2014: A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 28: So Many Decisions, So Little Time free porn video

Laura seemed to be the perfect partner for Mary and I. She was very attractive, full of passion and curiosity, and was becoming more aggressive to get and give sexual satisfaction. She was comfortable with both of us, at any time. I woke up super early on Tuesday morning, and those were the thoughts that I had to start the day. As I lay in bed, with it still dark outside, I celebrated the terrific weekend, and a killer Monday afternoon. I had plenty of time to go down my mental checklist of the girls and women that I had become become close to ... They were in two groups ... Bev (but, possibly no longer – boyfriend?), Carly, Laura, and Carmen. Then there were the women who had accepted me as their lover ... Joann, Vi, Paula and Glenna. Trying to look ahead, I had two thoughts that were getting clearer in my mind ... I truly felt, as I told her in the forest over the weekend, that I'd like to have Carly as my girlfriend. We were the same age, same grade, and same mindset – and there were possibly four more years to come, school-wise, where we could be side-by-side – IF we could win over her Mom & Dad. Carmen would likely be leaving us within the next 3-4 months, but I still planned to stay within reach of her, and just watch her get more and more beautiful (and SEXY) ... I knew I had to check on Joann, with all that had likely gone down in her life in the past 10 days or so; I needed to make contact with Glenna – especially after that brief little "non-exchange" we'd just had; and then there was Vi, whose future seemed up in the air. At the core of my "social activities" was Mary, the exciting, ever-creative, fanatically passionate girl, who kept topping herself – and now with the addition of Laura, my mentor had become ever more exciting. My mind was primarily on long range possibilities with Carly, but I also had an eye on our sexy, exciting threesome.
During lunch break on Tuesday, I made the call to Mr. Wilder at the high school. They transferred me to the teachers' lounge, and a gruff voice came on the line. When I introduced myself, he perked up "Oh, yeah – your Mr. Sawyer said you want to see me for Drivers Training..." "Yes Sir", I responded, I'm 16 already, and I need to start driving so I can run errands for my parents – my ' dad ' is getting us a second car" ... I figured it would be helpful for me to give a good reason, and I knew that at times, it was just easier to use the "Dad" term with others. Mr. Wilder said, "OK Son, this is a little different, because you're not at the high school yet ... but Mr. Sawyer is pretty high on you ... so, let's get you over here, and have a little chat, and then maybe we can get the ball rolling ... and, yeah – bring me your birth certificate and a note from your ' Dad ' with permission ... that fair enough?" Not sure about the "note" part, I nevertheless confidently asked to meet with him at 3:30 on Thursday. When he said "fine", I said a respectful goodbye – I was pretty pleased with myself that I might be able to set up the visit with Mr. Wilder, then also spend a fun afternoon with Mary & Laura, too...
I touched bases with both Carly and Carmen during the remainder of lunchtime out on the school yard. I think Carly's daily plan was now to cross paths with me, only if even for a second or two, for a hug and quick kiss – a damn good way to keep reminding me that she was there, and also show people (like other guys – and even the sex-crazed Joy, maybe) that she was with her man. Carmen, I think, wanted me to see her, just to show off her new outfits, and that dynamic new body. Not bad eye-candy for THE BOY, every damn day at school. On the other side, though, Bev had seemingly changed her whole "m.o.", and was now apparently keeping her distance, I felt. Two little afternoon tidbits: I stopped by to thank Mr. Sawyer for linking me with D.T., and took great pleasure in blowing by "Maria's " desk, acting as if she wasn't even there. Then I got a message delivered at 5th period science – we couldn't take calls during the school day, but the office would take messages and get them to the students. When the little 7th grader knocked at Mrs. Stiefel's door, she brought in a folded note, and gave it to the Teacher. Mrs. Stiefel held up the note, and I went to the front, and returned to my desk with it. It read: "Your Ride in South parking lot at 3:00" ... that was a bit strange, for it was a "bus day" for me, my stepfather was out of town, I thought ... and my Mom was tied up at work 'til 5:30ish, just like every other day. When the time came, I bolted out there, knowing I had a moment to check out the lot, then hustle back to board the Bus.
