I don't intend on going anywhere," replied Kara. "I like this big house. And I really want to stay here with my Pete." "We might be able to stay here, I suppose," replied Magda after a moment's thought. "If Lara's nearby, then Mara most likely is as well. This house is perfectly located to serve as the base of operations for our search." Magda smiled at her daughter. "However, we'll have to do something about its owner. I refuse to stay in any house owned by a man." "I won't let you hurt Pete," warned Kara. But the witch only smiled. "Hurting him wasn't quite what I had in mind for him." "Just what do mean by that?" "You'll see soon enough," smiled her mother. "Let's go upstairs and pay your Sleeping Beauty a little visit. I trust you've already relieved him of my Alchemist's Stone." "Of course. But you should have never let him have it. It's too dangerous for a mortal to possess." "I had no choice. I would have missed this chance to restore you if I'd not taken the chance," replied Magda. "All I'll need its help for the changes I have in mind for Pete." As they made their way up the stairs, Kara fished in purse for the stone she'd taken from Pete earlier. Handing it to her mother, she asked, "Just what are you thinking of doing to my Pete?" "You'll see soon enough," smiled Magda, as she followed Kara into Pete's room. As soon as she saw Pete, Kara smiled at him. He was still laid out on his bed just as she'd left him - totally naked and peacefully slumbering. "Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life, mother?" sighed Kara. "Cute? He's not even close, child," snapped Magda. "I'm sure if you tried you could get over him. He's just a male. And males like him have always been a dime a dozen - at the very most." "I can't help how I feel, mother," said Kara dreamily. "I think I love him." "I doubt it. That's just his foul addendum to my spell talking," frowned Magda. "My original spell wasn't supposed to turn you into his girlfriend. But he somehow changed it. Even though he shouldn't have been capable of it, he somehow managed to modify my spell on his own." She looked over at Pete on the bed. "His modifications to my spell have also created complications I can't undo without the risk of losing you again." Magda began grinning. "However, in the hands of a talented professional such as myself, the Alchemist's Stone can perform minor miracles. Just watch and learn, Kara." As Magda held up the stone, it started to glow. Bathed in the glow from the stone, the sleeping Pete appeared to be growing younger. With each apparent year that slipped away from him, his body accordingly shrank. "What have you done to Pete, mother?" asked Kara, when the gem's glow began fading. "He's still just as cute as ever, but he doesn't look much older than sixteen now." "He was too old for you before," countered her mother. Kara was puzzled by her mother's remark. "But isn't he a little too young for me now?" "Perhaps. Perhaps not," smiled Magda impishly. "We'll just have to wait and see what you have to say after I've finished." "Finished?" asked Kara. "Just what else could you do to him?" "I'm very surprised at you, dear. As a witch yourself, you should know the intriguing possibilities for him are virtually endless." "I'm a witch too?" "Of course you are. You're my daughter and witchcraft runs deeply in our ancient family," smiled Magda. "Now just continue watching your young man." Once more she held up the stone. And once again Pete was bathed in its crimson glow. This time the contours of his youthful male body began changing. His entire frame swiftly took on a much softer and more rounded overall appearance. His waist slowly pulled inwards, while his hips, just as deliberately, expanded correspondingly. His male member quickly shrank, finally disappearing altogether. His scrotum, swiftly deflated by the fleeing of his testicles upward into his body, remolded as if clay, becoming a small mound centered about a warm moist slit. Meanwhile, his chest had also begun changing. Two small nubs formed beneath his small male nipples and began pushing them outwards. But while Kara and her mother watched, the small nubs quickly swelled into two impressive mounds of firm female flesh. And finally the thinning hair on his head began growing thicker and longer. At the same time, it was also becoming increasingly lighter. As the glow from the gem faded away, the form lying in the bed no longer bore any resemblance to Pete in any way. Laid out peacefully sleeping on the bed was a very attractive teenage girl with long golden blonde hair. "Why did you do that to him, mother?" "Why did I do what to him?" replied Magda innocently. "You turned my Pete into a girl." "Oh that. Didn't I just tell you I would never stay in a house owned by a man?" replied Magda. "As of this moment, I no longer have any qualms about staying in this house, since it now belongs to her and not a man." Kara stared at her mother. "But that's not the only reason you changed him this way. Is it, mother?" "It was the primary reason," replied Magda. "But as you've surmised, it certainly wasn't the only one. Somehow that man altered my spell and made you love him. Even using my Alchemist's Stone that should have been impossible for someone like him. If you're going to love some man, Kara, it should be because you really love him and not because he enspelled you into loving him." Magda looked over at the sleeping girl, who had begun caressing her new breasts in her sleep. "And since I couldn't negate whatever he did to make you love him, I gave him a new life. She will still love you, just as you will still love her. But your love will now take an entirely different path than he had intended." "That was very cruel of you, mother." But even as she looked over at Pete, Kara quickly realized her mother was right. She still loved Pete, only it wasn't like the love she'd felt for him when Pete had still been a man. She no longer considered Pete to be her lover. Instead, she found herself now thinking of the girl in the bed in terms more associated with a little sister. "Cruelness is always a relative term," Magda shot back. "What I found more cruel was her being imprisoning in that sniveling male flesh in the first place." She noted Kara's sour expression. "Now that I've had time to think about it, I doubt she was meant to be born male. It now seems quite clear to me - as it should to you - that she was always meant to be a witch - a very powerful one - given the male she'd been born was able to alter my spells so easily. Something obviously went wrong at her birth. And I've simply corrected that mistake." Pete moaned softly in his sleep. "Oh Tommy, I think you're just so wonderful," he mumbled, a wide grin spreading quickly across his pretty female face. "I want to do it again, Tommy baby." "Tommy baby?" Kara turned to her mother in search of an explanation. "Just who the hell is this Tommy baby supposed