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Chapter 5: Rebecca submits
‘God, you look rough,’ Sally murmured. ‘Want me to hold the taxi when it arrives? Won’t take you long to freshen up…’
‘Didn’t get much sleep,’ Thomas grumpily offered by way of explanation. What else could he say? Erika fucked me all night? That woman was insatiable.
It must have been around five o’clock before she allowed him to return to his room. That meant an hour’s nap, a quick shower, and a room service breakfast while he made the call to Jack Murphy. They had an hour and a half to reach Belfast International airport and catch their Aer Lingus flight.
‘Okay,’ he continued, taking her arm and pulling her to the quietest part of the foyer. ‘I spoke to our Irish newspaper friend.’
The redhead’s face became a picture of expectation. ‘Don’t make me wait,’ she told him, dropping her hands to her hips. ‘And?’
Thomas felt a twitch in his groin. After her teasing come-on in the bar last night, he was seeing Sally in a different light. And she looked so sexy in that pose. The spaghetti straps of the tight, cream camisole top didn’t cover the flowery bra straps and he could see the swell of her small, perky breasts when she leaned forward like that.
‘Hey,’ she said, tugging his arm. ‘I’m up here! You feeling frisky this morning?’
‘You’re staring at my tits.’
‘No, I’m not,’ he growled. How the hell could he be feeling frisky after last night? ‘I… I just like that top.’
‘You just like my top?’ she said, throwing her head back. For a second, he didn’t know what to say, but Sally’s burst of laughter saved him.
He gave a bashful smile.
‘Sorry,’ he apologised, trying to think of anything other than sex. Tell her about his conversation with Murphy! ‘It’s difficult to form an opinion, Sally. He’s adamant his story is rock solid, but can’t offer any facts to back it up.’
‘Or won’t,’ the redhead pointed out, playfully ruffling her short hair.
‘Or won’t,’ he agreed, with a curt nod. Was she playing up to him now? ‘But I threw a few questions at him and there wasn’t much depth in his answers. Either he’s very clever, or the stuff he has in tenuous at best.’
‘He didn’t seem very clever,’ Sally grinned.
Thomas laughed for the first time that morning. ‘Never judge a book by its cover, but in this case I think you might well be right. How did you do?’
‘Drew a blank,’ the redhead replied, raising her eyebrows in that familiar way of hers. ‘As far as I can work out from everything I’ve been able to check, Alistair was everywhere but Ireland around that period. There was a European tour, a conference in Dubai, and he was part of a delegation to the States.’
Thomas pursed his lips as he nodded thoughtfully. ‘Doesn’t mean he didn’t visit personally…’
‘No, but from what I can tell, he didn’t have much free time. Apart from the visits I’ve mentioned, he was heavily involved in preparations for the Party Conference. A visit to Ireland just doesn’t seem to fit.’
‘Why am I getting the feeling that this is a set up? Okay,’ he said, glancing across to the lifts at the far side of the foyer. ‘Erika’s heading over here now. Anything else?’
Sally followed his gaze across to the sexy Scandinavian. ‘Not a thing,’ she told him. ‘What now?’
Thomas shrugged his shoulders. ‘We’ve done our homework. We brief Erika first, then agree how we break it to Alistair.’
‘You tell her,’ Sally grinned, as the blonde walked towards them.
‘Morning,’ the Scandinavian woman greeted them, her voice bouncing with energy. ‘Sorry, I’m late—phone call. God, Thomas, you look rough…’
‘I’ve already told him,’ Sally laughed, turning to greet the blonde.
Erika smiled. ‘What have you been up to?’
He shot her a look that would have laid her low had it been a punch. Guilt was riddled through his body. He wasn’t interested in mind games.
‘Never mind,’ she said, dismissing the subject with an imperial wave of her arm. ‘I overheard Sally. What do you want to tell me?’
‘Taxi,’ the redhead interrupted, acknowledging the wave from reception. ‘Maybe we should wait ’til we get to the airport?’
