2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 36 The Making of a New Woman
- 3 years ago
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It was mid-Fall in the neighborhood ... I was still hitting the park for football after school with the guys, but now I wasn't going down the hill until after dinner, leaving only about an hour of daylight to play each evening ... I told my Mom that my new strategy was to go play late, to help work off the calories I had just taken in at the table. Not sure she bought it, but it sounded good. Truth? It was more important to get the full two hours of freedom and independence each afternoon, so I could focus on pursuits like watching that incredible film repeatedly, and learning as much as I could ... or checking out back of Bev's (and Barb's) house several dozen times for movement ... or, working a brand new angle – checking up and down my street and the next street for anything resembling a BABE. Having a bike and supposedly going up and down the hills for fun & exercise was a good cover, and making conversation with girls and women I wanted to check out was EASY.
So, the early tally from this new survey? Directly across the street, there was a little brunette in her late 20's, newly married and in her first home with her husband; a thin, boyish looking teen and her tall, athletically shaped Mom, who I took to be in her mid 30's, up two houses across the street; the pain-the-ass blond geek of a girl who I was forced to see at school every day, who was in the last house at the top of the hill; and, the "mystery Lady" on the next street over, who looked exotic and maybe middle-eastern (?). She was a single Mom, with a son about 5. She had family living right next door ... but ... because a household without a male figure, and any family led by a "single Mom" was still very rare and unusual – well ... that's what made her a "mystery Lady", I guess. Remember, the early-to-mid 60's were primitive times.
But my main focus was still next door ... Barb was getting more of my attention, for she was the "older woman". She snuck out on her back porch fairly often for some alone time, and if my timing was right, I could observe from up above at a bedroom window, or better – provided I was in place, from my new little hangout a floor below – yep, my soon-to-be-beloved BASEMENT ... peering through that little vent was outstanding! One afternoon I watched her from down below (thank God, no cigarette in sight this time). Barb was maybe 5'7", dark blond, shapely, with damn good legs. She was pure Eye Candy, and ... best part? I could NOT be seen from my viewing perch. The vent was maybe a 5" x 10" rectangle, with a heavy mesh guard running across – looking out, I could see everything, but if you were outside looking in, it was all black ... C-O-O-L!
It seemed that day that Barb was a little fidgety. First she sat on edge of the porch, facing my house ... then she slipped down a few steps, and lay back across the higher ones (that was nice – I'd never seen her in anything like the prone position), then she shifted to her right for awhile with her back against the back wall of the house. First it was knees up, wrapped inside her arms ... then it was knees down, legs fully extended, sitting on her hands ... Hmmm ... nothing to report ... that is, until she reached down to (I thought) adjust her panties inside her slacks. But oddly enough, she didn't pull her hand back out ... then her legs were moving, and she leaned back hard on the side of the house, head tilted back & chin up. DAMN! I had seen this in MY FILM – she was playing with her Pussy. She made it easier for herself when she unzipped her pants on the side. Now she had plenty of hand & arm room to zero in on herself. Suddenly I was dying to see if she had a good BUSH.
I had watched the Girls in the movie get off, now I was seeing it FOR REAL. She put her free hand over her mouth to muffle her reactions, but just kept applying pressure on herself until she gave a gradual, tight-lipped "ummmm", and rolled slowly over on her side – then, she quivered with aftershocks. What a sight! And all because she thought she had total privacy, and no risk of being seen ... WRONG! After getting her breath, she collected herself in a few minutes and went inside. Damn good show – I learned a LOT.
