2014: A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 14: Doing My Share To Help free porn video

I hustled out of the basement at Bev's house at roughly 5:10pm. As I passed by Barb, still sitting on the porch, I said "you're a Trooper" and "Thank you Ma'am". I got an amused but dirty look, and the question "Five Hours?!?"... "You really owe me now". As I dragged my mower behind me, I looked back at her and mumbled "I'll get my Rest". I was exhausted at the mid-point of this Holiday weekend, not only physically but mentally. It would be many years later, at the end of an evening with a new partner, that she told me with a deep sigh, "I'm all FUCKED OUT" ... looking back at her words, I'm not sure if I reflected back to November 29, 1963 on that particular night ... BUT DAMN, I SHOULD HAVE...
My head hit the bed at roughly 9pm that night, and I don't believe I MOVED a muscle, until my eyes opened at 5:45 the next morning. It was not yet light outside, but once I woke up, that was "it". I propped my head up with a pillow, then started rubbing my face – especially rubbing my fingers in my eyes, returning slowly to LIFE – then I went north and put both sets of fingers in my hair. My eyes shot open at that moment, and I said out loud... "NO ... NO WAY" It had just felt SO good to find a little hair up top, but it also popped into my brain that THIS was SATURDAY MORNING ... I sprung out of bed, quietly, and got myself in the shower as quickly as I could, trying to get that hot water to help in stimulating an excuse to get out of the damned house. I did remember that it would work to my advantage that my stepfather was still on the road ... but then, I also got this horrible vision of my Mom, sitting in the car, right IN FRONT of the Barber Shop, waiting for me to be "CUT", then bitching about why it took so long. YUCK! I worked in the soap as hard as I could, double rinsed off, then hustled back to my 13 x 15 HQ, dressed, and was halfway out the door, when I heard a yell. I gathered myself, looked back down the hall, and called out this half-truth: "I gotta go, I have some jobs to check on ... be back later" ... I waited all of 5 seconds for a response, then BOLTED. "Ladies & Gentlemen, WE have LIFTOFF!"
It was now fully light, but pretty chilly on this late November morning. When I wheeled out of my driveway, and started coasting downhill, all I wanted to do was get OUT of SIGHT. I looked to my left, then screeched the wheels to a stop as quickly as I could – for there was Barb, at her car. I angled over into her driveway, got her attention, and got close enough to say "HI, thanks for helping us yesterday". She coyly responded, "How did it feel to have your own harem? ... Bev gave me the whole story when we went to bed last nite..." I told her that it was incredible, but would have been so risky, without her help ... She kept clearing out the back seat of the 4-door, and said, "You still like Oriental Girls?" I gave her a big smile, then she said rapidly. "More important, do you have anything LEFT today?" I threw out my chest, and said a pompous "Of Course..." So, noticing that Bev was coming up the driveway, Barb said, "OK, I have to take Sis for a couple of errands, but ... be here at 12 noon – WE are helping a friend MOVE this afternoon ... and this time, DON'T FUCK IT UP..."
I started immediately backing away, did a quick wave and smile toward Bev, then did the quick curve around the bend. As the cool Fall air hit me in the face, I got new energy – wonder why? So, getting my creative mind back on how to spend the next few minutes, I pedaled up the street toward Joann's. It was now 7:50am, sooo. When I pulled into Joann's driveway, I got a bailout yell from the far side of the street. Let me see if I can spell this out for you guys ... my best representation of what I heard was... "Heyyyy, hi yah's ... can youse come ovuh and help me moves some things into the garage, Hon?" The unmistakable, over-the-top mouth of Christy Anne was where that question came from. I looked over, and there she was, hands on hips, dressed in sweat clothes, waiting for an answer. I pointed to Joann's door, said "Ten minutes??", and watched as Miss Christy Anne said "whatevuh" as she turned and went back up her driveway. I took a breath, thinking "maybe $5??" When I worked my way down the walkway leading to Joann's front door, I was mentally fumbling, trying to figure what I should say to this beautiful woman.
