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After the First World War the Russian soldier Jurij Alexandrovich returns home from war imprisonment. Once he was a member of the most reputable family in his home-village, but now he has to discover that times have changed. After the Russian revolution the communists rule his country now. And to his bad luck it is his vengeful ex-girlfriend Alessia who had become the girlfriend of the lesbian political chief commissioner over his war-torn home-village.
As a member of the Zhenotdel (=Women's Department of the Party's Central Committee) Alessia has gained a lot of power herself and she's eager to use this power to take a bitter-sweet revenge for Jurij's former refusal against her. At first Jurij only loses his family's property to Alessia's red brigade.
He struggles despairingly to beware a rest of sovereignty, but Alessia has already developed a great appetite for taking a selfish advantage of her superior position over him. Within the depths of her soul, she truly wants her precious Jurij as her own. Thanks to the help of her influential girlfriend she starts to slowly "re-educate" Jurij into the new world order – into her world order!
With a combination of teasing hints, well-placed jealousy, wicked threats and pitiless denial he gets forced to go down into a very personal and erotic kind of submission to the steely will-power of Alessia and her friend. Alessia knows that she will have to confess how she really feels at some point, but she will hold out for as long as she can.
Suddenly the village gets re-captured by the anti-communistic White Army and the hero has to make a very crucial decision: Will Jurij become a traitor to free himself from Alessia's spell or will he keep her secret revealed and therefore accept her superiority over his fate?
To understand the unsettling story of Alessia and Jurij you have to know a little about the history of their country and their own.
Alessia came into the world on May 11, 1892, in a small village of the western part of the Forecaucasus - quite close to the city of Yekaterinodar. She was the first child of the officer Igor Vasiliev and his wife Larissa. And she was also their last as Larissa died soon after she had given birth to Alessia.
Alessia grew up to be a beautiful girl. Her cautious father hired private teachers to ensure that Alessia would receive the best education that only a few women in that era possessed.
But when Alessia got twelve years old, Igor was ordered to fight for his country in the Russo-Japanese War. Although he adored his daughter more than anything in the world, he was forced to send Alessia into the custody of his friends Mr. and Mrs. Vasiliev.
Alessia's new foster parents owned a poultry farm with lots of brown chickens that kept them very busy during the day. Therefore Alessia spent a most of her time with her new step-brothers Michael and Andre.
Both of the boys got easily awed by Alessia's beauty and maturity as they were two years younger than there new sister. So it didn't take long until Alessia found out how she could exploit the growing interest of her step-brothers to her own advantage.
It just needed a little inklings and teasing to make them take over all annoying chores for her, while she still played the caring role of the older sister towards her credulous foster parents.
Two years later Alessia received an official letter that informed her about the honorable death of her father during an important military offensive against the Japanese forces.
As a war orphan Alessia felt that she was totally on her own now. More and more she gave herself over to the dark and bitchy side of her character. Although her step-brothers suffered terrible under Alessia's escalating tyranny, they never dared to squeal.
In an age of five-teen Alessia tasted for the first time the sweetness of total power, when she even persuaded her step-brothers to regularly tribute all their pocket-money to her. Without having any money on their own, her step-brothers needed to earn Alessia's high priced favor before they even could buy themselves a book of adventure stories.
One day Alessia decided that her favor would cost Michael a box of chocolates. At this time a box of chocolates cost five rubles - which was around the equivalent of 39 loaves of bread. Therefore the only way for Michael to let Alessia have her box of chocolates was to introduce her to his beautiful classmate Jurij Alexandrovich, who was the son of the owner of the local chocolate factory.
As Jurij turned out to be quite a smart and entertaining companion, Alessia allowed him to take her out. Two hours later Jurij was already head over heels in love for Alessia. And as Alessia loved to be loved it was the start of an exciting affair. For a couple of days Jurij was probably the happiest man in Russia.
But while Jurij's heart unconditionally adored Alessia, Jurij's mind kept always reminding himself that Alessia was just a member of the general crowd while he represented one of the most reputable families around Yekaterinodar. There was just no way how the relation between him and Alessia could be officially announced without hurting the pride of his high principled parents. In fact Jurij's affair with Alessia. But Alessia's spirit wasn't meant for the ungraceful role of a secret concubine.
She passionately cursed Jurij's cowardliness, but in the end she had to realize that Jurij would never bite the bullet. So she abandoned him with a courageous face-slap, leaving behind an utterly distraught ex-boyfriend.
Since that day Alessia and Jurij had never heard again of each other.
A few years later the dark clouds of the "Great War" (nowadays known as the First World War) came over Europe. While Alessia served her country at the local division of the Russian Red Cross, it was a matter of course for Jurij to take part in the real combat.
After the second year of war the Tsarist Russia started to experience famine and economic collapse. The demoralized Russian Army suffered severe military setbacks and many soldiers deserted the front lines. The Russians dissatisfaction with their Tsar Nicholas II and his policy of continuing the war grew until it fully escalated in two revolutions in 1917.
The Bolsheviks took over the political control. To relieve the still unsettled nation from the attacks of its external enemies, the Bolsheviks signed a peace treaty with the Central Powers on March 3, 1918, at Brest-Litovsk. The article VIII. of this treaty stated that the prisoners of war of both parties will be released to return to their homeland.
This article also affected the destiny of Jurij Alexandrovich who had stayed 723 dismal days in German war imprisonment since Russia's large but success-less counteroffensive in 1916.
On the foggy morning of April 15, 1918 Jurij trudged east down the endless road to the mansion of his parents.
Cursing and grimacing, Jurij hunched his neck deeper into the collar of his shabby coat. It didn't help much. The cold wind of the Russian April was insistent, plucking at his clothes and forcing its needling way inside.
With his pack on his back and his hands jammed deep into his pockets Jurij imploringly prayed to find a ride. And soon enough his prayers were answered when the carriage of his father passed by.
He hadn't seen his son in four years and it was an incredible hearty reunion.
Jurij's safe return from this horrible war was commemorated with a great family celebration that lasted more than three days. For a short moment it seemed as if love, peace and harmony finally had found their way into the life of the Alexandrovich's. But at the afternoon of April 18, 1918 an ominous troop of around ten mounted soldiers appeared at the horizon.
As they approached the mansion of the Alexandrovich family it became clear that they were a small ridden force of the young Red Army.
Slowly Jurij recognized the silhouette of a woman moving along the riders. This wasn't .... No - that would be nearly impossible! But then the recognition of the mysterious woman hit him like a thunderbolt. It was Alessia!
Her voluminous brown hair was pinned up above a slender neck and pale shoulders, her cheekbones gave her face sharp features. Underneath her wool coat she wore a tight white blouse, featured by a silken neck scarf that flew in the wind. Her legs were clasped in brown trousers and knee high black leather boots.
All the memories of his unfulfilled love for Alessia flooded back into Jurij's mind although it had been ten years already, since he had seen her for the last time. Still it seemed that he had repressed how beautiful his former girlfriend had been. Jurij tried to compose himself as the group came closer, but it was impossible to stop his heart from beating wildly.
At the same moment Jurij was also recognized by this woman. Actually Alessia had been looking out for him as she knew he would be there. Now she began to have those feelings of unfulfilled lust in her loins. She once more started to think about all of the times they had spent together and how she had cried at that final night after slapping his face. If he only had not been so damn stubborn. A cruel smile crept over her face as she began to think about how stubborn she intended to become now in return.
"I am looking for Pjodr Alexandrovich?" the troop-leader shouted at them.
"Yes - that's me! And who are you?" Jurij's father answered in a brave voice - although his shivering revealed his raising insecurity.
"I am Vladimir Maximow - major of the Red Army! We have heard that you are hiding rifles from the revolutionary fighters. Is that true?"
"Who says that?"
"Just answer my question!"
"We have nothing to do with any weapons or any revolution. We just want to be left alone in peace."
"The Red Army fights for the evenhanded peace of all people Russia. Not just for yours! So we won't leave until you hand us over the rifles. Have I made myself clear?"
"Get lost!"
Without paying any more attention to the stubbornness of Jurij's father, Vladimir Maximow turned to his soldiers and ordered them to search the house.
Slowly Jurij's gaze wandered to Alessia. She had caught the eye of her ex-lover as well and sent him a slight smile. But before Jurij could say anything, Alessia had placed her gloved fore-finger over her smirking lips - indicating him that the secret of their acquaintanceship better kept unrevealed.
Jurij was confused but decided that it might be better to play along. The expression of Alessia's face didn't offer any explanation. She just continued to smile - knowing that this was just the beginning of a joyful game of female revenge she had in mind for her disloyal ex-lover.
He quietly stood watch from the corner of his eye, admiring how Alessia let her slender body slide down from her horse's back and followed her comrades into his home. Jurij and his defenseless family stayed outside - carefully watched by the steely eyes of Vladimir Maximow.
The sound of rough boot-steps and smashed boxes drifted out of the house. With teeth clinched Jurij remained breathless.
An endless amount of time seemed to pass until the soldiers finally moved out with their arms full of rifles. Jurij was flabbergasted. Where had his father had hidden so many weapons? And why hasn't he confessed his possession to the major of the Red Army???
Jurij took a frightened glimpse at Vladimir Maximow. He was smoking a relaxing cigar on the back of his horse - his expression one of total indifference.
Suddenly Alessia appeared. In the controlled attitude of a classy lady she stepped in front of Vladimir Maximow and saluted.
"We have seized twenty-five rifles, sir!" she reported. Jurij's spellbound eyes watched her pushing a streak of her curling hair from her forehead behind her ears. It were little details of bewitching cuteness like this that made his heart crush on her again.
"Thank you, comrade Alessia Vasilieva!" the major exclaimed, before his almighty look turned to Jurij's father.
"It's such a pity that you had to lie to me. Now I'm forced to reprimand you."
Slowly he took his gun out of his belt and aimed at Pjodr Alexandrovich.
Then everything happened very fast. There was a loud bang and red blood shooting out of Pjodr's legs. He staggered off balance and tumbled to the ground with a thud.
There was a sudden, deathly silence before Pjodr cried out in pain - the bullet seemed to had hit his left knee.
While everybody stand in shock, the major himself kept totally unimpressed by terrible Pjodr's screams. He just turned back to his troop, ordering: "Get back into saddle; we'll move on."
As Alessia has mounted her horse, she once more looked down at Jurij. A mischievous smile of satisfaction had appeared on her face. Not sure about its full meaning, Jurij decided to smile back at her. The troop moved on and half a minute later Vladimir Maximow and his soldiers went out of sight.
Every member of Jurij's family automatically run to help Pjodr. Every member except Jurij, who was too confused about the impact of the latest events. Lost in his thoughts he went back into the house.
A scarf lay on his table. Bewildered by is meaning Jurij let his fingertips rake through its silken cloth, getting it close enough to smell it's light scent. Alessia's desirable perfume pervaded Jurij's senses. As soon as he had closed his eyes, he saw Alessia's ambiguous smile again. It didn't take long until his mind also heard her soft voice, smelt her musky fragrance of arousal and felt her tender touches. Once more he relived the scenes of her sweet seduction and her bitter rejection.
But suddenly Jurij noticed that there was a book missing in his shelve. His diary! Alessia has taken the diary about his life between 1907-1914. The diary in which he had so openly admitted all his innermost feelings of effervescent adoration and the following desperate heartache towards his Alessia. Thoughts and feelings, that were private. Now it was Alessia herself that had captured these secret thoughts. Feelings of utter exposure waved over Jurij's defeated soul. But then strange feelings of a new inner connection with his former girlfriend rushed through Jurij, but unlike their last connection, this connection was somehow inevitable.
At the next day the family council of the Alexandrovich's that the life around Yekaterinodar had become just too dangerous. Furthermore a quiet place was needed to cure the severe injury of Pjodr's knee. Therefore it was decided that would temporarily move into their secondary home. It was just a small dacha in the outskirts of the Caucasus Mountains, but they could reduce their demands for a cozy home as the summer was approaching.
Unfortunately the question, whether to take along the piano of Jurij's sister or the hunting equipment of his cousin, wasn't that easy to settle. Soon a passionate controversy between both of them broke out, while Jurij's dreams slowly wandered back to his ex-girlfriend.
