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Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance.

It was lunchtime on Friday at the Peanut Bar. The Idiots Club meets here, once a week to share our miseries. The membership is not very impressive, just four middle age guys with one thing in common: our wives are each cheating on us.

Bradley Cook, Ray Timmons, Karl Marshall, and myself, John Terrell, all went to high school together. We all married our high school sweethearts, and we all remained friends these past twenty years. Between the four of us, there are six children, two of them, mine. They are all either in high school or college.

The four us had no trouble keeping busy, because we had mouths to feed and bills to pay. The wives, however, were in a different situation. As the children grew into their teens, the women found themselves with a lot of free time. They spent it together shopping and going on different daytime outings. For the guys, we were pretty much limited to lunch on Fridays, and an occasional weekend Bar-B-Q or party at one of the houses.

Karl was the first to notice something was funny. At first, he figured it was just his wife, Betsy. He brought it up in conversation one day, and that opened the floodgates. None of us had anything definite that indicated that our wives were being unfaithful, but we all saw little things that indicated that something was going on. Bradley printed out a list of things that husbands should look for if they suspected their spouses were cheating. After going over the lists, each of us became paranoid. The weekly luncheon conversations turned into recaps of our wives activities over the past week. Soon, we felt that we were manufacturing things, just to fulfill some disastrous prophecy, which we were projecting upon ourselves. None of us had the guts to confront our spouses. We were married too long to risk alienating them if we were wrong. We were also afraid of the effect a wrongful accusation might have on the children. The biggest fear was that the suspicions might be true.

Ray had a friend, who had a friend, who worked at a private detective agency. We paid four thousand dollars up-front, for one week of coverage. We all anted up our share and gave the guy pictures, phone numbers, license plate numbers, and type of cars. He was going to start the next Monday and give us a report at our next Friday meeting. It was going to be a long week.

The girls were all pushing forty, but not there yet. They all looked good for their age. Karl's wife, Betsy, was tall and wore her hair straight down to her shoulders. There was no curl in her auburn hair at all. She had full bangs that came down to her eyebrows and made her eyes look deep and mysterious. That made up for her lack of body shape. She had small boobs and no hips to speak of, even after having two girls.

Ray and his wife, Jenny, had one son, who was away at college. He was an accident, while they were still in high school. Jenny was the short one of the bunch, just over five feet. She was also a little hippy, but dressed well, to conceal it. She dyed her hair blonde and wore it up, to make herself look taller. It didn't work. Jenny had the best personality of the bunch. She could always make you laugh.

Bradley ended up married to a feisty Italian girl named Carla. Carla had a body any man would die for. Her hair was dark, almost black, but not quite. It went well with her olive complexion. She never stopped talking. They had a daughter that looked just like her mother.

My wife, Marcie, seemed to be the leader of the pack. Marcie was not as tall as Betsy, but close. She had naturally blonde hair and wore it off her shoulders. I always thought she was pretty, but she had some acne scars from her teen years, that she had to cover up with makeup. She was self conscious about them, and I was careful never to mention it. I wasn't the most handsome guy in the world, but felt lucky just being with her.

By Thursday night, I was a wreck. Marcie was in good spirits and we had a great supper that night. My sons, Josh and Jordan, were out of the house by six o'clock, to places unknown. Their grades were good and they were never in trouble, so I didn't want to know what they were up to. Marcie and I spent the evening, alone in front of the television. That was our usual pastime. I was beginning to think that was probably where the problem was. I wasn't providing enough entertainment or excitement in her life. Of course, at this point I had no idea I really had a problem. Tomorrow, I would get the news, good or bad. I wanted to talk about it with her, but had no idea how to open the conversation. I sat there, deep in thought, most of the evening.

Shortly after Marcie went to bed, the boys came home. We chatted about nothing in particular for a few minutes, and then they went to bed also. I got a beer and stayed up, watching some really old situation comedy shows, until I fell asleep on the couch. The TV was still on when I woke up in the morning. The boys were just leaving for school.

"John, what is wrong? You seem out of sorts the past week or so. Is something going on at work?" Marcie seemed to be hovering.

"No, everything at work is fine, dear. I just have a lot of other things on my mind."

"Can I help? Is there anything I can do?"

I slowly got myself off the overstuffed sofa and started up the stairs. "I am afraid it is too late now. What has been done can not be undone." I left her with that deep piece of philosophical dribble, as I went to take my shower.

Thirty minutes later, I was on my way out the door. Marcie had coffee and a light breakfast ready, but I walked past her, without saying a thing. She looked worried and so she should be.

The rest of the morning seemed to drag. I thought lunchtime would never come.

Karl, Bradley, and Ray were already at the table when I arrived. I thought I would be early, but they all beat me there. We decided not to order any food, but all of us had a draft. Frank Perella was the "secret agent" assigned to our case. That was a weak attempt on our part, to attach some frivolity to what would otherwise be a gloomy endeavor.

"Well, gentlemen, I have reports here from four different days and each of them involve a different wife. Does somebody want to go first, or should I do it day-by-day?"

After we all agreed on the day-by-day, Frank started with Monday.

"To start off, each of your wives is seeing somebody. In the first four days, we just gathered information on when and where. We don't have any hardcore photographic or audio proof, because that would cost you a lot more money, and take more time."

He paused a moment, I guess for dramatic effect.

"Interesting enough, only one wife would have an affair on any one day. The other three would be her cover. They all left for the day together and all returned together. If they were shopping, the three, who were not meeting anybody, would buy something for the one who was. I can only assume that if there were a problem of some sort, they would all cover for each other. Any questions so far?"

