Politics Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 5: Rebecca submits

‘God, you look rough,’ Sally murmured. ‘Want me to hold the taxi when it arrives? Won’t take you long to freshen up…’

‘Didn’t get much sleep,’ Thomas grumpily offered by way of explanation. What else could he say? Erika fucked me all night? That woman was insatiable.

It must have been around five o’clock before she allowed him to return to his room. That meant an hour’s nap, a quick shower, and a room service breakfast while he made the call to Jack Murphy. They had an hour and a half to reach Belfast International airport and catch their Aer Lingus flight.

‘Okay,’ he continued, taking her arm and pulling her to the quietest part of the foyer. ‘I spoke to our Irish newspaper friend.’

The redhead’s face became a picture of expectation. ‘Don’t make me wait,’ she told him, dropping her hands to her hips. ‘And?’

Thomas felt a twitch in his groin. After her teasing come-on in the bar last night, he was seeing Sally in a different light. And she looked so sexy in that pose. The spaghetti straps of the tight, cream camisole top didn’t cover the flowery bra straps and he could see the swell of her small, perky breasts when she leaned forward like that.

‘Hey,’ she said, tugging his arm. ‘I’m up here! You feeling frisky this morning?’


‘You’re staring at my tits.’

‘No, I’m not,’ he growled. How the hell could he be feeling frisky after last night? ‘I… I just like that top.’

‘You just like my top?’ she said, throwing her head back. For a second, he didn’t know what to say, but Sally’s burst of laughter saved him.

He gave a bashful smile.

‘Sorry,’ he apologised, trying to think of anything other than sex. Tell her about his conversation with Murphy! ‘It’s difficult to form an opinion, Sally. He’s adamant his story is rock solid, but can’t offer any facts to back it up.’

‘Or won’t,’ the redhead pointed out, playfully ruffling her short hair.

‘Or won’t,’ he agreed, with a curt nod. Was she playing up to him now? ‘But I threw a few questions at him and there wasn’t much depth in his answers. Either he’s very clever, or the stuff he has in tenuous at best.’

‘He didn’t seem very clever,’ Sally grinned.

Thomas laughed for the first time that morning. ‘Never judge a book by its cover, but in this case I think you might well be right. How did you do?’

‘Drew a blank,’ the redhead replied, raising her eyebrows in that familiar way of hers. ‘As far as I can work out from everything I’ve been able to check, Alistair was everywhere but Ireland around that period. There was a European tour, a conference in Dubai, and he was part of a delegation to the States.’

Thomas pursed his lips as he nodded thoughtfully. ‘Doesn’t mean he didn’t visit personally…’

‘No, but from what I can tell, he didn’t have much free time. Apart from the visits I’ve mentioned, he was heavily involved in preparations for the Party Conference. A visit to Ireland just doesn’t seem to fit.’

‘Why am I getting the feeling that this is a set up? Okay,’ he said, glancing across to the lifts at the far side of the foyer. ‘Erika’s heading over here now. Anything else?’

Sally followed his gaze across to the sexy Scandinavian. ‘Not a thing,’ she told him. ‘What now?’

Thomas shrugged his shoulders. ‘We’ve done our homework. We brief Erika first, then agree how we break it to Alistair.’

‘You tell her,’ Sally grinned, as the blonde walked towards them.

‘Morning,’ the Scandinavian woman greeted them, her voice bouncing with energy. ‘Sorry, I’m late—phone call. God, Thomas, you look rough…’

‘I’ve already told him,’ Sally laughed, turning to greet the blonde.

Erika smiled. ‘What have you been up to?’

He shot her a look that would have laid her low had it been a punch. Guilt was riddled through his body. He wasn’t interested in mind games.

‘Never mind,’ she said, dismissing the subject with an imperial wave of her arm. ‘I overheard Sally. What do you want to tell me?’

‘Taxi,’ the redhead interrupted, acknowledging the wave from reception. ‘Maybe we should wait ’til we get to the airport?’

‘Tell them we’ll be there in a sec, would you, Sally?’ Thomas asked, waiting until the diminutive woman headed for the reception desk. ‘Erika,’ he rasped, his eyes blazing with concern. ‘About last night…’

‘Last night? Last night you did very well, tiger. But don’t let it pray on your mind. It’s our secret. Okay?’