to be?" "Most likely," smiled Magda, "Tommy is her boyfriend." "Her boyfriend?" Kara, for a moment, sounded jealous. "Really, Kara. I'm really surprised at you," replied her mother. "I told you I gave him a new life. Don't you think it would have been unusually cruel for Penny - that's short for Penelope, you know - to wake up still thinking she was some man named Pete Quinlan instead of herself Penny Quincy." Magda smiled mischievously. "And I certainly think any girl as pretty as our young Penny would have a boyfriend... or two... or even more. Don't you think so, Kara dear?" "But won't he think having a boyfriend, not to mention being a girl is just a little strange?" "Why should she think so? You heard her dreaming about Tommy just now. That simply means her mind has already accepted her new reality. As far as Penny knows, she's a girl and has always been a girl. I doubt she'd want it any other way." Magda took a quick look around Pete's room. "But we really must do something about this room. It's simply too male. She'll really be confused if she wakes in some man's room." Magda held up her Alchemist's Stone once again and mumbled a few unintelligible words. A brilliant blinding crimson flash suddenly filled the room. As soon as the light and the accompanying afterimages faded away, Kara saw that the room itself had been transformed into one that clearly, down to the smallest detail, belonged to the sixteen-year-old girl lying in her bed. "That's definitely much better." Magda turned back to her daughter. "Since we're going to stay here for a while, I had the stone prepare our rooms as well. When we need to go to them later, we'll know exactly which rooms they are." Just then, the young girl on the bed began stirring. After opening her eyes, she slowly looked about her room. "I'm so glad you moved in with me, Aunt Kara," smiled the girl once she spotted Kara. "This place is just so big someone could easily get lost in it. But is something wrong?" "Of course not," replied Kara. "Why would you think so, Penny?" "You had this funny looking expression on your face, Aunt Kara." "I think she just wanted to surprise you, my dear." Penny turned at the sound of the new voice. "Grandma Magda!" she exclaimed gleefully. "I didn't know you were coming too. Are you going to stay? How long are you going to stay with me?" "If you'd like, I'll move in here with you and Kara," smiled Magda. "I've grown tired of living alone lately. And I think living here will aid in my search for my missing daughters, your aunts, Lara and Mara." "That's absolutely fantastic news, Grandma Magda," squealed the girl in sheer delight. "I'll just love having both of you living here with me." Penny smiled at them. "And I'm sure you both know that if there's anything I can do to assist your search for Aunts Lara and Mara, then all you need do is ask me." "I know that, my dear. And I'll certainly appreciate all your help as long as it doesn't interfere with your studies," replied Magda. "But perhaps, you should think about getting dressed now. And while you're getting dressed, I will go to the kitchen and fix us all breakfast." She turned to her stunned daughter. "Let's go downstairs, Kara. We have a few other things to discuss." She then turned back to Penny. "We'll see you downstairs in a little bit, Penny dear." "All right, Grandma Magda." However, as Penny watched her grandmother and aunt leave the room, she suddenly had the strangest feeling that something - aside from the fact her Aunts Lara and Mara were still missing - wasn't quite right. But what could it possibly be? Maybe it had something to do with that strange dream she'd had last night. But simply thinking about that weird dream made her suddenly feel tingly all over. All of a suddenly, Penny jumped out of her bed and headed straight for the mirror. Looking at her reflection should hopefully answer any question she might have about last night. Penny didn't know exactly why - although she guessed her peculiar dream was its root cause - she just felt so incredibly hot and sexy this morning. Penny was very relieved when she saw her reflection. Although the thought was sort of amusing and made her feel downright silly, Penny was glad she was still herself and not someone else. But why would she ever think something so patently absurd. "Who ever heard of someone going to bed at night one person and waking up the next morning as someone else?" she asked her reflection. She looked more closely at her reflection. It, as was she, was still naked. But that wasn't overly unusual. Penny knew she'd slept naked ever since she was a little girl. Even as a young child, she'd simply loved the feel of soft silken sheets against her body. And those sensations had only become better and better as she had grown into a woman. Her hand cupped one of her breasts. "These aren't really too bad. But I sure do wish my boobies were as big as Aunt Kara's." She sighed, knowing the boys at her school apparently liked those girls with the biggest boobies best. "If they were bigger, then maybe Tommy Miltoon would finally notice me." On the other hand, she began grinning widely. "There's still hope. After all, I'm only sixteen and I'm still a growing girl." But after gazing at her hot sexy body for a few minutes, Penny decided she'd better get dressed and go downstairs to the kitchen. "I certainly wouldn't want Aunt Kara or Grandma Magda thinking I was up here doing something I shouldn't be doing," she grinned playfully at her reflection. *** "What was with all that Grandma Magda shit upstairs?" questioned Kara as she sat down at the kitchen table and watched her mother continue cooking breakfast for the three of them. "You definitely aren't Penny's grandmother." "Just why can't I be her grandmother, my dear?" replied Magda with her own question. "It stands to reason that if you've become her aunt and I'm your mother, then I must be her grandmother." "That's a fairly reasonable explanation, I suppose," replied Kara. "Although I have no idea which of my non- missing sisters - I have no brothers - might now be thought her mother. But knowing you as well as I do, I'm also fairly certain it wasn't the only possibility left open to you. Just what further mischief are you planning to do now, mother?" "Are you feeling a little jealous of Penny, dear?" smiled Magda. "I know you still love Penny as a result of that spell she cast on you when she was still Pete. But that love has now been channeled into a form more appropriate for that between an apparently twenty-year-old aunt and her precocious sixteen-year-old niece." "I'm not jealous of you and Penny at all. But after all your earlier posturing about how you dislike men, you still went and transformed my Pete, a nearly forty-year-old man, into your sixteen-year-old granddaughter. I don't know about you, mother, but your behavior seems a little discrepant as well as highly inconsistent to me." "How so, dear? You