With the assumptive acquirement of his diary Alessia had become an involuntary confidant of his most private thoughts. Maybe in exactly this moment Alessia's delicate fingers might flip through the pages of his diary. He would have given everything he owned for the opportunity to touch these fingers once more.
His thoughts were interrupted by his mother's sudden interjection: "What about you, Jurij?"
"I'm sorry, what have you just said?" Jurij startled from his day-dreams.
"I just argued that you're the fittest member of our family. Plus you are the most experienced in combat. So you would be the perfect choice for defending our property against pillagers during our absence!"
Jurij didn't have to think twice. This sudden prospect of occupying the family house for his own would give him the perfect opportunity to rearrange his relation with Alessia.
"Sure - I see it as my duty to protect the Alexandrovich's family during these troubled times." Jurij announced and so it was decided.
The family departed very early at the next morning under tearful farewell-rites that never seem to end. But finally Jurij was alone. Immediately Jurij saddled his horse for a fifteen kilometers long ride to the second gymnasium of Yekaterinodar. Jurij's cousin had told him that this gymnasium had recently become to local Red Army headquarter and therefore it would be the perfect place to start his search for Alessia, claim his diary back and maybe resettle their burdened relationship.
Forty five minutes later Jurij stood at the entrance door of the headquarters, but now his inner drive was somehow replaced by a repressive nervousness.
He took a deep breath to muster up the rest of his courage and forced his legs to enter the building.
The gymnasium had been totally converted into a provisional army camp. The entrance hall was crowded with armed revolutionists. Fortunately Jurij quickly discovered a small, basically-appointed reception desk at the other side of the hall. Behind a desk stood a gracile woman with a Bolshevik armband, who seemed to be a kind of porter here. Within a few big steps Jurij had approached her desk.
"Good morning. I would like to see Alessia Vasilieva!"
"And you are?" the porter mumbled, obviously bothered by Jurij's demand.
"Oh - sorry! My name would be Jurij Alexandrovich. I came to clarify a personal matter."
"Wait here. I am going to forward your request Commander Vasilieva!"
"Commander Vasilieva??"
"Yes. Comrade Vasilieva has been promoted to the rank of a Commander yesterday, as our former Commander Maximow left the city this morning to eliminate counter-revolutionary activities in the Northern Caucasus." the porter declared with a chuckle.
Before Jurij could even assimilate the full meaning of this surprising news, the porter had already left him alone through a door behind her. It was a strange feeling for Jurij to look at this door as this door was the only but still impervious obstacle that separated him from his adored Alessia. All he could do for now was take a seat and wait. Waiting for the return of the porter, Jurij couldn't prevent to overhear the rude talk of some Bolshevik soldiers standing nearby. They amused themselves by commenting aloud on whether it was preferable to shoot, hang or bayonet counter-revolutionist.
Suddenly Jurij felt very uneasy. He became sensitive to the appearance he might offer to them. Did he look too bourgeois? Were his clothes adequate to represent a revolutionary spirit?
"Commander Vasilieva is expecting you now, Jurij Alexandrovich!" The sudden calling of his name caused Jurij to nearly leap from his chair. Glancing at the wall-clock, he realized that a full ten minutes had passed since his entry into the gymnasium.
"Please follow me." the porter just ordered and already began to walk away. Hastily Jurij managed to follow her through several large rooms. Finally they arrived at a cozy office room in the back of the house. This room had definitely once been the well-furnished office of a slightly corrupt school-director. Alessia was relaxing herself on a noble leather-chair with plush cushions, while she mindlessly ate a shining red apple.
She already knew the reason for Jurij's visit. The only crucial question was, whether he would be freely willing to subject to her rule or if he would fight every step of the way.
So a curious smile filled her face as she noticed Jurij's entry: "Good morning Jurij. It's so nice to see you again."
"The pleasure is mine. I just came to ask you about my diary, which I am missing since our last encounter." Jurij instantly brought out his request.
The true reason for his forwardness was Jurij's doubt to resist Alessia's false pretenses once she had her chance to lull him with her possessive charms. Alessia on the other hand got visibly disappointed by this direct approach, so she didn't even bother herself to find a suitable answer. Instead she just turned to the porter: "Have you already assured yourself that my guest came unarmed, comrade?"
Startled, the porter looked up and swallowed dryly, before she had to admit sheepishly "...not yet, Commander Vasilieva."
"Then do it NOW!" came the daunting order from Alessia.
"Yes, Commander Vasilieva!" the porter blurted, careful to keep her eyes from Alessia's.
"Would you please remove your clothes for a security check." the porter dutifully muttered at Jurij. He just couldn't believe what was going on here. Quizzically he looked at Alessia, but her gaze remained untouched.
He kept standing there for a few more seconds, trying to decide whether he should leave the room under protest or he better obey Alessia's presumptuous demand. Finally he decided for the second option. As soon as he had started to undress his jacket, he saw her smiling. It was a mischievous smile, but nevertheless it was the most beautiful smile Jurij could imagine. It was this smile that made him understand beyond any doubt that he still loved her.
One minute later he was placing his neatly folded shirt over the jacket on the floor.
"The trousers as well!" Alessia insisted in a soft but haunting voice and took another creaky bit of her red apple.
Jurij didn't understand the reason for her humiliating acting towards him. Was it a part of a lesson she wanted to teach him? Still Jurij felt just too captivated by Alessia's feminine charms to disappoint her now. So he continued his undressing until he kept only wearing his socks and his white underwear (which was still clean to Jurij's relief).
The porter instantly started a 'physical scanning' of his nearly naked body. Jurij didn't know whether it was his humiliating nakedness or just the intimidating presence of Alessia, but he felt his cock gradually becoming hard. He also felt a rising heat in his cheeks as he desperately prayed that neither the porter nor Alessia would detect his cock pressing against his underwear.
A triumphal smirk on Alessia's face told him that his prayers were left unanswered.
"Your guest is unarmed, Commander Vasilieva!" the porter concluded at last.
Alessia kept smirking at Jurij for a few more seconds until she finally turned her attention back to the porter: "You may go now!"
"Yes, Commander." the porter quickly acquiesced and the left the room in a hurry.
"You are scaring me a little, Alessia." Jurij confessed to his ex-girlfriend as soon as the porter was out of earshot.
"I'll have to be a little scary, Jurij. After all I'm a Commander of the Red Army now."
"Yeah...I guess you are right. But why do you have to take it out on me? Don't you trust me anymore?"
"Oh, I still trust you, Jurij!"
"Then why have you let the porter undress me first?"
"Because I can make her undress you now. It's just for the fun!"
"For your fun maybe. For me it's no fun at all!"
Alessia just answered him with a wide grin, which made him feel more and more sheepish.
"What?" he inquired her weird happiness in an insecure voice.
Alessia just stood up and walked behind her desk, where she took out a very familiar book out of its top drawer. It was his diary!
Before Jurij could stop her, Alessia had already opened the book and began to read out loud:
"'14/07/1909 : Today it had been 35 days since I saw Alessia for the last time for real. But in my mind I still see her lovely smile every time that I close my eyes. It seems like the image of her grows haunting my soul the more I try to eliminate it out of my brain. I keep telling me that she is just a member of the general crowd which would disgrace the hard earned honor of the Alexandrovich's family and that the time will heal the pain in my heart. But the pain isn't getting any weaker. Right now I would to do everything I could to see her wonderful smile again. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.'"
Looking up as Jurij, Alessia smiled sweetly at him: "For me this sounds like you would prioritize any effort that would make me smile over your own interests."
"But..." he mumbled, miserable with the knowledge that she spoke the absolute truth.
"But? But nothing, aren't these your own written words?" she implacably kept backing him into a corner.
"...Yes!...But...that is...I were never supposed to read that!"
She raised an eyebrow: "But these are still the feelings you had for me, aren't they?"
"...ahem...I suppose...yes." he confessed.
She slowly stepped closer to him.
"I suspect you still have these feelings. You still want to have me back as your girlfriend, don't you?"
Jurij grew nervous. This definitely wasn't the way he had planned to settle the things that had happened between Alessia and him. Averting his eyes from Alessia's, he still managed to return a nod.
She drew the manicured nails of her right hand along his hairline, causing him to tremble visibly. She smiled radiantly - knowing the effect she was having on him.
"You understand that you owe me an extremely big favor if you want to compensate my hurt feelings after you weren’t man enough to own up to our relationship." She asked.
As Jurij felt her hot breath blowing over his cheeks, his brain finally stopped the clear thinking process. All of his senses were focused just on her. Lifting up his head, Jurij looked right into her sparkling eyes and admitted in a quiet but firm voice: "I will grant you any favor you ask me for!"
His response to her was making her feel wet between her legs and she knew that she just had to have this man back in her bedroom. It was the softest, warmest touch Jurij had felt for years when her hungry lips pressed against his. Still Alessia knew that the perfect time to show forgiveness hadn't come yet. Therefore she quickly turned away her lips in the same moment Jurij started to return the kiss.
"I will consider what we have discussed. Perhaps I shall send a guard for you tomorrow at sundown. You may dress again and then leave."
The look on Jurij’s face was that of bewilderment. He stood frozen in time for a moment. When she turned back to look at him, she lifted her eyebrows at him and coldly stated "Did you not hear me? Good bye."
"Yes. It just that I thought that... I mean...and what's..." Jurij shuddered.
"Spit it out, Jurij! My patience are wearing thin."
"...what's with my diary then?" Jurij finally managed to ask.
"Like I already said: Perhaps tomorrow evening I will send a guard for you and we can continue our discussion."
Jurij was definitely not satisfied with this vague prospect, but it took only one look at her frosty face and he shrunk back like a child who had been scolded.
"...ah....okay! Good bye, Alessia." he hastily said, reached for his clothing and walked himself out the door.
As soon as the office door had closed behind him, Jurij took a deep breath. As he was still only wearing his underwear, he decided to look for the next toilet, hoping to find a private place for getting re-dressed and thinking about this unexpected turn of events. Only twenty seconds later Jurij was seated on a public toilet, wondering about his situation. Why was Alessia teasing him so much, just to push him back at the last minute? Was she really just toying with him? The more Jurij recalled her ambivalent indications, the more he felt his loins begin to get that tingly feeling they get prior to erection. By the time he had replayed all the events in his mind?his cock was rock hard and he was stroking it with his hand. As he reached his orgasm, his lips uttered just one word aloud, "Al – Les – Si – A."
With a sudden bang the toilet door was kicked open. Behind it appeared Alessia.
"Jurij?" Alessia asked him in obvious surprise.
Lost in his thoughts Jurij must have totally forgotten to lock the door. Now the shock of hearing her voice again caused Jurij to freeze. There was stunned silence for a time before Jurij finally gasped: "W-what, are you doing here?"
"Well, I might ask you the same thing. But from where I am standing it is quite obvious what you were doing." she stated with a devilish smile over the embarrassment shown on his face.
Fully savoring her superiority over this awkward situation, Alessia let her gorgeous body lean against the opposite wall and went on in her most casual voice: "I would like to talk to you about that favor. I want you to enlist yourself to an experimental re-education program for our bourgeois citizens which are still convertible to become good communists. The program will be lead by me. So you don't need worry that you might suffer more psychological harms than absolute necessary. Do you accept?"
She clapped her hands and smiled like a school girl as she said: "Great! So your first task as a participator of the program will be to set up a post on the outer edge of your field. Tomorrow evening I might send a guard for you and we can continue our discussion about your diary and the possibility of a future relationship between us."
"I would like that."
She kissed his forehead and moved out. She was already out of sight when her beautiful head suddenly re-appeared behind the door-frame. Looking him directly into the eyes, Alessia asked quietly, "Do you always scream my name when you bring yourself to orgasm?" His eyes immediately went to the floor and he hesitated for a second.
"Never mind for now Jurij, I have my answer already. Enjoy your way home!" she replied curtly, turned and walked out.
As he walked away and the door closed, Alessia reached down her pants and began to play with her clitoris ever so gently working herself up to being wet and her pussy lips swollen, almost getting herself to the point of orgasm?but not quite. She began to imagine how her poor Jurij would soon be sitting on his porch, impatiently watching over the horizon to see if a guard was on its way for him. But there would be no-one! Alessia intended to make Jurij wait until morning. Then she would send a guard for him with an invitation for a common breakfast with her to discuss the first steps of his ?re-education.?