I decided then and there I wanted some of THAT. Because of my continuing FILM TUTORIAL, I knew how to Fuck, but I just wasn't sure I could get that far ... What little info that had reached me through the grapevine from adults was that Sex was mostly for men. Who are alleged animals, while women are calm and collected, and must follow the man's orders, until he is done. When the man is ready to blow his Load, he should cum on her tummy, or tits, or face, or best, IN HER MOUTH. Otherwise she could get pregnant if he shot inside her. Also it was for CERTAIN, that the woman got nothing out of it at all, she was just doing her duty – but pleasure? ... NADA. When the health teachers were counseling the 6th & 7th graders on all this, that whole line of crap was a turn-off. And DAMN, it was the exact opposite from what I saw in my "secret film" ... I liked every move and every position I saw in there – it was Guy-Girl, Girl-Girl, and young & old, for two solid hours – everybody seemed to be having one hell of a time ... and it sure LOOKED like the Girls were enjoying it just as much! It was just one long extended "DIRTY PART"! I was trying to figure everything out in the grand scheme ... so for the moment I bought into the fun and excitement, and kicked aside what rumors I'd heard, and the "learnin'" they were trying to shove down our throats in school...
My stepfather came in off the road for a couple of days, cramping my afternoon schedule badly, dammit. It was great to hear him say he was soon headed back out on the Highways. I saw Bev at School Lunch break two days later, so I figured I'd try a bold move, and see if I could kill two birds with one stone ... I conveniently rerouted my walk from point A to point B, to a path that took me right by her little clique. When I got even with them I said "Hi BEV!" The four 7th grade cuties didn't know what to do with that. But then she got up, as if to walk with me a bit – once we were out of earshot, I (I think calmly?) said to her, "Hey, if you're home after school, I can show you the basement". She got an odd look on her face, but then perked up and said, "sure", then ran back to her Girls – what was so great was (a) her affirmative response!, and (b) the Girls thought when she came up to me, I had turned her aside immediately!. GREAT! Suited me Fine...
So on the bus home I was thinking – yeah ... thinking that I had no plan whatsoever for Bev's "visit". I just decided to wing it, and see what might happen behind "closed doors" – IF I got her in there. So, about 30 minutes later, I was advising her to "watch her step" as she entered the Basement. I DID lock the door behind her, and immediately went up and got on the lounge chair. She didn't follow, for she was too busy casing the place, and adjusting her eyes to the darker room. I described every nook and cranny she found, to keep her busy. She then asked (or maybe TOLD) me, "You come down here a lot, huh?" I said yes, but only to listen to the radio and relax. She did a couple more 360's, then said, "well", and started edging toward the door.
I sat there, trying to muster some sort of magic words to stop her, because DAMMIT I had the Hots, and I wanted to touch her. So I semi-blurted out, "you know, I've been wondering if you Kiss any better now than you did a couple of years ago" ... she wheeled around, and walked very slowly towards me, then bent over slightly and waited. I took the cue, and raised my lips to hers and we shared about 3 seconds together. She didn't exactly jerk backward when she lifted her head, so I opened up my arms, she put hers around my neck then we kissed maybe 4-5 times, then repeated it ... but this time, with our tongues working. Then she lowered herself down to rest on her knees, which nicely positioned her between my legs. She didn't look at me directly, but she wrapped her arms around my waist and held on very tight. My mind was racing, but I calmed down a little ... After about 2-3 minutes of no words and a lot of holding, I said "this is a comfortable chair, come up and see". She climbed aboard without any more encouragement, and suddenly we were lying beside each other ... then we turned inward, and locked arms and legs and kissed for minutes. Then it was pure relaxation ( maybe my first "afterglow"(?) hahaaa ), and we used the next few minutes to 'fess up on some old issues.
I told her that my attitude toward her had changed, because she had changed (I was looking at a couple of the main "changes", between her neck and waist, but I don't think she caught on). She brought up the two hikes in the woods, and wanted to know why I ran away "when she wanted to strip for me" ... I reacted with some sort of combined gulp and dry heave, and told her she had scared the shit out of me ... which made her laugh! Then we more or less agreed that we had been having thoughts of a day like this, at various times over the last two years. Then the kissing started again, with me pulling her on top of me and moving her legs outside mine, so she had full freedom to move. She did not tense up, and seemed to just go with it all... "Are you going to FUCK me" came out of her mouth, and I was shocked to find out that she had been learning a bit along the way, herself...