know I've always thought men had their place," replied Magda with a wide smile. "Pete's transformation just seemed the perfectly logical thing for me to do for - not to - him. Despite his most unfortunate accident of having been born male and his total ignorance of his actions in altering my restorative spells, Pete did help me reclaim your true female self," explained Magda. "I thought he deserved some kind of reward for being so helpful. On top of that, I've always wanted a granddaughter." "You consider turning Pete into your granddaughter a reward?" "Of course I do," replied Magda. "Don't you think it's a reward? What better reward could I have possibly given some man than the gift of womanhood? I really think she'll be far happier now as a nubile sixteen-year-old girl with her choice of several boyfriends, then she ever would have been remaining a pushing forty-year-old man whose wife just left him for the town idiot. And besides, if you or one of your sisters..." "Let's not start up that old argument again, mother," snapped Kara. "I'm really not ready to continue it right now." "Whatever you're cooking smells really good, Grandma Magda," said Penny as she entered the kitchen. "It's nothing overly special, dear. It's just eggs, pancakes, and some link sausage." "But those are all my favorites," squealed Penny excitedly. "I should have known you would never forget what I liked, Grandma Magda." "I think you'll find your grandmother forgets very little, Penny," volunteered Kara. "She's always been real good at remembering those things we'd rather forget." After Penny quickly sat down at the table next to Kara, her grandmother placed a heaping plate with a large stack of pancakes, a couple of eggs, and several link sausages in front of her and her aunt. Then Magda fixed another plate for herself and joined them at the kitchen table. "This is a really great breakfast, Grandma Magda," said Penny between bites. Her plate was already half empty. Magda smiled at the compliment from her new granddaughter. Kara, thinking the whole exchange totally disgusting, slowly shook her head. Penny turned to Kara. "I had this really weird dream last night, Auntie Kara." She paused for a moment, unsure if she wanted to continue. "And, believe it or not, you were in it with me." "I was in your dream last night?" asked Kara. "How very strange?" She wondered if Penny's dream were really a dream. "Do you want to talk about it, Penny?" "I don't really know," replied Penny. "It's a little embarrassing, not to mention being so very silly." "I doubt you would have brought it up if you didn't want to talk about it," said Kara, casting a quick glance at her mother. "Besides, with all you've just said about it, I've become very curious about this odd dreams of yours." Magda suddenly winced. "It might be better if you simply forgot all about this weird dream, Penny dear." Even though she knew it should be impossible, Magda hoped Penny's dream wasn't what she was thinking it might be "It's all right, Grandma Magda. But I kind of think Aunt Kara might be right. If I didn't want to talk to you about my dream, silly and strange as it might be, then I wouldn't have brought it up in the first place." Penny took a long deep breath to collect her thoughts before continuing her story. "In this dream I had last night, I had somehow become a man - a really old man of thirty-seven or maybe even thirty-eight." Kara's mouth dropped wide open in surprise; it wasn't like her mother to leave loose ends. "Just where did I come into this dream of yours, Penny?" Magda stared at her granddaughter in stunned disbelief, knowing full well that Penny should have no remaining conscious knowledge of either being Pete or being with Kara, which she was certain was the direction her dream story was heading. But it very definitely added more weight to the argument that Penny was really a witch, whose soul the powers that be had inadvertently placed in that male body at birth. "Believe it or not, as this old guy I spent all night long fucking you, Auntie Kara. And after becoming exhausted, I feel asleep," replied Penny hesitantly, her face flushing somewhat pink. "Isn't that really silly?" "Silly?" repeated Kara quietly. "I just don't know." Penny blushed a bright crimson. "That's not exactly what I meant, you know. You're just so beautiful. And I'm sure if I were a guy - even one as old as that one I dreamed I was - I'd really enjoy fucking you again and again, Auntie Kara." Penny shook her head. "But all night long? Get real. For such a really old geezer like that to be fucking you, or any other woman, all night long is just too unbelievable to be true." Magda sighed, feeling some relief. If Penny continued thinking of her night with Kara as Pete as nothing more than a silly dream, then there wouldn't be much of a problem. She'd probably forget about the whole thing within a few hours, especially if she were provided the proper stimulus. But it was still disconcerting that she even remembered anything at all about last night. "I think I know just what you mean, Penny," smiled Kara. "Guys lack stamina and are easily exhausted." "I think my dream was probably the result of all the excitement about having you move in with me," replied Penny. "You know you're my most favorite aunt in the whole world and I've always loved you, Auntie Kara. And then, there's this boy I've been thinking about an awful lot lately. All of it together must have somehow triggered that weird jumbled up dream in my mind." "That sounds like a reasonable explanation," replied Kara, even though she knew it wasn't the correct one. "Besides - and please don't take this the wrong way, Auntie Kara - if there were going to be someone lying in my bed with me some night, I'd really want it to be Tommy Miltoon." "Tommy Miltoon?" asked Kara curiously. Magda simply smiled. She was beginning to think everything would be all right with her granddaughter. "He's that boy I've been thinking about so much lately," blushed Penny. "He's in my history class at school," Penny began to explain. "He's so gorgeous. And you wouldn't believe just how incredibly hot he is," she said dreamily. "All the girls at school are chasing after him. I'd really like to be the one who catches him, but I don't really think he even knows I exist," pouted Penny. "That's certainly not an insurmountable problem," mumbled Magda. "What was that, Grandma Magda?" "Nothing, dear. Nothing at all." Magda closed her eyes. For just a split second, she seemed lost in concentration. "I was just thinking out loud," she smiled at Penny. Unexpectedly, the doorbell rang. "I wonder who that could possibly be?" asked Penny. "I'm not really expecting anyone else this morning." "Why don't you get the door and find out, Penny dear?" Without a grumble, Penny heeded her grandmother's suggestion. After getting up from the table, she headed straight for the door. "Just what are you up to