I looked up, and here – Thank You Lord – was Joann, standing in her doorway, smiling. When I got within a step or two of her, she opened the storm door, and motioned me inside. I smiled, but instinctively asked "little-Nicky?" ... Joann pointed next door, said "overnight", then guided me into her kitchen and into a seat at the table. She turned and said, "doughnut"?, and before I could react, I had a chocolate doughnut on a saucer in front of me, and half a glass of milk. I said a heartfelt "thanks", and in turn, got a "lap visit" from Joann. In a heartbeat, she was straddling me, and tearing off a small portion of the little cake, and shoving it in my mouth, laughing at me. At the moment I started chewing, with her lips now only about 6" in front of mine, she said "Where the Hell have YOU Been". Still chewing, I threw up my hands, trying to put words out with my mouth full. She put her fingers over my lips, and said "Not a problem, I have been in lockdown in this prison for dayyyyys" Then we both started snickering – she, because she knew she had just cut a "funny" ... me, because I had just gotten my second "bailout", so to speak, in 5 minutes.
She gave me more doughnut, this time less forcefully ... waited for me to start chewing again, then proclaimed, "I'm ready for you to SHOOT inside ME". I choked on the contents in my mouth, and nearly spit all over her. This woman was laughing her butt off, then put her forehead on mine, saying, "calm down, boy ... I found someone to get me some pills, and took maybe my fourth one a few minutes ago. All I could muster was a confused... "aaaa and... ?" She gave me a little Kiss on the tip of my nose, and said "Well ... IF you still like me ... figuring that tomorrow is Church all day..." as she rolled her eyes, "... "I'm thinking that since "nico" – that dreaded nickname – will still be with my Mom & Dad in the front row – rolling her eyes again – "I will slip out of Church, come back this way ... find YOU, and then we will go to Howard Johnson's for the afternoon – remember? ... I told you that the day would come that I would get away from my "Tormentors", and WE would go somewhere and FUCK each other SILLY ... sooo, tomorrow we'll do that, OK?"
As she was locking in closer around my waist, AND below, I started scheming along with her ... I got a little kiss on my lips, and then an expectant glance... "Okay, I'll need to come up with an excuse to be away from the house on ' a Sunday ' ... but maybe I can tell her that I have a couple of cars to wash. Joann said, "say no more, if I put $10 in your pocket, that you can pass it along to her (my Mom) when we're done with each other and come back, do you think that will work?" I nodded YES, without even thinking the plan out AT ALL. Joann then jumped up from my lap ... making me discover I had a hard on, from her sitting on me. Before I could look down, and look back up, she was back with a wet napkin, giving me a – now, a much needed – sip of cold milk. She very kindly gave me the chance to make a double swallow, and take a breath, before she started wiping my lips off. Then we smiled at each other, right before she said "Oh, missed a spot" ... which she LICKED clean. That was my cue to give her a very deserved Kiss, and right after, mix tongues lightly with her. She replied happily, "well, maybe you DO still like me ... you can show me tomorrow..."
Then I realized I had given a promise to Christy Anne, across the street. I squirmed in the chair and explained -- with her stopping me to tell me that she had seen the whole thing from her Door, 10 minutes ago. So I jumped up, she pushed me out of the kitchen, and toward her front door, giving me a playful whack on my butt. She threw these words at me as I hit the storm door... "just be on my front porch about 11:45 tomorrow, we'll hide your bike, you can jump in my car, and we will get the HELL out of here, and go CATCH UP. " Damn, that sounded TERRIFIC to this BOY!
Easing down Joann's driveway and coasting directly across the street, I then reviewed the last 15 minutes or so, thought of the "two bookings" that had been confirmed, and put it all together ... and came to the decision, that if everything went off as planned, this could be the most eventful weekend of my life... !