I scanned the lot left-to-right, then caught sight of a car with a red top, moving down the next aisle. I knew that car, and that driver. Mary pulled up, and motioned me toward the passenger door ... I jumped in without hesitation ... to her pretty smile, and the question "Do you mind if I kidnap you for a little while, Babe... ?" I gave her a little tap on her right knee, and surrendered with, "I'm yours! " ... She told me "something is definitely up, and we need to talk..." I first thought we were headed toward our little love house, but Mary pulled into a small dirt parking area, under some trees at the edge of the big park. When she stopped, she said, "I want to run something by you ... and also ... I decided we might as well enjoy this..." I nodded, then watched as she wheeled her legs up on the seat, and lifted her skirt about halfway up her thighs... "I already took my panties off..." So I casually reached out and massaged the inside of two very pretty legs... "I need to tell you about a little ' project ' I've been working on" then she paused to look down at the progress I was making, up her legs... "At my school, of course they have a business office ... I noticed a lady in there, early in December. In the last few days, I've been talking to her, whenever I went in there, and anytime I've seen her going to-and-fro in the building..." Then Mary paused, and smiled "Just one question before I go on ... do you still like Asian Girls... ?"
Thinking back to the sweet and innocent little "Sung", I barked... "HELL, yes..." So Mary smiled at my interest, and right after she pulled up her skirt higher (now locating my fingers as I was ready to touch her pussy), she sighed and said, "Go slow ... I need time to explain ... her name is ' Mai ', I think she's either Japanese or Chinese – I can't remember which, but I'll just say ... I want to see her NAKED..." I put my fingers in my mouth, got them nice and wet, then inserted them into Mary's pussy ... we were now closer to each other, in the middle of the full bench seat. I got them firmly inside, then looked up and said "go on..." Mary continued... "we talked maybe 7-8 times altogether, then I asked her if she'd like to join me for a late lunch yesterday ... I know that she's 41, single, and from what she said, she's not been with anyone for years. She married an American guy when she came to the U.S., they moved to North Carolina, and then he eventually dumped her ... she got this job, and has been working at the school for over 10 years. Once she gets her glasses off, she's very sexy and pretty – but that's just my opinion ... I mean, I was recalling what you said about some ' neighborhood connections ' that you have made -- uhh, if they are Moms, then ... well ... they must be a little old ... OK, so what's the oldest woman you've been with... ??" I casually said "mid-thirties"...
Mary was a little taken back, but straightened up taller, and put her hand on my forearm, to help adjust my fingers inside her. Suddenly the feeling was having an effect on her ... but ... she had more to explain... "OK, let me wrap this up ... then I want MORE, damn you!" (said with a big grin)... "So anyway, I found out enough at lunch, and got close enough and ALONE enough with her, that I'm sure she hasn't even thought about sex for months, maybe years ... it just makes me want to step up to the plate – do you understand??" I felt the moisture gathering in Mary's pussy, and moved my fingers around freely inside her... "I think so ... so I guess I need to ask ... what does all this mean for me?" Mary leaned toward me and said, "It means I want you at the house Friday afternoon right after school, and WE are going to see if we can FUCK THE HELL OUT OF HER..." I got a deep kiss at the end of that, then lowered her back toward her car door, and dropped between her legs... "Let me think about it for a second..." My tongue was in her the moment I was able to get a good angle, and my licks covered every inch of her, inside and out... "AWWWW, Baby ... there's just nothing like this ... EAT ME ... please ... I want to CUM..."
I brought Mary to climax in less than two minutes, even though I had wanted to stretch out her excitement much longer. I'm not sure if she looked around first, but her scream MUST have echoed throughout that side of the Park ... When Mary got her breath, she ordered me to lie back, and grabbed for my buckle ... my Dick was 100% hard, making it a trick to get out, but once she saw it, she covered it with her mouth, then in a terrific move, she got the entire shaft inside her mouth and throat ... I jerked hard in my seat, but then I started to move with her, on her order "Give me everything you've got..." I gathered her face in my hands, and moved her just right ... when I went still, she braced herself for an avalanche of CUM ... My lady exhaled a moan between the first and second swallow, then went still ... so I could pump any remaining liquid down her throat ... She stayed there, right in place, until she knew she had drained me of everything ... then she rose, saying "Oh Jesus, how does it keep getting better and better... ?" There was not one single drop of Cum on her lips or face ... proving to me that she was an expert at taking Dick ... We pulled back from each other, I adjusted myself (reluctantly), and we grinned and stared in each others' eyes for a bit. "Mary, sweetheart ... you constantly surprise me ... and you just keep driving me up the wall..." Then she shrugged her shoulders, "well, we DO 'aims' to please, Sir..."
