2014: A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 22: The Year Of Transition free porn video

After a spectacular day on 12/31/63, I was ready for the ball to keep rolling in 1964. January 1 was a very special day, with nothing but wall-to-wall Bowl games on TV. I typically had no vote in choosing which television programs to watch ... but on this New Year's Day, since it was nothing but college football on all three channels ( 3 channels total??? I know, LOL, you guys ), I got my run of the TV & the Recliner from 11:00-to-late in the day – let's just say I demanded "dibs" until the Rose Bowl was over, way out on the West Coast.
I got pancakes to start my day, but by the time I got to the table, my Mom had put them in front of me, and was just as quickly out the back door to attend to Laundry. That gave me time to reflect on the events of the past three months or so. Bev & Carly were solid girls that I really enjoyed, whether talking or loving on one -- or both of them ... Barb had been instrumental in teaching me the "birds & the bees", but she had been off the map for at least a month. To get to be with three "women" like Glenna, Vi and Joann was fantastic – as all of them accepted me as their confidant and their lover, though I was10-15+ years younger than them. Mary had come on the scene and established herself as my counselor and mentor, taking the "Barb role" in my sex education. I wondered about the sweet, mysterious Sung ... now obviously enamored with her female partner. I reflected on the bawdy, off-the-hook Christy Anne – who I was glad to put in the hands of the heroic playboy Kurt! Joy was in a world of her own, seemingly wanting to suck and fuck anyone with two legs. And then of course, my thoughts went to Carmen, who had gone thru one of the most unbelievable transformations in a matter of 4-5 days ... it felt great that I was a part of that, and got to show her, walk her thru, and then demonstrate on her what intimacy was all about. With all that on my mind, you can imagine how I was shocked out of my celebration (and stupor), when the phone suddenly sounded off like an alarm...
It was Mary, wishing me a Happy New Year, and telling me how she woke up wanting me this morning. I laughed and said, "whenever you're really – you know what I'll do". She lowered her voice for a second, saying "can you stay on the phone for a couple of minutes? ... just listen, OK?" I told her to go ahead ... She said, "I have a new project for both of us ... I have gotten together with a classmate during the break, and I've found out much more than I knew about her, when I was only sitting with her in class ... Her name is "Paola" and she is from the Philippines ... but she goes by the name ' Paula ' here in the U.S. She has taken me in as a pal, and confided in me. She has a boyfriend, also from her country ... she's 25, but he is the first boyfriend in her life. But after dating here in town for three months, he went into the Navy. The night he left, they didn't know how soon they would see each other, so they made love for the first time. He went to Norfolk to go aboard ship back in October, telling her he would be home again for Christmas ... but as it turned out, he's still at sea ... probably he won't be back until late February or early March."
"So this girl has been down in the dumps, and has been talking to me on the phone. I have been trying to cheer her up ... She called me about an hour after 'OUR little group' went back home, and we ended up having dinner and a glass of wine – I think, her 1st glass ever, haaaa – and she opened up to me a lot more after that." Mary asked if I was with her so far, I said "yes" ... so she continued, "Davey boy, I could tell you the rest, but why don't you meet us tomorrow at the house? I think we both can help her ... you know, make her 'feel better' about everything?..." I told Mary that it sounded very, very interesting ... then Mary said, "Oh yeah ... she has big tits, too ... you may get to see them, if we are lucky..."
At this point I was totally fascinated, and could only ask "what time?" Mary said they would go to breakfast tomorrow morning, then be at the house by 10:30 ... I said " Perfect ... I'm there..."
The timing was also perfect, as my Mom showed at the back door at that very moment, giving me a look of disdain for "tying up the phone line" ... I gave her the wave, then made sure she could hear me tell the caller we would have to talk another time – Mary sensed my situation, and was off the phone in a flash...