[ LONGING ]In the meantime a very confused Jurij was reaching his horse. In fact his visit at Alessia's office had tied up so many knots into his poor mind that he was only glad the gelding knew his own way home. Back at home he tried to keep focusing on caring for his family's estate: he changed the hay in the stables, lugged the water for bathing later and started to heat it over the wood fire he had kindled.
All night he tossed and turned, not really sleeping at all. Once more he was haunted by visions of her standing in his doorway. Then it occurred to him that he had just done the exact opposite of what his family left him here for. But that fact did not help matters any. And now she knew that he masturbates thinking of her.
When the sun came up, he continued his regimen of morning chores; changing the hay again, cleaning the barn and picking some vegetables for lunch. He even went out to the edge of the garden and picked a few wildflowers that had opened up, planning to bring them to Alessia. As he sniffed them, his mind wandered to his beautiful Alessia and he found himself daydreaming about her. In his mind, Jurij imagined how her smooth coffee-brown hair flowed down across her shoulders. The most striking feature about her, however, was her eyes. They stood out like shining green gemstones against the pale white skin of her face. But since Jurij had saw her again yesterday, it was no longer just the physical feature that took his breath away when he thought about Alessia. Since yesterday Jurij had felt a very special yet indescribable attachment to Alessia. The way she held herself, the slightly impatient, challenging, puzzled look upon her face, the unspoken questions of her eyes...
He needed to win back her heart – no matter what it would took!
The day continued without event. As sundown drew closer and closer, Jurij began to get very nervous. He took another bath, got himself dressed in some of his best clothes and waited?and waited?and waited. Sundown came and went, the moon was soon up and moving, but no guard appeared on the horizon.
He wondered what could have happened. He couldn’t believe that she had not sent the guard to pick him up. He felt his heart breaking. When midnight rolled around, it finally donned on him that he was not going to be seeing his beautiful Alessia tonight. He started to imagine her pleasurably reading the written thoughts of his diary. Jurij remembered all his secret desires that he had only confined in this book. How could he only have been so stupid? No his diary had turned into an effective weapon in the hands of his beloved Alessia. Jurij realized that he just couldn't allow Alessia to keep his diary if he wanted to gain her back as his girlfriend.
A look at his alarm clock told him that it already was 3 o'clock in the morning. The best time to break into her office and get his book back. At first Jurij was shocked about this bold plan, but the longer he thought about it, the more he concluded that he had no other choice. It was now or never!
One hour later Jurij was standing in the darkness of Alessia's empty office and eagerly tried to break to lock of her desk drawer.
"Halt, state your business or I shall shoot." interrupted the sudden command of a Bolshevik soldier, who must have slipped into the room unnoticed.
"It is I, Jurij Alexandrovich, and I was searching for my wallet that I must have lost here yesterday."
"Please place your hands high above your head, Mr. Alexandrovich."
When Jurij had completed this task, the soldier walked over to him, took one arm and twisted it behind his back, then came the other arm. A pair of cold handcuffs was placed on his wrists and he was escorted to some kind of prison cell in the basement of the gymnasium, that had been made as a temporary measure. To Jurij's slight relief it had been at least furnished by a plain chair, a wooden table and a quite uncomfortable looking bed. Once inside the cell Jurij had to torn off his clothing, leaving nothing but his undershorts and socks. As soon as Jurij were looked inside the cell the soldier headed away – probably to inform his commander about the actual turn of events.
The current commander in charge was no-one else but comrade Alessia Vasiliev, who was more than relieved to hear that her secret plan of using Jurij's diary as a bait for catching him red-handed had worked out this well. Outside of this walls the revolution of the Soviets was just turning the countries whole power-system upside-down. And thanks to her today's catch Alessia was determined to turn Jurij's former power over her upside-down as well. The next step this mission would require Jurij's awe – so awe was what Alessia was going to create!
After half an hour of pure boredom Jurij heard footsteps descending down the basement steps. With a load squeak the door was opened and Alessia entered the room. Her face was a mask of icy calm. Beside her walked in an escorting soldier, a young woman this time, who instantly began to secure Jurij to a chair. She did this job with an aura of confidence around her that intimidated Jurij to the bone.
Suddenly this unknown woman spoke up to Alessia: "Why are you going to permit undershorts and socks? This imperialistic agent could have a weapon in those items as easily as the rest, my dear."
Smiling cruelly, Alessia agreed with her friend and demanded that all of his clothing be removed and he be stood over in the corner. The guard performed the requested action and was dismissed. Alessia walked over to Jurij and smirked while standing close enough for him to smell. Speaking ever so quietly: ?Jurij, be thankful she didn’t request a cavity search.?
Turning to Nastasija she declared: "A weapon in his shorts?please, all I see is a little agent's cap gun, we may have saved him some embarrassment had we let him keep his undershorts, but see now it’s getting bigger, I was wondering how long that would take Mr. Alexandrovich.?
Then Alessia winked at Jurij: ?You like being on display for me and my friend, don’t you?".
By now Jurij’s face was a brilliant shade of red, his eyes looked at the floor and his cock was rock hard, his arms were still handcuffed behind him. He knew she already had her answer, but he also knew in front of this other woman was not the time to irritate her. How he knew that he wasn’t too sure, he just did.
"Yes, Madam."
"Madam? Have you just called me 'Madam'?" Alessia laughed. "That's so cute of you, Mr Alexandrovich. I simply adore how that sounds coming from your lips?but the choice of words still reveals your bourgeois heritage. You are really in need for a communistic re-education-program! Instead of 'Madam' you shall call me 'Commandress' from now on. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Commandress." Were truly the only words he could speak. He was completely mesmerized by this moment and was sure if she touched him, he would embarrass himself and ejaculate all over the place, her feminine smell, her shiny hair, everything was such a turn on for him, he was unable to think of anything else. She turned on her heels and walked away.
The two women began to whisper amongst themselves as though he was not standing in that corner with his cock rock hard.
"Mr. Alexandrovich, I would very much appreciate an explanation as to why you got yourself caught in my office."
" I was?um?well I was looking for my lost wallet."
"Oh, really? But you know that breaking into a building of the Red Army is still a crime!? Now I am afraid I am left with two options?" she walked back over to him. Again stood close enough for him to almost touch, he could feel her hot breath on his skin and her aroma, was the most intoxicating scent his nose had ever smelled.
"I can either seize all of your property, place you in jail and let the warden deal with you ?or you can tell me where the rest of your family is now, after several Comrades have seen them moving southwards yesterday. In this case of such a co-operation your punishment for being a nosey little mal'chik [mal'chik = Russian word for boy] would be exclusively administered by me. Oh Mr Alexandrovich, decisions?decisions what is a Commandress of the Red Army to do?Would you like to tell me where your family is, or would you prefer I take your land by eminent domain?"
"My family is at our dacha in the outskirts of the Caucasus Mountains, Commandress."
"This dacha?you will draw me a map, Mr Alexandrovich, so that my men can go ask your family some questions about the connection of your cousin with several counter-revolutionary activities."
Alessia’s escort walked out of the room. She was gone long enough for Alessia to whisper in his ear: "You keep being my good little mal'chik and I will reward you later." she licked his earlobe. She knew she was having the desired effect on him.
Now this was the one point at which Jurij was ready to protest, partly because he was so shocked by Alessia's demand to reveal the hidden place of his family and partly because of her boldness to address him - a fully-grown man - as her 'good little mal'chik'.
"You can't do this to me!" he exclaimed in hurt pride, his face flushed.
"But I see no-one here who is going to stop me! Don't you agree, my little mal'chik?" she terrifying him. By calling him her little mal'chik once more, she slowly emphasized its intimidating effect on him.
"Oh and the story of the lost wallet?I don’t buy it. It's more about your lost diary, isn't it?" Alessia smirked as she remembered one special section of his diary that she had read during the day. In this section Jurij had described how bewitched he had became by the sight of her wearing classy riding boots. Alessia gave it a try, lifted her right leg and placed her boot between his legs. The captivating scent of it's freshly polished leather entered Jurij's nose. And his secret confession in his diary proofed to be right indeed - when she looked into Jurij's eyes, Alessia saw nothing but desperate excitement.
As she wanted to experiment with Jurij to make him as desperate as possible, Alessia began to press his cock against his belly and rubbed the hard sole of her awe-inspiring boot against the sensitive underside of his throbbing penis. A few moments later, Jurij was groaning in response and his arms bulged in the cuffs.
"Please, Alessia! Please unlock the cuffs and we could have some nice moments together." he pleaded.
She smiled at hearing him begin to beg. She put her finger into her mouth and released it with a suck and put it on his lips. Mocking his obvious desperation for her, she declared: "I am so sorry for you, my sweet mal'chik! But somehow I still believe that you are only interested in your own quick relief, aren't you? And you still haven't agreed to draw me the map, have you? If you are a good little mal’chik, I shall provide you ample opportunities to beg very soon." She really knew how to emphasize the right words to make him feel inferior at this moment.
"But... Don't you remember the great time that we had once shared? Please give our love a second chance!"
By then the female soldier who had escorted her re-appeared was back and Alessia changed back into a formal tone:
"Mr Alexandrovich, I intend to bring you over to the table to allow you to draw us a map to the dacha. What will happen to you after this, will depend on the quality of this information. Perhaps you go to jail, perhaps I deal with you."
"I am sorry, Commandress. But l cannot draw you such a map. I cannot betray my own family."
"Isn't it cute, Alessia, how these imperialistic pigs always believe that they are still in a position to bargain with us?" the escorting woman laughed.
"It really is, Nastasija!"
Irritated by this cruel mockery about him, Jurij dared a short look at the woman who Alessia had just called 'Nastasija'.
"Take your greedy eyes down, you insolent imperialist!" she instantly barked at him.
Jurij stared at the floor, trying to burn the image of what he had just seen into his memory: This Nastasija was a dark haired woman who might be slightly taller than himself. She had an attractive face and a well-kept body of average proportion. Her age was difficult to guess, but she seemed to be even younger than Jurij himself. Still her composure bespoke plenty of confidence.
Her voice had become much warmer when Nastasija went on: "Not to worry, Alessia. We will get him to tell us. For now, let’s secure him to the cot and allow him ample time to contemplate the options presented to him?and later we shall try again."
"I guess you are right, Nastasija!" Alessia agreed.
Nastasija walked to the door and brought in two male guards.
"Secure him to his bed face up. Turn the heat down as well." came her harsh orders.
They nodded affirmation of their willingness to perform the requested task and set about their business. Within a few moments Jurij had been secured with his arms still behind him, under his back, his legs spread and attached to the steeled frame at the foot of the bed. There was a strap placed across his shoulders that held him laying down. He was powerless.
As soon as the guards had done their job, Alessia herself walked toward Jurij and leaned over his body so that her hair was bouncing in his face. She whispered into his ear: "My disobedient little mal’chik, haven't I already told you that I'll have to send you to jail if you don't show some co-operation?"
"Please no! Don't send me to jail. You can't leave me!" Jurij pleaded in a whining voice.
But the cool air of the prison-cell and the adrenaline immediacy of this veracious moment, combined with the foolish sight of Jurij begging her so frantically while she hold implacable power over his fate were now stoking Alessia’s much-too-long-repressed, no-longer-forbidden inner fire to a level as unprecedented as it was indecent.
She made a cute sad face at him, curling her lower lip.
"Please! Alessia! Don't leave me! I need you! More than I have ever needed someone else!" he cried out in rising horror.
Alessia was a bit taken aback by this revelation. In fact even Jurij was irritated by his own words as he had become more and more scared by Alessia's changed demeanor. But somehow this new demeanor also made him want to be around her even more.
"That's sweet! But I still don’t know what I am going to do about your lack of co-operation?" Alessia finally sighed. "For now, darkness is what you need so your eyes don’t get - shall we say - more full than they should get right now."
With that her hands carefully lifted his head and tied a blindfold over his eyes, plunging him into complete darkness. While her breast rubbed against his right shoulder, she asked in her most enticing voice: "Jurij, would you like to kiss my boots for a last time before I leave you now? Quickly, yes or no?"
