2014: A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 17: The Delivery Of Christmas Cheer - Part I free porn video

In 1963, we had the makings of a very different Christmas ... with 8 days to go before the 25th, students were sent home, not to return until Monday, January 6 ... a long break. Moms were in the stores buying Christmas gifts for family members, reacting to being lured in by the usual festive window displays: Christmas trees, Santa, Snow scenes, and mannequins decked in Red & Green. Yet at the baseline of seemingly any and every store were small-to-medium sized American flags, and the photograph of John Kennedy. We were still an uneasy nation, unable to move forward and experience total Joy.
I was determined that MY holiday was not going to be as boring and mundane as the last few had been. I wasn't quite to the point of getting my Driver's License – yet, what the hell did THAT matter ... there WERE no WHEELS. But since I had built up some points on the home front ... dollars in The Jar, keeping the place straightened up, making our yard, and the yards of others look sharp, and of course ... turning in a pretty good first semester report card ... my Mom "seemed" to have lightened up on me. She said only the minimum to me about my "performance" ... but I'm reasonably certain that if she were "interviewed", she might give me (however grudgingly) decent marks as a son.
But that was because she didn't know I was on this incredible run of NAILING girls in my age range, college age girls, and several Moms in the immediate area. That area was enlarging slightly, for she had agreed of late to let me expand my bike travel to outside the neighborhood, if it would "help me to do what I needed to do". But hidden within was her agenda of having me pick up groceries and bring home McDonald's – which was becoming a big hit in the house.
She was very approving when she came home one night, discovering new tires on my bike, and a large basket (no less) on my handlebars. I could get a couple of medium bags of groceries on my bike; and, could go to "the Golden Arches", and return with burgers & fries for either 2 or 3, about 14-15 minutes following pick-up – after a quick warmup in the oven at 250' we were in business ... She'd front a burger trip roughly one nite every week – and for you "young un's", I'll reveal that a little over $2 would feed us royally.
What she didn't know was that I would pick up the three cheeseburgers & two fries she ordered, but "boost" the fries by at least one more pack, and successfully PIG OUT on them on the way home – having used my own $$ for that little perk, of course. And to educate many of you a little more, there were no "double burgers" or "large fries" in those early days of fast food – for if there were, I'd have likely put on another 5-10 pounds during the fall & winter, for my REAL jobs in the neighborhood were cut down by at least one half from months before.
So, getting back to the main topic here ... I decided that I would scheme as hard as I could to live out "my ideal Christmas", described earlier here. I found a little item in the department store that I could buy for every girl on my list ... there was this new (yet very simple) product in the retailers' ... a medium-sized plastic drinking cup with a removable lid, and a permanent straw up top (hell, some even had HANDLES ... yeah!) So it worked out that it would cost me 69 cents for each drinking cup, which I could take to the front doors of all "my girls" and deliver as a holiday thank-you ... while in the course of working out a way that I could get them naked, EAT them, and FUCK them, and likely have them SUCK & SWALLOW me.
... And honestly, guys ... that was something my braggart buddies from the school yard mentioned least in their conquering stories. Every few clustered meetings, somebody in the group would talk about "finally" getting in the circle of dicks in the boys' bathroom – or boys' locker room, and how, while "helping some young girl prove herself ", they'd get sucked to the point of cumming – always on the "lucky girl's face", then letting her clean herself up ... standing there taking in these wild tales – as the only true "listener", I cannot remember a single time that any of these REAL MEN reported cumming in "a girl's"..."their girl's" ... or "their best friend's girl's" mouth, and having her swallow it all. In looking back, all the girls I had been with accepted that moment – if not asking me to do it for them before I thought of it ... and they seemed to expect it and enjoy it.
I wanted to be with each and every one of them and share a special FUCK in the next couple of weeks, though I knew the timing (travel, family visits, other interruptions, etc) could throw a monkey wrench in there at any moment. The thought of getting to do that with these truly beautiful, sexy, and – most important – WILLING girls made me VERY "HORNY" for the first time. Though I didn't care for the He-Man Kurt, I thought he had something when he said that girls "wanted it just as much as we did..." Damn, what an exciting thought ... so now I had roughly three weeks to run this survey, to prove us BOTH RIGHT.