So the rest of my day was the Orange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, the Cotton Bowl, and the famous Grand Daddy of 'em all, the Rose Bowl – as usual, I rooted for the Pac 8 champ to beat the Big 10 champ (usually the dreaded Michigan or Ohio State, hahaaa). My stepfather's work mate dropped him off in our driveway, giving me a viewing partner from about 12:30 on. We whipped together some popcorn & pepsi, and snacked our way thru the rest of the day ... but then ate like kings about 8:30 at the table. Too bad we had to listed to Her chastise us for eating "so late", that we had "ruined our systems" and would certainly "not sleep a wink all night..." blah, Blah, BLAH. I can't speak for him, but I crashed about 10:45pm, and did not MOVE until my eyes opened at 7:20am on Thursday...
By the time I emerged from my room, I could smell breakfast happening in the kitchen ... my stepfather had managed to fry some sausage, heat up some biscuits, and was cracking eggs over the griddle ... after he and I exchanged "nods" of good morning, I remarked how much "easier it was this way", with just "the guys" ... I think he got my drift, as he cracked a little grin over the stove ... We had a good man-to-man talk ... I did bring up that Saturday was coming, and how the HELL could we avoid that damn Barbershop (?). He shrugged and said, "You know son, I figure in about 2-3 years, you'll be on your own and can do anything you want ... you think you can hang out until then... ?" A very well put question, indeed ... that led to me saying a simple "You're right, I will try..." Then he capped off the breakfast by asking if I could finish the dishes, so he could get a shower, and go work down in the basement ... This was an even easier question, and got him a "sure I can..." When I was over the dishes, I had a quick thought – had I straightened up down in the basement after the session with Bev (and Mary)? I hopped out of there, went down, gave the place a look-see, then determined everything was where it should be ... Once he went down there, I hit the shower, and started thinking about this "Paula", who Mary was obviously intrigued with.
When I biked up Mary's driveway, her car was in it's usual spot at the very back. I knocked on the screen door, and got a yell to come on in ... when I reached the kitchen, Mary greeted me and pointed to say "this is Paula..." I shook her hand, and stepped back so Mary could tell me a little about her – but of course, I was giving this girl my own once-over, while Mary went on. Paula was about 5'4", a little chubby (maybe), with a cute face and dark brown hair down to her ears. She wore "Hoop" earrings – which got my attention (something that would repeat itself for years to come). She wore a long sleeve blouse that gave evidence of what Mary had said – she DID have a nice rack. Her hips were a little wide, but very shapely. Her slacks nearly covered her shoes, and were almost touching the floor ... so that was all I could see ... by the time I turned back to Mary, Paula was speaking ... and Mary was giving me the "I saw you checking her out" look, with a friendly smile on her face...
Mary directed us into the living room – which now included both the full-size couch and the love seat, at 45' angles, and the radio plugged in along the floor near the front window. I sat on the love seat, giving the two girls my complete attention. Mary brought in some orange juice for us to enjoy ... and our talk started. Paula talked about her experience in America, and seemed to be much younger than her mid-20's ... After a few minutes, Mary said "I told Davey about your boyfriend, tell us more..." Paula said some very simple things, but Mary said, "No, I mean tell us about your last night together..." Paula at first seemed very shy, but when Mary touched her hands, telling her we were her two new friends, the young lady changed her mind, and opened up. When I got my third sip of drink, I caught a little "twinge" on the back of my tongue. I laughed to myself and thought ... this is NOT just orange juice ... this is something stronger. With Paula talking, Mary noticed me examining my glass, and smiled when I looked up. Now I knew it definitely was not just juice ... I knew then something could be up. Paula took a few sips of her drink, then told us about their relationship, and their tearful last night together, a couple of months ago. Mary said, "but it was also a very special night, too – didn't you say... ? It's OK, just tell us ... you are so far from home, and we want to get to know you and be your good friends ... tell Davey what you told me, while I go get the pitcher ... be right back..."