In fact Jurij would have preferred to lay his head on her shoulder and hear that she still loves him. But that scenario seemed very out of question, so Jurij only muttered: "Yes! ...please!".
"I thought so." Alessia just laughed at him. The fading sound of foot-steps told Jurij that Alessia were leaving the room - with her boots un-kissed.
But strangely Jurij didn't heard the sound of a closing door. Why wasn't Alessia locking it behind her?
In the warden room right next to Jurij's cell Nastasija had already taken a seat on the couch. A wide smile appeared on her face at Alessia's return and proposed: "I think perhaps we should enjoy this relaxing morning while our imprisoned imperialistic agent might consider his options. Would you like a cup of tea, Comrade?"
Alessia welcomed the offered refreshment and sat next to Nastasija on the couch and they began to converse about their ideas for the most promising 're-education'-methods for the pardonable citizens, who still withdraw themselves from the coming socialist spirit of Russia.
Through the open doors Jurij was able to listen to every word and more than once a chilling shudder of terror run over his spine, when Nastasija debated about the way she would deal with suspects of political crime when she would came into power. But then their was a long pause and all of a sudden Jurij heard Alessia's sweet voice asking: "May I?"
"Of course, Alessia! You know I love when your tongue touches me there."
The rest of what Jurij heard consisted of moans and moisture noises. Shocked by the news that his Alessia was open for bisexual experiences, Jurij was left to imagine what was occurring so close to him. And this image filled his heart with utter jealousy. Yet he wasn't about to get angry at Alessia – instead it was Nastasija he despised. How could she even dare to steal Alessia from him? Jurij had just returned from four chasting years of war and war imprisonment. He had every right to get some erotic stimulation from a woman now. But instead this bitch called Nastasija was taking his hard earned prize. Who was she thinking that she is? Jurij felt in deep urge to walk over to them and kick Nastasija's ass out of this gymnasium. But unfortunately his chest was too effectively held back by the leather straps and there was just no way to stop Nastasija now. He felt his frustration rise to a level that he had never felt before.
As Nastasija's moans became still louder, Jurij's blindfolded eyes could clearly see how Alessia was kissing every centimeter of Nastasija's creamy white skin before Nastasija wrapped her well toned legs around Alessia's head and Alessia's lips were settling in her pussy. When Nastasija was building to orgasm she loudly encouraged Alessia to lick this and suck that. Then they seemed to rest a bit before Jurij heard new moaning sounds from Alessia. Nastasija had started to return the favor and made love to Alessia's body. Hearing those moans come out of Alessia’s mouth, made him want to cry, knowing that someone else was causing them.
Slowly Jurij's mind began to accept that he had no chance against Nastasija in the competition for Alessia's love and tenderness. In this discipline a desirable woman like Nastasija seemed to be just invincible for him. After all Alessia didn't even let him kiss her boots. Surprisingly these thoughts made his cock grow hard as a rock again, only this time his nut sack had begun to shrivel with the cold air.
It felt like hours to him, before he heard the women in the next room talk again.
"Do you think, he is ready to talk to me?" Nastasija's cold voice echoed into his cell. Her question scared Jurij a little, he did not know this woman, nor did she know him.
Jurij thanked god when he finally heard Alessia answer: "I think I might have better luck, let me give it a try."
With that Alessia stood up and walked over to the room in which Jurij was confined.
"Did you enjoy listening to me and Nastasija make love to each other? A good mal’chik would have been permitted to watch?not disobedient ones however. I truly only want to talk to your cousin, won’t you please show me how to find him." Her fingertips found their way to his hairline and pushed the hair from his forehead away from his covered eyes.
"Alessia?" he began to say but was cut short by a sharp slap across the face.
"What did you call me?"
"I am sorry, Commandress."
"Not as sorry as you will be if you call me that other name in public again. Will you tell me how to find your cousin?"
"No Commandress, I can’t."
With her long nails she began to stroke along his upper thighs keeping her eyes directly focused his eyes. She trailed her fingers all around it but never touched it at all. He began to struggle against the cuffs and tried to move his hips to meet her fingers.
Alessia just smirked: "You are sure that you still can't tell me?"
"Please! know that I can't do that!"
"Then I shall be forced to surrender you to the guards and allow them to make an example out of you until you tell us where your cousin is."
She called out for the guards. When they arrived, they physically carried him away.
" can't just..."
"When you are ready to talk?you may ask the guard to summon me, and I shall come and see you. In the meantime, enjoy your stay my little mal’chik." The last sentence was so filled with sarcasm, he knew enjoyment was the last thing he would be getting out of any of this.
"But there is nobody but me to take care of our stables!" Jurij desperately tried to chance her mind.
"Oh – there is no need to worry. The estate with including the mansion and the stables will be seized by the Red Army as your continuing refusal to co-operate with us reveals you as an enemy of the free, socialist people! Now I am entitled to draft an according petition for this 'acquisition' to the High Commander. Thank you very much for making possessing your property that easy to me!"
Jurij's face went pale. She was not serious!? She was just trying to scare him?! Or was she not? After all Jurij was left behind by his family to defend the family's property. But it seemed like this task had already become too much for him to handle.
Jurij tried to calm himself by the thought that Alessia feelings for him would soon grow again. Then she would willingly return the estate into the hands of his family. And until that day would come, his family's estate might be even better protected under her power than under his.
[ CRACKING WILL-POWER ]Two guards placed Jurij back into his cell, where he was re-cuffed to the bed and blindfolded. He had long since urinated in the cot. When one of the guards finally re-entered his cell, he simply laughed at Jurij's mess and walked away. Only this time he locked the heavy door behind him, sealing Jurij even off from any acoustic perception.
Gradually his shoulders and back and legs started to ache, but there was just no way to relax them. Jurij thought about his two options: betray his family's location or loose the most fascinating woman of his young life. Oh how much he wished that he wouldn't had made this nightly trip for re-stealing his diary! However slight part deep inside of him was curiously enjoying every minute of this disastrous adventure. Somehow he was crushed by Alessia's authoritative aura and her dismissive rejections.
In fact Alessia had blossomed over the last three days into his ideal version of a desirable, yet unreachable superior woman - that kind of woman that he had thought of ever since his very first wet dream.
Where could she be right now, Jurij thought to himself. While he was forced to endure the endless monotony of a bound and blindfolded prisoner, Alessia might be just having a nice walk with this Nastasija!? Or she might be enjoying herself by reading his diary at a sunniest place of the gymnasium's garden!? A loud sigh escaped out of Jurij's mouth.
Meanwhile, Alessia sat on her bed in her private quarters and continued to read over and over again the passages that Jurij had written into his diary. As she read one particular passage of how enthralled he had become the day they went out for a walk. Some other boys had been playing ball together along the way. Alessia vividly remembered how she had teased one of them, while Jurij stood nearby. And now she could read in Jurij's diary how showing off her nice ass to the boys had made Jurij desperately jealous indeed. It also made him horny, and his cock hard as rock, as he continued with his diary entry. With sadistic delight Alessia began to wonder how Jurij must have suffered since she had allowed him a deeper insight into her special relationship towards Nastasija.
A very long time passed before Jurij's cell door was unlocked again and Jurij heard the clacking sound of approaching boot-steps. Out of a sudden a very small gloved hand engulfed his ball sac. The hand massaged and lightly pinched the tight skin.
Jurij felt filthy. Jurij felt cold. Jurij felt thirsty and he felt hungry. But more than that he felt scared that Alessia might transfer him to a jail of her High Commander and that he would never see her lovely smile again. After the last four years of war and imprisonment, Jurij was ready to suffer further privations, but he was definitely unready to loose Alessia for a second time. So the first sentence which came out of his mouth was a softly whispered "I love you, Alessia.".
But then Jurij realized in horror that he couldn't be absolutely sure that the hand which he felt belonged to Alessia. Suddenly Jurij felt very foolish to make such an important declaration to someone that he couldn't even see. He prayed that the touching hand would be Alessia's.
Instead of any reply Jurij just heard the noises of someone hearty biting into an apple. Was it his Alessia? Why didn't she say anything? It took three more minutes of uncertainty until the eating of the apple was finished and Jurij's lips were suddenly spread by some gloved fingers. The remaining apple core - complete with its stem – was rudely shoved into his open mouth.
"Swallow it!" Jurij was hissed at by a cold voice that clearly didn't belong to Alessia. Jurij couldn't believe that he had just accidentally confessed his love for Alessia to his greatest rival Nastasija.
"It's... it's you!? I didn't know!" Jurij burred with apple core in his mouth and lots of confusion in this head.
"I didn't say 'Talk stupid!', but 'Swallow it' !" Nastasija sternly reminded him of her former command. To win some time for getting his mind clear again, Jurij decided to better do what she wanted and began chewing the apple core and stem. His efforts very instantly answered by a hard slap in his face.
"Are you really that stupid? I want you to swallow it! In whole!" she hissed. "You didn't get my permission to chew it!"
So he choked it down.
"There you go! So you're still in love with my new girlfriend Alessia?"
It was strange to answer such a question to a person that Jurij could not see. So he only nodded bashfully.
"So you might be stupid, but at least you have taste. She is really something, isn't she?"
Jurij was unsure how to react on this delicate question. But as he still felt his cheek burning from her recent slap, he decided to better stay by the truth: "Yes, she is quite special."
"Don't you agree that the way her whole body begins to shiver when you drive with your fingertips over her spine is unbelievable sexy?" Nastasija kept teasing, just to laugh out loud a moment later : "Oh - how insensitive from me, but I forgot that she won't let you touch her body anymore!"
A feeling of utter helplessness rushed through Jurij when he realized that he could do nothing but silently endure this further humiliation. Closing his eyes under the blindfold, he tried to just concentrate his mind on the feeling of his body laying on the cot and get ready for the inevitable.
"So it's a great pity that you still have refused to draw the requested map for her. In the case that she couldn't obtain the information from you, Major Vladimir Maximow had instructed me to try out my personal line of questioning and interrogation methods. So now you'll have the pleasure to deal with me. And you won't want to disappoint me, do you?"
Jurij vividly remembered his first encounter with this heart-less bitch, he knew that 'disappointing her' would mean real pain very soon. Still he couldn't surrender the well-being of his whole family to her terror. But how should he answer her?
Before Jurij came to a decision, his hesitation was answered by one of Nastasija's gloved hands that grabbed his balls and squeezed them firmly until he began to wince with pain.
"Do you?"
"No! No!!! It's just ... I just can't betray my own family!" Jurij yelled out.
"We will see!" Nastasija answered him in a most calm and unpredictable voice, that actually scared Jurij even more that her shouting.
Her hand released his balls and tied some kind of cord around them. Covered in total darkness, Jurij couldn't identify the obscure noises, which followed when Nastasija began to fasten the rope to a chain and slipped this chain through two hooks in the ceiling. After that Nastasija connected a 'S' shaped hook to the other end of the chain and attached a large metal bucket to it.
The empty bucket might have weighed around one kilogram, which pulled Jurij's balls up into the air. But this was just the initialization for Nastasija's improvised torture device. Leaving Jurij helplessly bound she walked out his little cell just to return a few minutes later with a pile of thick folders from one of the offices upstairs.
"How many folders do you think your balls can take before they rip off?" Nastasija asked, but the blindfolded and confused Jurij didn't even get the question. Only when she put the first folder into the bucket and let him feel its pull on his cock, Jurij painfully understood.
"So where again did your family go to?"
Jurij' face looked mortified but still he refused her to answer.
"You may deliver your information to me willingly or I will take it by force. Either way I will get my answer out of you."
"Do whatever you want with my body - but you definitely won't make a traitor out of me!" Jurij shouted out.
"I will work on it!" Nastasija just replied in a frightening controlled voice before a second folder was dropped into the bucket and intensified Jurij's pain. Jurij became terrified that after this punishment his poor balls would never be able to produce fertile seeds again.
The third folder made Jurij even feel like his balls would soon be totally torn from his crotch. He was definitely on a direct way to hell.
As Jurij was blindfolded no tear escaped down his face. Only the little wet spots on the cloth binding his eyes told Nastasija, that her victim had started to cry. A spiteful smile run over her lips.