"So Friday is a totally new adventure for us, huh?" Mary simply nodded an excited YES. "I've got a couple of days to prep with her, and find out as much as I can ... all I know is that she didn't hesitate for a second, when I asked her to come over and have lunch at the house..." I said to Mary, "I'm there...", but then thinking about our schedule, I added, "Now, Thursday is our afternoon with Laura, right? ... But I get the feeling that we're not mentioning Friday to Laura... ?" Mary nodded and said "You got it babe, let's give Mai our attention on Friday, then, depending on how that goes, we may work Laura into the picture after that. You remember I mentioned how hot I get when I watch you and Laura fuck? Well, I've already had a vision of Mai being in our bed. I want to hold her down while you fuck her hard, then I want to put on the strap and show her what a another girl can do for her..." I was absolutely blown away by all that talk ... and I let her know about how I felt, with a series of probing kisses. Then I reached down and got Mary off again with some good finger work ... it had been awhile since she had gripped at me so desperately ... without a sound, she came very, very HARD.
Wednesday was an important day ... my Mom asked "WHY" did I need to know when " He " would be coming in? She posed the question because she was the ultimate control freak, and her attitude toward him was so cold. I just let her comments slide, and kept my mouth shut. I got some more attention from my two girls with the jet black hair at school that day – I figured they were each angling for some love, with the weekend coming up. I also found myself in the hallway, between periods 5 & 6, just a few feet down from "Big Nicky", as we both waited for the warning bell, to go in. I moseyed down to him, but the usual "reek of cigarettes" got the best of me, so I stopped short of getting any closer. Dressed to the 9's, he was sporting his madras shirt, and his Nettleton loafers. We made (extremely) small talk for a second, then I asked, "Oh yeah, what ever happened to your Aunt, the one who lives a block over from me?" The smelly guy said, "She fucked up royal during the Holidays, now she's in a world of shit..." Though I winced within, I still probed... "What's all that about... ?" He informed me that the higher-ups in the family were about to boot her ass out of her house ... the bell sounded, and this unlikeable character's last words were " ... stupid bitch..." I would have cold-cocked him right there, I was so angry ... but I figured it best to walk away, and check matters out for myself.
Then a shock hit me in the face when I got off the bus, and strode up the hill to my house ... there was a "FOR SALE" sign in Glenna's front yard. A big white truck was backed into her driveway. That scene shot right thru me ... yet I had bigger fish to fry in my own house ... A check of the place proved to me that my stepfather was home, but that me must be down in the basement. I went straight down, and got a "heyyy..." when I ducked in. He was busy tearing some kind of motor apart, atop his work bench. "I have an update on the driving for you..." getting his attention. He turned and raised his eyebrows, then I reported that tomorrow I was signing up at the high school for the course. He gave a "thumbs up" with his grin, then things got even better when I put some 20's & 10's in his hands – totaling $200. He smiled and put the folded bills in his pocket... "You worked hard for this ... we'll pick up that car, and get you in the road as soon as we can." Then I dropped the "note" matter at him, and he said "sure", just for me to show him what to do. With grease on his hands, it wasn't exactly the time to have him write something out, but I knew we needed this "alone time" to get this little detail out of the way – for our little enterprise (more accurately – "scheme") was still our little secret. I went upstairs, printed out a brief note on a half page of paper, basically explaining that "he", my dad, was authorizing me for the class.
By the time I bolted back downstairs, he had wiped his hands reasonably clean, and signed the note without reading it. I'd like to think he did it because he trusted me and was totally in my corner, but I also realized how he might have struggled to compose the request on his own ... I recalled somewhere earlier that my Mom had criticized him for not finishing 8th grade, in his day. Great Lady, huh? I put that little keepsake in my notebook, then went into a "sacred" drawer to "borrow" my birth certificate. I knew I could get it copied the next day at school, without any problems ... With that secured, I called Mary about 4pm, and got the scoop on the next afternoon ... she said she had just had a coffee with Mai, and that we might have our work cut out for us on Friday. I asked why, but she instead wanted to talk about the game plan for Thursday – with Laura (a very pleasant subject, I felt). I asked her if we could drop by the high school, and told her why ... she was very excited to help, and said "sure, we'll do that so you can get your license going ... then after that, we'll do what we can to get Laura's clothes off ... sound good... ?" I laughed and said, "DAMN Good ... it's been a couple of days, and she's due for some loving..." Mary fired back with..."ummmm, I knew it was a good idea to keep you around..."