I wanted Bev & Carly together, for that combination fascinated the hell out of me ... I wanted Barb in any way that she'd arrange, for she was the mastermind of my fall adventures, so many times ... I wanted Glenna & Joann to come back from wherever the hell they'd disappeared to for the last few days, and let me suck & fuck them into submission ... I wanted another session with the beautiful little Korean Sung, who was so peaceful, delicate, and desperate for Sex, that she had taken me into her bed and her pussy within minutes following our first introduction ... and I wanted Vi, for many different reasons than all the others, for I had several times thought about that first wave and beaming smile she'd thrown my way from two backyards up the hill, earlier in the fall. I was certain neither of us could possibly have known how much we would come to need one another ... and then, there was this cute, mysterious new older girl Mary, who I'd taken so much delight in watching, touching, and FUCKING just hours before ... not bad for someone tagging along, as a role player...
I was all by my lonesome on the 18th, basking in the first full day of holiday vacation. For appearance's sake, I got up and showed at the breakfast table. My Mom was rushing to get ready for work ... and, my Stepfather had become someone who checked in once-a-week for a wardrobe change, a hot meal, and 5-6 hours of sleep ... only to again bolt out of the picture, to go make the family wage. "You'll need to do the dishes ... also run to the store and get some ham & turkey to have at lunchtimes, now that you'll be here everyday..." I said "sure", and before she could ask the next obvious question, I told her that I would be checking the neighborhood, to help with errands, grocery store visits, Christmas tree setups ... whatever I could do to make an extra holiday buck ... then I was met with the highly encouraging statement, "And by the way, don't expect a big Christmas and a lot of presents, I'm just not in the mood ... we'll be going to Virginia for the day, to see the family – that's about it..." I watched her back the car down the driveway, and pull out of sight ... thinking "now I know I'm going to have my own Christmas..."
My first thought was to see if Bev might be next door ... it was a little cold that day, but after a shave & shower, I put on some sweat clothes, went down the hill and boldly knocked on her backdoor. I saw no cars in her driveway, meaning the rest of her crew might be long gone. Bev came to the door in her pajamas, opened it with a smile, and said, "well, so you DIDN'T forget me ... huh?" She had me step into the warm kitchen, and with arms folded, waited for me to say something. I explained that I'd been busy trying to drum up funds for the holiday, and apologized. She gave me the once over, kissed me lightly on my lips, and asked if I wanted to stay awhile. I quickly put up the defensive shield and said "not in here" ... but she chimed in with, "I bet your basement is too cold..." so we fumbled around for a few seconds, before she reached into a drawer, produced a key ... and said, "here, go downstairs and get in the basement – it's warm in there, just like the house (hmmm, her basement was wayyyy ahead of mine). I'll be down in a few minutes..."
Having no better ideas, I went down there, and made myself comfortable. I found the mattress stacked up on its end, with all the pillows & blankets neatly alongside. Then I heard the sound of water running up above, telling me Bev was taking a shower ... In about 25 minutes, she was coming thru the basement door, and locking it behind her ... she had a blanket draped around her, but by the time she got the mattress, she let go of it, showing that she was wearing a robe ... she put one foot up on the mattress, then opened up that robe to show that she was naked underneath ... this little surprise got me going, and then when she asked, "what do you want to talk about?", I was already feeling the warmth of her body, just out from under all that hot water ... my hands were already on her legs, but I was going slowly enough to take her in visually, from head to toe.
She had natural beauty, and a face that needed no makeup ... I touched her cheeks and neck, then my eyes moved down to her tits, which were developing into shapely little globes. As I touched them, I said..."34..." But she proudly said, "32B" ... getting an UMMMM of approval from my lips and tongue. Her bush was coming along so nicely, and I asked her, "please don't cut any of this, OK?" ... She gave a smile of agreement, and by the time I went to her legs, I was separating them. We went down in a warm embrace, with her hand reaching into my sweatpants to find this "throbbing" thing. As she was kissing me and wedging her second hand inside, I asked her to go down there and find out exactly what it was. She pulled my pants down to my knees, and immediately starting licking first my shaft, then my balls. When I closed my eyes to completely relax, I "saw stars"...