I put that out of my mind long enough to park my bike beside Christy Anne's car and mosey down her driveway, headed for the back. I got a loud knock at the window as I walked by, and saw the a hand waving at me. The Lady met me at the back door, then repeated a "Hiyahs", and came right out. Now the sweatpants were gone, and Christy Anne revealed two nice (yet a little stocky about the knee) legs – above her waist was still the zip-up gray hooded sweatshirt, more than filled out with her breasts. She said, with a "follow me" look, that we needed to unbox four lightweight plastic chairs, then blow up a new plastic pool for the two boys, and put together a swing set, to go under the tree further out in the yard. I looked at my watch, trying to stay on sked so that I could get home, tell of the "move" I was helping with the rest of the day, then be in Barb's driveway at high noon...
Christy Anne saw me calculating, and sarcastically remarked "Do youse have the time?" I just parried that with "let's get started" She said she would unpack the pool, and for me to get the four chairs out. When I had them out, and arranged just off the porch, I looked back and the boys' mom, who had now taken out the plastic pool, and was separating the wrinkled "mess" ... She got the nozzle in her fingertips, motioned for me to come over – at which time I "borrowed" one of the new chairs – and I joined her. She first said "I was gonna ask youse to blow it up, you being a young kid, but I'll get it started. I pulled the creases of the plastic toward me so that the air would reach the entire inside of the plastic form, and not be slowed down. She started blowing cheerfully into the nozzle, and I found it interesting to watch the heaving of her upper body... "this might become a treat", thought I. Then she stopped for a second, handing me the nozzle so as not to lose air inside the mouthpiece, and immediately started pulling off her sweatshirt – not bothering to unzip it, and remove it in perhaps a more subtle, ladylike fashion. When she lifted it up over her shoulders and head, it gave me the chance to zero in on a bright pink tank top, with a huge bra underneath, WITH NIPPLES showing thru the fabric, and strangely enough, a slight hint of stubble under her arms.
I had never in my life seen any instance of hair underneath a woman's arms. Over the next few years, while my adventures with women either "pacefully" or slowly added up, I would come to see in rare occurrences, women who did not shave there – something that would turn my stomach in those future times. I came to believe that any woman who would not complete that part in her hygiene practices, simply didn't care, or didn't want to be taken as feminine – the hippie years that followed shortly challenged my thinking somewhat, but didn't change my mind. But on this day, this new vision did not bother me that much, and I even felt that it might add a couple of points to Christy Anne's vibe.
I cut my eyes, and looked away in THE NICK of time, then dutifully handed over the nozzle to her ... the blowing and heaving that followed was MOST impressive, especially when her nipples got harder and more distinct to my eye ... I thought to myself, "if the size of your breasts is ANY indication of your LUNG power, you can finish this on your own". I kept shifting my eyes back and forth between her nipples and the business at hand. Then I looked immediately north, and caught her EYEING me as I was admiring her. The next few breaks she took from the inflating blows were spent without words exchanged. So I knew I had been caught ... when the job was finished, she sat there as I took the pool, now fully inflated, and placed it in the yard.
She was still seated, looking straight ahead ... and I figured it might be "apology time". So I put best foot forward, worked back to the my chair, which was facing her, about 6 feet away, and sat down. "Ma'am I'm sorry if I was looking at you in the wrong way ... but I am a guy, I do notice beautiful women, and all I can say is – again I'm sorry, but – if you dress like that (looking square at her breasts, to make my point), there's no man that can keep his eyes off of you ... hell, they will look as long as they can, I promise you" Her eyes slowly came up to my level, and she dissed me with a very calm... "okay". I snuck in quickly with, "What about the Swing"? She rebooted her thoughts enough to say "OH YEAH, lets bring the two boxes to under the tree". I took the heavier one of the two, and had her drag the lighter, more lengthy box. When we got under the tree, my mind caught up with the moment, then I asked myself : "wait a minute, why ... didn't or doesn't she put her sweatshirt back on, because THAT would take my mind off her breasts???" Since she was down on one knee, trying to get her box open, I shoved that question aside within myself, and opened up my box, which included the actual swing seat, and the series of connecting chains. Her box, I noticed, was for the poles & braces, that perhaps would house the sitting piece. I saw her look over my shoulder at the tree above, which ... ahhhh – conveniently had a very thick and strong crossing branch, about 9 feet up, nearly parallel with the ground.