He stared at her, trying to read her Swedish mind. Was that it? A one night fuck, with no repercussions? Was she really that cold? It suited him down to the ground to forget all about it. But could he trust her?

‘Listen, Thomas,’ she said patiently, as if reading his mind. ‘It was sex, just sex. Nothing more, nothing less! I needed it and so did you, from your wholehearted performance.’

He gritted his teeth at the patronising comment. ‘Erika…’

The hint of menace in her intense blue eyes stopped him. ‘The way I see it, is that if Alistair knew we’d fucked, your relationship with him would be at an end. And if Becky ever found out, I’d imagine you and she would be finished, too. So I promise you I’ll say nothing, and suggest you do the same. Okay?’

Thomas could feel his fingernails cut into his palms as he clenched his fists. Somehow he’d expected more, though he had no idea what. Despite her arrogant dismissal, she was offering him a way out. Better to forget it, though that would be quite a feat. Particularly as every bone in his body felt the guilt.

‘Good,’ she decisively said, taking his answer as read. Remorse was for the weak. ‘As for you and Sally wanting to talk to me, let’s wait until we get to the airport, shall we?’


Rebecca hadn’t expected Erika to call her so early that morning. Nor had she anticipated that her meeting with Guus Kessen would take place so quickly. It seemed the millionaire was flying to his villa in Monte Carlo this afternoon and this would be his only opportunity to see her for a few days.

It’s up to you, Erika had told her during their early morning telephone conversation. Your final chance! I’ve done all I can. Don’t go if you’re not committed to doing what’s necessary.

Do what’s necessary!! The words had floated around her mind since Erika had ended the call in her rush to catch her airport taxi. But then those words had been with her since their conversation last night. She had an hour to get ready and reach his Mayfair offices. Her heart was racing. And not only because of the near realisation of her dream…

She was going to be unfaithful to her boyfriend in a way. Okay, she wasn’t going to give herself to the Dutchman. She wouldn’t allow him to fuck her. But she was going to suck his cock. For money! Like a high-class whore!! The thought already had her wet with anticipation. Now that her mind had come to terms with what was necessary to secure the finance, she realised she actually wanted this!

Deus! She actually wanted to take the millionaire’s cock in her mouth!

Yesterday had whetted her sexual appetite. So had her conversations with Erika. When she’d masturbated last night, she’d even fantasised about the blonde’s kiss! She’d also recollected the feel of Kessen’s hands on her tits. And recalled the sight of him exposing his thick manhood.

Only in last night’s masturbatory fantasies, she had it in her mouth. Just like she would later this morning.

And being coerced into the act assuaged any guilt. After all, she wasn’t being unfaithful. She could rationalise that she had no choice.

Erika had said that she should try again and persuade Kessen of the business sense in her proposition. She knew it was too late for that. She was heading for his office with one thought in mind. Thoughts of her illicit liaisons with married men in Brazil had returned. A fire inside h
er had been lit.

She actually wanted to be used.


The seats at the far side of the Executive lounge afforded a little privacy. Enough for Thomas to raise the subject. ‘Sally and I were approached by an Irish reporter yesterday. Confidentially.’

‘Jack Murphy,’ Sally added. ‘Belfast Telegraph.’

‘Yesterday?’ Erika instantly responded. ‘You didn’t mention this last night?’

Sally shot Thomas a look. It was late when they’d returned to their rooms last night and she’d invited him in for a drink. But they were so bushed after their long day, and he’d been anxious to call Becky.

So… he’d spent the night with Erika instead! No wonder he was looking so tired.

Why the hell hadn’t Erika involved her? She had before. But only when it suited the blonde, it seemed. Damn, if it wasn’t for the thrill that a threesome gave her, she’d turn the Swedish woman down the next time she asked.

Who was she kidding?

Her husband had occasionally mentioned a threesome, but that wouldn’t quite be right. Besides, Jeremy just wanted to fuck another woman while she watched. With Erika, she was able to take part, lose herself. And losing herself with Thomas and the blonde would have been quite an experience.

Still, he wasn’t quite the innocent that she thought he was. All that crap about being faithful! Well, he couldn’t claim that one with her anymore. One thing was quite clear in her mind now. She’d fuck her fair-haired companion sooner or later. It was just a question of getting the situation and the timing right.