There were no questions, so he proceeded.

"On Monday, they all left together in Marcie's car. It was the easiest tail of the week. At ten o'clock, they dropped Carla Cook off at 321 David Drive, and then proceeded to the Berkshire Mall. I went back to the house on David Drive and waited to see what transpired. A fellow named Steve Springer rents the house. He works as a body man at Henderson Ford in Terrytown. We discovered later, that there was a cell phone call made to the house, ten minutes before Carla was dropped off. The same cell phone was used in all the other meetings. It is an unregistered phone, but we have the number. We don't know which of the women actually has possession of the phone."

Bradley didn't look too well. He had a temper and seemed to be having a little trouble controlling it right now. Ray said something to him quietly, and he settled down some.

"About three hours later, a call was made from the house phone to the cell phone. Ten minutes after that, Marcie and the girls drove by and picked up Carla. She dropped each of them off at their respective homes. That was it for Monday. Are there any questions?"

Bradley was a bundle of nerves by now. "Can I have a beer?"

We ended up ordering five drafts.

Frank drank half of his beer and then continued. "On Tuesday it was Carla's turn to drive. They all went to Renninger's Antique Market, about ten miles out of town. After parking the car, they stayed together while they entered the market area. It was difficult to follow them in the crowded aisles, but it didn't take long for something to happen. There was a call made from the cell phone about ten minutes before they arrived. It was to the Dorchester Motel, across the highway from the market. Betsy Marshall slipped away from the group and left by the front entrance. I followed her, and watched as she crossed the road and entered room 114, at the Dorchester. Richard Tolliver had reserved the room the previous day. Mrs. Marshall stayed in the room for over two hours and then returned to the Market, where she met the rest of the women at the same spot that she had left them. They departed the market and drove home. Any questions?"

I couldn't help myself. "Karl, who the hell is Richard Tolliver?"

"He is our optometrist. I thought she was getting her eyes checked a lot lately." Karl slumped down in his chair, after finishing his beer. There were no smiling faces around the table. We decided to order another round of beer.

"Betsy got to drive on Wednesday. They went to the Green Dragon Farmers Market. The cell phone call that day, went to another cell phone, but it was traceable. Rather than park as close to the market area as possible, they went to the far back of the parking lot, where the motor homes parked. The four of them walked through the RV parking area, but only three of them actually entered the market. I had to go back and try and find out what happened to Jenny Timmons. She was nowhere to be found. I wrote down the license plate numbers of all the likely vehicles she could have ducked into, twenty-three of them. My people were able to cross check the cell phone number that was called and the license number of the motor homes. Within an hour, I was standing across from a large Winnebago owned by Owen Zimmer. Mister Zimmer owns the Volvo dealership in Lancaster. Shortly after noon, Jenny left the motor home and joined the other ladies for lunch. They were all laughing and joking later, as they walked back to the car for the ride home."

"Ray, you drive a Volvo don't you?"

"Yeah. We bought it down in Lancaster last year. I wanted to do something nice for Jenny. That's a joke, but none of you better laugh."

I was dreading what was going to come next. I was the only one left. I definitely did not want another beer. "Okay, Frank. I can't stand the suspension. What the hell happened on Thursday?"

"Jenny drove the Volvo Thursday to the King of Prussia Mall. They strolled into the mall being very casual. Marcie made a cell phone call and handed the phone to Jennie. The Executive Suites are attached to the mall at the north end. The group migrated in that direction and then Marcie Terrell slipped away and entered the elevator. All we knew at the time was that she went up to floor five. It took several hours, but my people were able to check the cell phone call against the room registrations. State Assemblyman, Allen Hoffman, had rented room 511 the whole afternoon, for a business conference. At two o'clock, a call was made from that room to our mysterious cell phone. Ten minutes later the ladies were all back together again and leaving for home. That concludes my overview. We will be preparing detailed reports for each of you. If you decide you want more information, we will be more that happy to accommodate you."

All of a sudden I was smiling to myself.

Karl noticed and just had to ask, "What is so funny?"

"Alan Hoffman is a Democrat. Marcie and I are both registered Republicans. I just thought that was funny."

The rest of the guys didn't get the joke.

Frank gathered up all of his papers. He had short, abbreviated reports for each of us. They were almost like a rough draft, but the important stuff was there. We all thanked him as he left. We were now alone in our misery. Nobody wanted another beer. Ray and Karl had already taken the rest of the day off. Bradley and I soon followed suit.

Marcie's car was gone when I got home. Today was her day for grocery shopping. At least she did that alone. The boys were still in school. I took advantage of the empty house, and free time, to move my clothing and personal items into the guest room. I got downstairs just in time to help Marcie unload the groceries from the car. She never asked what I was doing home so early. She still had the look of concern on her face that was there when I left that morning.

I tried to stay out of her way as she busied herself with putting the groceries away. She knew where everything went, but I didn't. In no time, she had supper started. She was a good cook and homemaker.

Just as the boys got home from school, the phone rang. I greeted the boys with the usual banter as Marcie chatted. She put the phone down with a worried look on her face. The boys had gone up to their rooms.

"What the hell did you guys do this afternoon?"

"I am not sure I know what you are talking about."

"That was Jenny on the phone. Bradley came home early from work today and started accusing Carla of cheating on him. It ended up in a fight, and Carla is now in the hospital. The police are talking to Bradley. Jenny called Carla's parents. Jenny said it was all because of some kind of meeting you guys had earlier today. John, what is going on?"

"Why don't you tell me?"