So with our Thursday planned, my consciousness returned to the scene across the street. I was having a hard time swallowing what I'd seen a few minutes earlier ... I went over, and observed two guys in jumpsuits, putting Glenna's couch in the back of the truck ... I walked by them, getting to her back porch – that screened-in space where the two of us had licked and nailed each other several times before. I reached the open door to the kitchen, and caught the backside of Glenna, as she was emptying out silverware into a box. She turned to look at me, but without a word, went right back to work. I got up to the counter, about 4-5 feet to her left, and waited for her to say something. "Well, as you can see, I'm moving..." She stopped after that, to grip the edge of the counter, and lower her head. "I can't talk, I'm busy..." was all she offered... "But we HAVE to talk, I need to know what's happening here", I said. She looked at me with disgust, but then took a deep breath, and said, "OK, I'm sorry – you're right ... give me a couple of hours, and come back over ... I'll fill you in." I started to reach for her, but then thought better of it, and simply said, "OK, I'll be back..."
At dinner I was fairly quiet. My Mom said, "you don't like what I made?", accusingly. I said, "no, just not very hungry right this second ... oh, and also I need to go across the street and help the lady pack up some things, she ... well, I think maybe they're moving..." Then, in her usual negative tone, my Mom commented "well, she was never very friendly anyway, maybe a nicer family will move in" ... I felt myself getting angry, but bit my tongue. I did manage a statement about the Lady giving me lots of work over the last few months, and how that meant more cash in the Jar. But by then, my Mom had "spoken", meaning that there was no need for comment from any other person.
I showered, then went back to Glenna's house. The truck had gone, but the back doors were still open ... I called out to her, finally getting a response from the far end of the hallway. A check of the rooms along the way did nothing but confirm that she was leaving. I finally reached the living room and found Glenna, who was now loading books & magazines into an open box... "Can I help?" I offered, but got a resounding "NO" from her. Then I softly said, "Did I do something wrong... ?" Glenna stopped her work for a second, and walked toward me slowly ... she raised her head, and said... "Of course not ... you don't deserve my bad attitude ... I'm sorry..." She pointed toward a folding chair, and motioned me to sit down ... then she did the same, still 15 feet away. "I've got to get out of here ... I can't stay," she said. "Marvin turned out to be a lying son-of-a-bitch, and we are getting a divorce as soon as possible. He was all lovey-dovey during the holidays ... in fact, he warmed up to me in bed for the first time in ... well, you know, a very long time ... he had me thinking that he was rededicating himself to our marriage. In fact, the more he sold me on it, the more I felt guilty about you and I being lovers. He was such a gentleman, and so caring around the house, and so warm – I went thru a lot of pain over the times I ' cheatied ' on him with you ... but then the bomb dropped..."
I sat there, perfectly quiet. Then Glenna collected herself, and continued... "a couple of days after New Year's, he was at a conference in Washington ... I looked forward for him to get back in a few days, so we could continue to put our marriage back together..." When she stopped to take a breath, I said... "and ... the bomb?" She looked me in the eye, and raised her voice slightly, " ... well, OK... ' the bomb ' was a phone call I got late one night, I think the 9th ... one of his fellow salesmen informed me that it was only fair that I know that Marvin had a girlfriend, and that instead of rooming with him during the conference, Marvin had changed the reservation to a single room, so he could have this girl with him every night. The guy thought it was only fair that I should know what the hell was really going on up there." Then Glenna started to break down ... I would have crawled from my spot to get over to her and take her in my arms. We sort of put the two folding chairs together, so I could touch her. I watched her cry, with her head in my lap. For the second time in 48 hours, I really wanted to cold-cock someone ... but I just held on to her, as she wept in anger and hurt...
When Glenna lifted up and wiped her face, she said "the lowdown bastard had me thinking what a horrible wife I had been, deceiving him and making love with you behind his back ... and now this..." I said the words, "Lying Motherfucker", in front of her, not able to hold back. Glenna said, "I went through so many emotions during those days between Christmas and New Year's, and I was ready to clean up my act and be the wife I was supposed to be ... all for a guy who was cheating on me for months ... can you give me a few minutes... ? Glenna excused herself, then shut the bathroom door behind her. I sprawled out in my chair, and gazed at the messy but near barren living room. We had made love all over the house, and I knew I had made her happy ... now, because of that bastard, it was over ... and I was losing a friend and a lover.