‘He told us he had a story on Alistair,’ Thomas mumbled, trying to keep his voice steady. He knew that a blush was already spreading itself across his face under Sally’s perceptive gaze. Fuck! The last thing he wanted or needed was for the redhead to have any suspicions.

‘Story? What sort of story?’ Erika snapped.

‘Does the name Mary O’Leary mean anything to you?’ he asked, forgetting Sally and keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the sexy blonde. He needed to see if there’d be any hint of recognition. There wasn’t.

‘No. Should it?’

‘Mary O’Leary is a young woman from Derry,’ he explained, feeling better that Erika seemed blissfully unaware of the name. That almost certainly meant the story was fabricated. ‘Jack Murphy’s allegation is that she met Alistair over here, around eight months ago.’

‘He meets a lot of people,’ Erika responded with a frown. ‘Was he over here then? I can’t recall us visiting Northern Ireland during the last year.’

‘I can’t find any trace of him being in the country,’ Sally blurted, immediately backing off when Thomas’s eyes widened at her. ‘Not that I’ve been able to carry out any sort of check,’ she mumbled, quickly catching on. They didn’t want Erika thinking they’d gone behind her back.

‘You used the word allegation,’ Erika slowly said, her eyes flicking between them as she began to realise the implications. ‘What does that mean?’

‘It’s not good news, Erika,’ Sally nervously blurted.

‘She gives birth next month,’ Thomas added, coming straight to the point. ‘The suggestion is that Alistair is the father.’

The instant silence hung over them, like a sudden fog engulfing the skyline.

‘This is bullshit,’ Erika eventually rasped, her sexy Scandinavian lilt rising. ‘Absolute bullshit. How dare they suggest that?’

‘Careful,’ Thomas interrupted, a roll of his eyes indicating they were attracting attention from passengers not too far away. He diplomatically lowered his voice, though it was the blonde who was in danger of being overheard. ‘First things first, Erika. We have to make Alistair aware, and get his reaction.’

‘Reaction?’ the Scandinavian woman shot back, her intense blue eyes flicking from one to the other as her mind ran through the implications.

‘We have to make sure he hasn’t come across this woman…’ he paused, the smirk in Sally’s eyes warning him of the inadvertent play on words. ‘Whether he’s met her before,’ he corrected, making a point of not looking at either woman.

‘Of course he hasn’t met her.’

Thomas hesitated. ‘We’re all pretty sure he hasn’t,’ he slowly confirmed. ‘Which means we need to agree on our next steps.’

‘Next steps?’ Erika snapped, glancing around her as she realised she’d raised her voice again. She lowered her tone instantly. ‘Why don’t we simply ignore the meaningless trash?’

Thomas paused. As intelligent as she was, Erika wasn’t thinking clearly. ‘As meaningless as it may be, we know the press. They’ll hound us on this one and make a much bigger story if we don’t give them something. We want them writing about Alistair’s performance in the debate, not this crap.’

‘You’re right,’ Erika slowly responded, thinking things through. ‘Absolutely! Doing nothing isn’t an option. Okay, this is why we hired you, Thomas, what we pay you for. To deal with this horseshit! Your suggestion is?’

Having it instantly thrown on his shoulders was unexpected, but she was right. It was his responsibility. His and Sally’s. Instinct told him the next steps.

‘We discuss with Alistair and make sure he doesn’t know this woman,’ he firmly responded, adding, ‘It makes sense, Erika,’ when the blonde’s eyes flared at him. ‘Just to tick that box.’

When the Swede nodded, he continued.

‘Then I’ll speak to Murphy again and refute the whole story. Maybe even throw in the suggestion of us suing, though I don’t want to be too heavy handed at this stage.’

‘Be as heavy handed as you want,’ Erika snapped, tapping her fingers on the side of her chair in irritation.

‘Yes, I feel that way too,’ Thomas responded, leaning forward in his seat to emphasise the point. ‘But we need to understand what makes them tick first, which buttons to press. If I can find out more specific timescales from them, we can do our own research as to where Alistair was at that time.’

‘You want to check up on him?’

‘No, Erika, certainly not,’ he told her, glancing at Sally and then back at the blonde. ‘But think about it! We need to be in a position so that when they raise stuff, we have the facts and can counter everything they throw at us.’