‘Tell them we’ll be there in a sec, would you, Sally?’ Thomas asked, waiting until the diminutive woman headed for the reception desk. ‘Erika,’ he rasped, his eyes blazing with concern. ‘About last night…’
‘Last night? Last night you did very well, tiger. But don’t let it pray on your mind. It’s our secret. Okay?’
He stared at her, trying to read her Swedish mind. Was that it? A one night fuck, with no repercussions? Was she really that cold? It suited him down to the ground to forget all about it. But could he trust her?
‘Listen, Thomas,’ she said patiently, as if reading his mind. ‘It was sex, just sex. Nothing more, nothing less! I needed it and so did you, from your wholehearted performance.’
He gritted his teeth at the patronising comment. ‘Erika…’
The hint of menace in her intense blue eyes stopped him. ‘The way I see it, is that if Alistair knew we’d fucked, your relationship with him would be at an end. And if Becky ever found out, I’d imagine you and she would be finished, too. So I promise you I’ll say nothing, and suggest you do the same. Okay?’
Thomas could feel his fingernails cut into his palms as he clenched his fists. Somehow he’d expected more, though he had no idea what. Despite her arrogant dismissal, she was offering him a way out. Better to forget it, though that would be quite a feat. Particularly as every bone in his body felt the guilt.
‘Good,’ she decisively said, taking his answer as read. Remorse was for the weak. ‘As for you and Sally wanting to talk to me, let’s wait until we get to the airport, shall we?’
Rebecca hadn’t expected Erika to call her so early that morning. Nor had she anticipated that her meeting with Guus Kessen would take place so quickly. It seemed the millionaire was flying to his villa in Monte Carlo this afternoon and this would be his only opportunity to see her for a few days.
It’s up to you, Erika had told her during their early morning telephone conversation. Your final chance! I’ve done all I can. Don’t go if you’re not committed to doing what’s necessary.
Do what’s necessary!! The words had floated around her mind since Erika had ended the call in her rush to catch her airport taxi. But then those words had been with her since their conversation last night. She had an hour to get ready and reach his Mayfair offices. Her heart was racing. And not only because of the near realisation of her dream…
She was going to be unfaithful to her boyfriend in a way. Okay, she wasn’t going to give herself to the Dutchman. She wouldn’t allow him to fuck her. But she was going to suck his cock. For money! Like a high-class whore!! The thought already had her wet with anticipation. Now that her mind had come to terms with what was necessary to secure the finance, she realised she actually wanted this!
Deus! She actually wanted to take the millionaire’s cock in her mouth!
Yesterday had whetted her sexual appetite. So had her conversations with Erika. When she’d masturbated last night, she’d even fantasised about the blonde’s kiss! She’d also recollected the feel of Kessen’s hands on her tits. And recalled the sight of him exposing his thick manhood.
Only in last night’s masturbatory fantasies, she had it in her mouth. Just like she would later this morning.
And being coerced into the act assuaged any guilt. After all, she wasn’t being unfaithful. She could rationalise that she had no choice.
Erika had said that she should try again and persuade Kessen of the business sense in her proposition. She knew it was too late for that. She was heading for his office with one thought in mind. Thoughts of her illicit liaisons with married men in Brazil had returned. A fire inside h
er had been lit.
She actually wanted to be used.
The seats at the far side of the Executive lounge afforded a little privacy. Enough for Thomas to raise the subject. ‘Sally and I were approached by an Irish reporter yesterday. Confidentially.’
‘Jack Murphy,’ Sally added. ‘Belfast Telegraph.’
‘Yesterday?’ Erika instantly responded. ‘You didn’t mention this last night?’
Sally shot Thomas a look. It was late when they’d returned to their rooms last night and she’d invited him in for a drink. But they were so bushed after their long day, and he’d been anxious to call Becky.
So… he’d spent the night with Erika instead! No wonder he was looking so tired.