Suddenly Jurij heard another person entering his cell. Jurij might not have been able to see her, but he instinctively noticed the presence of Alessia.
With a courageous tug Jurij's blindfold was removed. After he had stayed in absolute darkness for so long the bright light made it difficult for him to focus on her. But slowly the silhouette in front of him turned into her beautiful face with her red lips smiling at him in a most lovely way.
"Hello, my little mal'chik! I see you're still making it easy for Nastasija to find a reason for torturing you?!"
"Please, Alessia! This woman is going to emasculate me. You have to help me!!"
"Come on! You can help yourself! Just tell her where we will find the rest of your family!"
"I just can't do that!" Jurij just whined.
"Haven't I told you that he is incorrigible?" came Nastasija's biting comment from behind.
Simultaneously both of them turned to Nastasija – Alessia in anger, Jurij in fear. But Nastasija just kept casually leaning against the wall, tapping her right boot impatiently on the concrete floor.
"Would you please let me speak with him for a second, Nastasija?" Alessia hissed.
"Sure - I just needed a break anyway! But if you don't squeeze the location of his family out of him within the next five minutes, I want to continue ripping off his balls!" Nastasija snapped back.
"Fine! After five minutes, he will be yours!" Alessia sighed, turning her attention back to Jurij.
But he just kept starring into the inscrutable shining of Nastasija's eyes. It was as if he was her prey – and in fact her prey was exactly what he would become in five minutes.
Grabbing his chin Alessia turned his gaze back to her.
"I want you to keep looking only at me, mal'chik!" he was reprehended by Alessia, who secretly enjoyed to sense a strange state of mind in his face. He was full of terror and full of arousal at the same time.
Now she only had to increase his arousal a little more and his pride would break like an eggshell. Slowly Alessia leaned forward to Jurij, pushing a loose strange of her soft hair out of her eyes and brushing it behind her ears. Jurij couldn't believe how horny he was getting just at the sight of Alessia. And as her body moved closer to him, Jurij's sexual desires were additionally inflamed by the sweet scent of her perfume that began to fill his nostrils.
With the wickedest of smiles, Alessia gave him a tender kiss on his forehead. Jurij was in heaven!
But too soon Alessia broke the kiss again, whispering at him seductively: "I must admit that I'm a little hurt by the fact that you don't care for me enough to share this info."
"Alessia.... I can't.... I can't tell you where the dacha is.... But I promise to send word to my cousin Mikael that I require his assistance if you let me go home."
"That's not the deal!" Alessia stated coldly and withdraw her lovely body from him.
She flicked her hair back behind her left ear, before her gaze turned to his balls. They were still maximally stretched by the counter-weight of the folders, leaving his cock perfectly accessible to her from all sides.
The knot of his hard-on was quite obvious although Jurij fought hard to maintain composure over his body's betrayal. Fascinated by its throbbing, Alessia grabbed for Jurij's penis, only to retreat her hand a second later in disgust.
"Phew!" she said, wrinkling her nose and waving at the air. "Your cock stinks of piss."
Jurij had never felt so humiliated before.
Alessia got up and asked: "Nastasija, would you please loan me your gloves?"
"Of course, you're welcome!"
Her delicate fingers smoothing slid into the thin, black gloves which fitted her perfectly. She wriggled her fingers inside the soft leather and smoothed them up her arm, and let the cuffs of her jacket fall back over them.
Under the new protection of the leather, Alessia re-placed her fingers on his cock and slowly traced its outline.
When her fingers reached the head of his dick, Jurij gave a small moan and his teeth dug into his lower lip. But Alessia was starting to really enjoy her teasing and let her fingers run even faster over his sensitive skin. His hands balled into fists. Out of a sudden the movement of her hand stopped.
"Does this excite my wretched lover?" she asked, with an apparently quite genuine curiosity.
"Yes..s..s!" Jurij admitted, weeping gently.
"So are you ready to give me a map and receive your deserved 'release'? Or do I have to let Nastasija question you again while your poor balls keep confined to her cruel new device?"
Horrified at her merciless words Jurij only stared at her wide-eyed with dread and fear. While her hand slowly stared to stroke his cock again, Alessia put an angle-like look on her face and said in a most innocent voice: "It sure is a shame to have to let such a beautiful cock go to waste by Nastasija. After you have lost that part of you, you will become completely useless to me. So I guess, I'll better say 'Good Bye' to you now." She stopped her manipulation and got up to walk away.
That was just too much! Tears running down his cheeks as Jurij finally sobbed out the address of his family's dacha.
"My sincere congratulations, Alessia!" Nastasija started to laugh out at the pitiful picture of the fully broken Jurij. Blinded by the tears in his eyes Jurij could only hear the clicking of her heels as Nastasija walked towards him. She released the binds holding him to the bed, untied the cord from the chain and slowly let the bucket went down again.
After the she rudely grabbed Jurij by the hair to drag him out of the room.
Alessia stood back to have a good look at both of them.
"What are you doing with him?" she asked with a amused grin on her face.
"I will bring him to the inner court yard and order the guards to shoot him."
Jurij started to plead: "Oh't do this..."
He was so terrified that he could only babble out not-understandable fractions of words. Only a vicious kick of Nastasija's knee right into his still aching balls could silenced him.
"Hold on, Nastasija! You'll need Major Vladimir Maximow's permission for an official execution first!"
"Come on! We both know that Maximow will give us his permission anyway – even afterwards!"
Looking Jurij deep into his eyes Alessia answered: "But after his resistance he might be the perfect material to test my re-education program."
"Have you forgotten that he had also broken into your office? This act marks him as an obvious criminal and an enemy of the free, proletarian people. His case is hopeless! You will find better candidates to refine your so-called 're-education-methods'."
"I guess you're right!"
Nastasija just grinned back in triumph and pushed Jurij to continue his last walk to the execution yard.
Alessia still didn't break her gaze at Jurij when she once more opened her red lips to ask: "What if the map he draw us turns out to be bull-shit? Shouldn't we at least validate his information before we get rid of him forever?"
"You really can't get your fingers from him, can you?" Nastasija smirked.
"So what? Are you jealous of him?"
"Me? Definitely not! But I feel rather pity with him. After all shooting him might be much less inhuman than letting him become yours to play with." Nastasija smirked at her cruel joke.
But then Jurij was pushed by a slap on his ass towards Alessia. Jurij felt nothing but relief and gratefulness. He was pushed so hard, he tripped and fell to his knees in front of his beloved Alessia. Alessia had just saved his life. From now on he would owe her his unconditional loyalty.
Alessia seemed to notice these feeling that were going on in his mind. Sending him a knowing smile, she spoke: "Let's go Jurij, you need to wash. You stink of piss and I don't want you anywhere near me until you have cleaned yourself up."
As if it would be the most natural thing to do, Alessia grabbed the cord which had stayed firmly tied around Jurij's balls. Leading him by the cord around his balls, Jurij followed her out of the room.
Jurij was still too overwhelmed by his last-minute-rescue through Alessia that he didn't protest when she leaded him naked and barefooted up to the ground floor.
Before Jurij could gather his wits Alessia had already opened a side-door to the inner court-yard of the gymnasium. Jurij instinctively shrank back as he noted some foreign people at the other side of the yard.
At the next moment Jurij felt Alessia hand grabbing him by the hair and dragging you out.
Disgraced by his exhibited nakedness, Jurij began to whine:
"Come on, Alessia! You don't have to embarrass me like this. Why do you keep treating me like this?"
"You shouldn't complain so much! If your complaining continues?I can truly embarrass you in ways you can only imagine, mal’chik. Remember that you can define yourself still as 'alive' after all, although we have substantiated that you are the offspring of one of the most viperous clan-ships of this region."
"'Viperous clan-ship'? What is it with my family anyway?"
"All these rifles that we have recently seized in your house originated from a raid of the white troops on a weapon depository of the former czaristic army! Therefore your so-called 'family' is either part of the counter-revolutionary conspiracy or a wartime-profiteer, who makes antisocial gaining out of this civil uprising. Either way your clan has to be marked as a traitor of the freedom-loving people of Russia.. Did they have all of those rifles in your house and you honestly had no idea they were there?"
"But I just returned from my war captivity in Germany. This alibi it the best proof that I have done nothing wrong!"
"Lenin has warned us not to become gullible in our fight against the enemies of the revolution. And Comrade Nastasija even claims that every members of an counter-revolutionary family have to be regarded as incurable infected by the imperialistic plague."
"Does...that...mean...that she wants to make me... liable for the crimes of my family?" Jurij stammered.
"No! She just says that you inevitably will become a threat to the socialist revolution as well some day and therefore should be executed presumptively!"
His eyes grow wide as his words strike your soul. "That's absurd! You can't punish me for a crime that I haven't even committed yet."
"Fortunately for you there is still me. I think that risky citizen like you can be put under quarantine and be converted into a valuable follower of our socialist dream. So from now on I will become the exclusive supervisor of your cure."
"Supervisor of my cure??? Have you forgotten that we had been lovers once? You will always be so much more than my supervisor!"
"I know!" Alessia sighed. "Your diary turned out to be very revealing when it describes the emotions that you had apparently developed for me. But I must warn you: I still might be entertained by your presence sometimes but my feelings of affection for you are gone. Now there is only one key to my heart left and this key is called C-O-M-M-I-T-M-E-N-T . And by commitment I don't just mean the kind of backup that you had once denied to provide me in front of your narrow-minded parents."
Short-taken by this presumptuous words Jurij could only stare at Alessia, but his astonishment even enlivened her demanding spirit
Taking Jurij by the hair she whispered into his ear: "This time I require that you will fully commit your soul to me. You must lay the destiny of your fortune into my hands and become completely M-I-N-E ! Do you think you can do that?"
Her sexy voice was just too on-turning for Jurij to reject her offer. Slowly he began to nod his head.
"Great! I will soon take you at your word - but first you need to be properly cleaned!" Alessia cheered.
During their talking Jurij had fully forgotten about the embarrassment of his public nakedness. When he finally became aware of the two fellows who were brazenly grinning at him, Alessia was already leading Jurij into a small garage at the remote corner of the yard.
Jurij was wondering what they were doing here as the inside of the garage looked quite neglected and ramshackle. The questioning look he sent to Alessia kept unacknowledged, as Alessia was already knotting a loop into the end of Jurij's ball-leash and casually threw it over a metal hook. The hook was part of a big machine that looked like a shabby old water pump.
And indeed there were a long arm and a hose coming out of the machine. Alessia just grabbed the end of the hose and ordered Jurij to start pumping.
He did as he was told and soon pressured water shot out from the hose. Without any warning Alessia aimed the water-jet at Jurij. The hitting water was so freezing that it felt like a thousand pricking needles on his naked skin.
Slowly the jet wandered down his chest and stomach until it nearly reached Jurij's crotch. Instinctively Jurij turned around, protecting his balls by his butt.
"Present me your front." Alessia gleefully chuckled.
"No please!"
"You better don't keep me waiting any longer, Jurij!" he was warned, her voice in a tone now, that assured him she meant it.
In deep despair Jurij looked at his ball-leash. It wouldn't be any problem for him to quickly take the loop from the hook and start running away now. But something deep inside him held him off.
His whole body was shaking in fear when he finally turned back to his front. He knew that the things that would come next wouldn't be pleasurable at all - but still he feared even more the things that would await him when he would defy Alessia now.
"Good, mal’chik! And now re-start pumping!"
It only took two more pushing of the pump arm until a new jet of cold water blasted on Jurij's unprotected crotch. The balls dragged against the firmly tightened leash and made Jurij moan out in pain.
"Don't dare to slow down pumping!" Alessia needed to encourage him, while she re-aimed the jet directly at his face until Jurij had to coughed and spit for every breath.
It should take two more endless minutes until Alessia finally aimed the jet down to the ground. Jurij's muscles were almost paralyzed by the frigid water, so that he was swaying a little when Alessia handed him a stiff bristled brush and soap.
"Clean yourself with this." she ordered him with a coldness in her voice that made him obey without any hesitation. Sobbing he began to gently run the bristles over his flesh.
"Wash like that." she ordered. Taking the hand in which he was holding the brush, she made him rake it hard and fast on his flesh. Each time causing searing pain.