So this very innocent little beauty told me that on their last night together, he asked her to marry him ... I said "well, that's great ... when?" Paula, now taking another glass of drink from Mary's pitcher, said she didn't know ... But then when Mary sat down, this time edging closer to her, she said, "but tell Davey exactly what happened on that night... " Paula was a little nervous, but took a good swallow of drink, and slowly opened up to us... "we made love before he left me, for he wanted to give his commitment to me, and ... to take mine with him..." "And did you enjoy that, Paula... ?" Our guest hesitated, then said, "I, well ... it hurt me, and it was uncomfortable for me ... but I had to honor my Fiance's wishes ... and besides, I felt better in maybe two more days..." Mary told Paula that it was an incredible story ... but then pressed her on some details (that obviously had come out during dinner the night before) "You can tell Davey anything that you would tell me ... he is a good man, and very understanding..." Paula turned toward me, giving Mary the chance to sit right next to her, and now be in light contact with her right side... "we made our love in the dark, I was so shy ... I wanted to give him something to remember me, when he left for his Navy trip..." I picked things up from there, asking "and he was supposed to come home for the Holidays, but didn't make it... ?" Paula nodded yes, and said the only thing she'd heard was he'd be back in another couple of months. She was obviously sad.
At that point, Mary motioned me to the big couch ... so I put my drink down, and joined them at the couch ... and, stooping down in front of both of them, I put a hand on one knee of both girls. Paula took her final swallows, then said to both of us, "do you really want to be my friends, I am a little lonely..." Mary took that opportunity to put her arm around Paula's neck, saying "of course ... you know, he will be coming back to you soon ... why don't you let us show you what you need to do to prepare for his return." Paula looked somewhat puzzled, but Mary continued, "I don't think your lovemaking experience was the best it could have been ... you DO want to please him when he comes back from the Sea, don't you... ?" Paula quickly nodded, so Mary then put her hand under Paula's hair, and stroked her neck. Paula looked at me, but then turned back to Mary ... she shut her eyes for a moment to enjoy Mary's soft touch, then opened them up, as if to regain her bearings ... it appeared that the refreshment was starting to affect her.
Mary said, "what is his name?" Paula dutifully answered, "Martine" ... then she eased herself to the back of the couch ... But Mary maintained her closeness with the girl, folding her legs under her on the couch, while moving closer to Paula's face. I just sat back on my legs and watched, when Mary said, "I know where we can start ... I want you to show us how he kissed you ... of course, you don't want to kiss another guy – Davey -- but maybe you can show ME? ... just pretend I am Martine for a moment... " I really thought the girl might freak out on us, but Paula was now a little less capable of making clear decisions, than when she arrived. Before our guest could react, Mary moved closer to Paula's face, saying "if it's easier, close your eyes, and only think about Martine..." Paula did that, and Mary gave her a soft kiss on the lips ... but Paula had no reaction. With Paula's eyes still closed, Mary motioned me up to the couch. "Look at me ... I hope your kiss with him was better than that... !" Then the two girls shared a snicker. I was poised a few inches from Paula's back, ready to do whatever I could "to help".
Mary gently pressed on, "remember, just pretend that I am your Fiance ... I really want a nice kiss from my girl." Paula mumbled "I'm not...", but was silenced by Mary's lips. Mary held onto the kiss, then I put my left arm gently around Paula's lap. By the third kiss, Paula was reacting ... and had raised her hands to touch Mary's arms. Then Paula turned to me, maybe to see what I thought of all this ... I kept turning her toward me, and kissed her first on both cheeks, then I licked her lips with my tongue ... Paula pulled back a little, but Mary was there to reassure her ... at this point, Paula had little room to move (or think, if she'd had the energy... ) "Paula, kiss Davey the way you would want to kiss Martine if he were sitting here right now..." Mary encouraged. Paula looked at each of us, asking "Are you sure ... it is Okay?" I fumbled a little for words, but my older, clever, more resourceful partner said... "Kiss him, it will feel great, and your man will have such a good loving girl when he comes back..."