Why the hell hadn’t Erika involved her? She had before. But only when it suited the blonde, it seemed. Damn, if it wasn’t for the thrill that a threesome gave her, she’d turn the Swedish woman down the next time she asked.
Who was she kidding?
Her husband had occasionally mentioned a threesome, but that wouldn’t quite be right. Besides, Jeremy just wanted to fuck another woman while she watched. With Erika, she was able to take part, lose herself. And losing herself with Thomas and the blonde would have been quite an experience.
Still, he wasn’t quite the innocent that she thought he was. All that crap about being faithful! Well, he couldn’t claim that one with her anymore. One thing was quite clear in her mind now. She’d fuck her fair-haired companion sooner or later. It was just a question of getting the situation and the timing right.
‘He told us he had a story on Alistair,’ Thomas mumbled, trying to keep his voice steady. He knew that a blush was already spreading itself across his face under Sally’s perceptive gaze. Fuck! The last thing he wanted or needed was for the redhead to have any suspicions.
‘Story? What sort of story?’ Erika snapped.
‘Does the name Mary O’Leary mean anything to you?’ he asked, forgetting Sally and keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the sexy blonde. He needed to see if there’d be any hint of recognition. There wasn’t.
‘No. Should it?’
‘Mary O’Leary is a young woman from Derry,’ he explained, feeling better that Erika seemed blissfully unaware of the name. That almost certainly meant the story was fabricated. ‘Jack Murphy’s allegation is that she met Alistair over here, around eight months ago.’
‘He meets a lot of people,’ Erika responded with a frown. ‘Was he over here then? I can’t recall us visiting Northern Ireland during the last year.’
‘I can’t find any trace of him being in the country,’ Sally blurted, immediately backing off when Thomas’s eyes widened at her. ‘Not that I’ve been able to carry out any sort of check,’ she mumbled, quickly catching on. They didn’t want Erika thinking they’d gone behind her back.
‘You used the word allegation,’ Erika slowly said, her eyes flicking between them as she began to realise the implications. ‘What does that mean?’
‘It’s not good news, Erika,’ Sally nervously blurted.
‘She gives birth next month,’ Thomas added, coming straight to the point. ‘The suggestion is that Alistair is the father.’
The instant silence hung over them, like a sudden fog engulfing the skyline.
‘This is bullshit,’ Erika eventually rasped, her sexy Scandinavian lilt rising. ‘Absolute bullshit. How dare they suggest that?’
‘Careful,’ Thomas interrupted, a roll of his eyes indicating they were attracting attention from passengers not too far away. He diplomatically lowered his voice, though it was the blonde who was in danger of being overheard. ‘First things first, Erika. We have to make Alistair aware, and get his reaction.’
‘Reaction?’ the Scandinavian woman shot back, her intense blue eyes flicking from one to the other as her mind ran through the implications.
‘We have to make sure he hasn’t come across this woman…’ he paused, the smirk in Sally’s eyes warning him of the inadvertent play on words. ‘Whether he’s met her before,’ he corrected, making a point of not looking at either woman.
‘Of course he hasn’t met her.’
Thomas hesitated. ‘We’re all pretty sure he hasn’t,’ he slowly confirmed. ‘Which means we need to agree on our next steps.’
‘Next steps?’ Erika snapped, glancing around her as she realised she’d raised her voice again. She lowered her tone instantly. ‘Why don’t we simply ignore the meaningless trash?’
Thomas paused. As intelligent as she was, Erika wasn’t thinking clearly. ‘As meaningless as it may be, we know the press. They’ll hound us on this one and make a much bigger story if we don’t give them something. We want them writing about Alistair’s performance in the debate, not this crap.’
‘You’re right,’ Erika slowly responded, thinking things through. ‘Absolutely! Doing nothing isn’t an option. Okay, this is why we hired you, Thomas, what we pay you for. To deal with this horseshit! Your suggestion is?’
Having it instantly thrown on his shoulders was unexpected, but she was right. It was his responsibility. His and Sally’s. Instinct told him the next steps.