I started to pick myself up and be on my way ... but I realized that the next time I might look across the street, the house might be totally empty, and Glenna might have left my sight forever. I passed the bathroom door, and heard the shower running, and knew I couldn't just walk out. After a few seconds of thought, I went into the steamy room ... I saw Glenna's still figure, leaning against the wall in the shower, with the water flowing all over her. I went to that end, and gently slid the door about 6" open ... Glenna sensed something, then brushing back her wet hair and the water out of her eyes, looked at me with a blank face. I leaned forward and kissed her, then gave her another one right after. The result was, that now " I " was wet, and drenched halfway down my chest. Glenna got a look at me, and said... "well, you might as well come on in ... with an faint smile ... I was out of my wet and dry clothes, and took the sliding door farthest from her. Glenna met me at that door, saying two words... "I'm sorry..." I smothered her second word back into her mouth with my tongue, so that she could say nothing more. Glenna's hands went up and down my back, then she did the same on my hips – adding her nails to her touch ... I could tell that she liked it when I shook a little in reaction. We looked into each others' eyes, and I said, "I know I'm about to lose you, but ... can we be with each other tonite??"
Her smile and firmer embrace was enough for me to start on her. I kissed her as softly as I could, but then increased the pressure so she would know how much I would miss her. I played with her tits as if it were the first time, and re-discovered every little inch of them with my lips and tongue. She sighed when I lifted each one of them from her chest, and licked underneath them. Words were not important at this point, so I lowered myself and lightly licked the inside of her legs and thighs, teasing her – but letting her know that my next stop would be her pussy. With a simple "ready?", she turned off the water, we kissed each other, and I went to work at toweling her off, loving the look I got at every part of her body ... She announced, "uhhh, I'm really sorry, but I've packed all the other towels, and this one is IT..." We both looked at each other and giggled, then I mixed in a few swipes at myself, with the drying I was giving her ... When we went outside into the hallway, I embraced her from behind... "things are a little different in the house ... uhhh (seeing that she was a little amused) ... where can I take us, so I can LOVE you good... ?" Before she formed an answer to my question, she reached behind and took my Dick – and found that I was ready for her. Glenna immediately turned around and went down into a squat, and took me into her mouth and started pumping ... I was thrilled to get her attention back, after so long of a dry spell for us...
She went to work on me in the semi-darkness, and her mouth felt great, moving all over me. When she put her hands firmly on my hips, and started using her mouth on my shaft, licking wildly, it almost drove me NUTS. "Oh Babe, WHERE?" I yelled out, to keep from cumming all over her ... She looked around, still pumping me a little. We stepped back into what used to be the living room, and found three cushions in one corner. "The bed's gone, but we could use these...", she said as we both improvised. She put them down in position, but made the mistake of leaving her backside and that pretty round butt toward me ... It was maybe two seconds before I was inside her, and working hard... "ohhhhhhhhh yessssssss ... thank youuuuu..." I got, making me thrust into her ever harder. Glenna buried her forehead into the cushion, saying "take this, motherfucker... !", with great satisfaction. I knew then that this was a "revenge fuck" of the highest level – and could have cared LESS. Glenna continued with "give it to me as hard as you can, Davey..." I can't tell you how great it was to hear my name coming from this beautiful, sensitive girl. I then put her on top of me, to give her full freedom to Fuck me, too. She responded quickly by going flat-footed on the cushion, and bouncing up and down on my shaft. Glenna took every thrust with a grunt – there was affection for me ... but hate for him with every sound she made. It was a pure pleasure to watch her work, and start to sweat (whoops, "perspire") on top of me, and throw drops on my upper body, to go along with what was falling from her very wet hair...