"This is not a time for you to be cute, damn it. I would like an explanation?"

I took my cell phone out of my pocket and hit the new speed dial number that I loaded in earlier. I watched the blood drain from Marcie's face as the pre-paid cell phone, hidden in her purse, started to ring. I wasn't sure that she had the phone, but I took the chance.

"Aren't you going to get that? It might be important."

There was a short pause. "Oh God. You know, don't you?"

"I know everything. We all know everything."

About that time, Josh and Jordan came down the stairs for supper.

"You are not going to say anything in front of the boys are you?"

"I won't, if you will. Tell them everything, and I will keep my mouth shut. If you lie or try and sugar coat it, I will be forced to tell them myself. You won't like that."

We started the meal as usual. I didn't feel it was necessary for Marcie to tell them immediately. It would be nice to finish the meal and then she could do it at a more opportune time. It didn't work out that way. Shortly after we started the meal, Josh opened up.

"Why did you move all your stuff into the guest room, Dad? Is something going on between you two?"

Both of our sons were watching our faces, but never missed a stroke with their forks. Marcie had no idea I had moved my things.

"I'll let your mother explain it to you."

Marcie was nervous. For some reason, I didn't think she would be able to do it, and I was right.

"Your father and I decided that it would be a good idea if we spent some time apart. Its just temporary, and it's nothing you boys have to worry about."

I placed my fork down on the plate and looked over at my wife. "I am sorry Marcie, but that is not good enough. Either you tell them the truth or I will."

She was flustered. At this point, she still wasn't sure what I knew, and she definitely didn't want to spill the beans in front of her children.

"I'm sorry, John, but that is the best I can do."

Josh and Jordan had both put their forks down and were looking at us.

The longer I waited, the more irritated I got.

"Yesterday afternoon, your mother spent four hours having unprotected sex with her lover, at the Executive Suite Hotel in King of Prussia."

The table was silent. Marcie was aware that I knew everything. She was looking down at her plate, not wanting to make eye contact with any of us. It didn't appear as if she was breathing. The boys both got up, and walked out the front door together.

"That was cruel, John. You didn't have to do that."

"I gave you a choice and you didn't take it. After what you did to me, that was not cruel. I'll move out of the guest room, as soon as I can find an apartment."

Marcie finally started crying as she ran upstairs. I cleaned up the dinner dishes. Nobody ate anything, so it all went into the trash. I was loading the dishes in the dishwasher, when she came downstairs with a small bag. She paused before she walked through the door. Without turning, she quietly said: " It wasn't unprotected sex. We always used condoms."

That was a guess on my part. At least the accusation successfully forced an admission of guilt out of her.

"Where will you be?"

"I am going to stay with Janice." I watched as she got into her car and drove to her sister's house.

It was after midnight when the boys got home. I was sitting in the living room with my fifth beer. They looked at me and went upstairs, without saying a word.

I was still on the couch the next morning, when I heard the doorbell ringing forever. It was just a short stumble, to discover that Ray and Karl had coffee and Danish.

Karl set the coffee and Danish out on the kitchen table. We sat silent for a few moments and then Karl broke the ice.

"Bradley is still in jail. He is waiting for his parents to bail him out. Carla was released from the hospital and she, and her daughter, moved in with her parents. We don't know if she is going to press charges or not. It's a shame that a grown man has to call his parents for bail money."

"How about you guys? How are things on the home front?"

Karl went first. "There was a message on our answering machine when I got home today. Jenny called and left a message for Betsy, that I knew everything. I checked the house and half of her clothes were gone, along with her personal stuff. I don't know where she is. Thank goodness the girls are away at school. That's all I got."

Ray didn't want to talk at all, but felt obligated. "Jenny left me a note stating that she was going to be visiting her parents in Frackville for the weekend. She said she would call when she got there. There was no call."

"Well, I am in the same boat. Marcie and I had words last night, part of it in front of the boys. Rather that talk it out, she packed a bag and went to her sister's place. I don't know when I will hear from her."

"John, how did they find out that we knew?" Karl was concerned because everything got out of hand.

"I am guessing that Bradley confronted Carla as soon as he got home and she was able to call Jenny, before things got rough. I know that Jenny called Marcie about suppertime. I bet that is when she left the message for Betsy also."

"What about the guys? Does anybody know anything about what is going on with the shit-heads who caused this?" Ray seemed to be getting a little hot about the situation.

We spent the next few hours commiserating about our problems. Josh and Jordan came down for breakfast and listened in on the conversations, but said nothing. I decided not to hide anything from them. After Karl and Ray left, the boys and I had a heart-to-heart talk. They wanted to stay in the house until they finished school. Both of them preferred to spend that time with me, instead of their mother. I did nothing to taint her name or image. I did not try to influence them in any way. It didn't seem to matter.

The boys and I spent Sunday doing yard work. The mowing, edging, and the pruning that seemed to always get put off. We were trying our best to kill time. Nothing was said all day about the family situation. Marcie did not call. Bradley called to let me know he was out on bond. Carla had a restraining order against him.

It seemed sort of funny that the four guys, who did nothing wrong, were having to pay for the shit that their wives did. Something was wrong with the whole scene. Things didn't get better the next day.

I was thankful that Josh and Jordan were old enough to take care of themselves. Josh would be leaving for college in three months, and Jordan would be gone next year. Bradley showed up at the house before I left for work. We went to the IHOP together for breakfast, and to update each other. Carla agreed to drop the charges against Bradley if he agreed to a no fault divorce. As far as he was concerned, it was a no-brainer. He was going to start the paperwork right after we finished eating. I was going to have to take some kind of action, because in my mind that the marriage was over.