‘We discuss with Alistair and make sure he doesn’t know this woman,’ he firmly responded, adding, ‘It makes sense, Erika,’ when the blonde’s eyes flared at him. ‘Just to tick that box.’
When the Swede nodded, he continued.
‘Then I’ll speak to Murphy again and refute the whole story. Maybe even throw in the suggestion of us suing, though I don’t want to be too heavy handed at this stage.’
‘Be as heavy handed as you want,’ Erika snapped, tapping her fingers on the side of her chair in irritation.
‘Yes, I feel that way too,’ Thomas responded, leaning forward in his seat to emphasise the point. ‘But we need to understand what makes them tick first, which buttons to press. If I can find out more specific timescales from them, we can do our own research as to where Alistair was at that time.’
‘You want to check up on him?’
‘No, Erika, certainly not,’ he told her, glancing at Sally and then back at the blonde. ‘But think about it! We need to be in a position so that when they raise stuff, we have the facts and can counter everything they throw at us.’
The Swede’s eyes blazed. She remembered only too well the made-up stories when she separated from Dennis. The media hadn’t treated her kindly at first. ‘It’s one thing I quickly discovered about English newspapers. If they don’t have facts, they’ll manufacture lies. The bloody tabloids are scum.’
‘I understand how you feel,’ Thomas acknowledged. ‘But if we’ve done our research, we’ll have all the facts and can combat anything they say. Then we’ll be in a position of strength.’
The blonde woman slowly nodded, letting a long sigh escape her lips as she fought back the recollection of the unfair coverage of her separation and divorce. Everything Thomas said made sense.
‘So, we meet Alistair as soon as we can when we get back?’ Sally asked.
‘Yes,’ Thomas confidently replied. ‘You ring ahead and arrange that, Sally. And whatever you need to do to start that research, make it happen. We need chapter and verse on Alistair’s movements around the time they’re suggesting. Okay?’
‘Okay?’ the diminutive redhead asked, glancing at Erika for approval.
The blonde stared thoughtfully ahead, her mind trawling through the women she and Alistair had been with. Of all the beauties they’d fucked together, it had to be an unknown that was trying to make trouble.
Jane Atkinson, she could understand. She never did trust that gobby socialite, though she’d threatened her with what could happen when the dyed blonde had got too big for her boots and hinted at a conversation with the press. Now that she’d married a footballer, that particular threat had gone away.
Then there was Françoise, the free spirited French girl. She’d approached Erika some time ago, trying to strike a deal to keep quiet. It had been enough for the b
londe to explain she had a video of the B-class actress taking cocaine, and that it would find its way to the police should she open her mouth.
But Mary O’Leary? Who the hell was Mary-fucking-O’Leary?
Her eyes darted back to the couple beside her. Both were closely watching her as she contemplated her options. If Sally researched Alistair’s movements, there was an outside chance she might stumble on one of their conquests.
While that might not be too much of a problem, considering the redhead’s involvement from time to time, she didn’t believe in leaving things to chance.
‘Go ahead with the research,’ she finally confirmed. ‘But I personally want a telephone update at the end of each day. And the three of us will meet first thing every morning to discuss findings. Every morning!’
‘Okay,’ they said in unison.
Erika nodded in silent satisfaction. Had either given even the sliver of a hint of dissent, she’d have come down on them like a ton of bricks. Problem number one may have been Mary O’Leary. But number two was all the other Mary-fucking-O’Leary’s who might crawl out of the woodwork if this came out.
‘And should either of you find anything unusual—anything at all—I want to know instantly,’ she went on, reinforcing who was in control. ‘No one takes unilateral action. Nothing is done, or confided in anyone else, unless I agree to it. We’re a team, the three of us. But I’m in charge. I have to keep the pressure away from Alistair with everything else that’s going on. Understand?’