Now that his hand had left the arm of the water pump, he tried to hug his trembling body. Inwardly Jurij wondered whether he was more trembling from cold or fear.
Therefore he didn't notice that Alessia had stepped forward and leaned forward to place a warm kiss on his head.
"Now that you've stopped stinking, I may touch you again!" she rejoiced.
Surprised by this sudden gesture of tenderness Jurij looked up into her shining eyes. But before he could reply any word, she already stepped back. Admiring the freezing shivers of his body she grinned at him mischievously.
"You're not cold, are you?" Alessia kept mocking his sufferings.
Jurij was now seriously considering to overpower his torturer. But suddenly her hands appeared behind her back, presenting him a fluffy towel.
"You want this?"
Jurij nodded.
"You can have it!" Alessia approved, only to draw back the treasured towel as soon as Jurij had reached for it.
"...after you have earned this towel! And the price of it would be a kiss on the top of my boots!"
Alessia teasingly folded up the furred collar of her uniform-coat as Jurij starred dumb-folded at her. Jurij couldn't believe what was happen to him. He considered to draw a final line here and stop to humiliate himself any longer. As he still didn't started to kneel down at Alessia's foot, Alessia aimed the hose back at his face.
"Once more?"
The prospect of another shower in this cold water crushed down the last bastions of Jurij's resistance.
"No more, please god no more..." he eagerly pleaded and knelt down at her feet.
As soon as his knees had touched the cold ground, Jurij cowardly gazed up at her.
"You better be careful. These boots are made of the most finest calfskin!"
With her arms folded over her breasts Alessia seemed to watch his inner struggles with nothing but sadistic enjoyment.
While Alessia's boots were indeed made of the softest leather, the heels and soles of the boots rested upon a solid platform and the round toecaps seemed to have been reinforced with steel.
A shudder ran down Jurij's spine as he thought about the frightening prospect of gaining a kick from one of them. So he just tightly shut his eyes and forced his head to lower over them. When his lips touched the soft and smooth surface of the boot, he could smell their overpowering fragrance of its leather. These boots must have been brand-new. Maybe Alessia had bought them especially to entice him? He might have lingered his lips on the boot a little too long, as Jurij heard Alessia's mischievous giggling from above.
?Is the sight of my boots making you nervous, Jurij? Maybe it helps if you stop just starring at them and start to show your devotion by kissing them instead??
Jurij nodded his head, and he could feel his own arousal growing, even though he was cold, his cock was still getting rock hard. His balls on the other hand, almost hurt they were so cold.
But when he lowered his head to place a kiss on their smooth surface, Alessia suddenly retreated her boots.
?Wait – I think, it might be more appropriate for you to beg me for letting you kiss my boots first!?
Jurij's jaw dropped, and once again Alessia's delighted laughter rang out. But then her entire languid posture transformed into blazing, righteous indignation.
?I said beg me, mal'chik! Beg for the honor of your exalted Commandress’ attentions!?
Jurij’s hammering heart actually started pounding away even louder than before. He remembered himself that his family was in real danger and that he still might need Alessia's help to rescue them. Confronted with the demon that had been unleashed within Alessia, this seemed easier said than done. But of course it was too late to back out now, Alessia would maintain her demanding, regal regard while he couldn't afford to loose any more time.
Jurij felt how his remaining resistance was collapsing while he dropped obediently into a position of shame-faced supplication.
?Please, Alessia. I beg you to take me back as your dedicated boyfriend and allow me to kiss your boots.?
Keeping his eyes properly down, Jurij listened for Alessia’s reaction with bated breath. He was literally weak in the knees here and as before a hot twinge of fear only enriched his excitement.
?Sweet!? Alessia drew out the silence an excruciating length, then spoke in a slow, musing tone. ?But didn’t I hear you call me ‘Commandress’ before? And swear to serve, worship, obey and adore me throughout all eternity? I want to hear all that again.?
Wholly caught up now, Jurij obeyed Alessia impeccably, forgetting his hallowed surroundings, his physically and emotionally exhausted state, banishing everything he’d seen and done and endured over the last few days.
?As my Commandress I'll place my fate into your hands. Please use my humble flesh and soul to your heart’s delight. I vow to devote all my skills and knowledge to satisfy your voracious needs.?
?Well said, my old, new boyfriend! Here's my boot for you to worship!?
Jurij has never kissed anything with more devotion. Later he would try to put the past into some kind of rational perspective that would somehow encompass the his recent weak acts – or even the loss of his freedom and relatives. But for now he was just going to go with the flow, allowing his amazingly strong and vital ex-girlfriend to take control and wring every last bit of ecstasy possible out of his sore, conflicted mind and body. Memories of grief, bloodshed and horror, along with guilt, regret and tortured introspection would have to wait until later.
Once Jurij lifted his head, Alessia threw the towel on the floor. After he had hastily dried off his wet body, the hose falls down beside him.
"Roll the hose back up, Jurij! And then let’s go back inside, where it is a little warmer.? came Alessia's harsh orders from above.
She removed the loop that was attaching his cock-leash to the fire pump and tugged slightly on it so that Jurij would follow. She walked into the main building, almost dragging him behind her. When they arrived inside, there were two more guards waiting. She smiled at them and said: ?The prisoner and I will have a 'conversation' in my living quarters. I wish NOT to be disturbed!?
Alessia and Jurij continued their walk toward Alessia's quarters, when they were stopped once more by Nastasija.
?What are you doing with that pathetic looking piece of imperialistic scum?? she asked Alessia, obviously trying to shame Jurij even more.
Alessia returned the question in the same disgusted tone Nastasija had used. ?Why, I am taking him to teach him a lesson about the new balance of power in Russia. Now that he has been hosed down, I can teach him properly about certain advantages of communism.
"Do what you have to do! But please inform me as soon as you realize that this subject just can't be re-educated. I would love to help you to get rid of him!"
?I will! If you would excuse us for now?!?
Nastasija moved out of Alessia’s way, however, when Jurij stumbled along behind her, she took the opportunity to kick Jurij in the ass on his way by. He yelped like a scolded dog.
Nastasija walked away, obviously disgruntled. Alessia brought Jurij into her personal living quarters. Once inside the door, she closed it and raised her hand, the hand closest to him, as if she were going to greet someone, but instead of waving she turned to him and brought the back of her hand against his chest.
Her eyes were on him, curious, as if the gesture surprised her as much as it did him. Her touch was so unexpected and electrifying that he stood there for a moment not moving. Then he took her hand in his and lifted his gaze to her. Her lips were slightly parted and she was looking right into his eyes with that same, unsettling serenity and curiosity. She leaned forward ever so slightly, as did Jurij. Their lips touched, and then she slipped her tongue into his mouth, and they kissed passionately for several minutes. She broke away first, as she moved back, a tear filled one of Jurij’s eyes.
?First thing in the morning, we are leaving for your house. We will be spending some time there. Just the two of us - so that we can?shall we say manifest the new kind of relationship between each other a little.?
Alessia smiled at him and whispered: ?But first I will require your services inside another room!?
Taking him by the hand she walked her new servant toward her sleeping quarters. When they reached the side of her bed, he was amazed, she had a four-post-bed, and the headboard contained several pieces of wood that had been decorated by a wood carver. Her linen was a crispy white color, with the scent of rose petals that Jurij could clearly smell. She had him kneel at her bedside and declared ceremoniously:
?I am going to take myself a hot shower?when I return, I expect you to be right here waiting for me. Oh - but first...? she said while she slipped her riding boots off her feet and placed them on the floor in front of him.
?You may polish my boots. There is apt to be many more opportunities for you to pay homage to my boots. In fact it will be your job to keep them clean. And by that I mean clean at every minute and without fail, Jurij! Should my boots get dirty, you will still be required to kiss them at my request.?
?Yes Commandress, as you wish.? Jurij replied – partly happy about the new chance of getting such an intimate access to Alessia, partly scared, because Alessia had so easily taken it for granted that he would accept the assigned job without even being asked.
While Jurij was still considering whether he liked the new, bossy way of Alessia or not, Alessia had already walked off into the bathroom and began to undress herself. He could see her reflection in the mirror and enjoyed very much watching her. His cock was still hard as a rock and had begun to seep a drop or two every now and then. He complied with her request and took a cloth and polished her boots. When she got out of the shower and dried herself off, she walked into the bedroom wrapped in just a towel.
?Jurij, will you help me with something??
?What shall I do for you, Commandress??
?I would like you to help me dry off. You may walk to me.?
He stood up and walked over to her. She handed him the towel she had wrapped around her and he began to dry her off, starting at the neck and working his way down the front and then up the back. When he had her dried off completely she smiled at him and teased: ?I bet you would like a hot shower too, wouldn’t you??
He nodded his head.
?Well - let’s see what we can work out in trade. Would you eat my pussy, Jurij??
The look on his face could only be described as horrified and humiliated. He started to stutter something but he just couldn't find the right words to explain. Alessia just looked at him, expressionless.
Then she inserted one of her fingers deep into her clitoris. When the finger was pulled out of her again, it was covered with her fresh juices. Slowly Alessia put this finger to Jurij's lips and gently parted them with it. He started to pull away as if to say something, but Alessia put the finger back to his lips as if to quiet him. She kept looking directly into his eyes.
"I think we need to talk here." she suddenly spoke out, before Alessia took her Jurij by the hand, led him to the bed and pushed him to sit down. Putting one leg on each side of him she maneuvered herself so that he could stare down at her very damp pussy lips.
"Would you prefer if I let Nastasija worship this glorious pussy instead of you?" she asked him.
?Would you prefer Nastasija to taste me, to smell me, to be completely surrounded and subsumed in my cum as she brings me so much pleasure??
At first Jurij just looked sheepishly back at her, but then he broke down: "No! Please no! Don't let her touch you like this! I'll pleasure you the best I can if you only promise not to let her lick you again!"
As he spoke, Alessia removed her legs from around him, picked up a cigarette from the night-drawer and put it to her lips.
"I need the lighter and ashtray" she said and he looked at him as if to say "So fetch it for me!" which he promptly did.
"Aren't you going to light it for me?" ...of course he was! His hand was trembling as he lit her cigarette. Alessia inhaled deeply and blew the heavy stream of smoke directly into his face trying to pierce him with her eyes in a truly dominant way. With the cigarette in her hand, she began stroking his bare chest, gently pinching his right nipple. Noticing the intensity of his reaction, she casually took another drag from her cigarette and blew it toward his face.
"You need to show me how much you love the taste and scent of me!" Alessia explained while she handed him the ashtray. Adjusting two pillows under her as a sat, she leaned back against the bed's headboard with her calves spread so that her little mal'chik would have unrestricted access to her pussy.
His face went immediately and he began to explore her beautiful looking pussy with his tongue.
After a moment of nervous hesitation Jurij placed the ashtray on the nightstand and laid down between her thighs, where he began to explore her beautiful looking pussy with his tongue. Alessia needed both hands to pull his head tightly into her.
Now she could feel his tongue on her clitoris along with his warm breath as his nose was useless for breathing at that moment. ...and for many more moments to follow!
Soon she had discovered how to guide Jurij's face to reach even more exquisite places within her sex. Her efforts were rewarded by a maddeningly wonderful alternate sucking and licking of her pussy lips and clitoris.
Taking another drag of her cigarette, Alessia she spoke to him: "You seem to have a natural talent in pleasuring the most female part of a woman. Can it be that your surprising eagerness as my lover has something to do with your fear of getting replaced by Nastasija?"
His face reddened. "M... maybe..."
"She has really scared the hell out of you, hasn't she?" Alessia laughed. As Jurij had to pull his head up to answer her, she could use the opportunity to casually blew some smoke of down into his face.
"Yes, I'm afraid she has!"
"As long as you keep me happy, I promise to protect you from her! So that's one more good reason for you to do everything you can not to disappoint me again, isn't it??
She continued to hold his head and his gaze as she took one more drag from her cigarette. She extinguished it in the ashtray, blowing the last bit of smoke into his face.
?And now you better get on with your job!" Alessia ordered before her hands forced him back into her pussy..