Each of us had our own problems to work out, but Bradley and I thought a meeting of the four of us might be a good idea. I agreed to buy the pizza if they brought the beer.

Work was a struggle for me. Joyce, my trusty secretary, tried to find out why I didn't come back to work Friday afternoon. She dropped it when she saw that I was not responsive. The big surprise came just before noon.

"Mister Terrell, my name is Nelson Neuse and I am from the State Attorney's Office." He was fat and had a bad case of rosacea. You could see the sweat beads between his thinning hair and on his forehead.

I decided not to shake his hand. "What can I do for you?"

"This is a cease and desist order that is being served on behalf of the state. You are hereby ordered to stop all inquiries into the private life of State Assemblyman Allen Hoffman. Any future intrusions will result in criminal prosecution by the state." He handed me a manila folder that obviously held some legal papers.

"I am sorry Mister Neuse, but I was under the impression that Assemblyman Hoffman was a public figure, and as such, open to such inquiries."

"Are you a lawyer Mister Terrell?"


"Than I suggest you read the order and don't make any waves." He had a sarcastic smile on his face as he said that. I leaned back in my chair and smiled right back at him. He suddenly seemed a little unsure of himself as he walked out of the office.

I took the rest of the day off. There were four major TV stations in the Philadelphia area that served three states. There were three smaller stations in the surrounding towns. It took an hour to drive to Philly. Three out of the four stations were more than happy to hear about the cease and desist order, and two of them even taped interviews with me. I pulled no punches, and unfortunately had to paint my wife with the same brush that I painted Hoffman with. The TV station, that wasn't interested in the information, was extremely liberal, and did not want to rattle any Democratic Party chiefs. I hit the three smaller stations on the way home, but they had already obtained the information off the wire service. Just as I pulled into my driveway at home, I heard the Assemblyman's affair being discussed on a talk radio show. I didn't do any more inquiries into Allen Hoffman's love life, but I did tell everybody what I already knew. He chose the game, and I just agreed to play. Any legal action that the state, or the Assemblyman, decided to take would just elevate the situation.

Marcie had come home in my absence and removed all of her clothing and personal effects. She had made her intentions very clear. She left a note explaining that she would be staying with her sister indefinitely. I had no choice but to remain in the house with the boys, which was fine with me. Tomorrow would be a good day to go to the bank, if it wasn't too late. I also had to see a lawyer.

Josh and Jordan got home from school and immediately left for someplace else. Things were amicable between us, but they preferred the company of their friends.

Shortly after five o'clock I got a frantic call from Marcie. She never said what she wanted and just seemed to be content ranting about how despicable I was to air our dirty laundry that way. I tried to explain what her boyfriend had done to set things off, but she didn't want to hear it. Apparently, it didn't matter what the circumstances were, I was to blame for everything. This was beginning to be fun.

Karl, Bradley, and Ray showed up shortly there after. I ordered the pizza and we settled in for a long evening.

Richard Tolliver had disappeared and taken the last months deposits from the Super Lens Optical with him. It amounted to over sixty thousand dollars. Since he was the manager, not the owner, the money was not his to take. Karl felt fairly certain that Betsy was with him. Karl had canceled all his credit cards, but not before she used one at a motel in Indiana. He notified the authorities of the card use.

Bradley had gone past the house at 321 David Drive and found it empty, so he drove by the body shop where Steve Springer had worked. Bradley was sure Springer would have a final paycheck coming and would leave a forwarding address. He told them that he was Steve's landlord and wanted to mail his rent deposit check to him. They were more than happy to give him the address. As soon as the divorce paperwork was completed, Bradley was taking a trip to Nitro, West Virginia. We all wished him the best of luck.

Ray had a silly little grin on his face, as he told us about Jenny's Volvo disappearing. It had been parked in front of her parent's house in Frackville. The car was insured of course, but the payoff was more that the present appraised value. Jenny still hadn't called him and nobody notified him about the missing car. He promised us that Owen Zimmer would be hearing from him shortly. I have no idea what he did with the car.

After I recapped everything concerning the TV exposé of Allen Hoffman, we discussed ways we could help each other. We decided to call it a night when we ran out of beer. Before I got the place cleaned up, the boys were home. They were getting a lot of flack about their mother and they were not happy. I had no idea what I could do to help them.

I never got to work the next morning. Joyce called me on my cell phone, before I arrived. There were some state officials and police officers, waiting for me at the office. She told them I would be in Baltimore the rest of the day. She also notified the personnel office that I was taking a sick day. I spent the rest of the morning with my lawyer. For most of the afternoon, I was at the bank. If there were any state officials looking for me, they didn't do too good a job. At about three o'clock I got a phone call that I wasn't expecting.

"Jack Terrell? This is Alice Hoffman."

"Actually, it's John, but I'll answer to anything. What can I do for you?"

"Meet me at Luciano's, in the bar, at five o'clock. I'll recognize you."

"Any special reason?"

"I think we can be of help to each other. No more questions now. I'll see you at five."

That was totally out of the blue. I had seen pictures of Alice Hoffman, on the news and in the newspaper. She was the power behind her wimpy husband. She came from money and knew how to use it. I had a strange feeling that Allen had over-stepped his boundaries this time. Alice Hoffman always had perfect hair and makeup. She always wore the best clothes. The term 'high maintenance' was created with her in mind. Maybe Marcie wanted to take her place, but Allen Hoffman did not have the money, Alice did.