‘Well, well,’ Guus Kessen said, making no move to move from his chair as his secretary brought Rebecca into his office. It was quite a contrasting approach, deliberately so, to his reaction to her arrival yesterday.
Show her who was in control.
‘Guus,’ she nervously said once the grey haired secretary had closed the door behind her. She took a couple of steps forward and then stopped, nervously waiting for the overweight man to offer her a seat.
He didn’t.
‘We have some unfinished business,’ he murmured, his clipped Dutch accent more pronounced than usual. ‘Erika pleaded for me to see you again. Interesting, that. Want to know what I said?’
Rebecca nodded nervously. She’d planned out her speech on the way there, rehearsed it several times. Yet he’d instantly taken the initiative. What could she do other than allow him to continue?
‘I told her I wouldn’t,’ he went on, leaning back in his chair and stretching his legs out. ‘You see, Rebecca, I’ve never given a second chance to anyone.’
The raven-haired beauty felt her breath catch in her throat. She was on the back foot and they both knew it. Deus! She’d soon be begging him to let her suck his cock.
‘But…’ he continued, crossing one extended foot over the other, ‘Erika has exceptional persuasive powers. And you, Rebecca, are an exceptional woman. Otherwise I wouldn’t have even listened to Erika’s entreaties.’
Rebecca nodded, unsure what to say, or whether to speak at all. ‘Thank you,’ she eventually committed, wondering what else was coming.
‘Very polite,’ Kessen smiled, slowly pouring himself a glass of water and raising it to his fat lips. Make her wait. Keep her standing there. ‘Would you like to know what else I thought?’
No, she thought. No, I wouldn’t. But she had to. Or lose her dream forever. ‘Yes, Guus,’ she hesitantly said, trying but failing to force a smile.
‘Yes, please, Guus,’ the Dutchman said. She was his now! There was no doubt about that. Docile and obedient. But let’s see if he could provoke that Brazilian temper. She’d make an even better fuck if she were angry with him.
‘Yes… please… Guus,’ she spat out, deliberately slowly, feeling her temperature rise as she spoke. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t allow any man to treat her like this. But these weren’t normal circumstances.
‘Good,’ he arrogantly smiled, his lustful gaze running across her body.
Rebecca shivered. She felt herself blush. Being controlled like this was a new experience. Part of her hated it. Another part found it arousing. She’d deliberately dressed less provocatively, yet even through her bra she knew her nipples were pushing against her crisp white blouse. The colour superbly highlighted her dark, South American skin.
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Oral SexChapter 13: An Element of Faith Given Bill’s actions, Sue wasn’t sure of his intentions or motivations, but she knew one thing for sure: she had misunderstood him. This puzzle she had unboxed had more pieces than she originally thought. Bill moved the crossbar back under her hips locking it into position. The tighter restriction and higher, more available, presentation of her ass just fuelled her lust more. All she could think now was that he was serious. What would he do next? Why was he...
Hi friends. I am 21 yrs of age. I am 6 ft well built, wheatish complexion, brown hair and quite handsome. Today I am going to tell u that happened to me recently. From the very beginning I was always attracted to sexy Aunties as they develop flesh at right places to get a good look after their marriage. The story I am going to tell u is about my English teacher- Shilpa (name changed).I first saw her when I was in Sixth class. She was appointed as our English Teacher. My elder sister was also...
The last emperor of Ori had over a dozen children. He also had many enemies and those would stop at nothing to see him suffer. His governors were corrupt and traitors and his generals and senators were as bad. When his children began to die he had to do something. His oldest son was the last of his children and when he was assassinated and that drew the line. His dead son had a son and two wives. The emperor made plans and a story was told of his grandson's death in a fall from a horse. The...
Finding a willing slut was easy in this time and age, thanks to the internet. Boring as well, even though sometimes certainly a good way to blow off steam.But seeing his cute coworkers transform into sex crazed b**sts on a company vacation the moment their bosses were out of sight was a completely different thing, he could definitely get behind that. They were just a small group of three chicks and him who had stepped out of the bus, walked three miles in the hottest sun imaginable and finally...