now, mother?" asked Kara suspiciously. "I saw that look of glee in your eyes." "You'll see soon enough. I'm sure neither of us want Penny dwelling on that dream of hers," smiled Magda. "I'll certainly be happier once your own powers begin manifesting again. When Penny returned to the kitchen a few seconds later, she wasn't alone. "Grandma Magda. Aunt Kara. This is Tommy Miltoon," she said excitedly. "Can you believe this? Tommy came all the way over here this morning just to see me." Penny quickly grabbed Tommy's hand. "I didn't even think you knew I existed." "How could I not notice a really hot babe like you, Penny?" replied Tommy, shaking his head. "Do you want to go up to your room and fool around for a while?" "Do I ever," replied Penny. She turned to her grandmother and aunt. "Tommy and I are going up to my room for a while. We don't want to be disturbed." Penny smiled mischievously as she turned her attention back to Tommy. "C'mon Tommy. Follow me." "Whatever you say, babe," said Tommy. Although he was objecting, he still seemed somewhat confused as Penny pulled him away from the others and headed him in the direction of her room. And yet, who was he to complain if this hot sexy fox he only barely knew wanted to take him up to her room. It definitely seemed an excellent way for them to become better acquainted. Kara watched Penny and Tommy disappear up the stairs. "Have you got any idea what those two could do up there all alone, mother?" "I have plenty of ideas, Kara. Most likely they'll soon be doing whatever comes naturally between a boy and girl. That would be my best guess," replied Magda. "In spite of what you think sometimes, I'm not stupid, my dear." "And you aren't worried about them doing that?" "Not particularly. You must remember this is her house; we're just her guests," replied Magda. "Tommy and Penny will be just fine up in her room. What they'll be doing together is perfectly natural between a boy and a girl. And it should also help remove whatever remnants of her dream are still lingering about in her mind." Magda smiled. "And it should keep her busy. I have a new lead on the whereabouts of your sister Lara we need to check out." "But I still don't like the idea of leaving the two of them upstairs alone, while we go out looking for Lara." "Quit worrying about them so much, Kara. Let them have a little harmless fun together, just like you had with Pete last night. I swear you're beginning to act just like an old mother hen." Kara glared at her mother. "Just what are you up to now, mother?" "When did you become so suspicious, young lady?" asked Magda. "I'll bet you must have picked up that annoying little trait from your father. He was always one suspicious cuss." "Maybe I did and maybe I didn't," snapped Kara. "But in any event, I still know you. As a result I really think we can leave daddy out of this argument. And I'm sure you must know I'll figure out whatever you're doing sooner or later." "Oh, all right," growled Magda. "Since I need you to concentrate on finding your missing sisters, I'll tell you what I've done. Although he doesn't - and never will - realize it, Tommy Miltoon's here because I sent for him." "Why would you send for him?" "You heard how Penny spoke about him," said Magda. "Didn't you?" "Yeah, she thinks she's in love with him," replied Kara. "So what?" "I'll be glad when all your memories return. Tommy's the solution to our little problem." "What little problem?" "Haven't you been paying attention to what's been going on, Kara? He's the solution to what we must do about Penny's dream. What else did you think I meant?" "I'm confused," replied Kara. "Just what are you talking about now, mother?" "Isn't it obvious to you yet?" replied Kara's mother. "Simply put, our young Penny shouldn't have remembered anything about being Pete or screwing you for hours last night." "So you've kept saying over and over. But I'm not sure I see the problem. Penny, as you might remember, told us she considered it all a silly dream." "But she needs to totally forget about that dream. If she doesn't and it's allowed to remain in her mind, she might eventually remember it was real and not a dream. That's one of the reasons why Tommy's here right now." "And just what other reasons might there be?" "He's here to help her forget the dream, of course," sighed Magda. "Sometimes you can be so dense about things, Kara. I wouldn't be overly surprised to discover you got that from your father too." "Are you planning on telling me just how Tommy's going to make her forget about that dream?" "Dense and naive." Magda shook her head. "Are you absolutely sure you're my daughter?" "Mother!" "He's here for the sex, of course," stated Magda. "Are you satisfied now?" She smiled at her daughter. "Tommy's here to fuck Penny. You heard her dreaming about him. And you should know from being one how boys Tommy's age are always thinking about sex." Magda smiled. "This will simply kill two birds with one stone... so to speak." "What two birds are you planning to kill now?" asked Kara. "We don't own any damn birds. Why do you insist on talking in riddles all the time, mother?" "I wonder where we can get your blood tested," snapped Magda. "A little old-fashioned sex with Tommy is the perfect stimulus to make Penny totally forget about that so-called dream of hers." "Okay, that's one reason for leaving them alone together. What might the other one be?" "It's a little more obscure. Although it's the same reason I had you and Pete engage in your own sexual activities last night, I'm not surprised you don't remember with your impaired memory." Magda looked at the clock on the oven. "If Penny isn't fucked by a male sometime in the next twenty-two hours and forty-three minutes to stabilize her new female form, she's very likely to undergo a spontaneous physical transformation." "Are you trying to tell me that Penny might change back into Pete?" "That's certainly one possibility," replied Magda. "However, there are an infinite number of equally likely possibilities. She could very easily wind up a two-headed, hermaphroditic, woolly aardvark. Of course, she could just as easily transform into nearly anything imaginable." Kara stared at her mother. "If that's the case, then maybe we had better leave them alone to do what must be done." Kara smiled at her mother. "I think we should check out this lead on Lara's whereabouts. Don't you?" "That's just what I was thinking, dear." Mother and daughter headed for the door. "What about the breakfast dishes?" asked Kara, as she opened the door. "They're not going anywhere, Kara. And it's not as if Penny and Tommy will notice whether or not they've been washed or put away. We'll have plenty of time to do them when we get back." "Okay," replied Kara. "And somehow I doubt Penny or Tommy will notice we've even gone out of the house." Kara and her mother Magda stepped outside, shutting the door behind them. The End ...for now