The Swede’s eyes blazed. She remembered only too well the made-up stories when she separated from Dennis. The media hadn’t treated her kindly at first. ‘It’s one thing I quickly discovered about English newspapers. If they don’t have facts, they’ll manufacture lies. The bloody tabloids are scum.’

‘I understand how you feel,’ Thomas acknowledged. ‘But if we’ve done our research, we’ll have all the facts and can combat anything they say. Then we’ll be in a position of strength.’

The blonde woman slowly nodded, letting a long sigh escape her lips as she fought back the recollection of the unfair coverage of her separation and divorce. Everything Thomas said made sense.

‘So, we meet Alistair as soon as we can when we get back?’ Sally asked.

‘Yes,’ Thomas confidently replied. ‘You ring ahead and arrange that, Sally. And whatever you need to do to start that research, make it happen. We need chapter and verse on Alistair’s movements around the time they’re suggesting. Okay?’

‘Okay?’ the diminutive redhead asked, glancing at Erika for approval.

The blonde stared thoughtfully ahead, her mind trawling through the women she and Alistair had been with. Of all the beauties they’d fucked together, it had to be an unknown that was trying to make trouble.

Jane Atkinson, she could understand. She never did trust that gobby socialite, though she’d threatened her with what could happen when the dyed blonde had got too big for her boots and hinted at a conversation with the press. Now that she’d married a footballer, that particular threat had gone away.

Then there was Françoise, the free spirited French girl. She’d approached Erika some time ago, trying to strike a deal to keep quiet. It had been enough for the b
londe to explain she had a video of the B-class actress taking cocaine, and that it would find its way to the police should she open her mouth.

But Mary O’Leary? Who the hell was Mary-fucking-O’Leary?

Her eyes darted back to the couple beside her. Both were closely watching her as she contemplated her options. If Sally researched Alistair’s movements, there was an outside chance she might stumble on one of their conquests.

While that might not be too much of a problem, considering the redhead’s involvement from time to time, she didn’t believe in leaving things to chance.

‘Go ahead with the research,’ she finally confirmed. ‘But I personally want a telephone update at the end of each day. And the three of us will meet first thing every morning to discuss findings. Every morning!’

‘Okay,’ they said in unison.

Erika nodded in silent satisfaction. Had either given even the sliver of a hint of dissent, she’d have come down on them like a ton of bricks. Problem number one may have been Mary O’Leary. But number two was all the other Mary-fucking-O’Leary’s who might crawl out of the woodwork if this came out.

‘And should either of you find anything unusual—anything at all—I want to know instantly,’ she went on, reinforcing who was in control. ‘No one takes unilateral action. Nothing is done, or confided in anyone else, unless I agree to it. We’re a team, the three of us. But I’m in charge. I have to keep the pressure away from Alistair with everything else that’s going on. Understand?’


‘Well, well,’ Guus Kessen said, making no move to move from his chair as his secretary brought Rebecca into his office. It was quite a contrasting approach, deliberately so, to his reaction to her arrival yesterday.

Show her who was in control.

‘Guus,’ she nervously said once the grey haired secretary had closed the door behind her. She took a couple of steps forward and then stopped, nervously waiting for the overweight man to offer her a seat.

He didn’t.

‘We have some unfinished business,’ he murmured, his clipped Dutch accent more pronounced than usual. ‘Erika pleaded for me to see you again. Interesting, that. Want to know what I said?’

Rebecca nodded nervously. She’d planned out her speech on the way there, rehearsed it several times. Yet he’d instantly taken the initiative. What could she do other than allow him to continue?

‘I told her I wouldn’t,’ he went on, leaning back in his chair and stretching his legs out. ‘You see, Rebecca, I’ve never given a second chance to anyone.’

The raven-haired beauty felt her breath catch in her throat. She was on the back foot and they both knew it. Deus! She’d soon be begging him to let her suck his cock.

‘But…’ he continued, crossing one extended foot over the other, ‘Erika has exceptional persuasive powers. And you, Rebecca, are an exceptional woman. Otherwise I wouldn’t have even listened to Erika’s entreaties.’

Rebecca nodded, unsure what to say, or whether to speak at all. ‘Thank you,’ she eventually committed, wondering what else was coming.