I stopped by the house to get a clean shirt and tie, but couldn't get in. Two official looking cars were parked in front of the house. She would have to meet me sweaty and dirty.

I had no trouble at all finding Alice Hoffman in the restaurant. A big goon, in a dark suit, met me at the door and escorted me to a very private corner booth.

"Do you mind if I call you Jack?"

"Not at all. My father always calls me Jack, but he is the only one."

The light was dim but I could tell her hair was blonde with bits of silver. It wasn't dyed. She was over forty, but carried it well. Her attire was simple; a white blouse and a beige skirt. She wore a crystal heart on a silver chain that seemed to tie the whole picture together.

"I wanted to thank you for the great job you did embarrassing my husband. I couldn't have done better myself, though I wanted to. However, I am sorry for the price you had to pay. For a loving husband, it must be terrible to find out something like this."

"It was not my intention to humiliate you or your husband. I would have been content if everything would have remained low key. I am afraid your husband pulled the wrong string. I don't respond very well to threats."

"I understand. I am not humiliated or embarrassed, Jack. If anything, I am relieved. I was getting ready to dump the lout, but I couldn't do it without looking vindictive or shrewish. You solved that problem for me. Since you are already committed, I was hoping we could help each other."

"You want me to look like the bad guy, so you can get a divorce?"

"Exactly. Can you handle it?"

"How do you help me in this operation?"

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It was at the next meeting; Jeff Graham’s true colors appeared. The semi-rotund, self-effacing likeable guy became a mean-spirited person. “So, Jeff we got the list of things we’re dealing with, what do you want to talk about first?” I asked. “First, David – You can get off your soap-box about reducing taxes, and giving a raise to the police and teachers. We don’t have the money to give any raises unless we up the city sales tax by at least 25%?” Jeff said. “My wife Elizabeth, looked over...

1 year ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 5

The next morning, I went off to work at one of my consulting firms. My cell rang. “Hey honey, what’s up?” It was Liz. “You know that I gave you back all of those city ledgers a while back?” “Yeah, so?” “Well, I took pictures of the pages before I gave them back to you?” she said, sounding worried. “And?” “I found something really odd, when you come home later; I’ll explain it all OK?” she said confidently. “I love you!” I said. “I love you more, Davey!” she said sounding...

3 years ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 6

I went to one of my consultants for the day and the next couple of weeks went by without too much consternation. About a month later, at our day-before meeting, I brought up a new subject to Jeff. “Jennie Lee tells me that you are her Uncle!” I disclosed. “Yeah, I am – So what?” he responded curtly. “Whoa there, Jeff, I’m just trying to get to know you a little better, you don’t have to cut my head off?” I replied. “Sorry, David – Daniel, her father was a real SOB, including slapping her...

2 years ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 7

We met Jeff and his wife, Mary, who looked suspiciously like an older version of Jennie Lee, except a brunette, at the Sizzler Restaurant. During the course of the dinner, Lizzie accidentally knocked Mary’s plastic tumbler off the table, necessitating a new one. As surreptitiously as possible, Liz grabbed the tumbler, and placed it into her oversized purse. I’ve had her take that purse with us before to restaurants, so we could fill it with the bread you get, to save some money at home. That...

1 year ago
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Politics Played Dirty

"People always get the type of government they deserve." Chapter 1 Congressman Blaine sat staring at the television in his hotel suite waiting for the results of the election. He was well ahead of the environmentalist asshole that was running against him because of his vote on the Alaskan oil drilling. Ron Blaine hated these re-election campaigns every two years. He knew that most of the so-called citizens had no idea what he voted on and could have cared less. As long as they had some...

3 years ago
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Politics Makes for Strange Bedfellows I

I walked into the political office not knowing what to expect or even why I was going there. I am not a political activist and I didn’t even vote in the last election. Someone pretty much dared me to go in and check things out. Little did I know I was entering into a Bastogne of Craziness. (The names have been changed to protect the guilty and the innocent.)I am, by my own admission, a fairly good-looking young twenty-two-year-old, the beneficiary of a mother who was a model and a father who...

1 year ago
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She found him, in the library of all places, in Redcliffe. Not that she thought he was stupid – quite the opposite, actually; he was smarter than he gave himself credit for, most of the time – but after weeks of walking, and fighting, and the emotional turmoil of grieving, reading was possibly the last thing she expected him to be doing. And it was, essentially, the last thing he was doing, she realised as she crept through the door; he was fast asleep, face flopped down on an open book,...

2 years ago
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Politics Makes Great Bedfellows

Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Politics Prejudice Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

3 years ago
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Polite Society

Sociology students take at least one course in social deviance, I took that course as well. Now, many years later, I am a social deviant writing sexually explicit stories, and you, dear readers, are being socially deviant as well. You see, what we do on explicit web sites is still outside the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. Even though the boundaries are much more broad in contemporary society, the content of these stories is the imaginative fantasy of the writer and most often a...

3 years ago
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Politics the Page

It was an election night party, we gathered at the ball room of local hotel waiting for the results to come in. I was attending the event with my wife,we had been supporters and donators to the incumbent candidate who was in the battle for his job, the polls going into the election night we're neck & neck so it was a rather nervous night at the grand ballroom. We had invested a lot of campaign dollars into our candidates relection. The early numbers did not look good & my frustration...

1 year ago
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Politics Ch 09

Chapter 9: Marriage? While the last thirty-six hours had been agonizingly slow, Katie couldn’t remember the details. She remembered cancelling her meetings yesterday and today. The psychiatrist had told herself that doing so would allow her to recover from her sexual mauling at Alistair’s hands. She remembered drinking—most of Election Day had been spent with a glass of wine in her hand. And here she was, the day after, in a rough bar in the East End of London. Drinking again. Any other...