Althopugh the sun was trying to peak over the horizon, the angry gray clouds continued to fight back with a vengeance. Michael looked out of his living room window as he studied the wind whipped waves. Watching as the white tops grew larger and larger, spitting foam with every gust. Michael knew today would not be just another day in his private paradise.As he drank his third cup of coffee, Michael realized it was time to find his radio and think about securing all of his outdoor...
Model Bus. . Torture, snuff, non-consensual, m/f/f, extreme content..If you do not like bloodthirsty tales of brutality, do not read any further. This story is a phantasy of sadistic cruelty that bears no resemblance to reality. Women endure hours of vile torments that would kill a real person in five minutes, and their tormentors seem endowed with magical sexual prowess that a Viagra salesman would envy. If you do read it, I hope it releases your own sexual needs harmlessly in this phantasy...
“I was gonna go home but I can find my jeans”. Jane said I couldn’t help but notice how smooth and tanned her legs were, I could even see the outline of her pussy through her black lace thong. “Oh fuck, what can I do to fuck this girl. I taught to myself. “What the hell are you doing?” I said to her jokingly “I can’t find jeans” she replied laughing I was surprised that she was comfortable with walking around the house with just her top, then it got to me we were all drinking not...
Melanie Edwards was not happy! To the outside world she would appear to have it all together. She owned a successful business. She had more money than she knew what to do with. She was fit and sexy which was confirmed every time she walked into the room and the heads of men and women turned to look her over. She was married to a handsome man who truly loved her. It would appear to anyone who knew her that she had everything that was needed to be happy.What only she understood was the contempt...
AJ is not loving life with his new stepmom, self-absorbed hottie London River. London is the consummate influencer wannabe, constantly snapping selfies to upload to social media. AJ is just a thorn in London’s side, especially when he starts bringing his new girlfriend, Vina Sky around. London tries to take charge, telling AJ to take pictures of her and telling Vina to make herself useful by cleaning up. While Vina is doing as she was told, her white shirt gets wet. Seeing Vina’s...
xmoviesforyouAlex was thrilled to confirm Aida was indeed a virgin. Not that he mind if she wasn’t one. Besides it was her life before she became Mrs. Jefferson, he had no control over that. He would have thought Greg and she would have shared a physical relationship seeing how protective Greg had been of Aida on their wedding day. He thought they might just had gone to bed more out of companionship. And even so if it hadn’t been Greg it could have been any other guys back in Mexico. Aida was not ugly...
Anniv-her-sary Present by Suzi Johnson ****** I lay helpless on the bed. My hands are tied to the bedposts with my wife's nylon stockings, and a pair of her panties are stuffed in my mouth. But this is not one of the gentle B&D games that married people sometimes play - no, it goes much further than that. You see, I am wearing an old-fashioned black Victorian corset, tightly laced up the back, which molds my body into an hourglass shaped feminine figure with a 22 inch...
Ok, I know I wrote last time about when I was raped, and that later I got my Daddy to be my lover. What I didn't tell you was what I did between the time I found out how good sex felt and the time I could get Daddy to have sex with me that first time. There was just no way I could go with out sex that long. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait. About a week after the day I was raped, after most of my soreness was gone. I was taking a shower one afternoon. It was just me at home. My parents had...
The GROWN-UP SCHOOL-CHILD by "c.c." Oddly enough my problems started when I became unexpectedly rich. I always knew that my father came to America from England when I was just a child, and that some of our relations were wealthy, titled or both, but the full extent of our relationship never occurred to me until years after my parents' death, when I was informed that I had fallen heir to a title, estate, and a considerable fortune -- in England! I am -- or was -- a very...
Ever since Dan left the party scene hadn't been as good. Dan threw some amazing parties, but more importantly they were all for people in your year, and all had people who were like you. They were reliably awesome. No wasted first years having their first beers, no police being called because someone started a fire. Dan had left a good few months back, and it was now week 2 of your fourth year; your final year in college. Everything was going smoothly, if a little more boring than usual, until...