‘Very polite,’ Kessen smiled, slowly pouring himself a glass of water and raising it to his fat lips. Make her wait. Keep her standing there. ‘Would you like to know what else I thought?’

No, she thought. No, I wouldn’t. But she had to. Or lose her dream forever. ‘Yes, Guus,’ she hesitantly said, trying but failing to force a smile.

‘Yes, please, Guus,’ the Dutchman said. She was his now! There was no doubt about that. Docile and obedient. But let’s see if he could provoke that Brazilian temper. She’d make an even better fuck if she were angry with him.

‘Yes… please… Guus,’ she spat out, deliberately slowly, feeling her temperature rise as she spoke. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t allow any man to treat her like this. But these weren’t normal circumstances.

‘Good,’ he arrogantly smiled, his lustful gaze running across her body.

Rebecca shivered. She felt herself blush. Being controlled like this was a new experience. Part of her hated it. Another part found it arousing. She’d deliberately dressed less provocatively, yet even through her bra she knew her nipples were pushing against her crisp white blouse. The colour superbly highlighted her dark, South American skin.

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Streaming Chapter 1

Warning, most of this chapter is background. Needs to be done to set the scene, which is pretty important for the rest of the story. Streaming - Chapter 1 Don is the greeter on duty today as I emerge from the stream. Basic checks complete, he comes through to give me the clear. 'Hey John, how'd it go?' 'You tell me.' Don looks a little put out, for a microsecond, and then realizes I must be wondering what the prognosis was. 'We got an 88 on this one; I think everyone's...

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The Penelope incident 1

Heviya Adel felt another wave of Panic flood over her. It was an uncomfortable shiver racing up and down the petite body of the 24 year old operator. She eyed the red icon on her Monitor and the figures indicating the distance of the raider from the Penelope continued to fall. "Miss Fischer report" came the calm voice of Captain Pierre Lestrange. Nadine Fischer was the Penelopes Chief Engineer. An Earther, and like Heviya from the European Union, but unlike the young woman she was in her...

1 year ago
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Miss Universe Abducted

Now she tried to move her legs or arms. To her surprise she realized that not only could she barely move them, but she was completely naked and tied to a bed. Spread-eagled, she looked down and saw her ankles firmly bound with black tape to the foot of the bed. Her wrists were cuffed to the headboard, chafing her delicate skin. She looked around the bare concrete room with its cinder block walls and just a few dim bulbs overhead for lighting. A large full length mirror across from her seemed...

2 years ago
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Erotic Summer With My Three Aunties

Hi all. Well I am raj from Bangalore. Age just 23. This incident happened after finals exam. Thanks for the iss to share my true experience with three aunties. Well let me tell you my experience now. My father has three sisters who are my aunties Smitha. Nandini and Rani (names changed). Let me tell their sexy structure so that you all can image how sexy they are. Smitha is younger sister and cute and has 32-25-36. Looks sexy her husband working in mnc and Nandini’s and her hubby working in...

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Will I regret this tomorrow Part II

Previously, Beverly, a young woman in her prime and trapped in a loveless marriage, made the decision to take a risk and reach out on the internet to find some companionship and much needed loving. Much to her surprise, DJ, her favorite author of erotic romance stories responded favorable to her offer of something beyond the tease of chat. Bev felt a flush on her face, a tightness in her sex and the hardening of her nipples. It was like hearing a long missed love song that had been associated...

3 years ago
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Straightened Out

Straightened Out by Vickie Tern i. I was in a far corner of the restaurant and looking in her direction -- but not at her -- when she spotted me. Well, not me, not at first, what she saw was her dress. There followed a moment of bafflement, her eyebrows high because she didn't recognize the woman wearing her dress, but then her expression suddenly went guarded and her brows lowered. By that I knew April had recognized me,...

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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 10 The Seventh Lesson

As the sun climbed higher into the sky, I finally awoke, realizing that I was alone. I lay in bed, not wanting to get up, as I thought there was a chance that I'd soon have company. Somewhat wistfully, I realized that waking up with her had not only quickly become habit-forming, but also highly desirable. Even without any form of wakeup sex, simply being curled around her, or cuddled up next to her, was much better than the empty space I now occupied. After a few moments, I gave up, the...