I rolled her over, and asked where she got THAT word. So she opened up about her three best Girl-Friends, saying that She was the only one who "hadn't done anything" in her group. "But I'm just so scared of Boys, that's why" ... I shrugged my shoulders as if to say "WHY?", and she explained that a few months ago, Barb had a scare with her boyfriend – thinking that she might be pregnant. So the big speech her Mom gave to her youngest daughter – the speech that all Girls probably get when going from Elementary to Junior High – was filled with passion & Bible Belt venom ... something like "YOU will NOT have any BOYFRIENDS, no how, no way"... "There is plenty of time later for THAT" ... Bev explained it all in a way that I took to be honest and innocent, so I just took her in my arms, and said, "well, if we ever DO it, I promise you will LOVE it " ... and she held on tighter.
We started another kissing session, this time including ones all over our faces, on our necks, and with our hands beginning to move freely. She looked up at me and said, "you'll have to show me, I don't know anything" GEEZ, is THAT MUSIC to a Guy's EARS?!?!?
I told her that IF we did it, she would be totally safe with me ... Good thing I always wore my watch, for we had just knocked out about 90 minutes underground ... So we sat up, needing to get our feet on the ground – and to get back on Earth. After a little mute time, I offered, "OK how about day after tomorrow, you're at this door, I let you in, and we start from there?"
She silently nodded, then we checked to see that the coast was clear, before she exited and went down to her porch and into the back door. I had a HARD ON for another 15 minutes, and once again, I smelled damn good because of HER. But more important, I had bought 48 hours to study-up ... that is, IF she didn't change her mind ... Thursday afternoon could not get there SOON ENOUGH. Without really knowing the full definition of these words, all I could think of was to SUCK HER, then FUCK HER BRAINS OUT then CUM in her MOUTH. A tall order, to say the least – but I got that great idea from watching the run of events on that wonderful film. They all looked so DAMN HAPPY DOING IT ... then suddenly, I could NOT BREATHE.
I slept hard on Friday night ... and woke up a little disoriented – maybe I had some sort of "jet lag" following two hard afternoons of lovemaking with those exciting girls. The session with Mai was rolling over in my mind, for it had turned out so much better than either Mary or I thought it could. I rolled over to see bright sunshine coming thru the blinds ... but was surprised to find I'd been allowed to sleep in this late... 8:40?!? Before I sprang out of the rack, I remembered the...
Following an absolutely EPIC afternoon of harrrd lovin' with Mary, she threw the satirical question at me, wondering if I was giving Barb the same kind of attention. Truth was, I hadn't seen or heard from Barb in days ... weeks? I more or less assumed that she had set up shop with the sweet little Sung. It made perfect sense to me... So now it was Monday morning, and the trend continued that allowed me to lay low and hide out until my Mom cleared the driveway, en route to work. So on this...
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After a spectacular day on 12/31/63, I was ready for the ball to keep rolling in 1964. January 1 was a very special day, with nothing but wall-to-wall Bowl games on TV. I typically had no vote in choosing which television programs to watch ... but on this New Year's Day, since it was nothing but college football on all three channels ( 3 channels total??? I know, LOL, you guys ), I got my run of the TV & the Recliner from 11:00-to-late in the day – let's just say I demanded "dibs"...
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It felt great to be 15 ... I got to play Basketball for my Jr. High School, got out from under seven long years of piano lessons, and was starting to notice Girls in earnest. As most of you know, if there "are to BE any curves", ya' start seeing them at or about – 8th Grade! Seems I remember that summer between 7th & 8th grades making all the difference. In those first seven years, "book learnin' " had not come hard for me – I could slack off, take a glance at the study material the...
Friday was yet another landmark day ... I had successfully converted (with a lot of help) a young "fiance" – or is it "fiancee"? ... hell, doesn't matter – into a willing, energetic, loving partner ... a girl who invited me into her home and assisted me in Fucking her Brains out. And, this excitement had come on the heels of seeing the disciplined, buttoned-down Carmen become a girl who now craved attention and sex. Damn, what a way to start 1964... But alas ... it was now Saturday...