Soon she felt the familiar feelings of impending orgasm of the magnitude. She tried to draw him even deeper into her, but somehow she would need more than just the tender pressure of his lips. ?Roll over onto your back!?
Jurij was speechless but still did as he was told. She moved above him so that she now was facing his feet. Then she lowered her pussy onto his face, enveloping him within her. Alessia was literally dripping from my pussy by this point as she began to feel that savage animal within her again. She wanted to fuck his entire body as if it were a giant cock. while he struggled within her. Alessia was turned on by the thought that at this moment her mal'chik was utterly drowning within her sex. He still would please her to his last breath if that's what she would demand of him. His body was completely dedicated to her exclusive pleasure.
Then, without warning, her orgasm hit her. An orgasm beyond anything she had ever felt before. But she still kept up pumping his nose into her pussy and soon was driven to another mind-blowing orgasm. She had become nothing but a lusty animal by now. animal in heat that came three times!
She felt the desire for another cigarette as Alessia tried to catch her breath. She took out a cigarette and began to smoke casually as she laid there just resting from what had happened.
All the time Jurij kept just looking at his new Commandress with endearing hungry eyes. Getting the picture that he wanted nothing more than to please her, Alessia began to wonder how far he would go.
She rolled toward him slightly and looked directly into his eyes. Then she slowly reached down between her legs and slid two fingers into her wet pussy. She crooked her fingers slightly and withdrew with them a glob of her sweet juices.
"Open your mouth" she ordered as she raised her hand over his face.
After looking into her eyes with reluctance, Jurij's lips dutifully parted a little. Alessia still seized the opportunity to slid her fingers inside. She slid them in so far that Jurij nearly needed to gag but he didn't. In fact he sucked her fingers like a baby goat sucking on its mother's teats.
"Not so fast, mal'chik. You may catch it all, but I want you to hold it in your mouth until I tell you to swallow."
It took a couple of seconds until the taste of her juices had fully occupied every part of his throat.
"Okay, you can swallow now."
Alessia took another drag off her cigarette and blew a thick stream of smoke into his face. His helpless coughing caused even more stirring in her loins. So she casually pressed her cigarette between her two lips and reached up to forcefully grab him by the hair and to pull his face inexorably down to her clitoris. With both hands she held it there until he started to struggle for some breath. She loved to see him struggle to suppress his very need for oxygen so that he could continue to please her. It made her feel so desired, so worshiped.
He licked, sucked and probed her pussy once more while Alessia laid down finishing her cigarette.
She definitely had passed the point of feeling squeamish about the feeling of his tongue and nose inside her sex.
Alessia realized that by becoming dominant, she was setting Jurij free. She saw that he wanted to worship a woman's body in ways which he had been too afraid to admit during his whole life-time, but that he nevertheless needed to feel complete.
And Alessia knew that she was the only women who could give him what he needed, because she gave it to him and let him feel good about it. She let him know that all those things he wanted to have a woman do to him, she wanted just as much. And by that she realized that her little mal'chik would always be completely loyal to her.
As tired as she had become by now, Alessia felt needing at least one more orgasm before she could sleep. So she pushed her Jurij off the bed and down onto the floor. Putting her leg over him, she scooted up and straddled his face.
"You really need to clean that juices out of my pussy so I can go to sleep. Open up."
He opened his mouth and her swollen, dripping pussy instantly lowered over his face.
?You feel like being a slave to my pussy now, don't you?"
Alessia slid her pussy back and forth over his face as she began to feel another orgasm approaching. She let all of her weight settle on his face as she tried to get his nose even deeper in her sex. The closer she got, the more roughly she twisted his nipples - enjoying the feeling of him squirming beneath her in the mixture of pain and pleasure.
He began to beat if furiously as she ground the pussy harder into his face. His nose was literally buried inside her pussy. Alessia knew at this point that he absolutely could not breathe. He squirmed trying to get some air. But at that point Alessia didn't care whether he can breathe or not. All she cared was her need to cum and nothing no one else mattered. Fortunately for Jurij,her next orgasm exploded over her just at this time. When the orgasm passed, his face was deep red, as were his poor nipples, and he was choking on the amount of fluid that came out of her. Just then Alessia had the presence of mind to reach down and grab his hard cock.
?That was wonderful, Jurij. You have definitely earned yourself the promised hot shower.?
Jurij couldn't answer her, as he was still trying to catch his breath both from being smothered beneath his beautiful Commandress.
?But of course the privilege of a hot shower doesn't include the privilege of touching your penis more the necessary! Your penis fully belongs to me now and I will be right here waiting for him.? she stated as she rolled off his face, careful to keep holding his penis firmly inside her hand.
?Am I understood??
He nodded his head, almost not believing his own ears.
?Good! Then go ahead and take your shower!?
Jurij was totally torn, he desperately wanted a hot shower, but he didn’t want to leave Alessia’s bedside. He felt everything leaving his mind except for thoughts of making her happy and hearing those moans of passion come from her tender lips. He so desperately wanted to hear those noises again, however, he didn’t want to anger her either, so he tore himself away and said ?Thank you Commandress for allowing me the privilege of using your shower as well as the honor of worshiping your pussy.?
?You are welcome! ...and I thank you for doing such a wonderful job of worshiping my pussy. Now go take your shower before I change my mind.?
He immediately got up and headed to the bathroom and began to shower. Oh how nice the hot water felt on his skin and the soap that she had in her shower, smelled so good. He was oblivious to the amount of time he spent in the shower. When he was finished, he got out and dried off. Only to find his beautiful Alessia sound asleep on the bed. He didn’t want to wake her, she looked so breathtaking, lying there, naked. He softly and gently climbed onto the bed, and slept at her feet.
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Hard Times By Gingerfred Man Prologue ? Boring Historical Perspective This story takes place in the future, at a time when the effect of U.S. politicians' pandering to special interests and senior citizens, the only demographic that actually votes, is fully realized. A new, second depression has hit the United States and much of the world. People are out of work and hungry. But, of course, not every aspect of the economy and every individual would be suffering. People would still...
I have been married to Lynn for a little over six years. It was a good marriage and we both were very happy. Our sex lives were super and we usually fucked and sucked every day and on the weekends three or four times. She was one of those ladies that if she is touched with a hard cock she gets so wet and horny she just has to fuck.Lynn is 28 years old, 5?9? tall, 112 lbs., long dark blond hair, very blue eyes, long shapely legs, great butt and perfect tits with long suck able nipples. Her...
The wife and I met young, and honestly it was the perfect high school sweetheart scenario. We were both fresh in our teens and lust hit us immediately and learned the joys of sex together. Until recent years I have been totally content with Kay and i's relationship, only having one other partner my entire life. This was up until I had turned 40, where my wife was physically in body and looks in her prime in her late 30's. Her evolving lifestyle and constant work had left her with a curvy...
I was 19 when this happened. I live in Mumbai with my parents and younger sister. We received a call informing us that my mother’s father was seriously ill and that we were to go to their place immediately. But father had a very important meeting and asked mother to keep him informed and that he will rush down in case he is needed. My sister had exams and she also could not come. It was therefore decided that I and my mother go alone for the time being.Since my grandparents lived about 500...
I’ve been a wanker such a long time, it’s difficult to remember all my experiences. But the 1st Time Round always sticks in your mind, like the 1st Time I saw girls bare in magazines, the 1st Time I saw a girl pose for real, the 1st Time I spontaneously spunked in my underpants. These are some of my 1st Time Round experiences, to the best of my memory. Go-go girlsJust thinking about skimpy-dressed girls dancing go-go sends shivers down my spine. I first saw this on Ready Steady Go! A pop...
Warning: this chapter is rated a dramatic R and contains pole-dancing, boobs, topless protagonists, stripping, tits, body swaps, slutty behavior, battle scars, hunky boys, gender confusion, sexy girls, memory manipulation, seduction, self-realization, self-actualization, shy boys, reality blindness, heartbreak, betrayal, conflict, struggle, desperately horny protagonists, memory manipulation, betrayal, and two lovers doing their best to earn their happy ending. ...
Before we begin here. I wanted to personally take a moment and thank The Sandman for doing this for me. I'm no writer, but I thought it might be fun and interesting to relate some of my own "first-time" personal experiences. I've thought about doing this for some time now, going back as far as I can remember to those moments in time that I considered as the first time I did something or explored something. So again, thanks Sandman for helping me tell this story, and for your "poetic...
Chapter 1 I often sit around wondering what might have been. The choices we make in life: did I make the right ones? I know I've made a lot of mistakes and have done a lot of things that I'm not proud of, but I think back on my younger days and always wonder, "What if?" I know everyone probably looks back on the decisions they made. Some we're happy with, others we wish we could have 'Do Overs'. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. I think back twenty plus years ago when I was...
Alan had gone to sleep quite late, due to all his homework. It was nearly three in the morning when he finally went to bed, and he fell asleep instantly. Normally he was quite a deep sleeper, especially when he was so tired, so he was surprised to wake up a short time later. He was even more surprised to realize that he wasn't alone. He could tell it was Katherine merely by her smell, but he opened his eyes and looked at her body in the darkness just to be sure. He couldn't see any more...
I was just twelve when mom began to pimp me out. She was a whore and knew men would pay a lot for my naked body. The first time she brought me into her room and a naked man was there, mom was already naked and she stripped me out of my clothes. The man smiled and said "yes, she is beautiful. Lay her here beside me." Mom laid my naked body next to the man and he begn to touch me all over. Then he kissed my flat tits and licked them. He and mom spread my legs and the man ran his finger over my...
Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Synopsis: Fred's life is coming apart, and in his desperation, he is gambling on a very extreme strategy. After a meeting with Anya at the park, however, he discovers a new, less final way to save what's important to him. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Most of you know me. You've seen me countless...
Note from Jake Rivers: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories. Chapter 1 I often sit around wondering what might have been. The choices we make in life: did I make the right ones? I know...
Megan glanced at the clock as her friend on the phone laughed about the latest bit of gossip that they’d just shared. “I’m going to have to go, Angie. I have somebody coming to look at the basement in a few minutes.” “I can’t believe you’re taking in a boarder. I don’t think I could have a stranger living in my house.” “I know,” Megan agreed. “It’s either that or lose the house, though.” She shook her head, remembering how long she and her ex-husband had searched to find a place within their...
Megan glanced at the clock as her friend on the phone laughed about the latest bit of gossip that they’d just shared. “I’m going to have to go, Angie. I have somebody coming to look at the basement in a few minutes.” “I can’t believe you’re taking in a boarder. I don’t think I could have a stranger living in my house.” “I know,” Megan agreed. “It’s either that or lose the house, though.” She shook her head, remembering how long she and her ex-husband had searched to find a place within their...
MILFThis story goes back a few years, to shortly after I married Julie. During our first year of marriage we lived in a studio flat in southeast London. Like most newlyweds, we struggled to make ends meet. Besides my day job in the city, I managed to supplement my income in the evenings by selling cocaine in pubs in and around my local area. Trouble is, Julie and I seemed to snort all the profits ourselves rather than turn it into liquid cash.My Julie can fuck like a trooper at the best of times,...
ReluctanceOctober 10, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio I froze and realized my first inclination to go back to McKinley had been the right one. I’d thought my talk with Becky the previous weekend had resolved the issue, but I was very clearly mistaken. I could actually go back. It was early enough, and I hadn’t told Tasha I was going to be home, so she wouldn’t be upset, and a phone call would make her very happy as the two I’d made so far had done. But there was one problem - all I could hear in my head was...
I realize that my fetish is highly unusual and not shared by most, maybe a couple of people on this site. Most people can't even relate to it. This is my second story. I am sexually attracted to newspapers. I become aroused by looking at them, see women reading them, the smell, the texture. I like to wrap them around me head, body, and genitals. I sleep with them. I have sex with them. I always had this fetish. It has not changed over time. I love broadsheet papers, particularly the New York...
FetishI met Stan in the second grade. His family had just moved to town. He lived just a couple streets from me. We'd been best friends ever since. We were a lot alike, in many ways, so we got along great. One thing we both got to bitch about was our only other siblings, our bratty little sisters. Things got different when we got into middle school. Our sisters were still brats, but not when me and Stan were hanging out. Stan and I, I mean. If Stan was over, Janey would appear out of nowhere and...