I was still in high school when I was running around a certain urban park. I was on the peripheral of the field when a Frisbee landed at my feet. Startled I stopped and looked around, there about twenty yards away stood a lone figure. We both dressed in shorts, tennis and t-shirts, he called out '...hey how about a little help...yeah just toss it back...' I scooped up the Frisbee and flung it back. Embarrassingly it fell short by ten feet. The guy ran over picked it up and tossed it back to me...
Blasphemy – A Thanatos Tale for Easter – Part One Spring is in the air as the Archdiocese prepares for the annual Easter Celebration.Bishop Andrew Wormsley sits in the spartan study of the Head Mistress of OurLady of Endless Misery School for Girls. His host, Mother Superior Avila sitsbeside him. The nun, like every teacher in the private high school, is a memberof the Sisters of Dolorous Countenance, one of the few holy orders whose memberscontinue to wear traditional black and white habits....
There are all kinds, shapes, and sizes of women, but there's nothing quite as sexy as a rather petite young woman who's got an awesome set of nice large rounded tits crowning her chest. LeighAnne is just such a young woman, and having two babies hasn't done anything to diminish or take away from her overall sexiness and hotness at all. Not one little bit. LeighAnne is not only sexy; she's also very pretty and very hot in the sack. She's probably only about 5' 3" and her bra size is at...
I am a beautiful woman. My hair is the color of sleek gold, my face is reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe, my body a collection of long luscious curves like some modish ergonomic furniture design. I have to dress cautiously or I stop traffic. But I’m not just a pretty face. I have a master’s in English Literature and I am studying for my doctorate. I am an only child. My mother died of a rare tropical disease when I was thirteen. My father is a brain surgeon. He works although he doesn’t need to...
"Open your pussy for Marcus, baby," I ordered. She carefully peeled back the labia. I ran the head up and down her slit. Up and down, until she gasped, "Please, please put the head in a little." I very carefully pressed the plum sized head into her pussy. Slowly, the lips parted until the head, fit into her now stretched labia. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, ITS HUGE!" she moaned. I slowly withdrew the big head. "Give it to me, PLEEAAASSSSEEEEE!" she begged. Her cunt was beginning to...
Sam loved it. It looked like we were three-for-three after the first sex positions. How could there possibly be a better video of this sort?Di and I wondered to each other (and to Sam) whether I could in fact have pushed enough sperm past the lethal bio-adhesive gel so that she could get pregnant despite her precaution. I think we all knew that this could have increased the risk of impregnation, but none of us knew how much the risk increased.For the next few days I continued to feel that Di...
The wall exploded as Wonder Woman was thrown through it. She rolled across the ground and loose bricks, scrambling to her feet in a low fighting stance. Lobo stepped threw the hole in the wall and cracked his large knuckles. The Amazon Princess flew at him with her left fist extended, which he easily blocked only to get hit square in the face with the right."You're too weak to hurt me!" Lobo exclaimed. He caught her with a backhand."No," she said. "I'm just used to holding back against street...
The Family Feud IIThe story is not about being perfect people. It is about imperfect people. Perfect people would have never tied up their husband and son, wife or daughter in the first place.This story is a journey. Along the way, mistakes will be made. Mistakes are not the end of the journey.Mistakes are nature’s way of providing you consequences, so that you will learn to adapt. This story is an evolution.An evolution of an imperfect family of four people, who don't yet know how perfectly...
"Hey can I do that for yer?" Bill had still been lost in the past and he was brought back to the present by the nasally almost whining sound of the newcomers voice as she perched herself astride one of his knees. He didn't answer, instead he looked across at the couch. Peter was stretched out on its length while his daughter's silky pussy was wrapped around the massive length of hard flesh that was his cock and her mother was feeding her soaking wet slit to his hungry mouth and tongue....