We looked at it independently for awhile, but then I looked straight at her, and said... "okay, we can put all these poles together, OR, we can wait, I'll get a buddy, and we can come back and 'maybe' hook up the swing, to hang from the branch." She kept looking up and down, then admitted, "I like that ... you really want to give it a try?" To which I cheerfully replied, "let me see if I can find a buddy at school who knows more about construction work (hahaaa) than I do, and maybe I can get him to come over and talk to you, once he sees it." She wanted to know how I would find someone, just like that ... I could only respond that I would ask around and report back to her. She reacted with, "heyyy, that sounds like a good idea, so youse go ahead and work it out, and we'll give it a try, Huh?" I was really happy about the perceived change of subjects, and said "ma'am I'll check on it Monday"
She reached for my hand so I could help her stand up again, and then surprisingly reached into a pocket, and pulled out a folded up $20 bill. I opened it up, and simply said, "I don't have change, can I bring it back to you a little later?" She smiled and said "Fuhgetabboudid, take the $20 – remember, I like spending his money." We both got a laugh out of that, then she asked if I had time to organize the boxes and put them next to the porch, that she'd have her husband take care of them later. I agreed, she went inside, with me coming to the conclusion that I had kinda dodged a bullet – no way did I want to do something wrong, and lose a customer – or worse.
In about 7-8 minutes, I had put the boxes where she had pointed, then all that was left, since she'd said goodbye for the moment, was for me to go around the house, walk up the driveway, and mount the bike and hustle home to deliver my "moving story" to my Mom, maybe spiff up a little, and get with Barb for an exotic afternoon – at least in my mind, so far.
When I drew almost even with the window facing the driveway and the side of her car, I heard a really LOUD knocking above. When I looked up, Christy Anne was FLASHING ME. I saw the two breasts shoved against the window pane, with her rubbing them around slightly. FLASHING ME, DAMMIT. It was the shocker of the day, maybe the week. She was clutching her tank top to up around her shoulder level, when I felt myself slam back first, into the side of her car. If the car HADN'T been there, I know I would have fallen straight backward, and hit the deck! She made NO effort to cut the show short, she just lifted the garment higher, let them hang slightly free, then put them on the glass again. Maybe things were getting distorted, but I swear that her aureloas (still can't spell it / don't have time to look it up now) were four-inch circles around her huge nipples ... with me gripping the side of her car, she freed one hand, gave a little smile, and a little wave, and DOWN came the blinds, in half a second. DAMN ... again ... I was put in SHOCK CITY, and there had been NO escape from that 25-30 second show...
When I struggled to get my bike moving forward, I realized that I was NOT Breathing ... in fact, I was HEAVING. Glenna's breasts were so pretty, and soft, and great to the touch of my lips and my fingers, but THIS was a WHOLE NEW WORLD, that had just been presented to me ... NO further COMMENT...
When I got home, having semi-successfully recovered, I had the presence of mind to (before I walked inside) put the $20 in my billfold, and remove a $10 for the cause. I said hello as I walked into the kitchen, then made SURE that SHE saw me put the $10 in The Jar ... I got a slight nod of approval, then she said "well, maybe you were right about getting some work today ... are you stopping already?", as she looked at the clock at 11:45. I said "No way, I ran into Barbara next door, and she asked me to help her move a friend this afternoon" Ahhh, I gave an even more convincing description than I would have, two weeks earlier! She bought it, saying "Okay, just be back by 6pm, I am making Roast Beef ". I sufficiently faked interest in that, then gave my guarantee that I would be back in time ... then I moved to spiff up a little in the bathroom. With "Big Breasts" still filling my eyes, I went outside, leaned on the fence, and waited for Barb to come out. She DID, just a shade before 12:00, and gave me a faint smile of approval – after all, APPEARANCES boy, APPEARANCES.