4 years ago
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Politics Ch 08

Chapter Eight: Entrapment ‘Here, sit beside me,’ Erika invited Katie as the dark haired woman and Alistair came down for breakfast. Both looked showered and refreshed, but Erika knew better. When it came to sex, she had a keen eye, and these two had been up most of the night. Inside, she burned. Outwardly, though, she kept her face smooth, offering a pleasant smile. ‘The others have updated me on what’s happened since yesterday, so I promise not to talk politics.’ The psychiatrist returned...

3 years ago
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Politics Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Charity bash Thomas failed dismally to disguise the yawn. ‘Sorry, Sally, no offence.’ The petite redhead grinned. ‘That’s okay, we’ve been at it since six this morning. That makes it a long day. And with tonight’s charity bash, it’ll get a lot longer before we’re home in our beds.’ The fair-haired man nodded. In the week since he’d been working for Alistair Brinkley-Jones, they’d all been long days. Today had been no different, ten hours of slog, understanding everything he...

3 years ago
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Politics Ch 06

Chapter 6: From the sublime to the ridiculous Thomas was frustrated. Boy, was he frustrated!! With the General Election only three days away, he was now working sixteen-hour days. That meant that he and Becky hadn’t made love for over a week. Not since she’d practically sexually assaulted him the day he’d arrived home following his night with Erika. It was making him irritable, affecting his demeanour, and his judgement, too. Becky must be feeling the same way, but she was putting in similar...

1 year ago
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Polite and Respectful Nephew

Polite and Respectful NephewBy: Londebaaz Chohan Felix was over-joyed to get his Driver’s License in the first attempt. He was about to be promoted as a senior in the high school. As promised, his parents put some money in for him to his savings and now Felix had his own car with the down payments and other fees and charges, the car dealers add on for their own living. In less than a week or two, the school closed and Felix decided to go visit his cousin Roger. They were related by way of their...

1 year ago
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Politics Ch 03

Chapter 3: The Plot Thickens Erika Johansson smiled at her reflection in the bedroom mirror. Had Alistair not already left for his early morning meeting with Thomas and Sally, he would undoubtedly have approved. She held the compact mobile phone away for a moment, and shook out the silken locks she’d styled into golden waves. They bounced on her shoulders, flirting with the delicate red strap of her low cut bra. Accompanied by her plunge-thong and nude stockings with their lacy red tops, she...

2 years ago
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Politics Ch 05

Chapter 5: Rebecca submits ‘God, you look rough,’ Sally murmured. ‘Want me to hold the taxi when it arrives? Won’t take you long to freshen up…’ ‘Didn’t get much sleep,’ Thomas grumpily offered by way of explanation. What else could he say? Erika fucked me all night? That woman was insatiable. It must have been around five o’clock before she allowed him to return to his room. That meant an hour’s nap, a quick shower, and a room service breakfast while he made the call to Jack Murphy. They...

3 years ago
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Politics Ch 01

Chapter 1: Beginnings Erika Johansson smiled that all-knowing smile of hers. The twenty-five year old Swedish beauty was well aware of the contents of the package. Benni always sent the photos in a buff envelope. Watching the delivery boy leap back onto his motorbike, she pushed closed the deep red front door of her London Mews home, allowing a contented sigh to escape from her full lips. Fixing a loose strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear, the stunning Nordic woman ripped open the...

3 years ago
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Politics Prejudice Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

4 years ago
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Politics Ch 04

Chapter 4: Resisting temptation The tension between Erika and Alistair had been palpable throughout the flight. Thomas had tried to ignore it, but Sally’s constant nudges in his ribs and her darting eyes in their direction made that impossible. Even the taxi ride to the Belfast City Hall had been awkward, so much so it had been a relief when Alistair and Erika separated to attend to individual matters that somehow had mysteriously appeared from nowhere. ‘What the hell is all that about?’...

2 years ago
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Politics Ch 07

Chapter 7: The race resumes The excitement in the afternoon air crackled like electricity. Erika nudged her raven-haired friend. ‘What do you think?’ Becky glanced at the blonde. What did she think? Other than not having seen much of Thomas lately, she thought that life was pretty much perfect. And she had Erika to thank. It was the blonde who’d found the gym. She’d negotiated the purchase on Becky’s behalf. They’d got it at a rock bottom price due to the Polish owner going bankrupt. It...

3 years ago
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Politics is a bitch Part 1

----- This is a four part series that recounts the story of a Belgium agent at the end of his career. The events take place in Part 1 - Belgium Part 2-4 - Minnesota, USA I strongly advise that you read the story from the star, because it will be hard for you to understand the characters in later parts of the stories. This is not a quick fix story and not intended to be. It is already broken up in parts for ease of read. ----- Mark was well aware of what was to follow the...

1 year ago
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Politics Makes Great Bedfellows

Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...

4 years ago
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Politics of ControlChapter 2

I felt Kate's lips leave my cock and I looked down at her. She was smiling smugly and I couldn't help but grin in reply. She kissed the tip of my deflated manhood and then looked at me seriously. "Now are you ready to do things my way?" she asked. I nodded mutely and she delicately tucked my penis back into my boxers. She retrieved her discarded blazer and put it on before she stood. I stood as well, and buttoned my jeans. All the while, Julie was watching us, the flush of desire...