When Trevor came in to the Environmental Awareness Center at ten a.m. for his Wednesday volunteer shift a new receptionist was on duty. She looked to be in her mid-twenties with long auburn hair, sparkling green eyes, a rosy blemish-free complexion and a buxom chest. “Hi, I’m Trevor Bridges,” he said extending his hand, “are you a new volunteer here?” Ashley Thomas accepted Trevor’s hand with a firm grip. “I am new, I had orientation on Monday and today’s my first full day, but I’m not a...
Wife LoversWhere to begin? Well I am a 43 year old reasonably happily married man. My marriage of 11 years was moving along auto-pilot. What I will outline is a journey into new sexual territories. It began harmlessly when my wife took up an Open University course, she was away most weekends studying for her course work. I started going out more with some colleagues from my work, a mixed bunch of marrieds, divorced and single guys. We went to local bars the odd club and parties. One weekend there were...
Abreast of the times by Elaine © 2004 This story was spawned out of newspaper article about a guy who was bet that for $100K he wouldn?t get breast implants and keep them in for a year. He did with $100K riding on it, well wouldn?t you? This story takes that scenario a stage further and there are motives and an end result that will I hope please most of my readers. As for the guy with the implants he liked them so much he kept them in. If you have comments or queries about...
1Taxing Times Capture, rape, humiliation, the first lesson Copyright Ed Edas 2007 All rights reservedIt was obvious to anyone that Elaine Salvage was angry. To those that knew her it would have been obvious that she was very angry. Her blue eyes fairly blazed, the area around her finely chiselled cheek bones was highly coloured and her lips had thinned to a tight scarlet line. The object of her anger was doing nothing to improve the situation. In fact his slightly mocking smile coupled with...
Steve doubled over laughing when he opened his car door to hear Paula singing a little kid song from nursery school. No adult lyrics or anything, just the song. I got Crystal, Annie, and Trudy safely buckled into my Honda. I don’t know when, but the back seats now had five-point harnesses as well. That was safety on top of it having airbags in the sides, front, and anywhere else they could get one to fit. They were airbags on steroids. My sunglasses told me that my car could now take a hit,...
The social climate of the United States in the year 2017 was depressing to many citizens. Passions and resentment had begun to rise. Never since the 1960's had the countries’ ethnic feelings been on more public display. It seemed like the years of progress achieved by most citizens were fraying. Efforts were being made by many to reduce tensions, to get the country back on a course towards equality for all, but it was a hard course. Much effort was still needed, on all sides.Tori was originally...
TabooIt was back in 1998 My Wife Cyndi and I was talking about how fun it mightbe having a threesome with our friend Bruce, so I picked up the phone andcalled Bruce and asked if he would like to come over and bring some beer. Iwas about 7:30 when Bruce got to the House my wife and Bruce and I startedwatching a porn movie and drinking the beer my wife said "I want to see yousuck Bruce's Dick" and I replied "What did you say?" Cyndi Replied "Wellyou seen me eat pussy and want to see you suck a dick!"...
In Colonial Times By Kathy Smith Peter Goldstein was an MD in family practice. He had an office in Charlottesville, VA. He was doing pure medicine, no research. He said that the joy of seeing patients is the best. He has a lovely wife, Rachelle and 3 children (8, 5, 2 years old). They are reform Jews, going to a fab synagogue about 8 miles away. He has the good life. As a hobby, he reads and gets information of early America (before 19th century started). He found fascinating...
As a part of my job, I work with large engineering companies from all over America.My company has just signed a contract with Black and Veetch engineering in Kansas City. I was on my first visit with this company to review a new project. After three days of dry meetings with stuffed shirt engineers that only talk work, I needed a break. After checking with the hotels front desk, I headed to a spot called Kansas City (KC) Live. It was a large indoor mall of shops and entertainment venues...
MatureThe cold and wet cement penetrated his camouflaged uniform as if it was paper-thin. Seth already had given some thought to retiring from the business. He was just getting too old to go running all over the world anymore. Forty-five and divorced, Seth found himself missing something in life. His friends envied the way he could travel, do as he chose, and answer to no one. It wasn't that great, he reminded himself again. Of course, no one knew about Gabriela yet. It still surprised him that...
Linda and I: HARD TIMES By Olivia Evans This was written during a writer's block of two other completely separate stories. As such, it's a little different from my usual tales. There is very little crossdressing, just the wearing of panties near the end of the story. There's no body swaps, French maids or even mildly bad language. There are some explicit names for specific body parts however. Over all, it's just a little tale about a loving couple and how they handle an...
HumorElla was so looking forward to the week ahead. Ella was now twenty-three-years-old. She left sixth form college, West Farm School for Girls, at eighteen-years-old and went to Uni and achieved an upper second degree and was now a trainee in a large firm of Solicitors in London.Ella had often reminisced about her two years at West Farm as being the happiest of her life so far. She worked hard but also played hard and made lots of close friends. In school she was in most top sets along with Lauren...
SpankingI was sitting around the other day and was thinking about all of my first time encounters and decided to write them out for everyone.The first one on my list is the first time I sucked a cock. I was young boy and was at my friend Nicks house watching his dads porn stash. We both sat there in silence with raging little hard cocks watching Ginger Lynn suck on a cock when Nick finally broke the ice in a soft voice saying "I wish she was here now" I replied back saying "yeah me too". A few...
Hi everyone! I'm Kortni, I'm 19, new to xhamster, had a friend show me the site and loved it! I'd like to tell you a but about myself, I have a strange thing for ass smell, weather its guys or girls, and even my own, and enjoy meeting others who share the same fetish. It all started for me when I was young and a guy approached me while I was picking berries and pulled my panties off me and masturbated in front of me while sniffing them. I was curious as to why he liked the smell and smelt a...
The rollercoaster emerged from the dark tunnel and started to climb up toward the next peak. Lara shrieked and tightened her death grip on my arm, as we swept up and around a bone-jarring curve. As my head bounced back and forth between the pads, I wondered why anyone rode these insane things. We actually paid money to get thrown around by a crazy machine? When the ride finally ended, I felt as though I’d been put through a clothes dryer. Lara was wearing a large grin as we walked down the...
This is a work of fiction. In it, a young girl relates her 'first time' sexual experiences.My First times:I won’t give you ages here as these were first times and we were younger and I don’t want you to think I’m trying to pass along k**die porn or anything. Let’s leave it that at the time of these experiences I’m relating, we were old enough to do what we did and we were all about the same age – no older people were involved. I'm 20 now, and most of this relates my experiences in high...
For years, before she got married, I tried to get into my sister Jacquee’s panties. A couple of times we stripped off our clothes and masturbated in front of each other, but we never really did the dirty deed. The closest I ever came was a couple of weeks before I was drafted into the Army. We were alone in the house and Jacquee called for me to help her wash her hair as I had done so many times in the past. As I helped her with her hair my hands started to roam elsewhere. The roaming turned...
Megan glanced at the clock as her friend on the phone laughed about the latest bit of gossip that they'd just shared. "I'm going to have to go, Angie. I have somebody coming to look at the basement in a few minutes." "I can't believe you're taking in a boarder. I don't think I could have a stranger living in my house." "I know," Megan agreed. "It's either that or lose the house, though." She shook her head, remembering how long she and her ex-husband had searched to find a place...
For years, before she got married, I tried to get into my sister Jacquee’s panties. A couple of times we stripped off our clothes and masturbated in front of each other, but we never really did the dirty deed. The closest I ever came was a couple of weeks before I was drafted into the Army. We were alone in the house and Jacquee called for me to help her wash her hair as I had done so many times in the past. As I helped her with her hair my hands started to roam elsewhere. The roaming turned...
IncestThey say you never forget your first time. For me that’s kind of true but in my attempts to seduce over the years I’ve claimed to have so many first times and I definitely don’t remember all of them. Being bisexual and, of course, with my dual gender identities I have probably had more first times than most though. I was still cross-dressing in secret in my late teens and I’d never had an experience with a guy but I had fantasised about it. I’d been on a night out with a couple of friends and...
They say you never forget your first time. For me that's kind of true but in my attempts to seduce over the years I've claimed to have so many first times and I definitely don't remember all of them. Being bisexual and, of course, with my dual gender identities I have probably had more first times than most though. I was still cross-dressing in secret in my late teens and I'd never had an experience with a guy but I had fantasised about it. I'd been on a night out with a couple of friends and...
CrossdressingMatty’s real father died when he was four years old. Apparently, he had been a really nice man and Matty had inherited his good looks. When Matty was sixteen years old his mother remarried. Rex, his stepfather, was good-looking in a very thuggish way. He was a biker and worked for a business that remodelled and restored motorbikes. Subsequently, his hands were always somewhat soiled and greasy looking.Matty’s mom, Gloria, who was thirty-six years old, was very taken with the attention of Rex,...
Gay MaleSometimes, you get what you need, even if you didn’t know you needed it. I’d been dumped by my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago, and I was feeling rejected, lonely, and kind of low, so I decided to head down to the bar to have a couple, and perhaps meet someone new. I didn’t need any more emotional baggage, so I sat on a stool between two others, distancing me from a direct conversation with the other ‘poor and lonely’ people. I thought I would just have a few to try to mellow out over...
=== Two First Times === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may repost it on other sites, for instance, or write new stories based on it, as long as you give me credit and release your own stories under the same license. My other stories on this site are released under Creative Commons license as well, though I may have forgotten to put the license notice on some of...
May 1974 It was Friday and it had been almost a week since Hildy returned to Rochester for her Aunt Mildred's birthday ... Jim had just finished his last final exam and returned to his apartment. The days of Rich being his room mate were waning and Jim was thinking that the two of them might make a final tour of the bars that they had frequented throughout their academic careers. As he fixed himself a sandwich Jim was remembering the prior Sunday taking Ashley back to her apartment as the...
“Slave” Her master bellowed from the confines of yards of silk wrapped around him cocoon like. Miriam froze in trepidation and felt the wine slop around in the amphora she was carrying. She feared what was to come next and hoped that she wasn’t in trouble. “Put that down and come here.” She hurried to put the wine down, resting the amphora against the wall. Her slave torc swung free from her loose necked gown and banged against her breastbone. Her fear grew in exponential leaps....
Dave woke at six-thirty and went to Tim's. He spent a half hour getting focused on his golf and when he walked out the front door he felt ready. On the way back he saw the same pretty girl walking towards him. This time he slowed down and said, "Hello, beautiful day isn't it?" She smiled brightly and in a very distinctive British accent said, "Yes, it is simply lovely." With her accent, it came drawn out as "luuvvly." Dave continued walking and finished with, "Have a great...
Fun timesI was hosting a poker night with four other guys. We had these poker nights once every month and we rotated the location. This time is was the turn to house the game.You had plans that go out with your friends, so it would be a guys only in our house. Normally the guy who was hosting asked his wife to help serving food and drinks. But you really wanted to go out for a few drinks with your girlfriends.You were dressed up real sexy, I was sure you were going to have an fun time with guys...
‘All I’m saying is you should have known better, that all.’ With a sigh, I nodded my head at the truth of that even though I was already tired of hearing James bitch and bemoan. It’s not like this was completely my fault. ‘I mean really, Allen … what were the odd it was going to be what the girls said it was?’ he continued. ‘James, put a cork in it already,’ Steve chimed in with exactly what I had been about to say. Looking over at him, Steve and I exchanged a quick look, and my eyes went...
A collection of notes about first milestones in sexual matters. We always remember our first occasions for everything , these notes are not always in chronological order.First ejaculation. This is where ones sexual life begins. That exciting ecstatic moment when for the first time your cock spurts forth your semen. I have already written about this but for the sake of completeness here are the details,In my bed looking at my favorite girl pics and rubbing hard and nearly there- But not quite....
My wife's sister gets her hearts desireMy own wife loved sex, even swinging parties,watching and recording our sex sessions.She also enjoyed 'women to women ' sex particularly younger women.Jo,my wife's sister enjoyed all these as well, but had for a long time expressed a strong overwhelmeing desire for black cock > the bigger the better but trouble was there were none in our area.I kept an eye on the ships due in to our port and found that there was an 'american' destroyer that was due in...