When my alarm went off Monday morning, it was time to get back to school – and, I hoped – to some fun adventures in the afternoons. The highlight of the first day back was seeing Bev's "clique" across the school yard at lunchtime, and stepping over to say hello. They were all in a little tight-knit circle, sharing wild tales of the holidays, and reacting with their usual girl-girl snickering. However, they did make a little space for me to infiltrate their group for a few seconds. Before...
Saturday morning came, and I found out that Yes, I had screwed myself – as I had feared – by not following thru with the plans to "help a friend move" that day. I woke up to movement in the house, then I realized it was two people, and not just my Mom. Then came the lightning bolt, "GET UP IN THERE" ... the time, you ask? 6:50am. So much for sleeping in ... I may have been 15 (c'mon, almost 16!) and in near great shape, but there was still a physical toll on me, considering I was now...
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I'm on the bus headed for school. The night before, I could NOT concentrate on "studies" ... for, all I could think of was being at Sung's house, getting her to melt in my arms, and then watching two beautiful sexy women not just experiment – but go after each other. I had learned more about life, people, and SEX in the past few weeks, than any "book learnin' " could ever have taught me. I know I'm repeating, but all my braggart buddies at school were dying to be with a girl – hell,...
It had been quite an interesting day, and different than most Saturdays. I got home with about two hours of daylight left ... and discovered I had the place to myself. That suited me fine – for I had much to think about for the big week ahead ... there was the meeting with Mr. Rankin regarding my jump to 10th grade; I needed to hit the Manual again, to prepare to take the written & driving exams at DMV; and, I was kicking around thoughts about this new girl Kimberly ... I was fascinated...
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At Saturday morning breakfast, I was able to weasel out of the "haircut gig", by telling my Mom that I really needed to get up the hill and clean the house, so that potential buyers could take a look at it. Luckily, my stepfather was there to back me up, saying that the Lady had put a lot of trust in me – and that I couldn't let her down. So, very reluctantly, the Queen Mother eased up on us a little. When she left the table to start Laundry detail, it gave us guys a chance to catch up. I...
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So I'm at the Dinner table, taking in everything my Mom is saying ... and though I am nodding in agreement, my mind is still downstairs in that Basement. I had just been with a Girl for the first time – I didn't know that at 15, whether I was running behind, or getting in there about average age ... but if the stories all my Guys told in the school yard were true, I knew I couldn't be ahead of anybody in the Sex Department. No, I didn't Fuck her, but I still felt GREAT ... I saw her...
In 1963, we had the makings of a very different Christmas ... with 8 days to go before the 25th, students were sent home, not to return until Monday, January 6 ... a long break. Moms were in the stores buying Christmas gifts for family members, reacting to being lured in by the usual festive window displays: Christmas trees, Santa, Snow scenes, and mannequins decked in Red & Green. Yet at the baseline of seemingly any and every store were small-to-medium sized American flags, and the...
I got a shout-out from next door... "HEY, let's go... !" I looked down the hill, and here was this short-haired blond standing on her back porch, doing a little "groove", shaking something in her right hand. Huhh? ... I moved closer to the fence, she walked up the hill. BARB had cut her hair, from near shoulder length to just long enough to curl around her ears. The new hairdo had streaks of brown in it, and she was wearing hoop earrings – damn, very sexy! I was laughing, and very...
There was an incredible amount of reflection, as I "lounged" in bed on Saturday ... somehow I had overslept – fatigue? – and it was 7:50 when I first looked at the clock. I heard nary a word from the rest of the household, so I determined that I would stay in this comfortable spot until forced to give it up. Friday had been an incredible day, highlighted by the two new girls. Joy turned out to be every bit the sexpot she'd advertised. And Carmen had done a total 180' spiritually ... well,...