3 years ago
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Politics of ControlChapter 3

Finally, she pulled back, her lips wet and shiny with her saliva and my pre-come. Her eyes were afire with fresh lust as she sat up and kissed me deeply. I could taste myself on her lips, and no matter how much I might have wanted to come in her mouth, I knew that her pussy would be much more enjoyable, for both of us. Kate continued to stroke my erection as I looked for my jeans. She saw me looking around and nodded towards the door to the laundry room. "It's over there," she said. I...

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TeacherFucksTeens Joseline Kelly Tali Dova Students Caught By Teacher

Joseline Kelly is getting double teamed by Chad White and Brad Sterling when the trio is caught by their teacher Tali Dova! Tali handles her discovery well, and soon she allows herself to be seduced by Chad. Joseline isn’t crazy about watching Chad pull Tali’s miniskirt up and landing panties aside to fondle her landing strip pussy, but when Tali invites Joseline to join them with Brad she decides she can get into it. That’s all the coaxing Joseline needs to kick off a crazy...

1 year ago
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Experience With Savita In Bus

Hi all this is Chirag again with a great experience with my girlfriend Savita while going to Goa I was going to Goa for some work so I requested Savita my girlfriend to join me so that we can have good fun for which she agreed at on shot and we booked the last row tickets and I informed her to come to Dadar at 9.00pm as bus was leaving at 10 I asked her to wear loose shirt and skirt so that I will be fun for which she blushed and said of and I was in a short shirt And shorts we met at Dadar...

4 years ago
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Why I dislike most porn 1

I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I have written essays and reports for Playboy and Newsweek, which made the international editionsI have written several hundreds of erotic stories in three different languages, blogs in many moreI will give reasons below why I think most porn directors are gay guys who hate women with all heartI will...

4 years ago
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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month April 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of April, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! How I was shared between my real life master and his friends on a Goa trip, where I was not only used as a sex slave but also was used as their personal servants. …He had a pair of devils hand, huge fingers and palm complimented with the hardness of an animal. He was rubbing my boobs for a couple of min and then suddenly felt it....

4 years ago
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my boss fucked me at the sauna

I came out in Los Angeles… well actually, my suitemate mixed up a strong vodka screwdriver and we were watching a swimming movie and he started talking about the guys in the movie. After 30 minutes of this i was rock hard and he popped up to get my opinion on his new suit, which was a swim suit. He stuffed his uncut cock to the side and showed off,, then came over and fed me his cock and fucked me in the shower. Hot times.He took me to my first gay bar and we were young. I was 20 and dressed...

3 years ago
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No Secrets

It was seven o'clock in the evening. Outside it was dark and dank. Thick clouds hung heavy, almost static in the night air, shrouding the sky and adding to the blackness of a moonless night. He had waited almost a week for such a night as this. Not long given it was February and such a night was to be expected. A night when few walked the streets and those that did, hurried along with collars turned high and heads sunk into shoulders; night when few would notice a shadow among so many...

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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 4 Bills Dilemma

Percy thought, "Sometimes I just can't understand Judith. She offered a woman the use of his favorite cabin for as long as she was here. Ok so the woman is dying of cancer and her stay on earth wouldn't be long. But damn she should have discussed it with me first." As he sat there, in his favorite chair mulling over the circumstances, the Sheriff walked into the hunting camp's lounge with another guy Percy didn't know. "Hi Perk, this is Bill Cooper. He's the guy who thinks his wife...

1 year ago
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Winning takes a lot of sacrifices extended

When I turned 18 I left home. I went to study to a big University in a big city 300 miles away from my hometown. Until then the only sexual pleasure I had was masturbating secretly in my room with the constant fear of getting caught. From the age of 12 I knew I was different. I liked girls I fell in love with one but when I masturbated I had various fantasies. I always loved women feet and shoes. I thought ok it's a fetish everyone has them. One day, on my way home, for the first time, a...

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Fun With The New Neighbor Part 2

Since she moved in about a month ago, my new next-door neighbor Cindy and I have gotten together a handful of times for some mind-blowing sex. She had recently ended a bad marriage while living on Long Island and moved upstate to start a new life. Because of this, she was not looking for a relationship, and ours was merely one of convenience and attraction. For a guy not looking for commitment, it is the ideal scenario: no-strings-attached sex with an amazingly beautiful older woman. It has...

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KennyChapter 11

"Oh, hi mom." "Don't you 'hi mom' me young man. When were you going to tell me about this? You called me last week and didn't say a goddamn thing about any of this." "I was going to have to tell you before the TV interview I guess. I didn't want to worry you mom. I was in no danger and I didn't do anything special." "What the fuck do you mean you were in no danger? They had guns Kenny, and the story said that you had a girlfriend. What about that?" "Oh mom, one of the guns...

1 year ago
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House Warming To Erotic Pussy Warming

Hi Guys, I hope you guys are doing well. Life has become very unpredictable. You never know what will happen next. Happiness and enjoyment matter in life. Self-belief in chasing our dreams and following our hearts with purpose can lead us to make magical memories. Either we keep thinking about sex without experiencing it and regret it later. Or we can find our right partner and enjoy wonderful sexual encounters with them. It is a matter of personal choice. I am Vinay here from Chennai. I just...

2 years ago
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BBC If ones Good 4 must be Better

My pretty blond wife Amie I have been married for 9 years and I am writing this story to tell you about an adventure we had a few years ago. Let me start by describing my wife, she is 30 years old, 5' 2", 112 lbs, and her measurements are 34c-24-34, Her blond hair has natural curls that cascade over her smooth shoulders. She has stunningly pretty blue eyes and she turns many a man's head.Our adventure started with her telling me about how she had some black lovers before she met me. For some...