As great as it felt, I stopped her with a "wait a minute, Girl" and quickly reversed my body so I could suck her too. Now my pants were off, and Bev was ready to take it all inside her mouth. My hands were going up and down her back, and she was starting to hump my face with her pussy, while licking everything her tongue could reach down below. Right about that time I had the thought... "I need to spend more time on my side of the street..." ... then suddenly I heard – at least I thought I heard – a tap on the basement door. I quickly dissed that to continue ... but Bev was now turning away, and putting her robe back in order. I looked at her with wonder, but she gave me the "shhhh" sound, and stood up to leave the bed. And indeed, someone WAS at the door – even though Bev showed no surprise. She let this person in, who was wearing a long coat with a hood. Out from under the furry hood, came the beautiful CARLY. I sat up, fully clothed above the waist, but still at half-mast below ... I instinctively pulled my pants over my private parts.
They looked at me, giggling ... and Bev said, "I called her right before I got in the shower ... we like doing things together..." Before I could ask "how" Carly got there ... Bev had removed Carly's heavy coat, and in the next motion, opened her robe and extended it around Carly, as far as she could reach. Carly immediately felt Bev's naked body on her, and rewarded her with a nuzzle and an open-mouth Kiss. It didn't matter to me if they were showing off for their guy, I still enjoyed watching them. Bev turned Carly, and walked her to the edge of the mattress. When I made my first slight move toward the Girls, Bev commanded me to wait, saying she'd bring this tall, beautiful girl TO ME. She undressed Carly as if she'd done it 100 times before, and presented her to me completely and beautifully nude ... Carly dropped to her knees and very slowly started to crawl towards me, as if she were a Big Prowling CAT ... Bev dropped her robe – this time for GOOD – and was right behind her, in her own crawl. It took me all of 2 seconds to pull off my sweatshirt and get ready for their touch ... Carly gave me the first kiss – stopping for a second to taste it, and say "Well, you two got off to a head start! " then, snickering, she turned to Bev's lips to "explain herself". Bev got the full taste of her own pussy, and licked Carly's mouth to get the rest. The three of us gathered into a sitting cluster, with arms around each other, and sharing two and three way kisses. Then out of the blue, I remembered a scene from that DAMN SECRET FILM that possibly started all this, two months ago...
Inspired, I asked the Girls to let me show them something. I put them opposite each other, and brought them back toward each other, with their legs scissoring together – I also remembered that Barb & Sung had tried this with great results. When I got Bev & Carly to scoot together, they worked their bushes & pussies within a few inches, with me asking them to work closer to each other. They were laughing a little, but still trying to see what it might feel like if they touched. By the time Carly reached HOME, and started grinding a little, Bev's mouth had come open, and her eyes were starting to close. I worked my way back and forth to their mouths, giving them little tongue kisses, hoping like hell it would make them work even harder. Then suddenly TWO girls were grinding, and pressing harder for more. I rose to my knees and encouraged Bev to get a good suck on me, which she DID. I heard a "HEY" from Carly, and crawled over to her, to get an even BETTER SUCK. This was getting better and better...
I talked softly to the Girls, and let them work on each other for a couple of minutes. Then that look came from both of them, telling me they suddenly realized what a little more grinding might cause. They gave each other a "let's go for it" look, then each lifted her hips slightly, to help drive directly forward. A final set of thrusts gave me two screaming girls, who still straining to rub each other. They relaxed maybe 15 seconds, before starting up again, powering into each others bush and all that wetness ... and creating an all out explosion. When they collapsed, both were looking up and panting, with little squeals here and there. Bev caught her breath, grabbed me by the arm, and said "Jesus FUCKING Christ" – words I'd NEVER heard from this girl in her life. I looked at Carly, still mute, but shaking her head in a profound YES. I went over to kiss her, she responded, but also turned to whisper in my ear "thank you" ... Bev got me up to her face, and said "where ... how did you..." but I shrugged and said nothing – not wanting to reveal either of my two sources.
Then with the girls relaxed, I asked them to put their pussies together again ... Bev protested that she was too sensitive, but I asked her to trust me ... Carly was moving forward a little already, to keep Bev from having to move at all ... so with these girls basically flat of their backs, I moved my tongue into their heat, and was able to make tongue contact with both of them at the same time. I finally put my hand under both their soft butts, and worked them into position that they could take my little licks & kisses, same stroke, at exactly the same time. Carly fell into a growing moan, but Bev was very quiet. I kept moving very deliberately, until I knew each one of them was working with me. When I felt that they were possibly interested in another Climax, I brought a hand down from each one of them, to put on their own clits. The combination of their self-massage and my hard working tongue did the trick, as both of them stopped breathing for a second, then let out a yell of excitement.