As slabs of armor started covering the SRT-8, Finn's dad snapped off his cutting torch and walked over to Liv and Finn, who were placing an armored section over the driver's door. "I've got something that might give you an advantage. Come on, give me a hand son." He motioned to Finn. They disappeared into a back room and returned carrying two machine guns mounted to a heavy-duty plate. "What the hell is that?" Liv asked in disbelief. "A remote controlled machine gun mount. It's...
Disclaimer: None of the characters in this story are based on real life people. I work at a well-run, popular bookstore. Located on the corner of 6 th street and Rugged Way, it’s in the center of downtown. We get a lot of customers from all round the city, as one of the largest bookstores, and also gain the attention of tourists from the nearby airport. We offer some of the best maps and guides at the cheapest prices, and a nice selection of Arizona gifts. To those of us who live in Arizona,...
I'm Mike and im always trying to fuck my girls friends. I was always checkin out her friend Dee. She had a sweet ass ,and I had the opportunity to fuck her the night before.Here is what happened the next day.I got up that morning to put a pot of coffee on. When I walked into the living room,Dee was laying on the pull out. I walked over to the couch and just sat there, watching the morning news. She woke up and asked where is your girl. Mike. I told her thatshe was in the bed.She set up and...
I met my wife when she was 17, I was 36 we dated for a year then married 3 days after her 18th birthday (Her first gift). She had only been with one person before me. A boy about her age. So the first time I lick her pussey she went wild. Now I travel in my work and she would travel with me. We got home from Ohio and she had a sore lump on her arm. I took her to the doctor he took one look then sent to a specialists. He ran a whole lot of test. They all came back the same. She had cancer. I...
Hi friends this abhijit once again ab me aapko ek aisi kaahani batana chahta hu jo ki meri maa ki chudai ki hai woh bhi ek bihari se najaane kyun yeh bihari log mere maa ko kyun chod the hai aur maa kyun unka lund pasand aata hai. Ek din main ghar pe tha kyunki mere school mein 9th std ki exam thi bahut dino se humne building ka jo maintainance ka jo paise hai woh nahi bhare the aur building ki taraf se notice bhi aayi thi maa ne mujhse kaha ki beta tum ghar pe rehna mein 4th floor par yadav...
... Jeff took his wife into his arms. “I do not understand you.” “Good. Now, let’s go home. Watching you kiss her has turned me on something fierce.” Again, Jeff felt as if someone had laid a gentle kiss on his neck, but when he turned to Diana, she was talking to First, who had just walked up with his women. What the heck is wrong with me? I know I felt something touch my neck. Even as the thought crossed his mind, he could feel amusement, almost a giggle, coming from Little One. Was...
We'd been on the road for seven hours, and though we'd hoped to make it all the way home from our trip in one day, it was becoming clear that we'd need a place to stay for the night. It was no big deal. It was summertime and we're both teachers. We had some time to play with. At about 9pm we found a nice hotel right next door to a steakhouse we know and like. Perfect.We got our stuff up into our room and quickly headed off to the steakhouse. We got a table right away and split an entire pitcher...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Remna Excitement swelled through me. I adjusted my new tulwar that hung off the belt I wore over my robe. It was local garb, a deep shade of blue. It felt...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net This is an incident which happened a couple of days back in Kerala. It was with my sis in law (SIL). My SIL is also married and doesn’t have kids. It’s been a couple of years since she was married. As a result, she doesn’t have much interest in her hubby. She was very young when I married her sister. And because of that, we were like friends. We used to talk everything in open. Even her marriage first night as well. So I got to...
IncestEarly on the 46th day of the Secmonth the crew on Iarracht were busy preparing to depart from their position over Ananu. An unusual aspect of their departure was that it would take place while they were in the shadow of Ananu. As they prepared to leave Dóchas began shifting its position so it could quickly take Iarracht’s place. The selected departure time was in part due to the distance they needed to travel before joining the Atewa Task Group commanded by Captain Reyonte. “Celia System...