She braced for the first orgasm, and let out a scream on top of me ... Then when she went into a series of heaves, I played with her tits, and said, "I've got to EAT you..." She was thrilled with that, so it was easy to work us down to a side-by-side 69 ... we worked hard on each other, and I could not stop tingling while she happily went all over my Dick and balls, and beyond. The only time she stopped was to CUM again, while gripping my ankles. I turned her over and went into full FUCK MODE, and pounded away in her, harder and harder. At some point, she grabbed the top edge of her cushion, and was using it to help her arch upward to thrust her tongue toward me. Glenna confirmed that she wanted to let out all the stops, and enjoy what might be our final Fuck together. Then she ordered... "Please don't wait, give it to me ... Just this once, I want it all over my face." I sprung to my feet, she put her wet hair back, closed her eyes and waited for me to grant her wish ... I had to first ask, "Am I the only one who's EVER CUM in your MOUTH... ?" "ummmm, YESSS ... came from her, as she opened her mouth for my shot. I blasted into the roof of her mouth, with it bouncing onto her tongue ... she got her bearings, then went into full SWALLOW mode. When it was gone, she started throwing her face left and right, making me reward her with 3-4 more shots of love, from her forehead to the point of her chin. When I lowered myself down to her level, she said "It feels so good, and HOT..." Then she opened her mouth to accept my fingers, as I collected cum off her face, and wiped it on her tongue. At times she'd just suck my fingers, and laugh. I don't think we had ever been dirtier, or more on the same page. I decided that I like REVENGE fucks...
My watch said 9:10, and I realized the longer I stayed ... the more I'd have to explain, and the harder it would be to leave Glenna. We sat and talked quietly. She told me her plan was to pack up, put everything in her car, and drive to Tennessee the next day, to stay with her parents until all the legal matters were done. She was to get some money from the house, but that would be down the road a bit. It was painful, but I took my last look at her, gave her a hug and kiss a few minutes later, and I was out her back door in the dead dark, and turning for my house. Fortunately I didn't have to say a word once I got home. I simply made a "head-call", then went directly to my room, shutting the door behind me. As I undressed something fell from one of my pockets. It was a little note, that read "goodbye my love", wrapped tightly around a "20" and a "10". Glenna had slipped me an "alibi", for the time we spent together on this night. I didn't shut my eyes until nearly 11:45pm.
Thursday was a new day. School "was, what it was" ... I guess the highlight came at the end of lunch, when I dropped by the office and made the copy of my birth certificate. The secretary said with amusement that I had another message from "my Mother"... (?? ) ... when I read the little note, taken during the noon hour, I saw "will pick you up in parking lot..." I knew immediately that it was merely Mary firming up things for our afternoon. When she arrived right after the final bell, I saw that it was "they", and not just "her". A very bright and cheery LAURA was in the passenger seat alongside Mary. I got in the back seat, with Laura turning around to say "HI". I read Mary's eyes in the her rear view. She drove out of the school lot, then turned right to go toward the high school, trading glances with me along the way ... It hadn't occurred to me that Laura would be with us when we tripped over to see Mr. Wilder ... so I knew my little "age charade" was about to come to an end. I let the two girls do most of the talking, while I sat in back, trying to put some thoughts together. When we got to the high school entrance, I said a quick "be right back", and didn't breathe until I was safely past the front office door.
I asked for Mr. Wilder, so the secretary went on the P.A. to let him know he had a visitor ... In a short time, the tall figure of my new driving instructor came thru a side door, and walked up with a firm handshake. "Let's go into the conference room, David..." he barked, with me already falling in behind him. Mr. Wilder was kind of 'bigger than life", well over 6 feet tall and fairly top-heavy, and likely somewhere in his mid 60's ... When we sat down, I gave him the two required pieces, he glanced at them, then put them in a manila folder. Over the next few minutes, not one word was said about Driver Training ... He told me about his Son, "Burt", who was now playing football for the New York Jets, in the new American Football League. Being a sports guy, I warmed up to hear about that, but still kept my words to a minimum. Then Mr. Wilder told me that he would teach me "The Fruits of the Spirit" ... I was at first confused as to what he meant, but as he went on, I realized that he was a very religious fellow, who would give me (as he gave all his other students, past and present) some rules to live by – at no extra charge. Finally getting back to square one, he gave me a start date on Monday, ten days from then, and said he would give me a slightly accelerated course, maybe with one other student, from 3:30-5:00pm, three days per week, for the next three weeks. I was pleased that he took me in, and created a slot for me ... so I thanked him. He told me when and where to be, and I shook his hand and said a final "thanks", before turning to the school entrance. But now the chore of having to explain myself to Laura hit me right in the face. I had no choice but to give her the truth ... not knowing what her reaction would be toward me, the guy who was a little over three years younger than this college girl.

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