I hustled out of the basement at Bev's house at roughly 5:10pm. As I passed by Barb, still sitting on the porch, I said "you're a Trooper" and "Thank you Ma'am". I got an amused but dirty look, and the question "Five Hours?!?"... "You really owe me now". As I dragged my mower behind me, I looked back at her and mumbled "I'll get my Rest". I was exhausted at the mid-point of this Holiday weekend, not only physically but mentally. It would be many years later, at the end of an...
I remember putting my hands behind my head on Monday morning, with a bunch of thoughts rolling through my mind. Because of the events of Friday, this had become an extended weekend, but it was certainly no time for enjoyment. I couldn't believe that it was 7:20am, and I had not yet been ordered to GET UP. I put on a robe and walked through the house, discovering that my Mom must still be asleep ... just another sign that it was a strange and uneasy time. So I eased back to my bedroom, shut...
December had arrived ... so as I got ready to head down for the bus, several thoughts were running thru my head. Of course I was still living in the glow of the three incredible days that had just passed, ranging from the "illicit" trip to Howard Johnson's with the very hungry Joann, to being FLASHED out of my mind by the unpredictable, I guess "raunchy" Christy Anne. Neither was I forgetting the three-ways with the younger girls, OR, the older girls. Thoughts of Vi were there too, as I...
After the very, very pleasant early a.m. with Mary, I pedaled to the Grocery store. My mind was all over the place, going from driver "ed". to Carly, to ways to make winter cash, to Carmen, and several times – to the deposit I had eased into Mary's mouth just moments ago. When I hit the parking lot of the market, it popped in my little peanut brain that – DUH – somebody I know works here ... and I started to wonder if Laura might be around mid-morning on a Saturday. And sure enough ......
What a dazzling start to my holiday season ... missions were more than accomplished in Bev's basement and Mary's safe (haaa) house. And on this Thursday night, I lay in bed thinking about how fantastic it would be to touch Glenna again, the very next morning. I had spent the afternoon on my bike, fetching the great plastic cups for an investment of less than $10 ... I had shown one to my Mom at the dinner table, telling her what they were for. She registered no real response, so I just said...
When Laura left, Mary commented "I think we may have a new partner" ... my contribution to that was "everything you do turns to GOLD", as I hugged her from behind. Mary held my arms in place around her waist, and I added, "That went about as well as we could have imagined, huh?" In my arms, she nodded in the affirmative. "The other night at dinner, she was at loose ends ... Laura even shared with me that most guys she'd been around treated her as ' one of the boys ' – something...
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Introducing Granny to Anal SexI sat by Dawn’s luxurious backyard pool overlooking the city of Tucson. I looked down at my 66 year old granny lover Dawn as she emerged from the pool, she was dressed in a black two piece bikini swimsuit which highlighted her small breasts and supple thin body and long grey hair. I laid back on a chaise lounge as Dawn approached me and went down on her hands and knees and crawled to my awaiting cock. It was only three weeks ago that I had taught Dawn the fine art...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
Toyboy Boytoy By Beverley Ann Miles I must have been heavily asleep. I finally awoke, as my mouth was forced open - and something plastic was being crammed in - and by that time, it was already too late to do anything about it! The little plastic circle had been inserted, covering my teeth and locking my mouth open. I couldn't figure out what it was. I lay on my side on the bed, already bound at knees and ankles, my wrists were secured behind my back. I was rolled face down...
By : Nagan9 Hi friends naa peru nagan,age 24, naa lifelo jarigina storiokati meetoo sharechesukovalani story rastunnachadevi mee openion mailcheyandee maa father transforkaavadamto meemu vunna flotkhali chesamu perents chennaivellepoinaru neenu maatramstudies kosam ekkadevundepoinanu single room flotokati rentku teesukonivunnanu.sudenga flat changekaavadam valla ekkada andarukotta emi artamkaaledu. college loantta kotta ammaielu appudeclose avutunnaru antatondaragaa dengichu koruanduke maa...