1 year ago
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Tattoos of the Soul

“Hello.”….”Oh, Hi, Linda….“….”Yeah, about three this afternoon.”….”Yes, it’s over, for all the good it’ll do me.”….”Well, I got the house and my car, but I have to keep making the payments. I was paying for them anyway, so nothing’s much different”….”No, no alimony. His lawyer said I had a good job, and the judge agreed.”….” I feel pretty rotten, really.”….”What do your mean I should feel good? Twenty-two years of my life just went down the tubes. I’m a forty-three-year-old accountant and I’m...

2 years ago
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Everyones A Winner

(A Story of friends, games and of course … Bimbification) Kelly and Jenny were walking home together after a girl’s night out. It was always fun to let their hair down once in a while and the local club was a perfect place to do this as it was only a 10 minute walk home if you took the short cut by the river. Kelly and Jenny had been friends since infancy so when the time came to move away from home they always knew they would live together. Both were single although with their looks they were...

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Young Lust First Lust Sweet Devotion

Long ago down at the Jersey shore...the only story I consider "personal"...Young Lust, First Lust. Sweet Devotion.I really hate the phrase 'back in the day'. I think it is a tired, over-used phrase and if there is one thing I really hate it is tired, over-used phrases. The problem is, when it comes to describing the period of time I need to refer to, I can't think of a more appropriate phrase. The phrase is in fact so perfect a description for this period of time, I'm almost tempted to say it...

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Nice Shoes Part 4

Nice Shoes Part 4 By Deane Christopher Copyright 2004 An hour or so later, as Amber snuggled ever so serenely with Ethan's manly embrace, she heard him ask, "So, what's the verdict? Am I keeper, or what?" Playfully, knowing fully well that she had already made up her mind on the matter, Amber dreamily replied, "Well, while I have to admit that that was an absolutely phenomenal start, we're going to have to do it at least two more times before I can come to any sort of...

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To be a hero

This story will center itself around the main character: the hero. Well…at least that is what he will be at the start. You have to understand dear reader that most villains in real life aren’t inherently evil. They themselves do believe that what they are doing is the right thing. To clarify, this story does start out as a heroic tale. It is in fact a little generic. For example, it is set in the glorious country of the United States. The hero does at the start believe in the workings of a...

Mind Control
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LIKE MOTHER LOVE DAUGHTER MOREMy story start when I was10 years of age, I had a sister who was 13 years old and she was always teasing me especially when she invited her girlfriends round to our house after school,They would all go to her bedroom and then call me up to her room asking if I wanted to play with them of course as a 10 year old I was too young to understand what there type of playing was,I was told to lie on the bed as they wanted to play nurses and I was to be the patient for them...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 52 WETMOUTH

Wetmouth ran towards the tall man standing next to the Ultra Lux Flyer and he scooped her up. “Missed you, girl!” “I missed you too, Dad.” She climbed into the Flyer on the pilot’s side and Rex Schwartz took the passenger seat. Wetmouth gunned the 25 million credit Lumina Lamborghini RS exclusive edition through the energy curtain accelerating faster than a Loki torpedo. “Where are we going, Dad?” “Linda waits for us at our Pluribus Penthouse.” She let go of the controls and said to the...

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Dark TownChapter 6

Noor's heart was beating. She was not alone. Someone else was with here her in her bedroom. Deep down something told her that there was something strange about her 'guest' and that it gave her a scared feeling, that perhaps her guest isn't even human at all. Her uninvited unexpected guest sounded like a comical person speaking in a tone that sounded partly inhuman. All of a sudden Noor's bedroom light was no longer dark but surrounded by red lights, like the ones that glow of neon...

4 years ago
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My introduction to sex and sissyhood

I was starved for sexual attention, all those hormones swelling up in me, it got to the point where I would spend hours locked away in my room watching 100's of hours of porn desperately wishing I could take the place of any of these actors I didn't care who I just needed a release! After a while porn wasn't enough, I began frequenting chat rooms looking for girls to talk to but as I soon found out on the Internet Men are Men and so are most Women and the Women who were actually Women...