Paula was struggling to put it all together, but with eyes half open, she moved into a full kiss with me. When I asked between kisses, "Does Martine like to put his tongue in your mouth... ?", without any thought Paula opened her lips and teeth, and accepted my tongue into her mouth, finally deciding NOT to hide her tongue any longer. "Mary needs you, too...", I whispered to her ... Paula turned around like a little wind-up doll, and the two girls met with their tongues, trying to get each others' mouth open more. I started massaging Paula's legs, then gently unbuttoned both her sleeves. The girl was absolutely LOST, and was now absorbing Mary's roving hands on her neck and her breasts. Then we stood up, looked down at the smiling, dreamy-eyed girl, and I said, "let's go get more comfortable". Paula slowly lifted her hand to mine, and I lifted her to her feet. Mary put her arms around her from behind, and Paula pinned Mary's arms to her body with her own hands. While Mary was kissing the back of her neck, I was lightly probing Paula's mouth with my tongue ... then I took that wetness to her upper chest with a couple of licks ... With both of us "on her", Paula said, "butt ... I don't think ... ahhhhh". Mary put a period on Paula's sentence with, "there is no need for you to ever feel alone ... we want to change that, and be here for you..."
We got Paula to the bed and carefully began to undress her. With our girl sitting up at the foot of the mattress, Mary gave me a celebratory kiss, whispering "now she's going to learn something..." Mary eased onto the bed right behind Paula, sliding her blouse off. I was right in front getting ready to enjoy her tits. When I saw them, I compared them with Glenna's ... as they were quite wide and joined perfectly with a single divide in the middle. I got first touch of them, then Mary moved her hands under mine, and started enjoying Paula for herself. I don't remember that Paula had opened her eyes since we sat her down on the bed. When she was stripped to the waist, we moved on ... With Mary gently massaging her tits and whispering into her ear, I slipped off her slacks, and then her little panties. I immediately exposed a nice crop of bush, now already wet to my touch. Paula was now taking kisses at will from Mary, so I don't believe she noticed when I separated her legs. I didn't want to finger her – for fear that I might startle her – so I went for that pussy with my tongue. Mary geared up for my penetration, by taking a little stronger hold of Paula's shoulders. Paula winced and opened her eyes, the moment I put my warm, wet tongue inside her. The girl was virtually on fire inside her pussy, giving me the idea that we'd had a maximum effect on her.
She reached down with a "noooo", but Mary was ready, and reached down outside Paul's arms, and pulled her knees and legs up into the air ... giving me the best opportunity to suck her ... I heard her say breathlessly to Mary... " but why? ... I am ... I don't know ... I can't do this, I don't understand ... ohhhhhhh..." Mary calmly asked her "but does it feel good ... tell me ... doesn't it make you feel great... ?" Paula caved in to Mary's question, and nodded an eventual "Yes" ... Mary said, "just let him love you..." Paula looked into Mary's eyes, before extending backward for a long, open kiss. With her attention elsewhere for the moment, that gave me the chance to plunge my tongue all the way into her, and start playing with her beautiful tits. Paula's hard breathing got even more forceful, and she started reacting to every move we made, with little squeals ... I knew that once again, we were showing someone new to sex and loving, just HOW good it could feel. Mary broke their latest kiss, and turned Paula's eyes to me, so she could watch me bury myself between her legs. "Tell him what you want ... c'mon, just like you want to tell Martine the night he comes back..." Paula fumed, flipped her head back and forth, and seemed to be frustrated ... but Mary took Paula's left hand and put it squarely on the back of my head, telling her "we girls should always let our guy know what we want..." Paula had a look of anguish, but Mary said, "tell him, tell him now..." I flicked my tongue over Paula's clit, then dove back inside her. Paula asked Mary... "help me ... I can't know what to say" ... Then Mary whispered gently to her ... after first shaking her head "no", Paula took a couple of deep breaths, opened her eyes, looked down at me, and said "EAT ME... " I stepped up the pace, putting a finger inside Paula to give her more pleasure ... this time she needed no prompting, and came forth with "EAT ME PLEASE, make me feel good, Lover ... I love it Baby" ... That told me that she was in dreamland, but feeling me just the same. Mary put Paula's legs down my back, and started massaging her tits vigorously. That was my cue to put the hammer down on our girl ... her first climax made her twist hard sideways, but I followed her there, unrelenting ... she let out a long cry of excitement, then looked around the room as if to reassure herself of just where she was, at that moment...