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Jim Liggett pointed to the row of shiny equipment and proudly said, “We have all of the best equipment on the market.” “What does it all do?” Dexter asked. “Each piece of equipment is designed to work an individual muscle group. If you sign up, we’ll have you looking buff in no time,” Jim said. “Buff?” Jim pointed to a man who was admiring his chest in a mirror. He said, “That guy used to look a lot like you. Now look at him! He could compete for Mr. America.” Dexter looked over at the...

2 years ago
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weekend with little sister pt 1

This is based on a true event. Little about us before I get into the story. I recently discovered that I had a little sister on my father side in one the northern districts. As an Agent for a business company I travel around the country a lot and on one of these occasions I decided to meet "my little sister" Angie. That was two years ago and from since then we have gotten along quite well. I am now 24 yrs and she is now 18. I also have a sister at home from both my parents’ side. Her name is...

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Algarve surprise

A voice suddenly woke me from my snooze on the veranda where I had been reading my book. "Well brother, it looks like you're nice and relaxed"."Jeez", I said "I didn't hear you pull up!"I stood and shook my brother Neil by the hand (we never were much of a family for hugging). "Good trip?""Yeah, not too bad. The girls are pretty whacked but a shower and a couple of beers should revive me" he laughed.Neil, his new American wife Barbara and her daughter Jaq had flown over from Denver to spend...

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My Second Training

This is a story I have previously written on another platform, but thought I would transfer it over. I have 2 others I previously shared. This experience takes place back early July (2020).Hello everyone. So as some of you know, I went again last night for another training session. As I was leaving my house, him and I were texting, and he reminded me to leave my stuff in my car, and for me to text him when I pulled up. He also said the door would be unlocked and for me to go wait in the shower...

3 years ago
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My Last Summer at Home Part 4

The whole week at the supermarket seemed to last forever for me and Jill. We didn't really get a chance to tease our boss Rickey again since the store was super busy. The 4th of July was next Monday and everyone in town had been stocking up on stuff to make their favorite holiday foods. The weather was supposed to be perfect the whole three day weekend. I was sure looking forward to going over to the Carter’s with Jill, because they were the only family in town with an in-ground pool and hot...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 31 Holiday Season Part II

December, 16, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, Jamie’s on the phone,” Dave said. “We’ll take it in the conference room.” Dave, Julia, Elyse, Stephanie, and I went to the conference room to hear what Jamie had to say. “It didn’t go well,” he said. “They pretended to not know what I was talking about.” “So what are our options?” Julia asked. “Prepare an invoice for the software, say, fifty seats, and one year of support, and send it to me. I’ll send it, along with a demand letter, and a...

3 years ago
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The Angry Young Man and the DoucheNozzles girlfriend

I had joined a fraternity house on a whim, I liked them because they were mostly goofy broke guys like me, and there were very few elitists or jocks to deal with, that was for the big time frats, we were smaller and much less selective: mostly good students who worked crappy jobs and jerked off incessantly. By the time I paid living expenses and my fraternity dues, I had barely enough money for ramen and gas for my brand new 12-year-old car. Sometime in the spring we had a new guy (a...

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Cindy and MeChapter 9

The powder-room door opened and Cindy emerged, pausing to examine her belly in the mirror. "Flat tummy," she remarked. "I'm always so much flatter after an enema." "How are you feeling, Babe?" I asked "Mmm ... Wonderful ... mellow ... relaxed." "It's amazing how good an empty colon feels." "Yes, it is. More people should experience it." "How's that little bunghole doing?" "No worse for the wear." She approached me and ran her hand along my cheek. "I know you take...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Kiya Gaon Ki Basti Wale Ladko Ne

Hello all. I hope you all are doing great. Well I am back again with new incident. You can read here. But before that let me introduce my self to all who are going to read this incident. I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahmedabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion and I have curly hairs. Please read the incident and tell me how was it at To ye incident kuch iss tarah hua. Ye saab Gujarati mein hua tha. Maine use hindi mein likha hai. 31st December...

1 year ago
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What Was I Thinking Part One

This is my first work of erotic art. If you like it, please feel free to write and let me know. If I get enough responses, I’ll continue to post new stories. While this particular scenario is fiction, most of the story is compiled from actual events. ***** I don’t know what had come over me or what the hell was going through my head. Here I was, about to commit two carnal sins. First, you should never ever get involved with someone you work with. You know the old saying, ”Don’t get your meat...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Daughters Story 4

I thought that the best way to do this would be when I was on the Forum one night chatting to Robertbi getting all horny, having Patch lick my wet cunt, then see how it progressed from there. I could always blame Robertbi for suggesting it although I know it was myself who wanted this. Anyway, one night Dad was on the computer, I presumed on the Sex Forum chatting to Robertbi when I saw him starting to stroke his cock. He had only previously done this before when I encouraged him. He noticed...