1 year ago
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Subjects 0 CH 4

STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane's family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have kids this old. I am recommending her family as further test subjects. END STATUS REPORT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had been absent all week, and an ugly old man was substituting for her. He wanted to make sure...

2 years ago
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To Her Brazen Mistress

TO HER BRAZEN MISTRESS Leather lady riding high You are mine to glorify. As you flicker through the night In the margins of my sight As I glimpse you from a far On the street or in a bar Strutting through the milling crowd Head held high, your posture proud Shades conceal your lovely face While your leather carapace Clings and tightens o'er your skin: All your beauty, sweet as sin, Awakens my rapacious lust. But in your mercy, can I trust? ++++++ As for me, can I impress In...

2 years ago
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My friend Steve and I had been lovers for awhile and every now and then we would get together and just fuck ourselves silly I always played the submissive role which is the way i liked it! Nothing like feeling a guy cum inside you... his balls tighten up his breath quickens and you know your going to get it soon thrashing and bucking as he pummels your ass with his cock he throws his head back and drives deep inside you splashing spunk all up in your manhole! Gets me hard just thinking about...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Hot Mommy

Hello friends John here back with another hot story “Fucking my hot Mom”. To dosto mai aap sabke liye ek hot story lekar aaya hu, ye mera sabse hottest sex experience hai ab tak. Mai 19 years ka hu, height 5.10 musclular body, meri mom ka figure 36-30-36 hai, unke boobs tight or perfect shape me hai, kyoki meri mom b gym jaati hai, isliye unka itna sexy figure hai. To baat pichle hafte ki hai mere dost ne mujhe ek bf di jo k incest bf thi, Mom and son Waali. To mai cd lekar ghar aaya or maine...

1 year ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 34

The two girls headed downstairs. "Well, look at you two. Very lovely!" Susan and Amanda commented. "Thanks!" "Jessica you look so grown up but don't you think that skirt is a bit short?" Susan asked. "Come on grandma. It's not that short. Besides, Ashley wears this outfit all the time." "She looks fine mom. How do you feel Jessica?" Amanda asked her son. She felt some guilt at that moment. A couple months ago he was a young man & now she was looking at a very feminine...

2 years ago
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Jess the lesbian slut part 2

Jess watched as the tennis ball hit the back wall and the crowderupted. Anna Kournikova had won yet another match. Jess collected the balland rolled it to one of the ballboys. Jess had black hair with a browntint, long and sexy. She was taller now than when she had lost her lesbianvirginity to Sally, but for a 15 year old she was very attractive. She hadperfect tanned legs, nice breasts and a perfect ass.She had applied to be a ballgirl at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, andhad been...

2 years ago
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Long Intense Affair With My Boss8217s Juicy Wife

Hi I am Arun. I’m 24 years old and I’m here to share with you my long waited sex experience with my boss’s juicy wife, Lakshmi. She is 37 years old, sweet looking face, fair complexion and about 5’6″. I have been working in this office for about 10 months now and I saw her for the very first time in the very first month at office. She greeted me saying “Hello” and went inside. I also wished her back and got back to work. She used to visit our office very often and the office set up is such that...

3 years ago
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Fucking Sluts all Day

My story starts early in the morning at work, I work as a physical trainer in a gym I'm a black guy 23 years old, I'm 5.10 about 185 lbs, love working out so the gym is a perfect job for me. I had an early appointment with a new client who's name was Susan, she was 52 about 5.8 tall long blond hair, with a nice pair of C cup tits. We went in an office so I could conduct a consultation, she was wearing a tight pair of Black Yoga Pants with a white Tank Top she was one HOT Mature woman! I asked...

2 years ago
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A PromiseChapter 3

A month after I'd handed the report in, I'd heard nothing and had concluded that I would hear nothing further, so it was right at the back of my mind and about to fall out of it altogether. 'Fancy a drink after work anyone?' said an email from Andrew Tate, one of my colleagues and a regular at our frequent after work gatherings. With no other plans I was up for it, so responded accordingly. 'You joining us tonight Tamsin?' I asked the woman at the next desk, knowing that she too was...

3 years ago
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Jijaji Ke Saath Maje Wali Raat

Hi ISS readers! I am Raj and I am from Haryana. I am 20 years old and I am fair, 5’8” and I am curved and I am also gay. I found this out when my sister’s husband made me have sex with him. My sister got married off to a village in Haryana outskirts and it was one of the few villages that had college. Since our village did not have college, I went and stayed in my sister’s house for 3 years. One day, my sister had to go to a marriage of one of our cousins so she would have been gone for 3...

Gay Male
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Scouts And Guides Caught Together

My name is Mike, I’ve been in the scouts for years and usually enjoyed everything about it. At nearly seventeen maybe I was getting too old for scouts but I loved the scout camp week so I’d decided to continue till we returned. Miss Philips was the Akela in charge, in her late twenties, I guess, and very attractive.On day two at our campsite in Warwickshire, my mate Jeff and I clambered up along a rough path through a little wood on a hillside. As we reached the top we saw a campsite in a field...

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Becoming a cuckold part5

Part5Things went back to normal the cumming only once a day rule was still in effect but i didn’t need to worry about it Tish was fucking me every day some days twice we talked about everything but the cuckolding. Then I got a surprise “you know I’ve been thinking a lot about letting you take Me analy more than your finger or tongue that is”“wow are you sure about that…. i mean….”Tish cut me off “Well if you don’t want to then How about I do you?”“No that’s not what i meant”Note to self:...

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