I went from soft to hard with my tongue, and drove her out of her mind, this time giving her a much more powerful, long explosion ... Her AHHHHHHHHH went on and on, but when she put both her hands behind my neck, I knew she was reaching for more. So with Mary taking full control of Paula's upper body, I took care of the rest of her. After her recovery from her third climax, she turned to Mary, in frantic need of answers – which Mary gave her, with smothering kisses ... so I went to Paula's backside, and extended my middle finger up into her very creamy pussy. Seeing that I was now joining her in controlling Paula's movement, Mary moved down on those breasts to caress her guest for the first time there. I moved myself up on Paula, to start licking on her left ear. Paula let out with "buttt, she is another girl ... I can't..." With Mary now feeding on those tits, I simply told her, "just relax and enjoy the feeling..." The more she thought about it, the more she gave up and settled for the feel and the pleasure, now finally shutting out any other thoughts.
Mary turned Paula over, and motioned for me to sit up and take Paula in my arms from behind. Then Mary eagerly went down on our girl, trying to give her another climax ... or two. Paula tried to return to the normal world, saying "are you sure this is okay to do? ... I ... only ... and my fiance is coming soon" With Mary's tongue now securely inside our new friend ... I said "stay with us ... we can show you so many ways you can love him..." She exhaled and said... "OK, for him..." I said to Mary in a loud voice, "Paula wants us to love her in every way, so she can please her Man more..." Mary gave an UMMMM, then dug deeper, making Paula jump – but now she was feeling pure joy ... I encouraged her to tell Mary what to do, so this time, Paula said very sharply... "Eat my Pussy..." Mary took her to the brink twice, then artfully finished her over off with her tongue and fingers. Her final scream was just magnificent ... she had followed our instructions, felt the great joy, and now could relax after having all her climaxes.
After the three of us got our strength back, Mary lifted up on an elbow, and rubbing Paula's tits lightly, she asked "is this better than your first time???" The answer she got was "yes, but also very much better..." but then our girl rethought her answer, saying, "buttt still you did not ... uhhh" "FUCK?" Mary said, as she stroked Paula. Our guest laughed more when I said "it's still early, you know ... we both want to love you a lot more..." But then Mary chimed in with, "Paula, you do want to love Martine also, just like he loves you... ?" Our guest (and student) agreed, then Mary broke out with, "I can tell you this, all men want their girls to suck them..." While I felt a distinct stirring below my waist, Paula said "I have never done that, I think I know about it ... but, I don't know how to do it right..." So Mary rolled her over between my legs, and suddenly Paula came face-to-face with my Dick, too ... Mary said, "first you should lick Martine, like this..." Then my partner demonstrated the move beautifully, by going up and down all sides of my shaft. Paula followed, accepting this first-time assignment. Mary cautioned her "don't bite, just lick and suck." After a couple of tries, Paula picked up the pace, and started not only licking, but curling her warm tongue around the base of my shaft. Mary said, "Look, Paula..." and immediately took me into her mouth and went up and down on me a few times. Paula innocently asked, "Are the two of you in Love?" Mary just kept sucking me ... but by this time our student was showing more interest, and came forward to wait her turn. She let Mary put the head of my Dick into her mouth, and covered it all with warm affection ... Mary felt for my balls below, and moved Paula's free hand there – for at that instant, Paula had taken my shaft with her other hand. Mary whispered to her, "he's all yours ... show us what you are going to do with your Fiance..."

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