2 years ago
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My Lovely Mom 8211 Part II

Thanks for your comments and interest to my submission this is the continuation of my previous story . After I fucked my beautiful and glorious mom for the first time i went to urinate and clean my tool and my mom was still on the bed naked , when she say me entering the room she got up and took her saree and wrapped it around her and she moved out for cleaning herself , i felt very shy and i rolled to the corner of the bed and was looking at the gate for my angel to come in back. She entered...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 231 I Want to Go Home

If he flies a silent, stealth, faster than a scam-jet plane, they could trust him to know where I was going after I landed. We seemed to have gotten up near the edge of space when the plane flying me home decelerated. Shortly after that, my pressurized flight suit depressurized. I expected the pilot to land on a runway somewhere. Instead, he hovered silently over a field at the south-west corner of the base. He pointed to a path that led to Scott Air Force Base. The direction I headed toward...

3 years ago
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The Carnival

We went to the late movie and were headed off to your place;(so you thought). "Where are you going?" you asked as I turned off to a side road. "It's a surprise," I replied. After a few minutes I pulled into a dirt parking lot, next to a large, darkened Carnival. "They're closed, Steve. It's too late at night." "You just wait here. I'll be right back." You watched me from the car conversing with two large men in security uniforms. I returned to the car and took your hand. "Come on," I...

Straight Sex
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Grandpa and Me

Introduction: How I saw my first penis This is not a very erotic story, just some memories of my childhood, lets say 18 for legal reasons, when I was just getting interested about sex. I was about 46 and weighed about 80 pounds as best I can remember. I had no breasts or hips and my mound was bald. My favorite time was when I went to visit my grandpa about once every month or two. We would go to the zoo or aquarium, ice skate, or just play games. We played hide and seek, board games, and, my...

2 years ago
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My fantasy

I fell madly in lust with you, when you exploded in my brain that first time I saw you take off the tube, that raw sexuality that triggered something inside me I never knew existed. These are the things I think about, so many times these thoughts have filled my mind, sending shivers down my spine, tingles deep inside me, set my heart racing and the fire of lust burns deep in me when I picture you.. ......Spread naked, filling that tube with your swollen cock, hips bucking with each pump, those...

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Baseball gang plays rough

She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...

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Ghost Writer Part Three

This is part three of the Ghost Writer story - a long time in coming. For that I apologize. I hope it was worth the wait. I thank everyone who has sent words of encouragement, criticism and eagerness. I've been bad - I won't do it again. For Laurie Ghost Writer - part 3 By Circe ([email protected]) I have never felt as cold, or naked, in my life as I felt that morning. My whole body shivered as I felt Charlie's hands at work, removing appliance...

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Mu sunny bhubaneswar re age 20 ,mu engg. ghare mu,papa,mummy rahu.papa nka sana bhauni(susama) cuttack re baha heichhanti.tanka ra pila pili nahanti.tanka swami jane teacher tenu mu tanka ghare rahi patha pdhu thili.mora 10 class re mu tanka ghare rhu thili.peusi dekhiba khub sundar.tanka bayasa 34.tanka figure hela 36-30-36,gora.tanka doodha dita gol gol.gandi ta bi mast. Mote se pila bele ghare thla bele langala kari gadhei dianti jete bele mu 7 barsa ra thili. Mo peusa...

3 years ago
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JanChapter 3

I found myself being pushed backward onto the bed. I finally caught my breath and enough neurons fired off for me to speak again. "Wait, Jan ... we don't have to do this..." "What, Dan? Because I'm too YOUNG?" "Uh..." There went the speech ability again. "I'm sixteen. I know girls that haven't been virgins since they were eleven. I've known girls who gave their first time to sleazeballs and lost it while they were drunk or high. D'ya have ANY idea how many girls my age are...

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A Bisexual Arab Man in America

September 11, 2011 is upon us. The day feared by countless Americans and Arabs worldwide. Will some religious nutcase from the Muslim world try something crazy and finally push the United States toward the complete obliteration of the Arab world? Will Arab-Americans be rounded up like Japanese-Americans were during World War Two after the Japanese Imperialists stormed Pearl Harbor? I’m glad the day went peacefully, for more reasons than you can imagine. My name is Djamal Adul-Muqaddim and I...

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Death be not Cruel Pt I

Tears blinding him he struggled forward, grasping her by the thighs and despreatly trying to lift her to allow her air--so safe the beautiful woman he loved. It was to no avail. Her feet twitched their last macabre tatoo against his chest, and as a final indignity, her bladder relaxed, allowing urin to run down her trembling legs and the amrs of the lover who held them. The silence of her passing was marred only by his uncontrolable weaping as he collapsed beneath her dangling corpse and...

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I could only choose one


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Down the Rabbit Hole IX

Though dawn had risen the next morning, there was no sun. Chalk it up to the ritual - or just plain coincidence - but the storm had gotten so violent it was as dark as night outside. Roads were washed away, power was out, and trees were down. Samsara unshackled me from the fuck bench in the center of the room and took me to the basement where there was a horizontal St. Andrews cross. She laid me down on it and shackled me spread eagle at the wrists, elbows, thighs and ankles. She pulled a black...

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Building a LegacyChapter 14 A DoubleEdged Sword

Alex, his sisters and Gini spent the afternoon back at the hotel watching the news. Although there was excitement when Alex returned to the arena since the Seers had already heard about Alex's fledgling theology, Patty informed him they didn't want to see him for a while. They were nearing the finishing stages of preparation and she wanted to train Winona on how to use feedback from the Seers stationed in the crowd and behind the stage to better respond to the audience, and they couldn't...