When we were safely two long blocks down the main drag, she reached over as if to grip my Dick, and said "You all Ready"? I didn't immediately answer ... when I turned back to her, after looking out the right window, she was ready with a smile. Then I asked, "Are you Two ... Girlfriends now?" She hesitated a little, saying, "all I can tell you is that we're very close in thoughts, and that we can't keep our hands and lips off each other" I like it a lot, and I just want more, before I come to any decisions. But I will let you know -- she's asking straight out to have your Dick again." I remembered her account of that long visit with Sung two Saturday's ago, and said, "but what about the two – you know, the strap and that other one, you know, that you told me you used?" She said, "there is nothing that can replace a good looking young guy, who knows what he's doing, who will come over and Fuck – and I mean, BOTH of us ... you know ... Like TODAY! " That statement effectively put me on Cloud 9, and all I thought about for the mile or so, was that I needed and wanted to FUCK BOTH OF THEM as HARD as I could.
When we reached our destination, I got out of the car, and walked just behind Barb, to Sung's front door. She opened the door immediately, and warmly. Then with us both inside, Sung touched my arm very lightly and went directly into an embrace with Barb. I wasn't surprised at this at all, after all I had already become an advocate for two beautiful Girls sharing affection. When they broke their embrace, Sung turned to me, saying
"Mr. David"... "now I am so Happy" I moved forward to hug her lightly, but her hands were down, feeling for my Dick ... it made me look at Barb, but then I came back to see Sung lower herself, and start opening my pants. Barb was looking on with a smile, when Sung came out with my already growing Dick, stroking it with one hand. She looked up at Barb, maybe for approval (?), then lightly licked me all over. After pumping me with her fingers, she DIVED into my shaft, making it practically disappear in her mouth. I was stunned enough by the moment AND the feeling, that I let out with a huge AHHHHHH! Then I immediately put both my hands into Sung's hair, remembering how soft it is. That made her speed up, and start moving her entire body to get contact with both my legs. Barb leaned over and got just the smallest of kisses from me, then put her hand on the back of Sung's head, giving her a rather forceful shove forward. Sung actually GAGGED a little, but then recovered by licking my balls, but not stopping the pumping above them. Barb took the moment to walk over to the couch, a bit unconcerned, and started removing her clothes ... again, rather routinely.
It took Sung about two minutes to get me OFF, then fully consume the cum that I shot into her mouth and throat. All that came from my mouth was OHHHH, GODDDD, GIRL. When she finally let my Dick go, she shot upward as if to want a big kiss, but stopped short to clean her lips and mouth with the back of her hand. I wasn't about to wait for that KISS, so I gently removed her hand and plunged my tongue into her very warm mouth. Sung immediately pulled herself up, and lifted her legs to encircle my hips. We shared a couple of kisses, then I looked over her shoulder at a completely nude Barb, who was now on the far end of the couch, looking at us, while playing with her Pussy. I watched her play intensify, so much that she closed her eyes for a second or two, with every few breaths.
I turned Sung around so she could watch her Girl, too ... then walked her over to Barb, put her down, and started ever so purposely taking her clothes off. I figured "we've got the time". When I got her undressed, Barb's eyes told me to do the same. So Barb took her onto the couch, surprising Sung by having the Korean girl "back" into her arms, to let her get settled, and reclining between Barb's legs. I reached my briefs last, but stopped for a second to admire Barb whispering in Sung's ear, while she played with Sung's pussy, below. Sung was coming apart, actually writhing left and right, when Barb motioned me down to FUCK her. I paused a second, to join my tongue with Barb's effort to please her between her legs. Sung immediately yelled out – I hope in pleasure – then Barb put her hand on the back of my head, pulling me in deeper, to please Sung more. Before she could stop to recover from bolt #1, we were all committed toward giving her bolt #2. Barb's hand never moved from Sung's clit, my tongue never left Sung's hole, and Sung's left hand refused to let go of my hair, trying to pull me inside her. It may have been one minute, before Sung felt it rising again, that unbelievable feeling that she would explode another time ... She came to a dead stop and clinch; Barb came to a dead stop, now just pressing Sung's clit, and I moved my tongue ever so slightly back up her lips.

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