1 year ago
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Last Chance

He followed the winding country road through the woods and tried to steer while checking the directions he had scribbled on a napkin. His heart was racing as his car kicked up dust on the deserted road. He knew what he was going to do would leave him with some feelings of guilt but at this point he didn't care. He wanted this too badly. He drove faster as he passed the occasional clearing, eager to get to his destination. It had been a hot summer day but as the sun was just beginning to set,...

Straight Sex
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Legal Tender

younger. It was around 11:30pm summer time, Bryon and I were swimming all day, Bryon mentioned he was tired and was going to turn in early. I didn't mind much cause that would give me a chance to watch some late night porn. Nobody was home and all of Bryon's family were big time drinkers and normally stayed at the bar till well past 1:00am, so I had plenty of time to find a good porn on cable and jack-off. I jumped into the recliner with the remote in one hand and my...

4 years ago
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Honey We Need to Talk

A FLASH STORY Honey, We Need to Talk The temperature kept creeping up to the start of the red and I’d look down from the traffic to the dashboard, praying I’d make it home. I kept the heat on full blast, trying to keep out the winter chill and slow down any overheating. My cell had crapped out that morning and I’d spilled some coffee on my lap when I got into the truck on my way out of the 7-Eleven. Pulling into the complex, there was a strange car parked in my driveway. It just wasn’t my...

4 years ago
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Helping My Friend Go Black

Here is a story that I wrote a year and a half ago about my friend Savannah. I'm going to leave in it's original text. So some time references might be off. Also I've included a little update about Savannah at the end.----I wanted to share this story because it happened recently and is really hot. This is a story about my friend Savannah. So a little background on Savannah she was born and raised in Alabama. She's really your typical southern girl.So our story starts out when I first met...

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Honors Folly Ch 03

I’m sorry this chapter was a LONG time in coming. (No pun intended ^_~). It was very difficult to write since the sex is different than anything I had done thus far. Fair Warning: This chapter contains very light bondage (no pain, only pleasure), masturbation, and fun with a dildo. If none of this appeals to you, then don’t continue! On top of everything else, it’s self-edited so there will be mistakes! Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this chapter and remember that I LOVE honest feedback and...

3 years ago
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7 Clan Amir The U MAMA WarChapter 07

In April, 2013, spies inform Gerry of a series of meetings between U MAMA executives and senior members of a major South American drug cartel. Efforts are spent to find out what’s going on. After two months of dedicated work by some very good agents the picture forms. U MAMA are offering their resources to the drug cartel to smuggle their drugs into the USA if the cartel will supply U MAMA with trained troops. They’ve an operation planned that needs twenty thousand mercenaries and U MAMA...

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GloryHoleInitiations Misty Stone Daya Knight 02192021

Misty is just about the best friend any girl like Daya could ever have. When she finally gets rid of that loser BF she is right there to show her the place to cure those break up blues. Daya has never been to the Glory Hole before but loves it at first lick. She is looking fierce in her fire red outfit she wore for herself to feel just the right amount of slutty and Misty is in a Gold dress ’cause that’s the kind of friend she is, a gold star hoe. These girls never let up on these...

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EvilAngel Kitana Montana Busty Anal Slam Piece

Stylish director Jonni Darkko delivers stunning visuals: Sexy, big-haired, busty blonde Kitana Montana teases poolside, showing her curvy, tattooed bod. Young, extremely hung Damion Dayski oils Kitana’s butt. She drops to her knees and serves his big Black cock a righteous blowjob. Damion stuffs his 12-incher up Kitana’s ass for a spoon-style anal fuck. As he slams her backdoor, the tanned, oiled babe moans and presses a vibrator to her clit. Damion feeds her his meat ass-to-mouth...

2 years ago
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A Night With Knight

A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...

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Released from Duty

Tap, tap, tap, tap. Eight steps down, turn and eight more. The long July night has come to a close and I flee from my responsibilities. I can hear the elevators running, carrying their cargoes of people from the sixth, the seventh, the tenth floors, and those in between. Others like myself are running down the stairs. I'm following a dark headed man clad in a long lab coat; hand on the rail, feet under the edge galloping down the stairs in counterpoint to my own. Ta-tap ta-tap ta-tap ta-tap....