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Annies Dream

Annie steps off the bus and sighs gratefully as she makes her way towards the iron gate leading to her home. Another stressful day at the office is thankfully over. She reaches into her pocket and finds her doorkey, along with a receipt for today's lunch.'Oh, that reminds me... what do I have in the house to cook for dinner?' Annie murmurs to herself.She lets herself in and locks the door, putting the key on the tray on the hall table.Hanging her coat up, she heads to the bedroom to change from...

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blk mom daughter doggystye

The sun was almost down now. I thought to myself, I wish I had went another round with the black men, before I let them go. I smiled. I went in and threw on a tee shirt and some shorts. I went around cleaning the house, while I waited for mom.She pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house.Hi honey, she said as she hugged...

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The Landlords ProtgChapter 16

Next day, Victor and George Corrigan were knocking at Susan’s door but there was no reply; she was out on her rounds, and George knew Thursday was her day at the flats furthest from the block they were in. They went to the office in the foyer. “Let’s look at those tapes,” said George. “The top floor ones will hardly have been used – you’ve not been here much since October.” “Didn’t the police take them?” asked Victor, curious that since the tapes would have shown who entered his flat while...

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Thinking of Daddy

Walking through the door on a Fridaynight, I see my Dad is home from work early. It doesn't really surprise me, however, I was actually looking for some time alone. Dad worked in the grocery business, and usually worked during the day, so he would be home at night to be with the family, but lately, he's just been home a lot. I don't mind it, because my Dad is an awesome father, but days, like today I just wished to be alone. “Hey dad” I say walking into the kitchen to grab something to drink...

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Emmas New Beginning Ch 02

Foreword: Thanks for the comments, feedback and votes on the first part of this story — they made me smile and were certainly encouraging to write more. I owe you an apology for taking quite a while to finish this chapter off, I’ve chopped and changed it so many times over the past week, I deleted a chunk of about 3,000 words that contained dialogue when I realised it’d take the story in a direction I didn’t feel was right for Emma at this time. There is a build up before anything sexual...

4 years ago
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As he walked past her bedroom he heard the unmistakable sound of his sister sobbing, crying out “What am I going to do? He’ll see it as soon as he comes home!” He paused at her closed door, concern rose for his sister as he could hear she was truly distraught about something. Curiosity caused him to open her door, to see who she was talking to, to find out why she was crying. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, legs spread at a 45 degree angle, bent up at the knees swaying to and fro as...

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El Paso Jake Rivers Ch 02

** This story was posted and inadvertently deleted due to a ** miscommunication between the site operators and myself. ** I apologize to the readers for any confusion. Note: This is a sequel to my story ‘El Paso.’ Please read that story first! It is the back-story that provides the setting for what takes place in this story. ‘From thirty thousand feet above the desert floor I see it there below. A city with a legend, the West Texas city of El Paso. Where long ago I heard a song about a...

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my first threesome plus a bonus

we will call me leah here. the names in this story are not the real names of the people this happened to though the story is real. i was 16 when this happened. i had found out my boyfriend was dating my best friend. the thing is we didn't know he was dating the other. so i broke up with him. that night i met a set of super hot twins. they were 17. the older one was kyle. he had blond hair, green eyes and a cock that was 9 1/2 inches long & super thick. jason was the younger one. his...

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SRU Curse Box

SRU: Curse Box By Morpheus The sign, proudly pronouncing the store as Spells R Us hung just over the door, looking slightly worn. That was the first thing to catch Donald Spellings eye. The second was the smell of things old, that slight mustiness that seems to hover around all old things. As a collector of antiques, Donald was very familiar with that smell, and it drew him into the store, like a bee to honey. Donald smiled faintly as he looked around, seeing a large variety...

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Total Woman Pageants 05

Victor’s doorbell rang. He opened to find his latest tutoring subject. She was more petite than the usual candidates. Her pixie cut blond hair hung over her eyes and barely covered her neck. Her petite build was offset by modest firm breasts with nipples poking at the tight gym teeshirt and a trim ass under silky gym shorts. She handed Victor an envelope and said ‘This is my letter of introduction.’ Victor opened the letter and read: To: Victor, Senior Pageant Trainer From: Ms. Smith,...

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My First Gay Experience

Hi All again. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta in 2006 in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really loves to fuck her. Also my email id is You can search my other stories by clicking the below link: For Part...

Gay Male
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Manila Ch 2 Pt 1

Karen rolled onto her fiancé now and cuddled up to him. Her tits were pressed against his chest and cum was flowing out of her pussy onto Brian’s thigh. “I love you so very much” Karen whispered and slowly kissed Brian just beneath his collar bone. She was tired and closed her eyes, resting her head on Brian’s upper body. Brian smiled lightly but kept staring at the ceiling. He placed a hand on Karen’s ass and gently caressed it when he said, in a state of deep relaxation: “Tell me a...

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Lisa Is Her NameChapter 3 Susans Story Pov

I knew my daughter was hiding something from me. When my husband David told me, in a moment of passion that he was with Homeland Security, it got me looking at everything in my life, wondering what to believe and what not to believe. He told me that he was hired away from the CIA in mid-2005 after Secretary Chertoff took office. His death a year later was suspicious to me, but was quickly labeled as a heart attack. I had nothing specific to go on, so I just stopped, grieved and welcomed my...