Carly rolled to her side and finished her's up with both hands between her legs, while Bev closed her legs on her hand, and just shook for a half minute. I laid down at the "head" of the bed, stuck a pillow under my head, and waited for my very weary girls to join me. They both came to me, covering most of my body, then Bev retrieved her robe and laid it on all three of us. There was more said in the next few minutes of silence, than we possibly could have put into words. The feeling in the room was one of TOTAL EXHAUSTION, so it didn't matter that we hadn't actually "fucked" ... both got the best tongue I could possibly give, and felt that they'd had all they could take...
I took a deep breath and said "let me ask you – as your best friend and lover – have either of you thought about being with other girls... ? " Carly waited for Bev to marginally admit to it, then Carly confessed that at school she had gone into a bathroom stall with another girl for kissing recently. Bev immediately wanted to know "WHO", but Carly said "you know who..." I suspected they were talking about another of their clique, so I stayed out of it. Then I picked it up again, and said, "would you like to experiment with maybe ... an older girl?" (geez, I was getting bold – figuring all they could say was NO) Bev asked if I would be there, and before I could say YES (triumphantly!), Carly said "maybe, if the two of us do it together at the same time..." So I said, "want me to work on it, do you trust me to pick out a pretty, sexy girl, who'll be good for you??" They looked at each other, then smiled in unison. UMMMM, a great project, but W-H-O???
We stayed naked with each other for another half hour or so, with me enjoying a gentle stroking of my Dick and balls ... I regretfully announced that I HAD to run an errand for my Mom (for I was, after all, famished after this session, and was thinking LUNCH). I said to the girls, "can I leave you two alone for awhile??" That got the LAUGH of the morning, and we all got dressed, then kissed a little more, inside the safety of the basement door. At the porch the girls – now arm in arm – went their way, and I, after running thru the shower a 2nd time, got into a different set of clothes, and hopped on the bike, for my trip to the Grocery. The cold morning had now given way to some warm sun, and the bike ride in the breeze was invigorating.
I reached the entrance of the housing, then after standing up to pedal the upgrade, I decided to take a break, got off and moved to the sidewalk, and walked my bike for awhile. Maybe 5 minutes up the hill, I saw a bright colored car get even with me, then speed past – yet, I saw it pull off to the side, farther up ... It took me a minute to get up even with it, but when I did, I got an enthusiastic "HI-EYE" from that car ... I eased over to the open window, and here in the driver's seat was none other than Mary, who I last saw fully naked in bed. She turned off the engine, after I said "Well, HI GIRL..." I smiled and leaned down to her window, and she leaned in my direction, showing me more of her legs, now only partially covered by her skirt. "So, I have to ask, what did you think about the other day?" I quickly returned with "every man's dream...", with a smile. She looked to the side and said, "What's the BICYCLE all about ... where is your car?" ... I fumbled a little, then said, "good day for a bike ride ... you know, the exercise". She didn't accept my casual answer completely ... but then she said, "get in for a second, OK?" I looked at my bike, but she assured, "no, we'll just sit here and talk..."
When I got in, I turned toward her, putting my knees up on the seat ... and just for a little test, I rested my knees against hers. She looked down, then back up... "I'm curious about something ... first of all, you both made me CUM really hard, and I meant what I said about wanting more ... but I'm not clear on something – about you ... where is it that you go to school??" Then I gave her a hesitating look, while searching for words. She mentioned the local high school, then a private school nearby... "so, neither of those?"... "home tutoring?"... "Uhhh, was all I could muster ... She smiled and said, "OK, you're 17?" Red faced, I finally admitted, "just turned 16", getting a hard stare from this blond beauty. "So you and Barb have been banging... ?" The safest answer I could give was "awhile" ... Then she recollected, "but she was with that baseball player for 4-5 years, right?" I shrugged my shoulders, then she put her hands on my knees... "but you must have given her something better, huh?" I just shook my head a little ... then, she said... "well, I got a taste of all that, and I I LOVED IT..." So screw all the numbers, do you think you want ME AGAIN ... EAT me right here, right now, I need to GET OFF...

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