Gay Male
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Okay! Let's face facts. I'd love to be slimmer but I've also faced the fact it ain't gonna to happen. I try to diet and it doesn't work so I get depressed and I quit the diet and then I'm more depressed and then I want to eat all the things that aren't good for me and then the depression sets in even worse. Don't get me wrong, it is not as if I'm some behemoth or something ... I'm just, well ... Rubenesque ... voluptuous ... pleasingly plump. I have between 15 and 20 pounds I'd love...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 6

Richard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...

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Exam EssayChapter 2

We followed Mrs Marks (my mums) suggestion and started writing notes to each other and before long started using a notebook. I was starting to come out of my shell and actually managed to say a few words to Melissa. Friday came around, last period English, time to get our exam results. As we entered the classroom Audrey, the class loudmouth, saw me pass our notebook to Melissa and seized it, loudly exclaiming “Mrs Marks, Josh and Melissa are passing notes to each other” “I know, I told...

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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 10

Some time had passed since I last hung out with Sarah. She seemed to want to go back to our old ways of friendship, so I think she was starting to avoid me. We would text here and there, but nothing too much. If she wanted to go back to a normal friendship, then I would accept that, although I would be a little sad about it.In the meantime, I was frequently joining in with Rachel and Eric. It was always so hot watching them. Sometimes it was so passionate, other times it was rough fucking. They...

1 year ago
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Husband catches his unfaithful wife fucking another man

My wife cheated on me with one of my best friends. It happened on a recent Saturday evening, or rather early Sunday morning. One of my wife’s girl friends was getting married so my wife and a couple other girls had a bachelorette party for her. Since the party was at another girls house I decided to have a poker party at our house. My party didn’t last long because I got the dates mixed up. By the time I find out and informed everyone, most of the guys already had plans. So the...

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Summer Theater

Summer Theater                         By Rough Riding Tender Cowboy         It was full dress rehearsal for the actors and actresses at the local theater, in preparation for the summer outdoor pageant.   The stock panels had been removed in order that we could use the lights and bleachers of the local rodeo grounds.   The setting was an Indian village located on the prairies of Dakota Territory in the early 1800’s.   The play centered on the life of the Plains Indian and the early...

3 years ago
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Taking One For The Team 2 On Tour

Part in Allison, part in Dave. ( So don't get confused)   After the, um, events of the shield, things starting speeding up for the Cobras. Due to two teams' forfeits, we were catapulted into the semi-final, and without much effort, found ourselves with a ticket to Central Stadium. I'd never seen Mick Pierce work us as hard as he did in the fortnight leading up to the semi's. Of course, with good luck came bad.... Dave wiped out of training 3 days after the shield with a stomach-bug. Not...

4 years ago
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Let It All Hang Out

June was a lady of daring and adventure. She was anxious to know everything and anything about modern day sex. From a woman who knew nothing, she became a sexual clinical trial. If you remember from "June's Private Graduation Party", she asked about the different facets of sexual activities. When June approached me on trying other sexual quests, I thought to myself, let's combine some of them for a real good time. I recommended public sex and exhibitionism for her as a "daily double". Public...

3 years ago
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BimboSlave Housewife Takes Care of Family

Introduction: Chapters 1-3 Chapter 1: Getting Ready&hellip, Today is a special day in our house. My Master-Husband is getting ready to go on a business trip for a week. This is exciting because it leaves me home alone with our teenage son and our dog. I am so thrilled for this wonderful week ahead of me. As much as I will miss my Master, I will enjoy the alone time I have with my son, and tending to his needs. In our house Master always comes first above everything but this week little Master...

2 years ago
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Like A Woman

Like A Woman Helena had just sat down with a drink when there was a loud knock at her front door. She thought for a moment about ignoring it, but decided she would be better off seeing who it was, so she dashed to the door and opened it. She was then shocked and surprised to find two police officers standing on her doorstep. One was male, tall, dark and was wearing plain clothes, his colleague, a much shorter, younger, blonde woman, was in uniform. They flashed their badges at Helena...

3 years ago
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Erotic City Pleasure in the Land of the Mad

The easily distracted professor was busy examining the various crystal structures that he failed to notice several pale skinned beauties emerging from the dark recesses of the town. They ignored his assistant, Harmony, because her body was built the same as theirs. The mad ones were interested in the professor. He was different; bigger, stronger, just different, and that by itself was enough to intrigue them. They snuck down streets to where the couple was standing, and by the time, Byron and...


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