By : Deepakd Hi, mera naam Deepak hai, aur main Jammu ka rehne wala hu, mera email id hai – . Mere kad 5’5” hai aur mere laude ka size 6” hai n kafi mota hai… bat un dino ki hai jab main college first year me tha, mere ek dost ‘abhi’ ka ghar college ke pas hi tha hum dono aksar college ke bad ikthe hi jate the aur kai bar bunk karke uske ghar par bluefilm dekhte uske ghar ke thodi dur ek aur ghar tha. Waha husband wife rehte the husband ka naam ‘Sanjay’ tha aur wife ka naam ‘suman’ tha ek hi...
It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
I led Jay down the short corridor, opening the bathroom door for him to see. It was neat and clean. Then I led him the next few steps to the bedroom. The door was open and he pushed past me. His shoulder and arm brushed across my chest as he moved through the doorway. My cock was already rock hard. I watched him walk to the closet and open the door. As he checked it out, I checked out his body.Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting...
Hi there, I am back with another escapade of mine. Well, this particular incident was completely unprecedented and it unfolded in a very different fashion. For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 39, well built, pretty good looking, adventurous and fun-loving. Always available on This incident happened a couple of months back, while I was returning from Delhi after a meeting and had an evening flight, which got delayed. I whiled away my time in the lounge and then...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
After having worked several months down in the San Antonio, Texas area, a woman whom had been stalking me on a frequent basis at a social media site finally convinced me that at least with a stalker, things would rarely ever be boring. Let me tell you folks, she wasn't k**ding! Going on almost six years later, we are still together, and are still turning each other on when I come in off the road. Now if we could just find a few play-pals to keep her amused while I'm away at work for weeks on...
Manu was of 28 years and was a doctor pursuing post graduation. She had had a late marriage but still staying for last six months with her parents after 10 days of her marriage due to hubby’s posting in north east India. She was not a stunning beauty but looked serene, well toned and well shaped. Her body language showed that she was not a sexy woman but her eyes and casual smile were inviting. We were both new families in the locality, an urban settlement in Jharkhand. As my neighbour, she...
Whiteboy Whipping Club!TJ Ryderhttp://www.midnightx.com/[img]http://midnightx.com/fpage/gaybd/COVER2.gif[/img] Dear Diary, Since this is like my first installment to be published in 'Lavendar Cellblock' I am supposed to intro myself a little forthe readers. And nobody buys Cellblock unless theyr'e gay or at least heavily bi, and into S&M a little bit at least, so I'm taking that into consideration here. I'm (no last names or any data that can identify me or where Iwork) a part time...
Introduction With her short stature of just above 5ft and not so slim body, Diya always wanted to be a model. She always dreamt herself crowned a beauty queen. She was a teen when Aishwarya rai and Susmitha Sen both crowned the beauty queens. Being from village of Coorg, the same place where Aishwarya Rai was born, made up her mind to become a model or an actress at least. Being a village in the interiors, she did not have any access to good photographers or even studios. Luckily the only...
Hi, Indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story and forgive me for any mistakes. Myself Roy (name changed) and my girl friend Kaur. She is a sex bomb 34-26-36 figure and very fair in complexion. This story started when I was in my first year of my college in North India. One day all my friends planned to go on a trip to Manali from college. First I was not excited to go to trip later my friends forced me to come. We went to Manali in night. We keep a bonfire outside the hotel and...
A NEW YEARS TO REMEMBER Dan, Anna, Marie & myself had gotten closer than I ever thought we would. That was a surprise, but a nice one just the same. New years is traditionally thought of as a new hope, a fresh slate for the future. Welcoming the new year of hope with a bang, as it were. We pretty much figured they'd want us over for some kind of New Years party. But we didn't want to leave the boys at home alone on New Years Eve. Quite the dilemma? Besides, if we keep taking off every...
2012-2013! by Peter Leo. approaching the door of our suite, with key in hand, i think with a frown how late business took me and that you’ll be fast asleep. so knowing my fate, with the stealth of a cat burglar, i quietly slip the key into the lock of the knob. pushing the door open i enter soundlessly. wanting, but not wanting to wake you. i listen in hopes that you aren’t sleep. but as i make my way into the darkened room, i see your cloths strewn over a chair near the bed....