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My Little Sisters Sexual Escapades Part II Teenage Challenges Her Virginity

My sister’s imaginative antics continued even though she was almost seventeen.Clearly she was infatuated with my cock and created every opportunity to touch it, play with it, put her hand on it or in my crotch, and of course make it cum as often as possible. One evening whilst the family was enjoying a meal together at a steakhouse and I was in deep conversation with my parents I felt this feather tickle my balls. As I was not wearing any underpants, which often happened in very hot weather, I...

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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 9

Johnny was disoriented for a few seconds when he woke up. Disoriented because for the first time he went to sleep in the dream and woke up in the present. The dream was also the longest and most involved yet. Johnny sat up as he remembered all that happened in the two months they were in ancient times. Johnny’s sitting up awoke Hala. “Come back to bed, Alarec my husband, it is still dark outside,” she mumbled, and she was speaking the language of her ancestors. Johnny did not know whether...

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Double TwistChapter 176

“Don’t go getting offended my friend, I have much worse things to say to you.” —Riley Amos Westbrook, Journey from Atremes Cindy and I flanked Desi in the reception line after her performance Friday evening. Aside from some irregularity in the accents, I thought the production of Twelfth Night went very well and Desi had an opportunity to show off her comedic timing playing Maria that she wouldn’t have had if she’d been cast as Olivia. Behind us, the rest of our pod crowded close. Sophie...

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Riding the pipeline

All characters are 16 or older and all sex is consensual. Also don’t steal my story that wouldn’t be cool. Riding the Pipeline I think I’m going to scream, if he says over the next hill one more time! I’m Katherine Holman. My son Brad wanted to take a long ATV ride and camp out overnight, so we are riding the pipeline in southeast Missouri to a remote campground near Van Buren MO. We ride the gas & power lines which are great trails. We have to connect to some county roads once in a while....

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High TidesChapter 15 Dividends

Dear Reader We are nearly half way done, and no real villain on the horizon yet? My concept of how to tell tales, falls in two categories. The immersible kind, where you identify with the protagonist, become obsessed, oblivious to everything but the story. And the narrative. Not necessarily narrative in style, but in effect. In a narrative, neither writer nor reader is forgetful, it’s only telling a story, a one sided conversation. Allows ad-libs to the audience. Like this note. This is...

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A Day In the Life of Debra Sutton

An alcoholic would stand up at an AA meeting and say something like, 'good evening my name is ... and I am an alcoholic'. So as my way of introducing myself I will say to you all, 'hello, my name is Debra Sutton and I am a nymphomaniac', a card carrying, medically diagnosed lover of cock, cunt and just about any sort of sexual sport available. This, as the title suggests, is a typical day in my life. MORNING AT HOME I am standing in front of the mirror sitting on my dresser. It is placed...

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Behan Ne Chukaye Paise Randi Bankar

Hi friends kaise ho aap sab , aapki seva mai meri behan ki ek aur kahani leke hazir hua hu, ye kahani padke sabhi lund mai se paani niklega aur sabhi ki chut geeli ho jayegi, mai aapko meri behan ke bare mai batata hu, meri behan ka naam sanjana hai, uski age 25 hai, rang gora aur figure 36 32 38, uski sabse achi baat uski gand hai, jab who apni gand matkake chalti hai sabke lund khade hote hai mera bhi lund uski gand dekhke khada hota hai. Mai story pe aata hu, Mujhe jua khelne ka bahut shauk...

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Jennys Last Day

Jenny's Last Day by: Paul G Jutras When Jimmy put on his blonde wig he became Jenny. A beautiful woman with deep blue pools for eyes. The type of eyes men loved to drown in. He always thought he could make it as a model, but was too afraid to go for his dreams. That was, until Sunny came into his life. Sunny Boone was a talent scout by trade and a scum bag by nature. Anything for a buck was his motto. There were even some rumors that he was involved with shipping women overseas into...

4 years ago
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Helen goes dogging pt2

"I'm sorry, Helen, I was thinking out loud without remembering who I was with." Steve looked genuinely apologetic."That's ok, if we had a clearer view you wouldn't have needed to wonder."Helen was hoping they could go closer to watch, but Steve interpreted the comment differently. Dinah's partner was just getting up as Steve leaned out of his window and shouted to her."Come on, Dinah, let's get a fucking look in, do it where the door doesn't hide you!""Fuck off, Steve, there's more than you...

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Disappointment Woods

When Uncle Karl died he left his five hundred acre dairy farm to my cousin, Kaye. All except for forty acres of swamp and woods off in one corner. It was covered in cedar, poplar, a rocky ridge and deer moss-filled swamp. (Sphagnum moss) Not even the cows would graze on it. The blessing was mosquitoes wouldn't live in it, either. Kaye was a spiteful, hateful woman that did all she could to get me out of there. I refused to sell the place. It finally came down to a grudge. I didn't sell out...

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Asha ndash The Voluptuos Aunty

Asha was my friend’s mother with whom I studied in the college. Puneet, my college friend, and I met on the very first day of the college and became fast friends. We were in the same class and lived in the same area of Mumbai. We had never met before, but once we got to know each other in the college our friendship grew within days and we used to spend a lot of time together. One day Puneet invited me to his house to study and then play cricket in the evening. I got my books and headed to his...

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A Very Provocative and Loving Marriage Part 4

"Oh my God Michael look!" Michelle cried as she held her phone out to Michael showing the text messages that Brandon had left for her overnight. Michael counted four messages that Brandon had sent to Michelle last night, and it was only Saturday morning. Just as he was counting them another came in and they both laughed. He handed the phone back to Michelle and said, "Here, you read them, their your private messages hon.You can tell me what they say if you want." It was a thoughtful gesture,...

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